It A IV K 21 O T 11 I, 1 fti T. The following list show thpcuTr. nl value of nil Pcntisvcvania Dank Nrte. TIhb mtwt implicit re V nice fn:.y Ire upon it, as it is h'lry wrt k tan-fully compared Willi tl J corrected from Uiik Hell's Reporter. llauk In lliilalclililtk Nt DlUC. IN ana. Loctno. eAlLATI. NOTES AT PAR. Punk North America , Hunk nf tlie Nortlrern Liberties Uommercial Bank of Perm's. . Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank par par par par par far yar par par Kensington Bank Philadelphia Dank . . Schuylkill Dank iSouinwark Bank . . Western Dank ... Country 1 fit nit at. Hunk of Cheater County Westchester psr liar I"" par pur par H ink of Delaware County Hank of Ocrmantown Hank of Montgomery Co. J)oylestwn (tank Easion Bank V time' Hank of Ducks co. )iriT of Bank of Ptnn'a. t llbre ilo do twice da do Office d do Chester tiermantown Noirrstown Dnyhstown Eastern Bristol I Hnrrisbuig",i These LnriciMtcr (Alices Reading f do tin. Eastnu j issue n. DISCOUN T. NOTES AT Dank of the United Stales. Bank of fVnn Township Ph.ladcl4tiin Muf.O lSJal.J 35a 1ft Crnrd Briiik Manufacturers' A, Mochanks' Dunk . ISalsi ttochiiiics' flank . . aa 'loyatniiisi'ig D ink . 1 4 a 1 7 ilairk of liennsvlvanra . . ValO Miners Bank of Pottsvillc Potlsvilfe 12 Bank of lu'viftovvn lifwistown 25 iyt) Dank nf Mid.!', town Middlotown a7 Mmk nl Mr M'vim'irtlaiiil Northumberland 7 CoIohi' i nik A L' ridge co. Columbia 4aS ;rn.l.- i'at.k (Carlisle 8al Ejtehat sc Rank Piltsbutfj 2 Do do branch of llollidnysburg i) Farmers' Bank id Lancaster Lancaster ft I .atrca ter County liutik l.irsieastor 4a5 Farmers' Bunk of Rtadiug Beading Ca7 Hurrisbuig Batik Harrtsburg SalO Lancaster Batik Lancaster 4 lebanon Bank Lebanon 7 Merchants & Manuf. Bank Pittsburg 3 Bunk of Pittsburg Piltsbuig 3 West Branch Bank Williamsport fit) Wyoming Bank Wiikesbarre 12ulft 2VurlhamiUji Bank Alli'iitoivo ISaUO tiptks County Bank ifi nding Olfice of Bank of U. S. Piltskirg Da k Jo Krio Do Jo Ao rVow Brighton Kpti.-incloH Sav, Ina. A vk IVnn Tvwnship fflv. Ins. do Bunk of Chanilwrt-lnirg 'lnmbcrsburg J Dunk of Gettysburg i'i tlylurg V Bank of fc-UMjueliawia Co. Montioae 10 lOrie Batik l'riu -5 Fuimpra A Drovers' Bunk V'ayncs1rg 20 Franklin Bank VVashinntoo .) HouisduJe Biiik lloni'stlulc 6al0 Jiloionnlirla Bunk of B. Browusville i Voik Bank Vork N. O, The notps of those banks on wlirch we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not oirchai('d by the I'liil iMl,ia brokers, wiih tlie Dtcoplion of those wliidt have a letter of ci forenoe. BROKEN UANKS. PhilaoVlfitiia Sav. Ins. PtiiUdt-l.tiia l'hilaik'lihim Loan Co. do Vlmylkill fav. Ins. lo failed failed failed faik'd felled no sale cloned cloxed failed Wnsed tio sule failed failed faired Hanuiil Labor Bunk (T. W Dyott, irop.) Towanda Birnk Towanda Alleghany I!;uik of Pa. Hank of Beaver .inkof Swalara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bank Farmers' & McVca' Bonk Farmers' A Moch'cs' Bank FarsiHTa' A Mocti'ca' Bank llamiony Instituto llitnlingdon Bank Juuiutu Bank Linidieriiieii's Bank NorisKTii Bank of T. New Hope Did. Bridge Co. Northumli'd I'liioH CoL Bi, ISoifli V eater n Bank of Pa. of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr. A Manuf. Umtk Silwr Lake Bank I'nimi Bank of Penn'a. Westmoreland Bank Bedford Beaver ll.irrislxurg Waslrington IWIblonte Pltlbbuig Piltaburg Fayette co. tireencastie Harmony no sale Huntingdon no sale Lcwutown ciosjIu VVntren fafK'd DundtifT no sale Nw Hu4e closed M ilton no sale Meadtille clontd Port Carbon fuiliul CariiAs Vailed Mont uwe cloxed I'nioniowu failed tireeiisl'UTg closed Wilkesbarie no Bale X ilkesbirrre Bihlge Co. (Jj' All notes purporting to be on any Pimin-yl-vania Bank not given in the above list, may be bet )o ri as frauds. .m:w jutsnv. Bank of New Biuiiswick BeKklete Bank Biikngton Co. Bank t.'irinniercial Bank i 'uiiiberlaud Bank Farmeia' Btmrk Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Fanners' and Mechanics' lik Farmers' and Men Wit' Bk Franklm Bank of N. J. Brunswick failed Belvidere 1 Medlord jr Perth Aniboy 2 BTid-ttm 1 Mount Holly par Bahway 1 N. Biuiiswick fiiile.l Muldletowu l't. 3 iorsey City failed Hohukmi failed Jersey City failed Patterson failed BeTieville tailed Morristown 2 Freehold faihd Nwark 1 Trenton nf Jersey City 110 sale Newark failed LuiiibertswHe ilolxiKen filed Hoboken BkgA dazing Co Hobuketi Jersey City Uank Mi thanks' Bank MaiiefactirrorW HiMik Morris Company Bank Monmouth Bk of N. J. Methaniea' Bank Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Tiortis Candl and Bkg Co Qobt Notes Newurk Bkg A: Ii sCo New Hope I lei l.ridgeCii N . .1. Miia it.iv . ai.d BkD iki X I 1'iotet ton i.oliiburd lk Jersey City lulled tnuijju Bank lrHii(o Vaieri,on B.:iik Patersoii People' Bunk Jo Princeton Bunk IViivetun fulem Banking Co alem JStale Bank Newark IState Buuk F.list'etirtown l-itate Uank rfViuk-n lale Bank of Mvirfta M-nri.-towii tnte Buuk Tri llion Sulmu and Philad Manuf C-o Salem 'Susses Buuk Newlon Tienton Banking Co Tienton i'nioli Bank 1 ion r l aJunglun Bail;ing Co. 1 1 'h ks.k ii:.At iti:. Bk ofW'ihnA Jlrauoywuii W i minglon Jiank of Dt lawnn Wiluui.giuu jlank of -Smyrna Sinioa 1)0 li.ii Milord fail-ii J i p .r I I 1 i;l (ais-d l.di.1 i 3 (mr ' :t Lot o 4 artnera Bk of MiW l IM J 'ov I Jo iHraiK'h Wimiiinon blanch j-orgHo'vo Do branch Newcastle Fnioii Bank WiliiiuiUjn 53-rnder5a tu" O. all hunks wa'ked thus () there are i- thci couutefteit or al.eied uutek of iXe wiuus tie. stusoioauona, ui ucculatuin- H.E.ltfASOEIR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, suimuaY,ra. Business attended to in tlie Counties of Nor-thuir-l erland, Union, Lveoming ami Columbia. Ilvf'rr ti TnA Ht& Co, liUWtl vV UltlROI, II4BT. CtlMMIWrlS tV IliRT, V-fAtAn. Kktnoi.ii, Mcr' JkCo. Sftln,'tiiim Co., A CAED. nrs. JOIIX 1KAI. & IK T. 'I'llITKS, UEsrKCTFUIJ.V announce to the citirens of Sutibuty.and its vicinity, that thry ha- tb day etitered into cojiaitiren-bip in the Practice nl Meilicine, in all ita various dt'fiartment, and tlftiie by this arinnfeincnt, tnmctual nltpiition to HiKinvrf, ain1 mndrrate charges, tomccivea libctul share of public valioini '. Dr .1. PKAIi ttrnb-ra bis uratoful acknowl element for tic wy W'rnl :ilrw)afic bTe!orrp rppeiveA, and rn linw confident that the new ar ranurment, (the firm of Peal A Trites) will le comhn-ive to the comfort and welfare of the pub lic, he most respectfully voricits a continuarnx of their confidence. Nunbury, May 7th, 19J"X Cm. x:agiiX2 n o qd nz m Cor urr nf Third ami Vine Strfct, WIlililAWISrORT, PA. T HE subscriber respectfully announces to the iiublic, that be. Ins oirrel a Hotel in the com- nod knn lirick Imilding situate on the eorrrer of Third and Pine tstreets, wbeTe lie will be haipv to wait npon 'hose who may favor him wil'i theii rninpv. The Eaele Hotel is la'ec and Ci:ivetii enl, in. il fur-'ihril in the be-t modern sth'. Ii i irovidoil wiiti a laiee nninbrr of vdl aired anil comfiTtablo slei'iin8 spirtmpnts room, private parlors, Ac. Prisons visiting Villiamsort on Vni hifrpss or plea-mre, may rct as-ur- d that every e PTtirm will I used to midcc their snjourn nt the "Ebr1! Hotil" pleasant and agreeable. HisTulb' will be mtpplifvl with ths very bi at the market af id, and bis bar wiib ihe clncest w ines and other liquors charges reisoiiaMe. 'JTie 1'ai-lo Hotrl piiKsessos (rjonler advantages in point of location than any olber similar eKt'iblifliment in the lxtouli, briiiK situate in the business part of the town, ami within a conven leut dilanre of tlie Court House and Williamsport ami F.lmira Bail Boml Depot. Jufl'icientSSial)linB rovklcd, and good and Uufty ostlers always in uttendatier. Attentive, aceoir.modnlinn aid lionet Sirvnnls have lieen emfloxed, and notliine left ondone that will add to tlie comfort and accouiuiodation of his go?!. There will be n carnage always in attendance at the Boat Landing to convey pascngeTs to ami fr.mi the House, frie of charge. CHAKLES BORKOWS. May 11 ih, 1 12. FFEHS himself as a candtdate for the ollices KcgmUr Hi coTiur, inul l u tH oj thr urjuuitm Court, at the pnsuinc general election. Should thp jrroplr think him dpable, no neglect on bis part shill pre vent tlie duties of said olHocs from being perform ed at all tunes. May 14th, IHil. TO THE EI JXri'OUSOP NOIlTllU.MBKIt- IjANI) COUNTY. rilHE SubscrilipT reBctful1y informs tlie Elec .M. tors rf Nurihombiilaml county, that lie will be a candidate for the nfl'ices or Itfgistcr, Rvcirthr ml Cli rl (if the Orphans' 'ovrt, at the ensuing general election. Should he lr e will exert liinwelf to render general satis faction, which Ins long experience in tlie duties of said offices, will enable him to do. May 7. EDWARD OVSl'EU. tv Tinj:i.rcToiis of ohtji- IMUKRL.Wn COlTY. FIHE subscriber bring prevailed on by hi friends, X reectfuHy ii.forms the public that lie will 1 a candidate for tlie otliee of COMMISSIONER, at the ensning general election. He promises, if elected, to fulfill the duties of said olbce, with care and fidelity. JOHN VOI NCJ, May 7th, 1R4S. IliMlulfoii " larn'iMiiii. FllIE parinorsliip IhthI fore eaistrng iK-twcwn flie X subscribirs. was dissolved by mulu il consent. on tlie Hist of March last I he iiariixwhin books and otbor evidences of debt due the partners, are placed in the hands of Chiifliau Dowor, Ehi., nt Suribury, for collection, who alone is authorized to receive payment. ibe parrntTniiip ooiniiieiiced on the first day of April, Inid. HENRY YOXTHEIMEK, 11ENRV DAWSON. April 145. riHE subscriber rnforms the jmblic and his for .1 lie r customers, that although Mr. H.Dawnim has wiil'dtawn hrnwi'lf from Iris stcre, he still con llnues his huniness as 1ieret..fore, and will endeavor to give satisfaction "to those who will give him tljeir custom. He is thankful to the public for tte large hare of patronage extended to him for the hisl twen ty years. HENKV VOXTHEIMER. SuiIkitv, April Ifnh, MERCHANT'S HOUSE, .Y.i. , .Vori Third, tilmr CulhxrhUl S,, PIIUMU'.I.I'IIIA. T 'ME sub-rriln i. lakes pleasure in acquainting llit-ir fi ikIs and tlie piitdie in that tin y hae lal i n id. and romrnodluus Hotel, nciiil'v In it: t 1 1 if Missis llirt.on lt:e wsme M'e nine ociiij ii- l l v the old eslabli.hid Hotel known a t,e B.i.fsHta.1, in Third stieet above Callow, bill 1-'. Ti ts Hi'te-I is finished in the very !t posnble r.ssnrx'r, .ml of the In'st rnsN rials. Its location is v ry din a'llc. particularly for country merchants ; the snaagiioeurt. for ln-aimg and eiHilattng each r.iiKvi is -m h as to sen ire any temperature. The N.b.Kiius aie atl light and airy, all furni.hcd ina iift .-iv e, s as to insure votnfort. "I I iicetviirg p.irkirs are atsn furnished in a mi-)'ert-ivJe. ilie windows are on the French style. I - .i. g mi rniisiKX! to a balcony in front, wn.h .o 1 i pleashi.t recess I'lilts'lllar ttteli'ion has o.i f.nn t the t iiU and In-dding, whici, with : 'le- i iiiiitiite, a r n inly new. ! 1 1 no yia'.' erperieiice business, l-osl, l.y strict assiduity to Imslriess, to make this b..ii-.r d.-Miabke sli'puiij place. Our tilde will .d'.v -is Irsupplwd wnh ttH'Viry histour niHikel I i mi lb.l. mM i,ur barwi'h the let liquursuud par par pr pai pur par wiin . iii, mos sppioveil tiraioly. Tt.eie are lir.t rate .tahlmg and Cairiage hous s utt ulicd to tlie ttou-l, utiendud l y raietull and sober hosilers, and our charges will he low, in accordance with tb present haul iiaiHs. WIFLT2 Ar DERR. J'fciUdclpliia, April Ifi, I8'i A FIJPJlL TOP SALE. ITOK Sale, a Farm containing about 80 actes, itiopb or less, aitunto in Shamokin townKhip, ISoithumberland county, about seven miles from Hunbury, on the main road leading from that place to Petersburg and Shantukintown, adjoining lands of Wm. Farrow, Abraham Klase, Hainui l (iiinir and Wm. Mart. n which there is a good large Hrick House, wilh a well of never failing water at the door, a largo Barn in good repair, a good Or chard, and a good seat for a mill or any kind of wati-r power. Nearly all the land is cleared and in gnod cultivation, twenty-five aeres of which is good meadow. The Danville ind Pottsville Kail Koad runs tlironch said firm. It will le sold as the pro erty of Wm. Waters, dre'd. Any person wish ing to purchase ran do well, as the terms are rea sonable. Possession and a good title can be given next Spring. For further particulais, persons are 'cipiesicd to apply to the widow, who lives on tlie tTemiscs, er to Uodfpcv Waters or E. (!reenouih. Esq. in Sunhury. iOl)FKHY WATKIW, t;. II. WATERS, Mav 7 tf. Kx'rmifWm W'attm, rfcrV. Shad ! Shall ! ! I THIRST Rab' Shad and Herring, fit, nrdoffine " flavor, inspected No. 1 in April, just received, and for sah? at tlx; new t. re of JOHN CHAMBERLAIN. Mav 7th, 1S42. S US QUEIIA N NA HOTEL, CATTAWISSA, COLUMBIA CO, l'i:..SYL A.MA. THE subsrrilM-r re-octfully iufiirms the public that lie lias purchased, aoJ now occupies tlie I,arc and lUtmvHulutUS ItritU I'M-jti Tavrrn Stand, Well known as the property, l.vte of Theodore Wells, and formerly kept l y Samuel A. Ilndy. He is now prepared to nccommodaie all traveller ami visiters who may fnvnr him willi a call, and will ue every eil'ort in Ins power to retdler every eoiivenieiice uml comfort to his cuntomers, while un.h'r his charge. His aceoinnio lations are ample, and lii rooins well liirni-lud. His slabk's iiiimi sive and in good cotidition. His Tabi c and Bin will be snpplii d ith the l"est that the market can afford. Bv punctuality and attention, he feels cm lidenl that he will merit the patronage of the public. CHARLES 1IAKTM AN. Catiswissa. April lit li. If 12. liime: lime: liivie: rilHE su!i-ii r.bers lire p'pard to furnish famiir . and ithers with any quantity of Lime of a very superior quality for land, or p'ai-tcTing, Jit live fob J lowing very reJuccd irrces, ?.: H cts. per bushel tor Land Lime; U' cts. tor tire lrest quality oi plai. tering Lime, at the kilns, below tire borough of Sun- ury. I hev will also deliver, Bt anv place wittmi ine lOToagh of Sunbury. I.ime for land, at ltt cents per birslid, and I.irne for plaUtering at 12 cents per ni-licl. The subseiil-ers h ive alwavg fin hand. large ju uitiiy of I jine. lis qn iliiy is good, and1 their hmet-tunc is not equalled by any IU the neigh borhood. SEASHOLTZ .V BERCSTKEssEK. Augusta, April 2d, H42. nnn:iiT"r &. so, PAPEIl MANUrAOTUREIlS, I. militant Strfft, lliilttmorr. HAVE constantly for sale. Printing Paper of all sizes and qualities. Cap Writing Paper, ruled and plain, letter Paper, while and blue, ruled and plain. Hanging Paper, fine ail common, Envelope Parrcr, thv do. medium, double crown, crown and ejtrastr.ed Vraj;ing Papers, Colored Medium and Roval Papers, Uonnia, Hinders and Suaw Hoj Boards, i issue Paper, and till urtick-s in their line, Inch they will sell on iwcinimodaliiig terms. Highei-t prii given fm dil riiu. ROIIEKl CARTER SON. March 19, 1845. tlkton. Md. BOLTON & CO. Gt nt ial ( tiimitlssloii Mrrs linnls. Fur the Siih of Flour, '.'nHiri, .S'rW, Ac, Ac ESPECTFIT.LY inform tberr friends and the Merchants generally, rbat they have ta ken those large and commodious Wharvrs, villi two D.xks, noith of Chesnut street, on the Delaware, tof-whor with the store No. 19 S.ruth Vharves where fhev would he pleased to receive consign ments of ( r.iin. Flout. Se,d, Wlviskey, Iron, Ac A'C Beioc ah-o well prepared to forward all kinds of Mercfiaiidise by the s iuvU.i'l aud I moll, or by the t hesirpcake and I nle W ater I onals, as tow hoals are kept expressly foi lite purpose of towing boats by either route. klerchants ill pleise Ik partiiilsr to mud their goods destined by eithiT canals, to No. P.t South Wharves, between Market and Chesnut strieis, on (he Delaware, with directions accompany ing them which route they wish them to lie sbippdl, rry- Plaster aiid 'alt fur sale, at the lowest mar ket irrice, BOLTON A CO. March 10, 1 845. No. 1 9 Soulll Wharves. WKAV1WS HOTEL, Stuttmry. ,"riirirVriK tnWf, l'eiiiis)laitia. riHE suh-r;ler, n sp. rtfully informs the pnbhc I thit he has removed to that large iitid comitio. dimis Tavern Stand, at the eomer of Market and Fawn strei Is, (sirn of the Buck ) formerly occu pied by Jonas Weaver, and lately by Daniel (inS on, whire he is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor htm wilh a call. By strict atti n tion to Irusinees. and Ins utmost endeavor to render satisfaction to all, he hopes to receive a liberal share of public patronaee. CHARLES WEAVER. SuiiWury, Maich 15th, 1812. WIIARTONrS n n cs "a" no a , I Mmbiii , ti IhiiiitlM'i laml C'ouiilj, PENNSYLVANIA. riHE subscriber lespecifulry lliloriiis the public. aL tbjt tie has rimove I to llnit large and commo dious Brick House, im Market square, opposite the Court House, (formerly kept hv Hiram Price,) where he is now prepared to accommodate all who may favor him with a call. Being thankful for past favors, he hopes hy strict attention to business, to receive a liberal share of public patronase, Ac, CHARLES o. WHAKTON. Suntmrv. March 6th. 1M3. Mliolt-ale IIiiihUIii, HAVllli-UE-anACE, MD. f H AVE coiiAtaully on hsnJ a general assoit J I ment of VHLGX, AlFrtlClSFS. VAI.TS. OILS, VAUSIsllFS. U7AIOW GLASS, DXF. STI FFS, Ar., Ac. uhiclt they otli r fur wle on the moi hlural teims, an J at pines as low us thee i-t Philadelphia and Baltimore. Paitieular ailenlion will he given to the quali ties of Such aitichs as are selected or Manufactured for sale, as also to parking them for transportation. Havre df-firare, March 6th, 1P42. 3m. C'olllltotH, Ira(li lllow. Tho puMic will pirate observe that no Braudreth Pills are genuine, unless the box has three la bels upon it. (tho top, tho side and the bottom) etch containing a fic-similc signature of my hand writing, thus B. BA!nmtTii, M. D.- These la. helsaie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done, at an eipensc of over $2,000. Therefore it will be seen that the only thing nrccary to pro cure the medicine in its purity, is to observe these labels. Remember the top, the side, and the Imttom. The following respective persons are duly auhurl- ted, and bold CBRTICATES Or AGENCY, For the sale of Hratvirtth" Vegetable Vnittmal I'M. Northumberland county : Milton Maekey cV Chamheilin. Sunbury H.D.Masser. M'Ewens ville Ireland A Mcixed. Northumberland Wm. Forsyth. Weorgetnwn F. Midhngec A Co. Union County.' New Berlin John Huffman, ."liiisgcove Ever and Sehnurc. MidiUehurg Isaac Smith. Beavertown .1. A F. Bingamnn. Adamsburg II. A A. Smith. Mi!llm4xn Swope A Kaird. Haitleton Daniel lotig. Free burg C A F. C. Mover, ('entreville Stailey A Lenhart. lcwi.liurir Walli A (.reen. ('olumbiu xiunty : Danville E. B. Reynolds A Co. Berwick Sliuman A Ritlenhouse. t'at tawissa C. A. A C. O. Brolrts. Bloomsburg John It. Mover. JeiseyTuwn Levi Bisel. Wa shington Kobt. McCny. Limctonv D. I.. Sclimick. ttbscive thnt ea-.h Agent has an Engraved Cer tificate of Agenev, containing a reprcsi'iit'iliori of Dr BK AND RUTH'S Manufactory at Sing King, and upon which will also be eii exact copies of the ntw tut It new !. upint thr. ISrandrvth i'ill num. Thilidclpliia, office No. f, North ih street. B. BKANDRiM ll.M. D. Junnry 1st. 1S12. I'll K AMEHICAN IXEOICAI, LiunAitv I iTi:i.i.n;r.t i:n. , CONCENTRATED R.cord .f Me.liral Sci- nee and Literature, hv Roblev Dunglison, M. D., Professor nt tire Intlilutes f Mcihcniv, etc., in Jtll'iisoii Mimical College of Philadelphia, pub lished monthly by Adsm WnUlie, Ni. 40 Carpcn ti r utreet, Philadelphia. Subscription price, f-t a Ji nr. Subscriptions for th above work ii reied l v the subscritrer. II. li. MASSE R, ' Dee. 11th. 141. Aint. :n'-r jh. hcl PCP. SALS. F OR sale a small Farm, cunt'tining ibrsit one hundred and ten trre.-s, ninre or le s, situ tie in Point township, Nnrihotid etland counts, iIk.ijI two nub's above Noitl.uuitieil md, on the ni nn road leading from that place Danville, adjoining ' landi of John Leghou, Jer-se tj. Hortmi kI ..iIkvis now in tlie. occupancy id Samii.l Payne. About tony acres (n skki tract art" Iran u, ami in good slate of cultivation, (Hi w hich there is a small liurn erect. -d. The prmuvty will lie sold on n asonaJile teims. For fiirtlo r particulars, prisons art request ed to apply to tlie mtn'ribi r. Jl. IJ. .MASSi;H, Arf, Nov. C7lh, 1M1. if Sunbury. Pa. CHPaTGCLITS ?CLirH. N article unequalled for rleaniug and giving a highly durable and most brilliant polish to Fil ler, tiermnn SilTr, Brass, Ciki(', liiittutiia ware, I in, Steel, CutlcTv, and for restorii.g Uie lustre on varnished carrianes, Ac. TRi" IT. Prepared and sold at wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite. Polish Company, Owego, Tnga ciiinty, N. Y. M. Ft)KS PH, Agent lor Northutn d, II. B. MASSE It, Agent for Sunbury. Noiemlier 20th, Is l I. rirn u i)i:vi;i oV, LAST MAKER, No. 71 CallowJiii! siuv:t, 1'JiiJaJoljiliia C Three diHirf atme StenmLJ HOE Fiudiiigs always kept on hand, which lu otTi-rs f or sale rm t he loe-t terms. Cmintrj .ferch iiils are partii ubirly t ill and judge to.' themselves. Pliilaih-lphia, Novcm -r 13, 1 fill. I v. 44XJDH OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NHW KNCl.AM) OIL CO.MI'A.W. .No. .ortli W'iilcr .Strtx-t, i'iiila, MANL'FACTl RERS and dealers in tills of every description both for burning and manufacturing purposes, which will he sold much lower than they can be procured elsewhere, and w.riantod iuuulrty to equal any in llrecity. Any oil sold by the company not proving as represented, may be returned without any cvpene to Uie pur chaser, and the money will be refunded. Their stock now in store consists of the follow ing oils, vi?: 30,000 gallons Winter Blcaclid SieiinJ Oil, filrittl b o do lo do d.i ilo Colorless t)il 15,0(10 KI.IKrll Sd.tMltl (0IH) 15,t'd0 Fall and Spring Jjx'rm Oil, Winter Sea Elephant, ki 1're.sxJ Whale Oil, Summer do do do Common Whale Oil, 200 Barrels super iot Straila Oil, Oil) do iod Hank Oil, 60 do Neais Foot Od, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's his. frTThis Companv has a numlier of Vessels en gaged in the Cod Fishery, and Tanners may rely upon pvtiiug at all Iim sOiI as puro as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 13, lf.41.-ly. G. V". 3. TATLC?.". OFFER FtIK SALE, at Hie South East Cor ner of Fifth uud MurUX iUretts, fiilailel jihia Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted, do dj do pegged do do do do water proof, dou'le soles ami (Inutile upiers. do ('ulf-skiu dii do and uppers, do Heavy Water Leathet Boots, do do Neats do do. do High quarter Shoes, l.'alf-skh). do di do Cr-.ickcrs do do uiili'd tlo FiiM Monroes warranud do Kill ilo do do do do do do do Calf dc) do Coarse do do do Shoes do I'ina do do kin do do Call and Seal frVin Punic. do List Socks wilh and w ithout soles, do Carpet do do do do I'ult nt Warranted Wuter-proof ins. Ladies do do do do Ladies' tanned I,lja Rublier nhoi. (ii-iil crncii." dj tK-cr shm s. Wrh every other de.-ciptioii of lioiits and shoes. Fur Cl.( s ut every dei nj tiou. 'I'raveil ug l iunks of every draciipliu.l. Velieli..n Travelling Bags. Patent Cum Elastic Shoe liUrkin?. Bormrts id all kinds, Pslrn Leaf Hats. l'hilsdi'lphia,N(ncuii 13, Jt?4l. ly. KAT fee BP.CTrlEP.a WIIOLESAT.E AND RETAIL BOOKSEL I.F.KS AND STATIONERS, No. Yi'i Cliesnut Street, below 4lh, riiiladelpliia. "7"EEP constantly on hand a general assort Jk ment of Books and Stationary comprising Theological, Law, Medical, Classical, Miscellane ous and School Bonks, Day Books, all sizes, I,ed ecrs, do., Fomily Bible, Pocket Bibles, Writing Papers, Wrapping Papers, eVc. tVc, which they ol Icr at the lowest ptices to Country Merchant's Pro fessional Ountlemen, Teachers, and all others that may favor them with their custom, Philadelphia, November 13. 1841 . 1 y. .Hi that-1 Weaver V Son, HOPE MAKERS A SIIIF CHANDLERS. Ar;. '& firth Water Jsimt, I'nUideljihia. nAVE constantly on hand, a general assort ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, oV c, vir.: 1 ar U Ropes, Fishing Ropes, White Ropes, Manil la Ropes, Tow Lines for Cnnal Bonis. Also, a complete assortment of Seine Twines, Ar, such an Hemp Shad and Herring Twine, Best Patent Hill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twir.p, Shoe Threads, eic. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on rr asouable t ms. Philadelphia, November 13, IM 1. ly. Jacob Vt Isiimlli A Sou. ) EsPECTFULLV informs their friends and acquaintances generally that they still con tinue to keep at (lie old Maud, No. 240 North 3d street, Phlsdel(iia, all kind of TOHACCO S.KF.'F -4N' SRdARS. Which they will nri n the nioi . acrotiimudaiin and ieison.iJ le terms. N. B. All boihU sold will he guaiantce'l and all orders prompt 1 attended to. Philadelphia, cW.vcrulici 13, 4 811 --ly. . CClTCYE?aV Wltolosalu ami lU'Iail Ik.'. Uutiiict, ;ttil I'altn Hat V;n;iijtiso. A'o. 60 A'o7i V! tiff it, a fun ilmirs vbu-'C .hrh, Fhilaittllhia. A LSO Trunks, Carpet Bags and Yalicesof ev ! J ery desriiptKm, all of whieJi he ufk-rs Urt 1 sale on the most reasonable terms. Philaderliia, November 13, I M I. ly. ; J . VV S W A I N , I'nilirclla anl 1'arasol Mantifiirluror. I No. 37 Arm '1'hnil tlrret, urn diwri liehmj tin Vitil Jlotil, Fhihuiilfifiiv, COTNTRN Merchants and others are ardk-l'.ed to rtamiue his u-surU.H:nt b fore purchaMiig elsewhere Phila.-elphia, NoveniW 11. IS41. ly. I I 1 . II i , I' . it r, nt ,i kV A bUV Ul HI riinia, ( Inss ami i7ivornil Vart'lion.p, A Iti4 Xrt, Thint fr,y, thinl d..r Utotv IVc nfrrst, I'hiluili !ihin. rilERE they cotmtantly keep on hand a lar-je assortment of China, (il.iss and Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose iit'oii tin' most ie i- lonablc tiiiH!. I'liil.nli'tiiliia, Novenilier 13, 1S4I. ly. TIIKOPILVS CL'i.i. Manufaclnrcr an1 linjnn tcr of Sad- j tilery. Hardware, A:c. j Ao. 5 South Third strrrf.fnur oV"' rxko' XlurfaJ I uik:d'ir.ia. KEEP constantly unhand a large and general assortment Couch Lamps, Carriage Hands, Axle Arms, Eliptic Springs, Patent Leather. Ac. Counjy Merchants and sakiWs will Ire supplied at all times i n the most reasonable lenns. Tlev w ill find it to their advantage to call and examine his assortment before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia, November 1"J, 1841. ly. ni:vNOLDs, Yh iklani & ( o WltuksaJo Dealers in Fnreiti Ilrhisli and Anierian l'ry (3m.k1s. Ao. lll.r Mart4 af.-oY, l'hi!tiJn'Ait. COI.'NTRY Merchants, and others can be sup plied at nil times with an extensive assort- UH'iit of the best and most fashi.Miable ioods upon j the most reasonable terms. I PUi1 a.k-1phi, Novemtver 13. 1M1. ly. lowi:i: Ai" liAiiuox, Imjxrters and 1 balers in Foreign and Domestic llaidwniv, No. 174 Nokth Tii i nn Stri.rt, Piiilahkli'ima A'X rHERH their friends and customers will always find a large aaid general assortment f Foreign and Domestic Hardware, whiciitliey will seC at the lowest prices. Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. ly. ESIIKRICK, HANSr.I.L &. ( V. WHOLESALE CRT GOODS STORE. .No. H Mi l- Market Street, l'liila. (r7f Fifth Siuthtide ) A LWAVS keep on hand a full and general as jj rliiMMitot Hosiery, Lace, and r amy doml: Country Merchants are reseclfully requesljd to ! give tliiHii a call and eianiuie lor tbeuwlves. Philadelphia, Nowinliec 13, 141. ly. Sl'lTvING, GOOD Si TO. j No. l.. Market Street, 1'liiladclj'hia. INVITE the altentnvn of Country Merchants to tlieir extensive assortment ol Britith French and American Dry (ioods, which tlicy oiler tot sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, Novcmtier 13, 1841. le. lYXcCALLA &. HERSeT No 51, Nortli St tiiul hlrt-t t, (coainta or coomb's ai i tr.) Wtiote they constamly keep on hand a gener il assorunent of CLOTIIS, CASSIlMEnES, VrSTIKCS, ,4i( a grtut variety J urtick nf a tujJirwr v quality, w h-l tlx'y t-fi'er to dlspobe of upon the most teasonaule 't.rms- V'.iiiu ji r. ui. f A VT& B,l ,!. mill find it to t hi it ctvauuge to rail and txuinine tin ir slock etote puiohssing elrfw heie. uladeJptu. Nov. 6, 1841 .1' S:i?CClT & FPsT", I") ESPEt'TFI'LLV inform the citizens ol Sun ' bury and vicinity, lhat thry have tuk. u the Shoji latily occuied by Wm. Durl, where they w ill carry on the TAILOHINO BUSINESS, in nil its vanous branches. By sliicl attuiiinn and irasonabl chaiges, thry eH'Ct to merit a shaie of pul'U- patronage. Sunbury, 4th. 184L WHOLIBALE fJIOE, BONNET, Cup una' I'am l.ruf Jlnl isrrc, No. 10 Soim 4m Stuhlt. PHILADELPHIA. UHI-RE an tiiive a aorirneni of the atove articles are c-orvstanily kept on hand, for kale at the most reasonable terms. May 2:, 1041.- ly. rAl'l-rlTYaalllUll -m a a a M PW A. M a - a AN Ulijiarclltlrd remedy for common Cnlds, Coughs, Asthma, InfliieriJa. Whooping Cough, Ii runt bids, atid all diseases of the Breast and Lungs, lending to consumption ; composed of the concen (rated virtues of Horehound, Bonset, Blood Root, Liverwort and several other vegetable substances. Prepared only by J. M. Wi.isi.ow, Rochester, New Voik. The innorenre ntul ntiiversally admitted pectoral viitues of the Heibs from which the liulxum nf iPmliuuml is made, are too generally known to re quire recommendation II is IhcrtTore only necrssa ry to observe that this Medicine contains the whole oY their Medicinal properties, highly concentrated, and so happily combined wilh several othef ge tuble substances, as to render it the most speedy, mild and certain remedy, now in use, for the com. plaints above mentiohed. The Balsam removes alt imflammntlott anil sotc n ess of the Lungs, loosens tough visit! phlegm, ens obling the pntietit to expectorate with ease and free doiii, assuages cough, relieves athmatic and dilh cult respiration, heals the injured parts, opens the pores, and composes the disturbed nerves, and gives stritigih to the It inlet lungs, and thus produces a speedy and lasting cure. Imimatiti ui: istiif. rntMF. tM Mas, We are not among that class of Editors who for a few dollars will, (at the cpens? of truth and ho nesty) "cinek up" an article and bring it into rapid sale; neither aie we willing to irrnain silent, after having tested the utility of tin itn rnvement or dis covery in science or art. llur readers will recollect we told them we were unwi II with a sore throat and i violent cnld some few Weeks nizo. Well, we pur i chased two bottles of VUNKLOW'S BALSAM ! HP llOREIItil.-ND, mid st sudden was the cure, th it we forgot we evrr had a cold. Those who are afflicted, may try it upon our rrcommcndatiun, .i('sr;'r 'I'f liiiriifih. For sule by HENRY VOXTHEIMER, Snnbury, JACOB BRIUHT, Snrtfiuiiitierhind. At?o, by Druggists generally throughout the country. rj j Price, 6(t ctnts per bottle. Almost 1 tih, 1M1. ly. ' LIST OP BOOKS, t'liM ailk III ' a i. k h r -5-2. NTHO.VS Classical Ditdnnaryt Lempfier's do.; Ainsworth's do ; Cobb's i!o. English and (lemiaii do.; Anthon's Casar; Anthoii's Orammerj Anthen's Cicfo; Mail's Latin Re.nlet; Ogilhy sdo.i Atnlievv's Lnt'm Irfsvons; Dorinegan's Lexicon) Fisk's ti'rei k En reiws; DaviesV I-cgendci; Graeca Vla-ora; Abim's Roman Antiquities', Pinnoik's Cijld.-inilh's Ei gl.iiid; do.; I. yell's Elements of fieolocy; Mrs. LiiicohiV Biitnnv; Elements of llotany; llridge's Algibra; Porter's RheLiiicat Rea ders; Ennrsoii's tiiM'graphy and History; tllney's ; do.; Parley s do.; Siniiti stiranimei; Kirkhani s do.; : Kay's Reader; 4ibl's do.; (,'obb's Arithmeiick; I Pike's do.; Etui ri,i's lo.; CuMi's SpHlmg BiM'ks; i Town's do.; C Mrfi's Tab k- BiKiks; Evangelical Fa j mily Library; 'ottage Bible-; Family do ; Collate r j si do Small Bibles and Teslameiit.-; Parker's Et- erei.-es on tiooipusition; Fruit of llx- Siirit; Baxter's S.iuTs Rest; American Revolution; Martyatl's No vels; Mrs. Phelps on Chetnistiv; Iliael; Catechism of American Laws; letters on Natural Magic; Che mistry for Beginner.-; English Eicscises adapted to Murray's Crainnrec; eqi;4 to Cinnley" Siielling Rook; American Class Bnok; Daboll's Schoolmas tci's Assistant; A great variety of Blank Books, Ac August sx, 141. ATTENTION. .i . s u a i: y j o i: s , 1'J'STS the sttwition of his country friend k- vho are in want, to Iris vcrv large stock of Carprtinas, Cloths, Maltings, Rugs, Bindings, Stair Rods, Ac, Ac, that he has just oicnrd, ut his w.vehousps, No. Is! North Id street, and No. (,"hurrh Allev, next door to Christ Church, Phila .lelphin. July 3M'L ly. C'oltlx, ( oiiIis ami tlirlr ratal C'oii-st'iiiit'iMes- ''WTIH'.X we behold the bills of mortality, and IV the vast numls?r that rlie of that fell de stroyer Fimsniuplruu, we cannot hut feel for those wlro mourn their loss, when we know that secular k'tniMistialions are daily made vi-ihle ta the public, that Dr. Duncan's Expectorant Remedy will in nine cartes mit of ten complelily eradicate the first symptoms of tliat fatal disease. W ill patients or their iiearesl friends any longer delay procuring this medicine, with tl e eiiectalion that the disease will iiatuiaMy remove itsell The vast nurnlrer lhat die annually of Consumption, and the very many of our Vnends and acquaintances who are dangerously afflicted that firust ere long pay the debt of nature, should convince all afflicted that it is liest to he rid of the eaMy and evil seeds as soon a possible, befoie they lake root and "destroy the life," when in the bloom and beauty of health. Always ask f Dr. Duncan's Eipoctotant Re medy, and I o sit e you obtain it, as there are some peisons (use enough to palm some other medicine on tlio.e who are not on their guard, which they liuv at a very trilling price, at the same time sell it at full price, thus fleecing the ulllu tcj of their mo- t ii ev and Ilea till. Principal Office, 19 North Eighth street, where Ibe medicine is sold whose tie and retail. For sale ul the store of HENRY YOXTHEI.MER, June 11th, 112 . 49 -4-rnf. Itrt" I'icmiIi flf Dr. Ilnrirh'x ('inn)tiiuvil Str nthenln To me ami Uermim Ajiiriint J'Ms, R. JOHN ROBERTSON, of ColuniWn Xf j county Ohio, is hippy to stale tu the l flictcd the great lienefits he received from the use of these invaluable medicines, Bctec atTlicted for livo or six years with a l2iIrHt and Xervous affection and it natural consequences, duritir ,;. r j prix-und many iiudicitlCs, ., tW.a'yt funJ thcm I K aauravatc the ,Msfll in . areater measure. Seeing ttics? mc'iicid, perfoimiug cures on many -iy, I was induced to give them a trial. Happy am I to say that the good results were soon visible which entirely cured me of that dreadful and peace de-tr. ving disease. I really hope lhat those similarly albeled will see the ficcesnity of quitting the u-e of such vile an.1 drastic compounds as some lint spi-ear in the public prints, which I am fully pi isuadt-d almost cost my life, besides bringing on the piles, which far mme i net eased my diseass, I heaid say by many of my intimate friends, that (he same vile compounds fixed them the same way. I feel confident that if persons use those "Drastic Me dicincs" according to their directions, that they still give sny per.on the piha. Win li commencing with Dr. Harlich's Medi cines, I foun t them to be an invention, vir : an Aperient Medicine, to carry off all dnsfaaes ami im purities from th system, accompanied will) a "Srreoglheiring Tonic" medicine, to give sirenglti and tone to ihe system and teammate tlie functions of the animal economy. These medicines are tru ly invaluable, and the best extant. JtlHN ROBERTSON. Attest Wm. I'itjF4 i hick, A l i HOOK. Columbia count, Ohio, Mav 10. 1R40. Piruicipal Oil's -e for the I'rnted Slates, No. 19 North Eighth Kirott, Philadelphia. HENRY VOXTHEIMER. June 4lh lh41 46 -Agfni.