II A 114 KO'J'i: 1. 1ST. iixsii,vaxi t. The following Nst shows the curr nt value of nil IVmis; Ivania Bank Notes. The nin't implicit re liance may lx placed upon it. it i-rerrty with (.artfully compared with ai tl corrected ftoin Diik nell's Reporter. llanks In ri.ilalcll.la. . Disc. l AiMti I.OCATIO.S. I'm i l.i it. NOTES A I ' A R. Vtsnk of North Ameiica Hank of the Northern Liheitics Vummercial Bank of PennV . 1 artiiers' and Mechanics' Bank Kensington ll.ihk . . ITn Ih)p1 fill it Hunk . . Schuylkill tank Soui'nvark Bunk , Western Bank . . Country I km Km. ..ml; ol -heater County I! i.k of Delaware County B nil; ol Oermautown Ri'iik of Montgomery Co. Doylrdown Bank i'.nti'ii But k Fu'tners' Bunk of Bucks to. Ollice ol Bunk of Pcnii'a. WTice do Jo t'lliri do do Or!., j do da W e stchcslcr par it i p.r pn nir pur Chester Ceiniaiitnwn Nouivowu Dnyh stoun C ISlol) Bristol 1 1 ai ri.-Ku i n "A Tho:.e L.itienslcr ollicca heading do not E.istoii J issue u. NOTES AT D IN CO UN T. Dank of the United Slates Philadelphia .a.ru60 J2ul7J ;ina4o Dunk of IVnn Township tiruiil Bank . . Manufacturers' A. Mechanics' Dunk Mechanics' Bunk Movaimnsing Bank . 12ulf 7i lOalS 7 16 25 10 Hank of Pennsylvania . . Miners' Bank of Pottsvillfc Pottsville Bank of Lcwistuwn Lewistnwn Bank of Middletotvn Middlelown Malik of Northumberland Northumberland 10 ' 'oluniliia Bunk V 15 1 id go co. Columbia Carlisle Bank Carlisle Exchange Bunk Pittsbuif lo do brunch of Holhduyshiirg Farmers Bunk of Lancustei Luncastei 8.1 111 12 8 Lancaster County Bunk I'aimrrj' Bunk of Heading Jlarrishurg Bunk Lancaster Bunk l.etuiiion Bank .le.n bants' & Manuf. Bank Lancaster Heading HarrisbUrg 8 Id 10 a 15 f. Lanraster Lebanon Piltsbdrg It) 4 4 00 12aI7 '.'0 Bank of Pittsburg Pittsbuig W'illiaiiisport Wi:keh:iric Wr.it Bruneh Bunk Wyoming Bank Northampton 1! ink lirika County Bunk Oil'.cc of Bank of U. S. Do do do Do do do Kensington Sav. Ins. A J'eim Township Sav. In?. Bal k of Chamhershuig Bai k ol Gettysburg Bank tsf f -usquehanna Co. Erie B.:rk Fanners' A: Drovers' Bunk Fiankliu Bank lloin-Ml.de Bank Moi-nngahela Bank of B. V'oik Bank A lltlltOWIl Heading Pitt-burg Erie New Brighton do do Chrtinb.'rsburg (li tty hurg Manbote I'.riu Wayneiibiirg Washington Honesdule 10 Brownsville Voik N. B. The notes of those hanks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchnscd by the. Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which have a letter ol reference. BROKEN BANKS. Philailelpuia Sav. n. Philadelphia I'hiladelphia Loan Co. do Schuylkill Sa. Ina. do Manual Labor Bank (T. W Dyolt, prop.) failed failed failed failed lull, d no sale ("Inst tl l luted faded I owamla Hank I'owaiida Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beavor Bank cf Swatara Bunk of Washington Centre Bank City Bunk Farmers' A Mech'cs' Bank Farmers' A Mech'cs' Bank Farmers' A Mech'cs' Batik Harmony Instituto Huntingdon Bank Jin ii a tu Bank Lumbermen's Bank .Northern Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northumii'd I'uiuii Col. Bk. Noilh Western Baik of Pa. Otl'ice of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr. A Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Batik Union liank of I'enn'a. Westmoreland Bank Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. B.dloid Ib'aver Harrishurg Washington BelUfonto l'lttsbuig Pittsburg Fayette co. (reiicast'e Harmony closed no sale failed fulled failed no Kale Huntingdon no sale Lewistown nos.de Warren faded Dundull no sak1. New Hope closed Milton no sale Meadtille clositl Porl'srbon fuibd i'urli.tlc failed Montrose closed Uniontown failed ('reeiibburg closed Wilkesbarre no sale dj- All n..ies puipoiling to be on any Pennsyl vania Bank not givtu in ill above list, may be set down as Irauds. Bank of New liiunswxk Brunswick Belvidere Medlofd Perth Amboy bridjeion Mount Holly Hul.way .V Liiunswii k M.i'.dittowu Pi failed 1 I" i t par 1 fuilid Bclvtdeie Bank Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank Cumberland Bank Fanners' Bank Fanners' and Mechanics' Bk Fanners' and Mechanics' Bk Fanners' and Merchants' Bk Fi auk lit) Bank of N. J. 3 fa.l.u laded holed failed lailto bidet! 1 Vnr Jeisey l'ily Hobokeu Bkg A Crazing Co llobukeii Jersey City Bank Jersey City Mechanics' Bank Patterson Manufacturers' Bank Belleville Mums Company Bunk Morristown Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold Mechanics' Bank Newaik Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morns Canal and Bkg Co Juscy City Post Nolea no kale I Newaik Bkg A Ins Co Ncw.uk New II o Dei Bridge Co 1.auificilsille N. J. Munuluc. and Bkg Co Ilol okeu A J Prcteclon A LouihumlU Jeisey City Oran;.." Bank lirsoi, 1'aterson Bank l' w. u t.i.1. d UiU 1 fi li-o I p.. I"" I Peoples' Bank du Pllncetoil Bank Pi I.eeUni Suli-lll Uai.i.iiig Co S.iii in Slate Bank INi yok Malo Bank I'.afrf.ti, rli'.own '.ate Bank Cio.liu St-jie Bank of Menis Vorn.-iown Sute Bunk Ti mou Sulem und I'lnlad M oil.t Co Salt ill Sussex Bank Niwtoti Tieiilou Bkiikini; Cu 'IV-iilou I'ni Ji Bank I'ntir Washington Bat king Co. ll.i.kcnsaek p.. tail" tail. f 1 fa. I, Hit of Wilm A Br.u.dy wu W i n.infton Bank of lU'lawarr W ilinu.gloii Bai.k (if Smyrna Sniyn.u Do Isaiuh MiltoiJ l'aniurs' Bk of State ..f Del Dov.t Do branch Wiluiiimtou Do Ismiih (ieogtlowit Do Uaiiih Newi-asila Uuion Bank ilinu..tou CJ- Undc 6' dj" On all banks maikad trms ' ) ttiete are n thei countarfrit ot slued n l is ol the vt-rious d nuioiaauooa, 111 circula'icn. nnr 'I'" JJj ,,r r par I-- II. B. ATTOUNEY AT LAW, 6UNBUB.Y, PA. Business stlended to in the Counties of Nor tliuiuU rland, Union. Lvcominic and Columbia. Itrfrr to i 1'hum Haiit V Co., Lnwt,n iV Barro. IUht, CcMMiwria cV Hut, yi'.'tiluil. lUtsoLim. McFaiii ash A. Co. Spkhimi, 'ioon ,t Co., DniakDEI INSPECTOR. AI' T, WM. II. KASE. of Hush township, NoMhuinbetland county, elei himself as a candidate for the rtliee of Brigade Inspector, at the ensuing elec tion, to be held in June next, lie n s eel fully solicits the Mjpport of hi fellow ci tizt ns, and tiuU that bin lung experience in military main m, will enable him to discharge the duties of sdd uliice widi enlire valisfaction to the people. rch I'.lth. 112. RO.XG.AJDX: INSrECTOIl. rPIIE time is rapidly approaching when 'be Bri- gnde, conipoM-d of the coiiutira of Ni.rihuuil'er liiitl, Union and Colnmbi . wdl be rolled upon to eleit a tuituble person to fill the olTice of Biigude Insiiectoi. COL. J. MeFADDr.X. of Lewi-burg, Union county , oITi rs himself as a candidate for said olficr. As the Colonel has had considerable experience in military aflaiis, he feels persuaded that he is fully competent to discharge ihedutiesof the office. April 'i. IS 12. BRIGADE IN&rECTOIl. A S ni election will tke place in June next, for the purpote of electing a Brigade Inspector, COL. DANIEL rnl.LMEU again ofTciH biin-elt to his fellow citi.ens as a enn oiduli' lor tbatolVice, and Irustx, as he has thus far dischated the duties of said olhVc with tuli..action to the community, he may ask them for a continu ance of their favor. Match Stitli, lis 12. ITOH fci.de, u Farm cnnluining about fO acres, ' more or lees, situate in Niuinokin township, iSoithumlierland countv, alimit wjven miles from Sui.bury, or. the main road letnling from that place to Petersburg and tshnmokintown, adjoining lauds of Win. Farrow, Abraham Klase, W.unuel Oouser and Win. Marl, on which 'bete is a good Urge Brick Houe, with a well of never failing water at the door, i I i'T' Barn in good repait. a gooj Or chard, and a good seat for a mill or any kind ol waUr power. Nrurlv a I the land is ele red mid in good cultivation, lm n five sees of which is yoi il meadow. The DanvilU- mid I'otlsvd e Hall Houd runs through said f rm. It will e sold as the pro perty of Win. Wutcrs, dre'd. Any person wish ing to purchase tan do well, as tbu terms are tea sonable. Posses-ion ai.d a good litlc can be given next iSpi'iUR. For lurther pailicLlats, pelsoiis are -eij lies' td to apply lo the widow, whj lives on ti c premises, or to Cioiltiev ' ati rs oi r. tueenougli. Esq. in Sunbury. (iODFHKV WATERS, C. H. WATERS, May 7 tf. l '.x'rsuf Win Waters, ike'd. l:mi I Zliiuut i mail's i:slale. TJOTICK is hereby given that letters of ndmin istration have In en granted to the subscriber, upon the estate of Daniel Zimmermun, dee'd , late ol AupitrU township, Northumberland county. Persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment on the 4th day of June next, at the house of the deceased, and those who have de mauds against the estate w ill render their accounts prorrly autlu nticaled. SAMUEL REEFER, April 30l h, 18 12. A,l,r. jlliS T Hate Shad and Herring, fit, and of fine flavor, iuspi cled No. 1 in April, iohl reci ied and for stile at the m w store of JOHN CHAMBERLAIN. May 7 h, t15. llssolulioii d lai n rslii. f M11E partnership heretofore ex iilmg belweri the 1 subscribers, waa diss lived by inulual consent, on the 'dial of March last. The partnership book, and other evidences of debt due the partners, ore placed in the hands of Christian Bower, Esq , of Sunbury, for collection, who alone ;s autlion.ed to receive payment. The partnership commenced on Ihe first duy of April. 1840. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, HENRY DAWSON. April 10th, 1812. Sf sX '-C-L flIIE suhscribei inloruis the public and his for JL rn' r customers that allhough Mr. H.Dawson has wilhdiawn himself from his store, he still con tinues his business us hcretofoie, and will ( iideavor to give satisfaction to those who will give linn li eu custom. He is thankful to Ihe public loi the Urge share of patronage extended lo him for the last twen ty years. HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Sunbury, April Kith, 1812. MERCHANTS HOUSE, -Vo. 237, Sorth Third, almvt Callou hill St., i'lllLADL'Ll'IllA. ' I I 1 j ! ! T 11 E sc.li-cribers takes pleasure ill acquainting their tui'lids and the public in general, lh.il Ifiey have taken the larire and oinnnHlious 11. .n l, Ki'. l.lly I aiilt by ihe Messis. Harl.on Itie same site c.l're (MTopie.l bvlhe old establiched Hotel known I us the Bull's Hiad, in Third slieet above Callow ) bill St. This Hotel is finished in the very !est possible ! rnai i.i r, uimI of the bcsl nifcierials. Its location is I ty d. o.ialile, particularly for couuliy uieiehaiils ; ' the arraiigi'utima lor htatingand semilatiug la.'li i io. in is -ui h as to M'riire any lempeialure. The j Ixdiis. insure ullbgbt ui d airy, ull furmshtd in a lit nt sly o, so as lo iii-me con. hot. t 'flu (leeiviog parlors are ul-o fuin'bed in a su , a ib sly le, the wiihIows aie on ihe Fli nch s'vle, I ..... i H ;.u ti.onoce to j . .Lr.aiy in trout, wbi.h , III. k. a I. ,. sol Hf. 1'mI eulnr utti uti. u has Uf. g.viii to hi U'!- :.ii.l huMii.g, which, with I.ii nttiire, Sn elitii.ly ueiv. I r ou v.u's' rxperiii.co in hotel business, we i .'. ly tn. t asi.iiltiily to busiue.-s lo make thi , (. ..- u .k-.-u at t- sti ppnu place. tur table will .il. ys Icm '!iiJ with ihe very best our inaikel ..n :! id. ui..l ion bar w i'K the hot InjUois and w,. .- i, ill. oi.'sl appioved bisu.U. P. s. 'I I, c re are first late stabling and curriige ..ll ubed to the hotel, alien. led by ca.clull 'h i h .'!, and out charges will U; low, in ... .e wi.l, t'iC present haul nines. slM LIZ A DERH. ablpbia. Ail lb, 142. M..I P po , pm j pari pur jr ' j ur I"' i r ' ' r S ! N tunc e unequalk'd for t'U-auiug slid giving a - v I.ImI.Iv durable and most biilliuiit p. lish to il Vir. Cerni ,u Silver, bf at... Copper, Bnllaliia Ware, I ii, t : l, I'utliry, and for rcloui g the lustre on a.i. brd cairu,-., ('KV If. Pr. .n,d an 1 1 al wholesa e and retail, by the S'.i-,i,.f i sni.a Cl.rs l'.,ii. i, ).. u, ,, .,..... J'l, ... N' V " " ' b' N. Y. WM. FORSYTH. Agent , Nonhum'd, H. V. MASTER, Ajent for Sunbury. .'jx-.fU-r Ifell. SUSQUEHANNA HOTEL, CATTAWISSA, COLUMBZA CO., PEN MS YL VAMIA. THE subfcriber respectfully informs the public that he has purchased, and now occupies the litirqe and (Jdi'imoJivitX Well known as llrldi. l ..- I T.i flTatxrii Stand, the propirtv, late of Theodore Wills, and formerly kept by e-atriucl A. lliaily. He is now prepared to accommodate all ttavellers and visitets who m:.y favor him with a call, anil will use evety effoit in his owcr to render cveiy convenience and comfoit to his customers, while under his charge. His accommodations are ample, and bis rooms well furnished. His stables exten sive and in good condition. His Tablf. and Bah wi'l be supplied with the best that the maiket can utFord. By pin duality ami attention, he feels c.ot.fidi iit that he wid meiil the putrouae of the public. CHARLES HARTMAN. Cutlawissa, Aptil'Jth, 1812. limei Linn: i.iime: riBl-; suh-enbrra are prepan d to turi ish lartm rs .1. and others with any qnnnlity ol l.tmeot a very : superior quality for land, oi p'ui l" rinir. at the fob ; lowing very reduced pruc--, vi7. : 8 cts. per bosbel for l and Lime; 111 cts. for the be-t ipiah'y of plai- tering Lime, at the k Ins. below the hormiKh of Sun- bury. They will alsoib. liver, at any place within the ' borough of Sniiburv. Lime for land, at 10 cents per bushel, and Lime lor plaisterii g at 1 2J cents per bu-hel. The subscribers h iveUvas on hand, a l ira.? qu iniitv of Lime, lis quality is g.'iid, and their limestone is not equalltd by uny in the neigh borhood SEAMIOLTZ V BEHUS1 H1SER. Augusta, Apiil 2d, lVi. ' itoiti:it r t AitTi:it x. .s. PAPER MANUTACTUIlEnS, l.imttxtrd Stmt, Jtuttimoir. HAVE conslanilv for sale, Priniing Paper of all si.es and qualities, Cap Writing Paper, rub d and plain, Letter Paper, w hile and blue. Mileil and plain. Hanging Paer, fine and common. Envelope Paper, do. do. medium, double crown, crown ami ,-xtra sized Wrapping Papers, ( 'olored Medium and Roval Papeis, Bonnet, Binders' nod Straw Box Boards, T issue Paper, and all iirtxh s in 'heir line, which thev will sell en arentniiiodutiug terms. 11 ghe-t price gieu f..i old raus. ROBERT CARTER A SON, March 19. IS 12. Eiklon, Md. BOLTON Sc CO. (a neial 4'oiuiitivnioii M-t t Irani. J'ar the Suit if Flour, Urn in, Stul, c, c. EsPECTFULLY ii f .rm their l.iends and the Merchants generally, that they have ta ken ihoselnrge und commodious W'harvi s, with two Docks, noith ol Chesnut street, on the D. law ire, together with the store No. 10 South Wlnrves, where they would bo pleased lo receive consign ments of Oram, Flour. Seed, Whiskey, Iron. Ac. Ac. Being also well prepared to forward ull kinds of Merchandise by the Schuylkill und Union, or by ihe Chesapeake und Tide W ater Canals, as tuw boata are kept expressly lot the purpose of towing bouts by either route. Merchants will please be particular to send their goods destined by either cauuls, to No. 19 Sooth Whsrves, between Murkei and Cliesnut streets, on ihe Delaware, with diiecliotis uccomp .ny ing I hem which route ihey wish them to be shipped. C 'r Bluster and Suit for sale, at ihe lowest mar ket price. BOLTON A Co. Murch 10, 1843. An. IU ts.ulti tiarves. WKAVKirs HOTEL, Sutibur, 'u)tUuiitltrrluul touttty, l'cniisv it aula. f IIIE sub.-crdier, respiclfully informs ihe public 4L that he has reiiinve.l lo that larte and coinino. dious Tavern Stand, at the corner of Market and Fawn streets, (sign of the Buck ) foiineily occu pied by Jonas Weaver, and lately by Daniel Oils. son, w lure he is now prepared to u commodate all who may favor him with a call. By strict utten tion to business, and his utino-l etnlnivor to render satisfaction to u i I . he hones to reccve lllier.il stiure of public patronage. CHARLES WEAVER. Sunbuiy, M .nh ICih, ISI2. Sunbury, XortliunibciiaiMl Comity, PENNSYLVANIA. flHE subseribir respectfully inloruis the public JL that he has removed lo llii.t large and coiiimo diou Brick House, on Maiket square, opposite (he Court Houm', (formerly kepi bv Hira.n Puce,) whete he is now prepared to BCCoinmodaie all who may favor bini with a call, Being thai kful f..r past favors, he hopes by strict attention to bus lies, to leceive a hbtral sliaie ot public patronage, Vc. CHARLES D. WHARTON. Sunbury, March 5th, ISi J. t holt-sale lUi-uKislsi. HAVnE-DE-GRACE, MD. HAN E constantly on hand a general assort ment of jmrus, mi:dicim:s. paists. oils, VAUMsUFS. Wl.M'OW UI.ass, J)Yi: STI FFS, .e.. Ac, which they i tl' r for sale on the nio-t liL. r .l letms, and at prices as low us the se of Phi adi Iplna and Baltimore. Paiticidai attention will be given lo the ciub ties of such aitw b s as are selected or Mai.ul .c'uieil for sale, as ul-o lo pa. king tin m for transport .lion. Havicile-Cra.e, March full, 1842. am. IKK AMERICAN MEDICAL LIBRARY AM. IMIM.H.I.MIIt. A CON CENTRA I ED R.c.ud of Me.lieal S,i. ei ice and Literature, ty Roblev Duuglison, M. D , Prolessor ol the Instiliites ol Medicine, elc, ll: J.I), if. .11 Medical College of Pbl ade' pbia, pu! Itshed ti.onti.lv by AJun W..ldie. No. 4li Cu'pen. It r sited, Philadelphia. Sub-ripiioii price,') a T. sr. Subscriplioiis lor the utsive work r.ctive.lby the sub-ei.ber. H. B. MASSF.H, Dec. 1 hh. 1641. Aaent. "CPw SALE. I"OR sale a small Farm, cont i.ixi.g ab.mt .ne hundred and ten acres, more or le s, silu iie in Point township, Nonhumt erlai.d eoiintv , iiliot.t two miles shove Noilliumbeil and, on ihe m .in road leading ffo.u lhat place to Danville, adjoining lands ol Juliii l.eghou, Je.-se C. Jloii .n und others, now in the occupancy of Samtu I 1'avne. About lolly arres of said lia.i lire i band, and III go nl state of cu illation, on which there is a small burn ereei. d. '1 he pi opt ny will be sold on r asm able terms. For turlln r particulars, peisons are request ed to apply to the tulscnbtr. H. B. MASSE K, Agent. Nov. V'.'th, lt1l.-tf. bunbuty, I'. C'otiiil rrt ltfiM' Dratli lllow. The public will please observe that no Brandteth Pills are genuine, unless the box has three la bels upon it, (the top, the side and the bottom) e.ih containing f ic-simile signature of my hand writing, thus B. UaxsiitiSTH, M. D. These la belsaie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an eipeme of over f 2.01)0. Therefore it will be seen that ihe only thing necessary lo pro cure the medicine in its nurity, is to observe these labels. Remember the top, tho fide, and the bottom. The following respective persons are duly auhori r.ed, and hold CJ2HTICATES OP AGEXTCT, For the sule of IiruTitlrcih's Vei(ttalile L'nii ersul V,IIn. Norlhuniheiland countv : Milton Mackey cc Chambeilin. Sunbury H.B. Masser. M'Ewens ville Ireland H. Meixell. Norlhuml eiland Win. Forsyth. Georgetown F. Midbnger &. Co. Union C.iunty: New Berlin John llotfinau. Selmsgrove Ever and Schnure. Miiblleburg Isaac Smilh. Beavcrt'.iwn J. St F. lliimaiiiHn. Adamsburg II. A. A. Smith. Mitilinsbllig Swope fe Laird lla'tleloti Daniel Long Free burg (i. iV F. C. Mover, lo iilrevd e Siailey V Lenbart. Lewi-buru Walls cc (ireeti. Columbia county : Danville E. B. Reynolds V Co. Birwick shum.ui A: R tleidiouse. Cut luwissa ('. A. A . C. C. Brobts. Blooiusburg John H. Mover. JeiseyTown Levi Bisel. Wa shington Robt. M.Cay. Limestone D. L. Scbuiick. Obseive that each Agent hi-" an F.ngrnvid ('i r lilicale of Agencv, poiilaming a represf ntiiliori of Dr BRA.XDIii: I ll's Manufactory lit Sing Sing. anil upon which win u;so oc urn naii copies oi .be ,uw labii rn.tr uul v the llruiulnlli Pill Phdidelphia, olHce No. H. North 8th street. B. BKA.N DRETH. M. D. .lanmrv 1st. 1812. .Ilii liat l Wvau'r V Son, ROPE XVIAKEnS & SHIP CHANDLERS. No. 13 Sorth Wnti r Street. Philadelphia. ' WE constantly on hand, a general nssort- , ment of Cordage, Seine Twines. &c, viz: ; I ar'd Ropes, Fishing Rops, While Ropes, Manil la Ropes, Tuw Lilies lor Canal Boats. Also, a ; complete assortment of Siine Twines, Ac. such as j Hemp K.ad and Herring Twin, Best Patent t ill : Net Twine, Cotton Slmd and Herring Twire, Shoe 1'hreails, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cords. Plough Lines, i Halters, Traces, Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains, Ac. all of which they will dispose of on reasonable : lei ins. Philadelphia. November IS. 111. ly. TO COUNTRY MEnCIIANTS. I IIV. SiiliKf.rdi,.r A.,,,. i, I . ,f I voll .V Harris. Hat Manufacturers, for N. w York, Phil olelpbin, Baltimore and oilier large cities, ! .: lints lire : highly commended l.ir (,'i fihii and durul.iiti, j has oi bund a lir-t rale a'.o. tin "i.t ol HATS and i I 'A PA, suitable for S(.rinii s oe-, wh ih w ill I e sold ' eiy low, foi cal or appi ve I rred.l, ut the mini l In ii) ftorr. No. 4", N in tn f'l id s'n;t oj p n-i'e the Citv Hotel, Pbil i JelphiM. OLIVER N. I'tlM lll'.i:. Ai it. N. it. Orders loT Huts I I the mil;1!, pfunptl) attended to. The highest price iU ru.A or lr'ie given l.ir Fur ikin. PliiUdelpbia, NovemUr 1.1, IS 11 -ly Jacob 11 Isiuulli js. Sun. "I EsPECTFULLY informs their I. lends and ' iicquaiiib'iices ge icrally lliat tin v still con tinue lo keep at the old stand. No. 21i Nolth 3d street, Phlludc Iptua, all 'lids ot TOBACCO SSI ,'"' .4' SllCAl.S. Which they will ell .n the mat ' uicuioiii.alaiint and reisoii.il ie term. N. B. All eoods sold will be gu.v. jnteed und ull orders promptly attended lo. Philadelphia, Ncvember UI, 1811 -ly. l'KTJ it i)i;vi:rs. LAST I& AXE 3311, No. 7 1 Callow Itii' Sircct. l'liila.lelj.liia C Three doors ahore Stcoiid.J SHOE Findings always kept on hand, which Ik oilers for sale on the lose-t terms. Country .Merchants are puriicul uly to c ill und judge low themselves. Philadelphia, Nnifmvr 13, 1841. l v. iF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NF.W Il.Mil.AM) DlL COMPANY. .No. J'.l Noilh Water Street, l'hila. T ANUFACTUKERS biuI dealers in Oil. of every description Isith for burning and iiiaiiola.-'iirniL' purpost's, which will U' sold lunch lower than they can be procured e'sewhere, and wuriauted in quuhty toequul any ill the city. Any oil sold by ihe company not proving us IC resented, may be returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will Is' r funded. Their stock hum in stole consists ol the following oils, viz: 30.0H0 gallons Winter Bleached Spcitn Oil, 61)1 HI do do do do do do do Cobxless Oil, Full slid S.ring Sperm Oil, Winter S-a Eb pbanl, du Pre m I W bale Oil, Summer do do do Common W hale Oil, 15,ttt0 lii.niiu 20.IKIU bono 15,000 2 (HI Barrelsstipeii.il Siiaib. Oil, 3(10 do Cod Bank Oil, .'HI do Neuts Fool O.I, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's I his. (X'l 'Plus Company has a tititnlxT of Vessels en- gaged in the Cod Fishery, and Tanners may rely Umiii getting at all t.uiesliil as pure us imported Philadelphia, Nov. 13, ly. G. V. &, L. 2. T.TIiCirJ. OFFER FOR SALE, at the Suth Easl Cor ner of Fifth and Murut Stittts, Fhiludtl jihiu Mens' Calf-kin Boots, stitched warranted, do do do pegged do do do do water putof, JouLlii soles and J.Hihrf- lljijsrs. do Culbskiii do do and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Neuts do do. do High quarter Shis s, Call-skin do do do Croakers do do Fine Monroes warranted do nailed do Kq lo do do do do ltd do do do do do d.t do do Calf do Coaise d.i do theses' I'llie do Kill do Cu:f itrul it, al Skin Pumps. List S.xks with and without sol.-s. do Caipet do do ilo do Pslf.nl Warranted Wuter-proof Mocc.isins. Llldil's' do do lb) do Lathis' tunned India Kull.fr sinus. I b lit'emt n' do ( Ivi r sttoes. nil i u iv i.tl.t r dt-si-.ipiiou nl" i.oois and s'ooes. F'ur Cups of every (Vescoplion. Tr.ivelbng 'Trunk', ot every description. A t i.eii oi Truvt lling B.is. J'sient (iujn Elastk- .siu'e I'.la.sing. B. .Uriels ..fall kinds. Palm last 1 1 .its. I'hiia.M, Ina, Nju'ml.ei 13, lell. ly. KAY & BB.CTEEP., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKsEL LERS AND STATIONERS, No. 12V! Cliesmit Street, below -1th, riiilatlelpliia. KEEP constantly on hand a general assort ment of Books and Stationary ; comprising Theological, Law, Medical, Classical. Miscellane ous and School Books, Day Books, all sizes, I.id gers, do., Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Writing Papers, Wrapping Papers, Ace. Ac, which they of ler at the lowest prices to Country Merchant's Pro fessional Gentlemen, Teachers, and all others thul may favor them with their custom. Philadelphia, November 1.'), 1841. ly. Wholesale and Retail Shoe, Hoimct, and l'alm Leaf Hat Warehouse. Si). G6 Surth id tlrect.a few dmirs above . h ell, Vhiluilttyhia. A I.S(') Trunks, Carpet Bags and V alices, of ev- JfL v,y desciiption, all of which he oilers for tale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November LI. 1811. ly. j ; W. S W A 1 N , I'mhrella and Parasol Mamifactiircr. .Vo. 37 Smith I'll 1'tl klri-rt, two llnnrs Liluio the City Until, l'liiliiililpliin. C'iOUNTR Menhtints and others are solicited J to i xauiiue Lis u-Js.oili.ient bt lore purchasing elsew here Philadelphia. Novrnd er 11. IS II. ly. 1 vV A. IIUVOUDT'S ,. . ,. it- i w i luna.t.lass mill Ll VCrMM. aiflintise. Vol lil Snrth Third t rut. third tliir Inlaw I'll strut, I'hilm.'t lihiti. i AA7HERE they constantly kcp on band a large ' assoiimeiit of I'liitiii, (il.iss and Liveipool Ware, which they will dispose of on the most ici- ; sonable terms. ' Philadelphia, November 13. 1811. ly. ! " TiiKoru.rs cuhr. Manufacturer and linjiorlcr of Sad tllery, Hardware, S:c. No. 5 South Third ftrert. four diH'rs htluw Market Piiludi lthia. T EEP constantly on hand a large and eeneral assortment Coach Lamps, Carnage IJanils, "'"' '"'"s.",. " : , -'ry Merchants and saddlers will bcs..,;pl.cd a all times en the most lea-onable terms. They w ill find it to their advantage to call and examine his assortment before purchusing elsewhere. Philadelphia. November I'd, 184 1. ly. iiHYNOLDS, Mt rAlU.AND vV CO Wholesale- Dealers in l'oreiiiii Iiritihh aud American Dry C.ooils. Su. I0." Market street, Philadiljd,iii. V "10UNTRY Merchants, nnd others ran be sup plied nt all times with nn ext. i. sue a s..rl- iiii nl of the best and mi st fashion. .bit Ooods upon the luot reiisouable It rris. Philadelphia, Novt ml er I H. 1 s ll . I V . LOW Mil vc IlMIKOX, linporlers and )calcrs in Foreign and Doinesiic Haidware, No. Ill Nouth Tiiir.it Sthckt, I'liri.ii'i'.i.niiA T II ERF. their friends and customers will always ' find a large and general il-sot tnielit of Foreign and Domestic Haidware, which they will si ll ul the lowest prices. Phdedclphia, November 13, 1S1I. ly. KSHKUICK, HANSEU. CD'S. ! WHOLESALE DRY GOODS ETORE. i No. K' 1-v! -Market Street, l'hila. j (He loir Fifth South i.lr ) VI. WAYS keep on In.iiil a lull and ceneral n si r tn it-lit of Hosiery, Luce, and Fancy (ioods, Countiy Mcichulils ore respectfully request jd le I give tin m a call and examine for them-elves. Philutlelplna, NovemU'r 13, 1s t I. ly. ' srUKINC, COOD vV (:o. I No. I '.is Maiket Street, riiiladcl'hia. INVITE the attention of Countiy Men bants to their extensile a-scr.ir.i nt ol liritnh Frei rh J uud Americun Dry Cootls, which they oth r tor sale ' on ihe most reasonable t. rti.s. Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. ly. IVIcCALLA St HERSE At ,!, ui Hi .sc-t uiitl slu t I, (l OH i: II or coom h's a I i.kt.) Where they constantly keepou hand a peucr d assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIKIERES, VESTZNCS, And a f;rtut variety ifurtic.it if a ttifitrmr quality, which they oiler to dispose of upon the most reasonable U nns. COUN TRY MERCHAN TS and others will find it to tlit it advutiluge lo cull ai d examine Itieir stock before purchasing eisewncie. Philadelphia. Nov. C, 1841. ly LIST OF BOOKS, IliU ltl HI N'TIION'S Classical Dictionary; l.( niprif r's - Jo.; A msw null's ilo ; Cobb's do English and tieiman do; Antbon's C:var; Anlhon's ttian.n.ei; Antlieu's Ctcciu; Man's 1. aim Hesder; Ogilby's do.; Andiew's Latin Lessons; Doiiueg.in's Lexicon; IVk's (ire. k Exercises; Duvus's I.t cendei; bian n Mnjoru; Ad.nns s Roman Antiquities; Piinuski i ..idn'm",', Fngland; do. (ireece; Lyell's Elements I of (ieologv; Mis. Lincoln's Botauv; Elements ol j Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rhetorical Hia ' tiers; Eimrsoii's (ieogruphy and History; Oli.ey's 1 do ; Purity's do.; Smith's (irammei: KirLham's do.: j Kay's Hes.h rs; C'oU 's do.; Colib's Anthmetick; I Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Sp iling B.M'ks; ' 'Town's do.; Cobb's 'Table Books; Evangelical Fu ; mily Libiaiy; Cottage Bible; Family do; Collater al do.; Small Bibles and Testaments; Paikei's Ex ; er. ie on Compositioii; Fruit of ihe Spirit; Baxtt i's ' S.iiii's Rest; Aiiterican Hi volution; Mariyatt's No t vels; Mrs. Pilelps on Cbemistiv; lli.it!; Cale.hism : of American Lsws; Letters on Natuial Magic; Che j mistry lor Beginr.err; English Exercists adaplei! to Murray 's (irammer; Srqut I to Corntey's Spelling ' Bonk; Aim rican Class Bt-nk: DaUdTs Schoolmas- lei's Assistant; A great variety of Blank Books, Ac. August ?H, Ull. ! ATTONTION. .1 . si i a i: v j i: s , i v:c, ik w EU' ESTS the attention of his country Inends ho are in want, to his very luge stock t l Cirpenncs, Oil t loihs, Mattings lugs, innngs. Mull Rods, Ac, Ac. that lie has j.isl opt mil, al Ins warehouses, No. I S North Sd st'ctt, and No, V Church Alley, next door lo Chiist Cburt b, Phila delphia. Juiv -c. -ii iy J CHITS ?l ZU1C1C11TGZ. WIIOLISALE fHOE, BONNET, Cap utiu l'alm luf Hat Sorr, No. 10 Sot rii 4m Mtmakt. I IUl.AIiEI.t'jIIA, w fili:KE an e rtoiisive a.Miurliiieiit of the above arlk'les are oin.tanllv kept on hand, lot sale at the most reasonable lean.. May 'i'J, IM1.- ly. remedy for common Colds, thma, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Breast and Lungs, lending to consumption ; composed of the conceit Irated virtues of 1 1 on hound, Bonset, Blond Root, Liverwort and several other vegetable substances. Prepared only by J. M. Wislow, Rochester, New Yoik. 'The innoeenre nnd universally admitted pectoral viiluesof the Ileitis from which the Huhnrn if lliirthiiuud is made, are too generally known to re quire rccominem ation ; it is theiefore only necessa ry lo ob-erve that ibis Medicine contains Ihe whole of their Medicinal properties, highly concentrated, a.al so happily combined with seveial other vege table substances, as to render it ihe most speedy, mild and certain remedy, now in use, f..f the com plaints above mentioned. 'The Balsam removes all imflammation and sorr ncs of the Lungs, loosens tough visit! phlegm, ens ablmg the patient to cx.cc.torBte with esse and free dom, nsMingcs cough, relieves athmntic and diffi cult respiration, heals the injured parts, opens the poies, und composts the disturbed nerves, and gives strength to the tendet lungs, and thus produces a i sjeedy and lasting ruie. Im.iia i rri iik is-iiik n asist ciii me is Mas. We re not iimot g ih.it class of Editors who for a b w dollais will, (al the expense of truth and ho nesty) "crack up" an article and biing it into rapid Mile ; neither ate we wilhhg to lemain silent, atler I having tented the utility of an iin rovement or dis 1 covmv in science or uit. Our readers will recollect ; we toid ibem we weie uiiwi II wiih a sore thiout and violent c. Id some few weeks nun. Well, we pur j chased two bottles of W INSLOW 'S BALSAM ' OF HOREHOU.ND, und so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who j are aUlieicd, may tiy it upon our recommendation, j . wiVo'i T li-irrii)h. For sale by HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Sunliuri, JACOB BRIOHT, Sirthumlierlund. Also, by Druggists generally throughout the country. " rjjr Price, 00 cents per bottle. August 14th, IK 11. ly. r - j. 1 EsPECTFULLY' inform the citir.ens of Sun- bury arid vicinity, lhat they have taken the Shop lat.lv occupied by Wm. Durst, where they will carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS, in nil its v ,u inns hranehis. By sliict attention and teasoinible chaiges, ihey exjiect to nieiit a share uf public nttoi age. Sunbury. Sept. 4th, 111. SPANISH HIDES, TANNEtTS' OIL AND LEATHER. I). K 1 Ii K l A T IMC K vc S O N, Ao. "1. Soi th Third ."triet, (stTWll.X MAHkKT ASH Clirssi T STIIEKTS,) PHILADELPHIA. n.WE for sale a large und excellent assoitment of pitmh Hides. I'utnti Kips, Tuiini rs' Oil, Ac, ul Ihe lowest matkel prices, citl.rr for cash, iir exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consignments of l eather receive! for s dc, oi purchased at the highest maiket prices. (J V Leather stored Ire c of t hutge. April 17, If-1 1. ly. Mt lv Ileiulat lit-. IS a very c. iiimon iitletlion. Its attacks are very scif ic . and t hutacten.. d by spasmodic pains, shit ting fi..m 1 lie I a t of the bead lo the other, fre quently commencing in the morning, attended with sickness of the stomach, nausea, buntings, und sometimes, vomiting, giddiness, and confusion ol sight, Ac Ac. This deseitsc is piotluced fioul v-i-iioii causes, peihaps the most common, is a de-runi-i' 1111-11I of ihe stiiiniieh and digestive organs. FEMALES are most subject tn this utlcclion, par ticularly those w ho lead a sedentary life. Dr. liar liii'i Cum ouuil Sn iillu ning Tonic und tier iiiun A per. nit I'ilU, are wairanted lo ariest this j troublesome disease : first by cleansing Ihe stomach. 1 and bowel, purifying the blood, and lemoving all ,liM'aid .md eicieinentuous humors trom the liver ' and iulcstiins, Bv ihe Use, first, of a few doses of the .pnieiil Oeriniin Pills, afterwards two or three d.ses of the trentheiiin Tonic Fills, which are used lo stiengtheii und invit'oruie the nervous Hsleir, give tone to the stomach und organs of itigfstiuu, thus imparting to their subtile fluid its pristine vigoi, this afflicting disease may be entirely leini.ved. 'I his is the only mode of treating this auiioving complaint, and has been attended with success in thousands of casts. Puinplcts giving general directions, may be c.b 1 ainttl g.alrts ul No. l'.i Noith Eighth street, Phila delphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER. May 51, IS 11. Ai;tiir. IsDniisliiitg: l'a li. DR. I1ARI. U'H'S PILLS are rapidly super seding the use of all other medicines of the kind adveitixcd in the public prints. 'The won.lei f.d t-uifs iloy are daily perforiniiig in this vicinity, have ert a'e.l such a stiisatioii as to confound the.r enetnies. i.u.l elicit from the whole community en thusiastic commendations. No wotidt r who does not rejoice to behold ihe arl'.ieted regaining their heubli, as if by m .gie t W hat hea.t but feels glad that dr.iih is (healed cf his prey at least for a tune, uuiil oldiige shall smi.o h the dying pillow. Thou sands nnd tens of thousands bless the day thul they ! became acquainted with tl healing powers of Dr. Hai lulls Compound Strei.gl tienirg Ionic and Cennsti Api iicnt Pills. Athtubulu Sentinel. Ohio, -V-'.V - l'rintiat (dTice of the United States, is al No. Ii) North Eighth street, Philadelphia. 0 Western Depot, No. 4 1 St. Clair St., Pittsburg. P.uiiphlt -Is giMiig a full diitcription of diseases generally, ihe manner of Heating thtin, Ac , may be obtaliud free if charge, bv applying at the otli- ees .f agent. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, May 14th. !U2. -4g.-n. t oltl Nt tlK-sl on tlir I-iint, a vt iv c. 111 mou comIulnl, andean iuimrdi at.lv lie retn.ned by Dr. Duncan's Expectorant beiiie.lv. 'Tins disea-e produce, much sutlertng nd dislres-, and filially becomes alarming on ac count i'f iis llireatenn g eerii. Physicians sra sent for, and medic no presctibtd. but to no cflT. ct, when ilwy at once riHioui.ce the lungs to le t n 11r. lv gone, am! the c se hocles; that the patient must die of CONSUMPTION. In this lingering situation hundreds aie left under the mistaken idea of their disease ( mo be Consumption,' ) when it is nothing more 111 01 a "l old settled on the lungs, ' w lit 11 ilo pMieui. is thus 1 eg'.ected until the lungs ; do ac u.tllv tfi on.e d.se std. Why Is il that ' nianv ( pronounced "i hoct bss c ut have been re j stored to perlt cl heabl. 1 Tne reason is very plain I and obvious. Tin V c.i.iniiei.ct d using Di. Dull lean's ExH'eloraut Remedy, auj whnllie lungs were not iiiir.lv gone, tiny finally reiotered. A fair trial of this MetlkiiK- will connniC all of this ! lad. Ian sale al No. 19 North Eighth Street, Pli.la dclplru. P. ice f I pei bottle. A lu'sh supply of this valuable Medicine has just Iwen le.'ent.l, ulkl Can always be obtain, d. si ill .tore ol HENRY t OX T11EIMEK, Mav ith, )sl2. 41 Agnd. VN unparelleled Coughs, Asthnii