II A IV K NOT 12 LIST. VKXXSI.VAXtl The flowing list dhows ihe currnt vatuo (if nil Pennsylvania Bunk Notes. The most implicit re rimce may In- placed upon it. il it every irrrk rartfully compared with aid corrected Irom Hi. k f lell'it Reporter. Hanks In nilladclplil.1. I hilh. NOTES AT PAR. Bank nf North America . , Bank nf the Northern Liltertics . t'oinmercinl Bank of PeiinV . , Km runs' and Mechanics' Bank Kensington Llank . , par par par pit par par fur par par Philadelphia Hank Schuylkill Bank ')i)lliwark Bunk Western Bank , Country 1 tan lis. Hunk nt i. lienor County Hunk cf Delaware County H ink of (icrmantowu Hank cf Montgomery Co. Doyl. .town Bank Kaslon Bunk Fannns' Bank of Duckaco. Ufu e of Bank of Pcnn'a. Cilice do do t 'lllce do do Dllice do ilo Westchester (.'hosier (Jet mimtown Nurrk'nwu Doyh slovvn Fusion Bri-tol par par p.r pa, pal p..r piir The-e Jl.trrishutg"' I .Jiix-.i-iU r I ollices Reading f do hut Eusloii J issue n. D I SCO II N T. ' ' Philadelphia f.r fit) I2Jil7J 35 NOTES AT Bunk of i he Untied States' Hank" f Bum Township Orurd Batik Mu.ulac.tureis' &. Mechanics' Bank Miliai.ics' Bunk . Movatnt using Bank . Bank of Pennsvlvania . I2al7 n 1 2 15 7a 10 25 25 Miners' Bank of Pottsville Bank of Lewistown Bank of MiddkUown Dank of Norlhnmterhind ( 'olumfia Bank oi Bridge eo. Bottaville Lewistown Middlctow-n to Northumberland 10 Columbia 8a 10 Carlisle Bank Exikutige Bank Do do hranrh of Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Luncarter County Bunk Fuiiutis' Bank of Reading Harrisburg Bank Lancaster Bank Lebanon Bank Merchants' & Mamif. Bank Carlisle 12 4 5 8 8 10 l'itlsburp Hollidayshurg I.ancastci Lancaster Heading Harrisburg 10 a 15 C 10 1 4 CO il? 20 Lancaster Lebanon Pittsburg Bank of Pittsburg West Brunch Batik Wyoming Bank Northampton B uuk Heika County Bank Office of Bank of U. S. Do thi do Do do do Kensington Suv. Ins. A l'enn Township Suv. Ins. Bank of Chambersburg B.ihk if Gettysburg liiUik ol iSurquchunna Co. 1-rie Bunk Fanners' & Drovers' Bank Fiunklin Bank Hoticsdale Bjnk Monongaheta Bank of B. Yoik Hank Pitlsbutg Williauisport Wiikeshario 12 Allftitowti Reading Pittsburg Due New Brighton k ' t!o Chsmhcrsburg (ii ttyshurg Monliose Erin V ay neslnKg Washington Ilonesdule 10 Brownsville York 12 12 10 :io ft a 15 10 N. V, The notes of those tanks on wliieh wc omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) art; not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wiili the exception ol those which have a letter of r.fcnnce. IHiOKE.N BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia failed do failed do failed Dyoll, prop.) faikl 'J'owanda lulled Bud lord no sale Beaver closed Harrisburg tlo-ed Washington failed Belh forita closed 4'rtlsbutg no sale Pittsburg lulled Fayette co. failed Grceticastle failed Harmony no sale Huntingdon no salo Lewistown no sale Warren tailed Dun Jail" no sale Kew Dope closed Miltfio no sale Meadillc closed Port 'uiIhxi ('.riled Carlisle tailed Moulrcue closed (JnitMitown laded (rcensburg closed Wilkisburru no sale i'hibuk'lphia Loan Co. Schtiy Ikill Sav. Ins. Manual Labor Bank (T. XV TowuikIu Bank Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bunk ol Beaver Bunk ol Swatara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bunk Fanners' & Mcch'cs' Bank Farmers' & Mcch'cs Bank Farmers'- Mcoh'cs' Bank ilarmony Instil uto Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bunk Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bunk of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. N'orlhumh VI Union Col. Bk. IS. xlli Western Bank of Pa. Oihcc of Schuylkill Bank Ph. Art. & Mautif. Bank Silver Luke Bank Union Bunk of l'ciin'a. tt,Unoieiuml Bank AVilkcsAittrre Bridge Co. (Xj' All notes purporting In he on any i'ennsyU vaiiia Batik not given in the aliove list, may he w.-t down as frauds. KLW JIHJSII'. Bank of New Brunswick Brunswick failed Belwdeie Bank Belvideio 1 BuiliiiKt'jn Co. Bunk Medt'ord par Commercial Batik Perth Amhoy 2 Cumberland Bank Bridgcton 1 Faitm i.' Bunk M mint Holly par Farmers' und Merhaniis' Bk Kahway t Farmer' and Mechanics' Bk N. .hunswiek fuilpd Fnrmera' and MerchunU' Bk Mlddletown 1'U it h lunkiiu Bank of N. J. Jersey City fuil.d failed failed failed failed failed pr fki ale Jiobuken ukg A Uiiuiug Co Hohukea Jersey City Bank Jersey City W iti an its' Bunk Manufacture rs' Bank Morris Company Bank Monmouth Bk of N.J. Mce-huiiies' Bank Wechunics' and slanuf. Bk Mortis Canal and Bkg Co Post Notes Newark Bkg A Ina Co jea Hope Del Bridge Co S. J. Manufuc. and Bkg Co Patterson Belleville .Moristown Trat'iiold Newark Trenton Jt'Kejr City Newaik 1 4rlr;l laded J.ainbeilktrillo Jlol.ukeu N J I'roti dull A luubard bk J.-rsey City (range Bank Orange PaU-rson Bank Paulson ful'.-.l I T"-' p.o Peoples' Bank dj t'linceluu Bank Frihcelon HmUsii Banking Co f-d in Mule Bank Ne.v rk fciaio Bauk LIiuIm ihtown Siare Jt auk Cuiulen Stujlo Bank of Mointi toru-iuwn Jsute Bank Tuition pal 1 failed luib. I ;i par 3 fail. J Salem and Pliilad .M-;iuf Co t.ilt in ISussex Bank .N.nl .ii 'J'leiiloii Banking Co Tici.-;..ii Union Bank lc. r Wubhuiton Buid.ii? Co. iluckeiatack Xi:i.Aarl Bk of Wilm A Brui.. aiiu V i inioton L'unk ol DebiWilit. Wiliuinj,lia liui.k .1 Sievrna u.yn.a !)o Uj.ick M.lknJ Fai in. rs' Bk uf Mute of Dvl jo.J Do blanch V iluujutou Do branch (leo et,, u Do branch Acsrsnk' Union Bunk ilinui,;! a par pi mr par par par p.r par jur fJj- I n der ft s (ij' On till tanks markej thus () there arc ti ther counterfeit or altered note of Its various de umouitUoiM, ii. ciraulatiou. ATTOIINKY AT 1,AW, SUIIBUHY, PA. Busines ullended to in the Countien of Nor (huiid erlund, 1'nioii. Lvcotning and Columbia. Itrfer to I Tmojus 11 4 ii r (Jo., I.nwf.n iV BUtHo.N. HiHT, Cl'MMISOU At HuiT, WVl0l. liKt coins, McKaiu aii & Co. DRIOAM INSPECTOR. rPT. W.U. U. KASF.. of Bush township, Norlbtinibeiland county, i fli-ra himself as a candidate for the i (lice of Bnff iclr Inspector, at (lie rrniiiing elec tion, to be held in J line m-xt. He re ect lolly .soliciis the support of his fellow ci tir. and liu-l" that his long experience in military mnltir, xvill i-nnl'le him to disc harge the duties of id ollice with rntiitf sarisfuclion to the jieople, 19ih, Itll2. M,r,l, UniCATiH JIJSPKCTOn. 'Pill: tune is rapidly iipproacbiug when the Bri- I'Mile, coinp wed of tbc counties of Northtimber I mil, Union and Coltimbii, will be called upon to elect a suitable person to till the olTicc of Brigade Inspector. COL. J. McFADDCX. of Lewi-burg, 1'nion county, oil' rs him elf as n canilklate for said olTiee. As the Colonel bus had consiilerable exfrrieuce in inilimiy ufl'ii'S, be feels persuaded that he is fully compeient to iiieharge the dut esof llieolI.ee. April 2, IS 12. BWOADE irrSPECTOIl. S on rleciion will take place in June next, for the purpose or electing a Urigmle Inspector, COL. DANIEL FDLLMEK again ntTeia bim-elf to his fellow citizeno as a can didate for that ollice, and i rusts-, as he has thus far discharged the dutiis of said office with satisfaction to the community, he may ask them for a continu ance of their favor. March 25tli, 1X42. A lYATMCAL, KIi.ll HI) v7 Suilrtl to our constitutiaiiit, ami coinjiclrvt to cure of evt ry ctirabh disrtwr, will be found in WRIGHT'S INDIAN VEGETABLE TILLS. Or the North Ami:kbcn Coi.i.ixm of Health. flHF.sK extraordinary pills are composed of I plants which grow spontaneously on our own soil and are thciefore better adapted to our cons' i tutions then medicines concocted from foreign drugs however wcil ibrv mav be compounded; and as the INDIAN VLAL'TABLE PILLS are found, d upon the piiuciple tlmt the human IhmIv is in iru'h sufytrt to lut our tliscate, vii : roirupt humors, ninl that said medicine cures Ibis disease on fatif rill principt-s tv rli tititing oik purifying the Wi ; It will l manifest tlmt if tire conslitu'ion be not entirely exhausted a 'perserv.ince in their use, accoidiiig to d.rection, is nbsolutdv certain to drive disease of every inline from the body, 'I'hr. Indian VtixrtuliL- I'iJLi will be found one of tbe best, if not the very t-e-t tm ili'inc in tlie world f r cat rjing out this grand purifying print iil, be cause they expel Irom the body nil moi'md and cor rupt humors (tiik cai sk of ihskasc) in any easy and nati iial manner ; and while they every day give tnse and jdumire, disease of every nanw is rapidly driven from the body, 'llie above named Indian Vegetable Pills have been thric years before the American poMie ; and we ran now -ay without fear of contradiction, that of all the various iiicdiiincs which have licrelob.re been popular not one has given such a jieimanent hold upon the all', clions ot the people. Not only do all who use il invariably experience relief, and nvoiuniciid it in the siroiigvsl tciuis, but it bus ellectcd some ofthe most astonishing cures ever iK'rformcd l y lllidiciiu. For sule bv 11. B. M.VSbKK Suubuty. April 2d, IS 12. JjlVaH l LIIIE ! LIIVIE ! fnllK sub-Cfibcrs nre pn-pand to fiimisti farmers . and otlM'rsw ith any quantity of Lime of a very supeiioi quality for land, or pluistrring, at the fol lowing vi ry reduced price?, iz: 8 els. per bushel for I. and Lime ; 10 rts. for the best qualily of lai tering Lime, at the kilns. In-low the borough of uu bury. They will also deliver, at any place within the bofininh 'f Sunburv. Lime for land, at 10 cents r biishi I, and LiiiK for p'ai-tering at 12 J cents per I u-lirl. The subscr l-ers h ivealwag on hand, a large qu iiiiiry of I. hue. Its qiiuliry is g.iod, and their lime-stone is not equalled by any in the nt igh boihood srAnoLT. fi heru.tressi:r. Augusta, April 2d, iZ. ItOIIKUT FiRI CR Ac S(, PAPER MANUFACTURERS, tiimibard Htwrt, HatUuhtrr. HAVE coifscnnllv for sale. Priming Paper of all izes ami qualitno. Cup Wriiinu Paper, rulnl and plain, I en r Paper, while nnd flue, ruled and plain, II ii si-j Pat er, fine and common, Envelope Paper, do. no. ui!u:m, double crown, crown and extra sized Wrapping Puerii. Colored Modioli! hi id I b'ovul l',i e s. Boniiil. Bindi rs and Sltaw Box Boards, Tissue l'iiier, and all iirbclca in iheir hue, I which thev will sell on arceiuinoduiiiig terms. Highe.-l ( rice given for old rac. 1 ROBERT CARTER A SON, March 13. 1842. Elkton. M.I. EOLTON & CO. (; ii i ;il C oiiutiisioii -llci f liaiilx, Fur the Salt of Fluur, t'raiu, Heed, ic, Vc EEPECTFCLLY inform their friend and ihe Merchants generally, that they ttave la ke) rtiose l.o:e hikI .-oinmodious harvts, wiih two lbuks, noith of Cliesnut street, on the D. law ire, together with the st .ie No. 19 Kiulli Wharves, wbe e tin v would b-i plea-ed to receive consign minis . f (ira.n. Flour, Se. d. Whiskey, Jr..n, Ac. Ac. IS.ii y a!.-o well prep ired to forward ull kinds ol M ifhatidi'-f by tbe Schuylkill ami 1'nion, or by the ( 'be.-a pi like und Tble Water Canals, as low be i'i ,irc kepi ixpii-ksly loi tlrt. purpose of lowing b..,. I- be el I er route. M. i. I. .nt i w il p!e be particular if send tlieir Z '.sis ''a s-nic! ly i-iiher t'stnal-, I. No. I'JSoulli V. i..-, lulu. n it ok. I uu.l I 'In snot lr. '. on Ibe D.l.uare. w lib tint clious accomp Hiving luuiii wbi.li it,-' ibev wish I to-jo to be shipped. j I !js!ir an.) Suit for sale, at tin- lowest mar- !.. BOLTON A C . .. cii I , Iil2. No. lySouili Whurves. u i :AVj:irs iiotkl, S.-nUmy, Xoi tl.otitlH i Until County, l't-iuis) It aiitiu. Iri'lir .'id. vr. hi r, r.fptelfully infoims the public E t'.i I iic hu.-. r. moved to Ihul lure Mid cuuimo. ilni. I .,v in Siand, at rlie coruM of Market and ! aa ii !.-. . Is, r i,i of die Bock ) foiuieily otcu pud ! J u.a. W.aver, a:id lately by Dji.dI (iib s hi, wh ic he l now prepared to accommodate all wii may luiar l.liu with a cull. By slik'l tflleu tioii to i J.'iir.i, ali i hu uUnot endeavor to render sail In I loll 1 1 ull, he hopes to receive a hlerul share ol public pjjioitage. CHAKLE& WEAVER, con! urv, MoJ.h lCth, 1I5. ) .1 WHARTON'S HOTEL, Sunbiiry, IVnrtlmmbciiantl County, rENJNTSVTaVANIA. riHE subscriber respectfully informs the public. .1. that he has removed to I but large and commo dious Brick House, on Market trpiare, opposite tbe Court llim--e, (formerly kepi bv I liritm Piice.) where he is now prepared to accommodate all w ho may fuvc-r him wirli a call. Being thankful for past favor, be bo pes by strict attention to business, to receive a liberal sbare of public patronage, Ac. CH A lit. KM D. WH A UPON. Sunbury, March ftlh. 1842. IVIiolrsult' linaiiisls, IIAVHE-DE-GIIACE, Kin. AVK constantly on hand a general assort ment of ijkra.s, MEDicisr.s;. paists, oils. VAKSISIIES, BVAVXJU O LASfS, dm: stuffs, ,c, cVr., which they olli r for sale on the most liberal terms, and at prices as low as Ihese of Phi'adclpliia and Baltimore. Paiticulur attention will be given to the quali ties of such aiticbs as aie sclcitid or Manufactured for sale, as also to parking flu in for lnnspoit lion. llavreji'-(irse, March full, I Mil. :tin. Oiiiilii i s' Doatli Itl( . rlyUe pil! lie ill please observe that no Braudreth I'itls are genuine, unless the box has three la bel upon it, (the top, the side and the bottom) e .ih coiiluiuiiig a do simile signature of my. hand writing, thus 1). Bhaniiiiki H, M. 1). 'I hese la. belsaie engraved on steel, beautifully designed, and done at an ejpense of over f 2,000. -Tin refore it will be seen that the only thing nrce-sary to pro cure i be medicine in its purity, is to observe these labels. Remember the iny, the side, arid the bottom. The following respectivo persons are duly auhori r.ed, and hold CERTICATES OF AGENCY, For tire sale of Jlrundrftk,s Yegttatdr I'nitvrsul Pith. " Northumbeilaiiil eountv : Milton Maekey A Chambeilin. Sunburv H. B. Masser. M'Bwens ville Ireland iV. Meixcll. Nortliumlsriland Win. Forsyth. Georgetown F. Midbnger &. Co. Cnion C iuiity: New Berlin J. lin llollman. Sflmscrnvc Lver and Schnure. Midiileburg Isaac Smith. Beaverlawn J. cV F. liinaan.un. Adamsbure H. A. A. Smith. Mitfirtisburg Swope ct Laird Hartletoii D inicl Long. Free burg (i. ct F. C, Mover. Centrevibe Stailey it Lenbart. Ix-wi-luirc Walls A (Jreen. Columbia rouniy : Danville I". B. Reynolds Ac Co. Berwick Sbum.in A Itittenhouse. (,'at lawissa C. A. & C. (. Drolta. Bloomsburt; John K. Mover. Jeisi yTown Levi Bisel. Wa sliinulon Uobt. MiCaV. Limestone - D. L. !'hmeck. Obseive ihat each A sent has an F.ngrav.d Cer tificate of Aeenev, containing a lepres.-nlaiion i f Dr BliANDKI'.f ll'S MamiHctory at Sing Ming, and upon which vt ill a'so be seen exact rofiiea ol the title liJirLi tit.w ustd upon the lirnndrtti I'ill llturijt. I'hlltdelphia, office No. , Noclh Klhstrpot. U. BKANDKETH.M. D. Junuiry 1st, 1SI2. TIIK AMERICAN MEDICAL I.IEIIAHY a n ivnxi,Ha:( i:it. A CONCENTRATED R.cord of Medical Sci ence and Liferaiure, by Bolder Dunglison, M. D.. Professor of llie Institutes ol Medicine, etc., in it D'eis.m Medical College of Philadelphia, pu! lished monthly by Adm Waldic, No. 4ti Carpeii Ii r street, Pbilavlerihia. ISub-rripiion price, 5 a T'sr. SubscriplUms for the above work received by ihe suhscriU-r. II. B. MASS KB, ' I ee. 1 1th. I Si 1 1 . Aanit. cTBA. FOR sale a small Faun, cont iining about ene hundred and ten ueies, more or le s, situate in Point township, Norrhoml i rlund count., ubout two nub s hImivh Nortlrutnlu il Hid, on the main road hading from that place to Danville, adjoining land-, of John I.oljIiou, Jesse t'. llniiiai and others, no.v in the occupancy of Suinui I Payne. About lorly acres of said trai l are t Iran d, and ill pood state of cultivation, on w Iik-Ii rlieie is a mhuII barn erectid. The ptoperty wili be sold on reasonable teiin-i. F.ir further paiticulars, prisons are rs'qucs' ed lo apply lo the sulserib. r. il. B. M ASM Eli, Asent, Nov. 27th, lNll.tf Sunbuiv, Pa. C:-:7SCLITE PCLir.H. A N article unequalled lor cleaning and g-ving a t highly durable and most brilliant P"h.-h to sil ver, (it riiian Sitwr, Bras-, Copper, Brilt.uia wale, Tin, Sl.id, ('iilh-ry, nnd for restoring the lustre on varnished carriages, Ac. TRV II'. Prenaic.l ami sold al wholesale and retail, by the Susquehanna Chrysolite Polish Cuuipany, Owtgo, Tioga county. N. V. V. Ml FORSYTH, Agent for Nortbuui'd, II. B. MASTER, Ab.iiI lor Suubuty, November SiOth, IX II. rni.orjLi's"(:uLi. Manufaoluver and Importer of .Sad cllery, Hani-ware, i:c. So. 5 Stiulh Third street, four duiirH beiutc Miirhet J'hiludepiia, KEEP cons'uiilly on h ind a large nnd gencrul assortment Couch Lamps, Carriage Bands, Axle Arms, Eliplic Springs, Pulent Letither. Ac. Country Merchants and saddlers w ill be supplied at all times on the most lea.-onnl.le Iiiiiik. '1 bey will nd it lo their advantage to cull and examine his astortmeril before purcbasiim elsewhere. Philadelphia, November 13, Kvll. ly. H EYXOLRS Mcl PvI.AM) vV r ) Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Hriti.-Ji and American Dry Hoods. Sn. 105 Mai lift ttrett. Philadelphia. CI) ENTRY Merchants, and others cun be sup plied at ull foes with an extensive assort ment of the tfsi and most fashionable l.oojs upon tbe most reasonable leims. Phil t.lclphia, November 1 3. 1 S4 1. I y. LOWKlv vV J.AKUOX, Importers ami 1 tellers in Foreign and Domestic Ilaidware, No. 174 Nouth Tunti. Si mi i r, I'lm iiivLrm a. w f lint I', their friends ai4 t ustomers will alwavs find a lurue and freneral a-sorimenl of Fo't igu and Domestic lluidw ate, w hu h they will sell al tlie lowest prices, Philedelphia, November 13, If It. ly. isni:iucK, iiAiNsi'i.i, a. ( os. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. Mo. KUi l-'J Market Street, Pliila. ( ycod" F.J'th South te'.f ) A LWAVa kc. pon huiid a full and general as n inneiitof llo-iery, Luce, and Fancy (ioods, Country Merehaula are t-.H.-clfully reqoestid to give them a call srnl examine for themselves. i'iliJadeli hia, November 13, 1S4L ly. KAT & 1EP.OTHE?., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKEL LEHS AND STATION Ell-", No. Cliesnut tStrcol, below -itli, riiiladclphia. KEEP constantly on hand a general assoit ment of Books and Stationary ; comprising 'J heological, Law, Medical, Classical, Miscellarie ous and School Books, Day Books, all sizes. Led gers, do., Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Writint Papers, Wrapping Papers, Ac. Ac, which they ol fer at the lowest piices to Country Men hunt's Pro fessional GYntlcrnen, Teachers, and all others that may favor them with their custom. Hiiladelphia, Nuxcmber 13, 1811. ly. r FETEPTCOIT OVEP., Wholesale and Retail Shoe, Bonnet, and Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. A'o. 60 Korth 2d ntrttt, a few doors above .Irch, l'liihdil'pliiit. A LSO Trunks, Carpet Bugs and Valiees, of ev JA. rty desciiption, all of which he cfleis for sale on the most reniunable Icrms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1841. ly. J . W. N W A 1 N , Umbrella and Parasol 3ainifacluver. ,V. 37 fst.nlh 'I'lihil flrrrt, tiro dnirs Itelvw the Citv ll'iltl. Phihdilpfiiu. COL'NTRN Merchanta and others are solicited to examine his assmtucnt In fore purchasing elsewhere Philadelphia, November 11. 1841. ly. i . jc a . it o v o r i) t s " China, ( UlSS and I.ivcriwxil Warehouse, i ........ .. ... So 104 tVorth Third tlrrrt, third diur Li lult: tint utrrtt, PhilmU Iphiil. " THERE they constantly keep on hand a large HRsoilmeiil of (Miins. Cilita nnit I .ii-enuiol Ware, which they will dispose of on the most iei sonalile terms. I'hiladelpbia, N'ovender 13, 1S4I. Ir. .ilicli.'icl W tincr V Son, ROrE MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. An. 13 AW A W'uttr Siv:t. Philadelphia. A r. coiisiantly on iiar.d. a general assort ment of Cordage, Seine Tw ines. Ac, vi. : I hi d Hopes, Fishing Ropes, White lloic8, Manil la Ropes, Tow Liui sfor C inul Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Siinc Twines, Ac. such os Hemp Shad and Herring Tw iue, Best Patent Cill Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twii e. Shoe Threads, Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cords, Plough Lines, Halters, Truces, Cotton and Linen Curpel ('bains, Ac. ail of which they will dispose of on K ssoiiuble lei ms. Philadelphia, November 13,1X11. ly. TO COUNTilY MERCHANTS.""""' rpilE Subscriber, Agent ol I. yon A Harris, Hut -- Manufacturers, lor Ni w York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and other large titles, w! iw Hutu are highly commended lor itmd tul-it mid diinil,UHy, has oi Land a lir-l rale assoitrivnt ol 1IA 'S and t'AI'A, suitable fr Sprinp s lies, wh ch w ill e (old veiy low, foi cast or appi ived cted.t, a; ibt tulid ihtiii iturr. No. 40, Noitn Curd sircrt, o p jsre the City Hotel, 1'lnU lelplnn. (H.lVE'i N. THACHF.R, Ayrnt. N. B. Orders lot Hals i I ihe Hini; V noioioth attended to. Tbe highest is'.e m wtJt or tra !e given fir I'nr shin a. Philadelphia, November 13, 1(511 --ly ! JiKoll I'llMlllllll Av Soil- ! 1) EKPECTFFLLV infoims their liieiids and acuiiaiiitnnces ge.ierullv th-t tbey t4iil con- linue lo keep al the old Hand, No, Ill. Aorth 3d street, Philadelphia, all Voids ot TUHAVCit NM .''' AM' S Ft; A PS. Which they will s.-ll n the in . . aicouimodalinfc ami reason it ie terms. N. B. All itoihIs U w',11 lie guai xntecj and ull orders promptly sin rule .1 to. Plidud.lphia, .Ncvember 13, 1-11 -1v. j'jrn iri)iaWi:rr, LAST MAKER, Mo. ? 1 Callow hiM Street, Philadelphia ("Three doors above Second. ) SHOE Findings always kept on hand, w hich he oilers for sale on the lose.-t terms. Country .Meich.tiils arc purlieu) uty lo till and judge foi themselves. Pliiluikdi'liia. Novem H-r 13, 1841. ly. OF EVERV HKsi KII'I'ION. MT.W MMlhAM) OH, COMPANY. Mo. '2U Morlit Wnler Slreet, Phil.i. m "AM'FACTI'RERS and dealers in Oils of I V H emru , 1.. j,. r i .1 i ji li,vl, tT. .r tvir,ts atti.l i ..aiiulac-nirilig puris-s, which will I sold much lower tl.su Ihey cun be procured e'sewhere, and uuirauted in tuulily toe.pial any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving us icprest nled, may be relumed w ithout any expense, to the pur chiwr, and the ii.eney will le rtfuii.led. Their stock now in store consists of llie following oils, viz : 30,000 gullons Winter Bkaclicd Spctnft Od, 6000 do do do do do do do Colorless (HI, c 15,0110 10.000 so.titio 0000 Fail and JSprttij Spenn Oil, inter Sea El baut, do Pre. d Whale Oil, Summer do do do Common Wha!e ( til. 15,000 00 B.ineUiiptloi b'iraita Oil, 300 tki Cod Bank Oil, 0 do Neais Fool O.l, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's ( Ids. (Uj This Coiiipanv tias a number of Ycssels en gaged in (he Cod Fishery, and Tuuuers may rely upon getling at all times Oil as pure as imported, Philadelphia, Nov. 13, I Si 1 . ly. VA & L." TAYLC?J. d KFFER FOR SALE, ul the South East Cor- P ner of FiJ'Ui und Murhet Streets, Philadd- phut Menii' Calf-skin Boots, nitrite, 1 warranted. do J do pfL-J.ivl do Jj do do water proof, double soles ano double ups r. do Call-skill do do and Upers. do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do -do Neats tlo do. do High quarter Shoes, Cull-skin, do do do Crocs, rs do do nailed do do tlo do do do Fine Monroes warranted Kip do Cdf do Coarse do do Sum s I'ino do do d, lo do s!j do do Kip tlo do I'ulf and freal t-kin Puinn;. do List Socks with and wuh.Kil soles, do Curju'l tlo tlo do do Pitieiit V.'anunteJ Watt r-proof Moccasins. Linlii's do do do do Lathis' tanned India Rubber shots. licritUinciis t!o l iver shoes. AVidi every other dcsc. iptiou t) boots and sLcies. Fur Ca t-f evt ry description. Traveli ng Trunk's of ev.ry dtscriplioji. Yeneiiuii Travelling Bags. Put. nt Cum Elastic Shoe Blacking. Bonnets of .,11 kinds. Palm Lest Hats. PhilsJclphu, Sjm-iuU-i 13, 1 -1 1 . ly. AN unpBrelloled remedy for common Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Influenza, V hooping Cough, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Breast end Lungs, leading lo consumption; composed of the concen trated virtues of Hon hound, Bonsel, Blond Root, Liverwort und several other vegetable substances. Prepared wily by J. M. Winslow, Rochester, New Yoik. The innocence and universally admitted pectoral viitues of the Heibs from whkh the liultxim of llnretioiiiiil is made, are too generally known to re quire recommendation ; h is therefore only nrcrsKa ry lo observe that this Medicine contains the whole of their Medicinal properties, highly concentrated, and so happily combined with scveial other vege table pulistances, as to render il ihe most speedy, mild and cerium remedy, now in lue, f. r the com plaints above mentioned. The Balsam removes all imflammation and sore ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, en abling the patient to expectorate wl'h ease and free dom, assuages cuugh, relieves nllimntie 2nd diffi cult respiruiion, heals the injured parts, opens 'lie pores, nnd composes the disturlied nerves, and gives slitnclh I'1 the lender lungs, and thus produces a sj crdy and lusting cure, iMiltATITCIlE 1ST UK H AS UST V tl I M E I MaN. We are not among that class of Editors who for a few dollars will, (nt llie expense of truth and -nesiy) "ciack up" on article and bring it into rapid sale ; neitln-r aie we w ilhng to lemuiu silent, after having tested the utility of an mr; rovemi nt el dis covcry in science or art. Our readers will recollect I J . . we told them we were unwi II wi'h a sore throat and I violent cold some lew weeks ago. U ell, we pur chased two bottles of WIN'Sl.OW'S BALSAM ; OF HOIiEIK'I'ND, and so sudden was the cure, j that we forgo' we ever had a cold. Those who 1 are nfllicled, may t ' y il upon our recommendation. lAaiflu" Trlcgrvjih. For sale by HENRY V ON T tl E I M E R, Suutiury, i J ACOB B RIC HT, Sorth utnlnrluuii. Also, by Druggists generally throuuhout the country. (rjr Price, 50 cents per hot tie. i August Utti, lbll. ly. SPiTvlNt:, COUD vS: CO. No. 1.JS Market Street, Pliilatlelphia. 1 NVITE tbe attention f Country Mercbanis to their extensive a-sor;ment ol Brilith French and Amcricnu Diy (loods, w hich they ulli r lor sale on the most reasonable terms. Philadelphia. November 13, 1841. ly. McCALLA & HERSE, Ao ."l, Joi Hi oiKl slm l, (coaNt.H oreoovn's ji.i.i.t.) Where they constantly keep on tian.l s general assortment of CLOTKS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, ' Ami tl gmU varolii ij iirlichs ij n nijitrmr quality, which tliey oiler to dispose of upon the most ieuouable ti rms. COFN TRY MERCHANTS and others will find it lo thill advantage lo cull and examine tin ir slock liefore purchasing elsew here. Philadelphia. Nov. fi, IH1I. ly I EPEC'I Fl.'LLY inform the citizens of i - bu ry i mry and vicinity, lhat thev have tukui llie Shop lat.ly occupied by Win. Durst, where they w ill carry on the TAILOIIING Bl'SIKSS, in all its vsimnis Itr.niches. By siiicl art) mion nnd reasonaiile eh.nges, they expect lo mi nt a share of public uitroiiBge. i Sunbury. -Sept. -4th, If 11. LIST OF BOOKS, roa silk ax VNTHON"S Cluesicul Dictionary; Lenqwier's do.; Ainsworth's do; Cobb's-flo I'ncbsli anil ; Ocrman do.; Ambon's (Vsar; Antlion's Oranmrer; Anthen s Cicero; Mail sl.uiin Readei; Ogilly sdo.; : Andiew's Latin Lessons; Doiincgun's Lexicon; j Fisk's (treik 1'Kercises: I)avie's T.eendei: (irneen Majora; Adaiitos K'.wnnn Anticpiities; lVtitl.vk's lioidsmith's England; do. C recce; Lvell's Elements; ol Ceologv; Mts. Lincoln's Bolanv; Elements ol B.anv: Itride'a Al,.. l,ra- IN.rier. i:l,.to,,rsl I tiers; l.mirsous Ceiraptiy and History; Oh.ey s do.; Parliy'sdo.; Smith's Crammer: Kirkhum's do.; Ksv's Readers; (olts do ; Colib's Aritlmx'iu k; ' ,V,,k, r;' b's Spelling Hooks; I ?"- ;" i ame ijooks; i.vangeucui i a- mily Library; C.utuge Bible; Family do ; Collater al tvo Small Bibles and Testaments; Parkei's Ex-eici-s's isi ( himpositioii; Fruit of llie Spirit; Baxter's S.,iots Resi; American Revolution; Marivatt's No vt Is; Mrs. Phelps mi Chemistry; Iliad; (Catechism of American Laws; Letters on Natural Magic; Che mistry for Beginners; English Exercise adaiHcsJ to Murray's (trammer; Sequel to Comley 'a JSpelling Book; American Class Book; Daboll's S-choohnas-lei's Assistant; A great variety of Blank Books, Ac Augu.l '.'8, 1H 1 1. ATTENTION j . s 1 1. i; l jom:s, 1y EQl ESTS the attention of his country fiimds V who a iv in waul, U his vs-rv l uge stork i f ("arpetingn, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings Stair Rods, Ac, Ac, that he has just cciicd, at his warehouses, No. IS North 2d street, and No. 3 Church Alley, next tloor lo Christ Church, Phila delphia. Julv 31, 1811. ly. jCHinfa cviciciiiGs. "WHOIsESArCB fHOE, BONNET, Cap win' Putin Leaf Jlut !lore. No. 10 South 4ih Sthht. PHILADELPHIA. J A 1 'HERE an eitoiisive aiaortmeui of ilia above t articles aie conatuntly kept on hand, for sale at lite most Ts-asonalJe tetuu. May CO, IM I. ly. SPANISH KiBEST TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. D. K 1 I! K P A T H I C K .V S O M, So. SI, Surth Third ttrert, (utlWltS MAHRET AMI I IIISSl T SI Ktl.TS,) PHILADELPHIA. I I AYE for sale a huge and excellent assortment i a- of Syxid'ii Jl.Ji.t, J'atna Kips, Tuimrrt' Oil, e at the lowest niaiket prices, tuliK for canh, in i iebange for Icalhcr, or upon crctht. Corisigiimciils of Leather irceived for sde, or purchased ul the highest inaikel pi ice v. fl j- Leather stoied lite of tliaijj-e. April 17. 1841. ly. Si:i .F-AD.I FS'l'J N(Y I .( Kl ltKAC'l: FOR SAW-MILLS. IW BkNJAMIM N. Cl.HWA. rPIIE SubcrilMrs having purchased llie right for vrnding and using the above valuable inven tion, for Northuinht'iluiid County, oiler to dispose of thesauie lo p rsons who may desire lo pu. hase. The above iiiv. mion is now in operation at llie saw mill of Mr. M'Caily, near Sunbury, win re il can t inspected by owntr, of saw mills and all others iritefived. E. (iORLM, March 27. ti. SAMUEL COBIN. Asfoittnlilnff racist. DR. HA REICH'S PILLS are rapidly super seding the Use of all other medicines of the kind adverli7.ed in tbe public prints. The wonder ful cures ihey are daily performing in this vicinity, have created such a sensation as to confound the.r enemies, and elicit from the whole community en thusiastic commendations. No wonder who docs not rejoice lo behold the afflicted regaining their health, as if by tnugic 1 What hnait but feels glad that death is cheated of his prey at least for a time, until old age shall smooth the dying pillow. Thou sands and lens of thousands hies .ic day dial they became acquainted with ihe healing growers of Dr. Harlich's Compound .Strengthening Tonic and Oerman Apeiieut Pills. Anhtubuht ktntittd. Ohio, Mni 9. . x. Principal nlTire nf the t'nited Plates, is at No. 10 Norlh Eighth street, Philadelphia. Western Depot, No. 41 St. Clair at., Pittsburg, Pamphlets giving a full description of disease generally, the manner of treating them, Ac , mat be obtained free of churue, by applying t the offi ces of agents. HENRY YO.VTHEIMER, May Mih, 1812. Agent. C'cltl SrtlU'tl on llie I.iiiin, IS a very common comidamt, and can immedi ately be rcm.vedby Dr. Duncan's Expectorant Kerncdy. This disease produces much sUlcring und distress, and finully Incomes alarming on ac count of its threatening severity. Physicians are sent for, and medic. ne prescribed, but lo no effect, when they nt once pronounce the lungs lo be en tirely gone, and the case hopeless ; that the patient mu-t die of CONsI.'M I'TION". In this lingering situation hundreds are left under the-mistaken idea of their disease ('to be Consumption,' ) when it is . .1 . . ..f o .....l.l nn ik 1..... n nothing more than a "Cold settled on the lungs, when the pntient is thus i.egiecled until the lungs do actually become dise .sed. Why is it that so munv (pronounced) hopeless cases have been re stored to crbct heubh ! The reason is very plain and obvious. They commenced using Dr. Dun can's Expectorant Remedy, and when the lungs were not eniinly gone, they finally recovered. A farr trial of this Medicine will convince all of this fact. For sale at No. 10 North Eighth Street, Thila delph a. Priccl -bottle. A Iresh supply of ibis valuable Medicine has just ln-eu leecivco. Mid can alwa' s be obtain) d. at the store of J 1 1: N RY OX.TH El ME It, May 7th. is 12. 41 Acent. Itidirs ol IlialliK rilHOsE who enjoy health, must certainly feci A hb ssed when they compare Ibeuiselves to thos! sullirers dial have been sllbc:ed for years with Va rious diseases which the human family are all sub jiM t to U- trout led with. Diseases present them selves in various fisrius and from various circum stances, which in 'he commencement mny all ho chi eked bv Dr. O. P. H uhch's Comiiound Strength- eliiug and Herman Aperient Pills, such as ilys- p. pais, livrr eoriiplaint. pain in the side. rheuma tism, gen.r d debility. Female diseases, and nil dis eases to which human no iire is affected. Direc tions for UMiig thesu Medicines ul a ay accompany thim. Tlne M.dieines crrn In- takeu widi petleet safety bv the most delicate female, as they are mild in iheir'op.-ralion, and pleasant in their c ll". cis. Principal Cilice for the United States, .No. 19 North Eighth slreet, Phitad. t(.tiia. Also for sale al the siore of HENRY YO.YT11EIMER, April 30ih, IS12. Agent. Ir. IlitiM an's l!M'ciurant lie l nr tly. ('onmimj'tion ran be Cured! Rs. MARY BOWERS, wile of Henry Bowers, va- tor a lei gth of time afflicted wuli a 'Puliiioiiarii ( omplnfit, which defied the iin t.d skill of several eminent physicians. She hearing of tbe "Ex pi ctorant Remedy," wa induced to give it a trial. Her synipt. ms w.re those of I'httii-ics Puhiionalis, or Pulmonary Consumption, vi: a dry hacking cough, pain in the breast and side, imired appettie and great thirst, hectic fever nnd night sweuts, with much debility and weak ness. .She is huppv in saving that after using three tHiiiles of llie F.xpectoraul Remedy, slia be gan lo have hopes of a speedy recovery ; her strengih gradually increu.ed until she had iucJ three bottles nioie, when she felt entiiely restored. H now being eight uiontlis since, and uo symptoms ofthe complaint appearing. Phdad. Iphu Ollice No. 19 North Eighth street, where thv idi.rv meih.iuec.il always le obtained. Price f I twr bottle. A'so at ihe store of HENRY VOXTHE1MER. April 23d, 18IS. .-l"-i. 13 'lia. AA 7 1" have fre.uently witnessed tlie ravages of ' this disea-ne, and have laard and read of ma ny remedies, but far oltener saw them fail than re sult in success. The w riter, however, of the letter o the agent of Dr. Harlich's Compound Strength ening and (ici man Aperient Pills, bus long been known to us, and tr in an invalid, as he is delinea ted, we now know aisJ uieel him daily a a hale hearty man. Though no advocate of nostrums of any kind, we C'liuot withhold a notice of what we coiisth-i ihetflicacicjjand virtues ol Harlich's Com pound Strengths ing and O.finan A per Mil I Pills, the case before us is a l.ving monument to both. Sjiint ofthe Times. For ourselves we cannot withhold a notice re si rctiiig the viitues ! Dr. Harlich's cclelHrated me dicines; We believe ill. in lo belong lo a very Ue. ikir class. They are said lo I a very safe and cf. fc dual rem. dy, for uiauy of ihe distressing diseases of it present day. A fair trial will convince the sceptical of their viitue. Sal. Vhwn. For tale ul the siore of HENRY YO.YTHEIMER, April 16th 1612. A:;int. Colfls ous lis, and oiumiIIoh. T 1HESE ntarsa! complaints wo find in almost every laiinly, at'eiitte.t Willi more ik- acss sese- niy, at the sauio time regjrded by some with very little attention, until ihey U-gin lo assume a serious character. Why arc patienls so neglectful of them stives, wlsen they know lhat tU'ir lisalth is all in all 1 Are they n t aware lhat it reuiicc a much long, r time lo arrest a th.-?asa when suflere.l to knit its threads tip.ji the vit U ! Will tliose who desire htubh lake go.sl ulk-f, and always he provided with a few tollies of "Dr. Duncan's Fxpiclorunt Feianly," whcieby they Can immediately arrest ilia fatal progress of Coiisunip ion, and not he compel, led to spend years in misery and pain, besides ma. king an "Apothecary Shop" of their fctomachs t '11ns Medicine is certain in its t llitls, if used in duo season, and always prinliices lelief in ihe most he less rases, by its soothing and palliative elTccls. This is a ronsolaiion which many appreciate. Ollice and Wholesale Depot, No. I'J NoitU Eighth st tet, I'h.U.U-ljJ ia. Price ' 1 irr botlle. For sale si the siore of HENRY YO.VTHEIMER, April Bth, I84S. Agent. th mi wf. , rp e via l. Dr. Harlich's medicines are daily increasing in public favor, and want from any but fair trial lo est j Wish ibeir won h. W have communication in our columns lo-tlsy from a person long afflicted, wnich l. but one of many vouchers for tins medi line. Spirit of the Times,