ICAJVJt soti; LIST. im.wsii.vaxii. The following Khows lite cum lit value of nil Vtiiisy knnia 13 .ink Notce. The most i ni I i c- t ic i nice may he placed iiuii it, as it i-rrrry wrilt -.ircfully compared with aid corrected Itoui Pick .ii'll's Kcpnrtrr. HanliM J 11 l'Jilladt Iphhi. NaMK. 1..I Disc. ii 1'UILAII. par . par par par par . par par . par par NOTES AT Dank of North America P A K Punk ufllie Noilhern -Littcrties Commercial Dank of Pctin'a. . Fanners' and Mechanics' Dank Kensington Dauk . . I'liihiileliliia Dank . ischuylkill Dank Suuthwark Hank . . Western Dunk . . Country ItankM. Hank ft l .hest.r ( utility IS .iik of Delaware County' Hank of (ii'riii.iiitovvn It - iik ol Monluoinrry ','.' Dnvlcstown Hank Eus-on Di.uk Fanners' ISi.nk of Dnrks-po (li'ii-c ol Dank ol Pcnn'a. Mice do do I Hiiro da il.i Oll'ice do (In Westchester tar par par par par par par Thec ollirri. Chester (crmautowri Nii'rislown Do) h'ritoWU Kns'on Dri-in! Jtarril-ui,; Lancaster sler I R ' J " lieudii do nut sue n. N O T K s A T DlsOOtJN Dank of the I 'tiiirtl States Philadelphia f.-iaTC fit) Dank of lVnn Township Crnrd Dunk . . M 11 iilactiircrs' A Mechanics' Dank Mechanics' Dank Movftincncing 11 ink 20 :io 10 Ml 10 10 5 to Miners' Dank of Potlsvillu Hank of Lewistown Hank of Middlctown It ink of Northumberland . .In in I i.. II ink 1 Diidgc co. Carlisle Dank Exchange Dank Do do branch of Farmers' D.nik of I. am itsioi Lancaster County It ink 1 'ur.-iii is''.";.'iik oriicading Harii.-hoig Dank 1, mcasier D.mk Lebanon Dank Merchants' A Mannf. Dank Dank of J'illshurg West Hiar.ch D.,nk Wyoming Dank Nuitliampton Malik links County Dunk Oliice of Dank of U. S. Do ilo ilo Todsvrllo Lewistown Middletown N'orthiHuhf iland ( 'nlimiliia 'srlisle Pittsburg llnlhdayshurg I, .nit' istci 1, nir,i!i r J'i adkis I) 6aS f a M 0 H u lf f. 10 lii.rii.,lmrg I.ani'astcr J.clianuii I'itlslillrg J I tslwit k Villiiiir.:poit 'VVrlkPhliunc Alli'iilimn i!i adini; IMlshuri l.rie Nt'kV l!li;;l.till do .do Clisini.irsiuig .'. tty.-f mi; Mniitio.se 1'iiu W'liynrsliurg 'iislii:yloii HoiiPMlalo Drottnsvillc Voik r.n Do do 1 i i-.i ml ol i Sav. Ins. A 1'riiil Towi.dtip Sav. Ins. Dank of Chauibctshurg ll.u.k ol (Jetlysburg I'.ink of Siimjui lianna Co. Erie Dai.k Fanners t!k Drovers' Dank Ftnnkliii Dank Mmi.-sdale IJjiik Moniiiig'ilicla H.ilik of D. Voik Dunk N. D. 'J'ho notes of those hanks on which wo omit 'juoliitiniiB, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purclia-cd liy llic Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those width huve u letter ol ' it ten ucc. D li OKHN DANK s. riiil.iili lpliia iSav. Ins. I'liiladclpliii Loan Co. K liuvlkill suv. Ina. Dank of lYniisvlvaiih Manual 'I.aln.r Daim (T. W 'J'nwaiida Dank A llt'j-liaiiy Ha.ik of Pa. D.u.k ol Dt-aM!r Dank ol vvutara Dank ol Wuhingtoa (YiiUe Dank i'-ity DMik 1'anuf ra MethV' Dank Funners' iV Mffli'ts' Dank I'm liters' V Mech't's' Dank Jljiiiiiiny IiiMiiliilo llunlnimlcii. Dunk Juniuta Dank Luinliermi'ii'b iljnk N.trlluTit Dank of New llopo Di l. Driiljie Co. Noitlituntt'd I'nioti Col. lik. N.iilh Wtst. rn Da'.k o i Jll.ce ot S. liulkill l'unk 1'a. Ar. &. M mill. Dank KlKei Lake Dank I in. in Dank of 1'i iin'j. estnioii lui.d Dank l'hiUI. I; Ida tK. do failed Idled faded tailed failed tailed no nale cloM'd lloM-d laded i!o,td lio hale failed failed failed no hale Dyoll, prop.) 'J'owantla Dedfohl II.Mirt JIaiiUllirfr Wa-liiiitan Dell, tunic I'ltl.-ilHliS l'm.-1'iirn I'ayetle eo. (ireenea-tlo llaiior.iiy lluntinilnii no fulo Leni.ioMii lion.de Wurieii failed Unndiiir no tale New Ifupe tl.it.ed Milton no a!o Mia.ivilio ro.-id I'oit Cuiliou lail.d Carlle fall,. I MiHiliohP chimed t niolitoWH faded (inei.blnirx cloJ lVlll.ehli.ini' tuxele W ilkfhl.airo Dridv Co. fXj' All notes puipoilinR to .e on any iVniihyl vama Dank not yivcn in the ahoe lirt, may lie Vet down m fraud.-!. ji:itsi:v. lljiikol'N'ew Diuuswick Drunsw iul; Delvidero Midlord l'irili Ainhov ll-.iilpeimi Xaili d 1 par 1 Dclvidoie Dattk Dm Imgl, 111 Co. Dai.k ('omii.t-rciul Dank Cumberland Haul. Fsmn rs' Dank Tamil i' and MiH'hauics' Dk J'aMi.t rs' and M.i lianiis' lik J 'aimers' mid M1r1lij.il.' Dk PiaukUn Jiui.k of N.J. Mount Holly 1 pai liahway I N. Diuiisk tn laded Mid.lietonii Pt. U JciM-y City faded 44oitokeii Hkn A Grazing Co lluhokeii tilled lulled laded laihtl faded par par tKi kale Jersey City Haidi Jcim v t.'iiy Meehunitk' D.uik Paiuisim' k'anulailur, r' Hank Jt.ll. villn Morris Cin. an P.ai.k Moiristuwii Moliuiouth DkofN.J. Freehold Mechanics' Dank Newark Mecliui.ics' and .Mui.ul'. Dk 'J'reiilon Moms Canal iind Dkg Co Jcibty -City Put Notes Newark Dru A. Ins Cu N.w Hope Del Diidue Co -. J. Manul iC. ai.d Dk;; Co N J Piuleeliim A l.utiihaid I k Orange Dank I u. r.,i Dai k l'...ple Dank I'iiiklUiii Hai.k alini Uaukiug Co r-tate Djitk htale Dank Mate Dunk Male Dai.k of Morris Mate Dauk halem and Philad M.mul'Co Suhbet Dank 'J ieiilun Dai king Co t'l.luii Dank Wa.-hiiigtoir Hanking i'o. Newaik 1 Lamfieilaville II ul.ol.cn faded Jersey Cily lulled I t trance 2 I Pali I boll failed ' do 1 ! 1 i.uccloii par j Nalcm i-ar New ink 1 j F.h.alit ihlowu 1 j Cain.U 11 par Mitriistown 1 Trillion failed Ratlin 1j,J New ton a Trei,l..ii par Dour : Jltkeiiatk faild jun.iv iiti:. l:k nf Willi) A Didi.ilv Wliii 1 noii(;t,iii Dauk ol lMnuau' ilinu,gl..n Dalik ol Mi.yriu iiiyina Do 1 1 audi Millmd Famicr.' Dk of .Matt of Del Don r Ilo luaiich t ihnilietoil l)o IraiicU ieort;i l.mn Do luauch Newca-tle t'i.. 11 Dank W dm iigton I' no. to ti j' On u!l hai ks morked thus () theie are t t iLti tooMeili tt,i id.utj Lutes u( il;e Vdil idSiic iitiiiiiialioi.ii, in ci.iuLUou, CITV AUCTION AND COMXVIISSION STOKC. Sumfor W Xnl.'i Tuul Stretl, I'liilmlelpltin DI.IC SALDS of Hiy tiood, Ilardwarr and Cullerv. Hooks Mationary, i'lolhinc Doiits, Shoes and I law, iin.l in hhort nlmnst evciy description nl' goods are held at this pttahlihtnent every pwnini;.- (iooda nrp also sold id ptivalp aale during the day at the avrraae miction prices Store keeper and traders will find it In their advantage hy attending the eitlt s C. MACKKY. Anetionwr. 1'liiladelphia. Novt inl.. r CI. 18-1 1. ly. WHOIXSAU: AMI DDT.ML DOl)KM:i. LKKrt AND M'ATION Kit--, No. Y2-1 Clrosniit Struct, Idow 4lli, ri.ilatloli.l.ia. T" KKP constantly on hand a enteral as.irt- nent ol I'ool s and Nlationtirv ; eoinpiisini! i heolnuieal, Law, Medirul, CkiMsi'Mil. Misrvtlaiie oim and School Dookx, Day Ducks, all sizes Led i!' rs do., Family Hihlcs I'm ki t D.hley, Wiitint 1'apers, Wrapping l'api rs, A:e. aV t., w hich they ol ler at tlie It.nest piiees to ("ooriiry Meiehaut'a Pre fessioiml In lifii incn. Teachers niidt.ll others that may favor litem with their t usi..in. I'liiladolpjim. Nov .viiiier 1:1. IfiJI, 1y. TIIKOIMI.I'S ( V.V. Mainilafliiicr :nnl lmjun ttr nf SaJ-illt-rv, JlanJwan', c. An. 5 Suuli 'S'lilrJ nfrrrl. finir (., s It ..( Marktl J't;lat'l;l,ii. 7 KRP ronstantlv on hand a large mi.t prweral aH;ortineiit Coach Lamps, Cnrriaap Hands, Axle Arms, Lhplic Nprmcs, 1'ati lit Leather. Ac. Country Merchants and sad ill.. rs will hesupplk-d al nil times on the most leasoniililo Icims. 'l'hey will find it to their nikaiitniiu to call un.l fxatniuu Iiim aSMirlment helore pnrchasini; i'Im'W here. l'liilndelihia, Novemher Hi, 1S4I. ly. TO COCNTilY IrTERCIlANTS. rJ',JIK Ntihsorilx-r, Anenl ol I yon oV Harris, Hat Manilla, liirors, for Nnv S Hrk, I'!ii!adv'lplrta, llaltin.ore and .jther lare cities, vil.w Unix are highly ciitiiin. il, I. d i.n iihh( mill tinil ilunil.ililti, has 01 hand n lirt rate asi;toi nt "t MA I'S an 1 CAI'H, fiiitilde for Sj.nnj; k.Ios, wli 1I1 will le Mil. I vtMy l,v, foi cash or r.ppi ied rietl.t, 11 1 the tuliil rlinifi tltirr. No. 40, Nortii V'VinJ mIkI, u p jhi the City Hotel, I'hiU.h lphia. WLIVKK N. I t( At lir.ll, A'rnt. N. 11. Ordeis I. .r Hats 1 1 the -.i'.V proinpll attended to. Thfl hiyhi st lien in ui.sh Mr tra lv Hivon l ir t'ltf iLinA. I'liil.nlelphis Novenrhrr 13, - ly OF A L'UV liKr-CKH'l liiN, m:w r.xci.AM) dil cojii'a.nv.. i. t! Norllt U'iiI-t Strmt, Pliila. mm AN1FACI-I -IMiUti and dealers 111 O.ls of f I every deseriplion hofli for Ion 1011 and inuiii'ljcloruii; purposes, which will lie nil.) 4iiu.1i lower than they can le procured lhewherp, and wurranted in ouulitv to eooal anv in the city. Any oil sold hy iheeonipany not proving as topresented, j may lie returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will he refunded. Their slock now in stoic consists of the following I oils, viz . 30,000 snllons Winter Dleachcd Speim' Oil, r.oou do (W i'uloiless i III, ilo Fall and N,rinji Mpertn Oil, tin Winter Sea Kh , haul, do do I're.sed Whale Oil, do Summer ilo do do do (',110111,111 Whale Oil, lo.liOl) 10.000 liO.UOO liOOO 1 0,000 -00 Darrelssoneiioi Mrait,; Oil. 1 t I ;!inl do Cod Hank Oil, Ml do Nea's Fool Od, ? 5 Casks Olive Oil, T .Miner's I Ids, 0 ; 'I'll is Cempaiiv tins a nunihcf id" A'essels .11 ga(;ed in the Csl Fishery, and Tanner-, mnv rely upon (.M'ttins at all tones Oil as pore us imported. Fhlladelihi,i, Nov. I:t. I S-l I . ly. G. V. &, L. S. Ti-TLCSi. FFF.I5 FOI1 KALI', at the .Nuth i:at Coi ner of J'iJii will Muiut ninth, i'hilu.lt I- ill t u Mens' Calf-i.kin Hoots, h'liU'hed warranted, do '.J do petjid do ilo ' do ti l Water piouf, dwuhlu boles and d.iulik' iijijicrs. do ' : 1 1 1 - s k 1 1 1 do do do liuilid and upsrs. do Heavy Water Leather Doots. do do Neats lo ilo. do ilih tjtiurtei Sluics, Call-skill, do do ilo i'liM'kers do do Fin j Monr.Ks warranted do Kip do do do Calf do d do Coarse ld Jj till do ISlliHS d.l do Fine aio dj do Kip do do do Calf and tScul Sl.in I'tinipi-. do List trucks with and without mli;. do Carpet do do tin tin Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins. Ladies' do do do tio l.o. Ins' tanned India Kill her shoes. Centleniens ilo Over shoes. nit every other desciitliou of IkmiIk and sluu's. Fur t 'u i.) evi ry ilfsi 1 ti-li n. Travelhiii; Pi links vf every ilesci iplion. A elicit in Tiiiv. lhiig Hans. Patent lii.ui Llaslic Mioc I'daekioe. D, .uni ts nf all kinds, palm Leal Hals. Phi.i.leliiiii. Noiemher CI. 1s t I. ty. Wlnilosale ariety ami Ti'iminiti Store No. 41. North I'uurih mar Arch l I'iiltuli Ijihia. HF.Kt C.iunlrv Mm hauls and others tan he stii pliiil, at 1 1 1 limes, with a lure asi'i tun lit of llosii iv, t .loves. Merino, Cotton, and ,,.!, n Shuts and Draweis, h'nHil Cntion, Patent Th.eud, Coliiitl Colds, Hull, his, '1 apis, Diudiogs Honk and Lyes, Pins, Ac. And a yi tieral vaii.ly t n-c-ltd .iriu U , v In. It he ulle.s tar sale nl the lovie.-.! pi ici s. J'hiheteliihia. Nom-ioL. Ut, ls .ly. WIIOI.ES A L HOISrilY, CLOVJJ & i: IVIIUI. I1KI II I hi I.H I , .Yo. n-l .Vi'r i'f.i. II. .ir Mnih.mh' JUit, PIIILADLLPHIA. Ill'lti; C.'iiitlry Mi ichai. Is t an l e supplied im ll.ni iM. n.-ive vniiely ol choice uilli lm in hi- lit Cmii the must lea.olial'le lunik. N, v. li'h I - 1 1 ly IVIcCALLA"& herse, A."l, Aoi lli St 0111I Kllt-t (, (1 ,iiiv m or tooM h's a i.ih.) V hen tl.t v (uiihlamlv kecpoii hand a gener il u.sor inn nt , f CliOTIIS, CASSIMEHES, VESTINGS, Ami 11 I'riu ruriity ijuilic.it ,,J'u mnn-ir tpiahiy, which liny tuter to tlicpoe of et'.iti the must 1CH.011al.lo t rms. par par par par par pal par I'll par 1 I'M .MK Mi;t;t'M..NTS and ih,r4Wi' Iind II to I'tiii advauunu to t al, juJ ,-xuuiine llieii ftiirk l "'l tie pt.tetiasiiig l Urw lit re. PI.1I..1!. Ipl.is, .Nov. li, lb It. ly . rETEP. C01TCTEP., Wlmlosalc antl Uolail SIkic, llutiiict, n ml I'nlm Leaf lat Warcliousu. A'y. (it! Kirth Si ilrrtt, 11 frw imrj ubuvc .JrcA, i'iilnlri(iia. I.SO I rimks ('ar-t Dii(?a and Valices of ev ery disruption, all of which he oilers for sale on the most reanonahle terms Philadelphia, Novemher 13, lflll, ly. jW.s"w A lis'. Umbrella nnl l'arasol IMaiHi'lacturer. Kn. 37 Nimlh Tli ml ttrrrl, tiro tlmm btltiw the din livtil, 77.. l iit. Ct)TN'l'l! MeifhantM and ollicr are mdiched to examine I. Hi atoiti.irnl heforr puichasing elsewhere Phila Vlj lria. Novrnd.r II. I s 11. ly. fSi'l'.lilMi, liOUl) vV CO. No. Mis Market Street, J'liiUvlt !.liia. Mill; the ulleiilion il t oontiv Mcr.l'i.ni to therr 1 N'i i.siv u : in.uient el Hi noli Frci.rh null Anieiiean 3 hy tin, ids which they idler loihdi on the in.wt 11 us..ii:dii I Phil idi'lphia. N 'veiniier Ct, -ls.il. J v. M KS, B O L TOi , nsl'JIt'TFl '.l.V iof.nns her liieials an,! the pol lie ceni la'iy, that .lie colilliilies to keep tluil will known I uvt rn Mu:id ill Maiket sir. el, Kmihury, sii of t'm formerly kept hy John Dolton, her JiiishnmU and hy t ndrnvor iiir lo conduct the rslahlishnient in a milliner to give saiistartion to nit, hojK-s 10 merit a liheial shine of pidihc palioi aju. Nunhuiy, Oeiols r SHh, 1 Mil . lr r J - I KHPFC irCL1.Y infoim the eilirens .if im ' hury and vicinity, I lt.it they have taken the Mi.'P hit. ly iK'eit4cd liy Win. l)ursl, -whi le they w ill carry on I ho TjflII.OIirXTG EUSITES, in nil its vaiious hraiiches. Dy Ktrict altiiiliou ami icasoinihle chaises, they expect lo 41101M a wliafe nf pul'lie iationaie. Sunliuiy, Si-pi. 1 tti, lull. list or BOOKS, -lull sill, it) ' 11. .NTJION'S t'lassiciil Diciinniiry; l.empner's do.; Ainsw.n'lt's iln ; Cohh's du.; I'mlish and tieiinaii do.; Artlhnii's Cesar; AnthonV t iratornet; A nt hen's ( 'iceio; Mail's Latin Uen.let; t(;ill j 's d...; Ainiieu's Latin l.is.n-; )i.iiieuan's Lciiciin; Fisk's tire, kx. rctses; Davies's I..'Uciidci; t.racca Maj nr.i; Adams's l.'ninnn Anli'n.c; Piimock's t.uldsmiths Kitla.id; do. t iris'C ; Lvell's I'.l.lnclits i.t ( .I'ldiy; Mis. Lincln's Doliinv; Klnitents id H'.tany; Hridne's Alchra; Purler's liheloiical l.'ea di rs I'm. rs. n's (ieou.apliy and llisloiv; Olney's du ; Par'. V d.; Kintih's rammei: Knkham's do.: Ka's Dtuders; Cold's do.; Cuiih's Aiilhineliek; Pike's .1,..; I'lin rsnii's do Cnl It's Sjtelliou D.s'ks; Town's do.; 'ilith' Tahle Hooks; Fvaitpelical Fa mily Lihtary; Coitape Dihlc; Family do ; Collater al do.; fsitlall Dil les and Testaments Pnrk.'i'h V. -er, i-iv 1.11 t ',,iit 1,11-11 1, m; Fruit of the Npit it; Da i 1 's inl's IJesi; A inei 1,1111 Iti'volutiou; Matryntt's N. vets; Mis. PIh Ijis oil "itemisiiv; Iliad; 'alivhisii of AiuericHii J,as; In'tterson Natural Mac if; Che mistiy for llegiiiner; l'.iif'hsh I'xciciw s adapted to Murr.iv's t iraimoer; Keiiiel to Coiul. v's Kpelhiie. D.kiI.; A nit ri.-un Class D..uk; llalxill's Sehoulmas lei's As-h-l ml; A urejt vainly of Dlank Hooks, ic. AukiisI -in, in; 1. MA DP. I It A WIN!;. Wine, for silo low hy Mt. 1. KH. ir it iiuulity Madteu H. D. MAfSKK. Fti:K'jTl PKOOF DlfAMiV. A aitttlc aKvavs on hand and for sale hy i;t iiuiu,' fepl. I, lull. 11. 11. MASS Fit. HOI. LAM) lilN. Ol the best yual ly always on hand and tor sale lv Kej.l. I, l-ll. ' il. II. MAfKl'l! LOAF AND l.I'MP l li A It. Always en hand Hud t.ir s tie by Sept. 1, 1MI. II. D. MAS.iiK. Nt'.W OKI. LANS M tlAH Httl si: Mo. I.."si;s. l)t llie Iht.1 iUably always oil hand ,u d f,, sal. hv Sept. 1, l.-'ll. II. D. MASfsLIt, DKOWN M Hi A I!. t)f a pt,sl .iiahtv, ..r sale l..w by Sept. I. IH I I. 11. D. M .." i'.lt. tiKt'.I'.N AND DI.ACK TF.As. Of Uic lest ijuaiilv alnavsoii liunduudl.tr sale hv Sept. 1, 1MI. H. D. MASSl'.lt. C' IF1T JJ. Java, liio iind J.r.j,utra Collie, con stantly on hand and for salt l,' Sept. t, lull. if. D. MASSl'.lt. Sl'FJt.M OIL. Winter and Summer trauu-1 Sjh -I in Oil, of llw Is'si quality, always on ha. id and lor sale hy s.pt i, IStl. H. 11, MAStsLD. STF.LL. Cast and Dlistei Sic. I, l.tr sale by S. ,.l. 1. tr.4.'. II D. M SSLIt. 1K1SJI SALMON. Ol the bel ouahly. con slaiillv oil hand and lor bale hv Sept. I, 1M'. II. II. MASSJ-:I5. 1 ii .. '.1 11..: 1 .. ..11 1 1 .....I ... .1... i...i .... .1,. j j.ivi-t.ii. -, ., 11 h,,,.... ...i., ,1, .... uini j ties, always 011 hand and fur sale by Sept. I, 111. II. 1.. m.ssi:k. SPIilNl." S I F.l.'L. Of vaiiuiit ue t..r lMipttc S.tnj;s lor sale by Scf 1. 1, I K 1 1 . II. D. M Ass I' It. LAKlii: i-H Alt IO DIULLS l,r bak at very leduced nets by Se,it. t. 1HI. II. It. M SSC.i;. DLANK DOOKS. Dl ul! kinds, l,.i sale by j S.pt. 1, loll. II. D. l SLK. I DLANK DLLDS. IJjn.lh. M,til-a);es, Ac. for ! sak- by Sept. I.IH41. II. 11. M AssK.K, Jl S i lt 1' DLANKS. I..r sale by Sept. 1, Di-ll. II. II. M S.Llt. I CLlll llS, Dine, Dl.i.k. Invisible tiieeu, Ac, I for i I.- hv I S, pt. 1. l-ll. 11. H. MASsi:it, I CAssH-:ii;s AND SAl'J l.NLTl'S. For tale veiy low by j Sept. I. Ih-ll". il. It. MAssLly CAIiPL I INO Sept. I, lrll. 'l oi tale heap hv II. MASsKlt. II DL NKL't s Fcii sale t h.ap by ts.pl. 1. 41. II. D. MASSF.li. I NDLF. ACHLD Ml SLI.S.Fr hile hy Sept. I, lull. II. D. MASSlCll. COTTON VAKN AND CO'l "I'tiN LAPS Fin sale by Sept. 1,' lull. H. II- MAssKU. HUMP AND COTTON TWIXK. For hale by S.pt. 1. IMI. II. D. MASSFK. TOWINU 1 INl'S, CODDS AND KOPLS. For sale hv b.pt. I, 1811. H. D- MAtsLK. AN iinparelleled remedy for roinmon ('olds, (!ourIis, Asthma, !nf1uena, Whuoping ('migh, Dtotichitis, and all diseases il the Dieast and Luiirs, lei.ilinct to rotisumiiti'.n; enmposed of ihe coiicen- trated virtues of llon hoond, Donset, Dloi d tioot, Liverwort and scvpial other vegi tahle suhstanrrs. Prepared only ly J. M. Wixhluw, Hochester, New Voik. The innocence and universally admitted irtornl viilues of the llerhs front which the Iliilmm (f Htiithtiuiul is made, aic too Renerally known to re quire recnmmeni.'aiion ; it is theicfi re only necessa ry lo olervc that tjiia Mt ilicine contains the hole of their Medicinal propeities, highly concentrated, m il so happily comhtned with sevcrnl other vrge tuhle siihsiauces, as lo render it the most speedy, mild and certain remedy, now in use, f r the com plaints alsive meiilioiied. The I Ii.1hi.iii removes all imflanimiilioii and sore ness of the Looks, loosens touh visid itdegm, en Hiding I'"" pnlient to expectoiate Willi -ease and free ih Mil, assiiajies d.U.h, relieves athmatic and 1 (01 1 nit respiralion, Ilea Is the injured purls, opens the pores and composes the disunited nerves, and (lives stteiiili to the Iciidet lungs, and thus jiroduces S ee.ly and la-ting cute. Ii;nvi-irr,iK is tiie .nsT chimt 1 1 Ma!. We are not among that class of Ud. litis who for a few tkillais will, (at the t xi-nse id truth and ho nesiy) -"ciack up" an nrtich: and I'litm it into rapid sale ; neither a:e we witling to lemiiin silent, afi. r havinir tested the utility of an iutj rovement M dis ctrvory 111 m'Ii nee or art. Our readers will recoiled we told them -we were unwell wiili oore throat and violent cold mime few weeks nno. Well, we pur chased two hollies of WLNSj.OW'iS DALSAM OF JIOIiIvllOL'Nl), and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who arc alllic.ted, mny try.it njsjn our rerommendation. .cai.s'ion ''I'-t-:grajih. For sale hy HRMiV VOYTIIEIMKH, Sunlnm, 3ACOU DKlliHT, Nor ;; lumi. Also, hy llHigL'ists pener.lly throuuhout the -country. Q;jf pt icp, fiO .ctuils .per hotl!e. AiiL'iisl Utli. 1S.1 1. ly. ATTENTION. . sid.m; v .1 o a 1: s. IV'.Jli'l''STM the attention of Ida country friends j i who are in want, lo his icrv I aree liHkef t 'artrtincs, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Dugs, Diinhngs, j Stair li, ids, Ac, Ac, that hp has just op. mil, at his nuiehiKlses, No. H North 2d tre.n,nd No. S ; Church Alley, -nevl -tlottr to Christ Church, Phila- de'phia. J"lv t, 1 S-l 1 . ly. WHOLSAU: fiHOE, BONIIJ3T, j Cup uim' I'nlm i,e,f Jlitt Socr, Nn. ii) Soi.ru 4th Stiilkt. PHILADKLPHIA. I Tir.Ili an e.ili l sive a:worlmeil of tin' abote j ' ' arlieles aie cji.t tatitlv kept un hand, for rule at the most reasonable leithu. j May -".), is 1 1.- ly. 1 SPANISH HIDES, i TAJVNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. I). K 1 K 1' A T 11 1 C K : S O i An. "I. hdilh Tli in I slrii t, j (ill rwl FX V VUKIT MI ClirsMT kTM-JIKTS,) ' J'HILAJILLPHIA. I HAYF. for sale large and exi t Ik-nt nssoilmeul of fiHiniki lluUx, l'uliiu A..v, 'J'tntm 11' OiV, ! c., at the lowest maiket prices, t tthtr for cash, ir I exchange lor Leather, or upon credit. i Colisigiiim ills of IMlher leceived for t lie, til : purchased tit the highest market prices. I Q'r Irf-ather htoied five of haigo. i April 17. IS 1 1. ty. j TJii.s .macjiim: acaj.NiST tju; UJUJ ). IMronTANT TO r AniYIEIkS. II.M'OK T'S Improved Patent Threshing Machine mid Horse Powei, which llircidn's all, I cleans at the same tint. .111 invention for which Farmers hatching looked in vain, ami which 11 nders the abo'.e machine (i tlictand past luiilier liiiimiM nielli. Those who have lien waitint' for I onieihinn hi Iter than herelohne oil. red for sale, ! will titi.l litis to be the aititle. Come see il and ; judee t,r outs. Ives. j The siihscriheis have pur.'ha. id the riht of the I above .Machine and Horse Power, fir '.be couii- j tir.-S of Null Til I M B t B t Ml, Lit (IH I t., 1'l.lMllV, I and I mii and sUn, the iiiIil;cs ol vti.dutg 1 li.. 111 III any other plaees .ur which tin) light has not hten pievtou.-ly sold. 'I he advant.igPi which this Marl ine lias over all others jnvcnlt J aie many and ohviou. One buy and tliree men can do all the iLrthhing and cleaning ol I ")0 bushels of wheal ill one day and this Usually lakes w u n hands one day and three the next. For lield threshing it takes the lead of any tiling in this world 110 grain is tcallcrod or lost. Such is the fitprrioriiy of the Horse Power, that tin. e hers can thresh si much with it as four can w ith any oilier. The Machines and Horse Power will U sold together or u peiitle, lo suit purchase!. Made and old ill Mllluii,hy the suhscriU'rs. WM. WI'LCH, W M. II. POMP, 1ILNKY l'DIl'K. M.li.m, Apiil 17, 1811. ft ih itjun r..'i. in o.y. THKL'slllNli A WLNNOWINli MA( ltlNlv Having hud in Use, one ol Davenpoil's Pali til Thicshing uud 11. now itig Maihines, and being r.''aie.lly called upon for our opinion in regatd to ih. ir value, durability and advantages, we make, lice lo htale, that they t'lcicd in our epinlun, any 1 h:eshi.g Ma, blue we cv. r More wititt hstd III I use. They will thresh and clean, lit for maiket j 1100 busli.ii. of heal per da), and this wall the ! aid ol ' three hands Is sides the diivt r. The Sirawvj is pasht d oil hum the grain on an incline plane, en- ; tcuJ111gt1U.nl I'tct lUom the Mithiue. Scarce- j Iv a grain is lust. hat is ol some inn oili:ic and greatly so, is lite tact that 110 dust pasres from the M-tchu.e lo llie man who Iced it. 1 he Horse power sei ins to he pt ifectlon ilst lt three horses may wink it w nh ease and llieii UHcl gall need only he the nriliuary 1 IoiikIi gall. e must t h.eilully Itcommeiid llie M a. hint' to Fanners they uie inaiiulat luied 111 Mihoi. by Mer. Welch Pomp and Fin k. PHILIP IIILCLKT. JOHN D llUI.LLJt Chtlisiiia.ue tshp., Xoith'd co, Man It 'JO, lr-41. II A Z A K II S I'M'I'KD STATE Ci iMMLlit I AL AND STATISTICAL KL'OlsrF.R.Comaiuing d.K--11 me nt -, facts and olln r u -. till iiil'-iuiatiuu. illusiu live ul the hi.-loiy un.l lesuuie.-s . I ide Auu mail Cniun, and ol e..h stale ; imbiaeifg ci.iuiucrie, inaiiulacKiic-, i;ii. u lu.e, tiil.rii'jl iinptotetiienis, b..ukh,cutiei.cy, l.i.411,. a, t ducaiiun, Ac. Ac. Edi ted by Samuel ll.11.a1d. J'uhli bed every Wediiesday , at ". 'J Do. k street. The pli.e 1,. ..i.Ut libers is Jf.'.'p.r .nnuiii, pavablt. on the first ol J..nu ny ol ,-, h j ear. No sub.cnp lien i.e. ived f..r les th,,ii year. Sub.uibtis nut id liic piuiiijialciiksw pay in adtai.tc. IMPORTANT TO TO Jl H. ttS O & rMII K Cndersinned take pleasure in kiihinitling .1 to the puhlic the following Kecoiiuiiendations of Pratt's Cast lion rSmut Mill andtirain Duller lo all dealers in (irain and maitufactors of Flour, lie lieviiiK it to bo superior to any thing of the kind ever ofli ied to the puhlic. All mders sddrcssed to Col.. I. M'l'addon, Lewisliurii, I "niort county Penn sylvania. LDK.NF.F.Zl'.ll SiJi nJK, JACKStJ.N M-FADD1N. rKUTII I4'1TES! tihutliti Mill, Centre Co., March 30, 1841. , J. M'Faiii.im Sir ; I chccrtully testify to the goodness and d, liability of Pratt's Cast I run Smut Mill at d (irain Duller, as being a far sum-rior arti cle for the cleaning of smut and all other impurities that I have ever seen, antl I have been engaged in the manufacture -of Flour for a grett many yeers, and have always tried to have (lie best apparatus for maniilac turit g that could he girl, and do say that, the above .machine is iIkj best apparatus I believe now in use. Jo Moati. Khmitislurg, Dec. SO, 1S40. Ooi. M'Faihu Sin: In reply to your lavor, received a few days since, I have only to say, that the fact of in v ha-ving introduced into each!' the four mills that I am concerned in, one ef Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mills, is the lcst evidence I can give you ol tltoir utility, i ours truly, W .. M'hr.i.vr. Milt'in, March 17, If IL J. M'FAitniH Sim : I do hciehy certify without airy lie. tali, 111, that Pratl's Smut Mill and (irain Duller is the most pprfect machine to cleanse grain ol smut and all other inipetfoclions flint I lurve-ever seen, and I behove I have seen all the kinds tnat are now used in Pennsylvania, and I must say that there is nothing of the kitul ever been invented that will ci me in competition wilh it. (5wi. Icki.ht. Cot. J. M'FiiniiM Sin: During the past 21 years I have been -constantly engaged in manufac turing flour, and during the hist 12 y ears have been tho owner of a grist and flouting mill, and among all the connivances to remove impurities I'mm grain 1 am decidedly of the opinion that Pratt's iroiiTia chinc is superior 10 anyiwiih which I am noquaiut ed, having vised one in my .mill about t ighieen months. F 11 1.1, t hick H id, YnrfiJiire Mills, Doc., 1S40. I want m my flouring mill as good ait apparatus to prepare grain or flouring, as thefVv, and I waul no belter tlmn Prill's Cast Iron Smut Mill. It will remove suiul entirely mo mistake. M. "Cxi SON, Sttiihuri, December 22, IS lti. Cot. .1. M-Famiim Sim I have in my mill one of Pratt's cast and w rought iron spiral -Smut Mills and (irain Hull, r, and am cottiidetil that in leard ! to simpliciiy of Cuiislrucliuli, mid durability of male- rial, il is hujieiior to uuy I i.tti ufijnuinlcil wilh, ! 1 1 1. MIT Muss l.H. I B-'r Ciji Mills, Dec. 22, IS 10. j Col. J. M l'li'in n S 1 it 1 1 hae in nw flouting ! mill one i.f Pratt's Oasl lion Spiral Smut Mills, aud i Niii-decitledly of the opinion that it is the best machine to prepare grain for flouring rli.it I am ac tiuaiutcd w r.h, and as such cheerfully recommend it lo all w ho aie enaed 111 lite m.iuut.ic lure of flour. Jneilll Lv:isiaiM.. Ai:rinhuri?, March 2:1, 1S-II. Cot.. J. M'Faiii'IN Sir: 1 lake pleasure ill hav ing that Piatt's Cast Iron Smut Mill is.t.!io of the best improvements for the cleaning of grain of nil kinds that has yet cuinc under my obseivatioii, ami that I believe il far superior to any thing of the kind ever invented. You may u.-e my name in any way you Uiink plotter, O. P. Di ncam. Vnim Mi'l, Jan. 11, 1H-1L This is to certify tint I have had Pratt's Csst and wrought iron Smut Machine ami (.'lain Hullrr ,11 Use lor belli r than 12 months, ami find il lo answer every purpose thai it was intet.ded lor. Smut can be taken out of wheat I believe CV.01V panicle of it can be taken nut v. 11 limit 'breaking the grain ol I he wheat. John Pi.imk. Aiiri'iitiitii a. Much 2d, lsJl. Col. M-'tii.M Sik : I hate Item engtigi J in niiiuclacl'.iniiu Siipeiline Flour ,r inanv years, and have this time one ol Pratl's Smut Mills ill each ol my mills, and I do hereby recommend them as the most viilualile imptovemeiit fur cleaning wheat ot ftii.it and all other impurities, liiat I am acitianted with. Jamis Dim x. Cm, M tAmn Sin: I have been cugauid in the tuaiiulai luting ol lluur fur 2M ycais, and 1110-t chi t rltillv recoliimt ud the above inacSiiite, as h.'iug 1 1 .. .. " . . . . . . . ... a......: . I. 1 iV i ir me ti.s. apparaut i.-t l-lea.hto iikii. mat 1 have ev. r used or seen. I consul, r 11 an iiulis ru hihle Hrticlc tor any null lti.it pK K-u, Is to do any busline-. A JtlllX FlsKl-M. .Zfuviht-t Mi!!.-, Dec. 21, I slu. ('ot.. J. M-Fai.i.ix Sir: Pratl's Cast Don Siiict Mill was introduced into my mill bont three years since, and I It In ve it is the lest aim le of llu.t kind now in use. It will not only remove smut eiiU rt ly , but is a most valuable apparatus to clean wheat and rye of any character, and prepare il lor flouring. Ill.vailt Hoirsi., 2.cii.'.tr-, Dec. 22, 1M0. Col. J. M-Faiim Si 11: After a Caietul mid candid examination and trial of the marliine, in re gard toconsttuction, neatness and despatch in exe cution, icouomy in price, and power lo set 111 ope ration. I am fully C'liwucid and satisfied, thai the maihli.e above allude J to, is second to 110 011c in use. J. Moiuiow, Miller end Flour Manufacturer. Cuttiiwittsa, D. c. 11. hi r 25, IS 10. Col. J. M'Faihus Siu: Pratl's Cast and Wiought Iruii Spiral Smut Mill and Ciraiu JIuller, I consider to be the bi si machine to remove mint and other impuiities lo w hicli giaiu is subject, that I have used, or with which I urn acquainted, in re gard lo lio.abil.iv ul material, simplicity of construc tion, iicjtucss and dcspalth ill ixeculion. Jusiiii Paxtom. N. D. The above machines are inaiiufaclurnl at the Lcwishurg Fuundry, l iiinn county and at the Dloonisbuig Foundry, Coluiubia county, Pa. Lcwishurg, June 11), 181 1. HAYS, XXX-XOT, l.VOH & GOSII. st holt fvalt- llmlris, la I'orrign, llritint und Jimritim Dry (imnh. No. 12 North Tuihii Srattr, Piiilai.ii mit C'OCNTKY Merchants can lie supplied at all ' times v. ill. an extensive assortn rnt of the above (oihIs.oii the must leas, liable i,d satisfactory terms. May 251, lull. ly. fcHLr-a 1 u 1 ntj ( r j ( h ; r.UAi j: FOR SAW-MII.I.s. Dy Dlxjamin N. CrsiiwA. I'llE Subscribers having purchased llie ritht for 'ending and using the above valuable inten tion, lor NoilhuinU'ildiid County, tiller l dispose I ot I lie same to persons who may desiie lo purchase. 1 he above inseiiitoii is now in ok laliun at the saw mill el Mr. M'l 'aity, near Sunbtny, w lit re it can be inspected by owners of saw nulls and all otheu interested. ' E. OlMII.V March 2i. if. SAM I EL OOUIN. warranted" IJrass Clocks, ! )! i:i Iln I la i'. I V' -t- 1'ii.e lo inii mhi iij CLik IJ A Jjr lur sale by Malih Id. il. D. MA.-.n:it. Ijlrpvla. "rn have fretuently witnt-ssed (he ravages of this diseswi, and have heard and read of ma ny remedies, but far oltener saw them fail than re sult in success. The writer, however, of the letter to tho agent of Dr. llarlich's Compound Slicngth ening and (Jciman Aperient Pills, has long beea known to us, and frum an invalid, as he is delinea ted, -we now know and meet him daily as a hale hparty man. Though no advocate of nostrums of any kind, we ran not withhold a notice of what wii conskl.'i the efficacies anil virtues ol llarlich's Corn pound Sitrenglhc. ing and (Serman Aperiptit Pilla. the case before us ts living monument to both. Spirit of the Timm. For ourselves we cannot withhold notice re secting thcviitucs of Dr. llarlich's celebrated me dicines ; We believe them to belong to a very supe rior class. They are said to he a very safe and ef fectual rem. dy, for many of the distressing diseases nf the present day. A fair trial will convince the sceptical of their viitue. 'Sat, Chrim. For sale at the -store nf HENRY YOXTIIEIMr.R, A pi il loth 1842. Ay-iil. Colds, Cough, antl CoiititiiiiUoii. fllHLsD universal complaints we find in almost A every family, nttetided with more or less seve rity, at the same time regarded by some wilh very little attention, until they begin to assume a serious character. Why are patients so neglectful of them selves, wlien they know that their health is all in all 1 Ate they not aware that it requitps much lunger time 10 arre-t a disease when suffered to knit its tlirca.ls upi.n the vit ds Will those who desire health lake good advice, and always be provided with a few bottles of "Dr. Duncan t Ejnirctorunt Hi 1111 yy,"wlu reby they can immediately arrest the fatal progress of Cotisumpiiorv, and not be compel led to s,penil years in misery and pain, licsides ma king nit "Aptitfiwurtf Sluift" of their stomachs'! This Medicine is certain in its .fleets, if used in duo season, and always produces lelief in the most hope less cases, hy its soothing and initiative effects, ThU is c consolation which many uppteciutc. ( Hl'.ce and Wholesale Depnt, No. 19 Noilk Eighlh stiict, Philadelphia. Price ft per bottle. For Mile at the store ol H-ENKY YOXTHEIMER, April !)ih, 1SU2. Airif.. -L.lt cr Coiiiiilalnt, Ten yrur flaiitlin, rnrrtl In the use nf Dr. Ilnr- lull s l umpuuiut JSIritiglhiHing unit Ocrmun Ajhi-hnt l'if!x. MKS. -MA li All DOYEIi.wilcof William Hov er, North Fourih Street almve Callowlnil, Philadelphia, eiitin ly cured of the above distressing di-ease. Her symptom were habitual cosiivcncss of the bowe's, total loss of appetite, eitcruciuting pa m in Ihe side, sioma;'h uml I back, depression of spirits, caliome debi'ity, could not lie on her left tide without an Bi'crnvatuiu of fain, wilh other symptom indicating (.'ie.it deiangemeut in th funciions of the liver. Mrs. Doyer was attended by several of tlss iirst physicians, but received hut tilile Tetiel f.oir. their tued.cine at lasts friend of of hers procured a paikage tdV)r ilttrkch'sStiength cuing and (eriiHin Apcriiait Pdls, which, hy the use of ouepa-kage, induced to r to cominiie with the medicine, which resulted in .fTecting a H'rmii nent cure, lvyuiid the eticct.itinns of her friends. Principal oliice for this medicine is at No. 19 North l'.ighth street, Philadelphia. Also for sale ail the store of HENUY Y0XT1I tIMF.lt, April 2d. IS 12. .4e. l'utliii I'ulaioii;tlls ; or l'ulmo iiai CohiuiiiI loia- IS o veiy prevalent.disea.se, and carries millions to the colJ and s.lenl grave. Delicate tou- i km ti.t.s ' commonly tall a prey to this toil distroy er of human life This disease commences al nr.-t wiili a dry hacking cough, pant in the breast and side, loss of aps tile, and se-ll. s niedits. At length a wa-tin or-d.cay of the whole hotly is perceived, which is tailed by many Coisi-viition, "ooino ito a nicLiM," a complaint that thousands are laboring under with laint hopes of ever lecovcring, nut knowing thul there is a medicine -existing which wiM afford relief even in the last stages. This is Mt. DI NCAN'S EXPECTOKANT REM IV DY for Cmi-uitiption, Cimghe.'Colds, Spitting of Dlood, Hmncliitis, Asthma, antl all diseases of the Livor and Lungs. A full treatment is given of di-eases 1:1 ti -small pamphlet, which can be h id giativ of the Agent, where the Medicine can always I be obi ained. Pi ice f I per buttle. For sale at No. 15) Noitli Eigh'll street, Phila delphia. Also at the store of HUSKY YOXniElMF.lt, March. 2l'.th. 112. AurnL Ij.Ioiisiu ! l)iH'Mia! .Iforc l'r s oj the Y.ficucy nf Dr. lLirlidi's .Me ilirihr. IflR. Jl)NAS H Ali'l'.MAX, of Sumiieytown, Pa., entirely cured of llie alswu disease, wliiei. he was ainicied wilh for srx years. His sMitpt, ,111s wete as nse of distention and opprea siun alter eatiiic, distressing pain in the pit of the stomach, nausea, loss of appeltte, iiddtness and dim ness of sight, extr. me debility, (.atulcncy, acrid e ructations, s, inn limes vomiting and pain in the right hide, depression of spirits, disturbed test, fiinl rit hs, end nut side to pursue his business without causing niiiiiedia'c exli. lu-n, hi and weariness. Mr, II uinijii is happy t 1 slate to the public, and is wil ling to t.ive atiy information to the afflicted, re-ptc-lilW the Wiiiideil'ul lieuelil he received from the use of Dr llailicli's Compound Slieiii'.lhetiing and Cer man Aperient PdU. Pnncip.l Oliice, No. 15) Noitli Eighth street, Philadelphia. Also lor sale al the store of IIEMiY YOX I HEI.MEIi, March llith, l.r.t2. AzrnL - ...... - Siiittiiii; ol' lllootl. S another dangerous sy inploai ol "Vulmonary JJtetiiM, and diflieull to arrest when neglecl- ttl; it cuinnieiiccs with cough, copious ex pceiora liou, which cuusi-ts of bright frothy matter, or black, ami clotted w ith blood ; llx're is mostly home lever, headache, palpitation of the heart, flushes of lit at, and ledi.ess ol the cheeks; d. llic 11 It y of brea thing, soietic-s ,. the lliiual, and saltish taste in llie nioulh, Ac. i-Du. Dcman's EurtTumxT Its :" will lie .und to airet ihiscoinplaiiii. One simile battle, in many cases, will answer., if used at the lirsl attack, but when neglected, it may ttH,iaiie Aittoiiv more. Those who iiuiy be al'.licled wiili ! Spin. ng of Dlood." shut ld lime io time in piocu- I ru.n .!',. .1 ..VP l.l.'illi-ltie. M litis llisi aSC 1I10SI I if proves sci, uu when not -early al tended to. Puce 1 per b.ilile.. Oliice lor t'.ie sale of this incilicme, No. 19 NortU Eighth Siit-ci, Philadelphia, also (or sale at lh sioreof HENRY YOXTHEIMER. March 12. 1813. Anf. - ... . ... . To 1li ittlUUd. T XllOsl' who are suffering liem vaiious dista-es iueideut lo the biimitu family, would do well to pint ure V. Ihiriich't Cuiufiouail Ktrtngtht nin unit iiirinuii Aptritnt I'M., wliich are so pre eminently reccoiniiiiiiiled I'.ir Dysepsia, Liver CompUmts. uins iu the side, back and bre t. Nil Minn. Ml, cnous, 1 lead-Ache, and all the dis eases ul the S. iiti.it h and Duwls. Pamphlets lieu be obi oued grails, which contain full and ciphfi'c diiiiclioi.t lr iisiiii;. The reader w rett rred to sci t ral very iiilert'lniu ccililicale. of cute in tin paj r, who h may l' relied upon, as they aie lak n Ir.iin Ilia otiuiual. For sale at No. 151, NORl'll Ellill I'll siret t, Philtdelpln i. HENKY YOXMIEIMEIi. Match ft, Ibl'i. Aizmt.