Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, April 16, 1842, Image 3

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    Tnttmnnr of Mr. Hanil)-,
M'e copy the following teatim ny of George
1 1 andy before ll Commute, of investigation from
the Philadelphia Onrrtte. f i will lie seen 111 it Mr.
Handy .denies having any enmmuiricaion or
CON VERSATION with tlio Executive or moin
dicra of the Legislature,
Tsa-w Mf or Mn. Htxtir.
j DiJ yon, m member of Ihe committee from
the hank.Teceivo liny money 7
A. A regard lh.,t, I have, nn doubt but that
the largest amount of that sum (123,00(1) did pas
iinto my hands, but the whole of it did not. Every
cent that did pare into my hands wai approprinleJ
and paid overto the agent employed Daniel M.
Uroadhesd and George VV. South, of Philadelphia,
I swear and declare that tint one penny of it wan
ever retained and appropriated to my own -private,
tj- How mucli did you piy to hit. Broadhoad
and Mr. South 1
A. My rmprescinn is fhnl life amonnt ipnid to
Mr. I) mad head whs (not having kept nuy written
mcmniandum) about one hundred and twenty
thousand dollars. I wish to lie distinctly unrlei.
tood.;tb.e manner in which that money wan drawn
wttRthia : when money was wonted 1 went to Mr.
l.ardner, he hnudrd mo the amount I asked for.
mid in no instance that I recollect did he ask one
for a voucher at that time, or at subsequent 'periods,
lie paid the money and I signed the vouchers, with
the 'understanding that he got the other member of
the committco to sign it ; and it was only within
the last six months that I diJ not know but tint all
the vouchers wore signed by rill the committee. I
signed the -vouchers without taking memorandum,
mid have never been so sure that nil the $129,000
ever came into my hands ; but all that came into
my hands I do not know the amount I paid to
Mr. South, distinctly. My letters will show that
Mr. Sooth at ono time received $10,000 and at
nnothortime the same sum. Mr. Ilroodhead never
told me (he-name Of any man he gave that money
to. I hare tuhnrquently hrnrd Mr. Urondhend tny
he never tritrt it In His Excellency or members of
tJ'.e Legikhilurc. .1 never atked Mr. U road head
what he bad done with il, but gave him what he
Hkcd for. My itirpreasioiis wero that in the event
of legislation being procured, he wis to receive
li. Who made the bargain with him
A. Clonrgc Ilnndv.
Q. How much of thin money Aid be 'lay out "!
A. On one Decision he to'd me he m.ide seven
teen or twenty thousand dollar: I understood foin
hint the 'balance he had laid out in what way I
Jiimw uot and for (ho last six mouths I have had
uspicionn that he did not pay out that.
Q. Do you know, in any way, how that mo
ney was disposed of?
A. None, only what inler from the letters.
During the 4th of May J was not at Harrisbucg.
Had you any -communication or conversa
tion with the Executive or mcmhcts of the Legis.
Jature 1
AR.'tESTS. The Philadelphia American of
the f th insl. says
.Vesterdiy morning rflicer Jar.iea; Pyrne, of the
'Court ofdneral Sessions ly virtue of jprocess
from lint Court, arretted (ieoiee Handy anil
Daniel M.Broaiiherid of this ci'y, on the cliaige
of conspiring wiih others to induce corrupt legis
lation. They were each held in heavy recogni.
incc to appear and answer to the charg". 'J'his
process was issued at the instance of the Attorney, under the Oireotion of tlie'CJovernur, with
the view nf prosecuting utl the individuals impli
ated in the disclosures made by Mr. Handy ho
f.iro the Joint Coiiimiliec of tLc Legislature, uf the
ession just closrd.
t omit rllcut Kril) r null.
The Hartford Times of Wedtie.biy -evening
gives returns from 123 towns. That piper says :
In these,. Clevland.Uhe Democratic candidate, leads
iElswoith one thousand five bundled and four votes
and falls behind the W (tig Conservative, end Aboli
tion, only TU7 olcs. Thctowns to be he.iid from
will undoubtedly secure his election by the people,
by two or three hundred majoiity. Last year
Lllswoitli's majority w is 5.1:).') !
In ri7 towns, (he (Democrats have elected ONE
31 ("NDIIED AND TWO, aud
the Whigs only CO'! There arc "H vacancies.
The Democrats will have 13 or 1 I of the 1 seua
tors. Of .course, ihe Governor and State Ticket
ate safe, even if thore should ke no choice by the
people, uf which we have no fears, uutwilluUiidiiig
tour tickets were run.
We have -umlouhtndly circled all of the eight
Sheriffs, with the exeptiou of the one in TIartford
county , where there is to choice. .Never was there
a victory more complete.
Tuore are ISS towns In tbettaie.
Another bob'ail to the fouth Carolina Vite lias
Veen added, so that Virginia is not alone in her con
temptible tiuckling to the nuliuu of outh-Carolina.
The Legislature of Mississippi has solemnly, (if
uch a ridiculous proceeding can be called solemn.)
'tesoWed, by a party vote., that the Laud Distribu
tion Act is immorul, impolitic, and degiailing, and
Jhat they will have nothing to do with it."
This is the act uf a Legislature (hat had lhe un
blunhutg impudence to repudiate its debts. It may
well afford to give up its cUims to taiuh, if it also
.denies its responsiliililes for monies borrowed. A
,p.iper Uf ire us calls the majority of the Mississippi
.legislature "lepudiution swindlers'" We do not
like to sny such hard word at those, but Itke the
.countryman's owl, we keep up a monstrous tltiitls
.istg. l'. .'. OuzeHc.
Jlixtlll'T hi'. Ul.der this law, th appli
.cant, by a surrender uf all hit etlecls for the ben-
tit of bis creditor, is fully dtecharjj-d I'roui all
liability on account of bis debts, and is alUwi J to
letain (H00 in value of prop ny ; while under the
Slate JiiS ilveiii Laws, the body uf the deb.ur is
only released from iuipiionmeiil, aud be is allow
ed $25 in rflects ; his afterscquirad projeny being
ttill liable to execution. Keyrtont.
The Money Market.
The pressure in our Money Market has been
very serious for the last fortnight. During the
early part of last week; heavy payments were dun,
and roortiitnnt tales were enacted, tn some in.
stances, as high as 3 .percent, a month was given
and as a consequence, one or two failures took
place, put not of a very serious character. To
wards the middle of the week, signs of improve,
mcnt wero apparent. The II inks discounted w ith
some liberality, and the rates fell. Towaids the
close of Ihe week, the feeling was heltiT, and we
heard the opinion expressed in more thin one
quarter, that comparative ewe may be looked for
with somo confidence, in the course of a few weeks.
Dut our citizens should riot be too sanguine. The
trial time has indeed been a serious one. We
have known instances in which men (possessing
proerty worth $100,000, linvo been obliged to
pay on their notes, six times the rate of legal in
terest for a short period. Indeed, ull was nlirm
and consternation. Uul we .trust that the crisis
has gone by. We think that we may now slate
that money is somewhat easier. Long paper of)
the light kind, is more in demand, and 'the Hanks J
say they are j'ei-fectly confident of the success ami
permananey of resumption. As all excitement
disappears fioin ho public mind, and these insti- !
tutionsicel llioir -on4antly aucumululiug ability, :
they will no doubt discount with due 'liberality.
Still we feel it to bo our duty to urge prudeneo anil
ciution, and to discourage every thing like a rash
spirit of speculation. The flunks in rheir dis
counts, should be governed in a great measure by
their receipts. Writ, llrporl-r.
"On! Cnor. We are pleased in 'learn from a
gentlrman, who arrived in the st. amboat yester
day, from the lower counties of Delaware and
Maryland, that the fields of wheat never looked
bet'er, and that there is every prosj eel of an a-
bundarrt crnp this year. The accounts from some j
of our en unties also arc very satisficto y. f. .S. j
Ooz. I
The nunntity of flour now stored along the '
bor is IH.IIOO bids., as wo leurn from the books of
ihe various forwardets ; and as fur as we can leirn
rho amount of western sold during the past winter I
has been niiiiiHiially linlt eertiimlv mot esjceoilinii, I
0000 barrels. About mic-ibbd nf the stock now j
stored here lias been purchased, and will gn to
Canada as mon as navies ion permits. As to
sales they are merely nominal, say f ' for stipeiline
end $4 for line. In the geni tal maiket there has
Ih-cii no change. The stork of salt and pork is
small. Hifffiilo f'ommertiut.
Office nf the Haltiiori: America April 12.
I'Lt'll 'lt- The receipts of Howard r ct Flour
are light, and the stock on br.nd niue'h reducnl.
To-djy sil-s of a few hundred barrels were made
at $5 60, but holders gene'ally refuse to sell for
l ssthan $5 f2 L The wagon price to-day is $5.
:i7j:if.j fiO
We hear of no sa'es of City lills Flour. It is
held firmly at " 'iC.
There is little or no Susquehanna Floui in
(IS A IX. No wheat al maiket. The last sal)
of Mil. red was at $1 2 SSales of Corn to-d y at
f).i a fid els. fur while, and at !l r i for yellow.
We i)Uole yellow at .rti a fi els. The la -t hale ot
M.I. ISyc was at li.") ets. Several cargoes of Vir
gini i Oils were sol I on 'Saturday and to-day at :IS.
a 41 els. Wc iiiole Maryland as worth Ivl a t"
tSU AD- Riec fff trimmed No. 1 .North Caro
lina and I'oKiin ic thad at $7 25 per bid.
CoiTioiov. A .jiersou whose blood is pure
inaya?uler t lie pest house unharmed; while one
whose blood is corrupt would inhale the contagion
in the trciL Tho nuleme of the ioln lion will
d. pend not on ihcutaie of l.nn w ho imparted il, but
solely on the stale of Jiniiln who M'ceived il.
The same is true of Iufliien. i, and every other sup
posed contagious disease. iSruHilralft Vtgftubir
I'llinriiol I'M. being a direct purifier of ihe blood,
and a cleanser of the sloiiiai h aud bowels, w ill be
found singularly elective., not only in preventing
but coring diseast's; Ihicaimo 1I07 remove from the
liedy that which producis a foul state of blood, de
fine it his lime to produce gangrene or any other
fatal ell. els,
fXjf I'urehase in Suubury, of II, U. Maseer, and
the agents publi.-hej in unother part of this paper.
.V .1 IS It i Hit ,
On Monday last, by ihe liev. Win. J. '.rr, Mr
II 'It. MissKH. editor of this paper, to Mia 1ia
M. I. m. i., ik tins pi ice.
In Clarion l'a., on the 21'h ull., by rtie ISev. Mr.
Montgomery, (:. V'. I.4IHT, l)n., foruieily of
this llorough, to Miss AutLixE Diaar, uf the tor
mer place.
i 1: n ,
Al (he residence of her mother, Mrs. (irant. near
Ihis place, 011 Saturday the 2d insl , Mrs. M A II V
MOKKIS, in ihe OOih year ul her age. Thedecia
si d, isy her kind and benevolent disposition, had a u
di and hriself to a huge circle ol friends and m'I.i
tions, by whom her I jss is deeply di plored. Hhe
bore her seve e and protracted illness witU patli nee
and resignation, anJ foil uln-p with ihe hoiie and
confidence which springs lioui a lively faith u the
sure promisis of tlie tJospcL
1K.olu1ion tl I'ai iuoi-slilp.
rillli: partnership herd, lore existing lietweeu Ihe
M subrcrdn rs, was dissolved by mulii l consent,
on the Hist of March last. 'The pur inersbip tmoka,
and other evidences of debt due the partners, are
planed -in the hands of Chiisitan Uowwr, Esq , of
Huirbury, for relleclum, whi also is authorized to
receive payment. The partnership comuieuccd
un Ihe rsl day of April. 1810.
April IR'h. 1845.
r) M t ey ' - -n-f
FI1HE suliscnliei iiiforiiM ihe jiutmc and his f,.
lie r eustomerj, that although Mr. II. Daws hi
has wiiliiliawn himself from bis store, he still con
linnet bis business is heretofore, ami will end. avor
to Kite salisf.nlioii 1,1 lh.u-0 who will give hlui then
cus.orn. He is thankful to the public lot the lare
shaie uf patronage extendi rl to him for the Insl twi li
ly years. HENKY VXIAl'lIEiMLK.
Suubury, April 10th, Isli.
Vnrreeled weekly by Henry Yuxl he inter.
1 0
CnnJi, -Oats,
flmsvut, -Tu.ew,
Do. J'mCHKS,
HKcKt.r.11 Flx,
En 11s,
Y lr Piu.
WE have frequently witnessed the rivageg of
this disease, and have heard and read of ma
ny remedies, but .far oftenot saw them fail than re
sult in success. Trio writer, however, of the letter
to the agent of D'. Ilnrlieli's Compound Strength
ening and German Aperient Tills, 'has long been
known le ns, and from an invalid, as he is delinea
ted, we now know and meet him sillily as a hale
hearty mn, Though no aflvocate rrf iiiwlrnms of
any 4-ind, we caniuU withhold a notice rrf what we
considei the t Ificaeies and virtues o! 1 1 arlic!is Com
pound Strengthening and (iirniau Aperient Tills,
the case before us is a living monument tj both.
Spirit of Ihe Tiimx.
For ourselves we cannot withhold a notice re
Hecting the sriitues of Dr. Ilarlieh's celebrated me
dic.nes ; We believe them to belong lo a very npe
riorcliss. They are sn id to boa very ife anil ef
fectual Temi dy, lirr ninny nf the distressing diseases
of the presein d ry. A fair trial will convince the
aceptical 1'f their siitoc. Sat. Chrtrn.
For rale al the store i f
April lGlh l12. Asrnl.
.Vo. '2Z, .nrtli Third, iihorrl'tdloirhitl St
rTIH E subscribers tnkea pleasure in acquainting
I. their friends and the public 'in general, llmt
they have taken the large and commodious Hotel,
recently built by Ihe Messrs. 11 art, on the -same site
once occupied by the old established Hotel known
as the Willi's Head, in Third sticet above Cullow
hill st.
This Hotel is finished in (he very best possible
manner, and nl (he best materials. Its location is
very 1I1 siiabepariieitlarly for country -merchants;
Ihe wrr nigrmi'ins for beating and ventilating 1 aeh
room is mh'Ii as to secure any temperature. The
brrlrooms are nlMight and airy, all furnished, in a
neat style, so as to-iiiMire comfort.
The ri reiving p irlors are also furnished in a su
perb style, the windows are mi Ihe French s vie.
loimu.g mi entrance 10 a biilcoiiy in front, wbi.h(
m .kes a pleasant recess. 1'nrt'cular attention has
been g von to ihe bids and bedding, which, wall
the furniture, are rutin ly new.
From yea's' experience in h.itel business, we
trust, by strict assiduity to bus ness, to make this
house a desirable stepping p'ace. Our table w II
always be supplied wiih the very best our maiket
can utl .til, and out bn wiMi I he best bquois and
wines of the most appioved brands.
I', s. There are fust rale stabling and carriage
houses attached lo the hotel, attended by ca efull
and sober hostlers, and our charges will be low, in
accordanoe with the present hard times.
riiiladelihia. April If,, 112.
f I'lll! subscriber, residing in the Three St. ry
I lirn k House ol Win. W att r stie. t,
h is o.eied a put lie house, on
j i: ir j:ha . cr. nn.ciri.i:s.
and is pn pared 10 acoiiimodsie boarders and tri
velers. I'ETIUS WEI. ME IS.
Suubury, April, 1842.
The lliirrisburg Int. lligeneet will ple:w give
the above three inseitions, sod forward tlo ir bill.
fBII'E subscriber re-pectfully ml. urns the public
I that be has purchased, slid now oc.eupns the
i and
( 'u m moil iuux
Tain u Nlaiitl,
I Will known as the f.ii.-rty, late of Tiioodore
I Wells, and 4'oruierly iy Samuel A. Uiady.
I He is now pteim-tcd to aecommodaie all travellers
i and visileis who may favor him with a call, and
! will use 1 vety t ll'ort jn bis power lo render -every
I convenience und comfort 1h his customers, w'tnle
' under his charge, iiis aceomuin.lalions are ample,
j and bis rooms well furnished. His stables t xit'li-
i,ivc and in good condition.
: His Table sud 1Ih will be supplli d with the
! Ik-si that the maiket can affud. II V punetuahty
1 and atlentioii. he feels confident that ho wi'l merit
I the patronage of (he public.
' Cullawisa. April Ulh, Its 12.
Ir.TTHis of David Ilunn-, Debates of the tin-
reported House of Commons; E. (S. Wake,
field's Means i f Xatiunal Emigration; Loiters slid
Journal ol ISoliert U nllie, ( Iti:i7-llili2i) My "Life
ai d Times, by Ximrotl; llor row's Account of the
(vpsii-s of Spain; Sir Edward Sugdeli; Daniel
O'Connelt; The East; Sharpe's Exirjcls from l'a
rmh Legisters; I bo Hti'ppes of Souibern Russia,
Xo. 2; Jaok II niton, the (iuardsman, Chap. 2 to H;
Kobl's 1ki lohes of St. Petersburg; Lester's (tlory
and Shame of England; -Felon Literature; Consi
derations upon England; I he Dralh I! lew.
tSeiriscii ask Aht. ISeiorl oil M. lboard'sXew
Musical Instrument; Musical Festivals; New lbs
cov. ry in I'siuliiig; 'I'horwsldsen; Improuement in
I'hntogrnphy; liraudy fiora Whirtleutirie.s Eria
tic li looks.
O'litiKtry, Tuetry, and Micelittny,
Cj Tlte MI 'SEl' M ia -old by Messrs. Csrvill fV
Co., I0R Vroadway, Xew Vork, aud by the Uonk
sellets throughout the -L'lilted Stales.
i'atct. Sr Dulhrs a year, in udvaiiCi Sfvrn
sxnd a half, if not.
I'lmtnee.Sit vheels, under 1O0 miles, cls
over 100 miles, 15 els.
As Six Dollars is not a itrvi nient remit an. e.
distant subscriln-rs will ploase send $ in pan; 011
recti, t of which the wink will be sent, i siefullv
wiapp. H up, to any l'oi-l tice ill ihf t'liiied Sia es
or Uriiish America. E 1.11' I ELL tV CO ,
j 2V'J Vl.tsnut htt, rhil.u!ilphi,t.
j tm. joiiv it. i'jtj 11,
HElSElIt l.-.Urts all peis uis.lntlrliled In
for prolisiuti .1 services, to sell eiio nt s
speedily poil.e. A 11 gleet of this notice, uiuy
caUH) additional experises.
tSutibuiy, April 2J, 142.
'tst Jd.
To those trim with lo tale the brut Jit of the
74 VA JIV''' A.I IV.
7"M. V.. AUSTIN. Attorney at Law, Pitta.
burg, offers 41 i sen ices. Office in lluike a
buil.iing, 4 1(1 between Wood and Market streets.
I liderst Hiding that many per 01 s who ate dest
r his of a discharge under this law, are not aware
of its nature, it w t j I.I bo well perhaps lo aecompa
11 V this notice with a few words of explanation.
Applicants livinrr In Xorthiimberlaiid couniy, f"
peiiti.'ii in Piltrbiirg, lo bis Honor, I hortiss Irwin,
Judge of the IT. S. District (y'oun, who sits for the
purpose nf receiving petitions every day fron 10 till
M o'clock. The petition must contain a schedule of
his property and a list rrf his creditors, then place of
residence, and the amount doe to each so fir 11s pi
tittoner can ascertain. Any iierson ran be dischar
ged, without regard to the amount of his debts. The
costs of an application (exclusive of the attotney's
fee) will lie Shout $12.
From the time the application is filed the appli
cant can not tie arrested, nor his properly levird on
unless in ease of a Jim.
Applicants need nut be present at any time, as
the attorney ran attend to every thing iiecesi..ry.
Persons 'Wishing to apply are rrtfttestid lo wtite to
me, and I will send them an approved form of pe
tition, -which it is only nxcessary to fdl up and
swear lo belore the Commissi m. r for 'that county,
it f not near the county seat, a iriigisiale, und
send -it to me, and I will, when he is d.sebarged,
send him a eeililii-ate. WM E. Al'Sl'IN.
Pittsburg, Apiil 2d, IS 12. t.
WM. E. ACS FIN. En., will give 'his a'fentton
to all my tiiilini-lied business; and 1 recommend linn
to the paironuge of my Ireuds.
St lcc I ( ire iil:iliu Library,
TIIIE Lihr.iiy is publi-hed 011 a double loal
I. sheit, sixuen (iiges quarto e icb, on new type,
and printed in the bist style of book work. The
weekly Journal of Helba '- tiros will be printed us
fornu tlv on 'he cover.
Price Fu r Jln.t.ns a year, if paid at, or re
mitted livthesjillicc. Six d.illurs if collected by an
tigi nt of the ollice,
Subscripti.tis commence with Sanitary, and no
subscriptions taken lor loss th 11 a vi sr. Lelti rs
must be all post-paid. I'rwtoiast. rs ae al uwed by !
law lo forward subsc free. As p' stiige b is ,
hi en a very heavy item of expen-e, we urgently re
quesl s'jlwc ibeis' at.entiou lo this.
Vreinhiiim As tbe.e aie lorne ext.a copies for ;
1 N:)0, IH:S7, ISHS, and 1 s;i;t, two of tbe-r sears1
Library aid I lie 111 w veir are oll'.rod for Ten Dol- !
lars. At the same rule to 1 Id subsciibers, who wish
to compl. le sets, !
'f Subscriptions rece-ved at this nllice.
Ihx-foi' .IoIiii IE. I'liiT,
"i RATEFl'L for the patronage bithe lo rx-
tetided to liirn, bes le rve 10 inform hi-
tin luls an. I the public, that he lis taken his son i
Dli. A. LAS dis finer., j
into partnership witn house!!, arid that llpy will 1
punctually attend tu ul! business in their line of ;
profession. Aptil2d, 1S42.
fllllE snWribrrs are prepand to furnish fanners
I and others with any quantity of Lime of a very
superior quality for land, or p'aistering, at the I'd
lowing very reduced prices, viz : S cts. per bushel
for Land Lime ; 10 cts. for the best quality uf plais
teriug Linn', at the k In, below tho bor. nigh nt Sun
burv. Tlu-y will alsmb liver, at any place within the
borough of Sunburv. Lime foi land, al 10 cents per
bushel, and Lime for p'aistering at 12 J cents per
hu-hel. The subsei bers h.vealwaa on hand, a
large quariti'v of Lime. Its quality i- g o.l, and
their limestone is not equal!, d by any in the neigh
Aegu-ta. Apiil 2.1,
VP I'. WM. II. KAsE, 'of Rush
township, Aoithumberljiul county,
i fl'i'is biuiself as a csnilnlate foi il.e ollice
of ling ide In-pecto', at the euoi.iig elec
tion, to be held in June next. He n sped
fully solicits the support of his le.lmv ei
1 17.' lis, and tiusts that his long experience
in military tnaitiTs, will enable him 10
discha'ge the duties of a . id ollice with
cutite Fa'isfacliou lo Ihe people,
III' Iiii.h 1. Tuiiiillv u,,i ir.v.elnuir it, A ltri.
.... ....... ... - r, .......
gade, composed el the counties of Xorihumber-
I uul, I'nion and 1'olumtni, will be olle.l upon to
ele, I a suitable person lo fill the orVice of brigade
tif Lewisburg, I uioti county, ulb rs himrlf as n
candidal!' for s lid office. As the Colonel has had
considerable ex eiience in military ulTaiis, he feels
persHiailed that he is fully con pe'eM lo tli-charge
ibe dupe nf ibei tVice. April 2. 1st 12.
VS an ileciii.n will Nke pi .c- in June next, for
the purpose of elect nr; a ll'ig ide Inspector,
again offeis him elf lo bis fellow ciliv.i irs as a rsn
didate f..r tbut olliee, und irusls, as be has thus f.11
discharged the elutusj of said ollice with attisl u tion
10 tiie coiniminilv, he i.i.iy a-k them I .r a rout. us
ance of tin ir favor. March 20tb, l"t l2.
A - ATI It AJa lC K.fl t)H
Suited t our constitutions, and rowpttcttt to
cure ol t my cur utile dinmsr, will be found in
(Inut: NoKiN Amckih an ('tii.t.i:oEr' IIkai 111.
fllHEsl. cxrraoriliiiary pills ae .contposcd .f
M plants which grow spontaneously tu our oViii
soil and are theiefore In tier adapted to our eons t
lotions t! so medlcini-siuineocted from dings
however well 1 low 111 iv be c lupooodi'd ; and s
the IN DI AX VEAE FAULK PILLS H-e f..ud.r!
upon the principle th.l t'.e human is in t-ujh
ml'jrrt ti lut mie y.'ivcav, vir: corrupt btnii r,
1111.I ih it saiil medicine cures this di-oso on t'ulii
ml prinriplri lit finmiiin; und fitrifiiin; fir
"nif ; ll will be 10.111 I. ki Ihht il the -..!. sr. Ion. in
be not s'litirely rxliuu-ti .l a perserv ,nee in
u-e, ace.iadiuu lo direction, i ' eeila n 10
ib ive disease of everv oauie I mm ihe body. 'J'ltr
Jndtan Atgittttlt J'illi will be luuud one l" ibe
hist, ll not ibe ter I e-l ill. dieinu In ihe world fa
eairviug out Ibis grand fiiinfiiii ju i.ieipU, he-
cause ihi'A' ex 1 el Irooi 1 lit- boity nil ui"itid and eoi
rupt humors (riik rAi'st. or ntsAe) iii any easy
and Mirmi mam er ; ar.d while they every day
fiift trust aud filiuiw-t, Jk j.o uf every name is
rapid y driven tloill the b.nlv.
The s'.ovi 11.101. d m Vegetal le Pills have
been thri e years heiorr the Atpe.ican pid-ls" ; and
we can now cay with 'Ut fear of roirtrsilKnon, th.t
ol all iIh' vtrioiK inedi. iiua w Inch bate lo-retwl re
been. popular not one l as given sih h a iriuiuntait
hold upon the alii cltons .S the pi .q le Not only
ilo all who use it hit .trijl-ly experience u lief, and
recoiiuui ud ll in the strongesi lerrm, but it !.
1 Hi ctt d some til ibe most sst. .lushing t.uves tvir
pelloruiod by aicdlcine. For sals by -11.
U. M.SSEli?uiibuiy.
Ajuil 2J, 1612.
9 j
tst-ner;)! oiiimloMloii lor liant.a,
For the Snle of Flour, drain, Heed, 4 c, Vc.
EPEC TFLT.LV inform their (ries and
the Merchants cenerallv, that they have ta- !
ken ilner larer nnd i-oininrKlioiis W'hsrvrs, wirlt two
D01 ks, no th nl (Jhrsriui street, on the D lawtre,
toifetber with t'te si ne o. Ifl South Wharves,'
wbe.e they would b plan 4 d lo receive. cunsiirn
n.etits 1 T firain, Floiu. Soul, Whiskey, Iron, &c.
e. Hemif also well pn p iifl In forward all 'kinds
of Merchandise liy tin Wehttyllitll anil I'mon, or by
ihe Cbe-api nke mi l Tide Waier Canals, hs low
bonls ate kepi 1 xpreslv "for Im' purpose of towing
'boats by ei rntne.
Meiertanls will , pie w be ptriieiflar lo send lltoir
rr 'oils ilesrjm'.l by snther rsusl , ti Xo. HI Sooth
Wh..ives, bet ween Xlnrki't and Chi sunt stntts.on
ibe Delaware, w itli directions aeeomp tying fhem
wbieb ronte tboy wish ibem to be shipped.
(Jj Plaster und Salt for -sale, al th lowest mar
ket price. Unl.TOX & C .
Mnrrh IS. I N 12. X... I9S .u Ii V harves.
Ilrrc v A mii C liapiiKiu'v IXiiIo.
"IO THli is hereby given, thai the Register of
Xo'tbuinbeil mil county h s rjanted letters
lestairient n V upon ihe estate o' Mercy Ann Chap
man I ile ol :be Uoroiuh ol Nordium'ierland dee'd.,
1 1 the r ol sriilHT. idiug in said Ilorouuh. All
peisons having any demsndt agsimt said estate,
aie ieiiiested to pn srul them, nrul those indehled
10 make payment to ihe ubcrdsT.
Mach.2t; t'.w. JOSIMI CHAIIIAX.
uoiti:.! r i nt rr:it t so,
Lombard Strut, Itoltiniorr,
HAVE cotistanilv for sale, Printing Paper of all
sines and qualities, Crip Writing Paper, ruled
and plain, Letter Paper, white mid blue, ruled and
plain, Hanging Paper, fw and comm .n. Envelope
Paper, do. do. medium, double crown, crown and
extra sired Wrapping Papers, Col. ueri Medium nnd
Royal Papeis, llonn. t, Hinders" and Straw Pox
l)i tarda, Tissue Paper, and till art cles in their line,
which they will sell on accommodating terms,
11 ghcst price given for old rtius.
Mrrch 10. IS12. Eiklon. M.I.
111: Y.i i 51 1 Ti i lis.
U'EISE 1JY greet notice 10 all who are indebted
to him, to nil! anil settle 'their areounts. on or
befue the first (lay of May next, af'rr which lime,
those which are not settled will be placed in the
hands of o magistrate for c.dbcli on. He will at
tend in j er on nntd the first of April next.
Sunburv, Mar,h l'Jih, 112.
Sunburt, tVortlmntbrrlitnil t'tmtitf 1
I't wivj l ini;i. j
TI'llE stibtrnber. nspeclluHv inlorms the public j
I ihit be has removed t.i thai l.ire snd cornmo
dloos Tavern S'an.l, al the corner of Market and j
Fawn stretls, (-iun of the llnck ) formerly occu
pied by Jonas Weaver, and lately by Daniel (f.b
soo, wh'-re he is rmw prepared 10 aecommorlnte all
who may favor him with a .call. Uy strict alten
tion to business, and bis ulmosl endeavor to renihir
satisfaction lo all. he hopes 10 rece ve a liberal slnife
of public patronage. I'M A.1M.ES WEAVER.
Sunburv. Match 12th. 1812.
Smilinry, 0rlln1n1Urrlantl Count) ,
flHE siibscrilier respecrfiitly tntorms the public.
JL that he has remove 1 10 that large and commo
dious Urick House, 011 Market square, opposite the
Court Hou-e, (formerly kept by Hiram Pive.)
whee he is now prepared to accommodate all who
may fav. r him wiiti a call. Hcing liiar kful f r
prist favors, lit- hopes by si net attention to bus ness,
lo leceive a Itbcial share . f public p.ilrot age, iVc.
Sun'.tnv. March ftth.
YVIiolcsiiile HiuttUtsi,
AN I: constantly 011 bend a funeral assort
ment of
jjju v.s, MF.Diri. i:s. f AIM'S. OILS,
It YE STVFI-'S, Ae., Vc.
whicS they o!l r for sale 011 the meat blieral teims,
and nt prices as low as llno it' Pbiludelplna and
Particular atleulion will he given to the quali
fies tif such articbs as are side, led or Munufaciuied
fir sale, as also to pa'kinii thi in for Ir anspoi I ition.
Havre de-(Jrai-e, March 5th, 1S12. flm.
IIE Xew Quarto Volume of Ihe "XEW
WORLD" ackuow ledijed on all hand lo l e
the hands unest, cheapest, and most popular and
eritertaintnu periislicsl in the world -comt.eneing
.lanuarv 1st, 1SI2. will contain, simullam'ous with
its publication 111 England, the Oiaiid Xew Military
Novel, by ibe author of -Charles O'Mullev," enti
Comireiuing with the story of "Jack Minion, the
Life Ouniikiniin."
,u coiiimend ition of this new work w ill be i.e.
ct ssurv lo those who 1.. rve lend the (iebghtful Nov, I
ol -CtiirlesO Malley."
Also, .1 new N'.vel by Mi-s C. M. Sedgwick, al-
r. cinliiiif need, which dmt g'ral cicdll lo that
distinguished Authoress.
M oiv Ongiual Tales of great iiiteicsi, among
winch we may mention, as already in hand, "Mary
Tud-r, a Tab. of ihe Pasions," by Edmund Fl .gi;,
Esq., author of the 'Far Sest,' 'The iKieht's of
Ft rraia."' 'Deatriie,' tVe., a w.ok of deep and Ihrtt
ling tiiteresl ; " Abel Par-oos," a Tide of the great
Fur in ew Vork m Deeember, 1?5, alnHindilig
111 p'lweilu'lv wioiuiht pa-s ig s ; s-Tlie Hlacksmitli
c.f Antvveii," ly a popular irigruil I'olitribuloi.
A t-o, a s.tii s of soi'i rb Fi giavnius en ixsl, by
the I s artisis in Eiielsud and Am tica, will cm
bell, sh the romiM ti.irtii',
ij A 11 these X isf t-u-s sod a nmllitude of o
thei.s, for ttsta I n 11a 1. I'.i.-t its, cnir.nt money,
1e11.1l i d L'i'f .t p..-1'iL'e In r!i.-usj .1 book form
Ihey WiMalii o si leti t'lto s ti at in ount.
cHAatrrs crnAixnv, FNTinn,
Cwi be had bv all lit w siibseiil.. is who Wish tlllS
p.qut'jr work, by unli I 11J then s-ibseitplioris to
... ohm lire w Ih die '.II iuaioi V .diime, July sld,
I S-t I . For three it. dial s 1.1. so iltiHl 1H1 otered
Hai l; in ibe I 'niied States or I s. ad, trc itf po-
1 isne, ijb New eri.l w.ll be s i.l one year, tloill
ihe coniiui LCiiiitniit ot -t'liarlesO ' la titty including
the l.-t volume (trails pi.t'l slied 11 exm nuinb. rs.
Au.W J. WIXCIIEVILR. I'tibl shrr,
U0 Ann srsefl. New Vo k.
A ll
'0('E.M ISA I LrJi K.t.ud . f Mooical oi.
ssn. e and Lileiamie, by Robley Duugltaion
V . 11 , Pfolt ssor ot lite IosiiuPes ot Medicine, tc,
iiiji!t'isn Medical' 'iloce o' I'ln sib-p'.ia. u. 11101, tulv U Adam W.ddie. 4 1 '1 pon.
t r stit't-.t, J'lilla-I. 'pi.,s. Sidcri,.tu prr.e . i .' a
y sr. ob-ci4pli.u.s ! ' I lie j' o e woik 1 i 1 ' 1 i
i .e bubsiiiter. 11. ti. MASSER,
XJcc. Mill, 1611. Agent.
,6UliBURT, r A.
nusiness attended 0 r tiie Countiea of Nor
thumlerland, Union, I.vconiitig and Olumbia.
Jtrft-r tor
Tiirm Habt Ao,
'Low 11 tV Hi a aos,
Hant, CttMvitana K I'Iaut, 7"i'ai.
Spkhi to, 'loon dc ('n., .
miiilrrf 'ilfl',, Ucalli IIIowt.
fpiie (public will please observe that no Hrand'cth
A- Pfils are genuine, unless the box tias three li
bels upon it, (the top, the -able and the bottom)
encfh containing a ftc- simile signature of my hand
writing, Thus 11. ltnANiitiKTK, M. D. These is.
belsnie cnuraved on steel, beautifully designed,
and done at an expense of over f2,ll(lt). Therefoie
it will lie seen that the only thing necessary to pro
rure the nicdioinc in ils jrity, is to nlwerve these
Reniem'iier (lie top, the side, and the botlom.
TIms following tespaclive pnrsom are duly auln.ri
red, and liold
For tho sale of Urandreih's Yetzttulile L'imtisril
fill. "
Northttmbeiland county Milton Mickiy A
Chsinbeilm. Sonliury IL B. Masser. M'Ewens
ville Inl unlet Meixell. Xorilium'-eiliind Wnu
Forsth. (ieoigetowu F. Midlmgor & Co.
L'nion ('oiinty : New lierbn J.ihn Hotrmrm.
Selinsi-rove Ever and Schnure. Middleburg
Isaac Smith. Heavertown J. fc F. Rumanian.
Ad.imsbiirar II. & A. Smith. Mifilinsburg
Swnpe tV Laird. Haitleton Daniel Long. Free
hurt' (. & F. C. Mover. Ccntrevipe Stalky
Jc Lriihart. Lcwisburff Walls At Green.
Columbia county : Danville E. B. KcynoltW
efc Co. Uerwick Sliumnn Si R.Menhouse. Cat
lawissa C. A. e ('. (J. DroKts. Dloomslurrc
John IS. Mover. Jeisi Town Levi Hisrl. a
shington -Robt. MiCay. Liinetuiie T). L.
vOhserve Ihrtt each Aeent has an Engraved Cer
tificate of Agency, -containing a repres. ntmion uf
Di URAXDRET H'S Manufactory al Sing Sing,
and upon which will also be seen exact copies of
the new labels note u.-cd upon the Brundretli I'iU
Philadelphia, office No. 8, North Hthstr et.
H. T3RANDRE I'll, M. D.
January 1st, 1P42
?s01S sale a small Farm, conta.uing abctrt tie
htiiidred end ten acres, more or le s. fitune
in Point township, Nnrthum'l prland coiiritv. ahr irt
two nul.s abovi N.otl urnbeil tud, on lite innia
road leading from thai pltf.eto Danritle, adjoin Jig
lutiils ol John Lcithou, .le.neC. Horion and others,
new in the occitpanry of Saniuil Payne. Aboil
torlv acres of said tract are clratctt, and in good
state of cultivation, on which There is a small bai
erected. The propertv w ill be sold on ri aeorrahla
trims. For further pn'ticebrs, p itoris art request
ed lo apply to the rtl scrib. r.
H. li. MASSZR, irrrrr-,
Nov. 27th, iS-11. if Suubury. l'a.
N artie'e unequalled for cle.aning and giving a
highly-durable and most twi Riant polish to sil
ver, Uormsn Silver, 11 r ass. Copper, Urittania ware.
Tin, Steel, Cutlery, and tttr restoring the lustre u
varnished carriaire. &e- TRV IT.
Prepared ami sold at wholesale and retail, by (he
Susquehanna Chrysulile Polish Company, Owegi
Tioga cuiinlv, N.Y.
WM. FORSYTH. Agent frw Nwhuni'd,
H. It. MASSE IS, Agent lor Suubury.
.November 20th, 18-11.
i ""&"aT' 11 ovou Jj T ' s
I'liinn.tHass and Livci jiool Warehouse,
A'o lfU Sitrth 'Filial street, third dour below Vine
ttreet, 1'hi'adt Iphia.
"IATHERE they constantly keep on hand a larpa
atsoil.nrnl of China, Glass and Liverpool
Ware, r-p.ich they will dispose of un the uioal lei
souablo terms.
Pliiladelphia. Nmrmlier 13, 1841. ly.
J-1 ff'i IhiiiuIIi stV .Son
p i'.Sl'ECTFIM.LV infonne their rionJ aiiA
1 aotjuaintflricrs generally that they still con
tinue keep al the old tund, Xo. 24 Nurili atj
street , riiilaihlplna, all kinds rrf
Whii'ti they will sell en the most acconimodbthrg
and reasonable terms.
N. V. All vnods solJ will be guaranteed, u&i all
onleis promptly attetnbd to.
Philadelphia, Notmler 13, 141 ly.
Xo. 4 Callow I. ill Slrcet, rhiladdjiliiaL.
C'Fhrte d tors ubuoe Seound.J
SHOE Findings always kept 011 hand. wlith ti
filers for sale 011 tie lowe.-t terms. Country
Merv h ints ore partimbtely to cull and judge tf.r
Philadelphia, Novrmlssr IS, lftll. v.
InijKU-tLirs and l&'tlcrs in l'oreiu ainl
Iomcsiic Hardware,
N. I4 Noam 'Fairiti Sriuir, l'HiLAiy.inia.
AT II ERE their friends and tuatomers will always
tiud a large and general a-sorl motif tif Foreinai
and "Domsstic Hardware, which tlicy will at (lie
lowest price.
Philcdeltiia, Novetnber 13, Itill. ly.
KT:VNOLl)tS, MoFAIH.AM) aV: ).
Wholesale Iksak'i's ti I'oivign British
nd A ne r ic ati I )ry Cooxl s.
So. 10ft Market street, J'hilodephia.
COl'N'l'KV Merchants, and others can be su
plied at all ttuteswvth an extctisive assort
ment of the best ami most fssbirftiabk CtWs upojl
ihe most reasonable ternis.
PUUaiW'lihia, Novenler IS, 1811. 1T.
.Tlicimt'l Wcaur V Knii,
So. 18 A.s-fA Wntrr Street. l'hUitdrfAia.
A V E constantly on ham.l, a fFtvivtval assnrt-
I nietit t4 udai;e, Seine Twariea, Ac, yit:
I ai d Rniea, Fishing Ropes, While Rojies, Manil
la Rofies, '1'ow Lines for Canal 13 oats. Also, a
complete Bssoiluiei4 if Seine Twrrtes, Ae. aii,h si
Hemp Soad and IL-rning Twine, Best PaXvtK ii
Vet Twine, ( oitou Shad and lleriing 'l'wws, rho
Tlweads, if. .. Al, Bed Colds, Plough Lines,
I I alters. Truces. Cotton and. Linen Carpet Chains,
c all nf which tU-j- -will slispoae ta' san rs ao(iul'Ui
lei ins.
Philadelphia, Novunlan V3,1t1.1y,
"iTsn KiiTrK, il anskij, a-, co s!
No. 1F.0 Alarltct Stsvet. l'hila.
(. Fifth South tide )
LW A 1 S -kaep 011 hi.nd a lull aud treneral
rtm141t.1t llo 1. ry, Lace, and f' in icy Cw',
.i.inliv tvteicltanu um repe'liully rccuislik, i
e,tvi th 11. a call and axamiue for ihctuse
J'hilaJelpkia, November 19, 1W11. ly.