Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, March 12, 1842, Image 3

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    A Searching Letter
TfttARunr DKrATMKKT, Pels 31, 1844.
Sir : The Interests or the Government require,
the officers engaged in the revenue service should
le men whose character for lobriety, skill ami vigi
lance, ia above alt suspicion. It is feared that in
some instances this may not be the case, and the
object of this letter ia to request you to inform me
whether the character of those ofTiccra with whom
you are acquainted is auch as fully to meet the re.
quisition above mentioned. If you know any one
who ia wanting in sobriety, akill or vigilance, you
will make known without reserve, his deficiencies,
so that timely corrective may be applied.
I am respectfully, Your ob'l servant.
Secretary of the Treasury.
To I fie Collector of t he Custom House at -
The N. Y' Tribune thus notices lecture re
cetitly delivered by Mr. Madia in that city, on the
"Life ol Genius."
Mr. Maffltt'a Lecture.
We have rarely likened to a more brilliant, and
The paitleulara of the cost of th steom-frigalcs
Mississippi and Missouri, are thHS stated in a com
munication made to the Senate on Friday last, by
the Secretary of the Navy i
Mississippi for labor, f 129,314 27
mnterials- 175,020 Ol)
engines, 167.S83 84
boilers, HI. 90 1 31
$519,032 07
Missouri for labor,
J13,387 20
172,411 39
132,607 05
75,532 93
-$552,850 22
Tiik Easter Capitalists are operating 1n
this region and we doubt not the happiest results
will grow out of it to all concerned. We under
stand that a number of Morton capitalists were at
Reading and Pottsviile last week, examining into
the water privileges, the rail road and canals, and
the iron and coal resources. They were as much
gratified as they were as'onished at the extent of
the wealth undisturbed, in Pcnnsylvinia. The
tisver to a less satisfactory, lecture than that of ! Reading rail road atock is getting into eastern
To the. Honorable- Ellin Lert, Esq., President,
and hit .Issociates, Judge of the Court of Quar'
fr Sessions for the conn! tf of Norlhunilierlnnd .
THE petition of Charles D. Wharton, of Sun
bury, in saiil county, humbly represents, that
he has rcnteil that well known tavern standin Son
bury, formerly occupied by Hiram Price, opposite
the court house, and is well prepared for the accom
modation of travellers, eYe. He therefore prays
your Honors to grant him a license to keep a ta
vern duiing the ei, suing vear, and he will prav. etc.
To TH Jrnnss a nova tsTinitn : The suli
scribrrs, residents of Sunbury, hereby certify, that
Charles D. Wharton, the applicant for the license,
is a man of good repute for honesty and temperance,
and is well proviiled with house-room and conveni
ences tor the lodging and accommodation of stran
gers and travellers, and that a publid hou.-e there is
necess iry ; they therefore recommend him ax a
proper person to be licenced to keep a public house.
rsaniuel u. Jordan, William 1 oungman,
hsiids and a large amount of eastern capital we pre
dict, wilt soon be invested at Reading and Pottsviile.
rhilail. Caz.
OrsnPATio or Costive. Costiveness is
an unnatural state of the bowels, caused by white
vcr ia injurious to the digestive organs. Its imme
diate consequences are nausea, headache, loss of
appetite, Sit,., but its ultimate consequences are
pregnant with every ill that flesh is heir to." The
decomposed parts of the body, whirh are thrown by
the blood into the lowels, are there detained, in
stead of being avacuated daily. In order, therefore,
to prevent any evil consequences resulting from
this accumulation of impurities, it will be only ne
cessary to puigc the bow. Is well with Brumlnti's
Vegetable Universal Pills t a medicine which for
mildness and elficaey is unsurpassed. These Pills
have been used in eveiy variety of derangements of
the human body, and yet, when proerly used, tie
vii failed to restore to health, except in those cases
where nature was exhausted before the pills Were
commenced with.
(Xy Purchase in Sunbury, of II. B. Masscr, and
of the agents published in another part of this pupvi.
gr-r-l- ' . T IT " 1J iii-
.V .1 It I Hit ,
On the 2 Hi ult.. by thu Rev. J. P. Shindel, Mr.
Henri Malum to Miss Lima Wulf, both of Au
Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxtheimer.
Trof. MirriTT delivered at the Tabernacle on
Wednesday evening. His subject was the 'Life of
Genius,' a theme which a man of Genius would
have made eloquent with beauty, with truth and
with power ; while in Mr. Maffitt'a discnurse it
seemed merely to suggest the shadows of hollow
thought and to give occasion for fine modulations
'of the voice and the sounding emptiness of un
meaning words. Mr. Muffin's delivery ia always
graceful, sometimes highly impressive, and gen
erally good ; on Wednesday evening it was more
chaste and less injured by theatrical starts, repul
sive distortion of the featutes, and gasping under
tones of the voice, than usual. Thcie are few pub
lic speakers who are heard with more pleasure than
he, and still fewer who produce real effect.
The sum of his lecture may be stated in few
words. He defined Genius with more truth than
originality to be the power of Creating; audits
mnstituent parts, he said, were ambition, hope, a
love of the fitness of things, the longing after im
mortality, benevolence, singularity, and, most espe
cially, enthusiasm. Each of these parts in suc
cession he mule the theme of extended retmrk,
not in explanation, but by way of illustration and
adornment. Some of his images wrre highly fn
ciful and beautiful ; but, without an exception
which we can call to mind, they rendered still more
obscure the meaning which at best was most ques
tionable. In apparent illustration of the definition
he had given, for instance, he said that Genius is
the 'molten cascade of yellow gold fringed with
the foam of glittering silver ;' and again, that it is
the embodied angle of inspiration,' 'the angle of
ubiquity the bride of eternity. In distinguishing
the eloquence of the pulpit from the eloquence of
the bar, he said that the former is 'the glory of
God clothed with the love that passes all under
standing;' while the latter is the 'face of Moses
on the top of Horeh, on which no man can look
but with a shudder.' The immortal mind, he said.
-has a capacity to be filled only with the glittering
spiiit of the Universe.' Such expressions from
his lecture we might greatly multiply ; there may
be profound meaning in them and we suposc
we arc bound to concede there is for they drew
down immense applause ; but if there be such a
thing as 'sound and fury signifying nothing,' we
humbly believe that these sentences, and indeed
the greater part ol his lecture, embodied it as per
fectly as man can do it. A portion of the lecture
was an enumeration of the works Genius ; and
among 'hem he classed, without the slightest dis
crimination, the poems of Homer, the battle of
Waterloo, the labors of the Reformers, who 'bade
the clock of eternity pause while they could notch
upon the centuries the impress of their master
minds;' the steam engine of Fulton, the defence of
New-Orleans, the making of a blade of Damascus,
and the unfurling of the American flag by Mr.
Poinsett in the hlood-drluged streets of Mexico.
He told bow Genius dwells among the stars, how
it fills all time, eternity and the grave; and how it
is worshipped by all nations by every individual,
and especially by Woman, who 'should never be
refused a place in the Pantheon of the gods,' and
whose 'blight eyes make man feel like a god in
their presence.' Ordinary language never serves
Mr. Muffin's (Kirpo-e ; hti never remembers an in
cident, but 'a story arises on his Miud ;' and a
of matrimony to one of the most charming nymphs ! who may favor him with a call. II v strict stun
nf the vale that embosomed the college.' t ion to business, and his utmost endeavor to render
j satisfaction to all, he hoes to receive a hlieral shiire
I of public patronage. CHARLES WEAVER.
The following statement shows the condition of Sunbury, Maich 12th, 1812.
the Banks of the city and county of Philadelphia,
except the Bank of Pennsylvania and the Girard j XlIST OF CAUSES,
Hank, as compared with the Banks iu Ulterior of IOR trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor
the relate. i thuml-eiland County, to lie held at Sunbury,
Frederick Lazarus,
Geo, Martin,
Wm J. Mailin,
Geo. Draf t.
Henry S. Gobin,
Peter L izatus.
John W. Peal,
Charles W.Hegins,
John Bognr,
Charles G. Donnell,
Wm. L. Dewart,
II. B. Masscr,
M"rt'" 11 '" 1842-
To the Honoralile Ellin Lewis, Esq., President,
and hi Associates, Judge of th Court of Quae
ter Sessions, of the county of Northumberland :
f IIIIE petition of Paul Roth, of Coal township in
l said county, humbly represents that he in
tends to keep a public houe of entertainment in the
house now occupied by Solomon Fagely, in Coal
township, and is well prepared for the accommoda
tion of travellers, Ac. He therefore prays your
Honors to grant him a license to keep a tavern,
during the ensuing year, and he will prav. Ac.
To th R Jrtmrs A hove mf.tiofii : The sub
scribers, res dents of Coal tnwn-diip, hereby eeitify,
tbat Paul Roth, the applicant for the license, is a
man of good repute for honesty and temperance,
and is well provided with house-room and ronvciii
ences for the lodging ami accommodation of stran
gers nnj travellers, mid that a public house tliere is
necessary : they therefore reenmnvnd him ni a
prqier person to be licenced to keep a public house.
Solomon Fagely,
Jacob Kram,
John Thompson,
Jacob Itaird,
John H luinym,
George Kriege,
Keutien Fagely,
William Kuehler,
John Trego,
Samuel Eisenhart,
James II. Paxten,
Frederick (.raw,
D in il l Ke'stetter,
Ho n Eisei hart,
Jeremiili Zimmerman.
March II. 112.
Wheat," - - - . .110
Rve. ...... 5(i
Cor, ...... 40
Oats, 30
Pork, ...... 5
Flaxsfeii, ... 12,-,
Butter, - - - 12
Beeswax, .... 25
Tallow, .... 12
Ditirn Applk, - - 75
Do. Peaches, - . 200
Flax, ... 8
Heckled Flax, - - 10
Eons, ...... g
Spilling of moot!,
BS another dangerous symptom of "Pulmonary
Affection" and difficult to ariesl when neglect
ed ; it commences with cough, copious cxpictora
lion, which consi-ts of bright frothy matter, or
black, and clotted with blood; there is mostly some
fever, headache, palpitation of the heart, flushes of
beat, and redness of the cheeks; difficulty of brea
thing, soreness of the tlnoat, and saltish taste in the
mouth, Ac. "Da. Dcscam's Exi-ectohaxt Re
MEDv"will be found to arrest this complaint. One
single bottle, m many case, will answer, if used at
the first attack, but when neglect d, it may require
many more. Those who may be ntllicteil with
"Spitting of Blood." should lose 110 lime in nroru
ring the above methane, as this disease mosily
proves serious when not early attended to. Price
1 er bottle.
Office for the sale of this medicine. No. 19 North
Eighth Sired, PhilaiU-lpiva, also for sale at the
March 12, 1 842. Agent.
Sunbury, ,X"urthumkcrland i'minty,
TI1HE subscriber, respectfully informs the public
1. that he has removed to that large and commo
dious 1 avern Stand, at the corner of Market and
To the llonoralde Ellis Iswis, Est , President,
and his Associates, Judge if Ihr Court of Quar
ter Sessions, of the county of Xirthunilirrlaml :
rilllH H-titiou of George Conrad, of AuKU.-ta
1 township, in said county, humbly represents,
that he continues to keep a public house of erite'
tiinmcnt, in bis old stand, in Augusta township, and
is well prepared for the accommodation of travellers,
tie. Ho Ibeiefoie prays your Honors to grant him
a license to keep a tavern, during the ensuing year,
and he will prav, Ac.
s.-rileis, r. silents of Augusta township, hereby eeiti
fy, that ( Jeorge Conrad, the applicant lor license, is a
man of good repute for honesty and leni erance.
and is well provided with house-room and conveni
ences for the lodging and accommodation of stran
gersaiul travellers, mid tbat a public house their is
necessary : they therefore recommend him as a pro
per person to be licensed to keep a publidiouse.
Caleb B.irreit, William Kramer,
Geoigo Raker, John SUTiier,
Alimham olf, George KeefiT,
David Haiick,
Samuel Shii-p,
Nicholas Wolf.
Henry Berlv,
David Reeser,
Samui I't,
March llih, 142.
Wholesale IsriiKitl'l.
nAVE constantly on hand a general assoit
nient of
DYE STl'FFS, Ar.. dr.,
which they olf r for aale on the most litic-r d tetms.
and at prices as low as these of Philadelphia uud
Pellicular attention will he niven to ihe mmli.
ties of such atticbs as are selected or Manufactured
for sale, as also to parking them for transport ittoii., March 6th, 1842. 3in.
To the Honorable, Ellis Is.iris, Esq., President,
and hit Astoeiutes, Judges of the Court of Quar
ter Sessions, of Ihe. county of Northumberland :
TIIIE petition of John G. Wells, ol Norlhunil-er
I laud, in a iid county, humbly represents, that
he continues to keep a house of public entertain
men', at his old stand in Norlhumhcrl ind, and is
well prepared for the nccnmmodition of travelers,
Ac. He therefore prays your honors to grant him
a license to keep a tavern, during theen-uing year,
and he will pray, Ac. JOHN G. WELL'S.
To tr .lisor.s a rove 4etioeii : The suli
seribers, residents nf Northumberland, hereby certi
fy, that John G. Wells, the applicant for Ihe licence,
is a man of good repute for honesty and temper
ance, and is well provided with house room and
conveniences for the lodging and accommodation
of strangers and travellers, and that a put. lie houe
there is necessary : ihey therefore recommend him
as a proper person to be licensed to keep a public
John Prick,
Wm. H. Waples,
Wm. Forsyth,
Daniel Winner,
James Taggait,
C. VohIs,
March 5th. 1812.
Heniy S. Thomas,
E. P. Shannon,
John Wheilley,
D. Briutigam,
John Lei enring,
Joseph 1 1 t Ti 11 11 1 1 .
'i' a vr.ii.v ori( i;.
To the Hiinorolile Ellis Lewis, Esq , President,
and his Associate, Jndget of the. Court of Qmtr
ter Sessions, of the county of Soiihumlterlund :
fllHE petition of Sebdkliun Itoiigbner of Sliaino
JL kin township, in said county, humbly repre
sents, that he continues t keep a lavein nt bis old
stand, along the rail ronl. and is well prepnt'd
for the accoiuirtKl.itioii t,f travellers, Ac He theri
f .re iiays your Honors to grant him a license to
keep a lavvin, during the eu-uing ve r ami be w ill
To TIIK. I H, n AHovr. mkitioxkii: The sub
sciil ers, resiilents of SNainokin, hereby certify, thai
S(slii,n liougluier, the applic nit for the lic ne, is
1 man of gooil repute f r honesty and temperance,
mid is well proiileil w iili luni-r io ni and convi ui.
iiees for the I ilging and accommodation nf stran
gi rs and travellers, and that a public house there is
necessary: they the 1 fore r commend him as a
proper permit! o lc In eu-s d to keep a public house.
To th Hnnorubte. Ellis Levis, Esq., President,
and hi Ainciates, Judges of the Court of Quar
ter Set 'on, of thf county nf N01 thiimhcrluntl :
FIIHE pit ti ii of J nines L.e of Northumlii'tl.ind
I. in sii.l county, buin' ly represents, that he con
tinues to ke p a lioii-e of pnlil c entertainment at ,
bis l.l and, in N rliiumbt rUml anil H well pre
pivil f"t the nee mm it .11 .n of travellers, Ac. lie
then I". i .- pi - you. Honors to giant him a liceu-c
lo l.i 1 p a tavei n liirini ilni ensuing year, arid he
wi I prav. Ac JAMES I.LI-;.
To ru r. J 1 mi is imivr, nrvi hisi.u : The sub
scribers, r sob ms ol Nor bum'-erl ind, hereby ccrtity
ibat Jini'es Lie the sp hi ant for the license, is a
mm of go, hI te:i. I01 honesty and Tempi runce,
and i well proud, d with hou e room and conveni
ences for the Uiljug 1 ml BCi-omui d of strang
ers ami I rs, ami that a 11 1 I c bouse there is
neeessii'V : the ilieiil'ore rem inmiMiil Irninsa
piopi" per on to lie licensed to kii-p a public house.
.1 Its Taggart, John Fii k,
W.lbnin l'or-Mli, John i. Wells,
John Slirim", J unes T.igaert,
Wdli'i'ii Met" IV, John I. iseiirmg,
Daniel Wei, Jae'ili Leisenriug,
Henry S Thomas, D. Biautigain.
March 5ih. 1842.
"tavern notice.
To the Honorable Ells Lewis, Esq., President,
ana hi Associate Judge oj the Court of Quar
ter Sessions, nf the toumy of Northumberland .
rilliE petition of J.imes Shortle, of Shamokin-
1 town, In said county, humbly repieseuts, that
he continues to keep a house of public enteitain
men! at his ol I stand, in Shamnkintown, and is well
prepared for the accommodation ( travellers, Ac
Ha therefore P'avs your Honors to grant him a li
cense to keep a tavern during the ensuing year,
ami tie will pray, &c. J AM lis sii IIJTI.E
To THE Jl'llflES ABOVE METIOm : The sub-
crils?rs, residents of Slia.nokin, hetchy certif , that
James Shorile, the applicant for the license, is a man
nf good repute for honesty and Temper nice, and is
well provided with housc-ioom and conveniences
for tlie Wdgiug and accommodation of strangers and
travellers, and that a puMic house thcie is necessary:
they then lore recommend him as a proper per
son to to licenced to keep a puMic house.
In T. Clement,
Daniel Smith,
Joseph L. Snyder,
Win. Farrow,
W. W. Waters,
John Smith.
raduating studeut, instead of marrying a lovely ' F,n ('' of ihe Buck ) foimerly occu-
irl in the vicini.v, 'was united in the holy band. Weaver, nd lately by Daniel C,h-
' i " wmre he nw prepared to accommodate all
To the llonnruhle Ellis Lewis, En., President,
ami hit Akhuciutts, Judge oj the. Court of Quar
ter S wont of the county of Xortlnuiil rhinl .
flHE petition of David Herb, si n'r, of Up4r
1. Mahoimy township, in saul county, hini.l'ly
repre-ents, ibut he continues to keep lavein at bis
old stand, in the Brick ll. ue. in said township,
sml is well piepared for the accommodation of tra
vellers, Ac, He therefore prays your honors to
grant him a license to keep a tavi rn during the en
suing year, and he will pray. Ac.
To the Ji lints a pove mektioveii : The sul
sciihers, residents of Upper Mahonoy township,
hereby certify that Daniel Herb, sen'r, the applicant
for the license, ia a man of good repute for honesty
and temperance, and is well provided with house
room and conveniences for the lodging and accom
modation of strangers and travellers, and that a
public house tbeie u nccesssry : they therefore re
commend him as a proper pen n to be licensed to
keep a public house.
J. G. Kenn,
Daniel Dunklelierger,
Daniel Howerder,
Charles Schlegel,
Emanuel Cluist,
John Schininkey,
March 5th,
George Shiley,
John Knerr,
Isaac lleih,
Nathan Verting,
Ellas Schnaliel,
Felix Maurer.
Liabilities, City B inks.
Circulation I.0VS,58 4s
Post nates nn time l,02V,4.rll III)
Due depositors C,4 f0,5)5 57
Due other Banks 1,025,301 08
Dividends unpaid 53,471 37
Due tke Coin. 1,474 2i
Bills Discounted 10,030,702 07
Pyaeie 1,092,085 99
"otes & Checks ot
the Banks 2.103.140 75
Due by other banks 4HO,901 28
Treasury Natea 280,585 09
Bills Receivable 40,518 80
Country Banks. 1
5,282,596 68 ; 'Yh Trfo
61.315 00
1,971,146 84
724.030, CO
144.103 12
HC.GOl 37
on inn nisi .Tiouuay 01 .April next, ueing lite 4 III.
9,989,77 8 03
1,621,177 62
729.570 27
2,203 467 81
187,520 00
"Cabmiisg Coals to" Pottsv i ilk. Substi
iHig IVttsville foi Newcastle will bring Ihe simile
diiectly home to the "business and bosoms" of Phil
adelphians. Yesterday a ship arrived hue fiom
Edmund Badger for
in Badger
Elijah Crawford
Coin'th for B Say re
Henry Fiick
Andrew Tuik
Bartlet for Piper
Thomas M liusael
Yatea A Mclutyre
John F Dentler
William Fry
John Green et al
Edward V Bright
William McCoy
Levi Hobait
Henry H Burr
William Moriti
Ijlher Basset
vs Martin A Stock
vs Hugh Bellas
vs Jes e Parker
vs John Friek
vs S.ephen Wilson
vs John A Lloyd
vs Henry Frick
vs David Hartman
vs Edward Y Bright
vs David Wat son
vs Wm A Lloyd
vs Samuel Swim-hart
vs J C B Noursa
va Levi Hobait
vs William McCoy
vs John B Boyd
a O P Duncan
va John A Philip Ohrrdurf
B LGrovernor A. wife Daniel Snydii Ac
J C B Nouise vs John Lloyd
George Shiley vi tieorgn Long
Com'th for E GoUn vs Hen'y Gouler et al
Nancy Huuter's a Juts
et al vs Daniel Rolens
RolMrt Miner va William Hililei et al
Hull, England, with nearly two bundled tona of
r,.at on uoaiu. unin six lioura noe 01 irua city, Wikson lor UounJ Ac v Wmll Pomp
w bs enough of the "tav mateiial" on hand, to ( Henry Eckeit i Beuj uoiii V Clayton
Kimnlv tha vhol roo,i,,o,,l .,f Coione with fuel 1 '"'urge vs The Slhllliok II Coai Co
fcr a century. Yet they bring coal acns the At-
Prolhountary tlll'.iv, ,
Untie, 14 be ut in Philsiklphia! PhiluJ, Caz, tiuubury MaU'h. b, lei
Froth' y.
To the Honorable Eln Iswis, Esi President,
and his Atsocititet, Judges of Ihe Court of Quar
ter Stssiuns if the county of Northumberland :
FPHK (a'tition of Solomon Reskler.uf Georgetown,
1 Lower Mahonoy township, in said county,
respectfully represents that he continues to keep a
lavein, at his old stand, in (ieoig. town, and is well
prepared f r the accommodation of travellers, Ac.
He therefore prays your honors to grant him a li
cense to kiep a lavein durnig ihe ensuing year, uud
he will piay. Ac. SOLOMON REssLER.
To THE Jl Uni t IDilVI mevtioheii : The sub
senders, residents of Lower Mahonoy township, do
her, by certify, that Solomon Ressler, the applicant
for the license, is a man of good repute for hone-tv
and lt'inerance, and is well provided with house
room anj conveniences for the lodging and accom
modution of strangers and travellers, and that a pub
lic house there i necessary : tlwy theiefoie recoin
mend him as a protr ierkon to be licensed to kceji
a public hou-c.
Mn-hael Lenker, Philip Bobb, jr.
Nn-holis Bingaman, Jacob Sp itz,
Jeorge Brosius, (ieorge Spatz,
Joseph Fcnstermacher, John Smith.
Wi ham Shaft r, F. Neidlmger,
Michai4 Shall'er, Jacob Snyder.
Marrh 5lh, 1842.
SiiulHiry, ortliiiiiilM'i-laiu! Comity,
ritHE subscriUr risecifully informs tbu public,
I. that lie has remove.l to thul largo and comm.i
dious Brick House, nil Market aquure, opposite the
Court House, (formerly kept bv Hira.n Piice.)
where he is now prepared to see immodale all who
muy favor bim wiMi a culL He.i.g tlui kful f .r
past fayois, he hopes by strict atlci.tiuil to business,
to receive a liberal shsie ol public p.ur.i age, Ac.
ll UI.LS U. HAKl'ON.
Sunbuiy, MaitU jth, Hi;,
tieoige Kiick,
Henry Klase,
Win Farrow, jr.
t ieorge f ionseil,
John .Mar z,
Silas S. Fairr.w,
March 5th, l12.
To the Honorable Ellis Leiris, Esq., J'risident,
and hi Associates, Judges of the Court of Quar
ter Sessions, nf the county if Northunibei land :
rilllE pel ill. -it of Henry Dindinger of Rush town
I ship, in siid Ci uuty, humbly represents, that
he continues to ke. p a puhlic hou-e of entertain
ment, at his old stand, in Rush town hip, and is
well prcpatcd for tho accommodation of travellers,
Ac. He then fore prav your Hoiiois lo grain
a license to kiep a tavern duiii g the ei. suing jeai,
and he will prav, Ac.
To the Jrimis in, hi: Mivrniv in : The sub
seriln rs, residents of Rush Ish'p, hereby certify, lb I
Henry Dinding. r, the applicant for the license, is a
man of good repute lor honesty and temper nice,
and is well provided for house-room and convenien
ces lor the lodging and accommodation ol Mr.mgeis
uud travellers, and that ,1 public bouse there is ne
cessary : they then for.' recommend b'rn as a pro
per p rs.m to lie licensed lo keep a public house.
wr.. - - -. ... 11 ,. I. , 1.
ZiyB. lASSEPv,
A T T O N 11 Y A T LAW,
nusinets tllended to in the Counties of Not
thuml erland, Union, Lycoming and Columbia.
Ilef.r loi
Tun n a H a n r V Co., "
Lowr.11 A Barros.
Hart, Ccmtivni A IlanT, W'.'iir.'i.
It El jiol.tis, Mc r arlam 11 A. CO,
Sri mi !o, Goon A Co.,
rREDI I ttliS TAKE MCI ICE, That we have
'-- applied tn the CiMirt of Common Pleas ol Nor
thunibeil mil tounty, for the benefit of the law s
made for the relief of the insolvent deMois; and
that the Judges of the said Court have appointed
the first Monday of April rent to hear us and our
creditors at the Couit House iu Sunlmry, when
and where you may attend if ymi think propel.
Knliert Phillips,
1 Vler f n,
Daniel Cluistian,
J icoh Kram,
Peter Zimmerman,
J icoh Bair,
Feh. 20, 1842.
Diliiel Evert,
Kimber C:eaver,
Peter Fasolt,
Jaco'.i Dycr,
S. John,
Michael Gagin.
To the Honorable Ellis Leiris, Eq., Prfsidint,
and his Associate, Judge of the Ctmrl of Ijunr
trr Session of Ihe county of Northumberhn I ;
f 1111 E petiiou of John Spci cc, of Sunl'iirv, in snid
I. couutv, humbly leprcM-uts, that be has rimed
that well known lavein stand near the Shamokiu
Dam, formerly oicupiedby (ieorge Clark, and is
wed p'epirril lor li e aceomm dation of travellers,
cVc. He therefo'e prays your honors to grant him
a licviise to kieji a lavnn, doiui? it pnuii,!j vcar,
and he will pray, Ac. JOHN SPEECE.
To the Ji nifi'.s above MKvriovEii : The sub
serila rs, lesidents, of Sunbury, hereby certify, that
John Sp. cce, the applicant for the license, is a man
of good repute for honesty and temperance, and ia
well provided with bouse room and conveniences
for the lodging and aecomniiidatioii nf strangers
and travellers, and that a puhlic house there is lie
cessary : they therefore lecoiniiienil him as a pro
p. r person lo he licensed lo keep a public houio.
Samuel D. J rjju,
Heniy Bucher,
Benjamin Kiohn,
t 'I11i.-1i.1n Bower,
Geo. Weiser,
lleiny Haas.
Feb 2'i, If 12.
C. D. Whaiton,
John G. r ry,
Geoi ge. Martin,
(no. Blight,
F. A. Claik.
Piter W. (iiav.
LI. persons indehted to the Estate of the Wi
dow Mary Myers, dee'd, are requested to muko
payment immediately, and persons having claims
against said estate, are requested to pit sent tha
same, properly authenticated, to
Northumlierland, Feb. 12, 1842. Cl. F.jc'r
mm., 1 '
XL. OJBi 'F&l&L
OR sale a small r arm, containing abimt nn
hundred and ten acres, more or If s, situ ite
in Pntut township, Norlhuvnberland Cismity, admit
two miles above Northumbeil.ind, on Ihe main
road leading from that place to Danville, adjoining
lands of John leghou, Jesse C. 1 1 01 loll and others,
now in the occupancy of Samuel Payne. About
lorty acres of said tract are drainl, and in good
slate of cu'tivation, on which there is a small ham
erecti d. 'ITie property will lie sold nn rctmonabla
teims. For further particulars, prisons are request
cd to apply to the tul seriln r.
H. B. MASS-SR, Agent.
Nov. 27th, 1841. if SnnhuTV, Pa.
y. &c a. ii(Tvoiri)Ts
Cliina,C-Jass and Liverpool Warehouse,
No 161 North Third ttrtet, third door h'tow Vine
street, PhitatUlphiu.
YlfHER!- they constantly keep on hand a Inrga
' assoilnient of China, Glass and Liverpool
Ware, w Inch they will dispose of ou the most tax
soiishle terms.
Hnl sb l I ia, November 13, 1811 ly.
Jacob I'risiiiiifli "iiTsoiiT
"j EsPECTFl'LLY intorms th.eii tc : ;'s and
' ncqtiaiiitances generally that '.S v -t: I con.
unue to keep at the old stand. No. S;( i r:h3d
street. Philadelphia, all kinds of
Which they will sell 011 the nio accominodklrng
and ieas..nabie terms,
N. B. All goods sold will Ke ptliranteed, and all
orders promptly attended lo.
Philadelphia, November 13, 1841 I v.
riM;TEiri)i:VEi;sr" "
No. 71 Callowliill Street, i'liiladelrltia,
( Three dotirs uloue Stcund.J
SHOF: Findings always kept on hand, which ha
offers for salo on the lowest terms. Country
Merchants arc particularly lo call and judge fur
Philadelphia, November 13, 1811. ly.
A noil Campbell,
A b xander Mcore,
J. J. Yastine,
John Ci Iket,
Wm. B. I! gg. J ibnson.
JiiM'pb Sh irpless,
George A. Uixon,
Isaac llevvitr,
Win. H. Kap,
Will. Willett,
John Andrews,
Match 5,h, 1812.
To the Honorable Ellis Ia-w'is, Esq., President,
and his Avsociutei.Judgtstf the Court of Quar
ttr Sessions of the county if Northumberland .
T IlHE petition of (Jeorge Brosius of Georgetown,
M Lower Mahonoy township, in said county, te
speclfully reirresents, thut he continue to keep a
tuver.i, at his old stand in Ji oigctown, oi.d is w, II
prepared for the aceomn.odation of travillers, Ac.
He therefore prays your honors to grant him a li
cense to keep a tavern, diunig Ihe ei suing vear,
and he will pray, Ac. GEORGE BROSIUS.
1'c Tit Jl'llOES ABOVE l.!TIOS 1 D : The rub-scriU-rs,
lesidents of Lower Mahonoy township,
hereby certify, that (ieorge Br iius, the applicant
for ibe license, is a man nf good repute for honesty
and tempi r.mce, uud is well provided with house
room and Conveniences for the lodging and accom
modation of stiaugers uud travellers, and that a puh
lic house there is ncccsi-ury : they theretoie recom
mend him as a pr per peisoii to he licensed to keep
a pumic nouse.
Miitl iel Sh iifcr,
John Fei sterol u her,
William Shall, !,
Abraham Toney,
Pelei Winner.
Nicholas Broi-ius,
John Seller,
Michael Lahr,
John l.ihr,
Paul Lahr.
Joseph Fenstivnaclii r,
S0J0111011 Res-ler,
JaCoU Sov.Vr.
Maich 5, 1812.
Ti Hie Honurahle Ellis Lewis. Esq., Pres:dent,
and his Assmiates, Judis of the ( 'tiurt nf Quar
ter Sewion if the county nf Northumberland :
TIIIE petition of Isiar Thompson ol Shauiokin,
I in s iid coiii. ly, humbly ri presents that he has
1 en ed that will known tavern stand iu Shamokiu
town, lately occupied by J icoh Kram, mid is well
prepared for the aec oiiimod ilion of travellers, Ac.
He thunfore prays your houois to grant him a li
cense, to kci p a tavern during the en-uing year,
and he will pny, Ac.
To the Ji'ixiis aiii-ve SFTiotn: The ml
scril eis, r. sl im s of Shamokiu, horehy certify, that
Isaac Thompson, the applicant for license, is a
man of good repute fer hon ,ty and temperance,
and is well provide.) with h uise room anj conve
nience for tl-e lodging and accommodation of
str ingers and travellers, end that a public hou.-e
there is necesnary. They therefore recommend him
as a pioier person to bo licensed to kiep a public
William Km bier,
Elijah L. Runyau,
Henry Kiser,
Solomon Eckert,
Danivl Evert,
Solom n M irtz,
Jacob Kram,
Feh. 26th, 1842. Trego,
Jacob Dyer,
Wm. Fagely,
Stephen Bitteiihender,
Jos II. Snvder,
Uenjamin Kjt erman,
CluiU-s Sbartcll.
T.TZP.1T 1T07I3E.
To the Honorable FMit Liwi l'.q.. P res'-dent
and hi Associates. Judges f the t V.irW of Q tar
ter Vmi'wm, of the couny of Nn-thtuuUrfaud ;
fllllE peliiion of Jncuh Spmz, t;,or. now o,
.1 Lower Mahonoy towu-bip, in ml coumv,
humbly reprrsentir, !hat ,e entinu . t . keep a put
lic house of rnleitai, uncut, at ls , Id in
(Jeorgetown, nd in wll piepared f r the aec. in
ui.xlati in of tr.velleis, Ac. Ho ill. reloie p.av.
your honors 10 graiil bun a be. use to keen a la-
; vcin,dur:,ig the eiiMiing yeai, and he will piay.Ac,
I Tn ,'hc Ji iiiiti laiivi sii rioiin: I he sub
seri'ers, irstU'iits of Lower Mahonoy, hereby wili
! f . , Ibat Jacob Spatz, Ihe applicant for the license, is
a man of good repute for honesty and temjaiance,
and is well proviiled with house-room sndconveni
1 rnees for the fslgiug and accommodation of stran
I gers and travellers, and that a public houe tbeio
is n'tes.-ary: they theretoie r coiiimeiid him as a
proHr s-isoii to Im lo keep a public hou'e.
Miihael Li nker, John Brosius,
Conrad Bachman, Jacob llingam 111,
Joi-epli Ding iiiiau, F. Ni idling" r,
Michael Ungel,
Jacob Mlcharl,
Scbar-liau S'rp,
I'eler W llmail,
Maiih 5lh, 1812.
William Mialf.r,
Salomon Ke.slei,
John Sniiih,
Muluc: Shaller.
'ounlrr'llrl'ti, lrulli Ulow.
rpim pu blic will please observe that no Brandieth
Pills are gviiuHie, unless the liox haa three 1 1
lel upon it. (the top, the side, and the liottoml
cih containing a fic-simi'e ..ignnluie of mv hand
writing, thus 1). Uiiavuhxth, M. D I he' la
belsaie engraved on ..teel, lieautilully designed,
and done al an of over f 2,tlit. Tberefoie
It w ill lie seen thai ,u, y UuiK n-ces.ny lo pr.i
cure the m; 111 its purity, is lo observe these
llriiH'p.n; 1 the lop, the Mile, and the bottom.
1 he t ii .wii'K lespeclive persons arc duly auhori
iiil, and h .'d
' l'oi ihe .-ale ot lli jikIi 1 '.'s I egetnblc Vnicersul
Nonl.i'ii.U'dai d coimtv : Milton M ickey A
' 'b oiibe bn. Sunbuiy II H. Master. M'Ewens-
ville lie! Hid A Mem It Norlhiiuit eilaml Win
1 l'ulli. (Seorgetovvii F. Vidbug. r A Co.
j Union C.iMily: New ll.rl.n J bu HolVoio.
S,.miMr Ever ami Schnure Miil.'!e!' ii, --,ie
S.iinh. Beaver jwii J. A F. Ding 1 .
doul'iirg H. A A. Siniib. Mililiiishu i.
Sw,.pe , ,ird llailleton D.irell.olig Fi. '
l.uig G. A P. C. Mover. Ceiiiievibe Stailey
A l.en'iart. Lewishuig WalU A Green.
I Coliiiiibia county : Daiivilh E. B. Reynolds
A C. Berwick A K Henhouse. Cat-
ji..i ('. A. AC. G. Biol4s. Blooinsburg
John K. Mover. Jeisey Town Levi Bisel. Wa
shington RoU. Mi ("ay." Limestone. D. L.
Obseive that each Agent has an Engravid Cer
tificate of Agency, containing a lepicie illation of
Dr IIRANDKI-: I ll's Manufactory at Sing Sing,
and upon which w ill also lie seen exact copies of
ihe new iubiis now until upon the Brandreth Pill
t'lid idi Ipbia, ulTice No. 8, North 8th street.
Jmuirv 1st, Hti
i;U Sii.l'., Fie.h Ciauteines. Fn e L'u
gbsli I hii'.f, K j; li; ius, H cis. lh r lb., bv
Dev. 25, 1811. II. B. MASSE K.
LOW F.ll liAiinON,
Importers ami Deiilcrs in Foreign anj
IVjinestic Hatdwarc,
No. 171 North 1'iiiki. Sniir, I'niLAni.LPHiA.
AT HEIIE their friends and customers will always
' ' find a large and general a-soriiiient of Foreign
and Domestic llurdvvaie, which they will .til at thu
lowest prices.
Philedelphirw Nnvcmlcr 13, 1S41. lv.
'I'll iTcil ' I TAnrCL l.
.Matiutacttircr ami Importer of Sad-illt-ry,
llartiw-sre, Sec.
No. 5 South Third sfrert, f-tur doors belcw Marie t
EEP constantly oji b ind a large and grneral
assortment Conch Lamps, Carriage Bands.
Axle Arms, t.liptic Springs, Patent Leather. Ac.
Country Merchants and saddlers will be supplied at
nil times on the most reasonable It una. They will
find it to their odvauUge to call and examine lua
assortment before purchasing elsewhcie.
PliBadelphia, November 13, 1841. ly.
No. Vi'i Cliesnut Street, Lelow 4tJi,
KEEP constantly oh hand a general assort
incut of Books and Stationary ; conipii.iuj
Theological. Law, Medical, Classical, Miscellane
ous and School Books, Day Books, all sizes, Led
gers, do.. Family Bibles, Pocket B.bles, Willing
Psjiers, Wrapping Papers, Ac. Ac, which they of
fer at the Icecst pi ices to Country Merchant's Pre
fessiiHial Gvxitlemen, Teachers, and all others lha
may favor them with their custom.
PhiladelphiH, No-mher 13, 1841. ly.
Wholesale Dealers in Foreign Brilish
and American Dry floods.
.Vi. IDS Market street. Philadelphia.
COUNTRY Merchants, and others can be sup
plied at all times with un cxtmsive assoit
nient of the best and most fashiouablv Goods upon
the mo-t reasonable terms.
PliiliiVlpllia, Novrmbrr 13, ISM. lv.
.Ilit-liacl Wi'avei X, oiT,
A'n. 13 North Water Street, Philuddidiia.
V r. constantly on hand, a general assort,
ni' nt of Corduce, Seine T inea, vVc, vir :
I .11 l l,'os-s, pishing Hop. White Ropes, Manil
l i Ropes, Toiv Lines for ('anal Boata. Also, a
ioj irtiiic nt of Seine Twines, Ac, such as
i l l and Herring Twine, Best Patent Gill
1'wine, Cotton Shad and Herring Twii e, Kins
. -v. . Ac. Als 1, H.-d Colds, Plough Lines,
. -, l'racis. Cotton and Linen Carpet Chains,
ill of which they w ill dispose of on r. aonah!
Philmle'phia. November 13, 141. ly.
YsinTlilXK7TLNSl::rL aV: CO'S.
No. llili 1-a Market Ntreet, Thila.
(Below Fifth Staithside )
A LW'AVS keep on hand a full and general as
s. rtmeut of Hosiery, Lace, and Fancy Goods,
Country Merchants are rcsiiectfully request.! t
gl- e them a call and examine for ibenlvta.
Phil idelphia. November 13. 1S41. l v.
Bust l''4'4'l etl and lor .ale by II. B. Alas,
ser llot n Syrup, Sugar House and N. (.
Molasses; Loaf, Lump, Crushed, Brown and Chrvv
U'led Sugar; Cranberries, Raisins, Crackers, A . ;
Ficnih and Engli.-h Mrnuoa; Msnno sud ottr
Shawls; Cloths, Cassiutirs and Cassinrtts; Ikf
(f.xols, Haidwsre. Sadlery, Ac of all kiluls.
Ncv 20th, In 1 1.