BASK NOTE LIST. PEXXSlXTAXI.i. Tlie fallowing it show the curT. nl vrIiio of nil Pennsylvania llnnk N,V. The mnt implicit re liance may be placed upon it, a it is every tvrek twin fully compared with and corrected frotri Hi. k ncll's Reporter. Uanki la Philadelphia. Kami. Location " NOTES AT PAR. Bank of North America . Hunk uf the Northern Liberties . Bunk of Pennsylvania , Bank of Penn Township , Commerrial Rank of Penn'a. . Fiirri t" and Mechanics' Bank . Ward Dank . , Kensington Bunk , . M ii ulacturers' A Mechanic' Bunk Mcclinnica' Dank . . Movnmensing Dank Philadelphia Bank S.huvlkill Bank Southwark Bank Western Bank . Country Bank. Hsr k of Pittsburg Fitishutg par par 10 pr par put 40 par par par par par par par par par par par ar Umk tif I heater County Bank of Delaware Count) Bank of Oermantown ' bonk of Lewistown Bank r.f Middlctown Bank of Montgomery Co. 13. irk of Northumberland Westchester Cheater Uermantown Lewistown MiJJIetown Norristown par par Northumberland par H.'.ka County Bank rfcauing Columbia Bank A Bridge co. Columbia par 3 Carlisle Bank Carlisle Doylentown Bank Ension Bank L'xchango Bank Do d.) branch of FrmeAs' Bank of Buck a co Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Fanners' Bank of Reading Hnrrisburg Bank Lanctis'er Bank Lebanon Bank Merchant' A Manuf. Bank Miner' Bank ol PuttsMllo Northampton Bunk Towards Bank Doyletown par Esion par Pittsburg par Holhdaysburg 2j Bristol par Lancaster 0 Reading par Harrisburg 6 Lancaster par Lebanon par Piltsburg par Pottaville par Alleulown par Towanda failed Williamsport 05 to CO Wikesbarre 5 Harrisbuigl These Lancaster I offices Reading f do not Easton J issue n. Wcb: L'a:ich B nk Wyoming Bank Office of Bank of Pcnn'. Office do do Office do do Office do do NOTES AT DISCOUNT. Bank of the Uni'e.1 States Philadelphia 60 Otfice of Bank of U. S. Pittsburg Da do do Erie Do do do New Brighton KenainB'nn Sav. Ins. A do Pvnn To n.hip Sav. Iiia. do llni k of Chamhcrsburg Chamlx'rburg 5 Harik of Gettysburg Gettysburg 5 Hi.nk of Susquehanna Co. Montrose jj Lhe Bank Erie Fanner' dir. Drovers' Batik Waynesburg 6 Franklin Bank Washington 6 Honesdale Bank Honesdale j Monnngahe la Bank of B. Brownsville 6 Vork Bank York 3 N. B, The notea of those banks on which we omit quotations, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, wMi the exception uf those which have a letter of rilennce. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia Loan Co. Schuylkill Sav. I ire. Manual Labor Bank (T. W Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bank of Beaver Bunk of Swaiara Bank of Washington Centre Bank City Bunk Farmers' A Mech'cs' Bui.k Farmers' A Mech'ca' Bank Farmers' A Mech'ca' Bank 1 lawny Instil uto Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen's liar k Northern Bnnk of 1'a. New Hope Dal. Bridge Co. Northmnh'd Union Col. Bk. North Wcnttrn Baiikof Pa. Office of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr. A Mmif. iiank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmorland Bank Philadelphia failed do failed do filled Dyott, prep.) failed Bedford no sale Beaver closed Harrisburg closed Washington filled Belli lonto closed Pitlsbuig no sale Pittsburg fuiled Fayette co. failed Grcencastle failed I Harmony no sale HuntingJuu no sale Lewistown no sale Warren failed Dunduff no sale New Hope closed Milton no sale Mcndville closed Port Cm bun failed Carlisle failed Montroae closed Unioiilown failed Ureensburg closed Wilktebarre no sale Wilkesbnrre Bridge Co. (Tj All notes puqorting to be on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the above ht, uiay be act down as frauds. XKTV JOISKY. Bank of New Brunawick Brunswick Belvtdeia Batik Bolvidere Hurlirigton Co. Bunk Mediord Commercial Bank Penh Amboy Cuinl-erland Bank Bridgclon Funnel' Bank Mount Holly Forimrs' and Mechanics' Bk Rabway Farmers' and Miclisui.V Bk N. lliuirswiik Farmers' and Mibanici' Bk MiddUtoun Pt Franklin Bank of N. J. Jersey City lloboketi Bkgd: Urszing Co Hub. .ken Jersey City li n k Jersey City Mechanics' Bans: I'lit'entou Vautifacturt rs' Bunk Belleville Morris Con.pany Bank Mornstown Monmouth lk of N.J. Freehold Mechanics' Ba'ik Newark Meclituiws' und Manuf. Bk Trenton failed Spin par 1 in par par 2 pin failed , lprn failed failed fuiled failed failed par failed 2pm par no sale Motrin Canal und Bkg Co Jeisey City Post Nou s Newark Bkc A: Ins Co Newark New Hope Del Bridge Co Lambertsville N. J. Mauufac. and Bkg Co Hoboken N J Proieclion Loiubard Lk Jersey City Orange Bank Orange Pdteuon Bank Patcrtun .pin 2 dis lad. .1 failed 1 pin failed 2pm par par 1 copies' Bank do Pnnceion Bai k Princeton Salem Banking Co jSalem State Buik Newark Staie Bunk Elwabethtown rSute Bank ('ainden Stare Bank of Morria Morristown State Bank Trenton Sulem and J'hiUJ Manuf Co Salem Sussex Bank Newton Trenton Hm king C'u Trenton Union iiai'l. Dover atliiiigin Banking Co. llackeiisack par 2pm par 2pm failed failed I A pro 2pm 1 pin failed EX.4V.4Itr nk of Wilin A Brui,.lywini Wi'mington par Bank, i f Delvr Wilmiiigton par Bank of Smyrna Smyrna par Do blanch Millord par Farmers' Bk of Stale of Del Dover par Do branch Wilmington par Do branch Georgitowu par Do branch Newcastle par Union Bank Wilmington par QO Under Ta 2 (O On all bat ks marked thua () there are ei ther counterfeit or altered cotes cf the vsnous de nuiiunatiens, in euculation. CITY AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE Number 29 North Third Street, Philadelphia tJUBLIC SALES of Dry Good, Hardware and Cutlery, Bonks, Stationary, Clothing, Boots, Shoes and Hals, and in abort almost every description of goods, are held at this establishment every evening. Goods are nlo sold at private sale during the day at the average auction prices. 8lore keepers and lia.lera will fnnl it lo their advantage by attending the sales. CO. MACKEV, Auctioneer. Philadelphia, November 13, lll. ly. J . wTs WAIN, Umbrella and Parasol Manufacturer. No. 37 Nuoh Tiitf) tlrret, tivo doors lilow the Cifv Hotel, Vhiladtljtfiia. COUNTRY Merchants and oihera are solicited to rx amine his nasortuenl before purchasing elsewhere Phila 'elj hi.i, Nnvenibrr 1. 1S4I. ly. sT'cuingT good & co. X. l'3b Market Street, Philadelphia. BNVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensive ansor.'meiit of Britirh French and American Dry Goods, which they fpfler lor sale on the ninht reasomible t rms. Philadelphia. November 13, IS 1 1. ly. PETEP. COITOVES, " Wholesale and Retail 8hcie, Bonnet, and Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. A'o. C6 North 2i itrect, a few doors uiox t .irch, Philudclfihia. A LSO Trunks, Carpet Bags and Valices, of ev- JQ. rTy deciiplion, nil of which he utters for sale on the moat reasonable terms. Philadelphia, November 13, 1P1I. ly. TD13r."lSl-sPvSa) 1F EVKKY DIX.KII'l ION. NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. No. 29 Norlli Water Street, Phila. MANUFACTURERS and dealers in Oils of every description both fur burning and manufacturing purposes, which will be sold much lower than they can be procured elsewhere, arid warranted in nuntity to equal nnv in the city. Anv oil sold by the company not proving as represented, may lie returned without any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will le refunded. Their block now in store consists of the following oils, viz: 30,000 gallons Winter Bleached Speim Oil, 6000 do do Coloile.B Oil, do Fail und Spring Sperm Oil, do Winter S' Elephant, do do Pressed Whale Oil, do Summer do do do do Common Whale Oil, 16,000 10,000 20,000 COOO 15,000 00 Barrels superior Straits Oil, 200 Jo Cod llnnk Oil, do Nea's Foot Od, .10 76 Cntiks Olive Oil, Tanner's Oils, fXj-'J'his Company has a number of Vessel en gaged in the Cod Fishery, and Tanners may rely upon petting at all times Oil as pure as iinporled. Philadelphia, Nov. 13. 1 841 . ly. G7 VT& L. 3tjzlcsT. OFFER FOR SALE, at the South East Cor ner of Fifth und Murfsct Streets, Philadel phia Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted, do do do peyged do do do do water proof, double soles ami dif r.ile uppers, do Calf-skin do do and uppers, do Heavy Water Leather Boots, do do Ncats do do. do High quarter Shoes, Cult'-skiu, dj do do Crockers do do Fine Monroes warranted do nailed do Kip do do Culf do do Coarse do do do Shoe do Fine do do Kip do do do do do do do do fnlf and Seul Skin Pumps, do List Socks with and without soles, do 'r ct do do do dn Patent Warranted Water-proof Moccasins. Ladies' do do do do Lndns' tanned India Rubber shots. Ccnt'crueim' do Over shoes. With every other description of boots and ahoes. Fur of every description. Travelling Trunks of every description. Venetian Travelling Bag. Patent Cum Elaslic Shoe Blackmir. Bonnets of all kinds, Palm Leaf Hats. Philadelphia. No ember 13. ltf-ll. ly. Wholesale Variety and Trimming Store No. 14, iVo7i Fourth near Arch it., Philadelphia. THEI1E Country Merthnnta and others can be suppliid. at ,11 times, wild a large assortment of Hosii ry, CIovmi, Merino, Cotton, und Woolen Shifts end Dnneis, Spool Cotton, Patent Thtead. Cotton Coida, Button, 'i apes. Bindings, H k and Eves, Pins, ice. Arwl a erneral van. ty ol u-e-ful ami lea, which lit olfeis lor sale at tho lowest prices. Philadelibia, Noveinhei 1H, 1P41. ly. rV fTM- wiioLrsALE ncismv, glove & oi s i.H i L Vi'.u 1 1 1 a i onr, .Yo. 34 Nor'h Ftivrth ft., under Mtrchaut Until, PHILADELPHIA. CUTHF.RE Country Merchants can be supplied y y wnh an extensive variety of choice ut tides in bis line, upon the mobt reasonable terms. Nov. 6ih 1811 ly IvidCALL A 6c HER.SE, No Al, oi Hi S utl kli e t, (cohm.r or coomb's inn.) Wheie they constantly keep on hand a gener il assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMEIIES, VESTINQS, And u greut varietf ofarticU of a superior quality, which they oiler lo dispose cf l-J.oii the Hoist K!aonable terms. CIOUNTRY MERCHANTS and othera will ) find n to tlnii advantage to call and examine their st. ek lel'.ne purc hasing elsewhere, i Pbilad. I bia. Nov. fi, 14 1 . "I y a M'a.i:.Mn assut.ii;t OF JL'fsT ar.ived from the rity of Philadelphia, and f. .r sale, at the most teduced prices, for cash, at lhe new stoie foimeily kepi by John Bogar, as follows : (. bulling of all, such aa Warm Oveiroits, Coatlees. Pantaloons, Vesls, Ac. Also, a lan; asaortuient of Fine Culf skin and Wa terproof B.iots, I. adieu' I,re Boots, and a vanity of other Boots and Shoes for the winter, trimmed and untrimmed (iuin Shoes, and Men's, Boys' and Cbil dien's Shoes, of ail eiies. JOHN CHAMBERLAIN, Sunbury M. SOth IPll. If. MRS, BOLTON, RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the public generally, that she combines lo keep Hint well known Tavern Stand in Maikct street, Sunbury, sign of the H.-BLLUZSTD .!Ils.l2:CLDrCaWr, formerly kept by John Bolton, her husband ; and by endeavoring to conduct the establishment in a manner lo give satisfaction lo all, hopes lo merit a liberal shaie of public patronage. Sunbury, Octolx r Uih, 1841. T ESPEC1 FULLY inform the citizens of Sun-A- bury and vicinity, ihst they have lak"n the Shop latdy occupied by Wm. Durst, where they will carry on the TAILORING BUSINESS, in nil its various branches. By atriet attention and rensonnble chmges, tbey expect to merit a share of publie patronage. Sunbury. Sept. 4th, 1811. LIST OF B6kS riiM mil: n v ' 122. L13. sre. g?g.rairr A NTIION'S Clnssical Diriionnry; Lemprier'a do.; Ain?worth'a do ; Cobb's do.; English and Oeimnn do.; Anlhon's Cn'sar; Ambon's (Jrnmnier; Anthen's C'iccto; Mail's 1. alio Readei; Opilby's do.; Andiew's Latin Lessons; Donncgnn' Lexicon; Fisk's tircik Exercises; Davies's Leeeuilei; (irarca Majors; Adsms'a Roman Autiqtsjiies; Pinnock's (ioldsmith's England; do. (Jreeee; Lyell's Elements of Urology; Mrs. Lincoln's Botnnv; Elements of Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rhrloriral Rea ders; F.nvrson's Ueosmphy and History; Olney's do; Parley's do.; Smith's (trammer: Kirkhnm's do.: Kav's Readers; Cobl 's do; Cnbb'a Arilbmeiick; Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; (.bb's Spelling Books; Tow it's do.; Cobb's Table Bonks; Evangelical Fa mily Lilvarv; Cottage Bible-; Family do; Collater al do.; mall Bitdcs and Testaments; Pnrkci's Ex ercises nn Composition; Fruit of lhe Spirit; Hnx'rr's M .iol's Itesi; Anieriraii Revolution: Mnnvatl's No vets; Mis. Phelps on Chemistry; Iliad: Catechism nf American Law,; l.ettirson Natural Mngic; Che mistry for Beginner'; English Exercisis adapted lo Murray's Crammer; Sequel to Comby's Spelling Book; Ami ricau Class Book; Dnholl's Schoolmas ter's Assistant; A treat variety of Blank Books, &c. August 2H, H41. JACOB A3LVTINJ ommissioii ;iml I "onvartlius wehciiant, rfirv ". "--v I 1ESPECTFI LI.Y inform, his Irie ids nod the 1 - Mercliants lienern'lv, tbnt be coniiuues the Cominiion 111. d Forwarding Business, hi bis wan house, foot of illoY sl, Rallioad, L'el iwuie and tichuvlkill. Merchants having goods to I e hiped, will find il much to their advantage, ns to time and prices of ficigbt, to send their merchandise to the Depot, corner of Front and Willow utreet Railroad, as ibey can then be sent either route by the Tide W ater Canal, 01 Schuy lkill and Union Canals, as boats wdl arrive and depnrt daily lor the Juniata and Susquehanna Canals by Tide-wt ler in tow of steam, or via Schuylkill and Union Canals from Fairinount duin. Mercliants will please be pi rlieulur lo send all goods destined for either route, to the large D pot, corner of Front ami Wdlow utrect Railroad, with directions accompany inn lliem, which route tbey wish ti.em 10 be shipped. Coaise and line .tall and Tiister at wholesale prices, on the Delawaie or Schuylkill. Philadelphia. Ju ie 5. 1841 ly. MADEIRA WINE. Fust quaiity Madiera Wine, for sale low by Sept. 1, lsJII. II. B. MASSER, FOURTH PROOF BRANDY. A genuine article always on baud and for sale by Sept. 1, IS 1 1 . H. B. M ASSER. HOLLAND li'IN, Ol the best quality ulways on hand and for sale by Sept. I, 104 I. ILBASSER. LO A F AND LUMP SUGAR. Always on hand and for sale by Sept. I.JMl. II. B. MASSER. NEW ORLEANS SKSAR HOUSE MO I.AssES. Ol the best quality always on hand ai d for sale by Sept. 1, 1S4I. IL BIASSER, BROWN Sl UAR. Of a good quulity, for sale low by Sept. I, 184 I H. B..MAS.-ER. CUE EN AND BLACK TEAS. Of the best quality always 011 hand and for sale by Sept. 1. Ib4l. JLU. MASSER. (,'OFFI E. Java, Rio and Laguira Coffee, con stantly on b ind and fur sale by Sept. 1, 1841. II. B. MASSER. SPERM OIL. Winter and Summer strained Spenn Oil, uf the lent quality, alwaya on hand and for sale by Sept I, 1841. 11. B, MASSER. STEEL. Cost and Blister Steel, for sale by Sept. I. 1841. H J. MASMCII IRISH SALMON. Ol the bet quality, con stantly on hand and for sale by Sept. I, 1841. JL B.MASSER. LIQUORS. Of all kinds and ol the bet quali ties, always 011 hand and for sale bv Sept. I, 14I. 1LBMASSEIL SPRING STEEL. Of various izcs for Eliplic Sj rii.g, for s.dc by s. st. LJ84L H. B.M ASSER. LARGE O.UARTO BIBLES. Fur sale at very reduced prices by Sept. 1, 1841. 11. B. MASSER. BLANK BOOKS. Ol all kinds, for sale ly S. pt . 1 , 1 84 1 . II. JL MjssE R. BLANK DEEDS. Bonds, Mortgages, Ac. for sale by Sept. 1. 1841. H. B. MASsEU, JUSTICES' BLANKS. for sale by Sept. 1, 1811. H. B. MASSER. CLOTHS, Blue, Black. Invisible Green, Ac, for sule by Sept. 1, 1841. II. B. M ASSER. CAsSIMERES AND SATTIN ET'J'S. For sale very low by Sept. I, 1841. II. B. MASSER. CARPETING. For sale cheap by Sept. I, 1841. H. B. MASSER. BLANKETS For sale cheap by Sept. I. I84L H. B. MASSER. UNB LE ACHED MUSLIN'S. For silo by Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER. "COTTON YARN AND COTTON LAPS--For sale by Sept. I, 1841. II. B- MASSER. "HEMP AND COTTON TWiNE. For sale v Sepi. 1. 1841. II. B. MASSKR. TO WINti LINES, CORDS AN D ROPES. For sale by Sept. I, 1811. II. B. MASSER. AN unparelleled remedy for common Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Influenr.a, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and all diseases of lhe Breast and Lungs, lending 10 consumption; composed of the concen trated virtues of Hon hound, Bonset, Blood Root, Liverwort and several other vegetable aubstances. Prepared only by J. M. Wisatow, Rochester, New Yoik. The innocence rind universalis admitted pectoral viilueaof tlio lleibs from which the llaham of llorehound ia made, ore loo generally known to re quire recommendation ; il Is therefore only necessa ry lo olocrve that this Medicine containa the whole of their Medicinal properties, highly concentrated, and so happily combined with several other vege table substances, as to render it the most speedy, mild and certain remedy, now In use, f r the com plaints aliove mentioned. The Balsam removes nil imflammntinn and sore ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, en abling the patient to expectorate with ease and free dom, assuages cough, relieves athmntic and diffi cult respiration, heals lhe injured parts, opens the pores, and composes the disturbed nerves, and gives strength lo lhe lender lungs, and thus produces a peedy and lasting cure. I I.mHATITtn IS TH R H ASF.fcT CrllMK IS MW. I We are not among that class of Editors who fur a : few dollars will, (at the expense of truth and ho nesty) "crack up" an article nnd brine it into rapid ; sale ; neither ate we willing to icmaiti silent, after having tested the utility of an im rovemeut or Iis- : covety in science or ait. Our readers will recoiled j we told them we were unwt II wiih a sore throat and violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, we pur- : chased two bottles of WIN'SLOW'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUND, and so sudden was the cure, ; that we forgot we evrr had a cold. Those who j are nfllicled, may try it upon our recommendation. ! Ltwitton T'-lrarajih. For sale by HEN K Y YOXTHEIME R, Sunbury, j JACOB BRIUHT, Northumberland. j Also, by Druggists gener. .Ily throughout the country. qtj" Price, CO cents per bottle. August 14th. 164 I. It. ATTENTION. .1 . si i u v ju a 1: s , I) EQUESTS the attention of his country friends i k- who arc in want, to his verv large stock of j Carprlings, Oil Cloths, Mailings, Rugs, Bindings, 1 Stair RoJs, Ac, &.C., that he has just opened, at j his warehouses, No. 18 North "d street, and No. 2 ! Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Pbilu de'phin. Julv 31, 1841. ly. j J CHITS et, CJlimTGS. WHOLESALE PHOE, BONNET, Cup aiu' Putin l.eof lint Store, ' No. 10 Socth 4ih Sthkkt, PHILADELPHIA, ! " fHERE an ejlei.sive assortment of the ahove articles are car.titnntly kept on hand, for sule 1 at the most rensonuble tcrmu. ' May 29, 1841. ly. ' SVKnISL HIDES, ; TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. I D. K 1 11 K P A T It 1 C K cV su N, ! No. 21, N011 Third .strut, (tlETWCEH MAHKCT A!n ClirsCT srnr.F.TS,) ! PHILADELPHIA. ; HAVE for sale large and excellent assortment , of&paninh llidin, Patna Kips, Tanners' Oil, 1 iVc, at the lowest luaiket prices, eilhrr for cash, ic exchange for Leather, or upon credit. J Consignments of Leather received fur sile, 01 ; purchased at the highest maikct prices. i (Jj Leather stored free of t barge. April 17, 18 11. ly. i THIS MACHINE ACA1.N.ST TIIK! WOULD. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. DAVENPORT'S Improved Patent Threshing Machine and Horse Power, which threshes ami cleans at the same time an invention for 1 which Farmers have long looked in vain, and which ! tenders the abuse machine peifect and past further improvement. Those who have been waiting for something better limn heretofore olb red for sale, will find this to be the article. Come see it and fudge for yourselves. The subscribers have purchased the right of lhe above Machine and Horse Power, for the coun ties of North in a Kit la mi, Licomi no, Cli nton, and Umon and also, the privileges of vending them in any other places fur which the right has not been pieviously sold. The advantages which thia Machine has over all others invented are many and obvious. One boy and three men run do all the threshing and cleaning ol ISO bushels of wheal in one day and thia usually takes seven hands one day and three the next. For Jield threshing it takes the lead of any thing in this world 110 grain is scattered or lost. Such is the superiority of the Horse Power, that three horses cun thresh as much w ith it as four can w ith any other. The Mai bines and Horse Power will be sold together or seperate, to suit purchasers. Made and suld in Milton, by the subscribers. M. WELCH, WM. H. POMP, HENRY FRICK. Milton, April IT, 1841. ilf.'t".V.W;.VAI TtOA'. THRESHING A WINNOWING MACHINE. Having had in use, one of Davenport's Patent Threshing and Winnow ing Mac hint's, snd lacing repeatedly called upon for our opinion in regard to their value, durability and advantages, we make, Irce to state, tbnt they exceed in our opinion, any Tbiesh'iig Machine we ever bcfoie witnessed in use, Tbey will thresh and clean, fit for market 200 busbi Is of beat per day, and this with the aid ol three hands besides lhe driver. The Straw is passed off Irotn the grain on an incline plane, ex tending about 12 (cvtlrom the Machine. Scarce ly a grain is lost. What ia of some importance and greatly so, ia the fact that no dust passes from the Machine to the man who feeds it. The Horse power seems lo lie perfection itself three horses may woik il wilh ease and their fastest Rail need only be the ordmaiy lough gait. We must cheerfully r commend the Machine to Farmers they aie manufactured in M1I1011 by Messrs. Welch Pomp and Fuck. PHILIP HILGERT. JOHN B HELLER' Chilisquaque tsbp., North d co, March 20, 1841. II A Z A It I S UNITED STAPES COMMERCIAL AND STATISTICAL REGISTER. Containing doc umeuts, facts and other useful information, illustra tive ol lhe history and resources of the American Union, and of each Stale ; embracing commerce, manufactures, agricultuie, internal improvement, banks, currency, finances, education, Ac. Ac. Edi ted by Samuel Hazard. Publi-hed every Wednesday, at 79 Dock street. The price to subscribers is ?5 per annum, payable on the first of Januuiv of each year. Noauhscrip tion received for less than a year. Subscribers out of lhe principal citiislo pay in advance. IMPORTANT TO PM HE Undersigned lake pleasure in submitting .1 In the public the following Recommendations of Pratt's Cast Iron JSmut Mill and Grain Duller to all dealers in Grain and mnnuhictors of Flour, be lieving it to be superior to any thing of the kind ever offered lo the public. All orders addressed to Col. J. M'Fadden, Lewisburg, Union county Penn sylvania. EBENEKZER SQUIRE, JACKSON M'FADDIN. f'F.HTim:in:st Monfz's Mill, Centre Co., March 30, 1841. J. M'Paiiius Sib: I cheerfully testify lo the goodness nnd durability of Pratt'a Cast Iron Smut Mill ard Grain Huller, as being a far superior arti cle for the cleaning of smut and all other impurities that I have ever seen, and I have been engaged in the manufacture of Flour for a grcut many years, and have always tried lo have the best apparatus for manufacturing that could be got, nnd do say that the above tnuchine ia lhe best apparatus I believe now in use. Jniit Moatz. Dlunmshiirg, Dee. 20, 1840. Cot.J. M'Faiiius Sia: In reply to your favor, received a few days since, I hnve only to sny,that the fact of my having introduced into each of the four mills that I am concerned in, one of Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mills, is the best evidence I can give you of their utility, Yours truly, Wm. M' Milton, March 17, 1841. J. M'FAimt Sin : I do hereby certify without any bes.tation, that Pratt's Smut Mill and Grain Huller is the most perfect machine to cleanse grain nf smut and all other imperfections, that I have ever seen, and I believe I have seen all the kinds that are now used in Pennsylvania, and I must say that there is nothing of the kind ever been invented that will come in competition with it. Giio. Eckemt. Col. J. M'Faiuii.n Sin: During the past 24 years I have been constantly engaged in manufac turing flour, ami during the last 12 years have been the owner ol a grist and flouring mill, and among nil the contrivances to remove impurities from grain 1 am occioeuiv 01 me opinion mm 1 1:111 mm ion- 1 chii c is superior to any wiih which I am acquaint- , J ed, having used one in my mill about eighteen j months. Kukhhikk Hias. i Yorkshire Mills, Dec, 1840. I want in my flouring mi.l as good an opptiralus 1 to prepare grain for flouring, as the best, and I w ant j no better tlinn Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mill. It will remove smut entirely no mistake. M. ("l.KASOX. Sunbury, December 22, 1840. Col. J. M'Fahiiis Sim I have in my mill one of Pratt's cast and wrought iron spiral Smut Mills and Grain Huller, nnd sin confident that in regard to simplicity of construction, and durability of male rial, it ia supcnor to any 1 am acquainted with. UlNlIT Masskii. limrOop Mil's, Dec. 22, 1810. Col, J. .M'Paiiiu Sir: I have in my flouring mill one of Print's Cast Iron Spiral Smut Mill", and I am decidedly of the opinion that it is the best machine to prepare grain for llouring that I am ac quainted with, and ns such cheerfully recommend it lo all who are engaged in the manufacture of flour. Jacob Liisimiino. Aaronrfiurg, March 23, 1841. Col. J. M'Faum Sm: I take leosure in say ing that Piatt's Cast Iron Smut Mill is imc uf the best improvements for the cleaning of grain of all kinds, that has yel come under my observation, and lhat I believe il fir superior to any thing of the kind ever invenlid. You may use my name in any way you think proper. O. P. Di nca.n. Union Mi'l, J in. 14. 1841. Tl is is to ccrlily that I have bad Pratt's I 'osl and j wrought iron Smut Machine nnd Ciain Huller in 1 use lor better than 12 months, and find it to answer everv purpose that it was inti 1 tied lor. Smut can lie taken out of wheal I believe eveiv particle of it can be taken out willn.ut breakmi; the gram ol the wheat. Jumm Pi.amk. Anrvnubui g, March 2:1, lsll. Col. M'Faimiin Sm: 1 have been engaged in manufacturing Siiciinc Flour for many years, and have it this tune one ol Pratt's Smut Mills in each of my mills, nnd I do bert by rccomiiii i:d 1 1 1 1 11 1 ns the must valuable improvement lor cleaning wheat ol smut and all other impurities, lhat I am acquainted Willi. JavIKS Dl'M'AX. (.'ol. M-Fatim Sin: I have been engaged in the manulacluring ol Hour lor 28 veirs, and most cheerfully recommend the ubove machine, as being bv far the best apnarutus for cleansing grain that I have ever Used or seen. I consider it an iiulispen sihle article lur any mill that pretends lo do any bu siness. Jam FlsllKII. .luueduct Mills, Dec 24, 1840. Col. J. M-Faihiin Sir: Prod's Cost Iron Smut Mill was introduced into my mill alauit three years since, and I believe it is the I 'est article uf that kind now in use. It will nut only remove smut en'eiely, but is a most valuable apparatus lo clean wheat and rye uf any character, and prepare il for flouring. Bknjamix Boom:. l.euibtir: De 1840. Cm. J. M-Faihux Sm: After a caieful and candid examination and trial uf lhe machine, in re gard to construction, neatness and despatch in exe cution, economy in price, and power lo set in ope ration. I am fully cniivincid and satisfied, lhat the machine above alluded to, is second lo no one in use. J. M011 now, Mill, r und Flour Manufacturer. Callmrissa, December 25, 1 S 10. Col. J. M'Faiiius Sm: Pratt's Cast and Wrought Iron Spiral Smut Mill and Grain Huller, I consider lo be the hi si machine to remove smut and other impurities to w hich grain is subject, that I have used, or wilh which 1 am acquainted, in re gard to durability of matt rial, simplicity of construc tion, neatness and desputih in execution. Paxton. N. B, The above machines are manufactured at the Lewisburg Foundry, Union county and at the Bloomsburg Foundry, Columbia county, Pa. Lewisburg, June 19, 1S11. HAYS, ELLIOT, liVOM & GOSH. t lioleMUle Df-alM-M, Li Foreign, Itritiih and .Imcriean lry (iooth, No. 12 North Tuirii Strclt, Philadelphia CIOUNTRY Merchants can I supplied at all J timeswiil. an extensile assort n enl of the above Goods, on the n.ost reascuable and satisfactory terms. May 29, 1841. I y. FOR SAW-MILLS. Br Benjamin N. Ciiiisi. j rTMIE Subscribers having purchased the right for 1 vending and using the above valuable mven- lion, for Noilhuinbeiland County, oiler to alispose of the same to persons who may desire to purchase. 1 be above invi ntion is now in o(veraiion at hibsbw mill of Mr. M'Caity, nesr Sunbury, where il can be inspected by owners of aaw nulls and all other interested. E. GOBIN, March 87.-.f. SAMUEL GOBIN. WARRANTED Brass Clocks, l or i:t Hollars f7 QUAL for time to any sold by Ctoek Ptd A lars for 25, lor asle by Much 1J. II. B. MASSE IJ. C ure 3 our C'ousli IxTorc it Is loo lair. R. DUNCAN'S Expkctohawt RrstKnt ia the only medicine that perfect confidence can lie relied upon for tho immidiolo rernovol of thia troublesome complaint. This medicine alwny re. lieve a cough in a few days, snd when the disease) is seated on the lungs, it causes it lo lie discharged by expectoration, thus restoring sound health lo the happine.s and enjoyment of those who long have been afflicted. For sale at the Princips.1 Office, 19 North Eighth street, Philadelphia Al-o at the storo of HENRY YOYTHEIMER, Feb SO. 1812. .ttrcnl. IJvrr Complaint. Cured by Dr. Ilarlieh's Cotiipmmd Strengthen inland Aperient Pills. R. WILLIAW RICHARDS, Pittsburg, Pa., entirely cured of the above distressing disease. Hia symptoms were pain and weight in the left side, loss of appetite, vomiting, acrid ertic taiions, a distension of the stomach, sick headache, furrod tongue, countenance changed lo a citron color, difficulty ol breathing, disturlied rest, atten ded wilh a cough, great debility, with other sym loin indicating Rreat derangement of the functions of lhe liver. Mr. Richards had the advice ef several physicians, Put ieceid no relief, until using Dr. HARLICH'S Medicine, which terminated in ef fect cine. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 19th North EIGHTH Street, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Feb. 1!), 1812. Agent. ( oiisiini)(i)ii and l atli. VI 7"ill most assured y be the fate of those who ' neglect themselves when afflicted wilh the premonitory symptoms of consumption, as a Cold, Cough, Bronchitis, or Soreness of the Throat, Hoarseness, Ditlicult Expectoration, Asthma, Spit ting of Blood, &ic. Dr. Di::cn's ExpFCTonATrx lii: mi 11 r is expressly prepated for the removal and cure of these dangerous and troublesome diseases Tner. fote, yi u who are laboring under the influ ence of these complaints, procure immediately this mniicoic In lore It lie too late, Csa UoTTLB may t. ,, f prolonging your life. Always ask for Dr. Di m-am s Ltpi.ctoiiast Rr.Mr.Dr, and see that you get it, nnd not e persuaded by some who sell different medicines to take some ol their medi. cine in preference. These persons obtain some cheap thing, and palm it 011 the public at full price. Il is then fire important lor puichaeers to be ou their gu ird. Dr. Dcncan's E x rrcToa A?f t Rfmept i put up in lirge size bottles, and enveloped in blue pa per. The outer form contains a fine sleel plate en graving repreM nting "Jlo'e in a Storm." Price $ 1 per buttle. Principal Office 19 North Eighth Street, Phila delphia. A ho for sale at the Store of HENRY YOXIHEIMER, Fe!.. 12, 111. Agent. lAciioi ol leu Years) Standing. 1AM truly happy to slate to the nlllictej commu nity that a rnemU'r of my family was afflicted for ten or twelve years wilh the above disltrssinir. disia-e. The symptoms were great oppression af ter eating, ncidny at the stomach, a severe pain in the side and locust, sick headache, mental despon dency, wiih o'her symptoms, during which lime numerous r media were proeurvd without obtain ing much relief. Hiving heard of the good effects ail Dr. Haiilicii's Compound Strengthening and Germ 111 Apeiiei t Pills, I was induced lo give them a trial, which I am h ippy to state that by using one box of the Germ. 01 Aperient Pills, accompa nied by lhe Strengthening Tonic Pills, that they have i.ea'lv ermltcatad the disease. I consider it alue to these ulllicted lhat I make this acknowledge ma nt. that tbey may likew ise procure the same in- ! valuable medicine, and lie fried from these distres sing diseases. W ilh gratitude and re-pect, WM. M. S PEAIl, No. 125 Old York Road, j For sale at No 19 North Eigh'.h street, Philad., ; and ut the store of HENRY YOXTHEIMER, 1 Fab. :. 1812. A&n!. Piles urtMl, ; liy the use if l)r. Ilnrln lis Compound Strength eiiina and (tirmun Aperient Pills. h Hahi.ii H. Dear Sir: Shortly otter I re ceiveil the Aga ncv fiom you for the sale of our medicine, I formed an acquaintance with a lady of I1 is place, who was severely albiclcd wrh j the Piles. For eight or ten years this lady was subject to frequent painful attacks, and her physi cian coiisideri d her case so complicated, that lie ve ry seldom prescribed medicine for ha r. Through my pa r-ua-ion, she commenced using your Pills, and was perfectly cured. Yours, Ac. JAMES R. KIRBY, Oct. U, 1840 Chnmbcsburg, Pa. Olliceaud General Depot, No 19 North Eight' Street. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, J an. 29ih, 1842. Agml. Ii. IMiih au's IXpertoruiit Ileitis' tly Ktaitds Hoot S77ROM the tjusck Syrusaml Parngoric Com " pounds which have oflate become a bunler. 10 the public he alth, and a suspension to lhe purse. Why is it that these medicines are taken repiaied ly by the sia k without removing the complaint in question ! The reason is plain and simple, vi : lia'cause llwy are coinpo-ed chiefly of opium and its spiritual prepaiuti..ns which acts on the system as a poweiful stimulating anodyne, and by using repeatedly, the system liecomes hibiiuatoJto i s narcotic influence, as uf those who are given to intemperance. This f.iel has herome apparent to thousands who have experienced lhe fatal effect of such medicines, and commenced Using Dr. Dvxcan's Exi'tcrti HAvr Ri.MHm, which is entirely free ftoni opium and all other p.usonous ingreJients, anil is ue.l with perlect safaly l y all under any circunistanca'S. It immediately relieves the distressing cough strengthens und invigorates the nervous system, causing the settled Contagious matler to leave its hold fr.'in the lungs, and be discharged by the pow er aif Expectoiation. Unless this is done, lhe lungs will soon Income contaminated from noxious mat ler, and ulcerate, and fill a prey to the fatal worm Consumption. Price )?1 pa r bottle. For sale at No. 19 North Eighth street, Phila delphia. Also ut the store of HENRY YOXTHEIMER. .Inn. 22d, 1842. A-riit. Liter Complaint rPHIS disaase olien terminates in anoher of a A more serious nature, if prnper remedies are not resortad to in time. In all forms of this disease, Ut. Harln h's (oMraH-nii Stu kmuth sn i No and (isa- man APtaiKNT tills, will perform a perlwlcuro j first, by cleansing the stomach and bowels, ihtw I removing all disease from the Liver, by the use of the German Aperient Pills, after whirh the Com- pound Strengthening P.iuare taken togive strength and tone to those te,,der organs which require such treatment oxlt 1.0 c iTcct a permanent cure. These pills are neatly put up in small paa-knges, with full d iecriona. Tor sale at No. 19 North Eighth st. Also, lor Bile at the store i f HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Jan. 15, 1812. Agent. riuTiT7iJ. phkyial. Pr, Hsrlich's medicines are daily increasing il, public favor, and want from any but a fair Ual tv establish their worth. We have a eoavuunicatiort 111 our columns lo-diy fiom a pcron luig aifiirted winch is but one of many vuuchv.s lot this meUli cine. Spirit of tUe Times.