It.lXK KOTE LIST, IM-VVyAIYlA. I hp f .rowing list shows the CUrfinl value, of all I t nfiylsii' Bank Notn. Th Tnost lmpiiirit re lates i-x.y t plac- upon it, a li it ttnry wrtk i ef. folly compared with of d corre-cteJ frcrji Bick- TicU'l" llr-potler. Conks In FLilaidrlplala. NV-... 'UcatiojI. ",ct1; Philh. NOTES AT PAR. 'UtV of Notth A me tic . , par Pnnk i.f the Northern Libeitiva , , par -.Hank of Pcnnsvlvania . . closed ; Dntik of Perm Township . . , -p-if Commercial Eank of Pcnn'a. . . par Earn in' and MocLanica' Batik . ' . pur Ocrd Br.nk . . . cosed Kensington Bank .. . . -pif Vlut.utMturer' cV. MechanU-s''llsnk . par Mi.'ImiikV Cftrik .. , . pnt -Mryatrif fMting D-jnk . . ftt j f iiiioJ.-ljliia Dunk . . . par 6iK u ILtil Bunk . . . par I Sunt! Urk Bank . . . par Vei9iii Dunk . . . j ar j Count rr Hank. '!)-.(. It of Pittsburg Pittsbuig Bank 6f Chester County Westchester iB-it.k of Bals-erar Cou-niJ Cheater LBs-ik of tferrnantdwh Getrnantown Dm. I. of l.Hton l.ewittowu Bank rf Middletown Middletown P ur JXlf pr 8 par far Bank of Montgdmefy Co. JVoiristowh 'BiiftW of N'ottliunibeiland "Northqiribciland par bulks' UatiniT bank ReadiriaT i to 1 ?. pnr par par i par pat jar par par par par par par Colombia Batik & B. ajg co. Columbia jsarhjle C-.k CarKile Doylfstonn Bank Doylcituwn Em 6:i ha A Enston Exchfcgo Dank Tiiishurf I i do 'branch of Hnll dayaburg Fsrm' Bank of Bucks co" Briftol iFarrricta' Qiink uf li-aneastei Lancaster Fatmere' Dank of heading Hamburg Bunk Lancaster Bank I. el. anon Bank Much-ants' & Manuf Bank M infra' Bank of Potiaville Northampton Bjnk O'.iwat di Bank 'AViBt Branch 'Bank Wyoming Bank OiH.cp of Bank of Prnn'a. Uihc'e do do Office do do Cffiie do do Reading Herrisburg Lancaster Lebanon PittaLu'g Potiaville Allentown Towanda Williamaport Wi'kcsbarro par Hsrrisbuig""-! These I L ancaatfr I offices Reading do not J East on J issue ri. D 1 8 C O U N T. K-OTKS AT iBank of tho United Stater, .Phii'-?!ohia Oilier of Bank of IT. 9. Pitubing Do do do Eria l'j do do New Brighton IJ.'risinglon Sav. !na. A do Tenn Township Sav. Ina. do Bank of Chambcrshutg Chain'ocrsburg L5;.'k of Gettysburg Giltyshutg U ink of Susquehanna Co. Montrose Erie Bank Crie l miners' fc Drc-cera' Bank Wnynesburg l'lankitn Bank Washington -ilonctdalc B;nk Honcydule Iotifingliela "Bank of B. Brownsville Voik Hank Voik iN. lt. The nol.'a of those bank on nhicl init quolaliona, and aubatitutc a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Phil idelphia broker, wiih the txception of thoae which have a letter of rfrrence. BROKEN BANKS. ?hi!ad lihia'Kav. Ins. Philadelphia 1'hilaJelpbia Loan Co. do chulkill Sav. Ina. do Manual Labor Bank (T. V Dyotl. prop.) failed ' failed j failed I failed j HO tale , cloktd iloi-eJ failed I ii....d ; tiu ale luiled failed failed ; no sale Alleghany iSa.iK ol i'a. fcjiikf Beaver 'Bank of Swktara Bank of WathingtoN Cenue Bank City Bnnk Porrr.era' 6t Mech'cs' Bunk farmer.' 6t Mech'cV Bank Farmcra 6t Mech'ca' Bdi.k Harmony Instituto Hunimgilot. Bank Juniata Bank 'iionbermoii' Bank Notihmn Bank of Pa. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. NotthumL'd Union Co). Bk. Torth Weatirn Bank rf fa. Office of Schuylkill Bank .i'a. Manuf. Bank .Bilver Lake Bai.k 'Union Bank of Pcnri'a. M-ea'.inoieland Bank 'Wilketbaire Biidu Co. Bed Ibid Jleuver H.iriLburg Vusbitigtoii Bell, funic P.t'.buig l'ult.l'U;g Fayette co. Gieentait.e Harmony Huuliiigjou no Kale i rnutown tin sjIh v'rren Ilunduff New il..p Milton Mradville Port Caibun C'urll.lo Montii e Ui.ioiiti.wn tailed no rale cluxfril no sale closid foil..! lad, rl closed failed closed Cnenaliurg Wilki-sbarre noaiU (Ej AH noli pjtponii'fr to he on any PvnntyN aiiiu Bjilk nol tivm in the abuvc iut, may b at dwvrn as fraud. AT.W JERStY. Bank of New Biunswick Brunswiik Beivideie But.k Blvideie Burlington Co. Bank Mtdford Commetcial Bunk Pirlh Amboy Cumberland Bai.k Bridcton farmers' Blik Mount JJ oily aVarmers' and Mechanic' Bk Rahway Faiinera' and Mu:hsnics' Bk N. Biunswick failid 2pm j lpm par par Spin failed I" armors' and Mechaiiics' Bk Middletotvn Pi. 1pm franklin Bank of J.J. Jersey Gity Hoboken Bkg 5t Gsiing Co Hobuken Jersey City Bank Jersey City Mechanic' Bank Palieiaon M-enufactur.r.' Bank Belleville Morri Con.pny Bank Morrlttown Monmouth Bk of N. J. Freehold Mechanic' Bank Newaik Mechanic' and Manuf. Bk Trrnton Moiris Canal and Bkg Co Jcisey Citv Post Note fuihd failed failed failed fail. J par failed S.m per 10 fcsle '.'m Mewnk Bkg &t Ins Co Nee.k New Hop Del Bridge Co lmlwitsiiilu p.r faibn! la led ) in f.iUd Kpm par 1"' XL J. Msnulac. ai d Bkg t o Hol t kt n II J Protection Si Lorulnid I k Jersey City OrangBanL Orange raterson Cank Taicisu:i Pcoplts' Bank do Princeton Bank Princeton Bttlem Banking Co Hate m ritate Bank Newark Slate Bank EliiaU-ihiuwn Suite Bank :mH n Stale Baiik of Moriiv MerrisioAn Mat Bauk Tnntun Saletn and VhiUd Manuf Co Salem cussei Bunk Nraiuii Trenton Bunkiivg Co Tier.tou 1'iiiun Bank 1Avr Vhii)gtuli Banking Co. JIs, kei,aik Ilk of Wilm Si Brand) wine Wi inirgtnH l!ank cf Dtluwarc Wilinu gu.n Lank of Smyrna Smyrna Do lionet) Mdlord I aruirra' Bk of State of Pel Dof Do branch W ilminori Do braitch Georgetovin Do btaotU Nrwcrt: I'nion Bank Wilmington far lpm Spm "l in fatKI l.ol, J 1 1 pin Spin I j in fa.l.d par pur jar p.i pi T" pir pa. pr tEJ- Under 6 a dj" On all banks mark"! (bus () it rrc r it thci counterfeit or al'eiad iiUt it His n.uK d( 4.tmicUons, in eiiruUti m X .3. MEDAP. A, Wholesale Vuriely tid Trimming Store Ao. 44, Ntrrth Fourth ntar'Archtt., l'hiladtlphia TXTHERE Country Merchant and other ran be ' aupplleJ, at all ttmr, vviih lar((e Atmrnt of Hoilrry, Olovta, Merino. Cotton, and AVool. n Pbltl and Drnvti, Spool Cotton, Patent Thiead. Cotton Coid, Button, Tape, Bindinpa, Hook and Eyra, Pin, AVc. And a general vaii.'ty oftite ful article, nbiti) lie oirtia for sale at the lovteal pliers, Phfladclphin, Novrinhet . 1641. 1y. WIIOX.CSAZ.S KOXB22IIT, OLOV23 &. srxr.Rat t-AfutTt aTontt, Su. 34 A'ui 'A Fi'vrth it., under Mcrchanh' liottl, PHILADELPHIA. TyPkIJERl! Country 'Mrrphiit can l-e aupplied Y v "'' " etenie vaiiety of choice aniclee In hi lir.c, uprn the moat reoaoliable ItriiM. Kov. Oih 11 ly Xo 51, Xoi lh Krrond-street, (conxxn 6r'a iLLrr.) Whete they constantly keep on hand general ounnmc nt of crjoortio, CASsissmEO, VESTirras, And a grtut variety ff urticltt vf a tupcrtvr quality, which ibey ifTfi to diapone of upon the ronal rcaionable t. rni. COUNTRY MERCHANTS and othera will find it to tin it aJvnnt.ige to rni! and examine ibrir stick before purchasing ebpihute. Phlladcli hia. Nov. 6. 1841. ly A SrL.EDlt ASSOHT.1IEVT OP U UsT arrived from the city of Philadelphia, and 9jp If aale, at the moat rrJuci J price, lot carh, at the new ioi foimeily kepi by John Bogar, aa follow : Clothii g of nil eoiw and aiea. ancU a arm Oveicojfi, Coatleef. Pantaloona, Veaia, die. Alao, a laige a wort merit of Fine Calf kin and -teiproof Boota, Lndici' I.are Boot, and a variety of othfr Boot oiid Stior for the winter, trimmed and untrimmcd Cum Slioea, and Men'a, Boya' and C'hil dten'a Shoii, of ail f!:c. JOHN CHAMBERLAIN, Sutibury Pi t. nOth 1841. if. M R S . BOLT 0 N," ESI'ECTFL'LL-V informs her friendaand the public genera!!)', that lie continues to keep i mat welt known I avern Stand in Maiket street, Snnbury, aign of the fjimeily kept by John Bolton, her liDKband; and by t nJcavoiing lo conduct. the eatabliyhmeut in a manner to give aitiUlaction to all, hope to tncril o libcial i.huifl of public pxtfotinge. Sunbury, OctoU r il.b, 1811. t ABAMS'S HOTEL Sunbui y , ui'lliuiii1ri-ItHil flinty, OPJBNXrsyiiVANIA. i ! rPIlC subscriber haa rented thai large and conve i nient Tavem House in Sunhury. lately orru- li I pied bv Hiram f'tite, and ia p.epaied to accommo- i .... 1 1 i. ',, . . uair. an who win lavor nun v.itii meir custom, in a neat and comfortable manner. ROBERT ADAMS. Sudbury, Oct. 2nd, 1841. M A D E ! R A WIN E. First Wine, for silo low by quality Mai'ieia Sept. 1, 1611. H. Ti. MASSER, FOURTH PROOF BRANDY. A articlu ikviiys on bund and for sule by genuine fcept. 1, ls4l. 11. 1). MASHER. HOLLAND GIN, Of the beat quality always uii hntid and for sule by Sept. I, 1S41. ' H. B. MASSER. I. OAF AND .LUMP bund and for calc by S. pt. 1, le.41. SUGAR. AlvvuiH on H. B. MASSER. NEW ORLEANS MGAR HOl.bE MO I.Aibli. Oj the beiil jfunlity alwaia on hand ul d f..r isale bv Sept. 1, lo4l. H. B. MASSER, BROWN SUGAR. Of a good quality, fur aale low by Sept. 1.1S4I. H. B.MAS.-ER. GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. Of the best quality alwava on buiiJ and b.r sale by fcVp't. 1. 1841. H. B. MASSER. tOFFl' E. Juva, Kio and Laguira Coffee, con atai.tly cn hand and for sale by Sept. 1, 1S41. H.B. MASSER. BPLUM OIL. Winter and Summer strained Sperm Oil, of the leal, ulwaya oiihaud and for aalc by fcept I, 1641. II. B, MASSER. STEEL. Ca.i and Blistei e-teil, for sale by Sept. 1, lb41. II. B. MASSER. liilSH SALMON. Ot trie best quality, con Sinn. I) i ii hand tn J for sale bv Sept. 1, 1841. 11. B. MASSER. LiCiL'ORS. Ol alt kinds and of the best quali ties, al'AB)i cn hand end for bo In by hept. I, 1641. H.B. MASSER. Si'LING SI ELL. Of vsriuus sizes fur Elipiic ;rirp;, for aale by Sef 1.1,1641. H.B. MASSER. LARGE QUARTO very reduced prices by Sept. I. 161 1. BIBLES. For sale si H. B. MASSER. BLANK HOOKS. Of all kinds, for sale by S pt. 1, 11. B. MASSER. BL..NK DEEDS. Bonds, MortgeKw, &c. for sale by Sept. 1,1841. H. B. MASSER, JUSTICES' BLANKS. for sale by Sept. 1, 1X4 I. 11. B. MASSER, CLOTHS, Blue, Black. Invisible reon, Ac, frr ,, v bv l', 1141. H.B. MASSER, AnslMKiiSU very lew l y ..i.'l. 1MI. A ND SAT'I LN ET I S. For H. B. MASSER. : I'U'i'lNt!. For sale clwap by . I, IM1. II. B. MAsSLtt. I i.ANKETS Fur aale chiap bv 'f. I. 111. 11. B. MASSTi. r.NBLFACHLD MUSLINS. Forsyte by Sepi I. !4 I. . li. MASSER. COi roN YARN AND COl ViiN LAPS Fnr e t.y t:.,t. I. i v 1 1 . H. R MASSER. Iff .. AND COTTON TWINE. For sale K- Sept. 1 , 1611. H. . MASSETI. TOW IVvj I.lN'Vs, CORDS AND ROPEs - I'nr l-v -pt. I "ill. H. D. MASTER. SIMPCOIT fc-FKT, T ESl'EUTFULLY inform the-ctticens of Son bury and vicinity, that they have Iftkin the 8hrtp lot. ly occupied by W'm. Durst, where they wiil carry-en the 'TAtLonnro sosmcss, in all i vaiioua branches. By atiict attention and reasonable chatges, they expert to meiit ahare of public patronage. Sunbury, Sept. 4lh, 1 841. LIST OP BOOIC A NTHON'S Classical Dictionary, 1 .emprier' do.; Ainaworlh do; Cobb' do.; English and German do.; Anthon' Ca-sar; Anthon'a Grammer; Anlhen'a Crceio; Mail' Latin Readel; Oilby'ado.; Andicw's Latin Lfon; D.'s Lexicon; Fink') Gre.k Ex etc isca; Davies'a Lefendei ; G raeea Mniora; Adnma's Roman Atitiqnitic; Pinnock's Goldsmith's Engbind; do. Greece; Lj ell's Elements of Geology; Mrs. Lincoln's Botany; Elrmcnta of Butanv; Bridge'a Algebra; Porter's llbetoriral Rea ders; Emiraon's (eoirn.iy and History;'a do; Parley's do.; Smith's Grammer; Kirkhnm's do.; Kay' ReiJ. r?j Cold's do; C.hb's Arilhmeiiek; Pike's do ; Einirson's do.; ('olb's Spi lling Books; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Books; Eianpelicnl .Fa mily Library; Collage Bii.e; Family do ; Collater al do.; Smnll Bible and ToMatner.l-; Parkei'a Ex erc on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Baxiei'a S.iint's Rest; Ameriean Revolution; Mauvatt's No vels; Mrs. Phelps on Cl.rmisliv; Iliad: Ciitci-hinin of America n t; Letters on NnturalMagie; Che. inistiy for Beginners English Exercisia adapted lo Mu rrav's Gmrr.mcr; Sequel to Comity's Sieling B ok; Ann riean Class It.. ok; Dnbull's Schoolmas lei's Assistant; A creut variety of Blank Books, iVc. August 2H, I fill. Woi'Iis ol" Aaf lire. IN a st ite ul health the intestinal cantl may be computed to a river w hose waters flow over the ad joining bind, through the channels nature or ail has innJe, and impioves iheir qualities ""d to keep up the compsiiann ol" tho liver, so long e it wins on smoothly the channels nre kept pure and healthy; but if by some cnu.-e the cuurtr of the river is stop ped, then the water in the canals i.4 lit lunger pure, but roon becomes stni;iir,nt. There is but one law of ciiculatioti in nuture. M'lwn tin re is a supei abundiiticc of liumorinl fluid (srroeity) in the intes tinal tubes, and ttike iphee, it fl. ws buck into the bloo I vesjuia, and infiltrate itself in to the circulation. To establih the fiec course of the river, we must remove the ul.strui tioiis which stop its free course, i.nd iho e of its tributary sttcani. W ilh the body, follow lite kanie natunil principal ; r. move, by that lalniible piuyitive medicine llrtm ittcth 1'nivcmul Writable l'illx, which lire nil ef ficlual assistance of nature, the superulxinilanre of humors in the intestine eaual. Bv persevering in this pinetice, the ways uf the eircul ition will ihen be le.-lorcd to ihe foil cx reise of their natural func tions, and a stale ul health w ill be firmly estubli.-h ed Ri member, ueier sutler a drop ol blood to be luken fiom yoir Evacuate the humors as often and as long os they are degenerated, or us lorg as you ore sick. Dr. Brandietli'sOlliee in Philadelphia, is at No. 8, NORTH EIGHTH stieet, wheie his pilUcau be had at 'lb cents r box, with full direction. Ulj'Ouly ugent in Sunbury, is H. B. Masser Esqr. Sunbuiy, Sept, 4, 164 1 . attention; j . sin i: i j ti s , 1I2LJIESTS the attention of his country friends k who are in want, to hia verv large stink of Cuipetlngs, Oil Cloths, Maitincs, Rugs, Bindings, Stair Rod, Ac, Ac., that he has just opened, at his warehousea, No. IH North 2.1 street, and No. 'i Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila-dc-'phia. July 31, 1811. ly. JACOB MARTn,", Commission innl 1 ui-Ung mBRUlANT, 1) ESPECTFI ELY informs his friends and the k Meichants enera'ly, thai he codtiuues the t'ommiwioii and 'ForwHidmg Bu?ine-.. nt Li-ware-lnuise, foot uf A illoiv at. Eailioad, L'el iwaic and Ik'huvlkill. Merchants huv.iy po.xls lo be shipped, will find il much to their advantage, at to time and prices of freight, lo sci.J their incichaniliso to the Depot, corner of Frunl and illovv wtuel Hsilro ul, as ihey can thou be nut ciflier route by the Tide W atcr Canal, ci Scl.uv ikiil ami Union Canals, aa bouts wdl arrive and depnrt daily lor the Juniata und Susquehanna ('unals by Tldc-Wkter in tow of steam, or via Schuylkill and Union Canals from Fairmount duin. M (Teh a n f will please be prrtieular to ser.d ell goods destined ful either Mute, lo tho lurge Depot, cnur of Front and W 'How i.trfl liailioi.d, with dir.ctiona accompmying them, w hich loute they r ish tbem lo be shippc J. Coaise and fine Salt and Putter at wholesale prices, on the Delaware or Schuylkill. Philadelphia. Jme fi. IW "ly. JCHITO" C'CJllrCHTGO. WiIOr,XBAJ-.E fiHOa, BONNET, Cup and Wii Leaf Hat Store, No. 10 South 4ih KTBtitT. PHILADELPHIA, f HERE an e.ttii .ive atortment of the atiove ' ' sriiclea aie c u-i.tantiy kept on hand, for sale at the most reasonul.le lermv. May 29. 1841.- ly. SPANISH HIDES," TANNEnS' UIZ. AND LSATZISXt. D. K Hi K I A T It 1 C K & S O N, A'o. 21, Surth Third ttritt, (axrwtr.N mskkkt mn (Rimri stxieti,) PHILADELPHIA. HAVE for sale a larpe and excellent assortment ofSpaniih Hides, J'utna Kipt, Tatmert' OH, ire., at the lowest "market prices, nthri for cash, il' exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consignments of Leather received for sdc, oi purchased at the highest nisi kel prices. Lruther stoied tee of -charge. April 7, 1641. ly. FOR SAW-MILI.S. Br Bt!jii K. CrsMws. 'PIIE SubcriWa having purchased the right Tor - venatng ana using me anove vatwahte inven tion, for Northunibf-iland County, ofler to dispose of the same to pi rsona who may desire to purchase. The above invention ia now in operation at the saw mill of Mr. M'Caity, near Sunbury, where it can he insiMcted by owners uf safe milts and all oll.eis interested. E. GORIN, March 27. tf. JSAJMUEL GOB1N. WAltllANTED IStass Clocks, Tor i:t Toll;rs OIt f" ff'IV y:U hy If; CM Ptf ,l( l V II. B. HASsER. , loi I Maul) 13. r m 'l i -sis' " i' ' iril N unparelleled remedy for common 'Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Breast and Lungs, lending to consumption; composed of the concen trated virtue of Hon hound. Bonset. Blood Root, 'Liverwort and several other vegf table substances. I rrepared only by J. M. Wmstow, Rochester, New Yoik. The innocence and universally admitted pectoral viitues cf the 'Hei'is 'from which the Hatsam uf Horthuvnd is made, are too generally known to re quire recommendation ; it is theiefore only necessa ry lo ob-erve that this Medicine contain thetvhole of their 'Medicinal properties, highly concentrated, sr.d so happily cumhlmd with several other vege table suba'ances, a tn render it the most speedy, mild and certain remedy, now iire, f.r Ihe com plaints above mentioned. Tho Balsam removes all imllammation and sore ness cif the Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm, en ablirig '.he. patient to expeetorate-with ease and fiee dom, assuagea cough, relieves atrunatic and diffi cult respiration, heals the injured parts, opens the pores, and composes the disturbed nerves, nud girs stnngih to the tinder lungs, and thus produces apeedy and lasting cuie. IsoRATiTi ni isTHt b mnT rm u i Ma. Wc are not among that chiss of Eililois who f. r a few dollar will, (at the expence of truth and luv nesiy) fcciaek up' an article and bring it into rapid rale; neither ste we nilbr-g to leinani silent, after l.aviitg tested the utility of an im rovement or di- covery in science or ait. Our readers will recolleel . . .. ... . wc told them we were univi )l w i h a sore throat and violent Ci.ld some few weeks ago. Well, we pur- t chased two bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM I OF HOREHOUND, and so sudden wa the cure, that we forgot we ever had a eo'd. TIiom who arc alllietcd, may try il upon uur rrromincuduiton. 'Lc W tun T'ttgraph. 'For sale by LENNY YO.VTHEIMER, Svl,urV, JACOB BRIGHT, XorlhumbrrlmJ. Alao, ly Druggists gener..lly throuiihoul the country. (jj- Price, 60 cents per bottle. August 14tb, 1841. ly. HAYS, BX.XXOV, XaVOaN & UOH. M hult'siUU' liil iA. 1 1 Foreign, Urithh und Ann rican Dry (.'mdn. No. 12 North Tiiihii Si mi lt, Philshii riu t ."Ol'.NT-R Y Merrhant" can Le snppbed nt nil ' times w ill. an extensive ssnorln ent of the ubove Gomls.on the n.ost ui.d iali-1'ai tory terms. May 29, 1841. ly. iU 2 THIS MAf HI.NK ACAl.NST Till; ! WUlil.D. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. AVENPORT'S Improved Patent Threshirg i Machine and Horse Powei, which threshes : and cleans at the sun.e time an invention for ' which Farmers hove long lot. kel". in vain, find which 1 lenders the above machine pel feci ami pat furthir ' improvement. Those w ho have I t en waiting for something better than l.erelnfoie olli red fur sule,' will find this to be the article. Come see it and fuilce for yourselves. i The subscribers liuve purchased the rich! of the : above Machine and Horse Power, for the conn- , ties of NoHTIILH OrHLi.MI, l.VCOMIMI, 't 'LIKTIIS, and Us nix and also, the piivileges ol vending them in any other places tor Which the riyht ba llot been picvioui-ly sold. The advantages which this Machine has over, all others invente.1 are many and obvious. One boy and three men can do all the ibrt tiling and cleaning ol I. Ml biirhels of wheat in one day ui.d this usually token seven hamls one day and three ; the next. Fur field threshing il fikes the lea. I uf ' anything in this world no grain is scattered or, lost. Such is the superiority of the Home Po-ver, that three hoies can thresh as much with it an four can with any other. The Machines and Hore Power will I sold together or scperate, to suit uuhaseis. Made and sold in Milton, bv the su scribeis. VM. "WELCH, WM. H. POMP, HENRY FRH'-K. Milton, April 17, 16T1 . itEco.n.n v.vj.i 7'fo.v. THRESHING & WINNOWING MAt HINE. Hsrving had in use, one of -Davenport's Pulent ! Threshing end Winnowing Machines, and being: repeatedly culled upon for our opinion in regard lo . their value, durability and advantages, we niulce, tree to stale, that they exceed in our opinion, any Thresh rg Machine we evi r before witnessed in use. They will thresh and eleun, tit for market ! 20U bushels of W heat per day, and this with the aid of three hands brsides'tlte drlvei. The Straw' is passed otl 'from Ihe grain on an incline plane, ex- ! tending about 12 feet from the Machine. Scarce ly a grain is lost. What is of some iuioiiuiiie and greatly so, is the fact that no dust passes from the Machine lo the man who feeds n. The Horse . power seems lo be perfection itself three horses j may woik il with ease and llsvii fastest gait need only be the ordinary plough guit. We must , cheerfully recommend the Machine lo Farmers they are manufactured in Milion by Messrs. Welch ! Pomp and Fiick. PHILIP lilt.'GEKT. 1 JOHN B HELLER- Chilisquoqne tsbp., Norlh'd to, Match 20, 1641. . BKADY'S HOTElT HAM ILI.E, C OLC 3I1IIA Ol ATY, fe-nnt) 1 VHiilu. nnHE SUBSCRIBER icspeclfully informs the t II public, that he has rc-iuuied from the town uf ; Cuttawitm to JJtnn-ille, and rhat he has purchased in that place, the Large and Cummodious ! ItHICK HOI M', ! it tue conxta or niix ami mauket stmelts, ' C Onporite the Cvurt-lhmre,) m - w i,;.-k. k ..-.1 .. 1.- .1.. ..... tsst.t1; of ADDITIONAL BUILDlNCiS, and 'jMJ'gjAextensive STABLING, for ihe Enter. SDkJtSZtainment e-f Travtllext and Viiiturs. He ia now prepared to accommodate all wlio rriay favor him with call, and lie -would state thai no thing in his power shall he left undone, re render his enstomer comfortable and hafiy while undei his care. His accommodations are ample, and hi rooms furnished in modern style, and t"i proprietor is de termined that his estat'Tishinrnt e hull sustain and keen up with the growing reputation und iiiipoutaiice of the to-vn in "which It is located. Hia Taaia will be supplied with every luxury of the season, and the veal and choicest variety tkt marlut run ojford. Hia Bar will be sloreci with alt thtbcut urticltt that can It iy iur tttiei, and the whole will U such as to satis faction to every me. Well knowing tUt an n'ig!ren.l publ.e will slways jit.ipe f. r thrm lives, he fuls confident thai they will lavor him with thnr i.iiniiage. frAMtLI, A. BRADY. rnt:!c, Jan. MO. IIVIPOllTANT I o ion iS: n tj, Hi: nc rilHE Undersigned rnke'plessiir in submitting JL 10 the pub'ic the Tallowing Recommendations of Pratt's Cast lion Smut Mill and Grain Huller to all dealers in Grsin and tn a riu factors of Flou, be lieving it to be superior to any tfiing of the kind ever oir ted lo lbs public. All order tddirascd to 'Cxil.'J.TVI'Fadden, Lewisburg, Union county Penn sylvania. EBENEEZER SQUHrE, JACKSON M'FADDLN. Mmitz'l Mill, Centre'Cu., March rtO, 1841. 'J. M'Fnni! Sim: I cheerfully testify lo the goodneF and durability of Pratt'a Cast'Irt.n Smut Mill aril Grain Huller, as being far superior arti cle for the cleaning uf amutand all other impttrV.irs ihnt I Late ever seen, aml'I have been engaged in the manufacture of Flour for greil-rnaiiy. year, and have always tried to have the best npparatua for manufacturing that could be got, and do say that the at ;ove machine m the best apparatus I believe now in use. Jniiv Mont. Hh'tmisburg. Dec. 26, l84t). Col.. J. M'Fsmii Sir : In reply to yollr lavor, received a few days since, I have only lo say, that the fact of my having iu'rodiiced intoTarh of the foui mills that I am concerned tn, one of Prall's Cast IroirSmilt 'Mills, Is' the lies! evidence I can give you of their utility , Yours truly, W'.n. M, MUt-m, March 17, 1811. J. M,F.'f Ttt 'Sin : -I do hrteby certify without any lies lation, 'that Prill's Smut Mill and Grain Huller is the most I erfect maehii e to cle uise grain of smut and all other imperfections, that I have ever i 8c"' Bm1 1 helievc I have aeen all fhclilnds fliaf .... .1 ; itn I.....:. ....i r . .e . ,i now used in Pennsylvania, and I must say that there is nothing of (he kind ever been invented that will ci me in competition with it. Gut. Eckkht. Col. J. M'Faiimm Sin: Dur ng the oast 21 years I hn-ie been con-Ti5iity engagid in mnnufac g-flour, ;id during the last 12 j ears huve hi en the owner of a prist and floiirirst; mill, und among ill the contrivances tn remove impurities from grain 1 am decidedly of the opinion that Prutt'a iron ma ehii e is siiH-rior to unv with which I am acquiint ed, Laving used one in my mill about fighfen months, Kiii.iii.iik k Has. Yor,;-fire 'Mills, Dec, 1810. I want in my flouring mid us good an -apparatus to. prepare gram for flouring, as'thc''. and I wont no better Ihnn 'PrtttVCasl Iron Smui Mill. It will re.novc smut entirely no mistake. "M. Ci.r.ASojr. .:rrt,'i-i.'D.erin!.er 22, 181(1. Col.. .1. M Faiiih n Si k : I have in my mill one of Prnti's cusl and wrought iron spiral Smul Mills and (iriiin Duller, ami am eoiiliib iit tl.ut in regaid to simiilici'y of ci-ustrueli..ii, and ilurubihiy of mute mil, il is superior to mry I am acquainted wiih. HiNnv Massi r. lUai dp Mills, Dec. 22, 1840. Cot. .1. M-Fa n in Sir : I hae in niy lion ring mill one ol I'ratt's Cast lion 'p'7-.t! Smut Mills, nud I am decidedly of the opinion that il is the U-sl in-ichine l. pri pure grain for tlouriug that I am nc quiiii.lnl with, mid as such cheeifullv leei-uunend it to ull who ure engaged in ihe manufacture of -Hour. JaCOH I.IISlMllMi. Aurvntburg, March 2:t, 1841. ( Vi.. .1. M-Fa in. I x Si k : I lake h smre In say ing 1 1 nt 1'iutl's Cusl 1 1 mi Smut Mill is one of the best improvements fur the cleaning of grain of all kinds, that bn- yet Come umier my ol st rvatmn, and that 1 l.eiicv. it tar superior to any thing of Ihe kind ever invented. You may use my name in any way yoo think proper. O. P. Di xta-s. I'ni. n Mill. J in. I I. 141. This is to certily thrlt I have bad PrallVCusl ard w'rilught iron "Smut Muelline ami '( iiaiu Hullrr in use lor better than 12 months, and find it to answer every purpose that it win intended lor. Smut can be taken out of nbent I believe eveiv parli.-le Of it can b tiikt'ti out w itliout bicukn. ihe grain ul ihe wheat. Joiiv I'cimk. Aaruinhurfr, Man h 2:1, 1841. Col. M'Faihi Sim : I have been engaged in manufacturing Sujieiliue Flour lor many years, and have st thin time one ol Pratt'sX'nut Mills in each of my mills, and I do hen by recommnid ihem as (lie most valuable improvement for cleaning -wheat ol smul and all other impurities, I am acquainted with. JsMia Dt scA-. Cot. M-Paiimx Sin: I have been engaged in the manufacturing of flour for 28 years, and most cheerfully recommend Ihe above machine, as being by far the lust appaiatua for cleansing grain thul I have ever Used or seen. 1 Consider it m iuli-en-sible article lor any null that pretends lo ilo any bu siness. Johx r .fyWrii Mill, Dec. 24, 1640. Col. J. M'Faiiui Sir: Prall's Cast Iron Smut Mill was introduced into my mill about three years since, and I believe it in the best artiile of that kind 'now in use-. -It will not only remove an ut en'erelv, but is a tnost valuable apparatus to clean wheat and rye of any character, anil prepare tl lor flouring. 1ejamix UoiiXf. : LeVnburg, Dec. 22, 1840. ! Col. J. M-Faho'is Sin: After a careful and : candid examination and 'trial uf the machine, in re gard to construction, neatness and despatch in exe ! eutinii, economy in price, and pOAer to set in ope ration. I am fully coinincid and satisTn-.l, th it the machine ultove ulluded to, is second to no one in use. J. Mohhow, . Mill, r and flour Manufacturer, j Caftcwina, December 25, I40. Col. J. M'Fauoin Sir : Pruti's Cast and , Wioughl Iron Spiral Smut Mill and Giuin Hullrr, I consider to hetliebist machine to remove smul ! and other impurities to v hich grain iau!j.,ft,"!hat I have used, or wiih which I am acquainted, in re ! gard to durability uf material, simplicity of construe '. tiun, itcat.iess and oecpatch in execution. I JllSlPII PatTOM. j N. B. The above machines are manufactured at ' the Lewishurg Foundry, Union county tfnj at the i Bloomsburg Foundry, Columbia county, Pa. Lewisbnig, June 19, 1641. , ATTENTION" MEUClUNTsV' etc. t E.r.&O.H.rRZCK, WHOLESALE GROCERS, FOIJ WADING & j rsomi K commission mkri uants, i No. 20, Market street, fire dmirs alma ifir -ifi 1 PHILADELPHIA, ' aOFFFR for tale, at iho lowest mnikel prices, a i geiic-ial aeaortmcnt of Teat, Cierv, .Vigors, 1 Molasn, Wiiii i, Jjquori, Spin,, Tutiactv, d.r. I VovpTht Pnopi tK recciveJ and Bold on coninns- sion. Merchant, Hotel keepe rs, sod otheis, w ill ; find it to their dvaulg lit call and examine our I stoik, before purchasing elsewhere. M.r. hanu wishing their gooda collected in thisrity, by having an order, will have them promptly lorwardfd, by the most expeditious lines. iiiwix r.rmtr, jou h. taics. Frti. 6 1641 ly, II A Z A It I IS UNITED -STATES COMMERCLU AND STATISTICAL REGISTER. ConaininS doc utnents, facts and othir usiful iuf.imation. illustra tive ul the histoiy and resources of the American Union, and ol each Slate j embracing commerce, manufacture, agriculture, intirual improvements, bunks, currency, (inanie., education, Ac. Ac. Edi ted by hsmuel Hsiard. Publi-hed every Wednesday, at 79 Dock street. : The price tn subscribers is f f per annum, payable j on the first of J.nuaiy of each year. No suHscrip ' iwn received for less than a veil. Subscrilxrs cut ( cf the j iinup alciluii lo pay in adwmc. Piles Cured, the use of Dr. Ilurlich't Compound St length ening and Herman Aperient Pills. s. ITa RLteit, Dear tiir : Shortly after I re ceived the Agency from vou for the sale of your mMicne, I formed an acquaintance wiih lady, of this place, who was severely afflicted wi'h the Pitts. For eight or ten yeais this Isdy was subject to frequent painful attacks, and her physi cian considered her case so complicated, t' st he ve ry "seldom proscribed medicine Tor her. Through my persuasion,, she commenced uing your Pills arid w-as '-perfectly cured. Yours, oVc JAMES JL KIRBY, Oct. 3 lUlO. Clnmliersburg, P. , Oiriceaud Grncr'al Vpot, No J North Eighth Street. HNrV YOXTHEIMER, Jan. 29th, 1642. Agcnt. Ii. Ouncaii'N i:porl-majr! Ilin-"--ly Ktands Aloof ITlROM the (Jnsck Syru snd Paregoric Com " Hiun'd which have of late become buideh io the pxiblic health, and a suspension to the purse. Why i if that these medicines are taken repeated ly by the aiek without removing the complaint in qufsiion 1 The reason is plain and simple, vii : Because ihey are compo'cd chiefly of opium anJ its spiritual preparations which acts on the system asapowciful siimul iting anodyne, and by using re;iiate-'ly the system Worri? habiiuated to its narcotic influence, as of those who are given to intemperance. This fact has become apparent to thousands who hitve experienced ihe fatal effects of such rned.cines, and commenced using 'Dr.'Di-jicAVe Uicrrcro. raxt, which is entirely free from opium and all other iioisououa iusredients. and ia uo.l I wiih perfect sifaly l y all under any circumstance. : It immediately relieves ihe distressing cough j strengthens und invigorates the nerviiifs "system, esilsing the sellied contagious matter lo leave its I hold from the lungs, and be discharged by the pow ! er of Expc dotation. L'ule-s this is done, the lungs j will soon Income i-ontaininated from noxious mat- ter, an3 ulcerate, find fal! a piey to the fatal worm Consumption. Price f I per hot tie. For sale nt No. 19 Nor h Eighth stieet, Phila delphia. Also ut fie st re of HENRY YOXTHEIMER, ' Ji5";A3A'!:?i5-. Aztnf- Lltt'r oniplaliit. j THIS disease often terminates in nnother of n I -- more serious nuture, it preper remedies are not j rf s.'rti d lo in t'rr.e. In nil forms of this disease, Dr. I 11 a n Lie n 's Con roi-jiii Sthkutiikmxo and Geh I max Ai-frikxt Pills, will irform a rfect euro I lirt, by cle nising the stomach and bowels, thus ! icino-'ing ll'd! from the Liver, by Ihe use of the fieiuiii'i Aperient Pills, ufier'which'ihc'Cbtti 1 pound Sirenutheuing Pills are luken tn give strength ' and lone to those tender orgnns which require such j tif'itinciit oxi.T to effect a p rmaneiit cure. These ! pills are neully put up in small packages, with full i d rec ions. For sale ut No. 19 North Eighth st. Also, for sale at the store i.f HENRY YOXTHEIMER, j Jan. lo, 184-2. Agent. oiisiuiiliiu and HH-ding at the I. lilies t'lll-ftl, Hi ihe life ;f Dr. Duncan's Exfiecturuilt leintdy. ISS i:ULLNE YEAtJEI.', aged 17 yean, was inkeu when at the age of sixteen wilt) u sl.tit cold, which she neglected until the lunga fell a prey to that seeking destroyer, consumption-, when application lo a physician was made, but to noi'llict. He 'coriri-lt red her case a hopeless one, und prescribed hut iiille medicine for her. In the meant, me she discharge, I great quantities of blood, wi ll much expectoration of tliuk phlegm and cough. Her bodily frame at length b, came reduced to a living skeleioii. Her last waa anxiously looked for ly her fiends, that her svftcrings might end by the pangs of death. During the lime her physician I'r. qui ntly called, and as the last resource, determi ned to te-l the vir'ues of Dr. Di sc ax's Expecto rant Kemkut, h.rving notto d some extraordinary core inert" .nned by the medicine in .similar cases. He at once obtained two beClos and administered il lo her. The fouith duy he found some change, which g ive hopes. -Ho'citntiiiued giving the medi cine for eighteen daya ; nt that time she waa render ed able to be walking in her bed chamber, to the a-t.ushment of her friciiea and relatives. She con tinued using the medicine fur eight weeks, when she di'c''i'cd herself 'entirely free from disease and pain, and now 'pursues her daily occupation in per fect health. A small ip.miph'r't dC.-ompanles this medicine, V.'hich gives a 'full description uf diseases, the man in r ol treatment, Ac. Ac. For sale in Sunbury, at the .tore if HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Jan. 8th, 1612. Agent. To the 1'ublie. tn. irf iitoii's piiiiS The fU1rioiity of Dr. HARLICH'S PILLS o vei any other medicine that has ever been offerer to lite pulilic, is. that they cleanse and purify and ttrengthen. These are imporient items, and their importance should nol te overlooked. The system is liable, from improvidence and n gb ct, to accu mulate bile, and a variety of diseased humors. To purge the system of iliei-e impurities, should be eaily aitendi dt . If it be 'neglected, ihe patient nay li -sul'jei-ti o lo painful disea-e and protracted suffering. THE (i EMMAS APER1EST I'll.'.S are admirably suited to this purpose but more thin this while they ci.kaisb the sys tem tiny i-iHirr the "moon, i.nd assist iialu- kindly in her operalions. The CoMeorsn S"BKXoTir ixb Ti i ts gives tone to the stomach, while thiy impart vigor to the whole system ; hence theyaie desideratum, and no family should re main without them. In fact they are aort of Family Phvsician," but unlike the -school men" for these Pi:L may be sal", ly eonsulted in all CS.S they may be taken without injury In any while they afford relief in many. W only ask t..r a fair trial of then met. is, and are. w ill ing to abide the issue. F. WOOLMAN, Burlington, N.J. For sale at the store of HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Jan. lt, !6C. Agent. IVuialexi. Ilru are of onuiiiptlon, VN D n l suffer tl e early seeds lo rn'.l its falsi ihieads in your system, hut guard litem as you would the thief at night. When you find the fa tal enemy seiking lo destroy your health bf iml-i-bing the evil seeds vf a serious disease, Kenkmrem Dr. DrsrAx's Eiri.t tqhIxt RcMrur will ini medialely destroy and remove them. Thousand of ycui bit die annually from the want of proier treatment. Had thn-e known the Wonderful effects of this medicine, and used il in lime, many coulJ have prolonged their days, and yet be dwelling a mongst their dearest f rends. Those who are labo ring under the infuence uf this disease, lose no lime in pioeuiing Dn. DUNCAN'S EXPECTO RANT REMEDY. Il is safe and effectual, and always gives retlef in Hie miHt holess cases. Il strengthens the and debilitated ; relieves the pain in the breast and side ; suppiesaea the dis tress ng cough s.oppn.p the hectic fever and night uvea's, sn.l finally (it ihe case be nol loo far ad vuneid) resiuring perfect health. Full d rei tioos and a treatise is given in pam phlet, whtih iccomiianii-a the medicine. at the PRINCIPAL OFFICE, No. 13 North Eighth reel. I'hiladeli hia. Also ai the storeoi HL'NR OA I HEIMEK Dec. ..'i, 1811. -lAfirtl