approved iy the creditor batik, and guartinteej by the debtor hank. 4. A safety fund is i.Iro to lp crca'rd, thus : (he banks of largest capital We to deposit $100,000 each, an J those of a smaller capitii, f hO.OOO each, in the hands of trustees, rich liank to choose one truslce, and the whole to forhi a hoard. The above mini to bo in specie, Treasury notes, or equally sa tisfactory accurity. On the default of any bank, the Tiostcr to havc'po'wcr to convert the security to such ar . xteiit Vs to pay 'the defalcation j and the defaulting batik tu bo thereafter e icluded frorti the arrangement. ft. To resume specie piymrhta rth the 1st of Ail gust. After th'r 'nd'r.piiiih of a few- Airlh'rr tCsoluiion?, -... .r... ..I .. i. . .lit........... .1 1 ... v'i iiii.iii ,.i,i.)o,, inn u it (..! .t.ij lUIIIVUi We may add, that the Ujnk ol Pennsylvania ! vasnot represented. From Hic'U. $. O met It. IIIK IIAMiS 1 TIIKIft AnilAXCSK 'We alluded, yp'-rdey, to lie 'run which hud i been made upnn'iTie Pennsylvania Lank, on Stt. j ' i.rd.iy, and we then jilted that all di m.inds had! boon promptly hietly Hie Bank, and that oilers 1 been made to keep open beyond bunking hours,' tf i uny one had notes to exch.mge. As the li .ink. of Pennsylvania was nut repress ed in the convention of Hanks, on S.iiur.lav eA.. , . , , ' ing, much nnmcti' was ftlt as to Us cour c ve-:r-' d.iv innmintr. mid est.cciillv as the Slute inferf li' is i.aval.l., m ils enui.ler l.whtv. ' Meantime it seens liis'Exollencv, the Uov'nor of the State, made short 'work nf tho matter, V.nd M'lilrd the duiJ'ts w liclher 'the Dunk would open its doors, by sending to its' directors the fulr?wng ; rpistlc : Ma-chant' t . 3 1 . January 1 9 15, 7 o'clock, Monday morning. S I'l-rsliteiit bikI Dim Ion. of tlic IliiWt, wl' l'ruiisyl vniiiu. (in TLtMr.s : 1 directed the Attorney Oi-nerul, "fi S.iturday evening, to adopt proiier legrfl mea sures to secure ihe public moneys deposited in the Hank of 'PfniisjK ani.i, as well the interests of ull who are in 'any way creditors or debtors of that That oHlccr w ill apply to the Supreme Court, at the c .rlicst inssible moment this in irning, for an injunction, au'd the appoiutiuent of u Ite. enver, to take charge uf-all the ussests uf the Hank. V'W aretiow appritte'd of lhat fact, and ditccte.l nti to open your doors this morning, nor pay out any nf youi money, or transfer any of your assets, for any purpose A, haiever. When the same arc placed 111 the custody uf the law, lt:c rijliti of all par.ies will be fully giiaianteed. liespcctfully . DAVID U. POIM KK. Ursnvcd, That in pursuance of the direction of the (iovernor, the liank is hereby closii'. JOSKPH TI! IT f EK, President. Slon-Jay morning, 'J o'clock, 3 l.-t Jut!. 18 li. The gates of tho liank weie not opened, and u ! considerable' crowd was collected on the side 'w alks j 111 front and ojipOoitc Ihe Bank, though so far as j wc could preccito, there was no manifestations ol j ill feelings rather, psrhaps, of curiosity as to whut 1 ' ivouui ue none next. ; While things vrc in this train, holdcis of the notes of the :Moyan!eiuiug Hunk (listened to th-at institution, and irt-ide ilentarib.; 'for payment-; these weie all promptly mct,':;nd the 'Hank, tindiiig'tlic ! demands continue gave notice thut it would keep I pen until four o'clock V. K-.; to meet any demands i kind. Small runs were made on mnernl mher 'banking j Instilutions. bnMvi11.,i(,rfrselr..el. nor. sofa, as we could learn, to any eiSnsidervble anibunt. The Itnnks mill Their A trims' it'enl s. The dcleg ilea Iroui the various Itaii1in'g lustitu lion of ll.e city and county, mentioned below, met again iasi evvcing, for tbo jiurposa of protecting the arrangement mutually c t.teied' iriio, and for the ap poiutiuent of Trustees of the Common Fund. This was ell. cteJ.'viid (he ijudla of each liank to be coutribued into (he Common -Fund, fixed at sev enty thousand dollars each, the same to be increased at ahy lime if the Tiostfvs uceln it uecc-ssary. No- 'thing is how wanting to make the arrangement j ''Anthra-ite coal has becomu n important article of complete in all its pails, but the actual payment nf commerce, giving employment to a great number the quotas, and this will be fully completed biTbT'c ' f vessel. The consumption of this a.liclc in Uos 'Monday r.e:':t. f A. ':. . ton and vicinity, iiquires annually eual to 710 The 'Tt -rt-enia to be selllc l that the Select OSTimitlee of the House on the subject of the Apf 0. tionment ot Uepresentativca will report in fuvoT ol tiS.OOII as the ltaiio, and their recommendation will proba- bly le adopted by Congress. 'I he Heprcsentutioit of the several States will then be as follows : Slates. Meniiiers. Loss. States, Menders. Loss. Maine 7 1 South i'arolif.a 7 2 Jlassachusctts 11 1 ticftrgia 9 0 New Hampshire 1 1 Kentucky 10 3 Khode Ulaud 2 Triinesseo :i 2 Connecticut 5 1 (iiiu Vermont l 1 i 3 Sew-York 3t 4 Indiana 10 3 Ncw.Jeisey ti 0 Illinois 7 4 Pennsylvania 2") 3 Michigan 3 2 Delaware 1 0 Alabama 7 2 Maryland O 2 Mi.sissipi 4 2 'Virginia Hi 0 Louitiaiia 4 1 N. Caiohui 10 3 Missouri 5 3 Arkan.i I 0 :j'olla Members 233 ; Loss 2') 1 Rain 20. A'. V. Tribune. A Pooh Uivu Mi.-A man named Miller ar yived from the rmnh at Washington, few days igo, to priisi'cuiK a claim agamsl the Uovcrhmcnt. n the 2d inst he died, nd, being supposed very pom, no one would sHiv.iidster lo hi .'fleets-. Al bit Mr. Kives, one of the proprietors of the i.lobe, hs siaud ii; that pr.pcr, undcrtouk the task. Ou the Ojrenntf ol dect ased's trul.k upwards of f 30.000 wc.-e 1'ov.nd. Ol rouue Mr. R. will te elil.tlej to ll.c per cfi.taj,c ahovved to inili.isl'a'.or.i The .III ol ll.e di l is t J ii.pcfty by I'll- v i I t ,v rtj-.d.t g II. .'"; Kdurnt Ion. We copy the following interesting article from the Newark Advertiser. It will bo seen by the ttflti tics which it presents, that in some oflhoSilu Hum and Western States, and indeed we hiny say In every Slate in the Union, there is Work for'the schoolmaster ho thoulJ be encuuragrd 10 "go a broad." The ignorance of the white population in the slave-holding Slates is indeed deplorable. There the few exercise a 'powerful iiihuenco over, and control the many. It would nppenr by the late ccns.i, that there are upwards of half a million of the free white in habitants of our country, over 20 years of age, who are uiTaWc to hsad'or'toiiie J The annexed table shows the iiumherin'the several Elates, and the proportion which 'that number bears to tho whole '' .of whiles. New 'Jersey, it will be seen, is, according to this stah''J, Ihe eighth state in point of popular intelligence. 1y the tame rule Connec-lii-ut stnnds at the he.i'd of the I'nion, and North (y.irobll:! ibft ill lto cf.iln 'I'Iia j.,iVflTr.iti .. . , , , . ,! I AM tndy happy to sla'e to the nlllieted f.nnimu- Nrntl. appe,rs to be e'und the hnd j ,lity ,..', a , my rmlv :,il:-!e,l Kas'ern Elates. The dilVerence betwh South ; for ten or tweUc years with the above disti siiu t'aro iua, (tho birlh-plaee of N'ullinc.ilion.) where , disi-ii-e. The symptoms were gn at oppr(M.i..u a' evcrv twelfth man is unable to .e-.d and w rite hi ; .!'' l',.",in "''V """ s. v, re pain in . . it, : l'10 H"'- bieast, sick r.eadache, menial oVspou- name, and Connecticut, (tho land of common llt,m.v ,.r symptoms, d.iring which time schools,) where the proportion Is the other way - numerous r. niedis weru procured without obtain more than live hundcrd to one, Is a most striking j "liif. Having heard of the g i 'd rin-cts ii , , . . , , e . of Dr. IIaiilkii's 'Cmhiaiund Ntreiigtl'oiiing and anil instructive commentary upon the state of social !, . . , , 7. .. and moral improvement in the respective States, 1 1 - . 11 is proper 10 icmnric, 111 justice 10 our common , ,- . t . .! . ' coun,r-V "nJ "" l1""'11" mA beneficial institutions, inai mc iippareni proporiion 01 popular ignoran C' is materiully incfrtiscd in some 6f the Slates by the prrsence of a largo number of aliens. Thus New Voik and Massfichtiset's, second to none in the fa ci'.iilcs for cJuca ion, have in their large totvns gfcat numbeis of fi re'giiers, net yet assimilated .o Ame rican insliru'.ions. The same is true to a great rx tt lit of the rtew Strtcf. Hut for 'those proud mein hT. of the 'old thirteen,' Gi'oigia, iigini 1 and the two Carolinay, thefu is lio excuse : .11ml1rr of vh:!:i ovrr CO who cannot rraJ or rri e. i Connecticut, , Maine, 1 crrftout, j New Hampshire, 1 Massaelni-ctts, ! Michigan, Hiiode Island, New Jersi'y , New York, Iv.uiia, ; 'Ohio, j Louisiana, I Maiylaurt, 1 Mississippi ' Indiana, ' Illinois, 1 Missouri, ; Alabama, i (Jeorgia, .rrJ'i, la in a 3011 as. 6 027 Ills 2n;:t ItiOO 33,010 3;).3'.tl 4,Sf,l 1 I,(i0i ,3lit 3,1110 27,.r0a 19.4.17 30 717 45.01S r)S,"i32 20.01ft 1.507 4,832 5S.53 1 Mi.tiOO 1 in 57 I l.i3 128 107 101 07 till 42 32 7 Jl IV. 17 17 15 13 13 1 2 12 13 13 I I U Kentucky, Vbginia, South Cam!iu i, Arkansas, Debiwaie, 1 ennessee, North Cir-j&iv, SS, 5. 7 (io . Pom t a is still in the city. It was staled ysterdav in the mourning journals that he had lell. 1 they .ne alivays uccurate 111 their state- uieuts, vc echoed ihu story . The liovcrnor is not ,he ",!," 10 tum hi" '""k on J""B"r- ,lc l,' "td something is done d.-fininitely about lire in- tcrisl'On the slate debt. Vhil.'Cnz. He' to col li.c r Taxl. A writer in the Pub lic I edgcr, gives it as his opinion lhat it Would etinitiiale tax-payers, and increase ihe facility of collecting, "if live per cent, were deducted Iroui all the bills of taxes paid into the Comity Treasury wilhiii-thifty days of the lirst day of March. If not paid wil'.iin sixty days liv jier cent. udJcil, iVc; and after a certain further lime, say twelve months, execution to issue without further stay &e. Tiie'Coal Taiie. The Host an Alias savs: ! p """1 "'B" .u.u a- I cargoes of lot) tons each, the freight 011 which a- mounts to lull it ,000. In 121, we leceivnl ' hllrJ ". ivonia 1101 being ( hcl worked lo any eUent.v' j stATB Piuso.n Silk. The NewYork Tribune ; siyii ,hat g j,.,,, ou 0lB mallufacUlr,.s of SlRi in S(a(e VrlMU , Aul,un wa. Bulmiilll.(1 ,0 f il)V i ;..., r.i , ,i, - 1 ;.i . .n... . 1.A'.e number of skcii'.r. manufactured from May l.-t lo the la.-t of NovcmWr, duiiug 1,022 days of I convict labor, was 31,023; mid its value, including j the cost ofc.icoons of convict labor and of coloiing ; and dressing, is jf'iV.Vifi. 'I'ho total amount of I convict earnings was 210 23, or au average uf ! 311.303 cents per Jsy. The clerk of the prison feels confident lhat a Veiy low grade of men may be j made lo enrn fium 3 to .r)0 cents per day t that I business. 1lie agent will soon put the t?tato l'ri j sou Si k in market. I Lilies ou Dr. Itl-nnil 1 c h' 1111. I He came fioin afar, to the liud uf the biave, To cure our disea-es and snatch from the grave. Long, long had Columbia he. suii'crinj Suns uiour it. tl. Hut now she rejoices. fir health has returned. What prize shall we give, ir wh 4 honor bestow Wilh what wreath shall we deck the pluluuthio. pisl's brow t 'I'hy liame, fh: lirundrilh, V inscribed 111 our souls, And Ihy fame f'.lall extend f.Oin the line to the poles ; Hen-are uf al! Drjggi.-I-, Who 'ive to deceive Their miaerable ia .iio is can never relieve : The Ag-it's a!veiti-cd, II the yt nuutc P. lb., Which remove from the body ihe cau.e of .1- il!:.. -', Porchsse in utit'iiry, of H. H. M i - r, a nl u.c a. i nis pii'.ii-hi I in jnod.Li pail ol ihi pa) t. Jff A IS It I 1: If , On the 1st Inst., by tho Rev. J. P.Shinlel, Mr. Ja-i o.t tk in, to Miss Amo ur. Zartm, both of Mahondv. On the Soih ult., by the Rev. John Ball, Mr. Da- Till K0( KAFKLLOW to M lag IsA H K LLA Cl M I tlll.L, both of August 1. l'KICB CUUIIENT. Cnrrecttd weekly by Jlairy XHxlhtimcr. Whbat, - 110 Hri!, fU Con, 40 Oats, ail I'ntlK. .... 5 Klaxhf.kii, ... 125 Huttkii, - ' - 'i HkkswaT, .") Tali.iXv, .... H J Dm eii Arri.tfi, - - 75 Dh. PtACHi.s, - - 200 Pi, ... S Hl.eK I E I) 1'l.AX, 10 'K'lUK, ...... 8 D.VSW'p-.(ii ofTfn Yrar M.itMlin.; iieruriu .p''iie: l rills, 1 Was lnouceii 10 givcinvin a, wbich I am hippv to' that v Usini; ... . .1 . .".lll . one o x in ine verunn Aperieni 1 111s, nccompa nit.u 1 y nit; 71 1 1 1 1111. 11 iii ,.'iiiv t ,r, wi n ,in- have ne.iilv Cradic.iti d the disease. I COUSIiIl r It due to lliuSe alllicted ilial I make this actumvleilg. ! mi nt, that they may likewise pna ure the smile in- j valuable medicine, hiiiI befned from lh .se distns- ; sing diseases. With gratitude and re-pcet, j I . HM.M.Sl'f.U.No.rJoOhnorli Uob.I. ! XlVt, ,y i,c tiutllO. in ' Chailci O'.V.illcv," cntl j I'. 11 siilo lit No 10 Noith Eiglrh street, Pliilad., 1 ,cj mid a: tlta aiu(u of j n'.-"OI'U M V. S S , " HENRY YOATIIEIMEK. . . ,7, ,, ' T ,1 r icio 1 ( oroinenciiiK with the story of "Jack tlinton, the 18)2. TAVERN NOTICB. Tn tin It uiiiralili F.Hik Lewis. Ln., I'rm ilint, find liia Asmiciutes, Judm oftlir. 'ourt of (juor tir Si imiK, nf the county of A. thuinbt 1 land : rl,IIE petili 11 of Christian Kahil of Sli.unokin lown-h'p. in s tiil ci'tintv, l.uinhlv repr. sents, that he i-onliuiies to I.n-n a hmi-e nf public enter- j tail mcnt, at his obi stand, and is Well picpiued f r I TuJ.r, a Tale of tho P.iisioiis," by I'llmuini I I gn. ihe aecntirnodrtlioii of travellers, cvc. He therefore j E-i , authoi of the -Far W is',' 'The lltn be s uf prais your H.niois to grant lutn a li.ense to keep tt ; re-nirri,' 'Heatriie,' nc , a work of deep and tbril Uvctti Uuiing tl.c ei.suinii car,ai.d lie will prav.cVC. I Jim; iine.e't ; " M P omiiiS," a 'J'ale nl tho great (MIKI-STIAN KAIiEI.. .'i,'e ju New 1 mk in December, H3.1. Hbouuding '!' 1 wr .li vr, rs Anovi: mkntiiim in : The sob- j n.incifullv winUizht ; !' 17- I "The I'lu. ksiiulh scrih. rs, re-i,lents nf Sharnokin tsh'p, hi r. bv ecrttfv. ; Ill .t C. K.ihcl, ihe applicant for the hci'iise, is a mull 111 Kniiu ri pnie lor iiones' iiu.i u inj'i lanii , ami I- Well pr.m.le.l lor liouse-ronin anJ couvcuien cis for (he lodging and accommodation nf strangeis and travellers, and that a public bouse there is ne eessary : they linn fore recommend h in tis a pro per p. is in to lie licensed to kei p a public house. Henry W..ssi r, JnC'.b Haas, Havi'J Mail., Felit Lerch, Jacob I'nger, J..b:i Ilab r, Leonard K .tb.tnnel, Feb 5. is 12. David N. I. ike, Hugh 11. Teals, Matthias l.etvis, Solomon Huiiiinel, JJcoh U irtely. tti-:.tio. suMUiitv (.in:vs. 7117 arc requiretl lo meet for paiatle in Market-square, Sun- burv, at 10 o'clock A. M. of Tues- day, ihe 'i'id day of Feb. inst., in Winter uniform, each Member to be provided with 12 rounds of blank c.utridge. 11 y older of Captain t, JOSEPH F.ISEI.Y, Or duly Sa't. j Feb. oth, 112. ' ';..i vm i ir onipitiiv." rPnii incmbcis of tho "(S.iod Will Fire 'Coin- pniv" nre rcpie-ted to in'cel at ll.e Cmut House, nu Moudav Eveuiinj, Feb Vlh, at 7 ' clock precisely. Punciual attendance is le.p.iiicd. rrjj- 'I'ho annual election of olticcrs will t-ke place, at ll.e above lime and place. Jan. 2'J. 1). W. SIHNIlEI.. Ave. I'illl.V lAl'UMKIlt. (IS TWO VOLLMI.S.) UiNTAININti the Old und New Tes'a.nent, - wilh expositions and explanatory notes, by Thomas Williams, Author of ' the Age ol'Tuf. ib hlv," Diction iry nf all Keligi o.s Denomina tion," Ac. To which aie added the n f. iences and . mur,,,,,! ladings ol the Polygloit IJible, toge ln r ! with original notes und sclecli nis from Uaxlei I .,1.I1I..1. K.I1I1. .....1 ...It... -.I...-..I ...I ....rl ir.iroiluctory and concluding runarV.s on t u lt book . r i.' 1 ....., t.. ... ....... 1 . . ... .11. .. 1.1 luv t..i ntiu uvi, . t-a.a.ii.iit, ami .! .d r I IIO- , : 1 : ., .1.. 1 1 r .. , nological index. 1 be whole carefully revised and 1 I. I, ....,. f si. I s; i i v i i adapud 10 Hie use ul Suud u School-, u.lne el .sses. . ... ,- , , ,. . . ... UIIU t .I .nr. , r'.lt".(.l.l(,- I. I. . t IllUfJil il rnxriwiii", edited by Co II. v. W' haui Pat- ... . . - - ... - Ion, and published by CaaC, I lUany t. Uuinham; llaiilord, Conn., ISll. This work has been highly recrtome tided by the foil .wing, among other distinguished divine. : Kev. Stephen Kemington, par-tor t.f the Metho. disi Episcopal Ch't'.rch, HrooVlyu. Kev. W. C. Browi.lec, pastor nl" ihu Middle Dutch Church, New Yo.k. Kev. Lemuel Miller and A. Alex md'-r, Prnfes s.tislu Priiuvt.m Theological Seui.l.a.v, N. Jeiaev. Kev. C. P. Cru'uth, President of l'enhsy Ionia College, at (ieitysbutg. Ucv. C. W Schaeiler, jtastor of ihe Lutheran Church, Harrisburg, Pa. C;' For sule by 11. li., Aeent fir the Publisher. . Jan. 2'Jif. 1S12. (JZi LJ ! sJ lT LL persons are cauiioued from or receiving a noln ot hand, given by mc to David Miller for Tt PoM.ahs. Having no val ue, I shall but pay tho same unle-s c .i.ipelled by law. JAC01I KKAM. Shiinokin. Jan'y. 22.1, l12. ir sjj cd Pelcr I'IIpi'k I) 8 I u I r , I I. p. rsouskliowuiK Ihiinsrlvcs indebted lo ll.e - t Estate ot Peler Piler, laie of I.l tie Mshouoy ! township, No.thUiitlmlaiid county, lor go nU put chased at the u ndue of .id del eased, or tor debt contracted during h a life, are requesicd lo c nl and , rule the stnne, at ihe ottice of Ab.ah in. Ib d .rn cl, I t.'., In a d lowu-i.ip, il or bt-lore Tee i' .y, the : I rtrsl day of I'e'rtu-y it'll. Per.oiia who m gleet t ti slciid i,t th it I. ille. be w j lei up.,11 ly llic I cell table l -i .ei'. on nt. i I 1! .N I II I'lC. 1 I; , j Im -1 r j C I HI r? I the rond, hetweitt this pine and .Northuin beil inH.a Wttrstc'l Hi tieulc, f ntaiti'114 white linen haml1;er hief. A reisuii.ilile ievvm.1 will be given to the fimb", by leaving it lit tin's oflice. .Itn. 21. IHA2. Tu Hi r lliiiunahlf. .V.'.s l.riri. I'."; , k'wb "I, ! ttiidhis Atmailt,- Judgm nf the Ci'iurt .' If .uir. Irr .SV.M'niM, nf tlir mum 11 of Sorthuml'trluiid : ! Tfllh pe'ili mi of (ieorpe Smith nf .Mik-bn 10'vl. I ship. Ill s.iid county, huiiih'.y represent.4, tlrit he em 1 1 11 11 'si to keep tavern at his nl I sl.inil, III li e Brick House 111 saiil town-b p, "lid is well prrpari d for the ilrVomni'Mlaiion nf iravellors, &c. I'e iln re fore prai s your Honors to grant him a lii-ense to keep a tavern during the ensnnm -pnr, and bo will pray, ,Vc. (i K Hid" K KM I I'll. To THE Ji'tinis a novK M i'.mtiom i n : Tim sub scriliers, reodi nls nl' Jackson lsp.1ieily ceriify, that (ieorge 5iniii, tbe applicant for Ihe I cense, is a man nf good renille f r honesiv and Temp' r nice, and is w. II provided tviili iimui -iooiti and 'c mn'riieiices for the lodging and acci imi idation of slrjugeis and trav.'lli rs, ami that a public bouse tin ic is ne. rtni ; lin y then 1'iie mcnnim ud bml a proper per son to bo lii cm i'd tokiep a public bouse. Will. Di'ppell, JiM'fitli ib Clil'l, .lolin 11 ais Diliiel HiilMisli, Jesse f!rnvl, J 1 1 1 1 1 l'olrt. John Snyder, I'inry lli.ino, Kreileiick Tre 01, Henry (i iniiiu, JiMiiUhan inilti, Jaiob A. M.ili. b. I'illbp J in Sib, IS 12. jL"7r'67JLZ of niroiM a r to ihi; i:i;mti www. rllill'. HE New (I nolo Vnlnnu' ..f ihe "M:V 1 I W IK tic Know e, je, nil all o ic I v ,. ,a,f ..,!, el!eap, si, and most pnpular an. I 011I. rt .iiiiiiij periodical in the world comir.eiiciiig .l.mimry Is', ISI2. will conl.iiri. siinub us wnh j,, ,1,iic.iti..n in Ennlin.l ihe (irand New Military I. lie tiuatilsoiaii. No com million of this new wotk will be i.e ccs-ary In fuse whobuc reh.l l-r di -hghllul Nov. I ' of 'Ctriiles O'M allci.' j Also, .1 new N'.'wl I'V Mi-s C. M. Seduuiek, nl- r.-a-ly comuiciiced, wh i ll dots g'Cul cie.l.t lo ihul j distinguish! d Auib-ress. j Maiiy ()'i;tnal laics el gre.11 inleres', anioiig wh ch we may rneiil on, asalrea.'v in hand. "Mary i nteip." bv a p. pn )t'i'ial contributor. No. a scries nl' shim in ii g axinus tt Hu.i-I, by the lest arlisis in England aiid Am nci, ''Alii em bellish ihe 1 oiniin; vohinie, i V All these N . veins, and a multitude of o i iheis, f.n Om.i Tiiiii.l 1'oli.ahs, cuir. nt ni iny, j icmitlcd free ..I n'. In 1I10 itsu d bonk loim j they would coot ten ' that an ount. I CH ABIES O'lMAILEV, IJNTIRH, ! Can be had liv all new subscriheis who wish this popi:!.ir work, by ordering th' ir tubsciipiioui to j comtneme iv lh ihe 3.1 (juailo Yi.lui.i.', July 3.1. 1 ISI1. For three dull irs 011 nny solvent ch n'ered I Itaek ill the L'uue.l States or (Janadas, free i.f pus- ; in-;e, tbe New W'oil l w.ll be a nt one year, from j ihe comm. r. cement of 'Clniih s tl'Mailey,' including 1 ll.e .! gr- is. pun ...ea u ex ,a nun.oers. . .. ...1. .UUie.-t, J. I u.-iirii' . 1 3l) Ann . . V . I. ill. I, .11 w 1 nifc C('MMi S, (.l.OM.Mi SUM t., 1.11J a few Coal Sioves ! I 1 'al . cheap, by H. II. MAssEK. an 1, is i2 I AT FU3LXCJ SALS, ! 1 A. F rVRM, CRIST AND SAW MltLS. j Ull. I. ne exposed to punl c sd.e, on Ine iin . ! Fen. 12 o'eloik, on ibe I'remiaes. I the very valu .'..c i -.operty b.icfly described u- i ; loll, ivv-, bavins been ( .ii l of the Jenkins E-t.te, ; ' ',.: 2 I " icies, 7ti pere'ies. w ilh allow nil. 0, of wh eh ; about K'O acres are In cultivation, with a Inge ; j Apnle Ou'li rd ; ll.e ie-i Inn Woodland, liieloding i : l.nnc-tone Lal.d. and I trge veins of lion (Ire. I I'he pteui.s' situ Uv! .11 E.I-.1 Put'Mo li.wn- ' ship, t.'ni. 11 counlv. I'a., on Ihe iit'-t side of (lie , i West T-.toi h nf Stis jiielianrtH, iitotii live nit as ; . fioin N'oftbilio1 -er ar. I. and llirie Ir ofi I.i wi burg 1 h.I; .lining land.- u! Mls Ji i.ktn.-, ind Messrs. Snook , I'.i.i.y. ; There a'C two nrver failirg w.i'er pis-erJ fo'm- i e.l bv Ti.t'lle C 1., which u.tei . eis ihe tract, nl one of which tin ic Is a Clover Seed Mill on Pur- j rall'r. I ..tent, and a Md'cr- Hon e. and fit the ..tiler ' a M.rihant Fl-immg it Mi l !' slone w ill o- 1 icr-hol wncels and three run it ;l. Hies, and n S.. , Mill. A g 10.I bri. 'i and frme Uivell ng ri. us.-, wi h a Md crs Hoi:s" c -nventcnt, m.d a large I .e. : lin k l.'.iiu aie n'.-o nicied. Tt.e Intel Is we. I W iler.d by spiin;: . and -tn ,1111s, and eligibly silu.v 1 lid III .1 p.'pilb'.ls l.eijbb.'rl'.e.l.l. j Th, M',ir's Fid ft, x'enJing into the pu 11. 1. s. appeal - lo be hi g-V il Cun.l .ne.-, upon lh.' 1. er batik, w here it is I ml open, and is believed to pervade, 'he contiguous ri.le acres-(be Pr.'peity. From au ad bent trait, the sli.imokin 1 1 .-li Company now pi. .cure the It. .11 Ibe f r their Furij'.ec, and bo: lints alV.rd Conim dious and , .- . , .. I .... 1 li ee llaMg ll loll , I'Tolll itcd i-V Ihe slack -Wilier 01 Ibe i.. , - .' ., .'. , u i ., . i S haiiiokiii Da:!., to Ihe Kail Hon I si Sanburv, ' , . , . , . . ' . . ,. , ,, ., - . which b ads to the Miaiuokin Coal .Mines suil Iiuu j ... . ! , ,ki I. L Purchasers are invited lo viear tho pr. u.i.-es rarefttHy, and tiponir tpii.v ihey will liud the tide fill-from ull d 'ill I and d tiieultv. 'i'he 11 1 his of 11.. iiot nt tue when lh.' Pr.jvr ty is si . lick . dl , ..0' 1 , a.,d a soon hs the d. e.i is lend red. win 11 w.ll be vvtlbin live ,1 . s, (he, l'tinbrr sum nf f ' !".). Hi ll.e n s due.'O m.iy k m.iiu unpaid I'H l'ir. e ve irs, md the rest in fid nistaiuienls . I s( hm(i yen. tioui l',,e 1..11. of sale. All not V .id .l llic d. 1. . . r y nl it.e d.-.d, to be s.cuied by bond a:id iorlg t1'. bearing i.eei- t est. Fuilher in. nil. tes 11.1v be 11. t.b' ot t IIE.MiV U. sWl'l'.i.. Srtuyjro-r, As.iati.eol f ' nrniel K nnber ,.r nt IH"(."T1 HELLAS, .SunOury. J .1.11 11 y. Is', I S 12. ne- AICSRIOAN TCi:.0:CA!a Z-ITZHAIIY AMI. I i is::.s.i.a.ti:it. A CONCE.N Tlv. I ED lii 1 o.d ,1 Medical Sei - and Liteiu e, by b'oblev Diuigllsnn, M. D , I'lolesM.r id the Ini u'i i of Medicine, ,ie., j in J. tl. lion Midi. :.l C..1I. of I'b.'a.le pbia, pub-, li-ln d iinii.thlv by A ' no '.'..Mie, No. 10 Cati i. t.rsluil, Iplua. Sub-flip, inn put'-. 5 a; i ar. Siib-ciiplinii. for li.c alac.e vv itk i ci in d I y Ibe mib-ci ,Der H. U. MASSEK, lcc. I 1th, Isll. Adfot. I 7)a S il.i:, i, Cian'enits, Fi. e E.i- j gbsti Cheese. Kc lui.-ilis, S tts. pi r lb., by j I hi-. 25, IS IL H. IJ. MAwtdi, 'To hi', or- i:u! la lv Sueil, P! S a oie-l..iii lb, We keiiuut'v ubinil to tie! Q ton. ub erd l.-i it a. ! . 1 . .1 ral.eli v 1 u 1 I 1. ...1 ! '.I bo 1 1 -.'l ..t'r I'.t.r s iMi, vv ho .ot inu bti d to lite . ....I, i.i u 1 I.11V. Wuli-- s. ...Hi,'' II. '.. ! I K .'. ( 1 :t:iiri It llciV t(afh ItlOM'. rPhn public w.ll please uti-ene that no Urau.l eib Pills tire freiioiuc, unlets llin box his th ee li bels upon it, (llui 'lop, Hie sn!e 11ml the bollooi) eiich coot liimiu' a f .-iirii ei jnutiirn of my h nub writing, thus U. f I R a n ii 11 r.Ttt, M. D. 'J'lies la. bcl-ft'i! erjr'.ved im i-tM, beullifulry desiiined. and done rl; uli e en' e of over y'J 0i if). 'I'ti1 rt'f i 0 wt" '"' 'Pl1' "1111 th" "iitv itiing iimmhj to pro. ure ihe ill dti'iuc 111 i,s purity, it to obsvivs tbc.-e f'bcls. HIO,nil'tl till H'l'. IM"' M'M, IIU1I l.irilulM. Tbii loll. ing n jiciiv.! petsoiid me 'duly at'hi ii . d, ami b ''ii Kor the;' I I lrvnilrrih's it;rlul-le f.'iih-cns! j '.. Ncrlliumbe. tai d coinilv : Mlllnti Mackry I t'bi'iibc.bii. f-iiiitinrv 1. ft. M llni'ns j villi Ii I on! ,'. lm;il. Niiiiliiiiii eilaiiil Win. lTmstli. (ii o.iV town -V. Midting r A. Co. I'nion ' uoiv : V v lli rlm J I111 HofTnrin. ' Seliii: :r'. e Kut hh.I Si hnuro. M iil.:lr!iur : Isiac Soullu lie.ivi 1 jn J. JSi, V. Uiiiu iinaii. II I. . .! .. I ..V .1... . . I I A I...,,,. .1 ; Ad.iiiishiiriT 11. .V A. .nulli. M if.'linslmig j T I.J'l.C TI I. l.L 1 Milc'ii". tn. 1. Im-iiils nt'd j Nvvi pe'.l lla tl. l hi D iniel L itti;. Free, j (icquatntatce pi l V,ily lh it they i.tld C'li hnrj i. ,t F. C. !, titrevil e Sialic)' I tinue 10 ki 1 p al the tiid st.itil. .No. 210 Net lil ' .V I. vidian. 1,1'ivi-bnre W ills & (.Si ecu. i irccl. l' Ipbi.i, all kind. n.r I Columbia comix. : H ilk' C. H. Kcytiolds j TOBACCO S.WFF .l.W SEfJAIiS. i . I'o. !! rvv i k --Miuni in . H tien'. iun'. Car- ! Which they vrill cl'I! on tl.c :n t NCu'oiiimodulin i i.jwissa t,'. A. V C ti. Uionts. Ul.i.uiisliu; ' and icn ri ible lei 11m. ' j John K. Meier. J,-.,. Tn.ii Leu DmI. W- j N. I'. All Boiid.s M-ld will be g''rf? , a.-.d all bin -ton Uoi.l. M. t'.iv. Lnoesloiic -D. 1.. 1 unlets promptly aturn'.e.l 1,1. fViitlirck. j I Ihs, 1 ve th it e;n h A 'jcut h is till I Ii -;ri v, .1 Cu T , nl' A'.rencv, ittiinc a lej rrs'-ntalion ul j f)t lif! A .V'Mil'. I'll' S M.nuil inory at Sil:- Sine. 1 anil U "Ii wliieh ill M s.i be seen exact copier, nt I the m:.' labia- iirw uii'l Vint I the ISranJrJ': I'll! I'll. I idtlpbia, nlKce No. S, Noith tihu're. '. V. UUANDKE I'll, M. L). J.iuinrv 1st, 1K2 TOll stile a sin el I'aun, cont aiuiui; about ' biit.ilie I and ! 11 acies, ioore or ie-i. s tu ale in P.'inl township, .N T liinnberl.iiiil c..oiit, about two mil. i iiboM. Noilbuinbeil .ml, 111 th rn .Mi road I a.lttu bo 11 1 li .it pine to 1 1 in villi-, a.l.ouiiiig land- of John l.cijliou. Je-se I.'. II. n'. n mid ether-, I ,MJ.v ju tlic oceill'ittey nl .''.iiiitii I I'.ivre. A'.-.ntl ! I'.iitv at res nf n: i.l iia.i iirecband, and III C0"d Klitt-- of eu inaiioli, on which lber is u siinill bn.ii erect-d. The pmperty 'ili be obl nn n u-01 able Y'ot further pa-lt.-iilnrs, .i 150ns an- rcijticbt- t'J tu o ply to 3.0 'ut sciili r. 11. II. MASS.'I., Aiffnl, Nov. ?7lh. ls-M. if Simlmry. Fa. 4. rulVaak i. i rT Vilisilril N c.i'ic'e ti ; 1 !; i:a! I'J for chuoiua and giving a - highly duiahli: and most britlta'it p,.isb lo sil v r, (ii rinau Mlver, Ur i-s, Cpi'.-r, ISiilt.iliia ware, Tin, Si. el, Cutl.r, mid lor re-lonr 'ho !ire on varnished cum.i.e , c. 11'. Prep ite.l an i s 1.1 a' wholes e and, by the SiiseiH anna C,iyM! Poluli Cotnpany, Uwcj.., 'J 10,1 c.uuiv. N. V. '', Fl.'KsY I'll, Aucnt for Norihuiu'd, II. B. MASSEK, Ag.i.t fjr Sunbury. Nov. mbir Cuth, ISll. CITir AUCTION AND GOMIVUSMON IsTOP.E. Am !.'" Mf Xrti Ttiid Xtrett, I'ltiladejdua SriH.rt' S.i.i:s nf Dry ( n.u.hvare g ntel Cutlery, liooii?, St it'ioiir.; y, (;iolhing. IJoot-, .s'.mes and ff j's, and in shoit almost every descin.iion of goo, Is, n'e held at lb s erl ibli-hiiiei.t , vfty n,c aU, jv'.. sale ,.,. 1 ... .1 ... l li .. r. l. . . ,. I... I, 1.11. . I t I . , 1 . I . tl . 1 I keepers ..f.J nailers Will Ui.a it i-j their a-. 1 by ultci.di the sab s. C. C. M WK l'.Y, Aiicl.o..e' Pbiiadelpbia. Nov.-mb. 1 1:1, 1SII Ii. wu. v 3-"i " - JT 1j '-vwllw v Wholesale and U-jtuil Slt.'.e, In-line, and Faltn Leaf lint Viue!:;.:iv.'. A'y. Cli S.irth 2. 11 f ic i.'u. iieii .lich, J'uhuliiriii'i. A I.SO Tt links, Ca.pel Uas and ev. 1 W ,r.v des.-i ipliou, aii of which be vllets to: sate 011 ll.e u.osl reiisoinibie Ii rms. I'll I nl. li'hi'i. Vot e itber 13. 1 -l I . 1 y 35 S3 . S3 .2i 11F i: J KY DESCEIl'TiUN. m: :m;i...d oil. cu.miwnv. .No. -J!) ...m!i Water Street. I'lula. ANI'l'AC I'l'KFKs n.l ,h.l..s n. (bis ..I very deft lipileii boil; (; bii'iing and min.Ue uia.g purpo-cs, who h wul be s I.l much lower lli i'l ihey cm be procured c'sewheie, ai .1 w a. tallied in quality to e.pial any in li.e city. Any o.l sold bv ;be eohip.ii.v I...I pioving as .e ri si nn d. may be relumed Willi..,. t uuy expel. o to tin) U. -chaser, .oi l lb. ti. v.. v will be ii'fund.'d. '1'S'iv s'. jcI; no in stoic consists ol the following oil--, vt : Uv'.Ci'O calloita Wmtei BiiachvJ Speim" 5" I'd, t'.COO do l.i.iKl') do 'in.o-.'O do 20.0'H'i ,1 , ('.000 do l'.ni'd do .tU Eall. 3no do i!o C.lole (111. Fall and Sprints Sperm () I, V, iiiit r Sea Elephant, do Pre .ed Oil, Si.uiuier do do do Common Whale Oil, Cod Hank Oil, btl do Nea s Foot ().!, 7 5 ( -asks L'live Uil, 'I''r'b 1 ila. This Coinpaiiv has a number nf Vessels tn- ; C ige.l in the Cod Fii.herv, and Tanners may if ly ( upon uet'ini ai nil 1,111c IM s pure us imported, I'hMa.h'Iphi.i, Nov. '.3, L-ll. ly. 'IT v T. nArT.T3 l-'i-'t'.K I'OU SALE, at the South Ea-l Coi ner of Fifth und Mt.ihet H.'icttf, F'iiU.ul- I. i ..Cif 'iiis L'.'. V, stitched warranted, e.l do il 1 pegged do ... do do water pio .f, d. ul lo s-di'i i..,.i .'....o'c I! j pr. d i C..II r'. 1.1 da do d 1 ua'.I. J i.n.'i oppe . do !! iv)- Vat. r Leather Hi ' !. .i.i do Nets .! 1 eo. 1I.1 E.uti eu irter sinu s, Cu'1-r....i. no tlo ilo v'ri 1 :-.els ,10 il. 1 Fino .Molir.n's - art. m od ilo k'i do C.df ibl (-n:tail .1 I do do Fun) C 1 do lo hoes hi to Ho do -to do do (IC. K ll di C.i. fan. 1 Sec' Skin 1'onips. do L ot S ett? wnil 1111. 1 without soils. tlo Ca'p't .1.) do do J. I '.. u nt . nrii.ted Wat. r - pr.iv. t Moccasin.-. !...'l:i' do d i do dj 1. l.ll. 1 1 .r.i e.l India T'.ubber sho. s. I .'. t l' ' n 1 1 V i'o . I 'ft r 4ni .'. Wi ll v. ty i. titer i'.c-.e iptiou ol boots and slioes. l't.r L'j'i . i a.tvv dt scftpiion. 'I'rii. ilti; I'l'.u ks 0! rviry description. Vi r.cii .ti Tr bing I'ss. I' Lent Ci in l ias ie Shoe Hltckii.'tr. It n:iet- ..I M k I'ulm l eal llai.i. I V.i: . .. ' ' ' . to, U- '. tv. . :. 3 ?EfooEL?. ATTORNEY AT LAW, SUITSTJUV, PA. t,ilfii J to in ibe Countii a of Not llwii'l ilaiidUiiion 'Iii i.lrtiii g unj Coluinldu. llttiv to 1 'I'nnitis IfAlir &. Vu., " I. ni l 11 it UaihiuX, I H A HT, 'fM Ml H fi HaHI. iVli'ar.'. Id 1 50! ns, Mc Tax h j h A. Co 1 rc.MNO, 'ioiiii iV Co., J v 7 a7a 7"i fo v o L"d t China, Glass ari l l.ivcfo. 1 Warehouse. Ao KJl Knrlft T!t, id ttnrl, third duor Vine j.' Lt, !'lnlii'i'fiiii i. TH ll! llii'y constantly k-cp nn I and a laifV' ' H.-.snitiiieiit of t'l.nij, (.lis' urd I.iverponl Ware, which they will ditpuao m' on tlic must iei soll'ible lei ins. rhil.d.'.ji.iia, N.,M tuber 13, IM i . Ty . I'b ilplna, Novemler 13. I Ml 1y. LAST WAKSR, Nu. 7-1 Citllowl.ill Street, I'liilivJclnhia, rrlret do, is :..s.,f ) III il. Kin-lines i. .v- I i-pl on baud, n lilcli Im jr ..If rs for sale 111 H e K .vc 1 le ina. Country Vlrrch mis are p.-.tib ui.illy to tail an ' jiij-! Kj themselves. I'blll.lel, bis. Nnirm!'" 11 Hll'. 1v I.OWI'.K '. MAliUON, IiMj-orters and Djulerj in Fi rein an5 Domestic II itil w 3) f, No. 171 NollTU 'I'll I 1:1. S I HI IT, 1 111 Lii-.lMIl J Tl II E (Hi their fri i ds and 1 ut-b iueis wt alwuj s find a lare and general a v-oil.o nl of I'on-ig-i and D.iiiiestij Haidw.ue, which they will tell at ll.? iowe-t pr-ees, rhiledel hu. November 13. ls-11 !v. TIIEOIMLCS ( TU', Manufaeturer f.nd 1 n j 1 ! r cf Sari- dlerv, llardw are, V r. V... .' .:tt.h Vitrd ft-t's'.f-ir .',... b: '(..' MurK-'' I'iilirr'n'i.iin. 7" EEP constaiiily on b .ml a luge and 1 n'rel k iissiiiiineitt Cmich I".ips, t'niri k;e F.iit.!: , ! Axle Arms, Elint'C. Springs, I'h'i nt' .. Cotintrv Meiehanls i,.d suddl' is v ill I e suppl ed 1 ' all lun.'t on ll.e 1, i".. I ii a-oi able tiiins. 1 I f ;, wi I . liud II lo then mlVat.ta.;e t e .11 and t-.tariiillc !.;-.. I assniih.i ni before .'Uteba-in:' els-Tic.e. j Foil adeiphia, Novrmbi r 1 3, I s 1 1 . ly. i v . "t o t;t .-trr-v j wmmm mm ( urallV a. l.iul ! WHOLESALE AND IHM AII. l.Oe'.lS.v. 1 l.Llts AND cTA I IDNI'I; '2'l Chesiii'.t Sir... . I c! r.v 4th. I Fi,lIiJev,.,iii.i. I T" EEP constantly on baud a a.i:t- inent 1. 1 Uoeks utitl Siatii.iiaiy i coa.pii ng 1 Law, Medical, (.1 asical. MliCCnai.u mis and School Liooks, Day llocks, alls'li?, i.iO g.Ys, do., Family Pibb-s, I'ocket ll.b'es, W.ilii, pjeis.Vra ping Papers, vtc. ivic.wt uh tin y 1 ler in Ibe I.. .U'.i piti es to Cotntry Meichar.t's I'lC- lissK.iial tikiilleiiicn, Teachers, ar.J't'! tl.?r.i that ! iii'iv favor .h.-ni with ibeir custom. ' I'hil.i.l. Ipf.;.. N.n Mnlur 13. 1st1. .- Iv. IIEV.XOLDS, McFARLA-D tt CO. I Whuleialu Dea!erj i:i Foreign Eritish i ai d Americir.i Vr Goods. I A"). 105 Market street. I'hi'cdtlphia. ! p1(i'N"ri'.Y y '1 hstit-, and others ran anp plied at .ill tineiwitli an extensive assort ment of ib.s best a ud must fa.hion..l!c Good upon the ni"st ici.-iiiaMe tein.'. I PU!! ..Vbsiia. Nov. inber 13. 1P41. ly. Wiclsacl I'eavrr A: Soil rorc wAicvr.s & su:p ciiAniitiEicg .Ve 13 .Y...-A W',:t:r Street. HUnk i.'a. H E E lons'iimly ..i, hainl. gcncr i! r-j. rt 1 Q ?J in. i t ..f CVi..'lii-.', r,;ie Tvv .!., Ar . I a.'.l !;.,.. F),'. it g i; .p .. White Kopci,!- I I K.'j.r-, To v Lines 1. r C nnlP'if. A! i, r.. n, li te a-, 'ttteei t of s. loo Tw ine.t, A c. . c. o 1 H. .up SI ad 11 d II. nil .! Twine, Pel Patent Gi'i Net Twice, Cot'. 11 Miad and 'I'Vv'r ., 'fl.r.a.'s, .V.', tVe A!.-i. lied Cold Pi.-Cjli Li ... Hi!'er, Trac-s. Cot. 01 and l.l.ien C rpel Chain.. I Vc. all of huh '.hey Will d.spcau i f C'l if jstld;t tents. I Plul .de'pbi.i. Nov. mber 13, 111. l?v I Eiii:nTtTxTiiANrsi:ij. ts. ccsi". j WHOtE 'iAilR DKV GOODS S.TCUE. ; No. lJ'.i l-v?'nct irett, l'hila. : tiiiliio F.fh .Vt;.'A.-; h ) i A LWAVS keep on It; nd a lull und c"i'rT.l ! s. ririo rl ol Mo-iery, Luce, and Fane) (j'oode. ! Country Meicbatits oe rfsjieeiT'lly re.;i:Cot d tc ! give ih, m a call im. 1 1 x .iniinc for l!n n-elvc. j Phil eh Iphia. November 13. 1-41. ly. TO CO'CNTilY tMEllCIXANTS.' rrHC subscriber, A:;...t .1 I yon . HafiU, II - tar iy.w Veil;, 1'l.iUdrij i i . llalt.iooie o:id o.hrr Urge litiis, wiuac It ... '!... 1.1 J I- I ii.o.v,.u 111 ...iji 1. n,'.G';i.-.; , I bis ot Land a l.rrl rate :i.i;rt.ii 1,1 ei IIA'1 : : .! 1 C A I's, suit at Ic f . r Sr.n s aes, wit ih w 1.1 i f u..'..' j va ry low, loi ca-1. 01 111 p; ve.l cn d.t, 1.; ll.e nt !., ': ; clf. 'I Sturr, No. AO, Nn.til ' 'llld otJ.J.'l, , oi ivkk . i ti u nr.n. Afi-'i. N. 1'. O.iiei I.. 1 11 ils . i il.c '(,1.1V jjui.-j j if attended lo. The , l.ce .1 h ji ti f'i I ,r '(; J.,!,.,. Pi ila lelphis., Nov. mbr; ' 3, I c 1 1 --ly J. YY. . W A IN, " ' LTn.l.rdla ri;l l'iirasul M:i:n. 'act tiro.' Aw. 3i Ni-jF-i iThnd tlmt, tu ora L.u- t'.: .... ,' V'V l:iJ-'- I'-'i'"oljd.ij. j 1i()Crt"Tli and nll.eis are so'.i.'t. .'. ! A. y to c xaiiiiue bis ai.oi u.. cm bifme puichab.n? ( Isert bet 0 j Phila 'el, !.ia. N..vri..!, r 1 3. 1II. ly. I .siMiii'Av;, t;6ui) -v iy li's Alaik' t .Srux-t, ri.;!.ulr!j I, i.i. N!t'E ll.e atlci.tioii of ("ounlty M.ichaio-i to their extensive u-soi.invit nf Enliih Fier.. cd American D.y (!u.h)s, which .bey vlllr foi..i oil ihe in I less. 'in. I le t. rms. Phil id. Iphia, Nov. ii.ber 13, isil. ly. TillSt I S't t lt t'l f(l se Hor-l II S)ril V o:..-,e; Leaf, 1 ,11. m , ( 1.11 I f..f side by 11. P. -- p. uifa. II. u-e and . .. .es; I.. af, l.niiii , Cru-1 1 .t, Itiu w n .id '.'!-. . tn li.-.l; ( ' r. Ha sins, Cr tckefa, o ( F.riith ai.vl En;li-K M, riti ; Mciino r Shiwls; CI, .lbs C.i.-itr.. rs unj Its; 1 ' C.riis, sj;tfv. o all aiildji ..'..v. i'0:a, le i I .