UAJVK NOTU LIST. mSSVLVASIA. The f dlowing list ohowa the current value of nil Pennsylvania Bank Note. The most implicit fr fi .nee may be placed upon it, as il i. f wry wrek arcfully compared with olicorrcoteJ fioin Biik tierf Reporter. ItnnJii In riilludclplila. Nam.. Locai-io. V'"C. NOTES AT PAR. Punk of North America Dank of the Northern Liberties . Hunk of Pennsylvania Hunk of Penn Township , Commercial Bank of Penn'a. . Farmers' anil Mechanic' Dank Gi'ard Bank . . Reris'mgton Bank , . Manufacturer' & Mechanic' Bank Mechanics' Dank . . Movamensing Bunk . Philadelphia Bank . . Schuylkill Bank Noiitlmnik Bank . Weatcrn Bank . par par par ...r pur pnr par pur I"" par par pnr par pnr par par pur par pur :i par Country Ilniikn. Bank of Pittsburg Pillshuig Westchester Chester Ucrmantowti Leivistow a M iddletovvu Notristown Bank of Chester County Bank of Delaware Couniy Dank of Germantowti Bank of (.cwislown Batik of Middlctown Bank of Montgomery Co. Bank of Northumberland par Nurlhnmbeiland par Beika County Bank Heading j to 1 Columbia Bank dc Bridge co. Columbia par Carlisle Bank Carlisle- Ij Poylestown Bank Doyleslown pur Eas'on Bank Kaslon par Exchange Bunk Pittshuijr r Do do branch of Hnlhduysburg 2$ Furmcas' Bank of Bucks co Bristol pur Furmcrs' Bunk of Iaucatei Lancaster pat Fainter' Bank of Reading Heading par Hurrisbuig Bank Harrisburg par Lancaster Bank Lancaster pnr Lebanon Bank Lebanon par Merchant' & Manuf. Bank Pittsburg par Miners' Bank of Pottsville Potlsville par Northampton Bank Allentown par Toward Bank Towanda West Branch Bank Wyoming Bank Office of Bank of Penn'a. OUice do do Office do do Office do do NOTES AT Williamsport Wilkesbarro par Harrisburg"' These Lancaster I offices Heading do not Euston J issue n. DI8CO UN T. Bank of (he United States Philadelphia. Office of Bank of U. S. Pittsburg Do do do Erie Do do lo New Brighton Kensington Sav. Ina. A do Pcnn Township Sav. Ina. do Bunk of Chambershurg Chnmbersbuig 1 Bark of Gettysburg Gettysburg 1J Bank of Susquehanna Co. Montrose i Erie Bar k Erin 1(1 Ka'n.eri.' & Drovers Bank Wayneshurg SJ Fiankliti Dank Washington 2$ Honcsdale Bjnk Honesdule j Mounngahela Bank of B. Brownsville 2J Voik Bank Yoik 1J N. B. The note of those banks on which we omit quotation, and substitute a dash ( ) are not purchased by the Philadelphia brokers, with the exception of those which bava a letter ol" rtference. BROKEN BANKS. Philadelphia Sav. In. Philadelphia failed Philadelphia Loan Co. do foiled Schuylkill Sav. In. do failed Manual Labor Bank (T. V Dyotl, prop.) failed Alleghany Bank of Pa. Bedford no sale Bank of Beaver Hank of Swatara Bank ol Washington Centre Bank City Bank Former' & Mech'ca' Bank Farmers' & Mech'ca' Bank Farmer' & Mech'ca' Bank Harmony Institute Huntingdon Bank Juniata Bank Lumbermen's Bank Northern Bank of I'u. New Hope Del. Bridge Co. Northunib'd Union Col. Bk. North Western Bank of Pa. Otlice of Schuylkill Bank Pa. Agr. & Manuf. Bank Silver Lake Bank Union Bank of Penn'a. Westmorland Bank Beaver closed llarrisburg closed Washington failed Belli fouto closed Pittsbuig no sale Pittsburg failed Fayetto Co. failed Urcencastle Harmony failed no sale Huntingdon no sale Lewistowu no sale "Warren Duudair New Hope Milton Mcadtille Port Carbon Carlisle Montrose Uniontown failed no sale closed no sale closed failed fuihd closed failed closed (rceiicburg Wilkrsbarre Biidge Co. Wilki sharre no sale Qj' All notes puipoiting to bo on any Pennsyl vania Bank not given in the uhovcliet, uiuy be set down a frauds. Bank of New Btunswick Bclvideie Bank Burlington Co. Bank Commercial Bank Cumlwrland Bank Farmers' Bank fanners' and Mechanics' Bk Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Farmrra and Mechanics' Uk Franklin Bank of N.J. Brunswick Lelvidi ia M. dfard Perth A id boy Bridciou Mount Holly Rahwav fui'.d 2pm J par 1,11.1 par par .(in N. Biunswiik failvd Middletonn Pt. 1pm Jersey Lily fad.d Houuken Bkg& Grazing Co llobuken faded failed la 1 1, d faded par failed 2, 111 par I'll kale Jersey City Bank Jersey City Mechanics' Bank Patterson Manufacturers' Bank Belleville Morris Company Bunk Moiristown Monmouth Bk of N.J. Fieehuld Mechanics' Bank Newark Mechanics' and Manuf. Bk Trenton Morris Canal and BKg Co Jersey City Post Notes Newark Bkg & In Co Newaik New Hope Del Bridge Co Laiuls-itsvillu N. J. Manufac. and Bkg Co llul i kin pill par faibd faded 1 1 ill failed 2pm par pal par 2, 111 2in 2pm laileii N J Protection & Lumbal J Ik Jersey City Orange Bunk f Irauge I'atcrson Bank Peoples' Bank Princeton Bank Salem Banking Co State Bank State Bank Stale Bank Slate Bunk of Morris Salle Bank Salem and Philad Manuf Co Sussex Bank Trenton Banking Co Union Bauk Whiugtuu Banking Co. Patcrsoii do Princeton Salem Newmk ElizntHilitown Calinlen Monistown TlClltOll Salt 111 Newton Tienluii Dt-r llac keusack ImiIi.I I i pm '.'pin lplll iaibd I)LI..41VAi:i lik of Wilm Sl Brandy wine Bank bf Delaware Bank of Smyrna Do lianch Farmers' Bk of Slate of Del Du branch Do branch Do biauch Union Bank Wi mii'gton par W iluiii.gtoii par Siuyina par Milloid pur Dover pur ilmiuglon pai Georgdown par Newcastle pai Wihiuugton par (Jj Under 6'a ftj" On all bank marked thus (! there ere ei ther counterfeit or altered note, ol llio various do oomiatniona, in circulation. J. 5. 1E.PA, Wholesale Variety a ml Trimming Store iVo. 44, Surth Fourth near Arch ., VhiUidelphia- "IITHF.RE Country Mcrclinmls and oilier can be supplied, at all times, with a large assortment of Hosiery, (i loves, Merino, Cotton, arid Woolen Shuts and Dtawei, Spool Cutton, Patent ITiread. Cition Cords, HnUotis, '1 apr. Binding, Hooks Mid Eyes, Pins, fit. And a general vanity of use ful articles, which ko oflci fur sale at the lowest prices. Pbiladelphia.Nnvpinl.ei 1 il, 1 S4JI. ly. WHOLESALE IIOISEIIY, GLOVE & (IIM.BAL V All I KTT TOW F, So. 34 Nuv'fi Fourth ft., under Merchants Hotel, PHILADELPHIA. "flTTJJ' II ERE Country Merchants can be supplied "''I' 8,1 extensive variety of choice articles in bis line, upon the most reasonable limit). Nov. full 1811 ly ricCALLA Sl HERSE, I 51, ol lll St'( OIIl Kll't'l't, (cumtK or coomu's allkt.) Where lliey constantly keep on hand a generil assoruiient of CLOTHS, CAESIMERES, VESTINOS, And a yeut mrirly vfortkU f a tttjierinr quality, which they offer to tlispose of upon the most lentonuble terms. COUNTRY MERCHANTS and others wiP find it to tlieii;int;ice to cull and examine their sink before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. Nov. fi, 181 1. ly A SI'I.I'..I1I ASSOKT.III'XT .1' l.'ST arrived from the city of Philadelphia, and for sale, at the most reduced liners, for cash, at the new store foimctly kept by John Bognr, as follows : Clothing of all sorts ami, such as Warm Overcoats, Coattces. Pantaloons, Vests, Ac. Also, a huge assortment of Fine Calf tkin and Wa terproof Boots, I. ml ics' Lace Boots, and a variety of other Boots and Whoes for the winter, trimmed and untriinmed tiumboes, and Men', Boy a' and Chil dren's Shoes, of till sires. JOHN CHAMBERLAIN, Sunbury Oct. IWth 1811. if. lrTTs7" lT o i7ix)n , ESl'ECTFULLY informs her friends and the B. public generally, that she continues to keep that well known Tavern Stand in Market strict, Sunbury, sign of the formerly kept by John Bolton, her husband; and by endeavoring to conduct the establishment in a manner to give satisfaction to all, hopea to merit a liberal shiuo of public pationage. Siinburv, October 9lh, 1M41. ABAIVIS'S HOTEL. Suiiliiii ) , lliiiiiilttTlsiiid 4'ounf y, TENKSYLVANIA. nHE subscriber has rented that large and couvi nierit Tavein House in Sunbury, lately occu pied by Hiram J'tiie, and is piepaied to accommo date all who will favor him with their custom, in neat and comfortable manner. ROBERT ADAMS. Sunbury, Oct. 23d, 1841. MADEIRA WINE. First quality MaJier Wine, sale low by Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER, FOURTH PROOF BRANDY. A article always on hand and for sale by genuine Sept. 1, 1811. II. B. MASSER HOLLAND (UN, Ol the best quality always on hand and for sale by Sept. I, 1R41. II. B. M ASSER. LOAF AND LUMP SUOAR. Always 1 I'-'"! and for sale by Sept. I, IM 1. 11. II. M ASKI, NEW ORLEANS M (JAR HOUSE MO LAPSES. Ol the best quality alwuvs on hand ai il fir sale by Sept. 1, 1811. II. B. MASSER, BROWN SUCAR. Of a good quality, for sale low by Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MAS." ER CREEN AND BLACK TEAS. Of the best quality alwavson hand and lor sale by Sept. 1. 1811. II. B. MASSER. COFFJ E. Java, Rio ami Laguira Coffee, con stantly uu hand and for sale bv Sept. I, lfc4l. II. B. MASSER. Sl'ERM OIL. Winter and Summer strained S mi Oil, ol the lest quality, always on hand and lor sale liy Sept I, 184 1. H. B, MASTER. STEEL. Cul and Blister Stei I, f,.r sale by Sept. I, IS4I. il B. MASEK. IIJlMI SALMON'. Ol the best quality, con sibhiIv on hand and for sale bv Mpt. I, 141. H. B. MASSER. LIU.I t)l;S. Ol all kill. Is and of the Lot quali ties, ulas on hand and for sale by Sept. 1, 1841. II. B. MASSER. SPRING STEEL. Of vaiious for Eliplic C rings, lur sale l.y SCfl. I, 1841. II. B. MASSER. BIBLES For sale at II. B. M ASsER. LARGE QUARTO vi rv icduceil prices by Sept. I. 1841. BLANK BOUkS. Ol all kinds, fur sale by 1, Its 1 1 . 11. B. MASSER. BLANK DEEDS. IJjnds. Mortgages. Ac. for sale by Sept. 1,1811. II. B. MAssER, JUSTICES' BLANKS. f..r sale by Sept. I. 1811. H. II. MASSER, 1 Louis, Blue, Black. Invisible Green, Ac. for si le bv Si pi. 1. 181 I. II. B. M.SSER, CAsslMERES AND SATTI.N EI'l'S. For j sab' very low by I. 1811. II. B. MAssER. C If I'U TING. For sale cheap by s. 1. I, 1811. II. B. MASSER. 111. . Kl'.TS Fr sale cheap bv s. , 1. I. 1-11. II. B. MASSER. UNBI.EM'HED MUSl.INS.For sile by t. 1811. 11. B MASsER. COTTON YARN AND COTToN LAPS F01 side by I, 1841. H. B- MASSER. HEMP AND COTTON TWINE. For sale by 1. 1841. II. B. MAssElt. TOWING LINES, CORDS AND ROPES. For sale by Sept. 1, 1811. II. B. MASSER. SIlrCClT & FP.T, r) ESl'ECTFULLY inform the citizens of Sun-V- tmry and vicinity, (but they hae Ink n the Shop occupied by Wm. Durst, whrrc tin y will carry on the TAn.oniNO BUSINESS, in all its tattoos branches. By stiiet alUMion and reasotnible chatges, they expect to rmiit a share of public patronage. Sunbury. SViit. 4th, l41. istTof rijobKS, roM sai.h m CSjC. 113. iXX.Gs3ISJLii. ANTIION'S Classical Dictionary, Lemjirier's do.; Ainsworth's do; Cobb's do.; English and (terman do.; Ambon's Cresar; Anthon'a (irammer; Anlhen's ('h-pio; Mail's Latin Render, Ogilby's do.; Andrew's Latin Lessiins; D.linegan's Lrxicon; Fisk'C!rpik Exprcises; Davies's Legendei; firaera Majors; Adams' Roman Antiquities; Pinnock's Ooldsinith' England; do. (irepce; LyelPs Eb nieiits of Ccology; Mrs. Lincoln's Botanv; Elements of Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rbetoiical Rea ders; Emerson' (Sengraphy and History; Olney's dii; Parley's do.; Smith's tiriimnipr; Kiikham'a ilo.; Kav s Heml.T.-.-, Colli s do.; Colitis Arilliineiiek; Pike's d.i.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spi lling Books; Town' do.; Cobb' Table Books; Evangelical Fa mily Library; Cottage Bible'; Family do; Cllatcr ul do.; Small Bibles and Testament-; Parker's Ex ercises on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Baxter's Saint's Rest; American Revolution; Mariyiitl No vels; Mrs. Phelps on Clictiiistiv; Iliad; Cale.hism of American Laws; loiters on Natural Magic; Che mistry for Beginners Emjllsh Excrcisr adapted to Murray's Crammer; Sequel to Comby's Spelling Hook; AmericanClasBi.ok; Dabnll s Srhonlmas- tci's Assistant; A creat variety of Blank Books, Vc. August 28, 1841. WorkK of nature. IN a stile of health the intestinal canal mv be compared to a river whose watei flow over the ad orning hind, through the channels nature or art has made, and impimes their qualities; and to kei p up the comparison of the river, so long as it runs on smoothly the channels arc kept pure und healthy; ml il by mine cause the course ol the river is slop ped, then llip w ater in the canals is us) longer pure, but soon becomes stagnant. 1 here is but line law of citculatioii in nature. W hi n tin re is a super abundance of humorial lluid (serocity) in the intes tinal tubes, and convenes takps place, il 11 ws back into the bloo.l vessels, and infiltrates itrvll in to the circulation. To establish (he free course of (he river, we must remove the ol strui lions which stop its fioc course, und tho c of its tributary sticatn. W 1 1 Ii the body, follow the same natural principal ; ri move, by that valuable purgative medicine linin fr;, Universal Yrgrttilie 7 ., which tire uu cf ficlual assistance of nature, the superabundance of humors in the intestine canal. By persevering in this pi act ice, the ways of the circulation will then be ic-tored to the full exercise ol their natural func tions, and a state ol health will I e fiimly establish d Remember, never sutler a drop ol blood to be taken fiom you- Evacuate the humors as often und as long as they are deucncralcd, or as locg us you are sick. Dr. Brandicth sOflicc in Philadelphia, la at No. 8, NORTH EICiHTH street, where his pills can be had at 25 cents per box, with full directions. 23 Only agent in Sunbury, la H. u. Masser Lsqr. Sunhuiy, Sept, 4, 1841. ATTENTION j . s i it i: v j (i i: s , 1") EljUESTS the attention of hiscouutiy fiii nds V who arc in waul, to his verv large stock of Carpetings, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings, Stair Rods, c, itc, llnit he has just opined, at his warehouses, No. 18 North 2d street, and No. 2 Church Allev, next door to Christ Church, Plnla de'phin. ' Julv 31, 1811. ly. JACOB MARTIN, C'oiiutilssioii itnil l oi Mtu tliii"; WEECHAKT, M 1) ESI'ECTFI LEY informf his friculs and the Mrrchants genera'ly, that he contiuuea the Commirsioli and Foiwanitng Business, at his ware house, foot of Willov st. Kdilmud, Lfliwaic and iiclmvlkill. Merchants having goods lo l e h'pied, will find il much lo their advantage, as lo lime and piieca of height. 10 sen.! their merchandise to the Depot, corner of Front ami Willow ctru-t Railroad, a they can then be sent either route by the Tide aler Canal, 01 Schuylkill und Union Canals, as bouts will arrive anil dcpnrt daily lor the Juuiuli ami Susquehanna Canals by Tide-w iter in tow of sleam, or via Schuylkdl and L uimi (.'duals from Fuiruiounl dam. Merchant will please be pirtieular lo serd all goods deslined for either route, lo the large Di pot, corner of From and W'ltow i.tiert h'atlroail, with diricluilis accomp'inj ing them, which route thry wish them lo be shipped. Cuaise and fine Salt and P'.jster at wholesale prices, 011 the Doluwaie or Schuylkill. Philadelphia. Jo le 6, 1 Ml I ly. WHOLISALE f.HOE, BONNET, Cup unu' I'alm Leaf Hut tlnre. No. 10S..rrH 4rn Stbikt. I'HtLADELPHIA, AiniERE an ettil.sive aaortment of the above srliclc are c.u Mainly kept oil hand, for sale ut the most reasonable, tcrmu. May 2ii, 1811.- I y. SPANISH HIDES, TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. I). K 1 15 lv 1 A T II 1 C K vV S O M, A'o. 21, Am A Third hired, (BCTWtIK M AH k IT AMI I IISSM T k Tlltll S,) PHILADELPHIA. HAYE fo of SKl "or Bale a large ami excellent assTiitmenl )(iia HiJi, Viitnu Kip, Tanntrt' Oil, Ac, ut Ihe lowest uiaikct prices, eiibt r for cash, il exchange for Leather, or upon cieilit. Consignment of l eather received for sale, 01 purchased at the highest maikel prices. Q-y Leather aimed f tec of charge, April 17, 1841. ly. S1XF-A1 JIST1N(; LIK! IJUACK FOR SAW-MII.I.S. Br BkNjAsna N. Ci-siiwa. fPIIE SubscrdHT having purchased the right for vending and using the above valuable inven tion, for tVorlhumbeiluud County, oiler to dispose of (he same lo person who may desne lo purchase. The above invention is now in operation al the saw mill of Mr. M'C'sitv, near Sunhuiy, win re it can be inspected by owners of saw nulla and all othcis interested. E. GOBIN. March 27. if. SAMUEL GOBIN. WARRANTED I5rass Clocks, lor III Dollars 13 71 Ul'A4 fur time lo uny oU by Claris ld InrM lor I'iJ, lor ask by March U. H. B. MANSER. N unparellelcd remedy for common Colds, Couuhs, Asthma, Influena, Whiwning CoogTi, Drone lulls, and all diseases of the Breast and Lungs, lending to consumption; composed of lln- corrcen traied virtues of lion hound, Bonad, Blood Root, Liverwort and several other vpgitable substances. Prpparedonly by J. M. Wisslow, RiK-hcstcr, New Yoik. The innocence and i niversnllv vdmittcil pecloral viilnes of the Heih from which the litdsiim vf Horthvund i made, are too generally known to re quire recommendation ; it is iheiefore only necessa ry to ebi-erve that this Medicine contains the whole of their Mt dicinal properties, tiigdly concentrated, ainl so happily combined with several other vege table substances, as to render il the must speedy, mild and certain remedy, now in Use, f r the com- pmmls alove mentioned. The Balsam removen all imfiammalion and nrc- ness of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phh gm, en- j ubling the patient lo expt-etoruU! w ith rase and free- J dom, assuage cough, relieves athmatic and diffi- j cult respiration, heals the injured parts, opens the j pores, and composes the disturbed nerves, ami gives j striligtli lo the tender lungs, and thus produce a sieedy and lasting cuie. IviallATITl IlK 1STIIK ASKST tH MR IS M.. I Wc are not among tint class of Editors who for a : few dollais will, (at the eXnse of truth and ho nesty) "crack u " an article and bring it into rapid sale ; ncitlier ate we willing to lenmui silent, iilu r having tesied the utility of an im rowmcnt or covery in science or ail. Our readers will recollect j wc told them wc were unwi II with a sore throat and j violvnt cold aomo few weeks bho. Well, we pur- 1 chased two bottles of WIN'SLOW'fS BALSAM OF HORE1IOUND, and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who are alllicled, may try it upon our recommendation. Cwi.vftn Irltxrujih. I or sale liy HENRY YO.YTIIEIMER, Sunhury, JACOB BRIUHT, Irtfiud,tru,,d. Also, by Druggista generally throughout the country. fj- Price, 60 cents per bolile. August 14tti, 1841. ly. I LAYS, ELLIOT, LYON & GOSH. Yr ltl'sal' IH'illrr. In Foreign, UritUh and lincrirun Dry Vimds, No. 12 Nohtii Thiiiii Srnri r, I'u i i a i 1 1 rut v COUNTRY Merchants can be seppl ed at all limes with an extensive assort u nil of the above Goods, on the n.ost reasi liable ci.d sali.-l.u lory terms. May 211, 1841. ly. ytr r n-,i this maciiim: acainsst tiii; wxnu.D. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. AYENTORT'S Improved Patent Threshing Machine and Horse Power, which ihroi-his and cleans at the same time an invention lor which Farmers have long looked in vain, and which renders the above machine ierlect and past limber improvement. Those w ho have I ecu waiting for something U-tler than heretofore offered for sale, will find this to be the article. Come see it ami fudge for yourselves. The subscribers have purchased ihe righl of ihe above Machine and Horse Power, for Ihe coun ties of N'on riHM iikulami, Licovuxo, Clinton, and Usui and also, the privileges ol vending them in any other places for which Ihe riht has not been pieviously sold. The advantages which Ibis Machine has over all olhcrB invented ure many und obvinus. One boy and three men can do all the ibn sbing and cleaning of t.'O bushels of wheal in one day and this usually lakes seven hands one day and three the next. For field threshing it takes Ihe bad of any thing in this world no grain is scattered or lost. Such is the superiority of the Horse Power, that three horses can l!ne.-h as much with il as four can w ith any other. The Machines and llor-e Power will be sold touether or si'prratp, to suit purchasers. Made and s)'bl in Milton, bv the sul scribers. 1 M. WELCH. WM. 11. POMP, ! HENRY FRICK. ' Wilton, April 17, 1841. ! llKt iKVJIlW'll.l TlfAV. THRESHING A WINNOWING MACHINE. Having hud in use, one f Davi npori's Pali ut . Threshing und W innowing Maibii.cs, slid being , repeatedly called upon for our opinion 111 regard to iheir value, durability and advantages, we make, Iree to slutc, that they exceed ill our opinion, any Thicsh'rg Machine wc ever bcfoie witnessed in j use. They will thresh and clean, lit for market j 2U0 bushels of Wheat per day, and this with the ; uid of three hands besides the driver. The Straw is passed oil from ihe grain ou uu incline plane, ex lending about 12 feet from Ihe Machine. Scarce ly a grain is lost. hal is of some impoiluiue , sod greatly so, is tho fact that no dust passes from the Machine to the man who tccds it. The Horse . power seems lo be perfection itself three hor.-es 1 may Woik it w ith ease and then fastest gait need ! only be the ordinary lough gut. We must chceilully r commend (he Machine lo Farmers ; tin y aie mauulacluicd 111 Miliou bv Messrs. eleh I'omn and Fiick. 1 11 1 LIP HI I .CERT. JOHN B HELLER- ; Chilitquaque tshp., NorlVd co, March 20, 1841. BKADY'S HOTEL. ! DIMll.l.i:, C OI-t .rllll.4 (Ol .VTV, lt ) lv aula. T TdlE SUBSCRIBER ,es-ctfully informs ihe ( 'uKmi'itsa to lUmville, ud ihul he has purchased in that place, the l arge and Cviiiiiiudivui II 11 I t K II I 8 i: , AT of MILL AMI VI 1 11 k 1. C ST 11 It IS, C Opposite Ihe Coiirt-lh u.-e,J x Which he ha lilted up by Ihe erection V.'.V!N of ADDITION AL BUILDINGS, and ml i-jL extensive STABLING, for the Later- tlLLLfZat mm ut vf Trartleit and Yitilurt, He i now prepared lo accommodate ull w ho may favor him with a call, and he would stale that no thing in his power shall be left i.ndoue, to render his customers comfortable and happy while under his cuie. His accommodations are un.ple, ami his rooms furnished in modern style, and the proprietor is de termined that his establishment shall sustain and keep up with the growing reputation and itnpoitance of the town in which it ia located. Hi Tablk will be supplied with every luxury of the season, and the be ft und ihoieet rariity the markit ran ujford. His Bah will 1 stored with alt Ihe last urticUl Ihul can Le furnithed by uur eiliif, and Hie wliolu will be such s to give satis- ' faction to eveiy one, I ell know mg ihul an rri'iglucned public will j always ulge b r ihcui-i Ives, he let Is confident that I bey will favoi him with tbcir pal iona.'e. SAMUEL A. BRADY. Danville, Jan. Jib IMPORTANT I o flHE Undersigned lake pleasure in submitting .1 lo the public the following Recommendations of Prstl'a Cast lion Smut MiH ainlOrain Hurler to all dealers in Grain and manufrctora of Floor, be lieving il to be superior to any living of tiro kind ever offered to the public. All ordeis iddresscd to Col,. I. M'Padden, Li wisburg. Union county Penn sylvania. F.BENEE.ER SHIIE, JACKSON M'FADDIN. -iv.iTKSt Monti's MiH, Vtntrt Co., March 30, IS41-. J. M'Faiiih Mm: I rlicerfully testify to the ROodne-s and durability of Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mill ardtirain Duller, as being a far cuperior arti cle for the cleaning of smut and all other imrnitAiea Hint I hav-e ever seen, and I have lieen engaged in the manufacture of Flour for a great many years, and have always tried to have Ihe best apparatus for manufacturing that could be got, and do say that the above machine is the best apparatus I believe now in use. Join Moat. llhtnmiJiurg, Dec. 20, 1840. Col. J. M'Faiuiu Sib j In reply to your favor, received a few days since, I have only to say, that ihe fact rf mv having introduced into each of the four mills that I am concerned in, one of Pratt's Cast Icon Smut Mills, is the best evidence I can give you of their utility, Yours truly, Wm. M-Ki:i.vr. iV7,iFi, March 17, 1811. J. M'Faihhk Sih: I do lieieby certify without ! ; any dotation, that Pratt's Smut Mill and Grain ! 1 Huller is the must vrfect machine 1o cleanse grain I j frfsmul and all other imperfections, that I have ever situ, and I U'lieve I have seen all the kinds that ate ; now used in Pennsylvania, and I must say that there i is nothing of the kind ever been invented that will j ' c me in competition with il. Gm. Ecrkht. ' Cut.. J. M-Faihhn Shi : Dur tig the past 24 ' years I have been constantly engaged in uiiinufac- I lUi-ing Hour, and during the last 12 jcarshavc bien ' : the owner of a prist and llouinig null, and among i all the contrivances to remove impurities from grain I I am decidedly of the opinion that Pratt's iron ma- chil e is superior to any with which I am acquaint ed, having used one in my mill auoul iigtiteen months. Fhuikhmk Haas. Yorkshire M,IU, Dec, 184(1. I want in my flouring mill as good an 0 jralus lo prepare grain for flouring, as therV. and I wunl no U-tter Ibnn Prntt'a Cast Iron Smut Mill. It will remove smut entirely no mistake. M. Cikasom. Suntmry. Di rember 22, 184H. Cot. .1. M-Faiihiji fun I have in my null one of Pratt's cast and wrought iron spiral Stnul Mills and (Irani Duller, and am conlidiut Ibat in rtgaid to simplicity of construction, and durability of mate rial, il is superior lo nny I oni acquainted wbh. Ilrstir Masskii. liuir V.,i) Mill, Dec. 32, 184(1. Col. J. .M-l'itiniv Sin: I have in n y llouring ... .... . .. i . . ,1 I. Hull one ol rratt s l ast lion r-n riu firnii .miiis, i i . - . . and I am decidedly ol the opinion .hat it is .hp best I ir.q-i. call, d, and a the last resource detcrmt macbine to prepare gran, for llouring that I am c d lo te-l the v,r ue of Dr. Dckcan s LxckCto- u u linled w lib, und as such cheeifully recommend it lo ull who ate engaged in the manufacture ol flour J ACOIl I.MslNBl Ml. Aiiron.'lnirg, March 2:1, 1841. Cm.. J. M Faih'IN Sim : I lake leasure in sny ini! that Piatt's Cast Iron Smut Mill is one of the best improvements for the cleaning of grain of ull kinds, that has yet come undir my observation, nnd that I believe it fur superior to any thing of the kind ever invented. You may use my name in any way you think proper. ' O. P. Di ncam. Vnion Mill. J in. 11. 1841. This is lo eerlily that I have hail Piutt's Cam and wrought iron Smut Machine ami Giuiu Hullrr in use for better than 12 months, ami find it lo answer every purpose thai it was intended lor. Smut can be taken out of wheat I believe eveiy particle of it can I tukin out without breaking the grain ol il.e wheat. John I'lim k. Aarnn.-I,ui if, Matih'.M, 1811. Col.. M-Faumn Shi : I have been engaged in manufacturing Siieifitie Flour for many years, ami have al this time one ol Prntl's Smut Mills in each of my mills, and I do hen by rccomruci d them as Ihe most valuable improvement for cleaning wheat of smut and all other impurities, that I am acquainted with. Jamts Di ncan. Col. M-Fanni Sm: I have been encau'd in the manuliii lining ol flour for 28 mm is, und most cluerfi.lly lecnmmeuil Ihe above, machine, as being bv far the best apparatus for cleansing giain that I have ever Used or seen. I Consider il an indisirn , slide article lor any mill that pretends to do any bu- siuess. John Fishi.h. .Ipuduct Milh, Dec. 21, 1 810. Co i. J. M'Faihun Sib: Pratt's Cast Iron ; Smut Mill was introduced into my mill about three j ' years since, and I lebeve it islhct'csl article of thai I kind now in use. Il wiil not only remove sn ut cii'cicly, but is a most valuable apparatus to clean I : wheal and rye of nny character, mid pn pare il for flouring. Uknjamin llo. ink. Uuiitmrg, Dec. 22, 1810. Col. J. M'Fahuin Sm: Alter a careful and candiil examination ami trial of (he machine, in re gard tocoustiuction, iieatnesa and despatch in exe cution, economy in price, and power lo set in ope ration, I am lully coiivincid and salitlied, til t the machine above ulludcd to, is sicoi.d to no oi.e in use. J. Moh now, Milbrand Flour Manufacturer. Ciitltiicinii, Dec) mber Co, 1840. Col. J. M'Fahiiin Sm: Fran's Cast and Wii.uuht Iron Spiral Smut Mill and Grain Huller, consider to be the hist machine to i move smut and other impurities to w hich grain is subject, that I buve used, or with which I am acquainted, in re gard lo durability ol matt rial, simplicity of construc tion, neatness and despuuh ill execution. JosM'ii I'avton. N. B. The above machines are manufactuitd ut the lwisburg Foundry, Union county and at Ihe Bloouisbuig Foundry, Columbia county, Pa. Lewisburg, Julie ID, 1811. ATTEN T K IN M K 1 K ' H A NTS , fcc. E. P. & J. H. FRICK, WHOLESALE GROCERS, FOR WADING A CHOIUCK COMMISSION MINI HINTS, Sa. 2'JV, Marhil tlirtt, five thr ulmee Seventh, l-HlLMtLLl'HIA, OFFER for sale, at (he lowest uiaikct prices, a geueial assortment of 7irr;x, CJftM, Sugars, Mutuift, Itiiiij, Ijipmrt, Spice; 't'uiaceu, Ve. Coi'NTMv Piioiii i k rtccived and sold u coii.mis sion. Merchants, Hotel ki H rs, and others, w ill find it to their advantage lo cull and examine our .link, btfore purchasing ilsewhere. Mir. hant w ishirg Iheir goods collected in this city, by b avmg an order, will have them promptly forwarded, by the most expeditious lines. kiiwim r. raicc, johs u. fuick. Feb. 6 1841 ly. II A Z A H ! ?-. UNITED M ATES COMMERCIAL AND STATISTICAL REGIS I Eh. Containing doc. umci.ts, fads and otlur ustful u.f rioatioii. illusira live of the histi..-y ami resources of ihe American Union, and of each Slate; embracing commerce, uuiuulucluies, agiicullure, inlirual improvemcnls, hunks, currency, finances, education, Ac. Ac. Edi ted by Samuel Hazard. I'ubli Ii.hI every eiinestiay, at iickh street. The price lo snUcriU'is is f.i ier annum, payable on Ibn lirsl ol Janosiv of each year. No soliscrip intii leccived lor li s than a year. Subscribers out j ol the principal wilts lo pay in advance. ar. alrVturnnai liM-rloi-tnii llrmV 0 hI amis Aluul' f 71 ROM Ihe yusck Syrups and Paragoric CiVrn " pounds which have of late tiecome a buideii to (ho Atblic health, and a suspension to Ihe purse. Why is it that rtiese medicine are taken repeated. 1y by the sick wiihout reTnoving Che torrmlamt ht quesiion The reason ia plain and simple, Vrr. : Because lliey are rompod chiefly of opium and its spiritual pTeiiarations wliich eel on the sysTeKi . a rnweiM stimulating anodyne, and by usirif; repeatedly, the system becomes habituutvjil o l narcotic influence, ts of those who are giVen t'j in tempera nee. ThlsTa'fl h Wcome apparent to thousands wrrt haVe experienced the fatal effects of sch medrine", and conirnemrd using Dr. DtTscA'a ExfxcVoi ttiKT IUmriit, which is entirely free from opitM and all other poisonous ingredients, and is use1) with perfect mifaly l y all tinder ny circumstance. It Hnmcdiatety rrl'reei the distressing cough-'-strengthen und invigorate the nervous ys'te'r!ii causing the settled contagious matter to leave its hold In tn the lungs, and be discharged by the pott er of Expectoration. Unless this is done, the lung will soon become contaminated from noxious met ier, and ulcerate, and fall a prey to the fatal worm Consumption. Price f 1 per bottle. For sale at No. PJ North Eighth street, Thill-, dilphiu, Areo at the store of HENRY YOXTHItl.Mr.R, Jan. 22d, 1814. A?er!. I.tvcr 4 uniplahit. rpilIS disesse often termmaies in another of a more serivms nature, if proper temedies atr mtt reotttAl to n limp. In all forms of this disease, Df. II a u lh it's Comihicsii StiikhiitiIksiNo and M? A e. a ir. jit Pn.i.s, will rierform a perfect euro first, by cleansing the stomach and bowels, (litis icmoving all diseasis from the Liver, by the use of (he German Aperient PilK after which the Com. pound Strengthening I ills are (aken logiVe strength and tone to those tender organs which n quire such tiealmeiit only lo effect a permanent cure. Tiles'! pills are neatlv put up in small packages, with full d tec tons. For sale t No. !', North Eighth st. Also, for sale al the store of HENRY YOXTJIEt.MER, Jan. 15, 1812. Agent. CoiiHiiHittloii nnl ltlrMllii nt llio I.I1I1SS lll''l, Hit ihr ime if Dr. Diinran'x lirirctorant Itetnrily, !S EM1LINE i EAGER, aged 17 years was taken when at Ihe Bge of sixteen with sl gbt cold, which she neglected until the lunge fell a prey to that seeking destroy) r, consumption, when application to a physician was made, but to nn effect. He coii-bli red !vcr case a hopeless one, and pnscrilud but little medicine for her. In the meantime she discharged great quantities of blood, wi h much expectoration of thick phlegm and cough. Her bodily frame al Icr'h b came reiluccJ to a living skeleton. IL r last was anxiously looked for bv Uer fi lends, that her sufferings might tnd by the pangs of d. ath. During the lime hr physician hant Rkmi nr. having not cul some extraordinary cure nerf .rmed bv the medicine in similar Cases. He ut ONce obtained two bottles and administered it lo her. The f. Uilh day he found s one i hauge, whiih g ive hopes. Ho continued giving the iiiedt. t c .i .. . . i... l, Clin' lor CI l! lilt CD o )) s , m uiai till,.- ob i. i- id able to be walking ill her bed chamber, lo the astonishment of her fro nds and rt latives. She con tinued using the nudicine for eight wc. ks, when she d. c'ared hrrs) lf entirely free from disease and pain, and now pur-ucs her daily occupation in per fect h alth. A small pamph'et accompanies this medicine, which gies a full description of diseasis, Ihe man mr of treatment, Ac. Ac. For sale in Sunburv, at ihe store , f HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Jan. 8th, 1812. Agent. To Uu lMibllf. DR. IfAIlLICII'S PILLS The superiority of Dr. H A REICH'S PILLS o ver any other medicine that has ever been offered to the public, is. fiat thpy cleanse and purify and ftringthrn. These are iinportent items, an J their impoitance should not he overlooked. The system is liable, from improvidence and in gl ct, to uccu inulite bile, and a Variety of diseased humors. To purge ti e system of these impurities, should bo cm ly attended t . If it be neglected, the patient mav lie subject) l lo painful disea-e ami protracted suffering. Till'. C HUMAN Al'LHWST VIIA.S ure atbuirably suited to this purpose but more than this while they clkansk ihe sys tem liny i-1 it 1 1 v the hi.ooii, nnd assist natu e kindly in her operations. The Compound Sriii.MiTiiK.Niso Pills gives tone to ihe stomach, w bile lh y impart vigor lo the wh'ile system ; hence they are a desideratum, and no family should res muni without them. In fact they are a sort of Family Physician," bul unlike the '-school meu" for these PilL may be safi ly consulted in all ci.sis ibey nny be lak n wiihout injury in any while they uihud posit. ve relief in many. We only ask I r a fair tiial of theii liter. Is, and are will ing to abide ihe issue. F. WOOLMAN, Burlington, N.J. For sale ut the store of HENRY YO.YTIIEIMER. Jan. 1st, 18J2. Agent. IVitialt s, IU ai t' ol't'ommiipllun, AN it II. I sull'ei t e early senls to knit Us fatal diieuds in your system, but guard them as you would the thief al night. W hi n you find Ihe fa tal enemy seiking to destroy your health bf iuil i biug the evil seeds of a serious disease, liismmii Da. Di ncan's Expictohant Rxvirnr will im mediately destroy and icmove them. Thousand of yi ur six die annually from the want uf proper treatment. Had tho e known the wonderful ellcct of ihis medicine, and Used it in lime, many coulJ have prolonged their days, and yet lie dwelling a mongsi their dearest friends. Those who ate labo ring under Ihe influence of this disease, lose m time in proem ing Da. DUNCAN'S EXPECTO RANT REMEDY. It is safe and effectual, and always gives relief in the most hoprlcs ease. It strengthens ihe w ak "lid debilitated ; relieves the pain in the breast and side ; suppe-acs the tb Iriss rig cough ; s'oppii'g the luetic fever and night swea s, and I'm illy (il ihe case 1 not too fur sd vuncul) restoririK 'ifecl health. Full d rc lions and a ireaiise is given in a pam phlet, which accompanies ihe medicine. Fors. leal the PRINCIPAL OFFICE.No. V) North Eighth reel, I'biUdeli his. Also at lht .toieof HENRY YOX I HEIMER D c. 2. 1811. Agent. ' Mure oiH lnsltf l'l oulsi. Of the ejjicacy if Dr. Hue lie lit celt bulled Midi einet. Dkab Sia: I was afflicted with a bilious and mrviou disease to a very alarming degree, with all llio sympl' me which s i frequently tlloct a re lixed condition, viz : gb diucss in the heaj, viol, ut tremors, chilliness, with a fixed pain in the right side, complexion bail, ami costiveniss; indeed I was in a most miserable Condition. 1 had tried many remedies, but found no peimaneiit relief un lit I had purchased Dr. Hurlicltt eonijimtnd strengthening und Herman aperient Viils, which from iheir suiiciior vntues, I wac completely cuied, and am able lo pursue my employment, free from pain ami dim-asp. (sigmd) JOHN BOLES. Dated enia, Ohio June 7, 1810. Prii rtple Ollire for Ibe United States, No. 19, North EIGHTH STREET, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Dec. ImU 1811. .Ii ul.