Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 22, 1842, Image 4

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    1! A A K NO T i: li 1 ST,
The f dlowing list shows the current ltie iff all
Venniylvania Bank Nirtm. '1'he most trujilic-rt re
'ii.rncc may be placed UM)ii U, as it i'r7 witk
'.-artfully compared with ai d corrected from Bi.k
'rirll's Reporter.
ftimlio -Ih IMiJiloiililii.
"flank ol North America .
Hank of llit ISntlhcm Liberties ,
H ink of Pcimsvlvauia .
Bank of Pcnn Township , .
'CnmriHircinl llailk of Penn'a. .
Fain-era' and Mechanic' Bank .
Tii-nrd Bank . .
iensfnrrlon .
Manufacturers' tS,- Mechanics' Bank
Mcclumica' Dank . .
Movamcnsiiig Rank ,
J'IuIh.Ii 1 i .1 in Rank . ,
S?i hu1kiH Bairk
t'.viilnwnrk 1 lank . .
Western Dank . ,
Malik Off lltsburg
Bank of Ohfstcr County
ltnnk ol Delaware 'County'
Bank if Gcrmaiitnwu
Rank of Lcwi-itown
Hunk of Middlctown
Batik -of Montgomery Co.
It ink of NiirfliuiulicilirnJ
Northumberland par
I forks County Hank
Keailmg J to i
-ulumhin Hunk & Bridge co. Columbia par
Carlisle Rank Carlisle 1
Poyloslown J J a irk Jloylcstown par
Easion Hank Easton jiar
Exchange Hank Pittsburg par
1i) tin branch of Hnlhilnysburg 2j
ij'armeaa' Bank of Bucks co. Bri-tol ,par
Farmers' Bank of Lancaster Lancaster run
Fanners' Bunk of Heading Reading par
llnrrfehuig Dank Harrishurg par
Lancaster liank Lancaster .par
Lebanon Hunk Lebanon pur
Merchants' A. Mmuf Bank par
Miners' bank of PolUville PotiaviMe ipar
nortliamptou Hank Allenlown par
I nwnnila Hank
Weal 1? ranch D ink
Wyoming Dank
Office ofUirrfk of Perm'a,
Oflice do do
1 'trice do do
'Office do k
Williamsport par
Wilkesharre par
Harrh-burg These
-Lancaster I olliees
Reading I do not
Elision J issue n.
D I S C () V N T.
lUnk of I be United States Philadelphia
Oflice of tJairk f IT. S. Pittsburg
Do do do Erie
Jhi do do New Tlritfhton
Kensington Suv. Ins. A do
IP-enn Township Sav. Ins. do
liank of "CbuiirtHTsbutg Chambrrshurg 1
iBank of GettysflKirg "Gettysburg llj
Bank of Sustpuchunua Co. Montrose j
llrie Bank Eriu 1(1
Farmers' iSt Drovers' Dank Wayncsburg 2 j
FiMiikiiii If a i A. Washington 2j
ilonesdale Hank Ifonesda're
Moinni;aliela liunk of B. Broniisville 2
Vork Bank Voik
!S. U. The notes of those banks on w hich we
nrnit quotutiona, and nubxtitute a dah ( ) arc not
purrha-ied 'by the fhilsdphia brokers, with the
deception of tlioae w'hir'h have a letter ol riference.
riiihidelphia Sav. Ins. 1'liiluJi l4 hia faikid
I'hiladelphia Loan Co. do (th
tvhuylkill Saw. Ina. do filled
Mmual Labor Barm (T. W Dyott, iirop. f.iiled
AWeghany Bank of Pa.
Bedfoid no sale
liank of Beaver
Bank of Swalara
Bank of Washington
Centre Bank
City t5,ii-k
Ftrrmers' &. Merh'ts' Bank
Farmers' Sr. Mech'es' Bunk
Fai'mers' -& .NJcth'ca' Bank
Harmony Institute
Huntingdon Bank
Juniata tiairfk
Lumlivriiieii'a Bank
Northern Bank of 1'a.
New Hope Del. Bridge Co.
Northumb'd Union CoL Bk.
North Ba-rkof
OlHre ofchuylkfll Kaik
Pa. Ae,r. cv M .nuf. UmA
Silver Lake Bank
U ii inn Bunk of Pcnri'u.
WcRimoieluud Bunk
ileuvir closed
dfarrixhurg -.!ocil
Vaslriiigtun failed
4)el1i fonto closed
Piltsbuig no ntle
Pitlnburg failed
I'ayelh; -co. failed
('reencast:e failed
Harmony jio tale
Munlhigilon no aae
I.evi.,lown no sale
Warien failed
Dun Jill' no rale
New lUie closed
JUillon no tale
Malille closed
I'.Hlt'urton tuilex)
( 'arki-lo firilnl
Montrose clos-d
Uniulitown failed
tin ensburg closed
Wilkesbarre Bridge Co.
Wilkisbaric no sale
dj" All notes juf jhjiUhi; to be on any I'eitnvyl
vania Bank not given hi fau ubuvu lM, may he set
dowu us frauds.
Bank of New Brunswick Brunawuk
Belvideie Bank Belvideie
Burlington Co. Bank Medfurd
Commeicial Bank Perth Amboy
CumberlaiHl Bank Bridgetun
Fanners' Bik Mount Holly
fail. J
Farmers' und Mcchanirs'' Ttk Railway
Farmers' and Mrchanics' Bk N. Biunaiviik failed
l'armers' and Mechadies' Uk Middlotown Pi. Jpm
Franklin Bank of N. J. Jersey City failed
llotioken UkgV urazing l-o llobuken
po tale
Jersey City Bank Jnsey City
Mechauiis Bank Patterson
Manufacturers' Bank Belleville
Morris Company Hank' Momstown
Monmouth Bk of N. i. Freehold
Mechanics Bank Newark
Mechanics' aul Manuf. Bk Trenton
Morris Canal and Bkg Co 5eiaey 5'ity
Post Notee
Newark Bkg & Ins Co Newaik
1 I'll)
New Hope Del BrblgeCo J-mK rt-s'f,le
N. J. Manufuc. ami lt.g Co IIolHiken
N J Protection 6t Irfimbaid bk Jersey City
' Orange Bank Orange
I'ulerxiii Bank Paid sou
Peoples' Bank e
Princeton Bunk IVuiceluM
Salem Banking Co Nates
SiuU) Biiik Newark
Stale Bunk
ElitabtthtowA "Jpin
tale Bank Cmiden
Stato Bank of Morris Muriistowa
Suite Bank Tnruou
Suleui and PhilaJ Manuf Co Salmi
Sussex Bank Niwtou
'i'renlon Banking Co Trenton
Union Bank Daer
Warhiiiglon Banking Co. tl ni-kcnsaok
Bk of Wihn &i Braud wiui Wi iiiinglnn
Bank of Delawun,
lliuli li.n
Bank of Smyrna
Do blanch
Farmers' Bk of Slate of Del JJov
Da branch VVriiuingtu
Do branch iieorgitowo
Do blanch Ncv4o
Union Bunk WiliningUia
Q-'f Under 6'a
(; J- On all bji.ks in nked thus () there are ei
ther counterleit or uileid uoU ot tiia various do
uumiatnionk, in cuculaiiun.
Wholcsa lu V a riul y a rid Ti nt rTrinrg -.Stofj
An. ii, Xt,rth I'ourtli HMr Arch !., l'hthtJi 'tihlii
"II Til EKE ('oiintry Merc hnnl and others can be
" suppliivt, at ill times, wilh n large ns-Mirtment
of Hosiery, Olovrn, Merino, Cotton, nnd Woolen
Shirts and Drnwei, Spool Cutioii, Patent 1 hiead,
Cotton Cniils, Buttons, Tnpis. Priiiditis;, Hook
and 1;'C!, Pina, cVr. And a enteral vari. ly of use
ful articles, which he oll'i-is fur sale at the lowest
Philadelphia, Noveinliei l-S, 1 I. 1y.
T. k a a L v A a I trr T si oa r.,
A'o. 31 A'(i 'h Fourth ft., tinrftr MtTcfiaiits Jlufrl,
""Br II E R li Country Mi rehantsran le supplied
Y V with mi eicteiisive variety of choice article
in bis line, npun the tiio.A reasonable terms.
Nov. fiih 184 14 y
No 51, NorIli'StnHitl sti rt-l,
(consr.n nr coomh's
W'lHtre4hey constantly keep on hand a generil
asiirmi'iit of
cloths, CASsuvrrnra, vesting s,
a firtut variety oj'urictis i-J'a ttiptrmr
Aiualrly, which they oiler to dispose of
troi) tthe most reasonable terms.
COTTNTRV MERCHANTS and others wil'
find it 1o thini advantage locaH and eamine
Iherr ti-ek before uirclio-onc elsrwlicif.
Philadelphia. Nov. C, 1811. ty
A Ml,i:Mll .iSSOilOIllAT
UsT anhed from tlte city of Philudelphi i, and
f,r sale, at file mn.t reduced iriees. for cash,
at tire new store fonneily kept by John Bopar, as
follows i Clothing of nil soita and sizc. sneh as
Warm Ovcrco..ts, Co.itteC'i. Panlalihins, Vests, Ac.
Also, a bine aor Intent ol FrtK,CaH"liiii and Wa
terproof Boots, Ladies' Lace Bouts, and a variety of
other Boots and Shoes for the winter, trimmed and
inrtrinrmed liuni Shox', and Men's), iioy' and Chil
dren's Shoes, of ail
Sunhurv Oct. aoth 1 84 I. if.
RESI'KCTFL'LL V iifirrm ,r frkntls and the
public genera'ty, rh it he contiruies to keep
that well known Tavern Stand in Market at root,
Suubury, sign of the
aco:n d.dcb,
formerly kept by John Bolton, her husband ; and
by eiiilca-voiiug to colidoel the establisbinent in a
manner to give satisfaction to all, hopes to merit a
liberal rhaie of public patronage,
Sonhiiry, "October !lh, lull.
Kiiiibiuy, oi l liuitilin laiul Counlj ,
rj",HE subscriber has rented that large and convc
- nient Tavern House in Sunhury, luU-ly occu
pied by Hiram 'ricc. aiid is piepaied to aecirmmo
oate all who will fa-vor him w ith their custom, in u
neat and comfortable muuin r.
Sunhury, Oct. 23d, 1841.
M A DEI R A" WIN E. Fir HuaTh7" Madieia
Wine, for sik hrw liy
Sept. 1, 1K4I. H. B. MASSER,
FOURTH PROOF BRA.NDV. A g.-iKihu-aiticle
alwavs on hand and for sale by
N.pi. 1, UJ4-I. 41. li. MASSI'.K.
HOLLAND CI.N', Ol the best ipjality always
on band ami for sule by
Sept. I, 1841. IT. B. MA PS El!.
1OAV AND LUMP oUUAR, Always on
hand and for sale by
Wept. 1, I SI I. If. B. MASSER,
LASS US. Oj the best ijualily always on hand
in d for ;-ulr bv
Sept. I, 1811. H. B. MASSER.
!RO"vVN Sl ViAR. tM"a pood militv,rr sale
low by Sept. 1, lull. II. B." M AS.- ER.
quality alwavs on hand and for rule bv
Sept. 1, lMll. H. It. MASSER.
COFFI E. Java, Rio and I.aguiia Collie, con
stantly on hand and for sake ly
Sept. J, 1S4I. H. 11. MASSER.
KPE15M S.)IL. Viini mkI Suohiht straiiietl
SM ian Oil, ol the U'st uulity, always on hand antl
for sale Iry
Sept 1, 1811. II. B, MASSLR.
STEEL. Cast and Blister Steel, for sale by
Sept. 1, 1641. H. B. MASSLR.
HMSH SAJ.MON.-AM the U-A cjuality, cmi
stnullv on hand and for sale by
Sept. I, 111. II. 11. MASSER.
l.lljl OKS. Ol all kinds and ol the U-.t ijuali
ties, always on hand and for sale bv
Sept. I, 184 1. H. B. MASSER.
SPKlNtJ STEEL. Of various sizes for Elipuc
Sing, ti- sale ly
Sert. 1,1811. H. 11. MASSER.
very reoueed prices by
Sept. I, 1811. II. B. MASSER.
BLANK NOOKS. ttf all kinds, for sale by"
! l.lKil. H. B. .MASSER.
) BLANK DKEJiS. IIsikU.. Morlgaces, Ac. for
;aleby Sq.i. 1. 1 K4 I. ii. li. M.tssEK,
JUSTICES' III. AN 1S. for ule by
S. pt. I. lull. H. B. MASSER.
CLOTHS. I!tll. Black. Invisible Unen. Ac.
for si te by
Scj i. 1, Mil. 11. B. MASSER,
ale very low by
s.pL i, IT. 11. MASSER.
:ARPE l lN li. Foi title cheap by
KL l.bll, IL B. MASSER.
111. M i: Ts For sule chi s bv
Se,.i. I, 11 1. II. B. M ASSER.
I NUI.E M'HED MUSLIN'S. For sle by
ept. I. 111. II. II MASSER.
Foi side by
HEMP AND CtiTTfl.N TWINE. F.r sale
by Sept. I, 1st I. ii. . MAssKR.
For sale by
Npt. 1, IBtl. II. B. MASSER.
liESl'L'UTFU'l.LY inform the citizens of Sun
' t bury ami vicinity, that they have tak u the
Shop lati ly occupied by Win. Durst, w here they
will carry on the
in oil its vat ions br mches. By stiiet aiti minn nnd
icanntihle chaiges, tbey ejtpeet to un lit a share of
public patronage.
Sunhury, Sept. 4th, 1841.
Hill SAI.K H '
A NTHON'S Classical Dictionary; Lemprier's
do.; Aim-worth's do-; Cobb's do.; English and
(lerman do.; Anthon's Ca-snr; Aiithon'stframmer;'
Aniheifs (.'teeto; Mail's Laiin -I Voder; Ogilby'sdo.;
Andrew's Latin LcFsnns; Donnef;an's Lexicon;
Pick's (!reik Exercises; 4avies's Lependei; (Irneea
Majora; Adams's Roman A'irtipiiiie; Pinnoeks
tSoldsmrth's England; do. ( recce; Lj ell's Elements
of Geology; Mrs. Lincoln's Uolany; Elements of
Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Porter's Rhetorical Rea
der; Emirsoir Tieocraphy and IHry; Oh.ey's
do ; Parli y's do.; Smith's (trammer; KirkhaTn's d.;
Kay't) Keaihrs; ('obi's do.; Cobb's Arithmetic1.;
Pike's do.-, Emerson's do.; Cobb's Sprlling Books;
Town's do.; Colrb's Table Books; Evancelrcsl Fa
mily Library; Cottage Bible; Family do; Collater
al do.; Smail Bibles and Trstimients Parker's Ex
ercises on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Bax'er's
S. dot's Rest; American Revolution; Mam-all's Novell-;
Mr. Phelps on Cbrmistrv; Iliad; Catechism
of American Laws; Ih'Hitsoii Nasunal Magic; Che
misliy for Beginners'; English Exercises adapted to
Murray's Crammer; Sriin tr Conilcy's Sp-i;iirg
BmiW; Aim rican Class Br .ok; Daboll's Schoolmas
ter's AsMstuni; A variety of Blank Books, cic.
Augiil 28, I "4 1.
Yorlis of Aalurc.
IN" a st ile ol litatth the inles'trnnl cam! mny he
conipured to a rivet whose waters flow over the ad
joining bind, through the channels nature or art
has made, mid improve their qualities and to keep
up the rompnrison of the river, so long as it runs
on smoothly the clianni Is are kept pure und healihv;
but if by some cnie the ruur-c ol the river is stop
peil.thentliewMer 111 the camdsis no liniqer mre,
but Minn becomes slaennnt. There is but one law
of circulation in liatine. When tin re is n supei
iibuiiiiance of hnmoriiil lluid (serociiv) in the inies
tinal Hdies, and -co-lKeires takes pl iee, it (1 ws
back into The Mood vessels, and inlibrates itself in
to the circulation. To cstiihlnh the free course of
the river, e must K-move the n'ntriotnnrs which
itirti'itsTree'Coirr-e.imd tho e of its tTrholan,' slieatn.
With the body, follow the same natural principal ;
nmove, by that valuable purgative medicine iVm
lii tth, I'liivrmal YrgrhiMe J'if.-; w Inch are an ef
li dual assist nice of nature, the superabundance of
humors in the intestine canal. By persevering in
this practice, the ways of the circulation will then
be icMnrcd to the full exercise of their natural func
tions, and a state ol health will be firmly csl.iUi.ili
ed Remember, never siill'ei a drop ol blood l.i be
tukon fiom vou- Evac4i:'e the humors s often
and as long as ihey are degenerated, or as long as
you are su k.
Dr. Bramlretirs OfTice in Philadelphia, is at No.
8, NORTH EIGHTH '!. where his prllscan be
bad itt 2. cents jier box, wilh full lUicciiuus.
Cj- airly aecni in Sunhury, is 11.13. Masser Esip-.
Sunbuiy, Sept, 4, 1841.
.i . si i i: v j o i: s ,
1 E JU F.STS the attention of his country frii lids
k who ate in want, to his verv large stuck of
Curiietiiigs, (til Cloths, Maltiircs, Rug-", Bindings,
Staii Rods, Ac , Ac., tlrat he has just opiiud, ut
his warehouses. No. IS North 2d street, and No. 2
Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila
de'phia. Julv ill, 1 811. I v.
(4Miiiulsinii ;inl I n artllirz ant,
I J'.sl EC I J I ELY
inform his frioids and the
Mfichants genera'lv, that lie Co mimics the
('ommission and ForwaTiling Business, at his ware
house, foot of illovr st, Railinad,'4 I'lj-warv and
: tni vll. ill.
MiTckants hnvin goiuls to le thppe,T, will find
it mnch to their advantage, as to lime nnd piiees
offrt-iglit. to send their mrrcbaudise to the Dcisil,
corner of Front and Willow ulnei Railr id, a tlx-y
can then lie sent either route by the Tide aler
('anal, oi Schuylkill ami I itioti Cunnls, as boats
will arrive and ik'pi-rt O.iily (or the Juniata and
SuMuehiilin:i f 'nnals by Tide-water in tow of steam,
or via ami Unimi Canals from Fairunsjtit
Merchants will please be rmrlieular In send all
lioisls destined for either r.iule, to the lare Dtpnl,
corner of From and Wdlow ulreet Railroad, with
finctiows accompanying ttcn, whkli route they
ish them te lie 4iicpeil. 1
Coarse and fine Salt ami PU1er at wholesale
price, on ihe Delawoie or Sehuvlkill.
Philadelphia. Juie BUU "ly.
" orrii' Valm l.fiif Hut Si,re.
No. lOSoi ru 1 r is Stmikt. PHILADELPHIA.
A 'HERE an eitil.sic a ortmeni of the uIkhc
' srtkh'i are Cat ttantly kept on IuiikI, lor sale
ut tlve niix-t iv.isiiiiiible teinii
May 2'.'. IS 11. ly.
1. Kll! K TAT It 1CK vV Sl),,
A'o. 21. AorA Third stru t,
(ni ivi-.K5i HKt r tvin hisxit tTr.iw,)
HAVE for silea large and excellent asorlineni
ol ?ani.,4t HiJin, I'utnu Kijm, 7'nni(i'' (',
.-, at the biwesl inatkct ri('-, for cash, li
exihai.go lor Leather, or upon crviht.
Coiisi;uiiienls of Leather trccivoj for do, oi
purchased ut tin' highest liiHtkel prices.
Qjm Leather stoied irc of th irge.
April 17. 1811. ly.
"t5i:u'-.nJisT.N.'j i.Vh: ukac iV
Bt Bkkjamin N. Cvsn-wi.
'PIIE Subscrdiers having purchased the riht for
vending and using the above valuable inven
tion, for NifribvimbiMlsnd ('oiiiily, ollci to dispose
of the rime to (Mfsotis who may desite to purchase.
The ahow Niviiiliou is now in operation at the saw
mill of Mr. M'Carty, near Sunhury, where it can
le inspected by owners of taw mills and all others
iuleresied. E. ClllllX,
March 27. tf. SAMUEL GORIX.
Urass Clocks,
I'or i:t Holla is
xtiii' 1 1 '..,;,.... ...i.i i... f'.i.
."f. .... f ...... '... ..f omtt '. ft I (II
li ..... i'..'.": ... .L. i.'
Mauh Id.
H. 13. MAs.-ER.
uu a M a v av'
A N unparellelrd remedy for common Colds,
Coughs, Asthma, Influetrr.a, Whooping Couth,
Uronchilis, mid all discuses of the Breast and Lungs,
leading in cnnsuiTcptitn.; compo il of Ibe roricen-
trated virtues of Hon hound, Bonsit, Bio. d Root, i
Liveiwort mid several otlM-r vegetable sul rtanrea. !
Prepaitd only by J. M. WlMLo-W,l!ochestir, New j
'The innocence and imivcrsnllv admitted pectoral
viiliies of the Herbs from which the Itultam of
Horrhaitntl is made, are too genetnlly known lo re
iuire recommemlation ; it is therefore only necessi
ry lo observe that this Medicine contains the whole
of their Medicinal jirnpcitics, highly concentrated,
ai d so happily combined with several -other vege
table substances, as to render il the most sjieei'y,
mild nnd certain remedy, now in use, f r the com
plaints above mentioned.
The 41nbam removes all imflammation and Bore
inns f the Lungs, loosens limgh visid ililegm, en
abling the pnlient to expectorate with ease nnd free
dom, as'tinjfs cmigh, relieves uthmntic and diffi
cult respiration, heals the injured purrs, oiens the
pores, and composes the dissuilx-d uorwes, mid gh-rs
strength to flie tmder lungs, and thus ijiroducea a
sieedy nnd lasting cuie.
lxBRATITI'IIK IS Til f. II I!T C R I M T. I S Mas.
We lire not unioi g that -r l is of Editors who for a
few dollars will, (ut the exieuse of rrnth mid "do
nesfy) -ocrnrli tip" an snide and biing ii into rapid
sale; neither ate we willir-g to leuiuin silent, after
having tested the utility of an im rovemet,t i-r di.
eisieiy m scii nee or art. Our Teadersivill Fcrolleel
we told tlx'tn tve were linw. II with a soretlrront nnd
violent cold some few wee ks ago. Well, tve pur
chased two hollies of WINSLOWVS BALSAM
OP HORE'HOL'ND, and so sudden was the cure,
that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who
are nllliclcd, may try il upon our recommendation.
Ixr.istvn T- lf4rr(kjth. For sale by
llE. Mi V Y OX Tl I V,I ME R, ffittfnf,
JACOB BRIGHT, yrthuiNhcrlam.
Also, by Druggists generally throughout the
country. fjj" Price, f0 cents per bolile.
August 14th, 1841. ly.
If ImilrKSilc Ilcnlt'i ,
7i Foreign, ll-iihh and American 1)ry floods.
No. 12 Non-rii Thiuh Stiiri.t, Pmii.ahh em a
COUNTRY Merchants can lie Fiipl'cd nt nil
limes wirr. rm extrusive assort n cut of tin- alurvr
Goods, miihe n.ost reasri:nhle at.d satisfactory ti rtns.
Mny 2!t, 1841. ly.
i r i i - i
ii 3
WOK 1.1).
AVEN'PORT'S Improved 'af.;,i Tbshii-c '
Machine and Horse Power, which ihreshis i
and cleans at the same lime an invention for
which Farmers have long looked in vain, nnd which
renders the above machine ierl eland past further i
improvement. 'Those w ho have I ecu waiting fur.
something better than 1 1 relohne olh red foi sale, I
will find this to be tho article. Coiiie tee i'. and.
fudge for yourselves. I
'The subscribers have purchased lite right of the j
above Machine and lli rse Power, lor the coun
ties of N oKI III XTl miA Mil, T.ICON I I 1.IN I1IN, j
and l"xio and also, the privileges ol vending!
them in any other places lor which the light has ;
not been pieviou-ly sold. j
The advantages w Inch this Mai line has over,
ull others iiivente.l are many and oUiisis, One1
boy ruiJ three men can do all the thrashing and
eh suing ol IT.0 bushels of w heat in one day and i
this usually takes seven hands one day and three j
tho next. For field threshing it t ikes the b ad ol '
anything in this world no grain is seal 1 red or j
lost. I
Such is the supcrioi'ity of the Horse Piwcr, ;
that llin e horses can thresh as much with it as j
four can with any other. !
'The Machines and Horse Power will lie sold!
together or seperale, to suit puirhasers. Made ami !
solJ III Milton, bv the sul senbers.
W M. JL Ptt MP,
Milton, Ajuil 17, 1811.
Having had in use, one i f Jlavenpoii's I'atinl
Threshing und ing Mni-hiix-s, sttd leing
rrK aK'dlv slk d iimni for our opinion in regard to
i4-hr vnkie, ilorMiiluy asid ilvanlnges, wo make,
free to slate, thai they rxceed in our opinion, any
Threshing Machine we ever Is hue witnessed in
use. 'They w ill thresh and clean, fit for maiket
2110 buslu Is of W heat per day, and this with the
aid ( three hands besides the lrivT. 'i'liet JMruw
is passed oil' from the grain on an incline plane, ex
lending about 13 feel from the Machine. Scarce
ly a grain is lost. W hat is of some impoilance
and greatly ao, is the fact thai no dust passe from
the Machine lo the mun who feeds it. The Horse
power seems to I pcrteclinn itself three horses
mny wort it with ease and lhci fastest uit need
only be the ordinary plough gait. e must
cheerfully r commend tbeMathiueto Farmers
Ihey nie mauufactuied in Mi lion bv Messrs. Welch
Pomp uikI Fikk. l'Jill.ll"' 111 l.t.EKT.
Chilistpiaijue tshp., Noith'd co, March 2d, It.
BlVTinX, .! .11 1(1 i ()I NTV,
IN lliisj 1 vnniu.
TB5HE SUBSCRIBER ;esctful!y informs the
public, that he has romouod from tlx1 town of
o. iK i'jmi lo iJmivitk, antl that he hnsfiurclused
in that place, the Lure and Cinnnu ilioun
II It IV li. II O I K,
4ftpjyife the Cvurt') louse, J
Which he has lined up bv the erection
jJ)exnnsive STABLING, for the .'.
! s-tiiinnn ut pf Truiil'u ami YUiturt.
He is now prepared to aceomiiiiitlate all who may
favor him with a call, and he would siutc thai no
thing in his power shall be led i.ndoiie, lo rendi r his
customers comfortable and ha py while luidi i his
care. His occouiiiuklulions are au.ple, and his rooms
furnished in modern si vie. and the proprietor is de
termined that his citnl'lishmriit shall sustain and
keep up with the growing reputation and imiH.i;laiice
of the tow n in w hich il is lor it. J.
His Talk w ill he. supplied wilh every luxury of
the season, and the In si and variity Ihe
imn ht ran afford. His lit n will le tstoved v uh
ull the Ust urliefm that can lv furnisUtd by our
litim. and the tvh.Ju will he such us ta g.vo Us
la'tiou lo ci i v one.
W ell know ing that an i n'ili . n.-.l poll c will
alwavs judge i . I iheni i ln, he Iia 's nl lllat
liny will lavoi him wnh lin n f iiron ie.
lallMlc, Jail. MK
I o
?Qn d a ir Qi: DS
rilllE Underigiied take pleasure in submhtiiig
1 lo the pub ic the following Recommendations
of Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mill and Grain Duller to
nil dealers in (train nnd mnnTjf;Kflrs of Flour, be
lieving it to lie superior to any thing of the kind
ever oil" ted lo the public. All orders addressed (u
Col.. I. M'Fuddin, Lrwistinru, L"nion county Penn
sylvania. EBENEEZER StJl.IHE,
Ml,nlz.i Mifl, Centre Co., Match no, 1811.
J. M'Faihuv Sin! I cheerfully testify o the
goodness nnd deiralnliry of Pratt'a Cnst Imn Smut
Mill aid Grain Huller, as lieing a fnr superior arti
cle for the cleaning of smut ami all other impuntiis
that I have ever seen, and I have been engaged in
the manufacture of Flour for a greit niaiiv years,
rmd hnve always tried to have the best apparatus Tor
manufacturing that could lie got, and do say Hint the
above machine, is the Ust apparatus I lelievr now
in use. Join Moatz.
Ptonnmhurg. Dec. 2fi, 1S40.
3nr.. J. 'MTAtnim SiaV In reply to yonr lavor, '
received a few days since, I have only lo say, that the
fact of my having introduced into each of the four
mills that I am concerned in, one of Pratt's Cast
Iron Sniut Mifls, is thelicfit evhrenre rim give you
of their utility, Yours truly, W. M'Krlvy.
Milton, March 17, 1 811.
J. M'Fathujc Sin : I do heieby certify without
ony hesitation, that Viatr Simit Mill mid Virain
Huller is the most perfect marhii.e to clemse grain
of smut and nil other impel feet ions, that ! tinvei-ver
seen, snd I N-lieve I have seen all the kinds that are
now used in Pennsylvania, and I must any that there
is r.othiug of the kmd rverlietn nwriled that will
Ci me in -competition with it. Gi.o. EckmiT.
Cor. J. M'FAiitn Sin: Durng rhe past 24
years I hnvc lieen constantly engaged in manufac
luring finer, and during the last 12 tears have Inch
the owner of a grist und tl. Hiring mill, and amiTig
all the connivances to remove impurities from grain
1 nm ileciflerTly iff the trpinmn that Pratt's iron tna
i luce is superior lo any with whii h I am acquaint
ed, having used one in my mill obont cightcrn
months. Fni.iiEiiit k Hias.
Yorkshire Mills, Dec, 1H10.
I wnnt in my flouring miil ns good an apparatus
lo prepare grain for iflmiring, as ihe bent, and i want
rno lieltcr llinu Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mill. It will
remove smut entirely no mistake.
M. Cl.Ttsox.
Suiioun. D. comber 22, IH4tt.
Cor, J. Mir inn Simj I have in my mill one
ol Prati's cast arid wrought ir.m jiiral Smut Mills
and ('rain Huller, and am confident that in regard
to simplicity of construction, and durability of mate
rial, it is siif!ior to any I am aciptaiirted wilh.
Ilinv Maskh.
Rwir-fiap Mills, Dec. 22, 1810.
Coi. J. M'T'.Oiin Si n : I have in my flooring
mill one of Pratt's Cast Iron Spiral Smut Mills,
ami I am decidedly ol the opinion that il is the la-sl
machine to pmpniw grain for tloirring that I am nc-
ipiainti'd with, and us such rhecil'ulry recisnmul it 1
to ull who are engaged in the manufacture ol flour. ,
J acob Li iskmi I sr.. j
Aarimhurtr, March 2:1, Ip-II. j
('ol.. J. M Faih-i n Sim : I lake pie isure in say
ing that Piatt's Cast Iron Smut Mill is one of the
best imptnv! ments for the cleaning of grari of nil ,
kinds, I tint has vet cirtire iiudirmy observation, nnd !
that I U heve it far superior to any tiling of Uu-kind
ever invented. You may ii-c u.y ii'ime in any way
you think p. per. O. P. Dim a. Mil, Jin. 11. IS 41.
Tl is is to cerlily that I have had Pratt's Cnst and
wrought iron Smut Machine nnd Grain Hullrr in
use l, r I etter than 12 innnths, and 1im! il to ai swi r
eveiv nnriHise that it was intended tor. Smut can
U' taken out of wheal I believe every paiiitl,1 of J
it can be taki n out without breaking: the gran ol j
the wheat. Join I'l.tMK.
.Iimi-';ri'. M uch 21, H I I.
Col.. M'!'i'iitN Sin : I have I een engaged in !
manufacturing Supci fine Flour for many years, ai d
have it this time one ol Pr ill's -imrt Mills in each
of mv mills, and I do hereby reioiium itl them as the '
most iiiluable iinproti mel.t for cleaning M lic it ot
smut and ail other impurities, that I nm acquainted
with. Jamks Dcni as.
Cm, M FAnm?i Sin: I have Uen engaged in
the manulai lining ol lluur lor 2S ye.ns, uinl most
cluerfully leeoiiimetid the alsivc niiichine, as being
by far the bi si apparatus for i 'causing ginin that I
have ever Us J or vein. I Cumn.liT it an indisicn
sible urtK'lefor any mill that pretends to do uy bu
simss. Joiti Fisiikh.
.Lpied act Mi tin. D.c. 24, 14 n.
Coi.. J. M l tnniN Sin; Piatt's Cast lion
Smtit Mill was introduced into my mill alsxit tt.rce
years sinee. and I I 4icw i is the l-st article of llu.t
kind now hi use. llwifl not only nmove sir. in
eoieiely, but is a nsist valuable appuiatus to clean
w heat nnd rye of any character, and pripare it inr
llouiing. lkvjtMisi IIiVim,
Ijwnburg, Dec. 22, Ii4t.
Cot. J. M'Faiuhn Sm: After a careful und
candid, and trial of the mactiine, iu re
gard to construction, neatness and iVspak-it m exe
ctnimi, cviniomy in price, and irowcr to stl in o)e
ration, I am fully naivinccd and satisfied, ill it the
machine uhuve ulludcd to, is second to no one in
use. J. Mohhow,
Milbr and Flour Manufacturer.
Ctittitria, Dcctuibtr 25, IS 10.
Cor, J. M'Faiii: Sin,- Pratt Cast and
Wiouglil Iron Spiral Smut Mill and Giaiu HuIht,
I consider to he the bi st machine to remove smut
and other impuiities to w hieh grain is subject, that
I have used, or wilh which I am aopiainicd, iu re.
i; ir,l lit dur i' il ty of material, simplieiiy of coiisttui
tion, iicjiiR-s ui.d dospatth in execution.
.Ills. 1.1-11 l'iXTHN.
N. B, T!.-e above msiliines are uianufacturtd at
the I.cwisburg 1'i undry, Ui.iou county and at the
Uiooiiisburg Foundry, Culutiitia county , Pa.
I.ewisburg, June i!', 1S41.
a'itl:tio AiKiicTiAN'rs,
E. P. & J . H. TRICIC,
raonicK roitiissiox m rui n ts,
Ao. 2tt7, Marht utieet.Jire door uUnt Strenth,
OFFER for sale, at the lowest mitkct prices, a
genual assortment of Tta, Cojfim, Sugar,
.V.itiscs, llinu, l,i,juurt. Spirit, Tulmero, -e.
CoiiKTUr Putiin tiL nceited and sold on commis
sion. Meichants, Hotel keepers, and til hern, will
lind it to tluir udvaulage lo call and examine our
tfock, 1m foro purchasing etsctvhcrc. Itl.Ti hant.
wishirg their good lolhcled in this city, by having
unorder, will have ilu-ni promptly loi wrdvd, by
iIk- uii-l expeditious tines.
: ii wish v. raitii, joiux H.micK.
Fill. I ly.
II A Z A JC t'
S'T VI Is J'ICAl, REtils l Eli. Coiiiaiiiing ,1..,-.
Uiiieuls, facts and olln r ust ful inf, m.t i i-ill. illusiia-
j live ot the biMuy and resources of the Auieiicin
I nion, ami ol cacti Mate; t'liihraclrg cominetce,
manufactures, ugiiiultuic, lull rual iniproteuieiiis,
baliks.curieney, linaiui', tducaU-m, Ac, Ac. Edi
ted l'v Same. I Haaid.
Publi hod etei v Wednesday, at ", it loik street.
The piiee lo suliserila'i is 't par .niiiinu. pavable
on lh lin-t ol J iii.ny ol fa h ye..r. No si,li,cri'
loi iinin-d I-'i I. than a )iir. SobueiiLiti out
ol the pumipal iiin to pay iu advance,
I.lvrr Coiiiilnlnti
rPHTS diesse olien terminates in nnolher of a
more serious natme, if prier remedies are not
n s. rted to in timf . In all forms of this disease. Dr.
1Iaiii.ii h's CoMpot-titi SYnr.nTflv.Milo nnd Gr.if
AriaitaT Ptti , will perform a prfect ritrn
first, by cle.iTisrng the ntomiih and bowels, thus
lemoving all diseases from Ihe Liver, by the use of
Ihe German Aperient Pills, after which the Com
pound Strengthening Pills are taken to give strength
tmd tone to those tender organs which r fiuire such
treatment o.v li to r licet a permanent cure. Thrsii
pills are nearly put up iu small packages, with full
drecioi.s. For -sale at No. 19 North Eighth sr.
Also, for salo at the store i f
Jan. 15, 142.
t oiiMiuiiitloii and ItU'iMlhig ut tliu
.illicit ciiriMl,
Ihi the. use t,f lr. jhinrriv'ii Erfiertornnt flemcdt,
ISS EMILINE YEAHER, fg'etl 17 years,
XtTJJ was luken when at llio afte of sjvlecii vyitH
a slight cold, which she neglected uttlil the lung
fi'll a irrey to that seeking destroyir, consttition'.
when npplieirtion to a piiyiician was made, hut tm
no eil'ect. 4Te -considered tier case a hopeless one,
mid prescribi il'lrut little medicine for her. In tha
meantime she diwhnrged greut quantities of blood,
with much expectoration of tliiik phlegm and
cough. Her bodily frame at lengrh b came reduced
lo a living skeleton. Hit lust was anxiously ,.(,ked
fr Ity her friends, that her sufferings urighi tml by
the pangs of d.atli. Itar ngtlre lime hr physician
freqmnily called, nnd as the last rc-miree, determi
ned to te-l the vir ues of Dr. Drscit's Exi-kcto-
1 I .
hat i.KMiT. Hiving noi c u somecxtrnrOinary
cure perf irnied by (lie medicine in similar cases,
lie nt once obtained to bottles and udininis'tpreil
! it to her. Tire f.ficrh day lie Timnd tmif rtianco,
j wbieh g ive "hopes. Hn continued giiing the medi
i cinefiiT eighteen days; at that time the was render
I id able to he walking in her bed chamber, lo tlm
I astonishment of her friends and ri l.itives. She con
I tinned using the medicine for eight wet ks, ivlien
I hc di clared herself entirely free (mm ihsease atiA
parti, and now pursues tier daily occupation in per
! feet heuhh.
A small psmpVei nrTompaiiKs this medicine,
which gives a full description ot disease, the m m
In r of treatment, etc.. fir. For sab- in Sunhury, at
Jan. nth, 1312. Ainl
i'7tiu' I'TiiVi iF.
m.AiiLicirs PILLS
The su,Hnoiity of Dr. HARLICH'S PILL8' ri
ver any other medicine that has ever been oll'ered
t i lire .public, is. t irtt they ehiinse Und vtinfii and
, strengthen. These nie imsirteiit items, and their
i iiiiimlrp-c should not lie ovi rlooked. The system
I rs li.dile. fromiiirrrriTV'deiiee and mgl ct, to ucrir
niubite bile, and a v iiiety of diseased humors. 'To
I puigc the system of ibe-o impurities, should lie
(enrly nitctvl.-d .l.i. If it be neglected, the patient
j mnv lie subjeeli ,1 lo painful disea-e and pr.H r.ieied
siillering. 77; i;r.4i M A S AI'EHIKST
I' ILLS are ad-uirably suited to this purpose
I but m ire th in this while "hey i li.ank the sy
Item tiny eiiuir the iiinon, nnd assist natu o
! kindly in In r nperations. The Compiu mii
S-i ni.NiTliKMM: Virrs gives tone to the stomach,
I while th')' impartvigor to the whole system ; hence
tl.eynren desideratum, and no family should re,
main w ith ut tl.em. In fact they rtc a sort .if
"Family Pht sieian," but uirlrke the school men"
firlhofe Pi -Is may be saf. ly consulted in r
csis ihey m iy he lak n without injury in uny
it Ule they tifVird po-it,ve relief in many. We
oi ly ask f r a fair tri.rt of tlM'ii merits, and arc will
ing to abide th.1 i-stte.
F. WOOL MAN, Burlington, N.J.
F or sale at the store of
Jan. 1-t. IS 12. Agent.
I Yuialc. llrxt art' l iitiMiiii(ioii,
VN i n- t sillier t'-e early seeds lo knit its fatal
thiends iu y. ur system, but guard them ,rs you
would the ihiel at tiigbt. hen you t'liid the fa
tal enen.y seek i nil to destroy your I ealth by" itnlj
biug ihe evil seeds uf a serious disease, Rkmkmhf.ii
Do. llt'M'll'il Evcl.CTOtlAT Rkhiiit will illls
medwrely desiroy and remote them. 'Thousands
ol year s. x die anu-uully from the want of projicr
treatment. Had tho-c known the wonderful elleets
of this medicine, ond Used il in lime, m my coolj
li ite prolonged their days, and yet he dwelling a
mongst thejr dearest I nends. Those who I e labo
ring under the iniiucnce of this disease, lose no
lime in procuiing Dn. DUNCAN'S EXPECTO
RANT LI'.MEOY. It is safe and elllctual, and
always gives n lief iu the most hopeless cases. It
strengthens the wtak and debilitated ; reliives tho
puiu iu the breast and side ; supprerse the dis
tressing cough; g the luetic fever and night
swea's. and fm illy (il the case lie not too far a-1-vanei
d) restoring eif ct health.
Full directions and a treatise is oven inapain
plikvl, which the medicine.
Forsarc at the PRINCIPAL OFFICE.No. I'J
North Eighth s reft, l'hiladel tiia. Also at the,
D.c.25, 1S1I. A.r,
tloi t OIK llli I'i imiTs,
(tf the tjicacj oj' Ur. JlurluU's etUbratcd Mtdi
Df.ah Sib ; 1 was oicrcd witti a lirlmis nd
nerviuus disease to a very ahirming tlegref, with
all Ihe symptoiiie which so frejuenlty excels a re
laxed condiihui, vie : gicdiircss m the head, viol, ut
tremors, chilluuss, wihli a ieil pain iu the right
siikt, cirtiiidexinn ld, and coslivencss; indeed I
was in a Triiist nirsernble condition. 1 had tried
many rvmedte, hut found no Mriuauciit rebel un
til 1 lind purchased r, Harlicli't eomjiouiol
strengthening und Herman Uptrient i'ilh, which
fr.Hli their supeiior virtues, I wae completely cuied.
and am aide lo pursue my employment, free from
puiu and disease, (signed) JOHN BOLES.
Datid Xcuia. June T, IS 10.
Pru ciple Ottice lor tl e United States, No. 1.1,
North EIGHTH STREET, Phil id. -Iphia.
D.c lri h 1. ..
oiiiiiiiIIoii ! t iuiiiiiiiiii ! !
S an iufal.tble remidy for aire.-ting Pulinonuiy
Coiiiiil.tinls, Colds, Cough, Spilling of Blood,
ililliculty of Breathing, Broneliuis, soreness of the
I'brout snd ihtTn-ult Expeeluratioii, Weaknesses,
Del il ty. Liter Compl mil, nnd all other alb ctions
if a consumptive natuie. This medicine has a (de
cided advantage over in.-' preparations of the kind,
us it rcgulules ihe towel-, uu.l streiiglliens the con
stiiiilii.ii ; niid.l.K . not bu d up the system and
i'iicour..g.' nti niperaiice, us most of Ihe medicines
do, I y the l.ital opiatt-s alcohol combined iu them.
Such medicines have a great tendency to bring
mis. ry and distress, ami even do .ill uniu niaiiv
valuable cit eus. W e lin.l by the wi cklv record
of ihe hills of mortality, thin tbiee fourths uf the
bum hi souls who so suddenly departed from their
dearest frit mUan.l n '..u us, have Ih cii swept oil' by
tliat and fell ib-Mititer, Coiisumpiiou, when
niaiiv could b tc l-en saved if they hid u-e.l a
pli'M-r iiicdli loe. Fellow U'iiib who yet dwell
Willi u-. and are aii'.tt.d will) the p cinolicUiy
stiiiMoios o il.i, il sc pi.vuie nil nedl.iielv lr.
Duiican's Expecitiraul Reunify Is lore it Iv tiki late,
aiul not be led to i !o va that such symp'oins wiil
.Kn pass oil' Wi'iioi.t the ui of pi.ijier loeviii me ,
by mi. li i 'hfe'i me, inj i.i iv soon iv led to know
vonr f. !lt. tneli. l:le may at Ihe li:i ultack, be
si. ill, it ni. l'.i.o iil. ts uii.j a ,.. Irclisc, .iiwa4
jii'oiii...nv pi,' iiedicioe PdiV, ,l js ilnml,'.
UitlvC So, 1'J .Nor ill Eighth I'll.i'l, l'ildldel(i!ia.