Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, January 15, 1842, Image 3

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    ' hMpil niood t Itl'ooil I
Most nfour reader will remembar.thal in April
lust Mr. A Union, of Tallahassee, cliallanged Gen
'eral Kee J, of Florid. Tihey 'ftvugttt, and lha Urn-
ril abut liim. -Willi ADahm, a rdiheT bf the
'deceased, anj tho (eucr'alhad a recoiilre'iubso
iuenily,ainJ a aecoli'd one, 'when the further efcot
the latter. He aince went to TcVa. ,
Private Irttrf tpc'pH'J 'thiatiiy 'y,,,,'1y,
elate that he'lus further difficulties ftierc, which
Muled in his taking the tif4 of 'another, and In hi
cwn life being taker).
We hear that he arrived in the neighborhood of
Brazoria about 'the 10th ultimo; that about aix or
ittht. milea from the' the town, iri the Wood, he met
'Dr. John McNeil Stewart"; that an alteration arose
'between therri, relative to a 'friend 6f Mr. Stewart,
' both being armed t A Union drew hla knife, to
'sLib'him, but Stewart perceiving hla intention, fired
' three' ahota at him with ono of Colt'a pistol ;
I lint Allstdn,' lhffljti aeveraly wounded, fired a'rille
"and shotgun at 'his opniiient, which instantly
1 killed him.
A nicmorJniluM fr'niii 'Thomas F. McKcnna, of
(iaWcston, on the back of one' of the lea. rs, slates
'that Altston w.i arretted, tak'.'n' nut, and shot )y
the citizens of Uiazorin. A": '(; ''it.
A Wkstkhk S'traViioXt. K steamboat that
is to rinrlreWel-n Mew Oilcan and St. Louie, the
(fiull of which ia now'at ''rirtslurg,1s"e;iftiatbd to
'catrya thousand ton.
- ' l'KotiFii. He IJoonT. Tho' eare' from Oosfi
'rrr,"en the New York and fTiie" rail road, carried
down to that city tho other day, thirtirn tons' of
'.Poultry 1 Thia will aave the New Y inker the
' tr iuble of coming to our market, for their '(lim ply
of nris essential article.- 'A'iX Uozflte..
l'l) MALE lNllUSTlit I M MlSSACIU'RF.Tts. The
'number of female employed ill M tsn limelts In
-over 40.1)0(1, of whom 27.0(H) lirc 'fn the factorf a.
The aggregate amount of their carninu, annually,
' Is estimated at aou four milium of Jolftfrsi
Ci-i.ri Alk U tn . 'The danger" iiftriiding
ciliih'iiioiiV of wdd beas's, or ralhrr die foolii-h con-litlt-nce
of those, having charge of them, wa frighl
. fully illuslritcd on Saturday, at the menagerie in
the Bowery. Mr. Watkina, of Fourth street, w ith
hi wife and child, went to the r v li i lun.ii, 'and
while they weie passing "in at rlic Clirymie atieet
entrance, a y'o Vug .opur!,vh1ch',on account of hi
t oneness w as confined only by a chain, seized the
child in lid in illici'a arm, iiis grasp wan at the
. child's head, and 'illh.xigh a keeper eiinc almost
instantly to'rfce rescue, and by heavy blow wi:ha
'dub compelled tho animal to drop hi prey, the
poor 'child' race was cruelly lau-ralcti. Khe-uiu-lherivvoonedli.wav,
an I for a'tiihe Tbo"ul:irrti arid
'confusion weie drcadni.-H'. 'IV CV,;. Adc.
(ioon Joke. During the ciowj at the Prcsi
deni'a House on Near Year' day, Cien. Scott' el-
'U'nipted to enter, but in consequence of (he throng,
abandoned the enterprise. The metropolian wags
are now quizzing the (Jenerai -Scolt," ihey My,
tried to pet in at the Vhi:e House, but had to
bnrkvuf," Military men should never show theli
lacks to the eni-my. 1'hil. (lazitle.
'i'ric "S ai"H Ka V' with the Message from the
Inclined :Pl.iriu ycsterdiy was an exciting affair.
Passing down Clioaii jt to Dock street about' four
o'clock, wo saw iab going like Jehu, ami men on
iirtre litok, under lull headway. The. North Amcr.
ti-Mt oc.Hlpled Voafc, ihe'ii. S.' (i-1.elte w.m ftiide
of a li. rse and llie I.rdgei had iix fat pony. Doubt- '
h as at! the jouruaU were C(U illv well acrom
in "dj'.cd. !o fir ts Wc could we in Dock street,
-the Nor 111 A merifuu tW(i l.'if rttce. l'ht lad. Ciaz.
Th" lti'xp.'.s '.N!iiiiitrt Mr. !5.xliscr, ftvort
"tiiHnificeiit I'.iill Veilue.-lay niylitifMii
retidL'tice in ll'utliinti'ii. It will he rt'tritl.'l
hi'roil lie Kutrripil 'firfKtiiiinu'r, a younr ami
bcntitirt-.l "(jtr!, f'dlio'liter f n worthy man oocu
pyinr;niiHratttm i'ii cmo ' oftho public depart-.
tiK-nl. Tim fcvfiit tslehratcd l.tst week", wit
t!te cltristcUinjj tifta -yijUh Itiirwian. Over n
tliotijt.iliil Vc'lo rreent and everything
was do'ic tip in true courtly My In. tvunO of
the uui:k. ilitnibcrs of tJonjrnjiS sliiHik hainl.i
with ono of the ervunU in livery, who was,
i-tiitioticd to receive the jruest, uxiin tlicy
were in t!ie preseuce of tiic "Auibiistadur 61 all
tin! Ru.stias."
Tiv frtiK'r (iiumor. -The SUre (ieoloplvt
'of (lu'oria Im.s discovered a mine ol Tiii Ore
in tlio Appaliieliinii MnuutaitiK. It luu liecn
traced tt'n tnile in (ieorjin, and over I'm line
into, in one place it is "J'tttfect wide of the ppecimena trre unusually rich
The Wri t i nybmiK tiik INii wi Statk.
Accurdiiiy to csiirfi.ilcJH reccntTy 'made lit a
toirciitiuti of paper milkers,, the inuchini-ry
end p!;ifrfriil property at the present time in
the Uuiltil States nre. altietl nt f Ki,0(Kl,(Hr(
tim jujier uiiniilaclaroil airictritn to Li,(HKI,-
liil.t tlio mrv ptia-k cn'h'ctutl in the I'uited
Nuti iiitihiiiit ff!,tKtll,0 () pir nnnuni, anil the.
miiouiit iit" htnek "CdbMiiiii d is suited a I uW.ul
K",(Hk,(KKI siiin.U FrmnffVy to sixty thcrfi ;
Kind persons are dependant Um tho variiifcl'
iterations, connected with tin trade for h live
LIiiskI. Vai.i.ev ok i ilk MisiHsu'i-i. .The wlmTe ,.f
tlio ciHinlry which lien hotreen tho Alletrany
mid Utieky Mountain, renfl Iho (iulfnf Mexico
tf till thf Northern I.ako.i, is ti-rined the 'Valley
ii'" the Misis-ipjii,' a ul contains uviro than 1,.
;i"st,(KKI mpiare miles, and eiiiisiderably inure
than t tvvvtliirds of thu I'uited Stales-, and tihout
niie twenty -eighth pail id' lUu wliule land fcur
lace of I lie t-aillw
. Fanny EUilei luacleutd ueaily J I (10,(100 .HHP
kht bit Fiance.
i fctiii'f 'he, wUHil.. 1
It is a mngufiir fact Uiat tho Kcv. Mr. Miller
is'6onUmtly g'nHiinsf converts to hist doctrines,
it ii said thftt thb'Uev. Mr.. Fitch; is one of hjs
disciples, nnd is 'ttbuUt lea vinjf his Society to
proceed on a Miyfioh to prepare his country
toPh Tor tliafrat event.
DiKt. 'i'onysiys lordlier, in Ins lectures in'
the city of New York, lias remarked that there
fs ("otno probability that our tatiU may come in
collision with llealn'a comet, lieforc many
years. Wc have not heard that Dr. I,ardnor
is a convert of MillerV; vyol liow do we know
but that Miller, is riglit, a'n'd that this comet,
sokeij'of'by i)r. Iirdncr, is' to bo provided for
hsa reftire, when the end "of ihe' world hits ar
rived! What a grand prote'ssion it would be
when uH itiaiikind rrc taking leave of this
world; find fceramblinnr ttl)'the tail of a comet,
to LcAvorled in a new pla net.
'A 'Ko'itric tHi "AfAtr. Mrs. Sarah
Bcdwell, Fpinstcr, at WiHulhridge, died on the
tilt, aged ninety. ' Slie was formerly
housekeeper to Mrs. Doughty, nd, by her
pciinri'iiVis liabiLs, bad ax'WtniiTuted considerable
property. Irt a tin cuiilster Vv'erc found more
than 7(1 sovereigns, cash rn' the Bank, and
mortgages nnKiMritWg'to nWiiU'jCl.VKK). Siie
had in her possession To1 chemises, HO Uuincts,
'St silk gowns, four flatten tlmnaik table-cloths,
and a'chettil bedclortu" ; ''an'd ;J'6t she expired
covered with a piece bf old ' ciirpet, without a
night cap, and coveted toitlrvcrrriin. Ipswich
' Pun In the AlnttHinn l.rlllnluir.
On UhriKtma moriiiiig, Die Slb, the two
ITouoe of the Alabama I.cgi-I.iture (Viet, but found'
it iniponsible to do any thing, on 'ah-ount oftho
spirit of fun, disorder and uproar wliiih prevailed..
'All orU of carlir.ue weie cut up, and Ihe hummer
Y.f trie"Sjeker net utterly at defiance. Mr. t.'i.KM
na,t return Meuilifr of t'ao House, moved -1110
foil. iwing resolution :
Ik it rcnolrnl Inf tl, , Stnule iiiid Ituusc of Nrt
rtrnttfivc of th? Stuff of Aluhnuia'fn I Sen, nil
Jtisrmhhj'tAli-i'hfit That ihe two Houses assemble
in the Hall of ihe II ohm-of KejircM iit .liva. i.t II
o eloPk this d iy, for the purpose 01 aiuuiriir the'
Now CbriHliins nine, and inorry
I. el every hoaoin be ;
Lay down thy millet Ticnur,
And let the feiiBli- free ;
Thi isi.i time f.r fpouiiiij;,
Make no resolves to Jay
'J'liy voice is great at shouting .
Ttin merry roundelay.
The f-rfilrir are dozing
Tbe ifiin'B h quite evident :
They all feci rR.e tepo-ing
N.upe are at hM b llf U'lii,
'Let Pin i.i'ifr and' lh'2 Majiu
Have holiday, I play,
"And I Will lay'a' wager,
They -are sober hall ttie'Ay.
Look notVo grave in,
Most prarioilB D ictur Miimir; "
Ailjourn the Hones of as
Ami let them bny no more ;
Bring down thine ivory h limner.
And let it voice proclaim
One lavs repiie in eram.ntr,
One dev'tu'efi an'd giYrie.
For there's tlieu-e of brawling
To ilav. about the I.nw 1
Kome im irbt r ure ihmwn prawling,
An I some are in ihe straw,
Fieah liowUlhcy say aro fouuung,
More cegs are coming in ;
Another U tat is coming,
With Oyler anil with (Jin.
The Speaker (Mr. line in the chair) dicj.bil
the resolution out of order, aeon after bich ' the
House adjourned to Monday.
Mr. ('l.m'i:x informed iis that Ihe'n'as
prepared by Mr. W.mitii, one ul ihe 11 pii'MiitaliVis
'from Tuscjloota.
His llriMox. 'J.leul Fallen give it as his o-
p.iiiou llral the leepleM soldier of Floiiila are in
ih'e'liabil of singing the following chastu I nes :
'" 'Twa H rh Jonca the fishrriiit'ii,
Wk bound 'for tandy Hook,
But liri-t ufHn his almaiiuc,
A dcmii oath he'toiV ;
Oh! iirant the tide may faithful civc,
V'ni the ti til v praer of Sam'.,
'I'lui I may have good lin k to uiglit,
And r itch a load i frlam.-."
Ci is geuer illy called the first nturde're'r, 'init
hrr.e'iall him Ihe fust o!dii r ; others might call
him Ibe lirst physician ; us the three terms are con
sidered synonymous.
Fiederick the flreat must hare destroyed a great
many thousand lives before he became so proficient
in liii! art of liiliiii; i yci, when in ihe prereuee of
hie hwn pbysicnu, he rtiined Ids laurcla n the i
'11 ...I ....... I... i u-,i ;
t. 1., ami suireiiileu-il at) c aims to niperionty o
. ' I
M-itiim in that department. Napol.-on, in his f,.,l ;
KU-sian campiiL'ii, dotroyed about one million ot ;
hliraan li-ings, and we cal1! hiin a hero Ttr, t'.rv.n
'I'.rtth' ',;t-lot,l,- Furvr-rsal 1'flU have tared Hie
lii'es of at least half That numbel j and When ihe
lr,l;M rlie of bis wrra in shall lie duly appiccia
t he w ill receive the thank of his fullow cilueua ,
a rnhei gift ih in ii her I). I, a ur ii mnn.
In order lo M-cure the m'eilicine in lis puiiK, he
iiaecluded diuggisti nvri't aiiy piiliilpHirou in lis
Oj' Purchase in Suni.ur, of If. fl. !ibst..'r .. 1
. , i i- i i t , . r ,
j of Ihe agent published in another part of ihis ( ,.r .
1.1 vr (ttmpliiiiil. j
nHfS dise.isi often lerminate in UH iiber of !
more serious halure, if pixj 'cr ien.c,lie are Iml j
reaorti d lo in time. If) ul form of tins dife.ix-. Dr. j
Himi.ich's ComimI rl StiilmitPkm vn uibl ti'i.H-
m AeiHiivi r Pii.t, will perform a pei feci cure
first, by e'e insii)4 the stomach and Ihim els, tl us I
lernnving a I ifise iSui from llie Liver, by the use l
Ihe (iermaii Apeih nl 1'ills, after which the Com- '
poo ml Sreiiiithi-iiiuj Kill are taken logive sircng b
and lone la t.ise tender organ which r iuire such
lieitnii nt omt loilliet a p rinaueut cuie. Tins'
pi!U are ne.uly put uj in, ,m.,f j,.v k iger, with lull
diecio,,.. Foisalct No. 13 Norlh . Elhllj .
A.o, tor kite jt the .st.Wc , r
, iie.kv oTiii;iMi:.
Jan. I.MSl'J. .U.L
On Tuesday rveniii'ir , iat, by I bo Kev. J. P.
Hhlndel, Mr. BkJavi fciirtea id Miss Maiica.
niT BirinH-r,boih of tliTh'Tilrier1.
tn the aaine day, by the Mrni, Mr. Josrph Tiik
h'(t to Mia MnoarT Ni'ihA'a'f.'both of Augusts.
,. Corn did weekly by Henry Yuxlheniter.
n it At,
fttR, . '..
(('oHJI, . . -
. .POBK, . . .
;Fi.A'r.Knl "...
JtllTTKH, ....
- ISA ,
. ,2i
. 'ill
- ' n
, ahow,
Diiiui Api'LK,
t. Do. Pkaciiks,
Flax, . - . -If
kcWlkii TlAX, .
rlrr I I To I
'm Km f il l f .
i.'T ' persons knowinii thiinsilve indebted to the
K-tate nf Peter Piter, late of l.i lie rahonoy
townshiji, Noitbuiuberlaud county, lor goods joir
ehased at tbe vendue of aid di ceased, or f .fdel f
contracted during Ms lifi, afe reniiC-tted to call and
settle'llie' same, at the'nlttce of Mirah.uii Jtodarinel,
Ksij:,1n said inwnship,.i u or 'before 'I'ue-dnyY the
first May of Fc? rHB'V next,'' Person who neglect
to a'leibl at time, Will bo waited upon by lh
coiisbiMe for aelilelheht.
Jan, Sth, IS 12. 3tv ' - jlifin'r.
; ;oit iIaS'Tw kt n. ii :.
i:ila'lo or cU'K IIoi iiIk rpt'i'.
I N pursii ii'ce of an order of the Orph ni' ('iiurl
of ,ortlMmlH iland county, will be exposed to
puilie ale Vn .Monday Ulu .21 ill day of Jji.ii.iry
next, ai the f ile resiuencc ol '(jrorge llornberuer of
Coal township, in said county, die'd., nil dial cer-
lain tract or ji'eco ol laud situate on Mahonnv c reek,
in said luwiiMiip. ndjoiiiiug binds ol II. tiry llaupl,
(icorKe l.iviiu and the Widow Hornlieiitor. ciiulairi-
ing one huinbid and itireo acica and li'ly-lwo iter
dies, stiicl meagre; about twenty acres ol which'
are i lea red aiid in a high state of cultivaluin.
Als.i, one other tract or pice ol bind situate in
annl lowiiKhip, adjoining lands i.l ( icoi go Long, Su
sannah Weary. and ihe. Widow Hnriiberger, cmi
tniuiii!! l. ur a. re iiinl lo- perches, s'riet measure,
alioui three ai-u' of wliieh arc 'eli are.l, and in a
eood state ofculiiaMiii., Kale to com. m lire at 10
o'cliick of nV.A day, when the rninlinotn will be
made knjwn by THOMAS KMNUKit,
(JF.OKtJK l.UNti,
Bv ihe C.uirt, .'r'r.t.
. JOHN (i. VOl.NC.MAN.'C.. O. C.
.1 m. sth ihii :tt.
N. It. 'I he first tibdve desciibi d T.', nf land has
been illVj,VJ Into two parts'; otie. iheii' if conlalli
inu fi acre's mid l!l pen-he. rSbout H acre i f
which a'e cleare I ; and the -ilf'ier eontaiiiliig SI
sorts iiinl ;tj perche. 'abi'uit 'I? ai re of wh eh are
cleaiel and will !c dd together, or separate lo
sit t purchaser.
'I'ii lif Ibmirriilitf I'.Ilin Istrix, I'rrsl-f.'nl,
inn! his Ais iciate Judge of the Court pf (Jimr
hr iSfiioi.i, uf the. cumin of Xnthumijirluiid :
TIlllL pc'itioii of (Seorge bniith nf Jackson town
.1 ship, in e.iid county, hiimbly lepterciits, lint he
continue 10 Teep tavern at hi oi l aland, in the
Briek Home in 'said lownb;i, nnd i well prepared
for the nccominoda'on tif travellers, A:c. He there
fore pra your Hoiidra'to'grant lufn a lirense lo
t keep a tavern during thec'nsoing year, and he will
Iprav.'Ac. TJCOKfJi: PMITH.
, 'I'o tiik Ji mils ahovi: xi viiomii: 'I'he suit
I kerilwri-, re-iil. tits uf Jackson lp. hereby certify . that
(ieorge Hmiih,' the applicant for (Tie Tcei.M", is a n an
of giiud repute fur honesty and Temper nice, and is
! wcll'J-rovided with housr-iooin and conveniences
j for tbe'tHilging and ai-romm. station ofstrangets and
j traveller, nnd that n public house tin le i, neecssarv:
j 'hey therrfore recomrmnd him as a proper per
son to no neencfti lo keep a puliltc house
Win 'Deppen,
Jeremiah Wetzel,
John Unas,
Dmiiel Hillmsh,
J.-s-e Ifeilsvl,
'John Folk.'
Henry liiaiin,
Frede ick Trenii,
Henry (iarmin,
Jonathan Smith,
Jaccb A. Maliih.
Philip lleliuh.
Jan Vih, ! IS.
A V" C?.liD ''DELIGHT7
lall'OKTAM TO ThC HtllUMi miL
riHK New Quarto Volume of ihe "NEW
L WfTIrL'!)" acknowledged on all hands to be
the hand iniet.' clicapcM. 'and moM i.oimlar ami
I' eiiti'rt dnlng jn rioilieal iii'llie world comir.eiiciui;
Janiia'ry 1st, It IS, will contain: simultaneous with
its publication iii England, tbe Oi.unl New Military
Novel, by il.e aulhui' of' Charles O'M.dlcy," tulj
i tied
I dj- o i: II , KSK,"
! Commencing with the atory of "Jack Hinton, the'
; Life (Suardsinan."
No commend itioti of this new woik will IV i.e.
i crssary lo those who have read llie di bghtful Novel
I of -Charles O'Malley.'
Also, a new Novel by Mo-s'C. M. Sednvvii , al
remly commenced, whi'cTi diie gcal credit lo that j
dtHXingiiished Authn'fr'sSi. . .1
Many OiiginU Tide cif ' gVenV intcriV, ai g '
which we 'may mention, a'a!rcm!y Ti hand, "M iry j
'Pud. r, a Tale' of Ihe Pasi-ious," b E.Tmund Fl .ec.
r.saj , aiitnor or me -r ar yyi st, -i lie i luetic- nl
I'cnaia,' -Beatrice,' Ac, a woik nf deep nnd thril.
'"'''fs' i "AVI I'arini.," a Tale ..f the yreal
Fire in Niw York in Di-ccltiher, 1 ":I.V abounduij
. ', , . "
in tiowetroHy WroTlght T"He ; "1 he UUcksinilh
,',T Aiilv.e.p," b'v a popular -uiiial eontrihuto,.
Abo, a sertea of auperb Fuf rav ings nj Wooil. by
Ibe tn-st artist ?n Englfind And Airt. ra, will cin-
oel'iiiTi the coming volnme.
.,L ; All llfese NoVe'ties. and a multitude of o
iheis, for ()m v Tuku Doi.i., i uir nl iiuvni y,
leuutied free nt pol.n;e. In ibe iisii il bunk I'oiln
Ihcy would cost ten tunes lluit amoui. t.
Call lie hud by ull r.evv rubsrriU ra wtio wi.h ihi
p f uilar work, by iinlernii; tlieli ubeiipnou lo
cimiiui nr. wah llie ad IJuailo Volume, July iid,
IMl. For three dollar on auv s .lviiil ehaiiered
lU"k!" "'e Lu ""1 ''"""' f'- uf
lage, fllBi New olid vilf lie ul olnv y ear, liom
the mniuiciiO ment ol 'Chaili s (i'Ala U v,' uicluihtig
the I t-t voitiu.e nrjlis, pubj.s.hrd in exna liumUrs.
A.hlrfcs J. INCH.lisiTKI!. 1'ubbslor.
30 Ann treil, Nevy Vbik
INlaU- nl' lleiii-.imiii H;i y iec'..
O'l'H'i; ia hereby given, tllai Icl'ers t,f admiu-
islration hve I wen maiitrd III the subscriber.
riHitimn in MiMiiiukm 1um-hIiii. Nunliuml.Luu!
" . 1 .
muni v . nil-in ' !( iviui.t ,.t i. n . .
; i oi ii iij i ui i ii ii ,iih, luiti i
oemau.i at unsi ihe m d cs'iuc, a e inpe H.dlo
pieem Ihein r. peily auiheiiticat. d, and ihosv who
are inileUcd, lo pay to the suhwulwi w ih ul de-
. . . . I
? NA'I HAN 11 AS. J
J irt.-t, HI J A l.n'r '
VrTaiUlxi'-'MiTiT i': "T" ' I
.I'MMml Ml, md a lev. Coal Moves
lo. s., . csap, ,,. . B. M ASsEK-
J l1' i
r"Pbe pit -he will please nlwei'.t'e no Bran. belli
Pills are p uuiie, unless the bo ll'is three 1 1
bef lipi;u it, lhii lop, (he i'o and the Ixiitom)
em li cinininiiii n fic-niinile ninunturr of my buiij
wriliug, 'Iti tit H. BiiA.iniiKrii, M. D. Theso la.
belii aie 'enraved " ftn' trcl, beitutifjilly designed,
and done ht"nn evpeue of over f 'J.lliMI. Therefme
it will be feen thai the only thing iirepniy to pro
cure the niedieinc iii its'juirity, w to olie'ie tbeso
I ibnl.
Hememlx'r the top, ihe stile, and' tbe bottom.
Tbe following; icprclivc persons are dtrfy auhi.ri
Zed, and ImM "
,. , ( CEnTXOATrs or agettcy,
j lit tlit! sale of -Hrurxheih'x Ycirluhlf t:nh rsul
J'.7a. ' .
NortnuinVe.ilni d fountv : Milton M incey V
Chaiubeilin., fi'iiliury II. B. Masser. M'lien.
ville 1 1 el i nil iSt Moixell, Norlbum ciland W in.
Forsyth. ISeoigetown F. M idling. -r A. Co.
Union (J lunly ; New 'Berlin J. hit Hoffman.
SeliiiHgrove Kvcr and Webiitira .Mill Meburg j
Isaac Mniilh. Beaver own J. St . Fr.l)ing Milan.
Ad imburu -II. ' A. fSmilh. MihlinabtirR '!
fwotte . J.aird Harlletnn Daniel Lnmr. I'ni- I
'burg tl. iSt. F. O. .Mover, ti'lilrevil e-tsiley
A l.enbarl. I .eivi-lniri; Walls cV (ireen.
'isdutnliia'cOtluiy : Danville K. li. Keynolda
t'o. lb rw ck Ar. K llenliouse. I'm-lawis-a
('. A. i I". O. Hrobts. Bloomsburc
John I!. Meyer. Jeitev Town I.eviHisil. Wa
shington K jl'l. M t.'.iy. liinicMone -D. I..
Observe that each Adeiil Iris nil l.ngraCid f'cr
tificate nf Acenev. eonlniiiing a repre.. ilalioii of
Dr BliANDItUnrs .M uliilietorv at .Sing Nine,
and upon which.wiU o be seen enact eopie of
the lit if 'ulirin iimr npim'tlie Urimilri lit 'ill
Phil idelpbia, niliee No. . North Sih street.
B; BU.WrtlfKTH, M. ft.
.1 inn irv lt. 1M J-J
n.1. if i-xpos it t. ul. sale, on II. e iti t
' I'c''. 12 o'cloik. on the Premises,
'be very Vi.hi.blo Pro ily briefly dei.cribe.1 as
lollow, having Is-en part nf the Jenkins F-tjte,
vi' : s acre, 'I'peichea, with allowance; of wb'cli
libiiltl 100 acres ure in eu'tivatiou, willi a l:ege
Apule'Orch ifd ; ibe f"-t lite WiMiilbind, inrluiliin;
I. line. tone Land, nild 1'nrge veins of Iron Ore.
Tbe p-oinis s ire situ .ted i i F.i-t llnll'al.i town
ship, I 'ni ai cotlnlv. Pa., i ll llli- wel side-of ibe
We-l Brineh of luinim, tilmut live miles
I'ioiii Noft'.ui.ill'er nu.l, and liiree from Lewi-lmri;
ailjoiuim; I ul ,Mi- Jenkins, and Messrs. Snook
iV Pilin'. ;
Tlit-re are two never failing wa r po vers form- ,
ed by Tintle Cmi k, which inn-i-ecii- !?;e 'tract, at
one of vvbieh then- is u I'lovi r Seed Mill on Bur- j
i.iII'b patent, and a Mil cr 1 1. if; 'e, aiid at the other i
a Men bunt Flouring Iii'! Mil ol hi one with o
er hoi wbei U ind thii'i- mil of stones, 'ami ,i Savv 'l
Mill. A bri k - n(! frame 'Dvvel tig IL Use, t
wih r Mai en 11 f:i convenient, iti a 'large foe j
Dink Bam are l-o ciee'ed. Tbe liacl iedi
watered by " an. I Ireiuns, Kn.l eligitdy situa-
ti d Jl ii populous neittitioibiH.l.
Ttif ! On if !tl,iifniir's i'.'C, ex'cn.lin t
into tbe premiM s, H.h' .rs l.i .e in u'eit abuiidaiice,
upon the iicr bank, w beie it is laid o cu, and is
ln'ileved 1 1 iervle ihe continuous nJo iicresilbe
Pro4'ity. From nil nilj.n etil (r u l, tl,u Sbainokin i
Imiii t oliipioy now pr. eureibi- lion Ore I .r their
Furnace, and both lr n U ad' oil comm. tlious mi l
Itee 'navigation, pronioled by the l.n of the
Sbamokin Dam, to tbe Kail Koad t-Suliburv,
which lead to the Shamokiu Cl Mini's ui)d Lou
Woik. .
Porch-iser are invitol .'Vi.ew the premises
carefu ly , and Uj on iinid) loey will tind the li; lo
fne from all doobl ami (I ll'n nliv.
The lerm ure when the Proper
ly' is al.'uc'k i fl . V', and as soon as tho deed is
leiiib fed, wlii, h will lie within f.v d iys, llie fuither
sum ol jfiOO. Ill' the res due, f :", IUKI may ic
niaiu unpaid for three yi-irs, nnd the test in ciju d
ye.uly inMa'iuiiits nl f 1,000 a you, front the uni
of sale. All not pill jl the J. bvery ul thu dud,
to I t- secured l y bond u i.l uiorlg 'ge, bearing in cr
ert. Furilur iiiijuuie may lie made nf
IILMiV U. I.l)i;il, Stliinzrove,
AsiBlenl S.ninel Kuii'ier y or of
111 C.i'i BLLLAS, Suuhuri.
J mu rv. Isi, In IS.
i;o2i st i.r.
I'le-h (.'rlilririvs, F
- ulish Chce-e, Ke" liai-ins, N ets. per lb., bv
, Dec. i3, 1811. --li. B. M.SEK.
'I'O be, or nol tt be" Mi-l,
S a iue-tiou ihat we ."j'iously ni' iiiil In the
contiileralio.i of ,j I b?J"re iiub blnlto the
uliM'ribeis, iin.l who i'o '11." iii a short lime, conic
loiward nnd nenle their luynitM
Dec. IS, I HI 1. ' I). li. A! AS Ell At. CO.
-i in:
1 i:k.
'OM E.N'lt'A I LD U. coi.I ol Medical S,i.
lice ami l.ileia'tire, l v Koblev Iltinul.son.
M. If., Prolis.-nr oTtl.e Tm.ffu'es of Medicine, fie.,
in J If. iron Medical Collem-of I'liliade pliia, pub
fished lnniit. lv .by ,d un W.ildie, No. 4 ti Carpen.
liVstT".-i t, Vi i! nb Ipbia. Soliitriiiinii ii
y ar. Siihrc.ipliuii l..r the ahove work lici ivej'.
llie kub.-cidicr. 11. B. MASSE II,
Dec. I I iti. IHII. A unit.
J&J O I II 1. l i:iv,-n, ilut John Alilin, yt I
H AiiRUsIa lvwnsu:p, Northuiubeiiind cooniy.
has made an aa-igmiieiii of all hi e-laie, goovls and
chailcls, lights uiul cu-iiiis, lo tin- sui'M-ri'Trs, fm I
'he bein til nf his cie.litors. All person indet I d .
! 11 iu sain joim .vcinr, or liavm el.ooi unn-t !
linn, an- rnjiiisli.l lo resent .their aciouuU lo the ,
Mibscri cr f ir tettl m'f-nt.
CHAfl.ES Mll.l.l'it. S, ,r', '
W. lit.'N l7!.N(;i:r:.ftcl.uvikil..ll'i,ven. 1
Novemb. r 17ih, HI I f!V ' '
i A.
vhh i'nlriil ( nitipliiiir Oi!
TT 5 IT T r-
1 be -il, ills r.- ii-.-i e, Hui.y li.rni th.v , i
1 ol C. I.i.iibia, Nor huiiiU rl.iiol ami I nimi ti bn. ;
lies, Ihcy have putcbiind (be sole ii.ileoe ol
u-'ni;. iiiatiulac ur ng and ven.loi liieahuve name j
an cles in Ihe al'orisi i.l sEi.uiuie-. They have j,s !
u eeived a lati jmh im. nl v !am 1 , ,,.r) i
scription. eoiibiM im of
AsTIIAL, TAI!l,.r i-l si'E'iDLXti D i
.tru: i.a.mi'.s. i
whieh tin V oiriH.., , a ,,, HMhlelmns. j
I !n. light is a new invei.imn, i.soliT.i'r i
any thmg yet ih-cov.-r, j ,( i 1 1.. ...i il.g'e I ,
mall r loins, aitd Jup. Utng , M-knef.. the night j
It t il.feiior to 1,0,10, the t.L-t.t of Ibe ,uu ; :
t.Cicvriiii.,t ,H.h!u.e,l, il l:.m ...ilfhone I
every Ihiig of InmKVttl Mature; and I'liiatout I
lo become the li (i ,,j t',t (.,,'.
us hufe tor .pi ih ie are I nl'i in.-y.
r n-hiiik.v 4nL n n.
z i
eli- .n'mes-. nil J tail bill n.,t I
w ck kefi rtiine y f..e !
........ ...... o. u unips aie i i-i y kepi in oiitir
fli the cbie f'liilu.i, i,,!,,, , Xevv 'ort it has
i con Ml'i.tiliili.l V.rv evl. n v. 'y lor
I'Hiiit 'I n ill. nimlM. Iwl I n- .umi it u n. I
juiioiis to the eves.
D.rec i .ns for using will Is? funi.slie.1 l.i .
,,, , ,, , ,..,, w.
,., I KK K. mLI.MEYEIl vV III s"
Danville, Nov. V i, I 1 1 . II
I.rec l lis for iisim; will - furnished to all who
ani ml. ,1
I.l .
STOIt fnle a sou l IVni, conl iiniug about
, lrliiite I iinrl ti n acres. tnor or ((, situ Me
in Point township, Nurihiiinlmland ciiunbr rrliont
two mill a aliovn N"ort!.unilieil mil, on tho iiniiii
road lea linti Irom ibst plaee t.i i uiviil.-; adjoining
I.iiiiN ol jylin l.eii'imi, J.-ho I'. IJoii. n and other-,
HO in the aeupuicy i I f.uiin. I I'.ivne. At out
forty aires of said li.l are tb and, ami in good
slat' ol cu, on vluh Mure is a small tarn i
ereel d. Tim , pinpi nv vv a I lie mI.I in r iib'c
lei ins. Fur In. tin r .;i lien lorn, peiMu are lequeti
ed lo apply to toe Mil -i nb r.
Nov. 2?th, lsll. tf Sui buiy Pa.
A null', u inn qualleO lor eiPininu ,iikJ fini;; a
highly durable and most brilliant J) bsli to sib
ver, (iermaii Silver, llras, Copper, Biitl.uiia ware,
Tin, l' el, (.'iitKn, iiinl lor ritori g the lustre on
varnished lanijc , Ac. TltV IP.
Prepaied mi s ibl hi wb.ii a e Mini retail, by (he
Susqueh 'lima I'lirv-olite Pnli-h Company, Outgo,
Tiojjii coiiijtv, .N. V.
WM". K 'II-V I II. At-ei.t l. r Norihn.u'd,
II. B. MAsSi;i, Ag. nt lor Sunhury.
Ninuiilier VIUili. 11 1.
Xiiiiilnr y.l A'o; ,7( Third Street, I'liiludi Ijiliin
Hl Itl.H! SALES f Dry Ooods, Hardware
H 'ind Cinlerv, llooUs. St itionary, Cloihinu,
Boots, Shoe :,., ai, n I in sborl uliirosl e'veiy
ile-eription nf go, are held nt Ibis i stal'li-bmenl
every evening. ISofsli nfe abo sold it piiva'e sal
ibHhr lK:- day's' iiit'inrrnae aii -linn prices. Store
keepers and trailers will linJ it to'Mieir advantage
bv alteniliilg tbe sales.
O.C. M'NCKKY. A'uclhrirer.
I hi'ailelpliin. Novemb. i M-lv.
- i
'i'4. las;
v tnpn s.'11'j mjiii neiiui .ni( imiiticr,
.".ml, I'alin' Hat Varelmuso.
V I...I I II ....:! w I .1,
An. till .,r'i "J; ,(, 7, il f ir dtitrs uLlvc .hell,
.O Tionkr, Carpi i Tl.itfs and Vulices, of ev-
ry de.-ciiplioii, nil uf which lie uilcis for
sale mi the most reasonable term.
Phil lel.hia, Novc.nbcr lit. If II. ly.
V. Sz. A. IUV(H;D'I"S
( Itnia.f i ass: nml I. ve r on W arc niise.
v iei v , -ri i , . ,i i i ii i-
A Id t .Y trtfi I hud third ilvor In luic 1 itie
ytrtrt, Tiihii!tjdi?ii.
THEKE they constaiitly knp on band n large
iifsoilnient of China, Class and Liverpool
are, e hu I. Ihcy will dispose cu the most k-i-
soliaiile tei ms.
Philadelphia, November "lit, 'l'S-f l. 'fy.
.I;icl l i iMiuifli cv Stiii.
I) ESPEC'I'FLLI.V itili. tins linn tin nils am
' iii ipi.iilit.iiH i s IH-I..I1 v lb it they htiil eou
linue lo keep at llie nl.l stiunl. No. -Iti Norih 3d
sireel, Philaib tptiia; all kinds of
Whieh tin y w ill sell on the la.'X ai coinmoibiliiig
and reis .u.ihio tcims.
N. B. Ail cood-i sold will 'be g'rt.irahleed, arid ;.ll
orders promjit'y atleridcd lo.
I'lnl.i Itlpliu, November li), 141 I v.
" rjTKir'Di:!.,"
iN. 7-1 ('allowl.ill Sfrcet, I'llilatlelpllia,
f 'i'lirrf diHir ulmrt Second.
g IIOE Findings always kept on band, liiefi he
oil", rs lor sale en the lowe-t (erm. ' Country
Me'rrh ml are particula'rTy lo cell an ! judge for
Pliia.l,, Novenbcr 1:1. IHtl. I v.
importers am 1 )eiileis in l-Vreii'ii and
. Diirrios'tic llnidu ari,
No. li I Nonni Timti. S'raKf.r. I iiii.:ir.Li iii.
. II II I, V. lill'ir flii'l.lls 111,1 I llO.inii.rif v-. i 'I :iln n, . :i l.i r .ii. .11,1 ..iioi.l .', V il..
ti ...,,.i;.. ii ...i.. .... .. i ...i. ,i ii ii ... ., ...
...... .. ...I. . .11 t (1, 1 , 1 in,.,, iiiv JT vv l 51 l Ul nil'
lovve-t pijei-s,
Phib,bJ.hia, Novciuber U, l.sil. I v.
m:v km m.a.M) on. company.
No. CD N.iVlii Water Street, l'iii!j.
1H W ANI FACI'I'lv'EKS and dealers in Oils r.r
Xy & every description both f"r bum iig and
uianutiii-iiiring fiirpos-s, whieh will lie sol. I much
lower than thev can be procured e'sewlnre, ard
w.inaoti-U in nuality to eoual any in tbe city. Any
oil sold by the conip.n.y noi proviiiti as ii' test iited,
may be returned willnmt any CJpcnse to the i ur-
chaser, and the money will be refunded.
Their stock now in atoie consists ol the lollowing
oils, vi? :
a(,(H10 gallons Winter Filcacbed Speun -t-
noon di do diode Oil,
I .Vt'OO i!n Fail snd Sniui sperm ltd,
lll.ltno do Winter N-a Elephant,
'JO.IiOli do l.i 1'ieised Whale Oil.
fit Mill do Summer do ilo do V S
Tl.l.nn do Common Whale Oil,
"tMt Barrels silpeitoi Slratf-.i Oil,
and do Cod Bsnk Oil,
Ml ilo N'sats Emit O.I,
7 Cii-V Olive Oil,
Tan'ri. r't Hits.
CiJ, This Cotnpinv has a nuinlier of Vessels' cn
P'lgc.l in the I'isl Fishery, and Taulieis limy rely
Ujon fi-l'ii'K l all I inesll.l ns pore a- in.poiirl
Pb.l i.b lphi.i, Nov. 13, 1 SI I . ly.
3-. V-. 'It. L. 2.
f t'F CH Fl HI S W"! ai l),r. s..,..l. f..i iv.
'IT II Foil SAL-, al the South East Co
in r of Fif,' uiul Stmti,, I'iiliidif-
.Ven Call-skin Hnuls.siitel.e.l marraiiled.
do do tin pegged
do do do water .0ol
and louble iip ei.
do l.'iill-rkiii do i!j
Itnd uppeo. . .
bi Heavy Vi.t. r I.e i.ber Boots,
do do Nea, ilo . ilo.
i iii l!e ijujiIci ho-, C,ii--kin.
.lo .lo t'i.Hl.eis- oi
via Finn Moiii.k'n vvsrraiilcd
do nailed
do l i do
.Iii C.'tf ilo
ilo Cnaisu tlo
la do
In Fine i!o
do Kill ilo
do .
du Calf mid Sealskin I'liuipa,
do Lki S.uks with and wilhout soles,
hi Carpet do . do tin
lio Patent U ai rallied WaU r-pro, I Mucc.imiis.
I. l be." .lo . ilo ,j J0
l. s' tH'it.eil li,,lia Knl.'ocr Iiois.
I i. i I i in. i.-.' .hi l'v.rbiH s.
iil every other di-M- ipli. n of and atKU-e.
f'.ir I ' i s . I every Jeih riptiiin.
Tr ivill ii n li on 1.4 nf evi ry iWiriplion.
l a ll. II Ti4v 11 1 u t i;;s.
I' ill i t ( Cl isticShoe lllai kiin.
4 -
s X'AaltJlOraJkk
euuDurv, va.
Btisilleileri''e:l tir In the Coiintie of Nor
tlniu't I'rland, l liion, T.vrpming' nnj Columbia.
llrTer 11. ,
Tun is 11a ii t it Co.,
Low r n V lJAanot, .
. 1 1 A II T, ( l MM I 11 iV i 1 I II I ,
V li I I.
I I V M I IIS l Jl I II I , l .il ib
iii. Me Fa n I a! cc Co '
o, 'Joon V Co., J
Ki.i sci i
TJii;urn.U8 c;t;u
Manufacluri?r ami livpnrffr of Snd-
il 1 rv , 1 1 ;i rd v a re , aV c .
Sit. 5 Suuli Third sin 't .fi'ur ti-ji bclt'V Murltl
i'liili.lh ltiiij,
fT' VS.V conM uilly on b .d a large nil J n ncral
iisorlineiil Coach Lamps, (mriuge Baud',
A vie Anns, F.hptic Sj rings. Pali nl I.iailier. A r.
Country Men bunts and sat! diets vijli le supplied nl
all times i Ti llie most ic.i-m able I. uns. 'J Ley wi I
find il to their ndvanta..'!' to c.dl pnd examine Lis
asMirtim tit before puri ba-inu' bi w bet.
Plnl.nblplna, Novt'tn' t r I it, 1 8 1 L iy .
Limits AND statiom-:i:s,
u. I'-".' L'ht.nt Slrt-ct,'' licl'Av '4f:i,
mljr EEP constantly cm lijind (t gcietil bk.o.i.
fcm ment tf BiMks i,t,d Sialiouai.y i-r.-oiupriHii.'g, I.a', .Mi ilii iil, Cla.-e-icd,, Mix A'.. -f.
I oiik i nt Sehool nouUs, iviiy Hutu, an t i'f, 1 iu-
ti rs, il,)., 1 utnily Lit b , I'm ki t B.b'es. Vuuin;
Papers, V'iaing Pnpi ts, cVe. r i:., wliieh liioy ol
ler ai the b.Aest pi ire to Cotiiioy Men hint' i'r..
I losional (.n.litli'llu n, Vi;i; l.ei, ai.d all tll.i-i it it
in iv favor d.eni with U ei cuii ;n.
i'bilailrl iii.i, Nin'ilibt r i.t. IMl.- ly.
K I i V XOI.l .AIcrAKLANl) tV C O.
osalc Dealers in l'orcifrn Iji'iti'N
:r?; l Atiierieaii 1 ry (!tnu!.
,Vi. ln.' .V).i7 tilmt, l'ii'mlt l.hia.
1(1 1 N TKV Mi rih uit-, nnd ntlu is can be sup
J plied at nil times with un extensive aKlltl-
inent nf the best ii:.l most bfiio'ijoli; bjoji, upi'l
the most icuMiiinle tirm.
Pbil.iiVlphi, N'.ivi ml er I :. i -'.il . 1 v.
W-t,, t . .i - , . . , jt
iK'leiile at ii'l :. ml I i 1 1 1 i i i -jr ftforv-
I Sn.M. Surfi Fou i til o'nr Areh ', Ii i! . !p':,
i II 'HF.IM' Count
J,-pplted. at ill
ttv Men Icnis and oil ers r;m I
linics, w i'h n lare :is-nrl ;m ! t
T-f Homi rv. Clove
Mi-ruin, Cotton, mid W-, i,
Phiits it 1 1 . 1 Draw :'!-,
1 f'i tmn Couls, P. iM.
Spool X.'i (ion. P.iti iit 'I l i. :i.'
up, Tapi s, llinibnts, II, !
nnd Eves, Pins, Ac
.a no a i-riii rat van ty ni t
fill anii les, wli'eh he off .s f r sal
nt thu 1, - c l
Pbile'i-lfbia. No- en. bel ' i'. T ! I . i
norc MAEEns L inv citAt:z)zrmr.
So. 13 Sorlh W.i'i r St, , . t. ' .'.'. ',.V-i.
' A V E cons'snily nu hand, a pener-I w-jor'
f hu nt of Cordatre, SiineTwilu, S;e., :
'l ai d liopes. Fishing Hnp.J-i. Wbite Kopca, M ill!
la Kooes, Tom Lines for C oia! TfohJj. ..
Conpjdele assoitnieiit of Seine Tw inrs, Ac, siicii a
Hemp S'Jiad ami Hi rring 'l' ine, Best Patent (Y!
Net Twine. Colton Slunl nml Kenini! Tu ins '?bn,
i TbnaJs. Ac. Ac. Also, Bed Cords. 'Plough Liiu,
; llHller,Trace. Cotton mid Linen t.':irpet Chains.
&r. all ol h h tlx y will d.sposc of cn reaonv.b!.
' teims, '
j Pbil.ide'pbia, Novi,ibei l.'f. 111. ly.
J:iii:iik:k, hanskli, co'.s
No. 1E15 1-2 Marlvet ferret, Thila.
(Iiluw Fifth . ut!iiJL )
i A i. vv rs Keep on in. ml a lull uiul general a
rtineiit of Jl.i-Iery, Liiie. ai d Fancy Ciooih,
I 'l Ui.ti) Men lij-iis ara tespcctfully reiiuesttd lo
I blNl' tl
iii ii cm: aim examine lor no ai fivij.
!. It. in. November lit. 111. I v.
i Flo
rPli'.: Sol. si n! e'r, A-ent o!
- M atn.fat lurefi,. for N
I I von vV Jl inis, If l
York, Fbi'i !-hi ,
't ill 'more nn.l o'hir larce cities, I ovi; fluff n .
I bi ;bl i iimiin ruled ;i(.r' in drtrili.'ii- ,
' has in l and .1 tir-t rate -.-Mm! of II S p.:
' O A' I N, unt o b- for Spr'.rip n oes, wb eh f ". ' e g.-' !
I very low. Im east or upprv I en d:t, al ibf nil
rlu, yii ylurf. No. 40, Nort . ' rd s'r--l, pf p j" '
ihe li'ily II te!, I'lnl.i Ii ! bin.
I Ol 1 L'i N I'll At HF.n. Ar 'i'l
I N. U. Older t..f Hals i i he rmt , ) rompi
ailet.ile.l lo, I lie I . I I n t-t I lice :u fii,v jr l'a s
) IS'veii ( ir Fin ',"n,,
;i-., .SoviDlIirr 13, 1M1.--1V
J . V. S TY A I N ,
UiiiiirelU poll I'arasul .Manufacluii
S.j. Ul .V o'i Thild itmt'.Hin dn,'t lehw t
Ci!v Hot, I, 1 'hi huh I: hiit.
U 1 Mereli
tvl rtaiiiitl'.- Ida a.
ninis ai.d others are so'ici' I
uiiki'ili.'Uit biforc i ,
t here
Pliila bi i
Novrn.lcr FT. i'i'l. !y.
sjm'IMM:, i:odd & cu
No. ia. Muik'-t Street, riiilaileli I i I -
NV I I'E the illeution of CouiUiy AK-rcbiiii
to their cxieiisive a-sor ivcnt ol Itriilih Freii
urnl American Diy Comls, whish they i t.'i r Il'I ..
oil the in i t reasouhble ti ri.i-.
Pliil l, l;.hia. November 1 1 H I I . IV.
i Ja
. . . , .... i . ... ' i r.. . l.. II It V!
Jj WS lllllllll 11.1 lo. .i.v; ov i u .
. r Eoi-t n Svrup, Sugar II. .Use acd N. I
ln'ii'i; l.- at, Luiiir, t 'rui-bi il, llrovi n aihl L'ur
lu'i.Cil Sugar; Cranls rries, Bi sins, Crake .,
Ficn.h rt.d English Mirin. s Meii.M a:', -i'
Sli.tiv-; Cl.illit, CasMii.its and Caiur!l , L "
l. si.'s, II i'!ery, A c. i f ail kinds.
iN.n. -:ii.ii. is 1 1.
iSTlAS lukcii up astiav. m lha fa' whs e i .
I y nib-eiils'rs limy re.-i.l.;, and owi.ed i'y J
. pli Wiiilaie, in I in ke'ooe, I'.mil township, .N .
j iliuml.. coniiiy, a B lil N DI.E 9 I E L II u .
a nb,;.- luce, uboul 1 7 or Is uionib old. '1
) ovv in i i- rcipi ie I to emne fo vvtrd, rove propei'
I pay charges, and take 11- VilV. . ..
Nov. r., isi i. NATHAN MII.LEI
i.kviuuuimn ki.HU,
A',i. HI Sui ' Fourth tr., vuilr , Merchant Jl: "
H nTl!ErE Coniiliv M.ichnts can be luppl
i y f wi i, an ettensifo variety of choice atliil.
! in I is line, upon lie most rcuaenabto U rn;
I Nov. iih I K 1 1 lv .
OF a vcty si,u rn.r quality, can be had di r, '.
riin?, I applic.liiHi to the ubrrl diets Ui 1
t stilt pun bsi-e.s. They keeti huge, egg, broke- ;
i ..nil line coal, til I'H liurtiinir lime.
II u ..I ..II k ml .. I' .lio lo at II . I -.
I PuilnM) hia. N.oem' cl IJ, I 1 1 . t v .
.1. II. PI KDV vi
Scubuiv , I . I. 'i.l.