From Central Aimrk. 'A lata arrival from San Salvador furbishes tho Cdurier with some ' further particular of "tha dreadful earthquake 'in the Department of 'Cartagn,iif which mention was made atfhort time since.' A letter fivm the city of lleredia ttatoe'thnt-thoearthquake was so sudden that thosoipersofrs who escaped 'had hardly time to ptJt Otit or their houses Deforc the fulling of 'the wall, The destruction was so great that tth site of any particular edifice was hardly to 1)0 distinguished among the ruins. In thecity, the houses, even to the stone work, were thtown upwards by the shock, amd fell down gainiu lien pj of rnbbish. The loss -of life is very great j uinong ell lasses. The mh&lntwts -of those I villages in the Department which Buftbrcckhe ' Joist w ore -assembled, by order of the Govern mem, wiui ami ptci;s, to disinter the boilics. The writer adds-: 'Art otrr -provisions are bfiweaih the ruins, nd we bto suiTo-tYrrrj a ' iliorriblc State ofwoTit, which is likely to -con-j t'uiue, for the fences having bee thrown down, , tV cattle are destroying all they can reach, j in i urulabs, I rcsnos, artatlo, Paraiso, Ljames, nml imnnln tlm irixiinlv nf t.lln ll...., ;.,... ami even to Hie vicinity of .Matina there is not i a i l i . .. ' Ufl a sinsrlo 6hed : and in evcrv one of the valleys, and on the lmcicndas we find pror- XvxlJoe Brown told his story : fioiiale destruction. From .San Jose to this ,Vy wilb had nrciuIy rclired ,0 our uslin place, and to Alajtiela, tho ruin is considerable. ; sleeping room, which adjoins tiic kitchen, and Jn Srtn Jose, a number of edifices were thrown j the ioor )f whieh wa8 nr. niJt hpwg Me dowm and those houses that are landing are tofiavigatepcrfoclly,yuknow, I made droad minhabitable. Wo re hardly better oil in lul cluttcring among the houahold furniture, imsci.y; auu Aiajuoia as wrea wrse man we ii.ive. i he number of bulicrers is very great. Bodies arc disinterred that cannot be recognized shapeless masses, and padless trunks ! everything ki Wrible confusion. Up to the present moment, there has been no crup- tion from the neighboring volcano, the shocks Tain t in llta CLlt1itlt rotisnliiin nA m rnc nun ! continue without cessation and no one can tell how it will end !' Stride f th Rrvat tVcst, A friend in Iowa writes us a follows : I lately visited tlie Seat of Justice for coun ty, during the sittiugof its court, end I found the county in a most flourishing condition, as you may judge from the following circumstan ce. There arc in the county about one hundred and twenty electors atid there were t.wm tho docket onwards of ei.-Mv c.! 4 O j hVnie eifrliipcn or twentv rather iiitvlliLrcnt ! lcoking fellows, with seedy hats and thread-j hare coats, were prcseut as lawyers. Their principal business, however, seemed to be col- , lecting together in bye places, and cctisulting t'reliore or Bartlctt on Clmnccs. Corn I learn was 44 cents a bushel, and rot gut a bit a glas. Ileal estate is very high, for it is expected the tdwn will increase gretly next year. It is raid, a fare dealer from St. Louis is coming to lrve there, and designs erecting a distilleiy. The poor settlers around that are unuble to buy cows, feel greatly rejoiced at the prospects a- i in astonishment cried out, 'What are you do hcud. Whiskey is going to be so cheap.' j ing t you will luso your birds.' 'Very well,' (Milwaukie Courier, Dec. I. said the sailor, 'I have beenshutup three years Snv Invtarikin. Among the new inventions and contrivan ces ot whfchl have lately heard, is something which I believe bids fair to become universally useful to the city and country, and the world nndtliat is a new method of making "ood, liirht. sweet bread. All the world knows, that one i of the tnosti'ifficult,ul perplexing matters to house-keepers, ia to have good cmpting?, or yeast, for bread. Now the invention is this : Th'Lo nn nrMil like rrnnm nf tartar. (I mean Kimnly an ncid in the form of a powder,) and ! rub a sufficient quantity of this dry and pow dered acid into proper quantity of dry Hour. Then wet the flour and put in your alkali pot ash, or any fixed alkali. The valuable part of the discovery is thia tlie acid and alkali will ni.f t.fT..rvcra until tho tn&t'iri liakoil. W'lipn tbtfv ... . . . . , ,i n . a,., acid .s rubbed into the flour tn a dry state. The experiment is worth trying. I .ssure you, j that a most delicious bread is produced, light, I sweet and goo.UmUus manner, from any gmsJ 1 flour or meal you use, wheat, rye, or Indian. , Cream of tartar may be used, and suleratus, for! fliepurpo of trying it Nothing cm be more healthful than this bread. The inventor is a ' baker by trade, and I believe it will come into use everv where. T.-v it yourself, by rubbinr into your flour, in a perfectly dry state, some : muo 8011 'P ' Pan. ' wi cream of tartar, and then mixing up the butter ! kl our turkey gobler root on our fence.' with whatever liquid you please, milk, butter- j The Sandy Hill Herald says. 'We know milk, or watcr.and addiag a litt'c saleratus. ' a man who has worked, on an average of six You will have an excellent and tootWime and ; u.t.n houls j JV for tiu ia(.t twenty years, to wholesome bread. Boston Correspondence of j uay olt8 y, j,ic, ',e mj endorsed, and for which Hill's Patriot. j 10 never received the value of one farthing " n , Hois now seventy years of age. lie chul- Sad Tbacebv. A voung man in Caulon , . , , , , IIIiiuma nimnl Kflfniliro nnllltmt n riflO St IL young and amiable sistei in import, nnd in stantly shot lrer dead. Ti.e unfortunate youiig man has since been deranged. Rr.v. Mr. Kkapp. The slander suit gaiii(.t this gentleman has not teen 'Withdrawn. The origin of the difficulty was as follows : Mr. Knapp, in the con me of a sermon agaimt L'ni versalism anked if any person present knew a Universalis who prayed in his family. A la dy rose and said 'Yen.' The n,xt evening Mr. Knapp laslo the observations tijion this lady or Jjct family r which the sluuik'i suit has been trought N. V. Tribune. Fattcmmo Duckkw. WI wot up with ; Ces rendered by their ancestors. sweet mil k, k is saul, ill fatten Ibwls filter j v ., - - and beUer that, my thing U thut has been ; " ,u H-".-TH, w . , ' iiti v MvKh it. A week or two since, three triec. j JUU,rcj ju- Wf XJ driven by a single machine No plaster caa be made ttrong enough to ! m ino day. This make rods of road pre draw teara from a hypocrite money from a ' arwd for tho superstructure, or at the rate of miser generosity from sol rkhnes truth fruin r mile 111 actcn days by one muthino. S. Y, a slanderer or honesty from a thief. 1 fprcarf. 'dMl'!'!!''! The Three Jolly Ilnsbstnd Three jolly husbands out in the country by fhe namo of Tim Watson, Jee Brown and Bill Walker, sat lato one evening drinking at the village tavern, until being Well cornod, they agreed that each one on returning home should do the firnt thing his with told him, in default of which he should the next morning pay tho kill. They then ecperated for the night, en gaging to meet ngam the next morning, and give an honest account of their proceedings at home, so far as they related ta the bill. .. The next morning VaU:cr and Brown were early at their posts ; but it was rome lime be fore Watson Rindo his appearance. Walker began first: ' I oil sen, w1on 1 entered my house the can dle wns out, and the fire gave hut a glimmer- ingcflight. I came near walking accidentally j(rt0 B rt 0nwtter thnt the pancakes were to i,0 mry,0 t,f j ., moming. My wife, who was dreadfully out of humoral sitting up so utc, said to me, : .., , put ymirf,ri , ,, hrtler .jlist , you sfiy Mny? said I, and with-! - . ol,t i10 tL.ast hesitation, I wt my foot into the , n,i.. ,i. . i,.i i anj iv wife, in no very plowuil tone, Uvvled out : "Do break the porridge pol. No sooner said than do:.e, I soiced hohl ofj tlie bil of the pot, and striking it against the I chimoey jaaih, bcoke it in a hundred pieces. After this exploit I retired to rest, and got a n . k ctKTAiN i.r-CTt ni; an ntgni tor my pains.' It was now Tim Watson's turn to give an i accuiiut of himself, w Jiic'i he did with a very j long face, as follows : j My wife gave tin; the most unlucky com- ! tnand in the world, for I was blundering up 1 stairs in the dark, when she cried out : J Oreuti your ucti, th Tim.n i 'I'll be cursed if I do, Kate,' said I as I ga-! I tlterod myself w 'I'll sooner pay the bill.' I UtcrM '"-Vst;" 1 llsx"'cr 1" U,e b'"- And so, landlord, here s the ca4i for you ; and this is the lust time 1 11 ever risk live dollars on ; lhe command of my wife, The Spirit ov Linr.RTV. Soon after, the close of the war, a boy was offering some caged bird, for sale in aniarkot town, when a sailor came up and inquired the prico of them. 'Six pence a-piece, replied tlie boy. 'I did not ask how much a-piece, but how much for the lot ?' The boy after some calculation answered 'six shillings and sixpence.' The catlor instantly handed him the money and opening tho cage door permitted the birds to escape. The boy as a prisoner of war, and I am resolved never to tee any thing confined in prison tliat I can make free.' A GoouStouy is told of Professor Humphrey, ! of Amherst college. One morninc, before re I citation, some ot the siuuenis tiu-tenea alive S005 on lMC pfeMUeni s enair. u mm lie en- j tert'd the room and d scovered the new occti- l pant of his scat, he turned upon his heel end j cooly observed : 'Gentlemen, I preceive you ! have a competent instructor, and I will there- j ,Ure- lvo youjo yow rtudii' Smoking in Holland,' says tho Boston Post, : 'is so common, that, when a party meet in a j room and any one is wanted, the wait- i er goes round with a pair of bellows and blows the smoke from before each face, that he may distinguish the individual called for' (-,., ,,u k-,vA m,;i ,1 l v'. , ,7 7 7 ' " T" ' , , " lhe mablibhmenl ,aruely. ; ( v v ' ' Jenkins, said a l.ttle red headed girl, au a VS noo and bare teet, 'mother bays ., ' wiuo ucr uy icuuiu ner a suck ol 1 nie ok until uns cruel wiui vinegar put. I I integrity.' ' Bkawii-v Iki'nk. A woman was found dead ! in her bed, tho other day, in New Haven, and I the verdict of the jury was that she died from I drunken,,.- In the same bed was found a , litt'e girl, two years old, almost perished with ; coid, ind lamished with hunger, while the 1 U a'l v hu.baiil and fatiiur was drunk near the , ls'v cf his w ifi1. I'oitr hundred and thirty eight peer ol Grant Bntiiiu receive an aggri'gate penion JL'-I'vii.wt, h.-'Hiih-s the many other pensions v Inch ure paid vtit of the public taxes, somo of tlifin to t'oret-'ii pensioners tor military servi- L.Jr-.u?J....s.. THE AMERICAN. Saturday, January 1, 1842. (Jj W tender our acknowledgement to fhe Hon. John Snyder, for the Prcfideiil's Mesge and accompanying documents. j" We have been requested to call iho attention of the members of tho Frro Companies to lhe no tice of an irrtended meeting, m another column. It U to be hoped that the mcurber will wake up o the importance of more tegiitar BlMidance, mi , Ih.ow aside the apathy vitiCer-wnuii tney nave Hem srambermg of late, tj" We rott'f out reader to several xceTlonl ar ticle on our first page. The sketch of Audubon, WO AmerrCan IJTIIItlKl CI1, 1a OHO 01 IllllVCrS il . ... , . , . terrst. II is native em rev of rlmrAi'l.t ln rnn. s'aney and patient endmancw, idmost hoping a-ga-nslhnpfi,rind bove all, his thruti im meekness nnd piety, are traits m bra character, that willcaunp his name to be levered as long as science hx a vn tsry, or tslent and industry, admirers. Our coun try may well he proud of such an Amcricun, C3- We have toceived a comnKinrcation from a j Trspi cted correspornlmit, over the signature of''Jef- ferrtii," who attongly Tecommen,!. eur Senator. M"jor Fleming, for tho ape.ikrtship of the gen V with the writer, that the cl iims of the roatonal Out. let has been etrangely overlooked. (Jj- We have recti. d the "Leviothen New ! innovator returned, and was seen to ho prowling World," snJ a m st splendid ahert it i, Ii con- I al'out with his eyes vindictively lient upon Ms sup rains forty-five hand.onre engravings, some of them i P"ed offender. In the course of tho evening on.' the best cpccimeirs of worn! engravings that we ever ! of th party beins separated fiom In companions, saw. It mchsurra about four and a half by five ! n"1' w''h the very same pers.Hi who had feted so and a hnlf feet, nnd contains a vast deal of interev ungnitlemanly before J upon recognising the young ling and excelrent tilersry mailer, mieh as is usually m,n- he exclaimed ' therv M s a d -n stu dent.'' found in the colnmni of lie New World. "J the mixl intimation Ire received of thia vill an's CT ', our member, Mr. SnyoVr, of. fcr,d a reoUitio for ihe anointment of com m;ltee on priming. Objection being made to its I riception, it waa refuaed, ome systtni of ccono I my ahould lie adoped in this matter, f.trlhwith, and ' we are glad to sve that Mr. Snydcl has given the : subject his attention. fXj'! he Prerentment agains! the 1'. S. Bink of ficers was quacked. The Judges were unanimous. (jThe Yankee Farmer hat Leen united with the Massachusetts Ploughman, an excellent agricul tural paper pubii-hed at Boston. It is edi cd by a practical farmer, and contains, besides the latest news, much miscellaneous reading matter. OTj The following, we Mieve, hi an accurate statement of the amount of Anthraci'e Coal minad and sent to market this sen-on, from the dilT. rent I con! legions in Pennsylvania. We have no doubt j that the amount will be cteaily increased next set- ' .n, as the supplies, we understand, are short in ! near'v ll ihc tnartfts. Fr.M.i ihis rshamnkinl i . . . . .1 . I, i I coal region, we are confident, the amount will ! doubled next sea.on. (!gi Tnt, Schuylkill, I.ehigh, ... 587. 1S7 Tons. 142.629 195,480 2.1.000 22,014 l.tHJO Lackawanna, j Wyoming, about Pine Grove, (Sliumokin, ... Lykens Valley, . . Total, IOJ3.430 dickens can till why. Probably he has only I ... . ' .', '.. .1 I " UP " ' 6U," ,n '",ne -lnt r, U'm' " " ,"' " BCCm- 1 , A wri(cr jn he Utlliinonf Amrricin upon the .ul ject of the Kail Road ordeis, wind, up his ) wc rf ' ..,'" ,...r.. .,.. .. u.. "To assert that all the benefits done to usbv these orders have been unaccompanied by some evils, would be to usenbe to them powers and perfections which human inventions can never pot-sess. We must offer tho atlhctcd the only solace we know, and that unfortunately ia ra ther poetical : 'All orders aie hut tttfk unknown to thee, All stork a lottery, which thou cao.'t not see, All discount, brokerage, not understood, All partial evil unicrrsul good.' " Editorial I'oinplimriits. We are occasionally f avoied with some stray pa pera fiom Michigan, from which we Its in that our iditoriul brethren of the West are not a whit behind their Eastern neighbors, in inlert hanging cJiloiial compliments. We doubt much if our Hani burg friends, in their pahnie-t days, could have rivalled the following passages ul arms between the Centre ville Democrat and the St. Joeph County Kepubli can, two rival political papera, published in St. Jo seph county, Michigan. The inimitable Box himself, enu'd have conceived nothing better to put into the mouths, or rather into the papers of his rival editois, fur this certainly beats little Pedlington all hollow t "We hear that the editir of the Centreville Democrat threatens to lake 'auld etumpie' out of the milk and water, and write our 'death warrant' with aqua-forti. if we don't let him alone f Su Jo. County Republican. You have heard no such thing. It ia a (quail of vour ow n conception. Wo would as wsm pull a drowned kitten from a tray of sour milk, as a w hiskered gander from a froue puddle. ICt ntrevilIe Democrat The Ethiopian editor ofthe Democrat is show- ' ing hi. spite by pulling our sandy whiskers, 1!Ii (alias gaubs of 'lasses candy.') Pull away, Jimmy, you little innocent; it is seldom that you put your dcur pretty claws to a bettcror more harmless use. Su Jo. County Republi can. Don't be alarmed, toady. No one hns pulled your wickers except yourself. And if any -one should, it would be like pulling pinl'eatlietn from a goal in, or mushrooms from a dunghill." Centreville Democrat fXj The nitdiral student of the different college at Philadelphia nave held a meeting, made a report, and passed resolution, condemning, in no measu red term, the conduct of the editors of the Philadel phia Chronicle eti.l the Spirit of (ho Time, who in their pnprni denounced the students generally at a et of drunken and pusillanimous roivdirs and unprincipled blackguards, detperndoet and unru ly, bud passioned and ill-gncerned individuals. If the Inremrnts made by the committee are hat htilf lhe eOUura of those pnpers had no shadow of Wificalion in iherr wholesale denunciation of the stUilentn. many among whom sua'kiu ehararters for moral dipifrtmont and exemplary conduct, those overweening cuiisorvjtura of the public mo rula might well envy. The following rs an extract from tlie report of the committee of student", to.etln-r with the con cluding re s dutiens paused by them: 'It appears, on Tue-day evening, the 4 h int , a p,ir y ol tHudcnls visited the .National Theatre, wheie tlicy had previoo.-ly eaag tl e its. Previ ous to he rising of the curtain, one of tiro pnrty left bis seat lo procure a bill of the performance. "urmS ' "':e """get loon possession ot ' ' who mp!iatieal.y lefused to give it up. w h,,, q"tel to do a.) by the occupants of the j box. Tien mo young gentlem m returned tin te. quest was j iirred ly that of his fellows, hut with no av.ul, and he was therefore compelled to have ihn intruder ejected by lhe author.tiea of the house. Shortly after this occurrence had tuki n place, this hostik; intentrons wss a blow up,. u his hed, whicU ft lkxl him. This disturbance caused a cnngrngalioii j of the colleagues of this rulli m, wh i nnprovi kingly ; fell upon evi-y studc4il m Uu cjio.- to the osM'tdnie : of their friend. Your ComniiiieF deem it uneee-say to ente. fuither iu'o the details of ihis affi.iv, it Ix tng their object only to show that the Mcdicnl Students were not the agresors, but were avling upon the de fensive ; the right no man, if he possessea common sense, will deny. They woulJ tulftct) it to say though strange as it may appeal ; yet it is Iruc on that evening three students were arreted by the police, while everyone of the originutoM of the riot were permitted to e-cupe from juilico. What can be the cause of such a courteof conduct on the part of the police. Arelhey men of known char acter t We would inftr hut we will leave the inference to he drawn by the public. Resolved, That the students of the Medical Col leges iT this city regird the editors of the rime-," and of tho "Chronicle," with theit corespondent "Ca&siui'," as the and cl Uea of a cl.iss of individuals, debased in mind, and freed from the restraint of moral prim ti les who, mallagi a and 11 in every country, have been at war with lhe mem. l ersofevciy literary and cien ific instution, u;ter ly oppo-ed to ilenceney, gentility and education ; and, as such, their false statements requiio no fur ther notice or comment, f f " Their greatest praises we would scarcely prize. Their snct'is ami ventures we alike ile.put ! ' Kesotved, That the proceeding of this meeting bepubbslH-d in tho United States lijiette, the Sat urday Courie', and the Public I.eger. P. F. Uli tKKl.V, President. J. K. Mabos, Sfecrelaiy." Editorial MisCtllUliy, r-uiiunai .uimuiui j. Co(net Mu hj who WJ. c011VlU,j in Schu) ,. till county, of sendtng a challenge to Lieut. M,ni mer, ha. been pardoned by the Ooverno,. Funny EUsIer has brought a l.bcl suit against ! Pa.k, Eq.. the editor of the New j Wo.ld, for ..ying. among man, other naughty thing, that she wa. ."common prostituie." Fan- n doubtleas thinks "the g.ealer the truth, the greater ia the l.bil.' During the last three mont' s, four or five dis tilleries have lecn stopped in Columbia county, says the Danville Democrat. The Governor ha. respited the sentence of Th. mas 1.. Shnster, convieto I of the murder of his wife in Philadelphia, to lhe 27lh of May next. The reason of the petitiontrs are founded in the be lief thut the legislature will aboiuh capital punish ment at its next session, Gen. McKesn died at his residence in Bradford county, on the 14th of Dec. last. 8. mo of the ladies, who attended the Ball given lo the Prince do Joinville, in Boston, were clothed in drtsses that coat fiom f 100 to f.t.lOO. What ahameful extraviganre. The expenses of the Militia Kystem lhe lat year amounted lo ?33,000. The receipts for fines only about f 100. The Hirrisburg Chronicle ssys thai professor Johnson bumbuged the citizens of that place con siderably, by his experiments on animal mignet. i m; bul that the professor himself was lhe only person that ' wa. tenlly magnetised, and he only succeeded by the aid of hia landlord. And where was Prnfestor Pu Solle of the Hpint of lb Times 1 The Nate of Illinois is in debt about thirteen millions ol dollars. Hrr f.niklud nl lie works do not amount to more than twenty 111 l.s. Her p.p ion is MUt.Ol 0, 1. early the whola of which is poor. a. mul m ei s-anly Iss lhe cave in II new rounl i s. She ia w.thoul dou'jt irt. t.iev. blv insvvcu, The Madisonihn says, that it now is for peaco, Inasmuch a Tyler has conquered the whig. The Columbia brought upwards of 15,000 letters. A Locdmntive was to havo rua through from Heading to Poltrtifle on Tueadny las'. W. U. Leavensworth, cays the Reading Gsxelte, waa to deliver a lecture in thut place on Tuesday l ist. The subject, every man mind hit own business. They have a pig in Hunting Jon county with rive heads and twenty legs. The Danville Democrat speaks in high terms of the eloquence of Mrs. Motl, a f. male preacher of the society of Quakers from Philadelphia, who held fofti at that place Its t week. Robert Tyler son of President h. abmn to pub-' lish an epic poem entitled "Ahanuerus." j Cooper has promised the Brother Jonathan a last clnp'lei on "Home as found." The English papera announce the death of Chan tT,tli great Englih sculptor. Ttio gro..t sphe of the cjtheJrjl nt Slrakberg, in Hwilcorland, is 474 feet high, and cm he seen from a high hill near Heidubleig, a i3intiirco of ninety miles. It is ssid there trover before wns so much beao- ty in Wsshiiigtou as this winter. Many meiiitxrrs f.iyeltn Banks, a weT as hy miny merchants of Congress having Ininighl their wives and pretty Two memorials were also presented by the Sen daughters wrth them. j ator from ew York in refAenre to the Bankrupt Prescrtl, the distinijiri-hal author of FenRnand ! 1,aw'' ,,rt,h wcrs s,n' Xa tlro Committee on the and Isabella, had the degree of I,. I.. I), conferred j Ju'lic'"y for ron-iJeratiort. upon him nl South Carolina College. I . An eMili u,,jfltl n MIwpJ. . , I importjnt biisinesi waa transacted, in the introduc- i ne .Yicxican aiy inai mo lexian expeuition : haa fallen into ihrfr hjnd. Mr. Benton has given notice iti nt he will intro duce a bill lo pos'pone the operation of lhe Bank rupt law until ti c 4th of July next, Tor the purpose of amending the taw so as to i. -elude Banks and Corporation. Gen. Ciaines has been i rested in Washington, for going tii head quartets w.thout ordvts. Wh-i'd bo a General when he can bo a financier, and do ai he plctse. We like to hear young ladies talk about n t c.i r'tig fr tlieir beaux, when their lutle hearts ore ol- most reaify to jump out of their mouths, at lhe aji- 1 proaeh of a rcilain Mr. Somebody. The girls in ' this jilscv, w e know, never did care much for nioie than one at a time. And even without any, they console ihejnsirlvcs with tho philosophic r Ih-cior-, "it, at thec.iursv of true love never did run smooth," er-picially when there is such rough icy walking. An improvement lias be en made incanui b .ts, by lhe introduction of copper nir trunks into the j hull, wiiich prevent the boats from sinking even ' when fillidwilh water, and enable tlieiii to carry I one fun i ill more than tin ir ordinary load. von TR K AMKlllCW. Our fair friends have been frequently admonish ed, in sober prose, of the evils iuri 'eiit t tight lacing, and all apparently to no purpose. Wheth er we shall be moro successful by clothing the s one subject In lhe habiliments of a popular soiij, is, we think, t cane u hat dou' lful. Musings by Craaky. Tune "Hit is ti sTilli Kiorir." I 'ft in tho stil'y niht, M'hen stays no longer bound mo, Other days were brought to light, When none were worn around me. The smiles, the tears of by-aone years. hie l.isloon s law bsil spoken, The eyes that shone, now ihinine-,'. and gone, '1'tie coiutituiuii biuken Whan I remember all. The friends ihus tucrd together, I've set n around me fall, I. ike leaves m wiutiy weather, I like one who t'ands alone. By airength and beslth deserted. Whose spirts lied, whose jojs aie dead And ell but life depurleJ. No more I'll mourn. one forlorn, Faidi'a bright pledge I've given. From corset gear I now stand clear. The eorda ihis d iy aie riven !! toa Til X AMERICA. The largo populous, and in every point of view important Senatorial ili.ttiet, composed of lhe aler ting Democratic counties Norihuuibei land, 1.) coin ing, Clinton and Centre, has never hitherto, in who'e or in part, been houond with the Speaker in either branch of the I'ennsy Ivenis legislature. Ii boots not now. air. r.uilor, to mquue wnemer mi. arise, from apathy on the pa.t of .he Democracy of lhe distiict, or from the overwiei ing ainbitio.i of o;her sections. But one thing is proved by lhe general fart alluded to, and that is, that un'es. the citizens of the district put forward and insist upon their claim on behalf of their representatives, to a fair distributive share of legislative honors, they will continue lo I treated as Pennsylvania has hither, been in relation to th Piesidency. This, Mi. Edi tor, ahould not be, foi although I ahould admit that honors are but "puffs of noisy breath" or "empty air," still it is right nd proper that the district should ataerl its claim to, and receive it. share ol them .4 the evidence of that respect and confidence fiom which honors of the kind alluded to proceed. I been, therefoie, highly gratified with the el' foil on the purl of lhe Lycoming Gazelle to bring forwaid our Senator, Maj. R. Fleming, aa a caudi. date fot the station of Speaker of the Senate at the coming session of that body. And I hope, Mi. E ditor, lhat you, and all lhe editors of Democratic papeia throughout the distiict, will promptly and d.risively come to the rescue, and assert our right, whoever may gainsay or resist. This I cone, ive to be especially proper at this lime, as it must be com ceded, lhat our esteemed, capable and f Ihcienl Se nator. Maj. Fleming, in exp.-iience and knowledge of parliamentary proce diitgS eeond to no nlher ineml! of lhat body, and la III all respect well oual.fted to sume lhe responsibilities. anJ ills- ehrge lhe dune of the Speaker' chair uh cie- dit 10 himself, and advantage to the public busi lies. JEFFERSON. . t A. a KU From lhe BiUimoie American. mm SEVEXTJl CONGRESS. Wassihotow, Dec, 27, 1841. United stated senate. Got. ARTHUR DAGBY, the new Senator from Al.ibami, appeared thi morning, and took hit eat, as the auccossiir of the Hon. Clkmist C. CLAt. DoeHmenls, ict, Several documents were received fiom the De partments le'ating to the enumeration of the Cen sus, the execution of the Pension Laws, the num ber of pensioners, &.C. A report Was a'so received during the diy giv. j ing the exnorta and imports of tho first Oreo qusr. j tera of the pieaent year. The exports amount to 121'000,000' "nJ "porU to $124,000,000 for the time. Air. vviHUJII ofX Y. presented a memorial from merchants and others of New York, praying the suspension of the ope at ions, of lhe Binkiupt Bill for tvo years from February next. The rea son of lhV pciiliorrors was that the effect of putting the l.iw in force at th-s time Woald be the ajcr fice of the StTea hel l by debtors. The memoUl w is si ;ned among olhe-s by (ha Piesidents of lhe Bank of America, the Phenix, Leather and Manufjctures. Mectin;c and I.a- tion, aijrr'eaMy wiih ptevioe notice, of Mr. Ben- J ton's Bill to p p me the operations of the Batik j rupt Bill from Febtuiry to July of 1812. j Mr BKi"n) sopko at sime leng'h upin tha j ojcj-b n of iiilrjdticiug his Bill to the Senate, ami descanted upon the operations of the Bill of tho Hx'ra Session- Ha denied that it was comti u j tional within the meaning of (tie provision author! j zing tho act. tt w is a bad me .sore, p use! in a i b .d w.iy, anil carried, as Mr. Benton conceived, a ' bad measure along with it. He objected to that ' Bill, particularly brcamo it dis hirg?d the debtor at I the will of the credit 'r. Tho creditor wa not re- garded unless in the Case of a defendant against a p' lintilf. The ex'ant of Ihfl Act of Congress was so great nls , that the debtor nht iin -J his dichargO against the wdl of tho ercdilir. All foreigners had Iho benefit of the Bll, and In the aime extent as our own citizens. In nil other Binkrupt Laws lhe w hide, or the maj rity of crdit irs, wcro nccs aary lo njvp a r. leiso to the debtors ; but not s i in the Bill before the Senate. In other B mkrupt I.iws, too, all persons and Corp jta'ions were inclu ded unless exempted by special statue. The debt or, too, fixed upon his own lime for entering into' lhe terms of the Bankrupt Bill, and also in tho chtracler of tho property lurrendered, whi'h he regarded as m mstrmi. The tfect would bo tha Creation of s-tsir.e.'s who would create a hill of expense, o enor nous, that the creditor would re ceive n-.thing under the Bill. Tli' lime for the Bill to go into operation, the det i U of the Bdl a. it pis eJ, ware alsocan- Hi-'pred nt length by Mr Benton, when j . Mr. HKXDF.KSOX of M-a. rose and replied j very briedy denying generally almost all the poti I lions assumed, and promising t t answer them in j full when the Bill came up. j Mr. WKIUH T to .k csceptlou to one remark irt I regird li what M'. H. Slid of the petition presen ! ted to the Senate from New York, proposing tej j p,,,. xh operation of tho Bi.l f.r two years. He did not regsrd it as an argument at all adverse U the petition, but lather if in ita favor. Mr. C.M.HOL'.S cl o.e.l tho debate by expressing his opinion of iho Bill in brief terms. He called it the mn.t obnoxious measure, and si decldevlly uncoiistilutio ia! that h udly would admit of it be ing moie to exempt by including Banks. In all but this ho n greed in all that the Senator Mo. had advanced. He should however, he said, move tho repeal of the B.ll when the Senator from Mo. brought in the question of postponement. The debate here closed. DurinR the day Mr. AI.I.CN introduced the following Resolution, which was adopted without opposition. That lhe President infirm the SjiiiUp, if not in enmp ilible with lhe public interest, whether any communication nas been received fr im the Gov. ernment of Gieat llii'siil relative to lhe mutual rightof r,ear:h A'aito canvnunicate the aam to lhe Senate, and all corres.xindence in relation h(.re,0 j.,, i,wo Government. 1 luiine- WM wilhou, inlere,t. ... The other Washington AfTulrs. The Washington coriaspondent of the New York Couiier 1 nd Enquirer says : A circumstance to, k place on Thursday, inter esting, as it exhibit the low condition of the fund in the National Treasury. The Speaker having drawn his draft, in puisuance of law, for f 70 000 being the sum appropriated for the contingent ex-peii-es ut'tlio House of Ueprcsentative during the present session, which was returned, there being no I'uuda in hand 10 meet ila payii.eul. This is not quile so bad as the misfortune tint befel the young King of Airagon, in day long past, who, when reluming one evening fatigued from the chase, and ordering hi Major D mo la send hi dinner, ws refused on the grouud tint theie were lie i '.her provision in the palace, nor coin in lhe loyal cullers wherewithal it might be procured. UnsriTi'TioN. .Meebrs. Wurta, Caldwell Co last evening, received through the Pot Ofice, containing one hundred and twenty-five (!') dollars. All that was written in tho letter was "Profit and Iss, As Messrs. W. C. ii Co. havo no idea whence this money comcM, they perhaps would bo less liable to im pute the wrung made known by this right, to I some innocent individual, if they were acquain ted with the nature of the transaction out ot which the indebtedness arose. V. ti. Gai.