OA Ml SOTE LIST. rilWSlXVAiM.l. Tbr fallowing list show thu curr-nt volue of nt' Pcniisylvuniti Dank Notts. The mo't implicit re liance nnv ho pbicrd upon it. a it t ri'rry tt- tr ran di'l v compared with ai J coirrceU fium Li k iitll'a Reporter. Xlantts In riillal'llilu. V i - - Due. I IN AMI. LoCAT.O.V. VHiLku NOTES AT PAR. Bank t-T North Amcrira . , Hunk of the Northern Liberties B ink of IVntmvlvotiia . llntik of Fenn Townehip . Oon vuerrial Bank of Perm's. . . ' I'mii'iTa and Mechanic' Bank Gi-nrd Bank . , Kensington Bank , Mauii'rwtnrers' Sr Mechanics' Hunk Mechanics' Bank Movntm iming U iiik , . Philadelphia Bak Hl-tm Ikill Dni.k Suitilmnrk Bnnk . Wcs'.oru Hunk . . par pur pHl p if par pur par p. it par pur p-r p lr par pur pur Country Hanks Bank of Pittsburg Pittshnip p" i Hank of Ohcsfrr County linnk of Delaware County Bank of Gerinnntown linnk of Lewistown Hank f Middlctown Bank of Montgomery Co. II. ink of Northumberland Berk County Hunk Columbia Bank At Bridge ro. 'arlTUln Bank DoylcKtown Hank Ij.iiioi) Bank Exchange Hank Do do branch of Funnm!.' Honk of Ducks ro. Fnrmcr' H.iiik of Lancnstci Fanners' Hank of Reading liirribut3 Hank Lmcna'cr Hank Lebanon Hank Men limits' & Mnniif. Hank Minrrh' Hank of Pottsvillu Northampton I) .ink Tiiwu rU Bank West Hranrh U ink Wyoming Hank t)l'i,:e of Bnnkof TrW. ' lllicu do do Of'ire do do Ofiieo do do Westchester p:.t par pit Chester Germantnwn l.l wist.twil Middlctown Norristown i par par forlliuiulteilainl par Heading Columbia Carlisle Dojlealown Eaalon Pittsbtn? Hiill.dayaburg Hri-tol Lancater Heading Jlarriibiirg Lnncafler I.ebinon Pittfhurg Pottsville AHentown Tuwanda NVillianiaport j to I par M pnr pur par n par pHl pnr ar par pur par pnr par pnr I'kerharro I - Th f Jo I par Harrisbuig' Thee ofliccs LaiiCiia'er Kciuling not ratnti J ittucn DISCOUNT. NOTES AT U ii.k of the I'ni'.cd St.iti Philudi Iphia Uilko of Hank of IT. S. Putaburg Do do do Erie Do do do New Brighton Kv::irins!nri Snv. In. A do l'fin Township S.iv. Ins. do 1' i;.: r.t' ('!iaiiibi r: buig Chimb, uburg ' i k of Gettyaburrf G.-ttybU'g l.'r. i-'f Suquc!iunna Co. Motittoao If.': 11 u.k Eiicr I'm. in-r.' A DiOfera' Bank Vyneburg K ankli'i D mk Washing'on 11 .nikdile liji.k UoncMlule M.ir.nngihela B.ink of B. Dr.m nrvillc i In S Yak llank Yoik lj N. U. The notes of those bank on which we omit quo'ationa, und eolu-titute a dn-li ( ) are not j l urcba-td by the Philadelphia brokers wiih the exec) lion of those which bate a letter of r. fin inc. I H HOKE N B A N K S. ! rhi!rj(jo' hia luv. Ios. 1'liiludelphii Loan Co, t-(-':A:ylkill Sav. Ins. M iou il Labor Bank (T. V All.'s' ary Hank of Pa. Bunk of Heaver Hank of Swntara I'atik of Vusi.ingl.in Centre. Hai.k, City Uii.k Kar'n.i ra' & Mech'cs' Bank raimcrs' & MechV' Bank Tanners' & MixhW Bat.k 1 in tnony Insliluto i I iiiitnirj.iui. Bank Joniaia Li ink I.uin! trmcn's B-nk Northern Hank of J'a. Ntw Hope Di-l. Biidpe Co. N'tttliumb'J Union Col. Hk, North Wisl. rn Hank of Pa. Office ol Schuj lkill Hank I s. Acr, & Mdiiuf. Hank Sjlvei Lake Bank Union Bank of Prnti'a. Westmoreland Bank Piiilirhlt.hia failed do fsibd do filled Dyotl, prop ) fiiled Hid bud no sa!e closi d closed He.tver ll.irrir.burg Washington P(dfonta Pitisbuig Pittsburg Payette Co. Grrenca 4 Harmony failed (l.sod uo sale fiit'ej fol.d failed no sale Huntingdon no t-:,l.-Lenitowu Iins..lt' W arien Dunduir New H.ipe Milton Meadville Port Curbou (.'arli-Ie Munln.se Uniontown HO sale closed failed failed closed filled tloscd Greensburg Wilkesbatro Bridgo Co, Wilki aburie no sale Ail notes puipoiliiiR to le on any Pennsyl vania Bank not gieu in the above Hot, may be set down aa liuuds. Hank of New Biutibwiik Brunswick Hclvidete Hank Bcluihue Hurlingtou Co. Batik Midford t'ommircial Hank Perth Amboy CumbeTland Hank Hridgelon Farmers' Bank Mount Hully Fiirmera' and Mechanics' Hk Rahwsy Farmers' and Mechanics' Hk N. Hiunswitk Farmers' and Mechanics' Bk Middleiown Pi Franklin Bank of N.J. Jersey City faded Vpm par 1 rn par par Spm failed . Ipm failed faded failed failed failed par failed Spin par HO sule llobokcn HkgiV Grazing Co Hoboken Jersey City Hank Jersey City Mei'liaims U ink rattersoti Manufacturers' Bank Hellevillo .Morris Company Hank Morrrtnwn Monmouth UkofN. J. Freehold Mirhanii b' Hank Newark Mechanics' and Mnuuf. Bk Trenton Moiris Canal and Bkg Co Jtiny City Post Notre Newark BLg & Ins Co Newaik N(W Hope Del Uiidge Co l.auibeilaMlle N. J. Manulae. and Bkg Co llobokeu N J Pruleition & Loubaid Ik Jersey City "pm par faded tailed I pm f.nl.d pm par par ?! Ill p,r trange B.Mik Orange Pa'erson Bank Paterson Peoples' Hank lo Princeton Bank Princeton Salem Hanking Co S dem St.ae Hank Newark Htate Bnik Eliz.biil.iuwn State Hank Cmdcn K ite Bank of Morrie M..niston State Hank Tn-ntun Si.lrin and Philud Manuf Co t-alt in Sussex Bank iNrwton fit lit. iti Uankiuj; Co Trenton l i. ion Hank . Dntrr u.hins'0" Banking Cn. Ilackensjtk ii:i.avau:. Hk of Wilm A. Brandwiiii Wi mit'gb.n Hank of Dttawaa V dmii gn u Hank of Sir) rna Biovina Do linni-h Millotd Fatirers Bk of Sia'c of Dei D -ver Do brunt U Wilmington Do brunch Groittuwu Da branch Niw castle Union B:.nk V duni.gt..i I in fat'ed , i nnit o i 1 1 1 t, 'in ftlll J ? Under 6' IXj On all banks marked thus ( ) there are ii tber counterfeit or altercJ notes uf th tr.ou:. di kolwaloHiiis, in emulation PROSPECTUS r Till: JUAlfY KI,YSTO.L. TERMS t'i rim TDK SF.HSIO. TV Ur d 'rigncd brine fully swair of the im portance l h iving a 1) lily Democratic Paper, pul hil.rtl at the Heat of Government of Ponnsy I vanii. dtointf the session of the Legislature, in con pliaiur with the riquratol a numUer of tbrir denim ratir frirnds, propisc In publish the KEY SKIM; DAILY, during the approaching session, on a Royal bluet at the low price of two dollars for the si ssiuti, or two mils per tingle copy. 'i'l e ff'ral ol jrrt to be nttitinrd hv the publication of a D iily pnpt i at Harriahuig dtiiing the srssion of the L. gia'ultiie, ia in give it ports of the Debates in the two Houses, on all impoilant public ques tions, ii ore at length thin has hersfofoic hei n cus toiinrv. and to get those reports out before the pub lie. nunc rv nrdittous'y than by the alow process of a Willi-we kly paper. There ia nn anxiety in the mh.ds of il v railing public to obtain theeailiist information in regard to a'l public movements ! mid ns the measures to be brought forward and dis cussed, at the nppr. ai ding session of our legisla tive, w ill ! ol the first importance, to the people at large, we conceive that there can be no mora sui'nblc lime ilian the prernt, for the commence nn nt of an enterprise ot this kind. An one i f the pmprictora of the Keyatone ia a proft fmoiiiiI atenographcr, and haa long been cn r iged as a Hep.irier in Congress, in the Conven- Hon to ainrnd the Const tulion, and in the Slate I Legislature, he roiifnlcnlly hopes that ho will be eiiab cd to roiuluct the gilative Department ol the paper, in a manner entitely ea'isfaetory to thoae mrnibi in wlnwe rem irk hi may repot), and the public at l.irge. He will be nsniated by competent .eijor'ris, and will at all limea atti nd in one House hi ram II' to eiiMitc fa thful and accurate reports of debntea In the Legislature. The other proprietor will t.ike charge of the' Editorial Department of the paper, and as l.o haa heretofore had considerable cxpciicucc in cuiiduciing a Democratic Journal, in another part of the State, ho hopes to be able lo mako the Keystone acceptable not only to his politi cal fiii'inls, but lo the reading public We aliall alno have a correspondent at Wash ington, who will give a daily synopsis of the busij ness trnnaacit d in tho National Lcgislutuir ; and an account of all the political mov, merits, which tiny ho made ut the e..t of ihe general Govern nn nt. qj" As we shall incur a heavy expenditure, a vrr and nlo o our own labors, in gelling up our Daily, and in employing Urpoiters, Corn spondents, Sec. we liuat our fiirtidH throughout the stnto will ext rt thenist'Uca to give our pajier as wide a circu lation aa piiss ble, Ti.e very low rjte at which we have placed our Da ly, will in il.o it uecrssitry for us to adopt the cash sran.M, so far at b-ast us it is comerui d, mid rnjuire p.) incuts to bu made to il dining ihe first month of the session. 'I he semi-weekly Keystone, ( D.iuh'c Royal si7e) will l-e puhlithid as utual duiitig the esIon at two dollars. rj- l'i . at Mas'rr" and others somling us five ub eribeis arcomp mie.l ly ten dollais, will be eulitled lo a co y lor their tmuhle. ISAAC G. MeKIM LEY. J. M. G. LESCl JJE llani.-.burg, Vte. 4, la 1 1. rrtwijriuv Uij OF THE DAILV STATU CAFITOZ. GAZETTE. 'Pllri e.lilors of the State Capitol Gazette, at ;he urgent solicitation of numiloua Democratic fiiends in ulmotl eviry country of the Common wealth, have come lo the conclusion, to publish, during the simnys of the approaching session of the Legisla.urc, tho STATE CAPITOL GAZETTE, DAILY. The Daiit G47.i:TTr. will le p inled on a roy al shirt of fine paper, which will bn sullirii ntly large to cm.tnin full reports of proceeding of both branches .f ihe Legislature. In carry lug out our intention of nubli-Linrr a dailv par er at the seit i f J Government, we will of c. ursc subject ourselves to tirnw rxnoud'turrs. and will ronspuiientlt' exnect i - i . the Deiiiociuiy of l'i nns Iv .nia lo inlly round us. und sustain us in in r undertukinir. To t liable us faded j 0 j,;vc fu n-poils ol the proceedings of the Le no sb.e gi-latuir, we have mndr urraugements for placii g clofed J j eJtn H,iU.c a roini etent stetiocrdpher, the ubihty and profi-Hsioniil expirience of one of whom at leas, ia universally admitted both hire and else where. In addition to thi, w e have eripugcd, at a considerable exiruse, the valuable service of our lute Washington Correspondent, whose style ot writing, the forcible, energetic, and fearless man ner in which be laid I are the doings of Federalism, and the faithful prediction which he g ive, during the t.rrnordinuri m ssion of Congress is familial to our numerous leaders, many of w hom have cheerliil.y admitted to us, in person, that "Cleou" ii one of the best political wi iters of the day, and have urged Uf ngain to pr. cure his aid as our cor respondent ut tho si at ot the Gent ral Government. As regards the future coutue of the Gazette, we d i t in it unnecessary to say more than hat it will al ways 1 luund, as heretofore, a warm supporter of the great principlts ol Democracy, and battling f.,iih ful!y, for tl.e welfare, promotion, and hupp lies of the People at la-gf. Thu banking syst. m, us it is at pies, nt conducted, hel.ctiiig, as we do, that il is calcula ed to spread di-ltess, nii-eiy ami ruin in e very community where its polluting influence is felt, shall continue to mi el liom the Gazciltt the same ihtermiued t position it alwaya has met wi II, until the hired eoiiiti .lis and crinbiiiaiiona of ban keis, secnlali)rs, and stoek-jobbeis, shall be made lo feel that the will of the people is si r a km t. Hi ving Urn the ardent and zealous supOitei of the re-election of our present wotthy Eketutive, Dtviu R. Pout I n, it shail lie our prnle und pleasure to give lo his administration u linn, dtcided and ho nest suppocl. In publishing a daily p:ter, we are well aware I of tl.e heavy it s onsiluliiy that wi.l rest upon us, us its edit, rs and roi'duclms. We are fu inly con vinced, however, that a Democratic daily paper i.t the real of government, is mtirh lorded, and ut the siiggrftion of our Oernoriadc frit lids, we have been induced to commeiue the unde. taking, provided a it a-iu id le riicouiagt inent is given to warrant it. 't he veiy moi'eiate teiuis at which we oiler our dai ly paper to subMide is, must convince everyone tii.it the ol jeel is not to realize thrrtfiom uu extra- ia. oil roiupt nsa'iou for our Ul ois. On the i tl.er l ... i ii i . ..r ...i .'i a i ' uuii oe e'ieiii satisiiru n our rxj'Viises do not fall behind Our income, . ... , , i in i ne li tres nt me utur hiiitti: are sum ss will ei.innt I us to ailont tlie (ash stkTCN, wlurli tu e win be Inctiv atlhce.l to. 1 Tho sciiiiwrikly friATl. CAnroi Gazitte : I'l nble r-'V.d size) will be pnblis' td us heretofore, ' during the si ting of the I.i gisiuture, Any petM'u (.ending us five auUcribera acroinf a- tiit'il by tin dollar, thull icctive c for their pir pnr pat par par p..r p.r par par trouble, ttg, Pt isoi s sui -cibii g for either of ihe above pa- c;s, mr r q es d tu send in lUeil otdtrs ill oi l. Iv.re tut '.'Mi cf December. TERMS; Da'IT GArrTT f..r the aeskion f2 00 6lMI-VllXlltiltlT1l, tto. a 00 JIE.NLOCK At ORATION. I'Jiluri und yVoi.n't.jrr. Hamsbui, Dee. 4, 1811. IVXoCALItA & IIERSE, JVo 51, lurlU StcoiMl HlrtM't, (conn in or coomb's utttt.) Wlieie they constantly keep nn hand a gencril asartrtmetit of CLOTHS, CASGIMEIirS, VEETINOS, Ami a grtut variety if artidtx if a lupvrwr quality, which they t fler to dispose of upon Ihe most icasonahle tirrns. C10UNTRY MEHCHAN IS and othera will J Mud it to thiii advantage to rail and riaiiiine their sti-rk before purchasing elsewhere. Philadelphia. Nov. 6, 1 84 1 ly A M'lJE.Aim ASSOKTli:T or .5 UaT anived from the city of Philadelphia, and fir aale, at the most reduced prices, for cash, at the new store formerly kept by John Bogar, as follows Clothing of nil soils ami sizes, such as Warm Overco its, Coaltees, Pantaloons. esls, cVe. Also, a large assortment of Fine Calf skin and Wa terproof Boots, Ladies' Lace Hoots, and a variety of other Hoots and Shoes for the winter, trimmed and untrimmcd Gum -Shoes, and Men's, Hoys' and Chil dren's Shoes, of all sizes. JOHN CHAMBERLAIN, Sinibury Oct. HOth 1 84 1. if: M R s . IToITton , RESPECTFULLY informs her friends and the public generally, that she continues lo keep that well known Tavern Stand in Maiket atriei, Sunbury, sign of tho formerly kept by lohn Bolton, her husband ; and by endeavoring lo conduct the establishment in a mnnner to give smixlaetioti to all, hopes lo merit a lihetal share of public, patronage. Sonhury, October '.'Hi, 1811. iiiilniry, XortliiiiiihfiiaiMl County, PENNSYLVANIA. rPHE subscriber has rented that large and convi-- iiienl Tavetn House in Sunbury, lately occu pied bv Hiram 1'iiit. and is p epaied to acc. iniuo ilaic oil who will favor him v illi their custom, in a ne.it and comfortable manner. LOCERT ADAMS. Sunbury, Oct. 23d, 1811. j: zs-a m. rfec-v SIlrSC3LT & F?.T, 11 ESPECTFULLY infoim the citizena of Sun- bury and vicinity, tbnt they have tiik'ii the Shop latily occupied by NVm. Durst, where they w ill carry on I ho TAILORING BUSINESS, in all its various brini-hcs. Hy stiict atti ntinn and irasonnble chaiges, they cxjiect to meiit a share of punlir patronage. Sunbury, Sept. 4th, 184!. MADEIRA WINE. Fust quality Madiera W me, for sile low by Sept. 1, 1841. H. B. MASSER, FOURTH PROOF HRANDY A "genuini nrtlclo alwava on hand and for sale bv Sept. 1, 1811. H. B. MASSER. HOLLAND GIN, Of the beat quality always on bund and for tale by Sept. 1,1841. H. B. MASSER. LOAF AND LUMP hand and for sale by Sept. 1, IMI. SUGAR. Always on II. B. MASSER. NEW ORLEANS SUGAR HOUSE MO LASSES. Ol the best quality always on hand ii id for sab- by Sept. 1, 1S41. II. B. MASSER, BROWN SUGAR. Of a goml qualitv, for sale luwby Sept. 1,1841. H. H. M AS.-EH. GREEN AND ULAt'K TEAS. Of the brat qualitv alwivsou hand and for stle bv Sent. 1, 1841. H. II. MASTER. COFFI E. J.ixi. I.'io and Lacuna Coll'te, con stantly on hind und for mle bv Sept. 1, 1841. 11". B. M ASSER. SPERM OIL. Winter and Summer slr.nntd I Spcim Oil, ol the best quality, always unhand al.d for sale by Sept 1, 1841. II. B, MASS-ER. STEEL. Cast and Blister Stetl. for sale by Sept. 1,1641. H. B. MASSER. IRISH SALMON. Ol the best quality, con stniilly on hand and for sale by Sept.!, 1841. II. 11. MASSER. Ligl'OKS. Ol ull kinds und ol the U.l quali ties, always on hand and for sale he Hepll. I, 1841. H. B. MASSER. SPRING S TEEL. Of various sizes fur Eliplic Springs, for sale by Seft. 1,1841. H. B. MASSER. LARGE QUARTO BIBLES. For aale ut very reduced price by Sepi. 1, 1341. IL BMASSER. BLANK HOOKS. Of all kinds, for sale by S.pt. 1, 1841. 11. H. MASSEJ. BLANK DEEDS. Bauds, Mortgages, Ac. for sale bv Sept. 1. 1 Ml. H. B. MAssER, JUSTICES' BLANKS. for sale by Sept. 1, 1MI. II. B. M ASSER. CLOTHS, Blue, Biaik. Invisible Green, for st le by Ac. Sept. 1, 1841. CASHMERES II. B. M SSEK. A . D SATTIN LTTS. For H. B. MAssER. -For sale ebeup by II. H. MASSER. alo very low by Sept. I, 1841. CARPETING. Kepl. 1, 1841. BLAN KETS F,.r sale cheap bv Sept. I, 1841. H. 1LMASSER. UNBLEACHED M Us LIN M. For sale by Sept. 1, ejll. IL H MASSER. COTTON YARN AND COTToN LAPS For sale by Sept. I, 1841; H. B- MASSRIL " HEMP AND COTTON TWINE. For sule by Sept. 1, 1811. H. B. MASSER. TOWING LINES, CORDS AND HOPES. For sale by Sept. I, 1841. II. B. MASSER. FOR SAW-M1LLS, III RsNJAMIXj N. CrSIIWA. 'lHE Subscriber having irrhased the right for A vending and using the above valuable inven tion, for Northumberland County, offer to dispose of the same lo persons who may desire to purchase. The above in" ntiou ia now in optiali.'ii at ihessw mill of Mr. M'Catty, near Sunbury, w here (l ran bv inspected ky owner of saw null and all othera inl.res.ed. E, GliHIN, Msreh 27. If. SAMUEL GOBI.N. LIST OF BOOKS, roa SAtX HI ' 113. ST p -gv.KMfBqrtHrr? A N'l'lION'S Cl.issicul Dictionary; Lrmprier's do Ainsworth'a do; Cobb's do English and German do.; Ambon's ('a?sar; Ambon's Grammer; Anllien'a Ciccio; Mail's Latin Readet; Ogilby'sdo.; Audiew's Latin Lessons; Donnrg.in'a Lexicon; Fisk's Grcik Exercises; Davies'a Legendet; Grneea Majura; Adams's Roman Antiquities; Pinnock's (ioldsmilh's England; do. Greece; Lycll's Elements of Geology; Mrs. Lincoln's Iloinny; Elements of Botany; Bridge's Algebra; Portei'a Rhetorical Rea ders; Emerson's Geography and History, Olney's do; Parley's do.; Smith's Grammer; Kirkham's do.; Kay' Readers; CoM'a do.; Cobb's Arithmetiek; Pike's do.; Emerson's do.; Cobb's Spelling Books; Town's do.; Cobb's Table Bonks; Evangelical Fa mily Library; Cottage Bible; Family do; Collater al do.; Smail Bibles and Testaments; Parker'a Ex ercises on Composition; Fruit of the Spirit; Baxter's S .int'a Res'; American Revolution; Marryatt'a No vels; Mrs. r helps on Chemistry; Iliad; Catechism of American Law,; Lettersnn Natural Magic; Che mistry for Ueginners; English Exercisea adapted lo Murray's Grammer; Sequel to Comley's Spelling Hook; American Class llr.ok; Daboll's Schoolmas ter's Assistant; A creat variety of Blank Books, Ac August 28, I Ml. Work of Ialuie. IN a stale ol health Ihe intestinal cannl may lie. compared to a river whose watria (low over the ad joining land, through the channels nature or art has made, and improves their qualities; and to keep up the comparison of the river, so long as it runs on smoothly the channels are kept pure and healthy; hut if by some cnuse the course of the river is stop ped, then the water in the canals is na longer pure, but toon lieromes stagnant. There is but one law of circulation in nature. Winn llnro ia a super abundance of kumorial fluid (serocily) in the intra tiiuil tubes, and rostivencss tukes place, il ft ws hack into the hloo.l vessels, and infibratea itself in to the circulation. To establish the free course of the river, wc must remove the ol strut tioits which stop its ftee course, nntl tho e of its lr Inil.iry stieam. With the body, follow the same natural principal ; r. move, by that valuable purgative medicine ISrun .,J. - i i - i-i it'i . .. i- i. r ." tiiiiii iwuvnii m IUUIC J in.t, w nn n nir mi i i' fi etuiil assist nit e of nnlure, the superabumlance of , humors in the intestine canal. Hy persevering in this practice, the ways of the citcuUtion will then i be restored to the full exercis ol their natural func- J lions, and a state ol health will be firmly establish rd Remember, never sutler a drop ol blood to be taken from you- Evacuate the humors ss often ' ami as long us they arc degenerated, or tis long us ' you are sick. I Dr. H rand ret h's Office in Philadelphia, is nt No. ! 8, NORTH EIGHTH street, where his pills can be . had ut "5 cent per box, with full tliteelions. ' fjj t Inly agent in Sunbury, ia 11. U. Masser Esqr. ; Sunbury, Sept, 4. 1841. J C'rrlificntc'M ol'Asciicy. I THE following are the duly appointed agents in their respective counties, for tho sale of Itrandrcth't ; Vegetable Universal l'ills. Norlhumbeilard counlv : Milton Mat key V Chambeilin. Sunbury H. B. Masser. M'Ewei s- , ville Geddes, Gtccn iV Wulls. Geoigetown F. Midhugcr A Co. Union rounty : I.ewisburg Malls cV (ietlde. , Mitllinburg Pellman Al Heckly. New Berlin j John M. Ik titer. Selinsgrove Eyre Jc Co. Mid- j dleburg l-aac Smith. ' Lycoming county : Williamsport John Smith. Newbeny M. A J. C. Fun-ton. Munrv W. A. IVlrican. Jerwy Shnie James H. H. .burn. Columbia county : Danville T. etc E. B. Rey nolds. Cattawissa C. A. Brobls. Berwick Shu- mini vV Kittenliouse. lilooinstturg-John 11. .Moyer. Sunburv, Sept. 4, 1841, ATTENTION, .i . si i i: y j t v i: s , 1) EljL'ESTS the attention of his country frit nils k- who are in want, to his verv large stock of Carpelings, Oil Cloths, Mattings, Rugs, Bindings, Stair Rods, Ac., Ac., that he has just opt in d, si his warehouses, No. 18 North 2d street, ami No. 2 Church Alley, next door to Christ Church, Phila de'phia. Julv 31, IMP ly. JACOB ttlAXlTIN, C oiuiiiiMioii '! I'oiiarIiiis iyehciiant, mm Merchant gent ra'lv, that he continms the v'ommitsion and FoiwarOii.g liusinrvs. at I ware house, foot of illoe. l. liji'ioad, Itliwaic and iicbuvlkill. Mtrchauts huv.nij goods lo le tlrpped, will find it much to their advantage, as lo lime und prices of height, to semi their inrtclidn.'ise to the Depot, corner of Front ami Willow bluet Railroad, as they can then be sent cither route hy the 'Tide ater Canal, oi Schuylkill und Union Cunals, aa bouts will arrive and depurt d iily for the Juuiiiti und Susquehanna Canals hy Title-wnter in tow of steam, or via iScluiylk.il and Union Canals from Fairmuunt dain. Merelianta will please be pr.rtieular lo send all goods destined for either route, to the large Dt pot, rornvr of Front and W'How utrert Railroad, with dirictu.ns accornpiny ing them, which rout they wish tiirin in be shipped. ('..arse and finu Salt and P. jter at wholesale prices, on the Delaware or Schuylkill. Philadelphia, Ju le 5, 1841 I v. JCHlTSOJllIlTGS. VHOLZSALE FIIOE, BONNET, Cap una' I'ulm l ef Hat Sore, No. IOSocth 4-ih Sthikt I 1IILADEI.P1IIA, A THERE an e.ctii.sive aooriment of ihe above ' ' trih les are cir.i.lanily kept on hund, for sale at tl.e most reasonable lennu. M tv 29, 1811.- ly. SPANISH HIDES TANNERS' OIL AND LEATHER. I). K 1 li K P A T U 1 ( K At IS ( ) N, Ku. SI, Aorfr Third nt net. (UETWXLM MABKKT A X It CIIVL'T STHHTS,) PHILADELPHIA. HAVE for sale a large ami excellent assortment of ipanUh Hides, Vutiia hip; Tunuirt' Oil, djf., at the lowest maiket price-, t ill er for cash, ii exchange for Leather, or upon credit. Consignments of Leather received for (tie, oi purchased ut the highest maiket prices. Q3 Leather atoied free of charge. April 17, 1841. ly. ATfTKNTiON MERCHANTS", cVo. S. F.&0. H.FRICK, WHOLESALE GROCERS, FOR WADING & ranimi coxmssio nihchants, Nu. S07, Market ttreet.five duor abate Stirulh, rHILADEU'JUA, OFFER for aale, at the lowest maiket pr'rcra, t geueial assortment of Teat, Ct ffien, Sugar. Mulasvi, Wine, Liquor, tyictt, Tobaceo, 4;c. Couhtst Paoui i x received and sold on commis sion. Merchants, Hotel keepers, and others, will find it to their advantage lo rail and examine our flock, before purchasing t Is, win re. Merchant wishirg their goods collected in this city, by having an order, will have them promptly forwardsd, by the most expeditious lines. sitwi i. isirs, joii a, ti k. FaI. 6, 18-11. ly. AN unparellcled remedy for common Colds, (.'nucha. Asthma. Influenza, Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and all diseases of the Breast and Lungs, lending to consumption; compored of Ihe concen trated virtue of lion-hound, B onset. Blond Root, Liverwort and several other vegetable sulwtunrrs. Prepared only by J. M. Wisblow, Rochester, New Yoik. The innocence and universal! admitted pectoral v it I ties of the Herbs from which the liaham of lliireltoiii'l i made, are too generally known to re quire recommendation ! it i therefore only necessa ry to observe that this Medicine contain the whole of their Medicinal proiertira, highly conrentratrd, and so happily combined with several oilier vege table substances, as to render il ihe most sjieedy, mild and certain remedy, now in Use, for the com plaints shove mentioned. The Balsam removes all imfiammaflon and aore nrsa of the Lungs, loosens tough visid phlegm. en aiding the patient lo expectorate with case and free dom, assuages cough, relieves nthmalic and diffi cult respiration, heal the injured parts, oien ihe pores, and composes the disturbed nerves, and give strength to the lendci lungs, and thus produces a speedy and lasting cure. lxilRATITt OK IS Til BASEST rlMMK IB MS. We are not among that class of Editors who for a few dollars will, (at the expense of truth and ho nesty) "crack up" an article and bring il into rapid sale; neither ate we willing to icmain silent, after having tested the utility of an improvement or dis covery in science or ail. Our readers will recoiled we told them wc were tinwi II wiih a sore throat and violent cold some few weeks ngo. Well, we pur chased two bottles of INSLOW'S UALSAM OF HOREHOUND, and so auddeu was the cure, that we forgoi we ever had a cold. ThotC who are nllhclcd, may tiy il upon our recommendation. Lt-MiiVrVt 77,'isrr)A. For sale bv HENKY YO.XTHEJMER, Sunlury, JACOB BRIGHT, Xarlhumlterluiul. Also, by Druggists generally throughout the country. l uce, fit) ct tits per liottle. August 14tli, 1811. ly. HAYS, ELLIOT, LYON & GOSH. M ImjU-kuU' Ot-ula-rft, In Foreign, Hritish unit Amtrirun l)ry tioniL, No. 12 North Tnihii Stkelt, Piiii.vi't lcui v COUNTRY Merchants cun be supplied nt all times w ill. an extensive assort n em of the above GihmIs,(iii the n.ost reasi liable ni.d satisfactory terms. May 29, 184!. I y. this maciiim: acjai.nst tiii; voiu.i. IMPORTANT TO r ARIVZERS. .WENPORT'S Improved Patent 'Threshu g Machine and Horse Power, which threshes ) and cleans at the same tune an invention for 1 which Farmers have long looked in vain, anil which j tenders the above machine perfect anil pat further I improvement. Those who hove lien nailing for j somrlhing hi Iter than feretotuie olh n il lor sale, will find this to be the article. Cutue see i' and fudge for yourselves j The fuhscrilters have ptin-hastd the riubl of the i above Machine and Horse Power, tor the coun ties of NoHTIIl M UKRLAMl, LvrOMIMI, CtlMIIM, I and Umios anil also, the piivileges ol lending I them in any other places for which the right has ' not been previously sold. The advantage w hich this Machine has over j all others invented are many and obvious. One boy and three men can do all the tbrtshing and cleaning ol 1 50 bushels of wheat in one day and j this usually takes seven hands one day and three the next. For field threshing it tukes the lead of , any thing in this world no grain is scattered or 1 lost. ! Suth is the superiority r.f the Horse Po-ver, that three horses can thiesh as inuih with il as , four can with any other. 'The Mai bines and Horse Power will be sold together or sept rale, to suit urrhasers. Made and , (old ill Milton, by the sul senbers. WM. WELCH, WM. II. POMP, i liENUY FLICK. Milton, April IV, 1st 1. if ; o.w.ti i:.viki rt o. THRESHING cV WINNOWING MACHINE Having had in use, one of Daveiipon's Putt nt Threshing und Winnowing Machines, and Icing repeatedly culled upon for our opinion in regard to their value, durability und advantages, we make, free to slute, that they exceed in our opinion, any 'Tbreshirg Machine we ever W'fore witnessed in use. They will thresh and clean, fit for market "00 bushtls of Wheat per day, and this wiih the aid of three hands besides the driver. 'Tl.e Straw is passed off from the grain on an incline plane, ex tending alaiut IS feet from the Machine. Scarce ly a grain ia lost. What i of some inipoitmice and greatly so, is the fact that nndust passes from the Machine to the man who feeds il. 'The Horse power seems lo lie ix-rfection itself three horses ! may woik il with ease and their fastest gait nerd only he the ordinary lough gait. We must cheerfully rt commend the Machine lo Farmers they ate manufactured ill Milton by Messrs. Welch Pomp and Fiick. PHILIP HII GERT. JOHN B HELLER Chilisquaquc isbp., NorlVd co, March 20, 18-11. "lMJAJ)V,IOTKL." Il lAVIl.kLi:. C OM Ol M Y, t'tuiti) lvaula. I npiIE SUBSCRIBER .-cspcrtlulty informs the i ul.lic, that he has removed tioin the town of 1 ( uiluu iaa lo VuiinlU , and that he lias puich.sed III that place, the Large una I vntracdwu II It 1 C K 11 ) I s 1'- , AT 1 11 X COR XR or MILL 1KB M 4 II K XT SmiXTK, C Ojipmite the Cuurt-lluute,J a V hich he haa filled up bv the erection ttKft of ADDI TION AL BUILDIN(iS. and extensive STABLING, for ihe .'irr- is-lninnient pf Trartllet and Vititurt. He is now prepared lo accommodate all who may favor him with a call, and he would stale that no thing in his power shall he It ft t ndone, to render his cu-toiners comfortable and happy while under hi caie. His accommodation are ample, and hi rooms furnished in modem style, and the protrielor i de termined that hi establishment sliall sustain and keep up with the growing reputation and iuipoitance of the tow n in which it i located. Hi Tl will I supplied with every luxury of Ihe season, and the httt and choicest variety the markit ean affifd. Hi Bah will be tored with alt the bent urtirlen that can be furnished by our eitiei, and the whole will ! such a to give satis faction lo every one. Well knowing that an enlightened public- will always judg for them-elves, he feels confident that they will fvur him with their patronage. SAMUEL A. BRADY. Dsnvillc, Jan. 30. Comnmpt Ion ! C'onMimpI ion ! t DR. DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT REMEDY IS an infallible rrmrdy for trrting Pulmonary Complaints, Colds, Coughs, Spitting of Blood, ditncully of Breathing, Bronrhitis, aorrnes of the Throat and difficult Expectoration, Weaknevsrs, Debility, Liver Complaint, and all other allrclion of a consumptive natute. This medicine ha de cidrd advantage over most preparations of the kind, as it regulate tun tiowels, and strengthens the con stitution I and does not bind up tho system and encourage intemperance, as most of the medicine do, by the fatal opiates alcohol combined in them. Such medicines have a great tendency to bring misery and distress, and even death upon many Valuable ritirens. We find by the wteklv record of the bills of mortality, that tbice fourth of tho human soul who so suddenly departed Irom their dcarrsl friends and relations, have hern awrpt offhy that fatal anil fell destroyer, Conumption, when many rould have Iteerl saved if they had used ft ptoper medicine. Fellow lieing who yet dwell with us, and are afflict, d wilh the premonetnry symptoms of this disease, procure immediately Dr. Duncan's Exirclorant Remedy before it lie too late, and not be led to believe that such symptoms will oon pass oil' without Ihe use of ptoper medicine; hy sui h negligence, you m iy toon be led to know your folly. One bt tile may at the first at' irk, lie sullicienf. Pamphlets giving a full treatise, always accompany the medicine. Price, f I per bottle. Olliee No. 10 North Eiuhth street, Phil idelphia, HENRY YOATHEIMEK. Dee llth 1841. Agent. .vpci.la &- II.Vmm lioiuli la ism. Cured by Dr. lltirlith' Cilcbrnted Medicines. MR. WILLIAM MORRISON, of Schuylkill Sixth street. Philadrh.hia. afflicted for sever al years witli the above distressing disease sick ness al the stomach, headache, palpitation of the heart, impairtd appetite, acrid eructations, coldness nnd weakness of the extrrmilies, emaciation and general debility, di-turhed rest, a preMure and weight at the stomach idler eating, severe flying pains in the chest, back and aides, cosliveness, a dishk - f .r society or cnnveisation, lang.inr and I ts s'nude up. n the least occasion. Mr. Moanisotf had applied to the most emitn nt physicians, who c.tnsitleted it hcvond the power of human skill to restore In nt to he.tilh; however, aa his affliction had reduced him to a ib plorable condition, having tu rn induced bv a friend i.f his lo try Dr. II aslich's Medicines, us tin y being loghly recommended, by which he proru ed two packages for a trial ; btforo usii g the second package, he found hi. nelf greatly relieved, and by continuing the use of them the disease entirely tbsti. eared he ia now enjoying all the blessing of pe.feet health. Principal nflicc, l'J North Eighth street, Phila delphia. Also, fur sole at the store of HENRY YO.YTHEIMER, lb r. 4 th, 1841. Agent. DR. DUNCAN'S K- tomtit Itemed)'. IS perfuming some of the moat wonderful cures on record. Mr. WM. PEARSON, of Delaware i county, Pennsylvania, was taken in the fall of 1840 with a distress ng Cough, which daily increased until he iTcame so much reduced in llesh that he was eb'igt'il to be helped in and oU ol bed. His Physicians ut length gave up all hopes, and pro noiiiiC'tl his lung' fatal; vff cted and incurable. In this hopele-s situation he was for ten weeks ; when a fiirntl of his enl ed to See him, and disco vt riiiit his iivvlnl condition. He immediately pro coed three botile. of DR. DUNCAN'S EX PEC 'I GRANT REMEDY, (having witnesfed the ef ft t ts iii a similar case, induced him to procure the medicine,) and gave it arrording to dirtctions, and to the aioiii-hinf nt of ull friends, Ihe piticnt be gan lo feel hriter In fore using the medicine one wnk. After us;ng it strictly six weeks the p t ent was r, ndt red '.ble lo resume his daily occu pa ion. How many thousands of valuable ftieuds liuve been taken i way from us for the waul of proper treatment. 'Tl.e very many who are yet umong us, and laboring under alarming symptoms, to siieh I beg to sav, procure immediately Dr. DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT REMEDY, and if it he not too late, you may be restored to peifecl In abb. In the last stages therein a con so lution found in this medicine, by its voolhing and pahative elici t". Fr talent the PRINCIPAL OFFICE. 10 North Eighth stint, I'hd'd Iphia. Also, at the store of HENRY YOXTHEIMEE, Sunbury, Novemt er 27, I "41 Agent. HEALTH. IS H ANY of out r a.icr, no doubt, nre possessed Vfl with this all important blessing, which they may long reudn, if punirular regard and cure be paiJ to theiiis lvts, that, whenever they feel the least indisposed, to r.-curn a pioper medicine in "due season." But, on the contrary, we find thou sands who are labor. ng under disease, and many, we fear, will prove sun us, if not a'tended lo early. Would those persons resort to the medicine that hssestalilish.il i s. It in thousands of rases, which is Dr. HARLICH'S Ctxroi'Mi Srn.tiiTHiii a mi 4iKiiMANAri.aiK.vsT Pills, so pre-eminently lecommcudad for disea-rs incident to Ihe human race, they would be leplnced back again to "life' sweet hie-inc." which i "health." We fitk Irom occular proof, knowledge in ma ny instances, where run have tierii performed by Ihe use el this mid. cine, with marked (ticres in v.n ious complaints, such as Dyspepsia, Liver Com pbiii.ls. Rheumatism, Pain in the Breast, Side and Buck Cosliveness, Nnvoiia Weakness, Emaciation, (i. in ral Debility, Aze. &e. i't medicine con sists ol tw odi-iiiirt kinds, viz: Tmi (icxxix An uit.NT and ti e Cuhmcmi Stheivothemnu Ton ic Pills, ihe former to remove bile and all excre-m-nliiious matter from the body, thus cleansing and purifying the system, after which the battel are used to give st.engih and viger to the weak and debili tated organs, re.-lore the lost apprt te, and produce tranquil rest and sweet repi.se. We highly approve of the "Doctor's llie.oy" of treating diseases, which eeitnii.lv is safe and file, lual, and advise the afflicted lo give l is medicine a lair lual Daily Chruniele. Prii.ripul OtFrce, N . 10 No.lh Eiahlh street, Philadelphia. HT.NKY YOX'i'H E1MER, Nt vi int er 20rh. 1811. Agent. Coughs and oDI. rPIIIK ve. v di tressrng cornplaints often lead in o CONSUMP I'ION ihiough neglect at the fust stiack. I would therefore sdvi-e those whose rough htgins lo In- troublesome, and the expecto ration scanty, with more or Irs anirnrss of the throat, d.flirult raising of tl.e hlrgrn. Ace , ih it they should iminidtalelv apply for a suitable medicine, which is Dr. DUNCAN'S EX PEC I GRANT Remedy for Consuinpii n, &c, This medicine I have found in every instance to remove those un pleasant annoyuneea in few daya. One tingle Ituttle will in ni.w.1 cases prove thi- assertion, 'l'hrte fnre, y a who wish to esrue the xauit aixns er CossrvrTios, avail yourselves of this all impor tant opportunity, and again enjoy the blessing of health. JAMES M. BIRCH. Kensington. N. H. 'The al'Ove was left ut th offne by one whorieiiencid the wonderful effects of the aKive medicine. Hundred ai there who thu express Ihe joyful sentiment of their hearts in favor of such a vuluahle medicine as Dr. Dumtam' ExrxcTo NANir RxMiuT.tbal other may find irlief from the same source. For sale st the Principal Office, 19 North Eighth street, Philadelphia. Also tt the store of Pnre.X wrhoille. H. YO.YTHEIMER. Nov-. Uth, 1811. Agent.