u :t.. ..,. v :'i'ri:i'-.j'"if ji ...J....1JIM Vom fAt Ba&imoat American. TWENTY SEVEMTII COXfiRKSS, WismsoToji, Dec. Ill, 1841. UNITED STATES SENA TE. A mesi-ege wa received from iho House or Rep tesentetivee announcing thai the House had ehosen joint com mlltcvj of three upon ihe Library, and asked committee on tho pirt of the Senate. Al o that they had concurred in a Resolution ofthe Senate to elect two Chaplains, one for each House to serve for tt present e sion. On motion llie Senate then proceeded (o the e lection of Chapliin.VnJ the result wa for JJev'd. Mr. Tiiatin, 8 Mr. Gurley, 3 Mr. Claik, " 8. G. BuMiich, Whole number of vote 34 For Mr. Tustin, 83 'Mi. Tuatin therefor havine; a majority of votes 'was declared to be duly elected. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. BRIGGS announced the death of Col. Hen tki , late assistant door keeper ofthe Home. II e died yesterday afternoon. Mr. Brigeelhen olT red a resolution directing the Clerk to defray tho fu neral expenses out ofthe contingent fund. This having Wen si;r. ed to, Mr. Brings then offered a resolution to the effect that the office of assistant door keeper is not necessary. The resolution was agreed to aa follows : yeas 123, nays 3. So hereafter there will be no assist ant door keeper. After aome debate of a conventional chiracter, a revolution was adopted, which provide that all petiliona and hill referred to Committees at the la-l session and not acted on, shall be agatr. re ferred. Mr. UNDERWOOD asked leave to offer area, olution providing fir the "reporting" ofthe House, but objection being nude it was not received. The Houie then proceeded to the election of a Chaplain. The Rev. J. N, MirriTT receiving a -majority of votea, waa declaim! duly elece.1. The following i a list of the Standing and Se Irct Committee of the Hon?, the first name on -each being Chaiiman : Judiciary. Mea.-ra. Barnaul, Trumbull, Pearce, Maxwell, Fu.ter, Brown, C J. Iiigersoll, Koo-evell, Saundeia. Revolutionary Clat'mt. Mega. Hall, Goode, Triplet!, T. J. Ca.npltell, M.iynard, Washington, Jim.', Parmenter anb Goode. Port Office M essr. Brigqs, J, 1, Wi!liama. Ruaeoll, Rockway, Owavly, Hopkins, A. Kennedy. J O. Floyed, I'lumer. District of CVuii.i. Mcasrs. Under wood, Plumer, Randall, Powill, R. W. Thompson,.! Campbell, Ward, Dawson, and Bidlack. .Manufactures Mesa. Salton.tall, Tillinghat, Randolph, Slade, Hun'. Ways and Means. Mean. Fillmore, Bott. Samson, Mason, Wallace, T. F. Marshall, J. R. Ingor.mll, J. W. Jones, A'hcrton and Lewia. Elections. Mcssr. Halstead, Blair, Cravens, Randall, Burdoii, Barton, Turney and Reynold. Naval Affairs Messt. Wbe, King, Calhoun, J. C. Clark, Burnell, Fre enden, Graham, M-dlorv rfhd Clifford. Agriculture. Meaa. Delierry, Ridgway, Simon, ton, Maltocke, Doig, Shaw, Edward, Partridge, and J. HaMings. Pnblic Buildings. Met. Biardmin, Ward, A. Young, Cranston and Bwne. Ui'Jiniilittl Business. Messia. Eastman, Bee am, C. A. Floyd, J. ck and Mattocks. Accounts Menur. Maichan.1, York., Cary, S. N. Clarke, and J. I.. William-. Mileage. Mesra. Tho. W. Willi-m,,Merri-wtther, J. C. E.bvauU, Weatbrook and Egbert Library. M.ssi. Tillinghast, Aycrigg and Sumpter. Select Committee on Finance and Currency. Mess. Cushing, J. P. Kennedy. Gilmer, Garret, Davies, Wise, Roo.-evelt, Proffu, McKay, W. W. Irwin. Select Committee on the Apportionment Repre sentatives. Me,. Everett, Ch id-, Crrulhcr, Hummers, Pcarce, J T. Smart, BidLck, Cios and W.ller. eleet Comma" et on the Smithsonian Bequest Messrs. Adams, H.U.sli.m. Truman, Smiih, Un derwood, Randall, C.J. Ingtraoll, Hunter Houston, in Bowne. ticket Committee a a XnJianal Ftandry. Mi'i-ST. W. Cu-t Johnson, Sampcon, Mason, Ktiig, Randolph, Mallory, Hunt, Keun, Paioeuttr, Cave, Johtiaon, 'i'lieae are the principal Committees. The following, say the Albany Evening Jour nal, is a completu lot of the Governor of the everal Slate, includ n the runults of the rec-nt elections. Just half the G.iVxrnoia of Sla'.ea are Whig. Tluir Uiinei are in iiaik. Govr.avaaa. J.ihn Fsirno'd John Page Charltt J'aiut, Jvhn Davis Samuel VV, King Win. IV. EUteortk Vm II. Seward W'm. Vennington David it. Porter Win. B. Cooper Pranria Tbomaa J no. Rutheifoid, acting JuAn .V. Murirehead J. P. Rieherdon Chis. J. M'D malJ Benj. Fnxpatrick T. A. Tucker A. B. Roman Archill Id Yell James C. Janet Rohert B. Utcher Thomas Crowin John 8. Uany Samuel Bigger 1 homaa Carlm Tbomaa Rryuolda JliiLi 1 !J.J I .. Hrini. Maine, New Hmi!irre, Vermont, Massachuaetts, Rhode Ul:nd, Connecticut, New Yoik, New Jersey, Penney tvaiiis, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, fcanth Carolina, Georgia, A lebama, Mississippi, Louihna Arkinraa, Trnneaeee, Kentucky, Oiiio, Michigan, Indiana, Illineis, MlaaoUM, Rae.elltnt Joe CKsprtt, 9aid Xt!ggina to hia wife one day, We've nothing reft to vatt If thing go nn in this quivtr way. We ehan'l nwke both kfcua txt." The dame replied, in words dutiMl, Wcr not so badly fed, If We can make but nnn end ftmT And moke the other attain." Mr. Sigourney hai ttohtrihutWI following beauiiful lines to the I.aJy'a Book for December t A btilterflr basket! Mi a baby 'a grave Where lilly had chanced to grow, Why art thou here with thy gaudy dye t Where aha of tho bright and the sparkling eye Must aleep in the church-yard low, Then it lightly ana red through the sunny air, And apoko Horn ita shining track t I waa a worm 'till I won my wings, And she whom thou mourn'et like seraph si n ita Would thou call the blest one back t Rcvery bank in Buffalo is now down and in the hinds of t!ie Chancellor. Tho last of tho twelve, wa placed under the injunction a few days ago. It is calculated that one till It part of tho pro perty tfMaenueliur-cUs is exempt front taxation in consequence of being invested in funds lor the supportof literary and religious Institutions. It is said that over half a million of Eggs are. ciTisumed every tnnntlt in Now York, about one thousand are purchased daily for the Astor Hottne. On the I2:h ins'., by the Pet. J. V. Shindel, Mr. Eli KMLr.n In Mi-s Reskcca Sracrrta, of Seliusg'ove, Union county. On the 14th inat . by the same, Mr. Mtrifiit. N'udio to Mias Rosauja Wao.mii, both of Au gusta. On the same day, by the asme, Mr. 8mcil Nttnto to Misa Cathlkisi. Ann Cosniu, both of Augusta. Coal Trade. Amount of Cunl curried on the Danville and Pottsville Rail Knad to tSuubury for ahiiping, du ring the weik ending on Dec, II, f51 Tuns. Per last report, 21,463 ToMl. 22 014 Amount of Iron Ore transported, 2.423 JOHN BUDD, w. m. Su8ni'mi!.i Uuti 't aint. Total amount shipeil from Wyoming Valley, to June 21st, Tone, 7,1 16 bcilCILKILl Coiu 'I'ltAni. To Nov 18, Tone, 630,670 I.1TTLK StllUt LKILt COAt TmaDK. To Nov 18, Tone, 37,486 Dt.LAWAiiK & lli'iiso Con Traps. To Oct. 0, Tone, 151,270 Pike (jhovk Co At 1'RAna. To Aug. 5, Tens, 13,000 Mount Carhiir Uatl Kuah. Amount tranopoiied to Oct. 21, Tone, 74,609 Mink Hill & Schuylkill Hatk Rail Roap Amount tranpor;ed to Nov 18, Ton 253,181 Mill Culkk Rail Koap. Amount transKrted to Nov 18, Tone 56,918 SCHUTLKILI. Va LLkT Rail RoaD. Amount transported to Nov 18. Tons 77,289 Lmiiuu Coal Tmaus. To Nov. 1 1, Tons, 117,723 1MUCE CURRENTS Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxthcimcr. WllKAT, 110 Rm, 60 Uohi, 40 0t, -30 Pork. ...... 6 Fnxsren, ... . 155 Bl'TTRR, 17 Bkkswax, ...... 2.S Tallow, ..... 2J Dm in Arr-LKs, ..... 75 Do. PklCHKS, .... 200 Flax, .... .8 HtCKLIII Flax, .... 10 Euaa, ...... 12 9Ioru Conclusive Proofr, Of the efficacy (f Dr. Hurlici's celebrated Medi cine: Dun Sir: I waa afllicted with a bilious and nervinus diarase to a very alarming degree, wilh nil the symptomn which an frequently rflecte a re lixed condition, vit: Gi!dine.a in the head, viol nt tremors, chilliness, with a fixed pain in the right side, complexion lad, and coaiivcnre; indeeil I wna in a most miserable c ondition, I had tried many remedies, but found no permanent relief un til I had puichaed Dr. tlarlich's compound strengthening ami German aperient nils, which from their supeiior viituea, I wac completely cmed, and am able to pursue my employment, fiee from pain and disease, (signed) JOHN B0LE3. Dated Xcnia. Ohio June 7. 1810. I'rii.cijilu Office for tl'B United States, No. 19, North EIGHTH STREET, I'bil id. I,hii. HENRY YOXTHEIMER. Dee, I8ih ISll. .Izeut. irarpoTiiMATioN" wanted. "117 M . WIl.StlN. from the pari h of tilen.li-hm' ' key, lirtand, now icaulmg in the city of l.an" raster, IV, takea ihis method to find nui his full uncle I homaa GreiT, or Alei ndrr niewail, his uncle by msr ige, buih eupp 'sed to live in ibe county of N' t honih. rlaml, P. If th s noli e shoald be fortunate niough to timl one or I'olli of the afnreaaid g.'iitl.inen, a lei tor frnmciihcr to the a.tlil Wile m, l.anciter. will be thankfully received, at he feels anxioua to kn iw whee they tea da, so that be niay be able to address a teitei to them nn a matier of iinixir.uiice. I.est ibis no, ice mixht esciie the eve ot either of those cenilemen, it is ieaeci. fully sugge ed to any f hi tr I iemla or acquaint, aurea who may see it. to m ike it known to eiihtr of them, if ..live, sn J if othi rwi-e, to oi.e of the re t itiona, so that the applicant may hear without de lay from somti blanch af the fainV-, D.e. 14. M4I a Jan di: -aj mz - ITVjOUNU, on Mr. McCsny'e Island, fifteen Stray Ge ae. 'I ho ownei is requested to oriie forward, prove property, pay charRea, and lake them awav. They will be found on the piemisea of Peter PuiaeU BOYD FDRsEh. THOMAS PUKSEL, Dee. 18, 1841, GEORGE DEAL. To be, or uot to be Sued, 18 a question that we serioualy submit to the consideration of a'l who are indebted to the subscribers, and who i!o not, in abort time, come forward and settle their ercouii'a Dee. 18, 1(41. H. D. MAGSER V CO. TTrtt ASSEXUGAN MBdXOAti XaZOTiAXiT fctTfiLLIUEXCEIt. AnONCENTRA TED R. conI of Medical 8.1 Wce and I.itersture, by Robert Dnngliaon, M D., Professor nf the Insiliuiea of Medicine, etc., inJi fT.'ison Medical f'ollege of Philadelphia, pull lished monthly by Adam Waldie, No. 48 Carpon. ter street, Phllnl. Ipbia. Hubscrlption price, $6 a yi sr. Subucriptions for the above work received by the subscriber. II. B. MASSER, Dec. 1 1th, 1841. Agent. TAVERN NOTICE. To the Honorable EILs Lewis, Esq., President, and his Anncinte Judges of the Cnurt of Quar ter Sessions, of the county of Northumberland. fpiIE petition of JACOB KliAM. or Shamo X kin, in anid county, humbly represents, that he continue to keep tavern at hia old slnnd, in the town of Shnmokin, and is well prepared for the ac commodation of travellers, &c. He therefore prays your Honors to grant him a liienae to keep a ta vern during the enauing year, and he will tiny. See. JACOB KKAM. To mit Jrnors arots mitRTtosrn . The sub scriliers, rerid nta of Shamokin, hereby certify, Ihst Jacob Krain, the applicant for the license, i a innn of good return for honesty and Tt mprnicc, and is well piovided with home-loom and convetiiei ces for the ledging and accommodation ofxtrang.-ia and traveller-, and thut u public house thete Is net ess .ryl ihey then fore recomm. nd him a- a proper per son to bo lirenci d to keep a public hnus . Joseph Hnyder, John Thompson, Wm. Fngely, George Kiirger, James Wallace, John Boughiier, Win Kuebler, William Fsrb y, John 'I ri'Ro, J. r. minli Ziniuicrman, Daniel Everett, M. H.Kin. Jacob D iir, Dec. 11th, 1 841. 3t. TAVERN NOTICE. To the Honorable Ellis Lewis. Eft.. 1'rrr dent, and his Associate, Judges ofthe Court if Quar ter Sessions, of the county if Xorlhumbeiland t THE petition of Robert Adum. of Sunl'iiry, in astd county, humbly represent , thai he lias rented that wi 11 known tavern aiand i i Uunbiiry, formerly occupied by Hiram Price, opposteibe court house, ami is well prepared for the accommo dation of travellers, kc. He there lore pia s your Hoiinra to grant turn a license to kepa tavern du rii g the enauing eai, and he will pray, ic. ROBERT ADAMS. To thv. Jcnnis a bovr MixTioMKn i 'I'he aub scribi ra, resident ofSutibury, her by certify, lh.it Robert Adams, the applicant for the license, la a man of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided for house-room and convenien ces for the Imping ami accommodation of atr.mgeia nd travellers, and that a public bouse there is tie eessary : tiny ilniefore recommend h'tli as a pro. per pi is m to be lireuted to keep a public h')U?e, Simuel D. Joulan, H. B Maaser. Pler W, Gray, Edard i ysier, ieo. Marlin, John Eisely, John Bogar, Do . Uih. 1841. 3t. Henry tlnupt, Alnal ani Erwin, G,o. C. W.lker, (io We:scr, X ivier Eitce t Joaeph E.atly. TAVEKIV iOTICE. To the Honoruble Ellis Lewis. Esq , President, and his Associates. Juilges of the Court of Quar ter Sessions, of the county of Northumberland . rPHE petition 'f Henry Bucher, ol Sunbtiry, in - haul county, bumbly ietne-er.la, that he con tinu a to keep a public hoi'se of entertainment, In bis old aiand, the tfunbury Ferry, slid is well pre pared f ir the accomrrod.ilion of travellers, &c. He ihnrefore praya jour Honors to grant him a l:cense to keep a tavern, during the rn-uing year and he will pray, Ac. HENRY BUCHER. To tuk Jt-nscs a nova xmnnjin: The aub scril'rrs. residents of Sunbury. hereby certify, thai Hemy Bucher, the applicunt for the licine, ia a man of good rrpute fir honesty and tempi nnce, and is well pmviiled wiih houi-e-ioum and conveni ences for the I dg'iig and accommodation f i-trnn-g ra and travelleie, and that a pubf c h"Ue there is necessary : they the ef. re ncmmend him a a proper pen-on m be lireuted to kreo a publ c hou.e. John Rsmlals, John P. Purl, Joseph Eu. ly, II. Bellas, Henry I.milau, Franca Bucher, Uenj min Krobn, Johnpeico, (eoige Mon 'i, Wm. II. Milder, CharUa Miller, Simuel Moutz. Dec 11 lb 181 1. .It. T-TEP.1T 1TOTIOE. To the Honorable Ellis Lewis, Etq., 1'ies dent, and his Associates. Judges nf the Court nf Quur ter Sessions, ofthe county of Surthumbertand .- THE petition of Charles Weaver, of Sunbury, in said county, humbly r prraen'a. ih.it be intends ketpmg a public Iiouimi of enteitainnunl, at Ibe old -laud now kept by Daniel lubson, and ia well piepaied for the accuninodaiion of trave lers, 4c. Ho thru fure piaya your honors to gianl h m a b cense to keeps -avem, during the eiii-uiiii; veai, and he will p.av, fee. CHARLES WEAVER. To Jinors a Rove nkmtio.v in : 'The sub scriburii, iea dents nf Sunbury, hi rely rritfy, ih.it Cbailes VVeater, the npplicaut f ir lh lice, ae, s a man of goe-l repute for boiie-ty ai d temperance, and ia we I provided wiih bouse-nn.ni and couvmi encee f,r the balging and accoiiimoJaiion of ir ui gers and travellers, and ihat a public hou.-e there is n res-sry : they therefore r.comiiu n.l him aa a proper er...n to lie licensed to keep a public h"U-e. JoM-ph Dim Iv, Daniel Drui ki m.llsr, Daniel Gibson, Daniel linns, Henry Hie, B'lijamin Heidriik', M.unifl 1) uckemiller, J bo lla'p, Geo. M irnn. John Robira, Dec 1 1th. 1841 3. C. Bower. Wm. Gulick. TAVERN NOTICE. To the Ihnni able Ellis Lewis, E"l , 'resident, awl his Associates, Judges of the Court nf Quar ter Sessions, if the county of Sorthuinterhtnd t THE petition of Catherine Boulton, widow of John Bonbon, late deceased, of lbs boioub of Huubury, in said County, humbly reprei-euts, that she continues to keep a public house of enteitain mi nt, at the stand formerly kept by her hu-bund, and ia well prepared fur the accommodation nfira vi Hers, tte. Kbe ibeirfiiie praya your Honor to grant her a license to kiep a tavern, duriug Iho en suing year, and she will prnv. Ac. CATHERINE BOUI.TON. To THE JuPOFB ABOVE MKRTIOMin i he ub- sciibeia, riab'rnt of Hunbury, hereby ceilify. th .l Catherine Boulton, the applicant for license, is a woman of good lepute for hnnerty and lem eranee. and is well provided wiih house-room and conv n ences for the lodging and scenminmlation nf atran geraand travelleia, and that a public bnu-a ihe e is nece-ssiy i Ihey therefore recommend her aa a pro per peisi n to be licensed to keep a uMic house. Gen, C. Wrlker. Daniel Drueki in.ller, Daniel GibMin, Jacob Rhawn, Geo. Weiner, John B. Price, H. B. Masker, Drc. 1 lib, 1841 Du Henry Daon, Prederrk 1. S rua, Edward Otsler, Ch rlis ti. Ditnliel, 8 uniiel D. J.irdan, C. 1). Wharton, Joaeph Eiely. To the Honnrnhh Ellis Lewis, Eq., i'rtsidrni, and hit associate Judges of the XJonri if Quar ter Sessions, nf the county if Xiirlkhmbtriand , rPHE petition ofOrtARLfc- D. WiisRtofr.of Hun- liiry. In rM county, humbly rcph si nti thit he continues to keep a publ c houe of entertain mint, at his old almd opposite the Court Htntse, and is well prepared for be iccominmlnlntn iT traveller-, &c, lit therefore pray your ll.'itois in grant him a lecenae tn keep a tivern, during ths ensuing year, and he will prav, eke. C D. WHARTON. To tiir Junor ABovr. l)itiovrii i The sub-SCrib.-rs, residents of Sunbury, ben by cat lify, that Charles D, Wharinii, the applicant for the license, is a man of good repute fof honesty and temperance, and la well provided with bnusc-mnm nnd conveni ences for the loduiiig and nccrttnmnd ition nf stran gers and travellers, and that a public house there ia nece-Biiry I they t here f id rccnmmtnd him as a proper person tn bu licetia-d to keep a public houso. 8 iimn I I). Jordan, John W, IVal. Charles V, II. gins, John Bov ir, Charles U. 1) -nnel, Willi m I.. DeWart, II. B. M is er, D. e. I 1th, H41. 31. Wil l nn Yoitugiiian, Fteib rick l.staiUs, Geo. Msnin, W, J. Martin, Geo. BiIkM, Henry 8. Gobln, IVur l.atiiui. CREDITORS TAKE Ntfl ICE, That wa have applied tn the Cutitt of Common I'lertsofNor. thu uberl md County, for the lni ft of the laws made for the relief nf the insolvent dt-htoia; and Ihat the J u Iff. s of ti e said Court have appninted the first Moud y of .1 ni'V. r.tii in bear us and our eieilitors nt the Cnutt House in Nunbu.y, when stid where J oU may aueml if von think pmp"r, JtHN HAl.'KM AN, De-. 4. 1841. GRIFFITH MURPHY. list" or CAUSES, IOIl trial in tho t'omt nf Common Pica of N or thllin! eilai.d t'oioiiv, to beheld at Sun' urv, on the (1st Moud ly i f Jinunry nett, bi i.ig i!e 3 -t. Joseph Tlegil Peter F'll e-t's adin'r Com'th of Peiiu'a Bi Iger for Di'lger Chailes W. liicli ir.ls John D. Cow den Jiiniea We'inl Elij ih Crawford (om'ili fur B. Say re Henry Ft ck Cum' h fur Gilbert Ro bins', ex'r. Richard Yarne vs M ir In A. S;..ck vs J -r ti Fi b'-it V.H WesV. r, I, oy l & R lor s Ililijh l!e I n s .tit' i n 1 1, I ' .vv.Vn vs It c.oiiul- A Kit lint vs H loiii'in Dunklclc grr vs Jerae Taiker va John Flick va S.i pUeu Wilson va Marlin WcaVrr vs E.G. Bridf.ird's adm'x Lvun.rnn'..reeofSmiih vs Hut;h H. Bellas Ai.dreiv 'fink Dr.Th . Vanvdzah B.mlrt for Piper Heiner & Folluiir John M. Russel Joseph Mar't Vs'is A Mclntjre James Ide.l Baldv, Fuck A Mann John' . K. iter Menry Baid.-her Jobn F. Dentler William Fry McMauua Jc Brothers Wm. K 8'ioemaker Robt. D. Cumimngs Del.nrab G ant Kepler for Wilson John Green et al vs Jul n A. Llmd vs A. iStutighion's adm'x va Hemy Friik va Kamuel Blair v- David Hartntan va r. I urs. I At J. Putscl vs Eil. Y. B.ight vs Jacob IIou el Fag. ly A Zimmerman vs John Murray vs Wm. A Robt. Hunter va David Watson vs William A. Lloyd vs Wilson A Hougen dobler v Ge.'de WalU A Green vs Itenj.imin Mathews va Hint m & Cook va X. Wilson A H. Frick v. S nun I 8vinehait SAMUEL D JORDAN. OfTu-e, Prolh'y. IS41. S Prethonotsrv Sunbury Dec. 4. OYSTEFaS ! " OYSTEP.S ! ! IT'JREiSII f)yilers in the shell, nnJ thu be-t Am ; boy Oysters by the can, will bo served up in cliafiing dishes, roas ed, Iryi-d or other .vie, to suit the tante cf any Gentleman. Also all kind of pas try, Ac. will be kept constantly on hand. All those in f.vor of good living will ple.isa call at the old Oi.ter lloua.-, fo merly kept by C. D. Whuion and William Scaile., and I wdl endeavor to please all. HENRY D WIIAUTON. Sunbury. Nov. 87ih. 1841. .l. .J3SIG1TEE3 1TCTICE. KkJO TM 'E i- ben by uiven, that John Miller, ol Augusta to-vn-liip, Ni'ithunibeil mil county, has made i.n iis-igiuiient of all bin eta'e, goods and cl.aitela, nghla mid ciedila, to the auLscriiirra, fo ibe In ni fit of hi- ceJil. r. All persons indel t d t thu said John M Her, or having claims agiin-t him, ate r. iU sli d to preneut llieir account tu the ubrcri.rr for -Hi ment. CHARLES MILLER, Sm.bury, W. HUN TZINGER, iScbuylkil.-Haven. November 27ih. I SHI !lt. Vt'Il)S Talent 1 ainpliinc Oil AM) BTJ?.1TE?.J3. The n' scriia r ie. e. Huliy i dorm ibe eit:c-r B 01 Ci lunibiu, Nor humberlaiid ulid Uhinncoun. ties, ibil they have nuieha-id I lie mile privilege of u-ing- iiiamilac ur iit ami vending thealuve named anii'li'. in ill.-if .r. s .id c-uinio-. Tney have jul leceived a luge s-eo lineiil i.f lamj a nf every de aciiption. consia ing of ASTRAL, TABLE SUSPENDING AND SIDE LAMPS, which they offer fir sale at leasousble term-. 'Tin light i a new invention, and is superior to any thing y I iliscuveied for illuminating la.e and small r n, and i'i- ell ng ibe d .iki.efa of the irght. It H infeilor 1 1 noihiiig siv.- fie light f he iun ; wi o'tvrr i h a l ien intrnduce I, n h .s nui-hcne even thu a ol a lumiioiii-i; .tur. , and a eiua a o.il lo lcco'iie the I ght of the. Wnrltl. Its promli enl rn i r ijua'l'ies fe'i.si.rrv richti.sa, a, b mlnu, clr-1 lie--, an I , i nt 1,0 K'a-I, thmpness. 'Tho Wik Vee a inn e y f.e from dirt, d the lamp- tire a-i y ke I n mder In the cities ol I'hila li ip'.ia .n I Nmv Vo;k it ii i : been tuUtltuud v.ry exteusivety fur ga, on a.--cniitit t f i s i h.'.i) i et., and brcau-e It Is u. I so in. jurioua to tl.u ei i ;. D.rec i. us fur using will l-e fuin;shcd In nM w buy, ami rr 'eis bom a dn-l mee i roinplly atoi tl -I to. FRU'K, BILLMEYEIt A RUssE . Danville, Nov. 27. Ip4l - tf LMato of Tliuuiih IlillluKlun. NO l It'E i h. rel y uiven, that the aid emlier hai In en appointed auditor, I y the Curl ill Common Plea of Noitliuuibeiland county, for the pur oae ol apportioning the asci in the ban. Is i t Fredeink b'tein as ulne of Th. ma- A. Billing' inn, and that bu will at end f.ir that putposx al tile Trolhonota.y'a nflice i.i t-unlurv, on Monday the 2lltb day of t'rcimla-r lux', when and where all periion interested Will att'iid. SAMUEL D. JORDAN. Runhnrv, Nov. 27th. ISll. 4t. FOPa SALE. POR t-tU mi Farm, cuntiining 1oVAtine ( hrt-idiW.I and ten acre, rnoro or le.s, situ it , in Point loWnah p. Nonhnmetland tointy ab.rtrt two mil. a 8bov Nnitliitinlietl md, On the rnnln road leading from that place to Danville, adjoining land of John C4li.m, jp-ii, t;. Hort.m and others, now in the occttp.ncy i f Mnmuei P.iyi e. Al-oul forty Bcrra nf nai.l liacl an- clean d, and in good slat - of cu liva'ioii. on Winch tbrre is a small barn erecbd. 'Tha p'operty wl. be sold nn n asonahle leitns. tot lutiln r pattitulars, petsons are request ed lo apply to Hib fulf.ili t. II B. .MAS.2R, Agent, Nov. 87th, i 1. if Sunbury. Pa. CERT S3LITE POLISH. A A sine e um ijualleij lor cleaning and giving a highly durable and mo-l biilbant p dish to sil ver, Cli tniHii Mlier, Brass, Copper, Btittaiiia Ware, Tin, Sli t-l, Cutb ry, mid lor ret-iurii g the lus-re on varnisliod tnrri.ik.e-, Ac. 'TRV' IT. Prepared au.l a .Id a. whole slid retail, by the Susqi.euaiin.l Cbrysoblu Puli.li Company, Owego, 'Tioga county. N. Y. Wi... FtlR-YTH, Anent lor Northum'd, H. B. M A.ftsER. Ac. nt for Sunbury. November 21)11. If.i 1. C I T'vfl&TWi.iYoir AND Oom,ll$M-?H TiTWa. Nimbir 2 'J JW.'A Thi.J S-rtn-t. t'...diiy'. a jell!.!!; SALE.! ..I i: y li ., l-iv!i-.-.- Mllll t.U'l'tV, II i,.i;, Mn;.:...irv, C .. il . ri . . Boot-, liina am! ilj:, i.n.l i;i i-hoti l .n -t ewi, desrf jp'jctn iifto i.i '.me lolu hi th a s iVH-inent eVery eieiiing; - f.iitoii sic no .Id I ;i aj ; . tluruig the i! tv a' ih- i i rna.' auei on r c -. 5 of i. keepera and ira.l.-is will lii-d il iu (lo-ir ml . .iindjifc by attt iidii.g tlie MlU , . M KF.Y. Aui-iionetir. Philndelphin, Novemb i UI. I is4 I I v. PETEPrCClTOTElRr" Wholesale nnd llctail Slme, Bonnet, nnd l'itlm Leaf Hnt Wh rehouse. A'o. 60 North 2 street, a few ilnors ubofC .irvh, I'hilailrthliia. LwO Trunk-, Caiprt llaassnd V alices, nf ev. i-rv ile-eiiii!on, nil ill which he ofTeia for ' mi the mosi iciis mib'e ti rma. j'lld i '. !, Iii ., "SuvcVr H. 1841. ly. l'TkT" KCTV UUDT'S Chinn.Ci t'.s and ..iverpot'l Wti rehouse, So It 1 AV-i 7"i rd iir.et. third di.vr below Vine 'trtit. I hil'i.tefpliio. W ''I-R'- "he -..;. -,.i,tlv kep on band a large v iisoi:ii.ti.t .t i hina, tilis- ai d Liverpool Ware, wlin.il tney will iliKi..au o on the must rei s.inabte teims. Tbil.iiielj biM. N,.vember 13, 1811. ly. tlttrob I'risniiiitli & Son- "j ESPECTFL LLY inlutma their friends and acquaintances generally that they Mill con tinue lo keep at Iho old stand, No. 246 North 3d street, Philadelphia, all kinds of TOBACCO SM'l-'F AM) SECA11S. Which they will sell on the must accommodating and rcaa.jiiabie terms. N. B. All eooda sold will be guaranteed, and nil orders promptly attended lo. Philadelphia, November 13, IR41 ly. , -PETER DEW13KS, LAST MAKER, No. 71 Callowhill Street, Philadelphia, C Three dornrs aboie Second. J SHOE Findings always kept on hand, which he nil", rs for sale nn the lowest terms. Country Merch nils are particularly to call and judge fur themselves. Philadelphia, November 13, 1811. lv, LOW Ell & BAUUOX Importers and Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, No. 174 North Thihi Stm-st, PHrntirtrittA. TTHERE their fiiends and customers will always ' find a larne and general assortment of Foreign and Domestic Hardware, which they will sell at the lowest prices. I'hiledeli hia, N'orembrr 13, 1841. ly. cr in: noLs oi OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY. No. 29 North Water Street, Phila. MANUFACTURERS and dealera in Oila of every description bnih for burning and manufacturing purposes, which will be sold much lower than Ihey can I procured elsewhere, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving aa leprcarnted, may lie returned without any expense 1o the fur chaser, and the mnrrry will I refunded. 'Their Mock now in store eonsiats of the following tils, viz: 30,000 gallons Winter Bleached Speim"! ? Oil, ("M) lfi.ni'O 10. HOO 20.(011 liOOll 15,1 mi 2UII 3(0 60 In to it.t do do C.I. ruij , a U! ..I V. h ,1. i'0 fd1 j,.i W in1 1 1 .' .I., i Hf. in. r .' i t .i do I i. ion. on v li.iif I lil, II .1. rlk aula it 'i Si rai's OH, .'n do ba Oil, ; i nn II I If Or thi 3 a I C. .I llnt k Oil. Nea s Fool O I. 75 Cai-ks Olive Oil, Tanner'a 1 id: fj-'Tbl CoinjimY ha- S niiTn'ier'iif Ve-.; , n tt med in the (is l islorv, hikI T inner may rely U; on pel li at all t.nies Oil ns pnre as ili.porird, I bil.iili-lplila, Nov. 13, I S4 I ly. FFEIt FOR SALE, at the South FiM f.ir. tr if Fifth i-'id M i 'ut tortus, Fhiludel- 'if? M ''' l'4!V'.u It m, e.l wairaulrJ. i! . do .. . . .... ! do ! "li v,e- (. ,, Ji.ulle sole ii.-.t '. ..! o e- ' . !' d rYiled .1 Mat rrci lvrd an I for 1e bv H. B. Mas. er Uo-t n Syrup, Kuaar IIou-) and N. O. Mola-ses; Loaf. Lump, ('ru.heil, Biow n and Chrva- la'ised Sugar; ('rauberties. Rtislna, Ctackera, Ar. F.emh ami English Merln "i Mcilno and Other Shawl-; Cloths. Casi-limrs and Cas-inett; Diy (ionda, Haidwsre. eWdtery, Ac. of all kinds, Ni. JOih, If II, i'.i . .! . Tim do K p do do c..ir do Colusa do do Shot a d.i Fue dj do Kip do . Wan r L. .!) . Ni.it tin no -iter Shoe-. I l o I.I do lo t'riKkfS .l. nVoes warr-.iri : do dit .It do do Calf snd Seal Skill Tumps. do List S.ks with and without soles. d.1 Carpet do do do do Talent Wairinted Walt r-proof Moccaaina, Ladies' do do Jo d' La. Ins' lannr.l India Rubber sbixe. (.'eiitiemen.' do Over.h.H'S, Wiib every other uWlptioti of boots and shoes, For t- of evi ry desirlptiop-. Travelling Trunk 6f ewry dtecriplion, Venetian 'Travelling Bag. Patent Cum Elastic Shoe Blackiuv. lloiinet uf oil k.nd. Palm Leal Halt Thlla.lflj bia, Nuvt'MtbiX 13, IS4L If. A'TTO H -N E Y AT LAW, BUITBUalT, pa. Dusiness iitlended tn iti th (bounties of Nor-ihuft-berland, Union. LviMniing and Columbia. TiinnsS llxht Jc Co, Low in rV, Binnny. H art. Ct'MMinna & Hast. Vhilad. RKtioLtis, Mv'Fablash & Co. SpRMIVO, 'lOOII OC Co., TJIEOPILUS CULP. Manufac.mrer nnd Importer of Sari- dU:ry, Hardware, &.c. A't. ! South Tliinl slrt rf, four doors btlow Xarkd Firlfli Iplihi. KEEP cniiFtnntly nn h md a j.ri.' and ccr.cral assortment t-ui' I. Iinmps, (Ir Ligu Bamw, AleArins, Elipnc S"j r.imx. i'atrnt Leather. & . ('ontitry Mcrchanta i: ,i n..di!leri w in be supplier! - i idl tune n the mngi in . i snle u m,. 'I tiey i find it to their advance 1 1 call and oxatniiiu t. a aSHOrtini nt bi )ore purc'i.i.-iri ' i lse" l ero. Pbilai..!iia. Nnv.m er '3, t4l. ir. WHOt ESALE i;t; J a u. i.d' KSft No. 1 17 - 1 I I.- I'.u. H V, i r- a. d s. ... dir., F.i! P iicr, u'ri., p. ni I A I ..-: , t t, hrlow 4h, '.ti .. g.-nc-iit Assort v cnmpria'ng ;. i. '..ifcellnne '. 1 1 . a I s-z-'s, l.eds . ; i i it i.-i-, Wiiting ore, " '.itch they (if iir at th" L . t?--t p'iei's t I 'onn ry l i r ii.n.t's Pre fessinnal d-nlli'ine-ij 'Tracl.r--, and !! ethers tha msy fnvnr .l.ciii with ihe.r ruon. Thiladelpiii, Novinl.et :t, "HI. -ly REYNOLDS. Me AKLANL i,: CO.. Wholesale DcakM-s Fo:;-'aTj fv.;: h and Anierif.T.u I.'rv '.'-'c-t-ii?. A". 10.') Mmkel r.treet, i'L'udt '.':' C10UNTR.' Merc'.i nt , .u.J .,..,,.. , J plied at all lime? -, sn rxi -i.ei'e t i.'i1 ment of the best and n rt i':-'i: ;:: '.! Gcc.'a ';p t (he most rea.-.itinbli. nn-. Philadelphia, November 13, 1 -1 .' J. S. ?rT,T::A, AVholcsaie Vr'.ri'. ly s nd Triir r.iiui: Stoft -Vo, 44, Xo-'h Fourth ( :.r :'. , Ih.'.'-i-i-fK-t "VTHEliE f.'uutit'V V-.-rrhnnli am' .:.i ;s tail ' suj .!ii d, lit til times, w;! a liue :.i icr'mtn of II (isi. rv. ilovc-, Ve-oin, Cotton, nnd V.'ool t Shuts ui,.l Dtawer-, iSnnni Cot'im. Picnt Thter'il Cotton Cords. Buttons. Tapes, tlindingii, Hor'ti nnd Eyes, Tins, A c. And a general vaii. ty of u fill articles, which he ofTue for eale at the loVM juices. Pliihdclphia, Novembci 13, ISll. ly. .Ilirliat'l raver A: Son, ROPE MAKEHS & SHIP CIIANSLERl !. Xn. 1 9 Korth Witter Street, Philadelphia. HAVE constnntly on hand, a general os5."i -ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, ttc, y : 'J ar'd liopes, 1'isbing Ropes, White Ropes, Msf9 la Rope, Tow l:ines for C-anal Boati. A!s a complete assortmeiit of Seine Twines, A c. such 1 i Hemp Shfld and Herring 'Twine, Best Patent trji Net Twine, Cotton Slmd and Hcriing Twine, Sn";s ) Threads, Ac. &c. Also, Bed Couls, Plough Lirri4 , Haller,Traree, Cotton nnd Linen C. rpct Cha'fK, Ac. all of which ihey will iltspose of on rcssonutf!" teims. Philadelphia, November 1 3, IS4L ly. ESI l E lHCK .l I A NSETl ,t CO. VTIIOLESAZ.E DRV GOODS STORE. No. ieoi-a .Market Street, Phila. (Ill low Fifth South side) ALWAYS keep on hi.nd a full nnd general ns si rtment of Ho-iery,-Lace, and Fancy Cuo.Ih, Country Mcrchanis are respectfully requested to give iht m a call and examine for them-elvrt. Philadelphia. November Kl, 1S41. ly. TO COTJNTflY WSRCliANTS. rPHE Subscriber, Agent ol I yon i Harris, Hat Manufuclurers. for N. w York, Plida.lelpbia, Ralttmore snd other largo cities, nros.j Jlats aie highly cotiiiiit.rided f.ir guod CiLt and dur'dility has oi l and a lir-t rile ssicitrn' iit ot HA TS and CATS, Suitable fir Springaale-, when will re sold very low, tm cask or apprjvrd credit, nl the mled cheap store. So. 40, Noiln T'rrd t-t. oipjei'e the City Hotel, PhiU.lel hia. Ol.lYE'vN. TilACHER. Agtnt. Y.. II. Oideis lor Hats i i ibe toti.V piomptly attended to. The highest ( lie. in ycJi ot Ua-Ja given lar Fur ifcin.u Pi ilad. lplii... Noviniber 13, I 11. ly jTvTTTVv'aTn" Uivihrella and Parasol Manufacturer. .Vo. 37 Sooth Third strrrt, tii-.t yl-mrs below the Citi Hottl, Phiiudtlphiu. C10UN n: Vc . bai ts ami rihcra are solicited J to t iii.: i is nf.suiii. mi bif.ue puichssmg . is here P:.ila elj Ida, Noven.Ur 13. l4L ly iSPEHING. GOOD & CO. N. iris Maik-t Street, Philadelphia; JJ.NVll'l. liio kt'.etiliuu of Coni.tiy Meicbanta f to the. r i iun-'ic a-M.t.u.ml . i Biiinh Frtiirh and Amuicuit Dry (iuods, wtuch limy iG'. r ful (ale on the ni .-t iias.'iiablt t.rma. Philadelphia, NovfinUt 13, 1811. ly. 'pHE till s, t her has jm-.i lereivrd a i.rw .n.d et- leu-lve ss.or iiic-n: ol Dry Good. ai. 1 'irnciries( which be i hVi for Nov.ti, lbll. iL' Ut ! lowtsl piie-. it. ii. MASSER. 7 AS 'al cii up , .-..! c f-.nu he' t; e sut -cu'. i r in. -v " ' ..t.rr.f bv .1.. aeph W itlb.ie. i.i I utktd.tc, P. 'n' towi K'lin ,t,. ib mi .rland c uiity, a u.lir'I'LE STEER k'. u elite face, abuut 17 wi Vnv.i.ths o'.d. 'J he ovvu-r is re.jUisie-l toterp Imward, tove pr,,C'v , pay chaises, and lake il awav. ABRAHAM LONO, Noj. 6. 1M1. NATHAN MILLER. WIIOX.ESAX.B KOISEiiy, CLOVE & OKXfnAl ViBllTI at.lRS, No. 31 Xath Fourth st un.rr Merchants' JUul PHILADELPHIA. "H7"'' Country Merchants can la aupplle. V. n extensive vaiiety of rhoice aiiiclt u bis line, upon the mist reasonable terms. Nov. Cih IS41 ly SHAIVIOILIN COAL. OF a very superior quality, can be had at en time, by application to the subscribers, in loti to suit purchaseia. They keep large, egg, broken, and fun) caul, fit for burning lime. J.H. ri'KDY & Co. Punl urv, Oct. XI.