Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, December 11, 1841, Image 3

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    put their shou'ders to the whei I, and while oilier
regions take the lead of us injure, let the Mon
tour Iron Region, ud Shimokin Coal Krginn
cuinmniid the uttcnlion of the World by their works.
Itunriltc lnteUigcnccr,
Home of the Poiladulphia paper Announce that
the Little Schnylkill and Suuifhanna itiilroad
Company have madt) att aBalgnertrnt to Ook Jo
seph l'axton, oTth a county. Wonder if any of
the ruined contractors are prefeiri d creditors, or if
tho Colonel now nt the whole work, bridges,
tunnels, and all, into h' own breeches pocket t it.
Attempt Escape,
Nicholas Reinhard, lately convicted of thn mur-
der of Conrad Christ, and under sentence of death,
made an unsuccessful attempt to escare mi Wed
titdny tirorniiig lost. It appears that by some
means or other he had obtained a file, and by dint
of pen-tfveronce on Tut-ftJay lught, relieved himself
of his irons. On Wednesday ntornin, immediate
ly upon the door of his cell being opened, he rushed
down stairs and out 'into thn street, with a bar of;
lion which he dud taken from Ms apartment. He !
was immediately pursued and overtaken pome two '
or three miles noith of this place. Refusing to nV- j
render, and coupling his refusal with -threats to take
the life of whoever should lay hands Umn him, he
wi finally secured by lodging a charge ef shot in
hi arm and thigh. The exertion conwijurpt upon
his flight, caused tl?o rupture of it blood vessel, end
this in connection with iho wtiunds received inliis
rapture, brought on a aerious attack of indisposi
tion, from whieh it "ill tnko soiue time for him to
recover. Heading Gnzelle,
Oo it tit rife Iters Aiieletl.
New CiMivrniFMT !--liiioK Our ! A gang'
nf aime four or five 'fillallcicls, honored Our ur
rough with a visit ycstcid.iy, and succeed. d in,
parting oil' several counterfeit 5i of the Miners' j
ll uik of PoltJvHIe, upon ono or two of our mer- '.
chants. The bills were detected, and a pur- j
suit instituted, which resulted in the capture of j
tlnce of the gang, who were ki!y examined before !
Wm. 1!ktz, Eij., and cfiiiimilted to prison. Their ;
mimes are ,7i;i Tlentf. .lucnk Ariitdd and Aaron
Brown. !
The following description has bvcm kindly Air-
nished us by friend :
fi Dollar Pott on the Miners' Hank nf Potts
ville, lolir t", mailc (yable to J. Lyons dated
June 1st, 1841; paper lighter in color than the gi -
, . ,, ,,,,
uuine notes: olheiwise well executed, and calcu a-
ted to deceive, S
We would add h t the paper on which tho ge- j
nirine notes of tlrisl-auk are struck, is of a reJdi.-h :
cast. Raiding G'azetc. i
Amiihi.k Firewall. For everal year the j
Louisville Journal has been engaged in tire most j
ttesiicrate and harrussing warfaic with the Louisville
Advertiser. The titoruf tho latter p.xjier is about
to remove to M. Louis und his old enemy lakes
leave of him in the following all' cting strain :
Tho Adveitiser, of yesterday, contain a long
valedictory from its late editor, Shadrach Peim.
Khadraeh, after a roiderree of twenty-three years
as an editor in this city goes to spend the rest of
his life and to lay his bones in St. Louis. Well,
he has our best wishes for his prosperity : oH the
ill-will wo ever felt foi him passed out long ago
through our thumb and fore-finger. His I jt, hith
erto, has been a niest ungentle one; but we trust
that his bfe may prove akin to the plant that first ' Robert Adams, Ibe applicant for the license, is a
l.i gnsto blossom at the advanced age or half a j " of good repute lor honesty and temperance.
... , . ,, and is well provided for house-room and convenient
etn-ury. May .11 be well with him here and here- ! c n u (ip 8cl.lnm,a,ioll ot e,r ill.c,s
lifter ( fur wo should be sorry if a poor fellow, whom j a, traveller--, mid that a public house there i lie
we have been torturing eleven years in this world, j ecisary : they therefore letoinmend him as a pro-
.11 ii . .i , i r.i. : tier p. is"n to Ire lirensed to keep a public house,
were to lie J over to the tinder mercies of the I "t , ,, , , , 1 ,,
Devil in the next.
Mia.lrach, f irewe'.l !
Tf .1 li It I K JJ ,
On the 2J ins!., by the Rev. John Hall, Mr. Wm.
Ni:wsr.Biir of the town of Norlhuinb- ilaud, to
Miss.Sus Fox of h.imokiii township, .Nor.huin
tii rlan.l county.
t m 1 m a rm - I?jA
jjJgJftJUlm MfwnJGVH !
. v 'fTMrrsi j
f'pal Trntlr.
Amount ot Coal carried nil the Danville and
i'ollsville Rail Road to Vuubury for shipping, du
ling l!.e wetk ending on Dec. I, 4!I7 Tuns.
J'er last reptirt, 0 U(i6
Total. 81,46:1
Amount of Iron Ore transpottrd, 2,123
JOHN UL'DD, w. m.
Sfkltl'l H M Si A I'll IL THAU!!.
Total amount shipped liom Wyoming Valley, to
June 21st, Tons, 7,116
at m ill tutL
i K HIE.
To Nov 18, T,,ns, 5:10,C79
Little Wc hi- ilk ill Coal Trade.
To Nov 18, Tons, .17,486
Dr.LAWAiiK Si llL'iiso.t Coal Tsaiik.
To Oct. 'J. Tons, 151,270
l'l!a liKtivii Coal Thaok.
To Aug. 5, Tom, 13,000 j
Moc NT (Jabuoh Rail Roao. ,
Amount transported lo Oct. 21, Ton, 74,009
Mine Hill cV Schl-t lkill Havei Rail Riiap.
Aniounl transported to Nov 18, Tons 253,181
Mill Cheek Rail Roar.
Amount transported to Nov 18, Ton 60,918
isCHl'VLKILL ViLl.IT RaIL Roitl.
Amount iruiiHported lo Nov 18. Ton T7,2a9
Lehiuii Coal Tiaih.
To Nov. 1 1, Tons, 117,723
Corrected wetkty by Henry Yoxthtimet.
Wat at,
Co, -
Fiats tn,
IlslSWAX, -
Dhisii Ariati,
Do. I'iachks,
HttKLID Fill,
Consumption ! C'nmninpl losi ! !
S mi Infallible remedy for Hireling Pulmonary
H Complaints, Colds, Coughs, Spilling of Ulood,
dilfieuliy of Urpilhinff, llionrhitis, .lTenVM of the
Throat and dlliitiltt Expectoration, Wcakms-acs,
Debility, Liver Complaint, nnl Mil other thtron
of Consumptive nalute. This medicine ha a dr
cided advantage over most prepiraiion. of the kirn),
a it regulatce tho bowels, ntlil strengthens tho com
solution ( and does not bind up tho system nnd
eneonrago iiitoincirnnre, ai most of the medicine
do, by the f.ital opiate alcohol combined in them.
Such medicines have great tendency to tiring
mi"ry end distress, nnd even tie ilh upon many
valuable cilir.ens. Wo I'm. I by the weekly records
of the hill of Mortality, that thtee fourth of the
hum itt souls who so suddenly deputed from thrir
dearest friends and relations, have been swept off by
that fatal and i"ll destroyer, Con-itinplion, when
many could hive been saved if they had cd a
proper medicine. Fellow I vein is who yet dwell
with in, und are afuScl. d with the premonctnry
symptoms oltliM il.scac, procure Immediately U'.
Duncan's Kvpechirjiit Itemed before it be too late,
and not be led to hcli. vo that aik'h symptom will
8.IOI) p i-s oil' without the use of pioper medicine;
by I'll, h negligence, you in iy "oon be led to know
your folly. One hi tilt! may at the first attack, bo
sullicienl, Pamphlets giving a fu'l Ire.ilif idw.iys
accompany the medicine. Price, fl per hot lis
Olli-to No, Itf .N'ortli Lisihlh street. Phd-tdclphia.
Dee, llth 1811. Agent
A It
CO(ii.TI(. I'ED K cord . I Medical S.i-2-
,.nre a id Literature, ly Robert Dui.glisun,
M. I) , Profcs-or of the tnsti:U'es of Medicine, ele.,
in Ji if is in Mi tbcal OoHece of Pht'aire phi, pub
lished monthly 'by Ail tin W.ildie, No. 40 Carpen
ter street, l' Iphia. Suhscripiion price, $3 a
V ar. Suhsciiplions fur ibe alneu tvork ten ived bv
the auhscrdier. JI. U. MASSEtl, '
Dee. ll,h. 1ft 1 1. Agent.
To the Honnrubfe Klbs Lewis, Esq., President,
and his Associate Judges of the Court of ,""""
ier Semiont, if 1he tonaiy nf Northumberland
rflHE p. liti.m of JACOB KIIAM, of Shao-o-
JL kin, in a t ut county, humbly represents, that be
eoi.tiuu. s to keep tavern at hi-i ol I stand, in tl.e
! town of Shamokin, mill is wpII pn parrd the nc
; iMMiin.iilaUou of traveller. oVe, He ihrrefore praa
' your llonurx to Rraut bun a liieuae to keep a 1 1
, vt tii duNiig (lie ensuing ytar, and he wilt rfr.iy, A.c.
'I'ii the Jrnara above MKvrtoNrn : Tho aub
I M-riber, residents of Sham.Atin, heie!y rerlifv, that
Jacob Kniin, the applicant fur thr licence, i-i a nuili
of good rei utc lioneKty and Tempi x nrce, and in
- well provided with houar-ioom and C.mvrtdenees
lor It.e lodeinc bikI ucrommiHlation of .-trang. ru and
traveller?", and that a public house theie U neefwiry:
. 'hey Ibrri tore Tev.iium ml him an a proper per
j son to be lii ennil to keep a public Imus.
ira,t - uri!., an iun a puuui ooosr- uieie is net rwirv:
...... ., .. . . I
Joseph r-nv iler, John I liompaon,
Win. Fatrrly, Xit ore Krirer,
Janira Wallace, J.din Uoushmr,
Wm Kufbler, William Ferity,
John Treats J.-r miah Ximnictnmii,
Daniel Ktcreil, M. II. Ken.
Javh 11 ur,
llth, 1SI1. nt.
To the Utmorahu Ella tutrix. Esq., 'resident,
and his Associate, Judges of the Cnurt of (Juor
ler Stssions, if the county if Nortliuinbei lund :
rPlIU peliti. n nf Knbeit Adams, cf fcunbuiy, in
-L Mid coUiily, liumMy leprrientf, that he linn
rented that wi II known tavein a'nnd in Sunbtiry,
formerly occupied by 11 nam l'rirr, oppoa.te iho
eouil house, and is well prepared fur the accommo
dation of traveller, Arc. He therefore praa your
Honors to grant h.m a lieensO to kep a tavern du
ring the ensuing jcat, and he will pray, eVc.
To the Ji'nnts above MEsnoNEn : The sub- j
lcribirs, residents ofNunbury, hi r. by certify, th-t
rimnci 1'. j.rruan, jienry u.uipi,
I II. II. Masser, Abiaham Krtvin,
' I'. ler W. Cray, (ieo. C. elker,
! Edward t yster, (ieo. Weiser,
i (Ieo. Martin, Xavicr Eugert
1 John Eisely, Joseph Eisely.
John Ilognr,
I Dee. llth. lull. St.
7b t he llomrrutile EILs Ltiris. Esq, J'reitidinl,
I itud his Associates. Judges of the Court of Quar-
Sessions, of the county of iSurtliumUrlund
rpiiE petition of Henry lliieher, ol Sinhury, in
said county, humbly tepresents, that he con-
tinui to keep a politic noose 01 entertainment, 111
his old stand, the JSunbury Ferry, and is well pre
pared for the accommodation of travellers, iVr. He
therefore prays your Honors to pranl him license
to keep a tavern, during tht! th-uuig vear and he
will pray, Ac. llE-NKY lit'C'HEK.
To iiieJiiiges itinvi mi.ktioseii : The sulv
sciil ers. residents of Sunbury, hereby certify, thai
Heniy I!ut her, the applicant for the lion.e, is
man of good repute for hniu sty and tempi ranee,
and is well provided with boo-e-iuoin slid conveni
ences for the I dgtng and areonno ..Ulion i f strun
g. rs and travelleis, and ' It 1 1 a puhl c houe there is
necessary ihey the if re r, c iiniiieud hi ill sa a
proper prrsou to be licensed tokeeo publ.e hotise.
John Randuls,
John P 1'ursel,
Joleph Eii ly,
Henry Landau,
Itonj until Kiohit,
(ieorge Moiitz,
Charles Miller,
Dec llih I -ill. 3t.
II. IJelUs,
Fiancis Ducher,
J 1I111 Kpetce,
Win. H. Miller,
fS.niuel MouU.
.rnwi Esq., J'ies;dint,
To the Honorutde Ellis
1 nnri his Atsocuitr. Judges if the I ourt oj IJunr
I ler iSe.tniuK, of the county nf Northumberland
I rpHE petition of Charles Weaver, ol Sunbury, in
' A said county, humbly r prrscn'. that he intends
keeping a public house of rnteitainment, at the
' old stand now kept by Daniel tubsou, and is well
! prepared for the accommodation of travellers, A.c.
j He therefore pray your honors to grant hmi a li
cense to keep tavern, during iheensulng yeai,ja
tie will pray, cue, uiiani.n'' "t..i-ii.
'J'o th Ji ttnta abovk mistioxiii; '1 he gu,.
criber. resilenl r Sunbury, hereby ce'ufy,
Chaile Weaver, the applicant for tho license, 1
man of Rood repute for honesty and ttunieiance,
and w well provided with hne se-room and conveni
ences Tor the lodging and. accommodation of stran
gers snd travellers, av.rj that public house there
is necessary t therefore recommend him as
proper pernor, to be licenstd lo keep public hou-e.
Joseph Eiwlv. Daniel Druiketn.ller,
! Dsmel (iiliAon, l)auiel Haas,
Henry Haas, Hi iijamiu Het.drick-,
Hunuel Druckcmilhr, John Harp,
(ieo. Martin,
C. Dower,
John Robins,
Dte. llth, IMI ill,
Wm. (ihek,
Tei the llonnriildr Ellin . ". E'., I'n s'idi nl
and bin imnwintr Judge if Ihf Court if IJ iar.
tcr Sessions, if the tount if Noel tin in In r.iiud ;
'PHI: petition oTCiil.m 1). Wiinron,i.f fun.
bury, in said county, humbly TepreKt-it lit it
lie funitntiea to keep pubi c house of entertain
inctit, nl his old Btiud opposite tho Court House,
and is well prepared for the avcominod.ition of tra
vellers, rfte. He therefore prays your H.niois to
grant him a lecens.i In keep a tavern, during the
ensuing year, and ho will pray. oVe.
To tii x inner Attnvr: mkh Tiotn t The snli
serih r, residents ol'Sunbury, hereby eeitify, thai
Chailea 1). Wharton, the applicant for the license,
is a man of good repute for honesty and leniieTMnce.
and is well provided with house-room and conveni
ences for the I 'ditinfj and accommodation tf stran
gers and travellers, and that a public houso there is
necessary : they thert f to recommend him a-t a
proper person tt be lici nsid to keep a public house.
S.nmn I D. Jordan,
"W" il I i i in Younginrtn,
John W. I'eal.
Charles W, I If gins,
John Il.igar,
Charles (i. 1) inntl,
Willi m L. Dewarl,
II. U. M.ts-er.
I- redenek LntiiUs
(Jeo. Mar'in,
W, J. Martin,
(ico. liiigh,
Henry S. (i.ibio,
i'eler m-x
Dee. I llli, IH.H. !it.
To the Hnnrruhle Ellis Lewis-, Esq , President,
and his Associates, Judges if the. Court of (Juur
tcr Sessions, if the tonntij ef Northumberland :
THE petition of Catherine RoMllon. Widow of
John lJold'on, lute deceased, of the bolouh of
Sunbttry, in said c iinty, huriiblv rep'e-ent--, that
she ron'lioue to keep a public lions of enteit .in
tninr. at t'iie s'aud fotniurly kept ly her bu-band,
and is well prepf.n-J f.t the aecnmmod Hi n iT tra
vellers, Ve. She therefore prft8 yoltr Honors to
grant her a liiensj to Itrep a tavern, djring tho I n
suing vear, and she wi!l tirav. e
CAtHl'Kl.M: nul'LTON.
To the Ji urns jinovK m em rlo i n : ' he sob
seribpis, r si lents of !!rv, her, by t eilily, lll.t
Catherine ll iulton, the applicant for license. i- a
woman of good lepute for honesty and teui erance.
and i Well provided with hoWse-'tooin :il coliv- tt -ences
for the lodging anil accommodation of sir.m
irers an I travellers, nnd lhat a public, hou-e theie is
heee-sary : Ihev therefore recommend her as a pro
per peis.-n to I e licensed, to keep a ublle house
lieo. IT. elVer,
D.inii I lriick in.llcr,
Daniel ti.b-.on,
J ieo' K'.an n,
Ren. Weiser,
John D. I'rice,
H. II. M isser,
Dec. llth, Hll 3t.
Hi I. ry Dawson,
l'n der Yk ! t rus,
F.ilivard Oyster,
Clt .rles tf. D.mnel,
S inoiel D. Jordan,
C. D. Wharton,
Joseph Ei-elv.
pidied to the CoMrt of Common I'll as of Nor
thu nbi tt nut County. f"r the U'ntntof the law
s '
.1 I
made for the relief of the insolvent ilebtois; and
that the Ju lu'cs of the said Court hae nppoiuti d
the first Mond ty of Jan'v. nct lo l.ear us and imr (
eieditors at the Couit House in iinbury, wlien
ami where von may attend if von think proper.
Dee. 4. 1S41. JOHN HACKMAN.
IOi; trial in the Court of Common Pleas of Nor
J thumlf rland Countv. to beheld at Sunlury,
on the first Monday of January next, being the 31.
Joseph Tiego
I'eler IM.ieit's ndin'r
Com'lh of IVnn'a
IJadger for Badger
Charles W. Richard
John 1). Cowden
James Wetzel
Elijah CrawTord
Coui'lh for U. j) rc
vs Martin A. Slock
vs John Filbert
vs Weaver, Lloyd & Ro
bins vs Hugh llell.ts
v John D. Cowden
vs Richards A. Kitchen
ts (Solomon Dunkleberger
Vs Jesse I'uiker
vs John Fink
Henry r r ck
vs fsnptieii Wilson
Com' h for Cilberl I?o-
bins's ex'r. vs Martin Weaver
Richard Yurnell vs K. IS. Mr .dl'.nl's adui x
Lvoii.tndorseeot nmiiu vs II. Ltriias
Andrew Tmk
l)r Th. . Yanvtlz.iU
U.iriht f r I'ipi r
Heine r eV Follou r
John M. Ktisscl
Joseph Mar z
Yaies A; Melntyre
James UifJ
Uald. Fuck A- Mann
John R. Keiler
Henry II trdsher
John F. Dentler
William Fry
McMauus iSc. Urolheia
ve Jul 11 A. Lloid
v A. tsti'iishmn's udui'x
vs Heniy Fm k
vs Samuel Itlair
vs Divid Harlin.ltl
vs V. Purs. I A: J. I'uiael
vs td. Y. ll.igbl
vs Jacob 11 11 el
vs Fagily A 1 niinroian
vs John Murray
vs Win. iV Rot t. Hunter
v David Watson
vs William A. Lloyd
vs llson A lliueu-
vs Redde WalUiV Cieeti
vs Henj 1111111 Mathews
vs Hoit hi & Conk
vs f. Wilson Ar II l r ck
vs 8.1111111 1 f.vint lia.t
Wm. K. Shoemaker
Robt. D. Cummiligs
Delu.rah ti ant
Kepler for Wilson
John urveu el ul
rrolhotiotary's Ofliee, l'roth'y.
Sunbury Dec. 4, IS41. 5
J. IT. S'JiaTE?,, 1C. 3.
IS ejain at Mr. 11. II. iluri'sio Norlhiniilerl md.
-where he will he happy to r.ceiVe the e!s of
those wishing bis prole-sioual n tvires. Dr. S'
stay is limited to two werks. Any ers.m in Sun
bury wishing to consult him, will, bv adibessitig him
through the po-t ofli. e, receive a call from him. r 4ib. IStl. 2t.
7KKH Oysters in the shell, and the be. I Am-
bov Ovsicis by tho can, will be served up 111
dialling dishes, mas rd, fryed or oiln rwl-e, to suit
the taste i f any (Jcnllcinan, Also all kinds t.f pas
in , Ac. will he kept constantly on hand. All ih.isr
in favor of good living will ple.iso call lit itie old
Osster IL'Uv, formerly kepi by C, D. Wlritton and
William Wearies, and I will endeavor to plea-e nil.
Sunburv. Nov. 57th. Islll. :tl
rr1TTr d I nVC5ti'iTe IL
Jfc M W J A LlJ
rpHE Su' acribt r.lormerl of the fnm ol Whirlon
1 A Searles, rcspetlfo.v inform his friend and
former customers, ',' he has dissolved with hi .
partner, and e, ei,ed an establishment on hi-.o,r. n
hook," u-.,der Mr. Adam.'s Hotel, where C.eml,..
nene.,n. le aupplud wi h Oysters, upeui-', ,,r n, ihe
sfiiieRed, roasted or fry'ed, Oy'er Soup, l'ig
FeeU Tiii.e. and I'ies ol vur'ous k'.nils. He is
thunkful lor past favors, an.1, soli, i.a a continu tnce
of their patronige. -VlLI '.AM SEARLES.
Hunbury, Nov. S7'.h, lti4t. 3t.
lOTICE is hen by given, that John Millet, ol
Augusta township, Noithuliibcilnid county,
has uijili) an sssiuiuiienl of all bis estate, goods and
chattels, rights and cie.iils, to the subsciii ers, for
thelieutfit uf his creditors. All persons itidel t u
lo the said John M.ller, or having claims ug mot
him, are requtated to present their accounts lo the
kubscrihera for settlement.
W. IM NTINliER, SvhujIkiibHaven.
Xioeinbcr 57th, IMI 31.
V-1 ' I'm, cut I amiiisiiM' Oil
'Phe sii' serilii r respe tiully i fori ibe eil Ta lis
A ni Culmnhia, .ViY liumbi rl mil mid I 'niivi couu
lies, that they have puieliAsnl the sole piitilegeof
uing. iniiniiiae rtring and vending the above named
iittiele in the sf in Slid eollnlie-'. They hiivo
received I'ife ii'sortmciit of lam; 8 of every de
scription, confusiing of
whieli tin y otl'er Tr sale si 11 a-ioiiable term.
This light i a new inn ntbm, and is snpeibir to
any thing Jet discovered f ir dliin.iuaiing largo and
small rooms, and di-pell ng the d .tki.cs nf the tnnhl.
It is iufeii ir t i nothing save the light of the sMn ;
wdierevr r I' h . 111 introduced, il has nut-hone
everv thing id a luminous 1. dure, and stems a out
to become the t gil of the nurid.
Its prominent supc ior tpialnies are 1 rilliincv,
richness, spbndour, elcn'mes', and last but not
lea-t, rhenjinrs.t, Th.' wtk keeps iliit!'y
! from dirt, ni.d the laiep- sie easi'y kept m older
In the cities of Phila h-ip'ti 1 and Ne.v loik it has
been Mihstittilt d v. ry evleiis vi ly for ga-, on ac
count of i s i heapiiesS, and Itc.iu e it is 11. t so m
jiirioua to the tie s.
D rec ions for using will I fiuitished to all who
buy, an I t r lers f.oui a ih-t nnv prornptlv am 11. led
to. TRICK. Ull.LMEYEii V Rl's.EI,.
It.iimllr, Nov. 57. Hit - tf
itiiuril j iiiMults 1. iiiiiiii'Atuit.
NOI lt'E is h. ret v given, that the
ha In en aiii.ciriteil atidit tr. I- tht; Court ot
Common 1'leas of N.-tt'.n t.b. tl.Tnl eoonty, for the i
purnire nf appo.-ti Uiinj the a-sets in the bun's of
Frederick Liziius. a-s e-n,. nt Tholii-.i A. liilhiig-
Ion, and that he will afi'ml fir Hi .t pu.p. s at the
rrotlioiiot.i'v'a nllice i.i un! urv. on .Monday ihi:
211th dav "I Deccnber In X'. When and where all
persons luteii-flrd will attend.
Suiib.iiv. Nov. "7th. Hit. It.
Wu'b lJi.nll
FOR -ale a sro i l I'.ino, eont iii ing about t rie
bu d e I and t-11 in:ie. tuoTO or le-s, s.tu tie
in I', ii.t township. N.-r In. ml" ilai.d e. iuilv , about
two mil's al-nte . o.f noil. eil .ri-l, on the Ml. .ill
road b-a.liiu1 from ih'Al pl.i'f t Dmville, n.ljoilling
laruL ol John Legion, .le se C. llot'oit mid ollrrrs.
now in the oceup iiiey -f 's.iiiiui I I'ayte. A! out
foitv ncTt s of s od tiact are cbaud, and in go ul
slat - of co iia'ioi, on w b ill there is a small barn
erect, d. The property w ib bo sold eli r. as.11 able
terms. F,V further particulars, pi-monK arc request
ed to apply to t! e m' tciib t.
H. U. M.S.',R, Agent,
Nov. 27ih. l'4l. tf iSunb'iiv. 1'a.
oli r ia V a v i o"it 1 1 r ".i iTi:.
IMaic ol (ii tiruo llonibt i ssvr.
TN pursii Hue of an o.ilvi ol ihe Orphans t.onrl
ot Noithiiml'i il .lid cainiv. will he exposed to
ptibl c enle n tiiday the tTth dav of D.t-ember
ne, hi the 1a'e n-Mib i ee of lieorge Hornl vrger of
toial mwnstiip, in sod comi'v, ilec'd., il l that cer
tain Intel or prevent Istid situate on M dionoy rnek.
in said lownsh p, atljo nu.g lands of Henry Haopt.
tieo-ge leu g and ti e Widow Hornhetger, eonlain
ina one hundred and three acres und filty-iwo per
ches, sir kl measure; about twenty arte-of which
arerh ait d and in a hith state of cultivation.
Also, one other tract or piece ot land situate in
said township, adjoining lands ol'lieoige Long, Su
sannah Weary and the Widow llomberger, con
taining four acre- rind 152 pen-lies, sl'iel nieasuie,
about llnee acres of which a e clean d, und in a good
stale of cultivation,,, t,, comiiienee at 10 o'.
thick of said dav, when the coiuli'ions wi I be ma.'e
known bv ' 'IHO.MAS HENl.MiER,
Bv the Conn, Ex'rs.
JOHN ti. Yol'.NUMAN, Cih. U. C.
Nov. 20th IS 11. :n.
S. U. The fust above di seribttl tract if land baa
Irecn iuio two putts; one iht-r. nf contain
ing S3 aeies ami 19 pi relic-, u'oou: 8 aces of wh th
a'o cl -bled; and the other e. ml lining 21 and
::), about 12 acres of w h.cti hts l-h ari d
and will bo si-IJ ttigrlhi 1, or i p irate, to suit pur
1 ha-era.
.loll 11 t h itjN i:ttaU.
I N purs
of N.
pursu, inert o! .01 outer ol ttn- I irsMi 111- voiim
onhuiots'il oid cuotv, v II lie expa-iil t
public role on r-t i l iv li e 1 l b day ..f I in ember
next, at the laie dv line-li.tise , f J ji 11 Chein . i I
Augiisia toniisi ip, 11. c.unly, d. e'd., a eii'uiu
liaci ot lund eotiiaiuiiig twei.ty acre- moie or le-s.
u. I. lining land i t llenr, M .s-ei, IN.p I'eu 1 llurn-.
John D. t'omad, and the heirs ul Jacob Moore,
whereon is erected a small log bnu e and an! hi.
S.le to commence a'. It1 n't lock of said day , when
the conditions will be liude known by
Sunbury, Nov. 20th, 111. Adm'r,
lllxl l't't'4-it ! and for sale by Ii. II. Mas
sir Lo-t 11 yrup, rUi(ar H..U-e and N. U.
iMola-ses; L-mf, Lump, ('rushed, Drown and Chrs.
ta'i.ed Nnuar; Cranberries. Ri sins. Crackers, Ar.1,
Fieneh ai.d English Menu s; Merino atid other
fhnw; L'l.hs. Cnssimirs ttl"l Caasinetts 1 Diy
(ioods; Hardw are. Sadlerv, itc. of all kinds.
Nov. 20. Ii, l?U!.
A utile e utt.qualieo !oI cleaning anil giving a j
- highly durable und most biillinnt p. Iish lo sil
ver, (iermaii Silver, lirass, Copper, ISntt.uiia,
Tin, ftiel, ("utbry, and for restorii g the lustre on
varnished carriage-, ic. TRV I F.
l'rcpured an I s Id at wholesale and retail, by the
Susquehanna Chrysolite I'oh.-h Company, Owego,
Tioga countv, N. Y.
WM. FORSYTH, Agent lor Northum'd,
II. li. MASSER, Agent lor Sut.buiy.
November VIOlh, lis 1 1.
Wholesale and lu-tnil Slio, lionnet,
ami 1'altii I . :!' 1 Lit V" aahoiise.
No. (iU North - -'' '. (', ,tut uftuXt .;,,-(,
j A Tititiks, Cf ,.( Uai Valices.of ev-
iS. 1
i. ,r ll''M-'lli'.n, .,tl f whnh he ilkiston
1 j , .. 111.,' . , ...I.e. ........
Jhilaleb,j;. UM.;n,er 13, 14L ly.
i 7 "&T"uTrvTR"l"T s
s lii'.ia.Cilass and Livci'nl Warelititiso.
No 104 North Third tlrnt. bird uW bttuir Milt
street, I'hitd hlp'tin.
AlfHERK they rons'iinlly k.cp on hand a large
assoilmelit vf Cliuia, lilass ai.d Liverpool
Ware, which Ihey Will dispusu of on the most iei
otiablo teims.
I'hil .delpbia, November 13, 1841. ly.
TiiLoriLUs ct'Lr.
Mnnufaclurer nml linjioiter of Sad-
oierv. uaniwitif, c.
11 11 1
i ,u. S Suulh Third street, four doors be!utn Market
I Intuit. Iphia.
F.El rotistaiiily on hand a large and gt neral
astoriment l oat h Lamp-, Cdiii.qje Hands,
AkloAnns, Ehplie Ppiings, Fat. nt Leather. Ac.
(nuntry Merchants and .uddlei w ill be supplied at
all tunes on the most iej'Oiiable teims, 'I bey wi.l
find it to their advantage to call and examine his
assortment before purchasing elsewhere.
I'tjiladilpliia, NtmiiiUr Id, IMI. ly.
N.inibrr ".) Nunh Third Sheet, I'li lni'i 'j-'im
K Jrill,IO stLEs ,,f D,y (;,, HardwaM
EL an. I Cutlery, Hooks, ft itionury, Clothing,
II. lots, Sim. k and Ha is alii hi slim I almost evfiv
de-cripibin nfgo i.U. are held ill this establishment
every etTiiti.g (i.s.ds uie al-o sotd ..I piiva'esale
during the day at lit.- verage unci on pirV es, Store
keepers and tin. h is) will find 11 to their advantage
by aileudiiig the sal s.
C. C. M CK!'Y, Aueiioneer.
rlliladi Iphia. Noiemb 1 1:1. If II. I v.
JiM ol) I'l lstCItf Cl Still.
Il'i;t; I I' t !.l, V no. 1.1. s ih, ii in. i ds and
iieouaiiitauei s e, nr .1 hit tint silicon-
tinne to k--. p u iio ! -I .11 I. .Yi 2IC .North 3d
siteit. riii'.i b Ipt.i 1, ,i kinds ol
W hi h tl.iy wil s.- l mi the 111 t .u commodaiii.g
and it is .n.d.le ttu 01s.
N.I'. All en nls -old w ill bo pU iranteed, and nil
orders prniopl'v atttinled to.
I'lidnb Iphia. Notemler 1:1, IMI ---Iv.
" r;Ti;;u )j;wi;i:si
Xo. 7-1 ( 'jiIIow I. ill Street, J'ltiladeljiliia.
''Three dimrs above Stcnnd.)
4HOE Findings always kept 011 hand, w hr.h he i
t.ll. rs for sale nil the lowo-t terms, ("imnlrv
Merch nils are pa-rtiutl nly to tall and judge for
I'hiladvl, Ida. Novem!-er l:. lull. If.
lntjiiit lei's anJ k'iei s in l'mvigu ami
I lonifsiit. Ilattlwarc,
No. tTI Noiiin I n 1 n. 1 11 n r, I'm i.a m i 111 1 .
T H f"li E their fiiends and t ustomers will always
' ti ul a .ic' and geni tal a-sorlmetlt of Foreign
and Domestic llatdwaie, which they will sell at the
lowest prices,
Phih il. I hi t, November 1.1, IS 11. Iv.
OF f.veuy desckhtio.v.
m:v lncjlandoil company.
No. 21) N't.rllt Water Street, l'liila.
MANI FAC I TRERS nnd dealers in Oils of
every description boih for Hirnitig and
iiiaiiut.r-'tiring purposes, which will lie sold touch
lower than they can be procured elsewhere, and
wi.iiniited in quality to equal any in the city. Any
oil md I bv the company not proving ns irj Ti s tiled,
may be relumed w ithout any ex ense to the pur
chaser, ami the money will la? ietunde.J.
'I b.ciV stot k. tiow in stole consists ol the follow itig
oils, v ii :
30,00't il-dlotis Winlfr Bleached HjeiUi"
do'.ees OH,
Fall atid Wprina perm Oil,
Winter Si a Eb pliant,
do 1'ie.std Whale Oil,
15,( 00
unimer 11.1 00 uo
( 'oniuion hale Oil,
50i Il.trivls sirpciioi Straits Oil,
3( 0 th Cod Hank Oil. !
fi) tl.i Nea s Foot O.I, I
75 Caks Oilf Oil,
Tantit r's tils. -;
This Company has a number of Vesse
" r, !
ndy !
gaged in the Cod Fislurv.atid '1'ai iier- may
upon petiii.g at till Lines Oil ns ptirtt ns impuried
I'liiladelphu, Aov. i:t, IMI. ly.
riHE spinal ain iilioii of buyrti, 1 1 tun the Fundi
1. and west, and for the slate tra e, is re-pet tl'i.l
Iv invited to the followii.e a-soi tile ur ot (HHiE'S,
which the su! cni t r willih e ot at sin h piiees
as will Siiqily icpay bis Lieut's for 1 along 1.111I 1 x
auuiiitig Ins Hl-ii'k. To CASH pu. chasers, at the
I re-ent tune, eslraordtn uy inducrnients will be of
ft red.
Still p-cces tieaw varieg Hi d Spar.'o-Vi nm't i-rr.
fttn' pieces Canton m ittiiu:. s-soit. d 4-4, 5-4 and
fi-t white, chei ked and flowered.
loo" hiti'th tuns, a lemtdtd a-so'tmi nt if Wil
ton, lirns-els, Tutted, Tlukey.aiid lieuip rugs.
"00 1 iei e- woidi 11. worste I, coltoti, b.cinp, in
gi. .in. Yi-i.c'i 111 and block '.npetioks. An 1 legint
var civ nf v ilton. Ilittssils, .-i.i ih ai.d English,
Vent ".'tao, Datna-li, Ac. Ac.
l(itlt) men .-ml I nvs caps, comprising a
an ut vat 1 tv 1. f, Sent. Nu'ua. Muskral, utid
Cetiey. II i r S. aVne t i d
100 doill Allien. I Ma -lOO
do Mai ill. 1 t!
fill tl.l Sin ep-Fh'll lb
lid bah S Fret i ll IS sk,
.1. Cap.
ul torn
c ii.pui-ii.g cwry 1!
Stilt pair Vei 1 mill'. 101-, a-s'd ftunies and rolois.
iltMiO 1 at r;' do do
KK'ii ie- .1 ..- 1,1 S itefu-U, ass'd, 1 n.b i-snl
le..i r. s-r ,v. .. . . 1 1 .0 1
fitUHl 1I07.1 u C in' . -. ited tortoise shed Rrf (
71I.I11II doll 111. ivoiy, Ita-s and w Ood, ColliptlMi' g a j
larce nss,.r:nieiil of eeiy variety.
atnni ttor.eti v nips iumuuu ,1110,1, gig, car
riage, sulky, planters, drovers or tiding, P put, lun
ther 1. lid thread, with tieimail silver, jr' ,t, ivory und
bone mowiilmus.
totiO do7en painted p ii!, NVil'-. uV brand.
1000 nest cedar Tubs r, j Dkcta j s0,
Churns, 1'iecitis, Water IVI5, 4-,.,
The abote together U bu e.iens'nr assortment
of fancy goods, ltriltui4 ai:.'. '.lennoti silvtr ware,
feather ami ' ltl" 1' r .tsbt s, i.oi'kilig Classes, Ma
hoeany and Uill ', iatnv, i f i eiy sir.e nnddesorip
lioti, are niano', ..tttire.',, impurttd, and selected vx
pretelv I01 '.'e bu'.'nero, wt stern and slaie trade.
Xo 1 North 'id stieel, Philadelphia,
l'hilatlt iphia, Novetnler 1 3, IMI. ly.
I-'FI-Ml FOR SALE, ul the South Last (.oi
lier of Eif I h and Mt.rkit Slntls, Ehiludil- ,
p'na .
Mi 1. Calf-skin Hoots, htitehed wairauted.
tl.l til llo MUged do
vhl do do Waier pro'ift doullt) soles
ami loiun.e tippi-is.
do Call-skin do do
and uppers,
do Heavy ati r Lt tther Ito-Hs.
do llo Neals ilo llo.
tlo Iliyb qu.uti-i Shoe-. Call-skin
do do do Cioikeis do
1I1 Fine Monroes warranted
Jo hailed
lvip tbi
Ci.lf do
Ho l oaise no
do do SIiim
do Fine llo
do Kin do
do Calf snd Seal Skin I'ltntp.
tlo List S. c w il'.i and ithoul soli .
tlo Cai et do do do
do Fulfill Waitanted Wuli r-proof Mncr.iin.
l.adiis' do do dj do
La. hi T ini iied li, ilia KuMa-r sbo.s.
(0 i.t ellit 1 ' do (ivirshniK.
W'l I. evt ty other derC iptii li uf boots and 1 oes.
Fur t 'ap I evt ry den riplion,
TraVeil n n Tttn.ka ol evt ry description,
Vel.eli.ili Travelling I'ags.
I'atent liuin EUs,,.c sime Hlaikiecf.
It. nnt ls i.f all kinds, I'sbn Lcsf ('
I'liilsdelj Ina, No-ember 13, iDtl.-U.
cu.'iBTjmr, rd-.
Hiisiries tilteiided to ill tl.e t.'i i ill i cf '
liuiyl 1 1 laud, L'ni. "i. Lwomui; uric! Cnli'i, o'a
Itrft-r toi
Tun ts Ii a in tV Co.,
l.oWt.ii ttc IJauiiov.
Rr.rsot.tis, Mcl' 1 t
! vo, 'irtuli A: ' e
Tt-tr. 7..W.
A Co
ar-a tu U J
i.i:i:- and 1 Arioiu.;; ,
So. 22 rlterntil flii-et, LeKiW -1 1 i ,
TJ"Lr.l' ci iiianlly om lined a irenerid t.Kr.Ml
Ettk Ineiilo' lioi'ln and fsial'oMTiy '; eulopi'silig
I !u nlogic d, Law, Medical, Classical, Miseell.iiio
hum and It H.ks, D-.y riooks, all fcizes. Ltd
bits, do.. Family EilHev, I'ockel lS.h'es, Wtitilifj
1'apeis, Wrapping I 'apt rs. Ac. Ac, which they ir!
ler ut ihe ..e-t p. ices o ( 'uiintry Merchant's Pre
f s-tiiiiiol (-'v u'U men. Teachers, and all other tint
in iv favor .hem w ith il eir custom,
I' Noinnber LI. 1811. ly.
" , ijcsa lo I'caliMS ill Torei;:!) lilitisll
anil Amerii an Dry (IikkJs.
An. I0." Market street. I'hiiudt Iphia.
C"10r.NTKY Merch uit-, und ntl.eis can be stip
J plied at all tinics with 1111 extensive a, soft
incut of the best and most fa .-iiioitulilc Goods upon
Ibe most reasoimhli! tiiin--.
I'hiladelphij, N0V1 inhcr LI, lll. ly.
WliuK-'sale Variety and Ti iiiintitig Storti
Nn. 44, North Vouilh nine Arch st., 1'hiadi.Ijdu'a
tWAiK (.'ouiitry McrthaniH and others can be
' ' supplied, at ill i lines, with large assortment
of Hosiery, I lows, Merino, (,'otton, and U'oeletl
Chills and Drawers, Spool (.'nil, in. Patent Thicad,
Cotton (oiiiIh. liuttons, 'I apes, l'ind ng, Hooka
nnd lives, Tins, Ac. And a general v mi. ty of u-e-ful
articles, whieh he o'Tusf rr snlo at tho lowe.t
I'liiladelplita, Noveinbet Id, 111. ly.
Jlitltufl Wcincr V fiHi,
no re MAKcns &. snir cryAiVDr.Ens,
No. 13 North Wat 1 r Street. PhUadi phiu.
MA E cotisiantly on band, a gentnl tipsort
nietit of Cordage, Seine Tw inrs, Ac . vi7 :
'I sr'd R-ipes, Fishing Rups White Ropes, M .mil
la Ropes, Toiv Lines t r Uoats. Also,
eoniplete ussoittnei.t of Siine 'I wines. Ac. such is
Hemp S ad and Hirrina Tw ine, I'est I'rdei t (Jill
Nei Twine. Cotton shad ami lleriiiiu Twit 1 . Slve
Threa.'s. Ac. Ac. Also, lird Coid-. CI inth Lin's
H alter-. Tr ici p. Cult 11 nnd I. tier ( f 1 , I C'l '
Ar. nil ol wbiih they will d s: -' -lei
riiilaile pbia. Nov 1 piVrf I :t,
Istl. Iv.
No. Hit; l-v: M:ri t Sln t t, l'ltila.
(Hilar 1'iYl'i Srtiths-de )
A LWAYS ketpon hi.nd a nnd general as-
' rtnuiit of Hosiery, 1. 11- ae, ' , Uowds-i
(1 111 try .Merchant arc respectfully requested.
Hive tin m a cull and examine tor s.
I hila.lclphia, November 13, 141. ly.
rPHE Subscriber, Agent ot I oii iV MaTri, Hal
A- Mutiut'aeturt rs, lor N.w York, IMul deipbiu,
Ilalliriniie ondoiier I'alge cities-, -.!o!f- )is aie
highly t-iiniuitrided I ir p,t od c-,i and durability;
has ui Land a lirt rule usu. tin i.t vi HA I S ai d
I'.M'S, suits' le f.-r Spring m des, wh'rh will 'e sold
vet) low, f.H cah tn appr ive.l crubt, al ihe. nrtid
chtui) stuie. No. 40, Nottn 7 'i n! K'rc-t! xqpst'O
the (Jitv li ne!, l'liila lelpb h.
OLIVER X. 1 r HU n. Ay-.i
X. H. Otders lot Hals 1 1 be 11 ,.. jir-nof ll
a'lt 1. de l to. 'l ie I itjhttst 1 tre ta- cth ir tra- e
g tvti I. it Fur kinj.
I'lolj.ii lpni., Nov, mber lo, - -lv
J . w. s W
L" tnl ire! la and La'.riM
No. 3T Nt.!h '2'hiui
Cr'.'t l'
,.! the
VH a 111 1 ..e
J lo txatnr.,-. i.i.
.-. :.. e J uichasirg
r Vi, lMl. ly,
l'l"!- e d,ia. N.-.V.-
ssrciiiiNG, cicjui) & co.
X-.. 13i .iitik t Mtett, I'hilaHcl; liia.
tf!NVH'i: t'
uiu nti hi of t Join. try ..IcreliBliU
iisi e a.-soi.l. t nt ul iiii...!i French
in llo'-r . 1.
'.i.d At'itlitin D
(ioods, which ll.ey ot!'er lot .Ati
on tin m - I
ai 10. bit. I. rins.
I'iiiUlclphm, November 13, IS41. ly.
'PllE has just icceivcd a rew at:d ex-
len-tve sssui ti'i tit of Dry (ioods and (Sroceties,
which beitVeis for bjIc ul li.e lovvist piiees.
Nov.6. JSil. H. H. MASSER.
BvriS"' SSL . X2k;S.' -
TAS taken up astray, 1.11 the farm where the
' sub-ciil-crs now result', ami owne.l tiy Jo-
opt) Wallace, in Tutktboe. I'oinl township. Nor
thumb. rland county, a URINDLE STEER with
a white lace, about 17 or IS mouths old. The
on in r is requested lo cutne forward, prove properly,
pav chargvs, and take it awnv.
Nov. fi, lMi. Nathan miller.
uKSKUAL auii 1 v krone,
N't. 31 .V'A fVbrA mi'T Mirchatitt' ILtit,
I "fl1 " T H E R E Countiy Mi rchai.U can be supt lied
with an extensive variety of choice ai lie lis
in bis line, upon the most reasonable terms.
Nov. 6th IMI ly
vaicKiiiA. &. herse,
Xu 51, Xorlli Sttoiitl Mi fit,
(cotstR or cooxh's aiiit.)
W here they constantly keep on hand cer.t rsl
assortment .(
cloths, cab? if! rare, , j stiwcs,
And agrt.A varutu ijmt.r i . f-vmor
iiiiality, whuliih.) . lb 1 t. tbsp--f "f
upon tl.i in l ieason..bfe t nils.
or'i ry verchanih snd .iierwii 11 t-v il.i 'u ttdvani pe to . -ol a. d Jt-
ibf'.. tel. ae pur. I a-inf ebewbe-e.
VI i!udtlbis. Nov. b. 141 ly
sHAivcGKirr "o; '
jJ V !' a veiv not ivi.ili'
f. im.e. i i appl.i- .1011 to :
to sun puribasfis- They keep 1 ,OJ
and line coal, fit for burning lime.
J. H. I'I RDY &. Co.
Sunburv, O.t ?'t