11 II A IV K SOTC LIST. rrAXSYLVAXBA. T: e f l oir! x hl h- wa thp cttrr nl value of al' Prti'.ss Ivania Hat k N.i. a. The most iniphc.1 re li hrc in iv J e ptnn d u:n it, as i; t evrry uireA rn f.i.iy c imputed uilh and Corrected bom llii k In 'Til lb - r:rr. Hunks In rii!laUlihl;. . , I hue. IK ' LoCaT.... ,.lllAn NOTES AT PAH. P.it.k of North Atnerirn , Bank nf Noill.eru Liberties U ii. k nf l'pi'n Ivat in Dank nf Fr-nn Township . , 'itiiii'r.'c;nl Hunk of Pcnn'a. Fum-irs' nml Mechanics' Bank . Rritr.l Uink . . Ecu-It rjion lV'tik . . W m ii urtttr. r' A- Mechanics' Batik Mi tli.o irs' Urn k Mo smcnaitig U ink ? U'dd.'ph'n L'sn.k" Si!imlkiIIUmk l:"Vi!liwml If.mk . Wcvpin Bunk put par p.r p r par pr par pur .M par pr pr pi pir pi.r Country I?aiU. n..r k of ri:Ul'iirc Ftitahuis; p.r J i"- j p-f ! 11 i li if Chpur Cntttity Westchester 1! -i k i't Delaware County Chester I'.i k ill" (m rimntowii" Giwmahlown Bank of I .rwistonn Lewist-wii I'huU f MidJiel' vvn Mi.ldletown Ea:.:i til" Montgomery On. Noiristowu I'M par i ar 71 :iik i(" Nirtlicmliciiuiid Bosk (J Hiti'V bank N.irthnmliciJanii pi' i'.nd na j In 1 Colombia Dark & Uriugo co. Columbia CatUlu lUvX Cnrbde I..v!( ttown Bank Pivlc.!own pat p.. p.r put 12 .-'0!i Mnt.li li liai f Bark Do li.i brunch of V 'n-.tt' Bank nf Bucks co F..iMcr..' H uk nf l.anruFpi' Fmr.ii i' lj.ink of 1'v.edii.g !,.r i .l.uic Dunk L :. . s r Bunk !.c UiT.k i:: id'iin V ii Mmu.f Funk M'ik ' Jtitt.k of IVlirtiilo Nciihsifpioii Itdiik i'.-WML C I; auk ".;. n Hi.i:hl. B.t.k V uioing Bank i,c of If ink of Pern's. Cnion Piii-lu'f? Holl Uvaliurg Dri t.il Laiiruior Kisiling llnril'.liU'H l.unc.ilvr I.i Iioii. n l'iiluK J'.'favillfl AMi-i.'.iwn T..w.r,Ji par p.r pat p.ir par pr p.r par pr pur A i",tainapirt par V. i ki .I nttp par H. lrr!fhi:!3 TlirsP I. nnc.iBiir t nir.o.-a I!p4i!iii(; f do lint Enf ton J iup t. I SCO l NT. tt.iUI. Iphia l':tlliurrf F.ua Dtighloo do do fllVuB !o Co lifi'.re dn do Or.ii.o do do n nrrs a t i I'r.'.U of ll;c Uliilcil t-t:.ti OUicp of liaiik ol U. S. J.) do i'o Do do do Ki'nHiiiBK ti !uv. Tug. A Poiin ToniiKliip Siiv. Ins. !" u k cl" Cliainlirrl:u-g Ji.n k i'l (ifilyul uri; link ol'iiM;urlinniia Co. Trip link Vvn.iri.' .V Proicra' Daiik F'-ii k in Hai.k II in, id. .lo U.ik M.ii i ! lieu bji.k of D. V.i k H'ai.k rhsmlirtrburg liyt-l u g Mollt'OSS I'l.U Wnynrlnir NVaahinslon Hoiindale Urnwnfviile Yoik N. It. Tlie noti-g iif tt.oae l ai-ks on which ac omil quo'.iliuiis, tinJ sulliti.U a iImxIi ( ) are nut i.rtl.H.-iil liy tlie rhll.nlilpl.il lirokery, with ti c xrcptiou ot tln pe which tiavp a loiter ol r fir. nc. DltOKEN DA X K 8. rSilaiVlphia Pnv. L:. Philadi I, hia I'hilr.rVphii Lo in Co. do Hrt r.v.knl Sav. Ir.a. do Mn ual Lalmr Dunk (T. W Dycii, ptop.) tailed filled f ilc.l filled 110 jp cloai d ilutcJ fail, d cl n d no tt'e fai'ed fi.lcJ f.nliJ uo uk- AIM.ai.y iljiik if Pa. Ui'dfotd ll..i k ot BenuT lS.u.k of SAn'ara i'ai k ot Washington Ci i. up Lui.k 'iiy LI. i k l'..tiiiti' iS: Meih'cs' But.k r.ii.i.ii4t Mpoh'p' I3.ii k I'mincrf' fi Mi ctiVa' Bji.k 11 j i!.it.y lnmnito i '.'iilinjiilor. Uai.k Jiii.i i' i Li .i k j .nr..! rnn'i.'s fj-.'t.k A. i:h.'tn U.n.k if I'm ;v,v ioc ii.:. n.i..'gp c... Nonhi.iiil.'d Ui.inii l.'nl. k. :i i !li c.-t. rn lla'.k of Pu. IKV.ip .,1 Schuylkill Uai I'ii. A;r. .V M..iiul. lienk S. vpi J.ikc Ua. k I r;iun l!ai k i f IVtiu'd. V. ruii oic 'uiid l.'aiik Her.ver llinilurg Valiiigton llfll. f.mto Pit fl U,j 1'lllel Ul 3 Pay Pile C". (iriptica-t e lliimoi v IIuiitlng'liTi t;n mile J.ri'itota no b.iIp M'arirn faded l)i.nd;.ff no i-Av New llopp tinted Milmn l o nili- .Mmiltillo c.i.rd Purl C'jiliun t:iltd Cnrlirlo Imlid Moiitiite ilos.'d I'nionlowri failed (i rn iitl urjj doM'd Wilk.a'MX.e nosde Wilt -lair.' PiiJ Co. Ci All in te? piii 0;tirR to le on any Peiiiifjl iMi.u Bilk nut ivvu in ihtt a!oo lil, umy be wt tov.li aa frauds. xlw jr.nsi:Y. Piiikol'N'rw Uiut.awiik !.KiiUie lt.uk !u:hri;ion Co. Park Ci mn tic al lintik Cuini etl.u.d iiai.k Fiirtu.u' E.il.k i'urioi r' iii.d .Mechanics' Pk 1'u'iiH r' t.ml Mich.mica' !ik l atniers' mill Meclir.niiV Uk rini.k in Hank ofN. J. Ll.upfn iik Pelvidere Mulfwd Pirth Anilioy Itridcinn Monnl liuily Rahway N. Uiunaniik filled Spm jar 1 m pat par Spin failed Mid.lUtovin Pi. lorn Jersey City fcul. Hoi'il.-n UkgA: Uruzng Co llbbiiken fa 1 Jiosiy City llink JrrmyCily iVeciiHliiiH' Ual.k Pat'eiaoii 1.1'ai.nfaiuir.ra' U.mk liillwille M. rns Cun.pat.y 131 k Muiriftuwn Velimouth Uk ol N. J. 1'iPihold .M-cbsm-a' Uai.k Nrwik AI ci umiV ti tut Alaniif. Uk Trillion y,.iri. Caivil and Ukjj (Ju Ji..y City i'. tt Mud Ne'M.ik P! j; In Co- Newa-k llv 1 1 j ,i Kl Uiid-c Co LambiilMi!! N. .'. ,M ui'ji..c. h: il Ukg Co Hul nken N J I':c ( m i. Loin! utd 1 k Jerrry Ci'y Iditeo fulled failed par fail,,) 2 in pat 10 rn aale 2pm I pal f.. I. d faded 1 1 111 fmUd 2pin p.r p.r Cm. cc U i k Orange l t. fr- u l5m k" Pc.' tV Upi.W P'lt.i ft. .11 liai k Suit ni Li u kinjj Co 81 t 11 in'.. i'ta c ii .uk SUU' Hal.k S'tife I! .1 k of Motlta State Bank i'..it'ni .ml Pi.ilud Msnuf C.t Slli x l'-ai.k-l lent. II Uaokil.g Cd 1 dior, Bank WiihuiU'ii Batiking Co, I'aii iron do Princeton Sail in New. rk LIh.iIh il.Ju n C.iniilen M wriiMoKb 'l'n tilon Sninu Ni wtun 'liei.tuii Der Hackctiaack i" ! S,in. laded lad. ii ! Upm j V III ': 1, III j lall.J 1 ii:i.aiyau Uk of Wilm ct Brandy wim UotiU if Deluuuri Bunk id H11 yrna Do branch Fatirer.' L'k of Stale of Del Dit branch Do branch Do branch I nil 11 B nV W'i llllligtoBJ W limit. gtoti Sinyn-a MillonJ L'.ner Wilmington G. org. lon Nrwca'tlo Wiluiiiiglon Qj Under G'e llj' On all bank marked Ihoa (') (here are i- Uu r couiiterleil or altete.l noli vt l taajiiittJkJUa, In eirruUUuc, tii. 1)1 . p-xywtr A sPIXNIMI ASS01tT3IKT or 5U."T arrived from llie city of Philadelphia, an.l f T ::i!p. M llie most reduced pricre, for cash, nl tlie ne w slnte f.uniPily kepi ly John Dogar, aa lol.we t Clothing of n aott. and sixes, audi aa Warm Ovr:ro t, Coattce. Pantaloons, Veals, &c. Alan, a l:.tp' a-.iimpnt of Fine Culf rklti anil Wa tp.prunr ISnoin, LjJim' I.arc Unnla, and varii'ly of uikrr I'.intK nuil Slioca fur ill winter, trimma.i anil nntrimmril (3iun SIipck, and Mcn'a, lloya'and t-'hil ilitn'i Kiino', if uil nrr. JtUfN CHAMUEKLAIN, Snnltiry (Vt. .10th 1641. if. MRS. BOLTON, TJX, t:si nc'JTfl.I.Y l.if.nna her fiici.ila ami tlie JU L 1'"' tfpnita'ly. ihnt flip rnnliniira to krpp tn.il v.i II kiinvMi Tiitrni Stand in Maiki t ctrtei, Nllll'llry, kii nf llm f niirtly k-pl liy lolin Uolton, hrr hunliaml; niul by null no ti'tf to ooiiilurl llie (lalilii'hm. nt in a in. iinci lo ivf f I'i-'m iiDii to all, liupta to merit a IiIm ral -I. oh' nf pulilie puitonaie. Nuiitiint.Oclu'.vr Ulh, 1811. ahakis's hotel, f?::n;ur.r, i llutntlioi land County, rCWNSVLVANIA. rPl!E fiilisctili. r linn rcnlrd that laigean.1 ronvr nirtit Taitn Il.iuao in (Sunhury, lulply ocru pird tiy Hiram 'int. and t p ppaird to m-cnmino laip nil uho will f.ivnr him willi Iheir cuatotu, in i.c .1 and romfortuhle niannrr. UOUERT ADAM.". Rji W, Oct. 23.1, 1541. i:l.-tlc or Charles i: knmn. "WJOTIt E i hPirby gitpn. th il I.MI. ra of Ad jL n,i iltition of ihr Rata to of I'harlra Eck i.inii. IhIp of Aiutista toivtmliip, dcc'il., Iiap drrn g aiiti d to iln' sn! aenher hy llip I!i pi'pr of Nor lii.nil'i r'anil romiy. All p. ra.iua having cl iinx or iluriaii.il. ag onal Ihf rnul drcpi'pnt, air ri'qiiPs.r.l to ni'kp kiionn ii p ainp to I'rtr mi' -arrihrr wi houl dp. I..y, ami p: tin hi- iin'rVinl to and .IccfaM-'J arc aluj t-.qiiC!ilid tu call uml wako i-ptilpiimit. JAMES EC KM AN, Adm'r. Ru h Township, Oct. 80, 1 4 I . Cl T ESPEC'I Fl'I-EY infotm the eilii.Mi of 8rn. htirv an.l vicinity, that tl.py hap tnk-n the Shop lat.ly orcopicil hy Win. Duiat, white lliry will carry on Hip TAITOHrrTG BUSINESS, in t.1! ita aiioua lir .m lii . Iiy aiiict altmlinn and itaonnhlp ch tiRra, they expert to mnit a ahare of pulilie patronage. Sutihmy, Pppt. 4th, 1841. MADEIRA WINE. Fnat Wine, fur a-de low by Kept. 1, 1841. II. TJ ijualily Madiera MASTER, FOURTH PROOF UK ANDY. A article nliv.ivs on hand and for aalo by genuine Sept. I, 1841. II. B. MASSER HOLLAND (.IN, Ol the best quality alwaya on hand nnd for rale l y Sept. I, 1511. II. B. MAS.SER. LOAF AND LUMP SUUAU. Alwaya on hand and for aula by Kept. 1, 1641. H. B. MASSER. NEW ORLEANa fet (JAR HOUSE MO LAPSES. Ot thulHbl quality alwaya on hand ul.ll for kale bv Kept. 1, 181 1. II. B. MASSER, UROWN SU(JAR. Of a poml quality, for aale lowly Kept. 1,1841. 11. U.MASf ER. ORE UN AND BLACK TEAS. Of the beat quality alw.ivaou hand and for talp by Spi't. 1, 1841. II. U. MASSER. COFFI E. Java, Rio and Laguira Coflcp, con alaiitly on hand and for aalc l y Kept. I, 1841. H.U.MAHSER. Si EHM OIL. Winter and Summer .trained Smiiii Oil, of the Icht quality, alwaya unhand and for aali! by Kept 1, 1641. H. B, MASfrEK. KTEUL. Cal and Uli.-tet Kteil. f. r i-ale by Sept. 1. Ib4l. H. U. MASSER. IRISH SALMON. Ot tho beat quality, con atantly on hand and for sale by Sept. 1 . 141. 11. U. MASSER. LIQUORS. Of all kin. Is mid of the quali ties, uluaya on hunJ and for rate bv Sept. 1, 1S41. II. U. MASSER. SpRlNCi STEEL. Of vaiiuuakius lur Eliptic Sprii g-n, for aale by Sefi. l.lfll. HJU.IASSER: LAI'liE Ql.'ARIO UIULES.For talc at vrry rijutul prk'i by Sept. 1. 1841. II. B. MASSE R. BLANK UOOKS. Of nil kin.la. for aale by s. pt. 1,1811. II. 1). MAssER. d ) BLANK DEEDS. Uonda, Mortgaptv, Ac. for .t ! . : ; " fale liy Sept. 1. IA I. H. B. MASSER. JUSTICES' BLANKS. lor sale Iry Sept. 1, 1811. H. U. M ASSET?. C LOTUS, Blue, Black. Invisible Green, Ac, for aide by Sept. 1. 1S4I. VT. 11. M SSER, (:AsSINrETE!"AND SATTLNETTS. For sale very low by Sept. I. Istll. 11. B. MASSER. CARPETING. For .ale cU ap by Sept. 1, 1841. II. 15. MASSF.R. UL AN K KTS For aale ehi ap by S. L 181 L II. B. M ASSKR. UNULE M'HED M US I. INS.-For site by s.'llll I. H. Il M ASSER. COI iON YARN AND COTTON lTPS I'm sxic by S.t. I.jeil. H. B- MASSER. JIEMP AND COTTON TWINE. Fur aale bv Srl''j 1 1. H. B. MASSER. "to U lNlT LINES, CORDS ANDROPES. For sate ly Sep.. I. 1811. II. B. MASSER. II A A R I) ' S UNITED STA FFS COMMERCI L AND Sl I s i;Ai, KUfJISI EK. Containing doc umenn, fact, mi, (,tlur useful inf tmatioii. illustra tive i t the l.isioiy ki riiurcea of the American I t ion. and ot each State; rmbtacirg commerce, m..nufaciures, (!itcu!tuie, internal iuiproveinerrta, b itika.currei.cy, finanrea, education, cVc. Ac. Edi ted by Samuel Hazard. Publi hed every Wednesday, at 79 Pock atreet. The price to aubscnhera ia 5 per anuu0l, paynhle on the tii.t ol J immy of each year. No aulcrip liofl teeeived for eB thsn year. Suhscnbcta out of th I't.ii'ijk.l fill, bio ray in advance, p.r I pat par par I ' p at p it pat p .r JL LIST OF BOOKS. FlIH HAIK T ' . ' IlLf. 133. Si4JC&3SS35iLiU. ANTHON'S ('laaaical Uirtionary; lmprier'a do.i Ainiworth'a do CoMi'a do4 Enaliah and fiptman do. Anthnn'a Craar; Anihon'a (iramnipr; Anthen a CiPPro; Mali ihliln lipaileij Ogilhy ado.; Anilipw'a Latin Lpaanna; Donnrgan'i I.pxiroiu Fifk'a (irei k Eiernapa; Davipa'a Lrvpndpi; Orarra Majorn; Ailnma'a Human Anli.piitie; Pinnnck'a (Siililsmith'a Ei'cli.n.l; do. (ireerc; l.ypll'a Elemeiita of (ir.)lo(rv; Mra. I.incnln'a Uolany; Elrtnpnla of Uutany; IJridgp'a Algehru; Porter'a liheloriral ea deri; Emraoti'a tipoftraphy and History; Oli.py'a do; Piirlcy'a do.; fmilh'a (iramnipr; Kirkhnm'a do.; Kay'a hVa.l.rs Cohl'a do.; Cohh'a Arithinpiick; Pikc'a d i.; Emrrann'a do.; ('nl h'a Spelling Uooka; 'I'own'a ilo.; Cohh'a Tnhlc Uooka; Evangplir.al Fii mily I.ilnarv; Cottage Uillc; Family do; Cnlhtler al ilo.; Small Uil'lpa and 'I'patamptilf; Patkpi'a Ex preiwa on Compoaitioi.; Fiuit of llip Hpiril; Hnxirr'a H.int'a i'i'; American Involution; Manyatl'a No etK( Mra. Pliplpa on Cl.emiNliy; Iliad; C.ilr. hinn of Ampriean I.ivm; l.pttirKOtt Salurnl Magii; ('lip iniftry lor lleqinnei-; Entli-li ExripiMa adapted in Murray' (irinnm t; Seiinl lo ('oniley'a (Spelling l)oo.j Aim riran Claaa lSi ok; DalmllV Sel).Mlinn tcr'a Aaiatnnt; A crpat variply of lllai.k lioi ka, eve. Angiift 2fl, 1H41. ' AVorl4r!Tlri7Fiiri' IN a atitc ol h. iillli the inlei-liual riinil may tp compared to a rivpr whose wateia flow over Hip ad joining hind, through the rh.int.pla liatuie or art haa made, and impiovea their qualnie.'; and to kei p up the compariaoii of the rivi r, so long aa it tuna on Kmo.ithly the channels arp kppt pure uiid healiliv ; hut if hy aonip caie llip conr.p nf the rivp' i ulup ped, then the water in the rai nldin n lunger purp, hut oon bpconipa fincnunt. There ia l ut onp law of ritptilatiiin in nulinp. When llttrp ia a atipei ahunilutipp nf hinnnrinl fluid (aerocilv) in the iHtea- tinal tuhra, and ro.-livenra lakpa pliee, it fl-wa bark into the Moo I .oa-ela, ami infiliratra iti-elf in to the circulation. To eatahli-li the tree curae of the river, we moat lemove the otatrurf innt which atop ila ficp eour'P. nnd tho e of ita tributary alieam. With the hialy, follow llip aame natural prineipul ; r move, by that valuable pmaalive tnedicitie llruti rirth Universal Yteetublc Vills, which are an ef fectual asHKtanre of nalute, I lie cuppral.unilancp of hiimora in the interline ranal. Uv iorirnng in this ptnetice, the wnya of the circulation w ill then he leMored to the fi ll exerciar 1. 1 their natural fune tint, a, and Mute ol health will bp firmly Ptahlii-h rd Ki'iurmbpr, npvrr mil. i n drop ot blood to bp tukrn fiom vou- Evacuate the humora aa often and aa long aa thpy arc degenerated, or aa long ua you are . k. Dr. Urandit lh'n Office in Philadelphia, ia at No. fl, MM! I II EKiH I II Micrt, hptr hia pill' can be Uatl tit xb cenia per l ov, wnli full .Iiicciiciiih. Qj'Only accnt in Sunbuiy ,ia II. li. Maaer Emit. Bunliuiy, p'ppt, 4, 1S41. t'l'lilit ali'N tl Annia v. THE following are the duly appointed uaenta in their respective countiea.for the aale of Uramlretlit 1 egelttbU Universal I'M. Norlhuinbeilai d cihiiiIv : Milton Mwkey ft Ch.iinheihn. Siiul.uiv II B. Maoapr. M'Ewet s- villp Ceddi a, (jicen Jt Wulla. Geotgelown F Midhngor &. Co. Union county : LewiidiurB Walla ft Gedde. MitUinburg Pellman V Uerklv. New Ileilin John M. Ucnfer. Sclinagtove EyiecV Co. Mid dlebuig Uaac Smith. Lycoming county: Williamapc.rt John Smith. Ncwberty M. & J. C. Funrton. Muncy W. A. Peiriean. Jersey Shore Jam. a II. Hephutn. Columbia county : Danville T. fc E. U. Rey nolds. Caltawissa C. A. Urobta. Berwick Shu man Ac Ritlenhouae. Ulomnahurg. John R. Meyer. Sunhury, Sept. 4, 1841. ATTENTION. .i . s 1 1 i: y j x i; s , T" EOl'ESTS the atlenlion of hia country friind XV who are in want, to hia verv large atock of Carpetinga, Oil (Mollis, Mattinga, Ruga, Uindinga, Stair Roda, &c, cVc, that hr haa jual opened, at hia warehnusea, No. 18 North 2d streit, nnd No. 2 Church Alley, next dour lo Chiint Church, Phila dp phia. July III, 1841. ly. JACOB 11XARTIN, C umiiilNsioii and !' it artlln? IViEHCIIANT, 1 ESPEC I F1 ELY inform) hia Iric-ida and the k- Mctchaiita genera'ly, that he cuntinuea the l'ommirion and Fotwarding Business, at Lis wan- Imuse, fool of W iilow at. Railmad, Iteliwaie ami lichuvlkill. Merchants hsv n go.1a lo 1c th'pprd, will find il much to their ndintni;e, aa to time and piieta ol Tieighl. lo send their nirrcliionli-e to the Depot, corner of Front and illoiv utreet Railioad, aa liny can then be sent either route by the Tide ater Canal, oi Schuylkill and I rion Canals, aa boats will orr.ve and tlpperl il'iily lor the Juniata and SuMjiiphalina ("Hn.ds by Tide-water in low of steam, or via Schuylk.ll arid Union (-'anal, fiom Fnirinnunt dain. Merchants will please be prrtieular to serd all goods drstiiird for e'.lher route, to the Inrge Dipol, rnriur of Front and W llow utiert Railroad, with ilirirtioua aocomp'tnyinz ihcm, which toule Ihey wish tiiein lo be shipped. Coatse and fine Sail and Flatter at whnlesalc prices, on the Delawste or Schuylkill. Philadelphia, Ju le ft, 184 1 ly. rCHlTSTr, CJllrtllTGS. WHOLESALE FHOE, BONNET, 'Cap ana' I'clm l.taf Hat Srr, No. 10 South 4th rjrm.KT, PHILADELPHIA, alftlERE an ettil.sive anortmenl of ibe alme ' ' ariii lea tv c i Miutily kept on hand, for sale al the most reasonuldo leruii;. May t, 1841.- ly. TANNERS' OIL AND LEATXIEH. D. Kll! K 1'ATIMCK A: SON. A'o. 21. A'.fA Third tlrtct, (itTvux MAHKr r Ain ciirsMi-T aTakXTs,) PHILADELPHIA. HAVR for a de a la rye and rxerlrent assortmenl oi Spanish il-dm, 1'atna Kip, liumtr' Oil, at the lowest maikit prices, eithrr for cash, it exchange for Leadier. or upon cieaht. Ciiiisignini ms of l eather received fur a.le, oi purchased at the highest maikel prices, fjj Leather aloted Itee of chaige. April 17. 1841. ly. AlTENTiOX M EUCf lXNtsTvT. E. P. St J. H. FXIICK, WHOLESALE f.ROCERs, FOR WADING ik rHUIUTK COMMIHSinX MraCHAKTS, No. 297, Murktt ttrtrt.Jivt ilutirt above IkifnA, I'lllLAHEWHIA, OFFER for aale, at the lowest maikel pricea, gelieial aseorlment of Teat, Vi'Jfrrt, Sugars, Moasfi, Winn, Uquart, Spirt, Tubaecu, r. Coi'MTar P no uii r Tir l ived and ajld on commis sion. Meichanla, Hotel keepers, and oihata, will fin.) il to their advantage to call and examine our tl.xk, before purchasing ilsewhere. MenhanU wUhirg their goods collected in this eily, by leaving an oriler, will have them prom4!y lorwarded, by the most axprditioua lines, tnwtx r. ritrt, jont n. mien. Feb. 0, 1911. ly. AN unnarelleled remedy lor common Colds, Cotigha, Asthma, Iiifluenr., Whooping Cough, Bronchitis, and all diaeaaea ot ine urpasi and l.unga, lending to fonaumplinn; compoaed of the eoncen traled irtue of Hon hound, Bonart, Blood Hoot, Liverwort and aetetal other yegetable aubatancea. Prepared only by J. M. Wmatow, Rocheater, New Yotk. 'I'I.ji lnn7Pf.nr and nniversallf admitted pectoral vlituea of the Hetba from which the Ihilmm nf llorrhminit ia Made, ate too generally known lo re- quire recommrn. atinn ; it ia theiefore only neceaaa- ry to observe that ihta Medicine contatna tne wnoie of their Medicinal propetllea, tngt.ly eonrcntraieo. and t happily combimd with aeveial other fgc table aubaianrea, aa to render il the moat apeedy, mild and certain remedy, now in Ui, f. r the com ptainta above met.tinlied. J he llnlaam removea all imllnmmntton ana aore- nea of the Lungs, loosena tough vtaid phlegm. en ablitig the patient to expectorate with ease and fiee dom, asstuijea cough, reltpvpa athinatic and dilfi rull respiration, heula the injured paria, opens the poies, and mini oaea the illsiutlv.l in n, ami gl'ea sin ngih to the lendet lungs, and thus produces a aeedy and ladling cure. 1 vo It ATll't IIK IS TIIR KWTrHIHtlX ftlAt. We are not turning that cbtsa nf Editors who fur a few dollaia will, (at the rxnse ol Until and ho nesty) "crack up" an article and bring it into rapid alp'; neither aie we w illing to leiinnn ailent, afn r liavii g trsied the utility nf an im riivemetit or li coveiy in acimeeor ail. Our readpra will reenlleet we told them we were unwell wi.h a snre throat and vioWnt pol.l some few weeka ago. Well, we pur ehnae.1 two hnttlea of WINSLOW'S BAIJSAM OF HOREHOUND, and an sudden was the cure, that we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who are alllicieil, may try it upon our feenmmendation. Ifui'tton Trlrgrapfi, For aide by HENRY YOXTHEIMER, .SWmry, JACOB BRIGHT, AorfhuinbrrlatitL Also, by Prussia generally throughout the country. "'e, 50 cents per oolite. August Ulh, 1841. ly. HATS, X.X.X.XOY, laYOIl & GOSH. V liolCNal IM'alri-H, 1 Foreign, Urilifh and Aim rican Dry fYrWs, No. 12 North Thihii Sthi:.t, Pin tn.LrHi C COUNTRY Merchants can lie Mippliod at all J timea with an extensive asaortn.rnl of the above Goods, on the n.cwl reasonable m.d salirfactory trrnta. May 2!, 1841. ly. this macihm: a(;alnst tiik WOULD. IMPORTANT TO FARMERS. D AYENPORT'S Improved Patent Threshing Machine and Horse Powet, which ihreslies nil cleans at the same time an invention for which Farmers have long looked in vain, and which rendera the above machine perfect and past fun her improvement. Those who have l.pen wailing for something better than beretulote olli red for sale, will find this to be tl.e article. Come ace il and fudge for youtsclvea. The subscribcra have purchased the riuht nf the alxive Machine and Horse Power, lor the coun ties of NoHTHCMDtHLA.vn, LtCO.MIXO, ClIVMi, and UstoK and also, the ptivileges of rending them in any other plaeea lor which the right has not been tieviouly sold. The advantages which thia Machine haa over all olhera invented are many and obvioua. One boy and three men can do all the threshing and cleaning ot ISO bushels of wheat in one day and thia usually takea seven hands one day and three the next. For field threshing it lakes the lead of any thing in this world no grain is scattered or loat. Such ia the superiority of the Horse Po"ver, that three horses can thresh aa much with it as four can with any other. The Machine and Horse Power will le sold together or aeperalp, lo suil purchasers. Made and sold in Milton, by the ul scribe rs. M. WELCH, WM. H. POMP, HENRY FRICK. Milton, April 17, 1811. THRESHING cV WINNOWING MACHINE. Having had in use, one of Davenpori's Patent Threshing and Winnowii g Machines, and being repeatedly called upon fur our opinion in regard to iheir value, diirnbilii v and advanlaces. we make. lice to slate, that ihey exe. iil in our opinion, any I I. testing Machine we ever before witnessed in! use. J liev will thresh and clean, lit for market 200 bush. Is of Wheat per dny, and thia with the aid of lliree hands besides the driver. The Straw ia aacd olT from the grain on an incline plane, ex tending about 12 feet from the Machine. Scarce ly a grain is lost. What is of some im oilkiice and gteatly ao, ia the fact that no dust passea from the Machine to the man who feeds it. The Horse power seems lo lie perfection itself three hurres may work il with ease ai d their faslitl gait need only be the ordinary lough gait. W e must i beeiful'y ri commend the Machine to Farmers they ate manufactured in Milton ly Messrs. W elth Pomp ai d Fiick. I Uil. IP IIIK.EKT. JOHN B HELLER Chilisquaqup tsl p., NorlVd co, Match 20, 1811. BRADY'S HOTEL. 1M.W 11.1.1:, COIA MIIIA COI .VTY, i'rnut) I aula. T THE SUBSCRIBER esi-ctfully informs the public, that he has returned from the town of i ultuu itfu lo IMnmlle, and thai he has purchased in thai place, the Large and VomhihaHuu U1UCK HOt aE, AT Til K CORNER Or MIIL AMI M ARkKT aTREkTS, (Opposite the Ctiurt-IUiuiie,J !! hu h lie has lii'nl up by the predion vviA. r 1 iiiiiTiiiv 1 1 in -it" m vim ....1 v. n 1 iu.1.111 iii lliuiaii.', extensive STABLING, for the F.nler- ilainmrnt vf Travtler and Yititur. He is now prepared loBcconiimwIateall who may favor him with call, and he would slate that no thing in hi power shall lie left rndune, to remit r hi customere comfortable and happy while under his care. His accommodations are ample, and hia rooms Inriii.hed in modern aiyle, and the proprietor is de termined that hi eitablishmrnl shall sustain and keep up with the growing reputation and impoi lance of the town in which it ia located. Hia Tabi will lie supplied with every luxury nf the aeaaon, and the best ond ehoirrtt variety the tnnrkit ean affitrd. Hia Bar wilt lie stored with all lite bent itrtiek that eun be furniilied by our eilin, and the whole will lie such aa to give satis faction to every one. Well knowing that an rnrigtircrred public will alwaya judge for themsetvea, he ft vis confident that they will favor him with their patruiiagw. SAMUEL A. BRADY. Danville, Jan. 30. I, A lt for a ile. Enquire at ihia office. August 21, 1811. ibipor.tant TO ri'HE Undersigned take pleasure in submitting JL to the public the following Kecommendationa of Prall'a Cast lion Smut Mill and Grain Huller to all dealers In Grain and manufactora of Flour, be lirting it to be superior to any thing of the kind ever off ted to the public. All otdera addressed to ('til. J). M'Fadden, Lewishttrg, Union county Penn sylvania. EBENEEZER SQUIRE, JACKSON M'FADDIN. CEItTIFMC.ITESl Monti' Mill, Crnlre Co., March 00, 1841. J. M'Faiiih" Sib i I cheerfully testify lo the goodness and diitability of Prall'a Caal Iron Sinul Mill aid Grain Huller, as lieing a far smierior arti cle for the cleaning of smut and all other impurities that I have ever seen, and I have been engaged in the manufacture of Flour for great many years, and have alwaa tried to have the best apparatus lor manufacturing that could be got, and do say that the above muchine is the beat apparatus I lelieve now in usp. Jon Moat I. Hhmmxburg, Pee. 26, 1840, Cot.. J. M'Fahiiis Siri In reply lo your lavor, received a lew days since, I have only lo say, that the fuel of my having introduced into each of the fout mills llm! I am concerned in, one of Plan's Cast Iron Smut Mills, is the heat evidence I can give you of their utility, Yours truly, W.m. M'Ki'.i.vr. Milhrn, March 17, 1S11. J. M'FAiinis Sm : I do hereby certify without any lies talion, that Prall'a Smut Mill and Grain Huller is the most erlect machine to cleanse grain nf smut and all otlser itnietfeclions, that I have ever sren, and I believe I have seen nil the kinda thai are now naetl in Pclinaylvanin, and I must aay thai therp la nothing of the kind ever been invente.1 that will come in competition with it. Gio. EeataT. Cot.. J. M'Fahihw Sm t Dur'ng the past 24 yeara I have been constantly engaged in mannfHc luring flour, and during the lust 12 j ears have la en the. owner of a grist and flouting mill, mid among nil the contrivances in remove impurities from grain I am decidedly of llie opinion that Trull a iron ma chine ia suM'rior lo any with which I am acquaint ed, having used one in my mill almut eighteen months. Fai imnu k II as. YurkMrr Mill. Dec., 1840. I want in my flouring mid as good an apparatus to prepare grain for flouring, ns the bat. and I w ant no better than Pratt's Cast Iron Smut Mill. It will remove smut entirely no mistake. M. Clv.asom. Sunburi. December 22, 1840. Cut.. J. M'Faihiim Sim t I have in my mill one of Prtiti's cast and wrought iron spiral Smul Mills nnd Grain Huller, an.l am confident thai in n cod lo simplicity of construction, and durability of mate rial, it ia superior to any I urn acquainted with. Html Masskr. lirar Gap Mills, Dec. 22, 1840. Cm. J. M'Faiiih ji Sin : 1 hae in my Hunting mill one of Pratt's Cast lion Spiral Smut Mills, and I am decidedly of the opinion that it is the U-.t machine In prepare grain for flouring that I am ac quainted w ith, and as such cheetfully recommend it to all who ate engaged in the manufacture of flour. J ACOR I..iar.HIMi. Anrimfhur, March 23, 184 1. Col. J. M'Fahi.is Sir : I lake pleasure in say ing that Piatt's Cast Iron Smut Mill is one of the heal improvements for the denning of grmn ef nil kinds, that has yet come un.U r my observation, and that I believe it far superior to any thing nf the kind ever invented. You muy use my name in any way you think proper. O. P. Dri-. UhiVoi .Vr'. J .n. 14. 1841. This ia toeerlily that I have had Plan's Cast and wrought iron Smut Machine and Gtain Hullrr in use lor better than 12 moiitha, and find it lo answer every purpose that it was intended lor. Smut can la- taken out of wheal I believe eveiy panicle of H ran be taken out w ilhoul breaking the grain ol the wheat. Johk I'lax k. i Aaroinhutfr, Match 2:1, 1841. Col. M'Fapiiik Sin : I have lieen engaged in manufacturing Supeiline Flour for many yrara, and ' have al thia time one of Pratt's Smut Milts in earh of my mills, and I dohettby recommend ihemasthe ' most valuable improvement for cleaning wheat of ! smut and all other impurities, that I am acquainted with. Jamis Docav. I Coi. M'Fsnni Sir : I have 1-een engaged in the manufacturing ol flour for 28 yeara, and most rhtrrfully recommind thp above machine, as being by far the In st apparatus for cleansing grain thai I : have ever usid or seen. I considir n an indisj en I slide article lor any mill that pietends to do any bu j aim as. " Jour Fistixu. .1urduet Mill. Dec. 24, 1840. Co i. J. M'Faiiih Sir: Prall'a Cast Iron Smut Mill was introduced into my mill about thiee j '"'. nd I believe il ia the Ifst article of that kind now in use. It will not only remove smul etiterely, but is a most valuable apparatus to clean wheat and rye of any character, and prepare il for flouting. Uksjamim Uo...k. Uviyburg, Dec. 22, 1840. Col. J. M'Faiii.ir Sih: After h caielul and candid eianiii.Hii.il. and trial of 1 tie machine, in re gaid lo construction, neatness and despatch in exe cution, economy in price, and power lo set 111 0c talioii. I am fully coltvincid and satisfied, ill ! the machine above alluded to, is s coed to no 01 e in use. J. Monmiw, Mill. r and Flour Manufacturer. Cullawiua, Dcctmbir So, lb 10, Col. J. M-Kaihii ! Sir : Prall'a Cast and Wiought Iron Snrul Sintit Mill and Gram Huller, i consider to be the In si machine to 11 move smut and other impuiilies to which grain is subject, thai I have used, ot wnh which I am acquainted, in re gard lo dura1 il ly ol matt rial, simplicity of construc tion, neatness ai d despatih in execution. Just I'M Pjxtov. N. B. The nbiive machines are mauufai turi .1 at the Iwiaburg Foundry, Union county and at Ibe Bloomshurg Foundry, Columbia county, Pa. Lewiabutg, June lit, 1841. ii h v a T i 11 - v arc. MANUFACTURED and sold by thesuhscri ler in Sunbuiy, of the Ixsi Tin. and the work wairanted, which he oilers lor sale at ridueed cash prices, now aa low at letail a formerly s Id by wholesale. G. Mid Watering Pols, formerly so'd at 87, now al 75 cents; Large Buckets, formeilv so'd at 75 and 62, now at 62 and 50; Gallon (Ml. e Pols, formerly Bold at 56, and ihiee quart at 50, now at 45 and 38 cenla, and other articles of Tin-Ware in proportion. Stove pipe and alovca made and ld cheap for cash, fie. N. II. All iersnns indebted lo the auhspiilsr, and who wi.h to save Costs, are requested to call and ntske satisfaction, without delav. either wuh ! cash or by giving Iheit notes. Sunbury, Apnl 10. HENRY MASSER. el adj usting ukTm iack FOR SAW.MIL1-S. Br BtKAMIR N. ClSHWA. rPIIE Sulusrribera having purchaaed the m;hl for A vending and using the above valuable invert, lion, for Northumberland County, otler to dispose of the aame lo persons who may desire to purchsae. The altov invention ia now in operation al the saw mill of Mr. M'Catly, near Sunbury, where il ran lie inspected by owntr of saw mills and all others interesied. E. GOIIIN, Msrcb 27. if. SAMUEL GOBIN. DR. DUNG AST'S Exi'torniit HciiNMly. T 8 performing some of the moat wonderful core A on record. Mr. WM. PEARSON, of Delaware county. Pennsylvania, waa taken in the fall of 1840 with diatreaaing Cough, which dally increaeed until he became ao much reduced in flesh that he was obliged to be helped in and out of bed. Hia Phyaiciana at length gave up all hoiics, and pro nounced hia lung; fatally nff tied and incurable. In Ihia hopeless situation he waa for ten weeka ; when a friend nf hia called lo aee him, and disco vering his atvlut condition. He immediately pro cmed three bottle of DR. DUNCAN'S EX PEC TORANT REMEDY, (having witneased the ef fetts iii a similar case, induced him lo procure tho medicine,) and gave it according to dir. ctint.s, and to the astonishment of nit friends, the patient be gan to feel better before using the medicine one Week. After uaing it airictly six weeks the pa ttenl waa r. ndered uble lo resume hia daily occu pation. How many thousands of valuable friends have been taken t.way from Us for the Watil of proper treatment. The very many who are yel among us, and tailoring under alarming tymptoms', to such I beg to say, procure immediately Dr. DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT REMEDY, and if it be not too late, you may ba restored to tfecl health. In the laat singe there is conao lalion found in Ihia medicine, by its noi.thitig and pn'intive effect.. For talr ul Ihr PRINCIPAL OFFICE, 19 North Eighth kIi eil, I'lnl nl. Ipbia. Also, at the store of HENRY YOX I HE1MER, Sunbury, November 27, 1841 Agent. HEALTH. ANY of our r aders, no doubt, are possessed with llm all important Messing, which Ihey may long rrti.it. if pat'icubir regard and care be paid to lliems Ivea, that, whenever they feet the least indisposed, lo procure a ptoper medicine in "due spsson." But, rtn the contrary, we find thou sands who are laboring under disease, and many, we fenr. will prove m ri 'us, if not a' tended to early. Would those m raons resort 10 the medicine that ha established i'm If in ill -usands of cnai s, which ia Dr. HARI. ICH'S Co 1 cot n STHvjiiTHr.iMu akd Gvmviai ArmiEMT Pills, so pre-piiiineiilly recomtnembid for div a-es inrident to the human tace, they would lie replaced hack again lo "life's sweet bles-ing," which ia "h alili." We apiak Irom ncciilar proof, know I. ilge in ma ny instances, wheie cut. a have len rformed by the use of this med cine, with marked aticce.a in various enmplaitits, such as Dvspepsia, Livei t'om plaii ts, Rheumatism, Pain in the Breast, Side and B ick Co tiveness, Ni ivoi.a Weakneas, Emaciation, Gi in ral Debility, Ac. Ac Th a medicine con sist, ol Iwodisiiuct kinds, v 7.: Tiik (lr.vta Aer. mikvt and ibe (.'iimmi.iii Sthknothenixh Ton ic Pii.ls, the former lo remove bile and all excrp-im-iititious niat er from the lly, thus cleansing am) purifying the system, after which the latter are used lo give strength and viger to the weak and debili tated organs, restore the loat appetite, mid produce trnnquil rest and sweet revise. We highly approve of the "Doctor theory" of treating diseases, which cettaitily is safe and efli'flual, nml advise thp nfllicteil lo give bis medicine a fair Itial Ihtilu Cirunitlc. Principal Office, No. 19 North Eijitli street, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER, Novcndier 20ih. 1841. Agent. CoiikIim unl C'oUN. THESE eiy di tressing complniuls often lead wn CONSUMPTION through neglect at the l'n st attack. I would therefore advice those whose cough begin lo lie troublesome, and the ei pecto ral ion scanty, with more or lesa aotenrss of tho throat, difficult raising of the phlegm, cVc, that they -hotild immediately apply for a suitable medicine, which ia Dr. DUNC AN'S EX PEC I ORANT Remedy for Consumpti n, ftc This medicine 1 hae found in every instance to remove those un pteasnnl minoyances in few days. One tingle lUtllle will in mnt eases prove thi aasertion. Theie fore. y u who wish to e.cape the xahlt aar.na or Coxscmptio, avail yourselves of this all impor tant pppoilutiity, and again enjoy the blessing of health. JAMES M. BIRCH. Kensington. N. B. The a'uve was left at th office by one who experienci d the wonderful eltfis nf the alove inedii ine. Humlieds we there who thus express the joyful sentiment of tin ir he.rla in favor of such a valuable medicine a. Dt. Di'hcai'b Exrr.cTn hau Rr.ii tiT.lhal olhera may liitd lelief from tho same aomce. For sale at the Piinetpnl OfTice, 19 North Eighth street, Philadelphia. Also st the store of Pi ire, $ I perho.fle. H. YOXTHEIMER. Nov. Clih. IS II. .4ri. Tttllioso vlio IloKlre Health. I hereby rerlify, that I was atllirled for eight years with a seveie uervoui disease, attended with coiiataut pain in the bieasl, s'nle and stomach, load of appetite, no rest nl night, s'nkniss and dizziness in the head, pain in ihc stomach after eating, and other symptoms which attend indigestion, my bow el were we.k and iriegidar. Having bad advice of v illous 1 hyician during Ihia long peiiod, and used much inedii iue w hich only produced tempo rary relief. In the year 1 8:Mt. I waa often unable to leave my house, and being a poof widow, tie pci d. nl 011 my own luhor for a living, waa obliged o go from houe to house to obtain it. I al length gave up all boes of recovery, and t'Usled to Him that crealed all thing-.." I fort un it, ly waa favored with woik in Eigtvh street, when the family, disco vi ring tnv inisi ialde situation, immediately tecom m.nie. Dr. H A R 1. I C H' S COMPOUND ST li E N G 1 1 1 E N ING' GERMAN APl.RIENF PILLS, which they priKiired for me. I used them, nit. I continued for alsut I line mo lbs: during ihe tin e ins strength rapidly i' cieised, my countenance ami p.tid cheek relumed 10 their former and natu ral col. rs. Since I have fully n Covered, ami at present enjoy p. rfeet h. al h. I feel il my duty 1.1 inform lite public at ..rae nf the gie.it viituea of II.. H Mil. ICH'S X. ED It INK, that other, may pr.N i.re ii, and be hkewi e cuud. I am well known in this city ; any rsrson wishing to see me, ran call at my r.ai.lei ce. MARY H. FOURSMAN, J ickson stieei. I... k of 14 4 Poplar Ine. PRINCIPAL OFFICE. No. 19 NORTH EIGHTH street, Ph ladclphia, where testimonials may be seen. 1 1 E N R Y YOX T II E I M E R, Su nl ury , November , 1811. Atrent. m riif: AFFUCTFik THOSE who are .uttering from various diseasea incident In the I uman family, would do welt to procure r. llnrlieh' Cumiiiund Strtnglhrning uml (irrmtiii Aperient ViU. which are ao pre eminently reeeommeniled for Dystw-p.ia, Liter Complaints, j aina in the si,k, back and breast, Nervions All" ctions. Head-Ache, and all the dis ease nl ih Stomach and Bowls. Pamphlets may I obi lined gratis, which contain full and explicit direction for Ring. The reader is referred to sev eral very interesting certificate of cure in tlni paer, which may be relied upon, as they ata taken from ilia original. Forstle at No. 19, NORTH EIGH I'll airett, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER. wy 1' XiKh WARRAWTLD Krass Clocks, Tor ill Dollars E?t7.4L J,r time lo uny bu CAxk l'-l uror25,to( . J. March Id, II. 0. MASSER.