Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, November 13, 1841, Image 2

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    LJU - J"S " "l,L,,," lll!l,IM I
1.1 IV HUt, ITlVIi TOAUKSHllliM'i. j
The following act of the Lrgislsluie a p ly tn I
a season and ysv-nmcritf, and exhibit (ecitlcilly i
th obiecit na'j 'Ct to t personal and slam lax,
ttij (V amount of tax eich are liable, I
Act ? llth Jem 110: Pterin ?,. '.
"The County Commissioners dull to in J iliev are j
l.tteby wu iiJnzeJ aril rctpiirej annually, hi (tie u
so I period of in .kin; County rules nnJ levies, un
1:1 ttif yeai 1 8 10, inclusive, for It; us o! Common
weal. ii, u luilowa : ttuit is to say, upon nil real
icl insjnal property now undo tux .bio !,y laws i f
thi. Ciitniiioir.viMlth for the purpose of lui.iii' ihe
County rales and levies, huh mill u;iu evny doU
e. f ;he uctuil ;ilui! thereof; n;ij upon u I perm ial
nviw und property hereinafter dfuiibe I, otvn.d . i
f "'(ia.l by any person whatever, that is tos1,
u i!i it.ortijig.g, moneys ut intcie-t, At;'.'' due
f. om so, vent aVbtots, whether by roiii:.-!iii y note
it x.-pi n t. s T bills for goi ds (old a'iJ d. Ilvvrej
i-jiJ t ink notes.) penal or single hill, bond, judg-
n I. and all stuck or share. owned or held bv in.
dividual in lliii Commonwealth, in any b ink. in
stto'ioii, r company, incorporated tiy nny other
staid or territory, on all loans or invc tnicii'n on in
tMft-.t 1 1 citizens of oilier statu, or in llio sccur.ty
t.f other states, owned or In Id by imhvidu ds in (hi
Commonwealth, and on all p-ihiic loins i S'n,.!;
w luii.oi'vcr, except those issued hy tins Cmmon
nriiltli, owned or held n nfuris aid, one half nr. I nil
rv.iy djllar vi lhe value thereof on which one per
l en', per annum dividend or prolit, m .y aicue
ti, or t received by the owner ('r holder thereof,
und an uddilional lull' mi l on every of the
value thereof, fur avery additional one per c-nl. pi r
nr.tiuui of any interest, dividend or profit, eccruing
to. or icceivcd by, such o'!ut or liu!der, 1'jr:i nil
I. liist'lmld furniture incluJinj s IJ and fiKer pi ne
i-Aiitd and kept fur use by any person or p-rsjn
I'm it the Vci Yirk Su?i.
st-'i:.tio:i coi a v. aim a. .
Lio me Judge 'I'ulliuailp.
The HerK County JlnrUi-r. Polllleal liifliinu e of the latr Storm.
A teller from Heading, which w publiUed hut j v writer in the IJiwtoii Mnrning I'ikI, in an ai
week, mentioned the trial of .Nicholas Keinh irdt j jc ,ie (ecent storm, UnienU that aeven men,
for the mnidof of Nicliolaa UliiiM, of Hern town- j n 0r ,1(,ln inu ,lanocrali, bclontjiiiu to l'lymoulli,
A ynUiij jJnl titi'ii.tii. J l.n M. Jmin'ii, who va hip lirrla. WCIt. ,v j, untje. in the ocean !" Seven true "demo-
receml, ens!-.,! wttl, I,,, in butine at! "l,r ,ff-'!,'r m l'-'!"l- ''' . ..'wm Wo,j ,,vu ,oled next w.ek. had thev
M u!n !ei, i:.!a,l. vv. broot before Jude ee x w-" ' V' . u! ' """a U''M' ' h"Wa UJot Mcin hto. Inst to the p,.My !
. ' lound nirirtt rmi hi iiisown iioum-, " one mui j i.nn
iHllimJ t,. t,u , . rti ; M t.-t .the.. lev ditv o( reeenl
. I ll.. I... 1... 1 I....... KIll.lttll.lA.I
.MM: iilul'IKV UIJl inn im' i'v-i. "i.,.tii i, n
The Krd Mrtx of the Vtl.
The St. Louis Kra states that a c lnus v:n ta
ken dmini; the lute attempt tj iirjutiutn a tieaty
with the linliaii tribe of ihn Hac and Foxen, and
the whole number of souls wan f mnd til be -IJ'Jd.
liut a few years nun the told Milliliter was between
, aeven 70dO and 800U,Miid the gentleman who e,ie
us this information ny tint he Ii a men 1 GOO
! procee lmfes w! i! Inre been lis.l in teurd to him.
' It fip;e.n t'i it Mr. Charles II. Mirshall. ngent
I of one ol the p .eki t iiks, lec 'ived inliinati jii by the
lat s'entncr. uec.iinp .t,ie i bv It a! vouchers that
I lit,.- mI I '.:t t, Jamei ha I i-liippid a luire Ua-l
t.ti of h-Jthe', I eirt; hi utotk in trade, on
bond the ship ii.impe, ut Liverpool, and hid em.
I !!! 1. riHi i no t. irjf (did ves .el fof .,v
V. rit. i k:n ' nsi.nv .nd every t'ling he eculJ cle.
v.-tyliy !; i hand on, and tl'.r.t it Wa Ida i'.teu-ti-Hi
t i d-froij t' e pri iij al contpl lii.ant. John
: '.V .r i :i. :! o in r c di.or-, out of um
' li cli re j. S 'u to tiieiii. A w irr.iiit wm
ti e f.i;e ued ou' of 'he Hup- rmr (.'ouit, in toiifor.
irtiry wi:h l at iteimJ the lill.voll net, tela
'no; to tr io loh lit debtura 'Coining into this slate
f uinnhr aii. 'l'hi- was given to uilii- Buyer, who
' l arjed the Lur pe at the .Narrows, on her airival
i ut New Vnik la-t Mitrdiv, urtRsteil Jamea, and
. placed hi.'n in roi.i'nieir.eiit. J. t. Llt, Ko, ap
peared .ni l i'l.all'i f the compl in int, and James M.
' Siiii h I.'.. ;.. for ileomd int. Oa Ivha'fof M'. Jatnes
it iM'i'fi !r I lliat the g U and 'ho money he
for t!ie aki of the spoils of the hone. Suspicion
fed upon two men who ha I been les.diim in '.hat
nein'ioi rhi'od, und on the oiler of a ic.vard f,.r de
ticlintt ttie muideiris, two persons, M'. Kermu mid
Mr. IJettF, (who h id ween Keinh irdt, the prisoner.
wilh a gun, believed to havu been the piopeily of, (Mr. Chri-I,) went in pursuit of thes.
person, and arrcslid them I. ear L'ayton, tihio.
l'h'V were Nicholas Kcinhardl and John 1'. U.h-
luati. IJn in itjou of J. 3. K.chnds, Enj. Cnurt
aoretd to trv't'.e p isomrj vepcrat. ly , arid Ke.nhardl
wa, pu; mi trial lirt. Alt' r einp .iiiu lin the Jury,
wttnesst s were culled by the coinmouweal h- Their
tertiimmy (J ies to s'uw the ulsJovciy of the dead
X . ....... I it... antr.iiv hrnmt'.t to ill' ir
.tnv n vniiu aiivui ......... V.B .. ,
,,,, wuiriors in the noil ut one time, mnuntid unJ rei-
families by the disater. J he same writer states .
' . .... dv lor battle. fttmce then the whiles havetiem
tint foitythree voun? men ol the town ol 1 niro-
' " . , ' de'ihni! with them ; the laws intei.ded In prohibit
(w!uli contains but 1SU0 inhabitants.) wee bir-, ... . ... , ,, .
v , i. r ' tho inlroduc I ill of whiskey aimiiisl tnem have
ied in the sea a, the same tune, a'm ut in sieht ol j (
i. . .. . - - i l ...... ; "tr" ...-,..... " n "
ineir nomcs, icaviirj; mniij i" -'rv-.-tlirie
orphans ill that t-intjle Inwn. Another vessel,
it is cuppo-ed. is lost, which swells the number of
tho dead to nearly s;Jty, and lhe--.e the most active
and enterpribinj of lln ir snul! population- Uul
of n ji 'pidati ni of Ul.i.'OU in Harii-itiLi'e county,
tlieie weie iccently '.H'O widows, Inido by
dii.islers at sea. I'.'i.L:. C iztttc.
Alroetoiis li.'eit.
ThcOilor J (. C.) Mercuiy. ef the 1 f.h inst.
bodv. Kid toe si'u of tho house and fariuture j 3dJs iinollicr to tie !i-t ut foil tr iedies whn Ii huve
ut the time of Jisovcry. Eut Mr. David K.nnnt I recrn'ly i!iturbed the quiet of our land,
one of the persons who detected the pus nieis. Was i (ii Tuesday niht lii-t as Jtieha-d UuMnck, V. .
ullovv ed by the Court, af.ct some iIim-iiss on, 'o y ive J was suniiin,; near the pi mo, on which his dsn (h'er
ill evidence, tho cjnles.ioii of liiiuh r.Jt, while on i was pLjiin;. lie us shot thmujli the window an 1
hi way from Ohio to Lcdin. the pint of wli'vh dud in a lew sic.lid-. It is stipf osi d tliut the ' r riau ,,f ,i0 iru ,lu, t , j.c ,.yt chi:ul.foii
is in the following, whic'i wo lake liom the Head- ni oilh of the Run could not have been mo'o llian i a i id.s c-itii.t'y and pro! ably ina::y coun-
I ri ir louniiil : i two or three feet from him as nil the shot entered I !r,
SalHrih"ji Mranhir 13, !K11.
-V;"' ,Jt' i .'?"' .' ;' '' im.j
; j' Tim new Pie-hyteri in Church at this place
was iiieii(!,l und'.iled to Wor.-hip, on Suud iy
the ;:l -t ul'. I.i tho illuming "f that d iy we li-.-ten.d
to mi inijtiess c arid cl iijuent discourse by
the Ib-v. Wm. K. Smith, the IViot of '.he Church.
'l'he Church is t neut and wi ll construe'ed briik
cd t'.'-e. 'l'h! in'erior is arranged in a handsomi
and comfort.rile manner, anJ is alike creditable to
the tas'e, l.beralty and pers verantc of those who
i Mr. A'f.'i.vo. Cvamii.ed bv 1'ios. cution. We, i :,i ... . i ... r , i, ...t,.,, i
, . .. , , i . I .1 , - Ills U'lUV 11111111 i.i.i r us u, w... ii u,.,. i. .
roucht wm him f .I y be,nnr.e.l to him, und lha' ; , , . ,tH ...,.,,,,,,. ,.:,,,', . . ,, .. . , .,
, ...... i... ' " - '(- " ' i ii i t n ,1 mut una Ii il,1 .1 iT I'if lni.l' l ll' I 1'ir
s'i'r.cieii- evidence had t.-t been .lin-vn on d,e part j jy 1Q y H1)ll;iyj ,
10011,1.1 nan!-, to
I'tfcitor, .it. d i!n rol' lliat he c oi'd not he lo'id
iler the law. The ch-rye, huir -wr, wr.s kub.-tatl-
tla i d bv v iiious documents
by the l,r!!oiv nr.; !. tt r which J.iluei vvi .te tJ his j
father the dav bti ' re he siihd. It was sent bv '
a iruuuo.eni i , .. ,, ...i... . ; u .,..... n.. I
iillillJ! mitsido t!testa;i! and lieit.! Ininlt lytl'i on
the lop the hnh'.ihs hid hint Idsl's. :ind he
wanted lo he down, lie mked me whether O.v-'It- not JiJ btUie a j"-tii e at Lav t ot, ll.nt
the let i
day, and a vculict 'muii'ered by un iinhnuvvn hand
leturued' uspi ion asyit rents on no one.
A TiiiilMnj liuUtei.l.
lb.' I ! ave Journal inei.tions an i.oihn' w!ne!i
occurred to -.onii! whn e f..hois during a reee'.t voy-
crime mid w itil l ave made s. d iiirmds upon th'ir
numlicrs. The few wars in w hich they have en. I
gnijcd wilh other tribes conl I have had In t flee I ;
in di'iiiniiihiiio thtir strength, and we cannot be
wron in the cause which we have as: ;iie.l, t. r the
decay of this powerful und nutne.ous tribe ol Indi
ans. TI.C New York Lveiiin it ft ties ill it a few
yc..r ao Uishop ttuJerdoi.k coiniecri'ed a cliurc'l i wee cna;el in its coitrui tuu.
in Sixih slrect, m ar the UoW, ry, I, r the U'p"e The new l!rnk Schoolhome attached to Ihn T,u-
of peif riniiiK Tcl.eimis Wi,r-bip in the (Jerinaii Cnurcli at this pi n-c, w is alsi opened at the
linn.i'e : on Sund-iy the "lib u!t. the Kov. same lime, anJ is now ready for use.
Mr. Fmst, a h'j'ive of Cer.nany, wlio has I ite'y The New Vo.k election have gone in favor
been a.Lnit e l lo oiders, pr. aehedin ih t church , l (,.,, M,.v. The demo.-rst, hive a m ij .riiy in
both Houses. Tlu n action Ii is m ureal in
that S a'e as ill I'eiin -v Iv.ili a.
r "Cell Sco.'t hi- i.l.!:ts-eJ a ci-culir, or cm-l.-s.on
.f faith, to the p opie, in which lu pmfes
bes u vvi;i!!i-n is to becoino the r Hiesidon1. Ho
comaiein'es be uivi i a -,'nort sketch of his I to.
w Ii I.-' win L tip by Myiii;5. that ihe insults of
the Lii ih a u, I 'he I'.ei in and Milan d, erei s l'.a
inc. II 1 i.e'v ai:i'il '. Ill.ilul.niit repro'.atioll."
lie is opposed to ih" e o power.
ihe fut f ierinaii disconr-e ever deliver-d bv
ii . t i f . i - . . i . .i I
uv.,1. i.ur, unr.nunau-iy lornitt. o, ...... .. ,,,,,, .:, . ... j ., . ,.., j,,
he, Ih'inhnid', had asked him, Ochinan, lo go nv r . cr' wh:. !', it observes, would be inered.blo it' it
C j'l'or.ilion or cntporatioits, cxceeii.n,' in value toe
fum ..fihrcc hundred dollars, live mills upon ev.ry I p.a-eJ m l.i" l:ai,. .1 ,,:s ci.Mitors. 1 hero is a Rim.t-,ilnt tw ,,e ,;,!,, ( 1 , i , , k b,, ,ud hai:Red
. ..liar of Ihe value thereof on siirh m e, s. Ciun ' '-"fh "" bu.m.ys o lv ce about It, ' j d,,,., If. Wiine.s r. pl.ed thut O-chmun did miv
plca-ureturrisgcs owned it.d kept f.r u.e, one pe. ; mncli t u !er .1 tm.n a rtind lo :. parent, .ucii
vent, upon e ery dollar of the v .Ilc thereof. lin ! Sl'i"? ptcluies of our good city and country, and
watches owni-d und kept for f .llo.vs; With .1, It teha the i-tory so ch-a-l,' in itself, that we
I to sav. on e dd lever, or wa'ch- s ..f eou .1 v.d.KV ' rt'"' 1 ineln.u'.ion to g ve it ernire. it is
idi on? dollar ; upon every o''ter de.scrip'.iiiii of
pj'd watehis ef like vahie, seventy -f.v cei.ts each;
u.n every i tl er description of wvctus of tlie v d
ue of twenty dollars or upwards, fifty d ills enh
'i 'ti. Acr, Sn ruiN 1. Ttn.t tho Ass. ssor
iiod s-i.i!:int Assessors of l!n city an. I county ot
1'liil.idi Iplda, and the Ascsmiis of the othex coun. i
l.t-.i , I ih It, I'omiiionwculth, on the leceiot of ihe ' iued by ihe Co.'umissioners, shall procivd
to a ci itaiii the amount, description and v due ot otjects of taxation, Ivfue mention 'd.
ucco.diuc, to the Lest inf inuatioii vviihiu their pow
i r, to be inquired for and obtained by them, and -hall
in ike out a full statement theuvf, and make rttuiii
nl ihe same lo the County CommlsMone.s, unJ il
in any case they shall full to obtain a oriel oi
tt dekcriptioii, they shall return the uijregate
value iheieof as nearly as they can ai-certani ihn
'iie, und, in all cases, the estimate oflheAs-e.-,
when practicable, shall hi made us they woulj
ii, .p lie ihe iaoie in pa) merit of a jail Je.'t fioiu a
,,- ei.'. de'ilur."
Acr P.SsLJ ON Til lllll May, 1911, Sic-ti-:
' From and uf'icr the pasa(jc of ibis Act, it
itn.l bo l e ou'y of the several Assessors and As-
t ant Assesors tJ assess, ra'e. and v.lae ail o''jiCts
.. la.tjtioi!, whether lor state, county, city , d .uiei,
.v a.d, to v iifhip, or borough pu.'p ises, iiee.iidni lo
I .j 3t lid v.'.ljj thereof, atid ut iu!i an I pr,
,, - f.,r wh:. h the same .vuld s. p.ratey i.ii f.Jj
r.i-r. Act, t-i.c r'.os
5. the several
ldrcsst d lo Mr Ueni. Jmiiks, ut die H uiw. v Tav-
fi n, near onth-mtplon Kailw.iy, London.
j ic: LLi'iLi:,
Lear F .U tier.
I nciived ynur b-'ler, st.nini that V"ll are goin
lo Loudon I ho e y u will s, e mid Riither nil the
money you cm und Leip il of course see my
l iic'.e ni! liyhi.
I have com;: In the de'. rir.inulion of goini; to A
merica I'liave ail the lemher ship ed I have I J
6() doz Hoi ler Leather, and about '-00 del linings,
and basels I have ill my p.tcket about jCdUO in
oold which I intend tikiut; with me us I never in
tend returning to Lhij'anJ Louise will cine af
ter me in sttout six months I hive nude up the j
beoks for ymi to uuther all ihe debts as soon as
possible and wluil I have to recommend you ns to
writo to all our cieditors and nsk time say you
will pay them all in four months, and when you
have us much cash as you c in either come out
wilh iiiulhit after inr 1 c m buy you a farm letter
; than half a doen of I'euts'.eel far 1 1 00 what c in
: you want more you had better lose no time in
: Irvine to sell all ihe bi-sels in London d yuuesn
: n it seli them 1 think it wiiu id be b.'si to ship them
I io Ne w Yo'U all sorls of liht guilds will ll there
but it you can soil them in L-inJon ul any r.aiou
s'lle ra'.c il imv be heller, l et r.ilher than Hand a
nv ml; il m..y Ir. as well to !.:, thein ti Amer ea.
I!, ni'nr, 1 b-ive ll In Veiir iodioenl how t do
voil In ! bet!, ! t the ca ll t.J the i'.Je! as t-o'l :is
I p ii-i' !e sell ihe i' Iaj carli eoui." iii. i i; .li e
s i. Heinhardt then said that he believed if be
would lell every thinij uhoul it, ho woulj come
through easier. 1 said 1 ihouht so too.
Witness slopped, and loithcr evidence as to con
fess on o'. ji clod to.
.Vro.-ii,', contra, c t s 4 Ilarviniiton lis?
t'mit'i. in favor of confession, cites McNully, -7,
Archibold crim. l'leadinc;, 117.
lluhil'ds, in reply contended tint any influence
used oil the mind of Ihe' prisoner is undue. Court
oujht not to weh;!i the amount of influence- In
thUease, inllueriee was used and hope eicited. In
a i apll .1 cs-o lo i;ei ihrough e.sier," is toe-cape
wilh hie. Thus Ihe -greate-t inducement is held
out cVr. Cites Archibuld, 1 1 7, and Sluikie, :l'J.
The Coin di eided that confessions be admitted!
o:i the ground that no proinit-cs or hopes were held
out, nor influence used und that a i,iileitiii to a
eeiiain extent was made in llciiihaidt's addu.-s lo
Henno picviouslo his reply.
Witness continued,
Ketnhardt liter. ald that he sto-i.l U'fore Derlv's
smith slirui. Wedne-d iy ufl. luo on, towards eviii-
A Idler fioiu Wurtibunj, doled S-pteml er '.'.,
mentions the I'ollo.vio vuiious facts : The Shlo
(4rn.11 pit) 011 the lamparts of this city, was o ed
to-,hiv bv a Hovu! comm:.s-,iori in ihe pie-i-nec ct
t.V.i.iit Furfjer, Ihe Pre-iiient ol the iiovenini' ii'.
In lie- year lt'.-5 tin re weio d 'pn-iU l in llns p;t
1.0 Ihnarian bu-hels of lye. The pit w is opened,
und Its cnhti iits ex iniined, tor ihe fn-t lime, in
wee nut att. s'i J hy Hie c iptaiu ainl ins m. 11. .1; 1. I stt.i, and lor tl.c sccuinl tune tu it.. 1. 1 o nay
ll'Vios, of the Custave. whaler, was fishing off the 1 il,,. t was openid fir the third time, the g'ain of New Holland, at d was givui' chase, i i a j ;a:ni. lain in it bo ri;'.t years. A for the r, m-.v-il
b. at wii'o live men, lo a lar.e cm h.'l.ito wliule, ' .,. slight decree ol" ill iis-urtf wh'te'.l had eo!'ee
which they soon calm' up wilh and h irpeoned. ( ;,i the tn;i of Ihe w, the rye was f und In
The as soon us lie fill ihe insliiiiiieiit, went .(. ,Uoe dry, and in a s.V.c of per feel pre-orv.i'i"n.
down perpendicularly 1,11, 1 r iriied out .1 i; ipian- ''lR. succe-s which has utt. n led this . xperiii.ent
tity of line. The crew remained with their oats . w;jj tr..,,,.jv lea l to the tormalion of other i!l.s
rais. d, wilt'i'.g t'.ir hi i re i; pear juee. when on a OM t. hjiiirrto useless ramparts ot out t iwn, w'.i:c'i
udden liny saw an eiiorinoii-j i.v rise nm ai h -ide may thus be converted into pioviMon
nf Hie boat, far above tlie gunw de, which was thus . t r ,iu, Mlj,,',y t,f the aimv:" The V nil "il '."
caught ill Ihe mouth of the w and was le-.idy above', is .1 .vpau;sli wold, Bil l s gnitb s a
to be crurdied in an il l. subterraneous ejiauary. Why it h is been adop'ed
The men were mi p iialv zi d bv f, ..r, thtit t'u v
eou'd not obey the captain's ordi rs to gi t out iheir
saws and woik avvay ul the aniuie.i's inooth ; but
gradually the jaws began to sink, 'ii.d, aft. r g ving
tho boat's side a terrible glut 1.1', disappc ired In -
in alb the water,
his seat.
Cm of the men ialiitcd uvay on r u.ivl Knllvv n'
During the lastiwo luon'hs lin ie h i- bien h e
r dly witnessed a human bee-hive on ibis railway.
The scene of oiatioli lias been eor.c '.I be
tween the present terminus top of Travis street,
and the intended fin d one at Sloie streel, M .11. lies-
in,;. O.-chmaii came to Inni 'here, and said to hiui ler. On this ciicumscrihcd nupeioces there have
lo ii'ght they would go and kill old C. That he,
j Oschmau, uiu.-t leave oil a count of u woman
Thai he had noinonev and must have e-11 account
of this wont. itl.
'lay'-, io. k- 011
w eie w i h Ciav
Fro II ii.ere they vv lit t 1 V. I.I..1 II
l!.c I'm !i I' Tiiere t!;e
I i 1. n the e 'i'cv w,r,t down to
I'oili i;;i r'.i tavern 1! :.t VLohmrin Ink hw.iy a
ca:.i'h: ben ih"ii t o p'.i.'!. a box of matches
f.o ,1 there thev u t to t '- l.o'i- c hen there
nirv of this Cn.m, ii.m alth m ihe di-ch.ngf of tin ir
lisp five duties sha'l lave rejsjn t )
pa rson o- prrsoiis or cor, or i ion '.i..!l huvj re n.
ed a false return ofhlf, her, or their propel ty, trade,
pr ihssoti, jccujiation, or uny arlichi mads tnxible
l y lw, or shdl n it nuke a fail duclo.itre of tLr ,
ra.jr, Ihe said A-acfSors sliali lelurn what iLiy be-
li ve to be the full value and amount thereof to ihe I
t u ks up and . ut y on a Its: i ( ul lliat is d
pai'.'.er it :dl in d, so ns to mc my unci-' sate,
and when you huve got all the c is!i y..u can get in
lurid, co ne to Amenei to ii.k I will boy a good,
farm ready cu'tifated for l". 0 to jTJnO. "1 h.'. I ax
es s:e nothing eve y mm i. on an r jualnv. Ii I
were to stay at M ji.ciiestcr lo sell Ira in r it
would take y ni m:h to se.l it lutf would l..-
tn-' o.' ii. .I v.:. .'.'. t..1
i'jt.i'., aei ir.' p. t m l lu
the it l eti ll, : ltd ll.ev c
i . l,e(.:o an 'hi n ni I
t on o'd Cti i. t ;.n 1 c
t .1 . u -s'.t rf v.l a
'. The-,. ,.1 :n, e''i
! I.. it g t :n, in en ti
ll! t o Wl il.l.V,
.i.h. u 1. , si - then
been employed, when li e weather w .ni l permit,
no fewer than otHI to 000 men, .-u.'h a. bihkiaytis
and their bi uiurers, excavators, j iuei, nrasuii-,
c nteis, iVc. Tiie work now in 'i'ii " naiou
linuati ni of arches (no.vlbt; n. nnm'oei) from
Tr ivis s reel to S:ure str. . t, and i' is coo pu.ed 1 1 . :
ih.s ihou ext. liiou ol ihe hoe w id to.;.i ic upw aids
of .''I'-' r.'y ul '.'.'i'c'.s lo Comph to it. At
the lei t'l.l atioll ill SleU .in l Ine I i, u ;.:. iff!
'tt'v-ene f. 1 1 ! t low the !. vel . f ll.e le a, io.i H i id,
1 iir.d plobabiv there I ever wire a. n.r.v b...!.. !;.l
!ii the space. V t ero.vd- i f ll.e n.oat ilaii'.
i are da'.lv ..It. act. d to t..e p..t to wi.i.e-s l!;e pi...
by the people of Wur .bur di we are uuaole 'to
Cose oi- Yictoiiy. In the in ri.;:iril iddrcs- ot
Dr. Molt last Molid'V lo his c oiim' o:i -ii'j.iv ut
Ihe I'ntversPy of New oik. il w.i- re a'-d i t La
r n L arrrv, the 1'iieuJ a' d Mi g'..i "i N p '!. n
mid ol his s .lihe n. that ul: r It e v.eto v of .1
l.z, l.e cut 'J' I lull u.ui :'it i i if- J'
frviii li:ucha:i!eJ n.';i '. W.-!l c n-ihr v.: ..t
an antidote is litis to the love of " !--i!
weighed in the scale of h;iui.'...i!y oe! u-ogioi ,
w'oa'. a l.arl'iil resi..iio hi bo tlu pr..iii..le!s nt
uiii'lhte.iis war. .Y. Y. .Lo' ".
The Iili;. r Ihr ;'uot xi.t Ititltc I. .it I..
I hive -ecu no n, n.. ii iy ly n '..-e and liiiei.c; ,
lead toe conveis toon in cot; i s, vv ! e.e ll.eie vi as
taste, t.-.lent and I. aii.iiig, l!i..u.;h they p. ..-.-.'J
in i her f tiio lloce.
' 1 h.v ki.o.en l.wvcrs lo gnu It,: ir i n.s. s by
i:o ii 1 1. ee j. d oc I. r.ilk'ii, when
1 ,s i. or lio' j.i V knew ihe.r t? ; lit.
I h ve Ir. out titiy si tu no u t ii' ll.eir se .ts i:i
, 'die lo!s!uti. e, who lejpd suli'. i,ps, :o:d cave a
..iV w !,!-!, c , w hlie ihse wlia i inljinni .a .-'.j t l"
5 c'l i.e a-i:res were h it at hoine.
' 1 s. ..ti a 'ir.i'de s '..p mrry a to e gul,..:..!
Ileisi,. t in fav,,r
i.f i. ni imi'i- fioiu. oi D'ation inohi-e. l.e is not
i.i f.vor of one term, until there i- a provt-ian to
tin t e. t'.-', in l ie by .111 amen intent t) the Coils'i
tuti.'ii i x'i ii liu,' i!i" tern 1 1 ni y ..r--. Ho is in f the I.aul lid', li.ii'.iriipt IMI. an J s'C. m 1 Corp.. ,itio:i iitll. He iias u il been, he says,
a number of a Lo.l je ir s -crel associa'inii for tidily
e or, and 1 ot oi.c" vi-itcj oi.-e during lliat Ituie.
The w'.o !e is u ea ch penny c.'i.ce'n, rn.iJc to
.ul 1 1 , . vie as if various condieiins ir.l'nsls, and
w II .sct'iir Lreat'v when pi ,ced ill eootrtisl with the
no'.'1!' and Iy h l et of (jov. Ca.-s, upon Utu satin
so j ct. 'ir.asiinr.
One of !' e first ami most impoitint ac's of th'
iieM legis'atU'e w ill l e the selccti .ii of a person b.
lid ihe office of ' o.'c 7Vc amrir. '1'l.c cri-is in '!i
nioi'i'.j'V ut'.'uis , f the state, iniperiMidy dcinand:
thai 111" p. is. n selected should be we I (jUal l'ied by t i! nis Hii l txperience, to m.ct the d.lTi'-ultli in v wl.eie seem to st.rrolind Us.
'jot. ! I cert tin i .en hav ii ' cl.ii.ns to othce, i
i.o'hn.j more . r lews than serii'ii their riajit t,
be. o:,,e peiisi oi: rs on the government, 'l'he oi'.'c
nl S ,,ie Tieas'.uer is or e of a vat deal more impor
t o'.ee 1 1 1 1 1 is generally atltiehel lo it. To devis
"wa s and on . s," and to extricate the common
weihh lioi.'. it-: !e-e:i' lioaucial ilii'.icullies, will rt ll.e tioie Co ! l..'eot.s ,, our and m,,t e
I ei ;en i r.ieu. !i we w.oe perinitti d lo make
.1 -it. v e v.e.lo u oniina'e lien Simuv Chi
:to s . '. e i'.-i 1 1 oiiti tei't n. i man would lab ir in. r
,i,,i -'" t o tiie ii.teiesl oj ii;e slale, or w ith gre i'.e
I, .ji
el ti '
e i!
w ,
'll .S ul
lis ex:
111. it. l.'V w
r.. - -.1 :t .1.
e. o.., ot u.e pror co'i.i.y, una oc . gW-1,Uv, j op j,, il, .t we would
person er person, or corporations thus as css.d, ! ul o.vcd to I'V to stil it. I ut I do ..l
i .'. i, fett a;?r!evfil,nn appeal may be had, accord- ;
i, g to ihe exi ting law, Irom such asssmenl ; and , h m (, ,llrcl.,.,. now I bin.!, we will 1c I e lei
:. . ,i . i i i r .!. . ... i i
It sr. a.i lie laiviui i 'r too vouiiiv I'l.ti'iunii'ima ,
... . i. - -t .. .I......M.
- '.. ... ... ...I I ,11 . ... ... ..'! -....', ' "'" " ' '
to liaiu-ter an oath or affirmation to tho per-ou
or p. rs-v.s, or c wporiiioii liking such tppeil, touch
nig ;he value and amount of Iheir property, trade,
ovi patii'ii, or profes-tinn, or any article made tita
bie, mid iflbey derm an abatement proper, theairne
Kt.a.l he ..lade i.t the Conuni'Sioi.ers msy, if they
ie pioper, receive other evidence."
.an ev. r, especially il 'uu can mu.i r i.M'U to
come out w ilh, bul you mu-t keep it quite u secret,
or el.e ihey will airesi you Ichiro yi U caiilnve
fnie 1 ho;e you wi'l kei p If sober us I can
t. II you ihore w.'.l be i iioj;li to d i, and do not car
ry nil s ich sprees . you di I at Manchester I have
heir 1 a g eat d ai about it it is lone mat a in ,ii ol
! vour veais s'.o.ihl know be. t.r than ti go a..J & I .
Si.ui. scr, Sin lo.i- 7. So n uch of the Act ! ,tlJ, v fuf jaN g.( wit'i u i a eel of (I i 'v 1
i I
j-ed on il.e 1 llh day of June, 1M0, ''as au'hor 1 fo k) il is s"a d iloos if y..u d i not ihopit vou ,
il d thededuci ni of the value of any p round rent I n.; f.uJ w.ry B1 ), aul. 11 .never, I am !
dower, or n., on uny ie.ilc.tate wi lun this
dt a id t 1 I 1. 1 :n to h it the
he, Hrinba'dt ih. n I jl.tid the C nolle Olid be.d j
it until the eld man Was i!c d Th. y th, uw.i.t!
lo '.he c! est and oj ei.e.l it nod t i..k t .-) l ey out j
ot lio) p.. i ket book and the out r? the hi le :
che-tiu the larger eii Then took ihe goti o;'i
the wail Then surte.l f r Liver!,'.. .Near an j
apj lo-tree, in L'indho.'ker'i fiiU s..'!iu.'n nattered j
1 h. v l.n u went to ii .cil s
do re it lea !y and sated. This, .sail! i
r.c di. ft he said at thai t. i.e.
When tlb v cum to Coa'n'i'rh'.'.i g. K "b.'tia dt i
Icld Wliro s. lliat Osihuia.i had told lli'Jl lo- should
sty iiolhii g inoie, Tuid toe to s. y i.o.l.i:,,; ol
what he had told u.e
I I w u ut I'otti. f.i :r. on the V.'e h't s.' iv I.ei ihirdt
and 1 1 chin .n ii ft. 'I hey Weie to'h there I w s
lte'ie 11.1 ul' o.l 10. lie . 1 1 ti l. .it was veiy cuii I
e .enin j. O t hin'ii w la on iij'n .
t.hiuil a.'tourio ,!.
ol w hoer
I'iivi.'i ::v.
V.'fen .siv M. Li. i, it u wi l.e
.hint g the c I I m..s: n, even in t .o
it s neies-ary to m ke t!'.e fowl r. o.-'. over un oven,
in a i tl I,', in a tdml w o re In.o y cattle ,oe ke; t.
orioer.cla t'.ove in ti e u-e no jU'p sc.
l ou gh h r !: i
jf und l! e
it 1 et'jie ll.e 1 lid ll It." fl
.J L o.l ti i n s .'.c.tcd .n vai.
,, n. r.,.h'.
e.. K.tii s i.;
c.e tr
hi. I ft,
..r.t a.
,J on
II It :', b
11. 0 U.S.
n ' t
Who h .1
I ul we
I i: e.
, I'.u.'er o jve-en', c:uo in i-sii,e i'
i. M'W l!. 1' M r. C.llllC! on would ucc ,
I, he ilni ., ! wouhi ii .1 i n Ir. t:i an
.' ti-,:'l r ll .1:. i ll.' I ol ili mi 1 1. Is I I ti.
a cm t'.dei t, w . .e.1.1 not bo any in, in..
-. w.-it ii..; : ni; Ir ! by h..t r ai .1 iiobl-
Y. e '.'. i ..I . li t v. I i tii u. I ters'.o nl
',..-p..r .. tn. iv . e' ill il s o. s ni.e u.hi
i . :i ii tine 1 .1 I' t 's to" l!ic o.;'.. ,
el.! !,!,,' I 1 -ll ti.C -e'lC'l' tl fill U, o.l Ot
..'I'.e !:.- t:e,.'.s u.J ml .!.. ".alutis .
thln.'s! It
Lv sitch inelhwds tt.c f .in.i
i fit for I'.e table in the month of A , r.l. a p. r.ed
j when liny are ord, b g i.n n lo be o . c!.ed in the
of 1 1 ... IIP'.V l!,i'
, i in
An rt nr i i. !c. u
not foiti to vet v o i i'V firvllot: bill' s, !"lt beg v.m : venlions, is a p! in for r'ceo.iiin'i'lailiot; .be l...e s of enimaling Ibe value llor--. f. is I wil( wfcn ailli ,e i tljui fl.,U4 , r.her,r.t; .dl ei;..iin at all wav.i.s ol tin year. V.'e do not fool
l.i-ti I y ies nl.i', und said real estate fhali heiesftrr
i the is -h V"U c oi.
any particular !t..-ci ipiui ..fits
le estimated ut i s full value und taxed 3' i j avu j v,,u (!,,. p wtliu' .rs f all the c- , the I. lloivn: rci.i r.d i. fit in
Act si.ii uti tuu Sunt mi hi Aeutt, IMI, ' c..a..ts out ui .. ji.c.cs er, i.i y u na i i .i..r co ne p.
Picnos 9.
boi g
i'c I..I
I' e ' i ii ot a to'"icco in. liom b
and :: t r ch, while n.en of icil u.
fy ha 1 pined in poveity.
L..! V u I ever see a inrt t f a'l tin
inn t!: l m l, I c, ngrati.iale y, n t ii , tir p'o-p-e',
of go il iiK'h f.ryi-u po-sess ihe lo w.iic'.i
il is pr.on s 'J bv l...' a ! i;e.
I'-r. in B ound I'atis, atlhouh linth-r to the South.
! It wou!J be eles.rjn'e .-.'o'.es in foi-h.uea
we c co rn. only l.u,e.vii lie .r great t o.r.s,
weie luxury g'ud'S i.o cvieuse l.r ihe co.iVti.i
eiv e ol hav ii, Ir. -! . ";. It is ul leioatk,
that t ie Iili i i- .-iiilty, v. l.o-e p uhry occu. y ut
night a c i f ihe cb.U ul w ith li e co.v.j ig,
u..d li:" I onii , f.'. ipn ut I v ii. vny eui'y lu Ci.s i ,, ut, ,J .vin bi.i,s and bar !y I in!:'
.I'.eik'e of ,he w in .litii of t eir u g .1 .loar.eis ; und .',.. .,n,:-!i of ettont tte. Ilr.iss to a s ih,
'ii .e c.i.i tie no d t.!it that this is the chief iccrit No, iheir c .puts ure i n v h ll' ri;e miiskitn 1 i s
l, r l..iving new la d eggs in wuil.l ; p..ynig ut the j ,,.,'. y thick lini's, jnd ail lo ii.-.v n.stth, c ti
stiine lliue, due a teiit.t.n to pinleet the hi i.s horn , aioii g ll.e i.e. t's nl f.i,.ih in . - swiinio.iig ..' out
wci, an. I lo I. live them yniing, .' nt le ,sl rai iy in , w it!i a vst ipjaulity of s. p. Til !; ii'-l up wtth
in .u, lu. g. iVo. 'if l'uilr! d, Uj lttr I bro.ili loth, foeer lings, sjh ty c'oain-, .oft s .,!.!. r,
Uu.'U-i1'.. i unity aril iu.p'i.h-nce, th.y are no inn linn
- i a '. a e 1 li a-s' o ui is .,.i.l s.iv .'. I de'i a it .in! y
IliMnrs. There aie so.iu: loo's in the w.nid
who, i.t'er a long incuh uiott, will hatch out f ton a
hot bed of p.iJe, .-. sickly brood of foly idea-, :n.d
then so strutting ah n? the path of p.un osiiy w ith
al t e flt'-tiTv.iil nice of a spi chl. d Inn with u
Ida. ll e'.i c!. ll. I ll e an h, lo n.f'o p - jb .
Thev are n.ere w aik irg st cis lor ft ti de Ih t-, or:u-
1 Wl' i
I s.,v
" J'tiiro shall l annually' i as so.oi as p
ile, and have lli.'.ii uil in 1 tlltoi.
lum iMiivr, I'iusht rciiii. ViMsri'.- as, a ct d . a w,t l '. r. 1 ir
i'i.e pi , ri. l u. ,.f l!ie put. rst 0' titiclal skating (,,,, p,,., ,-,!, g j, ,i ,d in tlie hislory ol niir Cliurch,
and roticctid on p. r, tra'e, occupatioi s and
profcrsions, a lax of one per lent, on evrrv doll ir
of the valu i theier.f abuse two hundred dollars."
und "there shall be annually a- esstd and cn lrend
upon all (slaries and irnolume nts of oifue er a'e I
or held by or und. r the const tution or laws i f hi
Commonweal It, ly or under any u.coiporaii. n. in
stitution, or company ineorpora'ed by the
Coinr.ioiiwej th, wheie sueli si'siies or em I
Oiei.ts exct't (1 two hundred dollar.-, 4 tux of l.v i pr.
cent, on cveiy dollar i f the Value theienfah ve I v ,
hundred dolla f, which said tifs shall Is) ass.s ed
cnilected, uu l litcouiiicd for, in the maimer und f o
tl.epurposi. .-til.d and piovi.led in the aci ,f Hih
ll.t s m .y be ,.' .'lo a I Ul a we, I;.
J e ill t .uio.r-i.v ul 1. o'clock. have tik. il tlie emetistve gr un 's in fn' u ,lP i.nn cllul, til m) short a p h e, t w iturss
Force is R .ing I Nov K"a1 L""wa Jl'''--""' "-"'' ur moiN, , p (, ft h v , ,v Ulilfu, :,(,.,. s m o A-
!fir is inn.e of the p. rtty of ihe Ne v Ye
T..t I
wuli me I will have u le l nl w rk to do in Anie
lie i lu fin ish und soben ihe le lio r and ir n. I uhou'
(il ii,,iis iso'i it I
A huge block of ehatc. id, named Yiilenl lie
Hose, gave one Oliver Fl. tel.. r a poke on the Im-e ;
the which he defended by pbdjing lis life, lhat
I Fletcher h d tiied to niake love to his wife! ant
where Ihey ure about to et'i.lut puh iciy their saa- ,r 1t , ,ave fiden. Seveii of ll.ese were ol ;
tins flon'S. One io,.,n will be linn feet Log and ,,f sin,,ein p .rt .1 ihe Chur. h, nz : Mis-rs. Hux- j
J hti.e I ..' lo I hope NoUW. II look I 100 wide, Ms elully H........d and oei' With lri H,,ull. Vill ,,N Hi. ckenr.ilge, M. s,
!. .IT..., 1,., M r. I'. II il... , I......I r .
.1. 1 1 j ..., '..v ........... u .,.. two ws.e torn i i iiiisv iv una, v.. i
muhmi-l ..f Cnv.nt (J.r.len Tin utre. to whose Ml.ssrii- Tm1 .Virv. und .me, M.. Luiu, fom l!,e 1"'!'1' "" ttl'"'11 l .o um.-s, was
uigenui-y Ihe pub'ie will probably be indebted for Ohio. Messrs. und Wineliest. r were both ! xlf ",M " ,u"w;,y k,M- '" " " a
t ieicl'.er, "INnW, bossy. 111 swear IV ilelniou.ite
dil ei a kiss fuiiii hs w. nun I It... k." Th 'iind
sln.ip u'.'"Ut ion g
I w role to inmbcr day.
( Ke.-s you is the wiil of your dutiful n.
'0a' i In st r, J. M. Ino-s.
hunJay, Uhl. Sept. I'll.
Write lo inf p'e'ly oflen
llirr.t: Mr. ThnOiis Mo'r.s, ul Muling, iliotlieis,
.V Co., .,w York, Aineiiea.
Mr. Jsti i s istber a gay-looking j oung I.nghsh
wh it f m sr ireely fid to become a p'aC" of grt at nnmbeis of ihe last ( Assembly. 'I'll s is a
aural t oil These urlilieial ll ll ive ail t'. ap- , ,..(,. ii.ouiriilo. S e stand still and reveu nllv
pearuuee of lie; and ui.on It the common skate is , i,n..wl.'.Ne ll.e liuinUt liml. and ul the same lime : Ho-e.-NoA lo,k 'ar! when I hard .pjito pi a n,
and llinali ronlessej ! .-citl r a " u;aiu
I "Well, 'stiosiu I did hut I d.tlnt, al. hose it
hat. nuilin lo .lo ve id my innocent nose ! If my
1.... I.. I. i.:. I .. i.V l:i, V...I sb.oitd wbii . Slid . 1
" ... ! ' , , , , ,.v , ' boihood si uiils unrivalled, and will Hot snd'ei
rnr.i i.r r ion or Ii ( H 1 ui i. i.ut W ohms, nol break inv nose I .r de l.ult on my bp- '.
coinperi ion iiom sue ijuaiiei.
used wilh the s nuo fac ltty as uptiii real i.e. The ,e ,, with bun lo spaie his Church, withho'd his
invention is p.lroliised by uiiny meinUrs of the ,aud, and send down his uitl precious blessings.
ISk.lliiB Club. 11. sides ihe public rooms and, I'robyteriiiii.
. ... il i . r 1
proiiien jiles, mere win ne rooms i r private socie-
"I lit N i ;il ii, iti ah in .bin e, ars.l of iho rich,
bin. I is i: nv b ittg taken fiom the in uuloiii t!i
r.-cs ut ti e be ,d el" the lo-vn. ' !. MiLI.rn.o.
of our mo t w rihy a , I eiiierj r.itng citizens,
c .nr.ecli n vvi'.li oi.e or two othirs, h s icciiilly
pencil a mine up u the outskirts of 10.MI, a d
n i.v engaged in r.iiiintig a new sha'l f..r mote a
vao ag.': us n.d ex', l.sise eperalion. Seteia! t'
u.ito s h ive been r. cet.tly opened .d oi ll.e ian,c
ail of w! 'lell te-ti'v in ihe fn't ' of,
in. iv l e i b aincl woh I I'le trouble at d no great i
p- nsf. I h s i r.' h .s been icci ntly tes ed uu l fou
to be of lie v, ty b, si ipiahty yielding fom 7d
7.) fer cent, of pi, re metal. It is v .s'iy supeiior
:li ,t obi rued in the in ighborhnods of l' le n
l'ot sM.h . w I.i. h is si. l.'.c ovoly i oven f.. m ihe f
f en -iv e i r.ieis !: a i ittg been iceeive I 1. om ir
lo a t. rs in th . ncti.iti' s, I i m:; f..ont
Itn'f. N'T wi I l!i s upp- ir surprising t.i ,n..r r
tl. rs, when 'h'v aie inf irined t',.'. win!.' our .
ields about . that . I t titled i.i the vicinity
i hc.r w " ten in s I ot ai m er . '.'," per ct.
'AVri'lo the ,li'i,'iei".i 'In1 lii'i,i,ii,'(iii :
V. e u.e ph .. e I I . si e s .e'i .level .pe n Mis o( I
it -oo e s ul rl.e st il-. Toe it.' iiil'i.hd t may
of i!;e verv I ..-si ipnl ty, hot lliat it is mi; ei lor to t
ore i f Monteti, H..lgc, ,s a mo-i si - disc
IV. and lime, we I1. ink, wi.l prove il so. The v.
la.l ton, our il.eild ol ihr liea 'log C.'.elte f.
lotili Is tiie iocs lotiiid in lilt lielhl'Oil.o tls of lb
vide und I'nl's. ill., w hie! i are us ihl! r. lit and i'
tool astwon'ts can be, pioves in si cm. lusiv
ih il he is ignor iul of tin subject, or has Um gr.
Iv iiii-ii.fuii.e.l. Wn! tlie f hlor of ihe (.incite
kt id . i, 'null lo i b rui us w!i,i i. on in t
vicillttv nf Oaiiville, ol ihe in 1st rnimtf ticiniiy
ihe ni.a!ituirhii.l ., the Monleur Iron Hidgehe.
iioirg-i'iie, have given orders lor troui 1!
hug ! 'l'he character ol ihe iron ore ol tins n.-i
coirc-iior.ih it ,f the Mollis Je.s.vmin sass- said Hose, "for de nose luh desarved tie hsg see.
hubd; i The lexiuii I ougre.-s uave tinecteii a ma
I. in- !: 10 Fiovi Jed. That wlnil the ta ary is ill in, sporting a neat pair ol mu jlaerjois , but so. in-
...I,,,,i.f ibis Con ui.iiiAcl tl log so'ucwu,.l nste anj I .nrtJitt Iroiu itic rib CIS ol . IH' huh iiiu v.uu.i .. ... .-, v. m-.c nos rug un ,
! I,- .b ill let .in oi l ol s.i.l Ihe long vmsje and aubse.iuent imiirisouii,eiit. will be l.upht 'l'he arl licial Ice is c .ptble i f be- . A
.' ,. . ., . 'ri... i.... , .... , i ... t . . .. i 1 .... ,i. ,i p .i.i-n'a l.,,,i..i,,l ' ! am salisi'iedlhat screenings of -nlluicite coal are I fir dal wa-e'e lust Hoy you
,U Ihe ,ax ,i,,,siu uy ai.. ZZZX Z Z i ZZ - " ' i I - -h eea ; an . w,sh for ,o teach dal nose bossy, you sec dal bu.l of Senator Watkcr. of Miss.ssipp, who ll
iu'vE.i'ri-(V'l d,r..SteAart. It..1- U brought ipng.U ibis feMioon. when . ,1. n- ll,o, than a bdl.i.J mo n un I when not... Use. hot two f. ct sipiare and six inches ihep, and tilled i lllie pokes at Dinah, I puke at he I" jlhemHou tie In.'o.l Mate. S.-I.4-C f-t
. '.nd Read 1 ad in-llanued at Fulton I'nry. Ne siou in rej'tud lo h.m will 1 m olr. The,, a.e a- and cveied bv . ear, et. it wdl have .he o.du.a'y it wh ih c al ; an I they have no ,nd'...o0s of J M. Ilegoue'o. I il poke you ! rra oguinon f ihe ln.leptn..ene ! Jexas, i
o,e sou nt-aa j uk.,. ,l,. 1 ..i . , .....(...-. h. .lihf ,..!. down nans'" and Jsikiea that iiilutil. made I resion, who s.'.Hi..ed the
. . i . .... ... .a ..- I.....I .t.t i.r , . t Kim: . ' " t is ' nun ua lineal am r .1 an in ai. ,ia aiun.ia 101 utaun .- i ., ........... , .... .... ... .,............. . - - , .
. -j , into the I out St, J i! If K"fi. . ... 1, I' ut 1 '.'.b ,h y. , -mfo,t, i oa.. I. b.reosl w.h unswe. well. , themselves scaur
j liun, . l-e p'uci J in the '.ipllnl cl lliat Ucpub