Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, June 26, 1841, Image 3

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hrvrnue Ihll Accepting Hanks. a table
las been published in many of ihe paper, purport
tin to exhibit the amount of money which the ac
rpting Bank will be authorised to issue under
tie "Revenue Dill," which ia eironeous in many
specls, we publish below a table, which we be
rvn to be entirely accurate, showing the amount
'hich each accepting Uank will issue.
!.xchnnge Dank of Pittsburg t& Bran
ches $1G9.764 00
fcrchants St Manufacturer Dank of
Pittsburg 120,000 00
onk oflVnn Township 96,734 98
lanufacturers & Mechanics Dank of
Philadelphia 60.2C0 00
armer Dank of Lancaster 80,000 00
auk of Cheater County 71,192 00
anx of the Northern Liberties 70,000 00
arrisburg Dank 75,000 00
iiambersburg Bank 00,015 00
oyamensing Dank 62,500 0(1
inner Bank of Reading 00,072 00
irslile Dank 57,563 25
iners Bunk of Poltsville 49,0.16 25
irk Bank 4!,56l 50
ink of Lcwistown 42,258 25
ink of Delaware County 43.057 50
.ncaster Bank ,HH,4;)0 06
wanda Dank :7,500 00
nk of Germantown 35,512 50
ink of Northumberland 40.000 00
irthampton Dank 21,1,1 25
ink of Gettysburg 30,058 25
onongahela Dunk of Brownsville 31,500 00
ilumbia Dank &. Biidga (o. 25,171 00
ie Dank 25 473 00
est Dranch Bank 25,000 00
ink of Susquehanna County 25,000 00
rks County Bank 21,7 50 00
uk of Middletown 21,318 75
toier'a Dank of Buck Co. 23,055 00
rmcr's& Dtover's Dank of Way-
icsburg 1 8,570 (10
lianun Dank 17,570 00
youiing Dank 20,227 50
$l,'iJ.i,'J!i0 00
Tlio three Batik published be-
which do hot pay tax on their
idends, have accepted the law
I will issue on funded debt the
owing sums :
uk of Pennsylvania
micro 6l Mechanic of Fhiladci
. hia
chunks Bank City and Co.
f 125,000 00
62,500 00
70,000 00
f2,IJ0S,4Ja 11
V. American.
Danville Steam AVnollrn Factor)-
.''he Carding Machines in this highly useful
i Olfactory have been in operation for some lime
t, and we understand the woik doing in that
.ich or the business of the Factory, is giving
re satisfaction to the public. The runofcus
to the Factory is very extensive, yet orders aro
uptly attended to, as the machinery goes by
in ! Danville Intelligencer,
The Anthracite Kiirnncrs.
'he Roaring Creek Furnace, Dr. Stcinherger,
Columbia Furnace, by J. & J. P. Grove, nml
Danville Furnace, by Uiddlc, Chambers, ok
continue in tegular and successful blast. The
d Furnace erected by the lavt named Company
the r Monleur iron woiks, will, wc understand,
Uown in to-diy or to-morrow. Dan. JntcJ.
t mount or Coal shipped from the Bait' more
vipany's Mines, week ending June 11th, 1513
' ot?l Coal shipped from Wyoming Valley, this
;on, to June 14th, 6610 Tuns 1850 cwt,
Wilkrtburre Ailr.
.It .1 H IS I K It ,
n Tuesday Inst, by the Kev. J. P. Shindol, Mr.
oh O err shah, to Miss Saham Nkioio, both
n Blnomsbtirg, on ihe lOih insl., by the Rev.
C. Drake, Dr. Wm. H. Petrikix, In Miss Sa-
i Ah, daughter of Daniel Snyder, Esq., all of
ri Hanrisburg, on the 1 5th insl., by the Rev.
11. R. Dewitt, HlKKT DtJF.HLt.K, Esti. to Miss
ancks. eldest daughter of Alexander Maliun,
. of Harrisburg.
Conl Trade.
mount of Onnl carried on the Danville and
.tsvtlhi Rail Road to Sunbury for shipping, lu
j the week ending on June 21, 015 Tuns.
Per lust report, 4.3HI
Totil, 5.326
JOHN Dl.'DU, w. m.
Corrected weekly by Henry Yuxtheimer.
ttir, . - ... -50
'llMV, f - - 40
")ts, ...... 30
'nK, 5
1'i.AXsnn, ..... 1(10
ll'TTlM, ..... 10
tr.eswAX, ...... V5
1'iLinw, 12 J
Pateii Ai-rir.s, 75
Do. I'lKHti, .... 200
Hrcxuot'in, .... lo
EViiS, ...... 7
luroKrAST 1'hooi:
'tht 'rfficaty of Dr. Iltirlich't Celebrated Mrtii
The following certificate was sent bv Mr. F.. B
ninan, agent at Cincinnati!, Ohio. Their ran 1
mistake in l, as Ihe partiae are well Known.
Mr. Eieklel Rictlon, of Anderson lowtihip
milton county. Ohio. Was seveial days troubled
i blll us atfeil ions, acidity of the stomach, Hi
ded with the umal i-ymvloms ol dyspepsia, and
.ixuj made trial 'of various medicine without
iins relief, was cuful by the above medicine.
Attest, E.MGDON.
'"PHE Snbscril'er respectfully offers himself In the
1 eiiixen voters of Ibis county, as a candidate for
the olfice of County Treasurer. Should he be e
leclcil, he promises faithfully to discharge Ibediiliu
or snid office. GEORGE C. YVELKER.
Sunbury, Juno 28, 1811.
rPlIE Subriuibor rcsjiectfully inform hi fellow
- ciliaens, thnt ho will be a candidate for the of
fire of County Commissioner, at the ensuing elec
Shamokin, June 20, 1841.
"liood Intent lire Company "
A STATED MEETING of the Company will
be held on Thursday evening next, at 8 o'clock,
p. m., at the Court House.
Punctual attendance is
Juno 26, 1841.
IXutc oT JamoM Campbell, H "1.
NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of admin
islraiion have been granted to the sul seribcrs,
residing in Shamokin Invvnship, Northumberland
counly, upon the estate of J ames Campbell, late of
the said township, dcc.'d. All persons having any
demands ngairist the i-aid estate, aro requested lo
present litem properly ail henticaled, and those who
aro indebted, lo pay to the tohscii'icr without de
June 21, 184 16 w.
'TMIE subscriber has received an assortment of
- New Goods, wbieli he will sell on ibe lowest
terms. Juno 1U. Jl. li, MANM'.R.
TOII are required to meet for
parade in Murkd-square. Stiu
bmy, at 10 o cluck A. M.uf Sa.ur
day, the
3d day of July, next.,
in Summer uniform, each Member
to be provided with 10 rounds of
blank caitridge.
By older of Captain Dewai l,
Orderly Sciir't.
June 12, is II.
Commission :iiwi I'orit aiding
- i i ... -- ; . . ,
I ) ESPECTFL1.LV informs his friends and the
Merchants generally, that ho continues ihe
Commission and Forwarding Business, at his wan -house,
foot of W illow st., Deljwaio and
Miniiants having goods lo le shipped, will find
it much to tiller advantage, ns to time and ptins
of freight, to send Ibeir uierchaudise to the Depot,
corner of Front and Willow stn el Railroad, as they
can then be sent either route by the Tide ater
('anal, or Schuylkill and I'niou Canals, as boats
will arrive and depart daily lor the Jiininl mid
Susquehanna Canals by Tide-water in tow of steam,
or via Schuylkill and Union Canals from Fairmuunt
Merchants will please be particular to send all
goods destined fur either route, to the large Depot,
eornnr of Front and Willnw street Railroad, wilh
directions accompanying them, which route ihry
wish tliem lo be thippcd.
Coat so and fine iSilt and riater at whulctulc
prices, on the Dclawaie or Scliu Ikill.
Philadelphia, June 5, 1841. ly.
pREDlTnRS TAKE NOTICE, That we have
- n'ied to the ( 'ourt ol ( 'oinmon Pleas of Nor
thumbeilnt d County, lor Ibe bent fit of tho laws
made for Ibo relief of the insolient tit blots; and
that the Judges of the said Court have npiiitl. d
the firet Monday of Aiipusl next to hear us mid our
crrditors ot the (Vint House in rMinbniv. when
and where you may alien. I if you think proper.
HI.JA.MIA I I. Ml, if.
June 6, 1811.
Cap and I'ulm Isaf Hut Sorr,
No. IOSoi-th 4rn SrarF.T, PHILADELPHIA.
f HERE an extensive assortment of ibe uNe
' ' articles aie constantlv kept on bund, for sale
at the most reasonable tonus.
May 20, 1841. ly.
Vliol sal i s,
In Foreign, Hritiuli and initricttn Dry f!i:inls.
No. 12 Nohtii Tumi) Stiit-ft, I'hii.aiii.i eHiA.
COT'NTRY Merchants can be supplietl at ll
linns with an extensive assortment of the above
Goods.nn the most reasoiiuble and ralUfuctory term.
May SO, IS 1 1. ly.
Atlriit I, aiuliiMCii V Smith.
Ilonntt mid I'ulm IauJ' Hat Wurtfamsf,
C'OT'NTTJY Nierchants are reir folly trqnelei'
J lo call snd examine their rxtensive a'Mirtnient
w hich Ihey w ill tell on the most reasonable let ins.
May VI, 1841. ly.
, FEW ounces of lVilmit Silli W Ol III
1 l".SS, wurrunted good, can be had by spply
log soon, lo 11. U. MAMilC.
May 29, 1811.
ii. IT e vr
itooT v sihh: ntoki:.
A LL kinds of Clothing, Bouts and Hioca, and a
-t vuriety of other articles cau be had at Ihe most
reduced prices, at the siorc lonm-rly kepi by John
Bogar. Also, Susquehanna Shad, No. I, for sale
Suidrtjry, May H, 1811. 3ni.
lntliv t'tiliimoii l'lra olWortlaiiii.
iM'iiaiul 4 nmly
Flemmins und 'I'humu J'ulluik,)
vs. Rule of C'ouit
I") L'LE on Ihe ihe Judgment Crulitors oTdefcml
1 anl, and all others inleiesie.1, lo show cause
by ihe fust day of Augii3l term, 1841, w hy the pro
ceeds ol Ihe sale of defeudand's teal estate should
nol ha Applied lo they payment of the judgments of
r lemming aim luoiuaa oliock.
Pimhenolary's Oilier,! I'ruth'y
c-uuuury, npru lo, ibi. J U
fllHE L'rtilerJsignrd irike pfcnsiirfl in submitting
.1 lo the ptib'ir: Ihe lol'iiwlng Iteftn emendation
of Pratt's Cast I on Smut Mill and ( rain Duller lo
all dealer In Grain nnd mannf.iftors of Floor, bev
lieving il to bo Riiperior to any thing W ihe kind
ever o IT! ret I to the public. All ordeis udtliessed lo
Col.. I. M'Fuddtii, I.ewisbnru, Union county Penn
Moatzi Mill, Centre Co., March 30, 1811.
J. M'Faiiihx Sin : I eheeifiiitv testify lo the
gODilue-a and d, liability of Pratt's ('ast Iron Sum)
Mill anl Grain Holler, ns being a far superior iini
t ie for the cleaning of smut and nil other impurities
lliul I have ever seen, and I have been engaged in
the manufacture of Flour for n greit many years,
and have alwavs tried to have the best apparatus for
manufacturing that could be got, and do say (hat the
at ove niiichiue is Ihe best (ippuratu I believe now
in use. John Moatz.
Woinihirx, Dee. 20, 1 810.
Cot.. .1, M'Fmiu Sin : In reply In your lnvor,
reci ived a few days since, I have only t" say. thai the
fact of my having introduced into each of the four
mills that I am concerned in, one of Print's Cast
Iron Ninul Mills, is the best evidence I can give vou
of iheir utility, Yours truly, Wm. M'Km.v I.
Mit-m, March 17, 181 1.
J. M'Fxnni Sm : I do beieby, ei rtify without
liny deviation, tltnt Piatt's Smut Mill ami Giain
llnller is the most infect mnehii e to cle msc grain
ol smut nnd nil oilier imperl'eelions, that 1 have ev r
seen, ami I believe t have si en till the kinds that are
now list tl in Pennsv Ivania, and I mustsav that there
is t.othiog of tin' kind ever been invented thai will
come in competition with it. Gt.o. Ecklrt.
Cot.. J. M'Faiuhx Sin: Dur'ng the past 21
yeirs I have lieen con-taiitly rngagul in mainline
luring flour, nml during the last 12 jearshave been
the owner of a prist and floiiiiuit null, mid among
all (he contrivances to remove impurities In. in grain
I run decitb illy of the opinion t lint Pratl's iron ma
chine is supeiior lo tmv wilh which I am ncqii iini
ed, having used one in my mill about iii;hteen
mouths. Fiiuiuiick Hias.
York-hire Mills, Dec, 1810.
I want in my flouring mill as pood an apparatus
to prep.tre grain for flouring, as the best, and I want
no belter Ibtui Pratt's Cast Iron Sinul Mill. It will
remove smut entirely no mistake.
M. Cir.ASOM.
Sunburn, December 22, 1840.
Co i.. .1. M'Faiiim Sin: I have in inv mill one
ol Pratl's cast ami wrought iron spiral Smut Mills
and Gram duller, nmi am confident dint in regml
to simplicity of coitsliiiclion, and durability of mate
nut, il ib tini'iior to any I um aeqi, Hinted with.
Hkht Massi.ii.
Iliar Cop Mill. Dee. 22, 1810.
Cm.. J. M'Fakiiin Sin : I in n y llouriuc
null one of Plan's Cast lion Sp.ral Smut Mills,
ami I am decidedly of ihe opinion that it ia the Ix-l
machine In prepare grain for flouring I am ac
quainted with, and ns such cheerlully recommend il
lo all who u c engaged in ibe manufacture of flour.
Jacob Li isi.n h i o.
Aarnnshnre;, March 23, 1811.
Col. .1. M Faihii.h Sir : I lake pleasure in sav
ing that Piatt's Cul Iron Smut Mill is one of the
best improvements for the clcuiiing of grain of all
kmds, thai has yet come under my observation, and
that I believe it fir superior to any Ihiug of ihe kind
ever invented. You may Use my name in any way
you think propci. O. P. Di m a.
Vnwu Mill. Jin. II. 1811.
I'l is is lo cerlifv Hint I have had Plan's Cast arid
wrought iron Smut Mat bine ami Giain llullrr III
use lor la tier than 12 months, and find it to answer
eeiv purpose dial il was intended tor. Smut can
be taken out of wheal I believe cveiy parllch' "I
II can be taken out vwtliuul bicaking the grain ul
Ihe wheat. Joiim k.
Auronrfintp, Match 23, 181 1.
Col. M'Flini! Sin : I have been engaged in
manufacturing Sueiine Klniu lor many ctirs, and
have this time one ol ! mil Sinul Mills in eat il
of my mills, ami I I'olu nby re uiniin ml tin in as Ibe
most taluable mii tovt nienl lor c'eaning whe t of
smut and hII other niipuiitics, that I um ticqua'iitcd
Willi. JlMIH l'l'NCAS.
Cm. M-Fa nni Sir: I have been engai;i d in
the iniiiiulactiiiing ol flour lor 28 vens, uinl most
elnerfiillv irc.'inmi nd iho above nun bine, as being
by fat Ibe hi si appainlub lor eleaiisiiig giain that I
have evtr uwd or seen. I eonsiiler it an un!ien
nble ariule lui any mill lhat pietcnds to do any bu
siness. Joll.H FlsllLR.
duel Millx, D.c. 24, 1840.
Cor. .1. M'Piiiiic Sir : Piail's Ca-t lion
Smut Mill was irilroOtitrd into my mill aUuit lluee
years since, and I believe it is ihe li st in In le of lln.l
liunl now in use. It will not only rtinoie strut
neilv. bin is h iooj-t valuable unitulus lu clean
wheat and iveof tuiv eharacter, ami inecaie il lor
llouiing. Bknjamiv ltooi.. I
l euitbursr, Dec. 22, IMH.
I'm.. J. M'Fahiii! Sm: After a rnielul nml
eninliil examination and In .1 of the mat bine, in re.
uanl locousliuelion, neatness and despatch in exe
cution, eunoinv in puce, and powei lo eel in ope
ration, 1 am 1 1 1 1 1 V convii.etd and sult-tietl, linn ibe
mat blue above ulludcd to, is wciu d lo no one in
use. J. .iiohiiow,
Milbr and Flour Muiiufaclurti.
Cntniriini, Deccinbir 25, 1810.
('o'l. .1. M'Fahiii Sin: Trail's C.-l antl
Wioii:hl Iron Spir it Smut Mill and Grain lltiHer,
1 cotifiiler to be (he best machine to icniove smut
and nlher impolitic lo which giain
I haveUMil, oi with which i am acquainted, lu re
gaid lo durability ol, siuiphel'y ol tuiioiiui
tiou, ueulness and de-pulih in execution.
JosKrii Paxion.
N. B. Tile ubuve mailiiiies arc manufactured at
Ihu l.twihburit Foundry, Li lull county und ul ibe
HliMiinsbuiK Foundry, Columbia cuunly, Pa.
LewMiurg, June 10, 111.
HE subscribers respect
fully infoim the Public
jrand Mcn'hanls generally.
1 ' that they are how ready lo
receive gomli at their old stand, (Block's hail',)
at Philadelphia on the Delaware, for ISoi thuinlicr
land, Berwick, Wilkrkha-rc, and all Ihe intermedi
ate places, und for aid Ibeiu in first rale decked
Boats, via the Delaware ami Chesapeake, artd Tide
Water Canals, ami troiu ihvtice tip Ihe Noiih
llianch Canal lo V' ilke.bmr, , Dry (ioods i nlius
led in llieu rate will lie loiwanled wi.h.itit tltl .v.
May 8, 1641. 6l
No. 2(1, Limit S-ittrr.r WiiAttr,
1 T A VINO a spartan, warehouse, Hear the Rail
- road, and ample what! and pavement mom f,tt
limiting and receiving produce, respectfully solicit
Coio-it'lltneiils of flour, urain, whifkey, tobacco, ,Ve,
Wilh iniicli experiemo in Ihe C().M.MI.-St).
BI.'SlMOSS, to which Ihey are promptly ami r.
clusively devoted, they are induced lo believe tin y
can Kive satisfaction lo all who may employ lliem.
Liberal atlvatices made on Coiisijiiiiueiiis, ami
itiforinatiuii as to mutkcU lieely tomiiuiuiciu d when
Rrfer In
Ill (ill M 'Y. DE R R Y, I.It.moro.
JOHN D(l (illLR'I'Y, llollidaysbum. Pa.
Apiil 10 Im 1 1.
I). Iv 1 II K PA T KICK vV ,Sli,
jo. 21. y, t!i Third ttrrcl,
(ttrrvrrn viaiikit ami t nrssi r m hi ti,)
T I AVE for sale a blue nml eveellent a-Forlrneul
J 1 ofpanisi Hid, , 1'ntnii hi'H, Tumi, rs' Oil,
tr at the lowest inaiket prices, iitl.n lor cash, in
exchange for Leather, or upon ricdit.
Coiisisnmeiiis of l.r.iiber treeived for sale, or
ptirehosed nt the highest niaikel prices.
0 T Leather sloinl free of chaigm
April 17, Hit. ly.
this .macjiim: acai.wst
iivironTANT to rAniviEns.
A EM'OR I '.S Improvetl I'aienl 'l'hreshii.
Macliine and llorre Porter, which llne.-hes
ami cleans nt the nme limi an iiivcnlioii for
which Farmers have long looked in vain, nml which
rentiers the above machine peilielaiiil pnl fiifiln i
improvement. Those who have been wuiliug lor
something belter than beretoloie olli red for sale,
will find Ibis to be ibe niticle. Come see il ami
juilije for yotirst Ives.
The subscribers have purchased the riuhl of the
above Macliine antl Horse Power, lor Ibe couii
I tea of Noli riii'M nl:nL Mi, Li iomi xn, ( not,
nml 1'kiow and also, llie pin ilexes of vemlini!
them in any oilier plates lor which the right has
Hot beii iifViouly sold.
The advantaces which this Machine has over
nil other invented ate many ami obvioii.. One
boy ami three men can do nil lite Ibn slung and
cleaning nl 150 bushels of w beat in one dav mid
litis usually takes seven hands one day nml three
Ihe itevt. For field threshing il ('ikes the ol
any ihmg in Ibis world no grain is Mattered ot
Such is the superiority uf the Horse Po-ver,
that three horses can lhie-h as much w itli il as
four can with any other.
The Machines and Hor-e Power will be sold
together or seprrale, to suit piiiehascrs. Made and
sold 111 Mllloii,hy the Kubscrtbers.
Milton, April 17, 1811.
Having had in Use, ri f Davenport's Pali nt
Threshing uml Winnowing Mat bines, ami being
ri'i'ealedly calletl iimu for our opinion in rcganl lo
their value, durability and .uUaiitages, we Itinke,
I tec to si. ile, that lliey ckcenl in our opinion, any
Thresh ng Machine we ever hcfon wilncssul in
ii-e. They will lltresh nml rlein, fit for market
200 bushels of Wheat per dav. and ibis mill the
aid of three hands bcaiJis llie timer. The Sti.iM
is passed otr from the grain on uu Hit line plane, ex
tending about l2lectfioni ibe Machine. Scarce
ly n grain is Inst, What is of sonic iin tit lui e
sml greatly so, is tin' fact iiodii-t passes lioio
tin- Machine lo the mm who feeds it. The Horse
power seems lo be erleolioii it-ell three horses
may woik it Willi ea-e noil ll.eir l.slesl g ill inetl
only le Ihe onlinaty lough guil. W c must
cbeerlnby r couuiii tut the Mat lime lo Fanners
Ihey are mnnufaetuicd ill Milton bv Messrs. Welch
Pomp ui d Fink. I llll. IP 1111 GLUT.
ChiliFipiBijue s'., Nori'i'd t o, Man li Vt, 111
r.j lii -
CLIVEPw'sj;iv -MKAi jii: svstk.m
r'HE Subseiil'er has been n pointed Agent or
the nltove Syslem, I'oi Norlbunibeil ind Counlv,
which be olli rs lor fate lo Tailors, who may ile
site In possess the 1 1 si ami bite-t impioteuienl in
the ail of culling gniliiciiis. The following two
certificates a e from a roiniiiittie ol Min baut Tai
bus in Paris, who ban' examined the ?)Mcin, and
highly approve i f ihe came.
Pints, Feb. 2th, 1810.
Wc, the iiii.lei-iRiicd, nirmltets of the coinmiltee
appointed by ibe no lid eis coinsisiiig the i'hilan
ihropluc Society"' ol Merchant Tailors ol I'aiis, eer
tily that ihe S sit in of culling, l.iughl by Thomas
Oliver of New York, I'liited States, has leen sub
nulled loonr examination, which system we reroin-
meoil uslbe best thai lustliTU sulonill' il lo us. III
faith uf yvhiili we have given bnu llns ct i lili. ate.
M. FROGE. Ptetdi nt,
M. LA I I I I E, V Pii si lent.
I sttbioin a rerlifuaie from Mr. Culler ol l'aii,
formerly ol l!o-t"li, whose repnlaiiou is well Vrij
blislteil loth in r.ori.ic ami ill America:
Mr. Oliwr, Dear Sir, the reeoininei d ilion you
have obtained fiom Ihe Smiely ol Master Tailors, i
(to in Ibe highest in this city, anil I lully ugicr in
Ibe opinion, llial your system ia the list that has
evei been published. Vuurs litilv,
D. ( T ITER.
The subscribe! continues Ihe liuiiu-ss of TAI
LORING at his oil laud, adjoining Rhawn's store,
tu Sunt liry, w bete le will uccoininoiliuo all who
may call iiiuiii him ill bi lute ol business.
Ile will iigulaTly receive Ihe fashions from Mr.
Oliver of New Yoik, as soon as issued. The
Spring Fushinus have been ui eiveil, ami aie now
lor site. WILLIAM DI RP.
Sunbury, April 10, I 1 1 . ly
C li e (i p 'l' i u- a r v .
ANITACTl.'KED and sold by thesubscri
ber in Suubiitv. of ihe best Tin, and the
work wuiranlcd, which be oilers lor sule al ruluceil
cash prices, now us low at il-tail as rtvruieily soM by
wholesale. GimhI Waleiing Pols, roinicVly sold al
8?, now al 75 ccnt Large Buckets, lormerly sold
at ?5 and OS, now at 2 and 50; Gallon CutU-e
Pols, foitneily wild al 50, and llnee quart nt 60, now
it 45 und UN tents, and oilier article of I'in-W are
in pioporilon. Stove pipe and stoves mudo and
sold cheap fur cash, iVc.
N. II. All persons indebted to the,
and who wish lo save costo. aie eUeslcd lo rail
and make sutisfticlion, without delay, lilher wuh
cash nr by (tiving thell notes.
Sui.Luiy.Aiul lO. HENRY MASLR.
13. X. & J. H. FRICK,
A. 297, Market fhcrt.frc d.mrg ubwcStrCnUt,
rTVV.n for sale, nt the lowest mukel prices, a
v assortment f 'Jerin, CJfir,, ,S',ffr.,,
.Vrse. MVrrri, 1.,,unm, Sj,ie,, Tb,ire, ,c.
Cni ivTnr Pliom cF receivid und sold on commis
sion. Merchants, Hotel keepers', nnd tubers, will
find it to tin ir advantage to call and examine our
loik, bt fore purchasing elsewhere. Merchants
wishii g th, ir goods c. Heeled in tins city, by It aviug
tut order, will have them promptly lorwnrded, by
the most expeditious lines.
niw i r. muck, joii ii. riitCK.
I il'. fi, 1841. ly.
.II.I.IN:il Oi & ,mh.
Impoilcis ami Dealers in Fufeign
Corner , rreilt and Ubf its., BALTIMORE.
"lOL'NTRY MERCHAN Is, ,! others, ,e
respectfully invited to cull mid examine their
Stock o doods. .Inn ;jo. ly
TO counthy merchants.
rPHE Subscriber, Agei.l of Lmhi A llarti-. Hat
Mam t ii lurers, for New Yolk, Philadelphia
Ballimoio und other large cities, w I osc Hots tire
highly commeiithd fur i;u,d ,;,l;r tn.d durability.
bason hand a lil-t rale' Hssottmeiit ol HATS and
CAPS, miiI able for Springs c , wbeli will be sold
vety low, for casli oi nppinvod cii tlil, nl the nvtrd
i-binp ,oir, No. 40, Noilli Th.rd stteit, n) posile
the City Hotel, Philadelphia.
N. B. Ortleis for Hats in Ibe ivvh. piom'lly
iitlentleil to. The highest piicu in cc.-A or tiatl'e
given lor I'nr .kin,-;
i'hilatlt Iphia, Apiil 10, ls4L ly
No. -,".) North Wiiler Street, Thila.
AN! FACTI'RF.RS nnd dealers in Oils of
every description both for burning and
manufacturing purposes, which will I sold much
lower thnn they can be procured elsewhere, and
wariaiiled in quality toeontil nnv in the city. Any
oil sold by Ihe company not proving as lepreseuled.J
may lie lelurned without nnv expenso lo the pur
chaser, nml the money will he refunded.
Their slot k now in stuic consists ul the following
s, v u. :
HO.OOO gallons Winter Bleached Speim"
do Coloilefs Oil,
Fall and spring Sperm Oil,
Winter Sea Elephant,
do Prosed Whale Oil,
Summer do do do -5
( Vmitiun hale I lit,
U0 Uanels supeiior Stunts Oil,
3(10 do Cod linnk Oil,
50 do Neats Eout Oil,
75 Casks Olive Oil,
Tanner's his,
GTVTIiis Coinpanv has n numtier of Vessels en-
jagrd in the Cod Plain ry, and Tatmers may rely
upon petting al all times Oil as pure as imported.
riillattelplii.i, Iov. 7, IK1H. ly.
f HE special attention of buyers fiom the snulh
I and west, and for the state trade, is re-pcelftd-
ly invited lotbe billowing nssoitinent uf 'COOPS,
which ihe nubseri! cr will dispose ofnlsuih prices
ns will airply repay His friend for railing and ex
amining bis stock. To f'A 7 puicliai-ers al the
pre-'ent time, cxtraordinaty iiiduceideuls will be of
Verrd. 20(1 pieces heavy vai i gated Spanish mailing.
500 pieces ('anion m ittiiis!, nasorted 4-4, 5-4 and
0-1 while, ehei ked nml flowered.
1 0011 hi mill rug-, a la-nililtil assoitmetit if Wil
ton. Riiis-vl, Tnlteil, Tiitkcv.aud lleini rugs.
"00 pieces wooli ii. Worsted, roll. in, hemp, in
grain, Venetian and block t 'arneiings. An elegant
variety of ilton, lluissi Is, Scoich and Lnglibb,
Veneiian, Damask, At. At.
1000 durni nfen nnd bovs t nps, comprisinc n
gieat vafetv of Fur, Seal, Nuiiia, Musl.iul, and
Coney, Hair, Sealelte and Cloth Caps.
100 dozen Allieaul Mats, u-s.nted
111 do Mamlhi do ito ilo
Ml Vo Shiit-sl.iii do d.i do
lit) bales French Bawkeia, loinptiiUig every cV-
SCl Ip It I'll,
Mm p ur Veneiian Blinds, as'd figuiesaud colois.
anilO patuit do do do
lotto nets Cabas or Satchels, ass'd, embossed
leather, straw und oil cloth.
fiOI'O doyen Combs, assoited tortoise shell, Ilia
dli, ui do horn, ivory, brass ami wood, comprising a
large assortment of every variety.
3000 dnzui Whips assorted wagon, gig, car
riage, sulky, planters, drovers or tiding, of gut, lea
ther ami thread, Willi Geimnn silver, gilt, ivoiy and
hone moiiiituips.
1 000 doen puiiiled pails, Wilson's hrind.
1(100 nvsis 'Pubs ai d Buekcts; alr.o,
Chntiis, Piggins, Watei Cans, c.
The above together with an extensive assor'lment
uf fancy guests, Untlaiiia fcnd lieimail silver ware,
feather ami lnstle lliuslus, Looking (ilas;es, Ma
hogany ami Gill Flames, of every size fludllescrin-
Iiiiii, nee maltulai luieil, iinportcl, ami stlecteil ex
i iesly lui (lie southern, western and slaie trade.
No 1 Not th 'd xticcl, Philadelphia,
Philadelplna, November ' , 1810. ly.
C-. VtT.' a L. 2. TAYLCrJ.
FFER Ft Ml SALE, al Ibe South East Cor
ner u f Fifth emd Muikit Stints, thiludcl-
Mem,' Calfskin Hoots, stitched wnrraulcd.
thj do do pegged ilo
do do ilo 'wafer piout, duublu tides
ami (loiitoe limpets,
do Call-skin do do
nml upS'rs.
ibi lies'.) WaU-r Leather Boo.
do do Neiils do ilo.
ibi Higli quaitei Shoes. Call-skill,
ilo do ilo Cioekers do
do Fine Monroes warrantedj
do nailed
do Kin do ilo
do C.dl do
do Conise dik
ilo do Slioes
do I'tno do
du Kin ilo
do Culf and Seal Skin Pumps.
do List Socks with slid without soles.
do Carpet ito do do J
do Patent Waiiauled WuteT-pioof MiV( aauis.
Ladies' do do do do
Ladies' lanned India RubU'i stioisv
Genllemeiik' do Over shoes.
S lib every other desetiplioii of boots and sboen.
Fur ('is ol every de riplium
Travelling Trunks ol eviry desetiplioii.
eneli in Travelling llas.
PaleiilGuiD Elastic Shue Ulsck us.
Il.tuiiels ul all kinds. Palm List Hls.
l'liilidulpUia,Notmliet 7, IsAO. ly.J
and comiYassiciv ts.;cir.
Number 29 Aw Third Strut, I'hU.'tJdphia
fJFllLIC SA LE.3 of Dry Go,,,!,, H -nhvarr)
arid Clillery, Books, Stiitionary , Cloiliimr,
Hoots, Shoe and Hals, ami in .short almost eveiy
desciipiion of goods, nro held at litis c tishmcnl
every evrniup. Goods nrn also s..ld ,.t ptivalfi anlo
during tho day nt llieavernfc nuclion puces, if', jr.
keepers nnd irndor will hud it to their advantage
by attending llC tnlcir.
, O. C. MACKF.V, Auctioneer.
I llllndelphi;,, Noveiub. I 7. 1840.
No. Mnrkct Street, i'lu'ln.
(rt,m Fifth S,,uth side )
A IAVAY8 keep on hum! a full and gcnrral ns
sr.rtmeni of Do-b-ry, Lnre, r;d Fancy Good,.,
(Country Mcfchniita are fcpectd'y reipieated lo
give them a call und examine for them elvia.
Philadelphia. November 7, 1S1I). ly.
is l e I iTK u 7 u ou 7 i " iv7 c a
No. DM Market Street, 17ii!;i(Ielf liiti-,
tNVIH'E Ihe attention of Countty McrctmnH
lo their extensive a-eortinent ol Briii,h Frer.i h
and American Dry Goods, v hich tin y 0(T',.t for gala
on Ibe rnn-t reosnnnble ternii.
Phil itlelpliia, November 7, IS 10 1 v.
7 1 Ciillowliill Street. I'liihuielphin,
'three doors eJ',rc Stroud. J
SHOE Findings always kept mi hai;tl, which hfl
offers for sale en the lowest terms. Country
Mereh mis are patticulaily lo cali and judge for
Philadeli'oia, November 7, 1S I0. ly.
I x u J ; iT'iC'IiA i : uTiN
lniiurlers nnd J )e;.lur.s l.i Foreign ninl
1 lonteslie. 1 l:u dwnre,
No. 174 Nobtu Tiiinn S-i iw.fcT, PuiLAPELrin v.
f HERE llieir friends n"d customers wi!! alwava
' find a large and general n-sortmenl of Foriigfi
arid Domestic Haidwaie, which they will sell ut the
low est pi ices,
Philedelphia, Novemlier V, 1 S 10. I v,
J. W
Umbrella ami
S V A I N ,
Parasol Manuflictuit r.
o. 37 Sinih Tfi itd itrert, am dfnrs bcatv t!:t
Cit u Hut-1, I'iihide'phia.
COCNTRY Merchiints and others are solicited
to examine his assort mint before i.tuchaaii g
Philadelphia. November 7. 1M0. ly
.la (il Vi ixiiiiilli Sail.
MESPEOTFLLLY informs their fnemls n l
. iictpjninlanccs generally that tbey ! 'il c. r
liiuie to keep at I'm old stand, No. 216 North "J
stree t. Philadelphia, kinds of
hit h they w ill sell uu the most accotnmodulii t
ami icasoiiable leims.
N. li. All goods sold will be guaranteed, and . il
orders promptly attended lo.
Philadelphia. Novembr7, 1P10. ly.
Wholesale and Retail Shoe, Uoiiiief,
and i'nlm Leal' Hat Wart house.
A'o. dC Sorth "d ittrcet, a few duurs ubove hxh,
tLO Trunks, Cat pel Hags and V alices, of ev
ery dcscnptiun, all of width he oilers tor
sale on the most reasonable terms.
Philadelphia. November 7. 110. ly
T7 & a . iCo v o vT) 'Ps
China, Glass and Liverpool Warehouse,
A'o 104 h'mlk Third street, third duor btlutu Vine.
ft ret t,'phiii.
"TTHEUE they constanlly keep tin hand a largo
nssoilinelit of China, Glass n,d Liverpool
Ware, which they will dispose of on ihe meat re i
soit'iblo terms.
Philadelol.ia, Noveml ei 7,10.
Manufacturer and Importer of Sad
dlery. Hardware, cvv.
So. 5 StrMlt 'liiird ttr,rt,fnur duors I't.'vw Xuik -f
J'ulod, , '
W7 EF.P constanlly on hand, a large and in tie'
n. assortment Conch Lamps, Cuiriae tSarnl,
.loArms, Ehptic S ring:'. Patent Lcall-t r. ivi-
Country Mcrcliants and saddlers will be : plitd ot
till limes on the most ie.isoun.hlo leims. '1 bey wi I
lind ii to their ad'-antagc to cull and cxamiue I. i
Bbsrirtmenl In fore purchasing ehrewheie.
Philadeliihia, November 7, tS10. 1 y.
No. 13 Sorth Water Street, I'lnbiddpl tii.
M AVE constantly on hand, a genera! assort
ment of Cordage, Seine Twine, iVe., i':
i at'd Ropes, Fishing Ropes, Whi'e Ropes, Manil
la Ropes, Tow Lines foT lioats. Also, a
complete assortment of Veinn Twines, ec, such ns
Hemp Shad und IL iring Twine, Most Patent Gi t
Net Twine, Cotton Sdntl ami llerrinj Twine, fili o
Threads, cVc. eve. Also, Ucd (,'o:d.. I'l.mgh Lim a,
Halters, Traces, Cotton ami Linen Carpet Chains,
Ac. all of which they will dispose ol on rrasunabiu
Plulailelphia, November 7, IJ'lOv
i v noli s7Mej? a i: land O T).
Wliolesale lealres in Foreign Uriiish
and AtMerieaYj Dry Goods.
A'.,. 105 MuL'et ttrert, f'hi'ndt ldiia.
COUNTRY Merchants, and others esii: be sup
plied nt nil times Willi on extensive ass. it
m. nt of the Is-st and mofl fashionable Goods up. a
the most masoiinble leriiis.
Philadelphia. NovemN-r 7. 110. ly.
Wholesale Variety artdTlinnning Pfore
An. 44, Korth Fourth Hear Arch it., I'hilndilj .'.a.
HERE Country Merchants and others ran !
sUtioh.i d, at ill times, with a large nsMirtu. nt
of Hosiery, Gloves, Meruio, t'otton, und Wis I. u
Shuts and Diaweis, Spool Cotton, Patent Thn i !,
Cotton Cords, KuMoriS, Tapes, Uuiihi. -t, Hn ks
and Eyes, l'lns, cie. And a gti.erul vaiicty ol u e
ful articles, which h olllrs fur sale at the luwe t
Philadelphia, November 7, 1810 ly.
No. V14 Chcsnut Street, below 4th,
T EEP tnnsliintly on hand a g":i"n! s.o..
melit of Uooks sml sialionary ; "m V
'i lieological. Law. Medical, Clasiea. l., pi ... c
ous and bcliool Uooks, D-v Docks, all si, .i I,
(.rs. do.. Family Hil les, Pixkel Bibles, W.u . j
Piqiers, Wiappmg Papers, cVc. f whick, ,b-y . ..
(er aj llie loet piici-s to Country Men )::',. s t
lessional Genileineii, Teachers, and all others I a J
may lavar lliem with their custom.
Philadelphia, Novtuibt'i 7, 1810. I.