Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 27, 1841, Image 4

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Of the ejieaey ,f Dr. ilarHch' Celebrated Mtdi
tint). The fallowing certificate wa sent by Mr. E D.
ISiiimui, igent at Cincinnatii, Ohio. Therecan 1
no m :U inlt, a the panics are w.ll known.
Mr. F.zekicl K gdoti, of Andvon township,
linTiilten county. Ohio. wastrvrinl daye troubled
villi Lull-u affections, acidity of the stomach, ol
I.TivkJ With tlie usual sympiotu of dyspepsia, end
having in.iJu uial of various medicine without
S iding tclief, wa cured uy the above medicine.
A font, E.RIUDON.
rinmii, June 30ih, 1840.
VET LATE R. Mr. Vanre. of Washington
county, wrie as follow Dear Sir Dr. Iluiliil.'a
inlaare pcrronning aotuo of the most wondeiful
uica In ih'a vicinity cvet heard of. They were
i itrodue d heie about six month ago, by me of
'iy uoy.tihois, who bought a halfdizcn inckiige
from the Pittshiing office. I om aware of f mr casee
in thin phee whero romplete cute have been per
formed, imp of severe rheumatism, two of dy?pepain,
H"d one of a most shecking and ag unvoted ner
vous complaint, often or twelve year ! muling. I
etui you enclosed five dollars ; pliare to frward
1'ills fur that nmount by the bearer, William Ward,
July 27, 1610.
JV. li. The above certificites, compared with the
.;ry many already received, ceitninly must con
vince iinmo similarly attlic.tcd, that they can yet be
relieved by the use i.f these Invalua !c medicine.
Principal .fficc, No. 11), North Eighth, alrcel
i'hil.ideljhia. Kir aaln by
Oilober 24, 1840. Agent. I
That troublesome and pence-destroying disease.
i'housiiul and tens of llioiiffiiids mll'er from
that cornniin distressing complaint. Dispepsia is
tiquotiily caused by overloading or uUtcridiiic ihe
s-touiach by exccsve cut!))!; or drink'iig indij. s
i'Sc and acrid substances t.iken into the stomach,
r from fine continued constipation of the howls, n
tidentiry U,'e, fear, grief, anxiety, a rnpious draft
tit did water, ila.stic jiurgt.liec iindicinci, dysen
tery, Tn:carringc, iiircrmnlriit ainl apani'dic af
fctions of the a'.itnach and bowlx, iireular uvulx,
lite hours, and loo lictjuent use of ciitjjii,
The yinpt'onn of tlhprpsla ni iv lv lrs ri'iril as
a want of appetite, or an unn or nuaoiatis
ouo, nausea and aomclim s fiiliuiti vmnHing, biid-Ji-JJ
uud Jratisietit ditcni-ioiiR of the i-loiu icli
nng. Bi.'iid and putrrecnt eruetatioi., water hrash,
ynin in the region of the stomach, c s iven fn p,i
jMtitiun of the hcurt, dizzinofa and ihnii.f H cf the
"mht, Ji.-turhcd rest, tremors, mental ih spend ncy,
fl Aish-pcy, rpj.-ir.s, ncivou irritiljihty, es.
va'lownr.a of CD'.npIcxion, greit i ppre ;on after
anting, languor and general dcli.ily, ick heud a he,
CURE At the head of a'l remaLHi Ktnmla Da.
Kirlicii's Co.rotM isrnLvoiiir.MX) Tusic
OkiiXAM ArriiitENT 1'ills, which act grcat
ty up, hi the peristaltic motion of the iuieaiinea,
thereby producing regularity of the bowls, at the
ante time improving the function of tlx- detnlital
ai.l o.gans, thus invig.irnting and'iiu the di-
yestive organs to a healthy action, i'h.a ineilic ne
me d.un f.iil in proilurini; relief.
Full and explicitd ! nwrn.-Jiiv the
ihrwe medicine, likewise a u:nphlet which d
rrbw diseases, the manner nf treating, &.
I'rineijile ollice the I'uitnl Siutc, No. 13,
IVorrti LiUlYVll STJiKET, l'InU.nlh a.
Ootohtr 21, 1810. Agent.
W'lIO aro troubled with sick V-adadie, pin in
the eide, breast, and l-ack, los of appetite, iVituh'ii
rr, toivmvR of rpirits, palpitation of the heait, faint
iaj Ol gidJiix'', t.i lilies nt tl.e tluoach, hit:ous
wlTectlons, tihtiH'is at the chest, nau&ea, vomiting,
aite in the Mumcih, flushing nl heal, ui:d chilli
w, ciscMi't. i.f the tiervi-s, i.iul organ of lige;i n,
Ac. -&.C., thua who mav be lima nil', c ul, should
not ii g'u-l to pr c:e Dr. llarhch's Compound
fZhtugfhening Tonie und ('irmn-i Ape rirnf
A'hiLh lira wairanled to pike iimin tli.itd relief.
Vhwi-tmJ "o we almost daily behold, wlio.-e eoun
t.miiiice and pile emaciated check hoar cccular
witness to strkness nod alllictioii. UuuIJ tho e i
persons be pcru&.! J to umc litis invaluable meJi- I
-ine, tiny wmia noon ur,6 t.ieir weak and lU-l tliia
ted frame, their irun' coii.p sed.
itnd nil pain, anU ilifiich ihjven from the tji'rm,
t-vuen flie tody will aj;aiii r. new i lust tigor, uuJ
j ut on a ' new L&r," mi 1 death fir a while be de
tjivrAltif tid pr,y. What hat but ftei glad t
iifhoi ! t'.tir near relatives an. I fiiei.d. anaiched
w if by t:3iihr, f'oin that fatal dt-nt oy er JalJt
ye who . inluring under lu - ki iiot anottur
oay or tii'iiit pas without procuring ilits medicine,
as it w ill in a majority of iases H'e t a pcrmanmt
rure. Remember dtni art duiiruiis . and if
lieac i tiegk:? d, iu f ag. a w ill doubly in
crease. TXj-Princiier)flice for the IJniltJ ttatea, No.
19, A'Oi'.TH EltiHTH drmi, wln ie rtomuen-
laiiorr of iior-diui's of jx rs win may be seen, all of
which have Ueu cuifj or Ujiiflliul by the
October 54, IS In. Agent.
ITlEFiE nre many person that we d ,ily la hold,
.vhore count, nances ui d frail limb denote UlliC
!in4 avltKli me f.iti ha jini)iilly orig.iiatid from
neglect cf ir,jie leirtadie at the c.m, miiKemr-.a of
ako.-n. At ifA thu pniient (iujlui of bile m
thu fclomach at'eudcj w nrht,As. ctlinn tu, 4r.,
i:t ncglict t ) Juif.' jiroper iu.Jieine ; at Icn'h ho
c4uiplans of pirn in Ue uiW and sumach vi.h
our fiuctsli.'us; hi nppclim heroine impaiud,
it lis Mt WiiuUe.-oinv, hi mind h .raised, uiij all
hing a.ound him iiqiic.r not m llw ir.pri.per aaalini.
2Iet4ll nt giect Imas.lf, r.otn in all iinfkuila
le cHea-e in y at lei. Ill beo fi.-t ited. dial no
nediL'al aij nut nj.laGO liiia egaiin. At i'.tc fuM
attack of luVi.ets U.ere ri.iulJ be "no tiiuv lui'
n prcurmg Ur liarlich's compol-np mutssriv
xio iPtniENT rjT.i, wliU'b, i.ii.-rKili.Aely ri
iioves lite fiom the .itonui. lv. o' A-3 CDslivein
remove &ordrrs in ahe lusJ uivt'Uk-alc tlte auilid,
trenglhen rtie t.vly, improve tiie tiit rnory, mid ct
JiveM the iniu-'u.a ion ; thu restoring the b dy
attain to ita proper fui clioii',
iPriicip!e Ollice, No. ), ,Oirj JI ElOiiTH
street, PbilaU.'ljiiu".
DctolKT 23, 1810. A,fnl,
"THOSE wha aro suffering ii m variouai
inoident lo the I family, wool. I do well to
procure Dr. iirrrirrk'i Coniummt 7r7i:;rAeninn.
4irul sruiwi Aperient Fitl. wlach i-ro fvr
etnincntly rcccinimended "for Jrytpepcia, Liver
fomplaiuts, aina in the, 'bat.'k and trat,
Noioua AfT ottuna, ilead-Arhe, ar.d all the dis
caseaj ol ll Wlom irh and Ul.wIs. Humphlrf. may
tj oUained gru.f, wirtV coiitawt-full aiJ tifiticite
'l.recuoi. for uplift. i'le re.uler l u lined ta ev
tfral very inte.rci)g ate of cure an tbi
t!!, which may be rrbrd upon, M Oiey aretilKji
from iba originui Far lc at N.w l. NOJiTU
jF-KiailiiKt, 1'hiUae'pl.u.
Ml. '1-1
Trnniportnlion Line
(rl4 till! WATBR C15TAL.)
Warehouse foot if Chcsnut Street on tht Penn
sylvania Canal.
A BOAT lime the wharf of the wha riber eve
ry mortai g at 8 clock, running through to Haiti'
more in three day. Consignim nt ol produce,
iron, etc., win rc. elve a Ucsp itch by till line, Which
ha not hitherto been equalled by any other. Hate
of freight a lo a by any other regular line.
Reference t
BUCK A HF.RIt, I ...
O.Md intended lor Pittsburg, or any point on
(he Pennsylvania Canals, will he shippe d wihout
tl I .yon their nnivul al Harrisburg, u thi con
nect with lha North American line rf Poitublc
Boat to ritlBliurj daily, and with the Susqut linn,
tin Packet Line to Northumberland, W illiamsporl,
Wilkeabarir, and all intermediate (We.
Harrisburg, Sept. 9, 1810.
Woiiis of Aafiirc.
IN a at ite ofheiiltlt the intestinnl cautl may be
compare.1 to a river whoco water flow over tho ad
joining land, through the channel n.itine or art
ha made, and improve their qualilicf ; and to keep
up foe -o;:iarioii of the river, sa Ion? n it runs
on smoothly the channels are Kept puro uiul heal I In :
but if by romc caie the course of the tixer is Rto
ped, then th-; water m the canal i n longt rpure
but foon become staqnnnt. There i I ut one law
of riiculati n in nalu e. Winn there is a aujur
nluii.l itico i f liiimoiinl floiil (srroeiiy) in the intei
t nal tub.?, ainl co.-tivoi ca-, take phce, it fl ws
back into the bioo.1 iern:.s, and infil ratea ittell'in.
to the circulation. To cstahli-h the free course of
tho river, we mtibl inuove tho o' struitioiis which
Mop iis fice cour-e. mid tho c of it tr btit iry sticam.
With tho 1). dy, foil, w the same natural principal ;
r move, ly that a!nablc iurgative medicii.e limn
drelfi s V,uvc ."il Vegetable '.', which are uu cf
f elnal assist iiice of nature, the Mipertbtin.lauce of
humor in tlie intestine canal. Hy per cvcrii g in
this practice, the wiys of the ciieul ition w ill then
be testored t.i the lull ejier.iso of their natural func., ond a ft ,(c ol health will I e lirmly,i,h
d Ki iiielnber. never Miller a drop of bloo l to l c
taken from y on- iOvaru.ite (lie l.uniu'. jh often
mid a long us they art' ilcgtnera ej, or us loi.'g un
you me tin k.
Dr. Hrand clh'i, Office in Pl.ila.lrlphia, i at No.
8, .NORTH ElOH I Jl ttrcel, wheie hi pillicnn be
had at 23 cems pi r box, wnh full iliieeiioim.
fij't inly aeni a iStinbury, is II. II. Vu9cr Etqr.
unbuiy, N pt, 9, Is 10.
CVi'liHraloN olMycncy.
THE following i,re the duly ap oiuted aent in
theirrenpe. tie count !., f )r tho ai'c of liraiidrcdis
Veiittable Universal Fills.
Nonhnm!).'il.i d countv : Milton M -t krv A
Chimhc.Iin. .uni iiry H H. M.isser. M'Enens
ville Onld. a, Giecu A W'-lis. Ueo gi town F.
Midling.-r &. Co.
I'nion com ty : I.eivUburc W .ll A finVm
Mifllinhtirg Pcllman A Uifkly. New Herlin
John M. IlLiifer. Keiiimgrove Eyie A Co. Mid
dlrhurg I aac Smith.
Lycoming c nnly : Wiltiamfpr.r! John Smith
Newhirry M. A J. C. Funton. Muiicv V. A.
Pclrican. Jersey lhore James If. 11. burn.
Columbia couiiiy : Danville T. A E. li. Rey
nold. Ca'tawiwa C. A. Urohts. 11. rw.ek Shu-
man A R.ltnihouM. IJloomsburg-Juhu I. Miyer.
Sunbury, Sept. P-, 1(V40.
Of ihe efficacy if Dr. Harlidi'i Compound
Strengthening and German Ajieririt J'dls. I
AiLiontM. Jan. 8, IStli.
To Ir Harlicli' Agent Sir: I wish lnnts'efor
the leiufit of tho e who may 1 eftliclcj, that Dr.
HinLirii'a Fill have eim elv eund me of Dys
p psia, of which I have been i.fll cted for many
yiars. 1 used both kinil, the Aperient and Sirciigih
en'uif, and I am constrained to say, that th v u e a
v.ilujble discovery, an I act upon the svatem mild ,
very ilftctually. I found the Tonic H1Jm to
quicken the circulation and caot-e a ! teimination
to the surface, tied to t eugthen the we k . torn .ch
arid incicise it p. wer. 'J lie Ajeriei i p , re ilu
Ul catbariic 1 ever ud. I m ronl'idciit all Dy--peptic
would d we I to make iuimeuiate Ir al mid
be r. li. ve.l. Any one can call al my house and be
aatUtiaJ of the above at picture.
N. 15. Tlie cerlifu ate niy Im srenar the
(lice o( the Spirit of ll.c 1'ini. a." Fur sale al
No. 10, North Lifhlh ttr-et.
October 21, 1840. . grt.
liver co.vpL.tfyr.
THIS disease i discovered ly g fixid oli'uc
pain in i!h- Tight ai.V un.k r tt.e Asr rib, attend, d
with heat, um ain-s ubont the pit i.f the atomach;
thue i in ihe riht niJc alio a dii-t. mi.ui ; the p...
ticut loses hioappeli'.e, and Incomes -i ni.d truti
ed wi:u Ti e t-mguo Uoiui's mugU
and bl.ifk, tho conntt nance cl auue to a pale of
citron color, or yellow lil.c tho e i I'dutoJ viiti j .n
dice, d.fnculty of irealhing, ek-tmb d rct, utlendee
with a dry MA, drfl'.cuJiy of laying e.i the left
aiJM'ue fi.dy iec av at. an Tlj flic diej.-c
reimiiitli into ..tio Iur iT a iiioio irrioii n tuie,
which in li probabiliiy is far ley.ind tlie power ol
hunt in skill. Dr. Hurl ch $ t )Aipt.t.l Strength
ening Tonic ihJ oVmh Atrnut PiUi, n ta
ken at the c niiin i.ciTiie .t t lii.n dis IM., tl
cheik it, act .y con inning the use of the rmdicii.e
a feiv weeks, a peit-cl cure mil be icil. tmed.
T.iout;an;l can teuiiVy ta h t fait.
Ceiliiicatoa f many wijij may daily l e n
of the etlk cy of U invalua'.ile medicine, by apply
ing at tlie M.dieal Ollioe-. N.i. 10, NOKljl
EIGHTH aticct, Phib bH, hia.
October 24, lb 10. A?r.f
Of the rficaey if Dr. ItaritRt ctUbmhd M,di
einri. D. n Sir : I was ttlicted wiili a Vili.ajs and
nervt u dise-aee to a very ubrming d.-grre, wiili
all the fympt.uuc which fiequently ( U',Tia a rc-
t jej enditori, vj : cnWutei- m ti kiaij, vil nt
Irrmar. t-Siillini, sida a f.sed pain in r.g'.rt
aide, complexion liu:!, mjJ iiiivcieii; indent 1
was in 4i taost nineiable cjudilioii. 1 had triod
many remedies, but found uu permarieut u un.
til 1 l.J pUid:a-'d Dr. Himftctit'i fvmjmntd
tlii iixlhcniug mil German opirinit I'iilt..
fr. tu tfwir supeittK virfUjes, I vac'oiijU)i:y cot4.
and am al4e to pursue any wplo ineni. free fr.ini
4aiaiid dease. (xigmd) JOHN liOLEi.
Dated Aetna, Ohm Juue 7 , 1 1U.
1'iinciple OtIii 4u tlx; L'oi:cd iStates Va. 19,
Naiih E.UHTU J'-i'CEEr, I'btl .delpbi
Oct iber i, 81u. Afu(
I. Ilarlich'a mememes ar daily i
a.a,.h ttu wonh. A ,4w , rh..ui,..io0
hrtu l.., oul any VuucU.r.tW ,,llk J,!
-jtMB"..!.. Jt ' . L
i;itAiiTir ai;azi.i:,
aau the
LndlrH nnl CjoiiUciiion,M World of
IJlcrulurc and Fuohlon.
(77ie CmAct and the Gentleman'i United.)
ANEW Volume, under the above title, of the
we I ektnbli-hrd and fa-bi .liable Msgaxiiie,
'Ihe Philadelphia Caket in conjnnc ion with the
Gen Icinan'a Magn2ine, which ha been every where
pronounced the mot tendablu and popular of the
day, will be opened on the First of January, 1841,
wi ll an array uf Con libulors accuied by the union
of talent and' fame, which nopeiiodical in the coun
try can bo.iHt or pietend to riva'. The December
number will, however, be a rpicinicn of the new
volume. Tho Vclume will be opened with a new
and brautif. l type, the finest white paper, and with
the fir."t of a series of ni! ut uiisuip.ised
by any which lise yet npptartd in any Magazine,
The style of il R ince, ihe beauty and linirh of the.-c
iilustra'liona, and the exu-n-ive impiovenicnts which
will lid u.a.'e in ita typographical appearance, uud
above all, the tone of it liteia y department, by the
Lri I iaut air, iv of contributors, whoso article have
enrich-d the page of each number, will gic it char
acter, nccoiid lo no Magazine in the Union. The
cl aracier of tho urt c es which flu 1 1 appear in it
pag.', will be iqtially rem ived liom a auk y aeuti
monliilily, and Iroin mi ull'itition if nioruhty, bti.
wh lo a true delineation of human nature in every
vaiiely of passion i aimed ut. shall be
found in i a p 'ges lo cause a blush upon the cheik
of the most pure.
The L leniy chararter will be eulli. iistly guar
anteed by the n potation of boll Mag.rm ttiu
united, for year pi.s'. W'riteis uf the fiial lank
have been regular Cohtiibutois to th ir pagi s, un j
the tales uuJ ikcbhe published in lie III have I ecu
wid ly copail an. I lead, and the linn a d indepen
dent lone of the ciitirin tix, upon the cuneiit liteia
ture of tho day, has turn every wbc e approved and
co.nmiiided. The li t of comnbui. Tt u i a the
name of most of the prineipd w ii er in Amine.,
with a res4'ctabL' number of English uuiIioih.
The rciie of well kiiewn nautical npei. enti
t'cJ ' Ciuizing in the lat Wa'," h .xe bad a u i,
utmpialleJ by any nri ublislr d in any Magazine
lor jeaiB. The audi r pr mi ca !o open the It r. l of
a new si ri of Tab a ol the tva, and lio.n lit kimu n
abihtiis a a dcpicicr of -ca rccue and life, mil h
may bo rel e.t upon Irom him in mai ituining ihe
popularity of the Magaz ne l'aer tuny I e expir
ed during tl.e volom.', ul o Com the utiih r el the
wi II known article, entitled "Toe Lug of Old Iron
side" The author of ''SSyiimi Letters," will id,
!ei d hi poweilul and graiefol pen, 1 1 aiislain and
incrcas'! the reputation of Ihe work. The valuable
aij i f the uu lmr of "Lean's from a Liwyei's IVit
Folio,' ha i l.i bien sicu cl, and we may txpect
somrtl.itig ui I imiic thrilling Irom the capuc.ous
st,.re li a long lite in the prole.-Hiou h. K ena
bled him to amni. An occas ouel Chit-l'tiat with
Jiin ny SrShoil," and "O ivcr Oidfeilow," i i.Uj
promised ; wi h a variety t f choice articles iu pr
ai d verso, fro n vam u writer of celebrity, as con
iiibu ors I j the prominent M igi.yims of tlui coui.
tiy. The ed.tma i f I o h M. giiuc continue their
mivici under the now arrangement. Vt itii such
an array of talent a Magazine of un ivnlled a'
t on., iii'iy safely Ire pr.iiiiis.d the coming vo'u i.e.
In compli ires with the a' unanimous wish
of our laity sulis.'iitcre, we rhull Ihe cunning vo'
nine furnish them with a beautiful ai d cornet pla e
of F.ifihioi s Monthly, a feature, it i-In I cv d, t'lat
w II neither be unwelcome nor uup.uljr. The
Fashion plate shall be drawn from or g.ual dc.-igns
from I'nri ar.d London, and m y alwavs be i'e-
en. led upon a the prevailing my le in I'hil nlelphii
and New Yoik, far the in n h in whicii they uie u
Time of public diun. The w.nk will be f nbl, sh
ed on the fir' of ihe nunth in cv ry juar..r of ihe
I'm. in. 'Ihe most di.-tiut subscriber will coii-c-qiieully
receive it on that day, ai well a lie who
reside in I'l.ilad Iphi. In all the principal r t e.
nam hive leti cs al lishd, to whom ibe Manc
riue is fortHidd, prioi to iho tune of i u 114 it, so
that t'.ey niiv le del.vcrcd to rtri.lutil rub cilbir.
by the firt of the niontb.
Tiiim : T!i-te IhJlir pir annum. Or two
ropie early f ,r live do lara, invariably 111 aiiv. ce,
p st paid. No new k. nx-eivid wi ll ut the
ni.T.y, or the 11 nne 1 1 a r. hjmtiibk! ngont. Fo
the uceom ' ion i t iliuir l.i iiuv wiii to Mib
serihe for i f the f low 'mg l'h'jilJiliia perio
ihcls, ibis literal pr pus.l is made: Five ilollir
eurniit money, fieti of po-tspe. we vill f iwad
(Jrih.un's M.H z nr. and ti.'d.y' Lady's Uouk, f.
one tear. Addris,, pofl id,
tiEO n. OR AH AM,
tth Wv-ft corner if Chrsnul V 'Fluid st.. Ph i 1.
The lLro2aur .luiiallmu.
THE large ! and 1110,1 lauliful newspaper m tin
wor!Jlar;cr by fifty sijnire inelie than any
other newKpajcr m tlie Cnite.l S:a fi. Published
tSjionlays, at Ifii Nassau stieet. New York.
PiK'e three dallar a ytai tu jcivjoea for jived'.!
la.. Cj" llie prop.'ieto' uf ihi mammotli hhcet
the "(lieat IVcstrrii" 1 uiolig the lies f iper.
have 1h i -aauic of , reading lM-f.uu the teadieg
publ c a we. k!y coniuming a prealer a
in. uut i i.l vnimy of Useful and inter eiing mi
im'U tiv, thiin ia to be lound lit any siuiilar publica
tion in the woil l.
Eith iiutii'ii r of tho pT contain as larg. an
amount of tcaikng miller a is f.jml in volume'
of .-rJiutry r m k, which coet JfVi and uioir
.kau i eoiitaimd ia r volume of I ving' CuKiui
bus ir llalKiol 's II nstory ij" A mciii a, which Cu t
if3 a lolnuie and ill f r Throe Dollar a year. F01
t"i two fo ie will W loruaaded one year, 01 one
copy lw..i ye.r-i.
rsineellte 4iliiiettio:i ifai mijlnul r0Jor(tus,
the Ur ti er Jonathan has Iss-n li.M.AIit.lill and
its ire, amply tiljre, been sj much in. reasid.
tli it jMiich mare t'.an tlse i-inner qu unity nf tU
iiiort iiiteiesting l ttie il. y 1 ruihiacrd 111 1
its immense cap ,ity. S, k clions froiu ah il.e 10 t
prominent ana cub oriAeu writer ot tlie day i.- t
111 f welling iisconh irt-; and whatevei is m-w, lieb,
ot rve, i vmed.uti ly u iiisf. ired lo it ci liinius. A I
the contiihution ta pi riudical of American writer
.f npu'.o upicar in it pa;f; ihe hiui ! t.i
fj:e f-i T.ti ate Ux un.lir e.tiiti.ltuiiiin, n soon
a reciive l in this Tounlry. Totl.e miuc'llancvij
aid Lileiary l'.)i irlnieiii, ihe cliwt stiiution is
pii.l; ai d 111 all llie seieeti -Hi and o iriii''c i'itiilj
-tw.Mi, afn.'t cat I devoir! to axo d all ill it may
taui h upon the opinion wf any ptrty in ii-Ihiu or
polrtii .
E; rrianee l;aing taujiit that wt hJ
eJ ovl pa h f 11 our-le., in h;ch .( .r. uf
people ib I14I1U 10 loMow, tlx' UrlUer Jonathan
shall continue, a U sVegun, to be a bold, genl'e,
weijfc'y, light, grave, morry, serious, witty, nnj b,
duelling, inteiiss ne, itrf-pinj, ai d iiumuiu table
iwspnr. llMiatl I stupmdous minor when
hi all .il stami r. iKct.d. Il shall ion
tain the t st t.eauiiful of Nool. Romsncea und
SkWH ir l oth e. Faiy Tales fjr lovcis of
the fnarvtll'us LeuiUiU fcrf not iunilibl'M'.iii.
rle for wit m mger Suh and rnui. fr short-
windnt readers-Serenades for muical lovers Son
net f.rt Ladies rsenument for old bachelor Sj- paluiciana and Lecture, Sermon, Ciiti-
ca,n, if.. Ac. A e. or all itsa wo-IJ
Ldtcr sxt-oid addled
..... ... . w.
.... W".!S.). A COMPANY.
i VaU-tliery if tht lin.thir JjnUAuM," .V. Y.
A Consolidation of Burl Cult, vat or und tht 6'c
netee Furuitr.
Willi aiTLoan Lttriian Ti'CKtH, rni-ron.
Protjpccliis or Vol. S, for IS II.
rpiIE Cultivator waa cntal.hslicd to Impiovo and
- elevate the Agricu'ture of the country j to give
a propel (one to the morals nod mind of Ibe Far
mer; to ahow him the dignity and impmtance of
his profession ; to store his mind with useful kn v
Icdgc, and convince him that while all cla-se are
and mint be more 01 lea dependant on each other,
he alone of the whole can make any near approach
lo independence. If there i one thing mote than
another, which in this country give a man superi
ority ovci his fellow iiil.ii, il i knowledge ; and this
knowledge, knewlclge which ia as essential lo tt.e
succtCi ol the fanner a to other men, it is the
de-ign of the Cultivator In aid in imparting.
ijj The voiiime for 1840, i filled entirely wiih
Ongintd Conimuniudiuiis, emh.aeing article from
about 300 Cinrefp. indent', from eveiy state
in the L'nion.
If an increase of subscription beyond any prece
dent in the history of Agnculturul Journal.-, if the
almost iinaiiim u voice of the public rem in our
f.ivoi, if the multitude nf piivntc yet (1 itlertng lei
tinioninl we have received, added to a riiculaiion
amounting Iho first yi ar to Twknti-two Tuou
saMi, limy be admittid as rvidem e, then wc have
certainty m M ubumlnnl reason ti be gratified with
ti e Micces wh:eh ha atieuded tha I'liiou of the
Cultivator and the Oei c sc Fainnr. No rxpen c
h I ecu 1 r will be spared to render the Cultivator
worthy of the patronage it ha receive I, In tl.e
number, vaiicty und excellence ol it lilunlrutivn.i,
it i without a liwil al home or abroad, the last vol
ume being Ciiibell shed with nearly One lluntlrid
Engi livings, illustrating the improved breeds ot 11 .1
i , Cat le, iliiep, SSni'ie, Uuilding, linpleinent,
A''., m .kti'g the (Cultivator, all 1 1 1 1 gs c aHi.leie.l,
it i believed, the Cheaiert Agricultural Pap. r ever
puliha icd in this or any oili.r country.
Ti mm One Dollar per am um SsiX ropie for
j.1) ill.- money to le lemi t-'d in advanc, fr e ol
po ag--, A commission of 20 er cent, will be a!- ,
lo.Mil to Agent who obtain 5 or nine subscri
ber, and 25 per cent, to those who obtain 100 or
more. All subscript on to commence with a vi I-
Poslm uter and gentlemen dif o-cd to ln I their
influent c to aid l ie chu e uf Ag'ii nbure, are tc
H.ccifi.liy r.qu etted to act '.sbri iii. Adihes
Publithcrt if the Cultivator, Albany, A. Y.
ritHE spirit of the age i utilit Improve
1 mint 1 st imped upon the luce of every thing.
All the useful uils are progressing with ui.p .rrallel
cd rapidity, und llie Art of Primp g is coining in
for iti lull share if il.o commo 1 impmvi incut.
Delcim cd not to be outdone in any thing thai per
tain lo hi profession, where there i a la.r chance
for exe.tun mid entcrprize, the undesigned ha de
termined upon i-suing a sheet twice the siz.' of the Weekly 'J'lint, (and is to lake the place
of that paper,) and w It c uitain ctiht columns
more matter than the Ilro'lier Jonathan. Th'
sheet wi 1 be calbd the EOSTON NOTION, and
it is determined that il shall u-t mi a loguotneii s 1
full of meaning, and . inteiwoven with the estab
lished character of our Yankee eny. It wiil be li e
1 Aiu.isr Ni.wsi'apsii m uu W'omlii with no
exception and will be piinled 011 a sheet thirty
e vrn by fifty-two iiiehcs. It will be filled entirely r"aillng nutter, ami w ill contain Three Thou
a mil Eight Hundred and Eilny Eight square
iiche, 01 Twcn'y-'Sevi 11 square ftel of j.rinl in line
type! and a single iiumln-i will tontiin more read
iiiK than an o iliu.sry book of Three Hundred
pages. These dimension will enable the pubh.-hrr
to d.uw largely Upon the most popular riodica s
if the day, bold American uud foreign ; and a- the
selections will be made w ith great care, it is b liev
e l Ihi paier w.ll be a welcome Notion to enry
family. Uisl.hsa full synopsis ol the current new
of ihe d.y,)o pv.hlishc.1 in the Host hi 1 ,.il
Timr,) it will c. n'ain Poetry, Pupulir Tab.
Theatric at Criticisms, Police and tlhcl Court Re
ports. Hun orotiK Article, Ac. Ac.
The li. le wo. Id of Li'ria'tire will 1 raur-cked
to (ill it. From the s' uf the plnloaoj hei down
to t!:e police courts, through all rigioii of r. tisoii.
MRMiy, romime, wit, uud lha mnplu iceonl of folly,
we glean from the p 1st and ll c present und
fioni all na ion, lo 1 icsei l as .lcaiiiu mid u-i ful a
couibination uf eiorded thought und euireiil hls-
toiv, os Ilu wml-1 can nippy o iuJuatiy p.uduee. '
Thi i our "Uoro Noiion." j
This gnst amount of and fun of wii ,
and philosophy of novelties and anii-juiiies we
are able to 1 llir, wtikly for six ei.s r per copy,
. lily six cents: anil we can u 1 it Ix-cause n! tlie
facili i- a of our press mid cilice, and the connection
of daily an J wc kly publications. For thi.ik iol
mis we cm si ll a j ear's volume, 1 qu .l in qu mtity
of liiattei, with cveiy vanity a so, to Fil y-two Voi
ume i f Novel, such a arc issuid fun 11 the pries
nf this day. Fifty-'.wo largo o ume fir Tin re
Do lair ! Effected all by improved m ch.11.-1v, und
by a determination that we will not be eul j,.ne in j
eiitt'ipr.z.t si 1 1 el iisi fu nes. I
Thlt.MS: TuKtE Dollir a year, alwny in
adva'ce no oi.lei, no 111 ill. r front what source,
will be utt lidid to Uolc are lilpai led with Ihe:
CAII. Single co, ii a ix cents cuch. j
Po-t Ma-ten or others r.-inittii g Twuity Do'- i
lar shs I have Fight copie si ni lo such person
and places a they may desiguat. . '
(iLOROE .I.OIIEKI'S, Pi.biishcr.
la'i'Ol'C W. lain il,
( Stiiii.1 Wmtir, lltunisacub, i
IS pn pared ta receive (i, and I'usliii-e hi the i
inw wi. ah ni-e, which hi arr.11 peini iiU will en -ble
I'.iiii ii I'm ward with ib pa ch to Philadelphia,
INitslwifT, illiaiiisuirt, i'k sli ,ric, 1. ,
l.siii'BMrr. 1 r anv teller point on the !' unsvlv mi j
j and Union CanuN, ami llie Ptiun-y ivaiiia and Jlar- ,
iisimig ami Lancaster ihiI roads.
.. I from Philadelphia for llanis! ig, Corlil.', '
I liamli. rsburg, Ac. Ac, for maided with tare und
'ir.litioii I
b'uii, lisT). Sur auJ Fish, constantly for
s-ule. s, pi. u.
THE uii.bri.iied hue i gratilicatlon X 11
f -nun g the pulJic, that notwithstanding II ry w. re 1
so unfortunate a to have their IhikI. ly buuil down, !
in Match last, they have ojiuued very exk'iinve
one, in Locust street, in tlte new building directly 1
pp ite (ill iiu' HoleJ, urtd are prepared to ri.s uie I
all woik iu their line with dcepaic,L, and in a u
c nor style. heir LCLl.Nu AI'PAUA I L'rj
and otlter Mactiinery are new, and of tlie first ur.ler
and latest iinprovi incuts ; and tlvey fil a confi-pcau-e
in lbilr laeilitica 4'or giviug perftel aati-fac-liim
to all who miy favor them wiiti tlieir orjem.
-Dank, sCounly olliiw, Mciehant. MtH'hiujM'
I V 11 V, u
1 ir'airr?1' Ut wfr rm:
Wli'y. wul l eual t.i amriossletiv the Lined
State. HK.'-kOK A CA.NUNE- i
imJ tier, can I suwiliud with UL ANk lbMlk'.-s
HARRliSEI. IU!, Sej,,. .
Tin CHtiPtar amd aiaT
r .1 .11 1 ia y iv 1: w s i .1 1 1: w
now PUBLISH Kit.
Only- $1 .10 per Annum I
A one of the I est and cheapest newspapers in
this country, containing all the choice Reading
Matter of theix daily p.ipi r, including; the "CLIP
PER'H LOO," i publishcJ every Saturday, at
$1 f0 per milium.
0"jr Th"((.KAN" is under the editorial charge
of Joiisj II. Hr.wirT and Jh Will, Esqr., the
former will a iditor, proprietor, or princi
pal contributor to every literary publication issued
in this rity for tho last fificcn ycat j and the latter,
long a contributor lo various icriodiciils, but more
publicly known since hi connection with the "II i
timoiik Currm." The rxtraonlinaiy success
whiih ba uttetnleJ tho rstuhlishmeiit of the Haiti
mo c Clipper, 11 w numb, ring a larger list nf uls
scrihet than any oiher newspaper ivcr published
in Maryland -the dai'y applications f ir a weekly
paper, to rend, by mail, to country subscrilu rs
and the many facilities, possessed ly the under
signed, for tin limit rtiiking. have indue d them to
spare no expense in getting up a paper which can
not fail lo be a welcome visitor into every man'
It is printed on entire new type and fine white
paper, and will compare, for beauty of wo kinnu
sh p and of leading matter, with any
pi rioJicul now publ shed in the United Slates.
TaiiM: For Mail Suhsciiber, fl .10 per an
num, in cuirent money, forwurdeJ (free of 1 xpense)
to the publisher.
rX' PoRtHiasti r disposed to act as Agent for
the Ocean, will reciite five cop, a weekly, per an
num, for live dollars. Peyuienl alivjv lo be made
iu advance. Add.esa DULL A TU1TLE,
Printers, Halt more, Md.
t s ro 1 m 1 1 1 u 1 c .it 1: i s ii
1 TWO MON 1'HS ! !!
Wiir. we liist purchased the olJ and well
known r-t.ibl ahment of f e
Salui'tlay EHciiluu, Iost,
we Htarltbttt the p.ier em so widely a
mong the sternly, ic.iding portion nf ihe l.'niled
Stale, li nt wv e:,tered upon our I. bor w ilh full
coiifid nevof the futuie. Our success ha sime
been bey mid our most aatigutne expectation, as our
weekly r. ciipt overl!inne Ihosc ol any colin po-
ary up. r. Our l.,t has contiiiui d to swell up,
with unexampled rapidity, and we have the eonli
deuce, that al the present rate ol incrcas.', we shall
be enabled ill a few mouth to uf more thin
ofl.OOO subscriber ! When we commenced our
lab rs, wv announced distinctly, that die tone of the
pijs-r should be decidedly moral, and that uothiug
shou d be ni'111 tied into our columns, which the
most f is idtou father could disapprove of, and ile
tetm iv d that 0 an approved Family Paper, it
should not contain a paiagraph, with ihe spirit of
which a parent would not wish to have a daughter
famdiar, uud wc therefore, with tht view, announ
ced that no theatrical should appear in our
Columns, and that we should he 1 pposcd to t lie t res
a things calculated to injure the healthy action of
an holiest mind, a creative of exhibition dein.s
ralizing in tendency, and fearfully pernicious in
fact. There were not wanting blusterers, who
made a great parade of opposition, an I Croaker,
who predicted our apeedy dowula'l. but we threw
ourtclvc upon the sober, lulional and experienced
po tion of the people of the Unitid for sup
poit, and ive have been nobly slts'aiueJ.
Wc thought and expressed Ihe opinion, that
liowiver cureles many might be upon Ihi subject,
thai few, even if did not ri tirely disapprove
of etch rnteitainmeiits, cared al out having Il.e
gross detail f.irtvtr paraded bifire thu eyes of
ihe.r chi'dreu, mid li e siikenii g and nauseatii g
eulogy 1 f all kind of characters made fmuiliur ta
their mil. ds.
We d. termiued also, that while the (.aper con
tinued under our eoiitr, I, it should be Mr.ctly neu
tral in polities, and that a lien and liieiury jour
nalists wc hail iiolh ng to do with tl.e muter; this
deli rtn'n ation has been strictly and rigidly adhered
to, and while ue shall coiit'tui.' to give our re.der
audi public diH'Uliii'.il as may bt ilecmcd of inte lo all, and such a I Unity of the progress nf
political events, as aie stiictly in keeping with our
duty, mid the character uf the p ipi r, we shall stu
diously und ihoroiighly avoid uny contuiiiinalioii of
par it n p.. tic.
The paper is now . rioted in a new and lic.iuti
ful ty 1 e, has received the praise of many iditor of
t isle, a 'the handsomest family sheet in th - Union.'
Our efforts have In 11 I'ireete.l to the combining
of beauty and aimplic ty with utility und tate.
The I'ost is pin. led 111 a stout uli te paper, ni.
dcring it neat mid durable lot lilmg.
In ud.lition lo tfliirts toward perfect on in
the inechanieul d pariti cut, mij cxtiri .r ol our pa
per, mi lubor, and no cost been spared 111 ihe de
vtlopcmeut of inti Hi ctual stitngth. The present
vanety of iiiteir.iUeg talcs, oiigiual, from lore g 11
and domestic magazine, with tlie valua
ble c'iiitr.1 u ions of iur own circle of literary
friends wiil continue to give interest to ihe paper,
while everything important and worthy ol note lint
Happens in the Did World or the New, shall be
co. I. end and Collated for the taste of oui rea
di rs.
The I.aJies Department shall u!ay be-choice
and . 1. i t and si nil receive stiict attention, while
111 li things a may inU'i cat our juvenile leaders,
i.n.l that impoituiit mid large eU,s i.f our readers,
llie Fa 111. r will not be overlook d. lo mder to
gr tify, as much n possible, the luudihle desiic nt
our c iiin'ry readers, a jiorln.11 of our attention will
le dev. ted t. ti e c. Recti -n and ditfusi.iii of s-n-h
News, Memoranda, Tables, Fac , Hints, A, us
111 .y seem im; o:tai:t ti agriculturists', and the p .j -ulatioii
rcsi lciit uitliout ihe eonlines of our Kiiat
cities The state if the msiket mid Ihe tluciua
tious in the prices, will be rcgutuily aiij u lial is of
more nuiiiiciit.c rteclly gien.
Wehieivir been eppnaed to tl.e ronstatit
l.lns'ir and parade in idu by some eJilors, vla-iul
Ihe eve',leiiee of til. ir papeis, and have ri solved
that the ';e.i.l y Evuiieg Post, shall U cuducl
id, aii t.i spiak t r it.-elf.
Our renleis w ill always fi d in its column the
eailiest and inc-t autheiric inforiiiatioii. rs well as
the most choice and nteilainmg literary nutter.
We dive totally discarded the system ot filling ihe
p per vsi h qii'ick advi itiscments, but iifer givnig
nur re .dei Irom neck to wcik, euteitaia'iig read
ing matter.
And we f e' as-titej that we shall be no loser
tin lel.y, as but f. w readers c ire about havinp a pj cr
liia-d With ilceeriptioii of llusc iiuu-'at,ng -cwui
The Saturday I' veiling Post, will le furni,.,ed
f,,r 2j'r iiiiiiuui iu a. Ume. or unecoiy tree
year I. r f 3. To th.we wIm wish lo si;o .,! jv,r
a I'hi'a.h'lplua Magazine, we will fuiiii.n a r.ipv
o in 1 tiuaue piu.i 1,4 tit, am', twa ropsrs ol th.
Post for one ycat foi fre'. of pi: iud dir
No New ttubrxriher re.riwj wilhout the
'To llio.c who vi-b. i sub-enbe. wc w-iHtld say,
that (lie tnTest plan is lo (ncloae ihe money in a
letter and din lo u. Most pelniastrr will
frank t'.irir kltcr if relating to nothing but the
bu-uf ui lb olliie. and all postmaster who will
ba kind mioukIi sj to do, we shajl be pleased to ic
klKH k'dw-c a ogam.
No iifi Ciler' Alley, pfeUadvlpUl.
1111: ai:v u oitLD,
rnt-rr.n ur rait bi-sjami mu g aro bit
WITH miillipliel rc urcra for rendering Ihe
Nkw Woiilii more valua' lo than ivcr a
compendious newspaper and rep miiory of el g int
liter iture, wo enter upon the second Volume (tulio)
on the S ltti f October, diesaed in a beautiful garb
of new type, cast expressly for lha purpose. It
will Ihciefoie bu a filling lime to commence new
subscription, a well as for the Iciu'vval of lhoi
which m iv then expire.
During the first year of the ctis'incc cf the
Nr.w Wo n LP, it hi acquired a raputaiion and
circulation superior to any weekly piper iu Ihe
country; and ha furnished to ita aubscri! rs, during
that period, (beside a I the current new of the day,
domestic am! lorrign) new and va'uable works by
Talfouid, D'lsraell, Thnnias Moore, Miss Mitfjrd,
Mr. Jameson, C Dickens, Ainsworth, Knowles,
llulwer, Many a', and others woik. which in Loi:
doti could not be purchased for fifty times the
amount of the aubsciiption price of the New
Woild, In ad liiimi lo work of interest by these
eminent author, it ha contained the cream of the
periodical literatuie of the day, at well as original
atliclcs from the pen uf some ol the nt 1st popular
writers of America, among whom we may mention
Mi- Sedgwick, Orville Dewey, Prufessor Longfel
low, tlie author ul "Yankee Notions," Siunus,
Street, Ac. Ac.
In po itick we shall, a hitherto, maintain an
arme I neutrality. Our columns a heretofore will
be unobjectionable in a moral point of view. In
criiicisni wc shall, in justice to the public, manlaiit
a peif.ct indejun lence, evitli though we incur the
vengence ot all the dunce' We elialf, in conclu
sion, earnestly sliive ti render our sheet not only
w orthy of the uupsrallel d lavour it has experianc -d,
but of a continually extending circulation. While
we con tune to l.irin-h with ull pos.sit.lo prum.itudo
the most atirciive ture of the diy, we !iall,
as our mean enlarge, afford that c unpens ition lo
na ive out', which intvy ind.ico them to in kn
the New World the medium for presenting to the
public their best tio.ia. Our cxcellt nt Lon
don correcjondent w.ll I continued, and due at
tention w.ll be paid lo the comerc.ul, agricultural
alid news depHniuCiilfl of our paper.
Of s'xteen large pagia was commenced mi the ait'h
ol June List, 111 nidi-r to meet tl.e iMslies of large
number of stibscnbei, by giving them its lich un I
varied contents in n suitable form for I i dim. This
we have done w ithout h iving enhanced ihe price,
so that new sub crihi r, and otheis on Ihe renerval
of previous Hiibscriptions, ca'i lake their choice be
tween the (junto and Folio form, (r Uut a fi w
sets of the Quarto, foin No 1, now leui tin or
hand in the Dili e. and we shall therefore, not bi
able long to supp y them.
TERMS: Iiiiii f Doi.Lttts a year in advance
for either edi.ion; 01 Fivt Doi.nus f.irtwo epics
In nil -case letter must be Ire, or pot j aid, 0
they will remain dead ill the po!-otfire.
fj' All I'o tmaMe s who will act f..r u are ou
iiut 'orizcd Agen s, mid 111 ty r.-tain 25 per cent 01
the siib-cii tiori price, $.1 ) for camm sstons, if re
milted in New-York or ll.'slern nncy ; or 50 cent
on each, il in notes of tiler solvent banks, wLii.'
may be at a di:ouut here.
fJj'E htors and Pul lisln r who desire the cor
tinuaiice ol an exchange, will please copy the aimv
(hire or m ire timr. or otherwise notiie lue content
and rend u a marktd paper.
Lct'rr rcla lie to the editorial dep rti ent mu
be a - Id r eased lo Paiik Hlsjamin A F.ri:s Saiiocx
Editors: tlu.-e relative to ihe Lui-ues dep 1.
tULtit, to J. WINCHESTER, Puldtdicr,
No. 30 A'.n a reel.
Sl'MlSUCAL RiaiiSI EU. Coniaiiiii.g d l
uincnts, I icis fc'.d othi r useful ii f imati-ui, illustj
live of the hist-uy mid rc 11 ree of the Americl
Uiuou, and of taie ; rinbraci g couimrrJ
111 .nut.ieiuie-, agit u ture, intirnul liiiiiroveineiA.
b.iiiks, rurrei cy, li .aines, education, Ac. Ac. Edi
ted by Samuel iluyard.
l'l.b'i bed eviry Wi duesday , at 7a Duk street.
The price lo si.beribei is " per aniiuin, piyabl
on the li t ol J nuaiy of i'li yea-. No suhscri;i
llori iceeivcd for less tli.-n a year. Subscriber out
ul the principal cilit to pay in udvance.
V IX O fi 12 V T V
op Ta k
1 urn 11 m oiiilon a. smith.
THIS Journal wa established In the Americm
Kilk S.iciety, for the purpose of d.fl'u-ing radical
information on the ci ltchs cf silk iu tlie Uu.teJ
Siaie. Ii ha now bei n published one y.ur, suj
may be consideied a w ork of standard character.
The fust year's publication, eompiising the first
volume, coul line n 111 is, of valuable iiitouii.tioii,
and it w ill t-e t ie o1 j cl of the editor to make
the secoi d rqa.l in ml rcspi ts, if not supenoi, to
the first. 1'he important fai l is now e.ta' lishi d be
yond ar y question, that the ieop'e ol the Unite 1
States can make silk i iitirm and mlttlu than
any other nation upon e.irlli. It hs been proved
by Ic te.t inoiiy, that ibe entire cist
i.f produe-iug silk ready for uia kel, doe's not exceed
two i.oiisns smi muri Hit nrrs r.a
nit mi, an J it lowest v.lueis tors iiolh in asa
nrrr csnts; also, that o seal, of ground plain
ed in uiurus iiiulucanh-, will pioduce the li st yeai
thu l.-r aie planted, oi htx-. iuu r roinds ot
siLk, leaving a clear preJit lo Ihe producer ofovt
HiMiMtiiAMi iK.ur noLLtlis! li ha also been
proved lha: the cluldi. 11 and I. mule 1 f any f.ruicr'
f .iiuly can, with the gr. ate t psiU ease, pruJu.e
ff 111 li'ty 10 a hundred p uod of silk every vc.r.
uitliout uny cost whatever to the i ..s.- of the
farm ihe trie, ure planted; snJ th, r. fore,
tlie w hole amount of silk wdl I sJ muc' cleuf J,,
a y from f22i to 15u. With the. hci wu 'i
m t to an intrll gent peopt 11 . (J . ri
anJ import ml ubjecl fcir lb-, , ,ntf0lttl.8 ,. fu;
Wire ol silk 111 rvcry fa-.ner's. Um,y tn ( lljoj
I o eiiabu,' ail our l'.,,,,ei lo Mlo ai k. Ihe 'Jom
N.iei ran A-.. Sua, Shcii-m' was est ,)
Jis 1; it CJ'iiae.,, , l4j p.clic4l Jircclion. f. r 11 1.
T'T'.t trtli Tfc,i;a, rti uiu -i.d Btsuiu sus
w o-.1msi nM.u iuk kLt,ud prcpar.l g it f,
m i'.ei, Ac beside ull otln r information that ear
or r ijii rej to enable uny ptrnoil lo enter upon 1 1 .
Uisiiiesa, tiditr 011 lsrBo or amall cle. Eveiv
liieud uf his c uutry, i. to wh ae bar .is ihi pajn,
may fall, will be d 4i)g a patriot and philaivhropisi'
work ly inducing In Iriendsand neighbours to en
li r thru name uon the list of auuscriliers.
1 he Journal of ihe Amencan Socii-ty is ublishci
month'y. in pampiiU 1 tar in ; each number contain
thiitj two cKtav p 'CCs, piiutod oil new tyjie aiw
hsiid.oii.e papei, w i h a tinted e.i(oed cover,
Ti.asis : Two dollar a year, ur six oracs f.,
tea s, a'way to be paid In f re it w.irk i
sent. All uiicriptKi!.tuti;iii with the first nuin
Ur s) Ihe year, and in 1.0 ce will the woikbasen
to anv aubscrda-r longsr than at siialt have beei
paid for.
fXj'Niw si ast aiiiia, who taka the first an.
second volumes, will be charged uuly Taun Pul
ta for iho tw yra'i.