Sunbury American and Shamokin journal. (Sunbury, Northumberland Co., Pa.) 1840-1848, February 27, 1841, Image 3

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    vmcF. cxmnv.xT
Cjiecled weekly by Henry Yoxlhrimer.
D1t1r.11 Afplks,
Hkcklkii Flax,
THOSE who ere sufllrirs from various diseases
incident 1o (lie human f.nmly, would do well to
procure Dr. Ilarlich'i Compound Strcngtheninir
and German Aperient fills, which are. so pre
eminently rcccommcnded for Dyspepsia, Liver
Complaints. aiua in (lie side, tiac-lc and breast,
IVcrvious Affections, Head-Ache, nod all ilio dis
eases ol the Atomic!) mid Bowls. I'uiDjihtt ti may
I obtained gratis, which contain full and cxplicite
tlireclinna for using, 'l'lie reader is referred to sev
eral very intcrcsti'iR certificate of cures in this
paper, which may he relied upon, as they arc taken
from I lin original. Formic at Jin, 19, NORTH
EIGHTH etrcet, Philadelphia.
IHhhoIiiI lou of l'arliicrHlil.
fPHK undersigned having dissolved partnership,
wish to give notice to those indebted in tiie old
books to make p.iy : in nt soon, a no longer indul
gence will lie given. For si ttlement, c.ll at the
Foundry, as the luok wi I remain yet awhdc in the
hands of I lie late tirm fir toll lenient.
S U X II U 11 V
"TISH to Inf Tin their Customers and the pub-
lie generally, that I hey have e ecud an En
giuc, and arc en .bl. d to do a m ire extrusive I usi
HCS4 than heretofore, an 1 uro ready to nuke nil
kinds of ca . tings commonly cast at Foundry, viz:
of all descriptions, which they wi.l di-poc of u
cheap ns they can lie bought elsewhere. Old Iron
and Country produce will lie taken in 1 xt-hango for
Daniel Gi;isi!' IMaic.
""TOTICE is hereby given, thiit letters uf ndinin.
-1 istra ii n on ihe estate of Danitl Kae, l.i'c of
llul toun-h;p, Norihum! erland county, dee'd ,
liavo been granted by the Register of fiid county to
1l.e subscriber. All tho.e indebtid to the abuve ef
tate will make paynicn', and those having c'airns
will present iheir accounts on tl.e 30th and 3Ut
March, I81l, at the la'c residence of decoded.
Jan. 23. Cw 23. Adm'r.
12. F. & J. H. rnzcK,
.Yd. 297, Market sheet, five dixtrs above Seventh,
"FFER for sale, at tho lowrst mitki't prices, a
geneial assortment of Teas, Vufftei. Sugars,
I lotas-!. Wines, L yarns, Spieet, Tubueco, Are.
V. oi'5Tiir Punnvcr. received and s ild on coinmis-
on. Meichants, Hotel keepers, a:;d others, will
fi id it to thtir udvan'ugn to call ami examine our
l ock, b fore purchv ing 1 Im' lu re. iM.rli int
w jshirg th ir c.i .ili c Heeled in this city, by I- avmg
till orilcr, vvi'l hive them prompt y forwarded, by
llifc most expi ditions line.-.
I kiiwim . riiitK, joiin 11. rmiK.
FeliG, 1811. ly.
A p i 1 i c a Hon
rpHE mrm'.ers .,f tie -GOOD INTENT FIRE
-1- COMI'ANY" 1 if Siiiihnry, in pursuance of on
order nf the Com it of Common Pleas of Nnrthutn
bei'a'id (Jountv, hiret.y gnc notice, tiny h ive
made on 1 1 ihe raid e nit to be incoipmai. 1!
ogiecably to the pun Moil ut ihe ui As.-em!,ly
upon the subjeci, having rxhibi ed to tlie said c ntt
an instrun-ent of writing, specifying 'he object, ur
licles, eoi ditions, 11.1:1 e and s'vh- of ihe said associ
ation, which has ticen approved of by the a deonr',
nnd fib d uit!i the piolhonuthry th- reof ; and that a
charter of incorporation will lie granted to ihe said
conip i y, at ti e next term of kflid comt, to be hoi
den al Snnhuiy, 011 the first Mond iy nf April next,
nnlesa tullk-ient rt .Lkoii be rhowi to Ihe contrary .
Sunhury, Fob. fi, 1811 3-. Pre I.
T ll O lit H H It II N V. I I ,
No. 26S, Daltimore Stbket,
A few doovs west of lluwurd st. BALTIMORE.
"HOI.ESAl E DEALER in Combs. l!ut-
tons, ( and Fimev Goods, and Im
porter of Patent mid Shoe Threads, Spool Cotton,
Sospenders, 'Tfipes, ind almost every description of
Small Articles. Country Merchant and Dealers
in geceial, r. s; eit fully iini'ed to call and i xj
nrne for tliein-eKes. Jiin, 30. ly
;ii,i,i(;ii ui & jtasop,
Importers ami Dealers in foreign
Comer of Pratt and Libt st,., UALTIMOKE.
COUNTRY MERCIIAN IS, ,nd othois. ao
res eetfully invited to c t!l and t xamine their
st'K-li ul Go .ds. Jan 30. lv
A FEW Copios f Tlit fiirtii Vhorul liar-i-
many," consisiing of Sacr. d .Muw, with Gci
nan an I English lines to each tune. Uy II. C.
Eyer. For sa'e by
January 30. II. H. MASSE R,
2' ID Z T
aUii 47 feet long, and 1 1 feet wide,
.vith an iron pin in the stern block,
.vent adrift from the premises of the
ubscriber, near Sunbury. A reasona
de reward will be given to anyone
aking it up, and notifying the subseri
er nt Sunburv.
Jan. a3, IS 10.
S hereby given, that interest will he charged by
tit subscriber, on all accounis tor lime, that
ve been standing longer than six months, and
tat hereafter this rule will be tliictly adhered to.
All persons indebted, are requested to rail and
ft tie their accounts.
Hunbiiry. .1 .in. ? I, 111 if.
UM ELASTIC Shoes, a large ussoit
ment. Sperm Oil, best quality
Hooks, of all description,
frhlks, black and coloured.
Stsir Carpeting.
Cotton CarpeU
Carprt Chain, of oil colors.
Saddlery, a geneial assortment,
Eliptic Springs.
Coach Lamps.
Cariiig. Bands, Brass Joints, Brass Dashers.
1'ntetit Leather.
Just received and for sate, at ih atom of
. 11. MASSE It,
Novemher 14, 1310. If
ilRESlI Cranberries, jiiKt received nnd for sale
JLT by H. 15. MASSE R.
November M, 1840. if
A NY person having any information concerning
Uryan Sheehy, a native of Ireland, aged from
19 to 22, of fine complexion, will cooler a favor by
informing his hrothi r, Rodger Micchy, by letter
diiected to Harrisburg. Po.
Q O ET UTs foi 9
NEW I'AdEANDOIE company.
No. ',".) North Water Slreet, Thila.
TTANUFACTURER.S nnd dcah is in Oils of
XtjL every detcripti. n both fir burning and
msnulaciurin; purposes, whim will lie sold much
lower than they can I procurid c'aenhere, and
w irranled in quality t equal any in the city. Any
oil sold by the company not proving ns ie resenteil,
may bo relumed Without any expense to the pur
eb iscr, and the money will I e lefuuded
'I'lnir stock now in store sousists of the following
oiU. viz:
30,000 gallons Winter Dleachcd Speim"
do C,io less Oil,
1 5,000
Fall and S rina Sperm Oil,
Winter Sea Eb'phanl,
do Pre.sed Whale Oil,
Sammer do do
Common WhalcOil,
200 Barrels superior RimiU Oi',
300 do Co,l Hank Od.
SO do Nea s Foot O I,
75 Casks Olive Oil,
'Tanner's ' his
Xjr' This Company ha a number nf Vessels" en
giged in t'le Co I Fisln ry, and Tanner'' may rely
u m pi'tiing at all times Oil as pure as imported.
Philadelphia, Nov. 7, IS 10. ly.
TIIIE sptcial nitention of btivets liotn the snu'h
1 and west, and for the state tr.n'e, is respectful
ly invited to the following asortmetit of GOODS,
which the etibacri! cr will dispose of at sin h priet s
as wdl amply repay his friends for calling tnd ex
amining his stock. 'To CASH puichascrs, at the
pre-enl lime, extraordinary inducements will be of
fered. 200 pieces heavy variegated Spanish malting.
500 pieces Canton ni itttn.', assoitcd 4-1, 5-4 and
fi-4 white, checked and flowered.
1000 hearth rngs, a l eaulitul assortment r.f Wil
lon, lirussels, 'I'ul'ted, 'Turkey, and Hemp runs.
200 pieces woolen, worsted, cotton, hemp, in
grain, Venetian nnd block Carpeting. An elegant
variety of Wilton, Brussels, Scotch and English,
Venetian, Damask, cVc. &c.
1000 dozen men and boys caps, comprising a
gieat variety of Fur, Seal, Nutria, Muskral, and
Coney, II air. Seulelte nud Cloth Caps.
100 dozen Allieant Mats, assorted size.
100 do Manilla do do do
!0 do Shcep-sin da do do
'JO habs French 11 ske s, c.impriting every de
s rlptinn.
f00 pair Veiie'ian Blinds, n-s'd denies and colors.
3ilIO pat nt do it do
1000 nests Cabas or S it( heN, nes'd, ein'io si d
le.itber, straw am! oil el it! .
fiOOO dozen Combs, a-nrted t"rtoiMi l!r:i
zil i .n do hi rn, ivriry, I ras and nood. einprising a
lar-je a-s ir'nn n! f ceiy var.ety.
3il10 dot' ii hips a-s. u if, I wagon, pi', car
riage, sulky, planters. drwrsor ii 'i"2. of e't'. lea
ther olid thread, with German silver, gut, ivory oud
bono ninunUTi-s.
10(10 dozen ii lit il pa . Wilson's br n il.
lOCO neti cc. I r "Tubs a d lluikits; nlso,
Churns, I'iguins, W..ter Can-, fur.
The abo' e lotetln r w ith an i xtensivc as-o: ttnr nt
of f inry goo Is, liril'sui and (ietin in stlv, r ware,
leather nnd trislle Hrusties, Looking tilns-e. Ma
hogany and Gilt planus, i f eveiy fctzc nml ilrcri
linn, are innnulat lured, impurtid, nnd s. be e.l ex
pnsslv foi the southern, w stern and sla e Had. .
No 1st Noith 2d stieel, Pliiladelpliia.
I'hiladrlphia, November 7, la-10. ly.
FFER FOR SALE, at the South Essi Cor
ner of Fifth and Mr:tt Streets, Philadel
Mens' Calf-skin Boots, stitched warranted,
do do do peyed do
d i do do water proof, double soles
and doub c Uppers.
do Cjli'-.-kin do do
and uppers,
d.) Heavy Water Leather Bool-,
do do Neats do ilo.
d j High quartet Shoes, Culf-skin.
do do do Crocke.s ilo
do Fine M. nrors wauan'ed.
do nailed
K p do
t: If do
Coatso do
do Shoes
Fii.e do
Kip ilo
do Calf and Seal Skin Pumiis.
do I. st S ek wilh and w .lliout soles.
do Car) el do do do
do Patent Warranted Wuti r-proof MoccaHUo.
Ladies' do do do do
Ladies' tanned India RuMier sinus.
( Viiticmciik' do I'vtrshoes.
Wi'h every other desc ipli. il of hoots end slion .
'ur Caps i f eva ry description.
Tr.ivell ng Trunks of eviry dcrr'plioii.
nui ill Travelling Bags.
Patent Gum Elastic Shoe I'l l, kin.',
lb uncu cf ull kinds, Piilm Leaf Hats. .
l'htt.delphia, No einher 7, 1840. ly.
.Ylicliai'l W eaver V Son,
Mo. 13 Sorth Wuter Street. Philadelphia.
MA YE constantly on hand, a general assort
ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, tie., vizi
lata Ropes, Fulling Ropes, While Koies, Manil
la Hopes, 'low Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a
complete assortment of S, ine 'Twines, Ac, such as
Hemp Siiad and Herring 'Twine, Best Pulent Gill
Net '1' 'will. Cotton bihtvj nd Herring Twin, Stum
1 1 alters, Traces, t-'otl m and Linen Csrpet Chains,
Ac. all of which they will dispose of on lessouuble
Philaih'lphis, N'ovrmbei T, 18-tO.
Number 28 North Third Street, Philadelphia,
I PUBLIC SALEH nf Dry Goods, Hardware
and Cutlery, Books, Stationary, Clothing,
Bouts, Shoes and Hats, nnd in short id most ecty
description of goods, are held at this establishment
f very evening. Goods are also aold nt private sale
during Ihe day nt (he average auction price. 8 1 ore
keepers and traders will find it to their advantage
bv attending tho snles.
CC. MACKEY, Auctioneer.
Fhiladlphia, Novetnb r 7, 1840.
No. 40 North Third Street, Thila.
C Opposite the City Hotel. J
W B ATS, (aps and Ladies' Furs, of every do
ll J3 Bi-riplinn, manufaclured nt very low piiets,
ami Country Merchants supplied nt shmt notice.
Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly.
Importers and Dealers in Foreign and
Domestic Hardware,
No. 174 Noii ril 'Thi n n Stii i it. Putt mi i ron
fHERE Ihi ir fiiends and customers will always
find a lame and irenernl assortment of Foreicn
nnd Domrslic Hardware, which they will sell al the
lowrst prices,
Philedelphia, November 7, 1840. Iy.
rmhrclla and Parasol lanufiicturer.
.Yo. 3? Xioh Third it net. turn doors below the
City Hut 1 1, Philndilphia.
COUNTRY Men hunts nnd others nre solicited
to examine his assortment hi lore pU'chasmg
i Uewhere.
Phila :elihia, Novcinb, r 7. 1810. ly
.larob I"rltiiiu(li &. Son.
E ESPEC TFL I.LY inlorms their friends nnd
j ncipiaintances u'cnerally lint tliey sti I eon
linue to keep al ihe old stand, No. 2 id Nor. h 3d
strei t . I'hi'ni'elphia, nil kinds of
Which they will sell on tho most Lccoinmodating
nnd iris nable terms.
N. B A.I oooils n!d will he guaranteed, and ..II
orders prompt y iiltunlcd to.
Philadelphia, NovemVer 7, 1840. l v.
r ?STS?k CC1TCVE?.,
Wholesale and Relail Shoe, Honnef,
and l'alin Leal Hat Warehouse.
No. fill North "tl utrret, a fur doors above .Irch,
A I.S() Trunks, Cm pet B.nis and Valices, of ev
M. cry ih sciipti.m, nil f which he i ll'crs for
sale on the most icas nnble terms.
Philndeli hia, Novemler7, 1810. ly
i . 1Ta . ii o roTilrV""
China, Glass and Liverpool Warehouse.
No 1G1 Sorth Third street, third door below Vine
street, Philadelphia,
AT THERE they constantly k-ep on hand n targe
' ' assortment of China, Glass and Liverpool
Ware, which they will di-posc of on the most iei
sonahln terms.
Philadelphia, November 7, tS IO.
- -
Manufacturer and Importer of Sad
dlery, Hardware. S:c.
Ao. .r South Third street, four doors below Market
Philodi Ipliiir
KEEP constantly on hand a large and gi neral
ns-or'nn nt ' oaeh Lamp--, Carri .ge Bands,
Axle Arms, tie Sj rinas. Pali lit Leather. Sir.
Country Mercha md si.ddle s ill be sii pl.e.l it
all times on the most ic i-nnaM" t. mis. ') I ey will
find il to tin ir .idvn'it.ige to c.ll and examine hi;'
ussoitm.'iit h, fore pureh.i-ing ( Isf .v hcie.
Plidadilplra, Novni'.cr7, 1S40. ly.
Wholesale Dealers in Foreign liritiJi
and Ameriean Dry Clouds.
.Vo ldo Market street. I'hiadilphia.
Ctll'NTRY Merch..nt ', and others can be sii -J
piied ut all times with an cxtiiisic a s .rl
meiit of the best nnd most lasliioii .bU' (Jooils upon
the linl icaiolni'.le leiui ,
P ul i.Vlpbi i, Novunl er 7, I is 10. 1 y.
J lO A Jim -Tl. )
Wholesale Variety and Trimming Store
No. 44. North Fourth near Areh st., Pftihrdt Ip.'iia.
TT THERE t'ounlry Men bants and others can b-
su. p!i. d, ut ill nmes, wi'h a large ussorlini lit
of Ilosii ry, Gloves, Merino. Cotton, und Woolen
Shuts and Dt ivtcr-. Spool C,.tou. Patent 'I bread,
Cot'oil t'l.rds. Bu'loiis, 'Tapes. Binding-, limks
arid Eyes, Pi. is, Are. And a general aii ly of n e
ful articles, i Inch he nil" rs I or sale ut the lowest
Phib.le'plna, November 7, H10. I v.
No. 1'Js! Chesnut Street, helow llli.
BT" EI'P e.'ii-tiintly on hand a general isn.
"' Hoeks i.ud O'tationary ; rompiising
'I in i.!.. J. cd. Law,, CI,,.,shmI, Miscellane
ous ;:.., Scho I IVmls. Day Bo ks. a'l z s, .id
e r , il. ., 1'niii'lv Pit lev. Pocket lilies, W , it ill tl
IV.pers. r: ping Papers, Ac. c., which tbev ol
ti r ul the lone si p lies Ii' ( ,'ouuti V Merchant's Pro
fessional Gentle mt'ii, 'J'cacl.ers, and all nt'.ei'i thai
liny favor litem with ibeir lu-ioui.
Philadelphia, Noiiinber 7. IS 10. 1 v.
i:siu:iuck, UANSIMJ, Sc. COS.
So. lGtl .Market Street, l'liih.
(H low Fifth South hide )
LW AYS keep on b:,inl a full uml general a
si ruin nt of Ho-lery, Lace, and r am y Goods,
t'ounl'V Mi lehuu'a are lespec-fudy ieipie.;ted to
give ih m a c ill and t xamine for tin in eli. s.
Philadelphia. November 7, 140. ly.
Sl'KUI.N'ti, GOOD &- VO.
I IIS Market .Street, riiiladel,iia.
NYTTE tha attention of Country Men hams
to their ci'cii-iie asrortment nl Briiith Fr. 1.1 h
m.d American Dry Go.hIs, which ihey olli r forsile
nn ihe inort fessonslile linns.
Phil .delph a, Noveinlier 7, 1840. ly.
"7 piiri)irnvns7
No. 7 i Callovvhill .Street, riiiladdpliia,
("Thrtt doors uleit Second. J
SHOE Findings alwsys kepi on hand, which he
nir. rs for sale on the lowest terms. Couutrj
Mcichmls arc parlieuUily In call and iudrt fur
themselves. "
Philadelphia, Notriulrr 1, lajo l-.
r a very superior quality, can he had nt any
time, by application to tho subscribers, in lots
to suit purchasm. 'J'hey keep large, eg!, hr ken,
and fine coal, fit for burning lime.
J. H. PL'RDY eV Co.
Sunlitiry, S, pt. 50. If.
VltOCi;iltHS.. frcrh aup ly of Groceiies
just reciivcd and f r sain bv
S pt. 12. 140. if.
LlqVOHS..K f.esh Mit ply of Brandy. Gin,
Poit, Lisbon, Tei eiilT , M ideira and Slicny Wines,
just received and f r sale by
Sept. 13. 1?40. tf.
oWshlVS, A nr w a sor inent uf 7-4, 7-9
ni.d 11-4 vuid indi Mii-lin, just teeeiied nnd for
fnlcl.y " HENRY YO.Y'THl.Mt'.R.
Sept. 12, 1S40 tf.
C'1 1'K'ftHS. -A new a-toitmei t uf(ahcoe
juM ti ceived anil for sale bv
S. pt. 12. 1810 r.
lt(K"' A pood uKsunnictil of Bur Irun.just
received and for sale bv
Sep'. is1 isio.- tr.
S.HT. SSO bariil and sul.s ol Sail, just
received an . for sale l v
III.NKY YOXTHIMEK. 12, 1S10. if.
t'itf I flft. A pi neral assort ment nf Cloths
and Cassiincie., Cuiistatil V on luoid nt the store el
Sc,.. 12, 1940 'f.
IX'JiUIT. Itl'K.
CtM.S' nud nil other
kinds of (il. tin anil Sicds wi 1 be t Kcu ut Ihe !.ii;li-c-t
pric s in exciiaiti-e for p u s at ihe store o
Sept. 12, 110 f.
MACKEREL- A feiv bun Is ol M d.irel for
sa'e at i low p. ic by
Sept. 12, ls40. II E, MASSER.
IRISH SALMON. Ot Ibo lest ipial ty. con
stnntlv on hand nnd for side bv
frpt. 12. IS4tt. II H. MASSE IL
MADEIRA WINE. Fist .piaity Mudicia
Wine, f r s-i!e low bv
Sept. 12, I S 10. " II. B MASSER,
article nlivavs on h.iiiii uml lor fnle bv
Sept. !.' IS 10. ii. 11. M ASrspR.
HOLLAND GIN. Of the best .jua'ilv idways
on hand and f " sale I v
Sept. 12, IS-10. ' It. 1! MANSER.
I.OAP AN O Lt iP sl tiAi;. Aias ..ii
hand slid fir sale by l.',ls0. II. B MASTER.
litis i'jYiJ.rr7.VitiLASsE..Vl u mpi
rior qualitv, for sde by
8. pi- 12. ISIl'. ' II. B. MASSER.
N E W OKI .EA.Vssl ( JAU""llOl E M O
LAssES. Ol the hi st quality aluaya on hand
in d for sale bv
Sept. P2, IStO. H. B. MASSER,
B ROrN SVC! A I v7 ( Vf bb i md ' u u 1 1 1 y . I oT sd e
lowby Sept. 12. 1S40. H.B. MASTER.
""nUil'oKS. ( Il ail "liTiilsViid ul the l el pjuli
lies, alMuvs on hand and for sale bv
Sept. IS, ins". 11. U. MASKER.
qualitv alwavsou hand and for sale bv
Sept. 12. IS 10. H. U. MASSEK.
t'OFFl E. Jav i, lii,) an. I l.ajiiira Collce, cou
stontlv on hand mid for side l v
s, .t. 1-J. is Id. h HJASjsER.
M Lli ii Oil.. W ii. t r uud Summer sir noil
Sj.eini Oi', ol the ! est ipiul lv, tiS.ivs on Inn,, I and
for sal,- bv
Sept 12. 1-1 0. II. B, MAS.-ER.
"V 1 i: i;i..' (' is! a:, I Jlit,l. r Steel, lor s ilo bv "
Sept. 12, IsIC ii Ii. M..-ER.
"sPKINli ! l-t I,. Oi in n is -! I .r Llij in
S nnji-i. lor sale I v
Se,-i. 12. IS HI. ' II. 11. M sEK.
' LAUOi; (H'AI.TO Lil.l.l. I'.r .t
vi rv rj.luce l pi i-. s !-y
s.. . 12, l:-l(). H. 5. M.s- KR.
" BLANK BOOKS. Ol ,.Ii I.iii. k. .,r",-.e .v""
Sept. 12, l-l.i. I!. II. MAssER. '
""'BLANK DEEDS. iio'V'S. Mortu.-iie-. .Ve' i
-a'e .y Si pt. 1 2, I s JO. H R M A-l'K.
Jl si 0,.V BLANKS. l..r -ale l v
S, t. 12. is l.i. . l!. M E R.
t Lti'Tlis, l.'U.e, Cl.cK. iir.cii7 A,.,
for si !e by
s. pt. 12. 1s;o. M. B. M -ER.
OAsINi t l;i:s A A D"sA 7V I I.Vl.'i TS.1TT.r
side very nw I v
s..,.i.'i2. is in. II. B M s-ER.
""iiAlii'Ii I'lNii. I'iii r:i!e i l i''.. l"i
Sept. 12, IH40. II. . MAssER.
ULAN Kl'Tf T.isairVi';, a., l-v
12, is lo.
11. P. m si:
" " IN UI.E.Af H E DM I si Es EoV file hy
Sept. 12, Isln. II. H M SE!
" CoTloN V EN AND C'UT' N Lips
Fot side bv
Sept. 12, IS10. II. I)- MA-SER.
by S, pt. 1-J. intif 11 11. M --I R.
i rV, ING LINES t t)i;iJs A.N t iJoi'ES.
j Fo' s i!e bv
Sep-. 12, isio. H. B. MASsEIL
rTtll U'i; isheielt pivi 11 leiti r-ol 11. ,1110 -istralioii
up .11 ll.e rti.ii, .1 .nl ihee m'.I
nave I cen granti it o tb.e Ml1 scnl.e s, by t'.ie I', yis'cr
nf Noriln iii'e land eoui.ty. All p r-i.'ii- baiini;
deilialtds no ni. -I s .1.1 e t 1 e, w. I u .-enl ttiein, pro
peilv uollieiilu aie.l to enln r ot I tit siit.'-crlhf 1 ut
ilieir resi.lei ie in Aueiisia lownrhip.
IIENKY IlitllVVKK. . . . ,
A Bit Ml AM BREWER, A''1""""'
N'ovt nil er 1 1, isio. Ot
.louallaaii PI. Water' ENIu.e.
,JO'TIf E is hereby giv. 11, tint let"rs of admin--1-'
ifir iiion lie boil ." 1001 1 pi u ti e tslaeofjo
11 alb an li. Wuters, lale of Sh niiokiu low n-hip, N. r
ihuiiiberland c .ll ty, dee'd.. h .ve this day bei 11
granted by tl.e Regi-ti r of said counlv to the mh
-cribeis. All per 01s l.av ng 1 1, dins or ileni uids a
Vt niist lhes .nl de. e.l. n', me lequ.-stcd to make
known ihe same lo tin in, uiihoui de'sv,
S'lamok'n, N,.v. 7. til. A'tiu's, Syc,
im: m 1 a ii v. stin "irs"
TOTK'E ' 'c,eby i veil that the R.g'slerof
Jf the t 'oiinty uf NorihumU' ilatd, ha ihuday
giuuled Ictieis I. .laiin n'ury to Ihe siibienbers upon
the estate ol Jeicnnah Yas'ine, of Rush township,
in the said canny. All ersou having demands
or claim ug on. t ihe .a d decideiil are ri(ui sted to
make known lite ame lo them without delay.
November 2, 110. -.
In tlie Nleholsnn t'nnrt or Pirns for the
Sinic .f Pennsylvania.
S. D.ivpitiv CmrsTT, ss.
J ho Comincmwealih uf-i
The persons cl ihn'n j ti
tle to, or interesl in the to- -Bi!I to i.eri clu ito le
vi ml tiacls. nf land set
forth in tlin IM', win re Y
ihe lollinviii is an ulA
A'P n term of the ''Nicholson C. utl of for
(he State of Pennsylvania," convened in ihe
Boroush of Harribu'R, Pa., .Inn. 20, A. D. IS4I,
in pursuance ol an net enlilh d " A n net to se tie the
estates of .,,ls Nichol-nii rml Pet. r 15 v. nt nt,"
pa-sed April lfiih, A. Ii. 1S40. 1,'pon ihe petition
prisriitid and tiled in our court by Robert Orr,
John Dungim and Willi on Piunrnso Lsapi . Ci.m-
nnss;oi rrs uppoinlud as provide I in the net afore
said re ii sen'mti "ihat ivheiea-i it iippe irs from
(be ri coids in the nll'ice nf die Src.e'a y 1 1 lln- Latul
Cllk-e in Pennsylvania, that William I. B tip
plied for, nnd look not of the Laud Olliee nloresaid,
lilti en via r .nts, all bra in: .Int.- Nov. IS. 17D:J in
Ihe name of John Brcady. Ti.imn Ilam.ltoii, Wil
liam P. B'cadv, John Boyd, Will am Wilson, Ben
ianrn F. Youne, VYillncn Grsy, Willi nn Coo!',
Esi , John fond. n. Bomird Hubby, 'Th iina
G nut, Alexander llun er, S iiimil Sett June
Hepburn, .lohn Cars n; and n'so the live (..ow
hit; wairmts, n t I c iiiri; d .Ic M irch 14, 1794, in
the names i if 'Tl.omns Reese, 'Thomas (irint, Sam
in I Scott, 'Thomas Hamilton, Jeremiah Jack on, for
four bundled aeii s i.ach, mljoininu i -nth other ir.
their programme eider, n turned in Northumberland tis t'e-enbed mid m t for h in tlie ceilifn: ,'.es
nllta xdl to Kitd petition, ni'inlend 12i8l nnd
whereas il np ears by a rei i i: t in tl.e i (lice i f llic
Secretary of ill. Lau.l Oil'i e. nf re-aid, date I June
2, 1 791, a cerl ficate win re f is als i to sa d p.ei imi
urn e.'.', Ibal V. illiam P. paid into ll.e I.ann
'll'ice tifores Tid X200 in Fpet ie, lor sad twii.'v
tiaets. nnioui.tiii? in all to S0U0 acrc, tiu iber
w ills 10 i fiice fees ; ni 1 h.-ieus it a'so appears
by the certifii iitt s of the slid William P. B.udy.
lenaliv exeiot d uii l ackiioiv ted.'cil, l, dut.'
August 13. ISilS, ihe ame w! eieof is annexed to
the petition, that the twe. ly wariaots lib vc men.
limed were all aid by t':e said William P. Brady,
ns the aetil i f, aid tor ti c ie and bel l fit of .1 il:ii I
Nicl.ols n E-p, I n the so'e i se uii.l bei i lit nf si i I
Nichols, ii. and was p i l for wilh moro-y p'aifd in i
its 1 anils lor that purpose, nllln.uh from the honks
in saul I, nil Ollu i ,
np ins that said Wd iani P.
B'iid rereiu d tr. iht for I! e punhasc n onev nf s ii.l
I warrants. 'I l.e p. Ini .in rs fnrdier represent. Ill .1
. die said William P. Bin.'y. the witness which the
l peleinneis have for proof of the ficts staled in the
j ubnve bill is now vi ry uiti .1 i i.d intiiui, the petition-
' i r- lliiTiO. to I.I..U lit., O. nrl ll.l ii.ul1 I.f.
iraincil lu lote said fouit lo t.ike the testimony of r e of ihe I u ' nn sislein, i.ti.l mere prelemh is 'o
ihe sa:J William P. Biady, now of the county nf j medical knowbde. Dr. I lar'ich, h nv. vcr, iscel.
lii liana, and state of Pennsylvania, touching ihe I "'e l -imunt? the Ger nan ficuliy as a man of the
;.lore-iiid iwen y tracts of land, nn due iiotne ther.
of to all prisons uiteresie.l, that li e same w II he
enured of record in sard c. urt at Harris! uig, and
perprtualid cgricably lo the d'icction of ihe Con
stitution nf tins Cointnntiwrahli, un I ihe nets nf
.Wendy in sich cise made a. d provided, und to
ni die such furilu r rules a. d orders In r. in ns to tlie
('oil. t . h ill siem just and proper, Ac.
Wl.ert up n, January 20, Is 1 1, the foregoing pe
tition being lead ill open, and the r.-fiderne
ot the pcisoi.8 interested In Ihe lands then in men
tioned not bcini; known, ihefou t ore. r and d'neil
liiut a ude be n i r. d lo all p.ira.s oi pirsons in'e
re lid in sa d lands, lo .shew c.iu-e thi, cni.r!
t i be l e d ut Hair.! II g on the second Mon.l y i l
Apnl next, why the tistnnuiiy shall ina t!ico uud
ttiere be pcprlualed as nj (died fot ill raid s ti:ioii,
and ihe couit further older that a copy of the said
role and order be piU-l shcj in one daily newspaper
in tl.e ciiy if Phi ud lphij, oi e d..y in iac!i wnk,
lot six weeks su. cetsiicli , ai d once a week for ll.e
sum- peri ul in a wuk! i.ewspij r piii I. .1 m Nor
ihoinh rl nd fotinli, (v.bc.e l.e laud liis,) p'ior
lo li e sain si con I .'.lotul.y in Apiil . evt.
'. Hi ess ihe i) in J m a !i il, Ai.t'.ony, Ju.'ite of
oin i -ici t.ouit at ilo- fi-oouuh if 11 f. Is'. ui.-,
thi.- I'.v. r;i:illi ,.:. ot ,l.ii.tin , . . D. one lloiu
san I !iuii.:ie.! an I I- rl v o- i .
;io- tuv
11 f
T a .i i tin . t i n- M.-.i-h of ihe hoi.m-!
- Y , f . ln.r-. , m. il c (i h in.-l , tl.e f .11 w 'i! w
uiii.niinous v a.i. p'e.l :
V. ii i :i- i, . i ii I r:" Ti.U- e , t
an itn; trie r,
i ban kill I- p' e i . i i :e;a:it i.i l!
:, si .ai bo. k oui. s, 'I.,
lit tolvii', Tt at in'i let w:l I
CllUlf . I Ii.
eh ired 011
! in: 1 r. n,
-; 1
at Col. It s th I l,.t t : .'t o s
111. Iilhs, am! Ill t t er
w 1 I be I a! 1 11 .1 1 1 . r .
tic rh. rji d on a!: 1 al i,t , s
! ni;
. 1 coin
a,,.! ll,
it i.
s 1:1 oi, I jol.s :
' III 1 IT l Will 1
in ... thai! J
si in ioihs si oi ;r .
Il.i:!nd, Tl.iit ll".- nibs.-.ihei, will sir
!n le 1 1 Ihe ni oif ude, nnd l!i..t not ee of l . t.o
1 e o i 11 in ll.u 1,, w.- 1 per- 1 f l! Is j I e.
HEN'tiY Yo I ilElVE
JO!IN YoflNti.
JOilN 111 l( -'A R,
ii. b. vas-er.
i:i:nj. hendrick.4.,
.E n. 2.1. mn. JAfOIl KHAWN.
Lion YfrriT"--
JElfSONS hi.'e! led lo ihe lite firm i.f H. B.
,M ..ei & ( '1 , aie : g'iin irouested 1 1 call and
I settle, liel. re ill ir nccunls re p'r.ced ill the hands
' of a r.iugik in1 for col e. lion.
! H. B. MA-ER,
Jp. IG, 1SII. 11. MAssER.
! Tao;"i3-'' u: ciz: ls o ,
9S In 1 1 hy given l.t ail whom it may e i .cuii that
1 ban piiiein se.l at f 01. - a! le's S ale, in An
j uu-U lownsnip, , oill. inn! rlu d eoiin'v, the
j Xnntle '!,!:, v I. ih was sol I n the pr. c rly ol
j .lames FatiMwoilli. n d thai I have loaned the same
j to the .a d .1 ino s cti' i vi n.v pleasure.
I AuaiisU, D.e. 211. is It'.
1'OR (Miristmas end New Via.' Gifa.
Zinc in .heels. Km . .,. hy H. B. M A.SSE ll.
' Dec. mher 21. 1-- I0.
I ;;hsw eiooios.
j "W l'--'T hEt.'KIVED a new and su'-.idid i-cou-;
jj mint ot Calicoes, Mus'vn -, ,f'. - ,;,e ai
i lie slo e of HV.'NRY YOXTHIMEK.
! October 3 1. ss Ti. tr,
j VolIi.V iJtM)ENr "
! JTkF the laic! inaiiulacture, consistins in pait of
' V 11 K Cal VJlie y 0! f lotos, Csiineies, Sat 11
: I ill. Mclili.e-s, Klannel Moiiseliu do Luines, Ac,
Just received and loi sale at ihe store of
Oct du r 31, 1850 tf.
1ST RECE1N ED a luge and general s-Mr'-
V tnenl of Cioceiles litiuors Ac Tor s lie nt the
OcloU-r 31, IS40. tl-
AINTS. and Dye StulU, auf.jly just j
received and lor tain at tl.e si r of I
Vlohci SI,, j
d im ) ii J", c on 3j 1 1 1 "t:osj x-r v,
I'tniii.) lvnnls.
rClIFI' Sl'BKCKIBEK icHctfolly informs t!.
M. I nlitic. thst he his rcniocd from the town et
Cuttawissa to Diinville, and that he haspurAkSi i
in that pLce, the Lar';e and Coiniiiodioim
U It I C IC H O V S K ,
at T'tt eo't"tri cr mu.l smii maiikrt sTiifKT,
fOoiins'tc. tl.e Court-House, J
I deli he h - fil'cl up bv the r-wiioi
x1-i..-iv" H t'AMLINO f"rth F.nt-r
&t;t:nmcii of 'i'r.i
,.- V.s.t rt.
...I w ; . lp t'
;'it.. I ...t n '-
He I i.'-w : rco ire.l to ,uv, il -
fivnr hi. o with .1 call, nnd L ' !
.i . -
linn); in Ills (.owe so It ii" t.'U i n i . -. i,.n ( p s
Ctl-tomers conif.iri'ibl.' ,, 1 : i v ;,! i t n: I a
rne. His iccoiiitnodaitiin . -n i.p'. , -.n t im.. r..i:, ,
lor. shed i i ino 'ern yli . iti I h , i .. ri i t i '.. -t.
nnined P.n! his e,-'i l:sit.n-ni o i'l n-' nil
keep up ith the t'. ivi.n -epuMii m and i.n. n t juce
of die town io wbic!' it is loe t d
His Taiilv. wi I I e npi.'...t with every luxury nf
the s. asori. nod th-s l-e-t fid rhoiee t vir.ety lh.
market can afford. II. s Bin wi!. be st re' wi 11
at! the h'-t articles that eon le furi-shef by nur
eiHis. nud tbo whol will be s-ich as ti givn sa is
factiou to every one.
Well knowing it at an rn'igh'ene 1 pohlu-. will
idwjia ju.liie f t Ihem-elves. h.t fee's confident tha
liny will favor him their p.tronage.
D mil , Jon. 30.
"BTL'S'T Received Meuno, Br"die, and Chen'.l o
se.i Otter, Seal and Sealette Caps.
A l irco assortment of Darn ('hinlzes.
French arid English Merinnos, A -. Forsilc at
he st,j:e of II. V. MASSEI,
Nou mbr 7. 18 10.
iT AY hear of a so..d situation, titty miles Irotn
IVjJi. Sunbury, in u new settlement, whrre ho
wool. I iilitain a loui; Ii ase of a s i all G list Mill, and
have a Farm mlj. lining, by ir.quiiini; of
October 10th, I S 10, Ct
TilE success which h-.s afcn.lcd I he n?o nf Dr.
Ullrich's German Aperient and Compour.d
j rfreiiirthcnintr Tonic is truly nstoni-hinir. It
is i o vain li.otst lo say llns medicine has prive l by
its hip- y ilTcts in the cu'e of a va'iitv of diseases
lo h eh tin- hutnAii (raine is Ii r le, lo !v su
perior lo the many pre;i ita ions h. fore tin1 pu' l.c.
Many i.f these piep .r.itions me Coinpi unded hy it
I'ivi.luals who ar. imsinvc'v ignorant ...f the mvsti-
Lipnist scai.tilic a'l.iii.m. nt--, -and cpially dis'in
Itnislied throimhitiit E :rope, as a successful me 'ieal
pr.ieiitioin r. sp in m st ol tl.e year.; of a useful life
in the ui) il silioii ol such know b due as micht pioio
le in in ial lo Ii ! f !'o v eieatur s. In the i il s which,
l.e i..v. i.leJ, m:J which bear his name, the public
are ii'surid of an article thai possesses more than
o liiii.iry virtuis. From the ncUnowIcdgcd la!er.(a
of ihis invent ir, n thiin; less than a tooJ article
null hi. exp'-cied ; and tin- experience if rnativ
je irs has ull'or. ed of tlie viritud i"f
hi' inid cii e. In fi nnanv .-.nd i ther pails of Eu
ro; e, its r ut ition is e t .hi shed. In Ihis eounlry
into wh'eh it has hut been rccei.t'y iniri'dn-cd, ; n
r.ip'dly gaining the m.i-t substan'.ial lepulaitoa. 'J'lio
num. ion- e. rt licates of cures nf t! u most o'.Mina'e
docs, sellected by the ne of Ilarlich's Pills, which
the propriitor is constantly receiving, i-i proof of tho
fact. Day alter day hericenri new testimonials
of their ellic icy, and week ni'ter week increase the
demand fur them. This is u it inero assertion ; in
nunietable ci rtilicates are 0.en for the h.sp. elioii of
I c pu lie, io,. t.i tloulus ol any who are skeptical
can i e iciu .vc! ti
c .
in.l.-g i hem rn. ihe nliicu nt
Irie r .prietor.
'i e t a!.e tl.eli-er.y, then, of sujsosuni; lo c v ry
t'iiiiilv, that they make use ot Or. Ilarlich's I'd
l et i.i. ui keep a supply con tanilv on hand, to I t,
.Is' d oic.l-i'iii deminJs and ti.ey wi'l i. i' .,v
i!is i.iost u ...p.ivocl j ro. l's , f utility. .V rat
1 i iiu ipal i lli.e lo
ou't I 1 .04 .'.Sit I .
We-u',11 iv- 1.
In i'E
Oc ..In ? t 'I.i
the Un ud S;at.s, No. Is)
: 1. i n-.
!'i!i: .!
I :
Why lv ii . I
; ttlid ( ii'r;.. .11 .
1S1 A.
slllll 1
' 1' 0 ai I r I' . ;.. . , .
f 1 1 C i..", ,t;.' ( ,'; . " t .
.. a wi olis.i.n ' ... .. . : ,.. I - .. ..
-J -!-a-.n i .: e.l :.
, ef l;e 1 lli, n s ile Hint . 1, 11 ! c ! 01 S'.
Im'i je-lh'li, .0 : ill hi iii.ich iijiiin! .! .,. . r
un ! p . .11:0. ! :!,e wla la ty ..!.
Becj..e l ey s.-..;la tin- n. IM S of sen- ill I '
i'tll I
v a d
1 lo !l!j 1. 1 ,',i'.,s .1 1 ..,,i, 11, impart in. o iheir ,
su:. !e iluid i's r..;i e t I1. n o'.mioi .- ...
I and cle rncs- uf m no.
j E.cao-e Tu.-y 1 . ver dcsl.-.iy Iho f.... m t ,.
m..e!i uiiii ho.M I-, as nh tti.-. 1 purg..-'. .v. d. .
I Ee t'Us.- se.ence nr.d eTpeuence t. ac, ns 'li .t no
' "ie ie purgative alone will inro 'he discasi ,.f t'm
j st inach and nerv. s. Weakness is the primary
: eau-e ot a h.t ot d'seases. and. by c 'ii inn c
: "iti ,g to Drnttie porgativ t, you make ih- Ji.'caae
1 mijch worse, inste. d of I ett. r.
1 Because Dr. Ila'l'.c
Me.i aie p ut up up-
1 011 the common sense
principle, to 'Tie iiise and
; rerginen, wntcli i t!nj only couuo t puriiL' ta
t ll". l a c ite. Lastly,
; Because ihr,.. M.dicm.s really do c:te the dis
ease Inr winch ll ey are I. coiiunended. Principal
Otl'i e for the Coiled St ilea, is nt No. 1U Noilli
Ei;;hlh stuet, l'hil id, Iphia.
O. lobar 21, MH. ' A '.;.!.
Tiii: f A I S:OF 'DISEASE. 2
I Nearly nil el ,-s, , f ,'i,a-e, are cau-d by mum
, obslruct.on i i the, which p.event the i-atu-I
lar uud whole me op.ruioii c! :!-o aminil fonc-
ti i s. 'Th s sac nf the sysiem, u J.m ase, which
j is maiiif.ate.l in a .riely r.f forum, in io or less
m .1 an' their ctuiracie'. 'i'o r. store the system
' ". a state ol In al b. then, i is only 11. ce sarv U u-
move ihe nils' of ili.-e.i-r, nnd the end i sc.-oin-
pishid. I lie uuse is o'.s rm-iioii souii wh re. j n s
1 .an In- n nioie.l I y puigalion, winch is 'he
j in; alls tint sh. u d be r. r ed to. I re ins '. - ,0 es J
by teas ai, and l y 1 i.lura. Dr. 11 ulicn's "-t en 'a
i tliiiij; and (ieiuiiii A erienl Pilis, ie alliove l l v
j Ilo tti. u-simls who have Used Ihein, lo he tin. hex-
I nig . tied ii'td li .e in ciistetico. li.e iu e, 1, ey
I not only r mote ail oi.siru. 110m. and purge ti.e ; :
' lem fits iiupiir.lics, but, because, and winch n ex
j lu ine1 v inip,.iain, siiciiLliieu and cue propel tone
1 to .he sj ji.ich, and pr. Juce a heub'it . n ',1 of u!
, the 1 a. Is. Ues de.-, they aie so mild and freoifo in
I lio ii 0m ra 1011, !. to lend, r ilieiu nt all ii pes s per
. I- Ol) tu.'e su I desirable n inedy. '1'l.e unl
would ilo vvt'l., turn, to pu. chase a 1k or lit,, ot
iU' m.'Jnioe, and uive ii a t'tir trial, 111
stesd if 1!. ruing I !..r .teni with cti-rrjiieti
tofce tif 1 al.miel, mi l oilier dru ;s, a :.j ari jus Io
humsii life and lispp mss,
Tcj uUie mtslecine f .1 s de at the Dmg ators of
HENRY YOYniP.l .U.i..
tict. .11, 1340. .Iff it.