were made simullsr.lousty lo pierce through it. llui the layer having been entirely removed by about 8 o'clock, the works of the lateral trench were abant tloned. Immediately under the layer thus di m dish ed, we found a sirong slab 6 feet 7 J inches long 3 feet wide nnd five inches thick, forming the interior nrciphngus containing the coffin. This slob per feclly sound, was impounded by an edging of blocks of stone, and Roman cement strongly fastened lo the wall of the vault. This lost piece of misonry having been carefully removed, and two bolti hav ing been fixed on Ihe si .b, every thing was teady by half past nine for opening the sorcoph igus. Dr. Guillaid then puriH. d the loinb by sprinkling chlor ate uflimo abjut it; end Ihe slab, by order of the English Commissioners was raised by means of crane, and lodged on the edge of the tomb. M As toon as the coffin was visible, all pre-ent un covered their hea 's, und the Al.bc Coquerau sprink led holy wutcr and recite J the "Do PiofundU" The Commissioners then descended to inspect the coffin, which they found well preserved ; but a small por tion of the lower part, which although it was on a strong slab tint rented on blocks of st. no, was slightly decayed. Some sanitary precautions hav ing been again Ink en by the surgeon, an exp ess was acnt olT to his excellency (he Governor, to inform him of the progress of the oprealion, and the coffin was drawn up by hooks and cords, and carefully transported beneath tent raised for its reception. At this moment, the Almoner, received the body ac cording to the ritca of the Catholic Chuich. The Commissioner then inspected the sarcophagus, which was certified to be in a perfect slate of pres ervation, and entirely conformable to Ihe efficial de scriptions of the burial. Toward 1 1 , the French Commissioner had assured himst If that hi excel, lency the Governor had aulhoriz d the ojiening of Ihe coffin. Conformable to the arrangements made, ne removed with jirecaution the first coffin, in .vhich we found a coffin in lead in good prcserva. ion, which we placid in that which h d been sent rom France. His exccl'cncy, the Governor, ac ompanied by hisstatT, Lieutenant Middlcmorr, his id do camp and secretary, and dipt. Barnes, major f the pi ice, entered the tents to be present at the 'Pining of the inner Collins. " The upper put of the leaden coffin was then ut, and ruised wi ll the grcattst precaution: within I was found a coffin of wood, in very good slate, nd corre-ponding lo the descriptions nud recollec ons of the person present, who had assisted at the (trial. The lid of the thi d coffin having btcn II cd, there was found a lining of tin slights' oxyd ed, which having also !ccn cut through and ra scd, 'lowed us to sec a sheet of white satin, this sheet as rnia.-d wi h the greatest ptectution by the hands 'the doctor only, and ihe entire body of Napoleon pcaied. The features li id SuiTrtd so little as to ' immediately recognized. The different objects posited in the coffin wete remarked in the exact sitions were they hud been placed ; ihe hands ;re singularly well pretcrvid ; the uniform, Ihe 01--s, the hat but little changed . the whole persou, fact, seemed to indicate a recent inhumation. e body remained exposed to the air for only, at at, the two inincU necessary for the surgeon to c the measures prescribed by his instructions in 01- preserve it fioni all fur,h r alteration." "price cthuext. Corrected weekly by Henry Yuxlhciiner, MfllKAT, - 80 lit r., 50 (Iiih, ...... 40 iJits, 25 PoBK, ...... 5 Fi.AXsr.r.11, 100 DuTTKH., ..... 11 BkkswaT, ...... 2." Tallow, ..... 12J Diutn Arr1.1t, - . -75 PsAciiks, ..... 200 Flit, 8 1Ikcklf.ii Flax, .... Jo TO THE .1FFLWTED. THOSE who ore stlT ring from various diseases icidcnt lo the I timnn family, would do vtell (n irocure Dr. Hurirh'i Compound Strttigtftrnintr 'ml Uermun Aperient Villi, which nre so jire minently recommended for Dyspepsia, Liver itoinplainl. 1 aitie in 1 lie side, buck and breast, Vervious AtV-ctioiis, Head. Ache, and all Ihc tlis as( oJ the Stomach and Howl. Pamphlets may e obtained gratis, which contain full and explicite ireclions fur using. The render in referred to sev ral very interesting certificate of cures in this a er, which may lie relied upon, as they are l iken ruin lha origiuul. Fur a tie at No. 11), NORTH JIGH TH street, Philadelphia. HENRY YOXTHEIMER. " C.ood Will I'lrc Company." HUE niemlters of the G od Will Fire Cum- piny are requested lo meet at the Cnti t louse, on .Saturday Evening, January lfilh, at fi 'clock precisely, by rcqtirsl of tinny ineinbcis. 'unciu.il attendance it required, business of im mrlunce will be transacted, J. II. ZIMMERMAN, Director. LAST 1TMI2j7.. JERSONS imlehied to the 1 He firm of H. II. I M asser A (Jo - are ncrnin timi.ttil t,.,.li -,,,1 'tile, before their accounts are vlaced in the h .n U 'i a niagi r.ie lor collection, II. 0. MASTER. Jan. 1G, Ifiil. 11. MASSER. C1AME lo the premise of the subscriber, about ) ten days since, five gee-r, viz : Three white main, commonly called pander, and two prey f.: mule, known simply by the name tf- geese." 'The owner is hereby notified lo come forward, prove property, pay charges, ami take litem awnv. JOHN RAN DELS. Sunbury, Dec. 22, 1810. S hereby given to all whom it may concern that 1 havt purchesej at Consist le s hale, in Au gusta township, NoilhumlerUnd county. One Mantle Cluck, which was sold as ihe. pr erty of J nines Farnswoilh. and that I have loaned the same to the said Jauies during my pleasure. PUR MA N F A R N s W ORTH. Augusta, Dec. 23, 1810. A1T1TTTAL3. IOR Christmas and New Ycui' (iifis. Ilulfloti Robes. Zinc in .heel. For alc by II. Li. MASst'lI. Dccimbei 21, 1840, -fiL'M ELASTIC bhocs, largo asoil ff ment, Wperm Oil, best quality Uonks, of all descrip ion, riilks, black and Cjloured. Stair Carpeting. Cotton Carpet, . , Carpet Chain, of a'l col rs. Ssd llery, a genetal asiortmcnt. Eliplic Springs. ('oach Lamps. C irii g II tods, Brass Joints, Drass Dashers. Patent leather. Just received and for s 1I0 at the store of . D. MA SHE It, Novi.mber 14, 1810. tf SRA1TBEE.RIE3. jlliESH Craulu rries, just received and for sale ovctnber 14, 1810. tf ESTATE OP ELLAS BREWER, DECD OTICB is hereby given lhat letters of admin istration up ill Ihe rstato of said deee scd Iihvo been a ranted to the subscribers, by the !' nister 01 orlliunre.lainl county. All p rsons having demands ngiinst said e-tatc, wi'l piesent tlirm, pro. Jteily autheiiticateil to either of Ihe subtenhers at thoir residence in Auuusta township. HENRY BREWER. . , . , ABIMHAM BREWER, j u"nl" IS Novcm'er 14, 1840. Gt IXFOKMATION f ANTEI ). A N V person having any information concerning - Bryan Sheehy, a native of Ireland, aged from 19 to 22, of fine complexion, will confer a fuvor bv informing his brother, Rodger Mioeliy, by letter tlircctetl to Ilarnsliurg. I'a. OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENGLAND OIL COMPANY No. '2A North Water Street, Pliila. ANIJFACTl'RERS nnd dealer in Oils of every d'criplioii both fr buniinir and tii.iiiuliicitirini! purposes, which will be sold much lower llinti they cm be procured elsewhere, and wi.rrouted In ijiinlity to eipiul any in the city. Any oil sold by he compiry not proving as ic, rest nted, may be relumed without any expense to the pur ch iser, and the money will t o icfuiided Their slock now in store consists of the follow ing nils, viz : 30 000 gallons Winter Bleached Speinr wn, RilOO do do do do do do do (J. lo.lerM Oil, Fall and Sprinu Sperm Oil, Winter Sea Elephant, do Pie.sed Whale Oil, Summer it do do Common Whale Oil, 15.000 10 000 20,000 nooo 15,000 200 Bjrrcls supi riiii Strnit4 Oi1, 300 do Cod Hank O I, 50 do Nea s Foot O I, 75 C'a-ks Olive Oil, Tanner's "lis 3 0jTliis Company ha a ntimlier of Vessels' cn g itej in the Cod Fishery, and Tanners may rely U; 00 petting at all times Oil as pure as imported. Philadelphia, Nov. 7, 1S40. ly. ATTENTION. riTHE sMcial attention of buyers fiom the south L and west, ai;d for the state trade, is respectful ly invited lo the following assortment of GOODS, which the subscriber will dispose ofatsuih prices as will amply repay his friends for calling hiid ex amining his stock. To CASH purchasers, at the I rc-ent time, extraordinary inducements will be of fered. 200 pieces heavy variegated Spanish mailing. 500 pieces Canton malting, asoitcd 4-4, 5-4 and G-l white, checked and flowered. 1000 hearth rug-i. a Iciulilut assortment i f Wil ton, Brussels, Tul'tid, Turkey, and Hemp rus. 200 pieces wo i n, worsted, cotton, hemp, in grain, Venetian and block Carpeli igs. Ail elegant variety of W ilton, llmssels, Sco'.ch and Enijlioli, Veiie ian, Damask, tVc. &e. 1000 doziii men mid boys caps, comprising a gn-i;t varcty of Fur, Seal, Nutria. Muskral, and Coney, Hair. Sealelle and Cloth Caps. 100 dozen Allicant Mats, assorted sizes. 1U0 do Mauillt do do do 50 d Sheep-skin do do do 30 bad s French B ske.s, compriring every de s; ripli 111. 500 pair Venetian Blinds, ass'd fi jiues and colors. 3000 pat, nt do do do 1000 i.ests Cabas or S itiheli, ass'd, cmbo-sed leather, struw and nil el ill'. 5000 d zen Combs, a-ntrted tortoise shell. Bra zil Jail do h rn, ivory, brass und wood, cmprisiug a large assortment if every variety. 3000 dozen Whips assorted wagon, gig, car riage, sulky, planters, drovers or riding, of gut, lea ther mul thread, w ith German silver, gilt, ivory and bone mountings. 11100 dozen pvntcd pails, Wilson's brtnd. 1000 nests ccd ir Tubs a d Buckets; ulso, ('hums, Pigging, Water Cans, cVe. The abote tocetliet with an extensive assortment of finty g.Hids, Brit'.ania and German silver ware, feather and lri.;Ui Brushes, Looking Glasses, Ma hogany and Gilt Flames, of eveiy siz' and descrip tion, are maiitiftitured, imported, and si beted ex r.rcssly foi the southern, westi rn and stn'e trade. J. SIDNEV JONES, No IS North 21 street, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, November 7, 18 10. ly. G. V". & L. 3. TAYLC?.. FKER FOR SALE, at the Suth Em Coi tier of Fifth und Market Streets, FhiluJtl- p It 111 Mens' Calf-sUin Hoots, stitched warranted, d) J 1 do tvged d d i do do water o.f, d, u! le. sole, and doub'c tippers, do CalC-i-kill do do d j nailed B id Up) ers. do Heavy Water Leather Boots, d 1 do Neats tlo do. d 1 Higti tpurler SIicoj, ( 'a l-kin. do do do ('rockers do do Fine Monroes wnrrante.l. do K p do tlo do C If do do do Cob so do do do do Shoes do do Fine do - d do Kip tlo do do I'alf snd Seal Skin Pumps. do L st Socks w ith und without soles. do Carpet da d tlo d,i Patent WarranteJ Wuli r-proof Moccasins, Ladies' do do tlo dj Ladies' tanned India Rul ber shots. Gentlemen' do (v, r shoes. Willi every other desc iplion of boots and shoe Fur Caps i f every description. Travell.ng Trunks of every description. Vencti Hi Travelling Bhs. Paienl Gum liU.tn !iioc I'll.'ii7. II nun-, ill" 11 kiiid. t'.din Le.it ll.,. I'hdidclphu, No t-nibci 7 fie Iti. ly. CITV AUCTION AND COMMISSION STORE. Kumber 29 AVA Third Street, rhihdclphin. PUBLIC 8 ALES of Dry Goods, Hardware anil Cutlery, Books, Stationary, Clothing, B.ol, Shoea and Hats, and In short nlmnsl every description of go.xls, are held at this establishment every evening Goods ore nbo aold at ptiva'e sale during the tiny at the average auction prices. Store keepers and trader will find it to thoir advon'oge by attending the sab'. C.C. MACKEV, Auctioncc. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. V. tfc A. KOVOUDT'S Cliina, Classen J Liverpool Warcliousc. Ko 1G4 Nurti Th.nl strrrt , third floor below Vine ttrect, 1'hiluilclphia. TTTHERB they constantly keep on hand a large assortment of China. (Jluss ai d Livens, I Ware, which thev will disnoso of on the mn.1 sonahln terms. Philadelphia, November 7, 1810. TJIIiOPII.US GULP. Manufacturer ninl Imporler of .Sad. tilery, Hardware, &c. .Yo. 5 South Third utrect, fiiur roo'i liciotr Market 1'hiludtljihiu' KEEP constantly on hand a large nnd general assortment Conch Lamis. Ciirri me Bands. Alo Arm. Eliitic Sfrinus. Patent Leather. c. (otuntry Merchant and saddlers will lie supplied at nil times on the most le.isonable term. They will find it to their advantage to Call and examine hi assortment b. fore purchasing elsewhere. riulauYlphia, INovrmlier 7, 1840. ly. REYNOLDS, McFAKLANI) & CO. NYliolesale Dealers in Forcitrii Hritish and American Dry Ooods. .Vo 105 M.irket ttrect, Vhitudclphia. COUNTRY Merchant, and other csn be sup i!ied at nil times with an extrusive a-Hort-tnunt of the besl nnd most fashionable (;oo.ls HI, 111 tiie nio.-t reasonable lerm'. Pbil.ide'iihia, Novcmlier 7, HI0. ly. J". S. KCEDAB.A. Win ilesale Variety a ml Triininin Store Sit. 44, Surth Fourth near Arch it., l'hilndi Ipiiu. INHERE Ci'untry Merthant and other can be SU 'llliill. St lillll'S. Willi lufM ,,MU,rli. rtf of Hosii ry. Gloves, Merino, Cotton, and Woolen 11111 ami urivu-r, .pool (; ,on. Patent Thread. Col'on Colds, Un ions, Tapes, Bindings, Hook and Eyes. Pins. eve. And a geiientl van. ty of ue- lul articles, vwncli he oil rs tor suK-at Ihe lowe.-t ,rice. Philadelphia, November 7, 1610. ly. Ki.7 & SP.OTHEP.O, No. W Chesnut Street, Pliiladelpliia. AT rilO constantly keep on hand a I irge assoit- meutofLaw, Me.licil. 'J'heol eieal, School, and Mii-cellaiipons Books, I tank. Uonks, and all kinds of stationary Lotintiy coslonieis nnJ others supplied on the most renor ble term. Philadelphia, Novemlter 7, 1840. ly. ES11EKICK, IIANSELL &. COS. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS STORE. No. ltUi l-a Market Street, Phila. (.oif Fifth South tide) LWAYS keep on hand a full sn.l general ni si rinienl of llo-iery, Lace, and Fancy Goods, ountiy Merehants are respoc-fu'dy requested lo give lh, in a csll snd examine for them elves. I hiladelphia, NovemUr 7, 1 S 10. ly. speuinc;, C.OOD Ac CO. No. las Market Street, Philadelphia. NVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their extensile assortment ol Uiiti h French nil American Dry (io sls, which they tiller lor sale on the ni.x-t reasonable, terms. Philadelphia,, November 7, 1840. ly. PETEll DEWEES, LAST MAKER, No. 7 1 Callowhill Street, Philadelphia, ("Three diturt abort Second. J i HOE Findings always kepi 011 hand, which he 15 nil, rs lor snle tin the lowest terms. Country Merchant are particularly lo rail and judge for theuuelves. Philadolj hia, Novrmlior 7, 1810. ly. OLIVE!! N. TIIACIIEIL Agt. MANUFACTURE R OP IIATS, CAPS, &.C. No. 10 North Third Street, Phila. C 0;,potile the City J Intel. J HATS, Cats and Ladies' Furs, of every de-s-riplion, manufactured at very low prices, ami Country Merchants supplied at short notice. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. LOWER & P.AItUON, Importers and Dealers in Foreign and 'Domestic Hardware, No. 174 Nomth Third St hut, Pint tntLi'iu. AT H ERE thi ir friends and customers will always " find u larc and general assortment of Foreign and Dorn'stic HaidAsie, which they will st II at the louvtist prices, Phrled.lphia, November 7, 1810. ly. J . W . S W A I N , rmlirella and Parasol Manufacturer. .Yo. 37 Month Third ttrrrt, two doors It low the Cil I! Hotel, I'itiliidi Ipiiu. tlOl'NTRY Men bant and others are solicited ) to examine bis asoitment More purchasing 1 Ucm here. Phila ielpbia, November 7. I10. ly PETEP, CC1TCTEP, Wholesale and Retail Shoe, Round, and Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. .Yo. CC Surth "d ttreet, a few doors ubuve .Uctt, Fli.Ulelphia. A IX) Tin 11k', ('aipet lias ;id V slices, nf ev "v di .-etipiioii, ;dl til which be oilers lol ile on Ihe iiinsi m hh ,isble terms. Plitl i It I, hi i, Notembrr 7, t 1 . ly lich.irl Weaver JL Hon, ROPB MAKERS X SHIP CHANDLERS. So. 13 North Wutcr Street, 1'lnlodclphia. HAVE constantly on hand, a general assort ment of Cordage, Seino Th inea, ckc, viz : Tat'tl Hrtpe, Fishing Hopes, White Ropes, Manil la Ropes, Tory Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a conflicts Hssoilmei t nfS.lna Twine. eVc. such as Hemp Mind ninl Herring Twine, Best Patent Oil! Net Twine, Cotton Shad and Hening Twine, Sh Tbreait, Ac. cVc Also, Bed Coids. Plough Lines, Hnlters.Trict . Colt m and Linen C .rpei (hnins, Ac. all of which they will d.Meof on les-onahlc leims. Philadelphia, November 7, 1640. JitroU rrKiinilli Si. Son. RESPEC TFULLY inform th- ir friends nnd acquaintances geiicnilly lh it they sti l con tinue to kc p nt Ihe old stand. No. 210 North 3.1 street. Phila lelphia, all kinds of TOUACCit SNVFF AMI) SF.fi A KS. Which they will sell on the ni st accommodating end leison ibb; terms. N. B All coodt fold will Im en ir.inleed. 1111, 1 nil order prompt y alien, led lo. ""ail. iphia, November 7, 1M0. ly. Jonathan IS. Wain-' INfnfr. jV'tVrif.'U is hereby given, lhat letters nf athnin istr iti .11 de bonm win upon the tsln e of Jo nathan R. Waters, lute ul Slitunokin lowm-hip, Nor ihumVrland con ly, dee'd.. h ve this day hern granted by the Register of said county to the sub cribers. All per ons l aving i l.iim or dt minds a gainst the s id decedent, are reipirsted lo make known the same to them, without delay. VALENTINE KI.ASE. ELEANOR WATERS. ShnimdVn, Nov. 7. Gt. Adm's, r. J E R E M I A II V A S T 1 N E ' s" IMalc. "vTOI'ICE is hereby g ven tint the Register ol I T Ihe County ol Norlhumla rliiLd. hit this d.iv Kiaiitcd letters tiFlamen'arv to the sul.cribers upon the estate ol Jeicmtah Vi.s'.inr, of Rush township, in the siid county. All prison having demands or claims ngiiu t the said decedent are inpustcj to make known tliessme to them without delay. ELIZABETH VAS TINE. , THOMAS R. VAsTINE.S WILLIAM LEGIIOU, Point. Novemlior 3, mill, 0r, DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SHIP. "PTOTICE is hereby given that the pnrlric r-lip h-ietofore existing ui.dei the firm ai II. H. Mutter Co., is this day dissolved l y miilun! cons nt. The bonks, in ins. K will be'letl f r a shell limn in the hands id 1. J. Masr, foi collec tion ami s. tl tern, 'lit ; ufiei w hiili, li m, alien. led to, i hey wi 1 le plat ed in tho hands of a proper nll'iccr lor ihe aiwive purpos". November 1, 18 I.I. II. R. MASSHU, Will rotitii.lie in busiue-s kl the old tt.iinl. i lid respec iltillv iuviti h'n fiietuls nnd customers to a l.irue o-isortni. lit of New Goods, just leceived. N.ivtmVr 7, IS 10. 1TEV" GOOES. L'S'T Received Mcriuu, Brochc, and Chenille Shawls. Sea Otter. Seal and Seal, tie (!ti. A largo assortment of lurk Uhiiiixos. French and English Merinoos, Ac. For sile at he -lore of . li. MASSEll, Novcmlier 7, 1810. NEW GOODS. ITST RECEIVED a new and splendid assort- liient of Calicoes, Muslins. Vc. For sale at Ihe.toieof HENRY YOXriUMER, Oclolter 31, 1840. tf. V(ioisi:. )oi.v F the latest manufacture, cous.sting in part of a great variety of Cloths, Cassiniercs, Satti- iit Us, Merinoes, Flannels M niseliu de Laiurs, A'C, Just received and for sale nt the store of HENRY YOA THEIMER. Octolier3l, 1850. tf. (iroceiien. JL'S'T RECEIV EU a lirge and cener.d assort ment of Grocer ie liipiors fee.. For silo at the store of HENRY YO.Y 1 HEIMER. October 31, 1810. If DRUGS, JAINTS, end Dye Stull's, a fresh supply just recti veil una lor snle st II e l,.re ot H E.N R Y YO.Y THE! M ER. OctolK-r3l, 1840. if. A MILLER & FARMER AY hear of a good situation, liny miles from Sunbury, in a new settlement, where he would obtain u long b ase of a soinll Grist Mill, and have a Farm adjoining, by intuiting of I HE PKI.N I LK. October 10th, 1S10, fit .oliee. ALL ACCOUNTS remaining In my liooks previous to the fust of Apiil 1840, will be lefi in ihe hands of a Justice of the Peace for eolleetion. HENRY YOXTHIVIER' N. B. Grain of all kinds will be taken on old accounts. Sept. 12, 1810. If. corse W. I.avn, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MER CHANT, Ciiesxi'T .Srto.tr Wmiu, Harmihiu ru, IS prepared to receive G hmIs and PiOtluee al the new wan house, which his arrangement will en i ble him lo forward with tbspaich lo Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Wilhamsporl, A i.kesb ,rie, CiIuikIim, Liii 'a-ter. or any oilier point n iho I't nnsylv mi i snd Union Canals, and ihe Peniisy ivania and liar- rixburg and l.ancaster tail road. (ioods from l'hiludelihia for Harris! nig, Carlisle, ( luimb. rsburg, eke. ckc, forwarded with care and eipedition luti, I listi ii, Savt and I isii, coiislantly for sale. Sept. 0. llcniovul. nOOK-lll N I) E R Y. TIIE uiidirsigned have the gratification of in formii t; the )iublie, that notw ithstanding ll ey w, rn so unfortunate as lo have their bindery buinl down, in Match last, they have ojened very eitensive one, in Locust street, in the new building directly opposite Glenn's Hotel, Mid are piepartd lo execuie all woik in their line with despatcli, and in a sn peiior style. 'Their RILING APPARATUS and other Machinery are new, and of the first order and litesl improvements; and tiny feel a conli pence in tin ir facilities for giving ierfecl sulifac lion to all who m ly favor them with their order. Bunks, County ollices. Merchants, Mechanics and others, can he suppe d with BLANK llOOKsl of every description, which for riestns and dura bility, will be equal to sny nisde by the I 'tilled States. IllCKOK A CAN I IN E. , HA RRIBUIiG, Sept. 0. SHAXVXOKIN COAL. OK a very nip. rior tjuslity, cm be hud at sny time, by application to the aulmcrihvrs, in lol t suit .urchei. They keep large, egg, broken, and fine coal, fit for burning lime. J. II. PURDY & Co. Sunbury, Kept. 50. tf. tillOCKHIES, A ficsh supply of Groceiiea jilsl received and for Sale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept 12, 1840. if. .itJI-OttS.A fresh supply of Brandy. Gin, Poit, Lisbon, Tei erilf ', Madeira and Sherry Wines, just received and f ir sale by ' HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 1J. IS 10. if. TI'AA.V.S'. A new assortment nf 7-4, 7-8 oi. d .1-4 yard wide Muslin, just received snd lor I'Y HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1840 if. titl,ICftt:s.A new assortment of Calicoes just received and for sale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1840- tf. IHW.Y A good assortment of Bar Irou,just received and for sale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1810. tf. S.1.T. 250 barn Is and sacks of Salt, just received uu. , for sale bv HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, I H JO. If. Ct.OIHN.A general assortment of Cloth and Cassimeic., Constant y on hand ot the store of HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1810. tf. WrtK.1T, ill'K, CtHt.V and all other kinds nf Giain.and Seeds will lie taken at the high est jric s in exchange for gooil at the store ol HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, IS 10 f-tf. MACKEREL' A few barrel or M irkerel for .i'e at i low pr ce by II. B, MANSER, Sept. 12, 1840. HUSH SALMON. Ol Ihc best ipiably. con stautly on hand and for sale by H B. MASSER, Sept. 12, 110. MADEIRA WINE. Fust quality Madiera Wine, fir sale low by II. B. MASSER, Sept. 12, 1810. FOURTH PROOF BRANDY. A guiujTe article always on hand and for sale bv II. B. MASSER- Sept. 12, 1810- HOLLAND GIN', Of the best qu ility olway on hand ami for sale by H. U. MAS.ER. Sept. 12, 110. LOAF AND LLMP Sl'GAR. Always on hand snd lor sale by II. B. MASSE R. Sept. 12, 1M0. BOSTON SYRUP MOLASfrES. Ofa suiie rior quality, for site by 11. B. MASSE R, S..pt- 12, I8I. NEW ORLEANS fcUGAR HOUSE MO LAS3J2S. Ot the litst quality always on hand ar d for sale by H. B. MASSER, Sept. 12, 1810. BROWN SUGAR. Of a good quality, lor salt low by 11. B. MAS.-ER. Sept. 12, 1810. LIQUORS. Of all kind and of tho U-l quali ties, ulwuva on hand and for sale by II. B. MASSER. Sepl. 12, 1810. GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. Of the last quality always on hand and for sale by 11. B. MASSER. Sept. 12, IS 10. COFFI E. Java, Rio and Lauira Codec, con stantly on hand and for sale by li.B. MASSER. Sept. 12. 1810. SPERM OIL. Winter and Summer strained Sienn Oil, of the tot quality, nlways on hand and for sale bv 11. B, MASSER. Sejit 12, 18 10. STEEL. Cast and Bli-ter Steel, for sale by H. B. MASSER. Sept. 12, 1810. SPRING STEEL. Of various sues for Etiptic Springs, for sale by 1 II. B. MASSER. Sesl. 12, 1810. LARGE QUARTO BIBLES For sale at very reduced prices by II. B. MASSER. Sept. 12, 1810. BLANK BOOKS. Of all kind, for sale by H. 11. MASSER. Sept. 12, 1840. BLANK DEEDS. Bonds, Mortgage, Ac. for sale by II. B. MASSER, Sept. 12, 1840. JUSTICES' BLANKS. for sale by II. B. MASSER, Sept. 12, 1810. CLOTHS, Blue, Black. Invisible Green, Ax., for aide by II. B. MASSER, Sept. 12, 1810. CAS.sjMEEES AND SAT TIN ETTS. For side very low by II. B. MASSER. Sept. 12, 18 111. CARPETING. Eor sale cheap by II. B. MASSER. Sept. 15, 1840. BLANKETS For sale cheap by 11. B. MASSER, Sept. 13, IS 10. UNBLEACHED MUSLINS. For le by 11. B. MASSER. Seplcmlier 12, 1S1H. COTTON YARN AND COTTON LAPS Foi sale by H. B- MASSER. SeplemUr 12, 1810. HEMP AND COTTON TWINE. For sale by II. U. MASSER. ' September 12, 18 10- TOWING LINES. CORDS AND HOPE". For sale by H. B. MASTER. Scpunibu Vi, DH. Tr..iiNMM la(ion Line TO BALTIMORE. (VIA 1IIIK WATkll CA!AI..) Warehouse fool of Chmnul Street on the Tcnn tylvuuia CannL A BOAT I. avt (he wharf of the itb riber eve ry mortiing ut N o'clock, running through to Haiti more in ihree day. Consignment ol produce, iron, Ac, will receive a despitch by thi lin", which has not hitherto been equalled by any other. Rate of freight aa low a by any other regular line. Reference i JOHN W. BROWN, -t BUCK & HER It. I , . KERNAN A STILLNIGER. Diu"!e J. A A. II. HERR. J Gmids intended for Pittshurg, or any rmint on the Pennavlv.iiii fsnnlu mOM i. .i.i. i ...:.! . ..... ln )i,,n;u Wllltuuk delay on ihcir arrival at Harrisburg, as this con nect with the North American line of Portable LI on Is to Pillsburii daily, and with the Suaquehan- . na Packet Line to Northumberland, Williamsport,' Wilkesbnrie, and all intcrindiate place. GEORGE W. LAYNG. Harrisburg, Sept. 0, 1810. Worlis ol Mature. IN a sttte of health the intestinal canul may lie compared lo a Sver whose water flow over the ad joining land, through the channels nature or art lias made, and improve their qulilio; nud to keep up the comparison of tho river, so long as it runs on smoothly the channels are kept pure and healthy; but if by some cau-c ihc course of the river is stop ped, then tho water in the canals ii n longer (Hire, but toon becomes stagnant. 'There is but one law of circulation in nature. When thrre is a super abundance of humorial fluid (srrocity) in Ihe intes tinal tubes, and co-tiveness lakes jilace, il fl ws back into the blool vessels, and infiltrates itrclf in to the circulation. 'To establish tho free course of the river, we must remove the obstructions which stop its free course, und tho e of its tributary stream. With the body, follow tho samo natural principal ; ri move, by Ihnt valuable purgative medicine Jiran dixth Universal Vegetable Fills, which are an cf f, ctuul assistance of nature, the superabundance of humors in the intestine eannl. liy persevering in this practice, the ways of the citculttioii will then be testored to the full exercise of their natural func tions, and a state of heolth will he firmly establish, ed Remember, never suffer a drop ol blood to bo taken from you- Evacuate tho humors as often ami as long as they arc degenerated, or tis long as you are sick. Dr. Brandreth's Office in I'hiladi Ipliia, is at No. 8, NORTH EIGHTH street, where his pills can bo had at 2ft cents ,er Ikjx, with full directions. 0"7' nly agent in Sunbury, is 11. B. Masser Esqr. Sunbury, Sepl, 9, 1810. C'erlilicatcs of Agency. THE following are the duly apiintcd agent in their respective counties, for the sale ot Brandreth's Vegetable Universal rilh. Northumberland county : Milton Mat key A Ch.tmlreilin. Sunbury H. B. Masser. MEwcn villc Geddes, Gict n A Walls, Georgetown F. Midhng.'r A. Co. Union county : Lewisburg Wall A Oeddc. Mdlliuburg Pcllmm A Beeklv. New Berlin John M. Benfer. Sclinsgrovc Eyre & Co. Mid dleburg Isaac Smith, Lycoming county : Williamspirt John Smith, Newberry M. A J. C. Funston. Muney .V. A. Pclrican. Jersey Shore Jamc H. Hepburn. Columbia county : Danville T. A E. B. Rey nolds. Ca'tuwissa C. A. Brohts. Hi-rwitk Shti man A Ritleuhouse. Blonmsburg-John R. Moyer. Sunbury, Sept. 9, 1-40. THE CAUSE OF DISEASE. Nearly all classe nf disease, aro caused by some obstruction n the system, which prevent the tegu lar and wholes me operation of the animal func tions. This state'of the system, i disease, which is manifested in a variety of forms, moio or less nial gnant in their cbaricter. To restore the system to a state nf heal'h. then, it is only nece.-snry to re move the cause of disease, nnd the end is accom p'ished. The cause is ohs ruction fotnewhere. This t an be removed by jiurgation, which is the only means that should be resjrtcd to, because, suggested by reason, and ly nature. Dr. II irlich's Strength ening and German Aperient Pills, ate allowed by lh; thousand v. ho have used them, lo be the best purg.iiio medicine in existence Because, they not only remove all obstructions, and purge the sys tem tf its impurities, but, because, and which is ex tremely important, strengthen and give proper toiu to he sto.nach, and produce a heslthy action of all tho pans. Besides, they are so mild and gentle in their operation, as to rend, r them at all times a per fectly tale and desiral lo remedy. The aJlliclcd would do wt M, then, to purchase a box or two t.f this invaluable medicine, and give it a fair trial, li; sttad of destroying their syttema with oft-repealed dose of calomel, and other drugs, so injurious lo human lile and happiness. Tee above mi decinc fir sale a! the Drug store of HENRY YOXTH ELMER, Oct. 31,1810. .1sent. TO THE COMMUMFTY. 'THE success which has attended the use of . ir.'cA' llrrman Aperient and Compound Jreiigthenitis Tonie Fills, is truly aatoni-hing. It is no vain boast to ay this medicine has j roved by its hnp;,y ilbcts in the cure ofa vanity of disease to which the human frame is liable, lo be vastly su perior to the many preparations before the pubic. Many nf these prep nations are compounded by in dividuals who ar. positively ignorant of the mysl, rios of the bin an system, and mere prutendcis J medical knowledge. Dr. ITarlich, however, is ccle btaled among the German faculty as a man of tint highest scientific attainment'1, and equally distii guisht d throughout Europe, as a successful medical prnctiiiontr, spent most ot the years of a useful li fo in the aquisition of such knowledge as might prove bent fil ial lo his fellow cicatur. s. In the pills wlii, h he invented, and which bear hi 4 name, the pub ic bre assured of an article lhat jusses.-cs more llum onlinary virtue. From the acknowledged talc is of this inventor, nothing less than a good suit to could Ix) rxiHsctbd; and the xpcricnco of many years has ullorded demonstration of the virtues i f hii medicine. In Gci many and other parts of Eo roisB, it r t utation is et-lil hel. In this count i . into tvhuh il has but been recently introduced, it ia rapidly gaining Ihe substantial reputation. Tl e numcious cerl licales of cures of the most ohslina tliretscst llecttd by the Use of Harlich's Pills, whicti the propritor is con.ta'illy receiving, is proof of tho fact. Day after day he receives new lesiimoni. is of their eiiK-acy, and week afler week increases t! demand for lliem. This is not mere assertion; n -iiuiucrable cerlilicales open fir Ihe Inspoctioo i f the public, and Ihe doubt of any wlu are keilic;.l. can le removed by examining ihcin at the oilice vi the proprietor. W e take the lilx rty, then, of suggesting; lo every family, thai they luuke use of Dr. Harlich's I'd s. Let tiit in keep supply constantly on hand, lo be ud when occasion demands, and they will rvcr v Ihe most uiuq jivocd proof tf utility. Midcut P, finer, Piincipal otnee for the I'niteJ States, No. 13 Nort'i Lidhlhatiet l, Plnladclplua. WtMvru K'pt.l, No. 41, Su Clair street, P.tta-lu-sh. HENRY YOVTHE1MER, Uc'oUr 31, It0. .igt U.