The Lalclistrlnar drawn In. Soon alter it wji known tlint General Harrison vwae elected President, twanni of hungry office hunter bent thcii way to North Bend. A paper from that quarter atates, that he huJ to entertain a many aa Siity one morning to brcakfait. Thia the General found rather inconvenient, and their friend hip somewhat too liberal. To cut the matter aliort with them, he pulls in the "latch string" of hin It g cabin, and clear out. V next hear of him tome where in Kentucky. The Msyeville Eagle aaya, he will apend the month of January in the Old Do minion. And February, he will no doubt accept of Mr. Van Buren'r invitati .n, and spend it in the While House, and prepare himself to become the Government by the 4th of March. LcA-l Bulletin, DIED, At Pottsvil'e, on Saturday last, thp 25ih ult. ROBERT MONTGOMERY Gil A NT, aged bout 25 year. In the death of thii estimable young man his friends, and more particularly his relations, have been deprived of one who was oil kindnesa ; and a mother, of an alT c'.iotiale and dutiful aon. Dut a short time since his prospects were as bright in the anticipation of the future, as the frailty of our na ture will permit ua Ij entertain but disease had marked him for ita victim, and the inae of health soon wi hcrej heneuth ita blasting influence, and consigned this much lamented young man to an early grave, respected and Moved by all who knew him: Welcome and beautiful art ihou. O Death, To ane whose life's been spent in doing gitod. Thu comcst gently to the good man's couch, To loose the tie which hinds him to the earth, And bear Ivs s; irit homeward on thy w.ngs; Oft is thy firm with awful trrrors clad ; To rim thou art arrayed in robes of light, And in thy face his sinking eye beholds An angel's lint amenta, and on thy biow, A sera,j h'" h"ty mi!c." M. PRICE CUHREXT. Corrected weekly by Henry Yoxlheimer. Cons, -Oats, Posit, Flaxseed, Bcttk", Bekswix, Tallow, Dhilu Apples, - 1'iACHES, Flax, - Hkckleii Flax, 80 SO 40 25 5 100 u 25 12 75 200 8 10 IMP OK TA XT I'll O OFS. Of the efficacy of Dr. Hirlich's Cckbrale I Midi cm The following cert ficato was sent by Mr. E. B. Himnan, ogent at Cincinnati!, Oai There can be no mistake in it, as tha paities are well known. Mr. Ez-kiel Rg.ljn, of Anderson township, Hamilton county, Ohio, wasseveiai day troubled with bill us affections, acidity of the stomach, at tended with the usual synptmu of dyspepsia, and having made tiial of various medicine without fi.iding relief, wai cu ed liy the above medicines. At.cst, E.KIGDON. Cii cinnali, June 30th, IS 10. YET LATER. Mr. Vance, of Washington county, writej as follows Dear Sir Dr. Harlich'a pil s are perfonning some of the mint wonderful cuies in Itvs vicinity ivei heard of. They were iutroiluc d here ab ut six months ago, by one of my ueig'ibors, who bought a half dozen packages from the Pittshiuig offi.-e. I oin aware of f mr cases ' lhi place where e mp!cto cure hive been per orated, one of severe rhuuina'i-iii, two of dyspepsia, r.J one of a most shrcking and aggravated nci .qiCis coniplaii t, of ton or tue ve years standing I ind you enc'oseil fire dollar ; pVare t i forward ills for that amoiiu: by the be.rer, William Ward, Attest JOHN VANCE. July 27. 1810. N. li. The above cert ilic .te, compared with the very many already necived, ceitainly must con vince ihotie similarly nrllcte.l, that they can yet be relieved by the use of these invaluable nv dicinea. Principal effiee. No. 19, North Eighth atrcet Philadelphia. For Sole by II EN II Y YOXHIEIMER. "Good Intent Fire Company." A STATED MEETING of the Company will --be hill on Thursd y evening i.ext, ut the Court Hojse. Punctual uttemlanee is requested. T. N. M'.YilCHAEL, January 1, 1610. Sceetary, G largo us"oil- CA VE to the premises of the subscriber, about ten days since, five gee p, viz : Three whi'e mates, commonly culled panders, and two grey fc mult, known simply by the name of - gieae." The owner is hereby notified to come forward, prove property, pay charges, and tnke them awsy. JOHN RANDELS. Sunhury, Dec 22, 1840. 12 SB) IS hereby given to all whom it may concern that I have purclms.-il at Constable's Sale, in Au gusta lownahip, Northumlerl uid couu'y. One Mantle Cluck, was soil as the property of James Paruswoilh. ai.d that I have oaucd the same to the -aid Jauiea during; my pleasure, Fi'KM A X FAUNS W ORT1I, Augusta, Dc. 21, 1810. AlflTTJALS. IOIl Crtiistma and New Vca.'s Gifts. BuiTdoeltabes. Zinc in sheets. For a Jo by H. B. MASSER. Deeemlier 24, 1840. County .lleethi?. A MEETING of the Democrats of Northum berland county, will be held at the Court House, in Sunhury, on Monday the 11th dsy of January next, for the purpose of choosing one Sc nat riu and one Repr. seutative delegate to the con vention to bo held in Harrishurgh, on the 4th of March next, to noininjte a candida'e for Governor, to be -unp'irted at the nex Gub. rnatorial Election GIDEON I,EINIIlNO, VM. FEAGLY, A. JORDAN, I)e. 10, 1840. Standing Committee. Jonathan II. Waters' Instate. NOTICE is hereby given, that letters of admin istration d: bou t nun upon the csta'e of Jo nathan K. Waters, late of Slisinnkin township, Nor ibuiu'ierlaiid cou ty. dee'd., luve this day been granted by the Register of said county to the sub scribers. All persons having claims or demands a gainst tha a iid decadent, aro requested to make known the same to them, without delay. VALENTINE K LAKE, El ENNOR WATERS, shainokin, No. 7, fit. Adm's, Ve. L'M ELASTIC Shoes, BT ment. Sperm Oil. best niinlih Books, of all descrip ion. Silks, black and olourcd. Hisir Carpeting. Cotton Carpet. Carpet Chain, of all colore. Saddlery, a geneial assortment. Eliptic Springs. Coach Lamps. Carriige Bands, Brass Joint, Bra- Dashers. Patent Leather. Just received and for site at the store of . li. MASHER, November 14, 1810. if PRESH Cranbi rriee, just received and for sale by II. li. MASSE It. November 14, IS 10. tf ESTATE OP ELIAS DKEWER, DEC'S. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of admin istration upon the cstatn of said deee scd have been granted 'o the u? scribers, by the Urgis'er of Nitrthum!eiland county. All p rsnns 'laving dcmsmls against aiid e-ta'c, wi I pi eserit tliem, pro perly authenticated to either of the subtcribcrs at their rei-iJencc in Aunusts township. HBKHY UKEWER. ABRAHAM BREWER, Novcm'er 14, 1840. Gt A Jinin'is. INFORMATION WANTED. ANY person having any information concerning -Dryan Hheehy, a native of Ireland, aged from 19 to 22, of fine complexion, will confer a lavor by informing his brother, Rodger Shcehy, by letter directed to Harrisburg. Pa. 3 ET 3 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. NEW ENU LAND OIL COMPANY. No. 21) North Water Street, l'liila. MANUFACTURERS and dealers in Oils of every description both fir burning an. I iiiaiiulaciurino; purposes, which will bo sol J much lower than they can be procured c'sewherp, and warranted in quality to equal any in the city. Any oil sold by the company not proving as io, resented, may he returned w.tliout any expense to the pur chaser, and the money will l refunded Thi ir stock now in store consists of the following oils, viz: 30 000 gallons Winter Bleached Spctm Oil, 6000 do do C.Jo lesa Oil, 15.000 do Fall and S, rintt Sperm Oil, 10,000 do Winter Sea El-phuiit, 20.t0 do do Pre.sed Wh.ileOil, 6000 do Summer do ilo do 15,000 do Common Whale Oil, 200 U Stinit t)i', 3(10 do CoJ Dank O.I, 50 do Nca s F.Hit O I, 75 Casks Olive Oil, Tanner's Oils fXjThis Company lm a number of Vessels" in gagcj in the Cod Fishi rv, and Tanner may rely upon sct'ing at all times Oil as pure as imporlc.l. Pbil.nleljihia, Nov. 7, 1S40. ly. -TTEITTIOIT. THE special attention of buyers from the unuih and west, and for the state trade, is respectful ly invited to the following asortim nt of tiOODS, which the aubocril-cr will dispose of at suh prices as will amply repay his friend for calling tnd ex amining his stock. To CASH puichascri, at the present lime, extraordinary inducements will bo of fered. 200 p:pees heavy variegated Spanish ma'l'ng. 500 pieces Canton in itnnii, (vss.nt. tl 4-1, 5-1 and fl-4 while, checked and flowered. 1000 hearth rugs a le.utilul ussoitment if Wil ton, Uruo-cls, Tufud, Turkey, and Hemp rujs. 200 piece wain, w nsled, cotton, hemp, in grain, Venetian and block ('arpeiiogs. An elegint variety of v iltnn, lliu-el, ai.d Euglili, Vene i.m, D.unack, cVe. Ste. 1000 dozen men n I bovs caps, comprising a ((rent yar'rty of Fjr, Seal. Nutria. Muskrat, au.l Coney, Hair Sealettu i lid Cloth (' ips. 100 dozi n Ailicaiil MaU, assniled sizes. 100 do Manilla do do do 50 d i Sheep-skin do do do 30 bah a French B ke s, comprising every de scription. 500 Vcne ian Blinds, a Vd figuies and eolorii. 3000 pat-nt do do do 1000 ue. la Caba or S.itihcU, ass'd, enibo.sed leather, straw and oil el !! . 50d0 dozen Combs, a-orted tortoise shell, lira Z'l i;.n do h rn, ivory, brass and wo.hI. cmpriMiig a lurr-e a-sor'm nt of every variety. 3000 dozen Whip n-sorted wigon, gic, car riage, sulky, planters, drovers or li.liiiu. of gut, lea ther mid thread, with German silver, gilt, ivory and bone mountings. 1000 dozen p tinted pails, Wilson's brmd. 1000 nests ced i r Tubs and Buikets; also, Churns, I'iggins, Water Cans, Ac. The above together wilh an extensive assortment off. uey gooJs, Br.ttania and German silver ware, feather and I ristte Brushes, Looking Glasses, Ma hogany and Gdl Flames, of every siz-j lion, are manufactured, imported, ami to lecied ex pressly fui tho soUtheiii. western nd state trade. J. SIDNEY JONES, No 1 Njrth2 l aireet. Philadelphia. PhilaJelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. GT V. & L. 3. TATLOP.. OFFER FOR SALE, at the South Eit Co in r of 7M n Murlut Sticcts, ti.lud. I plua Mens' Calf-skin Boo's, stitclie J warranted. da do do pejed d.i d do do water pro. f, d uMe solus and doub'e Upjicrs. do ('alf-fkiu do do don tiled and up eis. do He..vy Water Leather Bnotf. do do NeuLs do do. do High quarter Shoe. Calf-skin. do Aa do Crockers do do Fine M..nroca warranted, do K p do do do C.If do do do Coa so do do do do Short do do Fine do do do Kip do d da Calf and Seal Sk n Pumps. do L si Socks with and Without soles. do Carpet d I il i do do Putent Wairauted Wuti r-proof Moccasins. Lsdies do do do do Ldn' tanned India Rul bcr shots, (ientlemen.' do tv,r i-liots. With every other desciptiun of boots and shoe . Fur Caps ef every de riptioo. Travelling Trunks of every deser lion. Venetian I'ravelling Bags. Paieiit Gum Elastic Shoe Ulaekiliit. H nnrl. of all kinds. I'slni Leal Hat. rinlidelphia, No ember 7, 110. ly, CITY AUCTION AND COraiVUS$ION STORE. Xiimhtr 20 Xurlh Third Street, Philadelphia. I PUBLIC SALES of Dry Goods, Hardware and Cutlery, Books Stationary, Clothing, It. lots Shoet and Hats, and in short almost every description of go uts, are held at this establishment every evening. Goods ate olo sjIiI ut piivatc aale during tho day at thi; nverase auction prices. Sinre keejtcrs and Iradeia will find it to their advantage by attending the sales. C.C. MACKEY, Auctioncc. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. REYNOLDS, McFAllLAND &, CO. Wholesale Dealers in Foreign British and American Dry Goods. Ab 105 Market ttrect, Philadelphia. COUNTRY Merchant, and others can he sup plied at all times with an extensive a-aort-ment of the best and most fashionable Goods upon the most reasonable term-. Phil .de'phia, November 7, 1810. ly. J. S. Wholesale Variety and Trimming Store Ab. 44, North Fourth near Arch it., Philadelphia. VirHERE Country Merchants ami others can be auppliid, at ill limns, with a large assortment of Hosii ry, Gioves, Merino, Cotton, nnd Woolen Shine and Drawers Spool Cotton. Patent Thread. Cotton Corda, Buttons, Tapes, Bind.ngs, Hook nnd Eyes, Pins, 4c. Ami a general vaii. ty of use ful articles, which he olF.ra for sale at the lowest prices. Philadelphia, November 7, 1840. ly. & No. 12'J Chesnnt Street, Philadelphia. VtMO constantly keep on hand a large aort incut of Law, Medical. Theoheicul, School, nnd Miscelliiieous Uouks, Blank Books, and all kinds of stationary' Countiy customers .m l others supplied on the most rei'le terms Philadelphia, Novemlier 7. 1810. ly. ESIIEUICK, IIANSELL &. COS. WHOLESALE DRT OOODS STORE. No. Hi(i 1-2 Market Street, Tltila. (Ittlow Fifth South aide) A LWAYS keep on hund a full and gemral at m rtmnit of llo'iery. Lace, and Fancy Goods, Coin. try M rehan s are lespcc-fully reque.-ted to give ih. in a call nnd examine lor tin in elvi s. Philadelphia. NovcuiIht 7, 1840. ly. SPEltlNG, COOD cV CO. No. i;S Market Street, l'liiladelphia. NVITE the attention of Country Merchants to their cxieusive a-sortineiu ol ll.iii.h French ui.d Ameiicun Diy Goods, which they oiler lor sale on the most reasonable terms. Phil.d.lphia, Novemlier 7, ISI0. ly. PETER DEWEES, LAST MAKER, No. 71 Callowhill Street, Philadelphia, CThrcedtHtrt above Second. J SHOE Findings always kept on hand, which he off. rs for sale on the lowe t terms. Country Merchintsarc particularly to call and judc for them-clves. Philadel, hia, November 7, l 10. 1 OLIVER N. TnAClIEIL Agt. MANUTACTTJRER Or HATS, CArS, C. No. 10 Nin th Third Street, Pliila. f Oftponite the City Hotel. J OATS, Caps and Ladies' Furs, of every de-s-riptiou. manuf.c U'C.l at very low pi ices, and t'ountrv Mcrcliact snpi lied at shoit nonce. Pbiladel hia, November 7, 1810. ly. LOWER & IJAURON, Importers nnd Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hardware, No. 171 Nohth Tin nn Stbixt, PMinnrirm A ,7 H I'. UK th. ir fiii iidsaud customers will always ' find a Israe and general ass.iriment of Foreign and Domrstic Hardtvsre, which they will sill at the lowe-t prirps, Phih dclihi i, NoveinUr 7, 1810. ly. J. W. SWAIN, Umbrella and Parasol Mannfaettirer. -Vu. 3i Xoolh Third hlnrt, tiro doors below the City Holt I, Philadelphia. COUNTRY Merchants and others are solicited to examine his assortment Ik fore puichasing flsewhere. Pbila!elphla, Novemlhr 7, 1840. ly PETEE. CC1TOTEP., Wholesale and Retail Shoe, Hoimct, and Palm Leaf Hat Warehouse. Ab, 66 Sorth 2i ilrert, a few doors ubuve . Ireh , Philadelphia. LM Tionks Caipct Bags and Volices, nf ev ery desciiptioi', sll of which he idlers for sal.- on the most lens liable lerrps. Philadel, hia, Nove.nlier 7, 1 8 10. ly P. iV A. UOVOUDT'S Chinti.Olass and Liverpool Warehouse. Ab IH4 North Tliird street , third dour below Vine tlrett, I'hiladtphia. A IT HERE 'hey constantly keep on hand a large iissoiliuelit of China, Glass and Liverpool Ware, which they will dispose of on the most iei s manic terms. Philadelphia, Novemlier 7, 1810. THEOPILUS CULP. Manufacturer and Importer of Sad dlery, Hardware, &c. Ab. fi Siaith Third str.-rf.fuur doors below Muilitl J'htludilphiw KEEP constantly on h ind a largo an.) general assortment Conch Lamps, Carriage Bands, Alu Arms, Eliplic Springs, Potent Leather. Ac. tj-Uhlry Merchaiil ,,J sddleis will be supplied at nil tmie. i u the most leas.mable lerrus. They wi I lind to thru adiantuK. to i-afl and eiamiiie his "U""' b'l purchasing rlsewheir. 1 liilulelplna. Noveiu'-r 7, JtO ly. 7Iirlincl Weaver fc Son, ROrB MAKERS & SHIP CHANDLERS. Ab. 13 Xorth Water Street, Philadelphia MAVE constantly on hand, a general assort ment of Cordage, Seine Twines, etc., i. s 1 si'tl Hopes, Fishing Hopes, While Kopcs, Manil la Hopes, 'low Lines for Canal Boats. Also, a complete assortment of Si ina Twines, Ac. such a Hemp Shad and Hi rrlug Twine, Best Patent Gill Net Twine, Cof.oii Shad and Honing Twine, Shoe Threads, &c. Ac Also, Bed Coids, PI ugh Lines, Halters, Tricet, Cotton and Linen Carpel Chains, Ac. all of which they will dispoao of on lea on.iNc tcims. Philadelphia, Novemlier 7, 1840. Jacob rrlsiiiiif li & Son. RESPECTFt'LLY informs lln ir friends and acipjaiiilanci-s generally th it they slid con liuuo lo keep at tho old stand. No. 216 North 3d sire, t, Philadelphia, all kinds of TOHACCO SXVFF AXI) SEC Alls. Which they will sell on the in at iiccotniiiudatiiig and iei(.ml'hi terms. N. B. All .o'd will be guiranteed, utid all orders prompt y attended lo. Phtlnihlphia, Novemlier 7, 1S40.--ly. JE R E M I A II V A S T 1 N E ' S Instate. TJOTICE is hereby given tint tho Register of the County of Noriliumt-erlscJ, has this day Kiouted letters list inn n ary to the sul'icrilwrs upon the estate ot Jeremiuh V.isiiue, of Hu..h township, in the siid county. All ersous having deiiiHiids or claims ngiiri t the saal decedent are requested to make known the same to tbein without delay. ELIZABETH VASI'INE. ) THOM AS R. VASTINE.S WILLIAM LEGHOU, Point. Nnvemlr 2, I H 10. fi tr. IjTssoT.utIonof llRTNT:Tr SHIP. NOTICE U hi re by given that the partner-hip heiciofore existing uiidui the firm nt 11. tl. Massrr y Co., is this day dissulvcd ly inuliia' consent. The b.u.ks, notes, Ac, will be left ft i shell time in the bauds of H. B. Massrr, foi eoll. c lion and Kctiltmciil ; aficr which, if una'tcn 'id lo, ilM-y wi I W placed in tho hands of a pi uper officer lor the above inirpos.', Novemlier 1, IS 10. 1 1. B7 M ASSE R, Will enntiiiue in business si tho old stand, un.l respeeifully invites hi fiiendn and customers to a larue asortimnt of New Goods, just icctivcd. Nov.-mlr7, 1840. I'SP Keceived Mciiuo, Broche, ulid Chen.l'c Shawls, SciOitcr, Se.d and Sealettn t'apa. A I irge assortment of I'aik Chiui7."F. Fieucli and Euglibh Merinoes, Ac. Forsile a! he stoic of . li. MASSEII, Novemlier 7, IS40. SHAXVIOKIN COATj. OF a very superior quality, cm be had ut snv lime, by application lo the subscribers, in bits to suit purchase... They keep large, egg, broken, anJ fine coal, fit for burning lime. , J. II. PURDY A Co. Sunhury, Sept. 20. tf. tmoCh'HIES.A fieih aupply of Groceiica just received und f r sale by t HE A RY YOXTH1MER. 12, 1840. tf. l.iqt OHS.. fiewh sti ply of Brandy, Gin, Poil, Lhun, Tci eriff , Madeira and Sherry Wines, just received and for sale by HENRY YOXTI1IMER. Sept. 12. 1840. if. ttl'SI.I.ys, A new assortment of 7-4, 7-8 ai.d 3-4 yard wide Muslin, jut received nnd for "a'pby HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1840 tf. l1l,IVOES. A new a-soitmei t of Calicoes just uceived and for tale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. S. pt. 12, 1840 :f. Transportation Isinc T t) 11 A L T I M ORE. (yi 7IKK Wvtin ClSAL) Warthoutc fool if Chtsnut Street on fl.e Pc ir sylvania Cunol. A BOAT . ate r.e wh in of . e -u!. r'"r e- . ty it h o'clock, rann.n 4 li'o 1 1 ia ; more in tli'eu ilava. Cooa g nu. nts o pr.ulu e, iron, Ac, wiil le eive a de p. i&.i by loslin.-, wl.ieli hai not hitherto In en iqn by uny other. Kula uf freight ms lo.v aa by any o.her r.gular hue. Heterunccs : JOHN W. BROWN, 1 BUCK ft IIERIt, l KERN AN & STILLNIGER. f0111"110"' J. A. A. II. HEHH. J Goods intended for Pittsburg, or any oolot on the Pennsylvania Canaln, will l. ahipped wi hout delay on their nnivul at Harrisburg, hs this con nects willi the North American lino of Poitahls Boats to Pitisbura daily, and with tho Susquchan. no . Packet Line to Northumberland, Williamsport, Wilkisbiinc, and all intermediate places, GEORGE W. LAYNG. Hanisburg, Sept. 9, 1810. Itiifh. I ltft.y. good assortment of Bur Iron, jut received and fjr sale by HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1810. tf. S.91.T. 550 barrels received un.l for sale bv HENRY Sipf. 12, 1940. tf. and aavks of Salt, just YOXTHIMER. L"l.1HIIS. ' general assortment of Cloihs and Cassimcic., constant y on hind ot the store of HENRY YOXTHIMER. Sept. 12, 1810. tf. HViT.JT, H'E, C.V and all other kinds of Giuin ai.d Stcdswid bu taken at the high-e-t ptic s in exchange for g 10 'a at the store of HEN K V YltXllilMtlR. Sept. 12, 1810 fc-.f. MACKEREL A few burels of M rkerel sa'e at a low pr ce by II. T., MASTER, Sept. 12, IS 10. for IRISH SALMON. Ot the lest con stantly en hand and for sale by H B. MASSE R, Sept. 12, t$!0. MADEIRA WINE. Wine, for sale low by Sept. 12, 1810. -Fust quality Madiera H. B. MASSER, Works of Mature. IN .1 of health the intestinal canil may ba compaie I lo a river whoie waters flow over the ad joining hind, through the channels nature or urt has made, and impiovca thcii qualifier; and lo kerp up l..c comparison of the river, so long as it runs on lino .tidy the channels sre kept pure and healthv ; but if by sums cause the course of the river i fto'f wd, then the wiitcr In thecannlsia n longer pure, but so.m becomes btaguant. There is I ut cno law f eticu'uli .n in ';alu e. Win n there is 1. supei abundance of humorial fluid (s- roci'y) i.i ih" intcs t nal lubia, and takes pi ice, it fl wi bick into the bloo I vessc g, and inlibrati s ibell in to the circulation. To catabli-h the fiec c ki so of 10c ii.i t. nc iiiusi lemnve me o' si'ui i.ons w ire t stop its fice courp, and tho eof its tr'hut iry sirean:. With tho body, follow the sinw nutur il prioeii hl ; r m ve, ly that talunbln pmuat.vo midicote Dri.w dicth.t Vo,versol Vegetable Pills, which uie an 11-f- ctusl assist .me of na'me, the nupcr urdatico f humors 1:1 the n.te tine .a' nl. Uv ,er e.erii g t, this p act c , t' 1 ot Ih ' ecu! .1.01. Wi. I rhm be le-iored to iliefull exercise ot tlier ir.turil f ,ne. tioi.s, nut 1 stiu ot Ivalt 1 wi'l Ir- Cm v estniilish. id R. m. iiiit.r, never t utl' r a drop ot bl. o I t I o taken fi . iua Kvvu ilc n. humors as oft. o und hi long aa tl ey ure I'e.-eiiV'.iod, or us Iji-j vou si.e i( k. I - Dr. Brand. cth's Office in PSiUtU-'.- Hi , ,t N. I 8, NOR I'll KIG.'I i H M e,, pi: can t l. I . aa. . oau ui so een s a-r iot, w;.!! iii 1!. c.ion Qp"' Inly agent i i Ni,.Ur' , 1 11. li. .Varsii . Sunhuiy, Sept, 'J, 1810. FOCRTH PRl))F BRANDY A g nu nt article always on hand and for sale by II. B. MASSER Sept. 12, 1810- NEW GOODS. JL'ST RECEIVED a near and splendid assort ment of Calicoes, Muslins, Ac. For salo ut tliestoieof HENRY YOXTHIMER. October 3 1, 1810. tf. WOOIali. UMIV OF the latest manufacture, consisting in part of a great variety of Cloths, Cassimeres, Salli in Its, Merinoes, Flannels Mousclin do Laities, Ac, Just received and for sale at ihc store of HENRY YO.VMIEIMER. Oct. ilier 31, 1850. if. St. .10 i f III 4roceries. J 1ST RECEIVED a large and neneral aort nient of tiioceiies liipiors Ac For sale nl the HENRY YOXI'HEIMER. 1N10. tl- DRUGS, "JMNTS, und Dvo Stutl's, u Ircsh supply just received ami lor silo hi Hie store ot HENRY VOX I I1L1MER. October 31. IS 10. if. A MILLER & FARMER 11 AY hear of a good situation, fitly miles from XJL Sunhury, in a new settlement, where he woe Id obtain a long lease of a s nail Grist Mill, and have a Farm adjoining, by iropiiiiog of THE PRINTER. October lOih, I S 10, 0t PATiriiLirr lawk. THE Pninpblei Laws, f..r the ion IS;t9-4H, have been u at llnsollice, ami arc now iculy for disliibntion to ihoso enutled lo iiceive 1hc.11. SAMUEL D. JtHDN. Prolhoii"t-ir's nfiicp. i Pr. tt'i. Sunhury, Sept. 3J, 1S10. .oliee. ALL ACCOUNTS remaining to my Ikvoks previous lo ibe liist of Apiil IH0, will Ihi lel'i in the hands of a Justice of the Peace for collection. HENRY YOXTHIMER N. II. Grain of all kinds will be taken 011 old accounts. Sept. 12. 1840. tf. HOLLAND GIN, untie best quality ulwiys on hand and for rale by H. B. MASTER. Sept. 12, IS40. LOaTAND LUMP SLG A K Always 011 hand and for sale by H. B. MASSER. 8. pt. 12, 1640. BOSTON SYRUP MOLASSES Of a aupe rior quality, for aalo ty 11. B. MASSER, 12, 1810. NEVV ORLEANS M.'GAH HOUSE MO LASSES. Oi the best quality ulwaya oil hand ai.d for sojc by H. B. MASSER, Sept. 12, 1810. BROWN SUGAR. Ufa quality, for salt low by H. B. MAS ER. Sept. 12, IS 10. list r j 1 1- s 1: S , OR trial in the Couil of Common Pleas ot v NortbilnilM-rl ii'il luiiitc-. t.. hi. li..l.l ,., s:.... - - - j . - -- ....... ut .'i, ii OII the first M inlay ot Januiry iietl. l-riiio LtlfUORS.l)f all kin la und ol the laj.1 qual; lies, ul-vavs 011 luiid and for sale bv 11. B. MASSER. Sept. 12, 1 S 10, GREEN AND BLACK TEAS. Of the hc7t qu till v ulw.ivs oil hand and I 'r sale bv H. 15. MASSER. Sept. 12, 1S10. COFFI- E. Java, Rio and I.aguira Cotree, con stantly on hand und for sale by 11. B. MASsER. Sept. 12, 1840. SPERM OIL. Winter and Summer slr.'.n.d SM-im Oil, of the lest quality, always rjr, hjflj al-j for aalo by H. B, MAS'.EK Sept 12, 1810. STEEL. Cast and R lifter Sreel. for salo by li. B. MASSER. Sept. 12, IS 10. SPRING S TEFL. Of vaiious tiiee fcr Elinu Snrir.t-4 lor s.iln bv pnng4 Scri. 12, I j 10, LAR'.'.E QUARTO very .oduccd prieia by Sept. 12, 1S10. BLANK BOOKS.- Cerlificales ol Agency. THE following are iho duly ap ointed ae. ts i . their respective counties, for the sale of Drandrtih's Vegetable Universal Pills. Norihumbcilai d county : Milton Mwkey A; Ch Sunt ury H. B. Mascr. M t vc: s. ville Gidd a. Green A, Wal!. Gsorgelowu F. Mulbng.-r A. Cv. v Union county : Lcwishurs: W lis A; G.d 'e. M ffl nliuig Pc!!ui 11. St Bukly. New Berlin J hn M. Beiifer. Sclinsgrove Eyte & Co. Mid dlubtrg I-aac Smith. Lycoming county : Villi,imsp.-ri John Smith. Newberry M. A. J. C. Fun.t m. Muocy W. A. I'eiriean. Jersey Shme Jamea H. II Vburn, t.'oliim'.iia couuiy : Dinville T. A; E. I. p0'. nobis. Ca'lawiMM C. A. Brobts. Brrw ek Shu nt hi St R.ttciihouse. Blooiusburg-John K. MovVr Sunhury, Sept. 9 1840, ' ' THE CAUSE OF DISEASE. Neaily all classes of disease, are caused by nr mt3 obstruction in the ayst.m, which prevent the ,e,u. lar and wholes me operation of the amrr filn . This state of the aysiem, ia dio -age wujf.j is inariifisted in a variety of form ,j,u'I0 0f (q mat goant in their choractc-. To 1 . tore tho systcr' to a state ol hcal'h. then, u is e My ntcega,y t , rt. move the cause ot ,li a e, s A lha tm, isf POn . pishtd. Iheiaueisol',il)nK)mi.wni.t .y y tan be rsuio-od by pv-.gai,,,,, whlcU U lho means that sh;u d W. resarted to. because, augece". . by rcaa .li. and l y natuie ,Jr jcltfcStieglh ciimg and GcM'tii A,e,ient Pills, are allowed tbJ in. usaud, ub,0 hsvo uj hem n (he pu.gili, rnc.'.(tiiiH in ejistence. Because, the not oi.l- rfj,3veall obstruction, and pure the svr teni tf i'ji iinpuritica,but, because, and which is ti'.in jiy important, etiencthen and give proper ion to the stomach, and produce a healthy action of a. the paus. Besides, they are so mild and gentle i their operation, as to icnd. r them at all times a pc. fectly safe and desirable remedy. Tne affl.cir would do well, llun, to purchase a box or two this invaluable medicine, and give it a fair trial, V at. ad of distrowng iheir syUrna with ofi iej aalt doses of calomel, un l other drugs, so Hurk ue l human life and happiness. I'ce above nn deeme for snle at tho Drug slors i HENliY YOXIHEIMIK. Oct. 81, 1S10. ' H. B. MASSER. riULES. For sale ut H. B. MASSER. bury. It.e 4 th Josi h Tri gi t'h'iei A N. 'it lieorg.i Lavvience 1 1 j it. r lor R u-h Kirkpatriek A Sun lr Wm. Heudi rsoii S .mo Win. P. Brady Christian Heck, it Hugh Bellas Joseph Govs JauirS Hilboiirn John A L'ovd Peter Fihi'il's adm'r Henry Frick Comnt'ih of Penn'a John Dunklu Milton 11. rough Ac. Groves for Hart A Co. Badger for U ulg r Hugh Bellas Same Andrew Tntbro. k John Hageiiturn t-l al. Siiti, r A liela r J. L. A M. N.rbit Henry 1'it.k 'i'hoinas Perry Mary Weeks David Fuui Solomon DunkclU re r SMUEI. roiuonmary s Mlice, j Of all kinds, for s-ile bv H. B. M AssEK. Sept. 12, IH 10. I BLANK DEED'?. Uoin's, Moitg.ges, Ac, for sasnby H. B. MASSER, Sept. 12. 140. Sunbuiv, iKc 2, 11(1. va Maitin A. S ook, vs J iclrs m Nt'sbit, vs R, It. II llll'iion.l, vs Solo non Menai., vs G.ilioii Li iscurinc, vs Henry Brown, vs Siiipimn A G.cenoush i vs i n. on is 1 1 rant s adinV, va Fndcrirk Ilckerl, vs Win. M'Caity et al., vs R ben Phi bp , v Henri, Wales, vs James, v. John Fills r', vs II. L DielU llbach, v. Weaver Lloyd A Robins vs Kolieri .Maik, vs J a. b Wlie. land, vs J bu Le'senriug, vs lluh Ilell.s, vs Chiistain Houll, vs Lewis Dewsri, vs Diiii.l Fiynuie it I., s .le'r Elsieu t ul., vs John iucci.I, Ac. vs A blu r ColioRs tl al., vs D. Hnutet Coinmiuee vs Fr dViick Bauchmsit, vs Hverly A Ha is, vs Joseph SuyuV, s Piler A We jk-I. D J lRDXN. Pi o.'.Vi JUSTICES' PLAN ICa. for rale by II. B. MASSER. Sept. 12, IS 10. CLOTHS. Uluc nine for siie bv Sepl. 12, Is'lO. iassFmeres AMI mle very low by Kvpl. 12. 1840. k. Invisible Green, Ac, II. I. MVSSEH. SAT'l'INETTS. For II. B. MASSER. CARPETING Eor sale cheap bv li. U. M.VSsER. Sept. 15, 1810. BLAN KETS For sale cheap bv II. U.MS? Sept. 13, 1840. EH, LNBLEACHKD MUSLINS. For ale by II. B. MASSER. Septemlicr 12, 1840, COTTON YARN AND CO'lTuN LAPS For sale by H. B MASER. Sej hUt 12, IS 10. HEMP AND COTTON TWINE For sals by 11. B. MASSER. Sep'einber 13, ItMO- TO THE COMMUMTY. THE success which htis attended the use of D JluLch's Herman Aperienl and Cumpoun itrengtluniiii! Tonic P.lls, is truly sstonLhuiij. is no vain tk.ast to ay thi medicine haj pr. ved 1. ita happy ifl.cts in I be cure of a vai of diaeas. lo which thd human frame is liable, to be vastly a icrior to ine many pre(.afanon Ixfoio lha publ Many of these piepiiations aro Compounded ay li divnlusla who sr. positivcty ixooraul of the mvsl I ncs of the bu ran stcm, taxi mere prelea.lcis im-aicai known Ujje. Ur. r.arlich, however, is ce' hi't'aJ among lbs (ierman facul y as a man of i'. i ingiirsi scum no atiainnarrit-, and eon illv dietti guishcd throughout Europe, as a successful prnctitiuner, spi nt m -si of lha ytora of a useful li in iftc ttiiisiiioB of such knowledge as night pro' hi'iir ricitd to h a fellow Tiealur.a. In tha Pills whir i he invented, and which bear hi name, ll a pub are assund of an article that pnsaesies iawre tha oidinary viiluci. From tha aesnowledgcd una . of ibis inventor, nr thing lesa than a guoJ. arti. could bo expcc.s.l ; and the tsperieuca of u.a. euia bus stl'jrJeJ demonstration of tha virtues his inrdicii e. In Geimany and blher par .j of E rni e, tu r i utation ia ca .bl sned. In ibis ..,. into wniib it bsa but bem recently introduced, ii i rvpiJtv gaii.iiig the mo-t substantial reputation. T. I i uio. r ju. ceit ficatf of tha most reS.tim. d..o s-si ffected by the use of Hariicti'a Pili, nh.i Ihe piopri. ia constaat y receiving, ii proof of ll uiy ajier oay t.e riceive new teuton... fact. I TOWJMi LINKS, CORDs AMtKorilS. I For sale bv H. U. MASSER. Srpn mvr 12, la 10. .i j- z ... . . oi me r ein -ji, urn wcu allcr week increase t.' deinsi.J for iln ov Tiih is not in.'.a aseertion; i, iiumuiable certtfustesareoen lor the luspection lbs public, and the doubts wf any wha sre tkeptic. can l iin.vJ by examining thrukki ids vlSca the proprietor. W take the liberty, thin, of oveuif lo ) family, that Miy rraks use ol Dr. ilsrhch's Pil. Let tnuu kep a aupp'y constantly on hand, to I ud worn occasion demands and they will rceii ihe most unrq.ivoeil proof if utituy. Afcit l)rfintr. Iiiikipal odi f.w the L'uiud States, No. Norfi f.ig nh a ierl, Phila lelphia. U estru lp .it, No.41. Si. Clair sirael, P t: hu.Bh, I f V. N K Y Ytt.V THEI.MER. OeioUr 31. liiO. .. j (