The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, November 11, 1863, Image 1

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grwithlin Idcppolterit:
. .
. Another State is FREE I Maryland,- by
her vote on Wednesday last, - declared that
glaVery should cease to - paralyze hcrenergies
4n:teat - like a caneer at her vitals. -It tnay
inathe - this:year nor next year ; but the-fiat
leas gone forth, and the, present generation
sill see Maryland.side by' side s with Penn
, sylvania and the great North with the blot
- if human bondage wiped froin her escutch
eon. _ Thnos steadily. has_ Freedom. grown
44ito , life,, hastened and 'strengthened by the
tuaduess of its wicked - supporters, and soon,
with thi crowning. triumph of
- Union
. Wiltthe mightiest Nation of the world
Asp li t ; regenerated, disenth
A railed and Fsizl
Tlin ,
Balinnore merican, the leaidini
journal s , of the' State, thus,' welcomes the
dawn - of Fr r eedoin; in- Maryland :
"- Finely, ' it is- for all to 'rejoice, now or
ultimately, in the'splendid future that opens
before.u.s.i Never yet tested in its vast ea
parity, for mining, nianufacttiring and agri
caltural purposes' by the magic.o . l . free lczbur,
ore look; and the world looks contldently,for
Pillange and improvement hardly ever 'yet
tv:ittussed . . When we consider that the
e'-'en-is 'of
.tlO. war have made thegr A tidvan%
tl** 4 -i'lof`. nur irk,lsitioh. and . familiar to
hundredsof thousaads ofekillfpl artizans, of
ka.RAY,Andi enterprnting agriculturists," who.
b it, for the fact that the-road to the Capitol
lay •acttis:e Our Stiatfe, *Mid never have beefs
r.r4a - ti must consider the certainty : that
'fie e 'advantages, appreciated,: must tell
nfigirtllYitipon the settlement Of our surplus'
hod% and upon our future prosperity. We
have before, this indicated some of 'file'steps
recently taken. by the -,people of Deitiwaruto
reip tite.:adVantages• of their position ;' and
,alibp to'proelairn Maryland a prospec
tive Alia Atute, shall wenot work to the same
end ? L l et us hope and trust. that this will be
th4'ettae--let Us -hope , that the 'mighty etrentof
yesterday 'liss'not been over-estimated in its
bearingkupen: the future.".
The.:lll4lfiinoie Clipper also rejoices over
the , redemption of the State frow-thepower
of the slare-drivey., At says,:
" The bold, manly 'and ouf.spolien Manner
in which "pep, Golds) orough met the, (pies-,
tion;soon - k,Uthered to' his- standard' Who
arere:lesirons of eradicating' the evil irf : Sla'-, early a day as yds
aible-r,aead.hence theluestionwas thus made
& prop:tine:tit - one, upon, which the people of-,
the Statd, tis•a'body„ were le determine. !it
wwi'iitainl•Kmet, so fur As Goldsborotigh.
at ienstwas concerned, and the election has
bekli.dotormined in his facer, and for the
_etiuse of his. espousal, .bygin_ overwhelrning:
majority., This, -then, fixes ,the status .of
ttaraluAd vexed question—therm'doubt as to herfuture policy.,
Western Virginia and Missouri, will
riot} enter upon a new career which will
lead 'her on to prosperity and honor, and for
'-ev-4? withdraw her from being made the niece
spperidAgeto_the Slaveoeraey - ofTirginia and
"The effect of „our, rote ; ; upon the other
States will be of tVr's-tiptifie.ant importance
e .North and West will see, that we are
indissolubly connected is: the sentiment wiad
in regard- to that irritating subject,'
which hae ever been for thirty years :past, a
- hon.° of contention hi our halls ‘ of legislature
eir4 eiseihere,--whilit the Litinth will- die
toter, that, instead 'of securing the extension
of the, , ditrine' institution, as they intended
by, their ; hellish rebellion, States and die
m:eta- upon which they had always relied'
with cot:Pie:fee its united with them, as it
IrOei hY'lthoks Jof ,steel, are now arrayed
forayer against them upon this exciting sub. ,
. ,
gen; ,§iekles recendy make a speech, in
Nave Yolk; in which . he thus pointedlyapd
beautifitily-referred to - the great struggle - for
thnirtpmation of the Union, ;The
the hesitating - , the grumbling will 'do. well
to ponder the' prophecy. of .this :veteran
Deoenttie soldier:
. ' , Although withdrawn myself from
:life-and this determination has been -
strengthened by the habits and inclinations,
rivlrte)Nsion—without a wish or an 0 7 J . ,,ject
to serve through popular favor,,
•, may be
%permitted,' ns a citizen; to offer a wprd
Might say a leaf: from,
paknee:Oa retired campaigner in', the .4da
of pelitics, When men are tolerated in po
litical conventions who differ, in nothing from
, thnenenty 'except - as force differs front in--
trigue ; when offices of great trust are distri
butoLlis mere • plunder among those, who-do
aot affect to conceal their_disagroement upon
- the. Paramount - gifestieni -of tht: day, the
time has come to prove to those who dare do
such thinis:for votes that more Notes/lire losti
than-gained by such 'shameful sacrifices of
papicotint . to party:. This war will 'a,nnihi
latr6 tug -Isttler f , or, party, or institution that'
stands mats way. , Not•only-to-day, but in
lutureYerits,-thinit it he the testpfallrespect-,
+ l 4, FTPPrinent—'How has he stood in the
War for the Union-?' [That's it.] in that
strugglelie has been false, his doom' vrill'
thiit - ortheTorieirlbf the ReVOluticiri--,-the.
't'adetalisti of . I.Bl2—tlie Vallandighaths of
- t 868., 1 -(Greut Applause:]., 'There esti be no
114 1 Faiismn to the, demands of the South fora
Irricati) - nationality. There can he no con
amnions to the i aterference of Foreign FOwers.
gribil4ttdous applause.) . I know that I'
*Peak what is written in the heart of America
wh,, 024 , 2 ,: 1 ,5 41 37.. ".Rather than see, the. Republic
so aegnide4 let the inst citizen pejishi.jay
wytte_,49coxitinent ; recall the red man front
h2111 °% - a..e;:ik'; 'and give backto, proud.
torus tne Sen)st, and - plain-the bqiiage tdo
toyic, Corp theirfathers.L'
The rebels do not think. rr.tieh 'of the '4:
pointment of Gen. Grant to
,comitiand th'e
atmiee of the West. • The 'Richmond WMg
pp of him: - 4 .11 - e,"“...nCit proved himself a
great 'lint he-has proved his ability
to:-take !adviintage.of Cmfederrate'follylig i
W, 6 ?t,aPr 3 l 74 iia4oll. ' When adCAnate meansf
ye at hii disrio4l he , htteshown , that •he•
tiP.1.0,1,40, to use theniFhen; 00 40eE. 4 9ferst"
'Visit to the Army of the Potornae—Gen.
Meade—The Reserve Corps—General
Craw ford—H a r Rations—Or*Wnlea
tion of Congress—Hon. E. If*Pherson
for Clerk—Washington Brothels and
Gambling Hells.
rreAposdenee caie •Frcitilin Reiro'sliory.
WASIIINGTO2.I", Nov. 6, 1863.
I have just returned frdin a trip to the
Army of theTototoac",. • .1 - 4 i -sited each Corps:
I have neyer.Settn the army. in better health
or spirits. Great • confidence is, : placed in
Meade by all the i men—without,any excep
tion. TheY are all 'ready ana V.i.Uitinc. anx
iously for him triiagain giVethe word "march."
The weather au r a , roads are excellent.- The
cars are again ' - xurining: to Warientet, and
the main. stern of ;be • road is se. far, Collage
ted,,that an .
. advance to the /49pahannoek
can be made atAny time, should Mee& de
termine on such a move. The country all
'around where pr, army is cneainped, has
, of eierYthing 'that ,would make
food for man or beast. It-is a miserable
.sight, and made still more miserable by
appeals otwarnei and children to the Soldier'
for some lug eat; All the mills in the
country hhe . been destroyed, and the re
maining inhabitants have to pound what lit
tle corn they iniv4 into - meal-or starve. They
araall known to the soldier to 1e.,50 disloyal,
that if two crackers were given at once;to
them, very likely , Onewohla be sent ever the
lines to sonmatarting friend , , , •.-Mtiny of 'them
Pre daily passed outside of the lines. Why
not pass - them all in a body, out and be-done,
for they all: rift/5410 take thhOtitlit I made
the Reserves-sth Army corps, my head- .
quarters. Gen. Crawford who has - been ab
sent fur over.nmontkreturnedand rssutied.
. on•Allutday. Op. this occasion
there was a grand review
. of..the.whole divis
ion (9 regithents.) It would "be folly in me
to attempt ti cletie:ription of their masterlY
marching or evolutions:: They are certainly
as near perfection as soldiers can be ma le.
After drilling forpome time, th - ey were fig
ed on threeaidesAitiquare; almost in miss,
when Gen. Crawfbrd addressed them; ,'con
gratulating IthemOn his return, to find them
in such fine eandigon,after the severe,mareh
ing of the last feii-Weeks.. 'lle . had visited a
large_ portion of.P enutylvpaia, l and every-.
where the peoplelooked on them as the vet
Bran corps. of the - Potomac army. The
thoughts of the people of Pennsylvania were :
more en them, than any other regi
ments of the army."' That itwas the wish of
the people of thcliitate, to have them return
ed to their h.otn. esiP. -4 1je State le be recruited:
that Gov. ()bran asatir+him that he-.was
promised, arid he was 4 - olng all he could to
have them returned for that purpose,.and he
believed it would be done before January."
1n some of the regiments two thirds of the
mkt have put down their names for re-en-
The destruction of railroad iron from Ma
nassas Junction is, to use a common expres
sion, i a big thing." I could not see a bar .
but was bent. Most of them Are left in .the
shape of a ; some are twisted round and
round, others are bent twice round some:tree
or telegraph pole, and left in such a condi
tion that the tree must be cut doWn before
the iron can be got off. The only destruc
t tion of any,great amonnt to the road has been
in iron and ties, 'though "all'the: bridges and
water-tanks were destroyed. Some of the
e nbankments were partly dug down. I only
saw one out,- near Bristow Station; that had
been filled. . This Was done by throwing in
a layer of Cedar and Spruce pine, then a
layer of earth dug down-from; the sides, and
so on to the top. This part of the road is of
course very rough; bid 1n a feWdays will be
as solid al; ever. On account of the destruc
tion of the road, transportation has been bad,
consequentlt the soldiers have , had very poor
living. For the last ten days" the food has
been composed of only three things :-Ist,
" Herd-tack," Which is old **v. : crackers,
made some year& ego out of flour and_ water
and baked' so hard that Soaking them for 24 -
hours makes no. more impression on them
than it would on.a board. The 2d article is
" Salt. Pork ;"- thiit is' pork ; salted so. much
that a vi•cek's soaking will not make any im
pression on the taste of the . stuff. Many of
the soldiers,,imagine that Lee.was after this
pork in his last move, SQ as to get the salt.
One thing is certain, it, makes the m e n so dry
that they have drank up all the water far and
near;and on account of the scarcity of water
—if the pork is continued -LMeade will 'be
compelled to advance to the HaPpitliant ock,
where all he has to do is to continue the pork,
and he will be able to cross that river with
out pbutofts. : The _3d find last' article is
Coffee," of which the qtialityis good. The
railroad will in a few days by in good order,
.and the diet will of course be changTl,.,
The subjecit of the organization of the neat
, House" fiequentlY broughiliO"mind here by -
the advent of Congressmen :It is generally
conceded that lion. Scbuylet Colfax, of In
17diana,"will be Speaker. Tor Clerk it ii said
I , the Pennsylvania delegation will pr63erit th&
name of Hon. Edward,M'Pheison, who rep
resented the Adams and,Franklin district in
the 36th and 37th Congress. In parliamentary
law.,,ha, is an oracle ;,:hasgreat purity of char ,
aeter,both,publis and private.; isclear-head
and'able, and indeed hap *every requisite
to be a geOdCleili of thd44o6 of toPiesen
tatives of the'Oongress about'to rneet—a Con
gress which will-discuss the Most momelitous
',questions ever agitated iwadeliberative body.
After the experience bad With. Etheridge; of
Tennessee, I' opine theie no attempt
to buy up Border Sinie
. farce:is' now being :played before our
Criminal Court in the arraignment and trial
of certain keeper§ of brothels. Among others,
a woman who is described' by certain papers
"pretty, brunette," and a. man who at
one time figured ase, Major of volunteers in'
our army. but vas dismissed the 'service: :If,
the authorities were in' earnest it seems to me,
the proprietors of ,abo.ut. five- hundred, the
actual number said r to• exist here,. of these
gilded htionta ought' to be indicted, instead
of making viCiirlous' , Ofteringa of two : or three;
and they by:no means the most- notorious.
It will end like the raid on the gambling .
hells---agalviinic • effect siad more.
Yen don't imagine,my hot country friends,
that rouge a noir is "played out," becanse
some weeks, since it was announced that bank;
ing on the,Egyptian plan Would no longer be
.perniitted. Not at all. - 1 lipy stispendedi'
for brief periods bat are again 'doing" a
smashing business. there is one lamentable
thing connected with this public-attempt . to
suppress houses' of . illlfanae here, viz: the
public4ion' of the disgusting minutia elici ted
at the trial,, giving, verbatim- the brazen lan
guage of .the harlots ',and pimps, so that no
'respectable man should give entrance to; his
fainily, to some thene:wspapers here, nniesS!!
he would bare his wife and, childrenthorouoi
ly posted on the modus operandi of first ev
,i' army
ler4 y, and if
.i' al pf the
ght days' ra
' o lugago has
._,,c rd to the army ;
,gyp in' ;the rear ; the
, 1
ent--from' all these.
'. het - the army is not',
e Rebels keep 4 a-bold-",
pahannook. It likely 1
/ 1
, ill occupy Falmouth-soon;• 1
• .
Goy. Cur in lieturneti-ilia Tour in New '
' "York His Nomination for the Treat
; den The Quartermaster, General's
; i__ .
, - Ifon.'.Yames' L. Iteynoldii-Pro
ba le Abolition - of the °Mee ,of Sur
, vgyou General-Organization of the
paalature-State Treasurer -App
, e
‘NI ointments. - ' • ' '
, . ,
- ospondence of The Franklinßepospory." •
- - HARRISBURG, Nov. 7; ts6a. '
As do whether any movement ot thi
is in contemplation, from observAtier
say a move of some
,kind is
any, - soon. ' The sick • from Se;
corps 'have been sent ; away;
tions are alivays ;
been permitted to go forty/
the sutlers are •still' kept'
roads. and weather 'ai
things five tnust. infer'
going to be idle- T 1
front along the
part of ,the army,
Gov.' Curtin returned to Harrisburg - last
evening,. after havingspeken.stne ten times_
in Nese 'York, in three days—ettinatencing;
at Buffalo and ending in New York city.
He was received with great erhusiasm 'at
every point by the Union men of the Empire
State, and they flocked by thousands to see
and' hear Pennsylvania's honored Executive.
Whilein New York city he - was made the
recipient -of several banquets, at
,which the
leading men of the State, Chi' and military,
attended to do hohoi to the great champion
.of loyalty in the Keys6ne State. He is look
ing exceedingly well, and will' give his un
divided attention now to the new call for
troops' r --the regulations for - eulistmeni hav
ing just been re*eived officially.
- I notice that a number of Union' journals
in this State have presented the name -l of
Gov. Curtin for the Presidency or. Vice Pres
idency; and it must be confessed that no one
has to-day a stronger hold on the loyalty of
the nation than the man who has, mainly by
his eloquence and personal efforts in 1860,,
and by histested fidelity and: patriotism in
1868, twice rescued Pennsylvania from the
foes of the Free North. He has achieved
what no Executive opposed to the Demi:lora:
cy has, ever before aehieveil, and what no
Democratic Governor has accomplished since
1841—axe-election ; and his triumph is due
less to political - Skill than to his positleb
strength' with the' - loyal sentiment of the
State; to his unfaltering - devotion to our
brave troops in the• field, and to his. liberal
administrative policy.
I do not speak by authority,' but I feel
well assured that Gov. Curjn does not en
courage,. the use of his name as a candidat.t
for any political position at this tinie. What
everhas,been said 'or thought to the contra
ry, he - was a most unwillingcandidate before
the Pittsburg Convention; and now thitt he
has been chosen to the Gubernatorial chair
for another term, we hater& little in •saying
that he will rather, let others struggle •for
political preferment, while he, devotes him:.
sislf, 0-heretofore, •to our , great State and to
the preservation .of War Nationality.
The offiee oeQOattetgliiier ,0 9 0 4 1 h as
been vacant foF some mouths, since the death
Of den. -kale. It, is . generally , understood
that the Governorwilttender the positiOn. to
Hon. Jaines - L. Reynolds, ,of intiettster, ;and
it is believed thathe will accept IC He is, a
brother of the late lamented (3)en: iteynolds,-
and; a gentleman. of spotless integrity and su
perior business qualifications .
, Although in
independent circumstances,. he will accept
solely because hemay thereby render service
to the State. , The salary is quite inadequate;
He was an 'earnest Democrat when the war
eommenced; but he, has acted with theiTnion
Party for over two years.
• His .appolitment
and acceptance will secure a most competent,
faithful and
It is =riot improbable' that itte:ofllie - of Sur.'
veyor General will be abolished'by the next
Legistaturb. It,has,beeome a mer,e sinecure,
and the" whole' dUtie_s_o4„lie_. performed by
one or Vivo clerks. - ' The land of the State. his
all 'been Surveyed:and-laid,' and' the officals
• • .
only:tiseffil in" furnishing evidence of these
friete to'tbepeople. TO keel; the Land. Of
fice up at-is Department is entirely needless,
as item:Lid:be transferred to the Secrets .• .c.
the COilitrionwealtif and fill its labers' , ~...
formed bi`a couple of clerks.
- The organization of the Legislature s al
' ready attracting some attention. Ho i . John
i i•
P. Penny; of Allegheny, will be th peaker
of the SOiny without doubt; itn Geo'. W.
Ramm4alyt -Esq., will•be re-no inated . for
Clerk without opposition, and of, course will
be elected:' In, the House 3 ssrs. johnsati
ceciuiti#a ;:1 1 : 'Frazer "Mith of • Chester,
and iii , 52i,,,r. Smith, of /
Philadelphia, are,
pressed toepeaker; an Messrs. Blanchard,
of Butler; o untingdon, tuid-Rea
of .F'hilinfelPhia, 'sr , proposed - for Clerk.---
Mr ! Jeliiik4 will supported , by the united
west and north . - t,_and as things lot* now,
will be lin6cess 1: He is 'a most competent
and. merithri us gentleman. •• •
- For: S .Treasurer Nl.eisrs. HenruT).
Moore;!:', '.
m. P. 'Hamm and Mr. Kimble,
all on>, "lidelpliiii, are, named. Mr. Itthere
has a eiedi been chosen twiPe;and'inadAi'One
of tO:betti'.finimcial officers we have ever
had.. Whatever may be the merits:OP the
iiher gAtierben, they are comparativellUrn;' 1
knewn, -
Old Mr. MoorT will doubtless be
chosen., It is due to Mr. McGrath, the pros
eat inctinibent, to say that he is a most ex
cellentiOd_ upright 'officer: ' ' • • '
Some :04' . is already made for appointments
under doi. Curtin. He has not, I believe,'
given any intimations of the policy . he:in
tends to TiOrtme its to changes ; but I doubt'
whetter *any changes will be made.
The Novernber Elections have resulted un.:
iron:nip:. in• the utter overthrow of the Cop
perheads, In New York, where Seyindur - 1
was 'electO last year by over, 10,000, the
Union tiglcnt, is elected by about 32,300—a gain - I
from last.: year of over 43,000. Several of the
counties area estimated, but we think the fig..]
urea are IoW enough to justify the majority
'The Seni►fe, will stand 22 Union;t*,
10 Copperheads—a elesir two thirds majority . -
for the right side. • Counting very liberally
for the COpperheads in the Assembly we con:-
chide that they have 46 members to 72Union.
—ln New York City, in 1862, :Seymour's!
majority for Governor was 81,776. In 1863'
the majority of St. '46lm, tt,ernocrat, over
Depew,;l4lon, for Secretary irf State, is 19,-
4.,Tpton gain of twelvt thousand and
forty '; , "'''
Speaking of tha" defeat of the Democracy
in New York, the WorLd, until lately a whin
ing copperhead organ, puts the saddle on the
right horse. It says
"But the peace men have been - ,wrontin
supposing that the people of the loyal - States
would allow the - to 'end in arty other way
than by the triumph otthe Union over artned
opposition. The ke y - note struel by"the la
mented Douglas in the first year of the war
touched the most sensitive and enduring
chord of the popularheart. The war can end
only by prostrating armed rei•istance ; and
while it lasts the people will never allow it to
be made a secondary litystion. - But is the
people have declared they will not, allow the
war to end except bylhe - triumph of our
arms. the-billy way 'to" bring the administra
tiOn to trial for its malvenation is to dispose,
ai4 speedily as possible. of the case which
stands first on the docket. It is clear that
while the war lasts no party can succeed that
does not make - its energetic prosecution the
paramount object. We said this, in sub
stance, after the Connecticut election ; Were
peated it afteethe 'Maine election ; we reiter
ated it after the Ohio election; we trust - it
needs, no further enforcement now."
In Missouri the - contest •was between the
Radicals and Conservatives—the latter em
bracing the rebels and their 4 .friends." The
Radical , majority in St. Louis city and - eoun-,
ty will not fall :short of four thousand. 'lt
is not doubted that they have carried the ,
State, if therer - las been fairpley in the court- .
try districts.,. The rebels werenot prevented.
from voting. Several rebels who have' serv
ed lernis in the Alton penitentittry'vot,ed the
Conservative ticket. The soldiers Dearly all.
.voted"v;ith, the Radicals. One company of
the 40th , - voted the ticket entire.
Out of sixty odd counties iseuth of the river'
it is estimated the Radicals will.carrt fifty.
Union, men. do not - despair. of the result
throughout the State;depending on the , sol
diers' vote to counteract that of the thtiiis
'ands of rebels'who have vi.ted for the Con;:
servatives. •
In 1860 Gov. Curti carried Centre coon=
ty by 841, and at the late election he was de-
feated by 844.. The change is thus pointedly
explained by the Bellefonte Press,_ It says
that the reason is obilous,, and is' at outs
creditable both to'Gov. Curtin and his friends,
, The townships whichgave majorities for him
in 1860, have 1682 soldiers tinder arms; while
:those which went against Ititn 'have • sent, but
468, although„theY,poll 4han Aco the.
Democratic rote of } tae county,. our ranks
are decimated at home only ibecause they are
so full in the field, and we ric;int with'pr , ide
and triutoph to'the record.
have blushed if Cato's: house had Stood serene.
and. fl),urlibing in a
Neiv Jerie'y did:pot electlanY§tatekofft
cers.,, The. counties were so 'geryrnandereil
by the_ Democrats (recently as to secure the
'idgisitituid. The Union rneU . gain Asigely
. the members' of 'hilt yeai, hitt'riOt:euough.
to give them majority. ,"Webelieici that;
the popular t . •* , will show a majority or
the right side.- I • , ••',:•i a
Illinois the Union nien'have gained im-
M i ensely. IfeturnS from '2B counties at
sunimpqr,tant county and, town elections
held on the 3a inst., .a - Union gain -of. more
than 15,1)00. There are abotiV 100 counties
hi the State, and if the vote is in the - Ithove
ratio, it wili'ahow,a Union gain of froinss - ,.-
OA* t 0 .60,000. Even in "Egypt" , there is
gleam of : light ; a Carin dispatch sags the
Unionists have carried that Heavenaharidon
ed corner of the State': , SUOh news 'aintost
'too good to be true.
- The Nevada, Constitutional Convention - is
now in session at NOada City It is thought
that there will he an early electiTon . ,Of:raerft-,
bars of the legislature, with a ; of .ehooi,:
ing Senators to preient Congress
for the admitision of the State s of Washoo in
to"-the Union -
:.,In 3faryland ,Uneonditiotiall Union
men =tie Etpaneipationists,bave elected four
ofthe five Cotigressmen; the State.tielMt by,
over. 25,0'00 aajeFlty, and nearly,
mous legislature.,. The legislature ivlll gall a
Constitutional - ,Convention to prairidelor the
gradualabolitiee•of Slavery in llierylaed.
In Massachusetts Gov." Andrew,,lTnipn,
has been. re-elected Governor by, over fO,OX)
'...being• a g,abi.of 17,006 on histmajority last
year., The - Senate I,t' unanimously.*end thellonieitarida l 222 'Union; to 14 Cop- .
•. • , ,
In Wisconsin the 'Unien 'ticket 3s elected
by` an ev,erwheliningTnajotity-,Letab4eing
State 'dulcet's., by nearly, 20,000, and .hoth
branches of the legislature.; • • •
In MinOsotao/31; :111116,TTnion, is eleetea
Governor, 'with all the Union State: ticket
by ove.r,l:9,oo9;aitd the:Legislature:by aeariy
two-thirsU both branches. • •
.11,inj.-Gen. Ord hie
The King -of :HOHand edits a . - monthly
- • „ .
Victor "*Mitiuel - tiSekiad Ss:attack:or •de
lirium tremens.
`The Prince of Waleg, has bought Byron's
Newstead Abbot , : :1,
Maj.-Gen..l3gal ss sit inditunatiioplis;
ping at the: Bates,-. :
The late Hoh.Wrh. Sturgis, ofsoston,left
an estate of boo . -
Garibaldi. is reported• eared—lively. sia : , ti
tomtit, on .a pump-handle.
• Samuel J. Riley, oue.of the oldest printers
1 , in d'ennaylvaulai died in Lanmtster lit wok,
• 4083.-Gen.lllshop Pnik,'brireriniisaiii, t
resigned liiinoinmigsion service.
• Hugh -Bellas, well: known •mernbet
the Bar; died at Sunbcay, Pal, the 26th
e „ •
. altimo.•
E. P. Ferry, of Illinois, has been appoint
ed by'the Vresident Comniiisioner for
Tennessee., • _ -
3fakGen: Hunter leaves WashingtUn on
an inspecting tour Of Grant's arm*; and other
forces West.
Owing to his shocking - Ina hat ,Vice: Prey=
ident Hamlin was recently mistaken tbr one
o'Jc:if:Da - vies guerrillas..
The naarriage.of a daughter "of Victor Hugo
"with an English officer •Of distinction" 'is
announced in the foreign , papers.. : _,l
It Is reported that Gen. Neal Dow has been
brought from Mobile to Richmond in order.'
to be exchanged for Gen. John Morgan. ",
William N: Grover has bi. 6 appnlitil tr.
S. 'Aitorpey . for. the pistaintistrict4 is.
ilouTi in plane 011#m. W.-Edwards,. l'exacivtel
John )Thior Botta, NehO. araa arrptedrhy
the rebels for the fifth time. and carried to
Richmond, bag again beerkreleaiedon parole.
The first number of. Parson BrosvnlowN
paper was issued on the 29th ult., exactly two
years from-the day, ttinticoilYille Whig was
:supprelis&i.' , I '' f • "
Col. Ruffin, of ,North Catalina, wounded
'at the hattle Of Bristow, died in hospital a y t,
Alexiindrifi.- . .C61, Ruffin was a member of
Congresa before the rebellion. ,
The•Bmpiess - Eugenie,' at Biairiti.; dance'
until two'o,'Clocli , every_ 'morning, bathed
next with the:rincess. 3furat ! —.4lfiticed pref.,
•ty woman-- , and: ha& frolic wildly in the,
Oil William - H. 'TivilFr'... •of the 49th
menu ,Pennsylvania volunteers,• has been
compelled, oir account of . ill health frorri.
woutfds' reedied NAM; reSign hi 9 com.
..;onp. ,
• .
Parson.,Brawnlow aria ; Horace IdaynAroi
made.siveeebei at Knoxville.ion'the 80th tilti,`,
and bbth endorsed the Aihainiitrati* and
fully faiipreilluiriieaintfa'amancifmticdih.Elist
Te4rtessee. • • • j •
Hon. 'ChM.les Steven, a 'arell.tluioirti
citizen of Anne' 'Arundel ccutitY, 1 11441;;`, an4'
,formerty 4 distinguished Whig
died at his residence,- in that county, recently, •
in the 68th, year of his nge:- ,
Pu s
Elerikerdied i -nt
land, on : tbelst, He was distinguish--
ed for his 'conduct , during-the carriptignin'
the Shenandoah' valley in 1862;
"Paigu terminated :•eith;ll , b4ttle` , ot Oiesq .
. 11 ; ‘.! •lai•
The • Cincinnati' Comotereia& eqs4huttil*i
*ei;erable :Oath*lie 'Atehlikis!3op
the ppiis iu OrtTueasy,fortheirst
tirrioilvt,weuttfive per,e,.en o tlv A go* k " Q prk
,VA 3 O geket'•
Brig.-Gen.. G. • R.- Paid, iwho WaS so severe
ly wounded in the batpeef Gettysburg, luks
arrived at his home in rfe:Wport, Ky. He is
improving, as regaids hie general physical
ebntlition, but iintill.;:blcid tient the effects
of 'his wound., -.
Gen. Lew litalliioe:Who took an active
part in the fight at ISlitn4 l , No. 10, Shiloh and
Corinth, but rho, froWt some cause, silently
'passed from observatiOni,:has_become a part
ner in a pork : and beef „:packirig house - at
Cfawfordsville, Did. •
' •
Gen. Bragg is evifiently,,uupopulail among
the rebels of the : SoutimMt. He is attacked
'by a number of the jourt4s, arid Jeff. Davis
is likewise assailed fot iMputing such attacks
'to malice. : Mr. Davis - dOnies the ,iinpeach
ment, and will.not suppreede Gen. Bragg.
Gen. Grant is described $' a corr4pondent,
who recently saw .hin4 As. about five feet
seven inches _in stature, youthful in apper
'ance, • whiskeri. without-' mustache, 'modest,
unsophisticated,' pleasing in his manners,
inveterate smoker, and still walks on crutcheq,
Gen. Grierson, the hero of the great south-
western cavalry expedition, • had a public re
ception at Jacksonville„lllinols; Ills horses',
'some dais since: the 'features of toe
'occasion was the preseltation ,to. him, by
several young men 'of : the:town, of a silver
The veteran Democritt;* Daniel S. Dickin
son, hag made a speech:l# New, Te r ry:;_whielk
produces a rernarkahle4oint. He delared
that in the warof . 1812 hir..iktidison ms
ten mistakes A l liiniam !Lincoln- has:
made one, yet the Democratib_party sustain
ed the Executive theiv,+-and made their fpy
ttin'es its a party by* thelr,-Patiotie course:
S; Cummings,.a well known :
clan of Lewistown; was killed on the•Pestit
sylvania Railroad, on tknrsdity mern!rige - ;
He Was standing CM the track at, Lewistown,:
watching. for a train coming from the toesil t :
at the same time one came from thee"
He did nOt heed the Warning of dangoetiritiitT
to late. • ,
Judge Woodward hits resigned—not 'h
on the Supreme Bench whiCh eci*!ispit4 . ,
good pay, but—hid office as vtrynifin i4be
Church of t piphany, Thaip
Church is loyal,-.and prays for the Presi4Oit- .
of 'VA - rnite4States. metnberk 'f
prohably voted - for that excellent pat pt,'
Andrew G.. Curtin, Tor. Other nor. =
The Gettysburg Setttirtel noticei . the .144.: ,
cress of 41sE.Anna piekiniOn, on Saiurda;
futF„'ure4s since: The court 'house Waag
4r0101 4 .11 to excess. And stich . .an. addrears:4
There_ was.but one general burst of' adinita;
Con' froth all.who heard'hei., - that they ne , , - `et
had listened to such a. speech: Her liatinet.
utterance, and the roll of her voice, withitir
iast• compass,.: filled every part of-the roniu;::
and oven reached-the street."
J. Edgar Thomsotr, Esq., President of diet
Pennsylvania Aailrotid .-Cortipany,
iCew York city; will in a_few _days' ercili#li'
foi 'Russia* with his family, where 'it is OA_
he goes trY ftddll an appointment tenderer}: to
by the. -Russian Government, throniciv , L
their Minister at Washington.. ' The positloi:'
is 'similar in its character't6, the one he . rtcetv . i
• Ivilds on the penuSyoataia , Railroad. ; Lf.
thOmos A. Scott will be the_acting Preskita
of the company, ad interim. • r
Btonewull Jaelocm's sister,'Mrs. Arnold; bf
Beverly,_ Virginia, ' sayahar brother , x-voted;
agiiipst-thetordinattee of Secession, and aolir*.'-
to think that it . was,;tho 'surroundings , Otirr
pia him ,yvhere he was. She loved him tesk•
derly as , an only .broilier . ; yet, engaged. sat* '
was in the rebel cause, she remarked tliak
•tilthough: it was agony-she said it, li* l
bad ilved,,tOo lorig73B4th the treasonahle ' ek. 2 :'
ernies of the best GovOtiMent that
gave • •
..„. •,... '
Tug - Provost Mar'shal . General,' in a let*:
So the Secretary of War, gives some intern
ihg.statistics concerning tile-operation of the •
terollment act.' He says the act is not
feet, arid may easily be improved by 'certaiiii
umendmentu.- In several' of the Weitai
States the diaft'was not put in force, -owing
to the excess of volunteering, so. that - titiv
present drift is only a partial one. Overt,
per cent. of those drawn in the present eltatlt,
including - the 60 per cent. additional have
About 80 per cent. were exempted undetr
exataination. About 40 per cent. have' bitein
held to service. About one-half paid doni=
mutation;' one-third of the 'remainder wint,
into 'eurvied,:and tvio-thirds furnished substP
tutee. These proportions are based uPon'Oe"
reports up to this tithe from 78 Cong.-reside - nal
Districts. • About 200,000%oldiers haven n
discharged for disability. It is iirobable tho
were' unfit for service when enlisted, aria
440,000,000 have been uselessly expended-in'
.bringing surVice. All iheexpen-. - - .
ditures of the ;Proiokt Marshal General'er
„Bureau up to bet,. 19; have amounted it,'
1,200,049.. The: amount of money received '
,from the draft is about ten times as great
Aliee expenees on account of the Enio3l
- act; ;•• • •
• , 3
PHs. Mobile Reuter says "The rTgni• - _ , 4 ;
no longer an • object of small talk in - .' t*"
**Ali -The • people of the South hatte ' ll
plaCO for them, arid 'that isin ' tTuo
m o a t ; b e oci ciistinction in color whirs . '
man iu willing to ,fight for' his home 44:
inflater." : •
il. vr * iik ' . -Anci'leur 'ha's 6 . 1164 azi ex t trii
0 cm
melon "ef the IlleisichusettS 'Legislature,,*
Consider the: iitt;tkt.qf offering' new beta,*
to volunteers . -
, i‘
a sup :
nom As a eseeniknt-,
0! -
of St, ratilleN; ilie.effective nnan.-;-
'ner 'which 'lie leSterOl. Ote,inakeir •
''l4s I