The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, November 04, 1863, Image 1

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Crime - only - dies when it cannot liVe.—
Throughout the whole desolated dominions
of treason, the voice of lamentatiOn and
mourning is heard. Davis, the arch fiend
of this. wicked fraternal war, has left his
capitol to heal dissensions and if possible
inspire hopes in his shattered legions in
Tennessee and Georgia. He issued an ad
dress to Bragg's army, imploring them to
struggle on, and informed them that al
though they "have done much, vety much
remains to be done ;" and in a speech de
livered at. Selma, Alabama, he said that
they "should not look to , Etirope for aid,
Arsuch is not to be e. petted now. 7. While
,with Bragg he relieved Gen.
_from duty, and placed Breckinridge in corn
mand of the corps. He complimented Gen.
Bragg, and indicates his purpose to sustain
him'in command, notwithstanding the dec
huation of the , Chattanooga Rebd that
"Bragg io not only no Genera-but that he
- .
14 opposed to .all Freedom—of the press ands
- - piarsobal liberty 7 ati the most dangerous
oentre of power in the Confederate States."
While the battle of Chickamauga has
been accepted 'by the North as a serious
' disaster, the. rebel journals complain bitter
ly of the fruitless 'slaughter of that sangui
nary struggle. They say that it accom 7
fished nothing and that, the victory' was,a
barren one in all things save the loss of
aver- 17,000 of their army. The Richmond
Whig says that with the Union army still
in Chattanooga "our victory will be with
out profit, 'and we have only to mourn that
so many brave men have died in vain."—
The Columbus (Ga) Enquirer gives the dß
' obi' list of killed, wounded and missing it
Chickamauga at 174)99 t
Lee's late movement against Meade has,
proved a
. grievous disSppointment to the
rebels . The Richmond Examiner calls it
slailure aid acknowle l riges that "no ex,
lunation of the-cause las_yet been .received
Confederate source." It admits that
meted-" to interpose ,a corps of his
army between a large portion of Meade's
forces at Culpepper and Washington ;" and
this, it allows, was unsuccessful, as " the
43tiemy became cognizant of the plan at the'
{Ulnae - tit of its - execution, and retrcatecrwith
sufficient deliberation to destroy all their
stores that they did not carry,off to the for-
Tifications at Centreville." The same paper
; speaking of the Bristow Station fight says
We lost four hundred and fifty prisoners,
- five pieces of cannon and were generally
worsted." A correspondent of the Whig
say's that Stuart had started on amid, "but
tame upon a'column of the enemy' in£an•
• try near Drainesville and was compelled to
return." The same ' correspondent gives
the following doleful account of the condi:
Lion Of Lee's arniy : -
"Before closing, let me say's' word:to our
iwtne t l / I :Es about our stio .4 , 25 s soldiers. That
word shall be simple and practical. 1" have
um brave men who had Walked all the way
from the Rapidan. to Bristow Station and back
to Culpepper with bare feet. And these
same men bad never straggled, but were al ;
ways. ready to meet , the foe. I saw these
men on yesterday morning, making their
way with'uneovered feet, through mud, and
mire, and slosh, in the midst of a heavy rain,
' with as much indifference to the storm, and
- wore of houyaney and cheerfulness than can
well be imagined under the circumstances.
The GovernMent cannot furnish these men
Shall private munificence fail?
,Must the
men,w o are standing like a wall of fire be
, tween us and the foe go Unremembered, when
private liberality can readily supplement the
governmental deficiency? Shoes and socks,
too, Are needed. Where, are our brave Wo
men, and why do they not respond?"
The Richmond Enquirer's correspondent
writing from Bristow Station says:
4.41.. is certainly true that Meade has man
aged his retreat most orderly, and that he
,haa'saved his stores, and lost but few men.
Our boys have been sadly disappointed in
their expectations of capture, and from more
than one of them you can hear such an ex.-
piession as this: 7 -1f Jackson had been along,
we would have got everything we wanted.
Alas! we have no Jackson now. Out hoyl,
however, make the Yankees whom they cap
-tare pull off their shoes, Which they at once
convert to their own use.",:_!
- - less salt can be had the supply of Meat next
year will be much less than thisyear. "There
are hogs enough and corn enough to make
for the next year more bacon than we have
had heretofore, but unless Salt can be got
the baCon will' not be saved.'" The ques
tion of food is confessedly a most grave one
thronghoirt the South within rebel lines.
In Riehmend a vote was had recently on
the adoption.of an ordinance regulating the
prices of household articles.
The late elections in the Rebel States have
been marked by the defeat of most of .the
old officials—a thing most unusual in the
-South, and it can beexplained only by' the
' dissatisfaction of the people with-the 'lead
: , ers who - prostituted their official positions
to bring about the rebellion. The Rich
`mond . -Sentinel says that the election in
Georgia, has " developed a popular mania
for new men," and adds that "it is more
; than doubtful whether any old member of
• 4longress has been re-elected except Mr.
[t as tin g& It says, too, that "new men.
have, generally been elected to the Legisla.
ture" and explains by saying that " thizD
restlessness of the people, and injustice to '
their old and faithful servants, is due to
the ergakings by which they have been
made dissatisfied."
The Milledgeville. (Ga.) Recorder says
that " eighteen 'negroes have
.been lodged
in Sparta jail, Hancock county, for com
bining and attempting to incite insurrection.
They had been. holding secret meetings and
planing matters. In all about one hundred
in number are implicated. : Their opera
tions have been extensive."
The Examiner, in an article on the situ
ation in East Tennessee says: .
"Our government do not seem alive to the
importance of retaining this country. The
people of the Confederacy were, sorely east
down by the - I of Vicksburg. The value
of Vicksburg uswas nothing compared
with that of t. East Tennessee. Vick burg af
forded us nothing; from East Tennessee and
,the adjacent, counties of North Carolina:and
Virginia we are to draw the meat upon which
the army is to be fed during the current and
;the coming years."
The Mayor of Charleston has published a
notice requiring - all able-bodied male free
negroes in that city to report themselves for
thirty • days' labor on the fortifieations.—
Those failing to report are to be impressed.
The following notice for the inforination of
owners of slaviis in Charleston is also 'pub- .
fished :
"The penalty for neglect or refusal to send
a slave or =slaves. to work. on the fortifications,
according to law, shall be deemed a misde
,meanor, ° punishable by indictinent an the
Court of General Sessions, mid 'upon convic
tion thereof the owner or employer shall be
fined in the sum of two hunnred dollars for
each slave or slavesche or she has so neglected
or refused to send."
Sensation newspaper correspondents have
well nigh exhausted the decalogue to find
reasons for the removal of Rot,ecrans from
the command of the Army of the CuMber
land• No General shared more largely of
the conidenee and
.affections of the loyal
people than did the hero of luka and j Stone
River, and they yielded to the necesSity 'of
his displacement with mingled surprise and
sorrow. He has been a faithful and hith
erto successftil soldier; and in his ,retire
ment from active command the public will
readily accept any reason therefor, that is
consistent with his fidelity to his govern
ment •aud his ...haracter as, a military leader.
Like himself, we defer to the judinnent of
those' in - authority who are charged with
the responsibility of directing artily , opera
tions, and we doubt,not that when - the truth
is ascertained, the ;reasons for the chajige
will be satisfactory.
In his farewell order to his arms, Gen.
Rosecrans uses the following patriotic lan
"In taking leave of you—his brothers
arms, officers and soldiers—he congratulates
you that your new cormnander cornea to you
not as a stranger: Gen. Thomas has been
identified with this army from its first or
ganization, and has led you often in battles.
To his renown, precedents, dauntless courage,
-and true patriotism, you may look with con
fidence that, under God. he will lead you to
victory. The General commanding doubts
irt, you will be as true- to yourselves and
your country in the future; as you have been
in the past.
Gen. Rosecrans reached' Cincinnati on
the e 26th ult, and was most enthusiastically
welcomed by his old friends and neighbors.
Judge Stever forwally welcomed him, -and
the General responded in a speech replete.
with the sentiments of a true soldier and
patriot. 'We quote : -
"I see that you have been watching with
the deepeSt interest the contest with treason
which has imperiled the Government. And
I say to:you. that while my heart beats with
yours for the preservation of the GcArernment
under which we live, and under Which we
hopeto die, I must remember my duty to
that •Gevernment. I must remember,
that yon have some doubt why AIM Govern
sent me here. Let us ever bear in mind
my friends, that it is our duty to Yield ready
and perfect obedience to our Gorernment at 11
times, and grant it the privilegeof issuing
orders for le hieh we must - presume it has good
rrca-son6 until we knowthe contrary. i[Cheers.]
Therefore, I hope them - is no ,disposition
among you to question the Goverbment.
do not say to you to stifle your feelings, but
to wait for further light. ,To prevent any
misunderstanding will state here, ' that
since the battle of:Chickamauga. •the Presi
dent has. written me personally to express his
satisfaction as what was done. [Enthusias
tic cheers.] Some very kind friend's, , excel
lent, friends of mine, of the- Cities Of New
York and Washington, seem•to lye posted up
in regard' to my health. [_Laughter.] The
Army of the Cumberland thinks j differently
—it thinks I am . well enough; so I do myself.
[Laughter and cheers.] One of my New
York friends has published, to the world that
Gcns. M'Cook and Crittenden hriVR - conspired
against me. Now; I have the assurance from
' them to-day, that they regret the use of their
I - names in any such dishonorable connections.
[Cheers.] As to the * quantity of opium I
have taken, you will bare to excuse me—t
refer you to my druggist... [Laughter.] I
have nothing further to say than this—that
if anything gives me hope for th, e future of
our country, it is the noble and ,Iself-saerifle
frig' spirit manifested by the people, vtho, in
I spite of the weariness of war—of the loss of
friends and relatives, of children, fathers and
brothers, and all that war entail's—are devo
ted and unyielding. [Cheers.] They are
still convinced that if there is any, hope for
this country in the future, it is in the unity
ancl o preservationofour Government, [Cheers.
ltiS for that I live, and for that /' expect to
die. [Long and continued applause.] -
A correspondent of ttte Pittslurg Com
rnercial, writing from Cincinnati, says that
"Gen, Rosecrans • look& _ extremely well, a
little thinner and older than a year ago, but
in no way broken down. His friends pre
dict that he will soon be in as important a
comniand as that , from . which he has .been
removed to obviate certain difficulties which
could not be - removed without displacing
with we give a correct list of the 'idea:illicit
of the Pennsylvania Legislature.: TSB Sen
ate will stand 17 Union to 16' Democratic:
hut Senator White, of Indiana, is a Major
in the military service; was captured when
Milroy evacuated Winchester, and is still a
prisoner in 'Richmond. Should he not be
exchanged, the Senate will stand a tie,- but
the Union men have the organization with
Hon. JohnP. PennY, of Allegheny, as spea
ker, and Geo. W. Haminersly, of Philndel- .
phis, us clerk,_ so that there will be no delay
at the meeting of the legislature. brew' Serl - 7
ators are marked with a star (*):
Ist Dietrict—Philad. - -
Jeremiah Nichols, tr...
25th—Dauphin and Lela
David Fleming, U.
G. M. Donovan.
Jacob Ridgway, tr.
George Connell, TT,
2d—Cheater and Deft/ware
W. Worthington. 13.*
J. C. Smith. Op.
Benj. Cha - mpneys, 27!
John M. Dunlap, IL*
A. Heistani (Bats, Op.
28th—Adams; Froaktin /I^
MeSherry, Op.
119th--Somerset, Bed'ord
and .1111 ntimidon.
G. W. LlOuvholder, TT*
20th—Blair, Cambria and
' Clearfield.
W. A. Wallace,Op.
31st—Indiana and Arm-
Kinzey, Op.
sth—Lehigh. and 4'orth
O. W. Stein. Op.
Roister Clymer, Op.
7th—Schuylkill, - •
Bernard Reilly, Op.
and Waynp.
H. B. Beardsley, Op.*
9th=-Bradford. Stisque
hnnna, Sullivan and
W. J. Turret, U. /
10th , -/ f uzeriie.
J. If. Stark, Op.
Ilth—Tionn. Potter, Mc-
Kean and Warren.
etrong. •
}ram White, U.
22d— li'eaniore/and and
John Latta. OP •
Odd—Washington and
William Hopkins, Op.
John P. Penny, U. -
3:L. graham. U.
Nth—Beaver and Butler:
MeCandlesS. U.
Nth—Lawrence. Mercer
S: F. Wilson, U.
12th—Clinton. Lvooming ,
('mire anti Union
and Fen g 73 CO.
Thomni Hoge, U.*
27th—Erie and Crawford.
Morrow B. Lowry, U.
Forest and rp
C. L. Lanabertort, Op.
Henn• Johnson.
13th—Snyder, Montour,
Northmoberland &
D. Montgomery, Op.*
lAtk—Cisniberlancl& Perry
Geo. 11.11ucher.'Op.
Union Senators
Union nutioriti
Oramforci and Warren
11. C. Johnson. U.
W. D. Brown. U.
John Bowman. Op.
11. C. 41114 man. U.
Daniel Raiser. 43:. -
1.101.75 E OF EEL'
1. William Foster, U.
2. Barger, Op,t,
3, Samuel Josephs, Op.
4. John D. Watson, L.
5. William W. Watt, U
6. J. 11. O'Hara, U,
T. Thomas Cochran. U.
S. James*Al. Karns, U.
9. Geo. A. (lank**. Op.
10. 8. S. Fanconst. U.
IL S. W. llopkins,_Op,
12. L. T. Sutphin. U.
13. Frank 3.1 .Nlauus. Op.
,14. A. R. Schofield, Op.
15. Win. F. Smith. U.
16. Ed. G. Lee, U.
17, James Miller, U.
Edward A. Price, U
Byron U.
John Cochran. U.
T. 13. Searight, Op.
Franktin and /u/ton
311). Sharpe, Op.j
William Horton, Op.
. .
Alexander Patton, Op.
David Boiler, U.
J. W. Heston. U.
Juniata, Union & Snider
John Balsbneh, U.
Samuel EL Orwig. U.
' lancaeter.
IL B. Bowman, U.
Nathaniel Maeyer, U.
D. Billingfelt,U.
K. K. Smith. b.
James 11. Marshall. Op.
Thomas J. Bigt.. U.
Mired Slack, U.
Dennitton. U.
Jahn P. Glum U.
11. H. Herron, U.
Armxtrong and We/Imre-
J. B. Chambers, OP.t
John ilaramett. Op.
John W. Riddle, Op.
Heaver and Lawrence
William tlonry.
Josiah White, if:
G. Dawson Coleman, 17
Peter Walsh, Op.
Jacob Robi , on, Op.
Harry Hakes. Op.
Mercer and Venungo.
Charles Koonce. U.
Win. Bermin, U.
S. S. Stanberger.
Moliroe and Pike.
Peter Gilbert, Op.
B. F. MyPly. Op
C. A. Kline. Op.
William Pottoger. OP
John Missimer. Op.
R. A. M'Murtrio. U.
Dimmer Lilly, U.
Jas. Marsh. U.
L. B. Labor. Op.
J. B. Boileau. Up
Geo. W. Windy, Op.
Joseph Rex, Op.
H. C. Hoover. OP.
S. C. Shimer, Up.
Owen Rice, Op.
-Northumbe, land.
N. B. Purdy. Op.
Chas. R. Barnett. U.
Potter and Titian.
A. G. Olmstead, U. -
. dhn W. Guernsey, U
• Schuylkill.
Edward Kerns, Op.
Conrad Graber, Op.
Michael Weaver, Op
' • Susguehanna.
George 11". Wells, U.
C. C.Musselman, U.
Woahinpton. ,
Robert R. Reed, U.
James R. Kelly, U.
Wm. M. Nelson, Op.
Daniel Reiff, Op.
John P. Spangler, Op
Wm. Ilaslett; U
J. U. Negicy.
O. L. Pershing Op.
' , Carbon and iehigh
Zacharias Long. On.
Nelsen Weiser. OPP.
Carus T. Alexander. Op
P. Frazer Smith, U.
Robert L. M'Clellan, U.
William Windle. U.
Ginrion and Forest.
Win. T. Alexander. Op.
'Clearfield. Jefferson: Mc-1
Kean and Elk.
T. J. Boyer, Op.
A. W. Benton. Op.
Onnton and Li/coming.
A. C. Noyes, Op.
J. Beck. Op.
adumbia, Montour. Wyo
, mina an Sullivan.„
George D. Jackson, Op. .
John C. Ellis, Op.
Union Members
! Opposition
.Union majority
t Contosted
Senate. House. TotaL
Union 17 62, 69
Democratic i 16 48 64
Union majoritr—..
Of the members of-the House, we recognize 1 1
the names of .42 as old legislators, and three
—Messrs. M'Murtrie, of Blair, Haslett, of 1
Butler, and Guernsey, of yi6ga—have been
members of the Sen4e.
—ln 1862 the Democrats of the House
unanimously endorsed the position assumed
by Hon. John Cessna, of Bedford, in con
testing the seat of Hon. Geo. W. Housel;o1-
der, viz ;—that the counties in existence at
the adoption of the Oimstitiition in 1790 were
entitled to a separate representation. The
Republicans of the House were unwilling to
place themsel vas on rectol against the liOsition
of Mr. Cessna. The minority of
i /the com
mittee declined to give an opinton on the
question at all. By applying tfie'sarire prin
ciple to the next House, Mr. 3rlCee,lllJnion,
is entitled to the Seat from Armstrong coun
ty, Instead of Mr. Chambers, who is returned
elected by the prepondering vote of West
moreland; anctLiegt..Nill, 'Union, of this
county, is entitled , to the seat for which Mr.
Sharpe is returned ,by the vote of Fulton.
We learn. that both will be contested to es
tablish, according to the Democratic con
struction. of the -constitution, the right of
Franklin. and Armstrong to be represented
by meMbers of their own choice. With
Messrs. Nill and M'Kee admitted. the Union
majority would be eight in the House and
nine_on joint, ballot.
A telegram in the papers from Carlo,
states that a Union Member . of Congress has,
been elected in Telas. It sayi: "A • strong
Union feeling began to manifest itself in
Northern Tens about the time the news was
received of the sarrendei of Vicksburg and
Port Hudson. Secret Union - organizations
were forriked, a number of men holding situa-*
tions uncllihe confederate government be
coming aAre members of them. As the re
sult of thismovement, at the August election,
Morgan, the Union candidata for Congress
in the 4st Congressional pistrick comprising
nineteeen northern counties in the State, was
elected." • ' 4 •
The next' Legislature of Ohio will stand as
PollOwS : 'Senate, twenty-nine Unionists to
five oppOsition; House, eighty Unionists to
seventeen 'opposition; Union majority _on
jc;int halloceighty-seven. Thep'fflcial honie
vote of Ohio gives John Broughl„ the Union
cand idate.fOr Governor, 61,752 majority. To
this the soOler . Vote will add probably 26,000
or 80,000 mare, making his majority between
80,000 and 100,000. The total vote of the
State is 435,427.
Judgell'Calmont was defeated for Assem
bly in VeimigOcounty ,1?y 250 majority. A
deserved : a man who after resign
ing from the Army, gives his support to the
opposers both - of the Government and that
army. -
The -Erie .06seri,er, a rank copperhead
.says: "Our Democratic exchanges
promised. theirjreaders that the 'CurtPn would
fall' on the second Tue'sday of October. It
has fallen, but unfortunately it has left us on
Me outside."
Nui..ks . n.A, on the 13th held an elec
tion for# Members of the Legislature: The
House will stand 27•Unionists' to 12 Demo-t
crate; the Council 8 Unionist to 5 Demo
-1 ends. •
West Virginia follows Pennsylvania and
Ohio, and elects, by large majorities, Blair,
BrOwn, and 'Whaley, unconditional Union
men, to the nest Congress.
The Pliilettphia Daily Weirs-has run up
the following ticket:
For President in 1864—Abraham Lincoln. -
For Vice President—Andrew G. Curtin.
BALTIMORE, on the 21st ult., held an elec
tion for City Cduncils, resulting in the _suc
cess of all the unconditional Union candidates.
The Ohio Eagle says the Democratic State
ticket "is beaten from 40,000 ,to God only
knows what."
A full regiment of colored cavalry will soon
he organized at Vicksburg.
Gen- Halleck has - been to Centreville to
bold a conference with Gen. Meade.
Gen. Averey, with six thousand cavalry,
is at Cheat 3.l2untain, in Western Virginia.
Gen. McPherson has -occupied Canton,
after beating the enemy and taking
two hundred Prisoners.
Gen. Wilcox, formerly in command of the
Department of Indiana, is now in conainand
of the post at Cumberland Gap.
Gen. Milroy has been fully exonerated by
the Court of Inquifry which lately' tiled
him for abandoning Winchester in June
The indications seem unmistakable that
our armies, are about to assume 'a vigorous
offensive in all parts of the, general cam
The Orange and Alexandria railroad has
been repaired thirteen miles beyond Manasas;
and trains are running to Catlett's station;
The Mobile Tribune of the 3d inst. admits
that four thousand rebel prisoners were ex
changed by - Gen. Rosecrans after the battle
of Chickamauga.: .
Large numbers of refugees, mostly 'Bridal
subjects, are daily coming into our lines from
the south. In many cases they are accom
panied by deserters.
On Wednesday afternoon the rebels made
a slight demonstration against the Sixth
Stray Corps, engaged in reconstructing the
Orange and Alexandria railroad. ,
Major Cole has just returned from a scout
up the Shenandoah valley, having captured
a portion of/Imboden'swagon train, withits
guard, a rebel major and two other officers.
Gen. I 4 itz .Henry Warren, of lowa, left
New/fork the first of the present week, for
New Orleans, via the Mississippi river. He
takes a command under Gen. Banks, and ex
pects to winter inTexas.
Gen. Buford's Cayalry Division w 9.
tacked by, the rebel infantry, near Bealton
Station, on Tuesday, and was forced to fall
back on our infantry near Germantown. Al
though the skirmishing continued for several
hours there Were foci casualties.
The rebel papers_ expect soon a renewal of
operations from the besieging forces before
Charleston., Gen. Gilmore, it is said,,hashis
batteries perfected, and will ere long reopen
upon the city. A boat reconnoissance to
Fort Sumter was driven off.
Burnside, in East Tennessee, is still active;
and but a lb,* 'more raids ,on the Tennessee
and Virginia Railroad, beyond Abingdon,
will make sure his 'occupation of East Ten
nessee, and yrevent," for some time to eorne, -
any.movement from Lee's army to Southwest
Provost Marshal General Fry telegraphs
to Governor Seymour the correct_ quota of
New York xlader the proclamatioi► of 17th
of_October, as 60,371, and its deficiency, is
47,651, so that the whole number to be rais
ed to avoid a new draft will be over 106,000.
The Richmond Enquirer, of th 4 27th says
that on the morning of the 26th the batteries
in Forts 'Wagner and• Gregg opened with
eleven guns •on Fort Sumter. The firing
continued seven hours, during which time
the forti and monitors throw 260 shells.'
The only response made was from Fort Moul
trie. -
In a -recent march from Knoxville to Cum
berland Gap the brigade of infantry under
Col. Fitiroy do Colireby made sixty miles in
fifty-two hours. This is the best exhibition
of military pedeStripism thathasbeen chron
icled during the war, and the President 'has
directed.the Secretary of - War to' present' his
compliments to the heroes of this expedetious
Gen. Banks' base of supplies is now at Ibe
ria, Louisiana, which disproves , eterumor
that he had sailed with an expedition to the
Rio Grande. The available rebel force in-
Texas will not exceed ten thousand men, and
these have been thrown toward the Louisi
ana line. Discontent and destitution were
said to prevail. As a last resort, it was re
ported the rebel Lumps would ask French
protection. Disturbances were continually
occuring between the Mexicans and Texans.
Five Union gunboats were at the mouth of
the Rio Grande:
An official •dispatch front Gen. Thomas,
dated the 29th of October, says that in the
fight of the previous day the enemy attacked
Geary's . divisipn, posted at Wauliatchie. and
broke into his camp. They were driven back
in gallant style. -Howard, while marching
to relieve Geary, -was attacked in the flank.
He immediately threw two regiments for
ward, and took two commanding -point:
-which had lieen held by the enemy. He t n
drove them across LOokout creek at y the
'point of the bayonet. 'Gen. Thomasigiveo
g reat praise to the mefi of the T nth and
Eleventh Corps. ,
Poi the Franklin Repeal • ry.
Corning o'er the new-mo n meadows,
With a basket in he 'hand,
Trips a little blue-eyed maiden
Likes lay from Miry land; - •
Quickly o'er the - i tri-ooklet crossing,
Singing suchFi merry strain—
Ahl I know hi my heart's beating,
It is darling Bessie Lane.
In the school room I am sitting.
, c • Dre7fing all the livelOng day
Of ho es so fair, which, like dew-drops
Life's rough winds shall sweep away.
Ilyheart is full of hanpirums. _
/And I try to road in vain,
_ /For my eyes are ever turning
To my darling Bessie Lane. .
Going home, the evening shadows
Mingling with the sunset's gold.
Made sky and vale and woodland seem
Fair as Parader:, of old. •
Earth ne'er has seemed so beautiful, "
(Straaage how it has changed since then—) o
As when I was homeward going _
With my darling Bessie Lane.
s Quickly past that golden summer
With its toils and short-lived joys:
Like morn's mist seen in the sunshine
Seem the days when wo were boys
Th' reapers had their joy in striving
• tiatittring in the golden grain—
I was reaping joy in loving
Little darling Bessie Lane.
One wild autumn day, while playing
With the coined maple leaves,
Tying thorn in little bundles,
/ Calling them my harvest sheaves—
They told me, a wild horse rushing,
' • His nostrils spread, mad with pain,
Stamped his hoof upon the forehead
Of my darling, Bessie Lane.
I had seen the fiery lightning
Tear apart a forest tree;
But 'twos not half So terrible
As this fearful tale to me;
Poi I could see, oh 1 how plainly.
. O'er her brow the bloodzled stain,
While her blue eyes looked se fondly-
Ohl my darling Bessie Lane.
Alma that I should hear the rambling
Of the falling clammy clay, .
Sounding on .the little coffin
Where my darling Bessie lay.
Still to mo that sound is carried. ! • ,
Par across lire's troubled main.
Sad requiem forth' hopeal buried.
With my darling Bessie Lane. . S.
Prom the Pittsburg Gazette , ( Motumers' Organ.)
i d
Ve understand that the editor of the.
F NN EzPostroar has been airing, his
p riotism very freely since the election, ati
t expaltse of the Gazette and the. Dispatch, i
sundry of our most prominent citizens.
We do not know, howevef, whether ho
:grounds his right so to do, upon the success
'of his own exertions in Franklin county,
( where the party, unfortunately has scarcely.
survived its Legislative experience; with such
representatives as himself. , A, few more like
him—and he is not without ono or two admi
rers, and. imitators hero—and we should
have been in the same category ourselves. ‘•
That editor will be better known here as
the same Col. M'Clnre. wha engineered the
bill for die repeal of the tonago tax—the
,composition of the Hopkins Committee—the I
VOL, 70.....W110LE NO. 3,629.
adjournment Of the Legislature—the die.'
charge of that; Committee—and the -ereatiots
of the district:which secured a vote, and gave
a United States Senator to the Copperheads--
-the same who boasted publicly in the Senate
Chamber that he had torn up half a dozen
veto messages in the pr ace of the Execu
tive himself-4e same who declared, tis Fib
tidy, a good deal less- than a year ago—a 2-.
though holding the position of an Adjutant
General—that "we could not whip the rebels---
that the war was but an idle expendittire of
money, and blood 7r -that, it ought to b9 - step- t
ped, and that, if we did riot do - it ourselves,
he hoped that foreign' poweri would inter
vene to do it for us—the same- whose wine
dellers, fish ponds and game preserves—all
fruits, no doubt. - of Legislative toil—were
thrown open to Fitzhugh - Leo—and his stud,
seized, notwithstanding, according to report,
as public property—and . the same who fled:
ingloriously upon the second raid, leaVing—'-
not his shield—but the defenceless women,
and children. of Chambersburg behiridhirr,
With thts history, it could be scarcely ex
pected; of that' he could take much
pleasure in, the contemplation of the parties ,
whom he has been - attacking here. We give
him credit for, an instinctive aversion to- all:
that is honest and loyal in the State. - His,
best trait, indeed, is his' extreme candor, ler
not even making pretension, so far 0 we'
know, ,to the former quality. We should
suggest, however, after a career so brief and ,
yet so incredibly successful—considering the
:wages—that he might new afford to makehis
peaeo with his conscience—like the robber
barons of the olden time=-by aiding the'State
in the charitable -contributions he suggests;
for the insane ofWestern Pennsylvania, by,,
founding a hospital himst4f, 4 for Those who
are coedenough to adraireP and 'quote him s.,
He -assures us-of the State's munificence. It
is to be feared that he has drawn tocklargely,
upon its resources, to enable it to indulge in
that way as heretofore. . He would hardly
have quit public life so -long us there was a
mite left - in the Treasury.
71 It would be some
reparation, however, rid then he might
afford, like Falstaff; t "live 'cleanly hereaf
ter—foreswear thin - potations, and addiCi
himself to sack." ) . r -4 • -
We can truly sasy that among all the objec 7 _
tions - madetoG . Curtin, there *basnoneso
formidable as is association with the now,
editor of the RANKLIN REPOSITORY; aS thO
vote of that i county very plainly shows. Fift
his worstfiets, this man has been invariably'
responsi le. He has, indeed,' been his evil ;
genius throughout, and no' higher compli
ment ould be•paid to the vitality of the Gov-,
erny , 'than the fact of his being, able to suf
ville the association, aggravated' as it was r br
the friendship of a few of the weaker but not
-less-ambitious spirits of the same class,_ who,
affected to beleaders here. If be is true to
himself, and would , administer the movern:
ment ,honestly and successfully, for the Pa..:
tura, he must shaker - Snell fellows off. They,
would ruin any Man, and any party.
CALL FOB votamorrocas.
GOT. C1TaT13.63 PRocLA.MATioN.
in the mote and Doha Authority of the arnmonwectl4r
-140-PennaliNtimitt, ANDREW G. Curing, Governor tit
said Commonwealth. -
WBERRAS, The President of the United States, by,
l'iociamation, bearing date on the Seventeenthday
of Oct., inst., has called for THREE HUNDRED -
THOUSAND VOLUNTEERS; to recruit thereof:
meats now in the field frono the respective States;
Aid 'whereas by information received this day, the
quota of the State of Pennsylvania under said call'
is declared to bo THIRTY -EIGHT "THOUSAND
And whereas, The .President, in his slug
Proclamation, requests the Governors of the respec
tive States to assist in raising the force thus re
Now, Therefore. T, Andrew. G. Curtin,' Governor
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania do earnestly;
cull on the good and loyal freemen of this Common
wealth, to enlist in the service ofthe United Staten,'
under the Proclamation aforesaid, so that the re-,
quired quota may be made up before the fifth day
of January next, on which day the President an
nounces that a draft will commerao for aLy defici
ency that may`then exist in the same, - . •
The freemen of Pennsylvania enlisting under
this call will be attached to regiments from this
State. All who are willing to enlist are requested to
present themselves at once, for that purpose, to the
United States Provos t Marshals' recruiting and mus
,offices, in their respective cities. towns,and
counties. They will receive the following sums ,
alloirance,PaY, premium and bounty, vie:
To every recruit who is a t.cterari volunteer,
fined-in General Orders of the War- Department of '
lnno 2b.-1863. No. 191, for recruiting veteran vo/un
teen, one month's pay in" advance, and a bounty.
and premiuin amounting AA MI To all other go-,
emits, not veterans, accepted and enlisted afire
geared in existing•Xlrders-ono month's pay in ad
vance,- and in addition - a, bounty and premium
amounting to $302. -
• Any further information desired can be obtained
from the Provost Marshals of the respective • die.
' trios..
, In. making this appeal,to the good and loyal free
men'of Pennsylvania, I feel'eatme confidence that
it,will be effectually responded :to.The approaching
' expiration of the term ofenlistnacnt of tho mon now
in the field renders it necessary to replenish' our
regiments. Let us maintain the glory which their
-valor and conduct have reflected on the Common=
-wealth, and let our people show, by their promptr
ness and alacrity on _this occasion that' they have
, not abated in courage or love of country, or ufthis
• determlnat'on -that the unholy rebellion, already
stunned and staggering, shall be utterly crushed
and extinguished.
Given under my. hand and the great seal of the
State,at Harrisburg.' this twenty-eighth. &TOE
October, in the-year of onr Lord one thous and eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the Coq!:
moniealth the eighty-eighth. • L'
By the Governor. A.G. CURTIN
ELI SLIFglt, Soo'y of Commonwealth.
fn the name and by the authority of the Commonly wig
fPetnurieania. ANtionit Crikrix. Goh'etv
acid Cbmaicautealth •
SVsxse +s , The President of United Stated, by
his Proclamation, bearing date on the third dig of
this month, has invited the citizens of the United
States to get apart THURSDAY, THE TwENTY-SIXTR
DAY or Normans next, as a day of Thanksgiving
and Prayer. • - -
Now. L AndreW G. Curtin,, Governor of-the Com
monwealth of PenusAvania. do hereby recommend,
that' the people of Pennsylvania do set apart and
observe the said day accordingly. and that they de
egpeelally return thanks tO Almighty God. for the
gathered harvests of the fruits of the earth,—
For thii prosperity with which tie has blessed the
industry of our
Foy the general health and welfare which Ho hest
graciously bestowed upon them.— •
As for the crowning mercy by which the blood
thirsty and devastating enemy was driven from ottr
- soil by the valor of our brothrtm, freemen ofthis and
other /States.—
prayfor the contind
:seAeendefthtbaet t b h ie e etie yd dire o es w pta b llKavebeen
us by the Divine
Andfor the safety
thatelfare and seccess Of tote
brettire.o in the lield,hey may be strengthened
-to the:overthrow and confusion of the-rebels nowin
arms against our beloved country ! —
Bo that peace may be restored in all our borderi.,
and the Constitution and laws of the land be every
whiire within them re-established and sixstained.
Given under my hand and the great seal ofthe Siege,
at Harrisbutit. this twenty-eighth day of.Oeteber
in the year of our Lord one thousand - eight hug , :
dred dridnixtr-three. foul of theCommentrealth
the eights-eighth.
Ethe Governor: - " - f • - A. MUM:.
ti , ElLtratt, Seey,of Coolmonstealtb,,—,„