The Franklin repository. (Chambersburg, Pa.) 1863-1931, August 05, 1863, Image 1

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ganti' . o
NE . Ntr' YORK
Soft,hed in Doti ran—Efforta Tien
Confederate itioney—Vexatious Delay
--Strikes a Dealer and la Taker. its and
Dnne for.
Correpossleaco of Tbs Franklin'nepositorY• '
:arm Yonic,,ilttiy 31, 186 . 3.
Well;Oolonel, Ksol.l. must have. my story
for yourin„per, I: suppose you must, but I
think that Itta tenieg ofit to you personally
ought to be cuoug,h. -But rot. -Mercy% sake
&Yet let Hazlett put it up in big headings,
- 1 Sophtliedin Nevi York! . •
1 rTIow tioptithed Got Clear of his.Confed
_ • , crate,,MOncy in New York!! !
Soihheditmon , the Brokers and Breakers
of NeW , York! 1
7 Ruhnium of the Blockade!
!..cassau. Nor on an Island in N. Y...Bay,ote.l'
for I. well k-now the '• rOpensity Of an old
_printer. To-begin-- - -
YoU know weinade a large' sale, in fact a
taffic, to the-Behels, while tlicY occupied ,
on-t—town, and.havityr on hand some thou-'
- sands of their money; I,coticlpded to go to
Srevi'Yoik to - try A - ) dispose of it tit any price.
-.Hy friends eonsi d dercd - rnadmss, and pro
1.;11.f.iv.a. all sorts of faillire, Seizure, of the;
- , inoney, of my person, robbeiy. murder, arson,'
entire worthle.ssriesg Of the,money,, etc.;
lhad made up my mind to make the attempt
to make a spoon or spoil a:horn, in a word-- , -
_lf it he no treason to make the retnark-4.0
--din in the . 1a;•:_t1 ditch. I started to New,
-York, reacintd N - ew York, unfurled my ban-• -
- n/y7: , 2 flu; (hang first nailed it to
f -77
. ;i went out to
-sell my Money.
- Now New York is • a large place, quite!
large, and I felt morally certain that there were l ,
many' folks in Zsi - ew York who did not wish
to buy Confederate moneyy many-who might!
, possibly feel insulted to be asked to buy "it.l
lici-wever I made - a beginning- by Visiting ai
- friend, who told me that he had a friend
- Over in Bushwick who had inftirmed_hith
that he had ifriendwho had hinted darkly
tune night) that "be knew what he'kneW,P
-Mat this clew we tiro started Out, went to
found our man had gone to Green.;
• pciirit— , :went to Greerlpoint, where they told
goneto City Hall, Brooklyn, - where
_we found hint'. He very kindly - volunteered
to aid us hunt up this friend of his who
knew what die knew." and off we started.
It was nigh noon by the City Hall clock, and
of course it was time to be hungry and thirs
ty ;; so we refre'shed, ourselves •and off w.e
- went. We very nearly, several tinier, came
upon: errul ' fellow "who knew
"what he knew," b - Ut managed to miss him
from five•, an, hour and a half
^• • 'wherever we went. In and out vie diVed;'up
. amedown we trotted, hither and thither, till
'night:stopped our search. Supper for all of
us. and to bed, Here endeth the first:day.,.
Early next morning '(that is, • early for
',New York) we started anew and found. our
man, "who really did know what he knew,"
for he was one of that Lind—moderately tall,
:moderately stout, moderately well shaped,
moderately good looking; but veq fast phys.
rally andmetaphysi &illy speaking —in some
respects indeed he might be described like
an old game, as "fast and loose." We
three now emerged ftom—neverinind where
—and - the Inuit was up. Did you ever
-see a pack-of dogs after a hare or a fox? Can
' you.imagine three crazy men playing "i'us•
sy;wants a corner," "I spy," or "Hide and
go seek," for a day? We were in brokers'
iliece, Lager-136er saloons, counting houses,
'eating himses, government contractors' aff
ects,- Delmonico's, stores,"inops, markets, eel
darS, attics, along - the whafves, through
Wall St., through the CustoM House—like
a blood-hound our guide the slight
.sst scent, for three whole days until we found
a customer—that is, he didn't want to buy
"but he had a friend, who wanted to buy,
and he'd lotus know to-morrow, after seeing
this dear friend who wished to purchase,"
I was now on OM track, and did not need
any longer my knowing friend. so when the
morrow came I went alone to see the man
who didn't want to buy Confederate money,
but who had a friend that - i - Vanted to buy
some. I found him at home, and was in
formed that his friend couldn't tell till 3
o'clock-Lat 3 o'clock ,I returned, and to my
disippointment wasput off till '2 o'clock, next
day—got \ mad and thought I'd try another
trick—did - so, and may I be blessed if it
didn't bring, rne_right back to the man is had
left'—tried a third way, and came back to
- the same place—began to think I certainly
had hold of, the right man, and returned at
o'clock next afternoon. I found my gen
tleman in and
,was told in a tone of gentle
„commiseration 'thathis friend had,rnade out
so badly in the last lot he had bought, that
• lie preferred . - not risking it -again." "He
was - sorry," he said, "to have given me so
'M i nch - trouble, - and to have taken so much
pains himself, for'nothinm, but hoped
dar two to report another chance, as he
hd setvral, friends that occasionally dabbled
yentures.'!' "For," he added, ithen
is man once gets into a business'of thio
Atire; it's' bard to 'break himself of,it;"- 'I
left with unmistakeable marks of vexation
and cbegrin on my face, itnd piss almost in
despair. ' I felt a little ashamed too,ifor I
had' almost sworn to get clear of my Money
'-itid - libre it was yet in the skid pocket of my
- coat, a pestilent witness of my failure.'
Well, next morning I received a note from
my broker telling me he wished to see me,
, •
arid upon:nay cnning Was informed with
4ieneAleelnd rubbing of fronds, " that lie
had just received an 'Offer of $1,500 for my
dcrip—would I take, it ?":: Vonld'te.f
• I
Pulled out my'moricY to make the transfer,
but was informed -that thc.porty was not
. 1-et
teady to complete, 4 but would be pre-
Pared. by 2 o'clocksa am afternoon, so I could
do no better - tlian';stibinit as gracefully ha;
possible to theinftrual preision of a carefid
business man. A,t ::1 o'clock: you may lie
pure, I was on the Sp4 , t, and found my friend
Coolly readingthe - -E:::piesa, and smoking his
cigar with an air due : stowed him to be "at
peace with,allthewiv44 and the rest of man
;kind." counted 'eat my money, which
-he took in his hared, end throwing down $3OO
in, greenbacks to me, he sal•d
. o. there is shy'
friend's cline/a money, twenty per cent: I'll
• take yours to him and return to you instantly, 7
:if he islet; but if not, I rimy have toyait for;,
hitn a•little <I waited about half an;
very, respectable
,cid Englishman's
' `ranni ng in and calling out, "Sir, if you're the
gentleman waiting for Mr.-- 7 --,•hewished,
me to stop in and i r 'll. 3 -0. that he is still
waiting for hii friot Ir and comet account;
forhis protracted. Obseueef' ; This enabled me,
to put through another half: hour, with some
little patience' beginning to,
- was impatient. when, the office' boy came 'in.'
:and I concluded to - pum-lira - and was re
warded:by - receiving thefolleiving4ltounding
information: "The Office I xcasfin/lieloriged ,
- 0 a gentlematrout of town—m inati had in'
some way or other occupied it for the, last
few days—the old gentleman wk had been
in a short time bt foie Nvas accohsplice of.
the rogue who had •ray money, and the boyitill
:heard the one say to the other, down 'it
the lo'wer door, The . steamer sails fOr
Nas=sau in half an hour and I must be
going.' " I rushed out into' the street,
looked this way and that, made, my com.
plaints to the Chief of Police,' learned that
the fellow had really gone to Nassau, that
-the $3OO he had given me was • counterfeit,
and—and teat's the way I got clear of my
'Corifederate money. J.utr:s StOPHTEIED.
New York Quiet—i•GOV. Seymour natal
Bishop Ijitighes—lneidents of the ni
cks—Fernando Wood—Colley, Island— ,
eaßathing_ t ind Baked Chunti.
Correspondpeo of the F;anlirin hepositcrry,
Tt.v, Yoinc, Aug. I; 1801
New York is quiet, not quiet like Chain
bersburg, but quiet relatively, compared with
its farmer_ self, before the riots. Business
w,ems very much prostrated, and the busi
ness cotninunity AppParte avoid talking on
the subject, being ItearOy - ashamed of and
seriously ahlrmedSor the - business character
of their city, far safety, both as a place of
resort as well as investment. There is some
little satisfaction iii knowing that New York
city, the city whence emanates the charge
that we sell water in our hospitable valley for
cents a glass, has been humiliated,by one
of the most outrageous and causeless popular
outbreaks of the present century. Lbave
heard brit one opinion of Gov. Seymour and
of Bishop Hughes—utter contempt and con
demnation. The only eicuse made for the
Bishop ie that he is old, an invalid and ex - -
tremeiy timid, and_ that he_ was heartily
frightened at - the ,time he made his celebrated
speech, in which he Was afraid of calling
white white, and intimated that black was
only a shade of white. The NeW York
papers at - the time gave you many incidents
of the riots, but were very careful not to tell
all. Here are one or two that I can vouch
for : A friend of mine, from
, Philadelphia,
was in a crowded street - car which was •stop.
ped, and every man and 'woman in it was
robbed, he losing his pocket book and a val
uable watch. - The_ ladies in the -car were
comPelled td give up even their ear and fin
ger rings, some ileing treated with unneces
sary violence and with indecency. It was
quite aconimon thing for families to have all
their-valuables, such asgeld tunrsilver pi
packed to more at a moment's , notice,
carriages and horses. ready. day and might.
The owner of a livery stable, an nevaintance
of mine; was informed during the riot th,
he must discharge his negrope had . in his
employ one negro and six Irishmen).. That
man has now working for him - seven negroes
and no Irishmen. Bad as the actual riot
was, the eveitement,Ahefear and dread; the
exaggeration And unnecessary alarm was
much greater. - So. many residents of Brook
lyn, Hoboken, Jersey City, Staten' Island
and 6ther suburbs of New York not being
able to return home as usual in...-tltemVeiiing,
gave the imptession that they had perhaps
lost their lives. *ln nivord, no newspaper
account can give even a faint -idea. of the
Reign of Terror. But lam not afraid to say
that there will not Soon be another outbreak.
By ate by, I snw 'Fernando 'Wood the
other - 04. He was crossing in a ferry boat
with Me, and I had.a good look at him. He
had on:a pair of well blacked boots (stock
ings most likely underneath), white pants,
do, vest, black frock coat with the usual num
ber of buttons, Mill black stock - , huge stand
ing collar, - a yellow-leghorn hat with a bleak
ribbon to it. I looked veryi'ciosly, but
could'nt discover ivhether he had'iM under
clothes or not.. He was - of medium height,
spare, _rather awkwa.yd . a.nd of the cibeedilo
Style of face generally, particularY about the
jaw; and withal.he carried . about With him an
air of injured innocence that irresistibly re:,
mindedoncof Mr. Pecksn,V. 1. followed Fer
nando from the boat, and got my mind juta;
bled up with Fernando, Don Fernando 'and
• • r ,
Major-- General Ulysse's''- S
r , ,
'Major-General Ulysses S. Grant is a man - mend of , :Unconditional Surrenderit
of abort forty-one years of age and was bora initials of Grant's - name i!tind' 'of 'these' tila
at Point Pleasant,' Ohio. He entered- West words being- similar,' {she 'obtained=-that
-Point in 1830, and graduated on the 3"ith of sobriquet' from that `time. Columbus and
June 1811, the next day he received-his bre- Bowling Green being now flanked; had to_
vet -as 2d. Lieutenant of the 4th Infantry. be evacuated. Ile was now made eon:linen-,
He received his full -commission at Corpns der of the Military District a West Ten-
Christi. September 30,' ; 1 r 845, and -with this - nessee, and his forces advanced up that river
rank participated in the: Mexican campaign ito Pittsburg Landing. On April 6 and 7he
under Generals Taylor and Scott. wasdjought the famous battle of Shiloh, at which
breveted Ist Lieutenant September 8, 1847, the Rebel Gen. Albert Sidney . Johnston lost
for Moline del Rey, and Captain, September hi; life. He was second in command to-Gen
-13, for-Chapultepee. He gained great dis- 'eral Halkck during the seige of Corinth; and
tinction during this important , struggle and • the latter was ordered to Washington, Grant
Avasespeciallycomplimentedinofficial reports. was appointed to lake command - of the 'De-
He held the position of Regimental Quar- partment , 6l TemiesSee. His troops 'fought
termaster during part of the time. In 1852 at I-u-k-n and Corinth under his division
he was ordered to Oregon, and in August, commanders, lii December, 1862, he found
1863, was promoted to captain. He resigned himself at the head of four corpS' of troops;
on the 31st of July, 1854, and first'settled in I viz: 13th, 15th, 16th and 17th corps of the
Missouri, but afterwards, {186,0 in Galena, United States - Army. Since_that time oper--
Illinois. From this privacy he was drawn rations have been-carried on steadily before
out by tho rebellion, and acted first, as aid to ' Vicksburg, the various inland - expeditions
the Governor of Illinois, April 15, :to June ; beibg - merely 'feints to cover'the maim move-.
26, 1861, and afterwards as Coloel of the rment. gllflrgt date. weeks' operations Jai
21st Illinois Volunteers, 'e in
tnnanding, Bri- Mississipt,i, - ,ll4the landing rat Bruinsburg,
Bade. He was appointed a Brigadier Gen- i were the most brilliant of the ,war. For
eral, in July, 1801, with commission dating, I seven days he foughtasuceessful battle daily;
from May 17, 1861. He, while in'conimand and after an unsuccesaftd• a:satin and a brief
at Cairo, secured Paducah, and with it Ken- siege, -the rebel Gen.Tembierton
tucky. In November, 1861,-he fought the" on the 4thof July. Since then Gen. Grant
battle 'of 'Belmont, and in 'January, I
1862, has again captured Jackson, mid' is- driving
conducted the famous reconnoissance to the the rebels South. ' The 'rich fruits of,his
rear of Columbus. On the 6th of February !brilliant military operations are =Vested,
Fort Henry fell, and ton days after Forts; now in the free navigation of the Mississippi,
Donelson capitulated to 'General Grant's de; I Min its scource to the Gulf. - •
Fernando Po, and cot d'nt separate one from
the other. N efore I die, I want to' see
Fernando's bro. Ben.; the Benjamin of the
Wood famil:y—Beaven save its:ali from lig-
I was on my way to Coney Island - when
I met the Hon. F. W., andhad a great mind
to turn back, for the little mythology I had
learned at school taught me that the old Ho
pans (and they knew something,) always
turned back from an enterprise, if they met
a snake.—Suppose you go with me to Coney
Island, and take a bath and have a &lam-bake
Here goes. Coney Island, like everything
else around and about N. Y., is a false pre
tense, in other words what a friend of mine
once described as a 4 no sielya thing."
I mean that Coney Island is not an ISland
excepting when the tide is up—this same tide
always being sure to flow after you get on
he Island. it is situated on the loWeTr part
of ' ong Island just outside of the narrows.,
• artly opposite that forsakoi-aVar - and
ca'•: - %•an• from which the'Jersey-,
n L et" eir character). The surf here is
excellent, and apart from a little danger and
no preventive, the bathing is excellent. Its
short distance from N. Y., not more than 10
miles, a great place of resort for
working New - York, and the way the people
with their sweethearts, and wives;--smd"Zlil-
I t• , .
dien enjoy the fun is a_cantren and an euvy
to the ptimpereclricK Genteel people dare
not go here-aiathe, it' is too common. As
the olti`iea captain said "water:may be a
good thing in its place, but for a steady drink
giye me Runt"--so I say about Coney Island.
"Bpckaway, Long Branch, Atlantic City,
Cape May, and Newport may 'do in their
places, but for a regular place give me Coney
Island. I heard Judge J.S. Black once say
to a friend about starting for gngland, " go
to an English horse race, for there you'll be
sure to find England in a nut
,compare,small things with great) I Ray, , if
,you want to see_ New York New' Yorkers,
ge , to Cones Island on a hot Saturday even
ing. , but I'm not getting en—,started at 4,5.
vvith a pair of horses valued at 2,000, (the
owner a friend driving), reached the Island at
5, had Ahab, then 100 baked clams, then—
whatever you please, to take, and then the ride
6ck.-Illems. The sea smells like rotten
oysters, which causes it to besoinvigorating.
The road to Coney Island is as smooth as a
board, and: as,level• as, a barn floor. Clams
taste better at.Coney Island than, anywhere
else—Thelact is, - Atfte ryou have filled your.:
self with clams, ytitt want more; and instead
'of crying like Alexander for more worlds 'to
conquer, you are constrained to weep that
there aro the clams. but where oh where are
you to put them.. Satisfied that this descrip
tion will take many new visitors to Coney
Island I will give you the "modus operandi."
You drive to a hotel, hive your, horse tied
I to e,ropo under a shed, walk into a bar room
call for a drink, and say "7 want tso many 7
clams roasted by 'such a time' "—Then you
I go off to bathe. You order your, clams'so as
' to have them ready. the instant you come out.
ILknew aninnocent youth once who forgot
to order his clams in advance, and-having to
wait a half hour for them, actually ate ap
his gloves and the hntt end of his crriage
whip while waiting: A bath in the ocean
gives one an immense appetite, the appetite,
partaking of theimmenSity of the ocean.
Well, if you' have ordered the_clams, - (but
mind„o y— ,c aMsii'rst) we will go down
,e where, you will see about five'
or six thousand persons enjoying themselves
a-la Newfoundland dog. Yen go to a man
in a big shed, who lock's like '” the "drunken
sailor" of the song, and 1ik.0, - the songster you
are equally tempted-" what to do" with Lim
You -ask 'for a bathing . dress: In five or ten
Minutes you-get a pair of, duch drawers, fas 4
ning - iith one button, and 'a
cheek. - shirt;
all too big or.too little for you, maybe wet
and • maybe dry. You are thenpointed to a
room, a little Shed three by five, With a door
lo it that once - had a button and a hook; said
door opening outward, 'of course. You had
better leave your •wate,h and purse at the of
fice, (that is in the shed with
,the son. of Nep
tune.), When you first enter your reom, yoii
try to fa.stert_the door by the hook, then you
try the button, then yoif take off yoUr stock.
a nd find that With ABUT*, ingenuity You
eau fastell thedoor with them., You disrobe,
i4en robe. If the drawers happen to be wet
andfull of sand, you will be able to appreei.
ate the feelings• of a kitclientoor Onn vitashi.
'Nov- ye* aronearly - ,,ready
turn to carry, w#h - yea r, 'Pocket mirror; for
• should you see yourselfi "as otherii,see you,"
you'd levier venture out. Cut you go, make
a-rush, 'tie only about - fifty - yards, pitch in;
epeti your month wide, try to'StiVa'breaker
coming in, and
-yell at the same tine loudly
to 'your Companion—yell, yell anything, just
to, keep your— : and then swalloW
theludf pintnseawat4, that ispredestined'tO
ChOuiierableno who itrstbathis in ola ocean.
Faugh I the idea of Venus' being sprung from
sea foam! .Don't - be titteasY,lthe water won't
Istay on your stomach. The old saying is re
versed, and ht w h n goes
must borne up"':' Welt , after. being knocked
"dovhi a half L dozen , tiines;- and being
'fri . g4te,ntd al lost to death b y nearly losing.
your drawers,iyou,enfergo feeling as 4iongh
you'd-like a band of music 'to precede you
playing 4 , Reit to the Cbief ;"- bytlooking like
drowned rat.: :If it be not forgtitten, you
will find a to if of water at your door to wash
Affithe,sayid fiom your feet._ A. good ma*
. use, the. same . tubi of 'water, which makes no
'difference, for;no one is dirty tbatliartf d- tithed
in` the Atlantic. dress, yourself With
one hand , keeping the deer 'shut - with the
other. Dressed, you feel like a King„,,and
.ganged bYthe appetite "King of tbe canfalf.
balashids.'? . „-
=, tin-,Larget Sales-of Goverzunent tiegitt
:, • cities—Jay'Cookia—lntiense of IPo - retook
•- inimigratfon—The Christian 1,0111110-iino.
sion—The - "raft. "
• -
'C'orreipondencitgThe Frattliii Repository.' • - •
PRILiDELPHIA, 44:1, lsoa:-
• " Pittsburg is just now the centre'of attrac
tion for-politiciens, - and bur .city will bee-yell repieSented'at the " S4ate' Convention' on
,Weduesday, It Is understood that the
.present exehlletitrineumbent of the tuber*
natoriai oha i ir has a clear majority of the
-.Convention, land that, althoughs_he formally
declined . several months n„?, he cannot, under
the, circumstances, refuse now .to be a candi
date. ; ; And. If pure-Patriotism;-untiring en
ergy in the arduous duties which the war has
;thrown•upo4 him, and devotion to the inter
'aslS of the Sbldier, giV'e any chain to Public
.favor, then Crv. Curtin has earned a renom
ination. That the • people - will , ratify_the
noinination,lnver such a candidate as Judge
Woodward, lwhO lacks all the earnestness of
• -
pOularity, and whb • occupies a chilling po
sition on tlui :war question, : can scarcely- he
. •
doubted. -'
No better 'evidence; of faith in the
- stability a,:ad resources -of the Govern
meat• is needed, than , the success of the
Government ' loan, under• 'the auspices of
Jay Cooke 'fat' this city. The' subscriptions
frequently teach-tvio millions-of - dollars dai-,
ly, and this'eomesfrom'all 'classes of people,
and from all poinki- - of the compass. 'ltis an
encouraging Act, too, that ,whilewe are in
the midst of a frightful war, and of necessity
accumulating an *enormous debt,
that the imtnigration froni , TiurePe is, much
greater thi4 year than for many years past,.
Foreigitcri' l ' rightly think that, the United
States have yet a great future, although. her
own sons, !with parricidal hands, would de
stroy the Gote;nment under which' the'lr.,
have growth to greatness. ~ •
The Christian Commission, Nrhoso head
quarter's. arie here, deserve the liberal support
of all the friendsl
of the Union; and know;
of'no better avenue, by which donations can
reach the suffering soldieis, than this. The
manaiers are gentlemen of the highest char-1- 1
.acter, mad, their supplies are.distributed with
good judgMent.and economy. The medical
department 'of the army is not so organized,
as, to meet)_the requirements . of 'the sick,
wounded and dying' soldiers; , and: without
the aid of these vofuntary associations, it is
frightful to /contemplate the additional loss
of life, and farnonnt of suffering,' that' would
result fromi' confliets like those tvia' ave r
cently passed threugh. •
The draft progresses quietly, but aliva3§-
attracts a crowd in the ward whiblvis being
drawn. I was presentat-th‘4lrawing in the
l'ifth ward this
,week. A very large 'crowd
of men and- women in the street witnessed
the proces. 'There was no, noise nor confii.•
sion, and 41i listened-intently,to the names
as they read aloud.) The cards were
taken fibM' the wheel by a, blind many who
never sawi.,_ ilitylight, but,; whose : eyes,Were
bandaged I in , compliance with an order to
-that' effect' At the' conclusion he pang-' the
‘Star Spa'mgled Banner,"' and all then .dis,
persea• Food - e ' ' "
The'weitther has-beenintensely hot for the
last 'week' and , many have gone to .the sea
`Shore. There is litle taisiness-dOilig, and if
it were - for thr Jed by re
turning vary
For the Frattklin•ltep . oettory.
In yoUr last' issue, you very properly offer,
your colOmnir to any one wlio tray - Wish t4'
present, Ihe.clairrs of his friendio the Union
party of Franklin county, • for • nomination;
'at the n st Convention. - • , - - , • .
. 31a). ...Shanikon` Taylor has'. announced
e t).-
himself ,•candidate for Prothonotary. This
itt the's ond time he has been before the
party fOr nomination-thefirst time,Standing
second /)1 *0 -Convention. •He was a Lieu=
tenant-m the three- Months. service, which
-settles the fact of his patriotism and deiotion
to-his country. ‘; , /lehas . been a life long op-
pimenttte the Democratic — now disioYal-t
,nd Sin every catninugn was- always
'found randy to do any
, werk assigned 'him;
which not,unfroinentlY was at
,a sacrifiee : of
time 1 and money.. After , his defeat.three
years tO, be entered the campaign spirit*
ly and did yeoman service for 'the whole
ticket: He litcii recently lost, ,in 'coMpany
with " father AO - brother, a large drove of
cattle, taken by the rebels - during -, their' ie
-cent in nsion of our State, which amounts to
several thaniand dollars. Reis not al iotnsuf
fcr tit : loss, and in common with many otliet.
ofour %liens, deserves ottrzympsthi. ! riVi
think • is claims deserve some consideration,
VOL, 70-.;'”I9OtiETNO-.;'3,6,i§_t-,r;
and'feel ei3nMent that should he,suecearitct
getting the nomination, he will make
strong election.
The 20t1! Reg i - under . cent - maind.Att
doh , Wm. B. Thomas, was discharged sate
26th ult. - , when handsome stand -*et- ,
mental' Col - orS was presented to them by Gov.
Curtin, who acted as'the organ of the donut.
On the sante day-the Blue Reserves wereAhl
charged. Before they left th ey were addietii
ed by Gov. Curtin as follows :
Officers andmen of the Blue Reseryesk
meet you here'this'mornien-With an tintialtat
degree of pride and plteure. I - have
my eye on your regiment ever since lastfall 4
when I had the horror to address• you, at Ha
ger stow n , after •thh- enetay had`
that region,-where you had gtme,to meet his;
but without ,the opportunity; then".to4lgitt
him. Frorni - liat.l then t saw I was convukr- - '
ed that yank Oily; yortr - State,' and your -coun
cOuld rely_ upon you should any=Brib - tt...-
gene): thereafter call you into the field.
conviction_ of that lime' has ,now becorair.4.
confirrried, an established fact. • ' -
.The insolent traitorous foO 'has, again bait
the effronteryto - invade - Our State - anitta
threaten our capital and.ourhomes;saneyisisr
officererand men, have been amen the - fitit
to meet and repel , him. Your conduct has
done hiniironor.. Your city and. youThState
are proud ofyou. You met the assaultotthe '
enemy riear;tVhere we - new stand, in ad'Vanoe,
foremost among all_ . our citizens, When:his
legions rind-cannon threatened our capital...
You folloWed hint and - met him againiit
Carlisle, and withstood gallantly his stoic
of shot and shell during thatimxious night
when I beheld the glare of the fire of Carlisle
barracks trom the dome of tbe capitak end
the roar of his cannon could belicard - ddring
the whole night by the , citizens of 'Harris.
burg. then deeply concerned 'for .your' fad
for the news of a' surprise upon
_you cairns
with the report thatilou were all cut off.. 11,0
thanks to, your courage and sense of duty,-,-it
was the enemy thaC - had 'given way-,--net
you. • , .
You have vritbstodd tvithout a murmur,
through storm and privation of every - kind
those long, dreary. and exhaustive marches
over mountainipasses and by-roads, leading
you ultimately again into the presence of the
enemy, our traitor, our rebel foe, at }lagers
town. There you fought, charged an'd're.
polled him, with's daring
--and courage that
would have doriehonor to the valor and Con
duct of the hardest-tried veferansin frms.—
Thrit•thare, • considering the circumstances'
under Which it was -made, and takenin,con
nectiori with its resulti, would havehonored
any war-worn:veterans• of the Army'ef di*
Potomac. As reported by the gallant Gen.
Kilpatrick, 'who ordered the charge, and
by other cilliens Who • witnessed it, any one
of-tbe•regiinentsof that old army Wnuldliaire
been proud to have had it inscribed upon its
banners,. and that iltri - annals of _war contain
•cd-the history of a few more gells.nt charges.
recerd 'for your city, Stritt4andr
"Countryla your's.' You had , been in the Sero. __
•vice but a. short moutb,•-when you.met :the
enemy in this gallant charge, at Ilagerstowtt.
and 1. venture to say that no body of
menhavo'' eier made a prouder record 'thiiit
you have madnduring a campaign of btifeite
short' month—a. Campaign distinguishodla
every, way b7endurance, privation, fortitude
under difficulties, es well as by conduct, gal
lantry, and • courage in battle! :You_ haie
illdstratert the honor of your,State; and • tile
People of your - city, are now prepared to de
you lionor;, and to-morrow; when you return.
- to yoniliorne; you may expect to meet and
receive an ovation from six, hundred thous
and grateful people of*, your noble "city,---pre
salting themselves before you, to welcome
you home and honor. May yonlOrig
and happilylive at home! May your heinee
be happy homes': to • you! '•
May - God blew
your people, your city, and r yon! 3.1 - ayi He
look after, take - care - of and 'prosper yetir
Wen/ideal' May you - . properly honor youi.
• .•
dead! ' •
My own eneigies• have been ineessently
engaged in doing all in my power, .as - the
representative Of your noble old Common
wealth, to put an end to this rebellion. 'May
it be 'unshed speedily. May' the traitors
herb as well as In the sonth—traitors
where—meet , ' their merited' dootel ' Arai
should any of them dare to attempt' an lova-,
(sten of oar soil again, I know, qnd our:tact
pie &now, that they Can rely, as -they..have
before relied, on your - arms; courage and-pa
triotism; as well - as upon- those of our own
people, to - meet And overthrow thein..7.The
Inert:Ao rallied to: the defence of our.Cont
monvitalth, none of them,-shall be forgotten.
May you; officers and men, receive the re-•
Ward you merit-- • Your conduct has - won:for
.yon; during-yoUr-brief_blit gallant oardpaign
the hearts of , the people of Your Common
wealth; and the record of your
forever fcTrin.'n prominent and spirited chip
ter in its history.
The aboveis substantial, buthasty skit&
of the Governcealpeech, taken from' m
ry, immidiately aftexits deli Very. Ina:natty
respects it is literal,.but - takett together; its'
substantially,the same. -
At the conclusion of bis„reinarksthe Gov
. . ,
ernor was recap/ y. e men with titres
times thiee.of the most othusiastic_ clieeia;
and with" every dernonsthitiiM of regard and
confidence..: &queries :and plandita
touched.** hearts, andhe and this Morn
ing's visit, iv,ill'aever be effaced t•from their
VIE Boston Post, is the leaumg and nw.
influential Deniocratio - paper u New ' Erik
land. It differs,with the administration ton
many_iointsi bait is not false M the
try. In a_ recent article on :the draift' it
breathes & true 'patriotic tone. It saysi,q:
realidee of war have come ntArk i li z
reetlY to oule*ndolirsthanberetoford. Tbe,
army must be, restiscitated.: - There is notboas•
for thedilanry proems of Voltinteerii* Th e
enforced 1111ing ofthe national rardm comeis
a - moment- wlien,:if the demand emanothe Sidd
to be g r a,cdfallii yielded, it f raust: be confessed
thait is at a~ time when the national; pulse
beats the big/ 014111 ft intutUtion of *ten'.
It is a summa toj?in, .iliscems filecraisi
b ro g en .apirited soldiery, baslond'of lieeeee„
the monument:4V monAts stfelVetvht etd."
tat thbee who , Wish to tar®ia
the bloke et might look at the 4.miFican flag,
eV 71