- •;', - „' _ .1 ' , „ = LAk *: l . . . . ; N NEM 1W Itt'CLURE STONER. graayslin Waloittfq. 4; :17tifil , IDE OF REBELIEbaII. • Grierson, who nnule the ninst daring raid _through rebeldom on record, haring, penetrated some six hUndred miles of its ter ritory, 'declared it was an "empty shell" and ready to break afany . time the success of,the Union rtrins. Shier _ Flag has been triumphant at - *; - burg, at Port Hudson, in Tennessee, Al • )Ysburg, at He lena; and. it is confider. - • , aped that it.will •.,6dton coat over Cluirle• • ..gince then we haVe , gl. with no common ftre`e,,of interest f , - / e. comments of the joornals in the ,rest or the traitors —upon tf:Apt?gress Union cause: •We h* - 1 - hero. ' ore, us,and they are ...agaftts'Cd' in .the •'suggestions, and nat urally ;enough L.; .Aspondent in tone. Stironieetryto thi c elza fdl'pehood well adhered • to answers the purpose of truth, and accord ingly the Richmond Dispatch, insicts "Lee gained a tremendous victory at Gettysburg," and tlaat,:." he fell back purely of his own will and frau. no compulsiOn of the enemy." The Rignnond •Exaxiiner is crying for blood, and denounces the weakness of Jeff. Davis in not promptly hanging Union persons by way of retaliation. It says : - "Mr: President Davis' proclamations and pronunciamientos, his horrible- threatenings and, gloomy appeals, have been so ' often re peitte43 that they are the sneer of the world. But never have they resulted in one solitary performance. - He is very obstinate, very bit ter; when Jae gets z into a, quarrel' with some 'Southern officer over 'wham the law gives him temporary Control. He is very firm in deed In maintaining a minion or a measure against the smothered indignation of a people who are compelled by their prdent unfortu nate•situatiou to support silently a great deal from their officials. But when ,his duty brings him. into contact with the enemy he is gentle as the sucking dove. " 31 i . ;Stephens Was sent to Waili..- ' ingfon with a letter of credence - to Lincoln, ' and another of instructions to, himself from president Davis: A good deal was said in ilds last letter about titles, cte., which looks .inec itiful enough; and the rest relating to the us on hand, amounts to this : that if .. .. ;the FedorarGovernment will only vouchsafe j a civil word or so,- - will say, for iirstance,that ' it would like to mitigate the horrors of war, the Confederate Government would be happy to indulge in boundless' compassion for the • two Yankees nfordaid. As to the two mur dered Confederate officers in Kentucky, who feels compassion for them? *' * * . " Now;iclo will deny that the Confederacy malice it sorrowful figure in this matter?" • ~„ - , .. The retreat of Lee across the Potomac into Virginia again was as' unexpected as crush- Ing to the rebels. It at once blighted all ;k their hopes 'oftransferring war to North.- / soil, and! cost them half -of their heft,. I. • nrmy.; The Richmond Dispatch, says that "opinions are various with, regard to the motives which induced Gen. Lee to withdraw his artn.y to the Virginia side." Again it says: That it has had the immediate. effe'et, of stimulating the war passions of the North, and enabling Lincoln with the more ease to recruit his shattered ranks, can hardly be 'dOied. But it must be recollected that this was the consequence, not of the expedition itself, but of the withdrawal of the troops, and, has not therefore the slightest bearing upon the wisdom of the measure: Had Gen. Lee destroyed the env of : n eade, as there Was every reason to hope, we should then. have seen how fatal was the blow he had struck. " Ile failed to accomplish his object ; but failure in execution implies no want of judg ment in the conception, unless the means should be ridiculously small. They were not so in this ease. Gen. Lee believed them to be. ample." . The Richmond Examiner says : "Gen. Lee has re-crossed the Potomac. With this announcement, it is supposed, the second invasion of the United States is at an end.' The Government and its chir;f General ' - inidertook this campaign on their own re sponsibility, and at their own time. Public opinion did not impel their action. ,But public opinion did most certainly justify, ap prove, and adopt it. Although it' hasSbeen abruptly terminated : by an unsuccessful bat tle, we are far from thinking that the design was injudicious. "This war, can be terminated only by such a measure. It might have been glorionsly terminated in a month had Gettysburg wit nessed the annihilation of the Union army of the Potomac. But that battle was fought in a position which rendered success impossi ble. Why it was fought is yet - unknown." The-Montgomery Advertiser' gives a:dole ful account vf rebel prospects in Tennessee. It says 13ragg's retreat from 'Tullahoma is "much to be regretted," and that it " will hope a very injurious effect, not merely on the people, but on the troops, particularly _ those from-Tennessee," a number of whose troops, it says ‘.‘have already deserted." It thus pictures the results of Braggs retreat 4 6The retreat from: Tennessee opens the northern counties of Georgia-and Alabama to the incursiOns_of the enemy. - In our own - State the Tennesseavalley will be desolated, and raiding partieS will penetrate the Coun ties lying between ".`the Tennessee and the Alabama, and east of the Higbee rivers. This Will bring the enemy to our own doors, and open the way to the rich counties of South Aluhama. . Lißut there is another view of this question widish is important. Vicksburg having fal. len; Grant has an army of eighty . thousand men at his disposal: It will be: impossible for• Gen; Johnston to oppose this army with any hope of success, and as he retires towards the Higbee,- which we suppcise• he will do, Grant - will close on him, and unite his army with that of Hosecrans. Here, then, will be an any of one hundred and sixty ,or seventy thousand men encamped on the soil of Alabama." - The Chattanooga -Reba, Vallandightun:s organ in rebeldom, thus discourses upon the advantages gained by the retreat of ilragg : ."Among the objects of repining to which the mind very, nateral reverts in contem plating the loss - of, Mid le Tennessee, none forces itself more persistently upon us than the rich Crops- of grain, which our retreat threw into the bands of the enemy. "The crops ofTeiinesse, like the soil and all else therein, were fair to see. 31any a time during thelast thiee months have we cast a hopeful eye upon the teeming acres and their fruitful promise. Taut luViry,' rather than absolute want,"'waS th - e main figure •in the prospect. We saw .with gratification the energetic industry which was converting a thousand cotton fields to patches of corn - and wheatthe far South, and at no time did we fear starvation or even need.. Hence we' have not ' regarded the Middle Tennessee crops—whilst to be , greatly desiredas.abSo lutely eSsentiatto 4 , ur existence, nor do we at this time. "It would be winter:. affectation were we to deny an extreme.regret at the loss of so much produce ; bit we can, continue: to do withoutit ; and," in any event, there is no use crying over spllled The attack upon• Charleston ,seems toliave thrown the rebel Papers into consternation.. They See v the hand-writing, 'upon the wall; and' confess that the home of treason is proba bly doomed. Thd Charleston Courier. hopes to save the eity,l but says its hope may prove-a delusion,''; that "the capture of our city, may, Perchance, delight-his (our) bad„ and corzupt'heart." It has dim perceptions . OT the "last diteh," but, is philosophical withal. •It says: "On the snppoition of - the foe's spccess, it is our duty to avoid incurring -his fiendish malignity. All Who can be of no service in the work of defenbeshould betake themselVes to places of shelter.. And it were well not to defer removal to a late day. We.may be compelled to - remain, - or, if we make geed our escape, circumstances - may 'oblige us• to leave all our persOnal effects behind." The Mercury, eo - mmenting on the attack upon-Morris Island, says : "It appears to!us to be useless to attempt to &time from ourselves our situation, By whose fault 'we get into it, it is vairi , now to inquire. • The Yankees having gotten pos session of the southern half of Morris Island there is but one way to save the city of Charleston, and that is by the speedy and unflinching use of the bayonet. If the light on Morris'lslandl is to be now a fight by en gineering contrivances, and cannon merely, the advantage is now vith the enemy. '. With their iron-clads in the water and their men in occupation of the land, it is likely tale a mere question of time. The fall of Fort Wagner ends in the fall of Charleston.— Fort Sumter,,li4 Fort Wagner, will then be assailed by hind and sea, and the fate of Fort Pulaski will be that of Sumter. Gen. Gilmore, commander of theDepaitlent, was the man who reddcedTort PUlaski. 'Charles ton mist be saved as - Richmond was." The Mobile kivertiser has been holding a post-mo4in exaMination on the rebel car- . Zass, but, after'; careful inspection, thinks tliat thee.; life in it yet.''. But some of the subjectc tifireff.l . seem to , be weak in the knees. It, says 'Wart "there are those A° are ready to submit, land elisions for peace and the security of their property on the basis of anbmission.7 adds, that " there have been some signs o:4'' this white feather." Will Vallandigharn please " Make note on't l" The Richmond Enquirer, of the 16th, Contains a prqchimation by Jeff. Davis, out, under the ConfeaerateConscription act, all white men 'between the ages of 18 and 4.5, to serve for three years, under pea alty of being punished for desertion in case of disobeying the call. They are offered the privilege of joining Volunteer organizations before the enrollment. The Enquirer in an articlikheaded "Mili tary Necessity," urges that the only salva tion of , the Southern Confederacy is in making a levy cri masse, such as is called for in this proclamation. The application of martial law to a country in a state of siege, the absolute control of all trading, especially of drink, within militin lines, the abolition of substitue exemptiofii and foreign protec tions, the material enlargement of the Presi dent's power to revise elections of officers, to make appointments; and to get rid of incom petent officers. ,We believe that Jeff. is not expected to wait for a decision of the courts to ascertain whether such &spode, powers are constitutional or not! The New York riots furnish the only faint. gleam of hope for the despairing traitorsi They grasp it its sinking men reach fOr straws. The Enquirer says the news is "cheering to us, - indeed, because it portends the breaking flown of the whole structure of Yankee so-. ciety." It had evidently judged the result by the cowardly conduct of Gov. Seymour, forgetting that there ii a national govern ment, at once letermined and able to enforce its laws. The movements of Gen. Grant in the Solith west have stricken terror into the Very heart of rebeldom. The fall of Vicksburg, Port Hudson, Jackson, and the defeat of Price at Helena, are described by the Richmond Whig Ea "the most serious disasters that have at-. tended our arms since the commencement of the war'..", The, same paper deplores the loss of Jackson, the c;ipitai of Mississippi. It says: "The evacuation of Jackson, Miss., left in the hands of thermieniy the rolling stock of the New OrleanS,...laeltson and great Northern, the Mississippi Central and Mississippi and Tennessee railroads. The motive 'power alone consists of over forty engines: - The loss is of incalculable iniportance and is wholly irre parable. Not:lung - goes well' in the South west." , • The markets in Richmond are eminent:ly interesting,_ Gold sells at $0 protilioni; bacon at $1.50 per lb.; butterisl.so; candles $5; coffee $4; lobe' leather $3.75; upper $5.50; salt 45e.; sugar $1.50; - whiskey $B5 per gallon; wheat $7.50 per bashell rye $7; peas $l5; corn $10; four -$35 per barrel; Hay $4OO per ettAIiRERATIRG, PA.; •" NI ASDAYOULt 29, 1863, ~ -----,„...„. !, ', - ----,,, . M Major General Gegge:G. Meade. , • ton; molasses $lO per gallon; potatoes $l5 per bushel; oati,s6 per bushel; lime.slo per bbl; dried apples . $ll per bushel; dried, peach - eisl6:per bushel. *Such* are some 'of the fruits of this causeless, unholy rebellion !. T,48 SOUTHERN. COAST The Rebels in Pennsylvania—Milltons li:end—Port Royal Hotel Fare—Bean fort—The Country on Beaufort River Visit to Pert Pulaski—A Century Plant- in Bloom—Army Amusements —The Department of the South—Char. acter of the -Negro Troops=6en.'4o l ! more—A Month of Adventure. Correspondence or The Franklin: Repository. NEwar.R . N, - July 14, 1863.- Since I left youl'have 'traveled something over two thousand miles, have seen many strange sights and great curiosities, and: yet I donbt,whether I have had as interesting a timetas you poor Pennsylvania Dutch luiye been enjoying- for the past month.' I hiive not heard' a word.from berme in the pdst time weeks, and,.yon nark imagine my an4ty hear how you have all fared during your (don't be alarmed, I - borrow the expression from aShanabersburg female) •three weeks 'in hell." ThEi;neivs we have, gives me rea son to hope that the Rebels are ere now South of the Potomac or captured, •but the details are iniperfect and I can't trust the papers. You have heard that I left New York for South Carolina on the 20th of May. After passing off Charleston on the 23dp and having a fine vieW of the city, Fort Smith, the block ading fleet,. &c., we reached Hilton Head on the 24th, and at once set to work. - The mil itary post, "Hilton Head," is on the North ern point of the Island of that name, and is the headquarters of the' Department of the South. The soil is a light, dry sand, and apparently barren, but it is the richest on the Continent. Except where military opera tions have destroyed the verdure, trees, plants and'.shrubbery of all kinds grow in luxurious profusion, - and for-agricultural purposes on better soil can be found than that of the Sea Islands in the vicinity of Port Royal. Al most any vegetable could be had here as early as the Middle of April. All the business of the Department centres at Hilton Head, and it is therefore quite a lively place, very dif ferent in appearance:from what it must have been when, two years ago, the proprietor of the then only house in the place (now, used for Quartermaster's and Telegraph offices,) cold look around and proclaiin himself "lord of all he surveyed.l" The only and first-class hotel of the place is doing a large business, in which; the proprietors are' aided by a lot of filthy negroes, and abetted by fleas,"c , reybacks" and bed-bugs, which in number and voracity; rival those of a Con federatecamp of long standing. 'The princi meal, dinner, commences with a course of "flea soup" and ends with "tlyinidding,'t at least, after careful examination, I found mine always contained a large proportion of 'such ingredients as led me to suppose that they must be named as above. We enjoyed' these'delicacies at the moderate rate of $2,00 per day. Beaufort, Or Beaufort River, was in peace times a townof considerable importance. • It mast have been a ,delightinl ph ice of ; resi dence, and numerous handeome„buildings . ; surrounded by beautiful gardea l, and parks, attest the fact that the appreci- . ate its sea breeze and healthful - atmosphere. It is the garden, spot or, our 'Country, now desolate and u nproductiveo eat - use the worthY sous of men who only sixty years ego "duck ed" Ministers of the GiSspel, - b,roke up ei 7 gious 'meetings and burned churches; took it into their fanatical headi - to lay violent hands•upon our Country's Constitution, and to build up a government under which their evil and perverted natures could give their passions full sway, fearless alike of the-laws of God or eividiztd men.. . . , tusiness called .onihe Ist of June, to:Fort Pid,c,ski, Georgia: On the 'mai, we stoppi,xl. at ?vbee Light Rouse,'and visited the Mary tells Tower, a small fortification built by the Spa lards something over two, hundred years ago. It is citcular in form, with walls about 8 feet thick,- and composed of a composition of shells, shad and Cement, which has, now become almost as solid as granite. The Fort is 'garisoned, by' a company, of the 28th N:' 'Y. V., and commands I believe the main ship 4mM:id froth the Atlantic Ocean to the Saranac River.. Fort Palaski on an Island at the entrance to the River,. is, , of brick,' , spongli built. You will remember the, acr haunts of its reduction and capture by Gen.: G 4. Gillinore; who lea Week , gave the rebels another ptaaf of his skill asian Rngi- , - ncer,'.. by bii 'operations' near Charles:ton.. 'nar the * FOrt I had the, pleasure of seeing a .spscimen 'of, American , Aloe or Centiiri 'iztiit'in, brie, `.T i tcre are quite a number cit ill •plunts iii the 'vicinity, but ' neither the oldest inhabitant, ,nor'the 'most intelligent contraband,' had ever 'seen any of them in bloom.' Though, 'quite warm, the climate a the Fort is exceedingly healthy, but one death having occurred in the Regiment Which garrisons it; in the past year: The Regi ment—the 28th N. Y:, though isolated from the rest of mankind—manages to live 'very comfortably. Three evenings in each week, they are entertained by dramatic 11 . perform ance, given by 'members of the Regiment, -with a negronperatic performance• to fill 'pp the odd evenings. They have a neat little stage, with its drop curtain, scenery, &c., in regular theatrical. style: The perforiatance, On the night I visited the Fort, was qixite creditable, and was' attended by the Colonel commanding the Fort, raid his estimable lady and by many other officers -and their wives; The garrison were keOping a close watch: upon the Rebel Ram Fingal, the smoke from her boilers_ being visible, from up the river.' She has since been Captured by the Monitors:' The Department of the south is the best clothed, best equipped, best fed, and in nu merical proportion ; the most expensive of any in the , United States service,--it is, I doubt not, composed of men as brave and, true as any, and yet-under the control of the • General, who was lately relieved of his com mand it has accomplished little else than the emancipation of some thousands' of_ negroes. -Theyare literally swarming in , every De partment—are becoming insolent and over bearing—and in one of the negr, o - regimenis, they recently became so insubordinate, that it, was necessary to give several of them "sudden`discharges" from'the:service of the United States, which will enable them to enlist in that fabled army - which Old John , Brown:is 'supposed to' edinmand. Under good officers, the negroes would' make good soldiers, 'but their present expeditions to the main-land are disgraceful 'in the extreme: They plunder, burirand lay waste all that• is in their !path. ! The property of the poor' widow who has no pan-nor lotin the rebell• ion shares the same fate:ai that of the weal thiest rebel in the State. • It was this state of things which made me doubly anxiensubeut ; our -Pennsylvania homes,' while the Rebels were with; you. I feared -that they'Would adopt retaliatoryimeasures, and an irinch surprised as rejoiced that they did not.' '= • : , The removal of Gen'. 'Hinter rind' filling_ his place by the 'brave and elcillfUl General', Gilmore; shims - *us that the administration 'has appreciated the troubles under which the A epttrtment vtiis laboringinnd -gives us pre:: m'cif betterthinga in the fixture.. The laid, news ' m Charleston' encourages us 'to hope . ise that the omise will - not be long unfulfilled: After a rnbilth'i sojourn iri'onr. dorainiorei in S. C., driving Or 'ratabling tbrOugh groves of orange and magnolia' trees;' sailirig about the bayous 'and- Creeks, being . ' wrecked- on an-oyster bank, :Wilding lines . along the sea shore, through fore-its and across trunshe4- where wernomentar ilyexpeeted to be "draP ted" by alligators; , laying Cablea across four rivers, "melting" in - day-light and being "chawed" up -'by • flies, Teas rsnd musquito6 at night, we fulfilled our mission and depart ed fora .more congenial clime,. - where one does not hear, see and.. smell the "inevitable contraband" every raomettt in -the day, where "greylxLcks" will no longer her.c"so gently o'er us stealing," and which altogeth er is the most comfortable ranche, we 'have. fallen upon - in. : twO years' experience in the army., 9ongratulate us therefore, that our lines have- - fallen in places so pleasantk. and that we ~ar,e ...living in hopes that ,but &Jew months will elapse'' ere we-have the, pleasure of taking you by the hand, and of enjoying, ourselves as in day's gone by. - PRILADET,PHIA. Dui Correspontleni-4-The Draft in rhft ndelphia—Bon.-"ffilliain B. Nann--lleo , turning Volunteers.-The Decline , in ' Gold—The IS ki Brighten for the porrespondence of The Ymnklin Repositoiy".. PErr..ATIELrinA:, July ,25, 1868. -In complying Wlth - your requestto become your regular corresilondent ,at this • point, I' am' reniinda that "th l it positiOn is not entirely new to me, having; as long i*o-as 1846, acted for' a brief - period in that capacity, froni 'another place.' 1 would rather write for the ItErosrropx,frora,any•other point than this. This Is your commercial'emporimn.• Your' citizensl • e receive a large II tnnher of papers daily, and they are ' about sLA 'well itosted "on City news 'as:we 'are, who have to:: depend mainly on the papers, forinfo i rmation of what is transpiring at . orir own door. - Whde much of the local news would be interesiing to many 1 of your readers , who :are.no so fortunate as to receive a daily Mail, to ot i era it would be stale and uninteresting; and! , consequently I will not attempt 0, report it! in detail. The' more prominent Omits only will be noticed, and they briefly. ._ . • Although the draft'has ten made in half the Wards of the, City, very little excitement hasbeent caused by it. A committee of prom. inent citizens, of p each 'political party, has been selected En watness the drawing in every Ward, and no chUrggt of unfairness has, in any - dase,• been Made . against the Provost Marshal and his assistants. Those 'who draw: prizesfrom the wheel, in most cases, take it in good humor. Vero substitutes, can be had for $3OO or less, they' are offered in pref erence to pazing the fine ; but it is under.' stood that a , very large proportion are -paying $lOO for exemption. t, Ample-provisions, be'rnade for the support of •tlke families of those tvlo, from convictions of duty or other— wise, respond in person to-the call. of' their country. The drafting for the :whole. City ill heconcluded' next week. - Some of the city volunteers, who respond ed to the call of the Governor, are beginning to return to their homes. The indepeudent company of • B. Ittinn • returned yesterday, and were escorted: through some of the 'principal streets, by other military organizations. Capt.. Mann appears to be able to take a turnat almost anything. After - the fast battle of Bull Run, as Colonel of the• 2d' Regiment of P6nnsylvania Reserves, be has; tened to the,defense of the'Capftol, and -Con- tinned in command of his regiment-for some months. llnderstanding'the politics of Phil adelphiabetter,. undoubtedly, than any other man, of any party; he is at once a successful politician, n brave soldier, an'accomplished lawyer, and efficient District Attorney.' The decline in Gold is, a; favorable 'feature flnencislly, of the last Week. This decline rand favorably effect the Prices of foreign, merchandise, as Will be more clay' paid, while in connection with the opening of the Mississippi, the rates of domestic fa - ri6 should give way. The skies brighten for - the Union, and with a continuance of ,recent successes, the war'cannot• be. prolonged beyond this year. If the draft could be postponed, as the, cop perhead Journals of New TOrk desire, the rebels might be encouraged to make a despe rate,'effort to recover their hist'ground. But with the prospect of- an accession of 300,000 men to our army, if they do not see, they can soon be made to feel thelopelessness of TuscAnons. their p isitivri:, The rebels considered they had a goOdleke on us' when they -defended .Manassas, with wooden guns. While acknowledging the corn,• we-he leave to call their attention to several "wooden Mortars that gave them more annoyance at Vicksburg than all otherguns. The mortars threw-six, twelve and twenty four-"pound shell with considerable accuracy. Captain Trisselliaii, a “fighting Irishman," on Geri.- Logan's eiaff, conceived the idea - of manufacturing mortars fro& togs. , .Securing i several sand , logs;be" had hem bored, out and - then hooped them wit iron. "With• a 6:hall - charge of powder the `'answered' bet ter thanlion mortars, for they - made little noise. .:Therebels•confessed that more 'dam- - age was . .done by these:shells' than any we threii into Vicitiburg. ' - , .11 , Major General Maury, 'ommanding. at Mobile, is alarmed lest Geneial Great Should take it into his bead to , "rapV Oa theWarks" erected for the defense of at Rebel 'city; and accordingly he issues a" reclamation to the, people 'Setting fortklais f ,:and calling vtpon them to prepare 'for' such. .an event: Maury's fears nlaybe reallied: , - - VOL:7O:!...WHOLE N 6., 3,615.1--1:3 BRIEF WAR-ITUS. , the Nashyille,'Unio says: D e ters apfu; agOi, leaving ilia shuttered ranks a!ay, and delivering them Selves up to ter,, authorities. Some plate their number 10,4300. - ; , Capt. Ulric ,tpahlgreen 7 ,son of ill° Adtai t 4: ptt.al—isquoinoted to a Lyntenant-cOlonekt, by, : of Volunteers for gallant conduct - at Got q4arg. - '/I.pong his certiflefites of good W., havior.yaililost, leg. , - ; The navigatiprief. fife:Mississippi, tempo. = tarily 'suspended by the pmenee of an firma mob, has been rimmed: '_The steamer Inv perial arrived_at New Orleans from St.-Leuic on the i6th, having met with no obstruetionort on - ber. voyage.. • SUrgeon-General Etanuriond, jilet ivtur:noa from Gettysburg, - itiys !that the most . erned act'of the: Rebels dilthiti remembrance wile theleavioxig of 11;000 Rebel- wounded witlo. only 'tit Rebel surgeons to attend to thein.'' Gereat:sufferingohas been'endured by tlaikP Unfortunate men; so barbarously deserted tryl the-chi:ruby Of - the South!. • Persons front Hagersto;wn and ; Williazuz-, - . poTt. represent on the au orityof the citt- :i zens :of those places that , during the tom,?. three days of Lee'A stay'. north of the Poiii,„ his entire_ army,. officers and prive.‘4,, Ni . rere inza.most fearful state of despondency, and trepidation on account oftheir universal expectation of being attacked. • -General Hurlburt announces to the jVC:ri Department that Colonel Hatch; command=` lowa regiment of cavalry, had, en=:.: countered the' Rebel' cavalry on the 14th , --, inst.,•at Jackson, Tenn., and after a seveicf: fight routed them, killing, wounding,. and•; capturing two, hundred:. He also roleasedd four hundred conscripts, and t00k:250 hems..? The Rebel cai' . airy:at "Gettysburg was 'il l conStant trouble;' if it ' appeared beyond the • Protection' of the infantry lines on cithei'/ 'flank, it was charged into by the national ce - - and sent pell-mell back tb itshidttie place and if too far within our own the hoisesWere denairalized by the eiplesiee . of shells. . - Of the one thousand eight hundred , and, and fifty men comprising the " Iron Bri-,. ; Bade," who went:into ..the fight at Gettys T ,, burg, seven hundred and twenty-eight :wart; kilted or wounded, endfour hundred morqi, were unaccounted for on the followin,g The brigade is composed ; of the 2d, 6th; and. 'fat:Wisconsin, ;19th. Indiana, and the 24th nt Michigan.. 1 A soldier returning; to his regiment, Which ( ' is under Meade, on the Potomac t said terday: "This'mob must be . patt ; down ;:tho Conscription must bo enforced. Hererl. am=' 'returning for eighteen months to. my regi- , , merit; - after a-spell of sickness. My regimentfl is- not half full ; it ought to be tilled up, and that at once. These lima who Make a riot, Would cut the throats, of the soldiers in thiv: field:- •• - Gen. Meade was frequently under the lire' at Gettysburg, though he does not'appear a , : have' exposed himself unnecessarily. lie rode along the linos, attended' by the orderlies' guiding every msvement, and' halting .anti' sending to the fro - lit denieralized officers and? Wien k' •At onetime his terse' Was' ki lcul, un-u -(ler him; the canister shot paging' thraugh t , the flap of the saddle; grazing the 144aftliti' , General: • ' - *.- • A. personal friend. and fellow-soldier. of, Gen. Hooker writoshome: 4 , I give you my word that the stories'about his , drunkenness are utterly false., So, Sat: from beingdrunk : at„phancellonille,the_fact 4 that when was made - Insensible by, the concussion of sf Cannon -shot against •a columnupon wtdchike, was,leaning, and spirits were wanted for his use by,the surgeon, not a , drep.could be found at :his quarters, and - it. was long before it could be obtained." • The 'capture of Chattanooga by General' Rosecrans is a matter which his attracted : very little uttention - , yet it is almost as int- Portant an annouthimentas the surrender of - Vicitibarg,.' The latter . gave -US the MIAs- sippi,' but, Chattanooga •is the key - to - the— whole internal 'railway system of the Son*: East Tennessee no* becomes . ours as a mat- ter' of course, and the tuointain regitql *MA - split the South Hie a•viedge passes naturally into our toritzol:' dhattanooga, in - its way, - : . means as much as Viiiksburg. The Qovernment; has, ordered the Rebel ; General W. Fitzhugh Lee And Oapt„ .- der into, conilnercent, tu await the action of.: the, Rebels at Richmond in reference to the sentence of death palmed upon Captains Saw yer, of New JerselyspiTlynn, of Winne. 1 9n .Thursday, they : Were..removed to a easel , mate in Fortress- *woe, and notice wae . .. sent to Ric , rtend., giving', the authorities ‘lippel to understand : that, if the two Tinloik. officers were hung, the_saree death would be . 4 *baited upon Leo and Winder.'. , The governMent tis ,iispossessieu ot.infor t mationi going to show - that them is a- thor.. ough uudetatauding between the New. York amt Southern Rebels. When the =evidences comes fobs known. ;to the public, the asset—i tion iwthe l'ribtinesseeis ago that Lee's *Wort of renasylvaala wee prompted by 's' copperhead ;embassy - from:New York appear amply . suYsported by. proof. "Ade , ' spread, Orglittlzatien" is' known to Northeta eities'which is ia close affiliation_ 'With• ME BM Elg