T t ig pOLLAR, • , : ::..,'.. ,, :q.,..1:.!•1:ft ~ei.di.' Paiin.Ailgi ,8,-,.1849,,, WEATnEn.-L-The weather contin ues to be extremely dry. 'Corn, o ats ,buck wheat az potatoes, aro sutlbring very much. Without rain in a very'few days,corn and buckwheat will be a total loss. . . • , ,o* - Much 'ofeur spacp is occupied this week with the late and interesting news *gni California, By this intelligence the reader will see that-after all the time spent in Congress on the question of slavery in C4lil'ornia, the Californians clairathe right of regulating that matter themselves. - It was a government , --without; _regard to the slave question-4hat they ,wanted. Our Nails and' Min llotites. The matiner in which this place has been,supplied with the United States mail has always—with the exception of very brief intervals--been (Oust catise 'of cora plaint. At the last post-route letting this route , . was advertised to be run "three times a week" on the new pike by way of "Mor tisdale and Clearfield to Curwensville."— Ail last fall and winter Graham & Wil son, the , gentlemen who got the contract, carried the mail according to the proposals' of the. Department--and--notwithstanding Daily & Eder ran a line of opposition sta ges, reducing the price of passengers' fare about two-thirds, yet still we' are told they did a good. But some time in the spring the two lines were united, and since that no mail has been carried by way of “lifor risdale, Clearfield," 4.c., at all: They have left the road in tole, and supply the two places by a single horse mail, the one from Curwensville and t other from Phil ipsburg. These are the facts. IVhere the fault. lies, is another matter. If the contract is in accordance with the propetals.issued by the department, then is the Department basely disregarded, and made the instru ment of wonton outrage on an unoffen ding .community. But if tha contract is not in accordance with those proposals, whether so originally, or since altered, and the con.' tractors have authority to do as they are now doing—as some are disposed to be lieve—then is the Department still more guilty of wrong for regarding the represen tations made by the interested contractors, instead of inquiring into the facts of the case.: There is gross wrong committed somewhere. It is the duty of deputy post masters to report to the head of the depart ment all failures and irregularities in the arrival of the mails, and we presume our postmaster has performed his duty in this respect. If he has, then is the department entirely at fault for not compelling its a gents to fulfill their contract. It is all idle to say that thispad is more expensive, or harder to run, or longer, than the other. It is true that it costs less to run daily on one road than tri-weekly on two different roads. But when they make a contract, and get pay for running by way of Morrisdale and Clearfield, they should be compelled to 'do so. Under the present arrangement„.letters going frorri this place, either' east or west, are detained at Curwensville more than twenty-four hours longer than they would be if the mails were carried according to the way the.proposals were issued. llow our , Citizens, and particularly our business men, continue to bear with this ill-treat- Inent, is more than we can account for.— From week to week—and at times from day to day—we have been flattered with .the promise that the next day, or next week, would restore us our rights. The proved is no fairer now than it woo•four 'months ago, and we therefore call upon 'our citizens, one and all, to wait no longer, but to make a formal demand on the De partment to do us justice, by compelling the contractors to fulfill their contract, or •to throw it up; or,' let us call on the De• partment to send an agent here, to exam. ine our route, and then, if it appears im. practicable to carry the, mailas it *kr. :Meilt carried, we shall_ complain no more Attempt to murder a Wife by her Hus battd,--The New York Globe, July . 13, says: Yesterday morning, shortly alter 6 o'clock, the lower part of Broome street was thrown Into considerable excitement by the cry of murder, proceeding frem the hour No. 72, occupied by Fernando, M ier and family. On - entering the place, •they found Mrs. Dular lying insensible on Ili&floor, while blood poured freely from several awful gashes on her bead,' from blows inflicted With av hatchet, by . her hus band. The accused was arrested and com ,mitted for exiMination. • The Arrest of , Francisco Rey. 'The') New Voile Herald announces that the general government have ordered the lome Squadron to Cubit, to demand the restoration of Francisco Rey, clkndestinely Abducted from New Orleans, ios\kuppased ~wit'stheminivano of the Spanish Consul, We bop° this ,141 so. If it should prove 'to be true. and 4110 facts Of,thecatettre riot osiostco, Shall he:atittitig the first to a .'.loucl the Patriotic , promptitude' of the a... istration oferenerai Taylor.—Pe4tt. , LATEST IfELEORRFDIC DESZATDHES. 17 , ‘• i% Seven Days Later From Europe. ~ .VlOll, the re nut' _ . Debates in the :English Pcoliantent---Ri. ots 'in Irdatrid----Arrest a f the Prince of - . anino in France—Return of Pope Successesof Garibakli 2 —,-AffairS of repice, itc., cyc. , ' •, , Sl'.' bilri, N. li ', • - Thursday, Aug. 2, Bi, P. - M. The 13 teamphip Cambria, Calit. S an non; arrived at Halifax at 3 o'clock thiq . morning, and will be , due hi Bosten at 4 o'clock to-morrow afternoon. AFFAIRS IN ENGLAND.' .• Parliament is to be prorogued,.on the 9th. A motioni ., Which Lord .Brougham previously annonntedhisintentiontomake, ag referenee, to the, French expedition in Italy, was laid the table of Peers on Friday. The resdlution embodied a wide range 'of atibjects, and implied a direct cen sure of the foreign policies of the' govern niey.4, and, it is understdod that the envoys and aged:s! in Northern Italy, and in Sici- Ito!ieed.' • • IRELAND-.--RIOTS+TRE • , On the 12th; a very rerious riot . took place between a party of armed Orange- . men and Catholics; near Castle William, in the county of Down. The Orange par: ty having celebrated the day, it being the anniversary„ of the battle. of Anghran, at Tullymore,'&being on' their march home, whilst-passing a, defile called Dolly's Brae,. found their path waylaid. All the passes and surrounding hills were Occupied by an immense number of Roman Catholics, p re vicled with forks and fire-arms, and plain ly contemplating a general massacre. The Protestants aided by a small party of police and military, stood upon their de fence; and anteceded in forcing their way through the gap, after a short struggle in which 40 or 50 persons are said to have been killed or wounded on both sides,— niuch the greater proportion being of the Boman Catholic party; 38 Ribbonmen had been taken prisoners •on Friday. Two medical gentlemen drove . through the coun try, round about the scene of the contest, with the view of administering relief to those who were wounded, but they were refused admittance at every house where they called. ROME.—Preparations aillt making at Rome, which leads to the lief tfiat Pius 9th is expected to return to the Quirinal. The French are doing all they can in dis tribiding money freely to get up a cry in his favor but in vain.. Garibaldi has succeeded in making his escape good from the French Division, who were put upon a false scent, and he is now in the mountains of Abbruzzi. Previous to his departure from Rome, he had - secu red ammunition and military stores. • Another account states that Garibaldi is on the Neopolitan frontier where he has I been joined by, another body of troops, & formed it is said a body of 20,000 men. VENICE, The recent operations against Venice have been discontinued in cougequence of the fatal prevalence offever and sickness amongst the Austrian'troops by the execs.. sive heat and hard work. . THE REVOLUTION IN HiJNOAIIIi.—A TurldUi Ambaciamicr Paris rcceivc&a dispatch on the 19th inst, by courier, an nouncing that the Polish General Bern had again completely defeated the Russians under the command of Leurs, inTransyl vania, and that the latter had been obliged to take refuge in Wallachia, with a small remnant of his army. Advices from Vienna, of the 12th of July, state that Buda and Pesti) had sur rendered to the Austm-Russian treeps on the 11 th inst, without resistance. From a report of Gen. Haynau, addres sed to the Emperor of Austria, it appears that a very Oarp conflict toph - place on the 11th becorecomorn hetween the com bined armies add the Magyars. The Hungarians fought with fierce.impetuosity but the Austrians claim the•victory. Another and probable more reliable ac count of this battle states that 180 pieces of cannon were bro't into the field by the , Hungarians, and theloss sustained by the latter and artillerymen, may be . estimatedl from 'the circumstance that several of the guns had to be secured by the ditct i (3) in Finly. . Nothing could be more complete than the defeat of the united RUB+ ski-Austrian armies under Haynau. He was obliged to fall back on Rauh where his headquarters are at present, and which city is filled with wounded. He, had been obliged to send 800 wounded tePresburgh. But for the timely arrival of the Russians to cover his, retreat, Haynau and his staff wouldhave been taken. • . . ThE SPANISH CONSUL Dirvicuvry. Nr.w OnLEAns, August 1. The trial of the Spanish Consul,charged with the abduction of the young Spaniard, Rey, was proceeded' with yesterday. One of the 'witnesses testified that the Consul, several weeks previous to the ab. action, bailsent for him, and offered to pay him Nye% if he would seize Rey,' and gut him on board of a vessel bound for Havaiinah. Others expressed their firm conviction that 'Rey was !wide drunk, and put on boars .the &limner, which immedi• ately left foiHaVannah. The evidence is very strong natnst the Consul. •Plitti of Flonfand Ofitill. The follewiug statement Gill show , the priies of Flour end Grain at the several placer mentioned at riur latest 4etetl, lOU Wheat. Corn. Oats. , Philadelphia, 011 75 08 60 30 New York. 475 110 62 , 32. , Boston. 5 iDO 110 •60 35 Baltimore. . .4 62, ~1 b 5 27 Pittshergy 362; , 03 70* 40 r 6 • Cleattleftl 4 6.00 •1 28 ' 7 5 - .37: . ~, • • IVOITINT NOTICE.- • 'll, • • penious indebted to the tato "Haman" 'Of 2, flee, fur sabarription 8r joli.worki 'mutt maker stililement dn'or befOrs the 'approaching Soptembtt court. If those whit neglict -this , limey notice; are put tocea4 H will be their own fault Committees of Vigilanee.appointed by the Dem ocratic' Standing Committo of Clearfield • County..% Beccaria,--"John Shoff, Jucab Leonard, J. B. Stewart. jj Belt--George Walters, Robeii Mehaffy, Jacob W. Campbell, W. T. Gilbert, Chas. Ellis. . Burnside—James McMurray, Henry Neff; John Yoling, David Fulton, Edward King. Bradford—Jacob Pearce, W. K. Wrig ley, Ma. V. B. Holt, Win. Hoover, John W. Ky lar.. Boggi--josepli Stites, I. L. Barrett, J. H. Turner, Joha Kephart. Brady—B. Bonsall, 'I. Draucker, Dr. G. Wilson,Roswell Luther, Wm. Rishel. Chest--. J. Tozer; William Tucker. Covington—F. Couthiet, S. Maurer, S. Bradford. Decatur—Wm. Hughes, sen., Joseph MeClarren, John Shaw, Thomas Mays. Ferguson—Wm. L.. Moore, William McCracken, Matthew Bleom. , Ibx—Jas. Moorhead, --- Carr.** Goshen-Jacob Flegal, W. L. S haw, G. R. Kline, I. W. Graham. - Girard—Ahrarn Kylar, WM. Nelson. Huston—Philip Hevener. Jordon—Joseph • Patterspn, D. McKee- Oen; Wise, - E. Commoford, Geo. Erehard John M. also. Earthaus-z-Geo:l3liciler, James Gun sidles, Jacob ICimes. , • , • Lawrence—A. H. 'Shaw, Nicholas K. McMullen,G. D. Goodfellow, Wiliam A. Reed, Wiliam Mapes. Morris—S. C. Thompson; Thomas Ky lar, John W. Irvin,Evans Hunter. .Pike—S. Way , Evans,Geo. Condo. Isaac Bloom, Esq., Wm.•§ 4 4'Porter, J. T. Hunter, George B. Dale. ' PenU--Wm. Johnson, P. Dailey, Jo seph Stugart. Union--Westley Horn, Peter Laborde, jun., Elias Horn. Woodward—Robert Henderson, G. W. Shoff. Borough—WM, CY:Welch, J. F. Wea ver, James H. Adtitni`: MARRIED-o . n Thtirsday evening. last, by the Rev. M. T. Merwiri, Dein JAMES C. tO Miss HANNAH. M. MORTI MER, all of this place. THOMPSON'S Compound Syrup of Tar 4- Wood- Naptha, Pulmonary Consumption, Pleurisy, Bron chitis, Chronic Sore Throat Liver Complaint, Asthma, Chronic Affections, of the Kidneys, 4-c. More proof!---Another astonishing Cure/I Ti.ren p.m's ago, in enionqueoco of over e'en en. in assisting to I hunch nhoikt, I ruptured u blood yes• set in my ,lungs„ which was. followed by profuse spitting of blood, and consequent debility, so that I had to stop work. 1 procured the best medical treat ment, but the Weeding recurred very often, necom pained with fever. In a slant lime a cough came on, with greet oppression, hectic fever and night sweats. Thus I went on, gradually growing Homo. and I became .completely discouraged, until three months ago. I mado a trial of THOMPSON'S Cost YouNosivnue OP TAR. which I used regularly Mr three months'. during which time I gradually impro ved, nod I now -bear my testimony to its value, as ti.e only medicine as hich,beni fitted me, and has re. stored me to !Monti PUMA" HOLDEN. 'l'hts invaluable med cine - n 3 prepared al ilia N. L. corner ol•Filiblinil-Sproeu streme. Philadelnida. Prrp3red and P.llli i,y AGNEW Lt. DICKSON, N. E. camel. of FIFIft and *MCI.: tercets, Phil. ndolploon. - Scld by 411. 111 1111,1...Clearlield, Pa.. and by Druggihia generally. Price 50c ur 91 00 per battle 11117 D.vitte Permission o Camp Meeting for the Cenrticld.Cirroii of he llqihodiet Prutett• CM Chan hi, tvill be held on land of Hdn. Jas. Lounord. 4 stiles east of the borough viClenrlield, on the new turnpike; to etimmenee on Friday, A.lgust 24.1 t - 1843 hliniorrs and members of all Evangelical denominesit ns, and the public generally, are itiv:tril to attend and participate in the cervices of the meeting. 3. K. HELMnOLD, 81/Ift, Clearfield Circuit. fat. FOR THE PREVENTION AND CURE OF TVCKERTCN. N J., Minch 18. '46 CAMP MEETING. At 4. CAMP MEETING. Cimp Meeting will he held cr. the Innd of Mt. it. John Willinnim, nenr the Lutheran C •tirch. in Jordon townellip,to commence on Thurmday the 2?il of August nest. No trafficking lin permitted within. three miles of,,,the meeting. There will be nceommoda ffin.a in the neiglthortioud, for vimitrrm . • P. McENALLt. July 25.'49. NOTICE. WE aro determined lo have nll our neeounte Fettled. Those of mote thnn five' yearesum ding will bo left for collection without nuttier no. taco. Mr. Powell will giro hie %%Milo nuention un til the first of September next In 1110 willing of the Cooke-. BIGLE I 44 rowE.m. 4 ag. Isl. '4O. I'BINTERS iii h r Newspapers are intormed that the eubscri- LP hers are extensively - engaged In the Wilt,. facture' of PRINTING , INK of every color and which they know to ho equal to nor mnnufactured, and .which they Will well at the lowest prices fir Cash. As ,they are, determined that their ink shall recommend 'itself they only solicit oria-tarat..erf it, retying upon. its merits for future patronage. Their colored inks are warren. jed• superior to - any• manufactured. . A circular containing prices, &o. will !resent to those whit desire it. Orders thr.cash on city agents, accepted: 01 - Pobltshers olnewspapers inserting this .ed. vertisement to the - amount of &2 and sending us copy of she paper, htremitting $5 at any lime, receive n9O lb, keg of Erre Nows'llok o . • r • • • ADAMS &CO, Steam.frinting Woiks; Phila. Agents fer the Salo of new and. second,finit. Printing .Materials. . „ . july3o, •' 'lo.Fami9ites, „ • A ,Jorge arsoriment of Gbui'Jars Tor ralti—null .411:,ablo cur' holcliiig ,Priservori Pii•kles,ol dice, &c. They um. °fall mixes from a half pin to a gallon. They will be sold low for cash. • HENRY LORAIN. - July 4.1849. . , REGISTER'S .NOTICE. OTICe: to here , -ygitren in all creditors. legatees N end Oilier persons intereated.d4the following accounts tieen poised and , filed in the RPtillit Ors laka,pf Oltrartlald . county. 'and that the same will be presented in the Orphans' Court Weald roan , ly fa confirmation and alloy, once on the 3d day of September next, in the Court house in the borough of Clenrfield. , r • • , • „ Ist. The account. al Michael and William Wise, administrators ofihe,estate of Conrad Wm, late of Pike township, dereased . , ; ,; , WM. O:WELCH, Rehr, , • July 14; 1849,-. • • . • • EALL'ELECTION. ,__.. _...... , . Ny E are requested by a numberf . . -c , • • our fellowtizens to announce the. name of Dr. Jonri• P Holm., of Ferguson tow6hip,'Ets 'Et candidate for a seat in the next 'Legislature, subject to the action of the Democratic party. july 3. ' •••""'"` Ware authorized to announce That . Capt. HENRY D. Brasezi; of the borough of Clearfield, is a candidato for the-'Legislature-subject" to the action of the Democratic party of Clearfield county. July 14, '49.—pd I , • . . ] E are authorized to announce that JAMES M'GrizE, Esq., of Bell township, .is a candidate for the Legisla ture—subject to the action of the Demo cratic party of Clearfield county. NUE are authorized to announce mom J. HEMPHILL, of the bor ough of Clearfield, as a candidate for the Legislature—subject to the action of the Democratic party, of Clearfield county. VETE are authorized to announce Col. Vir GEORGE C. PASSMORE, of Pike township, as a candidate for the office of Sheiijr of Clew:field county, at the ensuing General election—subject to the action of the Democratic party. june 19. Messrs. FietTOUs: PLEASE, announce* the name of Joipt B. Kri,p,, of Morris town. ship, as a candidate for the office of Sher iff, at the ensuing election, subject to the decision of the Pernbemtic party. June 30. MANY CITIZENS. . . . IV7 E are requested to announce the V name of JAMES WRIGLEY, of the borough of Clearfield, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff, subject to the action of the Democratic•party. • july 5. r SING authorized; we hereby an nounce Major LutEs BLoom, of Pike township, as a candidate . for the office of Sheriff of Clearfield county—subject to the action of the Democratic party. . . BEING auteorized, we • hereby an nounco JOIIN Lora), of Lawrence township, as a candidate - for the office of Sheriff—subject to the action of the Dem ocratic party of Clearfield_county. Messrs. Edit.firs:—Please announce the name of ALEXANDER CALDWELL, of Pike township, as a, candidate for, theoffice of Sheriff---;subject to the action of the Dem ocratic party of Clearfield county. Messrs..- Moore 4- Henzphill announce the name of WILLL 3 / 4 31 M. MC- CuLLouon,‘ of Woodward township, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff subject to the decisive ,vote of the good citizens of Clearfield county. Yours, BEING authorized, we hereby , ' an. nounce CHRISTIAN POTTARFF, of the borough of Clearfield, as a candidate for the office of County Treasurer—subject to thel action of the Democratic party of Clrarfteld _ 1311 EING authorized, *c hereby an nounce MARTIN NienoLs, Jr., of Lawrence tewnshipos a candidate for the office of County, Treasurer—subject to the action of the Democratic, party of Clear field county. BEING authorized; we hereby an: nounce JostAn I-lumrEn, of Brad ford township, as a candidate for the office of County Commissioner—subject to the action of the Democratic party of Clear field county. BEING authorized, we hereby an nounce WILLIA3I - ALEXANDER, Esq., of the borough of Clearfield, as a candidate for the office of. County .Commissioner subject to the action of the Democratic party of Clearfield county. pd. ~ lik / IESSRS. Editors :—Please announce L.t Jacon K. PEARCE, of Bradford township, as a candidate for County Com.; missioner, at the ensuing election—subject to the action of the Democratic party of Clearfield county. B. Bavaria tp., Azegi 3, 1849. Fcmow-errnErqs:-1. offer myself as a candidate for the office of County Commie: sioner—subject to the action of the Dem cratic party of Clearfield county, SAMUEL SIIOFV, n , SING authorized, we hereby an . 111. 41 nounco CitaisToritEn KILATZER, Esq.,of the borough of Clearfield, as a caritate .for , the office of County Aud itor—subject to the action of-the Demo erotic party of Clearfield county. JOSioi:PH- H. JONES 1 tESl.:C.r. i F i U. r l.. e L n y... B : I, i:i d , ILL fo rm s .. 1 I I 1 „, d customers that he still con. -,;,, - , r , f: tinuee 'his butanes' at his 'old 'tumul i .. whore he is prepared, to execute sill ankh; jr, his line of ltusincagi icithe, lull satisfaction of hiacus turners. He %%ardente wurk of _hie mann acture to, be of the best material. es well as of the latest Lyle of fashion: 'MAN+ hag a general cosi'''• ment of ' • • ' . '. . • '.' , • ; ur.ovalsa AiItI,O'OIKIVIEIOO of all kinds. no folletve. , Woritens Calfskin Boots, do Gaiter Shoes, id Gaiter' Punts, Men's fine calfskin Bo,ots,'seti.ed ; c o coarse boots', sewed ; do , d° do pegged;;.do da: boots; lined; do - Kip boots, 'lifted; Mans fine Monroe boots ;do fine shoes; do fine pumpi do', ,coarse Monroe boots; do do shoes ; Boys boots and shoes' • r0....rN.,,ic r -A 11kt ride of gratcyind hulas taken in exchange tor Boots and shoes at, the Market and Cask . not refused. • ,JuIy:I4.A.B4TC-31177 Sheriff's Sales. T oy virtue,oil tt writ of Picri Fag:rati ivsmto m' XS ;tit the Court:of Comrinsit 'Pleiii. of Cieattldid , i.iiurity:tind to inif directed; vs ill be iitpoird to Pub.. Ile.naltr.aethilCosirt..Hituse. ; Boydughi ut Ciertrfielk.oft Monday thuld. day lof Seplentber nekt,,ii certain tract, ut w lantfoiturno in' Illicearia towriiih s l r p; Clearfield county, cunituniag 60, acres 10 Perches.' beginning, it a irtuiitilek 'better by Goings. 111,kore's'-atirVey nurih 154 pie. rhea toil putt'. thence ,by.. John Witmer. ituridi .weitls.perches . ton ;beratech, thence by Emari. ,trel Reigar,l;spoth 154 perches to' a Post..thenee oast; by f aiitii 75 'perches" to pl a ce of b e ginning, being 'out'of the north Oast corner of the'Ernotin• el'Reignri survey, with a cabin house end stable. and about 10 acres-cleared Iberian. Seized, ta. hen in exeeutioni and to be sold as the property orJames 'Wvstur. S 0 BY virtue of a similar %viol, Mined out of the 'same cuilit and tome directed, will he sold at the same time and plai:e. a rertato traci..ot land, sittinte in nrcedne township, Clearfield county. containing 110 acres 40 perclme,, begin ning at a post corner in the south west corner of the tract. thence ruOth by Robert Wilton'. surrey 147 perches to a pull. by lead 'sold 'in John D Miller by 127 . perches 2110 to post thence south 147 perches: thence west by John Gibson . ..survey 127 [undies 2 10 to places ol be. gulling, being out ut the solidi west corner of inset surveyed un warrant to' Thumns Gibson. with a ma dry hewed Jog honse,and cabin barn nut Oral 254crea clewed Seized, taken in ex' oration nnJ to be sold as the property of Edward 13, Tipton, ALSO, BY virtue of a 111111 nr writ, issued out of the same court and to me directed, will he s old at the same time nod place. nll the mimed of George Mason in n certain tract al land, situate' , in Brady tinnoship, Clearfield COIIIIIV. containing 200 acres. bounded by land of Potniff, Inntl of Foie & Co on the north. nod by land of Fun on the enst. with a robin house and o taldo, and H . hoot 2 acres cleared thereon. Seized. taken in execJtion and to be sold ha the property of George Meson ALSO, BY risme of a tarn of Vetnittioni Espana , issti• ad out of The lame Gomm and to me directed. will be exposed to vale at the same time & place. a certain tract uf land, situate) in Chest township Clearfield county, suryeyad . un warrant dated in 1793 granted to John Carmoody, beginning et a post by it hemlock. thence by laud of John Graff north .40 deg. west 115 perches to n birch, !boner: by land of .1. &J. Neel, frost 216 perches to a hickory and maple. thence south 160 perches it, n maple, thence north 72 perches to the begin ning—containing 28 214 acres and allowance , with (our det 'Meg houses, three horns and about 80 acres cleared thereon. Seized, taken awe:vett tion and to be sold as the property of Elina Herd & salmon J. Tozer. and with notice to B Wood, D. Wood and J. Wood, terre tenants. by JOHN STITES, Sheriff's Office, Cleo,. fie'd. June 12.1849; MILLER 81. MANLEY, (1/A331117/11‘2 A ND (.911itaLta MAKERS. it , F, subscribers having entered into partner. T ship in the above named businesso respectful. ly solicit a share of public patronage. They flat • ter themselves that they can furnish Work to all pulsing who may be pleased to call, to their cm , tire satisfaction. They will keep on hand Cabinet-work and Windsor Chairs of every description. Upholstered chairs made to order. ALSO, Dentist, Invalid, and Chamber Chairs—Chair Beds and Bed Chairs. itlrThu Bed Chair Can i.e converted from the Arm chair :o a complete bed to two minutes. and alio will fold to the small compass that can be car. r;ed under the arm. ft is particu'arly suitable fur Military officers and Professional gentlemen N. B.—Coffins mnde in the neatest manner and an the shortest notice. CHARLES MILLER. • ROBERT ,N 1 A N LEY. Cearficld, July 0.1849 —6nl JULY 27, '49. NEW CONFECTIONARY Late trout Philadelphia. TriE sub•critier would Inf orm tha pubha that he has openrd a coNiEcriortattv and GROCERY scrons . in Cutwensvitlo,ut his old stand consisting 01 White & Brown Sugar, Honey, Syrup & Orleans Molasses, Co ff ee, Young Hy son, Imperial & Black Tea,Semitz i sweet spited Chocolate, do o Clay's, Nutmegs, Cloves, Cinnamon, Allspice, Ginger, Pepper, Saleratus, Indigo, To bacco, Segars, Candies of all kinds, Rai sons, Sugar biscuit, Stove & Shoo black ing of new and superior quality—Also Lemon Syrup, "Mead, Pies, Cakes of all kinds, Almonds, Creamnuts, Filberts, English Walnuts, Pecan nuts, Pea nuts, all of tho best quality, which can be tes ted by trying them. JAMES H. FLEMING. Curwensville, July 18, . '49.-3t BYvirtue lit nit order of the Orpbens Court of Clearfield comity, there null be exposed to ptolic sale on Monday tho 3d day of September nest. at the court boost) in the borough of Clear tho following described real estate, late the property of Mary Campbell. deed, viz-100 acres of unseated timber land in Lmrence township. situate mar the writes of Little Clendield creek —bounded on the south by land of I. Thompson, by tend of Bigler & co. on the cast, J. J. Read on the north, and by' land 11011, in possession of Jo siah Campbell on the west. TEIINIS=Oite third rash nn confirmation of sale, balance In 2 Nun! Orifllldi payments thereat• ter with interest, to be secured by beret & mon.. gnge on the premises; WM. BIGLER; Ea'r. Jots 23 1849 . • AT PRIVATE SALE. : 3 rlVlE.Nobroriber offers to sejl the fol. - 1. lowing &scribed real estate. Th.', farm , n w hieh ho resides in Penn - township. Clearfield county. containing 75 acres.-40 of which is cleared. under good fen. vas nni4ja a good slate of The im• prooemento area good two Wary Frame House. and Immo unit also a go - ud Aliple Or. chard; with other out buildings liecesiety for a farm and a ieier.failing spririg - of water at the poor. Also, • Another .place in The same township; containing 121 acres--maily ilmbar land. with 18 Aries on. der eu!tivaihm. The first ia situated on the , pub. lie road leading from Con; ena‘ ill, to Ptinzeu tawnoy, and bairn' mile (ruin Mooto'a Mill . ;•- Thlarproperty Will be u,ld on very reasonable tame.. For further particulars annitto ' GA.IIIIETSON JOUNSON. I ;line 2t: 1849,—A id Al „ . • • , "Iry WOODS ft WILSON as s oc i ate d tneruseives..iugetioir to [ho Pruuttre:4 Medi. tine. offer their .prolessionol sersicfsilu OM • people orCufw!nsvitte and surrounding country. Ir i $1 dangerous •Cintee the 'unremitting, tittentiou Of both will bultiVOP vaihotituggia riburge. . r QtrAlt galls from Ili distance, rereireyrumpt alteration " . ,Jutv.6.1840..;i4m >. N 11.,r,The subscribeirespeetfolltictheits sn Irn nit:dude irettlernenLornil his old : nl t oup s •••tr e " • % • ' • ' "ht WOODg • s a: • • '-- • " . . ry,.*. : y ~~ ORPHAN'S COURT SALE. Valuable Real Relate Protional. LISt OP erif.. Alit.D JURORS Sefiiengiif Ikr•nt 1849. • JameaForrest • Merchant , I4wrouco lacwi4,oo4rden, Farmer , • Christian Ernigh do. , Morris Charles Clever 42,„. , , 'Penn Abram Stiencee. .dd • - do, John Bur under do Burnindo James do do John Ferguson do 'Ferguson Thomas B Davis, do , dot. Joseph Best Lumberman Woodward Wm Henderson Farmer • do W Shoff- , do do ScooleyScott' ,dO John Hoover do , Brady Jas C Barrett 'lnnkeeper , do. Cornelius Shippeo Farmer 'Boggs Geo A Heckman do do Wm Askey Carpenter Bradford B H Caldwell , Farmer , do. Samuel Evans Innkeeper Pike John. Hewit , Farmer Houston Jacob Leonard • do tw ee : a ria P A Karthaus Gentleman karthaus Jonathan Westover Farmer Chest LIST OF TRAVIS. JURORS For September Ihrst, 1849. William Hunter Carpenter Morris George Johnston Farmer do Richard Colcburn do Karthaus Daniel Moore do do J. G. Lebo Lumberman —do Sam'! Postlewait Farmer Brady Joseph Seyler do - ' do William Kirk do do Frcd'k Zeigler do do Henry 'Ream do, do Thomas Dale do do Samuel Arnold. Merchant do John Laborde Ben. Farmer , do Thos Campbell do Bell William Hoit do Huston Erasmus Patterson do - do Robert Leonard do Lawrence Geo. B Logan Millwright • ' do Joseph Lanich Farmer do Wilson Hoover do do John Rorabaugh do Burnside Jas. McMurry Merchant do . Robert Michael Farmer • do Geo. Atchison • do . do Chrithian Neff do . do Isaac Lee do do James McEwen do d 2 James Thompson do Cfiest Josiah Lambum do do Robeiton ----do-- Wbodward. Wm M'Cullough Lumborman dd Geo. Emhart Farmer Jordan Alfred D Knapp do do Wm Feltwell do do Wm W Cathcart ' do do Anthony Hile * do Penn Patrick Quirno do , do Wm Irvin Gentleman Pike L J Crans , , Merchant . do Wm M Bloom Blacksmith do John Porter Farmor do . Jeremiah Cooper do Beccaria John Shofr do do James Gill do do John Miller Lumberman Boggs Nat'l A Warron Farmer do Joseph Stites do do Francis Pearce do Bradford Abraham Graham do do James B Graham Merchant do James Flanagan Laborer do H B Beissel Tinner Borough R F Ward Tailor • • -- do John McPherson Tanner " do Wm Hughes Farmer ' Decatur Jacob Gearhart do do John Goss do • do Francis Coudriet do - Covington Solomon Maurer do do J F W Schnars do do NEW CABINET & CHAIR . 11116nufactor,.. T IIE subscriber respect iolly intorn' she public that ho has commenced the above men• tioned business, in all its various branches. in the borough of Clearfield, directly opposite the Moth dist Church. %ahem he is prepared to manage lure CABINET-WARE AND CHAIRS in the moat durehle manlier. lie hopes by strict, attention to business, to merit and tames o share of public patronage. iXr COFFINS made loonier on the shortest no- J. C CAMPBELL, Clearfield:lune 18. 1849 Estate of William Woods, Deceased, • LE 'PERS al Admitastintimi toti+1111; beets gran. tell to thu subscrinere on the estate of Wa llace Wood.. late of Brady township. Detailed et.unty, persons having clouts of do% mends against said estate will firearm them duly authenticated for settlement. and all ',mous in. debted to the same are requested to melte pp ment without delay. JAMES WOODS. . PETER ARNOLD. ^".ni... June 20..1849 iihrugs, Iticdittines-, &c r ir viv. eubacrilier respectfully ettinuun . yes 10 tho citizens of Curv‘ct svit/o. end the-public - at large. that" Ile haijtiti • .W — L • opened n . • • " • ' • DRUG STORE; : is Diatrker's HAtel, at Ourwentiville, comp*. • nu n t yke!! -elected assi,r 111011111 i I)riegs, Medicines, Pils, Paints; Yarnish es, Dye.Stnffs, itc.; together witliaq as . sortmcnt,of Glass, and in short, alloth a articles nsuallu Aept in Drug ,Stores. Being himself in the pructwe to Medi( me. um pub liemsy rest (llured thatt In! Dings are or the pus rest character. t. • . R. V. WILSON. July, 6. 1849.-3 m " ‘, • TO THE PUBLIC. UMW lo inform ital. 'While that in the nr. rangement of compromtne, on tim route from Leolatown eln Bellefonte - 10 Curweruirialen be to eon Meson?. Nilson. Grobniti and coysell,ibet they era not to be liable for eny debts contended by me with the drivers, keepers*: Landlonte, Black f. 4 mithe. or fdr. any other lh:tig : lives/toy lu keep up,pr in repair my stock, on my hdlfof innd route, is for aiy dame,ge Voile to, porno', or pireoni by tipiettinrof Conches or, 'olberivird.• 1 On the; tolier 11064, I em rceilonGiblkot intibli; fur lin, of !heir for 'teeniest :Or tiny Iklott Oflent.. heroval l vqurk, or dainifien by Aperini of conellep•or l'therwise fuf PnY (Jibe!, thiric pertaining to the it)t• tenet's of keeping nit thole hilt Of the iOute; , R EttlifliEV..' - 7" p,. &W. Fe IRWIN fi avejUst nmeav at 14 ' 1 ihoir old siand. - Eiliitts,sorindtot.or in& of gpothAsilisitable.ro tho aiiostm; prldafr tt i o,o4posa.4l*; !mall profits for good:pay. , . -• . ". S.* W. V.-IRWitc , "!-• •Cie§rneld.. Jure 18 1849, . ; " • • • , .; - •