i 4 from ,the Plaint: 7 :4E4 of the Ci - Cholera kidlike - are nituti. • ' • The O'Mara hi appearance in - Cliesteteolunty; • There have , been 12 :deaths , •inikr.ash7 ingtorti'Davies connty, Ind.: • • •: . • • The Dayton (Ohio)joarual.. publishes a full list •of the deatha by the. opieletaiesinee its.firstappearance in that city, on the 18th efMiiy;i up to the :evening of the flth•inst. , , The aggregate itt..117.' .• • • • : The'Columbus (Ohio) Journal of the 13th gives the • names of seven ; Coaviets who died' in the Penitentiary on that day. The journal says that out of about 460 conly.some • seventy have escaped, an at ! tack, and eighty-ono ,have died.' . , • At Louisville, . on , the 11th, .there were three deaths: —• • :The eholein is. making • Sad havoc in Lexington.. The Observer, of the 11th, reports, 31 deaths from the oth to the 7th. There wero three deaths of cholera in • - Frankfort up to Tuesday. . . • The Louisville loarnalpf the 12th says; The ceolera has also broken out in some i of the neighboring villages and counties of Indiana. . Seven persons have died of cholera at in. Floyd' county, Ind., since the 2d inst., 'When the first case OccUrred.l Since the 30thjilt., there have been 221 deaths at South I-TanOver, Ind.-10 whites and 0, blacks. . • The Nashville papers report the chole in as being very bad at Lebanon, Tenn. Cholera.in„ Point Coupee, La.—The New Orlean:q : Aw, of the oth inst., has the following paragraph : . The Echo says : are :sorry to learn that the cholera has reached Williainsport, in this parish ; there were (deaths in about 30 hours on .the estate of Decnir, we learn tharthere have been 17ietitlis with in the last two week. .• • - Cholera . in the West;---Sulphnr RC77lC cly .—Ext'ract of a letter from a gentleman in Keokuk, lowa, to a friend in Washing ton, dated June 30,1840 'The cholera is raging here to an alar ming extent=about one-third of our citi zens have fled, and more arc leaving daily. From four to six per day die of it. The charcoal and sulphur remedy was used yesterday with — nrialt - Wonderftil 'success.- Early on yesterday morning, I found one of My' neighbors in a collapsed condition, and I insisted upon the attending physician' trying the efficacy of the above remedy according to Dr. Bird's prescription; but giving it every fifteen minutes for four hours. At the end of that time, re-action took place, and the patient is now out of of danger. This I saw myself. Many Other cases have been, • and are now being cured by this simple remedy." The Trenton Daily _Yews, • July 18th, says : Two colored men died in the sub urbs of the city on Monday, from what was supposed to be cholera. In both of the cases the men had been -very imprudent, and had been victims of severe diarrlicea for several days past. • The Huntingdon Globe of the 17th says : George Hooper, the gentlemanly captain of one of the packet boats, who but a week ago was in the enjoyment of perfect health, is now numbered with the dead. On Wed nesday last ? . below Newton Hamilton, he was attacked with dysentery and cramps, and before medical aid could .be procured he was too far reduced. to be saved. Ile (lied on the same . d b ay. Icily on tliic was attacked at the same time with the same disease—she too died at Newton.— Thu boat came through, and on its return from 'Hollidaysburg, Tobias Tyson, the bowsman, was attacked in the same man ner,- and died, and was buried in Alexan dria. It is generally supposed that the lib eral use of ice water brought on the dis ease. tater ? ~8 Ropubliramy • ofaT 163 ' ,11110:4; on the Platte, ,• • ;,. •: • , 1849. A l'geie s d' roan .of theadventniers and navigators - haVo'iarriVed at .this point, on theta.: Way to :the. "happy. land:" ,About $OO7-wagona have passed 7 --the: fo'remo'st train'abotit ago:: They , are said to lie go:ahead ,boys 'from St. Louis ; but-I am in hopes of being within hallooing dis. %nee of them. by the time they' close tho Rocky mountains. ' There is every varies ty of conveyance—ex,, mule, and horse trains, foot „travellers ' &c, There is one of the latter Who says he has seen the suns of sixiy . winters ;*itli his rifle on his shoul der, and a faithfill. ilagby.'.his side, he has trudged , uporf: foot &cara° . forests of the Kennebec, where he had a golden vision of the land- of Colifornia; where expects -to-arrive. : He 'says he thinks he tan go there upon twenty-fiVe.maats., I have an •theriZed him .to draw upon me for half the nalount'when' ha feels hungry.. His prin. e'ipal object aptiears to be-to obtain a dow• iy7for . favorite daughter * and thereby enable her to marry' an editor, lawyer, or .stittesnian; and by their assistance he still hopes to be a great man, There will, doubtless, be great Suffering on lite route this • summer; .but it will be more owing to the people thernseves than to'the Aliffitilties which they have to encoun ter. -.Persons who are not able to walk 15 or 10'. Yniles rt day, are Wit poorly fitted, to obtain a • livelihood by digging in the gold of California: • There can be grazing ob tained for. a large number of animals by divergin o tr from the main route, in places where the country will admit of it. There will be, an.abundance of grass for all the trains as'far as Fort Laramie, after which there will be a scarcity in places Until they reach their destination.'" After leaving the South PasS, there are three different routes —one by Fort Hall, one by the south side or the Great Salt Lake, and the other upon the north. • The 'latter vas laid out last fall by a train of thirty wi i gotth.upon'their return frorncalifornia to the mountain set 'dements.. The country. thrPugh.whia it parses furnishesthe best grazing. Tedms or persons belated, by devititink a little from the beaten track, will find valleys there they . can winter themselves and stock, if they have their provisions along with them ; if not, they can live upon their attic, instead of losing them and themselves -amid barren wastes or the snows of the Sierra Nevada. . Yesterday we fell in with a party of 18 Cheyenne and • Sioux warriors—the bold obbcrs of the prairie—armed with guns, bows, shields, and'speitrs. Their appear. nee, - no doubt, made many a "green tin" remblo with fear. - They were onthe war oath for the Pawnees, the scalps of two of vhom they had dangling along at their F;tIOI.C.boWS. , Respectfully, &c., 'Potty Kumt-ser, Indian Territory, : - . June 10, 1849. DEAR Sin :—The cry is, still they come'. ,;092"wagons at sundown last night had loved past this place, toward the golden ,gions of California, and about 1,000 more think are still behind. The fever, how ver, in many cases, has ,complotoly-zuh. :ded end-in _others.a few more doses of I in will put them in a fair way of rccovc- A few are daily turning back, and anyinore would, folloW suit did they not 'land in fear. of the ridicule that is most .ure to await them upon reaching home.— ' 'apt. Radford's company from St. Louis readhed.here on the 7th, all in fine spirits ind getting along well. The Pioneer Line of coaches reached here on the Bth— tdvertised to "go through in 70 or 100 dttys, 1 forget which ; the end of one month finds ; them but 300 miles on the road. The pas ";sengersawere loud in denouncing all fast and the . Pioneer line in particuar.— .A. strong feeling of discontent prevailed Throughout the company, owing entirely to the want of sufficient transportation, and the chances arc strongly in titvorof a gen j:ral explosion. The devil hithself would tiiid it difficult to give satisfaction to an in congruous crowd of 120 persons drawn from' all parts of the world and thrown to . - nether for the first time as is the case with the, Pioneer Line. There arc to be found lawyers, , &atom, ge - filleiliert - 0, leisure 6 clerks, speculators, &C., &c., tum bled in together and obliged to stand guard, cook vietuals, bring wood and water, wash dishes; and haul wagons out of mud holes. Can anything be imagined more difficult than the smoothinn , down of such a 'toter°. genotts limas 1 , 'Reports haVe lust. reached here:That a party, of PaWneeS are; Molesting straggling emigrants on 'the St.. Joseph road, and' Major' Clinton and Lieut. Ogle, with' 'COmpanY ot dragoons, leaVO this evening:to htint theria up, These Pawnees i re.the greatest. scoundrels on the plains, -and a • god(' Sound' drubbing is, the only thing that Will bring them their senses, and sooner or later they must receive it. ..''ltfany 'eases-of 1.004 Indian *rages, hOever, can :easily : be' traced `to other sources, for aftanot angels who are bautid the Pa' .7Not, a day scarce ly' poor fellow is Pot tarn• bleiclout on the prairies,' bag and . baggage, to Shift l foribimself; • The emigrants have flexed:much from the cholera, and T un pt•tittnid'the ' different'. roads are . , studded Ith',gt*Ca, 'from the frontiers to :% ) ;4hin or `ono hundred miles of this plaee, ',., r enalt 'disease appears to, be loft behind. 7 '' r 'YOUYS 'PAWNER': rutal Assaidt.-=-A, Mexican named Ito, the servant. of, the **lean Minis was knocked down on Tuesday night, streets of Washington city, with a shot; hy,')iome,,person unknown,and pavement for ; dead. His plit4ll , •veroly fractured rendermg,lrepan inecessury, Which, was performed by .N"qll4 hope were entertained o M. M. G. At Maysville, Ky., 12 deaths by,Chole m in 48 hOurs, ending 13th, noon. There had been 9 death in the week previous. At Washington, Ind., 24 deaths by cho lera to the 9th inst. The cholera has spread entirely over Clermont county, Ohio. In the towns where it first appeared, however—Milford, New Richmond, Batatavia r —it is now ve ry mild. At Lexington, Ky., the cholera was a bating on Thursday, ast. On that day there were but two eaths by • cholera at Louisvile, and one on the steamer Antho ny as she cane from St. Louis. . In the- village of Polktown, Ohio, ten persons died of cholera on the 10th inst. A DEATII BED CONTRAM—There lives in Covington, Icy., a man worth about 860,000, who lies upon what probably will be his death bed., Like many of us, he does not like to die, yet the future he does not think so much of as the worldly trea sure he is to leave behind. Physicians he utterly despises, and has, during his pros= cnt illness, Suffered on without their aid ; but the'_exceisive bodily :pains that he . has of late experienced,- forced him an Satur day to send for ode. On' the arrival of the doctor he submitted his proposition; viz: He agreed to give the doctor three thousand dollars if he would restore him to health, to be decided by , three citizens of Covingtori--but if -he died, the doctor was to pay three hundred 'dollars to such heir (tinknown), as he should name in: his ; and positively asserted that not one dime more would .he risk.. Three thous- And dollars was. as mush as - his life was worth. The doctor would "not accede to 'the terms in , black and Nyhite, but finally compromised in writing, On.two,. thotiSzind dollais if he saved bim, - and if not, he was. to ie have no fee.—ancitthaii Enquirer. . Reivnucfroin the .Public Woriks.,--From a comparative statement'of canal and rail road tolls; presented; it Will 'be seen that the aggregate amount of tolls collected to the Ist July, 1848,, was $733,001 52; and up AO the lst i 1u1y,.1849, they , amounted to 8798,416 42, showing:an, increase 'in the present year oVer, the list, 0r566,366e 90. Last year. .the gross amount received, to thejst of December, was • 91,558,944. !If thCleeeipta of the remaining partof the pOlielit ::year should , Oili,equaV those of last' year, the grosa amount of the year Will be,eli o iol 7l2 ' 96 . ' '' ,', • . It must be' borne in mind, that the burn ing of the aqueduet at Freeport, which oc curred in. the latter - part, of May, intorrup. 1 ted the , navigation for about thirty . , days, 1 and no' doubt very materially diminished the tolls during that period. This will ac. count; in some degree, for' the excess' of ' 1 the present year.. We discover, however, an increase at: several of the local offices this year s over the receipts of last year, which were not_effected by . the accident referred to., A bout 'three months and a half of the navigable, season, has elapsed, leaving fi ve of it yet to come. We there fore, think it probable, from the increase which has taken , plaCe, unless some 'crii3u ally occurs, that ,the gross` receipts of the year, will be near $1,700,000.--KeystonG MEI BROAt..—One of the most inhuinan acts of .brutality we heard of in •ti long time (says the Pittsburg Post, JUly 3,) was related to u yesterday. A man residing in Westmoreland county, Who. had been down the river, took passage on the Phila delphia packet for Freeport .on Thursday night last. Before reaching Freeport ho took a slight 'attack 'of cholera, and . the Captain of the packet became alarmed, im mediately landed him on the towing path. Tlio poor fellow managed to reach - Free port and gain admittance into a tavern close by the Lock, but as soon as the land lord learned what was the matter with him, he Shoved him, dying, into the streets, whore he was permitted to lay for some time, suffering all the agonies of the last stages of this most terrible disease. Mr. John Haney, the gentlemanly landlord of the Allegheny House, having more of the "milk of human kindness" in his breast than any of the-other inhabitants of that village, had the man conveyed into his house, where every attention was paid to him, but ho died a short time after. The humane canal boat captain, and the hospit able landlord . who drove the dying 'man out of his house to die in the streets, should both be- remembered by the char itable. , _ . MARRIED—On the 15th inst.:, by the Rev. P. P. Lane, Mr. WILLIAM SeimArts, of Covington township, to Miss CATHA RINE 'SNYDER, of Karthaus township. _ . Prices of Flour and Grain. Tho following statement will show- the prices of Flour and Grain at the several places mentioned at our latest dates Flour. Wheat. Corn. Oats, Plulatlelphin, $1 50 102 57 28 New York. 450 105 58 32 Boston, • • 500 110 60 35 Halinilore, 450 100 54 27 Pittsburg. 362 70 40 26 Clparnettl, 600 125 75 37 BANK N Corrected - Weekly from • 1 Pennsylvania. Bank, Cayuga L. 1 Philad'a Wks, par Western, Roches., 30 U. S. Bank, , 12 Bingliampton, 50 Chambersburg, i Cattamugus co. 30 Gettysburg, i Clinton county, 15 Pittsburg, _ i Cornmercial,Buf., 10 Susq. County, 11 do Oswego, 10 Lewistown, no sale Farmers',Seneca, 30 Middletown, Hamilton bank, 15 Carlisle, i Meehan. Buffalo, 45 ITollidirysburg, i Merclunitts' -Pet. —4O Erie, - , 10 Millers', at Clyde, 10 1 Ntlaynesburg, 1 ,1 1 Oswego, - , 60 Washington, fall Phmnix, Buffalo, 35 .Harrisburg,l Staten Island, . 50 Honesbale, 1 Stateb.Buffalo,7saB.o Browesville, lal A St. Lawrence, 75 Williamsport, .1A Union, Buffalo, 30 York, . iU. S., Buffalo, 30 All solvent b'ks par Watervliet, 15 Relief Notes, . 1i Other solv. b'ks, 1 Towanda Rel. no'sals l'' ,l "VW Jersey. NM York:City. Del. B'dge Co. 85 Chelsea bank, 80 Yardleyville, 15 Clinton, '• . ' 50Plainfield, Commercial, 2 Other solvent, par Lafayette, . 2 Ohio. Washington, 70 Solvent Cincinnati 1 - . Y Other solv. b'ks, par Cleveland, . 5 New York State. Hamilton, . 15 Allegheny co. 66a75 Commer., Scioto, 10 \ America, Buffalo, 30 do. Lake Erie,7s Commerce, do, 35 Sandusky, Atlas bank, 30 Nor)valk, r--• Canal, Albany, • 25 Farmers \C'anton, 75 Brockport, . 25 Granville Society, Jantes Bank, llLancaster, 15 Northern Es., llUrbanna B'ing Co 65 Lodi, 20a25Other solvent, 1l Lyons, 15 Under Fives, 24- State b.Saugerties, 1 A WORD TO THE AFFLICTED. mOOO persons ir. Philadelphia alone have witesseil UP with netonishinent the wonderful cflicaty. of THOMSON'S COMPOUND SYRUP OF TAR AND WOOD NAPHTHA, in curing Consumption. Asthma; PrOO• chive, Ob,none Coughs, Palmitin the Side or Breast Liver Complaint, &e., Tois preparation is entirely 'a vocicro OLE RESIE. OV, and may be, administered with perfect safety to theAttpst feeble nil Ult or child," Its power es 'an ex pectorant is admirably udepted to relsevothe oppres sion in, pulmonary disclosed and while it assistant, tore in throwing off the vitiated matter which col lects to the injury of the system, it acts as a general tonic or strengthener. . 'rite testimony. of. Physicians. and others, to the value of this great remedy, has been of the, must Ed. isfactory hind, and has given it a character &start; dart as a . FAMILY MEDICINE; ' that has placed it beyond competition for , the various diseases for which it Is employed. Prepnred'and sold by AGNEY & DICKSON, N. E. corner of Finn and .SPlWCE.streets,Phil.. adelphia. . . Sold by A. ,M. BILL, .ClearfiehL Pe.. prid. by Noggin', generally. Price.soa or lil 00' per bottle Take . ."No*it ice ALL Parsons. that . lhavo paid a note,of Fifteen Ettgliiis and Fifty vaii:bitype'to Jan Southard, and that I will not pay said notii A. M. HILLS. - Clearfield,4oo63o,l B 4o • . , . . , • . To .111etaillers. 'rue Licenses rated and air r ed upon solid eral-retuileie in Cleerfiel4 c ~,MUSt4 paid on or before the first day:ol'47ophi, next ' 41" ' ISAAC BLOOM, .'• July 2, 1849, ; • '•4 4, - UTE aro requested by a number 'of V V our fellow-citizen te annoutice the name of Dr.lorm P. HOYT ' ', of Ferguson township, es • a candidate fora Seat in 'the nest Legislature, subject to the action 'of the Democratic party. ' july 3. 'VETE aro authorized to' announce that V . Capt. HENRY B. Brissm, of the borough of.Clearfield, is a candidate for the Legialature--oubjeci to the. action of the Democratic party of Clearfield county. TB LIST. tho PhEadclphin Papers ~~,:.. ,:..tir*.4..:,:;PlP!Pcl' l 9 l - . !, - ,'; WE arc authoriy.ed to announce that JAMES M'GnEE, EN., of. Bell township, is a candidate for the Legisla ture—subject to , the action of the Demo cratic party of Clearfield c9unty. W E L arcuu j . tho i rig t d pi t i o r announce LL, of the Ir. bor ough of Clearfield;.as' a, camlidato kir the, Legislaturo--subject to the action of . the Democratic party of. Clearfield county. • ' W . E are authorized to announce Col: GEORGE C. PAssmorm, of fike township, as a candidate for the office of Weeny' of Clearfield county, at the ensuing General election—subject to the action of the Democratic party. juno 19. Messrs. EDITOUS: • PLEASE announce the name 'Of JOIIN B. ICyLEn, of Morris-town- ship, as a candidate for the office of Sher iff, at the ensuing election, subject to the decision of the Democratic party. June 30. . MANY CITIZENS. E are requested to announce the name of JAMES WRIGLEY, of the borough of. Clearfield, as a candidate for the office of Sherif, subject to the action of the Democratic party. july 5. WING authorized, We ' hereby an, nounce Major JAMES BLOOM, of Pike township, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff of Clearfield county—subject to the action of the Democratic party; BEING nuteorized, we hereby an nounce Jour( Lora, of Lawrence township, as a candidate for the office of Sheriff—subject to the action of the Dem ocratic party of Clearfield county. JO, EING authorized, we hereby an nounce JOSIAH HUNTER, of Brad ford township, as a candidate for the office of County Commissioner—subject to the action of the Democratic party 'of Clear field county. BEING authorized, we hereby an nounce CHRISTOPHER- KRATZER, Esq., of the borough of Clearfield, as a canditate for the office of County Awl-. itor—subject to the action of tho Demo cratic party of Clearfield county. MILLER & MANLEY, aazunimv AND auilliala MAKERS. T IE subscribers having entered into partner, T ship in the above named business, respectful. ly solicit a share of public patronage. They flat ter themselves that they can furnish work twall persoLs vibe may be pleased to call, to their en tire satisfactjon!.....They_wilL keep on hand Cabinet-work and 'Windsor Chairs of every description. Upholstered claim made to order. ALSO, Dentist, Invalid and Chamber Chairs--Chair Beds and Bed Chairs. 'The Bed Chair can Lo converted from the Arm chair :o a complete bed in two minutes, and also a ill fold to the small compass that can be car• r;ed under the arm. It is parilcu'arly suitable fur Military officers and Professional gentlemen. N. Et—Collins made in the neatest manner and on the Yhattest notice. CHARLES MILLER, ROBERT MANLEY. Clearfield. July 23.1849.—Gm ,ORPRAN'S COURT SALE. ny virtue of an order of the Orphans Court of JU'll Clearfield county, there will be exposed to public sale on Monday the 3d dot of September next, at the court house in the borough of Clear field, tho following described real estate, lute the properly of Mary Campbell, deed, pis-100 sort of unstated timber land in Lawrence township, situate near the Waters of Littlo Clearfield creek —Lountled on the south by land of I. Thompson, by land of Bigler & co. on the east, J. J. Read on the- north, and by land now in possession of Jo• stab Campbell on the west, • TERMS—One third cash on confirmation of sale, balance in 2 equal amid payment. thereof. • ter with interest, to bo se - cured by bond & mort gage on the premises, WA!. BIGLER, Ex'r. July 23. 1849. NEW CONFECTIONARY Late trom Philadelphia. rpflE: subscriber would inform the publiu that he has opened a ootsyscrtoNitme and GROCERY STORE In Cot weneville, at hie old stood consisting of White & Brown Sugar, Honey, Syrup & Orleans Molasses, Coffee, Young Hy son, Imperial & Black Tea,Scrnitz' sweet spiced Chocolate, do o Clay's, Nutmegs, Cloves, Cinnamon, Allspice, Ginger, Pepper, Salemtus, Indigo, To . bacco, Segars, Candies of all kinds, Rai sons, Sugar biscuit, Stove & Shoe black ing of new and superior quality—Also Lemon Syrup, Mead, Pies, Cakes of all kinds, Almonds, Creannnuts, Filberts, English Walnuts, Pecan nuts, Pea nuts, all of the best quality, which can be tes ted by trying them. JAMES H. FLEMING. Curwensyille, July 18, '49.-3t • NEW 'CABINET & CHAIR Manufactorw. THE subscribers respectfully , inform tho public that they have commenced the aboye mon - cloned hilliness, in ati its various branches, in the borough of Clearfield. directly opposite the Moth. diet Church, herethry.arapfepeted totratioufac• tura- • . CABINET - WARE' AND. CHAIRS in the moo durable manner. They hope tv strict atiention'to home's, to_caerit and receive a share of public patronage. , • , . . • rCOFFINS made to order on the shortest no- I doe: < • Jo CAMPBELL, Clearfield, June'lB, 1848 ; . , ShOtifrg Stillege '' 47 1 SY, virtue of a writ Of Agri Facieti r leafie , out of t her,Cburtol ComnipriPle'as of Cleailield county; end to meillrected,' will be itzposed.liircubt 1ic ..1 410 at ,the,Couri kfoule.:in 314 Borough ol Clearfield,;-on Monday the3sl dot of September next, a" Certaitilfeet of faritt;sitiiatis':itt Beccaria township* ClearfleldtituntY.Conteining 68 acres 16 , perches; . beginning 'M. a'',. , 4tenslock . sapling, thence by George gluttre's survey north 154 per• elms to a posts, ‘ thence by . John Witmer survey west 75 perches to a hemlock, thence by vet Reigatt south 154 perches to a poet; thence east by same 75 perches to place of beginning, being out of the north oast corner . of the Emonu. el Reigart surveY, with a.cabin house and - stable, end about 10 cerea l cleared thereon. Seized, to. ken in execution abd to be sold as the property of James Weston. ' . , . • •AhSo' • Y virtue of a similar writ, unwed out of the e some court and to me directed, sold at the same time and place, a cerium tract of land, situate .in ,Becearia township. Clearfield county, containing 110 acres 40 perches, begin. ning at a post corner. in the ,south west corner of the tract, thence north by Robert Wilson's iurvey 147 ,perches to 'a peat. by land sold to John D. Miller by 11. Philips 127 perches 2 10 to post. thence south 147 perches, thence treat by John Gibson's surveyl27 -perches 2.10 to place of be 4 ginning, being out of the . south west corner of tract, surveyed on Warrant. to Thomas Gibson. with a two story. hewed log honaeond cabin born and eb..mt 25 acres cleared Seized, token in ex. caution and to be sold as the property of Edward B. Tipton. ALSO, • RDY virtue of 'a'aSmilar writ. issued out of the 'snipe court and to me directed, will ho sold at the same time and place, ell the interest of George Mason in a certain tract of lapd, situate in Brady township, Clearfield county. containing 200 acres, bounded by land of Poled': land of Fox Sc Co. on the north, and by land of Fux on the east, with a cabin house .Intl stable. and a.. bout 2 acres cleared thereon. Seized, taken in execution and to bo sold as the property of George Mason. ALSO, 113 Y virtue of a writ of Venditioni Expones issu• 17 ed out of the same court and to me directed, will be exposed to sale at the same time & place. a certain tract of land, situate in, Chest township Clearfield county, surveyed on .Warrant dated in 1793 granted to John Cormoody, beginning at a post by a hemlock, thence by land of John Craff north 40 deg. west 115 perches too birch; thence by lend of J. &J. Neely west 246 perches to .a hickory and .maple,, thence south 160 perches to is maple, thence north 72 perches to the begin. fling—containing 282} acres and allowance, with flue dwelling houses, three barns an& about 80 acres cleared thereon. Seized, taken in erects. tiou_ and to be_soldas_the f!roperlY PLElins Herd & Salmon . J. Tozer, and wath notice to El Wood, D. Wood and J. Wood, terra tenants. by - - • JOIIN STITES, Shlt •SherCs Office. Clear- , Cold. June 12, 180, JOSEPH H. JONES, th,l ) ESPECTFULLY IN• LIL forms his friends and rs 604. customers that he still con tinues his business, at , his old stand, whore he is prepared to execute all orders in his line of business, to the full satisfaction of his cus. tureen , . Ile IA Quante work of his omanu'octule to beadle best material, os well as of tho latest sty le of fashion. Ile also has a general 'assort• ment of ' .. 113 INDte a dIUID 021141010 of all kinds, as follows, viz: Woniens Calfskin Boots do Gaiter Shoes, • do Gaiter Pumps; Men's fine calfskin Boots, sewed; do coarse boots, sewed; do do do pegged; do do boots, lined ; s do Kip boots, lined;. Mens fine Monroe boots; dofine shoes ; (Milne punips ; do coarse Monroe boots; do do shoes; Boys booti and shoes. 11:7 - N. B.—All kinds of grain and hides taken in exchange for Boots end shoes at the Alarket pricer. and Cash not rofused. July 14. 1849.-3 in TO THE PUBLIC. :e to inform the" public that in the ore Trengement of compromise. on tbo route from Lewistown via Bellefunto to Corwensville, be. tween - Mesars. Wilson, Graham and .myself. - that they are not to he libble for any debts contracted Gy mo with the drivere. keeperss, Landlords, Black Smiths, or for any other thing necessary to keep up, or in repair my stock on my hallo( said route, or for any damage done to person. or ,persons by , upsetting of coaches or otherwise. On the tither hand. I am not responsible or liable for any of their bills for driving, keeping. or any kind of, me. chanteal work, or (Images by upsets of coaches or othcrw se for any other thing pertaining to the ex penses of keeping up their stork on theithall 01 the route. R. S. BAILEY. June 19. 1849, Drags,ll6dielnes mal subscriber respecthilly announ ,,27 JL ces to the citizens of Corwecaville. and the public at' large, flint he has Just %Lb; opined a • .44b- - DRUG STORE,. opposite Draucker's lintel, in Curwenscille, comp'. sing a well selected assortment of Drugs rn Medicines, Oils, Paints, Vaish es, .bye.Stnis, 4-c.ptogether with an as sortment of Glass, and in short,. all oth er Articles usually kept in Drug Stores. 11113aing himself in the practioe of Medicine, the pub he may rest assured that his Diego aro of the pu• rest character. ' • .fl. V. WILSON. July 6,1849.-3 m -1 1sriiiiible Real !Estate .AT PRIVATE SALE. 4 , 4;,..e3 HE/ sublictiber offers to sell tho fo!. • a t.,V.L., lowingllrscribed real estate. •The form.4n which ho resides in Penn township. Clearfiold county, containing 75 acres-40'0f Which is cleared, under rood few ces'and in a good mato of• cultivation.'• :The jails provements .are a good two story Frame Muse. and Immo bank Barn, and also a good Apple Or chard, with other out buildings neCesseri • for a farm and a nOver.failing spring of water at the poor. • ' • Also, Another place in the same township. containing 121 •acres—mustly timber land, with 18 acres un. der cultivation. The first is situated on the pub. 1:c road loading from Corwensvill• to Punteu. tiwney,'end bairn Mile from Mooro's Mill. ~ • This property Will be child On•'very reasonable terms. Fur further particulars apply to ' • GARRETESON JOUNSON. . Jima 27.1849 111 • • ;: REGISTER'S NOTICE. No VICE is heresy givento all creditors, legatees and other persons interested, that the following accounts have been passed and 'filed in the Regis. tem office' of Clearfield county; and that the same Will be presented to the OrphaniVourt of count iy far 'confirmation end .allowonro on the 3d day of September nest, in the Court 'house in the borough of Cleutield. • s . • let. The account of Michael and Wit'icn Wise, administrators of thst,estate of Conrod Wise; late of Piko hawnithip,tleciiisek • etltt , . 2d. .The account of John. Shirey: and Archibald Campbell;- jr. administrators of the estate of Archt., bald Campbell, late of Braden,hip. deceased. 'C.' WELCH' , RecAr • - • , July 14, 1849.- • 1,. ~7, • '" MST OP-GRAND .TUROR,S .; j a - 1 ! , 71# 0 0 4 7/ 41er, Ara 1849. .fa Forest ... Merchant - - Lawrence Lewis C,Cardoti ". • Farmei , , : -:dam= .• IChristianEmigh , do . : •, Morris Charles Clever • •do - Penn Abram Spencer -- do - do • John Burgunder .2 do ' Burnside James Riddle . ' do -. -do John Ferguson , do :Ferguson Thtnnas B Davis do ' do Joseph Best • Lumberman Woodward Wni Henderson Farmer _ do G W Shoff . . do _ , do Scooley Scott, do - 'do John Hoover ' do • Brady Jas C Barrett. - Innkeeper, do Cornelius Shippee . Farmer • Bbggs Gee A Heckman do , .do Wm Askey Carpenter , Bradford Bii Caldwell _. Farmer • - do I Samuel Evans Innkeeper •Pike John Hewit . Farmer •• Houston Jacob Leonard .do , Beccaria P A Karthaus Gentlematt • Karthaus Jonathan Westover .;,;Farmer -., Chest LIST OP TRAVIS .111R,ORS I* September nniz, 1849. William Hunter Carpenter Morris George Johnston.,: Farmer do Richard Colebunt , Karthaus Daniel Moore do do J. G. Lcbo Lumberman . •do Sam'l Postlewait Farmer Brady Joseph Seyler . do do William Kirk do do Fred'k Zeigler •do . do Henry Ream do do Thomas Dale • do do Samuel Arnold Merchant do John Laborde sen. Farmer do Thos Campbell do Bell William Hoit do • Huston Erasmus Patterson do do - Robert Leonard , do, Lawrende Geo. B Logan Millwright 410 Joseph Lanich . Farmer do Wilson Hoover do do John RorabaUgh do Buniside Jas.•MeMurry .Merchant do Robert Michael Farmer do Geo. Atchison' do _ dO Christian Neff do do Isaac-Lee do . do - James McEwen do do James Thompson do - • Chest Josiah Lamburn - do do Robert Carson do Woodward Win M'Cullough Lumberman do Geo. Erehart Farmer Jordan Alfred D Knapp • do do Wm Feltwell do do Wm W Cathcart do do Anthony Hilo do Penn Patrick Quirne do dO Wm Irvin Gentleman Pike L J Crans Merchant do Wm M Bloom Blacksmith 'do John Porter Farmer do Jeremiah Cooper do Beccaria John Shoff do do James Gill do do Jahn Miller Lumberman Bow Nat'l A Warron Farmer do. Joseph Stites do do Francis Pearce do Bradford Abraham Graham do do James B Graham Merchaut do James Flanagan Laborer do H B Beissel - Tinner Borousii R F Ward Tailor, do John McPherson Tanner do Wm Hughes Farmer Decatur 'Jacob Gearhart 910 do John Goss do do Francis Coudriet do Covington Solomon Maurer do do . J F W Schnars do do Estate of William Woods, Deceased. LETTERS of Administration having been grans led to tho subscribers on the estate of Ml ham Woods. late of Brady township, Clearfield county, decd,--all persons having claims or de mends against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement, and all persons Id debts() to the.same aro requested to make pay- ment without delay. • -JAMES WOODS. Adm , th . ' . PETER ARNOLD. June 20. 1849. . Professional. nit WOODS & WILSON having associated themselves together in the Practice of Medi rine. etfer their prolessionul services to the 'people, of Curwensville and safrounding country. ,In all dangerous cases the unfernittine attention of both will be given without extra charge. irr All calls from a distance will receive prompt attention. July 6.1849.-3 m N 13.—Tho subscriber respectfully solicits en im• mediate settlement of all his old accounts, M. WOODS.' • Notice. TILE Subscriber having associated Dr. HARD. 'MAN P. THOMPSON with him. in the pracilea of Medicine. would inform tho public that they will hereafter bo enabled, to attend to Colin at any dittanco and at all bourn. ~Patiente will teceivo the care and attention of, both:when necouary. HENRY. LORAIN: CLZARFIIILD, May 8, 1819. NEW . GOODS. m-A& W. F. IRWIN have just received at their old eland, a full assortment of all , kinds of goods 'lmitable to the aeason, which they wirli to dispose of at email profits for good pay.. • E. & W. F. IRWIN. Clearfield, June 18. 1849. To Faint lie: .. Alarge asioriment of Glass Jar' for sale—suil. able fur holding Preserve.. Pickl“ oi•Can dies, dec. They aro of all sizes from*, half pint to a gallon. They will be sold lew'fOr cash. • IiENRY LORAIN. July 4, 1849 - , . • : • . . • ' • - DISSOLUTION. • ' , . aF partnership. The. partpershitt'exist ing between John U. Skowert and ;Mies T. -- Carterunder tho firm Of..Yohn•B. B:4sWart i dceu. was dissolved on tho 31st day or May 1049, 4 'j • • .J.. 0. BrEWA • ' • • 'r: 'Binomial tow nible. ! July 2, .1.849:Pd notice: - LL persons, having qcanpas• upon our booh's. :will please call r ancl,nakc inintediate settleininti the save :71 : s, CRANS OTIIE - .Cprieenspige i : jitn,c 27, 491 'l4A 3t , • ••