i o illllll'iSil! ?1 -4 .' ! . ! ' i if 1 i 3 -Wl 1 i i "5. ." W vt CIIRISTIA HYMN-' BY 8 A&A3 J. HALE. hr-v Sail! Hail i the happy msni. ' . - When Christ, Our Lord, was born""- .. - .. - . . I -Sound. Bound His praise '. .:. -r-i - The Prince of Right'ousness. ' ; .-' .. . He came onr world to bless,.. , ; t The glorious hymn of "peace". .- . -i . - On earth to raise. . . ; ' Angels the song began, i's. . And then to rausom'd man C-.1- - The strain was given ,;.-- Ilark! joining sweet and wild. N The voice of simplest chid. t-r.. 1 ,'BIess'd bj his Saviour mild, . . , . May sing cf Heaven. Peace, peace I what blissful sound! . ... Let hope end joy abound -. ----- '.J.:. This happy day. ' ; ' ;' . We praise thee, God above c . Our lives thy blessings prove .;; Thanks for thy liht and love . - - Our souls would pay. Sound ! sound the loudest strain ! . - Let earth, and sky, and main, . The anthem raise; -.. ; Father ! thy love we bless Spirit! we beg thy grace Saviour! we ask thy "peaee," When God we praisa. ;' THE DYING YEAR. Voice of the Dying Tear.' I hear thy moan, Like some spent breaker of tho distant sea. Chafing the fretted rock. Is thi3 the end Of thy frejh, morning music, gushing out, In promises of hope? Have the bright flush Of spring's young beauty, -crow.ned with budding - - . , : flowers. The passion-vow cf Summer, and the pledge Of faithful, fruitful Autumn, co-ne to thi3 I I see thy youngling moon go down the west. The midnight clock gives wanting, and it? stroke Must be thy dcath-knell. Is that quivering gasp The last oi nUranceof thine agony? I see thy clay-coll fingers stiivo to clasp Some prop, In vain! And so. thou art no more, No more: Thy rest is with oblivious years. Beyond the flood. Yet when the truiap shall sound, Blown by the strong archangel, thou shall wake, From the dim sleep of ages. When the tombs That lock their slumbering tenants cleave in twain, Thousha.t come forth. Yea, thou shall rise again, And I shall look upon thee when the dead ""Stand before God. Dnt cons not murmuring forth , Unwillingly like Samuel's sauim(nd ghost. To daunt me at the judgements No be kind, Be pitiful, bear witness tenderly And if thou hat a dreal account for me, Gordip thy dark scroll in redeeming blood. imb ISSunior. . :. saTTISOS'S VISIT 10 HASlTCIiD. Srr.lN'OFlELn, November 25. 13-34. Took it into my head I would run down to .Hartford, and mske a short visit. Ensin?ssro driving couldn't well waste much time. Tut name down on porter's sl ito to be called at five. Got into discussion with old Fhnphu on Fat ters&a question. He sai l no such member as Eilly in tlie family. Told liira knew better, 'seen tLe man who struck liim. Didn't get to led till couple o'clock, was excited didn't get asleep for two hours; just got in a doze when Eoots comes rapping at door. Forgot I was to .be called at five; asked hi:a what the devil he ' 1. Boots made a precipitate retreat, and . - - MJcd take another nap ; just got nicely ""aFit when another rap at the door ; breakfast :ready, sir, cars leave in half an hour. Fir. I it S- : . i ; . 1 .. 4 , f , 1 13 no use, ll-tllic u.'J-.v;i vii tuu. a tu 6tl ui - - Jump out of bed and iuto my trowscrs instant- ! pr.pcr so ranch used as in the United States, er". Prink half pint coffee', so hot burs s'.da all 1" France, with 35,000,000 of inhabitants, only ofi mouth; tongue looks like piece broiled j 70,000 tons are produced yearly, of which one tripe. ' ITear blasted sierra whistle, and make j seventh is for exportation. In England, with grind rush for cars: just in time To see 'em go out depo.'. Determined not to give it i.j so; jy wait two hours for another train. Cars so full I ,i had' stand first lW niibs: strong minded v.o- . man with baby, Lhiee luadhoxos, two cirpct 'i - bags, and valise ; oecupil four seat ; asked her if might take one of them; s.u;l at! o-?cv.p:-ed; also said I looked as if it wouldn't kurtme to stand. Begged she'd excuse me; mistook her for a lady, slie looked daggers, and I rush ed into next car. Found seat behind door; took possession of it; just the-a cars stop; -con- ,ft4ctoT cries out War-horse Point. Stepped f., 'out car moment, leaving overcoat iu seat, tWhea I returned found seat occupied two la dles, coat on floor to keep feet warm. Got ril ed, toll ?eni trouble 'em for my coat; said no -gallantry in men now-a-daya. - Went into an- I' i white dimity pretty little gaiter black eyes began to grow sentimental. Looked at her pretty hard. She looked at me; fancied I had made aa impression; smiled; she drew her veil do-ivn over her face. Thought her too modest, f i hut felt delighted. Make her acquaintance; irjias &IJ man's consent, wouldn't give.it, rua Kllii jP-away and marry her. She takes up package iX"&OXRZ open ii' looks at mc Felt certain she lSjjr'?? going present me her card. Look very y.'l t; amiable, and she lays bundle down on seat. 4 li'i Make believe I fliiln't cars riir nnrl,A. J - - . ...iiuy.ij .li-l'.4 ' &tAJ-look cut window. Tbis brings her to her sen- i f-Kf-j 'ut. loot ro.nnd to give her opportunity pre ? j - sent it to me, Cad her eating a doughnut. Get ',disgu6.ted; cars arrive at Hartford. Jump out i J -i 'Ad walk cp town. . Streets all pudding. Try V I to. cross, gel iu over my knees; manage get out '' L T-.jDj give I'ig Irishman, quarter to carry me 7 , J over. .4Rt hall vray over; over leg goes into f '1 k -icep hole; - pitches me over his head into the P&l 1 -mia;-pick- myself - ur and run for fivTTotoT. " -Last saw of Irishraaa, head disappearing under th ITllld- It frin.l hnrrnnml B,,Jf 11.... Mi ,'venf out see the tower, All ladies out walk- j -ia-show' their ankles. . One lady tried cross tr I , street, got stuck in the mud, took six men dig vfrout. u eat down see Charter Oak; so big had get tliree boys help nie see round itCoscIii- i" fed -seen enough Ilartford; hired small boat; f , lulled down to depot and took train for home. fi CF" The . Milwaukie ' Democrat rsays, - that TTVrtin a w lsconstn girl 13 hissed she looks sur- ; 9 prised and says: "IIow could you ?" To which cue oiiaiu icjrnct, --ij win give me great plea sure to show jou," and proceeds to give her a adapUeate " r-. 1 r ; -.-: :;. ; . r "G&'TloiT seldom it happens," said one friend to ,ahCthe"r''lharwe ffnd" editors who e bredio the business." . -. V "Very," replied the other; and have yoa . - not rer4kedidw-seld6rnthe"h9lneMf is ,hrad to the editor'?" vr tt it The LAsr. 'Ilofi- voa do this beautiful twi - - . light, GnniLo V asked one darkey of anoth the ether morning, at Catharine Market. 'Oh, ttd lol for a ble man o' my time.' Ilear nobody read de papers dis morning, Gumbo? ' ... 'Yes, indeed. Billy Tinker read .'em all out in de fish market afore daylight.' Well, what's de noose, Gumbo V . Xofia much on'y dey'm fitein in Turkey about a Sea Bass Pole, and dere hab bin a hull lot killed.' , '"Well, dat's a mitty queer tinj to kick up such a row about. Why don't dey coteh de Bass vyidout no pole5diko us fellers V 'Ob, it's sufGn bout stealin a pole, I tiuk : for one paper scz it's taken and de other sez it aint ; and dars whar de quarrel am.' Well, who took it.' Why, de paper sez it aint taken at all, and dars whar de -Tusion am.' Ah, good morning.' Ckoss-Examixatiox. "Mr. Witness, you stated that my client manifested great as.ton tonishuient when you told him the facts you just stated. Xow, Aotc did lie manifest aston ishment V ' lie looked astonished.' But what were the indications of astonish ment, sir ? Yon seem to be a very smart wit ness, and you ought to he ahle to tell nie this.5 'Oh, I merely judged of Lis feelings by his general appearance.' That won't answer, sir. If you; can't de scribe the appearance of my client, when as tonished, in order to give the jury an idea of it, suppose you feck as'cnix'ied once yourself. " That I will do, if you will shew me some thing astonishing.' Weil, now, my sharp fellow, what would astonish such an astonishing witness as your self, hey ? Why, if you want to paralyze me with as tonishment just show me an ho.tcsi lawyer! Th the wi-witnes cau take his seat.' One of the Tesaxts. Jeramj-, get some kindlings and make a lire." 'An' bejabers, how am I to do it, sir? itnrphy used the b.ist l-aritiister yesterday, sure." 'The bamnsters gone! Then, on to the roof, and sjc if you can pick eff any of them shin gles. The house aint mine, anyhow." " "Be the grey goose o'Moscs ! an your right." ' Fxit Jemmy. In a week afterwards, -dr. Teddy O'Ncil ap plies to the -landlord lor a reductiou of rint, bckase the floors lake, sure. Queer people those exotics. M.xrr actuke of Fapeh. Forty years ago, three men, by handiwork, could scarcely man ufacture 4 QUO small sheets of paper in a day, while now, by the use of machinery, they can produce 60,000 in the same time. It has been calculated that if the pf.pcr produce'1, yearly by six machines could be put . together, the sheet would encircle the world. Xowhere is j 2S,",W0 of inhabitants, t.o.UUU tons are pro- ' , T T 1 - JIT. . - 1 . - II.., . . . . . . ur.fcu; ii!io in iiiis wuiiirj, liuiutnu uu ducud is nearly as great ns in France and En gland together. A Dutchman CossctTiso the Rappers. "Ish dat yorjt.STrs. Haunts?" inquired "the Dutchman. "Yes, dearest, it is your own wife, v,ho " "Yoa lie, you ghost," interrupted Ilauntz, starting from his seat, "mine vrow speak netting hr.t Dutch, and she never said tearest in her life. It was always Ilauntz, ycu thief!' or Ilantz.yon tirty shkamp!" And the Dutchman hobbled from the room, well satisfied that the "rapping spirits" were all humbug, and that he was safe from any fur ther communications with his shrewish vrow on this earth. 1 ci knowledge, that after every failure we must re-commence from the beginning. Every fail ure is a step to success; every detection of what is false directs us towards what iTtrue: every trial exalts some; scarcely any attempt is entirely a failure; scarcely any theory, the result of steady thought, is altogether false; no temping form of error is without some la tent charm derived from truth. Kulk. Latest fashions from Paris tell us that all petticoats are now made with " flounces. Collars are much larger, and have the appear ance of small tippets. The work is very rich, and there is scarcely any limit to the diversity of the patterns. Guipure lace ia in favor for caps, collars, sleeves, and all descriptions of trimming. Dark tilkdresses are decorated with black guipmelace. A Lawyer, somewhat disgusted at see ing a couple cf Irishman looking at a six-sided building" which he had constructed, lifted up the window, and addressed them "What do you stand there for like a pack of block heads, gazing at my e.Uce do you take it for a church I" -. "Faix," answered one of them, "I was thinkiu' so until I saw the devil poke his head out of the window.". C""Tntst to Providence lbr help!" wasthe exclamation of a husband, seeing his wifeat terapting to roll a barrel! of flour tip-st.iifs.l-l "Trust to Providence, eh ?" was her retort;' 'do you suppose that Providence will come and assist me while the devil is standing look ins on?" - - '.-'" " z HI7" Fanny Fern thinks it is provoking for h woman who has worked all day mending an old coat of her hnsb.tnd's to find a lore-letter from another w oman in his pocket. . ; V - CpThe year 1854 began on Sunday and will end on Sunday ,thushaving fifty-three Sund.tys. January, April, Jaly,' October, December have each five SunilaysiT"5uch an array of SulndaySi I it is eaid, -will not occur again till 1S82. '--- j I..y ''-.j- ' ' wi.Vb'ABLE FA II 31 AT PRIVATE, - I J E. The subscriber offers for sale on rca- j I of ami p.nsv terms, his farm in Lawrence to i.Mf- containing one hiimldtd acrrx. and allow ance. The buildings are, a good log house, frame barn, and other out-houses. There is, also, on the place a promising young orchard of choice fruit trees, in fine bearing order. Also, a never failing spring of water. About sixty Acres cleared Two miles from Clearfield. Inquire of F. P. Butler. Clearfield, or the sub scriber on the premises. : JOSEPH LANICll. October 4, lt54.-3ra. ISSOLUTION OF PARTS ERSIIIP. The partnership heretofore existing between C. 31. Graham and J. E. Watson, was this day dis solved by mutual consent.haviug disposed of their interest to Jas. B. Graham. C. 31. GRAHAM, J. E. WATSON" Grahaniton. October 27, 1S51. The business will heresfter be continued by Jas. B, Graham, sis formerly, who will collect all ac counts iuo, and pay all debts contracted by the former firm. JAS. B. GRAHAM. Grahampton, November 15, 1354. THE UNION SAFE '---TIIEEE CHEERS FOR, AMERICA! The Cheap Corner Ti:i cmpiiast ! We tckc this method of informing the public in general, and the citizens of Curwcnsville and vicinity in particular, that we have received our usual largo and varied selection of Fill and Winter Cao-h. suited to the wants of every, man. woman amd child in the community. And. we have no hesitation in :yii.g. ih:tt purchasers will find it greatly to their adVanragc to call and exam ine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Our slock con.-Ur:?. in part, of Ladies' Press. Goods in great variety : such as plain black, fancy silks. Turk satins. berVgo detains, black and fancy Alpacas, plain and plaid Ginghams, Manchester a:id IioiticsHo Ginghams, Calicoes of every style, aivi quality, at prices ranging from o up to 1"cts. Black, blue, ar.d brown French ami English cloths, plain U:uk dot-bkiH and f-ir:?y catsiuiercs. black, blue, brown and green sattincts. Checks, tickings, flannels, mnslins. toweling, ho siery, gloves: Eliki3, ready-made clothing, 4c, ic. Carpeting and floor oil cloth, window and wall paper and boidering. ar.d oiled Window shades. Shoes of all descriptions for ladies, misses and children, together with a largo assortment . oi Mens" and boys" ha.is, caps, boots and shots. Hardware, planes, Ae.. Glassware, Quoenswara. Cednr nnd WiUow ware, corn brooms. vc. 4c. Also, a large assortment f Fresh Groceries, viz : Rio CelTee. Imperial, Y. II. and Black tea.. X. O. sugar, eru-hed and loaf sugar, ew Orleans and Syrup molasses, clarified and eider Vinegar, ie. Rosin and Fanev srinns: sperm, star and mould candles. All of which will be sold in quantities to suit purchasers, at the cheap lorner tore ot PATTON & 111PPLE. Curwensvill. November 1, 1Sj4. . GUNS FOR TYKO.'E CITY ! SE KAST'iPOli -NOT TAKEN! James Ai.r.x- asdek. bas jut opened a eplcnilil Saloon in iac basement story of the Tyrone City Hotel, whrre be is prepared to acioi.-i rood ate persons with Oyster, wholesale and retail, an-1 nil other articles usually k'-nt in a CynfeUi-nary and tlroccry lore. X. li. All oikrs forOyters hv the Can promptly attended to by JAME.S AhEXANMKK. Tvrer.c City, November I, 13i4.-jin. TT in: INSURANCE :SAYE YOVPv LIVE?, JiA"Xi YUL'K MONEY, by having your life insured in the Susquehanna Mutual Insurance Companj'of Harrisbiirg. Pa. CAPITAL 5100.000. Cr.AnTEnna-March 2:id. 1S"1. Any pers.'i) o.'in have their own Efo ir.r.rcd or that of a friend, from one to ninety years. Per sons of 21 years of ne. pay SI 52 per liKl. ye:?r )v. At ! years. i'J.50 for ? 1 t'UO.Wi. yearly f,r life. n'U rl.,Jn'nraiiiM1lll f.r 1 i f.i in on! inilllCP 13 ut tho occ of 2j years, premium ditto, on . -, is 1 00. is bI)r.dl. V. WiLSos.cf ClesrGc Medijal L.V- cminer. - Anv information may be obtained from . Dr. A. T. SCIIHYVEK, Age rcnt. September (5. 1554. A DIES AND (JENTLEIIEN I believe -3i it n good maxim that people should purchase goods wherever they please. JUut they should not buy too hastily, before tucy a-seeriaiu where they can be best suited. 1 would most re-peetfully in vite all Ladics in particular) to call at K. G i.esax's Store and exeininc hi splendid assort mcnt of goods thai cannot be excelled ia tuis section t.f country for cur: a I'M-: sr. durability or style. Thvy consist of Gentlemen's Hoots of a'lP descriptions and pri ces, i.adies and (Jentlemens 'gaiters of the latest f:v.I-?. J'.oys and :rlrf hoot:!, thces and gaiters. -Children of all orres ean be syoommodntsd. it. (tLEN N AN. Juno 27, 1851. QP.LIJN1-ID NEW .STORE K. Shaw k Sox have just relumed from the city with an ire new st'x-k of iooih;. which they offer for sale on the very lowest terms, at the old stand latciy occupied by A. M. Hills. West end of the Mai.sieu House, Clearfield. Pa. Their stock of goods has been selected with great care, and a better or cheaper asortmcnt was never brought into Clcar tield county. They defy all competition, and invite . the pub lie to call nnd examine their goods. , F.vcry arti cle in entirely new, and as cheap, if not cheaper than can bo purchased elsewhere. R. PIIAW. A. II. i-di.YW. June 27. Ift.U. ' - . -.u" ukiuji.'.v Attorney at haw, y has removed his ofitce to the room adjoining in the East, the Drug Store of Dr. II. Lorain, and will devote his whole attention to the practice of his profession, ile may be consulted in Frrtich and Grrin iH. June 13. :51.-ly. A Nil NOTICE. We the subscriber s intend to make application to the next Legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for an Act of Assembly to- incorporate a JJankinrr Comn.inv. with Banking ami discounting privileges, to be callcl tha Clearfield liank ' and located at the Dorouh of Clearfield, with a caj-ital of One hun- area inousana uoilars. A. K. Wright, James T. Leoxahd, KirnAnn-triiAw, James 15. Guaham, JONATITAX BOYXTOX, EtUS IlWI.V, . J. F. Weaver, J. W. -Smith, J. 1). McEnaluy. June 27, 1854. 6w. DRY KEEP, of the best quality just received and for sale at Wit. F. Ihwin's Cheap Store June 14. ;0L ... WANTED II.tlEDIATELY.-Six jour T ? neyman Shoemakers, Constant employment and liberal wages will be given, Apply next door to the Joitrnul office, at the shoe store of ; C. S. PLACK. September 6, 1854. BEREGE DELAINES. A superior article of Perego Delaines in dress patterns, at 25 cents per yard, never sold in this county before for less than 50 cents, at MOSSOP k POTT A RFF'S. - June 13. '54 ,' , T7" A. WALLACE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, T office nearly opposite the Court House. Clearfield P.., will attend faithfully to all business entrusted to his care. ,Jui.e K.1S04. ly. T' It, LARIMER Attorney and Counsellor at 5 Law. Office with John L. Cuttle, Esq., next door to Dr. II, Lorrein's Drug Store, Clearfield, fa- ... '.. May 26, '51-ly CONRAD'l WALTON. Hardware Store. No. 2j5 Market Street, Philadelpbhj. Hardware, Iron, Nails, 4tc., of every description. . June 15, 1351-ly. - GEORGE J. WEAVER k CO., No. 19 North Wa ter Street. Philadelnhia. De.-i.lor in rnrr.o chain-, Yarn. Manilla and Hemp Ropes. Pod-cords, Clothes-lines, de., Ac. Juno 15, 1351-ly. 1 AO ?a(-'fc3 Salt, just received at the Cheap XUV Store of . MOSSOP k POTTARFF. June ;.s . ..' ... ; OA Barrels New Orleans Sugar, at Sixpence per ZAJ pound, for al at tho Cbeap S'ore of - - - i ' " ' - , A. 51, hills. ; A3IEKICA-SS L1UKAKI. JL A useful, and attractive .ei ies of 1-ooks for youn" people ; embracing events connected with the earlv Listorv of the country, and lives of dis tinguished men. written with nnicli care and in an entertaining and ii'sdructitc manner, wilh i iust rations of "important events, and beautifully illuminated title pages. Containirg the life of DAXIKL AVEbSTEK, the iireat American states man ; with numerous anecdotes illustrative of bis character, and the following illustrations : Yotir.s li;:nie! in the Saw Mill. Webster fishing at Frysburg. V.'ebslcr declining the Cleikship. Webster expounding the Constitution. The liunker Hill celebration. Webster at Faucuil Hall. March field the residence of Webster. Webster on his Mrm. The life of Henry Clay, the 3-Hil Toy of the Slashes nine illustrations. The life of Lcnjaniin Franklin, nine illr.stra- t'on. The life of General Washington, nine illustra tions. - .... . The life of Marion, nine iHustiatioi's. Tho life of Lafayette, nine illustrations. The life of Wiu.'Peiin, nine illustrations. The life of General Taylor, nine illustrations. The lite of Andrew Jaeksou, nine illustrations. The life of Napoleon Honaparte, nine illustra tions. . - The Bell of Indeppn'tence ; or Piiiradeiphia in 177f. nine illustrations. . The Yankee Tea party and other stories of the Involution- nine illustrations. Containing in all over one hundred iihisira- tin?. , . Eaeh volume is well written, possessing a high moral tone, and ean safely he placed in the hands of voting people : 11103- eontain numerous anec dotes illustrative of tha early history of our coun try, and are well adapted for family or school li braries. Price per set. handsomely bound in cloih. g:!t btcks nnd neatly ut up in boxes. ).' i. Priee per volume, neatly bound, cloth gilt i ef. Colpovt'Mir?. AgeuM or Si-bool Librci i ;s will be supplied at a liberal discount. Copies will be sent by mai!. pOi'?-irc free, upon the rteeh't of the price of the set. r any volume. "EINl.i.-AY & 1'EAKISToX. PuMisLcrs. Au. 2". 2j South Cth tt.. Philadelphia. rli(E KI D FLAG YICTOP.IGU?. The Llood i lleil I'.sn iier (louts in triumph on the -Uhl Cor ner ,Sr. where A. M. Hills has just opened the eheanest and most splendid assortment of'doods, evcr'displaj'ed belore tbis community, and exactly adapted to "their many ar.d various r.e-iepsiiics. l.veiy variety of il-its, Caps. Ponnets. Po.'ts. iSlieea. Cloths. Oassimcres, and all other kiiutsof Irr-ffoods. that are pnapproaebablc by any other similar articles, cither in beauty of style, ouality. or pi i"e. A ho an excellent ussortmeut of Groeciics. Ilarl ware. Stone ami Queenw..ra, with fancy articles art iu fin it hi. Hj'defi. s coiupctiuoti. and invited all persons to rive hiiu a call at tho ()'. Co, )'-rS' which his tru lv lee. nie the jiaatarr" t.f CleaiCeld. " i'very attention will be shown to customers nnd visitors, nnd no p::irs will be spared to send all smii'm! away, loaded with hi beautiful end valua ble 'oods. never ?srpased in ClearfieM. A. M. HILLS. CicP.rf.eld. June 15. is5l-ly. TVTLaF GMI!S AT THE CASH STORE. The IX iuWcrtber ba jnst received a Pirge and veil selected stock of (JO-!S of aJmo -X every dts' t ip tiou 'suitable to tlie season,, which he i' scll:n; ofi' at extremely low price?. He respectfully invites the attention of alt who tvish to buy :oo.l Goods at the lowest prices, to call at the sign cfthe -Ch-iap-cst Goods. :" . . Country produce of almost every dlsfrijJon ta- Ven t T.tnrket nvices in cxcbanze fr .'Coo-ls. Persons wishiu? to purchase, and receive a onoivMler.t r.ii-tiuir moiicv, v.illdj well to fair iive him a call. K member the sign of the CHEAPEST tiual' on. Market street, an I call and bo conir?el tha there i truth in the wo; Ji'iit; 13, 1754. li luereon ir:- ri'ud. .IRWIN. VM. F II ( HE JAMKS CUOWTHKR f.-l.r?, would inform his friends an i the- pu'dic vTT j. generally, that be hceps for hire' horses bw-igies. carriagcs.ic. on the mtw . reasonable terms, st his Li"ery Stable in C.trv.ensville. lnnuire at the St.? '? OtlicL' Vleu.nriug's Hotel. JAM MS CRO. THLR. June 1 jth. H. 1- rpVKOSL CITV IfRL't; STOJIE. The niidcr.gae-l having puivliascd the entire sto.ik of S. A. Martit). would t.ke this method of inlorming tbe -'Natives," and Hie iublic generally, th.it Orugs and family medicines of all kiuJs.iind in fuat every thing that is generally kept in a liug Store.can be had at this establishment cheap er than at any other in the country. This estab lishment will be under the management of ore that has expcricucc, and is well acquainted with inedL-'-ie. and i also competent to prearibc Pr all those that may requiie the adviee d' a Physi ci:n. JAMCS .M. MARTIN. P A private Ofrice attached. FST ARRIVED the splendid stock of Cloths. TT; , .... e t assimeres. v cst.ngs, lriiumings. 4xc. rceenuy purc'iased by the Subscriber, which he will s-ell or whicli he v. ill tell mr.k an to unier. in too most tasnionaoie ami o.u- rablc manner, at nis store in ".shaw's Row." The material and -fits' warranted No charge for show in ' his cheap and beautiful goods. Tie would inform tho trade in Clear"'-'5-""'1 r:.ns ras-aivir-L -w-fw Deyere sIiidon and - THOSTHIIevi--June 27. 1851. - T0HW RTTSSELL & CO. TANNERS & CUKRT J i:iiS. Pennsville. rampian Hills. Clearfield Co.. Pa., keep constantly on hand an excellent as sortment of leather, which they offer for sale at the lowest cash prices. Cash paid for hides. July 15, lii,i. JL. R. CARTER Dealer in stoves, bar-iron, nails, and castings of all kinds. Also plows. nnd other agricultural utensils. On Second Street, under the Republican Office. Sune 15, '5-1-3 y. HARRIS. HALE k CO Wholesale Drt.gists. No. 259, Market .Street. North si4le between sixth and seventh. Philadelphia. Drugs. Medi cines, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, iurgical In struments, I'ruggist's Glassware. Window Glass, Paints, Oils, Dyes, Perfumery, Ac.. &e. JOHN HARRIS. M. D. J. SHARSWOOD, JOHN M. HALE. LVTJ. ORRISON. June 15, 1754-1 y. TVEW FIRM. I1AIITSII0RN k McCRACK 1 1 EN, have just opened a new and splendid as sortment of goods of every variety, at the old stand of P. W. ROBIXS k CO.. Lumber city. Clear field Co., Pa. - ' . They invite the public to give them a call, and feel assured they will be able to render entire sat isfaction. Lumber, Hides. Rags, Grain, and all other kinds of produce taken in exchange LENJ. 'HARTSHORN, August 9, 1854. THOS. MeCRACKEX. . ' ' ' : i : : -' OOD k CO Extensive Dry -goods Dealers. No 187, Market St., Philadelphia, keen constant ly on hand a large, splendid, and cheap stock of the most fashionable and elegant goods. They in vite country Merchants to call and examine their splendid assortment, before purchasing elsewhere. June 15, 1851-ly. "7-ILLIAM S. 1IANSELL k SON, Manufac f t turers and Importers of Saddlery, and Sad dlery Hardware. No. 2i Market' Street. Philadel phia, .addles. Bridles. Harness. Trunks. Whini iSaddhs Dars. Bridle Fillin;;, Ris, Stirrups, Eucklen. Carpet Rags. ect. . .. I June 15. '541 y. rf"1Al'TION. All persons are hereby cautioned J against purchaaintr, or in anv wav meddling with a two horse wazon and a ?.air of bob slcrfl now in the possession of P. II.. Rooz, as the said property bilongs to mo and lain his possession as man only. JOHN BRVRAKER. September 20, 1854. . A T. LANE & CO. Wholesale Clothing Store, No, 171. Market Sfrnrt ..l.t. ready ma-le Cloth t'ng, in the most fashionable stylas conntantly on hand. ' fJuno l. 'oily.- ' Great EJtcitsont.--'fc,. tliaj Aanccncer.Ga'' nHAT 'th'! lar.j'.st, cue:: pest, at tl lest ar: rlmcr.t j. of Goo-.li ever brought into Carlicl 1 -. .uj.iv. have just arrived, nnd ore offered lr sajo, t the New titore of the subscribers, near the Jotirwf Otnce, Clearfield. Pa. Ntver before has a more brilliant, and r.t the same time a cheaper lot ef Goods been offered to this community. They have ali been selected with view to the wants and ne cessities of the pioplc cf this particular locality, alter long experience, and intimate acquaintance v itli their business connections. Dry Goods of every variety, Dres.; Goods. Cloth?, Cassiineres, and Clothing: Poota ar.d Shoe.-, Hats and Cap. ' Ton tiers and Fhav.ls, together with a large and splendid assortment of tjueensware. Hardware and Groceries.-.. Defying all competition, they soIL-it tbeir fiiends ard tho puLlL to give them a call and examine their stock. MuSsOP k POTTAK1 F,, June 12, 1S5P ly. rglllE A 51 Kill CAN IJOAKDINC; IIOrSE. JL The subscriber would inform the public that be has just completed a lare new building, on the South end of Second Street, Clearfield. Pa., which he has furnished nnd fitted up in the most comforta ble manner for the accommodation of travellers and permanent boarders. His charges will be moderate, and his house con ducted in a decent, sober r.nd orderly manner, where all qnict and peace loving people, who may visit Clearfield can find a temporary "home.'' JOHN S. UAliLBACH. July 15. 1854. PIONEER ?.I1I,LS, AIOIIUIS TOWNSHIP, CLEAR! 1LL1 CO I All. J be sutsertuT keeps constantly on hand, at his mills. lumber of ail description, sorts, and size?. Plastering lath and bills sawed on the shortest notice. ThwM mills can run at any time during the season, having a licverfaiiing supply of water. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for lum ber, and the ash never refused. HENRY CUOF, Scptcm ocr ii, I6.il.-iy ivylertown. J . V. c "i()I?ir; IT ALONE.--- The underiiigncd hi cd by Pa tch in 'c Swan, takes pleasure in informing his friends and the public generally, that he has ust received from the city a splerdid assortment of Lry t'oo.ls. Hardware, Queensware, Hats and Caps. Roots and Shoes, and every thing eise tisual-1- kept iu :i country store. Persons wishing to buy cheap and goo 1 Goods slsould not forget that he is determiucd not to be undersold by imy store- in in the count-. His motto ia -a nimble penny rath er than a slow sixpence." S. C. PATCIUN. Crlca Hope. July o, 1851. DANIEL T.ENNEIl, Cabinet maker. Shop same as formerly occupied by lJavid Sackets. Clearlield. Pa., keeps constantly on iiand at his Furniiuic Ware-rooms, and manufactures to order at Ciy prices.all kinds ol Cabinet ware. Lining and Pier tables, Dressing eases. Clipboards. Pedsteads, Wash Stands. Spring bottomed Chairs. Sofas. Safes. Pure. ins. Marble Topped lVeritors. Ac. Ac. Coffins made, and funerals attended on sne short est notice. . i -1 , Jl, ! lOJi. k . yi;V FILM. TROL'TMAN A KOWF. House. l Sigr. and Ornamental Painters. .:!asicrs, Chair ni;ikers. and Paper Hangers, ofer their ser vices to the citizens of CleaiSeld snl vicinity. Shop nc.t iloor to tho Jew's Store. They keep constantly on hand, and make to or der every variety i.f Chairs. Loanges, Sofas, Ac., Ac. Chairs, and Sofas made equal in beauty to ar.v that can be in wot! ir.ed from 'he City, r.nd more durable nsliip and r.ia'xr; JOHN TR0UTMAN. .7 m LOPERT ROWE. rrrUT. GOOD INTENT HOTEL, r.nd Stage Office, JL CnrTvensviUe. Pa. The Subscriber would in foria bis friend i and the public that h has just re fitted and re-La-iiL-hei Lis Ito-.ij and is prepared to render every allei.tion to the travelling commu nity. His bar contains liquors of the first quality, and his table will always le supplied with the best in market. He respectfully solicits bis friends and others to give him a call. WM. R. F LEMMING. June 14. :j4. A. M. HILLS, P. D. S. Office ndjoin- f&Sr'Z ing'hls Store, Clearfield. Pa. Artifi-'"-'JIj3Xr' cial Teeth, from one to a full set rjoun ted in tlmmest approved modern style. Filling, Filing, and Cleaning done with care and neatness. Teeth extracted with all tho care and dispatch modern science can furnish. DR. HILL5, can always be found at his office, as be is now devoting his whole attention to his profession. .Juno 14, '51. 5" EPO S COMMERCIAL HOTEL. No. 13, South JLi Sixth St. Philadelphia. The subscriber ha recently enlarged and fitted up his house, and is now enabled to compete siicccs-fully. with any es tablishment iu the City. His rooms arc comfort able and well ventilated, and his table furnished with the best in the market. Ho respectfully soli cits the large circle of his Clearfield friends io give him a call when they visit the city. JACOB (. LEL0. June l". lS5t. ly. iVEW mm. PATTON k SHOWERS would ff i iiiJif i .'iiiu tv k iin r.iii.7 MUiitt rapmilltli hc J" opened ty. at the old stand of II. D Mf AJl a new variety lie. At their store, rnnv bo found, nhno.-t everything adapted to the wants and necessities of rne people o this region. Drcss-ffoods. Lawns. Laces. Gloves. Cloths, Cassiniercs, Clothinrr. Hats! caps, lioots. Suo'es, .ve., Ac., of the best quality and me lowe.-r prices. Also a splendid assortment of Hardware, Queens ware and Groceries. They invite all persons to give t'mm a call, ful ly assured they will be able to render entire satis faction. H. D. PATTON, U. A. HIPPEL. Curwcnsville, June 15, 1 851-1 y. f OIIN R. MORROW, Ctvbinet Maker, Shop oppo- f iii ai. ii, V.UUICU. i.iuarueiu, l a. Keeps con stantly on band and makes to enter, all kinds of furniture, such as lea latdes. Card Tables. Cen tre lames, -rotas, bprintr bented Chairs, Bedsteds, Pureaus, Wash Stands. Cupboards. Safes, Ac. Ac. Coffins made on the shortest -notice. And Funer als attended. JOHN It. MORROW. June 1J, 1S54. ly. 1 OH Ba?s of Coffee, just received and for sail J-XJXJ at the New Store of A. M. HILLS June 14, '51. OOffc EI"TKEN INCH SHINGLES tLfjJ'L of best quality, for sale at the Si-n of the Red lTn. Price o.50 per thousand. June 27. 1354 GLORGE W. COLLADAY, Conveyancer and Land Agent, No. 3. Goldsmith's Hall. Philadelphia, will faithfully attend to all business entrusted to his care, June 27, 1854. -. ' - I 1 ' S DUNDY Attorney-af-Ijaw. Clearfield. Pa. U will attend faithfully to all professional bu siness entrusted to his cere. ; Jano l-'l, '54.-ly. JB. McENALLY Attorney at Law. 'Office nearly opposite Judge Wright's Store. Clear field, Pa., practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. June 13, '54.-1 y. CH E A P-C LOT II I NG. A hsrgc- lot of Cheap Clo thing, Men"s and Bovs. for sale cheap, by June 13, '54. MOSSOP k POTTARFF. BLACKBERRY BRANDY. A certain cure for the Bysentary, for sale by June 13, '54. - MOSSOP & POTTARFF. M A. FRANK, Jl'STICE OF TnE PEACE,- Clearfield, Pa., Office in "Shaw's Row." June, 15, 1S54. . - JA IES CROAV'TIIER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Curwensvillc, Pa." Office opposite the "Good Intent Hotel." June, 15. 1854. TAMES B.. GRAHAM Merchant and extensive dealers in lumbur. Grahampton, P. O., Clear field county. Pa. "M$- 2A, 'i4-lys. -GRAHAM'S MAGAZINE. NEW VOL. Tf CMK. 185-1. In acncuRcii.g his re.idirt:;. to receive o-'deisfor tbe New Yoltiro. the -Jitc-r uoc n--t know be h?s m:y very brilliant idc-ss to hold out in largo capitals to dazzle people's eje Graham" will be pretty much. what it ha been the lisf volume, ith some improvements which experience suggests. No number will centain le3 iban 1 CO pages of matter, and the readers of '-Ora-bam" may rely with great confidence upon this the volume shall contain OVER TWELVE HUNDRED PAGES ! - Of the very beat reading matter that capital can command from original sources, or taste select from the vast mass of available material. The aim of the editor will be to produce a pub lication which sholl be valuable in matter. -and choiee in ta.-te and style: and he flatters hiinilf, from the known taleiits of his contributors, that h will be able to present a many ijood original ar ticles to his readers as any publieatjon oflhe day. He shall n t. however, hesitate to publish, from time to time, articles from English authors, and translations from the best German and French writers, provided the pieces bavo never before ap peared in print in this country Essays on impor tant Political Subjects will likewise be inserted, and criticisms on the Literature of America an! the movements of the Age. The Leviow Depart ment; in which a large and liberal spirit of crit icism vill alwaj'sbc maintained, will be extended. For the defence of American Diurature tbe cditrr wiii always be ready ; the maictiinance of a cor rect tor.tn in the Masraiiuc, he will, if possible, be still more v. atehful. EA- n M-MltKR WILL CONTA1S AX KStiHAVING FItC'M A KINK ST TEL l'LATE IX AMUTtU.V TO TUE CnolCE PEMiJNS AND KXCH.W INGS OF PTCVF.RVX, who will supply illustrations for the text in thq body of the book. The aim of the editor will r ot: be so much to increase the l umber of his' engrav ings, as to secure for those he publishes the n most finish the artist can give thein ; for common wood-cuts are so easily multiplied, that ibo moat indifferent publication may outrank in dreary dis play ih ciioic-jst periodical. The Editor docs not feel, that with his own rea ders, lie can increase his claims to respect Ly in sisting on :ny very great superiority of -Graii'im' over several similar publications, but think? bo may. safely confide in their friendship for the Magazine, and in its past management for its pre sent Iit, nnd such increase as naturally grows out of an extended circulation in a country whero readers are multiplying so rapidly. Of the January number the iirsfc edition vt ill le SO.t.K.M) copies, and the editor trusts his old friends will be so prompt in renewing old clubs, and ex tending tbe list among uew ores, that the first edition shall be bat half os what the year wiJi ul timately establish, as the permanent circulation of -Graham.'' PosTAPr. Subscribers in any part of the United States may now receive the Magazine, by mail, at thres cents a number or thirty-six cenis a year postagft, payable at the Pcsi-'iflice where it is re ceived. Pus'anasters and Edirs all cver the Union, ara iTSj.tcifu'.ly requested to act aa Agents forth New o'.ume. T.::ms. The Terms of Graham" are Thre Dollars for single subscribers, if Ynr in advance. For ti-Y dollars in advance, one cor y is sent three ye:'rs. We continue the following low terms for Clubs t j be sent in the city to one a-.llrf.ss. in tbe country, to cue Pos;-otSee. 2 eeq'ies, ? " per a;i. 3 (and oce 1 to the getter up) !fl " ft ; ; . ' 10 " 1 J . 44 44 4; 44 44 The money for clubs always should be sent ia advance. Subscriptions may be sent at ctir-risk. When the sum is large, a draft should be procured ii" possible tbe cost ci" which may be deducted from the amount. " Any person desiro"? of receiving a copy ' sample, can be accommodated by notifying the J.dttor hv letter, (post-paid.) Iwavs post-paid. ' . - - GEO. R. i.'.P.AIHM. Editor. 10(5 ChcFnut st- Philadelphia. Aug. 23: wrrTAT CAN HE COT FOR $5 The nn- T ? dcrsigncd have entered into an arrangement by which tbey agree to furnish the Knickerbocker Magaiine, (monthly.) the Home Journal, (weekly,) and the Musical World and Times, (weekly.) to new subscribers, at the very moderate price of five dollars, a year tor the three publications : all or ders, tr.elo.-iDg that amount to Dyer A W ii'is. will be pronmtlv attended to SAMUEL HEUSTON. Publisher of tbe Knickerbocker, ' MORRIS & WILLIS. Publishers of the Home Journal. DYER k WILLIS. Publishers of the Musical World and Tiras, - ;75 Broadwav. New York. 1 GRAND LITERARY AND AR'TISTJC CoM?,- . . NATION. Arrangements have been malo to faruish the Knickerbocker Magazine, the Homo Journal, and the New York Musical World and Times, to new subscribers, for live dollars a year. Thi is cheap literature, wi'h a vergeanee. Tho Knickerbocker is S! per annum the lioma Journal. S2: and the Musical World and Times. S- ; making S3-a year at thc'ususl rati S. Thll three such works ean bj obtained for five dollars a year. is. a fact truly wor thy ifcc Caloric age. which is just now being ush ered in. Of the Knickerbocker Magazine edited hy I.er.'is Gaylord Clark, it is unnecessary to speak. For twenty years it has been tho most .genial ; humorous, and spicy monthly" in. tho world: and the present volume will be better than any which prececded it. The Home Journal, edi ted by Geo. P. Morris, and N. P. Wiilis. 15 well known as the best family newspaper iu America: and the Musical World and Times,- edited by "K" 1 Storrs "Willis with Loweii Mason, Oio II. Curtis, rbomm Uatiugs. Win. V: Bradburv. tioo. F. Root, ami other mmieal writers contributing; and which gives, among other things, over ?25 worth of music and a full course of instruction iu harmony annually, is the very best musical Jour nal ever published. These three publications will post a family up in regard to nearly everything worth knowing : Art." Scivnce, Literature; Music", Painting. Sculpture; Inventions, Discoveries: Wit,, Humor, Fancy, Sentimert; tho Newest Fashions and other attractions for Ladies ; -Choiee New Ma sie for tho Sabbath, the Church, and tho Fireside Reviews and Criticism of Musical ' Works. Perforl mers and Performances ; in short, tho very pick and cream of Novelty. Incident, History. .Biogra phy, Art Literature and Science; including what ever can be given in periodicals to promote Healthy Amusement and Solid Instruction in the family and help to make it Better, Wiser, and Happier, may be now obtained for rivE dollars Address DYER k WILLIS, 275 Broadway. .. Editors publishing tho above three times, and sending the papers containing it to Dyer k Willu, will receive the three works named, for one year. Aug. 23, 1S51. - . HOUSEHOLD WORDS. A MONTHLY MAGAZINE AT 52 PER YEAR. Only those who read tho serial so promptly issued evry week by Dickens, with thoughtful appreciation,' know how to prize it. "Household Words"' is a modern journal for the people, devoted to common subjects, uncommonly tre-ited, excellent in Stylo, in "Tenuis, in nianucr, and wonderfully fertile in. subj-et. The riieecs aro the right length; ther exhibit wondciful variety and are attuned to a harmonious key and remarkable unity of effect For the moiicr, tere is not the equal of 'House hold Words'' for a family journal. Pleasant sto ries, useful knowledge, graceful anecdotes, charm ing essays, alternate in its ptiges. It is not al ways convenient to secure a conv of'fho B.-.r.H issue on the arrival of a steamer; in order to enjoy regularly this delightful work, we advisour rea ders to possess themselves of the handsome month ly reprint of McEIrath k Baker vrh Krh1ir nut .Household Words ' with commendable punctuali ty, at New-York. Frederick Parker. 35 Washing ton street 13 tho licston agent. Boston Jra;w enpt. The articles, both in style and thought,' are far superior to the trash that occupies the pscs of so many of our popular magazines. Few York Atlas. : . .: - . The above are but a few eatraet from numerous notices of tho press lately received. These who wish Household Words will receive it monthly by mail upon remitting tho subscription price. Spe cimen numbers seut ou receipt of five red postage ' stamps. . McELRATH BAKER, Publishers. Aug. 23. 17 Sprnee tt.. New York. 100 Brr1 F'h' f0r June li. '4 ' tt the Cheap .Stor "r.W, J. LIiWT., If : i - 5 s t S ' t i t ! -. -.-.J l"T II