Raftsman's journal. (Clearfield, Pa.) 1854-1948, October 18, 1854, Image 2

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if A
IN ft
i N
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C7" W"e call the attention of those interested-
to the Auditor's J otice. in another column.
""""""Those desKig sitljations" as ""SchooL
teachers, will find an opportunity afforded by
reference to. the .notice of the Piketownship
Board of Directors.
fW'e n,ever advertise patent medicines,
Jbo4thefcB.ja for ague, of J. A. Palethorp jr,
does not conic nnder the general laii, as we
know it to be an almost certain remedy. 2s
cure, pay
1. CiS"""Tbitf person, desirous of ' purch'aiing
a valuable proicrty lii the yiejnity ;tf tbip
place, will find an excellent " opportunity by
refltrring ,' to tftc advert iscnjent
of Joseph
.Lasicu iu another coluiiin..."
l.jl 1:
:;j D"Ouracrolanti ad,., others .visiting the
.city will do well ta call at Baiiy" a Bbotheb?,
252 chesnnt 'StrnntT exiiin? thefi splendid
"assortment of carpeting, floor oil cloths,' tiiat-
. ; ' - t - . -'(' - " ? : :',-t . i
' ': '' rrr-.'iiy,!. .h.!.i;.
-03"AIthough a good .deal: uf; business was
done, during Court week, the new, splendid and
chcajii(asso'rtinent of goods just" received by
i ino.v,.waj ey jio means exiiausteu.
lie otferij for sale, empirically, the best -and
"chpcst'gootWift the' cun't. - Call and 'see'.1
"rCAn extensive rnrchase' was l.-ttelr etTec
ted by CJm.. DMojis x & co,of alt the lands
in Centre and Cleariipld conutie.s",leionging to
IIacdxax Piulips": They' are neT oflered for
sale On easy terms, in", lots', or otherwise to
suit purcuastrs. r.See'advertlSenVeut; "'
;,, w ill be. ;';stie.iC that . , our . young f riend
SKOtVKKS; has disposed of bin s intcrrst jlii
the firni of Pattox & Siien-KRs. to E. A. IIip
tle. .Tiie business will bTiCreafter conducted
under the sfyle and firm of Pattox & IIirri-K.
"A tiire'as.soi tmentlbf all kinds of liim-
b.;r, plaster in. sr lath, &c may always be found
-at the Pioneer Mill.;,'? of tlipt Henry tirou,
on the:Moslia!inon. ''TlioAcP w!io:'dfSird'' 6ilf
xjv.edj.will fin'dUe, papt. a j!rofi!pt Lusiiieii's
luujij :tud true to, his pronises. .-.
DC?" It is sanl that money is exceedingly'
tiht, lnitr nevertheK-ss M. A. Fhaxk, has just
purcbafjt'l, a largeTitr-, and splendid assort
JUloltoflJnl)hw".lrss 'Mf'ls jind j ready
nade e'.othiiiit. - As rrauU"--. a prtty ciey-er
4?11aw, hi? decr-es;'to? lie patronized, n Store
l"(loirs' E;:s!nof tV. otf.ci.) jA rf,,"! "!'?
-; i' sit; : i;!; .;! ,,
iH-wX,Tii. sLoi i'akiug,Lul,iness i j iJi-ossjcUi,
;ud Black advertises fr-.six. journvy-
iim; '.'fWlid'wnntHJa rocxl lierth ? jiuf I
i.-f -l f T i I j
" ' , fcT C e t v on r 1 i fo . i nsn r ed an l ' ' i 1 i u s i t i su re
to y qu fiuuil $ .a sn ilicient competency . hthc
i-A'VTit of Vour (Ic.tth. Tlie SusiUvbanua ("oju
j.v:iy -at Hiirrfsburg, 6fer5-evej-y"HdHCcneJit.
Dr.' K. yj'TTttso ootids place' U tne esaVhi
iug pbysiieMU, and l)r.w.VT.' .c.iavyiiu, -Li .the
a;eiit Cor dual lield count vr. . ;: - ' j
TST X horse, lue2yynd harnos-ii -can: lie
bough! cieSH''OiMrif5I"KEEi,:fit''0rftweris
. ;.. ..i f t. -i " i!;:ii.fij:i ;-;
... - .r:;ii . p.-t, r. . ; j:. .
F .r , r:-:v.' I'-... ,,.:,M -n-. . .
.. uvAur I.idy evaders who (desire to f ud to
PliiMdelphiu lor:3UIlincry, fccJJtci, ; w:Hl liml
llic VWshnet'fi.Csfe-i!xritLK"-t'
jioi!tii $iiiJi,t-uijer slde'wiierali onlcro
vciil.be. punctually - .aiteHded to . i 5;. j-j
i; !: .r.'u ru ;:.. '1 . I j. j rii
-.'IvTT It ill-be sjCTi. in. .auwther, column, that
dltAta. & B,vnRT.Ti liavo: openel the.
VEROXTorithc'rcccptron of .visiters.' VTb
ycl 'ill tbeni.abundaut.ficcc-esS;, a,nd have ho doubt
our. ClcarGoltlifriciid. visiting, tli ,Ciiy, will
call where thoywllli'alwaj s '.nicet warm hud
-''UI' :t.::. . i, it.: ;. y -Li r ;i. ; Jj. J:
:Tr7"';Sec.ufe.tlie sliadow'ere-'tlre substancie
.I Tt-; -: ' ... : I s-T'.-'-i i;-- .r. .-..
.faJe'janduU. at uryiAjJCils. !J:xguerr"ean
Gallery on 2nd st., two doors north of Powell
percraptiM-ily'jipon tbose having ddaltngs with
lum toi'rSmd forward aixl settle tip':-i'v3 t j"
-.'.n-j T:t ii::' :,: -n.. ,.j-.-i.j3 s!v?i;-V
CCT'Those of our farmerg u ho' have or'chardil,
jjoi)M 1'i'ociire ore'J.f'IIickok's'porfablfe bMer
u'j1!!jr1iicu arc rejirescji'da uef the very
-be'hf. articles wf be kind erey nveiitoti. . In R
V.vitTEijy is-tbo henm tiiisTfdaee;5K.i -moo
-;; ;;iiii' .t t"-!iililL,j ,t.Ti!i -. .Tf '.iT-if.l.
iLi vsIiice wbeeftr1i.Tn fpHbe''Ciiov ytw-'
t-ni,Vrved,a'trowtjyoiing4iiio tLcyouui
ftext 'drxir to the oar,tricb -i-jOC eoTjne.'ke
f.ne.i','iit'yisc?M-eVl ih tisWof HtTtrttS
lionlo.be . spfcwhd antf cnerfn assortmefit .-of
boots iinlj shoysrocftlyincU. Jif by Q.
!S. BtAC-Ki'dFrXuu tlu? excetteni iiualitTT:of!3iBs
"yxbr&iXtii iQtT'0?a1 come YWcoplusHtrn
'4;oj, nl Laimbec ttev;eiisMY'Aattt
WShksT)H! 'BooV.W'WtiilR'ntcnlif.tSiafff 'i.7le
-4-i. r.-.r,!i at.-ue nJi j sfuow 1 .sliTsiii 10 bin
iUasssiaT jrj doors wt -of tkrJonrnalirdTiee,
.tJiersV tljft-wcty tJijia. Urg aatl-xcjsllent
aapply-of oWitrr'.-Lead 3 and . Linseed )i!Hb, has
3niDfn"fe'ce1veA af M'oss'br &JPflt4Ai.FF,js!
r,tt? TTe frfef the 'attrW St .v'rkivs
-CoiHinjn, iietCTcop.r3opors ef. tlift. Tjr rn aty
'"' bC?"It 1 alwayrfa jtimm! rdaa1rine. liilii- :
Vies to settlti ".iii ' tbeir''ace'ouritH repifilarh. :
al.Hl.i li&JLU.ftt aUOpt lll: lil W jCOUWre, .cans T71
t'AsKi lS.W ics
iri Ot-.Wtfli t(iiv,JMilee ?ii will Vv Mitftf 'fo
twil thhttfaP call," when. tkM fsilT?-
' - r " :i i - - vak J
iTinesr.-J'puTW'tI well-trcateiT, ainrget.
fleV'nt'-I.nViiptC f??"-ftferiT.v!5
t t , r J AjoveiaiQr ISai, 1 liovernpr, ; i;; p. Judge, I lanal lom.. I
. a. 1.(4
" vieartieKrosoTougu,
Curwensvilloi Borough,
Brady tp.,
Bell, -
Josh en.
Ilustou. - -Jordan.
Karthaus. - .
Pike, L :
I'nion. - '
Woodwardjjy,; i
Vliis?s in smalt Capita La.' T)emorat8 in Ttyllrs.
; Ciabiox.Covs3C". The following are Unof
ficial returns from Clarion , i
' Bigter lr3 ,..
..;SlMott... ,:, .- , . r.:8;V
Black " ' 12--'
Barclay .. 542 ,T
: ' For tlie Liquor Law 681 v
!39r8 iKi4sw Nothin3imo ''.' ! .
, j.IL.B. jSwoort-Esti. Dear Sir: After, the'
polls were closed hero, and the votes were be
ing counted oil", ( the, name of., cth A Backus
was called out, ami tuch an astonihel set of
natives and wild iKilf-brecds.yiaii never saw.
With mouths (01en, an.l eyes btiekirtg : out: fa
feet,?cfHHigli to-.i terrify 'tltci'cnteririflfid"
themselves, they received tho astouishing iin
foiination . that AleSJ .Caldwell was not the
only candidate in the field, as they had sup
Iosedlmt fht-'a- large number of votes bad
been polled 'for a'nviu' of whoriftbey "bftd nev
er before heard. ' If i:Cafkn6'w anything about
:th5 -unknown,' ' please 'info'fliv't 'ie anenlight-cnl-Sl
f Iratd:'-"' '': ,H ' ; 5 ." 'A Looker' 6s?
' "-Congress- 1IH1 Se"tiV.ol House,1 I ' ' ' " " '
October 10. 1854. I ! ' ' "
fAs we have. never been "initial oa've r.re j
uivibii? to give . the information desired by our
correspondent. AVe Jiad no idea" that ''Know
othiagiNni w,is soexL-nsivq in.Clearfieid,this
'.'iuikHOwn".lnvi,ng polled ome ,7ii. rvot?s in
pur county. -.If our friends in (iiradd -desire
further infotinat ion, they will have to apply. to
soine of the frird!oiled"denocraer-ol' Old
PIIlLADEErjIlA.; i .
M X9 iv: t-t ..to.
' 1 ' SO.0! to .2'
. Floor. pi r bhl." '
-' Rye Flour, '
"t-fi'-rn MoaL,.;
Wheat. per bash.
Rye. scarce nt ,
-'CorrtVT ' ; '
i Oats. srare'o: ' : . '
- .87
'. . 4.12
Uals i 1
per. bhl.
! f -
1 .5(1
LIWIJER TRAPE "' i ' iJ' :
.!-! PiiitTSMOt in Oct. le. 1.454.
t Coutv ami I'aiiueJ inch,,.-
, 2:.iu)
' ' . .'io.oo
bnTf ineb.
r?amp!e,;:- ": - i
rhln"?!es. r ' '.
licmlock :Doard- vr ..
.Hemlock Joist and Scantling
; J.S". i..o-..'i 1 .. v :.;-.! . - - u; t,,-:t
-..;ii'.: .".iz: t.;ii .' .:-f 1 Iit
''lit thoi borough, on the lotU - lust., -Saukkl J
Newson. aged2yoarsE i9 jtK lf. ... j
Another young, friend cut down in th e spring-
timeiof hisdayto remind us.thatf in the niidit
of life-, we arc in death.'?. . An affectionate son.v a
kind brother, ,aud,a "true-friend J. he commanded
tho, respect and goed .will of all who knew him
Truly. ..;.whou the gads love, die young.." . , ...
riSCOPAL SERVICE. Bishop Totter
I w ill preach in the Episcopal Chofch. at Clear
field, and administer the rite of Confirmation, on
Friday WAilWg tneS itrtb irl.,'aieariy condle light
l EDITOllfs : SOTicE.The'nn'dersigned..
"jtm.5 arr: AuditoV appointed to distribute lnory in
,tJicbandf;Wm.. Poweli,Sberiif.' arisinj from the
sal.e of real estate (in. the. case of Patton. assignee
"of Ellis7'-Administrators) will attend at his'offie'e,
bein the kaine occupied 1 by. .lobn L. Cuttie. Esq. '
I on Monday, thj. fit h of Noveinher. at 1 o'clock. P.M.
' of skid day. JAMES II'. JiATt'UIMER. 'Auditor;
'.("October 1R, lSi-IrJ 1 tiiif-r,; v
T-? : Pe'isoiiS wishing to '-apply for-' tehoiiis in
.tJie.i'if'triotifiooinposctI " of. the, township; f Iffa.e.
Clearfield c.o,. will, please to meet the Foard of
iiifcctbrs In 'Ciurwer)pvle.', at th e' 'house of TsKac
-Bloom! fcJ ;iiri Monday the tith of ' No-iul-r next,
at, 10 oelock. A. L-i at w hich, lime .the county Su
perifafe'ndcnt wH'Tc present to examine applicants
-mid give eertlficates, and 'make-'the necessary ar
.rangemcnUfoc cynduotiug the Schools rf j .;:-rf.
. "Br order of the Board. , ,
..! r.t vir-:i.. x. -jells' KOREI?,: See."
, .A , , . , .
REWARD. Lost on tha ilh insi. a
JyJ PoekeMiobk CbritaTains one h'undr'cdnnd
foTty-nina:iniilliirr.fortr-sii dollars ir J Void. ;
rb? pr,c nwney was .principally , all . Illinois,.-'
iuj( person uiniing gam 1'OCKCI pooK ami, rptur;i
in thua4 to' this 'oflio'e.J will rereiw 4he !hfVVe
i.Wj P., UANtjOyK.a
.i' od to uiiet fof parade. urSrvt4rdyj,0tob(r
th, at 1 o cJoj-k, I,, M Each member will pro-'
vide -hiniself'Witb S iron ml s of blank cartridge'. ,
,Tb - Com pnnj -will appear in winter; unlforu.
there wlu be .a (triu on. Saturday October 2Mt, at
5r o'clock, P.' M.' Ry order of'the Captain, " ' - '
ji'j :a ir.i-JM-"'i (JI-50;;W;ilIIEEMS: JrViOJH."
ALLI-xo.rno pak This rreparatioqliaa
an established, reputation, and. is onered.with con-j
fidencenaaeure'fer'fever and agwe, or rnterrnitterib
fevcr,-,I mav. be taken by the molt delicate with
jrerfect safety, besjjg a.pure vegetable syrup...,
11 Taaert aceoramg 10 uireenons wuuuui curing
second bottle wilt be Jiipplied free of .birge, or
the money . returned r jii .gyvrtjuic miiUon tk
slgriathrc " " jf U: PALETnOKTVJr.. ""'
jri-ruKo.SwthovVfteiH PiBaelpWir.3
October 11. la.'.i. T.r-.-qr -n r-'w
the money, returned r JVotte gfjutiu mritJutu th
-f-l-v-t .-:5 ! 15-. 2 2.-. 2 16 20 .20. , )... zO ' - -Irt' Ul " '16" 1
1117 j 60 131 46 K 26 139 72 34 150 37 188 " 3 1.153 65,,.! . T 12S' 93 124:
,' 97 27 113 17 21 111 15 21 113 12 115 147 .-. 32 J10 ; 30 114.
,r. r i ' 35. . . 105 91 6- 13 89 S3 13 166 179.- 145 '50 " 72 120 99 86,
7 72 54 .' 15 51 5S 11-111 105 10. 110 11 f ' 7064- 73;-
.,.-. - 22 U 1 21 33 23 27 24 : 23 , , 76 ". ,. 44,,.., . .- 19 .29 . W .21.
, . . 4V 574 j, . 21 39. 24' 26' 54 6"" '30 '.' ' .68 2 s I '53 35. 52 25
' ' '- I I ' - ' T -
I :i .. o V- 736 ;;ii,2:0 40l ... lS5t 2187, 1170 . ;. -148 .,,.ti .-8o ,.,
, ' - -iS! CM 3-53 TO ft, r i V.I Cj S3 I- .2 .fli'
r-f J.iA 4S? 2.- I 2-- 2 I 5- 2 . It t ICS 5 - -21 tei I
- t a t r-. . v I -r ri I -r i I pi- is -
I 14 I 51 21 . 1 r I 1 2i 49 1 72 1 73 x3 22 44 31
133 34 201 2 1VM 4 202 194 43 155 2 195 5 192
122 19 109 54 I9'l02 50 15 102 51 104 79 68 95 87 64 102
5S 56 81 8 82 47 8 132 130 2 57 79 5S 84 56 82
3 175 65 33 67 140 35 205 212 232 171 65 170 67 "
40 119 30 19 20 100 14 127 ' " ' " 127 ; - ' ' 13S ? ' 7 ' 11 27 115 24
23 30 45 14 15 41 21 15 5o 15 73 46 41 50 40 4')
24 70 42 12 33 51 10 75 SS 100 67 27 66 3?
3? i 22'tS2 . 21 29 i SlXki . 52i) H? 4 I 1 9 - 1.27 129. i 2l 3tj 122271
3(1 2.S 5! 24 39 5 25 30 2 49 48 20 24 49 26 37
7 -3 r " ""5 5 3 t" io ' oo oa -noni-
23 14 34 ;. X i 1 ( ,Zl -20 J - I . 46 s 5 Ai ' 41 Zi- 2h . ., 2 .2 j
IrV.tAt 5 i3tf 23 " "22 14 17 '41 12 45 ' .32 21.' "31 23" .H '21
iiJiil t 30 15 tv-j 8 14 19 9 27 32 1' 44' ' V.)1Z W 14
1 It .42-62 -11 65 30 11 93 97 61, 41.. ,..28t!6i! idj 62
10 14 " 35 11 35 ' 11 36 37 39. 0fi ,43 -5 36
Natives in Houir.n. ami ludcpendont thus (t) . .
OV .NT .VERYOX HOUSE. No. 95 Xorth
A Second Pt.. Philadelphia. .' The underpinned
i having lensed the above well kiviwn IIou. which
( has Wen ' Renovatbj 'and Re-hohelf.d TnaoiT.n
j o't. have just ojiencil it for the reption of visitors.
.' !The fnrniture i. all nw, and' had been selected
. :.u An 4 T I . . . T. ii i i 1 I - . 1 .
wiiii cuic innn 111.-ijn.1cT9 wi'ii miuhii i'MHUHMiiucni
in Clie?nut Street, and -is of the latest and most
fashionable style. - : ... . .
The location for Merchants and- others coining
to the city i convenient, being' in the :contre Of
buiMncs.s. ; ' m-;- ..-
-Their friends in Clearfield-nro ftspeetfully soli
cited to give them aes.ll. !. BLAIR. --;-
I.1 T.. BARRETT. -.
- - Aug. 30T 185 1. - - '- Troprietors;
MEN'Ti Ja.ne Mii.lek, rc.iectfully informs
her Friends, and the Public in gener:ii. that che
tins rrmucrrf from her old stand.-having' located
herself, at Xo. S Soitt. '-' H))irr niifr.
Pliilatlrljtkia-, where she will he happy at all times,
to supply her customers and friends, with all kinds
of -Mii.lixerv, Ac. Ac;, and hopes by strict atten
tion to business, to merii a continuance of a liber
al share of custom. Her friends and tho public is
inritvl to call, before purchasing elsewhere. Verv
Respectfully. ' ' JANE MILLER. "
" N. H. .Ml orders punctually- attended to. !
Aug. 30, l54.-2t. ' ' -' -
IRVIN, would respectfully inform the nublic
thiit they hare very greatly improved rhcir House,
and arc now able to afford the travelling- public,
the most comfortable accummodationp. " Their bar
is furnished with the -very best - lioaorn.- and the
lAunies of the Philadelphia market are to be
found on- their table. -.They respectfully invite
their numerous friends' in Clearfield to give theiii
acall. I : - August 9.H54.:
lrANTKl), Six Teachers, competent - to im-
T part, an English -ed ucnt inn to: their pupils,
will find a situation for four months, bv applying
td .1011 NT TUOMI'SON, Pvesi.Ioat.iCr 1). .1. CATU
CART. Sec, of the Jordan I.iistrict School .-Directors.
A liberal salary-will be given. t--.,...
I3y order: of the Roard. - "
'IK 1. C.vrilC.VRT, Soc yv,
. .Peotemlier 20. lS.")4.-rIt , -. , '
C Tit AYS.
Came to -the roMdcnte ' of the sat-
kj Bersoer in Laivrcoi-e township; aliout tlie Uh or
Bersoer in Lawrcnee townsmpi uoout tlie Uh
"th of August last, two heifers ab.oit one venrold..'
foe. owner is rejue.-tcd to come ami prove hi.? pro
icify and take them away, otherwise thev will be
dispojcil ol as the law directs.
September 2ii. 1 -." I. "t
OAETiOT. All persons, arc hcrcl
against purchasing, or in any wa;
rby cuutioiieil
ay iiieiWiinj
with a two horse wagon and a pair of bob sleds
now in the possesion- of 'P. II. -Boor, as the s.iiil
property bilonjs to mc and inin bis" pn.ssion as
ioauoi.'iy. .JOHN BRCBAKEK.
"' Septeiubcr 5tll'l.l-' "''"
re'tilrucd IVlmi tlie '.
M. A. FRANK, has just
East willi a l;rj;c assort-
'. went Of Cloths. Cassimers.' Neck Ties. Trimmings.
Ready .iiiide .Clothing. Ac., which he will sell
1 cheap 'for -ash.' at hin!vre, two doors east, of tl;e
'.Toiifi Til ofSce. " ' ' ': ' ' ' 1 -
.... Faahkmublc. tailoring still done; t order,: with
neatness and dixputeh.
lie invites the public to "give itim'a call and' el-
'pminc Irif atoek, , i. j ; . i . .
m . in'- t. -mT , .A-ri-w .''- ' ' ' - ' ' V '
i ji aili 01101 iir.n, ,
X - '11022 Caestaat Street.'-''
i . , P. H ILAD 2 LP HI A, u.' !i
Have now oj-'cn a large assortment of the Newest
'' '!"";;' ' Styles and colors of "' ' '"" '
. : :.'. , j . Rich EhijliBh Velvet,' ! ? .
-""-'."''"';''i 1&
K Styls " ' : 'Ingrain
. . 4 i x f 'r 1 - 1..
' ' ''l i,,,: LAXDtD. "v""' ','i:'v
J.. Jit .. '-.J' " !
Alsad full as.orti-jehtr.rSyrer aiifl I Medruin-qnaliry
Many of which bcinj their own manufacture.
eah be recommended as - '''- J '-'"-
, ' Iktod Carpefiaes for a Low Price, .- --.i.h.
'" ' '" "Of every width arid quality. v
3 A I L Y & 3 BOTHER,'.'- -''
"No. 2 2 Chesa-it Street. Philadelnhia
' 0e'- 4. Isij4. Cm. ' ; ' - '
ji u; i.-.l r. ; . .. - ' i ): 1 f k. -. ; - - ,
DEIlICATIO!X. Tk'o i Methodist JEpwonpal
. Church .at Gb'n llope,, will b dedicated to tie
woTsliln'of God. on the 22d of Octockk next.
3 'fheiRoT. J.-Poisal, and other prominent1 min
ister will ,'e Kesei, ff, , ,.jn ,. ... 0 ,. KAj
C-eptember 2i. Ib;j4.
' '.': n- i'-l: :' - t . ..'i .-.! 1 T-i'i. :
T 1 SSOLUTIOX .-The pa rtnersh ip hereto:
-l-4 existing between .U.-1). Patton and J.S.FhoW-
ers, was this, day dissolved, by muual, copaeut
said Showers havmg disposed of his interest to E.
A. Hippie. .-..-i .11. 1: lATTOJ.i't
. i- : ..,!, SHOWER!?.
Cu'rwehsvnie," Sept. 1st, 1S554.;- - 1 -. -
!T irtflfilil Oil'!:' .li. iUUi-iZ :'V 'I" ,':!'" ,;-.'.'l.
, .The 1 .business will-i hereafter ,be ,. conducted ;,by
Patt.bii it ! 'Hippie, w ho will pay all debts contract
ed by Ihetbrmer ISnri.''1 Thw arrangement wifl 're
quLre.uo iew 8eUlaienj.0.The ,firiu: Will continue
oa with tho old rwioKs. . , " II. J. PATTN.
"-" "'"' '.-' f E. 'A? 1 1 1 PPLE1''
i sitgitemhcir IsV3834.-3t.!' ifM "bii'MiuVH.:.
Jue, rotcivwd.'jL large- and splendid seof'tmeiit of.
onjios of almost every description, "aitatye fox. the
'season." ami selling off at very low; price's. La'.l'i'es.
jUcritlomeo, and every-'persoilwishingtahtiy gdkjtls
attkprrm loifYH priors, -are ,respeetfally invited to
call aiid examine for1 themselves. '.'
-45:Fredttcc of all 'kindti ' received -i-'chATic 'for
.goods. WM. F. IRWINj
Clearfield. Sept. 27. 1So4. ;
r O -tt04-w A-KtotlaAflne-Wfhl.tsh Kips:
X JJca and Woyjenj Morocco. Ptnk.triniuiings.'
an.ftole laeatkeVfor WlttfcneapjW"
11 AH persons are hcreay notified tbat Letters ofAd-
ministration on the Kstate of lliram Ev,-Carlile,
lute Of Brady Township,' d'ee'd., have" been grant
ed Y the sob.-jribcr, ji.dua form of law.;AHpor
Soha indebted, are required to make immediate
payneut;nd hosa .Bjuf tclaims will pi
1 them, properly authenticated fer settlement.
jl ' JOHN CARLILE, Amititra
.c'X9blr 111 ,(U .'V i
iuut:4knd "JhoS3".tauf'lclaim8 will present
t rotor.
I STsseuibiyJ !!untj-l,C.
c-7 'rA
51 2 V
,-19 .18 ,
15 " 2 "
124': 89 ii
t uO .35 ..... -
116 57 '
: 78 --8
;'15; ,27 n-t-y.l
SALE. The .".ubseriber offers for-sale on rea
sonable and 'ca.j1 terms. "'his' farm' in Lawrence
township, containing one hutvlde t acri,tiTA allow
ance, .l he buiJUtngs arpr a gool log bouse, frame
burn, and other but-houseis. There isl'also. on the
lace ft promising ' young . :-clra.rd of choit'C fruit
trees, in fine hearing order. . ;Also, a never failing
spring of water. About ?ixty Acres cleared Two
milerffrotn Clearfield.' " 7 ' - : ' ' ' '- n :
.., Inquire of 1". J. BVTL.EU,.Clerficld.' or the sub-st-riber
on the premises. JOSfcl'H I.ANICIL, i
'--October 4,- 154.-W J - .
llfAK IX AMERICA not against foreign
' "' nations, but against high prices and Impo
sition.' ; It. R.: WELCH, baa jiict returned from ibe
city with a splendid new stock of tibld and Silver
Watches.- open nod hunting-cased, gold chains,
keys, seals; and a variety1- of oiher artieles wsnally
kept by, Jewelers, j ..'frj;, : ,- -, !! ;
His. ass4irtment has been selected with great cans
and caution, and' will' he" chc'efulty submitted to
ihe inspection of all who may: give him a call.
jers'ca lioalerg, and Commission Mcrehant.
No. 27.':. Market Stf cel. Philadelphia. '
;. .'.-.' ;.',i(l i: !(.- :1.:;K1HKLMAN.
. ... .;.'..., r. ,,-. A.HAYWAKl, -
June U, ih.-i-:y.
1 V
SETTLE 'ITP ! All jerons knowing ihrm
sclves indebted to the subsTLberr by bond, note,
book account.' or in any , other manner whatever.'
are hereby noticed' to 'come ffirwarl and - settle
before the ijvtujiiber Court, a. he is detcrmintnl o
have his bu.-ii:ess entirery settled np. by that (imc;
Those unable t; p.13'.' arc reacsttvl to settle ' and
timo . and opvrtiiniiy: will bo extended to ihem". ; '
.., JAXIE6 P.. 11RAHAM., !
iff raham't'onJ'A njj, '2"d, 180 J. ' ' ' ' " ' ,
1 . 1 ' j ' 1. 1 . , . i , 1. 1 .. .
HOOD 4 Cr-JxJeiisive Ilxy-goods Dealera,. N.o
,ln, Market St., Philadelphia, keep constant-1
ly oh hand a lar-rr1.' pplondid. ant'chcap stoek' bf
the ujo.-tt fashionable-and elcpant poods.;. They in
vite country Mcr':h'vuf ,to call and, exainiue their
splendid assortment.' before" purcbailng clscwhorc.
Jan 13. JH54-1T:'.
neyman Shoemakers.' Constant cirfplovuient
ml liln-ral wngcs will bo Riven, : Apply -next'door
to the Journal office, at .the .shoe ."tore of , , , ,., ;
-''.' " ' C. S. BLACIv ,
September C. lvL " : '-4.ui "sti.v, .-a, i;t ;
C ALEB COPE t CO, No. 1M, Market St.i Phila
. dclphia. Dealers in Linens. White (!oods. IIo
sicry." French. English and tfcruian Silk Jood si La
ces, Uloves, Bolting "Cloths, Ac. j.lnno lj,1j4-ly;
LERY,' Si-tcsn St.. i doors north of Powell
A Co s Store. ClcRrficld. Pa.ui-.. :
August 23, . .....-':., i .
11 subscriber wonld respectfully inform the pub
lic,: that he has just ppihad an entire new stock bf
boots and shoes, in Graham's Row, one door cast
of the Journal Office, X'learfield, Pa.
: Every variety of Ladies and Gentlemen's 'gaiters,
laced boots, pumps, congress boots,; children? shoes
Ac", Ae." cheap fur cash. He hopes .to receive a
liberal ah arc of patronage.''-' Boots and sh'oes made
to order. ... . . . ; C. S.-RLACKu
. Aug. lfi..lS04., , : . ... ;
Xbe wirtuer.shi heretofore existing between
ELI MENM.NH ALL,' under the "firm" of I. W.
ItOIiiilXS, A. Co , at Lumber city, ; Clearcld co.,
Pa., has been dissol ved by mutual consca,V: ,. The
books and 'accounts' of the tirm'' are left' 'in the
hands , of -lXi W,i Robbing for settlement. ' where
.tliose indebted w iil pluac call immediately,, - .
-,. , :. , -..,.; -,1 . i TIIO.' MeCR ACKEN,
" W Hi :i7' Ii . . ELI iMENDENIIALL.
Lumber City, 1 j. , IbJ-J.-r-St., ,
M :
HEMPlILLViHOTEITiie'Vuiwher would
inforin his friends and the public gcucrnlly,
that he still remnirrs at 'the ohl stahd. Wncre he is
at all times fcady jtfnd -willing to 'entertain tor lin
gers and travellers.",' JIia,.bar stocked with the
best liquors, aiid bis table will always be supplied
with the laxnrica of the market."
Thankful for past faror j he. solicits a further
share of public patronage. ,
"...i-..; ..n .'.m. - ATM. j.' HEMPHILL.
Clearfield, June aa, lS3-KIy: .!c I
scribers having'purchasod"airtbe lands be
longing to.Uardiuatf-Philip'situatod in Cleartfeld.'
Cambria aiMl.Cutvrc coutitics, jcoinprisin some of
the best timber Jands'in those counties, offer theia
for sale in lots to sHlf purchasers, at reasonable pri
ces and term a of. payaient.,1 All other information
respecting thetn. will be furnisheyl by Wm. .Rag
shaw or fiavid Hough,' at Philipsburg.or Josiah W.
Smitb( Clearfield. .m A GEO.- DiMORGAN i, CO
cepiemoer JSjj.-it , j
'..!(t.l-4.1 - .T
AND.-ytVR jWNEV.i by? hitving your (life
insured, in the Susquehanna .Mutual Insurance
Company of Harrisburg.' Pa'." '
.riiiCAPlTAL,'rSlli.0fli:'?. " ' - ;
. CaAKjEifjia MAne f.'Wja'.t. .-. jo
Any person can have tjieir'own life insure! or:
that of friend; from' 'one' "W ninety'' years. -Per-:
sons of 21 yenri of.e.ayif l $2 pet 1W). year-!
ly. At 30 years, rio for 5 1 OOQ.on. yearly for life.!
Ihe whole premium for- life lit ordinance is S2S9.:
at the age of 25 years, p'rcmiaii dlUA, on 'S-lOO. is:
25.88. - j
l)r. R. V. WiLSos.of .pieareld,rMcdical.'Ex-i
aminer. . ',,"'"'
Any information' lri ay bc: obtained from
,)V4Jr.4At iiSCUUYVER, Agont :
J F.ep.tcinbef ,fi,. 1S54
u : n r m , i
ClAIil.Ij- -CrOXiyTTrTlie subscriber
keeps constantly on baud," a't .hiTniiUa, ,lutuJer of
all description,' iH.rts.'and sloes'. Pla.-tcrin'g'laih and
bills.tawi.d ion: the l-hortest .uotico.- 'ibosu ttiiU--can
runt any.tiiediring tV;o ,6':aJii, haiox";-!
tiererfailing supply of water-' ' ' , .' ,
AlLkinds.g produeatakot, In ekcha'vgo fot'lu'iii-1,
ber, and tbe cosjnyjurivfosed, - f , arm :
'"' ."' ' ., ' HENRY GIUjE, ....
Scptml2om64ly,t : ' Kylertown. P.'o."
ISAAC M. ASIlTOf? Hat Sturo, N. U2
:Market Sfej,Pluladolphiah..LHa4s,vCaps; Furs,
icof every variety, and the best quality always
hand Jun 15, 1354-ly.
if II :
K5il.-i' '
64 6 '
59 121
52 94
36 35 -142
70 1
27 39
23 27,
' 3 '16'"
t r r i - - m - nil w
jl-.j UM, .
oalik wopleA'in origins eveki contiooted: With
1 the early histqj'y of itfie country)! and Bv"s of His
1 UngniiJied jke, written with (.much cart aad, in
DANIKL WJiRSTtlhe GreafAmeriean Btates-
man with meronaiocdt4e JlastraJive of iia
eharaetor, aad the Wlowing iiluSfratioftg ?W '
5- Young PanieLIn th Saw Mijl. Or?
Webster fishing at Frysburg.
Webster declining the Clerkship.
Webster expounding the Constitution.
The Bunker Hill celebration.
Webster at Faneuil Hall.
Marshfield the residence of Webster.
Webster on his farm.'
The life of Henry Clay, the Mill Boy of the
SIa.-b.es nine illustrations.
The life of Benjamin Franklin, nine illustra
Toe life of .General Waabiogtou,, bine illustra
tions.. ' ; - v - - , . j
' The life of Warion, nlni illustrations.' ' ' ;" '
L The life of . Lafayette, nine, illustrations. ; , ,, ;
The life of Wm. Penn, nine illustrations. ';
The life of General Taylor, nine illustrations'''
M The .life of Andrew Jackson.: nine illnstrations.
The life of Napoleon Ronaparte, nine illutra.
tinhS.-'i'' " ' ' !
-Tho Eell of Independence ; or Philadelphia ' ii
.1770, nine illustrations, - ; : '
The. Yankee Tea party and other stories of the
Revolution. Iiine fllnsfrations.--'5 -t-' '-' ' :
... Containing in all ; overdone .hundred illudtru
fioiis. ' ,'. . ., - '
'''Each' votuine is well written; possessing a -high
ji oral tone, and can .iCJ'uly be placed in the haudj
of young people; they contain numerous auect
dotes illustrative of the early history of our coun
try and are well adapted for family or school li
braries. j . . . :
Price er get. handsomely bound in cloth. 'gilt
bjicks and neatly put up in boxes. ?6.7i ' -
.Price per volume, neatly bound, eloth gilt i6 tti
' Colporteurs. Agents or School Libraries will be
supplied at a liberal discoiint: ''- ' - . ,:" '
; Copies will be sent by mil, potUgo free, upon
the receipt of the price of the set, or any. volume.
' --" ; " ' LINDSAY A DLAKISTON. Publishers. ;
: An 23; in 2o tOMth ftth: St.. Philadelr.liia:
4 T T E X T I O X L U M II E It I E X. THE
SALE. Theiwibscr i ber offers for sale the following
Tract of Land, situated. on, and near, the Clearfield
Creek, in Clearfield county, Pa., to wit : A tract,
warranted to.Lukc Morris; coataiBin 473 acres
.and 43 pv;- A. tract, waranted to.Josepli HcUid,
containing 4- acres! h:i ps. , A tract, warrant
to' Robert -i"ry!: containln5'43j acres. 153 ps. " A
tract,, warranted; to-. Jobri Brinhurslv eontainins:
42!l acrcs...l5.'l ps. .A. iriict warranted to vSarah
Ward."' containing1':::1' acres,' 153 ps. """A "tract,
warranted ta '-feoi- Eddy;"' t!Saiaiii-4.';3-acres,
153 ps. A tract, warranted to Moor. Wharton, con
taining 43-' acres. 153 ps. " A 'part of a tract,war
ranted to Geo. 'Ashlon. containing 21(5 aeref." i !
. Theee l.uuds;aii; Uo well kuwivn to tho ;3nu.bt-:r
men of Clcar,iieb County, to render a desciijition
of them necessary it may be safely said: that- iris-deeidedly-7the'
best bedy. of pine lauda in Clea
(icld County. . t . j
'."'i-fej. tVrins. ic'apjdv lo ;- '"' '
v , :;-.: 1 ) .!,' i -' 'KUVV. STIOEMAKKR.'. ':--'
. ' ,7 ... -Ebcufiburg. Cambria -Co -
"'September 2 .. 1S". " , . ". , , , .
BAXK XOTICE.--We tliesubscribergintend
,to make ajiplication to the next Legislature
of the Commonweal jh'of Pennsylvania 'for an" A6t
of .Vssombly to incorporate A Basking--Company;
with Banking and discounting privileges, to bo
called the - Clearfield Bank" and loeated at tho
Borough of Clearfield, with a capital of One -hundred
thousand dollar?., ... . -.
A. K." Wiiigbt,'":" " " .Tames T.' Lronard,
RicnART Siiaw :! i v ' Jamf.. B. Giiahah, :
JoNATiiAiN BuVNToxtr. jj ; Ellis Ihwin, .f --.u-- j n) .
J. F. Weaver," ' . J. W. Smith,
i. 3. BI-'McEnat.tIV. :'' '''' ;
i ;Jun-27v 1854; fitis-. lr.u- L jt- .:
it a good masint that people should purchase
goods wherever they. pla..,, But tjicy. sheuli.not
buy too hastily; before they ascertain where' they
can bo best suited. :T woiild unist -resrieetfullv iu-
vito, all .(Ladies in particular) to call .LK. G lknan s
Store and examine uis splendid assortment of goods
that cannot be excelled :in this'seetiorr of country
for rnf.rN'tss, durability or atyle. -They consist
of Gentlemen's Boots of all -descriptions and pri
ces.' Ladies' 'and Gentlembns" gaiters of the latest
style. ' Boya and Girls boots, heos and gaiters. -.Children
of all ages can bi; accommodated.
' " ' ' J -K; GLEN NAN.
-June'27. lSMv? '' :- -'-''
has removed his office (a the room adjoining in
the East, the Drug Store of Ir. Ill Lorain. and will
devote his whole attention., to the : prai-tiae. -of his
profession.' He-may be consulted in Frinrh and
Grrnuifi. ' ' jJuAc'lo, '54.-ly. -
. t : 1 : . i :
M Tnp Tilwir.c in' 4lv.c rlf4,,I'
article of
at 23 cents
ier yard,' ncTer'sold in this oounn-.-befoi1 lrr les
than 50 cents, at " M'JSSOP fc i'OTTAUFF'S, :
' June 13! :"54' ;1''- ""; '-": '"'' : '' - -'---'" !
. .... t
,,,.,1 .,.,, t .u,,;. ..; r -,- ,-,;, , , ;-, :i,j;n 4-. !
otfii'e nearly' opposite the' Court . House,
Clearfield Pa., will attend faithfully to-all business
entrusted to bus carevl:,, I ...is "m j-.-.'i. ndT i
" 5uhel". 1 S4. lv ... . .. ,
., ,. 1 . , -f 1-4- i - . n : 1 ;
J.' H, LARIMER Attorney, and. Counsellor at
' Law. "'Office with' John Lr Tuttle, Esij.'. next
door.to :ir Jl. LorTeinV llrug "tjtore". Clearfield.
y- .' .i'-blv. -.; .v.t,- .'Uiay.ly, ?
SPLExrio '! uv" H?iKT::TiyiiW,
. Sov have just returned 'froni'-'thb' city with an
entire new stock of Gofds,,which they .offcjc fyr siUa
on the 'very low est' terms, at the' 'old. sta!ir "lately
ooenpied by M."HiIKWeit ad of th MUnmoq
House. Clearfield, Ta., Thcirpteck of; goods
been selected with great care, and a better. o
eheaper1 assortment was never brppght into Clear
fieldicounty.;?-; i ;i :i al -" ' i- AzA-r. t
They defy all competition, and .invite thc'.pcb-
lic'to call and examine their1 go6fl.-."'"'Every: artU
cle; is 'erttirely ncw.2!and-aa cheapi if rot'eheaper
than, can be purchased, fckowhero- . .',.,...,. i
' - - '- - - -'J l srt'ivr'"'-''3
'"- - it a; H. shaw
June 2
ui. tlin I.'f;t!s ,f!'
COKKAD A W A LTON. 1 1 ard wa ttf ; Storei3 No
. Market -StrCet, Philadelphit,7i.lIaiVlware,
Iron, NaiU. to.. of .every -description.. - r ' t
Junel-V lSSt-Ty.8 - TiJl rvo j
C'" lEfJRuE. J,' WEAVER & CO..' No. Ii) North Wm
W tct Street'PhiladelphiaV Dealers'iri Catpe
chains Vara- Mauiitu.i ;Hemp"jRppe Beti-cc-rds:
Clothes-line. Ae.,, Juae, la, Iatrly,; ;
flAU.-The:nnderaigned had just recaired andi
, -At Till keep for saler.at ius, shop on third street
a superior article of tar." GEORGE ORR i
-CTertffield."iJalvr3PlH54:-''.-?a 1T .vJiauu.M i
PBCClffelt SWtWPE-ArtorTrev ifLaw-:' For1
Rarrela.ew Orlcens ggarr,ftt, Sixpence per
pound', for sale at the Chean "Store of !
;H-i..ij, i, io i.;si-i.uje it:; t AJ;M."lirLLS.- j
TE ALL TAKE . HOP.ENSACK. Hobcnsn. k'4
T f Worm SYiup aiTirT."iver"Pil'l."f..r sal by ,
June-lV '444, J. Ri.sljllif AP.FF. j
-." i 1 " . 1 ' ' 1" . . -.-r n-f '-j.-r- 1
1 fill Sacks ..Salt.. ju:.'t rcccivud .ft tha CbSt"
XUU' Store if '- r MOSfcOP'POTrAKKF.' :
!.! JuiifJ! '14. i'.J' i-n .if-;': .TjMX".', .TJi'i iid j
ni;0OE.; Ty-iO"N ' A" ltEilX .rh'o!c4le:t Dry '
1 - 1 - - ... . - . I . i . - : . w". i -. 4,1 :, . , - .
l.UUK. 1)S!.!N ItKUTi nnoicwio J'ry
(...'., d i Si.- a N"i ' 1 l.V 'TlrM STTct.!Pbilali!
phio., ..;
. t. 1 - i : 1 . f
Clark: . iie.ir. No. is- s-wifii" 4th- street
rhilade ' La; e4vu4rw ilcatorR A i.ooks and
SUii-mary. lSa4-ly.
GArTlC-V. u, pvwon rV" cautiond'not to
bdy. trnI i 1 f r mcddli' in aay way - rjtK a
.Yvkc vf , O,xei:;uow iin,j th o(saiaiiati of John
Bri'as the.eamo is mine, and ealy; loa,r,ed; to laid
Brigs. 'and 'arc' it my4 disposal "at tny time front
this date, August 17th, 1854. ." T. -TJ D ifcjfi
Furguson townnhip, Oct. 11, 1854. " "
AfifD eutrta,iauiK antfcstructivoj pianner,' wilfc iil
3 iastrationiJiimpoialit ereataJ and ' blanlifullj
J iVunilu4te4 ie rJSJ"!8- Containing !Jd lffo) of
Jl JLayoicrly Af-tlws firittofTJcDtt'A, Swonpe, Hue
tingdoii. Pa. ,Ofiice next door to", and over Esquire
Wrigley'a,' Clearfield, Pa.' 'IMay -25, 54-fy. ;
i i4--i- 1U l, '.'.-.; --'? I 1' !" 1
AV.; We congratulate oor aubacribers and
the reading; public generally, on the cheapneea
with which, they ean now receive onr reprint by
mailThe posUgt hUhcrto though gradually
reduced since 1844--has always operated aa a di.
cousatfement to their circulation in places inac
cessible by expresses or other modes of regular
prWate coayeyance. Hence, as yet they have ob--taijued
but a comparative meagre mail circulation.
Jjjope now that the postage is merely nominal,
a new impetus Wftt'be riven to these valnabl
works, and that no Post Offiee within tho United
States will remain unvisited by at least one cupy
of the four Reviews and Blackwoods Magazine.
The Postage on Blackwood and the four Reviews
is now but 72 cents a year, and the subscription
price is but 63, and when taken with any of the
four Reviews but ?2, a year!
V-W Present subscription prices lo thcF 2Xnion
lZtiiubnrg Wrstminsltr. and jVortfi VntitA tjuar-
tcr!y lievteics, and LSacA troo'fs Jiligazine.
I.".- c .I.- r T- .
-3 Ji
i io
! no
For any two of the far JKeviowi, a J l
Tor any th teo of the faur Rvlek4 ii l
For all four of the Reviews, 8 o
For Blackwood's Magazine, ... ;: uft
For Blackwood and three Reviews. ' - 9 00
For "Black wood and four "Reviews, - l ' " 10 ou
Payments to i made in ail ftsesn aJcauef, :
5 Remittances and communications i-hould bo
always addressed, post paid to the Publishers.-,
" . .: LEONARD SCOTT k CO.. -
' r- 70 Fulhon 5treet.,Entrance.cn Gold Street,
" 'Aug. 23v,. - -,. -i- iV'ew. Y'ork.
TITHE RED I'LAG VICTOR 1 0l'lf.---Tha Blood
""s JL Red Banner floats ia triumph on the'i)U Vor
ttrr jSfwrr.-'-where-A.'.M. Hills has. jut .opened the
cheapest and most splendid assortment.! of Goods,
ever displayed before this community, and exactly
adapted to their manr and various necessities.
- Every "variety" of Hats," Caps." Bon nets. l5ooti.
Shoes, Cloths, "CMSstmeres. and all other kinds i-f
iiry-goods, that are unapproachable by any other
similar artiek either in beauty of style, quality.
or price. . , , , '
Also 9a tiicellent aafioiiuient of Groi;ries. Har-I-,.areS(onc.aulJiiicci.Varc
ai infinitum.
11a defies competition".- ntvl invites all persons to
give him a call.n! the .Old Conrrf which U:i3 tru
ly become the, -Lazarr of Clearfield. ......
' Eycry attention will be shown to customers and
visitors, and no pains wilt bef- spared ta; send al
-smiling away, loaded with his beautiful and -valuable
joods.' never surpassed in Clearfield.
:n -, i. r- ' -A.- M.' HILLS"
Clearfield,; June 13. Jiilrly, -.- .. f;---.i-.:-;;ii.
subscriber hsajust received a, large : and well
selected stock of GOODS, of almost every dtscrip
tion suitable to the season," which h is" selling
at extremely low prieen.-- lie respectfully.. invites
the attentiuu of all who. wLh to buy good Goods it
the lowrstf prwej. to call at th.sigji .of the -Che:ip-eat
tloiidi" ...... ,. ,
'-'Country produce of almost every' discriptioii t.t-
ken at market prices in exchange lor goods.
! j Persons wisbing to purchas
f or: uiVdleiil fop th'itr luonev.
so. and receive a fair
wiM'dj 'well ' to" civo
I hfia a call.' ! . ' . i .-::" .
Remember the sigu of the CHE APES GOOD?,
on Market street, and call and be convinced that
there is truth in the'words thereon iaseribcit."' '
Juno 1.1. t7i4, 1VMJ. IRWIN.
.'t-i S i-tP'fJ WtfT4-
MiM. Ill KC-J AMES llif.lWTlltK- gl
Would inform bis friends and the tiublio r
generahy, . tbat he keeps for hire horses
buggies, carriagcs.iS cTon .the most reasonable
lerins.'nt his Livery Stable in CnrwenSTiHc.', v
.' Inquire at the Stage Office. Flemming'i? Hotel.
' . . t . JAMES CRiVTUER.
; June 15th. I?3ir: " ',4 : -' .' - '
' JL' undersigned
having purchased the entire
stook'of S.' A. Martin.- would- take this method of
informing; the rNativcs,'and the public geowally.
that I'rugs'and family medicines of all kinds. and
in fact every thing that i' generally kept in a
Drug i?tore:ean be had at this eetablisbment cheap
er than at any other, in the country. This estab
lishment wiif Sc under the management bf one
that h3 experience, and Is well, aoqaainted with
moHcinc, and is also com.petant to precribe for
all thoi;' that mav require the advice of a Physi
cian. : - ' ' ' ' "-JAMES M. MARTIN.
, 1 A private Cfiice attached. ..j, , :
JLJ Notice is hereby-(rivao -to-all whom it may
corn-ci.B'-battle-prtt:ership -hett'oTbr' existing
between the undersigned is this day dissolved by
mutual consent." " The Ixroks Of the linn are left in
the hands of Ucorge W.- Orr,-by r whom all the ac
counts arc to be settled, he having purchased the
interest of John Klincr iu the outstanding ac
counts. G. W. Orr will settle1 all tho firm debts.
. - ,.: , ,-.1 .1 t KG, AVORK.. -
ClcarficM.Tuly 25, 1854''" v
Eusicos will be fCarried on by-Geo, W Orr at
the old stand, who invites all his old customers to
give him a crill ond as hi'any new'ones asc-tn make
Lit eouvenint.o "So v.'tt -z GtO; ., fRH,
Clearfield. July 25, lsal t , , .
' '. , r- ..;',' ; . .. r ; 1 " ., . 1 ; i, " T .."
JLST.ARUI VEI--hopidid,.atwk of. .Cloths,
Cassimcres. Vestings, Trimmings, ie.. recently
'purchased by the Snbscribert which he will Tell or
make up 1 order, in the most-fashioaithje. and du
:rabla manner, at. bis store. in '-Shaw Row." Tho
material aiid -fits warranted' No charge forphow
tng his cheap A beautiful goiidA.tr M r:-"t
tjr Ha would inform the trade in. Clearfield,. that h
is the authorized agent for Icvere"s " London" antl
Paris TashSniiff.-- -- ; ? i;. .- '' :. -.n ;-j
t.-.r '--.it - ,-itt.:-r I ::c :I- j '-TIIOS- SHEA.
., .June 2T,,lSo.,.
'.' lo :
CAHTER-l-T'ealcV '-in" f fovea, V.ir-iron.
J pails, ;and.a9tfug vfall kinds.. Alio plows,
and other agricultural utensils. . On. Second Street,
under the Republican OK;?. - iSano i5,''i41y.
HAIUUS. HALE A CO-t-Whouksal Dritugirts.
No. 25'J, Market Street, North side between
sixth and seventh, Philadelphia. Drug. Medi
cines,1Clienicals.i Patent MeJidLne. Surgical 'Instruments.-
DruggisCsGhutfrvare Window Glas.,
Paints, Oil.-. Iyc3. Perfumery.. Ac. Ac.
.tniitio'i'::.! .nr. v. j : S!'IARSW001.-i
.;1 : -4.:f i.i!:.i3J0H5fJL HALK, ,
l;,EXjliavf jUf?t opened a iuswand splendid ai
"sorhnent of gooils of every variety,' 'at the "old
Stand of IV W. ROUINtst Ci). Lnmber ilty; Wear
field ce, Pa. .v',..h't & ";'''-:
They invite the public to give them a .calf,", and
feel aMurod they will be'able to'fender-entire sat-
Lisf acioirf :jLtiaqber. ides. "Rags Grain.andr.all
I other kinds-of produce taken ia exchange .
t; JJ. t ... . -pij: IIARTSilfiRX'
! Augnsf8,il""r4. c-:: i-TTllJ4.iMr3LatAiKEi.a
CtlARE.SWl'CATE, Dealer ip Bonnet.
Shoe." IkKts. and Palm Leaf Hat Tso?"1!.
I Jorth Fourth treet.'" Philailciphia; Seoend l"t?tore
below Commerce fctreet. t.. i.- .Jnnelj, igiil-jly,;
..I - -. 11 f,t" ii
"rr t LI AM t?. i II AN SELL : Jfc " fN Matufiic-
T,.,turers aad ImportuM of,addleryvandijad-
dlery Ilardwaie. No. -'S .darKct Mreejt. Rbnadpl-phin.-Addict
P-ridV. Ilcrrtos. Trwnlts.. Whips,
SaddJo-liagj', Untile Filling, liUiif t irrupt Ruck Ur:,
,Cart-jBag8. ect. , , .,.. Ju ie lyal-l j
v.. ,..aWM. iI. RLED) .:
.CurwetsviUoj June 27, 1S54.
"TTTACE,-4fAll porsonbaxe hweytfid that
il l will pay in. bdH ntracfcd by my, wife M
rl,'or my daub(or aa", 'r.d that those Who may
trust tbent will-tlo -Mi a"(hcirwn- vk- ""-"
.,:i.r,.l ft . 5 -4. a.J0HX. WBIDfcR,
T,.FfeychTil,e. Ap.,. 3;, .4t t
ASHiyGTOS"-S W'A.'4toi-
. - - . .1. O.- 4 , 1 Tt,T
LAW, 0. OO. cwu--ir . ,
I"p01t,ALE.-T"ji;o4 Lot of GroiV ?-r.
. i-? a"' 26 . in t"i?.Mo?son jlao. in the borough
of Cleaftield.' all Wnelctfcd.' For term, "api'ty t'
Ausa?t 9. 1854.
I :-4