Pittsburgh morning post. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1843-1846, December 28, 1843, Image 2

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Subject to the tlectiort of
l}e Dann 111ot:fling p 05t.
.ey were
room after I locked them up until next morning.
Hos. Loses BUCHANAN. — Our readers will find in I I slept in a little back dwelling adjoining the jail.
Cowan was confined in the extreme opposite part of
another column of this morning's paper a lettet from
lore Sexes .13trcet Asti, announcing his withdrawal the
jail p re f ii r i o e m u el m y y s dwelling.awed
be T
forehe bars
m of e the
the j jail
l ha
jail,had I,
croll3 the Presidential canvass. The motives for tale' and had been clamped and riveted again. The rivet
' 1
.4 this step ore folly set forth in the letter, and will had been sawed and the mended part had been cut
a o g u ar bars
in atthotimeo t f Cowan's liv
next d
escape. I think tstatesmanhe i
-end to elevate this honest statesman still higher in the f
love of his constituentsand the esteem of the demo- rope and grappling iron also, the saw was foundfa saw.
mind on a
Tetley of the Onion. Thrteigheut his letter nothing can the outside of the wall, I dent recollect finding any
be facia that would indicate a disappointment of per- I files or any thing else, the saw was 8 ar 9 inches long,
boltto have
be n e n n t expressly
r hr i mad e
ke n
a f , .ir I
ri cutting iil
d see,
iron. ee
aortal ambition, every sentence is pregnant with hones
e, and every render will be convinced that the send- supposed he Blipped his foot out of : the chains of the
reeersexpreesed are the honest feelings of the writer's I long bolt. One person might assist another a little
Lein. when two were fastened to a long bolt. I went to bed
uhreat 10 o'clock that night, I clout recollect seeing
Mr BUCHANAN'S present course proves how honest
Cowan after having put him in the long bolts I think
v:ere his sentiments when he declared, nfterbeing in- I went to sleep seen after going to bed; the first 1 knew
farmed of his nomination by tire State Coeventionehat I of the escape was earls , fleet morning ..tI was inform
be would freely forego any personal advancement if by ed of the escape by Wadsworth. The wall was lower
ro doing be could contribute to the harmony of the par- thanwit aboutwindow
the I
size .
f think he de
o t r h d e .
I rope
ioi d which was
ty or make its triumph more certain. In the present rope was 15 feet long. I did notm ' esel ip
f i t p ak o e flits ,
p os i t ion of things, Mr Buchanan and many other. pro- person to see Cowan the day before. - I understood
reinent democrats of the state, are convinced that the that there wassome persons to see him in my absence.
I was told so afterthe escape, Mr. Petegrew and Mr
woke of Pennsylvania would have n powerful influence
Fie. cant e n t n termrin r oI
. I r ne l %T
r never
stffe pec re r ct i any.e time;li, i
a n . lvi , : f, i .rm thim
in securing harmony in the National Convention, and a
that if herinfluence is given cheerfully to the empinee after the escape, it miela have been the day after, I
his triumphant election is certain. That there may be cannot say. My first action was to Wenn the Sheriff.
I sent Wndsworth after tne Sheriff. I published a
no obstacle to attain these objects Mr Buchanan has
adopted the course indicated in his letter, and for the 11 1, 1 a ri th n i e l r l o l ffe , r ii i .e n n g t a n
q reward fo l r y t h b e i o
i n i
n p
,i p r f a fb i e i n ;i n n ii tt i
present relinquishes the support that would be so en- l nothing of him and went no farther on that rout.
thesinetically given to him by his fellow citizens for the i I returned thrnugh Steubenville, I returned part 01
the way in the stage. Neither the Sheriff ner I could
highest office le the gift re the people.
e any information of him. There were charge by
We think there can be no doubt in the mind of any g otl t ier p - apers. but never in a tangible form. never sr - , di
one as to who will receive the support of the demeera- I rect as this, or in a shape which would enable me to
cy of Pennsylvania after her own favorite has. with- itake hold them.
ic There was an al tiele in the Allegheify
Democrat whh was intended to convey the idea that
rdrawn from the list of candidates. lie may not be
I had aided in Cowan's escape; I so understood it;
bodied with the same ardor that would have character- some ri or 5 years ago; can't say exactly what time.
ized their support of Mr Buchanan; but their high es- I didnot take CanAtitntionalist. I did not take the
timatiou of his unswerving democracy and enlightened I Daily American; I have never had any
lan `e
with Mr Biddle, and if I keep the same opinion sii-ilesmanAltip, will induce them to support him warm
er desire to have any acquaintance with him. I am
ly, and mid in placing him in the Presidential Chair by the prosecutor, I was anxious for Col T . roville's nom- -
a vote that st ill erase the disgrace of our defeatin 1840, I ination by the convention for Sheriff, and was active in
and triumehantly vindicate the principles so manful- i procuring his nomination,
ly battled for by the democracy in the memorable eon- Jos. Watt, sworn. This witness is called to prose
test of that year. NVe f:el confident that after Mr th f e publication. lie states that he went to the office
othe Daily American, and bonght three copies of the
Buchanan, the party in Pennsylvania would rather paper from Biddle himself. This is one of the papers
have Mr Van Buren for the Presidential candidate I bought of hint. The paper ef the 29th Sept offered.
than any other man that has been named for the of- Objected to by Defts comiselon the ground of a care
anted i , n rt ind , !ctment i and i rhe 1 article rile ished. Thr•
ice, and should he twelve the nomination of the Con-
a t ,
i f i s r i
n ' i r i r i d e i r c ii t In: i f:t o t
l i o n ,
i t in h i e f a n t i s i t il
yention, the vote of Pennsylvania is certain fur him. count, ' ' whie r li crilsntoltst omitted
inuendoes, and in the second count the word e,
appears, hut so general is the come that the testernony
can not be admitted. (so says the does. counsel.)—
The court reserved the points for another occasion.
and directed the trial to proceed.
[Court here wok a recess for an hour,]
e.r7"We are compelled by the length of the Slier
ifis Sales to postpeneehe pnbliention of the arteries , n
session until to-morrow, when it and all the evidence
that may be adduced to-day, will appear.
tried is the Di-itriet Court of Alieg.hony county,endcd
on the tenth day. the '23 , t inst., by a recorded verdict
for the U: fondants. We mill endeavor to =tote th e
solistance of the case, according to our best informa-
SAMUEL SAAIPLE, himself claiming under a miiitary
permission of settlement prior to 1767, surveyed in
1769, n tract of about three hundred acres of land, in
cluding this tract—the whole adjoining the manor of
Pittsburgh, its draft tulle!, fur his improvement. For
motives explailed at the trial. and readily understood
by the old settlers, be chone to take out a warrant fur
Pats of ti.is land. in 1703. in the nitric of his daughter
Juliet, then an infant cldid. The residue patentee'.
in his own name. Jor..tt:r wan married, in 1301, to
her cousin, STEEL St:MPLE, an e.aittent Lawyer of
Pittsburgh, to whom, in 1303. the father SAMUF.L,
tised all his estate, real and personal. "Ibis dense
the Supreme Court, in 1313 con-trued its venting in
staid Devisee, a fee simplo. All the property of Steel
Semple (including the tract in question) was sold for
the payment e f his debts.
The present attempt was made in rho name of the
Heir-at law of Runt - SEMPLE; her counsel alleging
that this tract did not belong to the old man, but to her
m eher :t -cording to the, nami sal title, and did nut piss
by the Will of her Grinilfuther. On the part of de
fend tnts it w c eitended and established, that the ti
'tle thunitilt - en out Ott merely in Lust fir the father'
nee WaillT, to a common practice prevalent in that ear
ly day, in reference to three orizinal titles; thatthe prop
erty having been always the elder Sample's p asse d by
Mn will t o S t eel, whone title was vested in Mr. CRAFT,
fie D feed .nr, by a Sheriff's Sale. :To the points . thus
OTisinE, many questions of law and fact were applied
with great ability on both sides, Me . sses. WooDs and
lirtmr. appearing for Plaintiffs, and BIDDLE, MeT-
CitFtad Loomis, acting fir Defendants. The Court
isa Turned up by leasing the case to the Jury on the
q w.tion, whether the original title was really in JO
LIET SEMPLE, which was decid-d by them in the neg
ative, as above stated, and in favor of Mr CRAFT'S
GIIEEN I.3•Ll,.—Thal spirited military
carps, the Hibernia Greens, will give their annual Ball
evening, at Concert Hull. For many years the
CirconA have celebrated their organization by entertain
tr.enti of thi: kritl, which have been remarkable for
the liberality of their arrangement- , , and the great
am THt of et:joyment i=ecuretl to the T leats. We have
no doubt the- it of this evening will be egaal to any
the company havecv:srgiven.
Commonwealth, ) In the. Court of Qr S.
No. 32, of Oct. T. 1843.
Jas. W. Biddle. S Indct. Libel.
Messrs. MOORHEAn, the DT. Attorney Goneral,
av Loosrts, fur the Prosecution,
And Messrs. BLACK, aud DARRAGH, for the Def,!o
A Jury being called, and after thr , legal number of
eh illenges on bath sides being exh mated, the follow
ing Jury were swore: Rmbt. Neely, Alex, Norton,
Nit!tan W. Mite-1011, Isaac Panybrue, David Wal
/no. K. Calhou :, Alex. Speer, Robert Wallace,
William Scholoy, Jobaathan Rush, Lyman Childs,
Jiio. Miller. Jr.
Mr. Moorhead opened the case to the Jury, stating
briefly the nature and character of the offence charged
in the Indictment. He then proceeded to read the
to the jury, which contained two count , ,
one-4which contained the specific otTence, the other
mete general terms.
The Com nonwealth called A Morris, who affirmed:
I was appointed deputy Jailor, by E. TroYillo, who
was the SberiTof Allegheny County, in 1834, and con
tinued up till 1837. J. Cowan was confined in the
jail on a charge of Murder; he was committed 21st
o.:t. 1834. lle was in prisoa when I took charge of
thl Jail, he continued ia jail up to the 16th March,
1333. I do not know the precise hour of h s escape.
I laclsPd him up that night, and pet one foot in the
long bolts. I Indio(' his room and came down. when
the county watch came, hehad been out and came in
about 9 or 10 o'clock; I then gave him the keys of the
jail ti watch him; about day light next treirnitig he
clone to my room and told me Cowan hoi es,-i pcd. I ----- suEnwr saliva.
1 then went to his room end sane a lane hole t By virtue of sundry writ: of Ficii Facies, issued
air nigh which ho had escaped. I hove :en =eon him i . out of the District Court ...f Allegheny county, and to
since.. The Jeil was considered te , are rvid previous I me directed, will be eAp.,sed to public sale at th ,
Grand Jury hid condemned it. 1 tliilo. the watch- Court House in the city of Pittsburgh, on Siiturday.the
man was employed by the recommendu:ion of the ! 20th January, A. D., 1894, at 10 o'clock, A. M., the
Con t, on account of the delapidated condition of the following properity,, to wit:
old nil. E. Trovillo is my father-in-la w; the article All the right, title, interest and claim of Doniel Mc
appeared during the time of die election. Lain of, in and to. the following described parcel of
Cross Examined -1 dont think the watchman was land, situated in the city of Allegheny, and numbered
in the jail precious to my giving the keys to him 1 in the plan of lots laid out by John McDonald Nos. 118
put Cowan in the long bolts in company with Martin, and 119 in the Reserve Tract opposite Pittsburgh,
they were both locked up together. I was not in the bounded as follows, to wit: Beginning at a point in
__. _
e .. .
said lot No. 118 in Isabella street 1461, feet from Race
alley, thence eastwardly by said street 161 feet includ
ing half the front of said lot No. 119. thence at right
angles at said street northwardly 88 feet to Race aIIey,ALSO:
thence by the same westwardly 16. feet, thence south- I
wardly 88 feet to the place of beginning. The eastern All the right, title, interest and claim of Lawrence
and western boundaries as thus designated exactly, I Kingslanci, of in and to. all the remaining part of a
including the brick dwelling erected on the premises ; certain tract of land situate in June's District of de
to the centre of the partition walls; together with the I preciated lands, numbered in the plan of said District
buildings, improvements, rights and appurtenances No 28 triter laying off to Robert Madden 100 acres, to
whatever thereto belonging. Seized and taken in ex. ;be divided by ID line running Eastwardly and Westward
ecotion aslthe property of the said Daniel McLane, at ly, so that no part of the said 100 acres shall include
the suit of Sylvester Seymour. i any of the tract that may abut on nn the New Butler
ALSO: i Turnpike (which said tract No 23 as aforesaid was
All the right, title, interest and claim of William sold by Richard Biddle, administrator of John VVill-
Logan, of. in and to, all that certain piece of land in ins. Jr. dec'd in pursuance ()fan order of the Orphan's
(formerly Ross) now Reserve Township. Allegheny Cow tof Allegheny county, made on the 20th day of
county, Penna., being part of out la Nit. 260; in the July, A. D. 1818, and the sale thereof confirmed on
Reserve Tract opposite Pittsburgh. bounded and des- the 10th day of August A. D. 1818, ns by the records
cribed as fullnws, to wit: beginning nit Ferry Lane, o r Of said court will appear, to James R Butler in trust
Beaver street, at the distance of 30 feet from the south- for certain purposes.nppearing in a declaration thera
west corner of said out lot, No 2110, thence running of made by time said James It Butler, by an instrument
along Ferry street northwardlv 105 feet one inch, to dated Ist September. 1818, recorded in the office for
sold by Robert M.P a rk toHutchition, thence recording deeds in said County in book A2d pages
be the line of the same eastwardly, and parallel with 346 and 347, and which said remaining part was by
Old , Lane, 96 feet 6 inches. thence westwardly parallel deed dated the 27th October, 1823. Conveyed by
w'th Ferry Lane 103 feet 1 inch to a street, thence by the said James R Butler, toJohn McLaughlin, recnf
the said sireet eastwardly ned parallel with Ohio Lane ed in book E 2•1 vol. 30 page 420, and which the said
96 feet 6 inches to the place of beginning. Seized and John McLaughlin. by deed dated 21 December, 18'26.
taken in execution as the property of the slid William -conveyed in fee to William Burke, recorded in book
Logan, at the suit of Wm. Nub'e, anti to be sold by fl 2cl page 330 &c., and which the said William
E. T ROV I - , Burke arid Johanna his wife, conveyed to Lawrence
Sherif. Kinaland, by deed dated the 15th Sept 1832. and rc
- in book S 2,1 vol. 43 page 341. &c. seized
SHE'RIFF'S SALES. nail taken in execution as the property of the said Law-
By virtue of •undry writs of Venditioni Exponris amid rence Kingstand, at the suit orison, Shod), &Co.
Levari Facia. , issued out of the District Court of Alle. ALSO:
glieny C o unty, a nd to me directed, will be exposed to All the tight, title, interest and claim of Oliver II
public sale at the Court 1 - loo=e in the City of Pitts- Ormsby, o f, i n an d to. a certain lot or piece of ground
buteleon Monday the 20'1 day if January A. D. 1344, situate in St. Clair Township. in Allegheny county, be
at 10 o'viock A. M. The following nronerty• to wit: ing part of the estate or Oii. er Ormsby, dec'd, and
All the right, title, interest and claim of Villiam which was inter *ilia, allotted to the said defendant,
A. Irvine, of in and to, all those cer t a in L o t s or pieces in the partition of said estate,as appears by the records
of ground situate in the Borough of Allegheny, bounded of the Orphans Court; which lot or piece of ground in
rind described as follows-to wit:Beginning at thecor- bounded by Ormsby st and Sidney street, by John st
ner of 13.obiteran an d Correy s t r e e ts and running thence and by NVharton street, containing - in front on Wharton
west along said Robinson street two hundred and nine- end Sidnev .streets :312 feet, anti in front on Ormsby st
tv seven feet more or loss to the continuation of Bank rind John street, 261 feet Seined and taken in exe
-I:tne; thence South by s aid lane twee hundred feet to Ril- cut ion as the property of the said Oliver H Ormsby, at
beck simeethence East by sell streetewt , ivirldred and the suit of Shen, Jack &Co.
ninety :seven feet more or lnss to Currey street thence , ALSO:
North by said Coney street two bonded ft et te the : All the right. title. interest mid claim, of Alexander
place of beginning; being part of (hit Lot No 30 in the Miller. Of. in and to, all the following described lot or
Re-terse Tract opposite Pittsburgh. nail convoyed by piece of ground, situate hi the manor of Pitt -burgh, in
s aid ltniiin , oo and wilfe i° the said Iryitie•n' Deed dl - said county. namely, pa t et nut lot marked in the
[eel 16th December, 1836. Seized and taken in axe- general id nof said manor Ni, 12, hounded as renews:
cution an the property ufthe said \Vm. A. Irvine at the Bei/iterate at a po-t on the great toad. and by running
suit of William Rubinson )r. lands tifJamen Tu-tin and Anthony Berlin, south 10
ALSO. ' degrees. east 40 perches and 5-10 to n post, thence
All the right, title interest aryl claim of Henry Whit- a le,: the ti p 'tithe l iver 1110, seinli 80 1 2 degrees
field. 'din and to two certain Lots or nieces of ground eve-d., 50 perches and 610 to a post. thence north 4 de
ere r" I 'ititate in Birmiogliam. iti the Cowey of A e• e heny, grecs east 40 perchttsantlolo to .ipti.it tit:the great rdA,
mar ked on \Vatson's Subdivision of Lt..' s in Shines ville end thence by said south 17 degrees cord, 38 perches
N e: 7 an d it . t i , ma ded by lilts Nos. G and 9 by Cen- and 3 10 to the piaci: nfbegiiining, containing, 12 arm:
tee street and by Liberty street. fronting o n Centre nud 39 inn-clan:, strict measure, on which is erected a
street 48 fert,and extending blink to Liberty street, 127 l ing ,. ~,,.„ ci „.y brick th vyni,,,, house and tither build
feet. on which are er.teted il TWO story Mick riWeilinfj ilia , . SeIf...IC:OA taken in execution as the property
house and Creme stable. St-iretl and trtkett in exert- of the said Alexander Miller, et the suit of Pollaid
tion as the more' tv of the sold Elenty \Vhittield at the 'AL.Cornuelt.
suit ofJames McTurk,for use.l ALSO:
ALSO, 1 All th•• right title, interest end claim of Alexander
All the ri2,10. title, interest and claim of Alexander ' AL Aatlerson and fhtimas Ito i t=on, of, in and to, a
C. Bell, of. tu and to, all that vermin lot or pier. , of eei tam ha or piece of ground situate in the city of
ground situate in t lin city of Alle.:.heny arid county of P o i ,lit irg h, bounded and dent-rho.' us folltiwn, to w ii:
To the Democrats of Pennsylvania. Allegheny, bermiled fled describ e d as fM100 . .. im , wit: Fro 'tine - or) S,cond -treet 215 feet, and running bark
beginning at a stake on thi. mirth -i.I of It tut: lane, 100 fee , . :don , G as street. pr,ter , in: the same width
FFI„Low Cyr tzEas-A fter lime and serious refer-v.,
toetlee mirth t hi r teen ;1 ,1 ihret -tottr ilde,:n.cs wc-t for to a 30 feet street, and bounded by said 'lO feet street,
d oe , I h a ve r es o lved to yvithdrew my name from the the distance
el flee huieltel ani .i.v.i.lts-trite fret io a I,y fd t..-treet. l 51r11,1,1 street, and Ity property of
list of Presidential candid:des. to be presented bte -take, thence south seventy-six dcgroesantl one.fourth, --- (niiii,rt-on, on which i: erected a brick home
fore the Democratic National ',_:o.lVeritlel. if his re„'- „,,,.. ~it ti i ty _t h ., 6, 1 t ,,,,.., 1 ,,!,,, t 1,,,,,, ,„,,,ti, thirteen ,i_ed ''s ni , , ,,,,, i - a . te e,, L, , eke , : „.,,i,,, two er „-y car and
lution has been dictated bean anxious desire to :Live .intl t
, t.irtte-ftairth degree- ea,: fr.. • I: m Ile,' and twenty packit.: h.iti, , , !trick Til,XiOti room ;Mil Sala illiii. Stll
- from the ra.lks of the lid fly, Zllei secure the a- i.tet to a -,i,iLii, il.eni , i i_iloN-iiiri.e t"..ot tiv . i ,cites to , ble and cud -heti-. Seized tool taken in execution an
reild'ocY of D'in 'cr ili - Pri ,, ii , ;''' I , "gil in the' Smti ! I t , i ih t ,-...d he e ite, b ee c ete ii i IL:', .11 . ;WO' ~ 1 1, In 14 - tit" pn . pt . r V of rite said Aiexan-lor NI Anderson and
and Ihr""4101-8 the IThir"it In art i • ",•'; at the, '''"'H" - urtt, liHrig part of out lot Nte 24. At , it Mary N Vile, looms. BObinstiti, at the -ii't of Pollard McCormick •
sion, I have consulted no hunt in bet ig. It is cntirrly by deed recorded in book 1 . 3i. Tate , 517 , ranted and ALSO:
m y o wn spontaneous act and proceeds fruni the clea. et-t. einiveyed to -11 , 1 AC. Boil 171 ft• •. on watt•ii in erect- All the right. title, interest mul claim of H utry
and strongest conviction of duty, e d at , 0 st o r y brick l i titi-e and other building?. : C an i t ,ltelh of, in an d t o, the following . described prtip
\Vhilst thus till:in.:tiny leave, an your candidate fur ALSO, t erty, to w it: all that certain piece of amend situated
the Presidential office, I ant animated by a sense till All the right, title, interest and claim of Alexander C. inthemy o f A P ez l i eny, being lie No 34, in the plan
profound grate ode for the unit:unity and entlins.iti.t.in I Bell. of, itt and tit. a certain lot or p'ect• :if ground o f A le g lieny 'I own, a nd extending in front on Ohiost,
with which you have urged my elevation to the hight•st -ituate in the city of Allegheny conary of Alleginny 1,0 feet. a mid in depth toCety alley 240 feet. Also. all
office on earth. TI i feelin g ?}tall
-: - •Li rent '}" en:graven on and " t "''' " t. l '''"`"Y lv ' t ' t • h "'"" h ' d ar" l ' l ""cr'h'd a: , that c email piece of ground situated in the chy of Pitts
my heart until time fur me shall be no longer follow-. to wi': lie.lineette. on Bunk lane, nt the corner ' litirgii, extending infant :in 3tit street 4S feet 6 ineltes,
When, in.lanuary last; the Democratic. members of "f I t 'l' "r th B ` - ' Nl''''' ' ''' l'"• an,l r"""'"" h% the th e "'e l "'"} in dePth "'""" 160 Iv"; 'a which is erected the
our State Legislature, in their letter addressed to me, Beek lone 33 reet to let now e r I,te of Mei,' Dinell . y, . ; ••Forrest Hon-e - ' and other buildings: said lot or piece
‘• presented my name to the Union a: Penis , \ 'cameo'. them- at right tong-•s with Brink lane 8 porches 1. , the 'of evened beine subject to en annual emend rent of
dose n said ti‘er a line parallel with $120.3 I. Seized and taken in execution as the pro
favorite candidate for the Presidency." 1 mode some i t t ' t " mi ' er • th " mr "
o b, ervat i o „ i n my answer to chichi I i t e ,„i re to re . Batik latte 83 I.'cl. :yid tOefli , 8 perches to the place . p ,,rty of the said Elem.:: Campbell, at the suit of Daniel
call your attention. I then stated that if the Demo- "f l'g i '''' i " - t• hu'i"-"T the s."nt' piece Of gr,llind Whieh I D ea l & Co.
Wm. Dew.' th tad us ife, by deed recorded in book
cracy of Pennsyln3nia "Stlitiltit resolve to offer my
i' page 210 &c., Granted :Intl com eyed to the said
name to the National Convention as it candidate fci •
the Presidency, with tllat degree of unaumit y which A ''''''"'' i 'r C. Bea in re .' S i ' t '''' t a r" l t'ke' in ex""ti""
a n the pronerty of the sail AleXlilltier C. Bell, at the
could alone give m iral force to their recornint:rid aim',
,• suit of V. K. Thompson Sr. Co.
I felt that 1 ought not tit counteract their wishes. ALSO,
This. I tm proud to believe, they would do with un- Al rho right, title, interest and claim of Thomas Ne , -
exampled unanimity: yet, every unprejudiced man m ith, otf, in and to, all those, tw .. certain lots or pieces
who has observed the current of politral event. of ground. bounded and described as follows, so wit: I AlSO:
since that period, must be cone iricanl, that even the Nit t beginning on a2O foot alley, running from Penn 1 All the right, title. interest and claim of Lewis Pe
great moral influence of Pennsylvania with her sister
street to the Allegheny river at the distance of 93 feet I terson. P. ter Peterson and Jamee T Kincaid, of, in
States would be exerted in vain to secure my notnina- tiorthwa tally from "rain stmet. thence along said ally% and to, ten lets or pieces of ground, together with 2
Lion. Libeler such cit en msta 'ices, ought I. for any per- i nerthwerrilv to the Allegheny ricer, thence down thel two story brick houses, siteated in Pitt township. Al
sonal considerations, to suffer the great State, which I same us entWaralV 51 feet. thence at right angles with j leglieny county. being lots Nes 149 and 151, being the
has bestowed so many Lonnie upon rne, to ask, the' Penn street southwat - dle to an alley 10 feet is ids run- same that Thomas Scott end wife, conseved by deed
first time in her history. fee a Presidential candidate ?Wig parallel with Penn simet, thence along said 10 to James T. Kincaid. Seized and taken in execution
of her own, with a certain conviction, on my part, ; ~. trit tt
I wet e% eastwardly 51 feet to the place of beginning, an the property of the said Lewin Peterson, Peter Per
that the request would not be granted! Should Ibe i tee:ether with nine feet Of the said described 2,) r,..1 ternon nit:liar - 711'5 T Kincaid, at the suit of the Bank ci
the means of placing the Democracy in a false position;
alley, being a private alley; being part of Int No. 44. Pitt-burgh for use.
-which yet their high sense of honor and the noble in the general plan of tut' city of Pittsburgh, ts had, ALSO.
perseverance of theiecharacter, might forbid them to l willi
to, 1, - ke g Esq., b y i ii .. i i„„d rill I ,,,, ii _ ing iiiiii ,
nbanion ) Tiask the-e questions, my heart tells
T. Ail the right, title. interest rind claim of Elias Phil
mc' I the fir-t diS of Ativist, A . . D. 1323 granted amid con- lip:, of, in and to, all that certain portion cif a tract of
is to answer them in the negative. Every ftitrilingl
" : I veved to Tivitria- Nesmith and James Cargill. and the land sionite in S , 't Clair town-lip. be:nide:l by lands of
gratitude and of duty dictates, that I should leavc
' het " I said .tonne- Cargill and Alan his wife Its deed d a ted .lotus 12,,.,,,,,, by the m,,,,,, , ,„i n d„ n,,,,, by a tr i nt ,„,
to decide, in the National Convention, among the can- il the 19th d is • it - i ii „,,, A. 1)." 132- 7, and recorded in lar -nip of land in dispute among the heirs :if Johndid-,ten,
didaten, whose prospects are more promising. I the office for rtamtaling deed-. Sr.. in the cnuitty of Ai. ()mist , . Sr., and by other land. late of ()herr Ormsby,
But a still burgher obligation rests urn: me. In myi t ~
t t egitenv. in hook N, .el. 31. I , a , :e tet•te k e ., etented deritt..beite.: the SI me tract which w it :convoyed to said
letter, to which I have already referred, I declare that' and eonveyed to the said Tivontis Nesmith. No. 2, Oieer by John Urrnnhy. he deed the 23,1 of .Ibv, A D
"the ptin'''Pl e s nml the success of the d'r"cratir par-1 beeinoine on Penn street, at the corner of a 20 feet 1801, and recorded in Book N. raze 321, of the re
ty so is m - i n minamiuthly transcend in importance o
pl evat ir- nt o f a ny individual that they ought not the
running parallel w i t h Penn
' a tee, toettre rattne said alley 3.3 feet 1 , 1 a 11) feet :dies curds of Allegheny :mem, , bounded and described as
-tteet, thence eastwardly follnws, to wit: Bet'llitlillg on the southwardly side of
ieeperded, in the slightost. degree, by personal partilth
almig said 10 feet tillev °0 6 -et, titeece soothwardly 25 Carson street, at the di-tance of 120 feet wentwai thy
ity for pith , ref the candidates."
And again:-"If II feet tit r,....,,0et, tilence along Pena Street 20 feet r„,•in Brown street, thence extendint , in t"tont on Car
know my own h eart , I should mast freely i .,,,,i g . i , any I t „ the phit•(.l,l 1,..- z oloitic , to7 ,. T he r with, 11 feet of the sou street westwardly 100 feet. and itt depth smithward
pretensions which the partiality of friends has set up for I .. , , ~ i n fret alley, being i
sato r e t.a•rtet, "., it. , \. otetig a pri. we alley.- ly, p r e.ersitte the same width, 261 feet. het weetl the
me, if by this I could purchase harmony rind unatiinii-1 Being part of lot Ni,i 45. in the general plan of the Portions of Sarah M Philip.; nnd Jane Ortnsliy's chit
ty in the selection of a Dernoexatie canditla:e."
I city of PO tstelrZil, which James ,plums and Nancy C. dren to Sarah street. sublet - I to an alley 24 feet wide an
The time ha s "w arrived w he n I fi ,- I m}-'4,'l( con- hi s w ile, by di tel bearing date the 24th day of .bone, j deset dent in the proceedings in partition of the real e--
strained to apply these principles to my own era,-
nice ' A. D. 1835, atd recorded in the othee for rectirding j tate ttf the said ()dyer Ormsby, dec'tl, in the Orphan's
It in true that I may not be able to seem e entire iinatt" ‘ 1,.,,d, & i .... i n i t i ,, county of Allegheny, in book Z 2d. Court of Allegheny county.
imity in the party by withdrawing my name from thel, iii.
.0 .
t pa,g.e 130 &c.. granted and conveyed to t he ALSO,
list of candidates; bet yet 1 s h a ll re I
I .t tice their number,!, :aid Thomas Nesmith. Seized anti taken h. :execution
and thus diminish titer - dements of discord. The Erect i a i . c the •Ale . Nesmith, . the lll !hat other perien of sold tract, beginning nn the
s toe property tt, said tomes
moral and numerical At reng,t h tifl'etinnylvaniado which .
south aphis side of Jane street, nt the corner of Car
moral of AlAlones Ptonam.
her uniforin self-:at-rite-rag - patriotism add: a dotittle I ALSO, elite- -le eet. ii.iirw,i extending along Jane street east
force, will then be felt in all its power. and mac docidel the „ i wartik 240 feet 8i incho- to (Thy er street, thence along
the contest in a manor r satisfactory to the entire Dam -' • right, ' •
All n tole interest and claim of F,dward M e _ , 0 , i5 ,..i.
street seethe:ll(lly 261 feet to Nlary street.
G arr , of, in and tn. a rertain lot or piece of 'ground ;he n ce a lin e: Mary s treet westwardly 210 feet 11 :3-3
net ncy of the Union.
i }toweled and described „,,, e , e „„.„, v i ne r i„minerteing inches to Caroline: sneer, tbellee along Caroline Streit
I can proudly is that since I hays occupied the po
sition of your candidate before the ronosr, to whirl) icm (~,ail lane, at the distenee of 75feet 4i inches from nnrrhee ardly `eke" feet gi inches to the place of begir
d runtime south by blush Bradv's . •
I was ass - kneel by your nn rilivited kindness . , I have Tannehill lane, an ..„
. ' line 61 feet 4 inches, to n lot Oivned by James Hughes,
done literary , to tarnish your fair fame. Entertaining i ---
'• - • - l thence by said Hughes' lot 19 feet to souther lot of .
the conviction that the glary and perpetuity of our •2, All that certain other portion of said tract, beginning
1 lime , 'holies thence north by said Ile-Idles : lot 6
institutions require that the highest office under lieu , ' • ' - ' - oon the strathwardly side I , f Sarah street at the corner
Ifeet IA ineltes to Cool lane, thence by Coal lane -1
en should be the ardente! yid() (lithe only free people 1 - • • of Phillips sit-ret, thence extending in front on Sarah
' ' I feet to the place of ben.innin , on whir h is erected a
upon earl'', I have totally abstained firm. all personal 7 7'
,beet E. 1.`20 feet to Sarah II Phillips' lot, and in
Ewe story brick hou=r'. rite said lot or piece o f ground t . .
efforts to promote me own soccer,,. depth alone Phillips street, preserving . the same width.
lama a part of . • •
I ot Nn. 46 in IV \V Fetterinatt's plan
After what I have already said, I need scarcely. n- , - , 64 ft et I. ,lane street. sultiect to an alley described
- of Moine Baldwin. in Pot township. which plan in re- :-
gain repeat the pledge I have se often given. that I t to the proceedings ' ,f er e:a - ie.
i • lett in Beek F 3d, vol 55, page 251. Seized and
shall firmly support the nornieee of the Democratic c 'c' ALSO,
taken in exectition an the property of the said Eclevnial I
National Convention. he suit of W W Fetterman's Ex'rs, for All that eertnin other portion of said tract, beginning.
To my frieeds in outer States who have deemed me McGarr, a t ' • l ' nn the N side of Cnrnon street, nt the corner of Cnro
worthy of their supnort. I tender my mint grateful use.
ALSO, i line street, throve extending nlnng Carson street 228
thanks; believing Ile t I shall hest promote their we s h es IN r• l it No feet. 7i inches to Sarah NI Phillips' lot, theme along
for the . rio land strength of the Democra• is pat , 111, All the right, title, interest and claim of 1 lame -
the senile at right nnrles with Carson street 1006 feet
withdrawing cram what they nei:t now he nati,lit';:l ble, of, in and to, all that lot No. 51, in o'l - 11m's ex-
__,: .
t 1 to ‘N at, r street. thence along. \\ tom gaoler
would be a hopeless contest (et-the nominatien. tension of Pittsburgh, bounded by Third street, by lot '
363' feet 24 inettes to Cement , street. end thence along
In conclusion, I can solemnly declare, that the only No -19, by Ross street nod by lot No. 50, fronting en
Caroline street 934 feet 107-8 inches to theP litre re
solicitude which I personally feel upon the subject of Third street 20 feet and running brick to lot No. 49,
begin g
nin. subject to Sydney street and Wharton street
this letter is that ycin shall be satisfied with my con- un which is erected-a two story frame house. Seized
and to three alleys, in same manner as stated with res•
duct; for next to the approbation of my God, I value nn3 taken in execution as the property of the said Wm. ,
Sarah ALshare,inthe"
t pect to. Phillips'
you continued favor far above all other considerations. Noble, at the suit of Robert Wighttnan.
JAMES BUCHANAN. ALSO. I partition aforesaid; and having a two story brick dwel
t .
ling house thereon erected.
WkstiTaGTON, 14th December, 1243 Ali the right, title, interest and claim of John Seville,
d2B -3W
of, in and to all that certain lot or parcel ( f ground
situate in Allezhem cit.:. Allegheny county, Perin-rr,l
vania, bounded and descriord as follows, to wit: Tie-
T.iredreZ on Robinson street, at the distance of 36 feet
wei,t front the nortweit corner of Robinson street and
Isabella court, upon the line of a lot once of Wm Scott
Harris, thence Sonth at right nagles with Robinson
street 110 feet to Ann s:reet. thence along Ann street
west 18 feet, thence north at right angles with Ann
street 110 feet to Robinson street. and thence east
i along Robinson street 18 feet to the place of beginning;
being parts c,f lots No's 174 and 175 in the plan of out
lots laid off by Wm Robinson, jr, subdivided into town
1 lots, and situate in the Reserved Tract, opposite Pitts
burgh. Seized and taken in execution as the proper
ty of the said John Seville. at the suit of Solomon
Schoyer et al, for use. _ _
All the rit:lo, title, interest and claim of Lewis Pe
ter,on, Peter Peterson and 'unt , T. Kincaid, of, in
aid to, n ceitain tract of haul containinff '237 ncres,
more or less, situate in East Deer Township. Alleghe
ny couniy, adjoining a farm Intel* owned by Letvii
Vet:Non. which was sold by the Sheriff of said county
to James Wood.
ALSO, cotter of Robinson and Corry streets at tae cur t er of
All that certain other portion . of said tract, beginning the house now occupied by said Irvine, thence along
on the S side of Sarah street, at the corner of Ormsby. Robinson street Westwardly 297 feet, thence at right
street. thence extending along Sarah street westward- angles with Robinson street 200 feet Southwardly to
ly 312 feet to John street, and in depth, preserving the Kilbuck street, thence Enstvrardly
thence Nrdly
feet to Jane street. along Corry street 200 feet, to the place of biginninte
ALSO, It being the same lot of ground which Wm. Robinson,
All that certain other portion of said tract, beginning Jr. and wife, by deed dated the 10th day of December,
on the S side of Carson street, at the corner of John 1836, and recorded in Alleglr3ny County, in Book DI
street, thence extending along Colson street E 168 feet 3d, page 10, conveyed to the said Wiliiam A. Irvine.
to Sarah M Phillips' portion, and in depth along John ALSO,
street S. preserving the same width. 264 feet to Sarah All the right, title, interest and claim of William A: , - 1
street, subject to an alley described in proceedings a- Irvine, of in and to or out of, all that certain
evclot of
foresail. ground. situate in the City of Allegheny. and dribed
ALSO, as follows: beginning at the corner of Bank Lane and .
All that certain-other pottion of said tract, beginning Rebecca street, and running thence along Rebecca
on the S side of Mary street, at the corner of Joseph ' street ahour29 feet to a lot owned by Henry E. Rheam,
street, thence extending on Mary street E 163 feet to thence Northwardly 129 feet to Bank Lane, thence
Sarah M Phillips' portion, and in depth S along Joseph along Bank Lane Weswardly about 29 feet, and thence
street, preserving the same width,264 feet toJosephme Southwnrdly about 129 feet to the place of beginning:
street, subject to an alley as described in proceedings It being the same lot inter alia which Wm. Robinson,
aforesaid. I Jun'r. and wife, by deed dated the 24th day of Octo
ber, A. D. 1337, rind recorded in Allegheny County;
in Deed Book, I, 3d vol. 55, page 255, conveyed
the said William A. Irvine; seized and taken in exo
cution as the property of the said William A. Irvine,
at the suit of Robert A. Campbell.
All the debt, title, interest and claim, of Alexander
Smith, of in and to a certain tract of Laud, situ: te
Pine Township, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, cal
led Rich Hill, bounded and described as follows,to
wit: Beginning nt a white oak and running by land -
warranted in the name of Peter Adrian, S,uth 861,
West 258 perches to a post thence by depreciation
lands North 31d West 194 perches to a post thence by
lend warranted in the name of William Alexander N.
861 East 258 perches to a post. thence by laud war
ranted in the name of Mathew Ernest, S. 31 East 194
perches to the piece of beginning, containing 233 acres
and allowance, being the same tract of land
which Mary Robinson by Deed recorded in said Coun
ty, in Book E. 3d, page 479, Sc. on which are erected
a good dwelling house and out houses—Seized and
taken in execution as the property of the said Alexan
der Smith, at the suit of John Johnston.
All the right, title, interest and claim of Frederick
Haley, of in and to all that certain two story brick
house. forty-two feet by thirty-two, situate and erected
in the fork between the Birmingham and Coal nal
Turnpike Road in one acre Lot of ground in St.. Clair
Township, in the County of Allegheny aforesaid, whitit
said Lot of ground was rented by said Frederic*
Haley from Joseph Allen. Seized and taken in exe
cution as the property of the said Frederick Haley, at
the suit of David Prosser.
All the right, title, interest, and claim of Robert
Kyle, of in and to, a lot of ground being the one (luta
half or division cf lots NO. 19 and 20, and part of lot
No. 18. according toe plan of lots !aid out by Thomas
Wh;tesides, as recorded in Book 0,2 d, page 491;
which one equal half part of lots NO3. 19 and 20 and
20 feet of the one half of said lot No. 18. are bound
ed and described as follows, viz: Beginnin- at the
junction ofiCual Lane and Gum Street. running thence
WE'S, WOrdly along Gum Street 82 feet inch: dint the said
20 feet of lot No. 18. and thence inn southwurdly di
rection through said Int No. 13, a di itance of 50 feet
including Jhe 20 feet aforesaid) to a corner,
th-ece eastwaedly by a line drawn d!rectly thriingh
the centre of said lots No. 19 and 20, and 20 feet of
No. 13. a distance of 82 feet to Coal Lane, thence
northwardly by Coal Lane to the place of beginning.
to Pitt Town-hip, Alegheny county, on which said
piece of ground is erected a two story frame dwelling
hon-e. Seized and token in execution as the property
cf the said Robert Eyle at the snit of John Potter's
administrators. . _
All that certain other piece of land consisting of por
tions of both tracts and bounded and described as fol
lOWA to wit: Beginning on the south side of Josephine
street, at the corner of lot of C Wharton and wife,
thence extending along the same south 4 deg 36 m.
west 66 perches 19 links to the line dividing the said
two tracts, thence south 54 deg 5 m, west 43 perches
16A links to a road 50 feet wide, thence along said road
south '771 deg, east 15 perches 4 links, north 54 deg
5 to. east 52 perches 17 links to a corner of Caroline
Ormsby's lot, thence by the same north 4 deg 36 m,
east 62 perches 21 links to Josephine street, and
thence by the same north 85 deg 21m, west 21 perch
es 231 links to the place of heginning, containing 12
acres, 1 rood and 75-190 perches.
All that certain portion of the second tract named in
the writ for partition as aforesaid. beginning at asu,ne
on the Brownsville road at the corner of C Wharton
and portion, thence extending along 25 rood
south 171 dog, west 24A, 2A of a link to a stone,thence
north 33 cl-g, cast 157 A. 161 links to the eastermost
boundary line of the said tract, thence along the same
north 8 deg. cast 22 p, 23i links, and thence by the
portion of C Wharton and wife south 83 deg, west 153
p 13& links to the place of beginning. containing 21
acres, 3 roods, 36 4-10 perches. (excepting therefrom
I the coal as stated in the proceedings af.resaid, with
regard to Sarah M Phillips and Sidney Page's portion)
and having a small dwelling house or tenement there
, I on erected.
All that certain annual ground rent of $38,40 issuing
oat of lot No. 5, stated. in the said writ for partition
already referred to. The interest of said Phillips in
all the above described property being a tenancy by the
curtesy. or life estate therein Seized and taken in
execution as the property of the a id Elias Ph I ips,
at the suit of the Monongahela Navigation Company,
for use.
all the right, title, interest and claim of Elias Phillips,
of, it) and to, a certain piece of land situate in St Cl sir
township, Allegheny county, and bounded and descri
bed as follows, to wit: Beginning at a sugar tree on
the Bank of the Monongahela river, (distant from the
eastermost line of Birmingham by the courses of the I
said -- north 81 deg. east 31 and 19-100 perch
north &81 deg, east 30 and 16-100 perches) thence
sonth 41 am west parallel with the eastermost line of
Birmingham 20 perches, thence sßuth 8b deg,. ens:
22 perches, thence north 41 d,e. east 20 perches
more or less to the Monongahela river, and thence
down the same north 85.1 deg., west 22 perches more
m less, to the place of beginning, (being the same pre
mises conveyed to the said Phillips by C S Bradford,
Esq., as admittistnitor of (direr Ormsby, dou'd) and
ltayitiz a frame saw mill and one or more dwelling
houses and tenements thereon erected. Seized nod
taken in execution aS the property of the said Elias
Phillips, at the suit of the Monongahela Navigation
Company, for use.
All the right, title, intere;trod claim of John Pitt
ter 5,,, of, in and to. or out of all that certain lot or
piece of ground situate in Pitt town:hip, Allegheny
county. being :nark• d and numbered an Lot No 14,
the plan of the of out Lot No 2, in the
manor of l'iti.luirgh which Fuid p'an in recorded in the
olilee for recording Deeds in Al eit c , unty,i.i book
3:1. Vol 61 page 5'30, bound..d and (inacriheri na
folielY., to wit: Fronting . on Coal Lane 24 feet to lo:
No. 13, thence along the line of nil! ha. N. 113. 10)
feet to alley 20 feet 5 inches wide, thence along the
said alley 24 feet to the corner of lot No. 15, thence
along. the line of , aid lot N 015,109 feet to the place of
beginning,, on which is erected a two story brick hou4e,
All the right, title, interest or claim of John Patter
son, of, in and to. or out of all that cortainlot or piece of
ground, situate in Pitt township. Allegheny countv,be
ing marked and numbered ns lot No 15, in the plan of
the subdivinien of out lot No 2 in the manor of Fitts
burgh, which said plan is recorded in the otlice for re
cording Deeds in Allegheny county, in book M 3d, t , ALSO,
Vol 61, page 530, bounded and described as f:ii- t All the right. title, interest and claim, of David Wil
lows, to wit: Fronting on Coal Lane 24 feet thence by 1 son, of in anctto all that certain lot of groard, situate
the line of lot No 14, 109 feet to an alley 26 feet 5 inch- ;in the City of Allegheny. bounded and described as
PS wide, thence along the said alley 24 feet to the cor- l follows, to wit: commencing at the comer of BNIVOI
ner of lot No 16, thence along the line of said lot No. street and Water Alley, thence northwardly by Bea•
16, 109 feet to the place of beginning. The said lots i ver street, sixty feet to the line No. 47, thence west-
Non 14 and 15 being the same which ‘Vm. Arthur.). ' wardly by the same one hundred and finty three to
F,,,q, by article: of agreement made the first day of g round of Matthew Stewart, thence by the same south-
April. A. D. 1837. a4reed to sell to the said inlet ; Pat , wardly by a line parallel wiih Beaver street, sixty feet
ter-on, and the juily,thimt in which this len yis made to Water Mire, thence lw the same eastwartilt one
being for part of the unpaid purchase money. hundred and forty-three feet, to the place of beginning
Sei7ednrad taken inexecution an the proper:)• of the on which are erected two three stnry brick dwelling
said John Patterson, at the suit() William Arthur. houses, and one two stet"• frame dwelling house, and
ALSO. other buildings. Seized and taken in execution, as
All the right, title, interest and c aim of Bryan Mr- 1 the property of the said David Wilson, at the suit of
Donald, of in and to a certain lot of grinned, situate in j William Fitzsimmons.
the City of Allegheny, on the corner of Craig and Ann iALSO,
streets, whereon are erected a tires story double brick I All the right, title, interest and claim.
of H
tra u
c gh
of Sand,
house and other building+. Seized and taken in exe- ny, of in and to, the follnwingdescribet
cation as the property of the said Bryan McDonald . , at situate in Pine Township, Allegheny County, begins
the suit of Walter H. Lowrie. ning at n white oak, thence by land of Hardy Rundle
ALSO, north 31 degrees west 3861 perches to a y,ost. thence
by vacant land south 88 degrees west 41 perches ton
All the right, title. interest and claim of William A.
pont and black oat. hush, thence by Thompsnns land
Irvine, of in and to all that certain two story !mirk
Sitilih 3 degrees east 25 perches to a rasafras south
house, situate on the stnitth-west corner of Robinson S9 degeres west 218 perches to a white oa' , thence by
and Correv street.in the Bortmeh of Allred - Icm', extend-
Nicholnons District line, sou.h 31 degrees east 312
Ong i.froni northwardly ft omCorrev street along Robin
perches to a pont, thence by MeKinneys land north
Olson street, and at the distance of fourteen feet there
„„d h, d ept h „„,,vd,„.nrdii, alOng . 881 degrees east 259 perches to the place of beginning.
from t wenty three feet, Containing 499 acres 3 rood+ and 26 perches more or
Cereev street nevem\ -feu). feet including the hark
with the ustial allowances for roads &c. Being
part of the house (that into san, the front part of the l e ” ,
th ,,,, ; _f ew . ' the name tract granted to Hugh Sweeny, by patent
said house in t wenty-three tee . m in front by
dated 3,1 February, 1830 enrolled in Patent Book
in depth, the pannage leadi tg, from the . front to the
H. vol 28 page 64. Seized and taken in execution,
hack part is ten feet in lengthby seven feet in width, ;
property of the said Hugh Sweeny at the suit of
and the hak part is thirty feet in depth by fourteen , as th e
piece i Bernard Bur
feet in width, and also nrninst the said Let or
f ground and cartilage oPpurtenant to said 'noose.-1 A nd to be n'.d hy
F. TROVILLO. Sheriff.
Seized and taken in execution as the property of the t
. Sheriff?, OfFee, December 2111 n, 1343.
said William Irvine, at the suit of Watt & Puttenon, ,
for use.
T/4 " se '
N reference to the Market in the old Court
All the right. title, interest and claim of William A.
It vine, of in and to all that certain three story brick -I-
Se C 1. Be it milained iind enacted by the citizens of
house, situate on the south side of Robinson street, in
Pittsburgh. ii) Select and Common Councils assembled:
the Borough of Allegheny : Beginning at a point
That it shall not he lawful fur any Butcher or Drover,
twenty-three feet west of Correv street and at the dis-
I. to txpose for sale any meat, nor shall any person ex
twice of fourteen feet from said Robinson street rind'
extending in front along parallel to said last mentioned pose for sale any description of Fish, within the main
building of the old Court House; but the same shall be
street the distance of twenty three feet, and in depth
southwardly parallel with said Currey street, seventy- exclusivel y res e r v ed a"d appropriated for the sale of
country produce.
four feet including, the back part of the house (that . is
SEC. 2. Be it further ordained and enacted: That
to say, the front part of said house is twenty three feet
any person violating the provisions of this ordinance,
in front by thirty-four feet in depth, the passage leading
shall he liable to plot a fine of Ten Dollars. to be re
from the front to the back part is ten feet in length by
covered before the Mavot .or any Aldet mem one ball
seven feet in width, and the back part is thirty feet
theicolto the use of the city, and the other half to the
in depth by fourteen feet in width. Seized and taken
in execution as the property of the said William A. informer '
Ordained end enacted into a law in Councils, the
Irvine, at the suit of Watt & Patterson, for use.
ALSO 26th day of December. A. I) . 1843. •
WM. ElCHBAUM,President.
Attest—E. J. ROBERTS. Clerk. C. C.
JOHN SHIPTON, President.
—ALEX. MtLLAR, Clerk, S. C.
All the riht. title. interest and claim of John M'Mul- !
len. of in. and to, all those two certain lots of ground
situate in Pitt Township. Allegheny County, and num
bered in a plan of lots laid off by S. Colwell. Esq., in
the minor of Pittsburgh, and recorded in Book A. 3d
vol. 50, page 19, as follows: 109 & 110. each lot hay
;rig, a front (420 feet on Overhill street, bv - rt depth of
100 feet or more, to land of Wm. Wilkins. Esq.
\el7ed and taken in execution an the property of said
John Nl'Mollen, at the suit of James M. Jeffries, for
MI the right, title, interest and claim of William A.
Irvine, of in, and to, all that certain lot or piece of
ground, "invite in the city of Allegheny, renn'a. and
bounded and described as follows: Beginning at the
I'l the right, title, interest and claim of Samuel Mc-
Kelvey, of in and to, the following, described piece or
M arcel of land, lying and bring in the sth ward of the
City of Pittsburgh, "rooting on Penn street 350 feet
more or leas, and extendi:.g along Harrison street to
the Allegheny River 650 feet, thence along the Alle
gheny river to the line of the Saw Mill property now
,9\1":1e41 by the Shoccberger's, and thence along said
lie , . soul to Penn street the depth 670 Feet or therea
boots. on which is erected five two story brick build
and tw o ot hers owned by Mr. McKelvey during
her life time, :he above d7seribed property contains
six acres mar.' or lea. Seized and taken in execution
as the property of the said Samuel :11 1 cKelvey, at the
suit of Homer, Bell & Bowen.
_ _
All the right, title, interet, aid claim of James Par- .
vi;, of in and to. a certain lot or piece of ground, sit
uated on Franklin a , .a Conrrss -trews being the cor
ner lot on the south sine of Franklin street. accoriiink
to rite plCr. of lots laid out by J. & A. W. Black, con
taining (twenty-me) 21 feet fronting on Franklin
street nothing back (ninel2.) 90 fret cn Congress
street. Seized and taken in'execution. as the pro•
rertyof the said James Purvis, at the suit of the Rev:
Jona Black, fur use
complete assortment of German and English
Almanacs for 1844. Please apply at. Minis' General
Agency and Intelligence Office, No. 9, Fifth street.
ioa- No. 1 Pnisian Blue, in store and for
sale at the Drug Store of JON. KIDD,
Dee. es, Contr . 4th and Wood