Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, December 28, 1842, Image 4

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    • 14 , 01. 1 40 1 0 181444 - -
.*: 4, i - 4 sobs At* . 5. , Eon*. fro
tridelhisv,rairphetifttliirtwarins the petite that h!,
Plved reddyawade. coffin WarehrittOkto tin;
..- • . !tonally ocenplithy Si r. R. a.. BerfildlOiventrl'..
- otd stand, vvNi*he is always rarel,Nuitid
pUy to any oiddra tO his line, antt.'4o l 4it r at*
• tq therletsidaiirihninishiess of arhinisklitti4ei
Pliillefit trabllct &ttrident: Flo Wittttaprtpareb
r. noon -to provide 'fisitses,_ Biers, Carriages And
site cin the is itber.il ter tie. - Coals front the
be pfOotptlyintendedin.
ie'fn" sato; banding with hie WaVe
• -•
Skiise - titell sartices :Indy Gild !Alb
iteritssficez: •
• 4 tux, SOIIN BLACIS.D. D.
• Otrpiirtiril**4`'' ssattr.h wtz.t.tv,iss, D.
1014:14.,'I'ainnilti • • It6V. JOSSNI SEAR,
'141r01,1:41-41111(144 'REV. ssilES DAittS,
-2 kmr,.,-
.srp:si-1...` -• HoRsR,RILI.S,
rePAt i4 ":" . ~ ' . VISITING CARDS,
Zlii: ''' ' ADORE-IS DO.,
/ 4 k' ' BL'Si N eSS , DO.;
ag v r a lt s l4 . .. f c , HAND RI I. GS, _.
41 ,..
Vi . .E... ' tADISG, CIRCULARS. kc, 4-e.
Vt . -
F{9 O P .
every.description of Letter Press Piths
#lOOO wi); nestges3 and despatch,
andAon mode
mit,,al the office of the Da Ilylßorning Post.
- - 2 - a.
w O_______
_ . _
_ . . .
....4,,:raon.crea oft-AcaßAvArpe DISEASE:—This
clams of individuals Is very numerous. They are those
who wont in an , unhealthy nimosphere. Prinlers„ work.
4ittiii In'terilhee,strirei, stone cutters, bakers, white lead
~_.. lattieturera, &esti took or ' less subject todirsease BC,z
2. nittci 1 lieelvettith 'of their constitution. The only
lioilt,o prevent 'disease, Is llic occasional use, of a
11leivitfelt abstracts from the mreulailon all delete ,
Wrircirs,arid - expel. theta by the bowels. Tonics
ailjr hirtlit are injurious as they only . -,ut off the evil
NisffitAiiirelt more fatal. The use of Tirandretli'a rills
44ittl#Ais health; begiuse they take all hoot re .mallei.
..; liakrie-thle:4llcind;"and the body is not . weakened but
riettetteil by their operni ion, rtir these 'vataDhle Pills
' cr!tot force. but they assig nature o yd are: not opped,
llllrhtnioniV,* whit her. . ',,' :et ... , 2
Sold al Dr. Orandreth's .otfte, , ~Np. ; 98 Wood street,
Pilitt_bu nth. Pr tee, '25 cetill pet liVivith full di; eci i;,eq.
MitliK..—The' Only plaee IriTittaborgh %Own: , I lie
VIIINUINE I Pills min he obtainedjiyhe Doctor's .ow a ( tf.
1100; tild.-901Vood street. ' . . .. s e to
:WSW LIOTEL.--"rno subscriber "ef4itidepuily
111 fur Ea his old friends and the politic that he. has
oPeOvna. ifTempernnce Hatel,in fifth Street, near the E
JillingeSank..and In the house lately occupier) 11 , ' Mat.
.thatit Patrick. and has hoisted ant ton 3 i 'gn, "The Iron
Iliotel,n , iv here lie will he very liaF•i•v to accominta
rtitie.tilk..stlio.triay please to call or. him. HIS' ialije
AMP he provided with the best fare: and every rstrisible
istedfalirtioilation to town and cutintry custothers and
. 3 .
*fewitoarders who wish to lodge in their stores or of.
.ficas, cast, be taken, and eentleinen who psi" out or town
pn.laivetheir dinners daily.
rte.'ilas.largeandgood statiles, and the best Hanand
apil wood Hostler, and will accommodate travel.
eri and gentlemen who have horses.
459.aritkere taken by (lie day, week or year. Charges
iii.o4;iiiticlerate than at any respectable Hotel iri the city.
'ned rite late residence of James Adam's, Es.,
dittileideilL'ibr - the reception of visitors and, boarders;
iheAblise.'"Eo %jury piensan'tY satiated no the hank of the
f)it Mlles from the cite—possessing ati t i re dow„.
rut acccuNiacdments of a.country residence, without
IbeiiirloW far &Stan for persOns dOilig business in the
Visitora.will be furnished with cvo-y delicacy of
trie t l4 l s o o: :: • •
Omnibus runs regularly every lieu t the Alle
ibeny end oldie lEirldtho. ..
IL—No Alcohohc.heverageS.keilt.
sell 10 C. ITER N.
F VIM UNlON'—Thecnp .ul'
nbeship 040,14 Irtwric'n James E. IC•Ilootro and
-I.l2ol4.slottan diroly - ed low oaf consent.
Ti4 . o4ntliVons vOlll4l dilly noticed; with si2naturrs
- ..Orbuth afttitzed, and Barry Ball will I. e , continued
OpOnilirthe subscriber lifiol other ayraligeateuts al e per
For vie, oil the prerqb , ci, I'so Ltd.:. rlinit a , winter up-
Pleo;lrkprNed for iiiimercli:oHy , E. ICI LEM; R N,
gi*V44ttrt . 9, 51arlv,et,noll 74. From st,
. ~----.:._ ..5...2 , J,olinFon, puukhkoders and Paper
• .. ......... ~: ..,u,e,. s. W. ruiner (4 . Wood and
-- ---'• ...2: Feuri '. street?, are now pttpawd to, er
• --- --- ecuie. all 100= of. Liookbinding ahlt Pa.
f•,. --
•—, .. I:er Ruling wit It .treal ne=e and despatch.
. C*- ll' • • l books ruled and hoormi to
lify, 11.11teri •
-pattern at tilt oncn=t notice.
..,,,41; . 8, AllVork done ire above hi warranted. (..rep. JO
• ' •
.Sur gran Dentist, Itasysturnexl to
hig. old stand, No. 1.07, Smithfield Street,
yrilre•-.he,catt Ue contiolted any hour during the tiny,
'lll4.bi*-professio • sett to
L.—Geor,le Armor. Merchant
reslieetfttfly announces to his friends and RI-
Irons, that lie has re:.inved hi , al.lish meta from his
- 6'ld stand, in Third reet ,to the. orner'nf Front and
Smithfield, in the has..,nent - siory of the Monon g ahela
Bonne; where lie intends keeping on hand a general as.
eortment of Fashionable Goods, suitable for Gen.
I,lcinett's wear,
He hopes, by close a p : ,iira I inn, to merit a share of the
vastness so liberally extended to bin) at his old stand.
I4.ll.lllavitvg made arrangements in New-York and
Philadelphia, with the most rasbionahte Tailors, for
the reception of Paris and London Fashions, customers
ma-yea:tit* having their orders accented acccirding to
the 110fM1-9111e* GEORGE ARMOR.
Sept 10
LARD OlL.—Tha Subscriber would me.nt respectfully
inform the public in genera dint lie liar an arlicle of
aLrd"oll of a'superioequalit V. manufa dared at the Cincin
;tidbit Mannfaetory,hy, ft.W.Lee 4- Co.,w hid, in wit rran•
to liabe,.etipal to . the,liest Sperm. Oil, both fur Light and
Ilitiefiinkty.. This Oil is entirely free front any glutinous
Oatti , i;iirittitte; or unpleasant odor; mid it is as clear and
At w ite lig apring water. tiot,a particle of crust is left
....' • .i -t o . :PhaA= l %4%l ,l : l' l%W -- aitt iya •
11 : : 1 . 1 6 9 . ' t'S°.rin Oil. The subscliber infor
iSlit.3 ! ,11411. 7 9 .: VP . place l n -1
pookttht ha a near y 4 ppo., e t he the
1 • 1111ig, Where Will lisbt up several di ff erent lamps
'T" ' ♦ f - iniiiir and he would respectfully fiiviie the in •
r i i iiiiTiti a Pittshurgh, A Ilegheny ,and their vicinity, to
e ta tko drign for themselves. lle, feels confident they
~‘n t , einiluaid thalthe above statement is perfectly
i. `Out of two hundred iridividunis, who have t r i e d
'Dll.,thete,haa not, been a single fault
.found with, it
.„ 3A t iapti coals o ne' thi rd . less than S,Pertn„ lle,would
ti ttitApaiiircit the early attention of Dealers and Ma.
0 ' th the abciie.
tg o.
. following Churches are now iistris - the Lard 911;
i .43talitilid P.tesbYteriatt Church, Pitt-i•urgli,. _ ,
NOW CneriberlaiulPreshyterian Church, int tsbutgb.
... - -arta Prephylerlan Church, Al:ealle4 City,
-- W
_Be d C.ll i li,- do
- 1 - aw rime II c , , .
AM tiwbOM:ll; tdibratided 'R; W. VE 0. : 4.. to„cincin.
*0 Onto,
4 - ,, ,, .f.t':-
Pittsburg tine
r.".i*ei4lieuelle3letied.:43lPtaln3 or the b a „ t r ied .81Id are
Astelteket, ORA de Pea nay kania Ca ton
anal...tide of Lard Oil int:.
and uniutithosired by It. W. e
,ratite iu O•
besi:gper' 111m.4,.... that the al•olie equal
dot:ally ober &awns matter wiinteirerfrirtrgr4e . r:el
itiljusportr.skutr and,brilliapt,,aud will laat am .1.00,,„ - jair,1
etAbirnl4“.(ol.l Atianlity rot Sparla, •
Illiejiimflo,beistitatiun reeiunaseadinrix to oar firkiatia'
to 01 119 a who Ilde Oil •
TRUBY.C,spiaill,Packei John Adapts.'-
."4 1 PAili.PACTLAND., oaptaid, , riteliet ..IfAapflultflell,
. do , do . Joke Mlldkdan.
,ithall.:l3l.4:Mi WON,
~ :ltiese,llll.s are .t. tipagoied 01'hgats,,t,Vulftrt ,eigr:t
sto-, ialliri 9 Pr. :AF : flea rt , give fli).l4ist . t, ,9T'
ijir 0 ti - ihs:.grier)
.. - :system;, itic Ylacid. js tjuiet:iiirla
e ta vOilitlirid Yiiiis elretilailon - through all ih.eliekipli,
irlifewl- • Itf Cir ski-‘ lll O -9 .9 41 0:tV41ktiiftitil.r;.ttriiie
..ref,(VtliliAeßiAPat . 1 0 o l Ltbit:Fq6eo4l4.'6FAlT . b944 , ,,...=!r1
*kw, !.I,HAAM4leinoP l 7 : ;:o"re Is g -Ft 6n lc*li4X . tiPr 4 lfs 6 X . :
iarteryveavOtion, ono . tiqaieketied ti"ot bin oT Its'eolisaTftell' ..:
1,4:4 . exitolettl:, of disettesslyg vase's. ,41p i v Topritjd , .voion , ,
.Ztif'l►ll7lle4a take is e kE rt P44l Ai! r° e 30 4 0 4-
—14410 :01 0 4 1 #404 , ' 13. i. ' ' ,1 00.1f4
... ',:.., i,4lt: -•'.'_.., .. - -,..-4
iiii 0 '
• 7"'. , -,:',4;,,', :
...•:.;.: ...4::-,-,,7-..z•!..vf,F..f..-
't - ! .:1 " --.-- '''' ' '' " - * - ::::VtV, " 1 . - 4,6oiik, /0.44 21' C . ' ‘•
iiil4llflitFejfkilAl .46/Pft*lgsfer4oo',&-ttiPict
'-11:: 'Cittnnireas4.legtifliiisktnlditnalilog,,apprOpria ti rtu i t
for such.peresoarrottieettiito,finVeteett paintlyrthotoded
fiti - the general apprOpriaillair,hillimrithenit antberity of
klaw t and to fix and provide; for certatn..-Incidentat ex
opetismi'of the 00apinetit, and officers of .the Gave , n-
..nimt, and for other
,p,4rno.tes;" approlieil AniaSt 26 .1
1.0.4,2";,..fieited Proiiiiials will be received ii.this Depart-;
-meat until the thirty•firstdaiol DeceMber riest, for fur
nishidg for one yeiir.eiriongir tit the option of i he Depart
ment; the following deseripiloos of illankal.fsir tile use of
Post Offices in ibe States of Pennsylvania and Delaware:
, Mails ieceived ; ' .
Malta sent;' -• • - ' - - o.i "
. . . • .
Account,of Newspapers .and Pamphlets: re• .. .„
• ectied, '
, 1 '-- ' ' ' .
' fdrillsreceivedaillistrtbriting Offices, r 12"
All the n.
AboVe oemall reyar paper, at 1e5t,22'14 171
ldclies, Printed oit Moth Sides and frial.ruled;With not less
than '42llit'es on stiyage. , , ,
fll ails sent frOM DistAbiti fog Offirea, „12 Reartis,
' tairiessize niftier il l abeve;,, but ' folded ' lengt ItWise, and
with 50 lines on'a y e.,
~ 1 '
'Accounts Carrent,fimiscap, two on a sheet 16 Oeainti.'
In ontlity'ritil Oelikly" ftegiitere; foolscap; '
~ •
filer en a Sheet . ; .... " 9 0
Post hills, f r oolicap, 12 on n sbeet,w,itheut
Post Billii, foolseap,l2 On a sheet', with
1 •
-' slanatures, .
„., ;
P*l3lds for Distributing Offices, 9 on,a .75u R eams..
~. .
sisheor ; with:signatures '
Post Bills,lfor 1 1 - liStrikutitag °thee.% 6.0 n a
sheet ; witb,signaturcs„ .. : 1 .
The proposals will state the price, in one sato,. per
ream, for each kind of blanks, for paper, priniiny,, rt. , lng
and packing;` They are to he delivered in such qtiantl
ties, and or stunh (lines, as may - be required - by Ylietilff,r
ent Post Offices . , and on the requisitions of Postimistefs
endorsed by the Postmaster at the place where the con
tractor !any yes id ,e,t . None Will be,CoPlkidered SS delitf,r.
eg . or will lie. aid for, except On sgefr requiettiontl ,
l ich requisiti, o n , or,quentity. ordered,. ttc. be'lkerttrelY ,
env tipped.° r pac ked;-tot' tranisporrntion, and..-directed to
I lie,PostOffice, at the, e 4 y pease of the coiritynetori • • .
The right is reserved of reject ng any , bid .which- may
Le considered extravagant, and also to.. give to. any one,
bidder the printing for one - or more slates adjoining the
St ale of his residence; and each proposal most be Accom
panied by sufficient evidence of the ability of the-proposer
to comply with the lerirri v icf his-proposal. - •.
The sll:te.ClAlSrti I bidder will lie required to enter into
contract, with surety„ in strict compliance with the prop
vision of.the law, to which bidders are referral. '
Failure to furnish titan ks . promptly when ordered, fur
nishing those of - inferior quality as to paper,' printirig.
-or ruling. or any attempt to einde• the true meaning of
the contract,wilthecteonsldered sufficient cause for its
forfeiture. - , ' •' : ' '
1 5. ay merit will be made quarter-yearly, one Mouth after
rhaexpitaticin of each quarter.
'PIM blanks must he equalyo the best of those now in
use. Specimens may be seen at the vitilnus Post Offices.
- The quanlitiesinentlonedahove.are from the besi'es•
ti.mates that oan bernade for one year'sconsumption; but
they, may exceed- or may Call short of the quantities re
quired. The Department does not hind itself to any
specific quantity or amount. •
o Prot *sets" should he so marked; and addressed to the
t43econd Assistant Postmaster, *General," Washinston,
D. 0. . - n23-..iitd3l
oualii.coADs and C P DON' eea'
‘..) SOO for ip9 . 9).."9vp c.but plaints is now at hand, and all
persons' Who 'are sultjected the Inclemency of the
weather are rest - leo:folly informed that they ran.had.
COVERT'S i3.44.)t OF Live whicti is a ell known, to have
cured tionsAnos,' who were In the last stages of Con
sumption-. 'Certificates can, be produced of Its wonderful
TAILOR'S 6111,3411 OF LIVERWORT is another remedy
for Liver Complaints. Caught and Colds. It romeshigt•
15 .recntr mended by all who have used it. and is pleasant
10 take, and speedy in effecting a cure.
P,E#EK'd Hos¢Roean CSN DV.--This is a highly veinal&
and pieasani mcdirine; it will effect a positive :IDII certain
cure far Colighs,Colds, Con sionytion,and is an effectual
cure for the Witoosiso Cortina. This lea very pleas
ant medicine, all are fond of it, and children never refuse
to take' st; its cure is sure and positive. TIIP subscriber
has a certificate of Agency direct from .1. Pease j• son,
so there can he no mistake. All persons Who are effected,
are invited to call and not delay, for the tine to take
medicine list the comtneatentent,
All the above medicines can alwa - ys be procured at
7'UTTLL'S EDICAL AGENCY. 36. Fourt stree t,
?)::',l - To Dr. l'noner,—My Dear S ir: theerfulty and
cordially embrace the present favoiah'e opportunity to re-
Luria to you my warmest thanks of giritdude for your nn
et - penned and unexceptionable' invention of your very
justly celebrated Tea Berry Tooth-Wast,and I fed that
lam in duty bound In say that htve derived the greMb
est and - inost bestefirial eiTeet from its frequent and Mode
ate use: and I can assure Von that I ant exceedingly hap
py to have the pleasure of informing-yeu,that-sincetely
and cordially sneaking, T can in justice recommend its fre
quent use to all that unfortunate portion of the imam I,
race throughout the globe who are now undergoing lie
most excrticiating pain for tbe want of a medicine prep '-
ration of exact lit the same nature of whirl' yours is prepa.
red, and who have for yco.rS 'been suffering from the in.
jurtetti,destrurtiye and perniciOus effects of worthless
tooth potvtirrs rind other worthless preparations. In
ronclnsion permit me to say that I have used ynur Tooth.
Wash but for a - short period, and ytt I feel thoroughly
cOdyincca that it. Is the best now known, its inestimable
virtues In preserving the teeth, (which ii kept in a good
and liandsonie condition, is the greatest enitielishmebt
that adorns the human structure,) are not to he excelled
in rasing and relieving the sufferer from tooth ache, and
restoring the gains to a healthy and purified.condition, and
giving also a svi , eetness anii fragrancy pia disagreeable
breath hitherto unknown:
THE Committee on Lectures of lite Wirt fitatitute,
for the Fourth Cou rce ;respect fa. I y a nnou hce to the
nubile, that they have made arrangements to Commence
the Lectures on ;Thursday evening, December 1. The
Lectures of this course will be exclusively Literary and
The Committee, desirous of maklue the Lecture Room
of the Institute a favorite resort of the lovers of Liters
lure and Science, as well es;the.fashinnalde. have spared
no exertions in, prinutring poputai and talented Lecturers,
both at home and abroad.
beP ' titiliet l ttK 4 WitialMAßil.P.Pl nr the T.PotnrPre Will_
SAM. L. D U _ EY,
M 13: SC Al FE,
r t s: MA L LINE of Si
ii ,
lininiiiii Nuen.er Steam Pack-
V' ; tis ; aril Cinciii riati to $l. 7.4.109. .
'he ace ,aldrdirLfaitruimiii, 4. it Lt draw ht steam
Pneketp lyre& IVind and .IsfonintriiCivill run .11s, regula.r
rackets,l)*Cittelnpatiio SI. Tomig,Will leave-Cia ,
eintluttanT, Lou is 'woo , Wednesdai'iaeirolOg,.l2l. .10
.. •
o'clock .
Passeng4 rrnin the East and Vresd. may re l y noon
their t.artlar pl,tionatip ne j adyertised.
M. C. tune, A gent:
1EA,Z 1 .46E 41(.4
Laces - io t a Ribbons,
Wide and narrow gate,
Lace oial Muslin collar.,
faint track waists.
Ladieaßrench Kid, M ohair.
Li4l4T4gilt-Sknd 0 13 11111 "e g •
thwicALOhair nelathoigethi—very cheap
A 4ateennotiailent or , Enellsb.ftraw - Bonner.
Also a varlet, of Straw; ptlido and fancy Tuscan torald.
extZeOinZlY tow rates.'
71:4PAtti?, ore /Oil& liititigg. At 4151c0p et4t 1,..130 1
• 7',
'A*l l ol lB otagrbiti 4 C,R ll ... 4, 1 01 3 , 40a 6 e-''
• ` , X" 3--- •
, ,••-' 17 • 1 ••,f v 4;
- it rt , 4; e" •••• • ••A
LANcAsveß,Oct. 2d, 1842.
Accept my sir crre wish for your sUrcess, from
Yours. truly, Josqm SHIMMER
nay 9 tf
' 'lllls -intiliitde rerbedy he's 4weierved . hundreds
~‘ ,, h erk HOught prat recovery, from convulsions.-Ac noon
as thg syrup le ;104d oii 4thn gums, I. he 'child will rent' V.
er. This prone:lllbn is sal niiiie.ent;iithecacinus. and so!
p l e avet r that nr>eklia will refasii Or lei its -innis he rail I
lib sit , IWhemrucontsareat-the"igtor Partrmontiti
. - iheri is rie ef4e;leal -, of teeth, one' bottle of t: to
.1 7 1 i
/up Mould be iiSeai' - ' l4-44 ^. 4 ' Patents /40)141!
;jiic*4r he whingevibe syrep -ha , 4 tie li . 7 ...,......,,
erft.,..ditheten.for ir tvehltd seakee lit rhe night- nqii i
-pilivin the gouts. the Syrj.th immedlatetr• - sives ense,lq
zopenkog i he iries,land healing the gents; thrirebi privent- 4 ,
ing:Coltht,ons, Fevers,' e. For Sale.Wisoletahi andi
.Rglitiikv 2, ; ' " " ; At: r...§7gt•TiEtt, itgiet,; 1
"gap I>r .- .*'` No. 29. Wand otrett; 4:o:iiiii , s. 4 4oiiii
e ff.7
) J 0.4904 [STORE, Xo. i St.j.
. ,
rise • • '•• • '•-•••••••' •
4 •
igirAtOca•al . - 2 -W-CP1 11 F 01 ,0 4 ; ; " 14111 5 te 4 1 VM.
I '
aatt mmt
ititil,litter*-acati . elx Xs : attSr , ;:hArtuptlint„ . ot. rotinit'
tiialtpSOkru.W .io"ellP 4 '.
severally pia t thl4.asgOWN
tirocT,that erect is -mot to prostrate the bodyp-As.tst
other., medicines, but-the frame is invigorated-by the re
moval of-the cause Of Weakness, the morbid, yitiated
humors frorri the.blood,
Harmless in theumelvet,-they merely
• • - ' AstairrNe.roas •
rolltrow oilt•the occasion of steatites foist the body
and they require no alteration in the diet or clothing.
In fitet. the human body ishetter, able to sustain with
out injury, theinelemerie.y.of the Weather, white ander
the tothmoce grade) erection, destreyillt,.&veltradirm
tlog'.3l-elbcbtif thin at any tither tithe. .., • 4- •
Thetinportanee . ,og llrelkdrethrit:'Pai fiti seamen and
aßy the timely use ()film Medicine himmincillittaiety
nd Si,ektkess. tufght. we. not prevent., celd,,Billiotie at
feetitiMsOlyptius., Scat:let and (evemet ftdt kinds•wentil
.Ve.naltitownt . .But Where alciruces .does...ttalatv.let
told, let the IlltliPlDltrall'S,PA.l.S.be at onee
Ow. the Remedy_ niay heepti,led, withoucati
titer loss of Itatatetaaattso—,-,.
Ittandreth 4 a Pills Mitre stood:a seven years' teal
la thelquited States,' , ,
That they urea vegetable:and. innocent rnedidne, yet,
ah pOWelftt r.rOtr the removal of disease, whether chronic
rece et; infectious or,otherwlse.
'That they porify the Idite - td and stay the further pro-.
storm tlf disease, in the humanbody.
Tuat in jnaoycaeca, where the dreadful ravages of
Ulceration had , teld,bare ligament and 4hollei. end w here,.
TOM! appearance, no human means eon Id ears lift,, have
patients by the pie Of . these pills,. beet; restored to -good
health. the devouring disease having been complevely ,
Mot/leafed. •
'That each of the genuine has upon *tee COITISIOUT
That each label, has two signatures of Dr,„; Benjamin
srandreth upon it 'l,,r•
•:t 1 44 11107r4 .9 1 80L , M !kPAn each 6,gyL - I*i,;;4fertAkures.
' '
IL:PaAiinfirra, p.
Ao,4thrie „
.B.stutaus. BRA.N.O4I,IiTIL.
acute (oversee-et' tegttiree+tte OVachation to rng
hem a fterrect crisis.and solotytn,,,und shat even by
stools, wit ch must .be promoted, hys'art .w,hen
oes nut do the business itself. On.:;,:thttl-eccount , an
iii timed scrupulousnessabout the weft:POO the body
Isef bad consequences; for It isrthatwltteitAnems chiefly
to Ma ke evacuations necessary, which ..xta t hre. attempts
er.tne humoreare fit toheespeflet,Lbut not able to
accomplish for, the most part intiresestiseirses; and I can
ati f irrn,that,l have , given a purge When the "pulse has been
so.low that RP-mild hardly he .rell..and the debility. ex. -
' reale, yet both-one and the c thee . have been restored by
it" I`lie good efrect to be derived (cant the Brandreth
Pills have to be experienced to be fully believed. By
theictimely use neither the, scarlet, the i typhris fever or
small pox woad evern&utne'theirMirtignant fotin.
To a pprechitelcklberrati eitent,the tneututtlattle bone- •
fits of BR they. must be used when
tiie First Symptoms of Disease present themselves, One
dose then, and their good effects will be *I/throughout:
the attack—Pr INTAKING THIIIN IN TIME thegreut
secret in the cure of all appearances or disease. ariAng:
from' bad blood, and 1 presuMe there are tets/ at the pros.
ent day, will say ;11q thing of ttiose diseases which affect
the body when the bleadls pure, Burb diseases T, have
yet to see.
Hoping thalsome whoread this md'y be beriefitladdOt
doing. 1 ain respectfully.
the public's servant,
8. - BRAM:METH,' 61 . D.• •
241 Broadway:New York: •
The public will please observe that ho Brapdreth Pills:
are genuine .unless the timt - tits tlifee labels itpoti fit.
each containing. a fac simitie Pityllattire of my hand.
writing thus—B. Itrondrelh. These labels nri - engra. '
ved on steel, herintifully . disfgriedi and 'tioneut an ex - ,
pence of seveta I t honsand dollars. Iletlietnlier! he top
—the side—arid the bottom. • - '
Ent red according to act of Congress fn the: 7 ear 18.11,.
Ity Bet lamin Brandreth, in the Clerk's Ofilre in I he ' Dis
tilet Court of the So , them District of NeW York.
Dr. R. Brandretit's own offire, - No. 98, Wood Street,
Pittsburgh. Only plr.re In Pittsburgh %Mete the genuine
Pills ran he obtained. Batch Agent who sell> the true
Erandrethhas an engraved certificate hf - Agency
renneedeveiy twelVe months, and tins entered Ku) hands
Of $5OOlO sell none other Pills than those , rceel - veti.from
. R. or his special General Agent. Mark, the certlti.
Cate le till enetaved except the Dortoi's name, ' Wllich is
in his own hand writing. Oitterve, on each ee ti tite - nle
lijere is an, exact copy of Ibe i bree labels on each Los ett
graVed thereon. purchaser. see ' ill :I the engraving of
the lahel.9, on the cc-tit - mate eortesTond with those on the
The follOceing are Dr. Benjamin Rrandreth's Agents
.(or the salt: of his Vegetal le Universal Pills, In .Allegfte
My cooly, Pa., who are supplied with the row labelled
Price 25 cents with direct
Principal ()dire, No. 98, WocteEtiael, Pittsbur
Allegheny, Mr. Sous DI.A.Ss.
McKeesport, U. ROWLAND.
&ewer's Tow n, CuEssusu k SPAULDING
A LICKANDEa As Ate. Clinton.
EcwAP.D THOMPSON.Wilkinalnlegh•
poRGE FoliTan, Fairvicw•
East Liberty, DANIEL NEGLEY.
PREssLay [Recur, Pleasant Hill.
DAVID IL Cana —Plumb Township.
• WIC. O. HUNTED— Allenisnill. pep 10
PILES cared by the tse of Dr. Ilarlich's 'Compound
Strengthening and German Aperient Pills
Dr.Hartich—Dear Sir—Shortly after 1 ' received the
Agency DOM you for the sale of your Medicine ,
formed an aceptatntaime Wilt a lady of this place, whit
wassevereiraffitcled with the Piles. Foi,eiglit Or ten
year's this lady was Subject to frequent painful attacks,
and her physician considered her case so etimplicated,
that he very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Thratigh
my persuasion, she commenced using "emir Pills, and was
perfectly cured. Yours, 4-c. JA PA Eti,lt. Einar
October 3. 1840. , C,Oambersbug, Pa.
UrOffice and General Depcif„ No. 19. Nail' Eighth
re,et, Philadetplita. ittind by . Samuel Frew,. cornur,,of
Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. sep 10
~ ~ { y i~z
k , alarmed byD.r.Storgyna.s
ry Flavin. made ii.e °fads invaluable qycitplifirt
which entirety cared my child: The symptoms'
mhee.ciii,g and chatting of phlegm,,dttchity Of.hreathing t .
at tendedwit with coustint c.ough, spas nis, ccakvitisions,4c,,
of which I Pail, all ltopesig.its Feeovw,,. untii I
was, advised ,to maketrtal of this_ invaluable
After th.e.etTecis had noun, niyettitd, and, ;on•
eluding to make the same , trial upon myself, t whicl en''
tirely , relieved me of a rough that I Wan afflicted With for.
litany years- Any person wiShing to see me- eatt-ca at
car house to Bea eh/Street, aboViattet aeon:
We call tbn`ntienlinn of the' public to the' numerous
certificated which have - been In clients th:m iti ou r paper .
end some others of this. -
eicy v recto/ unending . I)t, ,
SNOATNY . EI Compound Syrup' ed Wild Cherip;We'hase•
* l E ll e 0 0fiinal Airtilleatend irnVeuodenbt WI they,
come from trxty gratefu/ hearts, exprz-vivitof I halierlefits
Illcy Jaye received. from valuablu,nompotitid.
We have acquaintances, wOo haxe Frequently hied the
above medicine, who .can speak with confidence of kis'
ylttues.—Seturday Citron:44 - - ,
fet.tow.- -sincerity .1 ~would advlee
yon, one a ndith; both sieitAnri :well, always fo pave
bolt le of .1:1,r Elvirrirgest:ompowld-fyrup of Mid - gherly,
in yoorltonsr-ft la htvaluable ip oases elnerbeney,r
as Shctin of. Blood atiacica'of violinti
ofieyi the cause of iphtins'nr: blooa s ,
Violent Nervipa .Ajtectiont3, which ()U 6444014 p ernr
from labs, :and vari4nra ",ottfer.caimes, proffictne great:
aiWym, sudden colds fiord infproper exylentrn,
are Often let- rnn to an alirmlog „extife, fair wantiof
means being' reedieat bhudi—snit its LI live used 1:1r.
SWAYNE'S Compound 'Situp of UtNerry repeatedly',
InckYrr!4 ll l l l*44 l ihi arwarlt'llthr, 'Plated' elldeeee÷: 1 ,"e!1P 4
recommend it , coatideoce. ariuelng one of the x beeti
Tatnlly"pifdielnei wlitefilias - §keetleen b'ftered to the;
pubtir Okioniire: ",' ' •
Ford liyVOlii: - Tborri, hgeol,
Toy PhfOutkii.' teo.# l'firrkelPt#Ti.
IVIIIKTI 14.1 i4RBER—Mere/mu .7iiiise,--iesintetfully
, . Insozmii -his friends' , t.ii. She- prinikv.ditetierrii ,
.. _ .
m itt i w 4,.. r ,,,,,,mw.,,,f.,t111, 7 c ! nr-s-P. at 4 , 40441-Aatket to reel.
;erand - door from the rerner2nf , FTnnt.#4biirklin'hscns by.
strist'ilitentinti.4o. ittutinesa to it:tdt*of--ptiblie.
ri T , ling* ~, ...,,.„ , -,..-,.. „.-- ...,,,...,.,; ,: : , :,,.... , ... ,, I q
* Of'
,izirs , - Viii9i 1 10. 1 05444 411 1...10 1404 1k . Y
1 5.,_ _Hi*: $,Mi1e4g4,2,04101.0Ait, :... . g r r
12Chttiiit a iffilie - ''
'- 'T-',' - ' ' -
. . _
1 ~ ~
f ~ _..
- - :.,*:., - OkA
- " r
".7'reeF"` -• kt
Mltitieurclititttnio4o. A
eortiki\nA"vsitity,44.;%.c.iiittigleti there siiftatAil
times enable her to introduce the latest fashion and shohld
Wedges himself - to" iteitfoOrefilbitig Of 'the racist`stylish
drisefiptintf, an Pare Oct na-ehotorde. •'`
II is with corifidenee 1-wiTrench
anktr,DPOlßF"VO'Pli rse Msr liscl, TO Z YP JAlßseistalr,loerli
OcanurDidery, which is syperior, to anything,yet intro
thrtittiri , this cm' it includes IldbY Linen, Connol
teark'Oriebuils; Capett ditto. Ber
thas for Evening Costume, Celhas Cuffs, Pocket Band-,
;C:4"is, ghleh Witt be
444; 10 limit 411,140 AP* slll,;(irMteloigi Wt .
Mrs. T., is ,waiting the .a vat ,of her. Bonnets from
Ettrope„jil... Me: stre4l;,hetween Liberty . and
Four si refits. - •
sePt- Vr-411r. •
. ,
, ":
11. tt. :civil. P. II • MILTON.'
GR ' 4 ' ll AN I'M . 01,t,%/re have
.I.•:removed thetrUllirC ial ftee'restiltnee of H.S.. Ma.
gia?r,on Fourt•t st,t tiro doviiiiihove
' , l * ' - '4V A R.6IIO6SE(=-16. Aiiirt A
t Street, :Between, Woad , ftii,p4l 43.
doorirrprn ttie'Orititr.of Aadpirect.- ,Con.
• iitainly on hand inassortment of AO riiady made
„baFFlNS.,,of,every.sizr and , descripkion; covered
- Willi.. Cloths :ftfahogtank, • Citerry, Black
. Walnut, Poplax, aod Fine Collins. • •
A LS.b, Plates neatly. engraved; Hearses and Carriages
furniQhed; Graves: procured; and all '-services . renderee
that friends may. requite.'
A credit given is ail cases, either of coffirisor carriages,
requested. . -HENRY. BEA RE S, Undertaker.
sep 10 , • . ••,.
. _
... _
175 Brum. %yiii,TE:hirdE,4, supe r ior . asiiele , ter
sale by . ... . ,
,J. G. 4, A. Gc)R.DO N,, .. .
. - N0.. - .12. Watepstreet.,..
Jiistreeeived front . New York, 3000
V Tem fie iineo,iiklitia nap for .1843;4500Clcolli .05 ?(IIIe
'Journal of the A41,9 . 101'1 TeMperaneeytiion and Youth's
'Temperance A d r, Sy pt eMtiur. 4 41440_00 Olt is
thtn Alt/tan:lP, add it gAWit assortment orimotois's Maga
zind a rid Pltt anitfilioFranklin MagaZiap autt Com.
`mon A Iniatiat's for 111'0 , - ; by, the gross, dozen or single;
t5O copies , of Graitt'S'sevitittsburgh and Allegheny Bu
siness Diretor y' and Strangers Guide, for 61 'cents... A i€o,
Cottage; Ftniily, S„,:nool and Pocket Bibles_ and Tessa.
merle, David's esaloisi Methodist Mid Temperance Hymn
Books; the beauties of Harinony, Introduction to Sacred
Music: Mason's Darn With round and patent notes; Christ.
liarp,and almost all kinds of School Books; Gunn's Do
mestrc bay; _Books and Ledzers; Writ Let•
ter, and .Wrapjling Parer; blue black, and red ink,, by the
gross, dozen ,or bottle; steel pens, quills, Plates, pencils and
wafers; Cyclopedia of tjistory. W9stern Pilizt, and a con.
ratile variety 9f Books and Stationery, for sale on tic
enimmorTat ing terms for cash or country prqduce..
ISAAC EMl;Rla,Agentand Commission - Merchant *
No. 9, Fiftlt street.
J.K. Itloottutio. G. B. W PAIN lER.
;UNION COTTON FACTORY. Alleghe y City, of the
end of the upper bridge. The subscribers having
commenced the manufacture of Cotton Yarn., Shirking
Yarn, Co.tor! Twine, Candlewick, Carpet Chain, ratting,
4-c., and lire prepared tr fill orders at the e.hortest notice.
- Having select‘d lite latest end most Improved machi•
nery,and employed the manager who has attended to the
TiCleX FACTORY fur the fast five years, they are ihanufaetu
ring !mu isitrade,'
411,q1; made to order,
- the Pittsburgh ro-t Office or left at the
$t • t et 4* Co., Liberty street; or Logan
will meet wah prompt Mien
ddreas—J• K. oor:11E 4'
D . CO
firliD I.IMA (.4,5 . ,- 7 Thei e is a large ems:- of Peinates in
.....- this Cit . ti wit . ° frow their continued slit ing, to{{
-their occanztionS oblige I hem,are a ffected with cost l eneSs
Wiiiel: gives rise to it the heart on the le St ex
ertion, sense of heaviness extending over t lie' whole head,
intoterance of light and sound.an inability of fixing the
'attention to any,mental operal intro; rumbling in the bow
els, sometimes a sense of suffocation, especially after
meals when any exertion k used, as sours quickly up
stairs; tem pre tickle; these are symptoms which yield at
'mice to a few dosrt..of-t he Ora rid rel It Pills Tire occn.
.sional m , e of this medicine would save a deal of trouble
and years of soffering. o,le, or two, or even three of
the firtindreth . .Pdis just before dinner, are of en found
highly l.ett, fi , :ial; many use them very :Myatt , naeott,ey in
thi- Ix ay; ettey aid :tad assi4t digest ion, rest ore the bowels
lob prOper condition,elitiven lite spirits, impart clear
ness to ilmcoMplexion, purify the blood, and promote a
general feeling of health and happiness.
Said at Dr. 11 :locket li'S Offme. No. 93 Wood street,
Pit shitr.h—Price 2.5!c0nt3 per box, with full directions.
m - A nrc —The only place in Pittsburgh, where the
D EN 111 N 1.1 Pills can be obtained, is the Doctor's own of
lice, Nu t..tB Wood =tree(. srp 10
STRUMENTSI— y. Cutler awl Sureiral
lastrameat Mahar, Third streat, nearly apposite the
Post Oilier, Pittsburgh
rhysicians, Pentios and Drutrczists can have their in•
struments =deb): the subscriher of a superior quality
and at Eastern prices.
Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand.
also Hatters hears, a superior article. Orders respect.
fully solicited. . .
N. B. Allarticles warranted of (behest quality, and
'obliine done as usual... srp 10_
LEVER COMPLAINT.—This disease often tenni
natesin another of a morn serious nature, if pro.
per remedies are not festorted to in time. In all forms
of this disease, Dr. Darlich's Compound Strengthening
and German Aperient Pills, will perform a perfect cure
—first. by cleansing the Stomach' and bowels, thus remo•
ving all diseases frOm Hie Liver, by ttie use of the Ger
man Aperient Pills, after which the Ca'mpound Strength
ening Pills arc taken to give strength and tone to those
tender organs niltich require such treatment only to circa
a permament cure, These Pills are neatly put np in
small rincknees, with full directions. For sale at NB. 19
North EtgliCStreet, Philadelphia: Also, eor sate hy 'gem
eel'Frete:corner of Wood and Liberty eta., Plush - nigh Pa.
.neti 10'.
A LLEN.ICRAII ER, Exchimge ; Broker, .No. 46, Cor.
nee.. of . Wood ;and Third. Streets, Pittsburgh Pa.—
Gold, Silver, and Solvent. Rank notes, boAght. and.sold.
'Sight- checks On the Eastern cities, for 'site. Drafts,
notes and- bills - , collected. •• ,
• _ .• RUMMY-NOM:
• Pittablirgh,P o ., Wm. Bell 4. John D. -Davis, F
-Lorenz. 3. Painter ,t• Co., Joseph Wood well, James May
Pkiladelphia Alekander Bronson- 4. Co, John.H.Brown
Cincinnati, 0., James IVl'Candless. St. Louie,
Louisville, W. 11. Pone, Esq.
,Ite?litlVAL.—Theitndersignedinsiettveto intorin
"ifte:pithltc - , that, hetafi reafaved from Iris' old stand,
to the Corner of Nen Bt. Cititr 'sts., oripOSlte the r.a
chailge Ilotei, where he has fitted tip n large Ituiro
wits fOoet. and 1i0w,06,5 for stile the most Splendid
assort mentOf PrAttoseirer offered in this market.
flis pianos consist ittr different patterns, of superior
Rose Wood an'dilatiognity,heintiftifly finished and mo
deled, and tonsil tugted throughottt of the very beet ma
terialg,whic.h, for dtirahilltf;atUf qiialitv of time, us - well
ait touch, he warrants to , be-superior to-any evertacen
As he has enlarged his manufactory, and made cursive,
..meois to Pll pplg the increasindeman& for this, Insnt
ment,-.. he respect rally requests those inietidieg to pur
chase to call and r.xa mine his asortrnent before pttrtha.
stall elsewhere, he is jinterinitied_to.seit,rmypta, for
carti.,than any; o f her esiabitsltment. Mist n't xim*r of th e
Matta ' • • 'BLUME;
Cpiner of Penrfanil Bt telaitriirii,ts, -
' sop 10 OPPOsire the Bralinrm notel,l s ll,4hilil4 Pa.
NV'''A-RRANTED ergl'i/Tnir,,Dr. William
' - Evans's"- Cantondle Poe, • •• - , .„ ~
Diartricaudia.-=tetiesSioni tite - finn, Als''Wm AP:thel
lan,gut dean County, ,past Teililennen,MErtiberCirCOh'gfesia.
iN i kinfuntrrittn.:Sutio4l; 1838.-
Str-;,Sincetliage itemt_tic OM city .t' Itare used some of
your Dyspeptic mehleine with infinite benefit ' and- ,satis.
_faction, atui believe tt-to be a most valgithlecianedy.- Out
of my - zonal litientli, Dr. A.'-eirden, MlX , W%beil - vintnly,
Ten!leever.s, wrote tome to Seod - , WM. tame, whtelt 1 _dtd,
-and, he;hp* niployed -it very l aneepssfally „irt,hia practice,
eitii-zaysit'...is „Invaluable: ; Mr. l'altnalltf;rinr- agent at
thbi.,Platee tido - hilltop 'mould probably Like ea-agent in
l'ettuersee. -1 f att,i'stotitit recOmtnerid Tit:4 Carden., air
a proper perpon PyixfiorinveAkrifvflOsortotir -ratetwated
ineilithte.- Shottltiyou contabeilMillitut be is:' , Witting to
awfar.yon.- - Top -tan send theatedichur try - Water fa-eree
cave of ' ItObert nista.* - 'S o no,'ll-noitirilie county ; 'Deana.
see, or by land, 16 - IGrafiaml 44:44 orneton.„„ l'inetvell,. East
t ile
TemsOsee.... I: have nq tiontt , you had arena In
several counties loßastTeans4ee, lareat dealt:sf- modt.
eine:wouldhe a01d.,...# airt going to take some of•'it-haute
for my own use, and that of my: friends, .nortahnuld
libetoliitar from you 'whether , you would Alm no avert„
st I=lttnrvittn i l- VllrafiC , lu.rny_ r..a,t 1',.1 - : , .. , -, , , , - ' ll ,II ~...•
re`,""f:".%'yis 14.441,"550e•
4*ll4ll6Vll944ll!!? 7 4 , 7 w itittotiti 4
-14 i , L ANgIi 4 I .- E - 1 4 '17".7,,fri
A--..„--..isifaiza,ziar,z4lll,ll-. •
,~ _.:~.
• r#!f
ittsaurgif,Juitelg,lB.39Me Jr>stt .
Derstrra:-Diiir Sir-,-Haertg -heen'Present.
'yeatertlay, at' the expert meat which Yon Wire Pliasedlo
make; in the presence of a numbirerourbusittessirien;
of t he'safety of our - I RON" CfidSTS; itgle trrei : it
giies me Pleasure, to sty, that so far as I was capable of
lodging, the test was htir,i and the result' exceeded my,
The Chest was , a small One, about 30 nches
abourtTorltftneheiiibreadth and - death, and was
ced on a bloCk or wood abtaut a foiit 'in thickness, ad as
To elevate It about - that helght ficiat the ground; several
hooks and newspapers Were deposited Inside of it, itt the
manner in which kterchats . and 'others would tistrally
rilaCe them—a large anant ty of Iklit pine wood Islabs
froninn adjoining Saw 111i11,1 was then placed around
and-above it-, rind the ftre-kindied-outhe-windwarti side,
so.as to drive the flame 4MinsttAtilisick part of thee - hest.'
The tire Was kept up about t Wet nitarters of an liwar,
until pia had pile amatigithe spettators .and receiind
from hem' their uhiverstir answer 'that the test - Was
sufficient. The chest - was then drawn- ouV °tithe fire,
and cootee, and opened, and exarnined. The contents*
were all safe, and the only injury done was to the back
of one hoot which appearedto be alittle charred.
what I witnessed, I think; t hat, these chests ate desert,
• ing.of confidence, as affording, per ha its,thc ltestaecurity
to Merchants tor their books and papers, Willett they . can
have without building large,illick,ptid expensive vaults.
I would consider them a better secarity than many vaults
which I have seen balk . . Yourfriend,
We epactu in the above ,statement, having been pros
sent' When the chest was tester . , '
.* _
W. .111. Cooper, J. H. Shoenberger, • Rabt
J. laughlite, J. Paiater, C'ordell,
CL. 4,rmstrang, 11. H. Hoge,
Thomas Craig, S. c. D. HOzearq, J. W. Hoyi.
Exttyret of a leiter from' Pugh 4 Aloord, dated Ciat
einnatt,29.th Mar: h, .042_
Denning, Pittsburgh, Pa. Respected . Friend: We
have the sat isfaetiowt o state ae tite.l-est reeont mentiat ion
we can give ci.T t Ile, 01 of'Youfirtin safes,l hat ,a we
iniva one or them which was in air expeed situation in
our counting room, at the time or fhe fire, on the morn
ing.o.f!.he 1 Cot h intl. which consumed our Polk' HOMO to.
giatlter with a large port jail (tithe meat, turd, 4.c, which
it contained;-and that oui books and papers which Were
in the Safe, were entirely uninjou ed, and were taken
from it after the fire; without :ever being diScotored.
Yours, 4.e. ' PUG!! 4- ALVORD
Extract of a Letterpan Slater 4. Holbrook, dated St.
Louie, Feb. 24th, 1841.
MR. DENNING, Dear One etyma r Pecond o%oc:bests
was bnrned a few days ago, in a lea: tier store--it pre
tici veil lie contents. Respect fully yours,
J IVER COM PLAlNTxured by the Ilse of Dr. Mr-
Tcompound Strengthening and Aperient Pills.
Mr. Wm. Riebartic, of Pittsbur.h, Pa., entirely cured of
the above distressing disease His symphonic were pain
and weight in the left side, less of appetite, vomiting, acid
eructations. a distension of the stomach, sick head-ache.
furred tongue, countenance changed ton citron rolor,diffi
cult y of - breathing. dicturbed rest, attended nit b a cough,
great defality. with other ;svmplOnis indicating g.o.at de
rangement of the functionc of the liver. Mr. Richards
find the advice of several phycicians, but received to
relief. until using Dr. Ilartich's Medicine, which ter iii na.
led In effecting a pe-feriKitie.
Principal Office. 19 4 111 railli Eili.lll l, St reef. Phliaili 4 Phiri ,
For note in Pilisliurgli by Samuel Front, corner of Litter
ty and Wood sirecls. arp 10
Febraary 15. Ift-10.
Dr. SwAvNt:—Dear • ir:- Pet mil me to tube the tin! rty
of writing to you at this lame 10 exprem , my purt,liat
and to reconithend to lie attention of heads of families
and others your invaluable medicine—the Coolllollllll
Syrup of Prunus Vir.iolaun, or Wild Cherry Bark. iii
toy travels of late i have seen in a gi eat many instances
i.e wonderful effects of yonr medicine in relieving chit..
drill bf very obstinate Complaints, such as Coughing,
Wheezing, C,linaking of Phlegm, Asthmatic attacks, ke.
kr. I should not have written this letter, Itowevei ,at
present. although I have fe't it nty duty to add my testi
loony to it for some time; had it not heen fur a late in
stance where the medicine shove alluderito was Ins!_ru•
mental in restoring to perfect health au only
whose case was alumni hopeless, in a family of 'my au.
quaint:lnce. 01 !hank !leaven," Said the dueling moth.
er,outy child is saved from the jaws of death! 0 . 1141 W.
feared the relentless ravager But - my child is safe! is
Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of
bt ltd Cherry is the most 'valuable medicine In this or tiny
oilier countrY., lam certain I t ace witnessed more than
one hundred eases where it ban been attended with tom.
Prete success. I am using it myself in an obstinate at.
tack of Bronchitis, in which it proved et - rectum , in a ex
ceedingly short time, considering the severity of the case.
I 'ran recomend it In the 'fullest confidence of its superior
Virtues; t would advise that no 'family shonlii he without
it; it is very -Pleasant and alWays beneficial—Worth
double and often ten limes its price. The public are as
sured itiere is no quackery about it. B. iseicsort,n.
formerly - Pastor of, the FirSt Preshyterian - Church,
Sold by, W5l. THORN. wholesale k retail, only agent
for Pittsburilt. No; 53, Market' st reel. sep 10
.t 2.. what will destroy! Life, and you are a : veer 'arart. ,
"Discover what will piolong. Life, and the wortd, totlll
call youimpostor."
There are faculties.beilily and intellectual, within us„
with which certain herbs have le
affinity, aid over hioh.
they ham" power."
'Dr. IL Bramireth's External Tternpdy, or Liniment",
. .
which, by its extraordinary flower=, abstrzicts - Pain or
Sorenes; thus Sprainer. kiir Sinews; While Swellings,
renearnalfc, rains ; or Stiffness, Stiffness of the Joints,
-Trimora, Unnatural Ilardaess, ,Stiff, Neck Sort? :Throat,
Orono, !Contractions of the Muscles, Scrofulous eil•
laraernents,Tenrier. Peet, stud every fieicrintion of to•
Jury_ affectingthe 'Exterior of the Unman, Frame, art•
carA-oc:trreally relilved by his never-to ha sifficirirti,
extolled remedy. '
- CSRTIFICATZ.—The roi tow trio" letter front Major Gen•
eral-Sandford, as to pc qualities of the-Extertrat Reme
dy, speakt volumes:. ! - '
Dear Sir—Wilt you ohlirt mo with another bottle ••of
your excellent Liniment? It le-certain-11. 1 1)e twat. Of thr
kirid.T..have ever.seen. ;At. has cured entirety my son's
knee, abont which t was so uneasy:and. have Inland it
productive of immediate -rellettn several cases of ester
net lojary .111 411r.famtly r ., fe w evehings,since, my
goon , * oiijllyKasselied, wit ka virile 7 nt illtrith4f Penn p.
which was entirety rentoved in twinFsr)isixnfes; rub
bing her cheinind. 6ibit :fßonw ft! ille. — gxiV7tal Rem.
edy. I think yon Ought ta mqinihclarelhiCrAtniment
for general use, %stead:of - tonguing flue five of it, you
have hevetrittirelione; ores-
YoursAruly - c. NI. SA OFORDr
_ .
. RnArtntorrn.2-41 Rinad,way, N. Y. ,
ar,1:41 Itrortiiis-pi • Nei/ York' s imil `lO tag
office ,No. 91 Wood strdet,Pittstiurgh. PI:ICE-50 cents
per borgiiiiith- Sep 10
0t. , ...: - -r. - I'-ri" - .4' - ' - s- - -;.--0 6 41 -- "f:
1,4,, is
tf...„-,,.,, . 5 -14. , -4.4.,.''' . i1VP-usL • 1 - •
O n AW-4K . :- Vii ...,.,- :' 'i R Al, SO PE
k7 1.4311610111 r• • )- : ..... Notice is 1f . .. 11 gi
ven' LW )7, -- ,:-, ~. *i - : VPii:it
ciinetelhAltrtill ,• ,- -...,.,...„; , t, t , : diixernbly
posoirlitdit# • fist", ;: . : 4 1,. • el:titgut-reetti
ved a - - "State Deis tI . - f' , , ' - i oven) ,
her next, for. the sale of all 'anti exell of the Canals and
Rail Itoajiicliefoniingio this diiiintiZtt#ealtit;'tar Ivi,kfeh
"Stale,l3torlt.ril. par '7altie . , viPilm:rieeleierEfiltern r itit-; •
Esieliftidiviiinal or 6iinpati.fis,reljniiiitt'i*ltliaftiillo
Aire, tile .rirtieulai 'tide if,Catint di - ltnlVOititi: eitileb •
they dlikireto phtebaiel,
t he aliouni orthelt respective
bids.theiTrecr, the giVell, inditirnathei <if wileonWerned -, in
the odir., togei,tier wiiit'tfielr itlace" or Ortipiot iestdin*.r,
in order Iliat nil! vntneinai i.e litld hefote the neat'Legis . -
r 1 "s)Pfsl4:' , (l`..-1 , : - ' t.c - 1; . r1 1 14 4 'l7, ft... 41411, -!.li r . C 4 -,.5'.'....-
. * ; . ..rt'?ilq. , :py.l:l4 f . vrti ~,...;i '
i: :.'l , : -4 , 1 ,-, ..1 fl.',.';:i, ~i littAkkil...:. 41 3` .;.
tittlj 2 q:' -- ;:laitta. .. /AT: titlr , . - Itir44i 414z:tki: rib 4,
at ,4 ~-.t.,,;4101.04***34Ari1ir-`'4'
' ' ' ' ' ' ' .4 ' 4 ; ... l" ' 2 ''''.= 4.. „ - : - 0,,t, .z,1,...,..,,,..-, 1 -..-. -*,
'tom Y
? ~ c 3:
. •
'TRAVELERS •TARE Nut ct... ...
`provided with the safety e tri : 4l l
bills printed with a figure of the tpi i ,,, r e
ful you are not deceived by D i NiZfbefj e
gelab,StlitiOgg *Stb: lo be protg,TlN,
Guard, when they are rot s salmi
' The following lea list of Ices nipp, 4 „
ty Guard at the Port of Pitishorg6.4 •
Jinn on the list have the- improveda - -
;)ppagatos it la impossible for an extda% •
CANTON, IYJONTGo'llt ro — '
at AR_Q,[..ERAND, TTE , oz , TnEy,
muNGO PARK, 01110, A
raveling community
before they make a thane of a bonA rr u 4v
and sk r ivlrether it would not beturtnr
andweuritylo choose a Safely Cant
passage an freight, In preferencelonirtatilii
against: , es plasion—and that they Chian:n o )
that this !invention has the unquanfed sMitG
fifty steam engine builders—gentlernn CM)
0 is to understand the subject, and slam*
interested—besides a nundier of rertifidnitun'i
!dont len en and others—all of whin Inimi
my oltice,,No.lo. Water street, where link
pleditice al all times to eshildt my huts*
who will lake the trouble to call.
sett 10 C A DW A LIAMMII
, .
' The stihkriher otTers for sate, al t
red rates, ihexreater part r,f his real Purr,
lite cities or Phtsbursh and A lloglitty. vitt
Brick WalreliatinF, Itratly lIPW. a t=utor •
situnle on Ain rkel st reel.lemrro srrnatlardi
lirnrilul a--front of nt,oul 54 Trot by 611 dep
t ire, or separately' to .s.r.ar poreltaser,, and um
Also, a selort building lot in Alieclirny rile, 3-
breadth, hj upward of 350 fret in erlllb
limit's, one on renUsylvania (anal avd Ike
Washington stnret.'
A ISO It. , lot adjoin Ina the rik'satA l ZA "‘ s
by nearly 35Q feet in depth, joi IU6WN't las 7
gar.tmansiou Louse vrbiat Knew (AM! ; •.,
Also, . n lot with two two story trick
nte no the coif - 1(4 or hiniket an& frblit
a modern' v Bound rtal - and now -occern4l
NEW Your, Fell. 90842.
f l vf
1..5n grneery.
sell 10
-rash or ghods, a qua iii it 2i of Flax are
Almost atl kindi of Cop 'dry PT-odors !Anil
for ca. - 41 or roods at HAT: t IS'S Ilrelligen ,
sop 21—' f 'Commission req., lit
JOHN Oommiss jou Jiferchari,l4t ,
duct and American .Marvfacturts.A*
-411- C4 , lef. PitlAurati.
Aaron Hari,
James Cletiron of R'd.
_Jno. D. Davis.
0"V:1y 8f Hanna,
Avery. Ogden 4. Co.
Jon. Woofthourne, Esq ,Madion
V :Farm an which live, in train totraddio:
BraddOCkgiela. i0i412 'nil , : one hairefond "fro
Ire res; abaut 70 acres of it- Ilict.nerned,tei %%Ai.
well timbered. There are
ard a Iraqi 63 feet brat ; an applaorrl'ettot flt , "
'1.1.?"1!1. seventy acres of coal. Tat Mils
ire &pal to that of any upland farm in the
Terms made known on a pro lea too to it,. at ,:
in the premises. WILLI A Al WALIACt..
- ~ ---- -
ILL/AlitC. WALL, .Plain and FM
and Pieture Frame hfavefecteur,
Fourth'Strect Pittsburgh. —Canvass Bsystid•
4-c.,for: A rivets, always on hand. Lorain "
promptly framed to order. Repairig dotal
est notice..
i:.iirndrtesice:ilparloatnt.ention paid to regiidirlod .
e ..., '
rekonartiting up Steam Boats or boots , '
theiradvantage to call.
W BITE LEL CL—T he subscrii oleo On
- lo litg
- to furnish painters. and otheror ~..,
obare,p9re White Lead made of the leeollOr.
rented equal, if hot superior to any °Teat tow.
All oidecv-addressed to Dunlap k ilittlifft elo '
4 Co-, No--110 Second st reel , Piiolinreli. will.l.
offended 10. Ilititalir 441
T . Anit rAt.fIIONARLE SIIO2gift
414 "ift 4
~ St,, or in door fr ow Old Seri of
The 'Subscriber resPecilully littoral
Virtidairgh 'and vicinity that he his 00?
tailing - Shoes of his own manufacture:et tiol
where lia' tiritl keep' constantly on 1%417
mold of all kind- of
a::to shoes, b
, the
c i l i t iine
ettt: ic,,
t i qualify. i
11 ua l l i , i;11 11 : 1 : 4 1 .
ja nil 9 of fancy' work—nut-It an tri'lle ' . :l - i
slippers, Colored' go itVrs, and htttiocSdil's-
eliitdren's_eltsl•:•ts , silt callers, kr., 4c• '
will he made at -the shortest notice.sileil
net.. I'afile4 will please rat l and els 0
as. lite sallscriher reels confident iliello,-..
any . artiele • in hiS line they moY 11° ' 11 131 P.
PPP 10t rittie,
P.S. Deal forget the place—t w itisr
&tor Cram flitrris's Intelligenc e ul°' - . !
frets - lltlarket Street
WILIA A M DiaßY having- fait" t ht t 4
business of DICIOV 4 Fl°P' ll ‘ l "voi Ml'
Liberty street and a Market street , -•
thanks to the numorousfriends amt „„. •.
nrturfiar.the,very lkberal support they kits'
tended fortitin. fp connection with
wlshesto assure them that every ego...
merit the continuation of the s aute. iii
. .06
peetfittly invite their attention to itil - P" -
Chabing.which,he intends Felling Ittt7t_..sch;r:—
than 'hoe been ever offered, beint d' g °
the whole of the stork of she Pawnor :1.,. 0 .
il_ibl!; and us he Intends to confine liffilfell
ensh lansiness. be feels confident PO
___ ua mt4
torepasS his stock, either la cheapest, , •
ness of v ozk ens nsitin.
Xiease to take noticethat crerlo,,
4 1 -
- -
turgid in Pitt.l.nr.ll 'l
• of s t o cf
SAMUEL. MORROW. Mitiosiddiret - -
L - Ste et /eon Ware, .0.17 fir 1 , ts ifi
We C'' I'. e frfor,,, c.,,,,5.,_ If tormne,
ternis. . • hterogo.,,,l
••'l:t , u •. 0
W?rCe- Web vt Fate cr
aim/Atli sod 244
- 1
x ~ -:;: ..
1 1i
,is: , '2s , -e
. 0 -. 46A ,- ;:
e .r advertol , ll ""79:0!!,, : .
4 'Rettwas tt
---- 7; -- --7 ^;:
i t F i ii 1 , —.. ;i,i - -07. ...U.• .4 ' ',elf -
3 11 BILLS
; c LIT
4ce iti tt
0t4.1.0,i' tr. 441 0
47Fierit tialME;i4l(.l t
11. et«, 41
01 e
22 I
; At 111114
O'llAßA 4 EtkritLWX.
tire on tit.; noel t17.141t.. - “(vi ,
d th$440:011:141A. Up-ea:lift+
UR 301.4.. W,
prticg , s4loital 'wry ici4l tia its. I
ii and Aterket - tiitexts.HMO`'
......... . .....
Sheet Iron Wusti.. - Nu
use Spouting . ud .Siewtklo,
OAGA.—'I supp'y of La,
alga, and other ditfernnt v;
.ceived nod for Bale at aloe
Seed Sure of F.
No. 184 Liberty r
B CLOSEY,S Brat and
, No. 8:3 Fourth SL. next
len Pranelln, tiiil•atid
tionnnert by. the newest
iur purchasers; to he disporr
P. - I.
Ncr - .184 !Aber+ y st rec.'
ROOTg,Flowert , ld F l '
4eleslation, can always be
ere of F. I
1O( seed; just received by •
. L.
N 0.184, Liberty i
TOOLS, consisting of Hoe
ta,p/ins TrOWPIA, gthitne
' 11iIm Knves, ProtiPg Shen
4 °5 =le by • F. L
1/14 Liberty street, 11
Mit?rei—L °o
ots live N orth E
lin tOt;# #4ceet. A 0P 1 .9 to
- : ,- A IOI. 44) . A.RtANGTON,M
Caikitrettei Prepett tzult
ititt far, sale at 0:
!Three Imo r
sLX:fritl fah ;4
-.thr; year.
t , 71
tien - F% - " - *l4-114tc:
' Alah..*.PYot
fltAir'l4;ss it.. Pittst
B. YOUNG .!fe CO.,
‘,..)rof:r of Hand st:k
hin to purclia3e. Furtilan
yza togive in; a call. bei ng
• 41$ 10 quality and price.
N . 11 All& oat rer&v.
. well cured and for sa
IA4 Libcrty sire
Illinois Annual Ataminoti ,
at-the Drat and Seed store
184 Liberty-street
Yeolot4n Hams.--Just rerei
-11 42r3. choice cured Venison
10 c * Current money.
Dadel2Otover Seed, Ore
eky Blue Grass, always
.N 0.134 Liberty scree
1 1 / 4 44" ANAN. dreams •
• Awn tbe. pientond. to
. 6 Polifinntreet; between Itt
A 'Mt *ILA NHS, for pr .
' ender the Late lavr, ror
184 Literly etre
fqotetofore exial.jo
• fAittirt VOCE
• -7,-•