Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, December 24, 1842, Image 1

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tI i....
t,a % 4
itg iititit'LA. ' ; • - '
ivy ‘
troy Hied , V itb I.4eB,lb9FlC,l44_zlktle-.llikeil'fir
tat ed t.ith a figure or tut appinut i u. dL .; • 4
are lilt dereived• by pfiregeoriitt ioinee
axing their leeriatts to bee- pfoirlirlimi wig, tut
wi ; e ll they are not.-5 /I sme4rec t i lito
es ,
claming itt a list oLlilThlla SU PP j " *WI Ih
re! at the Port of rittribergh-L4n tht, l i r e
~,, ,,t ist have the improved aftbatiii isi :7 lbhi
'., it is. impos*ibie for an exidoblea lb °cult
N NA; • FORAM94.
k R A , • DU Cal
O LYONS, emynu i
A GN Es,
1 4 ; ; NsETT, SARAToGA,
- ORPHAN 1101
:( PARK, onto,
communtiy are censtlfslll mitt
• v n,a .e a choice of a boat, totetetts.
%, het her lt would not be to their
s 10 rhoo.e a Safety Guard boat, bellffaiV,
fre,ght. in preference tonne not so grnv.. --
• \ —and that they will beat
~.”‘eh, t on has the unqualified aptly:o , 2lin a
etl2,ine hniiders--enttentrn witose
der.l a 11,1 I he subject, and will] aft entirely
.1-I,, , ides a nututter of rertificales freak
.•u rn ::rd of hers—all of which tau news
111. Water vtrect, where it would o r
. :.,1 I to es Idlrit my incention.to . .,
he lee trouble to call.'
ri,E F..• I. • ESTATE roR ,
Offers . for vale. at Oa prexta
;nr :Ire:, icr !tart 1.1 his real estale,
rnty nr2l) and Mleglirny, viz: 'flare
nearly nem. a t substaailatli
1 ;rel., el w ern Second an d FIG; Li
Id 54 feet by 6 . 11 der p. For plik
; ; pnrilaaFertt, and upau
t•-• Int in Allerhetty City, 64 r .
N II , otl I (eft in depth, bovine
•un Ivania canal atid the Olin
1..! n I 10 1 “0" 6,4 "' •
1,, lattr nnJ
~t )% I nrnv occur"!
n Int t, II h !wn 11 , . 0 dory hrirk flOtthinm.:
! , n otnfr 10 . 1.e.1 nod Front SifrOP,Pl34lk,
;round rcul. NITA!
.1 LEX. ti ACK Efillfte
11) if . c's."7 -%.% a ntrd In iststriralrr .
2ss ssd--,a spssi so sr, - of Flax niql Timothy
,• nt* ry Produre token in
HARRIS'S I welligenec NIT
Crrrnstris,inn Warehouse. Nu-Sr.
i'; I I ART. Commis/tie.? Afercharet, Dewier 1 1
ri - e .7, ic an Atanerfaclur ea, Xtitiin, •
G. r. r: q , Patsbureh
ors Ilari.a t•
C .rhr n of G'd.
~, flans
flnf!on ,N: 1 ' n
tVeocH.ourne, , Madison
Li ;ULF: FA ft M FOR SALE..-1 Mt
on which I live, fa Wi/l/Mr fOirariNpo
Containing, oat handled and Setta!'
'tl' 70 acres bf whiCh
leered. There are upon.it: Wet In Aiwa
'" 63 rre I by 34; an apple °Khali or choicer _'
sevPnty acres of coal. The soil Is believre
0 !II:II of any upland faint Witt le *
radr known on application to the flaw'
' ' • W I LLI Alb WALLACE. (94.
K. -
11.1.1 A NI C. WALL; Plain .014 1 . Fal" 11
Pieture Fraut a , Massitdig!trer,
rt'et Pi tts burg h. —Canvas Blithe& Vs
,tisis. always on hand. - Molding Glatle sf
framed to order. Eepairintdann.Ll the.
/ tar attention paid for itding and jobbiii
up steam Boats or Douses will fist,
to call.
TEE stihscril ers are neer
in turn painters. and others. who wish
o White Lead White of thrhesi
• , ins 'lf not superior Act ads °Cerra toile
"rit, st , ed tit' _Dunlap espreof 8
• .t• 11 S...eond street, rittAturets. hs P '
ntioz,nr utr6.
pAstifor4AßLE sront,
sf., on, doorfrosit foCX
r tiler respectfully informs. 14e
and vicinity tha t he bas contneSm.,
-hors of his owl? otartafacinmat the
• e wilt keep constantly on kind s
,1 all hiltdS of ladies.nnhives.and sittiOtta,-I._;
of tbe best quality, *bleb will he ask
the times Ile will AIN", iti:ck:
i fancy work—seek.irekille aro :
rolored gaiters, and tinsel-Ow. Mae'
It-1 . rs silk gaiters, Re.. 4te
-11.,,de at the sherteat notice:ll4
will please rail andeistsil!Litgibia
31.'rtihrr feels confident t hat . Ile
rle in his line they their Want" tioafilAU"
4 ViCsAref4 a
Don't foreet the place—ro•-, otita
,rn Ilarrin's intelligence - Oat tet " )it I' .
' •
-,rket Qtrret.
I he
°BIWO° 14.
I MGM, having taken -- f
h locast
nsinrvs of Dtentar k fl orstr irki "_„ ' . - re talt
7. street and 4 - 2 Market sired,. DT .. .. 6 , o rike,
0 Ole numerous fristnis -
or the very liberal sopptst '111'03:.:41-01040, -
to hint, in connection wifir- he,_
a • assure them that elfst e/ P r .
t I.e continuation dike. sante
•!l- invite their attention' 3017,-1,0„r
to inteeds.irti..itielli 11" ijlttsa
been ever offered. WO a. orrfilile
of the slack ttie *ite.
• d as het intewdeio canner
'74lllOSn. he feels cotaildent no IMIST,; - 1 - _,E
- nigildock, either itieheettneiSida7r..
orkinartelsie. sok‘ilt
riiste we),
.c to take ntintentN l A W ag° -
d'Cf. MORRO_
g i iaali Are Were; fr,0.Y!....7P, 00-0 i
Pr"rt,miatry X.Pr'„
,ast r at ocjispriefol
sileiimigoette#lo;o.o,o-* joepo,r
. . .
To, I.t__Np..:9o
colagg OF WOOD,.- _FIFTH STB.
FIFE DOLLARS. a Year.•paYable is
copies TWO CENT--for sale at the
the o ffi c e, and by News Boss,-- i
lerea ry allot, Manufacturer
btfehul wEEKLY . ' al the aaate-othee. oll double
TWO DOLLARS a.. y ear , a
tiro • •
copteg. CENTS.
T e r§ of Advertising.
0,50 I One month,
vert• vmo
0.75 I Two moats, 6-00
Of e° '
o n s, 1.00 Three months, -.
1.30 Four monthi.
OP. 3.00 Six months,
leo' 4,00 One year,
Two Spares
SIS.OOI Six months, ;23,00
25.00 One year, 35,00
Irrldv.rii,ementS in prorortion. •
viz,' Lour linrs SII DOLLARS a year.
'94l' Onar s Third between Market and Wood
41 Ii uln lr. Po:At:taster.
er. 4th door from Wood Bt. Peter
sl.j.,r Joao tVitiock, Collector.
ttt,stev. Wood between First and Second
ITY CAStRti. 'Fiord street; next door to the
an toarcli—f -, . R. Johnston, Treasurer.
bs• Fnari a. between Market and Wood
,—; 11.,n. Vavor.
at aT'S E,tau.ay., Fon rt h. near Market et.
It A S
, s etwPen Market and Wood streets, on
11t Cod ra Greet-.
9,v N . ote M.OtrrArTdeeRe!ANDPARICIRs' Ds
-61.4a. Icarnn.dy r-ZaWlng Fund,) Fourth, between
v,d Market qt rn , :
aittee. Cdth itseet, near Rood.
irtakni,t Water 9l reef, near the Bridge.
11.•. C. lln TEL. crictC , of Penn and St. Clair,
ret.NTt,' tieteL, corner of Third and Wood.
Rlcs , IldvEL,cnrner cc Third and SMithfield,
rep r Cr6S. Orin , of Pena “reet and Canal.
Zan E.GLE, Utterly Weer. near Seventh.
LEAS d 0ac'110,.E.,1.11,nr, n?l,,n, I,Va Five
on sr r eon Si manioc ("fleets
. _
COUNSELLOR AT LAW.-11fre roino
Bakeweit's offices on (;,:tot nonttv opposite
w Court 00u3o, next rooms to John D. Mahon,
First floor. soo 10
Os, IL ELLIOTT, M. IL— usre remora to
St. Clair street, between Penn and Ltberty StB•
•reh. s 1 0
11'GOODS.—rresinn f Mackey. wiluleFale and
reiail dialers in Enz.ish, French. an d Immo-Are
.0011 A. No 'l, Mai ker =t , nep 10
- -
C.tNDLESS & Attorneys and
ar ()G.. the Diamond.
111.15 . IL. 11. Niorrow. .A i4epiSvi; offieerear
het svf:e n 1V004„..nd
IN T oEvur r, Who le Giorcr':Rertif%ing
ler in Produce and Pill.llut - 211
kri.l,, No. 224 Liberty Street, Pitts
her) 10
1%4: I e.os St. 1/0.1% . .)R1H
arr. , rrq 1,1 CC 111i . 01.7.1 MI7I fission Merchants, 3 art
fie fNrbur~n hfnufactured articles,. No. 29,
he*;. sep 10
RoniNsoni, Attorney al Law;
north dade of the Diamond.bet ween
and I'm,. ntret-IF, up stairs s*sp 10
111 RB )it kW, A. , orney at Law; lenders
:wry Ir , •? 10 111. puhlie. OffiCe Coe
above D. Lloyi Er Co's
seri 10
16,1%:0i Mar;,ol.
I 1-••tlr'1, Pa.
RIFT & VN, ~turers of Cooper.
.pvt Icou No SU. Front st
tiou.se : 4 1 , 0iltrnq and 'S,eamin):ll work promptly
sep 10
OS. B. YOUNG & CO.. l'nrattare Ware.
Itoott,, Hand F.lcitdoge Alley.
wt .o tto z to Itrta . .a. , "ill find it to
tVali‘a!e• to IV, ;‘,. a r.t;..,1) -at istied that
:14 10 quanty and ire
WON —Just re, red 160 choice glut
'Da Ham,. tvoi cured and for ,'e cheap by Ihe do
rela n , by ISAAC lIARRIIn,
N 0.9. Fifth st
'T.% of Land ret h's FreMißti
ta Br^a, othpf thrrerr nt varieties or Turnip
roeetved and inr safe al RSDPCILD PRICES at the
tad seed S'nre of F. L. SNOWDEN,
10 No. Liherly street, head of Wood.
EBB CLOSEY,S Boni and Shod Manut:icto
r.Yi N^i 33 Fourth Si., next door to the•U. States
Litities Prunetfa, Kid mid Satin Shoes made in
•tr.st manner, ale by the ite west French patterns.
O 9
mottoes t• L•rteA ULUS. lots to suit
pu r c !lase N; to i'e dispos-ert of by
0 Co. 104 i•tht.rtt y street, head of W00.,-
111 . 1 A I'S. Flowers and Flower - Feeds of ev•
r, i d lon, can always he had at -the Dm;
Mode F. L. SNOWDEN..
10 -131 Liberty street, bend of Wood.
Annnal Mammoth Onion seed, for
!ale at the Drug and seed store of
184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
for seed; just received by
No. 184, Liberty head of Wood sr.
hti TOOLS, consisting of Hoes. Fancy Spades
mg Trowels. Edging Took.. Budding
f ‘" l,, kti K sites, etwaipog Shears. etc., jest re
" 41 51 ate by F. L. SNOWDR , L.
184 Liberty street, head of Wood.
, C !' Ve ' 4o 4 Hams.--Jest received
",!, choice eared Venison Hams, on retail
": 44 for current money.
/SA AC H 'XR It IS. Agent, _
and Com. Merchant
rre ninth Clover Seed, Orchard Crawl and
IC "lueSy Moe Grass, always on hand and for
No. 184 Liberty street, bead of Wood.
k BUCHANAN, ditorwys Lass. office
ove4l from the Diamond, to • , Attorney'sßrow,"
of Fourth street, between Market and Wood
11T B. 4 TE3•BLANKS for proceedings - in At.
tam under the late law,,for sale at fills Office.
SI LL—Lots on the North East earner of Coal
te and flish street. Apply to
BEN J . p.i Et LINGTOM, Market, near *hat.
US.. wiret les Freneb,Sigar Beet tieed, just
ret,e wed and for sate it the Drag. and Seed
184 Liberty Ftre r ei heitd or ItifOod.
= !ON 01? PAItTNERS'ITIP.-=-Tlie
r• torore existlllb between 'wit.'
• 1r..1 REN JAM! N'llOP isthis . day
c4lb..cnt. 1)!7,t1y is nuthorized
, •iikture of the firm in. t=ettlincnpkbil-t.05104144.1
wt-raLtAm startr;
ir OH NSTON4 ers.Lrlote li et.
011 - Pstler lliaairaetiire6, tto: 104 y
- Foam ANDEVStIoif. SMlth6eld
f" "Mr r t iOnOngabP l 4 114",k0e.riUSLUrgb•-44P.10-li
T. R,ONARD 8 4ctims, Al~erw3n , Bj. afire eel #e
1.1 coati deurTrcitu rtbeni. 5e,, , ,./11--1Y • -
Dr. .S of.gSS Office
P Sedood Irtreet.,lwt door
to Mulvank*Vo's pep 104:9
S -
FiNDLA Y. Attacneyalat,
near the Mator''s'Oft..o., Prttathir.h. -
rOrios. itAstiLT 8 Annum,: itl Laitf, Fifth,
IL Wood and Smithfield sta., Pittahorzh.
it - , Attolnqy ta •,N. t. •st • rr*
"it ;, nd o rt streets. t
HANNA 4 41 . 111.1NRUT.1.V. Paper Warehon - fie; No.
104:1Vood so'.; Where may had, a general sit pptY
of iiritine: orrairio;. ! prigto4,,, wall'paper„lArtok books,
school books, it O, ' sep 10—ly
' O. TOWNSEND dr-C,C1.... tifire grzirkers' wed
.Manufacturers, No.-2311arbiit street, bet cfees 241
.and 34. streets. sap 10--1 y
FrCH A NGE corner o r Penn and,St.. Clair
..U4 streets:, by .• Ilci.c4BßlN 4^ .4.11.1 TH.
sep I y
ward Hll'2llCS, Manufaciurrq of IroiLand
Warehouse N 0.25, Wa04 . 3t... PHI Stitt rgh. sepAO
PIG St sTA L —77 ions soft Piz-1110M for s:Ile by
3.614 A . GORD 3N,
SIT 13 No. 12 Water street
al flan LRS. Ts ''CON HAMS. 16.000 lbs. Bacon
ttPlVl_7O , Shoulders, Ibr sa:e by '
J. G. tt A. GORDON,
sep 13 N 0.12 Water street
I A. PATTERSON, Jr.. Birmingham, near P iti entre'',
ap Btanufarturer of hocks: Hinges and Bolts; To.
Nicer,, Fuller. M 'Oland TimberScre las; FlouvenSerews for
Roiling filinsote. sep
Taiioand 'Clot (tier. Litre r. y
street, between Sixth and Virgin alley, Sinith side.
yW. BU BRIDGE .f• CO., Wbolesaie Groeere and
Cominissioa Merchants— Sec i ond street, between
Wood anal:Smithfield via., Pit tsbirb. sep 10-1 y
G. A • CORDON, Cornatission and Forwarding
. M nrcbante, Water st.,Pittsborgh. sap 10—ty
IA M S.--4 casks hatos. a good irticle, received per S
13. Corsair;ripd for sale by .V.G.4- A. GORDON,
imp 10 ice .12, Water street
QUO AR & MOLASSES.-40 hide New Orleans Sn
par; bbls New Orleans Illolaweir,,for sate by
sep TO • • A. GORDON:
Qua AR .-7 hhan prime N. O. received per S.
R. Maine. and for - sale by 34G. 4..A.VORDON.
sep 10 ',No. 12,' Water street:
50 BACON CASK S.in order, on hand and for ealeby
Ben 10 J. G. 4- A. GORDON, No. 13, vitacer st
SGAR AND iilOli g 4 sois.--is hhde and 41)1 , 1 , 3 Na).
Sugar, 32 idds NVidasses, received per Steamhow
Iwporter, and for sir 1. 4 . J. lc:. A. DODDIIN,..
sep 10 Na. t 2, Water street
BBLS. LARD OIL, for sale try
of B. A. FA 13 N ESTOCK d- C 0.,.
sep 10 corner of 61h nd Wood sts
163-1 PAPERS Germodown Loin', Black for sale .
by B. A. FA II NE:SI'OCK 4- CO..
sep 10 corner of fie bond Wood sls.
200 repa r e d
Chalk. k r . for il s N a E I fly K
e p 10 carner.nr_Glit anti i!lrnafti4s
SUGAR AND MOL ASSRS.-60 Ithds. N. 0. Sugar,
25 bbls. do. do., 100 do. Plaotation Molasses, for
le by
se p
0 he used in Bankruptcy prtineedinc. printed on
good pa per,and in the roans approved by the Court ,for sale
at the Office of the Mercury and Hetrocrat. sep 90
WM. IIUBBARD, fashionahle boat and
shoe Ma 11 factu rer. No. 101, Third: reek, pet ee n
kVood aud Sulithfieldstreets.fittsbu rgh Pep 10
J is. N. KEk'N
1 'V has removed his ottice to the corner of Fourth
, treet,ond Cherry Alley, haWeett - Smithfield and Grant
..areets r Pittshurgh. sep 10
FOR RENT.—Thedwelling and lot containing 4
acres, in Allegheny, neat the Beaver Road, lately
occupledhv hir-,Satnuel Church. Apple at the Merchants
nd Manufacturers' Bank, to W. H. DENNY.
MAKER, No. 7, St.Ciair street, Pius.-
- 11 -i r
`en 10
suppty of Landreth's Gai-den Seed', always on
hand, and for sale at his agency, the Drug, store of
'•F. L. prtrOW DEN,
sep 10 184 Liberty streot,d)end of wood.
R. DAVID WARD has Its office and re , q , ferle ,
on F. nit Street, nearly 4otilll of (tie Court Douse.
second dwellin: from Ross street. fie wits faitlrfolly amend
all calls pertaining to his profession. D calls should be
made at the door abotie the basement. sep 10
CMOVAL—Matthew .lones,.llarher and Hair Dress
er,.4is removed to Fourth street, oppositei he May
ors office, where tie VI he happy tpitvait upon permanen
or transient customers. ile Solicitsa share of public not
rona , :ze:: rep 10
VIV M. A. l it AR D, DENTIST, !Penn st. t hiee
, door below Irwin street, Eloprs of MLA ness,'from
9 .t. st..; until 5 P. Is., after which time 'he - will attend
to no one except in cases of ttrtual neceentity. •Re
would further inform those who , may think proper to
employ him, that he expects immediate pnyment,wititont
the n'ec'essity on his Dort of sending in bills. seP:lO.
I OHN 111. 1 FAHLAND, Uptiotaterer snit- Cii‘inet
Ar—ker. Third at. between. Wood 4 Market streets.
respectfut ieflrms tits friends and the pOlic that he is
prepared to execute all orders for BofaS.,4A.ideboards; Bu
reaus. Chairs, Tables, Bedsteads, stallis,lr and "Fpring
Mattresses, Curtains. Carpets. all:sorts of Upholsterin ,,
wortr t which he will warrant eqtial any made in the
elty,.llvd:oa reasonable terms. .1 rep 10
1)0 Wood Strjest, Pittsbarg.A.—R2 A. Bailsman;
Auctioneer and Co7nmiesion Alerchant, is , now 'prepared
to receire,a . nd.,sell alt kinds of Goods and : 4 1erchandize,
at his large and rapedions toorne,No. "LIR,' North, East
Corner of Wood ap#,Fiftb SI reefs,' Pit tsbureh.
Regular sales of Wry Cootik. ZOO lure; aroceries and
other articles, on 'Mondays and Vitus:Wok or each week.
Bardware„Cuttery,,,firy Goods, suntlfaticy'articteit, on
Tuesday, Wednesda.Y o and TIM rsdt Muth:a. ...
,' Books. 4:c., - ertry Saturday eve ng. i . • .
Liberatativenteemadeon connigntnenti When wanted.
, .
i _ ,
ideSsrs. John D. Dews, Esti- . i 1
~..1' „.„ I 1-' - - ~ • , ;
.. Beesley* Swath:" 4 - ; I
.. 4truoptos, Sniith,* 4 ,I 'fr•
.. F. Lorenz * Co.,
Co.._. ~• . '
.i J. W. Burbridee 4- , •, I . t
... B. id:See * Co. - ..: '. l—
Capt. J.llFF s . 34 Vatifill , , L +}: Pittsburgh..
n C. ihmein. Esq. • , . 1 -
0 Joan ' M Padden Bin. I i 1
.. Logan 4- Kenned. 1 t
<" '•I. K. ttfot;tbead 4- co. : I 1
las. 7;. - Istnert.. CAI, i . F 1 - . -,'
.; ~g- 0 43, 0 49.11wfix,Etv• i i', .. 4 !
•i . '
Caps: Jac 'may. ! 4 I I d
~ 4-- livelltiiifrsitttai V. Co. l''',. '' .1 J.. ' /
-- .. -- ; WilkiserSatorns..i , .• ,-: .1 , ;:- .i 1 1-...Whesaing ,
.: 13 .0. 1. 449 e. ,, •1. 4 -i ii • ',. 4....'. Tiou.i.ftyllie
se , iple.:- .... -,-.-
.;,, 1 ;, r_ :f ...-:i . 1 ~.. ..:., i '-.."- -. .:'...:; , , ;:,
t.''":q If- ki i ;•.4,• . : , /
1 ,fr 1. , ..iTea."41 14 ''..!-..11 1-4 :' ,
1 _
:-..,..... 1 , • 1-. 4 ...::.');......',-'i:'.;
.iisi,,,V' "Jr*,..E.:4,4,2.17‘...'.4...1.3kat.:-Z..4t
1.. -, : . e - .,-
..,:,::., , ',...vr.:',
J. G. 4. A.GORDON,
1 , :o. 12 Water 'street
„ , ,
-- :kiTTstm!Gg t :
4 BY—No. 121, Comer V' 4- r”- ' , Vi.r
riiitettrwifit:' has : h luta,- re: ' . ' , , , 'all'
ioir -of. Qneensliv a re
. ou ited o the, , ctt.g d ,:, -, GPI" ,
I testeinv
trade. kW...a ehisice . ietiettint ll pa're• diblik.". - gpid
hand DINING Apl 0 TaAWAR ' Aft 44ge of,kopolitia;
or eipakiti'plettei hi sat parch ro s
.._,Nicksloot, 06:,50. or 84 tdee.siiita.`iartietbii-...itilikaar
•and gift English China; eaware,at_lerl low. .. :
Toy Team:are. plain; 'and iielittralated dad 8 1 5 1 4 . f 631 u
1,00 to 1.5,09 per set: - - -
_! ,"
~„--,•- --- ';',',.
Ciiildren's Whigs of eierY dem:A!". 4 ,.
&life clitaalBhaving Nags. -, r .'-. cA. -, t,'
ite Dialog and' Tea . ServiOes,. lo ,onkiterfradol
American oceneiy forfeited' . in IthaAnid'hudit:'. ":',::.
tge vac ietygitteavilo4 Diddng aptiitfiftipwt f 0...
to thatch: eoaipteii; .. _
_• '-- 1 -
lris i Trpafatonerietag pjOciiedidafte
FDertiyAire f'otteriatk.„.. l . -
.. . ;., - ~.A :-,...•
_ Pita and Creeoldirtirot.:lO WS ttietr iraftelietla . - 4', '
- Wiodow Giaag,nf exeiy siae.,, r , '.'_.4 ;. .. ...r.,-_..i'-t, .
Paten! Rackets; Tao and Ke*P.l
Stink') pitlitiloodo; te. ;••e:-.1-e. , . :-- i' --' : '
Alt of which 'are respettfully otpw_ ed , 7 to the 'tit?,
tio , olveini irok4 faViii-S.l.le..tmewid. t.. - - .lan 26.-ina2 „Ai
r1"11 J. FOX: .ft ;2231 0r44.1 irimtictours,pit4
• •Larti;> Cft rs his professfrat the:Cit
izens: hope's or a s
ranag a. He will e2ectitc tants of, Wr,t.o4:with Mat '-
nesii a nri dispatch. Cases in tia kruptetsiittded r ti on
reasonable iertriii.—Pffice in Srlt hficitatreer, at the
Louse .of Elr. T hornas O'Neil, la .whonfliterefent•
-sep 10 '- • Evx:Atlykg.
.IriliAy ill CLARK, digs't, -Aisftioytaly
JEJV tias removed to Kg, .etlarlaqasiSiet t betsteen , I
Beilind. and Thltiti-trieti4 . where , he reliant fie.liappy
to see his old . cmater.er4,andjalletitcis_ttito feehdispos.
ed patrenia. - weal notirtat but liCst late
steel, and empbsysAlte best of wqrknetki-and as he gives.
his constant personal attention to busAneKsi he truststbat
lie will deserve lit.d redeye fak shire of patrona.
VIBCFI' I S, - 4- ',co.
~.G.TioN ivy.—
• Hunker r&spectfully intnittialtterriendsand4ift:
pahliethat they can always fitidt'i tie best quality, ofplqr.,,
Creams. together with at: ktras intifgeetkinaiy
fruits, in their, season, at fibs isittat , illitfaisegid,-,..s9itii,
Fifth S treet, liet r wsr . Wood antikfaisket.:
N. B.—Parties Supplied on 443 she - ilea! amble, .teitli
cakes, or anything in his line. ?Ilea prnilies furnished
with Bread. , Sep fO
HAM J. CLENIER,66 Mott street.
New York, was atftieted wit 1114iyr.la in its most
aggravated form. The symptiomii*ere violent head
ache, 'great debility, fever, custiyOrt!ss. cough, heart.
burn, pain In the chest and stonfeelkittiorays after eating;
impaired appetite, sensation oft ailkhing: at thee:mach,
furred tongue, nausea, with fregitenfriuriltings;dizettiesa
towards night and restleness. Thenettad continued up.
ward of a twelvemonth, when,i Oa' consulting Dr. Wm.
Evans. 100 Chatham street; and intitntikting to his ever
successful end agreeable mode on 4atnacia, tihr- patient
was completely restored to health A-Oil short spate of
one month. and grateful
,tor the titententattle bene6;
ed. !tad!? came forwardend 'tittloatierei the atkiitistate
For sale Wholesale and ftetaitt.lo.„
ri:AELT..tits, A ger.,
cep 10 No.-20, W4/011:t0eett.helow 'Second.
C 3 3 R R'S PATENT L. 8.4 41 4 5,. Rap
lARD.—TTiose who wotld"Siish greatly to reduce
their expense for light, should cle.rtainly - purchaseoise of
the above named Lamps, as by their ise there is a clear •
saving. of at leasi two-Chit:de tiqthe Ml:lenge over 011. an
d-the li.bloblalned from this is puree anti brillianti and
wholi e i free from smoke or dii4veeahteltmelf. t'Ve %imp hi
here state that Carr's Paten t.ie (he only_orie wOrthV the
attention (tithe public, as it is Effie only one that is appri
cable to every Variety or p.v•petrin ortaister,And 1136orily
one !bat sviltimrn Lard wet..t.„at anyjapperatnreoreold
or heat. We have. in the slank. - spageOfihroe radii e.
so ld several thousands: and -wtith sehrie an exeerttion,
those usi int:theta have expre.vralltioteKiits highly plea=
ed with them. and fully conviLcrel - ftLkti : great econaity
`+y their are, as well as the.ir sttferiot4 over either oil
or candles, In regard-to clef niiness,pa4
The above nan.ril talons ran bet ority - at
.1312.01rX 12 . 041"...,f ONO: S.
I'loo strmit.nintrly z •ir,patspe Me Post. Pfiirrt
Wheie is kept',,,4,o4Mrall4.Mr on-1.401. isatiettiesMetat;
and Glass Laiipp , , of va4 ions patterns,
Glass lamps.sold at nit...mit:lr+ arsrs'pri es.
lfie take plea , irre in fuel in: to Hie public illy fol'ow
eerlifieure, which subscribe! in by many iespecin
We.the unit, rsi2ned, Wive tried ind are now tisim•
Carr', Patent I.•.arno%for him-ova Lard or other aro ma l
fat, and tre hay= no hectiat inn in sa villa that they !live an
excellent tight—equal to any of the ottlitiary mocks of
a flott , e, at ahem one•llttrit the rust, and wholly
free (torn smoke or other disa.rerehle smell. We lake a
aleasorpj..i a cum mending t iiegP-in ps to trite public:as ins
their II se h lyre a !treat saving over either sperm
or lard- oil, or even candles: and we believe theta to
he more cleanly and less trni)ilesonte than either.
To be had at Re.owst PlAnlinCLI . 6 only, Third street,
nearly 0m , 0,i4 4- the l'ost Meet I
Rev. W. W. Raltowell, James flOOn•
" M. Br' an, Charles Paulson,
" Joho NI - Cron, C. Veager,
N.G. Collies, WM. Craham,ii.,
Robert Etonian, E. Trot:01o,
Dr, it. D. Sellers. Douglas..
" E. D. Cazzam, Henry Atwood,
" Wm. 11. Wright, Isaac Cruse,
Robe'rt H. Kerr, Gedife W. Henry
A. Beckham, Bolen McPherson,
Thomas Onston, John S. Shaffer.
George Miltenberger, Wm. Eic titian m,
O. P..Shiras, • .1, B Turner,
- .
Miller. Wat. Martin,
R. M. Riddle, Post Master Henry Bargkm"c.,
R o bert (tray, Jaapes S. Marli,of the A rner-
A lien Kramer, it' tl T 1 lintel,
A. F. Marttirns, John M, Campbell
M. Stackhouse. 1.. Alherfter, -,
Rohm Johnston, James Mellin, ' , :t
N. R. Jo.' received, an improved Patent . Lamp, for
kitchen lice. nov 19—dlw 4- vvtf
TO THE PUBLIC, and particularly to my farmer
patrons of this city:—Having retired froth the
practice of Medicine, 1 may be tiermilted to say, that' It
has (Olen hi the lot of tut few persona to have enjoyed
so liberal or larLte a share of ohstretrical practice as my
own has been for ill , . last SO or 40 years.
The experienee of that long pe'riod of active life. and the
fact of my having 'teen twice.,sincelit3o.aasociaterf with
Dr. R. 'A. Wit.or, in the practice of medicine, On hot h a
period of five years.) enables ime to judge fully of the
merits of his pule.
Sneotiventent, so efficient. and yet's° safe, did I esteem
these pflta, that far the last five.,!vears in my practice for
the cure of chronic disease=, of Wha 'ever Hama, and those
of females in particular, I havetusedlnori 01 them than
all other medicines.
Like every other medicine, this must fail In some in
stances, but in my hands there tics been - 11-s disappoint
ment and more satisfaction in 54etioithistration of this
nne remedy than of ail ("them its good effccla sometimes
quite astonishing me.
if me patient required a safe aperient medicine either.
fore or after parturition, the Wilson's pi.ls wcrejust
the Elting I wanted.
Ira dyspeptic Rid condition of the stomach, combined
with costiveness or inactivit y of the liver, co n stit u t e d t h e
disease '3f my "patient. the pills :were just the thtng I
If I treated a ease requiring, an emmenagogne, the
Wilson's pills were just the thing I wanted.
If palpitation, lieadaetti, bushed countenance, or other
difficulties, Indicating u .; ,.disturbence of the circulatory
and secretary systems, annoyed iny patient at the gum
of tire,' the Wilson's pills vverejbst thething wanted.
. Thus, witimut re..snet to the name , a disease, might
happen to wearnt the time I hive hod' it wider treat
ment,-partitubly indications or iiroptons arising.: were
always ,mce.t protikitly and mast happily met by' the
That so great a number of diskasmt, and mulct hnel ap.
narentfropuitedie ones, n which !have risen these PHIS,
shan't& bectit ed,saore readily by them than by ear •rither
remedy. may at first seem strange and contradiotory„: but
wiry sats - as clear to my niidd es that lArest mass
perspnikrbould become thirsty from 68 Many.. di MO COI
patiei,:ind yet ati require that common and greatest uf
Ali bliNelings; water to quench Flier thirst.. .• .11
In conclusion, it is dne the; :epatation of the medicine
aqdt he anbl)r, teeny decidedly end uticonditionally,that
the tVilsort's pills aret tmonly combination I have ever
met with il l thztiong , e - eurre
,ai practiO,Aliat-isally of
eesseda aytilleg,e - nrative or speciOe for Oct: lieallaebe.
k,Yours*t., Tiff: , MILO ADA *D.
The above. Pitti."tesigned particularly foc. the *teit
Ilaed.Achei rryspormil;CeirtipaOiberrf the Doevele
tigel*/r. A.
•park4iiti.liciir;and retail, at die welling in Nab atKet;
•: -
..;;w `.;.rg.
-1600tik, , S t*eirieg# 'ff , k4
• ~klEittaltsestreagly vtcoutmendect, to 'the:Twee* Of
the: ladkv as a, safe and easient ref:Teti , in realm:l3;7
tho Vribritiiibints jive . ar to their vex. from eria of ea-
V'ciVill.prieratdebiAily of Ilie.spraern. lrb
and counteract ail ysteitgat and Nervoni
afflictions Time Pun Mitepa ' tlk. meridian and •
approption of the most eminent redbes In ibe mut
tee stttea ; aadisuaay`Mothees F . Wbotaare 'arta
Oteteit4l. ' . 'T..r'skr..Liam
fed ITlt No. 40. Wood - Second.
- rtheybatiair honzat %oar tae. the; fate:
ttor " deceased. bad CPIII , IIIII businesS
in the old Stand of Mr. E. and is 'Peenitriti
docript:Onsa, of wort In airline, In the tsestAns
an4i3,lltOilibifrist*ltotiOi-Ale tars -
a lar ge asserpnent ofshoelinOtneS or al!•‘..t d
Of theisest qvialltsc . He sonifte the petKei
Itcaed of tae otipCL. • VS . • //i\ ,
4110 "
prvsimitGrt MEAN VrAcTillklY.--Ap* iv, A
A ? i
a:l4 412 test AO EtateraPrtar.`"
Tht ..... 4"PC 131S311traCt#010, ketofiena4aPtklSlN4
likalivunartGtiiint Mitotic 5piff.,....3 (warranted - ) Juniata
'Mk Patti, Sitter;tpd Bratteldated
and plated flub Bands,. Wan* Pate l l l ....,leather ,
-§iiver - Brass Lamps; Ttirei fold -
Iron, Door Handles and Binges. kt , .
ied I 8 S,LXlalr near tlejt 'kw:briny Itr Wiz?
11..0-BELLES,,I4I - ..B.,ifiric;e ahd divellin la ntiitff,
: nettr Ferry strfft ! : .;;;
the attention Ifths:ve Who have been somettrhat seen.
Deal in reference to the tinnier:ins certificates ptibfinhed •
An favor of Dr. Swayne'e Compound-Syrup of Wild Cher.
.ev,cint account of the persona betas, unknown In this see
thin of-the sent e , i t s tee iret.fntly dtreeted to ttitt. foil awDit
ocerbiteate,ette. Welter - 4!tfavlttelt has "Gees elt teen of this_
tioroftela for severallearf. wild is k Pow R - 11.1 a• gentleman
of integrity and responethjlity.
7'o the Agent, Mr. J. Rine.
t have lased Pr. Swayne's Cgmp and of Wild
Cherry for a Collffil, with Width i have been severely p'l
ine* for ahout fonr4ncintfts,. and leave net hesitation
in sayine, that-it isthe most effective medicine that! have
becObie to:procnre. ,1t tompos.es traeasinesg. rnd
agrees well with mydiet,—and mantaltaa Jraular and
good-appetite. can freely recommend'it to all "others
.similarly afflicted. C fl
March 9. IR4O. • seri' 23
For gee by WILLIAM THORN No i' , 53 Market wept.
. •
11DIVERSONS de.-irons of procuring Fruit. Shade: and
-- ....Ornamental - P . Trees, or Shrubbery, fiOm
New-York, are requested to'make applinspon as
soon as possible, otAbe Final and Seed Stine of ° , lbe sub
scriber, where can he had catalogues, cratultouslY, of the
mout eirreilcni varieties. F. I.4ONOWDEN,
EV? 21 ' No IR4 LibSety.stiSetAsanntWooj
MARBLE M N tiFACTORT.--Pittrtek Cattlield re
l..>!spectfully acquaints his friends and the public gen
eratily, that he has crunmencedthe Marble business:it the
corner of Pi fib and Liberty sts..yihere will be constantly
on hand. tomb stones, mantcliderea, monuments, head'
saidtfoot stones, table slabs for cabinct scare, and every
arlieiennpertiinin tp the business. wig - warrant Iris
WO% to be. well done, and his charges will ba modcratg.
flg residierfurly asks a share of public sep
TAMES A. VAEY, Partoordiaz and Contiaiasior
s .Mereatutt, Agent for Steahlboat bleveland . nun
Yi dneylvania and (lido tine. Darin; rented the tv.are
!toliPe—forinerly °erupted hy Btrniinghani 4- Co.. No. 60
WiterStimit, !etween Wood and SWIM - mid, is , prepared
ecei v,OWn d lorward goods to any port on Ilie.Ohio or
it.ek la.
• 0-P-8147.711 I fIJP.—G_ P. Smith * liamptun,
having rasocia:ed themselvee together under the
tires ofliamphin Smith, will continue the wholesale .
Pry Goods business in the lions.e recently occupied by
flair ulna. Smith k Co where they will he rectitiing k a
few days a iteiv stock of Pali and %I'inter Gopde. They r
respectfully invite theft* cOd friends, and trciell.n .4
stuck, sept 28—d3m.
Portable Platform Scales on wheels, to weigh 2,500 lbs, at
$55 00.
do do do do 2,005 at $45 00
do do do do 1.500 at 35 00
do do do do 1,000 at :10 00
do do do do 500 at 25 00
With raising levers an addition of to each scale.
Dormant scales for the tre of Warehouses, Flouring
Mills, kr—the same prices as above.
Also, White's Patera Counter Scale, with O. Young's
improvements, nod a variety of other counter scales,
which they will sell for from 8 to $l5,
They .also rnanufaciure Steam Eligines for Flooring
Mills. Sow Mills, Salt Works, &c., double and sine
geared slide lailles.foot and other !allies for wood turning
VIIRChill , 'S for lenaniing chairs, pinning machines, door
and sash machines. Hall's patent horse power, with or
without - Thrashing machines, a superior ar•tictit circular
saw shafts, machines for sat's' ing lath, Tinner's ma•
cblice , and tools nfalidescriptions.also for makina -black
iug boxes, a superior artic i le; governors fur steam engine-
stocks, tans and dies, coffee mills. bedsiead or joint hots
and machinery for making the same. cotton factory inn
chiner-y made or repaired; printing press ',fattens turned
and printing Presses repaired..
otp 22—tf 'TAMING 4' BRADBURY
LOHNS. GUTHRIE, - Auctioneer and Calamity
ti - sion Merchant, No.lo6,elOwer of Wood 4- Fifth sts.
Pittsburgh: Basins been appointed one of the Auction
eersfoi the City of Pitsburgb, tenders his servicesto ja
bets, manufbcturers and dealers, who may be disposed
to make trial of thismarket• lie is' prepared to make
advances on consignments of ail saleable commodities.
and trusts to satisfy correspondents by quick sales, and
speedy hind favorable returns.
That the various interests which may he confided 'to
him, shall be adequately protected, be brings to the aid
of his own experience in bullnew and acquaintance with
merchandise generally, the' services of Mr. Emma.
FArnasTocs; heretofore advantageously known. as an
importer and dealer in . Hardlsitre and Cutlery, with
whom a permanent en2aseutentls made.
filtwais. M. Tierttan, Presi. of sf - ,. m
Darlington 4- Peebles,
Robert Galwsi t y,
. 4 Jarneit ht: Cooper,
• James May, J.
R. M. Riddle. ' Pittsburgh
. Wm Robinson. Jr; Prey %
.4 of kiehingte Bank.
Hamples;Bllllo,* CO., 1 •
John D: Davis
• Satinet Church.
' s. Moorhead:l
gag,. W. Brown 4- co. . .j .
o John 11,•11town,t Co:
SmiUt k
t u F e y, ,
• Vardty J.vers,
..kantS: !albite ' = - I
Jahn Embami, , "1010
Soperior Fl4)ll4,lrltiet TatjtlB444B yt! , st• - ~
..=.1.-_ stnitiormp.l44et
1 0-. 4 ,
_- •
..5 r 7
4 - , - .',, ?ii4R4.- - , -4 -, ,:..4
I AM TL Y, FLOUR — loaf' - 144... i.d eir v e r t: tim &vr itr ba4 E ire , lt: For of
''', ::,• %,...- .4.;•::-;;','"414,1,..,,,,,t.A.
- , -..
.„ •
mnreved flay
Indtheinred be
[heir Machint
t, between Pin
ta, Fl reel. two
nee Pail, Pitts
tnnetelii re and
Ind the rei:o,
rig scales(wiini.
ty Wan:need of
No. 1, Port
Me Platform
101 S,
o lVeig,U 00(4)
outids,at 665 ;
~:,';', F ROStetTOB f'
F" r aeliiilN t a se t . ' nib lferiff fOit.C i itritrintis
• 6211;04-4ttnis - forthttrlto
r"lllESubscritreia bailee '
mnlee airaugewents to wile
J.- OA Atitet7ttatintutittatid'Plitahlisits Moe*
; 7 i n k t i, i ,:,..hirrtal; have copcluifed to pitibtish a daily
paper whilifie Viler Stile beily .1111intivi Post.
The'teliaNag.Ohjeet-.'..tfttlero . Potre - wiltbattlaidlOstatllla•
1 l oro o4. 3 thl e p ge ° ta w I, o Htleal pticielplelirsa have bete
tofort hosit 'maintain/411y the..Ndllot‘itt their itoPoislive
paperkasakt heir, bestegorts trill - Stilllardotwletts the
rilestueenala and success of those doartode• -. -
._ AubPueb,lo_potrtkv, .the rake will he thoroughly,
deatoc ratio.; yet Ore_ Editors have, hy.grins an _latatst,
candid'history of .passing Political events,. Foreign •
and Dotoestha , l- Intelligence, and,brieCootices of all oat-
ters and occurnea*o4ssHlll-.PlRFteritlaithin the sphere
oft Public Journal, ta t tnake, their papec,vullicieutly 1O
cresting to entitle - It'Wthe patronage erthc prlle t it
i nespeolve oC patty.zonsiderattora. ' :- • .-' -
lii addillon,to th e rrotillcaltind-aeueral newe that will.
be tottait iti the ...iforsia‘r Post," the Editors wilt rake
\k ‘ nains • to - far - filst - - Sat' -lansioevarrverimmualty %with
litll likiPlßlti RYA 1 10,trfeKlpg. Ctikraketatt.2.l.nacw
r cages ram all Parts of the country, and to have plata
redL,AuZfl,actfoutiOrnithe lllieltetii and'the State of Total'
asmill.headanlOugosks to mir lidelettauts and Bushel:is_
"dem tu their several callings. .. ._
Teri4.—Tbe Pr i nt Will beladdished do a' taiga impart.
s al sheet 4 fine - piper, (mann fact u red especially - tar lola
.lourn-tl) :it the unusually low rate,of FIVE :JOLLA*/
perfanurnmayable in advance. It will also be sold 133 ,
news-hoyeat\thedow raieof TWO CENTS a ropy.
,radoertileasinte will be inserted at the lowest rates
charged by,theutiter daily papers of the city. ~
ti4rTWENTfactive lads are wanted to sell the Post,
who wilt beengageil ca
on thecost liberal tarots
Align . St - 314 in .' -
B W,
iCk e rShll ,CCITRP./* of Woo % street and Virein
alley Pittsburgh Pa. and H. Ilvwo ßeaver P. who
is Stile aunt for Westarn Pennsylvania, sep 70 -
WARM FOE?. SA LX.—The undersigned ciff' ers for sale a
tract of land sii Crated 4 miles frca, iPreepoi , In the
direction of -Kittanning, Buffalo 'township; Artnstrons
county.containinc 100 ncree, c,„s.cleareil and u nder good
fetter.; itrof whlcn are in mqfti ow— a sood Folsom: log
, dwelling house and cabin baritTetrected thereon—akapple
otchard of. 80 hearing trees--and a spring, of criclent
water Convenient - to the house.
FOIL TEibSPapiVy to the subgcribora residing nt tke
Sa;:worlsz on tile Pennsylvania Canal, 1 nice above Free
To Tilt WISE . - 1 9 s I,ow welt understood how
much disordering( he Mind' depend for their cure
uoon.z tine :Mem . I i row nnderilnod
how Mites('le is that iiMiticitie which wilt rove morbid
acenmulat ions wit firnif r iiiiiiiimniMi the hod it is
•now understood ilint , titere is a reciprocal influence be.
twcen the mind and ths. body. It is now it nilerstoot that
titirging.with the- Brandrith Pills Wllit remove a nielaw_
and even, insanity is cured tw perieverlingly using
them::-it is now understood how much tioniestie happi•
*cps dependsupon the healthy con d ition of the digestive
It is now. welt known that the Brandreth- Pills .itave
cared thousands of hopeless and helpless persons, even
When - the first physicians had - pr6nouneed them beyond
all human means of relief. It is now not only well
known that the Brrindreilt-Pltissixeure. Ind it is alSOnn
derstood bow they cure; ttiat it laity their:purifying effect
on the blood that they ritore the body to health.
The value of the medicine is becoming nmreand more
manifest:lt is recommended daily front family to family.
The Brandretly,PlllsretnpveJn on almost imperceptible
rate the hiooititnd theii good etThets are not coltaternnlan
, ced by any inconveniences; being compnsed entirely of
vegetating they do not expose those who use
,the lki to
danger; and their effects are as certain as they are situ
pry; they are daily and safely adminls,rercd to Infancy,:
Vinth,rnanboad;and old age. and to women in the most,
critical and - del tette then toga ncen. They do_not disiurb
or shock the animal fanctionS, bet -restore their order
and ettahlizh their health.
SoMat Dr. Braw.dreill's Office, No.9a, Wood Street
Pittsburzh. Price 25 cents per bnx, with Ain directions
MAI K—The only place in Pitts:lllmb *here he rut]
inc Pitts can he obtained. is the. Loctor's own office, No
93 Wood street. ' •• sep Ifl
DR, J. B. TJRBITI"*""iNk.f vectfully inform the citi
zens of Pittsburgliapct_iticinity. that he has rettrn
cd to the city. Re hotteWs'itare the confidence of his
former patrons and the public gener.ttly; and solicits a.
renewal of a portion of their patronage. In connexion
he would observe, that the oneratiOn of Lithotrlty, (or
breaking the stone in the !dodder and allowing it to ran
of with the urine,) is every where commanding the deep
est interest. Ile hopes to extenfflthe benefit ofthls branch
of his profession to the afflicted.' Strictures,Dieeas , a of
the Bladder and Kidneys,—which occaplonallyfotlow,- , -
will likewise receive attention.
Those from a distance wishing further inform:Mon
will apply personally or by letter, or if desired can be
accommodated at Ilk in a retired part of the ci
ty, on Thiett, between Ferry and Liberty stn. nen 10
. . , .
! L ET invalids read the following account of a Sailor'
cured of a complication of afflictions in nineteen
days hy the use of Brandreth Pillg. It distinctly proves
there are herbs in nature which - have affinity cure be
cause of disease, and Braiulreth'e Pills are made for them
Read and he convinced. Take the medicine andbe cured
lons I. 4 nsw, of Pembroke. Washington county, Maine,
being duly sworn, says, that lie was taken violently sick
about six months since. The pains in hishead, breast,
hack, left side and instep being so had tlrat he was una.
Met° help hitoself.and was taken into the Chelsea Dos
pital in the city of Boston. That after being In said
hospital five weeks, Doctor Oils said he did not know
what was the matter with him, and that he could do
nothing for him, nurcould he pre tribe any medicine
That he, therefore, was conveyed front the Chelsea Bos.
pital to the Sailor's retreat on Staten island. That het
was there physicked with all sorts of medicine for a peel
od arrow .mont bk. suffering all the time the Molt heart.
rending misery.- That, besides his affection of his bones
be waslroubted mach with a disease of the lun,gi: some.
haw. he Would spit a quart of phlegm in the day; besides
this affection be had a-bad Diarrhma, which had more
or less:mended fromthe - conimencemenl of his sick.
ness. That at times he dreaded a stool worse than he
would have dreaded death; that beam compare the feel
ing to nothing save that of knives passing through hie
bowels. A fier suffering worse tha n deal hat the Sailor's
Retreat.on Staten Island, the doctor told him that ..nitedi-.
eine was of, no use to him. that he inu , 4 try to stir about.
A t this time ho was suffering the greatest misery: That
his hones vecreso tender he could not bear the tenet Folic.
ore upon the elbow or upon the knee, that-hfit Instep was
most painful, that as; the Doctor said be woold give - him
no more medicine be determined to proettie some of Dr.,
Brendreth's Pitts. which he ' did, fount 241 Broadway
New York; that be commenced with five, pills, and sonie,
times increased the dose to eight. The first week's use
so much. benefited' biro, ..,that, the doctor, dot knowing
what he was "Mr, said. mow,i3haw. you look like a
man again; if you imornie in this war, you will IC" be
well,' that he found every dose of the Brandreth Pills
relieve him, first they cured him of the pain when at
aloof; that they next cured-the diarratesi-nad finally the
plies in .irts botiesl. 7 -That 'the medicine. seemed to add
strength Co him every day.' Herold the . doettir yestev-•
-thy the ittit instant. that, he tetthireseJf well.; and atio;-
that be awed ,101,. recovery to 43nandreths riffs ander . ..!
fiat 'be haii'ttkeii the niedieinelevet y day ‘ 1
for 19days; that tbedoctorudd tilmilhe had - -knotrn he-
hadheen tikirig that medicine, tit shouid not haie stayed -
another &aria vtiohouse-4 . ep amides it hilds!inty ,
trakethisrintaiestatement for thebenefit ofail similarly
afflicted; that ther may know where to find a rwirek.ine
that wit! enre threw.._ . - JOHN SHAW.
John Shaw ~e in hy Int duly sworn this Iph day of
-111)riF.1134tiffel depose itinY-t hit ftt4 - foregnin gate
-went eR iron,,J. D._ , W.lla;LElLCoinsuisepar!go PeOs.
Thr RILI-fi rbREI7I Pll.lB _arc sold pt: Dr. ItrBl}.
diet h7s . printipal,oltre.l4lvllJlOlLEOVA,t;`;*ir
. 4111111 hi 41101101410 arlte,Nis,:9B Wood -
be cottlforetokbait6Wirlit . :# ';
, hte 4biiihref - - • - • aefrr!-"?'"-*
~ ~ 1 . 4;:
s' •n•~+~
'~~ _
,•-•:•-,.:..-.'. - 4 , . --?,
:;:-.-.-., ~ --.-
:;, - ,.:Jpv
?R . is!'
7 5 54,75p!' ja—,4"-5
~ f ~'~~~ ;
i•v,. - iti ' -'- ' ,l
.:, - ~..- ~ :Al , nutan - -•tmouta i l 77t"F...--,.:- -':(:,,,:;,,..,
rooki e tt ty l e ..!altiat*eitit , likaitivitfilir - Siltatz44
.: , 4 F „:„ ::: *; $ , s ': : am% .-- .. - • - • ,, ii-iikt,4 4 ,
1,•!--? ,. .t4..2,* , •• - •••. ' - •• - eo r i t ve s o. , .. ••:• - v , •••.: , -e . 4: 4#44. ,:_.R* , ..,
~. -, _ -. .-,..5•
Both ()torte* lied': li , ti *W4 4, ' 1, M
l' - ',.:' ----
her in, tears. The latter beer .7 . * % .l ‘ 2 "' 1-I,Vii
kissed - thelithatrger,i - ndEpiiiiig . ''' ''' :.; -.6.- --1
1 bosom . ,; -, - ,
, , - 4 'r - ,---- ---" 7 - ' 1
' • - -''' ~'
I. !rfolattiltod'bhoairiid' sititTO '' ,- • 7 ! "•;,: r,..!:,,j - -„ 9
*foteriutlyi:.-treitlif,Htrri,'fcir*•-• • 1-1- . :":- - ;,-t, - .
juatiettdOnetO you when elitillitht,:'„ . - _ - ;L:.,-.• :-.•- 1,•',4!
Thd - e - y - Os eflieltiffared - iitteeer' 7, 'r.- ,1 • 1 : -6- ..:;"
those of attierirketd - 'tfgrikat )14 , 4 .":,...,,.' - ' l. ::,' . I
het , feet uponlh riirokit; SQ . :W; .. •,•4f !':-.-•
pettedly ;with - her SOW:- as-atia; -:,: . - 4 ' 2iie l; '..z '.-•
habit 'Of aoinv*lien 7 •Woirea - :',,br --
~411:1- -- -
iiittf.dialtlypaighini;' '' -
~-.- '''' - ' 4 - ':
Torii I: aliffer t fu a that 111e1„ . ..7` 'T 4 ' : ' , ::, - ;:::::_!i, ----'•
ed; and as fut , - - !yOu i ,liiiiiiti - x,' -
my ttett`if ne' paid' i.64.iitr -- -""-; ...-, ~, ' . ! - :Li i ;
a robber; I'll ' preve` it liesibt . ti - 7toili - ,''''',. 1 -
one knows beer a -en - ttervfr-'inci: ' -'.'-. .:7 - -
' Mr;-Brciokleigh felt thattherefilitiWg'
to be something .cOhrugeted - with - • 041.'i,
sactioir orthe_preciaing ' nfght,iii*W ' 7
with - Sortie-of the Versotis'*lie bad" ' .
before - him, that lifeipleted Ifn* it ,''''
ite:tkaitiitzt that-Considering - lite too_
Ithif.ofthd ChA4ge - preferred 1ta1ia , „,,....: :
oltotke; he 'exhibited atttititttlii iiii
that did net ether argue iiiiiielio......•
1 ”
Same: - .usfsetfl4-'sutioittone elitit
nd,lidi , 'iitit-roy,ith4efteCietit Aii*ii tie t ' .
with certainty ufon•anY therriitirefoeit, s'-' .it:
rcept/Nelt and ...p.ltinse 1 3 / 4 yeoflu - M'*liiilgalr%'
absconded., If 'Nell Were the
a ' iinitia*:
mother, her anxiety' to bring Vie - iiieWl
to justice appeared. very nattiral." . ' 'til,
-.again., you ng - O'ltorke's- fnther,.*hiiitiii& t :'
to &m 1-
ed ow the, history of:Nell ,
,t,'Ci - ,:- , : - J -1 1
a &U
denied that she ever hadgh ''.'.' li;liiir t .
could he -he eel tain that slitrbait ;iii; ' ' - ''''4._
out knowing her•privateliftytti , --:'.' ,i'
These • circumstances '• atipqarek - . re ' • ",
strange ; if not altogether ipitkiinjwitliala z !
ble; so much so; indeed; that Ire tilt
s- 1
necessary .before they separatedite' - ...... -- ; - - -.. " . t 1
with O'litorke's family in Ovate.' ' :Ire. - .. 7.
expressed a wish to this eifect..he d': ~, ' ''',`
s ed the•mther jut/ lea - ete.ept,i, '
lte iuteed,ed teMeep citsfined itutaltifer' . 7
c over y D il l e . 7 b ce . --. . '...:-.! -.-. :,,,,-....._;;.- ~ ?-er
, ,
_... -the - •fathetofliele - biiiii 1
-‘, . 101
file hers, how,_ -nit'kuoir; ll :YßOlkk
Nell -14,Tittil, airit
I knew jagittil
since was 5 - khildi att' 6n tlrst t'
this slie - Vvas eever\sixasot trim twir
town at time. IsTo \ Nto:—.ll she hal bell
a daughter she never hid. . - ' • ri
Let-me ask you, yonstmen, (it alk'• - t 4
business were ,you auroa nifghti
,expect you will enswet,gre\eandidly. -
It's no •matther,' repliea young
Laudher gloornily.my cherat teYs 4-- -A
cannot be worsepare I will tielitt i malialloilfit- '.*
11 spent it, till I have :an oppo eh
cleariu' myself. • _ • ' '
I.i.you spent it Innocently, returtittifdkii . t= l-
_ _
magistrate, y:it andlekve no -hesitator ri- ; 4.
making the iisateure Nkritetttiirew -;,.._ - . 5 ' 7 . 0
I will not mention it, said the - tNheil 4 1 71 11
. _
was disgraced, an' that is enough,
- but little of the robbery:;
Brsokleigli' uha erstood him; bal. till;. l liltkiirr
assertion, though it extinetictest i ktim tc-tkpk,, v4
opinion of a man who knew IsoriAttlaingAi l ii.ti
bout. character, witt 4‘r in dna, ofklis tl t,t,
friends who were .present to eatabli*:ll4, t,,,,v
They then - withdrew- '
and it would him.h . 4. ~ -
been much to young Lamb Etaudlmeu 0 1 54,0
vantage •if this pr:vatpi leivicii had: aennx4. 4 .,,,1
,alien plate.
The nsxt morninp clitorke,amtbitt s ';: ro4 ,: i
kr aito upon Mfr.' upo Brookhn ro,stalek _ ;fin:,
40 2 .----
their:Opinion it w,,uld be more jtidicifongiis al . i i.;
liberate Nell NrCotint. provided that" ..rt,,.' . ,.
kept a strict watch upon all her ruoiiAttl t 3 -,,,,,f ; , ,,1V - -;!
lie inigistlate instantly- adryiitted„be*litaPt„44.
forceandingenuitY oldie t1inugh4a11:04,.,,, A1 ,,
having appointed three persons t01 , 10,041r r , 3 ,i, - -z ;
of keeping tier under 4 1 tirveiliarlii'lip
. - 2 . 0 ;,...: il, ft'
r_ .her at large - L. 4
.This was all jaciciOptt A rtitpit4*
sei: ,-
in the meantime, common tumour, balling t., r t .:
first published the fact of youogiLattilits444t,
dlier's cowardice, found it an easy funk tub, , ln.
associate his name with the robbury. : .:ilis,,, ,-;
very father, after their 'bit Conference • .TrAgh , .. v.,.
the magistrate, eciubted high his** l4 ll.t i , ..4 .
the most sympathetic tennsexprestledibeas,
conviction of his guilt, "and the nail ciik. v .,*,,
sequences resulting from this w*t,ttat„iit„ 3 .,,,..
found himself expelled from his pa!eing t ,, ` _ ,,
roof, and absolutely 'put mit Of trap..
,Th* ~,
tide of ill fame, in fact, set in so strop Ija. ; „
against hint, drat Ellen, startled as alie - _
been by his threat of taking to tire k' ,_ .,v ., lim ,
way-, doubted him. The poor voungiiim i , ~
in truth, led a, roiserablelife-, Nano/ 11 1 - 4 : 0 1 ,
Cullum bad not been•fiiirtitt,:and 4/th :setifig• - "W' 4 "
vorable rumor wets still 'it - its heigirt, l llookcirtit;
one morning the town arose 'and foe* tibli tii•!
dead walls and streets plaearded widtvilisle' 4, kii.
wits in those days known est - the faial*WV . ' 1 4 •'
hinge of the DEAD. BOXER! -.7 - . 4 (-CA,
The meat of intimating hia with
always been peenlisi to thatiidividiiitialiit t '''',,, ; , -,
was a man of color. No peiven twit- innl; - I'j . " 7 "
covered the means by 'which 'be pitlititia 72 1 "." - -:
hia dreadful challenge. lts ati'ago - ofArthtrt' ii l l ;:' - ' : `
intersfition. nome&es wereiliihtinotir.:4,
opinions oromulgaW- orniptiiittg flak' ''..`,.".l' '.
en 1118 tance. The general-tinpieeiinitili"'Lly!"-'":
that an evil spirit attended Itink,,,;by wh y : I,'
agency, his ..advertismenti *tire jiiitit k --
night, A. law it is saidi<lheii -"e'
. to , i:i*t.„Wei*-v.-. 4 ."
when a ptigalist arrive 4. to ley toltitM
might claim the ris:bt to reethiflltbin'Off. .-,-. - r . L
fifty guineas provided iielnai‘V.trti'' ' i-: . :
.t - otfid-holcionti to aFeept hts istditloW ' - -
. 4. ,- _Oimktigerjed._ ~ - -AVatitiik
rt * i.,