Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, December 19, 1842, Image 4

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    A L' ' , h it, : I -,
StraVOY.#4l7atiThi... -- do 'h
ugnat al „,;,: - to or
• removed his Ps 1a . -
'hi. *dial" ' 4irh e be
is Has, ant : lir to al. '
1 ' 143 V "" 4441 ,t i tie business of aiii7o,l 4 Mir
' " ..i . f ' l ' liii
ibe o ll Midericet Bp Witt* idellarod
' ail* 4 da Hearses. Men. Carriages Old
e.,,-: eon ' it,p 4 'l ! 2 ,9D il l i re. tnew - liberal bums. Calls (row The
- e I. In the same building with
1 :- 417-t ylo 7 ?L---'lllll-Pi°gl s Pti3r attended
his warn
` ;_,,„., .boae who steed his dery
ll* _ -WP.... lees may nod him
r i -tA lne " - alnltigllciu LACS. D. PA
, ....
trr - tar., /ens a
i ri L
ace. saxcxx. wit:Liana, D.
' ln
I.4l,l"r nitt il' ' JOStrli Maltar
• w5,.....-1. "V. DA.9131
: '
"'Aikkiiikial9+ r II
11l *IV' St P. Parr*
- eup. Te-atraelar.:44.
*eat% sTgAusokr
rkirtis GETS; asY. RILLS, ' •
4,figGs. . Aims sAs 40.,
- Ism Erest3 DO.,
-Nary ; , . HAND' DIU%
-DIDGS Dr -LADING,' 4-e, e r e.
Tosether with every description of Letter Press Print
Ant, Ittrnishedmith.tteatness and despatch, and on mode
tote terms, at,thettflice-of the Dolly Morning Post.
%lasi elf individuals le very numerous. They are those
who work id an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers. work•
_pea in feathevatrires, stone cutters, bakers, white lead
iv wsp4sitturers,.are all more or less subject to disease ac
,,foirsilax‘to the strength , of their constitution. The only
19e1.6n,d t o _prevent disease, Is the occasional use of a
latftEcirre which abstracts from the circulation all deTonicslete
"-111911a)llenOrs, and expele them by the bowels.
,IloAny . form are injurious, as they only 7.dt off the evil
day to make It more fatal. The use of Drandrei it's Pills
will Insure health, hecause they take all Impure mai ter
oat of the blood; and the body is not weakened but
. afren;thened by their operation, fir these valuable Pills
I t solipt force, but they assist nature, and are not opposed,
lost harmonize with her.
Sokrut-Dr:Brandreth't Office, Nn. 93 Wonti ; street,
PRlsburgn. Price 2,5 cents per hos, with full directions.
HARK.—The only place to Pittsburgh win re the
Cp'ENUMp"Pills con be obtained, is the Doctor's own r:r
r .
No. 98 - Wood street. sep 10
11lTUW frOTEL.—The subscriber respectllilly in
forms his old friends and the public that he has
opened a Temperance Hotel, in fifth Street. near the Ex
milunge - Barik. and in the house lately occupied by Mat.
thew Patrick, and has hoisted ant roa li gn, -The Iron
'City !Wit." where he will be very linc;v to accomino•
date all who may please to call on. hire. His table
shall tie provided with the best fare, and every possible
liceommoilation to town and country customers and
A few boarders who wish to lodge in their stores or of.
*cgs, can he taken, and sent !eine') who five out of town
can stave their dinners daily.
Ile has large anti _nod stables, and the hest flay and
Oats, and a good Hostler, anti will accommodate travel.
orsitn`d gentlemen who have horses.
Boarders taken 6v the day. week nr year. eltars,es
'lnommoderate than at ally respectable Hotel in the city.
'-,l* - e.P 10 JOHN IRONS.
- -
:WASHINGTON HA LL.—Tne 'll ,, se:ther has
- girl/ opened the tate re-iidenceuf )ones Adaiou, ,
iteiedod, for the rocgoi.ol of visitors and boarAers;
Ale toule is very pleasan' ly situated on the hank of the
olii0; - 2 miles from the cite—possessing all the delight
fUraceoniprinlments of a counlry residence, without
tetng too far di-tan for persons doing 'bushiest! In the
'CIO. Visitor's will be furnished with every delicacy of
the season.
An Omnibus runs regularly every hou i the A Ile
glieny end of the lit id2P.
N:l3.—No Alcoliall'beverages kept
U 041.4t , ,MY, - tarlp.V' —The cop..il•
nersitip exlititint '4 4l9fkri, latnen E. K .Ihnurn and
David J. 11.1.4411 by mutual consent.
The conditions w41,-, ly-haiced.with the Fi:filniures
of both parties Hank d Barry Mall will he continued
eon by the subscriber- al l other arruingetnern ate per
For Attie, on the {womb - tog, 150 libk. choire winter ap.
pies, if applied foritninedintely. JAB. E. K I LI'.OUB N,
sap 29—tr ,No 9. Market, and 74. Front at.
BOO KBINDING.--Nreandlessti.
r;r11-- . -`- - :Johnson..., Bookbinders and Paper
-,--=--_ Rulers, S. W. corner of Wood and
___,,,____„, Fouillis streets, are now prepared to ex.
' sz, ----:. -='--_-, ectite all kind. of Bookbioding and l'o.
, per R 'inn with neatness and despatch.
---•- ..11' •. k books ruled and bound to
illi gifren pattern at thr orte=l notice.
ttl. B. All work done oe above let warranted. (sep 10
. . agriZto
; .
Mi. BIDDLE, Surgeon Dentist, has returned to
1 r , his old eland, No. 107, Smithfield Street,
where he can he consulted any hour during the day,
on his profession. sep 10
R E MOVAtt..—George Armor, Merchant Tailor,
respectfully announces to hl, (needs and pa
trons, that he has removed Ois establishment from his
Old stand, in Third street, to rite corner of Front and
Sinlthpeld, in the basement story of the Monongahela
House; where he intends keeping on hand a general as.
tortment of Fashionable GoodS, - subable for Geo.
I/men:B wear.
ye hopes. by close atilt lention, to merit a share of the
oneness so liberally extended to him at his old stand.
fig B. Having made arrangements in New York and
Philadelphia* with the most Fashionable Tailors, for
thelreeeption of Paris and London Fashions, customers
mayrely on having their orders executed according to
the latest style. GEt,BCE Al 1.51011.
sept Hl-.1
.ARD OlL.—The Subscriber would most respectfully
Li inform the public in genera that he has an article of
aLril 011 ofa superior quality, manufactured at the Clmei n-
Gall Oil Manufactory,by R.W.Lee f Go.,w Web is warran•
tedto be equal to the hest Sperm. Oil, both for Light and
Metehhsytry. This Oil is entirely free from any glutinous
niatier, smoke, or unpleasant odor, and it is as clear and
:o'W:bite as spring water. Not a particle of crust is left
on '-bts wick. The light is pure and brit:Mitt,
and win last as long. If not longer, than that from an
eilmsl:4ltanitty of Sperm. Oil. The sidism Hier informs
the nubile that helms taken a place nearly opnosite the
POsefll9re;wl;ere be will Ileht up several different lamps
evn,leVenink, aivf he would respectfully invite the in
habitato3'oT Pittiburgh,.Allegheny,and their vicinity, to
call'and judgeftir themselves.. Re feels confident they
will be convinced,thatthe above statement Is perfectly
eoirett. hundrectlndividnals who have tried
thetkii.,there its not been isiugle Sault found with it •
Titt'e Lira 011cosis one third less an Sperm. Ile would
retiinielitiltisolleit the early attention of healers and Ma.
ihinista to the above.
Titiiititlowtni, Churches are now 119IiiS, the Lard Oil;
silecond Presbyterian Church, Pitt-burgh, •
New Cumberland restryterian Church, I'lltshuigh,
First Presbyterian Church, Allecheny City,
Associate Refhrmed. Church, dr).
•An tbettairlis 'ate ()ratified ti„ Iit..LEP. it Co.. CI ncin
- - , - '11 ; O. 111)741Y, Agent.
P ittsburgh. Junelist, 18/12.
We. heunde,lgnad.Captains of the Express Line of,
Paliisets, en the Perintilltrenia Canal have, tried and ',ore
thsitea_prtiele oftsrd 011 introduredhere by Matthew
,r,nalLip.antifnettire.d Lee 4. Co., at the.
Clnel Fait4y-
Vatted eoplideritin asserting that the at ove is equal
tettei.,biert,,Elliersit - 011; that it is entirely free from smoke
or,siilSVilier elatinpuaigatter whatever; the light la per.
let9triticeheir aid,trlllistit. and will test as long, if not
tortgetttrarith,4froe coequal quantity of Sperm. Oil,
We Nevem; besittathin la reeominending pito our, friends
end tie
trir 11 t1 1 TcY;Ciliiinie , Pocket folio Adams.
,litt,tftotANo; Captain, Peeket Tolin_riatienek,
dO ,do John Madison,
JOHN TrgEtrsopl,',. dt. Pituiburgh.
1114#,Ifi_ 41 YPS BUTCHELFA HERB Pmts.—
Walk - too nooPoowl of hid*, which hurt
a c ° kkelite = teslon upon the *lra, ova . impulep o r ,
graiii#loiiteitsrtPrlff Iwpid' liiiitolobd h quickenid
aiih r “ritbsed In ItsetreihOoo Who* '441 the
atmhY.r -alba Ath,jholiicits 411144)hfOthitilliori,*
and 104 'OW setwatthoFl4gllfelmir
-4°305101016410440,•41-14,"Mg.0.104 *taloa Of
.414'0 ieekiatiK*o 1 1 1 *P410 6 0 0 1itif AIWA,*
ind 5144ftietirAtbertiNlifisia
• -which Joey have -*kisitAit*l l C ll 4l OfOnit" -
41oosarrootrairivi Chia 7 41W4M11014
roc.. 0.#4,1:41461. " : 45 * 4 ale ""wiiikgait' " Ok i li t s•
r 111
;stomp:or. ~.,bo4ki h u V imit, o nakint,apiropriatiotti:
s•ftar Stith riewegitiy object" Olithitielieen
oto the ,gellerathairliarbittoo tills *khan authority of
nitwit; and lo fig.antkprovhici• for mud*. insigentafes , .l
..pehaes of this DepartMent , and offieers of:the fkiltet
"merit, and for other parptises," approtred• Anelisk2ffil
.I.l342ffitafstt Propose/4 will be receivetal,this Denali*
mcot until the thifirlhist - day Disietotter next, for flar7
iiishi rig for one raw , intoner. at the*Rall -orate Depart
meat; the fed 4eactipttooti of Blanks for the ase of
Post Offices In the Stales of Peistitylvaniatind Delaware:
Mails received*: . . •76 Reamsr "
Malta sent, ' , • - 00
Account of Newspapers aud Pattlp . blets tve
calved, :
AlailiseecelVed at Distributing Offices, 12 "
All the above on small royal paper, at lest 22 by 171
Inches, pebbled on.both sides sod feint raled;with not less
•- than 421ineson a page.
Mails sentfrem Distributing Offices, 12- Reams.
Sarne size paper as above, but folded lengthwise, and
with 51) lines on a page. .
AccountsCarrent,foolscap, two on a sheet 16 Reams.
Monthly and Weekly Registers, foOtstap,
four on a sheet, , 9 "
Post Bills, foolscap, 12 on a sheet,without
Post Bills, foolscap,l2 on a sheet, with
Post Rills for Distributing Offices, 9 on a )75° Reams.
sheet, with signatures
Post Bills,lfor Pistributing Offices, S on a I /
sheet, with signatures,
The proposals will state the price, in one sum, per
ream, for each kind of blanks, for paper, printing, ru'ing'
and packing._ They are to be delivered in such tmid.
ties, and at such times, as may he required by the diff..r.
eat Post Offices, and on the requisitions of Postmasters
endorsed by the rO3l taker at the place where the con
tractor may re,ide. None will be considered as deliver
ed „ or will he paid for, except on such requisitions. •
Each requlsillon,,or quantity ordered, to be Securely
enveloped or packed for transportation, and 'directed to
the Post Office, at the ex pense nf the contractor.
The right is reserved of . reject ng, any bid which may
ke considered extravagant, and also to give - to any one
bidder the printing for one or more states adjoining the
State of his residence; and each proposal must be accom
panied by sufficient evidence of the ability of the proposer
to comply with the terms of his propinal.
Tim successful bidder will be required to enter into
contract, with surety, in strict compliance with 'the pro
vision of the to w, to which bidders are referred.
Failure to furnish Monts promptly when ordered. fur
nishing those of inferior quality auto paper, printing.
or ruling, or any attempt to evade the true meaning of
the contract, will be considered' sufficient cause for its
Payment will beimade quarter-yearly, one month after
theexpiration of earl quarter.
Tire blanks mir-t fit equal to the best of those now in
use. Specimens may he seen at the various Post Offices.
The .
ti notes that coolie made feeone year's consumption; but,
they may exceed or may fall short 'of the qmodities re.
The Departinent does not bind Itself to any
specific quantity or amount.
"Pro: wok" should he so marked, and addressed to tile
"Second Assistant Postmaster General," Washington,.
D. c. n 2.3.
sou for the above , compluints is now at hand, t!nd all
persons who are subjected to the inclemency of the
weather are respectfully lacerated that,i hey can tied.
COVERT'S BALM OP' LIFE which is well known to have
cured THOUSANDS,. who were in the last stages of Con.
sumption. Certificates can he produced of its wonderful
TAYLOR'S fistwax or
,LIVERWORT is another remedy
for Liver Complaints. Caught and Colds. It come_shigb-
I) rector mended by all who have used It, and is pleasant
to take, and speedy in effecting a cure.-.
Pessesliosituouno'Ctstor.--Thii; is a highly valuable
and pleasant medicine . it will effect a positive and - certain
cure for Cnoghs,Colds, Consumptian,nitd is an effectual
cure for the WHOOPING COUGHS. 'This is a very pit•as
ant medicine, all are fund of it, and children never tefuse
to take s'; its cure is sure and positive. The sub Scriber
has a cert ificate of Agency direct from 3. Pease .' son,
so there. can he no mistake. Alt persons who are effected,
are Invited to call and not delay,' for the thtelo Mite
medicine is at the commencement.
All the above medicines can always` be procured at
L►reseTen,Oct. 2d,1842
rTo Dr. Tuoak—My Dear Sir: I cheerfully and
cordially embtace the present favoran'e opportunity to re•
BiXn to you toy warmest thanks of gratitude for your un
equalled and. Onexceptionalde invention of your very
Justly celebrated Tea Berry Tnoth•Wasli, rind 1 feat that
I am in duty huund to say that. I have derived the great•
est and moat beneficial effect front its frequent and mode.
ate use: rind I can assure you that I am exceedingly ha p-
dy to have the pleasure of informing yon, that ;lamely
and cordially speaking, I can injustice recommend MI fre
quell use to all that unfortunate portion of the human
race throughout the globe who are now undergoing the
most excruciating pain for the want of n medicine prepa-
ration of exactly the same nature of which yours in prepa
red, and who have for years been suffering from the in.
jurious, destrnetive and pernicious effects of worthless
d tooth powders and other worthless preparations. lit
conclusion permit me to say that I have used your Tooth-
Wash but for a short period, and yet I feel thoroughly
convinced that it is the best now known. its inestimable
virtues in preserving the teeth, (which it kept inn good
and handsome condition, Is the greatest embelishmeat
that adorns the human structure.) are not to be excelled
in easing and relieving the sufferer from tooth ache, and
restoring the gums to a healthy and purified comfit ion, and
giving also a sweetness and fragrancy tun disagreeable
breath hitherto unknown.
Accept my sip cere wish for your success', from
Yours. truly, Macro BRIMMER
THE Committee on Lectures of the Wirt institute.
for the Fourth Course.respectfu'ly announce to the
pubic that they have made arrangements to commence
the Lectures on Thursday evening, December 1. The
Lectures of this course will be exclusively Literary arid
&revel:Ay. -
The Committee, desirous of making the Lecture Room
of the Institute a favorite. resort of the lavers of Litera.
lure and Science, as well as the fashionable, have spared
no exertions in procuring popular and talented Lecturers,
Null at home and abroad.
In the course of two weeks a list of the Lecturers with
be published, and tickets offered.
nov 9 tr Committee.
t 011 .
• 1: - -
U. S. MAIL LINE of Splendid Passenger Steam Pack
eta from Cincinnati to St. Louis.
The lICW, splendid, fnst running, k light draught steam
Pacsetr West Wind and Nonpareil, will run as regular
Packets, from Cincinnati to St. LOW?: Will leave Cin
cinnati and St, Louis every Wednesday morning, at 10
o'clost, - '
Passengtrs from the East and West may,
,rely upon
their starting punctually as advertised.,, Fe p 10
This Infollitde, remedy has preserved hundreds
when thought past recovery, from.convpisiona. As soon
as the Syrup is rubbed on the Auttn., the child will rem v.
er. This preparation is so innocent, so efficacious. and go
pleasant; that no child wilt refuse.to tet its cums lie rub
bed with it. Whe:HAttfantsarunt Menge of fon* months
Um' there is no appearance' , or-tertitt: one bottle of the
Syrupshould hetwed to open the Sores. Parents shoat&
never be without the`syrnp.'hi !hit. rieisery •Ivtlere there
are younrchlidten.for if- a child Waken In the night with
pain in thagttura,thh , S;Vritp:lMMOdiately sites ease, by
opening the peres;hrid heating Xlieliumv; thereby prevent.
-Mg Contra gloss, roe Sale.,Wholesate and
Retait by B..p.SELLICSS. Agent,
sep "JO RO,llll.lll64:street: below s ec u n d
..:zAeg.a.nrD R C •
Clair seen. - •
Leeman& Blbiwtil,,
Wide and narrOe nets.
LauLand Df niklinabliare.
Infants' '
d Catin MOWS,
4,loerkread'ln o
nets for Ifells—very. qprip
-;Kiitbii)tilibiiiinOst Of English Siriew,
asarkly oralraw, fdalg an Y Taman
' MILLINERY': •-- : •
the Water itedietedinglyrow rates.
offalpekoe to
Ladle.ar4 tiliiiitA!.47-brriWkiS o 4 4 adli) l ,.o
' C - • _
rm stele
Wa I
t: attartiit ; aeYtr_Str` lllV 4 inOnkigtOillgoirr
-siammti,tlsatibelßFAiniterza ftiaa
v arenitly_core. • tolPiloash ibtee pill* t preditera "mows
stralecT,tlast effect genet to*Alprostestlit therballifOoloniti
otber medicines, but the frame is Invigorated by'tliere
Fluoval orthe cause sr aytAluesa,the oorhid rite vitiated
humors. from the bi ,
Harmless in thenmelves, they merely ,
• .41cennTanTinti
To throw out the tkclution of Alcknos from the body,
and they require no alteration le the diet or Clothing.
In &et, the human body is better able to Etiolate with.-
out njury,,tbe tueleasency of tile-weather, while under
the Influence of tills itrfeetiortslestroying,alsease gradich
ting Siedieitie than at at" lotlter
Tbelmaiirtalice larandretleir • Pillii Nor seamen and
traveiersisOberefbis, self evident. - '
By tbe timely use of thls Medicine how Mb eti no X let y
and sickness, tuly,ht we not prevent Cold, Hlllious of
fections, Typhus. Scarlet and reverser all kinds, weuld
itoknowto But where sickness does ekist, let no
time be lost, let the BRA NDBETIPS PILLS be at ones
sent for, that the Remedy 'may be app' led, Without fur
tber loss of titre...ire , Bg. Itettenatale-!--
I - That Brandreth's Pills have stood a seven years' test
in the United 5t01e... , " •
That they are n vegetable and innocent medicine, yet
all powerful for the removal of disease, whether chronic
recent; i 0 feet loos or otherwise.
That they purify the blood, and clay the further pro.
creosol' disease in the htintan body.
That, in loony cases, where the dreadful ravages of
ulceration bad lakt bare ligament and bone, and where,
to all appearance, no ItOninn means could - save life, have
patients by the use of these pills, been restored to• good
health; the devouring disease having been completely
That each of the genuine has upon it rakes cOPYRIGUT
_ _ _ .
That each Übe, has two signatures of Dr: Benjamin.
Brandrei h upon , It. ,
That there must he upon each box three signatures,
And three signatures, thus:—
ilintJ 'Amu( Utt..orDnirrii
"All acute fevers ever require some evaenation to bring
them to a perfect crisis and solution, and that even by
stools, which most he promoted by art when nature
does nut do the business itself. On this account, an
ill timed tcruputousnessaboui the weak nes. oe.the body
Is of bad consequences; for it is that which seems chiefly
to.make evacuations necessary, which nature attempts
after tne humors are lit to beexpeiled , but is not able to
accomplish fpr the most pert in these diseases; and I can .
affirm, that I have given a purge when the pulse has been
so low ,b - at it could hardly befell, and the debility ex
trent ,
yet both one and the ctiter have been restored by
it." Pile greed effect to be derived front the liiraedretti
Pills have tote experienced to he frilly ItelleVed. By
their- - tfOrOy ttse neither the scarlet, the typlaua ley?r or
Witt 004 would OCar as.ntite-i heir malianautformi -
.-.," VilaWO! mite to Ihe full extent,t It e ineateolatrle berm-.
-'- . .. .
.'' ltip*D,
1R AT 'S PILLS , they ni4o*,-_r
kedW i itet
the P ' Olonia of Disense present t*aiseiViiiio)Tie
aue iatitheirgood effects will iso rolOrekogboOt
thii.altack—PX ISTAKING TUnk IN Time that -ir iliegr'edt
sereieCti, t Ire.tii re.: of all - ;oltiricances, of affitlisp ' arts*
Dem bad tiloq,ond:j."`4omMe.thern arc few at the Wen
eradny, will
_ayun.S,ttitit 0:'Illiose diseases which - affect
the body wirer, theldoMi - inite. Such diseases I have
yet to see.
[loping that some Wito.renct Orin may be benefit ted by so
doing. I am res: pectfully.
ilre public's .eercant,
241 Rroadway, New.lrark:
The public Mit please observe that tin Brandretti I tits
are genuine unless the bog has three labels upon It.
each containing a fac shrillie signature of my hand
writing thus—R. Itratudreilt, These lahe's engra•
ved on steel, beautifully designed, and done nt an ex
pense of several thousand dollara. 'fletittunlier! t lop
—the side—and the bottom.
Ent red according 'miler of Con2refe, in the hear 1841,
by Bei iambi Brandreth, in tie Clerk's Office In the Din
t A iet Court of the tiara Itistr.ct of New York.
Dr. B. Branitreth's own cif49g...N0., 98, Wriett Street,
Pittsburgh. Only plies in Pitteburjh whesethe genuine
Pills ran be ohtnined. Each Agent who sell- the IMP
Erandret It Pit, has an engraved certificate or Agency
renewed every I weive nront hs, audit:ls entered into bonds
of $5OO to sell none other Pills I Infn those received limo
Di. B. or his sprTial General Agent. Mark, the certifi
cate Is all engraved except the Doctor's name, which is
in his own band writ lug. Observe, on each
there is an exact ropy of the 'lucre tunic on raelt bog t it.
graved thereon. Purclihser. see, th it the engraving of
the labels ott the certificate cot resporui whit I lore oil the
• •
The following are Dr. ttenja min 4. P randrei It's tgents
for t h e sah, of his Vegelal•le trnivt Hal Pitts, in Mteglie
ny cooly, Pa., who are snonlled with the rew labelled
Price 25 cents with•Mreetlopp.
PrinciparOfficet . Not 90,4",,WAihd St reel, Pittshur
• • A lielthehretgi..Jeistir GLASS.
'l4_o.K.eeiD*44l,-;.:ROW LAND.
Nobleitireitt, itioe Jonsson. - • '.•••.
- Stessarts Misr" CHESSMAN -11- 831 0 0-131_1114- 1 ,
Aitte4mhte,--AsnALe. Clinton +'
Ettstichn THOM.FBO/I,Willtlnsbuialt
Geortaz-ron - rei,
•Itt;IDDRT t 4 MITII PORTER, Tilterttalti'
- Elitattel Mow ,C. F. Meiji..
Ertst-Ltberr y, DANIEL NIDT.EY.
PRIMBLEY , IRWIN, Meanie 11111.
DAVID R. Goon—Plumb Votainship.
Wh. 0. Durrett— Allettleknili.' litypr
PILL'S cured by the I se Of Dr. kuitch'i Compeund
Strengthening and Ge.rrn in 4 portent Pitts
Dr. Harlich—Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the
Agency from you for the sale of your medicine, I
formed an aeqsainiance wi.h a lady of irdivtace, who
was severely afflicted with the Piles. For tight or ten
years this lady was subject to frequent Ninth! ~Itacks,
and her physician considered her case so conipticoted,
that V/ very seldom prescribed medicine for her. Thrhipeli
my pe.rstraslon, she commenced asine you r Fills, and was
perfectly cured. Yours, ite. JAMES R.KIRBY
October 3, 1840. Chambersbne,
ErOthce and General Depot, No. 19. North Eighth
Street, Philadelphia. Arid by Simnel Frew, coiner of
Liberty and Wood streets Pittsburgh. • sep 10
TERESTING CUR E performed Eqpt'. SWaY" 'S
Compound Syritp of Pcnvirs Virgyiasa, or Snid Cher.
ry. Having made ttfe of this itivalualdeSyrup ill my family,
which entirely cared my child. The aroftronis were
wheezing and 'choking of phlegm. difficulty of breathing,
attended with constant cough, spaelos,:consmisions, ke,
of which t had givendip all hopes ()fits recovery unlit I
was advised to make trial of this invaltinble medicine.
After seeing the effects it had upon, lay efdlff, and con•
eluding to make thesame trial upon risyscrf, which. en
tirely relieved me of a cough that I war Mffieted with for
many yekrv. Any person wishing to see me can ea it
my house in Beach Street, above the Market iCensin.ton.
J. Wtzeoz.
We call the attention of the public to the numerous
certificates which have been in circulation In run paner
and some others of this •city, highly recommending Dr.
SWATNIeS Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.—We have
seen the original certificates, and have no doubt hat their
come from truly grateful hearts,espresswe of Dm bertedts
which they have received from that-valuable-compound
We have , acquaintances who have-frequently used the
abovmmedlcineiwho 'cart speak with confidence Oita
virtues.—Satsrday Chronicle.
Frit.t.ow lanzgros:-,-Whit sincerity I .would udrble
you, one and eh, puth sick, and well, always - to have a
bottle of Dr Swaystescompatind Syrup of Wild Dherry
in your hones—Ms invaluable eases of emergency,,
such as Spitting of 'Blood, Avihma; attneksof elate*
whirb Is alert Site cause of spitting of - bided,
Violent - Nervous` Afflections, whiebi , octiorionallreome
frnm fright, -and various ''other einem!, producing reef
alarm. sudden colds tm Improper -exposure, whiatr
are often Mt run to an itiarming„egiebt,pr*artt
means being ready , at hind;--lind as 1 have. used 6r.:
Stir-ma's Coinhound Streit of Wild Cherry
in my &Dilly,. and always.with marked ltakesh-41. tan
recommend It with confidence. as being one of thelliest
family medicines which, has evor Peek- , offered to the
pubilr.—Sstardisy OAregifis.
Sold by Wm. ThortiwWba lento* RetaPiaktlr
or Pittsburgh. Rtreet. 3 - • 411160,
No. 1 St
that he has
mad door from *
co totl ,/,..
atria atiehtipli, Cot 610101 :0 : . , . 1 1 ( r ,
diiilfahow lll ,ll
4,l4lMtiffiiiC wai
iv".,72' 7-? ? /.3: : :: : - ; Mn' '":::''':" .14 , 0 tee: . -,.-
:-...hpi0,4314 MP _iiii - tit -
4 6),,viati rAntffik eluximmuttro!~iwituoting. -
7 4 .04*411-1_... 2
__,,.. . Ays.tvkicemribik:ivereadil still
1 m'es enema's* to Introduce ite latest fashion and/book}
the Wicta,hfoger Mg** A 414,4takeir ..pammage• shot
lidgeirltke4ittip keep _ every ibingpof. ihecwalt elOth
I dinkriOtirM, and pay stricLattektkow ;to Ocatiomq
i 4- Iris with confidence bligi. T. rmmetdo .her French
and London wade .csmielfs aWO ' tnatellasaurrment
ofilaffiriniffe4WW4 w irisoper* i
Vairflu yet intro
dueedin -ibis mauttry; It inelAdna 'Foy .Lineit, Connpg
seuMcDrienials Cupee a la. Cardinal. Demi dine- Bei:
•tbas For 'Etening,costutne, ,Collare Cuffs, Pocket Dana.
k4fch ~ Itslo9hrpiWV, Niilif*rtits,:4-4,..w.b!eb_witl be
sena for t 1010 irn:ifftepttr - of9Ctobenaett.
~_ Ivi ~vit;rididilgt 114:ailtirtd 'aline Bonnets ISom
Europe, at No. 2''Perry street. between Liberty and
Foutlbstrzets. ... . -• ,
Sept. 29--dtf.
H. s. MAUR e y- P. 11.t.SSILTON:=
, ,
ACritAW if HAM VW Ott;41010PITCy8 at Lam. have
171.. removed. their Office an tic residence of H.S. Ma.
paw, on Fourth 'St t tva doors above Smithfield. sep 10
'..IICPWWWit ILEUMS:E.—Arc Foziri-it
, SilligkiWßet.ve es Wood, and Sutirkiffid
ZerO4Orer-frout-the earner of Woodstieet. Con.
1804 •WAM: quid 11 . 1 . 1 000rnme,nt of 100.fead!'made
COFFINS, of every sizt and desert pithlt.; covered•
Oflpfle With :01Wlr blalingany,...Chitiy, Black
Walnut, lbplar. anil.Pine Coffins.
• . ALSO. Plates neatly enttinliedl Hearses and Carriages'
furnished; Graves procured; and all services rendered'
that friends may requite.
A credit , 4 ivetrin all eases, eft her of eoffi lir carriages,
requested. HENRY BEA RES, Undertaker.
tap 10
175 BBLS. %)% HITE LIAM, a superior orliele,tor
sale by J. G. - A . GOLIDON,
sen 13 N 0.13 %Voter street.
VA AIETY.— Just received from New York, 3000
Temperance Almanacs for 11343;5000 copies of the
Journal ofrne American Temperance Union and Youth's
Temperance Advocate for September. Also, 2000.C/iris
tian Alma na vs, and a good . assort inept of Loomis's Maga
"zine and PitisbuAgh, and thelranklin Magazine and Corn.
man Almanacs for 1R43; by the gross, dozen or single;
250 copies of Grant's Nevi , Pittsburgh and Allegheny Su-
Siness Dirctory and Strangers Coble, for 61.;cents: Also,
Cottage, Family, S.ihool and Pocket Bibles and Testa..
merits, David's Psalms; Methodist and Temperance Hymn
Rook; the beauties of Harmony, Introduction to Sacred
Music: Mason's Ilan) with round and patent notes', Christ.
Harp,and almost all hittils of School Books; Gusto's Do.
mestic 31edicirie;Day Books and Ledgers; Writing, Let.
ter, and Wrapping Paperiblue black, and red ink, by the
gross, dozen,ur hot le; steel pens, quills, slates. pencils:lnd
oafers;Cyclopedia of LI tstory, Weslern Pilot. and a con.
siderable variety of Bookaarld Stationery, for sate on tic
guiere ndai lag terms for roe!) or country produce.
ISA AC IIA 111113, Agent and Commission Merchant,
sep '2 No. 9, Fifth street.
J. K. NIOORIJELD. G. K. WARNER. J: Petrrcea'.
UNIONVOTTON FACTORY. A lieg,he y City,nt.thti
end.o(rillß upper bridge. The subscribers haiTrig
coluniencedkhe:titntinfacture or Cotton Yarns, Stocking
Yarn, Co:toriTutirte, Candlew lel:, carpet Chain, Batting,
4.e., and ate prepared tc-fill orders at the shortest notice.
Having selected tiie lareSt and most Improved rancid-
InerY. atilt employed the manager who has ?trended to the
Hoes FACTORY for the tart five - years, they are manufactu
ring a superior article.
C•ition Warps made to order,
' Orders thrungli the Pitisburgh PO , I. Office, or lert al the
more of .1 C. Painter 4- Co., Liberty btreel; or Lozah
4- liettnedy, Wood strew; will meet wli It prompt mien.
tion. Addre—J. Nr, ItiOOMIE tD 4 CO.
ilro 1 E.: 1 A I.F.S.—'these I. 1 ia..ge cat:. of Females tit
this City who from their continued sitting, to which
heir occupt.tions'obliget herno re affected wit G costiveness
which gives rice to palpitation at the heart on the leasici
ertion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole head — ,'
intolerance of lightand sound .alt inability of fixing the
attention In any mental operations; rumbling in the bow
rls. sometimes a sense or eutl'ucation, especially after
weals when any exertion is used; as goin_ quickly up
stairs; tern pre fickle; !neve are sytn i rdows which yield a ,
oore to a few doses of the Brantireth Pitts The occa
sional u , e of this medichic wool.] on ven deal -of trouble
and yeriv of sutrerie4. One, or two, or even three of
the Brandretli Ills just before dinner, are of en found
highly hentlixian, n any use then, very advantageously in
Ibis wily; they aid and assist digesOon, resjore the bowels
In a proper cotirliiion,enlieen the spirits, impart clear
ness in the emit plexionoin rify the blood, and promote
general feelio. , of heall h and happiness.
sold at hr. It andreth's °dice. No 93 Wood slrtet,
Pitt.hurelt_.Pr ice 25 cents per box, with full directions.
M RK —The only Olive in P,t1::!.0,211, where slle
GENUINE 00's rain Lcobtained,is lite Iturtor's own Of
fire, No 48 Wood street. sep 10
SI'RIIIIEN'I'a!—T, McCarthy. Catleranrt Vuririva/
m tretmeitt /linker, Third street, nearly opposite the
. (Ijiee, Pitt, burgh
Physicians, Dentists and Drnzakts cat' have theirin•
at rutnents tit:Welty the stthscrihcr of a superior quality
anti at Easteln - prices.
Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissorealtrays on hand.
also flatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect
fully solicited.
N. 13. Aitartltlet , warranted of [behest quality, and
jObbins, done ns rental sap 10
nag Weliabile, la general
1t 4 41'-Orbel ,
WI hoi• by
ri kkO ti q t r s4 _ ...tkgibPt
3 4 4
sep 12-1 v
LIVER COMPLAINT.—This di-ease often lentil
attic-sin another of a more serious nature, ,if pro
per remedies are not resioried to in time. In all forms
of this disease, br. liarlich's Compound Strengthening
and German Aperient Pills, will perform n perfect care
—first by olertritling the stomach and bowel., thus remo
ving all diseases from' the Liver, by the use of the ger
man Aperient P;Ils, tater which the Compound Streiirtih•
ening Pills are taken to give strength and tone to 1.171*e
tender organs which require such treatment only to Oren
a permament cure. Those Pills are neatly put up . in
small packages, with Cull directions. Por sale at No. 19
North Eight Street, Philadelphia: Also, for sntetty Sam
uel Frew corner of Wood and Liberty ins., Pittsburgh' Pa.
sep 10
A LLEN KRAMER, Exchange Broker, No, 46, Cor
ner of Woad and Third Streets, Pittsburg4 Po.—
Gold, Silver, and Sotvent Rank notes, bought and sold.
Sight cheeks on the Eastern chief., for sale. Drafts,
notes and bills, copectcd-
Pittsburgh.Pa, Wrn. Bell 4. Co., John D. Davis, F
Lorenz, J. Painter 4. Co., Joseph Wood well, James May
Philadelpkia, Alexander Bronson 4- co., John H. Brown
4- Co. ciaetnaati, Q, James _ M'Candiess. st. Louis.
-Mo., J. R. •Ai'Donald. Louisville, W. H. Pdpe, Esq.
Prpal. flank Ky. sep
REIROV A L.—The understgned brge leave to Inform
the-public,that lie has removed from his old stand,
to the corm's' of Penn and St. Clair stn., oppositethe Si
change frotel, where he has lined up a large PtA.Ro•riritit
WARE Room. and now offers forsale the mdst splendid
assortment of Pianos ever offered in this market. , •
His planoi ronsigt nediderent patterns, of superior
Rose Wood and Mahogritiy,lientlfiftilly finished and tno•
deled,nitd ennsttneted throughout of the very best nma•
terials.whichaor ditraldlity, and qnalltv of tone, os well
as touch, he warrantit to'be sulterior to any ever seen
here, . .
As he hanerargad his rnanufactory, and made arrange
nVaI.P. sapply the increaAng demaVor this
he reppecaptly recinepta 0 I*, ending to par.
chase to call and tlx.:atnine his aporttakt7t-thel'erepttrcha.
sing elsewhere, at;:ite is deferminett - sell LOWER, for
cash, than any (Oltestablishment east Or wept of the
moaatalna. , - F. BLUME,
Corner of Penn end St. Clair id reete,
sop 10 Opposite the Exchange•Rotel, Pittsborgb-, Pa.
in Evans's Camomile Pills,
from the ilon,Alelern Weld
lanAaltivati Coe nty,East Tennetree, Member ofeon t r.
Wa alp plc . July 34 ' l •
Sir—Slain I have, been in !Ws tit y I have ',sell Some ,of
yole Dyspeptic medicine with' , lntittDo benefit had salt's.
faction, and believe It to to mast vaiinskie remedy. One
:or my 3onalllnents, Dr. A. Carden, of EnnlYbeli-nowily.
, Teniteeseri. - verote tome To Sand Win some; rhiehl did;;,
and Ire his- it fiery iniaCeascully in Ws pract ice, '
,and says It to lavatuabbk c Mr.. year' agent at
ituid phteir, o lbliitco lett SfrOold 'Uratotbly like an-asent in
Tesnessee. if 'll2lf. 'A Carden, es
ittproper*riotirialtabefelbithe saktit your
mealetrte. oublibu cannutsilett Mai he fa . urPling to
oat for = - yon. Yiltorciftivand. the aredittat hylvater to the
curia Robert K 14.1. Sobs: - `intioxstifecortnty. Terme&
ster.or it laid lis - Giabam• Tazewell, Cast
:Teinassee i hayeno lonbi'bit ifloit halt "limits In
Several countictleettotTerrnessaCii groat deirof tat4l
- *Mild Wiold;.'•l".iitii . lgorazibialet soiat'or It home
'That of 'kuy!- - filetili; aid sdiOtiti
OHM *hear from Yett Siblikter you wo u ld Pike ttit *gest;
s' 10 Title. &Main Coditty. Wit Tetilinenee'
as ntritelustS l 4 -11 4- o Wria. al . .r 11 * 8 1 near Iheto
YeararespouNr.. .
laglAvitt-securf.t.ANver.Vida eme .
- t-w 4
Pittsburgh, June 18, 1839.
. ..
Mr. JOON Der:NINO: '--Dear Sir--Ilaviog bee`r present,
yesterdayhe experiment which you were pleased to
Make, iiiiiikit'eseute of a numberof our bitSiness men,
of the *Xtpieue:Lat,lN CHESTS, in ease. of fire, it
gives el,; - ellturclo that.so far as I was capable of
)thtglegi' .-...tutt..waii fair, and the result exceeded my
expeetatiodk. -.,- • - . . . .
• Tile Chest was-a small one, about 30 inches high, by
' about 18 at 20 ittelies in breadth SniedePth, and was pia
' - ced 'on a tilock;firwcied ebony. alecttArt'lliickness, so as
le elevatet tictiKiltittheight from -the ground; several
books.art-itewtitqpiutWere deposited Inside of it, in the
Meaner in ivlifelliTeleriants and others would usually
piaceilleirt—itaitemantity of light pine wood [slabs
from an adjoiningSaw - Mill,l was then placed around
and above it, and the lire kindled on the windward side,
sons to drive t lie flame against the hack part Of the chest.
~The fire was kept up, ahom three quarters of an hour,
`.lintil you had gone among the spectators and received
front them their universal answer . that rite test was
thificient. The chest waS'`fliert drawn out of the fire ?
WI cooled, and opened, and examined. The contents
were all safe, and the only injury done was to the back
of one hook which appeared to lie a little cuarred. from
what I witnessed, I think that these rdiests are ilesery
ins of confidence, ns alfurding, perlta;ts,the best security
to Merchants for their books and papers, Wide II they can
, have without building, large, thick, and expensive vaults.
I would consider them a better security than many vaults
which I have seen built . Your I Heed,
•We coacttr in the above statement, basin ireen pres
sent when the chest was tester , . • - ,
W. X. Cooper, J. H. Shoerberier,' . , t Boil,
J. lauffhlia, J. Painter, . • '..11. Cordell,
R. JlliVer, Je . CL. Armstrong, A. H. Hoge,
Thomas Craig, S. G. D. Howard, J. W. Hoyt.
Ettract of a Letter from Pugh S Alnord, dated Cia
cinnatt,29lA .701zr; 4,1342,
J. Denning , Pittsburgh, Pa. Respected Friend: We
have Ihe sal isfaci ion to Mate as the test reef , . e tit! at ion
we - can dive of the utility of your Iron Safes, t hat we
hsdi one of them which was in an exposed situation in
our counanz room, at the time of the fire, on the morn
ing, of the 10111 i list , which consnined our Poi ti Hoa.e to
:ether with a large portion of the meat, lard, 4 - -, which
it contained;—and that our hooks and papers which were
in lite Safe, were entirely uninluted, and were taken
from it after the fire; withint cVer bring discolored.
Yours, tS•c. PllOll 4- ALVORD.
Extract of a Letter from Slater 4. I.lolbrook, dated St.
Louis, Feb. 24th, 1841.
Ma. DENNING, Dear StiF Oite of your F4tOrld site cliesis
was burned a few days ado, in a leather store=• it pre.
served its CUllietlLS. Respectfully yOtIrS,
L I v Eft CONIPLArsIT..cured by the ilPe of Dr. liar
itch's compound Strengthening and Aperient Pills.
.Jr. ww. Rirliards. of Pittsburgh. Pa.• entitelY Mired of
the above rti:t ressing disem , e 11 is symptoms were pain
and weight in the left side, lose of appetite, vomiting, acid
eructations, a distension of the stomach. sick headache,
furred tongue, countenance changed :o a tit ton color, d
rutty of breathing. disturbed rest, attended %%lilt a coti2ll,
a'real debility, with other symptoms indicating !mat de
rangement of the functions of I lie liver. Mr. Richards
had the advice cf seventh phyg . cians, but received no
relief. until sting Dr. Ilarlich's Medicine, which
led in clierlinc a pe-fert CUT.,
Principal Office. 19 North P.. 1.211111 Si reel. Philadelphia.
Pot sale in PillAurgh by Samuel Piety, Corner of Libor
ty and Wood streets. • . sep
Dr. S. WAYNE—Dear ii:- Pet mil the to lake the liter rty
of writing to you at ibis I lee tot xpress my nipthltittinti,
and to recontmettli to the attention of heads of families
ml others your invaluable medicine—the Compound
`yrnp of Prunus Vtreiuiar.a, or Wild Cherry Barh.'. In
my t ravels of late I litice S4ll in a veal many iNstraces ,
the wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving chit.
dren of very obstinate complaints, such as Coughing,
tVheezing, Cho:dime of Phlegm, Asthmatic attack
Sl10111(1 not have written this letter. howeVet , at
present, all hotich I have fe t it my duty to add my testi
mony to It for some lime, had It not been for a lain_ in.
stance where the medicine above alluded to tvJts lasi I'M
menial In reit mine to perfect health an -only child,"
whnse easeiVas attlioritliopeless, -in a family or itly :ac
quaintance. .4 thrtißVDeaven," said the dotting moth
t•roinly Child is saved from the ja ken of deal Id 0 how
feared the relentless ravager Liut my child is safe! is
Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrnp of
tt - lid Cherry is the most valuable medicine In this or Any
other country. lam certain I ',aye witnessed ntore then
nne hundred cases where It hair been attended with coot.
plete Stlei•en.. I alit ',hie it myself in an obstinate at.
taekgf,Brouckitia, hi which it moved effectual iti a c
short time, etilinitefine the severity of the ease.
I eawirecomend it in the fullest confidence of its superior
virtues; I would advise 4 hat no faiiially should be whin - Mt
itg it is very pleasant and always beneficial—wOrtli
double and often ten limes its pt ice. The public are as
su red there is no quackery about it. R. JACKSON, D. D.
Formerly Pastor of the First Presbyterihn Church,
Sold by W 11. THORN. wito'csale 4. retail' only anent
for Pittsburgh. No. 53, Market street. : sep 10
ABOON TO TI! tiiim&N.. , 4,-.Discover
what will destroy Life. and fa :S&L/ man.
"Discover what will prolong Life, and 0*,,-st!orld*will,
call you Impostor." _
"There are faculties, bodily and intellectual, within us.
with which certain herbs have affinity, and over whioh ,
they have power."
Dr. D. Erandretli's External Detnedy, or Liniment,
which, by Its extraordinary powet, alitfiliects Pain or
Sorene,s; thus Sprains. Stiff Sinews, White Swellings,
Rhettnintle Pains, or Stiffness, Stiffness of the Join 43
Tumors, Unnatural tinniness, Stiff Neck Sore Throat,
Croup. Contractions of the niusetes, Scrofulous eftt
largements, Tender Feet, anti every description of in
jury affecting the Exterior of the Unman Frame, are
cured or greatly relieved by his never-to be soffieieittly
extolled renterfy;,:,.;,
Cuterme.ers.-:4lfiefollowlng letter front Major Gen
era SandSoett, as to the qualities of the External Rome
Nets YORK, Feb. 9,1842. ;
Deist I).:4Wilryou oblige me whit another bottle of
yonr_-***Ol Liniment? It is certainly the best of th'ie
kinthiliiii*c'eyer *ern. It hatteured- entirely my son's
knee, about:whieh ' l was so tonaitsy,and I have found it
pritdueOve.of immediate relief in several cases of eater
nidcialtrin - My family. A few evenings since, `lnv
y hI was Scized writ) a violent attack of Croup,
uthiktt**infirely removed in Sweaty aniroctes, ruh
bitig;;.*-4,:heit anti throat freely with the External Rena.
a 43 .:4 . lhink you ought to manufacture this Liniment
for.tftrteral use, instead of confining the use of It as you
havelleretofore dane, to your particular'acquaintaneo.
Yours truly, C. W. SANDFORD.
[U - Tor sale at 241 groadway, New, York, and at hp
office„No: 93 Wood street,Pittsburgh. l'ilte-50 cents
per bottle with directions. sep 10
- - llarrlshurgh, Ansost 241 h. 1842. 1,
1.... LONGING: TO THE STATE.-.L.Nolleeis hereby 1 •'
yen that ill. pursuance of the seventeenth, eighlecnt ).
nineteenth and twentieth Sections orthe Act of Asreithiy'
pureed the 27th day of July, 184?..; proposals will he recei
ved at the State Department nottithe laat:dray orNovetn
'her neat, for the node of all and each of the Catlett add
ylail7 Roads *longing to the Comenoriwealth. for withib
'4otte.Siock.at per lalue, will he received iirpaymettf.
- . taehioditildualOr Campo) , la reipared, irpecidially, t
state t the partietdai:iine of Canal ,or ' Rail Road whi ch
they dealreto purchase-. the allitttint "of, their rmitectiVe
WO therefor, the giving end onentimieHafall concerned In
I lii o Pro*•lter %*Atitheirlgicf? or tir*Aer, 'Tilden*
1 0 order _ tillitt4iittint) MEW hi 1104.0protic94 - mit Lill-
The flqiiniently iallii bsseldetti*; mid) 4tireitaii to al'
Setostsfy-of commonwessetwititilienictifiegwAt on dir
60m , .4 PPOiPaiat , te , she varckm*ft.**-Attitt
:/rnal.".."-'- =' " ; - "ltregigePlf .4 1 40 10 0 1 0 1 04 OVC -
' ~~:~Ew.
Cincinnati, FcG;tic.ry 15. 1:;40
DR. R. BRkNDRRTH.24I Broadway t ig. Y.
•=& - aizza
:it provided with the riartty
bills pritried with a hereof Theo
fill you are not deceived by 8,,
N geotsstal tag their boats to Br frahrtiy-i,.--,-r,
Guard, when they are rot sr tertrei it 4 lo:- :
The forlowing las list of Imais stito t h
ty Guard at the Pot: of ritittberg a t...OZ ,
first on the list hare the isiproredt*
,npparatas it la tinpossibie for an sign*
!ORLEANS, .I,Ell4's , :•.
'VALLEY FORGE, 114 IAN 4t, i•
WEST WIND. 11 11 ( 111GAlf, -
PANAMA, r 0%%, iiik 4" ,
MUNGO PARK, 01110,
Blt UN TE, CLAVirg
The ways-line community ate relit*.:
before they make a choice of a hom,lotli%
and see whether it would not I.t tottod"
and security to choose a Safi ly Curd tet,tis,
passage ant freight, in preference loons**. '
afar mt explosion—and that they willissuk
that this invention has the unannlifted
fifty steam etuine builder=—gcnilemen In*
it is to understand the sal krt., and whom.:
interested—besides a number of reratintil
to gentlest en and others—all of which to
toy office, No 10, Water street, Mare amt.
pleasure at all times to caloldi me Inns
who will lake the trouble to rail.
The subscriber offers fur .ate, : 1 1 tbr poi
red rates, the vest er part Of his re:.l Hirt,*
the cities of PittsburYb a nit A lieglicoy.fluTh
Brick Warehouses, nr arty new. a in.4Pial
situate 0R 3r - prket et reel .1 et weep Serurd ttd
brociovsp*ont of abont 54 feet by Gil kid. Ft
I ire, or Feliarittely to scii puteltaierF, and npral
Alva, a sler i liaildir. !DI in AliPelirnv (4. 0
breach h, 113 upward or 350 felt in i'eiiiii Wilt
front, one Do Ihe Pee 11.1, , Ivaiiii2 cat:Vail/Ids 11 ,
I,V asitivglnn si reel.
A IFO Ili. , 10l nilioinfnni the ni r. s'''' -'': 4tt
, u'arlY 350 feel In depth, loriniliut \kl
4 1
Anninnitut house which I now onria
A tro.ifint - with two Iwo story hrkk pi
ale on theft:utter r Sint kfl ned,Prt!nt gt
a nkoderatv ground rent, aturnnw ortrpiol
iat , a groeery. , ,I; RACE(
FLAX SEP . !) w.q....VTED —l , na,,,10
cas: nrgnod,,aquanlilr of Flax d T
Alinos , all k,ells of Con uI ry r r r:.lier
For ensll or _Dude at II Altll 1 S'S I wriiirrre
sep 21,— , f C. arum ir<inn 11" a re 1.eu,r,41
J OHN 11 ART. Colllllli.fBioo .Ucrchcrt, Lb?
duet and American _Venni actur c„ Leek
E F. I t TO—
inn. Grier, Eig.,
Anron Ilart, •
Janie! , C .cliran of 11'd
inn D. Davis,
M'Vay 4- Hanna, •
A verg. Oeden Co.
inn. Woodboflrne, Gq.,Madiwa
V Farm on which I live, inNialstunnoal6,-
Braddocksfield, contarnina one *Wg
acres; abont 70 acres or w iiichi9tinpLoo s
Well timbered. There are spent" lillatg
a, d a trarn 63 feet by 34; a o appleorrient of
Also, almut severity acres of foal. Wont
he equal to that of any upland farm in die
Terms made known on application to for neat
in the premises. WILLIAM WALLA
arid Picture Frame .IWOO 1..
Fourth Street- Pittsburgh. —Canvas BRO.&
‘te., for Artists. altars on hand. 1001'
oromroty framed to order. RenairiVO
.est entire.
Particular attention paid tore:l:din:oS
cry deseriToioa.
Persons lining up Stearn Boats Or WO 1 1 / 1
theinulvantage to•call.
WII ITE LEI. li.=-Ttie suksoilenkretill
to furiiisili painters, and 00=10 4 ft
"age Prim. White Lend made of the 10 W" .. ,
rallied equal,
if not superior to anv
All older , : addressed to Dunlap 4 . fingli 64l l„i i - 1
k Co • No. 71 °Second street, PiiiANLAP Pr
ilir: 1011 ".„i'"
atteuded to. DU
1 Fifth St.. onedoor from Old Stela
The Sult critter respecilully Worst 0 1,
rillsbureh and *Welly that be h$ 1141 ,1
tailing Shoes of his own monufactorrelkS,
where he will keep constantly nn bud?
ment cairn kinds of ladies, migee. ic 4 ".,kidi
and shoes, or the best quality. altlt lio
ces to suit the times Ile will alto Pt 04
kinds of fancy work—sarias 0"
slipper.., colored gaiters, and buFtio.by'"
children's esters- silk gaiters, 4 1 - t"22
will be made atr he shortest noli"., 0
, w--
ner. Ladles will plesse earl and and 601 . 1
as, the subscriber reels confident thir
any article in his line they may 1 01 " c,1,0"
sap 14 LPOI4
P. S. Don't forget the place tot"
dOor from Harris's Intelligence Ofiel"
from Mtirket Street.
WILLI AM DIGBY having talc' u".,4.1
business of DIGBY 4-, Morstrobli;
Liberty street and 42 Market stree. 1;01
tfilritimn.kfrortothiletev:ruy tth
me e ro ra ev i f g rie rp n; l o s r d
thee Ore •
tended to hint, in connection with . ID' . 0 1 4
swishes to nese re them that every merilo°
merit thee.onlinuntion of the same. Peed,
pietftely Invite their attention to hi , .. in t
ClOthlng,whitch he intends selling at 111 • 01 4,01
than has been ever offered , 14.10, IL 611(45 .1. 14 4
the whole of the stork of the Wearsll7_ op
Able; ar ti as he Intends to Wane Ausseirw,d
rash business, he feels confident se elor;01
no dorar — ' l
nrimag ids stock, tither in acne
_ .i
nen of workmanship. ~„. „
Please to take notieetitst eletilirt''''
tared , in
. Pittsliurrh•
s re of ,
ewer. !MORROW. Aliontrot s 15 0 1 . 1
iti ....1)
411'• glad Tres Ware."l7
wHiumut Narket Stratets.—la Ott M — c i o ptri
in his line at the shortest r
.__..r4Ce.... ilip
a*d o th ers aist solicited toesitw"" et flOg
of wares, which ,willbelloli" ke . 1
al toms. .' to F.
VIII WillittiS
Hobtesposting *ay ,ir. „.
- Retile --- of;4141.
, b:i>ate!
_:_ ~_n..~`f:.l_
t at By
P •
"i t ,tog'• w.
P"." • iHroOD
C°llll;l6.iidißS a
topis M . •
Awl ;trews B
the ofßae,„
---. _
erearritud man
i re _ i lit late same 0,
gagel,ltiirWO: DOLLARS
Sloalifeop ant CENTS.
~ .
Terin. ol-A l Wertis
. trostpt. 'TWELVE LINE
ti I
,' . 0.50 One montl
lons. 0:75 rwo mom:
-Wong. -LW Three mot
1.50 Four moo
ki , - _3,00 I x months
_ln. _ 4.00 .One year,
--- ca•WiLtag4 a.T . Pt EASIIRR
O SfIA4PIA. • 1 Two
,1, , , $ lll,OO Six mon th .
725,00 One year.
m,rradverthenients 4t protortio
-cif four lines Six DOLLARS a
81.10 OF,'FIC
os .. r OStet. Third tiietween Ma
' . M Riddle, POstmaister.
• WWSlgt.Wafer,4tli !dour from
ings-=.tiajor Aohn Wiliock, Cot
. itiu snny, Wood between Fir
sines A. Bertram, Treasurer.
Tagasuiv. Third I street, ne
sbyterian Churcb—., P.. John
. 6 °trace - , Fourtli,.between - Ma
lc:tender Hay, Maydr.
IST9Bstatanos. Nlts.
-Fobrh. near h
Ran,lietereen Mariet and W
Fourth streets. - +
"ars' alto hi kRUFAC UTteßs' Ale.
a, (coruterly gavin Fund,) F
Market silents. i
• st. F
ifiastreet. near - Wood.
I oeLs.
: 4 rict.a [loess, Wet Si at reef, n
Borst,. corner of Penn and
: elloTat., cornerint Third an
Ilcrreu,corner Di Third and
smo. corner of Penn street
• LE, Liberty V trOfti • near Sc
nsion !louse. LiberlY Si •
'.ll.trgtos Mose, Penn St.
tt's Mikes - on Grant st,
House, next iOorno to J
. ELLIOTT' M. D.--1
air street, baits; Pena an
Ur LP &Me r rpsi n 4. M ackey
dealers In. English, Frew
; No. gl,, Market si ,Pittsbnrcl
mullions at Law: 91inte in the
,Ilouse, Pit ssaur:th .
sr AL. -R . Morrdw, A lderrn
Of Fifth het *le n* Wood
wholesale (3,
F !r,. And Dealer in Prnduce '
Va. 71- l,LibLtritl,
lA'tra,ll.74 Irtr M
era Produce and iniAsion
Pittsburgh Mattufactmed
itarth the ib
roie.i.,,arierv - ,4=' , 0 ~
and Market Streels, above
i •
F & KFANVmaitaract
hi Sheet Iran whyp. No. SO
se Spoutnig and Steamlapt
TOUN • I i Fit
YOUNG litr. CO.,
t.orncr of and at. dr
Ili Fornitur .
to give u I Oil, being f
ni in quniii3r nd price-.
HAMS.-- , lst receve
s, Well cured ad for-sal*
: A.GA. - : A sup ''y of Land
, and other di ere.tit vat
eived and for sal 'at IlliDUC
d Sture of i - F. I.
No. 184 Llherty wee
CLONEYO Boot and
No. 83 FourtMit:, next don
es Praneltd , Kidiaud Satin
anner,anirby the newest
purchasers; tOJ.e dispose
F. 1..
No. 184 Liberty street .
ROOTS, Floweret and Flo
Iption, can Owe ya be h
re of • F. L.
184 LRterty street
Illinois Annual Mammoth
at the Drug and Seed store
• 184 Ldberty street,
• seedaast received by
F.. L.
No. 184, Liberty he
TOOLS, consisting of Hoes
tenting. Trowels, lidding
_ .
n Knives, rrithing Shear.
late by F. L.
:184 Liberty street, lie
enlm tiams.-+,tust receiv
Ooice cumt Venison
fot cthent t emiey.
'Butch Clover ;Seed. Orel ,
tseky Nos Gra always
F. L.
'ty street
ir see
./ITBUCI SAA Atte r"s'
4PliviV tii+%nd to.
..atut a
\ . t letween Ilia
--- -I
SA et.
' ' wider the
for pr
aw, for set
Low 'ow 1.
anstiniti at
oak gain
NOY 10
,TON, Mar
tiatalnaMiki eh Saga
reds La* fik.a at the
' . F. L.
tuiletty ?treat
LUTRION 01 0 1
ip beretti
*id 'fat*
'Dims Dig
it settling
' '; Y.Y'r~~.