Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, December 19, 1842, Image 3

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    big Wets jet . 7 ';':
6tiikt , would:511 Aitilkit iiiis -____ -Cfteat i k,
.r still. from the fee -thotlio,nporais L..... '
a by the Clerks of tiniasigia.44
of 174
, er, Highland, hissti L ,_ .
absence of thswo:'FYFl*9,- - ' .
conviii;:-.asikiiiimmiit ii,i . F
1 fliehlat'd hod bieh obiaihed 4-
r m tof the:tots of thitij e Z l 4
put -an to all - theli
;aimed e,..-ted, to the- Uvaatil , Pos: - Shaoo la l t
he gallies and without the bk.+, .
h e cat, 'll from itotlei,Altishr a o . ... , ,
and Paulding. being alr A ent.. the " M. .
eat 1y iedeee.ausk also Sha ,
1: nt m thea.,
..t these countiee;Vie
att.teta ix ',
774: Co +in 11 9•, 1- ILI
o ._Th e Secate of
e Ifouse of R.epresentnti:* . 04,
aunt the votes fur envereer,-And
was pr,claiined the Gutertkr elect
s. The Olio Statesman, 'fir.
- Of the Rai-ner, Pam
F Clollt TO THS,Ii Dlfilit yt
TOZZ Pot Sta. .
he Niemen?. RA 'NEM§ (the citti Tartied tr,
have The honor to annistusesto the ladhstsi
en of Pittsbucglt that they will ghaa their
: oure ,t this evening Woodsy, 19th
r, at 74 o'r Irak, at :Concert:flail.
nekets 50 cts., to he . had - at the latege Mitts •
door. For particulars, see small %Its, •
,r. 17. 1842, _
In front of Captafr It
ruaM i w k
On Penn Ftrel!‘
t tppnrance of Al r Bnekky
day, Tus..lay and Wednesday EinWIN
Iland 21, he entertain/nevus eonnievm
ben- Enrice called COSSAC nbuitAal
:.theYr*RofrlAl I
as de Deu
lorf-emanship4 - r a
wn in T ronhie_ a comic f'orns.49rltr.
and id.r.
Mrs. S. TT, NielOtindyi t a d i d s
S prite< orthe ES*P-Nmiter.
)hrtng Act r tiorsemansitTr, or'
tvul Nichols, defying an teuluium- 4 ":'V
Toot:: McCollum on Fast
To co•Irlode with PLEASANT MORO
For Lait of clutracterssee
in- NOTICE. -There wilt Ile a Ntif
y afternoon, Dee, 21st, for the
•hejtavenile elannit. and 'dime Ladies astir
n cannot atienii in the evening.
ofwn at 2 o'clock. Pei follicular, we
5.9-ir CRUSE. 1 4& Liberty st„ offers falai
Garza APPLES; • a
CA 81t-Itet- .fried. d•'.. pa I extra quality;
. Itas!-els dried Peaebes—at=o,
1621.Ains a nd Figa by tbe Nos.
att ction Salts
To e-day rnornsnz next at 10 o'clock, a
sari meta m Dry Goods.
.11 2 n'clork P. M. 50 bbls. Morasses
v., 11 1 . - l R .GUT - RIP. 1
V 11.1.. be suit! tins fuer nu.: at le titiottod:
n an . " , coninierr.al auction loom% No.
n uos , ellaneou. , lot of Dry Goods, chit*
c.l Ink of Innurr ....trrliaSerS.--1101W131 119 , of •
as tllllll-• (. IS, Flannelo, C7otitil}
P.rds , r,.(ls and imbe. Flitiatgite;
24) Pit I -bur, ti :nanufari t ired 1.1,-,,gtie,
5 Siet:lts. ofew and &frond la, n.i;
1 Ca ri idge and tint Hess,. w ith a ea.i.i%ir
. A. BAU:410,
Der 19. la-U.
ill: Itl e 111 be !MI 4 11
t:7 tt'r . r vr , . S r,prltT. at 13213=w:es
Iron Nom.- No. 110 rod at. oo Tondo - ",
ttt I ~' lock k . M Ike eitfirt Oka
~,re 4, cc, colstPtit gin Ipitnf
I•4)ifi s. Bearer and Pilol
Sam ocltt and Vc....tliegtk. ,
Cen.lcoo C43&a,
do I)v r C. :115.
do Frork Coats.
e r. d Satinet Par.talooott. ^
Wilder and Summer VMS-
Shuts and PfglWe4 S.
ik and Pongee HdLiffr,
C.osa.=, P.,dding, and Brawn flolhod.
a”d Rrawn itostins,-
n a r.rea: varie:y of Toilor , i, triansior 4 ref
A. 8.11/151/4114
-r }a—Cl
TTS BURG if X.. 4 Pled. ,4
C.. Pa..! —An eteetten -for ithliihnlttote
to serve for the en:tains yar*lll -01
' ' "ffice. .35 Market street. we Mrtlittat,
airy 134:3, between the heentonOti nt- t
P pr 7. 19. 1842.
ILLE U.& CalerifF;NT o.lll---1
shoutd he wis Mut . 'n
- itre 1114 ,
it, strrei, Pittsber",h, 'aud IWfoirtilif
uy City
llots4t4l to Lele_ . :"-
- T it eEU acriber offerisOr telli-ff el t .,
- Ll' .Ipril. (and if desired, pa twelOoll may •
= had gooner) th e new Bloli of
~ -, • ..ii
Market street, helmet% 3rilea ' 41 2 4 k,
• ,iiLE, seers large store rooms 3141111 04 •r i 7 l, :7
, ilry Gouda or Fancy stares.
i is, tenara are dry.. men •.Ilighted a
- cuTnislied with fire places and dime '.
, , Elincied that the back and OPPerf arlitit ''''''
certed into comfortable dweithigs, whit
".,stn_ with the alley .oppotite-tkerolt , ' • ,
houses have a hall opeorap on. Ila rit ' 64l E ll •abid M '
' 1.. , ..0, f..r rent, three sand! stores ert
~.. ,..- 7 - -- -
..ral (aces in the second /dory. sutd 1 ,1 14 ,7 14 :
corner home. lately tottuttlettisi
.... o r *
o ante for a Printing Mtabfbliilleo t Or '7.4 - '
4.1.-ii they have heretofdre Woo W rlii. ot
\ LSO. two other sliseisus sad we l l m-o'..,,aie
a , kel street, AV h h coneeriteatealM eee.7.7..,-,.".
Literary S-oeleties or PiallhleA ngglat Zaii.
x 4,513, for rent. several *akin bos-4 4 . .
house of the suiseriber to TX 10 ,6111 ' 1 " .,.
rer of Land attached to each: al '
m ob
riie terms will be moderate, oolli _ =,; ill .
.r"0„ , :!:,
iae Market 111 Feet stores may. : Al"' 7, ' . -:.,%.• ---
• ROB BALI% I dstala
I ., ne hundred sod ten bundle, 6 :- -.
strict, one', mile from the Jew rr oio
:,.. are eligibly situated en ireoredirli
' -
desu ,... - -
v.. the first Dam. and aifOrd
am:Wadi:wits or for boat yards. OA:. " s oy .;
• Eons deen,enoogh for Stevan DOI Ti°
lag delivered at this point at. • - 10111 •.'--
y proper. ' _ .
_, A 4 1 004 11, . '
glie only road by which Its Ow' • I#l lll --'
I,land, tc. can reach the iitlar.,i ha wse*
way of the - city) passes thddeCll ssii
, .._..11...r..i ..: .
It , bureb and Turtle Creek tataillow t - Eri
,a; the propertrOmeleritOeHr...- - im irtnetta
.to fora Lail road.surneyeillb74..."4.. ... .--1 .... ..'.
il Road
A Company.'
..plan ef the lots canrie 110 ,, ,‘ 71/4,:,51:
own at the oar-a Ottlieralthoo= 11,,-41
dee 17-3 m - ' - 5..7-: • -0
?4' ":""
----------- r ----- t 6° li —.41:2
oar] Ia t zIGHONO,-. -;,..ygOV - 4.•:.-. r.iiiip.
if Flow many peslOafgan i nrii... -iidik_LlO"
so good as Oprutudri...."..76tebtArs" — ggii
hanging on an snook ..4Worw, `:. rd i; 0 , N T. t o
ati do swot Wilk lic k ° lll leiiber. il i til
1 soehrots ilod s , .. i i sga__...l o 7 . ;;;; l psil
title's .011rditica .1841114 -a
rd .. -_ a r?- 4 1. , ..r...,,,4
sktolreo:; - - -, --,.!--.",'..'-..• . -- "--u---
one m ore- concert.-
, e Rainer family will give one More
r t at Concert Hall, this evening. It
i f necessary to mention the fact to in.
an o verflo%; tog house.
correction; • .
tleinat , called on us list Saturday
g ent
ae that our informant was - in error
l o n g the m elancholy result of redig
itenyy on the mind of a. German wo
own the 4th sireet Road. It. is
ii the has been deranged for some
Post , caused by religious excitement,
4ii not true that she had chinked ber
0 c hild to death. The child, he in.
09 , had been languishing fur many
and at length died as was expeca
frina its sickness , and rumor, which is
pi ready to a ccumulate horrors, char
death on the unfortunate mother,
e manner published on Saturday,—
lie pleased to have this oppittunity
i r recting, a story that has been widely
davd and his much afflicted the dis.
(I relations of the poor woman.
11r. Jairreson is taking Cameo like
... at the . Washington Hotel. Those
wish their "picture in hide", should
Slei4".l A.cetAe, tits.
it Friday night a hoc -e tan off wi h a
hof Liberty street and pitched out
ad In the snow. One man was dao
•aly inj,ired. lie was rattled lido a
c house when his necesslti-s were
- ded for.
eigh upset on Ole vet t roadool
e night. N damage tvJs done.
ellow a little more than h if c .-o-ned,
day morning fell out of a sleigh on its
from E r - st Lib.-rty, and his
ns !et him sweat in ihe snow. The
fellow had Et. wa!k the rest of the way
• fashiwi. It may do him hood.
The narn , ! of Jail :Vey has been
fie(' to Deratur street
oyoraug.—\\'e le,,rn th:lt the
i 11%? r Whigs auJ Aniie, held on
i aghi, pretty generally ius+rurte.i
tldrilveii to vote for OA nomination of
Thimom. The Ward iinitrueit.d
1,1\41,T. and tl:e Ea t for II . What
thy and one of the Vigilant cum-
F. L bt.rly s re.twir. C tll
vLe wil ce lit , sl a I .apc4 .th-e! wi 1
.e 0 Rtc, tak vz the Pact
and ,
1) Lsl'. ,
L'u fur tai )111
• 1)
t• . i.O ul.j( V 1
ectina; at,l 1 t
to scroteit Ce c , t.t en i•Jri
US t , etalti,t • v, cre n,e c ' t I,lr r.,m14,
4aptr for ;? hen a dit
alose upon a que,tinn
I tweet.' Cdpt. Ls B /n, JIIU L . S
Alderman ,t this coy. The C.ipt.am made
, ertion and the Alderman ijt “cei.euirimr
the Cap ain a 11.,r, and was 1111111 cdiately
ed in the eye fa his trouble. 'l'ic.: Alder -
then .o,uvd pror.ess and levied' upon the
Captain tram the ir,n gr.si) of the law,
the inns of a small portion of raer , ..ltide—r-the
r ended, and the fears of some.preient that
Chairman. as un a former occasion at the'
, en likuse, would take the back winemmr,
divel:ed, and that gentleman's character for
Fs completely re-csiablii,hed by Lis d ter
courage in seizing the belligerents• The
sere not ~, a tiaftedwith scrat&.ing lot Thom p
t &Tattled each other.
St. Louis Reporter of the Bth saysf
ebave a letter from Springfield, 1.1.,
on the 34:1 inst. which say-:---•For
,there 'are four- candidates in the
ladge Young, (piesentineumbeni,)
tbou g lass, Judge Breese, and Jrio,
I . l extand, Esq., of Gallatin county:
Il teht will doubtless be elected.
° QmaisaMy predict severe meas•
against our two banks, and a sepai a
'f the State from them. Their kniqui-
'amebas left them without defenders,
amon g the Whibs, who now join in
'lcing them. Tht.ir paper is too bad
friend s with now—and with the op
tre reception of the fund due from
semi Government, members ethi of
t° be patriotic."
FQIEI Jogs—Tbe Llnidon Marning
K lela Yis in all seriousness. ‘slaveholdefs in
- make a practice ofieedinrawine with
' bodies of their negroes: •
demand in the X. lish
Pi this M the cause of the suddenly in
market'for Amer -
°visions, pork, beet, &c.'
ItsPtwb, y
hi t l a a Na d A e No l s
e tw o persons received
morning; the , fetter' • lA' twoYe Bl4 -..
latter to kiz mai*" imprisonment - in
ty prison.
DECEBIBER 19, 1842.
\olol Vt rtIO.
the N.,r111
1): J. :111.1 lay
unrivate a
cc: il!c chair,
ei (!e 1,3111 y pro
of his Ipponent, but before airy inj4Ty
inn cied, the ben velent chairman resc
TB3BD';'. BsQilry.
N COT DiG. kiaS 4842
In the Senate , a-ruirribeetifpasilktepea..
lions were preeettiteick'-acrd of
uninteresting bilia-ietrerlo4:- - Mr Linn
introduced bill forin'demtaifyingneneral
fackson, for damages sustainettie.the dii
charge of his duty. Mr Benton's revolution
requesting information as to the 1111-nber of
vessels, men, guns, itt, required in the
Africanaquadron,, under the late British
Treaty, was taken up and adopted. Mr.
Clayton was-excused from serving orinhe
Printing Committee. Mr. Benton's Bill
for the repeal of the Bankrupt Law was
referred to the Judiciary Committee after
a fierce debate.
In the House after 50me44,44'
action, an election of Chaplitiolisas gone
into. TLe Rev. Mr. Tiffany - rtf ifte Epis
copal Cburch of the State of New York,
was elected by Tl 9 out of 195 votes,the rest
scattering among 5 other candidates. A
message was received frore'the,President
in relation to the two bills presented to him
on the last day of the last Session for sig
nature—one was an act relating to distri
b,tion, the other to contested Elections.—
He had not time afforded him to read them
and of course could not sign them.
Mr Read offered a series of resolutions
in relation to the character of the Tariff,
which were read.
Ti.e Select Committee raised on the pe
li ion of Washington Irving and others, on
the subject. of an international c:spy-right
law v% as authorized vs report by bill or
ocii.ei wise.
A ..r . .f; - . lutlon for the alipointrrieri:o fa
Se.,l,_, .taittee - tp enquire ini.ti -- :the ex
pedien ,741391ishing the roilitaty Burt
intenjencies at the natiotal aro oriee:and
of substituting civil sa petinttneies instead;
also to enquire into the abuses alledged to
exist in these several establi4l - iments, was
objected to by several, slid not received.
Important from trashingtor,..
Post has the following: 'We are : :
6,f,,irned by a priVate letter from Wash
th :t an express his arrived from
the 1);-ciirc, bringing intelligence that the
Governreeia has sent a large fleet
into the Pacific. The object has nut as
yet transpired, 4'hether3lie destined n be
Ca!ifotnia, the Oregon-)r-the Society is -
lands. It will be recollected that we
published a letter a year ago. (written to
us from London, by G eh. Duff Greery) in
which it was predicted that herd Ashbur
ton would refuse to settle the Western
boundary. We shall refer to this letter
again; perhaps re-publish it.
Col. Cooley. —On the 12th inst. the Al
ger ine judges cir•li‘ered their upirri3u, re
jecting the evidence uff•red by the cunt) ,
std Cooley. The jury etslittd
ah.rut and on the ripening, of t.I e
Court t)ti Trie , day m•rrning, rt turned to
the Crart L the papers in the case, without
finithip: a verdfct, after Mr ch • th. y were
disud-sed. Tile defettrhtit was ordered tr)
reccartize fd i i apuearauce at au ad_
1 .)1 J 1 /led 5 , 551 , .11 f the Cu'o t. Thus, f t
the 1); esent, ends this solemn rnucFery td
f t_St Ice.
Basic»). Charter ElPciion.—For Mayor.
firimtner (Coon) 5059—Sufi I" (Dem.)
2453 —sca:tring 755, of which Colonel
Greene, of 13oston Post teeeived about
DUO. nit Ty two Coons and nine Demo
crate elected to the Common Council--,S
vacancies. Very good for Boston!
M I ifesind,r —We learn that a strong
fort will be moe loid ICC GOV.
Porter Id pardon this I e-son, but we think there
cap be ao ground 'or his friends to hope that
he• will be seenesi.fol.
Ts —w. 4- . DOHERTY inform their fried - 14611A
the pliblic that they have commenced milinfi.ttil
ring liars. anti lln.l they have now ready for sale, at
their. S. or<., 14d Liberty "tree!, between Market and 64
street, an a-toll/new n 1 the very best Hats, which t"...1 , 1
are a !If:indite ',pose of on tit, cheape,t and mos:reason.
:ittle Prat,' Their stack constra of the veer best kinds.
v's.—Hearer. Oiler. Neutria,Castors.short Nat ped Run
art, Fur and Sill: 1121$.
W. A- M. puberty are both regular bred flatters, they
have had ekreaixpertence as Journeymen in thelest
e<tatdishmeHttrantry; ti.eir Hats are all gotw,
under thnirivinlaWpectiOn, and they assure the public
that nolliftarl4it the. very best articles on the moil rea
sonalde terms Will be offered 'or SAW. 11)
BUCK"NEAT FLOUR. just rereiie4l frnm Ohio. n
few half bpi rels Buckwheat Floor of superior Quay
it y. '44 putter, new Lard. he. fcr sttle Iry
gee Is. Ll 2 Liberty street.
torrptx .3,PLEs.: on band 20 til
rirrelsfo Apples
In n.ond contlit km, for sale by ,
AC cause.
143 Liberty st.
AR rUURS & N Ica°. N.
preprice.r , of the • -
All'h?r",Rve„T„'',.R.:i.'ari'ttrkie7.LTeet"t7rettrirl t 'sr
Franklin, c mmp,on t onnd faoeff and ppraithla.iiiivetc—
common add farcy grates, newest Taithiode,' cotaing
Stoic; fmttabte fir either wood br cop, ti . i:**l' , .. - ;114 .
le (add warranted to tore smoky thirtiney4,..Fritkoa:
hnzetr, hollow- ware, tea. kettles, stteet.tions with Tfaenir-
ai &satin:4ot or %Irate Hato:recasting". AtlthlitltA'co
be made or (h a heft Materials. ,
They glee wage to order at,:the
Bontessfroet 18 iOiefi,diam. down to the tooreetinice4 ht.
use. with every ether deiteidotion of Milting
_him amt.'
Dec. 13.18.13.-30
ApAkriv.Eß tu I
o rinz eutablitituuent that liatibeei la astti&afdt ijr
*ratio' n for reverai 'ears. A titisioess matitiith a eapi
tSrocfive inonsand doQais. woniii Mkt 11 11 roam
btr inrop , nnili. Apply at 11ABRIS' Agency sad Intel
ligence office. . , pee 12. ;An.
OR REN4I" aust.ittratedistettionseallon.:-0 good Coat
Pit, ready for itrialetksate reorki &boat one Idle from
the Monongahela flridgeand near. the Brenrnosille Road,
the pay will be taken in Coal. Also ;or-vale 30 large
hot beds:tab—apply al ,
411. • • ,
ha l
vu 42rr RD 806.04,--Fite ter six thilestileasi nien
IF T - with small Families. to go - lows Th e viler a -
56 miles. They vtlii' be einplbyed in digglag nay Slr a
brick yard —etne la delePi eekl. They *III cat emplay.
mem dad - 104 whiter and =linnet at'fitlf liagresaild by
.pnvaleeil with Weak% '" 'Alio sc t•eigiettlittreleiiali with i
a rtrsh *astir lallitlar - e 490i:claw titiritket lip
the o tlit riiiitikad mother or iitekieltia, cklbl 111 , 41/3:
_ Partner wanted for a 'firm eagared in a lien '
ilea istrittestritso with *LIM alai
1111 ' - *itbll. , sawn iwiwireidit iste lipid-
Mimi** -inkiiiwhollsisw . Plain IVIIIMMi 4111' . )IL IMlStier
Orial 4 rint nieltiMilliV 62l 4 . "*.niel l mad i!Oilt Williter,.'
... , :a ., ...vizt.,1;,.i,,''' , _, ,, J., - f,g - t , !:=,.,. qcv..:,-r-Nz;nr - .--, •.,,-- , 2 --,-;--,..te 7-,
ss r
Pr- °woe , ' ewood-tivaszt.
' Ton preidlethisor the lahthshrd Pat2lol leacihird
thn Allurcerecerm reepeetally 'Wore 'then- !Ohm&
and the patnotherththe jupeit, the th*y hat * time
and -ref amen seeertment 01 .
1 110 4 11 - inIIEC
NeteltOry to It Jul" Meth* 0160,1 arid quit they arepre
pamd to exi;!:lii
Rooks. Bins of Ladin:, Chenfare,
Pamphlets, Bill Heads, Cards,
Handbills, • Blank Cbeeti, Bal TIPIr
all mulls ot vaults,
Stage, Stessibest, and Case/ Eset . Bills, rat ewe
pries env, - : 4
Printed on the shortest noticeatui: 2 ' reasonable:hinns
Werespeetfully ask the pat of oar frientbsead
be mad* in general in this b of our bisiVialik -
Pi ' , ~:' b, Sep% a 1882. PfilltLlPS 4- SiglITH.
Y'),l 'ft% 4.) , TWINi. I sirTIP It./ 14 Wifi r1d'1017,)44,
Bank of Pittatnireh- par
Merck. of M bk., par
Exchanze bank, par
Pk. of Germantown "
Casten 1 ank,
Lancosttr bank, din
Bank of Chester CO.
Fames? bk Bucks Co
Doytmtown bk do
Bk of N America Phil. "
Bk of Northern Littetties,"
Commercial bk. of Pa. ••
Far.* Mee:hernias bk
Kensington bk.
Philadelphia bk
Sc huytkill hk.
Soullisnrk bk
Wistern ht. •
onTenusylsauta: 14
Bk" ofPeon 1). pat
Mai:* Mechanics bk. 5
„Meshanies bk. par
Girard 50 1
U. States hank. 60
Lumberinens', Warren, -- 1
Frank. Id: Washington, par
Miners bk of Pottsvile, 10
Bk of Montgomery Co. par
Mon. IA Brownsville, 2
~arie Bank, 5
bank. 81
Fa 4 - bk Lancaster. 21
lTirr.f Middletown, a
Bk. of Chain'Traturgh, 9
Carlisle bank, 9
Bk of Nortitunihsrlarui. 51
Columbia bk k Bridge co. 3
Bk Susquehanna Cu 11
ftkof Delaware Co. par
Lebanon bk. 9
tleitysintrgli bk. 9
York bank, 8
Far. ir movers bk. of
N'ayneshurgh, R I
•, Currency notes. 8
tionesdals. 2
Wyoming bank. 20
Piitsh'..ti State Scrip, 5 7
Country do do 9
Rerks Co. bank, 54 1 1
Len/blown. 5:01
bit,untpleasant bk
Var...t Mech. hk of "Sim
Reitnont Lk St_ Claire.
vitte. 2
Marietta bk. Demand
do Cis rriinre no , es. 3
Cidir d itdsein t.k tied. Lis
lion Demand, 2
do Post notrs, 2'
, Tidriptiail specie pay
-1.:111k.9. 2
mech. k• Traders I,k or
IljellOte Ilk or r',.lumb•r:,
Di-pidtid note,. 2
'irrlvvilie, 01. Lawrence'
c,-whier) 2
Zanesville Lk. 2
. LT —xs Barrels No. 1. Sali—ako.:- . 4) barrels No. 2
)• -7
for.alrhy ISAAC CRUSE. 14S Lib. Fl.
WIRT LECTURES.—fourth Course.—The Lee
ture_CAnnititee of the Wirt Instants have the
pleasure of lying In•fore the pahtiq the fol lowing Its rot
gentlemen who have consented to Lecture. viz:
Rev J W Bakeweif. I ntrodurtory Lecture.
Jain L Gow, Esq, Washington.
Prod. H J Cinch. Meadville College,
Hon. Wu Wilkins. Pulsburgh.
Proff. A B Bream. Jefferson College.
Daetd Richic.F.N.,riltsbufgh-
Reed N askie,gloa. Esq ,
Prod A/ez'r 7'McOili, West. Timei:iktninary.
Proff. .1 Barker, Meadville College:
iY H Lowrie, Esq., Pittsburgh.
Bev James L
Prof. Rtcli'd S Jefferson l'ottege. Will de
liver several Lectures on Astronomy, embracing ilk rise;
progressand destiny. Retsi Washington. nq., still also
deliver several Lectures on the subject he may select.
Arrangements are in progress to engage Professor Sit
timan, of Yale College, to deliver in our city, a full course
of lectures on Geology; also v ith Joseph 'R. Buchanan,
onitenrulogy. Other eminent Lettitrers will be invited
to visit our city, when it may he In the poirer of the In
st Rote to enrage their service*.
The Lectures of this course will he on Literary and
Scientific subjects exclusively and It is hoped from the
eminent ability of the Lecturers. and the interesting na
ture of the subjects. that oar citizens will liberally pa•
ironise this landahte enterprise. The Iron City shoal.)
not he behind sister cities in herenconragernent of science
and' literature. Thep tweeds (If any) 4111 he approfori•
wed to the enlargement of a Library, already afi Ida&
to the city.
I.4rCourse Tickets. admit, ing a lady lad centtgasai.
St and may be had of either of the Gettimiliee. ind at E:
H. Kay 4- Co's Rook Store, Monongahela and Exchange
Hotels, and at &fiord's..
Lectures commence on Thursday events'', Dee 1.
al 'T. C. HUEY.
JOHN s. came AVE. }-roirtilliiite.
WM ; B. SCA Fl4,_
n 24-10
lIENOV.di!--The subscribers have removed:to - W.
ter between *nod and Smithfield curets. where
they wilt comic*, the Wholesale Grocery sea 'Coismaii
sion Mwiness sinhinidid impecifidlt . solicit hie. pairee.
ace of their friettlifil. J. w.sattafti Ws 4-. co,.
. Dec 3 _ ,Z r ,. : . , . . .
H T. PRICE, whoiesate and titan Baker. boa.
feetioner sad Froittrer, ream) street, near the
Diantood,,Atieetitay thy.
Every vanety of Confectionary and Ornanteptal
Cakes, saitaina' for vreddings sad patties, saandectstred
from the best materials., at short,neilte. rev v._
W-ILLI.SX EL O'ER. Att•roey at Latin Office an
liakeraretra thtilittack warty opposite the Ictia
Court 136iLit. on e! *t atieet. IleP 30—
. _ _
GEORGE W. 14rX43, Atioriety et Law, 016ee
No. 54 FIELk street, ear the ttieatre,
rep 27--ly
_ _ _
T at hobeeriber offers for oolotot A poodallf Sow price o
and Wpm aixoswasodadoo tenet, bee 'fettered and
Fdtrarvest Rildidirg,Loot , stuutied os tile Fowl* Awl
Road, sere* toltdoomed OY the heid..of Ware de
mid bdiroto odd wed sod MEE sitißt, tat the'
took alto ItOittowahela—the lumbers end 'Arial So 1
Catiell o Ofr O l oO t glea l l, bootee by ,ithreßee to the y~
recorded oat Ms ithb ttov,lB4l. la the Reeetatets elks{
of Arieo 2o 7 is allot simir.lrouri bit
page. or !pout to the tetteretber
The itteidioui St OOP** -dl Ii Or hoptitehte
toortoll tooOktlO telLimi.iidoldhiCktoadholkoola roper ,
tufts equally OfamOortightilli*lbtrehtteds shal the
The lap iititbs,roht to tit -
lad Solotoelit ooo ldetittegAtttabOßNOW -
14 ; 1 4 4( htkidkboltOtt:lVlLYOMlie
~ ~~3
blooper. 2
kfavvilon. 2
Sandusky. 2
Graben. 2
Norwalk. 2
Xenia, 2
Dayton, 2
Post notes. 2'
Fran. IA Columbus, 2
La.,easter, 15
Hamilton, 35
Com. bk. Lake Erie,
Far. bk: of Canton,
state bk..t Bra aches
State &gip,
t Ertrtiekii
Alt banks,
bk 8 riinebita.
Sha wneelown,
Rank of lOrginta,
Far. bk. of it
Exchange bank,
V. Wear. hank
Itter. Oder.. do,
• Rat tinsoirerlhaisiti,
Country Itaiiikst,
All Bankt', .•
NEW JEasffir.
All flanks, [ par and.
I:by Ranks. par
Cpuntry hanks,
(wifely fowl.) a 1
Fled Rack,
? Boston flanks, pir
Country ' •
Orleans Ranks,
Banks. 24
Rank•, 2
Good Ran
'rENN Eb7,EE
All Baok9,
111 I G AN
Rt. of St. Moir. ' 4
Do. 41%4* H..lsoith 4
.Moots bank*
Eastern Exchange
3.. w York,
western Exchange
Lanigvine. rvaf
Ciriteiu ad
Whertiltr. par
41 " 50 *Itir , Arflriddr.i 4. 1,4 / o " ili g* 4,ia-nr7-4e l ; <*"
ainatfilhaillaiiatia#l, 4 !
T...argurkaw s '-voisaerecimitieworr - r.aawisr. deozdok*rbidr nt eilookhovawek. ,
11 ._ At 12 4-4 1 Krikaliktek lairam Wald alettlibmablem , - *r _ io re,e. o_oo Olt
Husk sudiemr-Skidtrueeee rawly. l on biog.. All ‘P , Surrea - WedtPaynCa* or titl
ortferacinaufted analifaitasitadiffeeigat,oo#vanisno- -moan; endear/Sea:at Vlekitia por-I,teec--
aatingterona. - _ sip sto— r ir Gummi kitt Paparit, -eau- sad liSuleeeielniurrturi
r .paperesigropato and,estrire. at. 374-tentr.
Lewitt*** roil 1 1 / 4 per. °fiber. atom altaiittraieline:lbt
haUsr..-Freoei sad:titres'- - trtatiii 'tiar.gairlone tad
abambenmen Sue seths•giode4 litattftllB-'
Freath WeIJ pair*, .Qeorrireitn.4o4 Prriteity4firTrai fa
plata air* deb I.O i O M/fht*ai : finhtr iN I / 00, *
Vase and laillettioa Borders. - -
Laiudscape Paters, is sette. far papule; liatele; halls
and dials; moots, at reduced 'Prieer-
Kee Board Prints, Statues. Oratettentii,'446.
triads-1r Bliad Peper;ittain tenth - Lured, orints,4 -
Western merchant; and others, re: selpuetfUlltistuilled.
to eau and examine their stockk and pike& sit wbOia lend
.'.liberal disrowit win be gireltAir cal*: '
Frost tongeiherilinceis the I detneni- the* et! Ohio to
manufacture payers in a impeller Maritter; and pa ibty
are ditermlned to keen on the character their peneys
have anifortitir testained, they hePo to cootteee le re
eeive the encouragement bit herto so liberally extended.
No 49, Markel street, between 3d and Ath
Pittsbnrett, Shpt. 19. 1542--dawtr• , •
nj~nIRV'SHELB OP 'LAX SEEt3;Thr bleb the
highest pelt:els yeah grin be giliet I
iteehatdel Lrueetither urlattrtyltud Walt' "sleets,
Pittsburgh. oetit
nissroiss Milleirrseirt ae
2..151 . I nis itoir inns tie Jarbour iirmordry:
S 'SHE Slikkriba kering prepared at his eitairlistunent
the tinges; ;Ind mat Varied mock of i READY
MADE CLOTtIiN4 ear offered in the We.tero wain
try, would respectielly in‘rite the public to give him a
call aad erembie hiv Goods tad bear his prices before
purchasing elsewhere. Ms work consists In pmt of
Cioo Coars.ariorterl sties and quality; 2000 pair PR ota
loam 191:10 Wats; a ith a large assortment of Shirts.
Warms. Cralr . ali, stocks, Gloves, Supeaders, and every
othesprtinte of winter Clothing.
lifirClothe were all Witted by himsetfin the Eastern
Idarkets b awl Porchased at the very lowest cast) prices,
and consequently be can afford to give his Customers
MITRE. BARGAINS than they can gel at arty ether
1 boiltria the ittY. .
, In the principle of -.Protect
inglimme Industry " be has therein e had all his articles
inpaufamared by Pittsburgh workmen, and he kris - no
be/halm:in in saying Atlas they wilt he found in,esery rca
Peedstuterior to the Easier* ournsfacturesi articles that
are ollered for sale la ilie Mop shops that have recently
.damtirediationg Ws.
In these ileaes *Nen itedastry is occupying so
large a snare cifpilhlic attention, as it always should, the
proprietor of the “Ttgreigiliy Doors' takes peculiar pride
and pleasure in asstirlog the citizens of Pittsburgh that
It is Goods are all liconfaceriered under his ow ntye, by the.
mechanics 6f his own towo. De does not: li some of
his meals in I regke, bait tits Clottummaile op is a diAant
city, hi another State, iggardoes be advertise bis Stock in
Lilts siiirited Little or Moe inandasd stiles from here. lie
gees pots* prise/W..l* the niechanies of Pittsburgh
:too desire/knit Welt, aiweey others. and he dries not de_
sine to draw money frrn their pockets to support distant
workmen; white be like them to support him. he does
not wish .oitnpuierish them by 3 drain to support• far
off mammoth
The sishirsikei Would take this occasion to return
thence to his frilindi and customers for the unpreceden
bed patronage enc oded to his establishment, end to re.
peat. his invitation to all those.wino wish to purchase
clothing.okeviry deseriti4lon,innuieitribe latibt - fashion
and sold on the most accosealogiating terms, to rail at
No 151 Liberty itreet. JOHN III'CLOSK EY.
(D.O6seririiiillettil Plate iii the tiairnoent.
Ott 27—tc
iurealiAtry USES' and ' sold wholesale ;nut retail:
OIL SiimellAkasti. one door below Smithfield. -
119101Tralltib011 elltrgt-CIM*6 ANO REfEIIESCE
LIBRARY of Ica nd ills
cf•llaneonii Wgitt; will, th'ltfisir day. Sa:Math ex.
oepled. inm 7 A- 11,4; P. Id ihe Ex
change Building, corner . bt St 4 palr:,'atreet and Etehntige
alley. ovne.re pifictodt atitelidines Witt Ise given by,
tep 10 - J. GEMMIL.
HANNA TURyB ULL. P imatirtotli or vns Cram.
+oir Parse Mici.. Steilbentrille, Ohio. hairing remo
ved thew store from thisehy, hair appliinted notdship
4- Browne, No. 49. Market st. he:Ofsign 3rd and 4111,s:
gents for :rie sale of the dllken ' iliinas of Paper manufac—
tured by them, wheie their friend! sled customers will al
wayitfind a regniar siiPi; l 9 of iktl 3 rr: each as CaP and
P sit Writing4iatit itiid : taint lined; Wrapping ond Tea
paper; frontal BWaufs, and Printing Paper of different si
zes and qnatilies ,all of Wiltich will be sold on t lie most
accommodating terms.
--• • - _
mninitachircii and lintuirters of
Pa;rersta porders, kincria constantly
ry vai ie' y ortittrt;, ParOr and Chatiihor 6pere.,uf the
fie** iilostittOeipiete patterak which
win Feu tow and on oceouniodating wholesale
nr relntl
11MrTER C. 6.0 THINVG.
P. WeirinVi Tailor, No. 49, Liberty St.
2nd Door above - Virgin sllley
lIAS completed a 2enernip sori ntent Wiate. Clot h.
in:, consisting in pall of dintond and plain - heaver
cloth frock and overcoat.; heavy fine and common pilot
cloth velvet triuned,atid plain; every description of dress
and frock cinch coats,Tashiritable rotors and fresh Goths
Malts and fancy eassittet pants, : cloth and satinet do of
Quperior quality; every description. or vests suitable for
the season, and will I e saki rairdtaith . Pertain) With.
nave fashionable rtits*Olsjtitilkof the best mate! i
nt will Lind them at tit is estiddiShlireiikr , Making svairan
led equal many in the city. tik-dttilistock of inodi are on
hand to mute to order.
Iderints..ii, Donaghy and rhOmiciliceare at
tni4blishment and will be muckplitaslui to itritt*a all-fronts
mire cal friends- Good fits hi dred tdc :kb silk.
rittshrtrith, flee. I. 1842.
LADIES.—Why do you -hat I+ - tnove that
Toistptillimus hair you have upon. y'Mb foreheads
and upper tip- i By calling at TurPca's. 86i Fourth .
and oloainlng a bottle of Gouraturs Poudtes ,4utit les.
which will roancijorit at once without affectidg the skin.
You can also obtain Gout:rues Maly celebrated Eau de
Beartii. which wilt at once remove aH . freekfe pimptes;
erunifous of the skin, and mike your face took per ectly
fair; and io those who with to assist nature by adding
more color lir their cheeks, they can obtain some of Gou
raturs relehrated Liquid Bone, which cannot be remits?
off even b.t a wet cloth. Also mile be round s. good as
soriment of Perfnmery, moth as f.:Ologne, Bear.' Oil, Al-
Mond, taint, Wind.mr,aud other Soaps. . •
neramehlrii. at Tuttle's Medical Agency, 86 4th street.
Dec- 8. 18e. '
NOTIOP. hi hereby live., tothe - eredi tors - And debtors
of mews. El iArmel and / G Monts. sate jade
htudaeis f6iliarket sheet, Pittsburgh. ender the firm of
Armel lidutz.amd tothe phbfie generAlly, that they
hate Ode rhiy assigned all their stockof soods. accounts,
etc., to me. for the benefit of their coediting, tit bout
dt<ttoet on lie
- Persons Imitation themselves indebted to the late firm
wit see the aronessity of calling without delaY, and pay.
itit their respeethre dues, and percent having claims will
present them to me fer settlement.
' DAVID LLOYD, ;ASsignee
lsbarBk New, 21,1812. •
PI. B. The above flawed *oak, which embraceis l Intl
abd general iyaortment of ileitannable dry goods. will be
abwiaord of witbi aid stand, No. 100Ph ., mp tor coal only,
gri. G. Moot* 14 authortaed m*ke dettlement and ra
ttly+ fora oneY; i 8 my afarearti
dee 8 nAtin utitn.•
frricerisrs PAIN EXTRACTOR ;15. eertaully
thalami valuable 011itMent for Barns, Soren, 4-e.. ever
invaded: nowatter bow badly a penidn may be berm
or Wadded—this will Meat then- without
-bullring any mai. Eiery family 'should Nitre a box in
their home, eo nne should be without it.--Every one
whO hos tried it recommends it. To le had only at
TIII'TLES - .86 Fount. MOM. _ , - der.
LET.-7117Lakit H. Lin;Oats, totting feint
ited his allieeto tile roots in ttielsaine bold.
In aboverboseialelfocaipied by Kat in Fonda
stair; nett to Me iliator'ildikee, sow octets Vitiate of
gee for tent.
The ,roosts are riot sOOeIi fsr cares or ftersons of
say tireferstes.or for any kind of retail IMO ta Mlle mita
- Dow Enifoireliof - WALI'ERf LOWlttE, of
tf Imiespipttet.Air
y Ai(oniti Ai LAw. FOioirgit. Fa.
lace in Atli oiiiriAlle aarlov sanding_
NIP anfation lb Spy
ualakiled bAsiDess, ud I fer4esuumi ,hLa tA,t bepsuoll.
igeor of fries* IVA/a/kg FORWARD.
reP -
duo Court Of Com Flout of -Altek
Only Count, of October Punr, No.
11* ih &alder *film Vitiate, A*:
- • -IL OraineritAgtsa Todd.
44_ 4
et4l o ms - . I±o
Anrotti - d o _
J i AillUTTga•
nf~..m K.x;~
_ r. 4,747.
JOHN 'BUTTER wonTri. .4actioneer irrid Cotketis
S Jiterrealit, Louisville, KY.. will-attend to 1
sale of Real Estate, Dry Doods,Eioeerjes, Furni!irre..
riegularsales eve. y Tuesday, Thu rSday, and Fri
day mornlazs. at 10 o'chirli, A. M. Cosh advaneesmnde
on consit • SeP 10
3g ytigs Soft rigiron suittibte Poumirieß. Ap
VIO ply to A. BEELEN.
JAMES WM ARD .Vaoulactotrers of Walt
"aper...Aro. 18. Wood SEret,. Pittabargh. Pa.—
Have altVays on hand an extensive assortment of Satin
Claied and pain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and
Imitation Borders, of the la:est style and handsome
For papering balls. parlors and chambers.
They stanurasittre and have oe hand attall timer.
Ptintitwa lltriiinp, Uctter. Wrapping and Tea Paper, Ban
_and !niters' Boatds--.all of which they offenfor sale
on the most ateommodattne terms; and in . which-they
invite. the at tent ion of merchants and others.
A 1.1404- Wank Book.; of all kinds and -the hestquality,
School 111.701te..ete. always on hand and r lcir sale asvdttove.
N.K. Ragas nd Tar :less' Scraps' &ken in esehanee.
OYSTERS, SARDIX4'S. *r.; served up in the best
,at A. lIUSKER 4 S, No. 9 pin h steers.. Sutra'•te
apartments are appropriated to -gentlemen accgmpanied
6yladies. Also all kinds of Cakes and Confectionary for
parties. weddings, etc., for sale by
tine 19—if.
IT~UITT i i ig day receiver from Near York,
X fresh snoplinf Hevre4 f Nr rere and Bone Liniment,
and Indian Yeeetahle Ei ix irot rosic lye cure for Rheuma
tism, GIoUT , rant •arl ' ed rbidtz. and Limbs--alpa
Goitres:ea Peadre Subtle, for comptetely and penna
tient ly eradirat ing sti pet among hair from females' upper
lips. the hair einiceatitt2 a broad and etevated forehead.
the Muhl:torn heard of man: or any kind of superfluous
hair. Price $1 per hnule.
Ganniat's Eau de Beagte, or True Wafer oi Reanty.—
Th 1 . 4 French preparation thoroug.bly exterminates Ballo w
ntas,'Freettles, Pi omits, Soles. Blotches, and 01l cutaneous
e uptiong whatever. Realicinf delicate. white bands.
neck and arms,and "Mien ine a healthy invenilebtoom,—
Also. gpvetal other valusithe articles, too untheroni to
mention. 99he t eon ne sobl only al •
TUTTLE'S .17E.DICAL .40EXCY.9640st
Dt.-A. W. PAT rEastix. Z'ffice on Smithfield street;_ .
near Sixth. sert.lV'.
160. B oc a7 4 R . io Coffee.
pE.ASE'S Ho4RHOUND. CAND Y.—LTerrss , ban
received this day from New York. a fit sn supply o.
the above celebra ted elm for Colds and Con
:gumption; and is riarlY ko supply cii.lcimessal wholesale
acre's% at ids Medical Ileeacy, St; Fourth at.
not 12 -
10A Rhi FO& SALE.—The undersigned offers for mile
1' his farm, lying in Ross Township 41 miles from the
City of Pittsburgh, containing 119 acres oft - int/of which
60 are cloared and under fence, from 15 10 20 iherr,.s of
meadow, 2 good Orchards of-Apples, a, few Peach. Ind
Cl.erry l rees—the itopwaveinent are a.large frame ho6e
coign how 10 roomi well furnishell,ealcolnied for a Ta
vern o. private Dwetling,a frame Horn 28 by fill,atone
haPtuo-.01. and staidinz, sheds tAid other out houses sail,
aide for a tettentent!-2etimi Gardena shrrounded with
currant laiehee Ruda well of excellent wafer, with a
pomp at the front. door- 10 relation io the Pittsburgh
end Allm;„beny market, there is oh place now offeraa for
sa't withi mnritiaritteeineni to . thoie wishing to purchase
near Piutidmrgit, the terms will he made moderate, for
fttzther parriciiinssopplylo the proprietor at his Clothing
Store, Liberty il reek, enruer of Vitzin Alley.
N. B. If not -old before tile Ist of Oelohpr nrx.t, it
wilt be til*iiled 10 and Macre lots to stiit pokettaz
SPIV. dig 10
J faviihrebts Remedy —The extreme beauty of the.
Teeth, their indispensable use, and the frequenCii of their
deny. has ted to many inventions for their preservatiOm
vet how to pre. serve them in a stare of health an pristine
beauty, la the latest periods of existence, was entirely
mtknatirn until the dizTovery of the above
preparation. It forms a pure tincttire compose,: of vgg
etalde Ingredients, and is rinssessed,or the st- deficit:los
odor. It eradicates tartar frcim the teeth, mumiris spats
of inelpirtit decay. poll Ates and prheries the enact/el, to
which it gives a pearl like whiteness, and, liont its disin
fecting prOperties,massesses the vim t. of giving sweetness
to theltrealh.
As an ./Inti Scortx.e, the Mims also share in its trans
crdenr powers; Scurvey is eradicated from them, a
heathy action and regress is induced, which offers in the
notice °film medici practitioner indubitable evidence of
their healthful stale. it ban been examined and used by
several di - the best physicians of this city, who have no
6estitatiOn in recommending ft as an excellent wash for
the Teeth, Gurus etc.
Among the ieroonnentiattona to the above are the AO
lowing• '
Raitidi fried Dr. "Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash,"
and *cow i acquainted with the hut red tenis of its compo
sition, I the ray, I consider it one of the safest, as
Win ong of the most pleastlint Tooth ii . yast - es now in use.
Pittsburgh Sep. 15, 1842 DAVID HUNT; Dist.
I take pleasure in si havial made use of. Thorn's
Tea Berry Tooth Wash." itr.t it is one of the hest den
trillteetr in use: Being-In a liquid form, it combines neat
- with convenience. While it cleanses the enamel
and removes th e u r e a; fr o m the teeth, its perforne yeas
a frairrbee peCulitirit desirable. .1. P. TIBBETTS. lil D.
The iiiidersleued isititc a - 4d Corripnued- Tee
Percy Tohth Wash." and have found it to Ginn, extreme
ly' pleasant ttentarice, elereisliig a mcnit salutary . influ
encer over - the.Tieth and 01111* preserving thole Mats
peer:able members front premature decay. preventing the
rieritmniUlion of Tartar, and pitrifylng the Breath. His , .
ing ihnrotighly tested Jfs virtues. we take pleavare In re.
cuntiiiendln.. it to the public, belieeing it to be the beat. ar
tirte or the kind new In use. . ,
Rorr Rpf:F33l..K§.
D4IRRJOH, irg Ar-Cuthr.ol.ESC
J of AtopßE ,J.484f NAAFI:
ILL arzoirALf, _ L ,
144ared only WIL1.1:1-1111 Apothecary
aod - Chesoist, No. 33 Ilfirkesst - reet, PiTCal‘sitglibesale. at
in ire prinelpatfirmilioeiatol - ToUNesNedlial -ArNi!Ts
fourth street. , Sep
. .
TOED" ArCLOSirlef.thiolit tirhallsit. has on hand the
spleidid*aoliOing ever egr•-ad
W. illy4tock lalarte,astd tiaaa.diiitrakia‘us Pelt a t the
lowest pirainda afro** " the rea
son' is ad-rine*. 'wait laigar.pzieea e v er. I
loak only-'a he ptraaere of-aaalt.leelieg eSallideat that a
look WeitiW Oelitreis VoniffeT,:iiim- Itessealk , r
th rintrA)/0-DOORS.,I6II I SifiX 717 t.
.- :. was , 23.184
B A IA) 8.14.4 Ba i t- ' RINB-ANII.USS
ntadire4Moo-14inanniga - intrain Robe of
*rent quailites 14 0E 6 Extra No. iiks;,
10t of Bear :rod Cob Sties.
11,000 No. .1 and 2 PhOiafg.kkhr , ;-...
tot 0 : Otter and Etocreciii Mazur.,
dti ak!gh ite larefedaa:andined • tusa4ok grair_
a -antes. Andy, to- : •
A. RElVl6ApittykstEitriAmPrOrrnr::
• oct, - cPwxs o l , :01 11 Witk;
311NPArkm r , 74.ll4lorinfOr of ;
-. 1i
fgadly now t
For sale by . ,
7r . • 4. A. CCin DON'
CHASE serlizt.
for Imieutatittlihti.
fed isakt'OralVemertii
Ai* oftSe arit . claw.Aiielkita
by careful and
aMyktkoivettt the U•ede. -
ottu.purilif New Yorai,i
that lho eteweeeieetiti etteaart4
treat Mit ileri Mat 2 remit. Wee*
is eehleet Mat!int
c'etlat. A , Seel pasivellikaamoVilin
attilWad• C Att'Oe 4 "tilgeat" o . l.l
epee ca'aikt'ci4,ll4 , :116!Iktil' - -
pankivtictigt liOroatlrwas.riSeed. vallmOtt -
*play to • . • l iesc V i t.
thetlatallinabsi 20410 e.
earn ita raniolletth 7 iSl7:47 „olt
due, crlia+iiiik oveitilik- , •••` .
or.fteetiind:Aritionsti Beak A(Arsliklph • -
83 "ki%! Co.„ jattSitit , ,PCB, - 1-
Chat seteet, near the Fourth attest treed.
the with& ()mita, - - • '
'i) it: - i)A.ViEtVtai
der ' _
LIU ha. S I'EPLE, jaateessor to tt.iire ••• Illt)
V V Vona - lle Root Maker, Liberti at.. fd dM e tt
Vi-ginalley. , The ititheeriber reaperttalty hi ..
public t AM itethisi edronieneedstbe abope bashtediriVW
rea X i
shop formerly °melded by . Mr. Beery .
and that he Is Clow prepared to ahead to all ottblecid:
line of heal neit ieith desititehtthd Oii the hioit:
tennis. Prom , hie tone experiedre in itielhaniiStitil '
Paartionibie Boots, he teen confident that ill &UM
from trIS establishment win tin iatistactibii to liticp‘..
trans. A shltri6f iielette pairatillge la ;elk' EWA" liall
Pirisitotott,- - 06r."-§g:. OW J. biriatiai,-On Pri4y;,lbt i leth
o'clock at nteht,the
%tractor:lr, owaid by Gay, Diteroirtb
iinant4varat ! eniaH and unhealed ligastrow3irtilitm*M
The Cain tfife which i *silt or ri k oiokitrio - *4;
was in the must i xpesed altuatlotdartai lit.
was entirety red hot —I arn pleased tn•illftwito..rip*lt,rtit't -
opened it the eiCISB of the are, and all the Ware.
4• Parda . ..
e•se ved;—tlils is the heat rcecimmeniiiiikto I eat grim'
the utility of pour dfite
net 24—ti"
OTS FOR SALE.—Four LoiLlit illarrt,hatinr.
anti (mirth of Laid on Holmes' mita
0.. 41. 42,54 53.54.181. 182 *Pd 181. it (Damn! .„
of Lois, on.HOlnteA Hitt. A lio..Lots-natic aO5 ea,
Cook's Man of Lots on High street, nenr.the oewr t .." 1
Howe. For ipply to Z. W. 116111124
nett TO
Co'N ' OUND Ea "TAIL co
C t d.ArPr is a safe and certain tore for C'rstart . Its
TArant,Pitiai:tund Wadhrititt. ado
Breai t
Throat and tnany dur aiat loading to the Conitai
Try lit per rtdi—prrpared and soli 30 . 11101 . .
saletna.Rettdl by tl. T. PRICE, Cartfleetio . uir
glieny City, and the principal DrugglattaMl
be sure you aek ( Priee'storniennil Coax); CO - OV
nor 17.-tr.
Sniithfield itreet, brt7i,`eex.l Third and
Rerpectfulty informs iliecit;zeni of SHIM:11 0414 Hs
vicinity, that he is prepared to rec.:etre and iszetiiii
di•rs for any .dc...criptiou of work hi hie line *di kinittawni.
de hai on hand. and willbecanitantly .verciil2%, a gel.
cral assortment of Casialeir Axis 'Praises.
tie will mike tint kto - order. 1111 'a , iba** o 7
fier it. the shy: fiehas.ao _ .
enyine,.that his arm it. as to rinaltiiiif itiootrN liesfatt*Atif
ht and workinanship,puthot be sanitised Ej lay orbei_es•
ta 'dish went in this city.
By punctuality and unremittingbrolhiesi
attention to ,
he hcipes to incrit and receive a share 044164 iistremags.
i'ersori ii . rn letting their own materials, will And
their advantage to call, before going elsewhere. .
dee dif . .
Seep. No, 69 second st, bet reeli Wood atail
field. ivhere a general assortment ht Puruitere =AY
bad at reduced prices roe wish
"l'he isaperiority of thOn Bedsteads eont6K . • 1111 41 0 i
fasteatapi,:irbich for dembliiiy and ease to piffles eiti .
and taking! down, ti; tuft eslualled by anY other stems 1*;
nse—sind than suchii w ould consult their owe seattlitk ;
in - their o4htty ahleiberi, it should be.real,
all chide! of the big faintly are fags/led eig /was*
EP' Bights reiNtatilleit,
W. the:iinie,roeneel. lbei4
it tee above Cam reeteritioirei*a have lbo
- 1
• Priii - oieeing them the bed ook—lettl-ake 'ma .
tn. 'lto the r,epremeilet*Mit itt.the - agave sillvistiligees
We Grabillw
k.. - .4oSeirbee4tart,. _ -
wile.• , • • JeenekVervir,, - -
John Lein _George
--. ilk ii§OLUT I • HE i L ALL. -,
10 1000
:ans. and aft gatteeintri4 pare
i .D.,mLEr..9ll4Glea Karim
- ,
TRdicrok in3tattinald e . it not only Alin lkifter, Ad ,
eves no aiKtitttnal nasty not; Inanaratitif, FX:401 1 14.1
1 4 velf re:dikoe'S 121 # 111 " . " f-
1.-14 1501VL-savai-4
gumlike to any person teliinsinp - an 1,
~ _ _ '.,
the. in a-ny on a nelson jas ant eateileititah.......
.tes, yet not one from thootanda of i . ,_,. taratito „;:-,
... e -
ed the bottom.) Parettts *talons kospo ‘..„1„, ,
, . ,,.
injerles. find sere lin*. NV*** : ,, ,44- " •:"
their ad*ina from hell! . i disfrOniii,b ,_ %..„ _4 l
iiim =j oir
- small pax! ptmtnfra. iit 11 0 KWIRAC.„. 40 .,
i g
replace thenelknorl *rims deatia.talt*' " . ',,,t
i aisles tslefirelaalante Woe. Many,
_ .
is the city catttsaae", ittakOnn 0 1 Mrs, .,.
avtotoded !In* dinner litre* brilheillPo l ,ol l l9lir
infi_yet..tO ma .case t can he tiAntokthe•ll44
-tstst&l yil t rollitndieriontititsalpitSaago'"
_Gime ttaptittant; armature erni: stria 7
Item top pia iroithaleanksowap 4 ?
for 0, 41 _ iher:iikrat'ot 'Ol - 411 . 11V
itard.s I
gill Tt. Shi . le -/ OA gry_itir:
"lt.F 4 , -
t ~~ , ~' c -# sr~m~~y,
"~~,. ~~.
i'LIOSI 4's 11C04._