": • - • ( Mr st, two .tio •v. s. - Beak. Bret aettartektr,reseeetfully Informs thepablie that b removed hitt ow*r made coffin wantlaome to the roeently or:**o by Mr R. 0 - RE - 00 0 0 0R01 7 : 0100.01411 P• old stand. Wave he is al wayellferY4olltet: at ,.-..VAlairteeptly to anylWdera in Ma Hoe, ar d tg_Makt at tiortte altthedetaila e( the Melees! aim Undertaker Me Mapes to meritpabilethhildeneet He Wilt be premed ••••• .444, .# 1 . 1 . 3 0D0K 1 - but ightide Hearses., Biera;Car tinges and' ~.11~-regetsite on the•moollberat team Calla ftom the ODOARY *lithe promptly attended to. g...ll4a,reildenee, la is tbezaam building :with ht. ware "allele% where throe who areed. ht. iferoicea may dad bum *any Liam, seresigaeis: - wiw•-.14.1115. scam aLaeig. D. D. .:40100$AIDOEM.: • Kra. AollaßT agoos„ ROY. Julien. Tetaatare; o -:111.-:•1•R!4:14!vms,. ' ' . asse..aganee. imam, goy. Jamas Y. pavol, - :mp Of a. a. awtrr., GeV ti t di fidacb - . GeV .. BMA'S. '..: " . ` STEAMBOAT SILLS, 'IPAIMOIIILETS,, 110EiSF: SILLS, iltirrNlCS, ' VISITING CARDS, ~LAHIgI,Ni- ' ADDRESS , DO., ' OfECKS, BUSINESS po., -r! otos, HAND BILLS, '. aui.woF LADING, CIRCITLA RS, 4 c, te. Irftett*, with every deneription of better Press Print Ilti-taintehed With neatneaa and despatch, and on mode "rate tirma,Wl the office of the Daily Morning Pont. up i 0 - ;IVO THOSE WHOSE OCCUPATIONS TED TO IL PRODUCE - OR AGGRAVATE DISRASg.-LThis Chas of individnale is very numerous. Tory are those .who *oat in an unhealthy atmosphere. Printers, wor k- Vied In _feather stores; stone totters, tinkers, white lead Mannfactarers, are all inure or less subject to disease ac curtHngto tag strength of their constitution. The only ear ifind - th prevent disease, in the occasional use or a 'lnedicine which abstracts from the circa lai ion All dale! e l'itins hamar*, and e inch, them by the hcit.., , ."A'onics lit any form are injurious, as they only off the evil dill to make it more faint. The ace of Brandreili's Pills tsiff insure health, because they lake all impure mai ter mad" the blond; and the body is 1101 weakened blip OTTE:Menet( by theft operation, f,,r these valualde Pills d 0 tint force.-but they assist nal ure, and are nut opp,:sed. hat linvninnlze with her. 'Sold at Dr. Rrandreth't Offire, No. 913 Wool st rret, ...Pirkburett. Price 25 cents pox,with ful directions. MARK—The only place er b in Pit wi ts-Mirth .l whi.re Ibe tIENUINE Pins can he olitatned, is the Doctor's own 'l. ace, N0.98,W00d, street. sep 10 NEW VOIEE.-7-711,, sutiseriher ribeeitutty fOrMs his -ota - friends and thepahl!e. that lie has openers - it Temperanee Hotel, in fifth - Street: near the Ea change Bari*, and in' the houPe lately 'occupied by Mat , thew ,P,atrielc, and-has hoisted ant ron it se, «The - iron .S.ttdillotel;`,witere he will he very. harpy to a ccOm tuo. tinti all who may please to call ot him. His table shall be provided with the hest fare, and every possible necornmodation to town .and country customers and ravelers: A fevv hoarders who wish to lodge in their stores or of. 11CMedit he taken, and gentlemen who live out of lowa can have their dinners daily. He has large and good stables, and the best tiny and Oats, aud a good Hostler, and will accommodate travel. ere-nod gentlemen who have horses. Boarders taken by the day, week or year. Charges more moderate than at any respectable lintel in the city. Sep 10 JOIN IRONS. VAJASIIINGTON satiscritier 'VT opened the tale residence of Janis Atlas ts, Esq., deceased. for the reception or visitors and hoarders; "the hottse is very pleasantly situated nu the hank of .the mites from the city—possessing all the defight accompuoiments of a country residence, without being too far dietan for persons doing business int he City. Visitors will be furnished with eve•y delicacy, of the season. An Omnibus rune regularly every hou t the A Ile ittieny end of the Bridge. N. B.—No Alcoholic beverages kept. „iteplo WM., C. BERN. 1111880LUTION OF TOE UNlON'f—The copa rt. nership existing between James B. K lib Miro and David J. Morgan is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Vie coliditlons wilt be duly noiice'd, with the slseal u res orboth parties annexed, and Barry flail wilt be continued open by the subscriber anti' other arrangements ate per fected. For sate, on the premises, 130 bid& choice winter np pies, If applied for litunedis: ply. JAS. E. K I itOU R , sepp—tr; - ..N0.9, Marketfftial 711„ troni st. .E 6 10411110 1. DI NG.— isl'Cla n d I essiS• .. Johneop, Bookbinders and Paper ,Rhiers, S. W. corner of Wood and FOU.rth-streets, are new prepared to cx• = - cute all kinds of Bookbindingand Pa. per Ruling whit neatness and despatch. k books ruled and bound to lany :Oren pattern at tin °nest notice. . N. B. .All Work done tie above is warranted. (sep 10 • I,4i N 40.. - 7M. 111 DDL E, Surgeon Dentist, has returned to •V V his old stand, No 107, :411101)60d Sittet, iibere he Can be consulted any hour during the day, tin 14 profelsion. sep.lo REMOVA.L.—George Armor, klerchant Tailor, respectfully announces to his • friends and pm irons, that he has removed ilk establishment front his old stand, In Third street, to the corner of Front and Smithfield, in the basement story of the Monongahela HOltset.where he intends keeping on hand a general as. sortment of Fashionable Goods, suitable for Gen t fernent'i wear.. He hopes, by close application, to merit a share of the ousiness so liberally extended to him at his old stand. N. B. !laving made arrangements hi New York and Philadelphia, with the most Fashionable Tailors, for tite.'receptioa of Paris and London Fashions, customers may relyon baying their orders executed according to . the Nalest style. G EURO E A !MGR. sept - 10 -r:AttoOiri.—Tlia Subscriber would most respectfu l ly JILA inform the pubLic in genera that he has an article of ICA Oil of a superior quality. ma nu facto red at the Cincin natiell Idianufactory,hy R.W.Lee.4- Co..w Mete is war ram tad to be ennui to the best Sperm. Oil, both fur Light And Mattry. This Oil Is entirely free from any glutinous Matt smoke, or unpleasant odor, and it is as clear. And as *bite QS spring water. Not a particle of crust is left. .on the' wick. The light Is pure and brit:Jane, ,and will larri as ling. if-not longer, than that from, an equal Actuality of Eperm. Oil. The sulescritter, informs ' the Public that he 'Milliken a place nearly opposite the ;Moat 'Office, witereAin„.„ . Sint light rep several di tfereut lamps ertey esimhiteaidtVilvtould respectfully invhe the, in haMtantsoryittookrth Allegheny, and their vicinity, to ean'inadjniaitsrfktt;itteaiSelVe.n• He feels ,confident they lift coakrinceirthiethe above statement is . perfectly taped. " Oat.tif two hundred individuals who' have tried thie`oll,there has not beena single fault found , with It- TilitiLardoll costs one third :lire than Sperm. He would. "Viiiiisettaiiratelicit the early attention of Dealers Tnd - chinked' to the above., foitow,int Churches are now using the Lard Oil: ' . .- - )ilicorillTreldtyterlart Church, Pitt-burgle, 141V!,,cOwtherletredPreisbyterian Church, Pitisinugh, Pied rretdriterian Chnich, Allegheny Chy, Aseociati Reformed Church, do. *. the tnirtaili branded • W. LEE. o. 4- C, Cinch! . We, the nodesigned, Captains o( the Express 'Line Ur 1 'taws, ollAhe Pennsylvania Canal, have tried and are t a u lag stilaktof Lard 011 introduced here by Matt hew 41.t.iikiley,a0d-pauufactured liy U. %V. Lee 4- Co., at the Oil Factory. We Nsi eoulidintin asserting that the at ove Is equal totileviiesteperiri'oll; thittltla entirety free from smoke iorlttigroittargttitinoustnatter-Whitteier; the light is vver ractly-pereAliear snit last as long, If not imager than that from an equal quantity _ of sperm.' Oil, ,W4fettloe'RO:bookatwitly4 oar 6 1 eqs • Mit - 1 0,01 01 #7wiRullti 911 • ir: - V - -B _ at-„TRUST: Otpt.FthitiaslFettloPrel klAttilool ,OimtaiN.-rackeuiehn.flakbek , ~.. do 7 , 40bn Atiiiiaol!, 30101 'l dt to rylaborgiw tep Y 8 • - - --- , , . •ekti VON Ertrtenttei: ifitaP 4 • 1 q4. 8. ' ,... limAlL,,..s' " _,zdt bio 0 ;-Aaipik ,eiert nk , !These PLll._ 4113,.."11;i71ie5yt- giv e inpelse,, O r • ipeitigil iti ...7.,: r r,t.. m w t% - ; the Wed "Ig 11.00" ed glienalli r.--1 4 7. 11 %, " ii - realitfoi throitih tiOthe ' l*Oeh't 1ai t d.21 0 1,,... ...L.-- -,,....---r,77,._..-ud,bilethiatOarte irtiarliwatlitth"atie iilligE eare-framw e e Ilr iittvehe *motions o ,exicoolitillA 40116 , 211 , • eisisilmeiPloorillerloilelm. dkomeariiiikAilh""7.-- - 4eilowottheit Afar fol*:iOsltt=—,,o,ois., ,AornitotyliteOrt mitotbskint,ot jtp,rgatti *ttiglo l l it r lll 4e t • - • 1 0.141 - 11 ' ' viaroovvieg"'w-iiii.` lam, NEEM .i:.-, - . - : ,, , , ;:.4 , 4 = L2r ,- -4 , x:' , ,,,`,, , -z , :.:;;; , : tlsf,-*f,'..,..,.% . .. ,- 7.z . .'i1,41 . ! , . ~,,.:. _ ydrpygoidiagellillll4l2 - 3 . :4 I. comptl — Mice 4 11 * alwalketiftthileati al ).* lllB,act of Congress ..legst, apProillatkas.. tsteh neeessarrobjeetanabilivedkintamesalkinaladad oh) the general approntiatilin Wits Artithatit ittittatrity maw, and to Arend provide Ow tertaiirtneidentit fur . "penises of the fle4airtsirettr,t and officina ';illte'Gove.tr , ..stent, and for:other aPprOved• Amend - 16,J 184.2,;dssfsd - i's4possis Avill . haf, received a dile Depart ment until the-thirlyAirat day* Denemberiestirfor, thr• ittshing for one 'yeartirionger: at. the erptimiltitbarrefalry meat; the, following rkeseriPtionitarßlealte for- the faurbr Post Offices In the Stdbee ot Pennsylvania and Delaware: ' Malls received, Malls sent, . - • • '-60,: " Account of. Newspaperaandritmptrlallt . - - Mails received at Distributing Offices, .12' AB tire on small royahpapere at lest -2 by -17 k Inches,printed on both sides sad feint rated; with sot less than 4211neson a Page-' Moils sent from Distatbuting Offices!, • Reams. Same size paper as above, but folded lengthwise, and with .50 lines on a page. Aecountsourrent„foolscap,,two on asheet .16 Reams. Monthly and Weekly Registers, foolscap, 9 four on, a sheet, rostaiiiB4o,lllKAP, 12 on asbeet,without signatures. Post Bills, foolseap,l2 on a sheet, with signatures, Post Bills for Distributing Offices, 9 on a, street, with signatures Post Bills,lfor Distributing Offices, 6 on a • sheet, wlih Signet tiren, The proposals will state the price, in one sum, per ream, for each kind of blanks, for paper, printing, r6'ing and packing; They are to be delivered in, such nuanti ties, and al such times, as stay he required_ by the differ ent Post Offices, and on the requisitions of Postmasters endorsed by the Poll master at the place where the con tractor may reside. None wilite-considered ai deliver. ed , or will be paid for, except on ouch requisitions. Each rectilisition.ror quantit V ordered, to 'be seetirely enveloped nr peeked for transportation, and diretted to, the Post Office, at .theespertrie Mt the contractor. • The right is reserved of reject ng any &a whleh. may I.e considered extravagant, and also to give to any one bidder the printing for one or more stales adjoining the State of his residence; and each proposal must be accom pa n ied• by set fficient evidence of the ability of the proposer to comply with theterms of his proposal. • The successful bidder will Ire required to enter into contract, with surety, in strict compliance with the pro vision of the law, to Which bidders are referred. Failure to fur nisi) Clanks promptly when ordered, fur nisirine those of inferior quality as to paper, printing. or ruling, or any attempt to evade the true meaning .of the contract, will tilt considered sufficient cause for its] forfeiture. • Payment will be made-quarter-yearly, one month after the expiration of each quarter. The blanks must he equal to the best of those now In use. Speeimens may he seen-at the Various Post Offices. The quantities mentioned above, are from the liest•es tl-rtates that can he made fer on'e year's eOnMtn,rptiOn but they may exceed or may fall short of the quantities re quired. The Department does not bind itself to any specific quantity or amount. • ' , Prot orals" should he so marked, and addressed to the "Scrawl Assistant rostmaster , General," Washington, [T. C. n23—dTd3l ist.c.Epsy, agent Pijt 2.151:, 1842 1 "`. .:: .L. dri OUG HS, COLDS and CONSUMPTION — The sea- N...) son for the above complaints is now at hand, cnd all persons who are . subjected to the . inclemency of the weather are respectfully Informed that they can find., COVERT ' S BALM OF LIFE w h ich is Nell known to have cured Tuotismtes, who were ,in the last stages of Con sit rap tio „ Certificates can be proeuced of its wonderful CU reS. TAYLOR'S Baltsast or LIVERWORT IS another remedy for Liver Complaints.Caughe mid Colds. It comes high ly recnir mended hy.alt who hive u s ed it, and is pleasant to lake, and speedy in effecting a. cure. Pir.tses flosanouso CINDY.--This is a highly valuable and pleasant medicine:it-will-effect a positive and certain cure for Coughs, Colds,, Coneeemption,and is an elfectrial .cure for the Vinocituno , POOGEIB. This is a very tiaras ant medicine, all are fond of it, and children never refuse to take at; its cure is sure and positive. The subscriber has a certificate of Agency direct from J. Pease ik son, so there can be no mistake. All persons who arc clamp', are Invited to call and not delay, for the thee - to iiike medicine is at the commencement. 1 1 Alt the above medicines • -ran always be prorured at w RoLESALS OR R lITLIT 7'UTTLE'S AIEDICA f. AGENCY. 86. Fourth street I'Hl RN' TEA BERRY Too t ~ASt LAPC/STER,OCt. 2d,1842. Kg-To Dr. ruosh;--?4y: Dear - Sir: I cheerfully and cordially emhrace the present favoran'eopporiunity to re turn to you any warmest thanks of gratitude for your un. equalled and unexceptionable invention af your very justly celebrated. Tea Berry Tooth.Wnslloyad I feel that I am in duty hound to say that I have derived the great est and most beneficial effect froinitsfreqiient and mode. ate use: and I can assure you that I ant exceedingly hap py to. have the pleasure Of informing- yoU, that sincerely andcordially speaking, I can injustice recommend eis Ire quent use tonal that unfortonale portion of the human race throughout. the g,Fobe who are now underghing the most excruciating pain for the want of a medicine prep.i. ration of exactly the same nature of which yours is prepa red, and who have for years hcen suffering from the in jurious, destructive and Pernicious eirects of worthless tooth powders. and other worthless preparations. In conclusion permit me to aly that I have used your Tooth. Wash but for a short pririod, and yet I feel thoroughly elinyinced that it is the best now known, its inestimable virtues in preserving the teeth, (which it kept in a good and handsome' condition, is the greatest embelishment that adorns thh human structure.) are not to be excelled in cash's: and rellevlng the sufferer from Cootie ache, and restoring ine gums to a healthy and purified condition, and giving also a sweetness and fragraney to a disagreeable breath hitherto oak noien: Accept my sit' cere wish for your sarces, from Yours., troty, Theron BRINKER FIFTtI c wl iis o TIsT V IjrE. o LECTURES Tut; . h Tr. u Committee on Lectures of the Wirt atitute, for the Fourth Courac,respect fu , ly announce to the public that they have made arrangements to commence the Lectures on Thursday evening, pecember 1. The Lectures of this course will be e:celosively Literary and Scientific- The Committee, deslious of making the Lecture Room of the Institute tesort of the lovers of Litera. ture and Science, ail *e4l as the fashionable; have spored no exertions in procnrinimiputar and talented Lecturers, both at home and abrci4d. - ' - in the course' of two iveeks — a 3ist of tbe Lecturers will he published; aild tickets offered. SAM.. C. HUEY, W. W. WILSON,. ; . JOHN' S. COSGR AVE, wM. B. SCAIFE, JOHN- B. SEMPLE, any 9 tf- - - Cosentittes.- „ . • • PR • S.'MATE.LIPIE Pr ShiendidPatimnger 'Steam - Pack.: mi from Cincie lo St . Louie. :The hattr,apiendiit, fast ill ISPIng. tight draught steam ORCACPIP Mild Wind and Nonpareil, will run ds. regutdr Parkets, from Cincinnati St. l e cotke., . leave pin einnati and St, 'Louiri every :Wednesday mprning,at e`aack. F'aeiengers frosi- the past aid , yir* may,: rely upon their startieg punctually ait adiertleed., lep WiLti evA NIPS SOOTHIN G SYRUP.— JUP' This infallibld remedi hair Meserval hundreds when thought past retevety; from convulsions: 'As aerie as the Syrup is . robbeli on the gums;tiblialita will reecv er. This preparationjtr 1010nm:enc., so itiletteioutt. and so pleisani; that no 'child will 'refuse An let hit eltmil*fub bed With it. ' When ihfanisitvi at the age of foul' Months tho' there lafite aPpentteed of teeth, one bottle 'tif the Syrup should he um! to open the poles; 'Parents thOittd never beWithoukthe Syron in the nursery where theke ere l ouni-a l Mren;lb _Yit' it:ehifd , wakeS in the eight:witb phi in Me uninahe Syrup ithatediatety , giVPS . opening bird'hetlifirthb gum,' theriebylPtiveii ingtedovitzlotib'i - reient,l4 - Ui For Sate viVhottente'rti4 Retail by 1 11: 43.13E'LLER.f,. rep 1 . 1To:41: Wood stre e t, i!e!tivir!SegnitO CILEAP: - .- '. ag'.4.7r.1) RIBRON'87:911. ;wa, "St. . C 1 Ar .8 ,.. i1t " . "-. Tames a - na !al ...b , W 1 40 and nitii . 1 0 1 " 1, • - • . - ' Lace and lliiil collar" ' Iktan*lrpet , KWh: Lidiee:rreveti Bid, lifobak. ' , '....,., , _. • 'Vide Thread. a d Cotton Moves, Biaek MO* a kifiOja--14117 et,..lhealli - , A e s Also;AA . * AAjort -t 4 4 !WW I SltArfrl*J.lff., ,,, ., -- ' trifirl,y, c0 1 1_ m iii.lIVIAtitie*Lik 641071.0!!f! b ,* fti' 4ibotC4l4 l il , 4ooo4itlfigeogottin.._ ,,,,,, ,, , sebina,idtAilitkolihiltrattUND tilißliP4ll. l o 'I I W . -, - - r --, - ' ''' - ' - 4'' , .; .7 r: -1.••• - ." , z... - * ,- 4.' .-. l' - :•-r,, , trA , ?,11.',Tr-4 - , ~.. .. ~ &SA --- - r . .--'' 1- z -,--- 4*•=4:511 . „', r* -- -, 6...4.14f0 - , Vt . ~*- .o.r'.. - -- r:, ,,,, ~i - .0 . 141 ... / .. i • ....t.k.og:. , 7 -4 Orr t .t4a • • • !iii*Vtilol-40.00: '7 , • 4 ion' 41tismSreskcinisfl;*** ,b, r itafikre4l6l4ool4.ooo:- ilaniiiikil;theteigamidst!hi,An,,..****Ar 4 004 or. sk ai n e s •Abaletioisak . itt.wilarpotwiere . iii4,l -A,ltbingbflantieldlla?- - prOthictliti;notvir", inreev,t hat effect is mat to. prostrate thivhorlyi‘siserith Other 'nisidiefilesti.itittthelinnie hi Intilinitifidliy theta movat tat Unit canoe Of, Brintitn . eolt, the:l,oo4,fthrt !Mated.. 'bititornfroiriptyrciod. - __ • , .• merely •• - • .-• 1 , /rfNA.Tinkli..., 7 . •. , , : throw oat thetie.cii)on tit _Siettireirit from ..lhe.hodyi, nod they moire no • alteration In thsdietofcintli (el.. In ItiolAtte_hutitanAnditithettecabltito sustain with. out injury, tileinelentetteyofathe.. , ingather, while under thOterginetteeoth,ts hilOsoJion-dlePOlrtiribierthe eradica ihrit.:* - edicitte.2had, •-•, • 1 Theliinxirtinie 4:lltrandreties".l4lfhtifor.'seitions and traveknets, i bent IS Ne;selfealdont•• •-!`. ' By the timetyinte oft lits- Medicine- 101irtinett - artilety: :and sickness, ntightiee! nut preveht.- af • fectitimr,Typlitur,: , Pearled s ad-feel:fa 01 all • Blida; would. be:unknown! ',But:where atekness. , doen ,- eitst, let - no, LiMe . 'be lost; - let :the BRANDLBTH'S PILLS heat once sent for, that the Remedp mar tntnpn-ted, , Withoni fur ther se Samistinutan— • t • That Bmudreth's Pill/ have stood a Seven yenta' test .in -the United Stater: • T - That they are a vegetattte.and •i n nticent• medicine, yet. all podverfui for the removal et - disease,: whether: chronic • recent; infectious or otherwise • That they lit.rify the blood,: and _star • the'furt her pro gressof diseasein the huntan body_ • - • That. in many. cases, where the _dreadful. ravages of ulceration hadiald'bare ligament • and - .hone, and where; to all a ppearance, , no hUnlan , means couldsavelife,,haine .patieetsliy the : use-or:these pills, been reoltired Ack gand bean-hole --devottring - : disease` having been coniplittefy: eradicated. :* • • : •': • That each of the genuine has upon it Tittes-coevittonx. t.e.DICIAS That each label has two signatures of Dr. Benjamin Brandreth upon- :• • • That there must be-upon each, box three signatures, thns: . •.- • ' • 750 Reams B..Ba•TIDSAITH, M. D And three signatures, "Ali acute fevers ever requiresome evacuation to bring them to a perfect crisis and solution, rand that even by stools, which must be promoted by art when nature does nut do the basinmw itself. On this account, an ill timed Fero riotousness aboot the weaknesq of the body Is of bad consequences; for it.is that.„which seems chiefly to make evacuations necessary.,. which nature attempts alter use humors are fit to he expelled, but is not able to accomplish for the most.part in these , diseases; and, I can atheirri,..that I have given a purge when.the pulse has been so low that it could hardly. be.. felt, and the debility ex. treme, yet both onennd the ether have been restored by it." The good 'effect to be derived from the Brandretit Pills have to be experienced to be fully believed. By their timely use neither the,seariel, the typhus fever or sn.all pox would ever nsrimnetheir malignant form. To appreciate to - the fullextent t ips - incalculable bene fits of BRA NDRETI'S.F.ILOLtiney_ most be used when the First Symptoms or Disease present themselves.' One dose Then, and their good effects will be felt throughout the attack—lT to TAJUNG Ttlele IS TINE that is the meat secret in the core of all appearances of diSease arising from had blood;and 1 presume there are Iltw at the pres. ent day, will say anytEing of, those iisea_ses Which areel the body when the blood is pure. Barb diseases t have yet to see. Doping that some who read this may be benefited by so dotrig. 1 am respectfully, the public's servant. B. BRANDRETH, M. D. 241 Broadway, New York: THE COUNTERFEIT'S DEATH BLOW• The public will please observe that no Brandreth Piits ,are genuine unless the box has three labels upon it, each containing a fat shuttle signature of my hand . welting thus- 1 8. Brandre h. These labels art engra. ved on steel, beantifully , ,destgned, and done at an ex pense of several thonsanddollars. Remember] 4he top —the side—and the bottom. Ent red according to act of Congress - in the year 1841, by Bet gamin Brandreth, in the Oterk's Office to the Dis cilet Court of the So , then, !Markt of New York. Dr. B. Brandreth's own office, No. 98. Wood Street. Pittsburgh. Only plz,re in Pittsburgh whetethe genuine Pills can be obtained. Each Agent who sell. the true -Ern mireth Pitti-Mals am engroved 'certificate of Agency rerietva every -twelve months, and.hus entered into bonds of $5OO to sell,uotteothet,Pilis Loan those received from . B. or his *eclat Genera( Agent. Mark, the certifi sate is all engraved except the Doctor's name, which is in his own hand writing. Observe, on each certificate there is an exact copy of the three labels on ench box en graved thereon. Purchaser. see lit .t the ens.roving of the labels on the ce•tifica le correspond with t hose on the box. The following are Dr. Renjamin MandrelWs %gents (or ihe sale of his Vegetal.le Unit:km' Pills, in Alteghe ny eouty. Pa., who are supplied with the new labelled boxes. P 1 LES cured by the tse of Dr. _Darltch's Compound Strengthening and : Gentian Aperient Pills Dr. Harfich—Dear Sir—Shortly after 1 recslved the ' Agency from yuu for the sale of your medicine, I formed an acquaintance wl:h a Indy or this place, who was severely afflicted With the Piles. Erin eight or ten years this Indy was subject to frequent painful attack=, and her physician eonsidered her case 'ad complicated, that he very seldom prescribed medicine For her. Through my persuasion, she commenced using voile Pills, and was perfectly cured. Yours, tc. JAMES R.KIRBY October 3, 1840. • „ Chambersbug,Pa. ttr Office and General Depot, No. 19. North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. And by Samuel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood streets, Pittsburgh. -sap 10 INTERESTING C ETRE prifor need bypr.gways 6' s .L Compound SYrsP of Prunus Virgisiann, or Mkt Cher ry. Having made use argils invaluahle Syrup twiny family, Which entirely cared my child. The symptoms were wheezing and choking Of phlegm, 'difficulty of breathing, attended witknonstatit (cough, spasms, convulsions, 4.c., of which I had given upon hopes of its recovery ,. ' until i I was advised to make t ha of this Invaluable medicine. After seeing the effects t had dpon my child, end eon eluding to make.the so . i Trial upon' mYself;;; which .. en. tiretTretieved me ofd cough thatlWan afflicted with for many years. Any person wishing to see me 'can en at my house - inMeach Street, ahove the Market, Kensington. 1 J. Ilthiticox. ~..,---_. DR. SW A.Vt•lg.'SD'ill'UP OF WILDCIIERRY. '. We 'cal) the attentinn of the public to ihe'rintnetonS certificates Which have:been lir ciriolation In our Oilier •ind some oitieri 01'114 city, highly iccomineiaing Dr. illintantrenCoMpaand Syrup of Wild therry.—Wri have teen tbeOrlginial certifiratee,mid Mixt no dOribt hutDikv come from truly grateful hearts, espiMsive ofihebene is *liiili they 'havereceived from Mat valuable •coMPolmilL F We have aciMaintan who have ' frequently need the above m edicine. who n }Teak with coo*dence of its virtues.Saturdny Oil Onicie, s - - , ..._ w . 4 - Limit- 'MT , : Ar . • 4beriWate 13 - 1 ' - W V II h.l* - ±.)... 14 .." ,5.. -it o.l* ..t . Tia - _, that De therlithine.7 -----i-prw,i,psibetket ho I deir from the corner oto,. Lent ... tare or ,pata strict Otelillou t° I l ligh leillk..6l. '' ...-.., '' ; ' 4 4 4P1it1M1..?:***.6404, th11i5fr,:.....,_'„,,,,,,,,‘.:, fu s. ..14.,e '1.4.;.„, ..: rES, BENJAMIN B/LANDRETE DR. FRAlncpil BAYS Price 25 cents with directions. Principal Office, No. 98, Wood Street, Pittsbur Allegheny, Mr. band GLASS. MCKESSHOEI, G. ROWLAND. Noblestown, Jena Jonrsnr. Stewarts Town, CHviolas 4 , SPAULDING • A LSI - ANDER ASDLLE.MOH. REWARD THOMPSON, Wilkinsburgh. GEORGE PORTER'. Fairview: ROBERT SMITH PORTER, Tarentn m. Elizabethtown. C P. Neuf— East Liberty, DA ruct. Nioszzz. PRESSLEY lams, Pleasant 11111. Davin R. COON—Plumb VoWnship. War. 0: HERTER— A (sep 10 PILLOW ctraincs:4-With slocerltyl would ailvice you. one and iat, li•OffiMCY agilAvelk ahvifs 10 have a eottreof Dr 13*.e,fah'aNgtfhigil SyrupOf in your hoiiozit.lCTiva wslite In casesor-etnergeacy l , such es Spiitlng' til4d, Asihma, attacks of violent Colightng, which is often the cause ocfglitlaifor,:bloaa l Vlotent NersopS AdLctiiina. which occasionally come from fright, arl...varillsul; ollskcausrb, iiyalgc)ng gigot Alarak, eidcleo .. from luipiogo .eApitsrtre,infai ,hre.cilleu let extent,,ihrwalt,Of maps being : ready as 1:7100 * se 'elki Si'4o ll - 0 00°4 0 d TOR ; ,14 30 4 , lly Att. my ,fai%ll3! , 1 1 's14 61 ;Inneel' s ""i" ca6 :,recomalead'it WAtil cOiAlielleO4P the best WI 4304 1 e1h0s VA** litil.,,rcitVn :offli6led to lbs fubnCer Nig* 4 iv Thug, Niftioiewhio iff " - teapot:Meat . illtsiihrthi - • le:- nezted there'reit - Atl9oB enabiaber to liatroduCti, thitioteat fashion and tfuileidtee brinether Withiibare of-their patrrinige,ehe' frieitgo beriertnlteeit thing the anieystyiish dederiptithr;ind pay stria s&itatton to edonextir.:. Lis with confidence Airs. T. Terioinatendeber french r.iiithillitaidai:Vdisistirt alto her splendid orihnticoidery, which iseuperior to, anything yet intro docedin this country: it inoltutes Baby' Lilien,Conocit Whirs; Orientals; Cacieia la Cardirrai. Demi. ditto. Ben tme for Eyening . C6atnne; Cotters Cade,Pocket Hand kerehtek Morning and `.,Hight Cape; itc.;;Whieit will he reedy fat hetripitrobalkin on:the 9th of GetOber. Mrs- .7. le' waiting the 'taint of her Bonnets from Europe, at No. 2,. Ferry. street, between Liberty and Fourth greets:, sept- 29rrdt f. A. 8..13,*0. P. HaIIIILTON. AGRAW CEI:A $ll . I,:toN, .fittorneya at Law, have removed their leiffice . ta the reeideace . of H.S. Ma. gt aw on. fourth et, t we, thiere above Sm it !Meld. aep.lo dr:AORTI.N - WA.REHOUSE.—..„N'a, 79, Paurth , 11 !..../_ ' Street, Armee* Woad and _tbnith.fieid sta. 'Faro :doors fromilte corner of Wood street. Con .stantly--on hand an assortment of 100 ready made i.: - COFFIN °revery star and descripilortf covered ' ones, witil, Cloth: Mahogany, Cherry, Black Walnut, Poplar, and Pine Coffins. ... ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages furnished; Graves procured; and All services rendered that friends may require. A credit given in all cases, ell her of coffins or carriages, reqnest ed. HENRY BEARER, Undertaker. Sep 10 175 BK.S. WHITE LIME, a superior. article, for sale by J. G. it A.GrIRDON, N 0.12 Water street. V - AAI ET Y.— „lust received from New . York, 3000 Temperance Almanacs for 1843;5000 enidest of the Journal of the American Temperance Union and Youth's Temperance AdvOcate fOr SepteMber. &1st:42000 Chris tian Almanacs, and a gt?od assortment of Loomis's M aga zi ne arid Pittstiujgh, and the Franklin Magazine and Com mon Almnnaes for 1 1 143; by the groes, dozen or single; 250 copies of Grint's New Pittsburgh and Allegheny , Bu sitters Diretory and Strangers Guide, for 61- Vents., Akio, Cottage, ihmily, School and Pocket Bibles anti Testa, meets, David's Psalms; Methodist and Temperance Hymn Books; the beauties of Garthony, Introduction to Sacred Music: Mason's. Flarp with round and patent notes; Christ, Flarp,and almost all kinds of School Books; Guna'a Do mestic Medicine; Day Books and Ledgers; Writing, Let• ter, and Wrapping Paper; blue black, and red ink, by the gross', dozin,or hot' le; steel pens, quills, slates, pencils and wafers; Cyclopedia offflistory, Western Pilot. and a con. siderable variety of Rooks add Statiodery, for :stile on ac commodating ierms ter cash or you nrry pr-tduce.. ISA AC EIA BRIS, Agent and CoMmission Merchant, sep '2 No. 9, Fifth street. J. K. MOOREIRAD. G. B. WARNER. J: PAINTER. UNION COTTON FACTORY. Altegke -y City, at the end of the upper bridge. Tile subscribers having commenced the manufacture cif. Cotton Yarns, Stocking Yarn,Cotton Twine, Candlewick, Carpet Chain, Batting, and are prepared tc fill orders at the shortest notice. Having selected tile latest and most Improved maelli nery,and employed the manager who has attended to the Hoek,Fac-ross for the last five years, they are manufactu ring a superior /trade. Cotton Warps made to order, Orders through the Pittsburgh Post Office, or left at the store of J C. Painter Co., Liberty street; or Logan 4.• Kennedy, Wood street; will meet with prompt atten tion. Address—J. K. MOORHEAD 4- CO. sep F 2--1 y T 0 FE A LES.—Ttiete is a large ciaiof of Femmes In' M this City who from their continued sitting, to which their occupations oblige hem,a re affected with costiveness which gives rise to palpitation at the heart on the least ex ertion, sense of heaviness extending overt he whole head, intolerance of light and sound .an inability of fixing the attention to any mental operations., rumbling in the bow els, .sometintes a sense of suffocation, especially after meals when any exertion is used, as going fluidity up staira;Jemprefiekle; thesearesymptoms which yield at oneetta few dosesof the Rrandrelh Pills The ocea. sionalime of tbiii medicine would save a deal of trouble and years of sufferm,g, One, or tw', or even three of the Bra nitret h Pit's just before dinner. are of ell found highly beneti , ,ta I; many use them very advantageously In this way ;they aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels to a proper condition,entiven the spirits., Impart clear ness to the complexion. purify the blood, and promote a general feeling of health and happiness. sold at Dr. li - andret It's Office. No 98 Wond Piiishurvh_Price 25 cents per her, with full directions. MARK —The only place in Pittsburgh, where the ENVINE Pins ran he obtained, is the Doctor's own Of flee, No 90 Wood street. seri 10 QURG IC AI, INSTRUSI ENTS! Sl' RGICA IN S MUM F.N TS! T. Arc Cart h y, Cutler and S'urgiral Instrument Mahar, Third street, nearly opposite the Post Office, Pittsburgh (SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHEARS.) Physicians, Dentists and Druggists can have their in• struments made by the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand. also Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect fully solicited. N. R. Allartlcles. warranted of the hest quality. hnd jobbing done as usual. sep LIVER COMPLAINT.—This disease often term!• natesin another of a more serious nature, If pro. per remedies are not restarted to in time. In all forms of this disease, Dr. tlarlich's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pills, will perform a perfect cure —first by cleansing_ the sit - meet) and bowels, thus remo ving all diseases from the Liver, by the use of the Ger• Man Aperient P;119, after which the Compound St rengt h• ening Pills are taken to give strength and lone to those tender organs which require such treatment only to effect a permament cure. These Pills are neatly put op In small packages, with full directions , . For sate at No. 19 North Eight St reel, Philadelphia. Also, for sale by Sam uel Frew corner of Wood and Liberty sta.. Pittsburgh Pa. sep 10 ALLEN KRAMER, Exchange Broker, No. 46, Cor• nor of Wood and Third Streets, Pittiburgh. Pa.— Gold, Silver, and Solvent Rank notes, bought anti sold. Sight cheeks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts, notes and hills, collected. PittsburgA,Pa, Wm. Bell er Co., John D. Davis, F Lorenz, J. Paineer4 . Co., Josepia Woodwell., James May Philadelphia, Alexander Bronson* Co., John H. Brown tr Co. Cincinnati, 0., James MT:lndies& St. Louis, „Alo„ J. R. M'Donald. Louisville, W. D. Pope, Esq. . P refit .Bank Ky. Pep tO ilk EtIIOVA L.—T he undersigned begs leave teileforin IL - the public,lhat he has removed f r0i1 . % 'his old 'stand, tirtheeOrner of Penn and St:Clair sts., oppositethe Ex change Hotel, where he has fitted np a large Plano Poem' WARY Roost, and now offers tbr sale -the meat splendid assortment - of Plitios ever Offered inxlvisinarket. His piPTIOS conithlt. of different patterns, of superior Rose Wood and afahogany,beautiftilly finished and mo• deled, and constructed throdghout, of the very beet ma• terials,whith,for duiitillity, - and orients of tone,, as well warrants touch, he aiiants to .be 'superior to any' ever seen htre. 'AI he has eniarged UlsManufactory, andarade,aria nee. snouts to - supply the.inereashig demand , for this Inetro• !nest, ht. Tespeelfully modems those intending to -par. ehaee to-tati-aiideiamlne.eleasgortroent , heforepureha. alnOilseidintre, as he is determined to sell LOWILI2, for eisli,than any ether establishment east or west of the 'mountains. F. BLUME. Corner of Penn atid-St: Clair sites:lS, stip 10- OpOoliteitie Facitingellotet. Mist:ou rgh.fa. Vir ARRANT-ED GENIIINEs—Dr. William Evan's Caron -life Pitts. • • • flawrwtwerzs.—Letter,from the Hon. Mklent Illvan Con ot v ,E.ast Tennerree.„MeroberotCongrersr. '• • WASHINGTON, July'lB3B" , Hti—Siace heti& been In city libliiie,uSed sotnef of your' i Dyspeptic thittlelne with infinite Wh e re!. and'` sills factiort,Und *dove it to he a mast valuable remed,, y. One or niy - zotistitrienti, Di. A. Carden. of. Campbeljcnty, • Tenneeseri; Wrote.toime to send • him some. tdid, and he har.nt ployed it very "successfully, in pratitite, and says it is Invaluable. Mr. obwsort, Your agent' at Ibis , place; thinks youditontd probably Mks en itgent.in Tenneisee,“ it 90, f, Would recommend Dr., Carden,us ii:piumker person iwotheititte fo r the sale nflont-celebinted medicine. Should you commission him be ,W willing to act'lby:l * 'You can send the intidinine hi:water . ..lh the Rabertilting Saha; detiiity,Tentres. rste,Or hiland to Graham4- - ' s totiStonl '''fifietvell; the& 'Tennessee. I have-no - doubt but if you bad,ngents in sir counties in East Tennessee;, great - deal of Midi dine "hi sold •"I• am going to takn'tioniu 0-.11 home for MY own use.and that of my Mandl, and should . filurtormar from yaw whether you would • like trirtrieut tit Bhirttripiik Etiiilhnitidiiiaxy,tutTeintaisieft ran some ihifiniabiersiorMtflii you nsi hive near there. ! - ABIEARkitt MVO: tti:LAiket**o l l44 . I•.,Mlff " • - ;1*0 • .~~ti~':^.';j IT obi, rgh,lirne 180839. . . Mr. .410 DENNINCI:-..:Deltr Siik—Hatring, been present; yesterdisy, at the eipertment which you were Pleasid to make, in the presence of a number of ' our buSinela men, of the satiety Of 'your IRON c4Es'r§l;io c ase,of fire, it i gives m pleasure. to say, that so far as l'„ was cepa. lb of judging the test was-fair, and the result exceeded my , eipecta one. 1 • . i . .,.The hest was a small one, about 30 ladle' high, by about 10ot:0 inches 11 breadth and depth, and:was pla ced on d block of wood about a foot l_ti thickness, su as to elevate it about that height from the ground; several hooks and newspapers were deposated.iuside of it, In the ' I ,mannerlin which Merchants-and others would usually mace t hcm—a large quantity of light 'pine wood [slabs 1 f r om aniadjoining Saw Moi, ] Was then , placed a rotind and aho e it, and the firetkindled on the windward side. _so as iodrive the flame against the back part of the chest: The din' wan kept pp about three (Madera of an hour,, until volt hail gone among the spectators and received from ttiem their universal answer that the lest sou niftier*. The chest wasthen drawn out of theft . % 1 and cooled, and opened; and examined. The contents. I were aii safe, and tire only injury - done - Wll/3 to the back of one hook which appeared tote a-little charred. From w hat 2,, lwitnessed, I think that these chests are desert , ' ing orebntidence, as affording, perhaps, the hest security to Merchants for thelr Woks and papers, which they can have withouttmililing large, thick, andexpensive vaults. 1 woulconsider them a better sec u rity than many vaults i which have seen buili . Your SAM Wd; I , enUEL.CIIIIIICH. We +mar in the above statement, batting been pres sent when the chest was tested. W. M. pooper, J. H. Shoenberger, Robt J, Laughlin, J. Painter, A. Cordell, R. Niller, Jr. CL. Armstrong, A. H. Hoge, Thomas Craig, S. G. D. Howard, J. W. Hoyt. Extractlof a Letter from Pugh 4. Atoord, dated -Cin oinitatt,29th Afar( h,1842- - J. Dunning, Pittsburgh, Pd. Ref-peered Friend: We have the satisfaction to state - as the best recommendation we can ;give of the utility of your trdri Wes, t hat we have one of them which was hi an - exposed 'situation in our cotiroing room, at the time . or the fire, on the morn ing of the lOt it inst., which consumed our Pot k House to getber With -a large portion of the meat, lard, kc, which it con fled; —and that our hooksund papers which were in the snre, were entirely uninjured, and were taken from It lifter the fire; without ever tieing discolored. Yoursotc. PUGH tt• A LVORD Extract of a Letter from Slater ¢ Dolbrook, dated St. Louie, Feb. 24a, 1841. Mg. PENNING, Dear Sir: One of your. srcond size chests was horned a few days ago, in a lea! her store--it pre served itS contents. Respeci fully your, sea Itr SLATER t HOLBROOK. • LIVP.II. COMPLAINT cured by the use of Dr. Har- Rail's compound Strengthening and Aperient fills. Mr. Win. Richards, of Piitsburgh,Pa.,entlrely cured of the aboredistressing disease. His symptoins were pain and weight in the leitside, loss of appetite, vomiting, acid eructations, a distension of the stomach., sick head-ache, furredtrgue. countenance changed ton citron erdor, diffi rutty o :breathing. disturbed rest, attended with a cough, great debility. with other symptoms indicating great de rangement of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richards had the advice cf several physicians, hut received no relief. tintil using Dr. Ithrlich's Medicine, which terminn. ted ineffeeting pe-feet cure. PrintOni Office. 19 North Streol. Philadelphia. For sale in Pittsburgh by Samuel Frew, corner of Liner ty and Wood streets. sap 10 Dr. liwAYNE—Dear • ir:— Pet mit me to take the tincrty of wrieins to you at Ittis line to express my apprt.tint and to:recommend to the attention of beads of families and others your invaluable medicine—the Compound rap of Prunus Virginia na. or Wild Cherry Bark. I my travels of late I have seen in a Id eat ninny instances the wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving chil dren of very obstinate complaints, such as Couglting,• Wheening, Choaking of Asthmatic attacks. 4c. 4-r. 1 should not have written this leiter. Irowevet „at present. nit hounth I have fe , t it toy duty In add toy teeth molly to it for some time, had it-not been fur a late in. stance where the medicine aliuve alluded - to was lost ru mental in restoring to perfect health an! oonly whose ease was almost hopelffs..tn a family of my ac quaintance. olibank Heaven," said the iloating moth er,..my child is saved from the jaws of death! 0 how feared the relentless ravager But my child is safe! is safe!" Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry is the most valcallic medicine in this or any other country. lam certain t ave witneSseil more than one hundred cases where 1t has been attended with corn. plete success. I am using it myself in an obstinate at. tack of Bronchitis, in which it pt need efeectual in a sa ceedlngly sitort time, considering the severity of the case. can recomend it intite fullest confidence of its superior virtues; I would advise that no family should be without it; it is very pleasant and always beneficial—worth double and often ten times its Price. The public are as sured there is no quackery about it. R. Jimmon, D. D. Formerly Pastor or the First Presbyterian Chard], N. Y. Sold by W5l. THORN. wholesale Br retail, only agent for Pittsburdb. No. 53, Market Street. sep 10 ABOON TO TOE HUMAN RAE!—"Disccroer what wilt destroy Life. and you are a greaiirtau. "Discover what will prolong Life,,and ithe world will call you Impoetor." 40" . . . "There are faculties, bodily ankin(etiecivai., within us, with which certain herbs have amity, and over _solsiok they have power." . • . Dr. B. Brandreth's External - Re.medy, or. Liniment, which, by its extritordinary poviers.abotrocts. Pain.,:er Sorenese; thus Spral:ns,.Stitr .Sinews,. White Svielltnit Rheumatic Pains, or Stiff/tees, Silicone of the Joints, Thin . ore, Unnatergl Elaidoess, Stiff Neck Sore Throat, C t riinp, Contractions of the muscles,' Scrofulous en., fargements, 'fernier Peet, and every description of in jury effecting the. Exterior ofthe Human frame, are pared Or' greatly rel faired by hie, neeer:4o be„ tr . /IlkleyUr festal/eel remedy. - -. . , .• , ; , , .- Critilysciers.--.The renewing letter front Major Gen ital Sandford, as to the qualities of the Eiter ital . :genie; dy, speaks column: .. ~ .. 1 .. New. , Pei).* fat, seal Dear S ir you oblige me with other:bottle ,of . •, , • . .. - your excellent. Liniment? Tt is eertatut thebeet Of Ve kind . l Rs veever seen. - It has cured e tirely . My, son . * knee, about which I watt eo uneasy,and ) _'have found it productive of immediate relief In severe l caw; of ext er nal Injitry fn my family: , il: few evereliiii annea l tuy youngest child was seized with a violeetattack of Croup, which was entirely removed In tweatiitisates,hy rub bing her chem and throat freely With the Extern!) Rem edy. I think you ought to Manufactor this Liniment for general nee, instead of confining the esei•oflii, as yon have heretofore done, to your partientarecttnitintances. Yours truly, C. 1 4 41415101i_GRD. Da. R. Bisanturra,24l Bendway, fi1...-,3r4 .-- -- , . - ,•-•, Ir IrPpe sale at 241 lixondarleyiffeyil. :York, SMR - - at his office,No. Rd Wood stieel,Pittaburgh. , :fl/10E.L.49 cents per bottle with directions. .: ~.. .4._ '..-:.- • eep 10 - ' ' SEC R ICTAR S OPTIri. Harrtsburgh, Au i • tryi 241 h, 1842. SALE OF THEUANALS AND RAIL 1104/13 BE, LONGING TO THE STATE.—Notice is hereby gt- 1 •ven Niels ranintance..ht lbw 'sfeverweentll;-eigliteenth, , nineteenth and twentieth Pectionsistibil Act of traittititty, i passed thelYttrdayof July; Hai nrenesals sellrle read vcd at the State Department untlithe St:dityof Nonem ,bernext,- (Or tbe:-.sattruf... aIL and each r the Haunt:rand ,Rail -Spada beiongtan to_the_thuollon thr , for which IL State ‘ Stock.st par ;Value, will be received 11l Palsies& • - Each individual ar: - Conlynny is required, speelfacally. , to stste‘the particular:line °Mull or ltatlr Road **Ugh -they dealteto iambics% the Amount of. thalr , respective bids therefor,Sbe given and surnames Of all concerned' In the ores, togetherwlth their platens picas of teildeitee, in order thaithi saw* Ma yrbe Laid befOre the. next Leg* Il l eo o o ,4l e i muit - beiftied aiwiiii itieeled to .'the Ile 7 ereti . v r - aft • eiton l t v retit l h 6 il i o6l l 2lei ileAtle the .attic i j i * op o r-N,ISOiI .18L 'lrorth ~ •,..: ee l! 10 ''t - fi' . '"% - iikeiNiiY 'et* ~`y~e vs.~'~: Ciucianuti, February 15, 11440 WII4•IASS DIGB,Y having letcll9ll I tiredness oftessv 4. florre° l ,... Liberty street sod 0 Market We."' t!'l ln k 0, to the Waterlog friends asd ~;‘, ~ firm, ter theverylibiraf support' Mel ' =tended to him. In'eoineetion with O r ' Ig , ilkeitctiulao re tbem that every eVr i f .. rit. the cent innatiOn of the am* r W ikeetrory Inlaid Cher attention 10.10L4 '44ollitlet. j.aahlehltainteadateilia4l titan tea Peen ever offered , 1084` . ' the .. min:deer the lai' stook of the 'Were& to_ mole: rd'ies he intends to confine each business, be feels conildest li° 00 0 surPees,bisetock, either Is eherPO IL Innintlr work ITI2 Whip.MOM SOO ;-:fleabe taigo fledge that ever, . , tp tin . Pittsb .urgh. :- ' * SA Ppa [ ,soOtow. A X 11,-froiatoriv, 4 . stiShea!/rot O 1 P at* .' 0 0 ta j'w•fdi and ]/stet Serats•-I m. cool in Id Hue •at the_ 10 04 * " I _7' 4/14ethste 41.111101slied 0 gal t io 7ge iri' 0- - ofoie4 vitalib w lino *eta' . , -, 1 if*ehair.z-,i:( .1 _ __'fa - . 0 intlfrVlntsaglwe ' - ...4 ,-4, ~,id - _ •, ---,.., -. _ „.1 fiIikAVE.LERS TAICP, Igemz oor ,Hk% 11 pEovided with the fiafely t 0,14, 1 4 , bilis fseTriteti with ti ftgere of the ful yeka wet deceived by 'getitsittatthrtfietr boarito G.uerfd, 'viten, they are not Jaecar t i The following is a list or boat,' ty Gnaw, at the Port of Pitisbetis, 44 first on the list have the improved a pparat art It Is Impossible for an expi ton , SAVANNA, FORMON RARITAN, ILLINA NIAGARA, DU Qual 4o ORLEANS, JEWESS„ CANTON. NIONTGOIRI LADY OF LYONS, CADOO, -, VALLEY FORGE, INnIANQA FORT PITT, GALLANT, BREAKWATER, QUEEtioill EXPRESS MAIL, DUKEOP'api ALPS, BRILLIANT; CASPIAN, ECLIPSE, IDA, - VICTREK .. WEST WIND, MPIIIGAN, MA RQU El TE, OSPREY, 1 TALLEYRAND, PENELOPE,' PANAMA, POWINA, CICERO, AGNEs, 'SARAH ANN, NIESSEPAIEti NARRAGANSETT, S..kRATOGA, AMARANTI - I, oitetikliNV MUNG PARK, 01110, , .: 1 NEPTUNE, cECILIA„ .. ADELAIDE, _ J II BILL% —..,... NORTH BEND, MARIETTA, cournmr i BRUNETTE, ATEAM FERRY BOAT, The trioreling community not before they make a choice of a lesasit'' and see whether It would not Willi.' and security to choose a Safety Gorsi6,' passage and freight, in preference loft* • ' against explesion—and that They intllata that this Jpvention has the unqualifich fifty steam engine builders—grannie' it is to understand the subject, and sheet inlereitedL-besides a number of cenifitte lc gentlen en and others—nil or which my office, No. 10. Water otrefi. where It Pleasure at all times to eshibit my Its. • whoivill lake the trouble so call. • sep . lo I CA DWALLADU VALUABLE REAL ESTATE YOI The subscriber of for sale, at tte red rates, i , he greater part of his real este,: the cities of Pittsburgh anti A llrgheny.nr Brick Warehouses. nearly new. e i!l situate on Market street, between Second's!, bracing a front of about 54 feet by 60 deep tire, or separately to soil purchasern,and op. its. Also, a select buildino lot in Allentiencrty, breadth, by upward of 350 feet in dolt fronts, one on the Pennsylvania rano' pvd tk Washington street. A leo. t tte lot adjoining the above ISA ire by nearly 350' feet in dtlit h. lee'sdipt.de kris gant mansion house which I now Wokllo l , i ngs. Also, a lot with two two story hrict ate on I I,e corner or !VI ticket and Front.' a moderate ground rent. and Mors Orem . as a grocery. . ALEX. BRA Pelf If) "L'IL.BX S EED W.H.AirTED.—Vk weds L` can't Or goods, a quarto ity of Fla' and Almost a)) kindirof Country Produce nikni for cash or ponds at BARRIS'S enigma Pep 21—lf Commission Warecome, - • JnBN fit ART. Consitissio" itcrcbant.D# dueeiend American Manufactures, • REFEH TO J no. Grier, Esq., Pittsbn rah. Aaron Bart, James C. , ehrtin of Fi'd. Jno. D. Davis, lit'iray 4. Hanna, . A very. Ogden tt CO. J no. Woddhourne, Eve., al a Mien VALUABLE FARA, FOR 5,411.—/ Farm on which I live, le waist on* Braddocksfield, containing we embalm? • acres; abenn 70 acres of w !itch atlatd,tails well timinered. There are npon'a ant* and a barn 63-feet by 84; an applesmaa d Also, about seventy acres of COO. Tteilllk) be equal to that of any upland fatmin the Terms made known on application toile In the vtemlses. i WILLIAM WiiLLACE: • ----- W•ILIAM C. WALL, Nal" WIWI . land Picture Frame /daysPAOLI Fourth Street Pitts bnrgh. —Canoe lhat, kc., for Artists, always on hand. Lookilol promptly framed to order. Ilepairinvientill est not ice. rartteular attention paid to re:110 1 0 1 M erg deadripilO n. PerEiohalitling up Steam Boat! or boner 4 1 1 theiradrsotage to call WHITE- LEMl.—The sottserileistrtol t° WhUe finn ishLPeasidnirneradredi Th e e r chi Pe purelest"bilml railed equal, if not superior to any st f:;l l All`oldaft addressed to Dunlap 4' la 4. Co , No-ito Second street , Pillow o l ll attended It ) * " LAP. 14 /I.DIESF - ASHIONABLE SilOil_ .t. I:4Y.* St.. eine doer fres Old Stillif I .11 . i ebtakettinieriber liesneetiony Wass it, IPeSabisnets ~ anil vicinity Oat. be 10 1 to, Men:jibing 'of hie own mannfactu re , l' i t 'where)te - wlll keen 'constantly es lieueli Melt tersitt kindsol' Indies, mirres..llo,7i `aid.loPeoiif the hest quality. sttinii tips to snit thelimes He will 11 1 1, 1 '50 hinds Ol t- Yin : o won t such as 'wb".....si 0 4nllo6fir,edtered . hailers, and torskis‘witi , 'CP, 1114001,pliste is. ,oti gaiters, kutall will hei made at the iihoilest noikur... • tree: ' ladle' will phisse callers! 4i* the epbseriber feehrelrefiliest any talkie ip thijtne th ey WI eel) 10 • .' t ,00$0 . 4 P. 0, Don't' !beret thelilace-- .1! -doer .f.gom - Harris's Intelligence P'' • from Merkel Street.. '.__~_ X.._ ... r . ~~.~ - OL; .01061SAED Irk riIILLIPS` & W. H . t iookit - OF WOOD 4. F ' -.:;.tiVE DOLLARS a y a n i s ea pjacrWO OREM the,oeciv!LlCV Kelm Roy **art Riad Nan Afi gegr o Y, at the same offi ,aheet, et TWO DOLLARS .13faste copies; SiX CENTS. vor . 04 . of Advertisi t., . I RII-OF TWELVE. LINE, • 0,50 One month 4 ~, 0.75 Two moms, P & - oh 1,00 Three mon: 4 1,50 Four moat , 3,00 Six months, , ...kik 4,00 One year, h. ,130.14Y1 -A DVERTISEM cr Ti A opsiumi AT murexes. lAiliii. .: _.,---11160010SInse mon!.ho, year. adverttssjq prorortio o f f e4t rAM - Alfx IDout.a.as a y 111,10 QFFICE Off Orrice. Third between Ma at Riddle. Postmaster. (lobes.Water..4th door from lugs—Major lohn. W Mock, Coll agaSORT, Wood between Fir. . smelt A. Bertram, Treasurer. T a x A surry, Third street. nrx sbytmlan Chareb—S. ft. !Mural 's Omer, Fourth; between Mar lesander Ray, Mayor. ire's Baertattott,'F NKS.ourth, near NI BA .aan, between Market and Wu Fourth streets.- - NTS' AND MANNTACTORISR9' AND E. (formerly Saving Fund.) F. Market streets. E. Fifth street, near Wood. la or ELS. net.A. Masa, Water street, n a Horst., earner of Penn Rad $ 9' floret., corner of Third an liolgt..corner of Third and ATV; corner of Penn treet ate. Liberty street. near Sc anstOn ilouss, Liberty Si 0, anstott linustr, Penn St. GALENA, • 4A MENTue WOODS, ATTOR SELLOR AT LAW. Ira offices on Grant st., rt HOUSE', next rooms to .1, Boor. - ELLIOIV, M• 1). - Lair street, between Penn, an e i DS.—Preston 4- Mackey I dealers In English, French ,No. sl. Straker st DLESS & TrcLtritE, :ieseliore ar Law: Office in the COUrt liouse.ritishurgh. YALU— It. Morrow, A Menu of P. 1,1111 M.. between Wood rffit. WDEVIT r, w le GI, • ler, I I nellitir lit ProditcP ; red Artielci - , •Ne. 224 Liberty 116,-umt-di lAN% & DITAWORTI erg Produce. and Coin itti.ginit Pittsburgh Ma it (tract ured :; I 'IIARA. ROBINSON, ice en 'lite nort h gisk ~1" he Uliton Ki rretA. u p Tti n iv; lIRBOILINV, Altonley profes4iunal e,,rviceA 10 Itte and Market Streets, ;Above 321110 FF Monufaet and Sheet Iron Ware. No use Spouting and Steanthou ynum Fit B. YOUNG & CO., t,orner of (land St. if Wog to purchase Fornitur: e to giVP: us a call. being fi as la quality and price. A3lB.—Just Tece!ved iris, wt.!, cured and for sate ,by ISA A.GA.-A supp'y of Land and other different var ceived and for sale at REDUCE = ed Store of P. L. No. 184 Liberty street 1 : CLOSET ' S Boot and S No. 83 Fourth St., next door es - Prunella, Kid and Satin wanner, and by the newest. PrIORUS 611:11.TICA ULU purchasers; to Fe diFposei F. L. No. 194 Liberty street, ROOTi3,Flowers and Flo , - .. 11 13tkin, can alwayche ha re of F. L. 184 Libsrey'street, IStaola Annual Mammoth t *Ube Drag and Seed store o F. L: 184 Liberty etreei. I .NEw JERSEY SWEET led:3M received by F. L. S No, 184, Liberty he. TOOLSf.tonsisting of Hors. '111404 -Trowels, Edding T 'MUM, Pruning SWATS "304: P. L. . • NrlLiberty street. he enfbia.igiam—Just, receive , ,_ZCR __ ney. Y ;eci ino - redV . enisen H ISAAC and d i Dutch Clever Seed, Orctla ky.ghle Cram, always P. L.: No•MlLibert y street., InteDANAPI, aritorweYs front the Diamond, to •'At Aurthatteet. between Mar TaiI S iLANK9, for pout -taw, for mks . , Ott the *aril, East " I ltThiliitri4t.: Apply to ''' 7 ;• , ..PAILLINiqIsON, Mark 8 - feaaatetit'a Franca Sti,gar " 3 d:ilia tor sate at the D 14 Ubeiity 'treat, • I X OF PARTNER Jituttotate existing AsaIIARAWN HOMW :• •a's -- WWllOllt Pak .4 1 4tetiljztiu dim a ,•,10-, FF:----,y-rifcr-IN, 8 • 0.-8