Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, December 13, 1842, Image 3

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    E x:006
. Snator from
Th• twOliti' /Vl4 :last toeitiq ns
ourso iyvtho , Pitta of
given this (Tieodo l t l " *oit
N.:Joel, brit nr arc
sub ject. -- Thermiddittt er AJA 13,1842. m. t • 440 1 1 1.
-• ' ' • -
Of ih; Rizig6i_Pi
ruoit 6py
pTO THZ4", Darmen nut pot
The Messrs. RA Mil*
R i
lists have the Itortopteattlettao4lo-ii7
emen Pit, sburalt that ibeij q:Efire , he
,Is this week, viz: 00 the treele ss of -
'ettnesday. Dec. /24h Red A44-itriOkte
ence at 7 o'clock. Ileksof
re ,
tunic stones and at the &xi'.
- •
Dec.l2. 1842.
Ia front of Capiiti rk n i .,,
- On Penn Simi.
First appearance a:li. Rpm!.
Monday, Tuesday and We d - *lea
. 111 and 14th,
The. Entertainment eatunetirointak
Grant Entre:a.
nship by thejuvenikiequelatiakltaii, -•
. :
no will during hi3ait'tfiroir.
Back stimmerset,,d itligbt na
Mr McFarland - "rift amrar EhaV
F i Indian, reprelscirpil
Comic Song,
s, ung cCollum as foot fl ow , „
he whole to conclude wittl
Pantomine of DOI glitimin‘ , 7'
on lluixotte, Mr. Roo, -1
_CULLY .FLOUR.—A fresh/apply of
Flour,just rec'd and for sate IT.:
148 Mai
11UUKIcHAET FLOUR, just reeelsettel
few half barrels Buebwtreat Floarafail
v. A t , o, to I Butter, new larld.4e4ernl
141 Law
)OIPPLV APPLES, on hand 20 barrels
in sound condithiin. for sate by
noon a: 2 o'clock, I will sll Whom
Toi . acr". Terms. par money..—by order of
4.. et- 13. GDTIIIIII3.
Proprietors. of as
, CACI I.E. FOl3 •
11 -6, l V e t n i n4 , keep s edilealth t,,i
I every va!!! . !v in:4. awn I, tlicivet
! ft ank rOrnit.floi rats rarer and
•01010 n 0,1 i. 3 rrr rnirF. ?lowest 1'afb4145,.
Le e'l hood or cirst, a
011.1 t ,, ,rranled 1p Aire smok. , y c.
k. 111.-8, AIM! IlloWit#
o,f‘va re iirm,r castiiigs,. Lb
.• rrt.L., of in, brFt 111:1 • rlalf.
:Ir., make io 01 - 41 , 71' al i fre.Orell Ddri
• v rs. troth I ;-.; Ine ir, rail). down to the hue
with every rAtieT deSCeiptioll Of-pOilift
4 P.l ic !-\ - Lb: if ANTED.—A pat tar itt a
Bunn_ of ra Int, fin eni that hasht ea Fa ••
, 010 for ,e v , •ral scar. A 'businepi,
o c hre er -, ttx hottsand dolata; would dad if .
in re,tnent. Apply at HA EMS' Army
2. tire uffi"' Peel
E.IL, ()Mee on f%
A Iverti ood and Sadi hfield wrens, P •
f glo the iluvhfahle, 11 • jiditz 01 the CoirtA
Quatt er Se , sions. of the Peat!, Wand-Orr
~ 1 A Ile 2 l,e.ty .
Ttie petit'un of Geo. Eprott, the.ll4l,
en y City. in the county lifotitga id, 4 17 -
ta, r rk.!l °fief bath previll*l
a for the at co mtnodation ofarareiters IMP
1. 4 dwelling house in the city and .anud
a .
r' iv , ' that your honors wilt .be pleased to •
! . rete to keep a Public Rouse' rerEittertt*,,,;
oar petitioner as in ditty -bnitni,litilifaio:"'„
sVe. the =nhieribers, ci•teens of tae-fitst
v or A legheny, do certify; that toes tore ;
= 61. , z00d repute for honeFty
rovided With house YOOlll and toriesie:.i
urumodation and lodging of stranters" ll
',at said tavern it. necessary.
j:j 'lll.
Win. Ralston, - vie- n •
obert Niort Wat
James: Thorn.. James At.
John Goehring, • .11. Bariter.,
n Fleming,
Dec. 10. 1.842 . "
JO ward Hatbath filaannii,arer Ira
areh"ge, No-25. Virotalatrifill.lol4_....
mithjfelit StTI
Respectfully informs the yaMr
seott ,
jeinity. that be is preemie.
~,.,. -,.**
ere * awe itericelliakiamf
I e has OA Mad. amt will • -, • --, :or
ral assortment of elecirelr „.- -i i i . , ^, ' - i...‘
He will mike witekei'er i e et , . ~
. t ner emablishmeeithitheelli;—r-,% ,-oetereirA
A youg. titat alumna; ail te He i .. ,... !i 5l-- eye.
laid ifortisidslarl.oloo4 .. - 7,,,;,,,,,-•
04 4 4
P 3 s
stitirtikbl.l.oPCo - • ' " - '4l - ' - '
By ptaatiially io ..i f iTH ! , c-. 4
te bope f Ait -diet* , ,itlid,_-... a .
heit "1111- 11 0" 10
.1 4 .-i , 7,
it-tasMme rowl,
DECEMBER 13, 14342.
otome affairs.
woonists a s. Christian socialism.
controversy, which we think will not
be bro ught to a close, has been-corn
red at Temperance Hall, between El.
John E. p a ge and Mr. Win. Hick.—
, page sustains his faith. (Mormonism)
usua l a bility and ingenuity, and
gick eaoc ates what he is pleased to
true Christianity . He contends that
. 0 4 asexpounded and praerised by
men or the present age, is nut
.. 15 4 at all. The spirit of true
; ;y according to the peculiar no*
lr i-lick, does not recognize coin
in the pursuits of life, as honest,
rat goal at which he aims is So
, somewhat like that of Owen and
e have not attended any of these de
and are therefore unprepared to give
thi n g like a correct report of the say
and doctrines of these champions of
~ and w illnot, therefore, attempt it.
i ll who wish to gain a knowledge of
mysterious doctrines of '‘the Latter Day
.t., c alled Mormons," and to become
oit.ted with the creed of the Socialists
,ld vtend. They will be amused at
The disaster on Friday night.-'--We
ebeen unable to leirn the particulars
,e sinking, of the coal boats nn Friday
br which s everal lives were lost.
IVe were mistaken in stating that the
. suck at Biunnt's 'shin.). We are
that it was below D ad Man's island.
owner of the boat is not known, and
efore there is nothing hit conjecture
laden to the names of tie persons
A was yesterihy runv , recl that NI r.
Ensign of the Irish Greens, is
thern, but we believe he was on a•
er boat
lestraction of Coal Beals.—There he
a heavy storm on the river last Friday
a we fear much more damage has been
to the coal boat!: than has been yet
rtained. • We have heard ;tf . three or
—two at Brunot's
1I e theatre has cl(i6cd once morc
nitv in progreAs at Prtivitl n••e.
came on lazq Vt' etlnesilar
Tiesti. , n was put to the Ju
101 , • , t were requirtil in re
e irte ronst if Minn
' y ) t zliizt , the existing k.vern
th- , Cie lawful fz4)veru
'here (I,V u believe that the
Ned • pe,ple's colts? or at
tm-le Ills been the paramount law
'Ai 1 is exci inlense anxiety
court tuorri densely cr,,wded.
I rick• of I%atlt
comm,if,ai Im ^tits in
Thia, that were , tinn , s lo be very ‘vealthy
lately ev i lliided and in the n?eniiig un ormat-
a moss. in, roui 0' Qw has been
lovcl The Pa. 111 2, I:Je firms were, Moore
0., and G:eagon & Co. ;her pwri,ased large
credit, e'en firm referring to the mlir-r,when
doubt about their bitty to meet engagements
expresged. on Tuesclty and Wednesday the
d id and Vie principals are now among
Oiq , ing• When their Ftnrcs were ex mined
U 4 worth of goods were found in either, but
was glite an interesting correspondence
bros.. ht to lioht fiat the parties were most
t)tishet±l swindlers, and had doubtless been
in concert
i eContrtitutionality of the ac• of Bank
7is much debated am otit 118 at pies -
For my part, f am folly persuaded of
Power of Congress to past , an act of this
presuming wiser heads, map think
• I", a few thoughts have occurred to
that if such an event should oceur.what
(or how will ?) the following questions
• What provision will be made, to
tee who bare purchased property ei-
Personal, or, real of the baohrupf's as
- sill they be compelled to restore
anal property, and give up the title
%teal estate,. to. ; the petitioner, or his
, seder the' 'respective state laws,
' 6 stinted.anteng - those creditors ae
'fig is the la.ws ()ramie states, .&c.
• frill the petitioner have no remedy
e n'el saerifiee`of his property. and
'e iteration of the enormous expen.
'e'deel to bin .application for said art
b arge, eze.
sincerely to be hoped that those
of our fellow citizens whose painful
- icy it was to avail - themselves of this
e provision of our General Govern
!ill ant be doomed to see this star of
hopes, and prospects. sunk beneath
7fil horizon never again to gild the
' . of their lives, nor shed a ray of
city, and hs.ppioesa around their fam
lbeit 'home.
4° eteape.—.• rile Rochesler' Demo
slatea that Hems Ely::'*.* alto fey.
of that city, wa s 01. Curd 4 - the Ver
. teleep in his betili whey:the _boat"
on being awakened be ran . 011
-ittited csverl34ol; and siV*;t4r4/11)
aea, and against a bead half
,le the sbonkloititse'eseritkitehti
Isl Sacra-
pomok iiThwifeiso
.:•-fiiniAr . ii:iiktbstsild 1 :krikire. oßll4o`'
_. *lli.. ..,_ lll4 I° : i
stb t e r s t.. -6- '''', eiCnne r ' i d * .* white scratch en th6 l
w hit e . * stir in the !• - • "fir.:,:th*, is desired- t,
nose. tet ether marks
~--___. peo p.i ta t.a t i4 t es,od take te
to cope 'forward. ri re
rlt will be se keeord at to , - y ams.
away' °AVOW
, _
U4* 411.- 9.41411 i ,: PHs day received 9er idea me r favor
Ydrt,andfarsatdiy J C.4A:INORDON. -
dec .10. - . N 9 -12' 5 wit er s t •
k M. t :nalimeialbitst their 'friends and
jj the pittlic that Obey 'hare coitainettned manticacto
ring. flats, and that tit rey torefe' sow Mkt" for sale, at
their Stare, - 148 Liberty - streetOrettrete Market and 6th
street, an - assortment of the very best Otte, which e-ey
are anzkirrito dispose Ofoe,thicheispest and guts: reason,
able terms. Their stook consist of the very best kinds,
vs:—lleaver. Otter, Neutria, Canors,short Nal ped Rtitt7.
r3a, Fur and Silk Rats; j' _
W. 411). Doherty are both , teguiar bred Hatters, they
have had extensive,. experience:la leUruevlnen' In the heat
eetatgishmento In the tMuntry,vlheir Hata are ail got on
Under their own Inspeetion, bud they assure the patine
that nothing bat the very beet:ankles on the most rea
ennahle terms will be oYered for We. aep 10
JCST received. 3.000 Sivi‘Mnahle 'Buffalo Robes of
fefent qualities frinm Estta No. 1 to 3.
A lot cf Rear and Cub Skins,
11,000 No. 1 and '2
Moskiat Skins,
A tot cfotierand Sacrooo Skins.
All which areofferedat redeleed ces fo cash or ap
proved notes. Apply to.
A. RF,ELEN, at the American Pnr Co, AeoliCY,
Oct 12-3 m ' Cbrimr of Front and Ferry at
Faebioaable Head Qsarters, 251 Liberty Street.
WE have just received twenty different varieties of
fancy double milled Cassimeres, dark colors,
heavy and fine from the manufactories of Stone. Blade 4-
Farnam. Lowell. Mara., and Wethered 4- Bro., Baltimore,
Md. The Ularlt/rathraters of i hese goods obtained a pre
mitim, and the following certificate, at the laleAhrbition
before the Franklin Institote, I'hiladelpia:
..To Wet herford Brother, Baltimore. for No. 469,
double milled fancy Cassimeres. to which the judges refer
especially to t wn pin es, as possessing the elast is proper y
highly valued in French goods of this description. A
certificate of honorable mention.'—Xational, Fora* •
We would Invite gentlemen' ward:ug to purchase Pants
to call and examine. A baufisonw fit always.- urarran , .
Nov I t •42
VIE subscriber offers for sale, at, unusually low prices
and upon acrom modal terms, One -Hundred and
Fifty S. vrn Building Lota,sitnated On the Fourth street
Road, adjo nine land owned by the heirs of C,lllagee de.
reared, and between said road and ltlutf street, nn the
bank of the 51onongabelst—the numbers and special to
rations of said Lots can Le seen by reference to the plan
reeordeil on the 18th Nov, 18.11, in the Reroreer's office
of Allegliet y county in Deed ,Book, Vol. 63 and last
pa^c, or upon application to the sub•criter
The attention of permits r desirous .of itnprovins or
having money to invest. is earnestly solicited,aFanoppur
eqpally advanta7eous is tarely presented, and the
del ermined to Felt.
The Lois will he Rohl according to the recorded ptan
and Pnexreplioeal.'.e will be,R,ivru.
Nor 10-t( Penn St., near Canal bridle
105000 TRIALS and all sticmcsfut prove
TRACTOR inestimable. It tv , t only cures quicker„ but
gives no additional pain, nor "leaves a scar. Fire Is post
lively rendcte.d harmless. (810 has been offered six
months to any person re.torttinc an empty box, and , ay
that all agony on anointing Is not extracted i , a few min
Mrs, yet not one from thousands of tria:s shire has Claim
ed the bonus.) Fa rents nn x nor , ' to enn rd againstgeneral
n , lfi sore time, fortune And life, and prevent
their orfsprinf f, run ',eine i4eured t y ltirric, ortv.n
small pas pustules, (it possessing the enyinb.e potter to
rephire hr 1-.11 ntn r y organs destroyed.) can do so by ott•
t i< tointitv,le valve. Mane flee , ly., burnt cage,
I in the sit y , an'e seen, and Oneetitire (are intent nver aid
wrap pried 11, ree du-tine, limes in the sante spot while lien I
re: in no rare can be seared the leas` drat rice or
markt For all kunrls of loirtnitsrap el soothing effects are
also important -, mm Fore eyes. all intlanialinns and lire
ken lirea•t , woiild he unknown. The ini:et and nursery,
r nr ri , arins t be Arm of pimples. rimnivins, (+rife, rte.. a ill
it indisperisalee. One using only will forever wish
' lists it the corereimi HEAL ALL qoallty. After II is t.o
tier, hieots ref fnmtae< allowirtg trintire for mothhs-and
ullim at sly du-toned featitre.r • ran never wipe away re
' or nartt, partly is IT ..red by a disabled chid, for neglrer log
to tritropti f•ver fife.
• Entered areording to act of enn , ..reett, A. D. 1391 , he
I Cont.! - el: 4- Co , In t tie Clerk's Mile.- of the Dist rirt Conn
I of the United Stales far tile Southern District of New
Warranted the not-5 , aentrirte.
i•0p...t0,..k 4- Co.. wlinfrslte nnpzeiP.P.. N. York, have be
come the sn'e whol'ea!e a•zents for Mr. ()alley, in Amer'
cu for 21..) yP2I-S. All nrders most be addressed to them.
The ;tennise only to he 'had at TUTTLE'S Medica'
A gesry, SF ..r1 h arrest. New 15
r o CAPITALISTS, nr others wi.hing to make a good
1 sal -, investment of funds. The following de:Tr ihed
progeny for sa:e;--one two awry brick holm on Federal
Allegheny City, well calculated for loth store and
dwelling hnuse for a To-naart with email capital, and ih a
neigldorhood where t.oute t house; have been put up
ilhin a few months. The honer is 2O feet front run
ning back 30—rite Int i:;90 feel front and 55 back...slum
led on the corner or Federal and Sampson A lleys
on hot" other sides
Ass.. a lot 305 by 84 ennininitra the re,-ervoir of the
Alleabeny Water Works, or in (Aber words, a ranital
ing furnisliinasufficient water to eupply an hundred
families critivryed ny lead pipes down rlemina Ft. Into
the rily. 4 hydrants are now in operallon supplying a
bout 50 families.
A !so, a splendid family rei'dmice, being a large. roomy,
airy two story brick house. with an extensive half story
baseinni, 24 ft. front on Walnut st by 36 on Fleming;
the tot on which it is built is 74 on Walnut by 100 on
Fleming, running back to a 10 ft. alley,, affording spare
for ornamental and horticultural purposes. The house
will accommodate a large family, bas two parlors fur
bished with marble mantle , pieces, a spitchme halt np
stairs and down.* neat tasteful portico in front, and in
short is furnished Mike best style for a gentleman's real
dense and nit he best materiali. .The usual a pall ri ena n
:cgs or not h0a2 , 4 , 9, Oven!. coal nooses, 4-c. together with
Water of the b "et quality from the above mentioned spring
conveyed to the door by pirate and hydrant. A roomy
carriage limier and stabling for 3 horses, will be eratdiiiiiith
the house if desired. Astor the locality we quede the
opinion of a phyrdelan..ll I# distressingly healthy'
Alio a lot on Fleming to. 20 feet fronl, by 68 feet back
with anew stable and earriage'honae.
Also. a lot adjr iota: the lost under inciosnre,4o by fgt
ready for bisikli-g.
Twass.--One fifth in 1 . 13164. the batante in ten *nit=
payments with Interest secured as moat.
The above property is very low. and he payment! , ne
man wanting, to buy can quarrel with. Apply at flarriA
Senerat Agency and Intelligence Olice. No V. sth Street,
new At--3w.
3.l""Shop, s if e er 3 7 9 8E/0 Id, Wm. LElf
.Seoondit, between wßUlth ood :fi nti e s abin e
field. where a geraeral assOrtsrent of Varnitore way be
Indus teemed prices for cub.
The superiority of sbeie 'Bedsteads. consist in the
faseesiefill. which fordurtddlity and ease in patting Sp
and taking down. as not oeualleri by, uroyother sow ,In
nse—swl to ell each as if ou 4 d eosin:di their •owe comfort
is their sightly slewbenr, it should be remembered'that
ail classes *film in finally are 'fastened - Wu by rheas
falleelugs. ' •
g 3 iefznt. for Costae* DiettiaL or libtbs_for *de by
We. the anderakmed.dopertify that we Stave elude
ad the ?Owe ratteiliyilkihasti ItlivettetivAilatkm
A ProsqualcsirfAhemAt* 'Oast arm ifOlrequalks, Asti
'}t to Ipmsel,tation bsliteaboritalt ESeewtr
YVq thabarair- , J46loCeigitU
_estjAmrl,- , ;. ToiOEN
SoltitilLONAt • 7Afillgol - abkitimr•
nevi. -41 c - ,
N Coeiiirt -- .YlWdati* Fps,
TER preprietrasof thelioass SiSstnier and - idiratitv
ABB idtavracroart respettfilly their. Oasis
and the patrols et thownrapeis, that thdi have a large ,
and well chests wmantastat
&Ng , af f iIIgaItMeMPIXFOLEAS
Necesrary io a Jab Priatiag Mee. audits' WI are Pre
Bills of Lading, Circulars,
Bill Beads. Garth,
Black Checks, Bat Tips•
au Mulls of Stank,
Stage, Steamboat, and Canal Haat Beps,lnlipk. *ppm*
Printed on the shortest notice and moat reaannabJeternsa
We ntspectfaily ask the patron avec& oar fidrends and
he - public in generat in this branch of oar business.
Pitisbargh, Sep'. 59. ISM- PHILLIPS .1-411,4111.
c OTTILCTICODAILI. ET ALLIII LILATata, sictuJraz' witotta.
Rank of Pittsburgh. par
Merck. k Man. bk. par
Exchange bank. par
Bk. of Germantown ••
Gaston tank,
Lancaster banks di.
Bank of Cites , er Co.
Farmers' bk Bucks Co
Doylestown, Ilk
Bk or N A Mirka Pt4l
Bk of Northern Liberties,•
Commercial bk. of Pa. •
Par. 4 Mechanics bk
!Ceasingion bk.
Philadelphia IA
Soot tiv3rk bk. ‘•
Western bk. .1
Bk. of Pennsylvania, 10
Bk of Penn Ti., par
Min. it- Mechanics bk. 5
Mfthanies bk. par
Inoiamenslne bk.
Girard ba.;k. 50 1
U.States bank, 58 ‘
Lutiermene, Warren , 75 1
Frank. bk Washington, par
Miners bk of Pot Willa, 8
Bk 01110st:ornery Co. par
Mon. bk Brownsville,- 2
Erie Bank.
'Harrisburg h hank. 89
Far. bk Lancaster, 31
Bk of Mlildlelown,
Bk. of Chambersburgh, 9
Carlisle bank, 9
Bk of Northinulwrland, 11
Columbiabkk itrideeco. 3
Bk Susquehanna Cu- 10
Bkof Delaware Co. par
Lebanon bk. 9
Cenyshurah bk. 9 I
York bank, 8
Far. 4 Drovers bk. of
Waynesburg h.
Currency notes. 8
Wyoming bank, 12;
f WO State Scrip, 5 7
Country do do 9
Barks Co. bank,
Lewistown. 15
M.. unt pleasant I.k 2
Mech. I.k of Situ.
Reimant Lk L.(' St.
vine, 2
Marietta Lk. Demand
du Clirrrilry Roles,
enliiintaana Lk :New Lis
do Post moss
st. 2 i.anka,
Mer h. 4- Triolers hk of
Clinton Lk C"lnmln:,
Demand notri.
Circlevitir. (11. Lawrence
Zanesville Ilk.
Q.81..T—}3 Barrels No. 1. Salt—oko, PA) barrel: No. 2
1.7 for sale by ISAAC CRUSE, 148 Lib. si .
WIRT LECTURES.—Fourth Course.—The Lec
ture C.minittiee of the Wirt Institute have the
pleasure of laving before the public, the fot lowing Its to'
.4entlemeri Nrho have consented to Lecture, viz:
Rev J W Bakewell,lotroductory Lecture.
John L Gen.. Esq, Washington.
Prod'. B J Clark. Meadville College.
Hon, Win Wilkins, Pittsburgh.
Proff. A B Breton. Jefferson College.
David Richie, Msg.. ilitsburgh.
Reed II asking - len. Esq ,
Pro'. Alet'r T .McGili ‘ West. Theo. S minary.
Francis Jokes/on. Esq.. Pittsburgh.
Proff. J Barker. Meadville College.
W H Lowrie, Esq., Pittsburgh.
Rev James L
Prof. R:cli'd S IWCtillrch, Jefferson College, will de
liver several Lectures on Astronomy, etnhracingits rise,
proarm. and destiny. Reed Washington, Esq.. will also
deliver several Lectures on the subject he may select.
Arrangements are in pro-rress to engage Professor Sil
timsn, of Vole College. to deliver in our city, a full course
of leetures on Geology; niso a ith Jcrsep n R. Buchanan,
nn Neurology. Other eintnieht Lecturers will be invited
to visit our city, when it may be in the power of the io
stitutetnettiter heir services.
The Lectoreg of this coarse wilt fie on Literary and
Scientific subjects eitelusleely. and it is hoped from the
eminent ability of the Lectnrera. and the interesting na
ture of the subjects, that our Litt/snit wilt hberaliv pa
trimise this laddabte enterprise. The Iron City shoot./
not be behind sister rile- a in her enentiragetnent oftchence
and literatare. The p•neerda (if nny) will he appropri
ated to the enlargement of a Library, already en honor
try-Course Tickets, admitting a lady and gentleman,
$2, and may, i.e had 01 either oft he Gematit tee, and at C.
H. Kay 4- Co'a Ronk Store, Monongahela and Exchange
Hotels. and at Bs:Kurd's. .
Lectures commence on Thumlareeeotre, Dec
Sfitit'L C. NOkY.
W. w. WILSON. _ j
JOHN S. COBB B AVE. t roaunktee.
1:9 NI. FL MCA [FE.
n24-1m JOHN B. SEMPLE.
NIVANTED IMMEDIII7 EL .1" -..A geed nurse witb
a fresn treat of milk, to go Into a gentleman's
house to attend on Ms wife and ebild—.Also waning a
place ibr a good journeyman Blacksmith, or several ene•
ehanies—Apply at - HARRIS'
dee Y. - ' intelligence eare.
RE.NOVALf,—The subscribers bare removed to Ws.
ter between Wood and Smithfield streets. where
they will continue the Wholesak Grocery and commie
sloe bosineps. nad would revertfutly solicit. -the patron.
age albeit friends: J. Sii.RIJCBBIDQ 4
Dec 3 - .
V . .
oir 3.4zE.—„con (4 section) Portahte Boat wile an
the neeouars apparatus for running her. Atm, on
consignment; $OO panels nausho Apples t apply to
, ,
111:1V Copal 141110,
PRlCA,Wholesate sod Retail - Bayer. CAA.
• ' &Kloster and Fruiterer, Federal strew, 'leaflike
Dimmed, .411egbeny y.
Emir, variety of Coirfeetionalr and Chnsamental
Cater, imitsbie for wettiltins and parole*. matmesetared
from the best materials, at short - oath*. somrl6
W//./..1.4.hr ZLON.II. Attorney At or; aria.. in
Blkeweirs ikilivee, lreArky oppoihe the Pew
'Court floare.cos Grua street ,
L ol i Fe:ea.. r.wc !Relw 6
1 AY Noma --cPwiese thr sabormiber.,
,RlO4 , towesbip..Pa HatikfAsY theletb of Nov..*
Static Worse, with four whiip rept. * witlicAar op ;it
fm1"0"alia1000F110110430e. ..21 1 4 1 0 6 .40 bandit
attPpyred lb be / 4 0 0 5 71 11 0) *dr IMi ow.er i )
iitßomelnell'immrl4s l l* 4l l Pal ebotriallut
_l l .l r
Dec. s; 4t• Wit. •
priate dyad,
Post notes,
Fran. hit Columbus,
Gram Ile,
Cow. bk. Lake Erie,
Far. bk: of Cant ou,
Urbana •
State bk. 4. Branches
tale Scrip,
state bk ¢ Branehea.
Sim seneetown,
Rank of Virginia,
tfili Valley,
Far. bk. of - Virginia,
Excitant:a bank,
N. Wm'. hank
Mer. 4-Mee. do.
Baltimore. Banks,
Country Ranks. 2 ' PEEKINGTON'S
All Banks, par lUnrivalled Blacking,
NEW. JERSEY. iiANUFACIURED and sold nrDotesale and retail
!An Baulks, -_par and 1111. Etrrn Eiracsr, one door below Sinillifield.
NEW 11014. R. Ott-21-Ir.
Ci.y Khaki , . '4'-- .-
'Country banks, - J.. LIBRARY of Religious.ll lig ow iral,Political,and Id is-_
(safety land.) i a I callineous Works, will be opett every day, Sabbath ca.
. Red Back, /to I celled, "rem 7 o'clock. A. M..nntil 9. P. M., In' the Es-
NEW ENGLAND. change Building, corner of St iCtalr street and Eachange
,Boston Banks, pre alley, *nem punctual attendance will be given. hy
'Country .• " Pep 10 .1. CEMMIL.
11.4JVVIN/ 4- TURNBULL. ?aortas - roils or vat Curt.
Orleans Banks,. Ton Parts filit.t.,4teutienyille. Ohio, baying remo-
NORTH CAROLINA ved their siore from this city, have appointed lictldshlp
Banks, 24
- 4. Browne, No. 49 Market at., between 3rd tend 4111,5-;
gents for .oe sale of 1 he ditrerent kinds of Paper marrafac
Banks, 2i.-
- lured ty them, where their friendaand customers will al.
CIS. COLUM ma ways find a rrsular supply of paper, rucks as Cap and
Banks. 2 -
P at Writing, plain and faint lined; Wrapping and Tea
Paper; Bonnet Boards, and Printing Paper of different si
Good Banks, '
Isea and qualities .01 of which will be sold on the most
- ~ acrommodntlite. terms.
Al. Banks,
' ° IteLestar k Ilsowae, manufacturer, and importers of
.., Walt rapers and Borders. keeps constantly on band eve.
I Bk. of St. Clair. '
ry vaclei yof Entry, Parlor and Chamber Papers. of thc
; Do. 40.4 . 4. H. Smith 5
!west st ries and most handsome rmiterna. which :hey
CANADA. will cell tow and on accommodating terms, wholesale
ICood honk.. 15 tn2o
not 18—t
or refs!: f.
Eastern Exchange.
.Pitilarleirinia. 4 itrlslrTE R CI, Cilrilf ir.ro..
'New York, 4
Boston.P. Delany,;Titilor, No. 49, Liberty St.
tVesiern richang:e.
par 2nd Door above Virgin .illey
• Louisvii:e. Dar
111 . AS completed a general assortment of %virile , Clo th .
oteveimid, dig
Wheeling. par cloth frock and overcoats; heavy fine and common pilot
,GOLD t 'iD SILVER, par
cloth velvet trimme.si,and plain; every description of dress
and frock cloth coats, fashionable colors and fresh cloths
plain and fancy cassinet pants, cloth and mlinet do. of
superior quality: every description of vests suitable fur
the season, and will I esilti low for cash. Persons wish.
ins t-nave fashionahle garments made of the best materi
al will find them at this establishment. Making warran
led equal to any in the city. A fuil stork of goods are on
hand to make to order.
Messrs. B. Donaghy and Thomas Siceance are at this
establishment and will be much pleased to have a call from
their several friends- Coati fits insured or no sale.
Pittsburgh, Dec. 1, 1R92-
sit cr,Ar t souri '.4001100 wilimpiP *sum&
- AIWA:IIft 4
SfriroilllMUMirobeialleteiaml rimer ain't*
s -..5416-494Piellskrot. tamale word lad soused
AIL aillikeedAtfur Ilisialsosee always
orientftnittet whit imsuressasillespate4N
pm Ida the
inaruct _ _ , ...
20trldr - hi* Z . 1 - reZe ir in ill'AZ ir'ill big ' iiret ,
3ASIBEI-biCKItY it Co Agts, ~.,
'Ala:banks Lill! ranger orPtertyvid Ways treat:_
Tittilbargb. - ' - Oct%ll.
.-ssaetrasaeart~iarzot -.
N. 151 Liberty st....~4mir mus ilos Joanna
Subscribes having prepared atitis ematalsomem
JL the largest and must varied stock of READY
'RADE CIAITSING am Offered in- the Wagon*. eons -
try. would respectfully invite the . pardrete ere hint a
-call and examine his - Goods aid bear his prices before
parehaslns. elsewhere. - work. consists to part of
1,100 Coats. assorted sines and *Wily; 2000 pair Pavia
looter. 1800 Veer, to ith a large assortment of Shirts,
Drawers, Cravats, Stocks, Gloves. Supersets; and every
other article of winter. Ctothine.
Ilia Clain* Wets all selected by Illoweitle the Eastern
Markets, dnd purchased at the very lowest cash prices.
and consequently he can• afford to give his- customer.
2 BETTE& BARGAINS than they can get at any other
2 house iu the city. Believing In the principle of "Protect
-2 telfome Industry" - he bastherehre had all his articles
- inufaetured by Pittsburgh Workmen, and be has no
heallatton tn saying thatthey wilt ha found in every rev
2 *eel, superior to-the Eashirawsunfactssed artfalecthat
t. :are offered for sale In ihrletiop shops that have recently
I - ItackssedaMour us. '
2 lu these times when Mows bulls:try is oceopying se
15 large h snare ofpnblitt strentliiii; : as It always should, the
30 proprietor of the "Three tilt Doors' takes peculiar pride
and pleasure in assuring the eltitens of Pittsburgh that
35 his Goods are all augawfact seed under his own eye, by the
50 mechanics of his own town. He dots; not, like some of
65 his rivals in trade, nave his MAPS made up Itl a distant
city, in another Rate, kw does headvettite his Stork in
2 bills printed three twitter hundred mites from here. He
50 goes on the prinrclple that the' ineChanies of Pittsburgh
ean.dts Work as - welt as any tothg.rs, and be doeSt not de.
2 ATE iudirtvcisrune* Prom their poekets to support distant
workflow 'Mfg . he - istri - them to support' hint, lie does
60 neeisible .Ohnpoverish - thetti byla drain to scipport - far
63 orient . nusith
The settscritter would take - this occasion to return
ii thanks to hts friends and customers for the unprereden
li ted patronage extended to his establishment, nod to re.
peat his Invitation to att those who nigh to pirrehave
u clothing, of every description, snide in the Ishii( 'fashion
it and sold on the must aceommodating terms, to roll at
No 151 Liberty street. JAHN Iit'CLOSKEY.
Observe Meal Mite in the pair rutent.
Ire) THE LADIES.—Why 4a you not remove that
1 superfluous Bair you have upon your foreheads
and tipper lip. '1 - By calling at Toma's. Bf:i Fourth st . 4
and obtaining a haute el tiournod's Poudres Subtle,.
which will remove it at once without atfem Mg the skin.
You can also obtain Gout:toes truly celebrated Eau de
Renate, which wilt at once temoVe ail freckles, pimples,
eruptlotts.of the skin, and make yDur face Wok per ectly
fair; and to those who wish to assist nature by adding
more miler to their cheeks, they can obtain trome of Gou•
rand's celebrated Liquid Rouge, Which cannot be rubbed
off even by a wet cloth. Also may be found a good as
sortment of Perfumery. such as Cologne, Bea rat Oil; Al.
mond. Palm, Windsor; and other Soaps.
Remember. at Tuttle', Medical Agency, 86 4th street.
Um 8. 1842.
NoTicc is hereby given to the creditors and debtors
o rmvism Et iArmel and J Ca Manta, late Ming
business in idarkis street, Pittsburgh. under the firm of
Arnie( 4' Mentz, and !011ie public 'generally, that they
have this day assigned all their stock of eoods, atcounts,
etc.. to use, far the benefit Miheir creditors, wt trout
slestinctiotior preference.,
Persons knowing themselves indehied to the late,firin
wit . Seethe necessity of calling without, delay, sod pay.
tug then; respective dues, and persons having claims
prescui them to me for settlement.
Pittsburgh... Nov, 21. tz.
N. B. The above hawed *toot, which , embraces a full
attd sacral amortmeitt of peanouahtedry.goods.will be
difipmed of at the old genii, No..lllo,.e.beap ror cash oat y;
J authorized to make seltleseem mid re
teiPt roe a ofleY) hi Fly . absence,
nA.l.,Liars PALIf EATTILIICTOR '15.• cermet' ,
be : snow valuable ointainnt, for Burne t Son%, ever
invented: no st:atter bow tOolfy a iletfba mar be burnt
or oesided—this will haat them _thisediateiy, witithot
leaving any se.a.a. Every famOj' *NNW have a hoz
their, nonw... ao "iceboat.] be without it:—Erecv nee
wOo lima tried it reetimmexcla it. t n .l.4 hid; oaf); at
TOTTLEV; 86 Fourth arnet. , _ . 'der. g,
. . .
r, - 'AV.—Val:rim H. Lectors, having rirato
~.-fbiatt, iztt:;r9s"7iteillnbythrlitr;titPret'
Err , next - to the Mayortr .. offiee,' noir otena hit late at •
See for rent.
Vile rooms are well spired: for.AMM or persons of
fessin r ilia' roan Jr.
nay roro Icor or any. Klemm/ bed
mme, Ito4Oire WAll%* 11.14WRIE,
Awe If /AilliEgirrlNOter
eite,,e section of teed (640 lieres),lit Scipio township,
alelis &legit Ohio; aboht 12 . Wiles from the Ohio titer„
beiweeeltutland and Atbeiw; said tand is =remedied by,
improved farms—lerel, rich soh, and well timhered,-- it
any be divided loro.4oarrer or trailer-sections-, If re
quired; siert/eighths tbevatne, of the band may to
paid for in Pike Staves; delivered - eik the bank.of the
river, is finite iwstaimer4l. in rho FPriart itVOILIC .4 $ * l 4
`4s.'or the said dig( cif toad 'vitt bo . f end for #BOO each
down. *NO of Dec._ i5OO De c . ' 1344.' and'
the besOlb iaelaWkthi real petite to the city
Mirth. ifileuintila chatted will be entered filth lota the
porebsser *feed tar* for 76,6000 Piplieases.-250090
: tok.lwaiiihsered, the bulk* if the Ohio tyic7 of
yearell ;wood 18454f0r whioktte.Nistr
Tie itaidkosAarafg-t '4 O Ol-4 11 14, 1 04041 , 0m4 Cab oIP.
_ 4= - 1413ge, MM. --
J O 4. Vxt, )4
6 0 :4146 oriole. hobo- 1 9 0 3d rai
mini iikenalipisoOontit or Cistelisk itver iorettiNti
W. Ply *set ' ' 3001 - Via ibstalmtur sat atW"
- - UweecimialsiOdt• *Wiwi btheiftriiiiiit-adrukig
_ _ ___,.....c._._liiiiti Isaimotthig,t *id la tairef Pi . 140.
IF / V O-4-14 0 1.5 , f ""f i t a l l P" . " " 1 " . v ex omPY , diftigamimi 01 4 2 1 ‘ fq.o!stg - ~,„1 ! .04 `
Wahit * *4 -41 " 411 a -
tearairl ' ilikiltlirlittilakiglY t .
1144120-.• W
~ ` ~~~ Z`
___ ,:goiimatoiAlotroii:
--.--1- 0 assporh.44o4.ooo a
-.411 7 1104100 1 01 1 1* y _ Or 10telerlial al" illwfAleati sa,
ailastripti****Witik timapaanas-rifriarkful lii,
41 -1 111•1 1 141P4 ~_"; _......,__'-'
lf/a~ifiti-NOtt4arall‘aseviptionv. INOT v.v....a'
'riaaavialiktaldastptilikaalirpaa piece.
01114.4arelLivimmii.. aeat sad haikasafaie yintainta. ibr
paperiagmaaaaaatioatibes.at 2114-seats.
1 Almerilawil r aii rayon i atilt* oars liavallaaare, for
kallir. Pram and taker stip* Ins filkliet. aad
*lambent.** line swine ginned Insendt.
-"rnek Weil , Papenr, It•writkra sod Priseopattassis. in
plain And rich colon, ionkt and Weir peipep. •
'dont antlieltation /inrilops.
Limit's**, Pspers. 101 setts, for pirperlog ttolllm. hails
aed dialog room", at 'iredoced pries:.
Firs Bfidnilitilett, Stidtudd. oraal4lol.
'Wisdom Blind PelOr, pan and figuirid, of durecade cd
loci. - - •
Western seerchasts and othersare respectfully I.vited
to call and erstwhile their Week and pikes, of Which last
a liberal dip:roam will he elves ibr cash.
From long experience - nthe reslness.tbey - are awe to
nranuthatore moral in a superior wanner, and Its they
are deteriolord to keep op-the--character their papers
have •uniformity -sttstaihed„ they hopb tit enntintre to re
ceive thoieneoaragenteet bit hertosoliberally etleided.
No 49; Merkel street, between 3d and 4th
Pittshargh. Sept, 18421—aflolt
JOHN BUTTERWORTH'. fitter. sad Commie.
Sion ifssokarat, toritispiiii, KY., wilt *tined lo the
sale of Etta! Dryl3oods,Gtoceries. Furniture, *e
ke: Rlilar flies evelY Tuesday, Thursday, aad Fri
day mornings. at 10 o'clock, A. M. Cash advances made
on enntagnmeols j Pen 10
36 TONSFUft Piglron suitable for Foundries. Ap
pty to A. BEELEN.
/Ames HOWARD 4 . CO„ Xsawfaangrws af WaU
a.. Paper. No. IR. :Wood dipeot, PiUsharsk. Pa.—
Have always on band en extensive emortatent of Satin
Waned .and pain PATER HA N6iNGS. Velvet and
imitation Borders. of: the . liven style and handsome
patterns. for papering Mils, parlors and chambers.
They .Illasonfaclane end have on hand at all Miles—
Printing. Writing. Letter, Wrapping and Tea Paper, Ron
net and-Pallerelloardeo—alt .of which litey.olfer for sale
on the most accommodiditse terms; and to whkb they
invite the attention of lee reheats and others.
ALSO—Stank fibekto °fait kinds and tbe best quality,
-Seismal ilooks.'etc. always on hand and for sale as above
N. B. 'angst nd Tatoters' Scraps' -taken in exchange.
OrSDA,Rs, sARIAcieEs. Ile.; served up in Ole hest
style at A. No. 9 Fifth 'Wert. Suosi•le
apart/wants aneapproOlated to gehtledate accompanied
h ladies. Also all kinds of (lakes and etnifeetiOnark for
parties, *editing*, ate.i for sale h 1 -
one 19-4 r. A. HUNKER,
NICOOLAII D. Courmasi r „Love R. Commun.
gri OLE . MAX k CO.iGenerat Agents, Forwardle_g and
Commissiori Merrimet, Levee Street. Vicksburg,
Miss. Tbry reertectiopy solicit convigamenta. 1121-41.
ITICITTLE has this day received from New York,
fresh -papply of llewes' Nerve and Bone Liniment,
anti Indian Ve_etahieEilxir,a positive al re for it heittnif.
lista, Golf' tr:ontreiried Vortla and Limbs—also
GetteattsPs POlVire Sitbtqa, for completely atil periak
nently eradicating suittiufh3ons hair from femitles' tipper
lips, the hair concenthi: a broad and elevated foreilehd,
the vlubborn heard of Man. or any kind of auperfinntlf
hair. Price Si per imitle.
Gouraud, East ito gealitt, or True Waller ol Bettaly.—
This' French preps ratbM I barna:lily exterminates Ballo w
nes., Freckles, PiMplev, Soles, Blotches, and all calaneons
e.nptionv whatever. i Realizin: delicate white hands,
neck and arms, and ellitting a healthy juvenile btoom,--
Also. several other valuable articles, too mlnierorta lo
mention. The gennint sold only at
n 23-11 rcrrzErs'; mEnte.# 40E-Ner. ss 4th al
aIIACKEREL —ln, store, so. Mackerel, to whole
ITI. and half barrels; of good quality, wilt tat sold ye.
ry low for cash, or es4hangcd for Codnlty produce, ap-
play to 114/LAC CRUSE.
149 Liberty street.
litho offers for vale 6 drums Clodflet. Also 3. lot of
Ilitrott 111kuts. now t. 5.
DI, A. W. P ATTSRSON 44fice on Smithfield street,
near girth. -- sell 10
1 00 °alit"
" For sale by
Ix! 4. 1 • * A. GORDON
i d UMBER fur sate in los to soft pi:Whose'''. app l y to
1 A ISA KC entSr, 1411 Liberty st.
Farmers led ntherv'wentlng Umber: wnnld da well
4 0 Em p, a .-ifkiy wht hpsoppll d With any quantity it the
very 'owes. mariret prices- not' lig
1311 1104110017 ND CANDY.—Tmur has
411-B eerived ibis day from New York. a fresh supply o.
the above celebrated cure fur Coughs, Colds and Con
gamin ion; and is ready to supply ritwomersat wholerale
or retail, at Ills Absdi4a l Arencv, 86 Fourth at.
WARM FOR SAL undersigned offers for sale
IL' his farm, lying in Ross Township 41 miles from the
City of Pittsburgh, containing 11:1 acres oftand of which
6Q are cleared and under fence, from 15 to 20 acres of
Meadow, 2 gcod Orchards of Apples, a few Peach and
Clierrytirms—the impeovetnenis are a large frame house
containing 10 rouma well furnished, calculated for a Ta
Vern 6. ptitate Dwelling,, a frame Barn 20 by 60,atone
haserrint, and sheds and other oat houses solt
able fur a tenement t-0. good Gardens surrounded with
currant bushes. and a t well. of excellent water, with a
pump in at the front diaor. In relation to the Pittsburgh
and Allegheny market, there is no place now offered for
sale with more inducetpent to those wishing to purchase
near Piitsburgh, the trirma will he made moderate, for
further particulartiapaty to the proprietor at his C 1 thing
Store, bitterly street, ittutnnr of Virgin Alley.
N. B. If not sold before the Ist of October next. it
will be dlaided into 10 and 20 acre lots testa parcba-
Sera. das 10
_l l l fseafaseic R dr.—The extreme beauty of the
Teeth. their indlapensMde use; and the frequency of their
decay, has ted to many inventhlifs for . their preservation:
yet bow to pre- sertie lbent ilk it atateof health en pristine
beauty. to the latest periods 'of existence, was entirety
onknosen until the dh‘cosowi of the above invaluable
prsparailoo. It Norio a pure tincture composed of veg
etable ingredients, and is possessed writhe tionst tHicitoos
odor. It cradle:ulnae from the teeth, temoves spotit
of intiplent decay, po Mies and preserves the enamel, to
whjett Waives a priaryile whiteness, and from Its Mein.
fedtlny properties. &Stoicism the vt•tee of gibing sweetness
to the twelfth.
Ai an Airti deirtoye, the Gnomes° share in its traits
criteria poilrers; &slimy Is eradicated train them, a
heathy action and redress is indired. which tigers to the
iietree . "(Abe:ivied id tiractitioner indubitable evhlence of
AWE" thellthiut tnkte.! It has been Asinine& end used by
[ iterend riftbeimit phYsichiss of this erhy, who bare no
i besillotionin reettmditig It its imi.beellent wash for
the Teeth. entimee -
'Among fhb /* - aliens le the above are the fol.
ktlylsg: ' '
Basing tried Or.. luirolt 'Pea Berry Tooth Wish,"
I and become tendered+ with the Ingredients aft" comp°.
sition, I cheerfully say, I consider it one of the talßeirr, as
It lioaeof hie inom p'eanont Tooth Wastes now hi use.
Pittsburgh Sep. 1.5, 1841 DAVID BUNT; Dentis
t takeressure *ninth* herring made use of.Thorti's
Te* Berry Tooth lIV h," 'tr.', It is one of the best aen.
erifices to woo.
ap i
Bela Ina liquid COrtn. It-toint:Miss umit
~,„.... w i t h o ,,, fr ve, _ , While it. efespies the. mouse,
and removes thetamps fruit the' teeth.. its perfume yews
I a fragrance pecatiorli deldtahle r I- P.TIBBETTP*-111.D.
The apt/miasmaecyteet4 oTkorrey Comprioud Tea
Berry Tooth Wash."l
nd bave foaretil Wheal! epeeists ,
irpleousint dentif eserriaing , a moat sakciary *fie- 1
epee overtire Teeth Bawl pregeralite -pore- India- I
pea:whir monitors ft preioataretieray, preventieg the
ricentleilaiktri of Tar t ~ aad purifying the Breath+ Haw
lag them:n*l4y , tented ha virhseii. we take Plessitle lit re-
e 1
sapoteihrig IC teethe bile, belleeint it lb be Pei he er• j
tic...lentil's ithoi nevi it elle: •
th-ROBJNITItaIte, ”' ACMES p zit , X, •
, ..
ii - core ZU'ERA4E . CIMS It itel 7 4o; .
C DililtiOli," ; W.ll illre#Vaag4l4 .
.1 if 1,00-ILE rAb. 1 .r.ets s CiArit''
st L ;two:CD/a: ;;. L $ JOON*. ....- .
Prepared okay by MILL:LLB TBOBN. Atte_ hilireei7
and Chemist. Mo. 53 Illarto4 rine& rin#ffilikft nide at
all Ibe prineipa I Drayonte l .nne . Tailie s e Utellifilki- eolic/.
• . .
hearth street. "..- i 1 • - • , . "So
' • •
Posseniprairt ihnhiessrosti taneilltaast
lootsait.' ' -
1111111nabeerthers tartoolgoileba
for eartainitasthaVrieadassamant atoll
rail make igratalseserare the terlaights
ohlps .tine-tee; Is 41itertetalailitta
by earedislanitutimitessesass, POO
ably kmarre la Omuta. i.lll‘ Lies -
of the port of View Vhatit 4 It is hardly alllolllll7
that the seteellalaellta mama aei ` llOll
from the tact that a resod Is seal oat • -
is evidest that an attallittaslary delay ti
noes A Poea w per steastkaat
m • `v* "
Peollaed. can br taller* 11464 nken .3 4 ,4 •
ell" COquPS 411 1
pantos Mee leteldi Wires yetahrodaw
Apply taa - SAMUEL T
Old totalol4lo Palings 040tweg '
F. 4311141111 AMP
10 Gores
Drafts and alabaster; at sight, and aar oar •nt
van be tarnished sail. C. Glynn 4- Co.. Ilatahlolio,
dope R Grianshaer Co.; Liverpool; the 11400
of fetattlat, $a Bank Bank att Ireland;
Bantasg Co. Apply to , PETEt 44
Chatham t, tatar,,i.be Tomtit Si! , .'
the Welsh Church. Arai 41101
ANT Is.• A USTTritb Attodisty LW.
Office in die state. opposite Borkaill
Witusii E. Averts. Esq.. will gisoldeatteitiosidakel
oatisished beepers, sad I reeteasseed Aim loilliiksiiinaltl
age of toy friends. ; WALTER TOILICAIRIN
sap 10-1 y A
VWSTEELS. pniecessor to liretoshey).,.
Whale etat. Maker, Liberty at..
V 1 40 1 1:24.. Tim sabitriber nmpectkily 1114014,4 re
palate& he has colortiensed the aboke_bositinseiwlttio...
shop roll2leTly °moiled by Mr. Henry. MVOIt/fey. „
and that be is now premixed to ettendto alt orders in
One orbusinets with despatch and oh the most ninomphbte
terms. From his long experienee in the spzuftriptio of
'Fashionable Roots, he reels ronitdent thot **bee
from Ids mnahltsiontent will give satisfaction io Ain Pli•
Irons. A share of pablieletroniya is respect4tltugoileit.
ed. ii
razz assumpitarsaillt.„
lvircamMak hrifiraingTressitiwaittlit t 7000:
Plilaktpitia iciat 'Bs ltiworf: 4 1 tir rifidatigifing
iietkentdrzir es Asa broil its iiiihOire
end PealurF6Pasik Ca. .
hemming. - •
The dock of this Line consists of the first cling alga
Carl, Metal Motifs, and New Decked Thic-Watnr lig4ts
enintarinered by sober a nd,experienced Captaime:
Merchants by iris Liae are enabled lb: hark aide
Goods shinned asetreap, and with as ninth IttiveandAftee
by any other Line. One ttairt bemire dritfy!initi - the
tkart of Willow greet Shilirdad on the /:16111111fill*;
of a Steam flearOtr . lfich is kept exPresiltY lb.f *Atm
The Proprietors will 4, .'ire their 'a bole ritlentias.lll4
respectfully invite Western Merchants to 'ogre Vadit I
'call, as they will find it mach to - their adrietice. •
rtods con:ivied Wirriens Bsiisree 4 ed. 1111,14-
wise or Ida lk;Is Vire snit Raritan Canal, will hi'mnitadv•
ed at their wareinauretudi St WOW* stri , tt Sail ibio,
Philadelphia. where good. Min he pm directly , Mem - their
Vessel loto the Botts 'Admit addiYtoaal bandlioirStr.ts,
from `Pallid-to ltaildnydlarg.
H. L PATTERSON, • 11 "" r ",
rfprit Ifolidaysbort,h to Pittsburgh. )
JAM ES DICKEY 4- CO.. Cana; Liberiv atrM
ElzLwurk Ktsea,Willow.g.reet wharf. - • '- . - -t .
on-tbe Dellowure.at Philaielpida. - . ' ••• ~ 1 -1---..•4
lloacra H. Maps., Wattialoce, - ilifity . s . ?
H. I...'PATIWON, Bolitaystrotrgh, 1 - Y•-ne ,-,,
Jana P.arriasox, leftuslown, j
keret to stetebants generalty tiktoagboitt tits ily
DE N NI!.3G'S Isl fit PRE:PP- IRON
t El ESTS:-
Pirrownp, 047.4%,-_
3. Diritur--On 'Friday. tbe3oll6 '
9 o'clock at nicht. tee Planing:Gfoothegliedr-:
elector,. owned by Goy s DlterdPile 4104
- -
quaniity et dressed and's:Armed Ploakilek,_
toed by era. -.. tc......,
The Iron Rife Which I honttht - or yottsome ittnitk.
w: sin the wain erposed situation Slitting 'be
wan entirely red hot —I am phiasetrto Inftisss Voiit it was
opened al the dole oT the, Amend MI Ma books, Matte.
ke.sivedl—thisis the Milt setotitmeodisaltni I out give of
;he attlity of your seam.
E STERN UNIYIKRI3I7'Y Or P.C.N'ie 6,1114:11-
NlA.—L.airr SCHOOL.--The' TresteeLdlitt
Western University at tetffisylvania anatnnwd io
public that tbpy hitise established a Lew Scharf lade/.
section with the Unrse'rsity, le which
itneipal, internationdloind Constitutional - Lay
their aranthes. • -
The wade of instruction will he hy recitations,
and oecaakonal moot marts. as in similar instiriwto
The year will -consist of Iwo terns of tour sod *law
months each. .
The first term will commence on the evened - lientby
of November next.
The In it inn fee is 131,50 per ternpipsymjnis in
Wavers 11. Loam:. Esq., a member °film-Piet sidiinit
Bar, has been chosen Professor. The frumees fiskelinit
pleasure In announcing-that they have tee* abletb*
core the service: of one so well modified for Ilin-abstinn
by reason °Chia legal acquirements, and. partkshalr ot
one so bizltly esteemed as a se.bolir and a eralttosaan:
The annexed recommeislartun will furnish rail . tfauldiSM
to all his qualifications as Professes. " . ~. :::1-
The trustees having been Induced 10 innlitntil li tt
school from a view of the serious ilfeadeaureeesseteti ,
the stedtes of law. in the oBlee of Priettdod
a'Po the very obvious adratimees Which.filfillll rik.pfie
-sepses oyer most other plates In the Weld ferlhe.till*-
lishment of such an instUntisa.—Berc IS a meet haihMites
ems popa'ation. The student iralledre arousd bliss casie
pies of industry and enerdy.end„ ' ,yrfrvir
indolence and Idleness:: flelsr . Jisgsts
# i;
With business in all its fur*, ' „.. oirts srd ; sifillielt
nearly all the year reand;oud, 'rsi perhaps spistfitew
'in the West where* eretosr IT , )84: - .. 11 41 pr io...
pies arise foe liblelteliiipl, 7 tf,:,,,2...:,.-
The Cousishiee are devisees thaNlAtitistints Swishiera to
avail themselves of . the adeahiedrWraphisienitsef.rtheidd
do so hastediately by ceiling and leariai.44smillna . sit
the °See if Wit!es H. lowrte,'Erq„ us Poen*" ?lam- _
[ or by addremlng Om hylOer. post:pairl,WaStudsl4o.
`dents stay abloom* at lbs °peels: of Akeem9o„:tic jp
eartylbereaßer as possible.
rmrst n;
4 9 51 ;7 78 -,. s , ly --:
, 47 „... „4„,,Dur.. Of
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Astimi. w. suet. "Edicappt.
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we tote b Pleswile;bl r
.30-411::40 611-
' desep quite tothile, Waiter h. toiiirti ~ eter 4 .0 5 , 1 0- : ,
Law In the Wades% 171'11 , er:fay of Pleassylvania„ sea
rerMeirieelotoest for his mend leWs I bonder ant - Oat:
ties, and {seems way . I itillfird WOW duties of ibe MAIM
to which be hit 'been eferted. ., „ ~.,-_,:;
._ -
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.. stotirort c.:ilmiiiii4; i Await* *Mit
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Tlimuti smarm - MG. 1V441.45104
hue rimung.it.t4wwwnillepifil,
1:)c-k tAi
O ---: a SALE.—Pmr7 . -," ' '''' ,- 1 - 3 - :
and a ftemboillarea,er Ls** :'l. - , •- .. 4 -
Set 41. 4LEL .5 3 144,1111,1
irto Irear.),4: ..,..,,..,..#,,r..-.'
ut;imi waive% vac 1 Abs,
crsoksi 'Ow Of Lob ow INlettrefakr6o: 46 34 , 3 e •;. - ..,_ '-,
imp rot tetimpiipply on - Z. I
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