1-apodtbabout mita drawing.xod Tr*. talk of beet and cider. Y mesa her dlrawings•of birds and Sowers. Mr. Short :o—ay.-yes 4 understood you now. Just step to this tellle, Mr. Short; and we can examine them to more advantage. There ! what do you think of that, Mr. "Tbst's a toeu c titni, crow. • •-dlk7ticow -Slitnt-'-bal ha !ha ! I Wity, wiatin-the world can' you be thinking oil- -Thaeiit ro fl red'breast. Well, I dare say /ince-you men tion, it,•birs. Lolignit really took it to be a crow. The fact is. ,-thebb things Should always hive the name wri:ten un derneath. • So I told Zephyrina— but la !:.she said that'theid speak fin. themselves. Caw ! caw !—I beg your cotrolon ma'am that's the note of the crow, and now I re ' collect you said that this was a robin red breast. : , • This , was one , of Z-phyrina's first at tempts, the next is more perfect. Look 'et this, Mr. Short.. - -What a pretty looking gosling. , myrder! Mr. Short -- I thought you was a man of more taste. • • 1 admire a young goose, well stuffed and 'Mote& but I mean in drawing. Did you ever see. me drawing a cork, Mrs. Long.. Nonsense! Now you've got from beer 'and cider to corks. A gosling indeed! '.Wky, that is a g oldfinch, Mr. Short. I'm very glad you informed me, Mrs. slot*, for really my taste in painted birds Boman, that I took that to be a gosling. Air? here? A codfish, as I'm alive, and a charming one it is. 0, Mr. Short, how can you be so stupid? That's a butterfly. Is that a butterfly, Mrs. Long? do you say upon your honor, that codfish is a but terftyl Fie! fie! Mr. Short; I've as gend a mind se evert bad to eat, not to show you anoth • er living thing. You've no taste in or nitholigy. Perhapi you'll like flower; better. Isn't that beautir'all What! that cabbage? I never could abide that cabbage. Cabbage!'o, shocking! call that rose a cabbage. Is that a rose? Indeed it is! a damask rose. Look at this. Mr. Short. What, that mullein? Well, that is pret ty I must confess—it's as natural as life. That's a carnation. Mr. Short. 0! a carnation, is it? Weil, 1 suppose, you're right-.--yes, it must be a carnation, Ain* I think of it. .Don't you think, Mr. Short, Zephyina arms surpassingly well for one of her age? I must confess I never saw the like. I'm charmed to hear you say so, Mr. I 3"lWS—the approbalion of a man of taste 11541t1y gratifying. • vary little taste for these things, as I - said'hefort,-. Take a piece of cake, Mr. Short, and a glass or wine. The cake is of Zephyrioa's own making. I.implil Light as cork—don't you find it so? 'Heavy as a grindstone, muttered Mr. Short._ I'll not be able tosleep a wink to night--terrible thing for I,lre dyspepsia. I'll take another , glass of wine, if you please ma'am Confound the cake! Zephyrina, dear, I. wish you'd entertain Mr. Short a moments, while I— nt take , my leave, Mrs. Long. Good night. Mr. Shut took his leave, and Mrs. Long declare? to her daughter Zephyrina, that she thou;'rt any further attempt to catch the crabbed old bachelor would be later thrown away, and that she should presently bait her hook for smaller fry. Agricultural Anecdote. A knowledge if the . habits of animals is , sometimes of grest serilee even in the sal vation of cities. ' James, in his. r,ecent t try of the Black 'Prince, gives an amusing instance of this in the defence of RennP.s, a town of Brittany. beseiged by the Duke of Lincaster.--In order effect the surrender of the place, the Duke , enforced a strict • blockade, which soon 'reduced the garrison to great straits; but he knew they would hold Out to the last extremity, and. determi. mit to try a twat of war.._ For this purpose he - drew nil his soldiers as if he had left the place, and_ formed an ambuscade in some bushes - behind the town. then caused a tittintier of hogs to be turned loose in the plain, in the hope that the starving garrison would rush out for the prize. ,13nt,they un detittood his trick, and, turned it to their own advantage. They ()pawl one of their sa . V. lyforts, and hung up a young sow by the hind-legs to , the lintel. She of comae made great outcry, and the hoas came rushing op to the Place from whence the anise pro .edeeded; she eras then cot down and driven Lthrvilkoie of, the streets and,forced tolteep up her mimic 'the soldiers sprang up from • their ambuseadeftaorder tp try Ind prevent thisunfooked for termination 4E.tbeir exper iment; bat hales . azys:,the hogs, with- that intuitimperceplioa,lef.the way their Enna , "I" net ivielt theta*, 40,. which has etr. or markfd their kratarae went , -rushing 10- 1111141tionsly into . the tows,And ; afforded the igarstsou very seasonable whet— -ICo4'o9 o werage fatty takes as its motto: ortsit.tritt.l tys.ertitsent. Ia titaLwitiefi gikv. eru*rut." Thi6t... is a, were_ sberatetion-- iaesitied out; Was .4900014 dot if she be of gowero 10" whialtotettiveleest, thee use very Van -of all governments _ is that seltieh• does not pewit at ill .44v . .,-r. Cfrroniele br i .piney of Nufmkg, es.the beetittioes *Ouitevthich bassi the, least fuetithew -rfltAtelitraut,kiikAbilit , libieWOok iwior ititigz-=.olulfWl.o*so.ole444filit nuaLtArd lio*,.,:n:.!Licryst....kirmkrpfliqrmstrrai COUNTY CONVENTION. PC*itilicies.'Oetoher 92,1841.. I n pursuance of n call of the Democrat ie Committee of COryespondence of the Stale, published at flarilsburg, some time since, investing the propritty ef each county it,tlingtiehmatescotutt to their intrinbeiofeeineecolatilies iwtic Stale Legislature, to meetin i heir tenteetleereell - Min hiconiention, and elect delegates to meet it. Ha rris -1+91.00t Ahe BM of January, 1843: for the p ut-n ote of - fillet, Wing a candidate for the Priasideney , , subject to the thatiotion.ofa Democratic National Convention. The Democrats of Allegheny county are, therefore, re tri to meet In th,e different wards,boronghs and .town• ip4, on Saturday, the fitit day 'of November next, at their 'mond places of holding their elections,' and etteh . diatrlct elect two delegates to meet In County Conientlint at the Court Howe, in the: city of Pittsburgh, on Wednesday, the 9th of November. at t It o'clock, A. M., for the par. pun of electing five delegates to reprisent Allegheny county in the State Convention, to be held at rlarripb erg, on the glorious Bth of January. IA 41E3 CRAWFORD. Chairman of the Democratic Committee of Correspond- MEM dice for Alleulteny county. P. 8. The cities of Piusbur:h and A ilecheny, !firming- Inim, Lawrenceville and Pitt township, are requested to nteetat half past 1 o'clock, and the, Townships 'between and 3 6 o'clock, P. M, Oct 22—tn9 see First: Page. A •Merchant" in the Advocate of Thurs. I day speaks feelingly of the new currency panic that appears to be approaching, and - in the following paragraph suggest a means 'to ward off its till effects. "I may be asked what remedy I would propose —I unheAtating,ly recommend a meeting of Mer chants to be cvlied by the Board of Trade, to be held at their room., and resolutions to beladopted to receive no money ot.par or current lubject to X discount exceeding three per cent." Thismight do very well for the Merchant, the Manufacturer and those who have "•mon. ey to lend," but what protection would it give to the mechanic and poor wotkingment None,whatever.. Under such an arrangement the evils which all classes sutler from a de rangement of the currency, would fall en tirely on the small business men and the working portion of the community, whose necessities would compel them to receive payment for their goods and labor in what ever kind of funds their customers and em ployers might choose to offer: They have not the ptivilege in time of pressure, of be ing particular as to the kind of money they get,and from former experience we know hat while their employers receive par funds for their goods, the persons in their employ are generally paid in the most depreciated trash. If at this meeting of reerchants they will I pledge themselves not to.pay out money at a greater discount than three per cent. or to disburse such funds only as they are willing to receive without depreciation, the propo sed arrangement may be of some advantage to the community, but not otherwise. To protect themselves and to leave the great miss of the Fr-opin at the mercy of the Shylocks, who are already falicitating themselves with the prospect of the rich harvest they will reap from the suffering of all classes, will be an extremely selfish pro ceeding and would not redound much to•the honor of the , Merchants of our city. We feel a:deep interest for the welfare of every class of our enterprising citizens, and we most sincerely hope that the 'merchants and manufacturers_ maydevise some policy that will protect them , from the skinning operations that they had to endure in for mer seasons; that at the same time we hope they will dd; nothing that will throw the great burden of a depreciated currency up on the poorer portion of the people, and, subject the farmers, mechanics and work ittginen to the heartless proceedings of the h iwks and buzz mit= that are anxiously wait_ ing for the pressure, which they say is ap. preaching, and when they can gorge them• selves on the sufferings of the victims of a rag money currency. We are informed that the accident re corded . in our paper yesterday, copied from a Philadelphia [ismer, took place on the National Road and nut on the Pennsyt v mia Road, as many might be led to believe from reading the paragraph. We are pleased to Ptate that Lo accident has ever occur+ ed with the Good Intent Companies on our Road, and we can assure the trav elling public, that they arty patro sage all the lines running out of Pittsburgh with the fullest confidence, in the care and at tention of the proprietors, and all connect ed with them. We believe -there are no lines but these that start from Wheeling, that take the liberty, occasions lly,. of pitching ,their passengers over precipmet 100 high. Slapjach and Queen Vietqiia.—Every hero about ;buckwheat cakes will find its; way into the Poit, and the beet thing we' have In day, is' the follaviing,lrOni Abe Spirit of. the Tunes:—Buckwheat Cakes ere deliciwe things.:. If for no other *l - ..• one, • We ithetthi worship the - winter:oilmen beotiuseitiintroduce!:us: to thO:aequeii:f;.. ,tanceei**ie - 1 1 4 0 0 0 " PrePsnao_ • are oaten i to pgrapbs a ' twos , 1 -z e • ~~'. ~hT The Currency. Correction. MRS 7 9. Ver-Z ' l- Vaik , w• - • tiOrni 'Utak 14. the In4ians thiltwitt_bes.i.earrimge" near Chtickochatje, welt .since, 8UC.4111111, the Phtetio-Mognetizer, lit in New York. Cold water, externally, applied, is nid to be good for, crying babies,. a poor btainest --starting a paper when you have to depend upon' the prejudices of a faction`for'enppott... A St: Louis Whig.papeti attributes the love price of %ahem to the want or a Nation al Wink. What Mistime Can the editor tell his readers what wheat sold for in 1820 when there was a National Bank? The Philadelphis Times says, a Yankee has invented a new machine for taking the noise out of and for straightening the streaks.of Ohio has more Collegiate institutions tan any other state in the - Union. An important addition has been made to the Mexican navy. Texas _ may look out. A man by the name Of DeLisle has ap. peared and laid claim to the whole of the land upon which Jefferson city Nlo. has been built. He purchased it previous to the war, and in 1812 enlisted in the army. Since that time he has not been heard from .until within .a short time past. Act ing under the belief that he was dead, his sisters had sold the property. p7' The Grand Jury of Philadelphia County had 257 bills before them. Of these, they found 175 true bills, and ignor ed 82. The Turks, in attempting to launch a line of battle ship, at Heraclia, in the Black Sea, capsized her on the stocks. So much, says the corrospondent of the London Times, fur their trying to get on with American shiprights. This will be a lesson for them hereafter, A you'ng: lady in - New Yuri Un iast Sat urday, attempted to destrffy herself by taking poison. The_ cause was that her lover, on account of his_purse, was preven ted from visiting het. The tariff on books has been reduce , one half in Naples, and is diminishing ii many other European countries. Bangor, Me. must be a great place for the lumber business, if the statement of there papers are correct. The amount of sawn timber surveyed for shipment the present season has reached to one hundred and six millions of feet. The amount ship ped without survey, is estimated at the lowest,- at fifteen millions of feet. The average price of this lumber is about ten dollars a thousand. And the total value of all kinds for a year is estimated at one million six hundred and ten thousand dol. lars. This they think, beats any other city in the world . Mr. Webster has declined the dinner tendered to him by citizens in New York. .2 Suggertion.—Every man who takes a paper, particularly a morning paper, should have some better place than the knocker of his door to leave it. He would not then be under the necessity of calling at the office every day to tell the carrier that it was not left. "Morels" of Reform.—” Francis March, Jun., Esq ; has been appointed post master at Kalamazoo, Mich., vice Edwin N. Colt removed. The Dayton Tianscripc says that Indian Summer was at that place on 2d inst. It was supposed that it would soon take its departure. 10°'Joseph Spetry, convicted of the murder of his wife in Sandusky, and sent. tenced to be hung on the 2dinst. committed suicide iu the Th• U. S. Gazette of the Ist says: ."We hear there were four or five: remonht at the Custom Hosea, yesterday. and as many appointments." Gretna Green in Little. —There was a couple mulled in the house of a lady in Philadelphia, on Monday week, in which it is said 45 weddings have taken place within the last 10 years. . k.blaak sioundrel(with a white wife) is naw.jaPriaaP at 13,0atenfora hintal , oturage +0 on a white•ehild 12 years of age. His guilt was fully estahlshed. The offence is a aapitat,plle Ji.Alaasaellusetti,and he will fay far hialirmd-like amultiet - with his life. It taialhat T. Y. Ntanhal. MC. of 'Kentuasti.tif istsuithmed the Willi ricw '...L. =••••• --r -,1±2i7 d G•Fam I y _.. `snr~,_` d to add'''. 44 -- icratortiteirini I ' ' ''' ~ `aminany 1 , ' ' ~n-rIaL,- Monday ev , ~, ,he Plebe t thittlay Days, "we learn , that there is some, ritoi.fitetthat he will itecedato their wisii• l ' The Oonneetiaut I,4.isiatera has ladjonr- It is somewhat rarnarkableohn Smith has never been Pcesid Ile;ut ted States. Come;stir Theophilus Fisk, of the Cllnkiminion, has taken a stubborn stand in favor of Cal ,. I.oun for the next demiseraticWon for President. We would not objiict to this so much if there was thi least earthly chance for him to get one Northern State, It would be ridiculous in the democrats of the north t.i form electoral tickets to vote for John C. Calhoun. The New Canada Tariff has been receiv ed by the Governor, and reserved Cir the "forther signification oilier Majesty' pleas tire thereon." In Oakland county, 51i Itigan, iligyitave ormed a Tariff ticket, com?osedt'of 'nem , ers of both parties The Yankees have found trior Way .into. lowa. In Denmark, Lee county, Vier are going into the manufacture of molasses and sugar from corn stalks, and of oil and can dles from lard. Success to them. Imprisonment for Debt. —A bill for the abolition of itnprisonrr eht for debt bas pas.: sep the Lower House by .a vo:e of 39 to 29 of the Tennessee Legislature. 'Has the editor of the Cincinnati Sun tnrn ed Mormon? He sticks tut that way, any how. It is proposed in the Legislature of Ten- nessee, to authorize the Bank of Tennesee to issue $2,000,000 in. Post Notes. . The Cincinnalans are going to memori alize Congress on the subject of the naviga tion of the Ohio river. The exact amount of the defalcation of Floyd, late N. Y. -city collector, who died on the coast of Africa, is ascertained to be $63,709 66: How one man can speodeuch au enormous sum, particularly when hi fil ches it from others, is a mystery to. U 9. The funniest thing we have lately heard of is The petition got up in PeOria . 'County, 111.. on the 18th nit., praying Congress to rais the-standard valtie of specie front one to five hundred per cent. • The petition had a treat run. School masters are much need ed in that quitter. we think. , It man named Newman was arrested the Other da3 in Scott county, Ark., charged with stealing sweet potatoes. Opt I.is wad to jail, he attempted to make his escape, when he was shot by a Mr. Farmer. He died the next day. The Western Freeman, of Cincinnati, is out for Judge Story of Mass., for the Presi- dency. Cheap enough.—The Nashville Banner mentions the sale recently of eleven large mules, two new wagons, whiCh cost $l5O each, and a negro man, middled apil, all for $5OO. They were sold at sheriff's sale. The Vermont Legislature has passed a resolution unaniruous'y in favor of the re peal of the Bankrupt Law. The value of cotton annually smuggled into Spain is said io ba ab.}ut 3.000,000/1 Papers in the United .States.—There are in the United States, 'according to the census, one hundred and ihirty4ight daily pipers, eleven hundred and forty-one week ly papers, and one hundred and twenty.-tive semi-weekly. The nurnbei of period i'ealer is two hundred and twenty-seven. • 0 n 1 y!—Thirteen millionsof Biddle Bank paper afloat, worth 30 cents on the dollar. Who losesi Not the rich, ihat's certain. Chaplain Jared L. Elliot, late of the Ex pediton, has resigned his commission in the navy. ❑is resignation has been Hoax.—Sanford's elopernent. has left his wife, bui took no other person's. Excruciating.—To have a, man come in• to your office and look into your face for 5 minutes before he mentions hi* business.— The best way to do in such a cage - is to-; wait till he speaks. S. B. dccident.—The N. Y., Sufi sayl that the steamboat New Philadelphia, on her trip:from New York ,to Philadrdphia, on Friday 'morning, whew: about:..`three miles from her destination, broke her lever' beam entirely in,two, shattering tlie pit* -house, vorticial Of the :upper ftlf;ek, and'in-t uring parts ante machinery. . NObody was injured fortunately although the pilot; had a narrow escape, the broken part gr,a 7 : sting his hat as .it Tilt -;- 44_ Good-.4ip., 0- foreigner can Iwo 11 era, vv rett* - 4 4 10 1 440104 :1 44 9 *- i Zmitiwiekom - . . - ~ • ilttitianier •.1 t , t ?-=-.*,..-):-,ThNf.61frfst - la - I , M . erfeW Ile -id enilW "AROMMINI43I, ' '` 18. !fi e • .0.07. thlitratot a PAWLArker.iTei Lar- bylaw:rash-Am we know-nothing: sad .00 lAPS-41Mtfui.-- The Abolitionists of-Bos - ton attletopfedlik holt& sneetirl on the 30th in Vonittil but some Insfe6i whose , hearts araVitelter thstvglit , - negro's broke: it up'bi hiisii4,4ll4 Ave. ,Good ar him.—The Boston Bulletin of the 20th says -''an action was brought before Courtthe' of Common Pleas in this city, yesterday, by Philip Riedoll, a pocir Gee. man mechanic, against George Kessler, a young trader, utho hid taken improper lib erties.N iith the plaintiff's daughter, a re markably beautiful girt of eighteen years of age. The trial of the case commenced on Tuesda'y, and the arguments of counsel 1.-were closed last evening. The jury, after an eloquent and impartial charge from his Honor Chief Justice Williams, deliberated about fiveliours, and_then returned a verdict for the plaintiff, assessing, his damages at ten hundred and thirty-three dollars and - thirty three cents. Gale in the Gut of Canso.—A letter to the Editor of the Pictou Farmer, dated Gut of Canso, Oct. 12, 1812, says:— "We had two tremendous g►'es _of wind within the last fortnight; one last, Mon day., was most awful, it came on so sudden, just like a clap of thunder. The heavens became as black as night, and the water - as white as stow, and flying in sheets for miles. - There was a boat fishing about one hundred yards from the shore, and she was sunk in -a moment, and three hands drowned, belonging here, by the names of Martins and Parks. I have heard of no wrecks." Consequences of breaking the Pledge.— Daniel Osgood was on Sunday night last drowned in the lock at Mohawk. N. Y., having fallen in while intoxicated. He was about sixty years of age, and some time since signed the temperance plvdge, which he adhered to till in an evil hour he was tempted to violate it. The consequence is• already related. The Connecticut Legislature has instruct . ell her Congressmen to vote for p lying Gen, Jackson the fine nfslooo. Kicked to Death,. —A member of the Michigan Legislteure named Babcock, from Oakland County, on the 21st ult., was hrown from his curiage and kicked by his horse until he died. Coot —The editor of the U. S. Gazette says that one of bis pat►ons ordered his paper to be discontinued, in as much as he could see it at the Reading Room. Missionaries. —The Nov. number of the Missionary Church contains the full accounts of the death of the Rev. 0. R. Canfield, missionary to Africa. Mr. Can.. fiela we . nt to Africa in company with the Rev. .1. P. Alward, who died shortly aff• ter landing on the coast. These are the last of some half dozen young menwho have successively fallen victims to the cli mate within the last few years. ,'Monroe Edwards, it appears, can write poetry as well as forge men's signatures. The Aurora says that the poetry published in the Herald, purporting to be written by him, "was genuine, and some of it very beautiful. It &tows fine feeling, delicate sentiment, and active imaginstiOn, but a -deficie.,t eAucation. We saw one of the pieces in his manuscript some months The Shipping interest in New York•— The Aurora says: The merchanti are 'moving, not before it is time. Th., whole shipping interest is threatened with de struction. Our splendid packets _go and come trcightless—while common mer chant vessels bid fair to lay rottinz in, the docks. "Clay's opinion of the Treaty.—The following is from his speech at Indisnap , "It is true •we have not gained much, not lib- much as that awarded by the King of Holland..;We, get Rouse's Point, and the navigation of the St. Johns tiver,though somewhat ~ a- n der. British , influence. ,On the ,;Mr. Clay, I 6otieve neither party have gained any great advantage, and, had been eftenutor, I should have voted foriti ratification?! Rio;lark . Affedion —Ourfieighbrus of the - a Post" are lierjto,..know who malterated* GtidOey'a ‘Gitare•••Ain. That% into utt 00 .it 4ato. The Allegheny Rain. Otdderte.- , •—The fising generation oflOdoblieiSVerY ptipmis law, The other night a gang'Of thorn de , stroyedelmost every sign on Theatre Street - 4 - 41oing° damage to the-a m rii„.itif 0006. The watt:lmmo were attertolieira politic!l meeting at the time. • diadem ttas seitAAtivio MiOX PRINsoftTING IV, TV. Corner cf —Pot MIMI:Woo( ti e ►ND Maxuracretat and the patrantal la% and well charm 4 ANIN6 Ortl_li Nemsary io a .Ilub Prtatill LETTER Pi OP EV6ity IBititst Rill R im Blatt Rooks. Pamphlets; handbills, all Mats Stage, Steamesat, cid Pine Printed on the shortest bp% ' We respectfully ask the he public in general in Ibh Pittsburgh. Sept. ;i9:181=, HOU AF.R it/ WITHOUT RESERVE raises. on Writ &Week is the fortatoß, Tire, corner and the two 'dining Locust Streets, In the fifthly • Said Houses were built , strong and Witt fully bunt, the present owner hobont to Tetars. - -Five hundred d o k in qu Ired) may remain on bow at leen, interest. Twest! ter time of sate, the halaneeon when a Nil Wnrraniet to t i For fitrtha r particulars ner of Sib 4. Wood &recs. Nov 5 —4l. READS AITORNEY AT LIFT..I Fourth si reet, rittsbnqh, FR sp , E HOUSES a isahscribers i 133 ahoy!), ent parts of the cottairyfirw, 300 acres each, at variant and accommodating to Rin i ., and 1011. A good stand oink, mites from PitlA m rgh, adjai on inc roads to Jefferson sal it is a fine lot of 18 acres of and a good pump with ate • season=. The house is alt er double log house. It wii Tavern io accommodate the Pittsburgh Market. II wl commod.itinsierms. Far Rs HARRIS' Intelltest BOOBS, WA TCHES,4I.n st rday Eve nix:, at 7 &cm, assortment of Books—at Lupine Gold. and 4 Silver W A iso.- —in lhe course of lit Bradley's Callender prots'd old 4- Mosley's Steel pens, IoM; {t, !toy 5 NOTICE,—The person tTil the hands or a citizen ott In;. during the Encampment, 41 flee of the "Morning Pon," win him on paying for this mire Nov. 5. 184/-3r. Chronicle sad SRA VINCI 4re4 RA TOS.-1 received a superior won let Soaps. A mbrasial. Arnie pOig; SW; vin: Case; and Ru.scr, tiers' TalEct . and Strops, flenrs.; articles rot Gentlemen's Toilet. Nov 4-3 r NTI.Sra" BR us~l6s.__o.r. Wood ettett have ip.1.4 ment otPottrait ant Minini d m Badge Menders, Vard.4l, 131 u.11,s always on hug 1000 BMA. thW.lt One for traltisl J. ViAlit NOTICE.—Those ottfCll? or other properly teloOn company, are rrqartarti Intro' .Saturday the sth itod.. ioMr.i• oet 3 Ameeting 01 the Fiat on Wednrsdny,theSi On motion eft. G. Lairci , • he a County Converdion held Court House, on Wednesday, N„ of aft the Cominksee County, for the purpose of: rt National Convention, lo it D. C., in December netLig. On motion, adjourned. Oct 29 --tHo EXCIIA lICEIIin ifE(JE airvetors of 1116 BO .dividend of itirre ' pule] in—subject in the 131 al act of Asseniblv, June 11.0 11th inst. Nov 2 'MERCHANTS AND ' PiWO THE President and Diodes day. declared a divided he.prcfils for the last sis too 10th Inst. • Nov 2 TJ THE I'HILANT IIIO POLL JUST received from the A Sabbath school Vidor and distribution. 30 sets MO rants Magazine in le void; 14 packages German and E 4 a varieey of Enetisn, Gernai in° trade. 5000 Christian' Franklin Magazine. Common' man Almanacs for 1843. Quite a variety of Tempi ' ISAAC HARR IS, Az't Da Nov 2 BOOTS AND SHOES Jost received a large led will he sold at the Commerch l Wood street, at 10 o'clock OS • Nor 2-11* —.meg THIS MORNING ai 10 ot roan's Auction Roos& large tot of Dry Goods jost-t slstlngof Foperdne Broad ClOlll4 -Flannels. Blankets Bed. anti plao pins French !deduces, with 01 14 Goods. Alio; at 2 o'clock, klen's Coats. Overcoats, tc. Nov 2' cc() A cco. J ,OO TO agg . postThe o li dae ubsc k betribewr bl Jr•tt.4. 11142. It will leave Pinsbeg b faturdar Morgantown ever). ~- Finteiville, Bentleyaville. 1". and Carmiessetiort Heturroled, It wit leave O goic day- morning, ar 6 et Oa , ThUrsday -evening, The Chro,' Coashei, which arrive is 1 10. 4 Sainday evenings, vrill WOO; thuseay.eveninha, easing nisch to p. 100 02.10 thaeonebes and boner tot: description .ander the ears." and coral are Witt be tato to tirds strated. Nov I—taw ItEGAL I A rfjoid i licro adber bss pewwaill o ,t- La=ixibi i 4 iioure F:ntletuan rnprilOt - - but II imear vome t in th ME! jib the terttio aylor i ' 8 are • rasm e upon t is folio ilemen b ishing ye paniplit t io this for them S R. A. JA LUKa ure 10 lic. m men o stet• do no Schno wrong o Mr. in a me to bell in pace of the eanyof Pe of pu ftEIMM less act Ili Ay in , atinn. L SU in the of ty. Par at al suit san , fee dale ,Riddl. e nn Ala I, ke t ell a Wer ni.lf pabr ice'. ape •. ef