-F A iiidNlM .• f,l I -•AT TUE . Tillt 0.151 LaPere.,, •1440-4.4kiii17., rule oubir.c*-o_iwitos the hatgell,,Liguttlintikil ADE CLOTHING Wier 6004 ry, would inspectfrillireviti tfi i z ti mid examine Ms .nrchasing elsewhere: p«k • SOO-Coats, assorted sliesatai (inns; } BOO Vest q with a ,ia o , - 7 4 rawers. Cravats, Steeks„ other article or Winter Clothhts. Ills Cloths were all selected.by seketS. and purchased at the e e , l 2. nd consequently he can afford% BETTER BARGAINS than th e y„ 4 muse in the city., the Home industry" lie has-thereto., manufactured by Pittsbu is rgh , hesitation lit saying p er t superior to the Easters tasasr are offered for sale in the slop sh e . .dnekered among us. In these times when Hews isal large a Share of public attention, s t y proprietor of Ibe t•Thrie Bit D ona , and nteamre in assuring the ciliu m' It Is Goods are all maaufacturadeookr mechanics of his own lOwtt, lie da his rivals in trade, have his Clothes • city, in another Brate, nor does b e - 44 tills printed three ot four hundred_ .,.,, eons on the principte thaf ,the can do work a. well as any otheri, si-e hodraw timiteii from their par workmen; while he asks them to re not wulet .oirnmicTrish them hi a d.' off mammoth workshops. , The subscriber would takelbis : th a „k s io Ills friends and eustoments' ted patronaae extended to his peat his invitation' to ail those w ie imitine, of every description, wade hs ' and sold on the must aecontatidativi No 151 t,i:mrty street. JOHN' (i — Olisetve Metal Plate in the par to II AT A StIOGFEING RAI/COUCH oiritre4 , ion you can hear aw hawdr4 51111 will they let it Itnzer upon them . I or.. info 111.11 worst of diseases, C. if they would take Pease's Candy, Liverwort or Rep d. J Coverts Sabo of Dwav imittedutlety. a. either otrilwe. clew nre 'wows' lobe the's-414s to The Puhlir for Couataxotds or Coma The 2entlinf to he had only at TO ' A OCNCY,-86 Fours it stvre. "Call and try them if ycn wbili 33008. AND PRINTING 0. N. IF Corner of Wood 4. THZ propiielois or the MORYING •ND 111eXPT•CTCRiR Teepee tfally and the pat ronsof those papers, that nd tretl rhopn assortment or ellrelololElC ?IV • ANA' caWrOat Necessary %a a Jab rriutlai °Ott,* pared to emelt LETTER PRESS P OF EVERY I)E2CRI Bins , of Lading, Rill 11leadr, • Mack Checks Painphieis, Zit kinbs et 131 Stage, Steathboat, and Carat Boot ' plate Clitsi Printed on the shortest notice and mat toe respectfully ask the patronageli he public in general in ibis branch of. Pittsburgh. Sep:. 39 . ..1842- PIIII. Citation St ON .9 cREDIT-- On Prday saws wriaek A . M. Camera!' Mood awl 200 pieces red, yettirKsm."Whiaa 50 '• 50 Broan Sereler, 20 pairs Super ackanaw tj Sa ppr Plaid Shawls. .1/.o A laree anorraient ofewita,! ❑clip, Canton Saspenden, • .A..tiuit, ft ibaoni, Shaaia.ki:+• 0 , 1 n . ,W LVE.s. LIQUORS. C0R . , ,, KING AND CONFi r SILS AT AUCTIOX.—On T al 10 65. %Vont] street, betweet . . proortelorg are derilning tb , inm An_ sold—Brown and pale Sherry Wine t or arl ir Port and Madeira Win e 15,0 ; Confectionery; Glap - s Jars; Counter and Shelving!: h a lot of Bakers and Coen( Terms at sale Cl 25 Jl'ilE!- 1 1 , V A R DROP it eo...tru - */ offer for s;:le nn extensive lel Tre, s, Shrubbery. E i nss. Gripe Vines of snr lir. Esti* Talmo?. 40 of the largcnt and fined and Red i Grrenbouse floe large shade Trer.p, suitable for „. yard? , or plea- ure ernund,... A km a ~ e l,..rt lot ofilyaacinttga l f , tPd from 11-liaad).. fools.uitable for Fall pinuOrd. •L- Ronone.s of Ronelmtls. Japolr.s FloW_PrS.-, r n i t :bpd for Fa i rs , riot • %violet 51,11i0n. on the Sitillialt O td ,: k4 B IVar4rno •At 1 " 11 • a TiPprr. Shrub , or Flower• C o nt for a atildera , e. clutrae, pd la grow Will lejltaTP them for" Of Orle !CHIN OLD ESTABLISHED EH1921 FICE . XO. 61 SOC" ST"- Agent for J. W. 0 5 14 ... frees LirerpouLwkodespstic k P il ports eat II lied Statee aid" lIIHE Subscriber WoOrill - : 411104.." - : -X sui.ll person* as are detkitigi! • Friends that IfriT3rttincirk to lei " Great Hi it. in and Ireland who reld frignds here. hy the above iinevr Bo - most reasonable terms- latirlketiPir passenzeis will avoid the .detentiPv time en much comidaitted t ! i ! ".the mi,ogiqur.t? praritred.on Inc • - and irresponsible agents rq titer tan that every due and diligentbtl • their friends and-all-who eathek may not emhark can have theer party from whom It wai.Oriej" ll / 4 forming to the doestnents-delier r- " ' " , rilso feela pleasure ' has ennsiderah4 , extended bed : rig ' ments fo the payment of his Or''' thrnueltom Envland. Ireland-t le°l. further part ictilars appliWietter SELLING' - OFF ' ;.:: At No. 90, Market it.. bail" ... TLIE Subscriber; veinal' bilee business, will disown" 6.ly_ It conabas of black, blob tl , "r !'''. olive Clot hs: Cawhaeres .and.:'' ' "-• Flannels or all kinds and eld ........—• ' Skint., Pilot Cloth; Illoave. de - 1.4 11.•- • (41.4:anti Cloth, a yipteudid sitirie fo ingiLehifitzesnititesdlenen, a bleached and antrieatehrit Ojoiril Linea, Shawls. !Idled. ail- kind. .7, 4 , sierl. Stneka and ........... i .r.fi , Cotipni Fltfais and ragloWlN.Ft.., , red; Fania and tifribtiti . V.r'7 l r! Tsigertier with sfaillnerillnle"., ,, gen. ftliessas;atilliWini ant :'Fite l abOe Meek 111 00:1 1 _,,,L : "7. iliatik!wyciiiii A** ~1 0- ,- T 'i'.-: k,:,- - ---1 1 : ! '" •?' Cill eet W .. - .p '. • ',., '.., A.,, , Ern-,*4-4.:.;::-.,,I.,. ' .YR ~,„,...• .'i.i..-: ^-...,,,:....,.,,', 1111Frr==-4:y-ar P(0811" Vigol4lll 1842 TOBER offairz. 7tabocint io.—A Lectors will be Ks tone Association. on re e K ey e yst.,ne Hall, by J. 0. off 3yette. E mpERANCE . fociey Fifth Ward will hold its " he Prim. Methodist Church, ,nt Oci. 27th. gots. Tevis and J. B. Clarke will Taylor's Lecture tc.td by our eitizemithis evening ither • isly.o laugh heartily, or er, ndgood speaking. in the Brooklyn Star, a notice of ecture in tl e city ol Brooklyn: acanot.—Mr. J . 0. Taylor deliv_ Et evening at the lyceum, on the seal Education. We had not the be rrcs f n t, I IA we hear from alt D'husia:uc a dmiration of the man-: of the beta's. Let no one sup. su bject of Nat:onal Eineation, as Tqlor, is a dry, nninteretling de• c m i nu s W. It is the very reverse Messed With a liberal portion of wit .d w hilst he is careful to kei p in e i m portance of his subject, he de reFtS his: hearers with appropriate attics of genuine wit. uciatinn•-Vr. Deford's Lec tete. hat hone of our Democratic rli!, f ien•i9 either) will neg- R,y , tone Hall this Evening, cture on some political sub , . DE,Fottp, Esq., of Fayette. t th• le.a.urer ii fimiliar to m.mHrat las t session of e hving defended the pt in patty with more zeal and tlrrik)er C.ltit the seats are free. '8 B3ok [or N,vember is re— comea!s are,as usu h is embellished with ng rraviov,a"FaticySketch , ' , from Market." It has a!- nt colored plate t)fillF Nu— 'it/vizi/le for November. is at the same place; fire coil but the article which S•itil.fac.i.n to the reader, is phical sketch of Commodore om the pen of J. Fenimore • o‘seive !he e,litor pro imilit articles horn the same writer, i i future numbers er is embelli,hed with two gs a,,J a plite .111ta fash- 414 a Imisenes3. —Yesterday with a wa4on from some n, ard left the bed in Gill cl at ar»Oler pl ice, and like a cornet with a fire until it got t•I the hoidge t Cayenne pepper on the ilant Engine H.,ule. ii[ , ) in Aim% relaGve to that ve feet in the chin•:el not hull up yowl- head as aristocratic lawy e r of a 'Squire, replied the far— at floli.l of grain; all the ig clown like mine, while not!iing in thew, st_aud up- ety says au exchnnge pa ,n. 10 be culled 'Total Physic Society,' whose Beer, Beer, and Benevo m,-7ribt”.s are expected to MEM of the heart.—lt was t ea Ifni woman, that from e nsd eves spoken smiting rt poured joy from the lips, it into beautv.—.durora. dant! a Story told.—Divid Mary Riddle in Philadel he like the the rest of her airi a riddle all her days. Love.—St.Joseph street' a marriage extraordinary • The interesting youth Ileri—the maiden fair is • N , 111,, e i. t the •happy irnpreis. f l with the truth -"ge 0. Pic. Y I ' l6 Pt.e diylill'd• witherin g e n the virgin thorn rid dirt' in , egie blesseduese e Explosion. ays a vast multitude assetnlsiN4 ad the Battery, to witness the tbaatrine Battery, placed un hundreJ and sixty tons. Tile fo rued tinder the ausoineo tole. Toe weather wee er and the Battery was erts.ly ort. Tae Secretary of War le Garden. °llea, seventy-four, about four .te of thirteen guns. lairnell" I,e. signal for the explosion oas rose entirely out of the water, d into fragments which were 'ty feet in the air. The next as seen of her. except, • few , whie4 were flostinf on the h the boats lying near hastened es. e vessel which was blown . ups ' S Life Boats. It. went* went' to a nearly equal Welts injured, which is a pretty ittxtil rity of this kind of boailisiiti at if W' =M=E u.,#r AUXIN ;111111113 1106FS1111t0161C- PENNSYLVANIA. Bank of Pittsburgh. par. Merck. 4- Mao. bk. par Exchange bank, - par Bk. of Germaatovett Easton lank, Lancaster bank, dis 2 Bank of Chester - Co. pa. Farmers' bk Bucks Co. - Doylestown bk do Bk of N Amelia Phil. Bk of Northern Liberties, Commercial bk. of Pa.`. Far, Far, 4!,• Mechanics bk. Kensingickn bk. Philadelphia bk fchnylkill lik Southwark bk. • Woitern bk. Bk. of Pennsylvania, 9I Bk of Penn Ti . - par Man. it Mechanics bk- 8 M et ban les bk. -Par Moyamensing bk. 9 Girard ha.ik, 50 1 U.States batik. 53 , Luinbermens', Warren, 75 Frank. bk Washinston, par Miners bk of Pot lsvile, 6 Bk of Montconiery Co. par Mon. lik Brownsville, 2 Erie .Bank. 5 Harrisliursh bank. ' 611 Far. bk Lancaster, 21 Bk of al MA:Uptown, Bk. of Chainhiersturgh, 6 Carlisle bank, 6 Bk of Northumberland, 5 Columbia bk & ftrbi2e co. 24 Bk Sti‘vielianiia Co- 9 Bk of Delaware Co. par Lebanon bk. 6 cot ysborgb bk. 6 'York bank, 6 Far. ik orovers bk. of Waynesbur2h, 6 -, .• Currency notes. 6' Honesdale. .2 Wyornin. , bank, 12-; Pittsb•2ll State Scrip. 5.t Ciiiii.i ry do do 6to IS Berks Co lank, 581 Lewisiowii. ' 10.1 Towanda. -I Fil,,notplennant hk 2 Far. & Mech. hk of Sten. 2 Belmont hk c.t" St. Clalrs -2 Marietta bk. Demand do Currency notes, 2 Columbiana lik New Lis lion Deinrinil, 2 do Post notes, 2 Clot'nitali specie pay- ing banks, 2 %tech. 4- Traders bk of Cineionvt I. Clinton hk of Columbus, Demand notes. 2 Circleville, (H. Lawrence Cashier) 2 Zanesville bk. 2 NAVY SUPP.L rsizser, is and Mot hing, October 21,1842. pR OPOSA LS. sealed and endorsed, will he received at this office, until 3 o'clock P. M., 01 Monday. the 21st day of NOeentber neit, Gar famishing and delivering at the Navy Yards at Portsmouth N. H.. Charlestown, Mass., Brooklyn, N. Y,. Philadelphia, Pa.. Washington, D. C., Gosport, l'a.. and the Baltimore. !dd. , naval sta tion, respectively, such quantities of the following arill cm4, of ihe hest quality. that may tie ordered or requi red from the contractors by the respective commanding officers at said Navy Yards and Naval station, or by the Navy Agents. respectively, during the ygar 1843, for the use of the United States, Superfine Flour, Ship Whiskey, _ _ Bureau of Provision The salt flour shall be manufactured of wheat grown in the year 18.12 or 1843., perfectly sweet. and in all res pects of the hest quality; and when required for shipment ahroad, snail he fully equal' to the best description of Richmond deur, in all the qualities essential to its pre servation in tropical climates, and shall be delivered in good, sound, bright barrels, with titans bolts at each head, and in gaud shipping order, free of all charge to the United States; 4ribject to such Inspection as the Chtef of the Bureau 431 Provisions and Clothing may direct or au ; horize, and be in all respects perfectly satisfactory to bin or to tie commanding officers of the said Navy Y.I f The said ship biscuit shall he made wholly from sweet, superfine flour, manufactured of the wheat grog n in the year 1842 or 134:3; and shall be fully equal in quality.and conform in size to the samples which ate now, or soon will he, lodged in said Navy Yards; shall be thoroughly baked, and kiln dried, well packed, and deliverei free of charge to the United states in good, synod, well dried, bright floor barrels, with the heads well secured, or in tight barrels, when required; nd the said biscuit and the l,trre!s shall he in all respects to the entire satisfaction of the Chief of the anrean of Prowl-dons and Clothing,or of the entitle:ioding officer of the said Navy Yarns, and he sntjeet to such inspection as the Chief of said Bureau of Provimons and rl.ititing may direct, or otherwise. The said wlti. , k• y shall be Made wholly from grain, of which at least two" bird parts shall be rye,sliall he copper distilled, and full first proof, according to the United States Custom lionise standard, it shall be delivered in good, sound, bright, well hooped, while oak barrels. with white oak heads; nod earl, barrel, shall, whenvetinired, he coop. ered with four good and sufficient Iron h 00" and the whole be put in good shipping order, free of all charges to the United States; and the whiskey and barrels shall he subject to sn ,- 11 insp-cllon as the Chief rd the Bureau of Provision , and Clothing may authorize or direct. and he in all respects. perfectly satisfaernry to hint, or to the Comm inding officers o the said Navy Yards. It is in he ritstineily undersitod, however, that persona who to ty of are not to have any claim or privilege to '.furnish ass greater quantity; of any article than may be expressly o.d,red Contractor not iiVI.II; at the place where- degeeries art required, mint eualdi.lt an ag my at garb Ware. that no delay may aris. in furnkhing what may he required; and where a runtrartor fails prninntly to comply with reqiiiet Ilona, the Navy Azeut at the place where the articles are required to he delivered shall be authorized to par chase such arricies, and the contractcr shall be liable for any excPss of cost over the contract price. Separate bids moat to made-Tor each article for each Navy Yard. and ftr the Baltimore station. The blank offers, (which will he feit Dished to individuals on appli calk...) to the several Navy Atrcerts and Commandants, and at this office,) mud have all the ',tanks carefully filled up. an tM! as directed in the note on the face nf each form; and the otters atu.t be urianalified and unconditional. Rands, wit h two ripprovcd retretiev, in one third the es limaied amount of the respective contracts, will be tenni : red, and ten per cent um in addition will he withheld from lee a moiMt of each payment to be made, as collateral se runty for the doe and fiithtill performance of, the re spective contracts; which wilt. on no account, be paid menthe cantracts are complied with In all respects; Url len Peer-billy authorized by the Chief of the Burean of Provisionsand cipthing. After deducting 10 per cent., payment will bkiitade by the United - States, within thin t• days after the said articles shall Mitre been inspect, and r ceived.ood hills for' the same presented to the Na. vy A!..ent, approved by the comostrnding otfieem o r the respective Navy Yards and Naval station aforesaid, ac cordin7 to t he terms of the contract. The Department reserves the right to reject an bids from persons who have heretofore failed to execute their contractS. Persons offering to simply either Of these articles will he pleased to designate the place or places at which they may dttaire payments to be made to Mehl. . act 26,-tn2l To be published in the Vadisonlan. Intelligencei and Clobe.O. C.; Portsmouth journal and tliirsPat Hot. N. 04 Re.noington Gazette. Vt.. Morning Past and . Daily There; Roston, mass; lostrnal or Commerce. Sun. Standard:Un t-n and Mornlog Post, N. Y.; American 'Sentinel and Pantie Ledger, Philadelphia. Pa.; pally Meriting.. Post. Pitlichurg)LEA4 Pen and Republicart,Balthnore. Sid ; En. gairer.,lltichmmoi. Val Reild3ll. Norfolk, Vu;; Louisville Gazette. Lexington Olifterver. Nfayinrille Adel:mite. ICY.: Old School Republiwi. Omens's';Republican, elan. Ohio; .Sexister,lll ; . 13t.Lottis NIG f N. O. .iwerripei. La I Detroit PreePriits.' With ; Sontiteln trial. S. C. Morning Gazette, Sttffalo. N.Y. - FOUNDRY Aik JUST-ItECEI VOW 41% 4 2a TONS tlam saitatikiioV - Toandrkik Ap. 14P ‘ g 4471. - ; 416 • - • • -•- • ~~~__ ~~~~~ Wooatei. IleSaliva. • .• 2 Sitadinkr, - 2 2 Norwalk..; • 2 ,• • 2 Dayton, 2 2 Post wiles, 2 Chillicolhe. • 10 CoUsninur. 2 La..cister, 11 Saint:ton. ' 30 Granville,- ' bk. Lake Erie, 35 Far. bk: of Canton. 45 Urbana 65 INDIANA. State bk. 4—Branches, 2} State Scrip, 9.5 KENTUCKY. .411 banks, 2 I LL I NOIS. State bk .ft Branches. 6.5 ,Shawneelown, _ 65 VIRGINIA. Bank of Virginia, do Valley, Far. bk. of Virginia, Exchange bank, NI. Weal_ bank aler. 4- %ler. dn. MARYLAND Baltimore Rook:, Country Ranks. DELAWARE. All Banks, NEW JERSEY par and 1 All El nks NEW YORK. par C.uniry hanks, (safeiy fund.) a 1 Red Bark. 110 1 NEW ENGLAND. Remon Banks, pi r t Cou r LOUISIANA. ,Orleans Ranks, NORTII CAROLINA Banks, 24 SOUTH CAROLINA Banks. 24 I'IS. COLUAIIIIA Rs II k . ALABAMA Good Ranks, TENNESSEE 11213:12132 MICHIGAN Rk. of St. Clair, 5 Do. do. J.l. El- Smith 5 CANAD 9 Good bank,. 3to 8 Eastern Exchange. Pidiadelphia, Near York; flaitimore, Western ElChange. ICineinnail, par iLouievitle. par 'Cleveland, 4 dig vVneeling. par ,GOLD AND SILVER, par ES FOR 1843. veli - L* 4l %. Ay sum. , *11414, Vairodaol,.. OttiNfreaktilk rtON AND'IMMIVISSIONI/HRIMIANTIL.—M. - E 4- 1 r, _ _ I liftllshoSlPll4 ll Mltsrlitek 4. : ter , would respectfully - titiftithildiAld calasaftriiii f - _ , . 11 " soder *wea k -fioatlfi:Strierrstmas of `l 4 rleitils,that he has this day associated - with - him A.410e , ' „,_ i - , plot Oteliordsolfkpplesot few Peach and I liraine, under tie firer of 8. Kellert Co:, and restated . "'"*.f ~ he isammirearesta_ are a largeritatas house hi* former business of dealer in Treatise, Salts. at 1,1141 d ." ,141°15 % 10 ""n" Irlaltualltated.o ll atillted foraMe; stand, No. 53, Frost st., bitwiten we e d,4o4 market we. , -- ,:t* titivate Disiditag, a - frame Barn 28 bY 60,stuite firomw A renewal of his old cusfiiin.' sad the Patronage of- the 14 2 14 " 11144 ., ,„ .. „,_,.......0 1111. Natant" *Weds* ad oilier oat bousmatrit- - lic generally, is reppectfially regitmied. ''''!.. "'",:- , „. I "P'Pl • r' 'will — a: VW Gardena sartminded with Pittsburgh. km 1 180842. , - KAssum, KELLER , - -eturrhilollisieti r -iiitita well of 'excellent water, with-A , sep 10 - -' -' . ALEE'R M'IIe 9 VAINE.I sa;7l"lleildthilail_in 43 :1111: du a ce sdeo men r. t i l o o tti ne ase arlon wish to - in t s he to Ph part ishernt ha : nitAllog rket , there Is se plate now offered for nearTlitsborrit, tbe'serme Wilt be- wade-moderate, for flintier PerficillereoPPif lo lie Proprietor -at his Clothing there; Liberty street, earner of Vieth, Ailey. LA WHENCE MITCHELL. N. IL Knot sold before the Ist of October. next, it will h e dfrideitinie-40 end Macre lots %Soft pureha leers. I ' imp 10 ' • 1 :4' • sey at .Lnar.—Oftce on the corner of Forth and Smithfield sta. se; 10 meoI`rSittII6I3CIRINILATING AND REFERENCE LIAR A alforßellgiona, H isl leaoolllleal,dindleht , cottaneonsWorka, will be open every . day, thi4bathrs.. ow e d. 'ma 7 o'clock. A. IN., until 9, P. hl.;lrc the Ed; ihangeNuilding.ennter ol streetand Ilueltadge alley. where punctual attendance will bediven lty Pep 10 GENNIIL. AirILLIAN E LDER. Attorney at La Mee in Bakeirell's Banding", -may opposite itie New House. on Grant street. BM 30—y THORN'S TEA-BERRY TOOTH-WASH. I.‘weAkirritit Pet. 2d. 1R42. C'To Dr. Tnotta.—lily Dear Sir: I cheerfully and cordially embrace the present favorah'eopportunitylo re turn to you my warmest thanks of eraittude for your no. equalled and unexceptionable invention of your very justly celebrated Tea Berry Tooth-Wash, and i let! that I am in duly bound to say that I have derived the great est and most beneficial effect from Its frequent and mode. ate use: and f ran assure you thafl am exceedingly hap py to have the pleasure of informing von, that sineetely and cordially spe.tking. I can in justice recommend Its fre quent use to all that unfortunate portion of the human race throughout the globe who are now undereoin_ the most exeructallne pain for the want of a medictre prep]. ration of exactly the same ram - reef which yours is preps• red, and who have for years been suffering from the in. jurious. destructive and pernicious effects of worthless tooth powders and other worthless preparations- In ofilleluelon permit me to say, that I have used your Tooth- Wash hut for a short period, and yet I feel thoroughly eonrineed that tt Is the best now known. its inestimaltte virtues in preserving the teeth, (which it kept in a rood and handsome contlit ion. Is the greatest embelishmeht that adorns the human st Facto re.) are not to be excelled in easing and re:laving the sufferer from tooth ache, and restoring the gums to a heals by and purified condition. a nd riving• also a sweetness and fragrancy to a disagreeable breath hitherto unknown. Accept my sit sere wish for your success, from Yours. truly. Josien Samsung. tiIISSOICITION OF PARTNERSHIP. —The pan t., nership formerly existing under the name of Smith, Rover 4. Co., al the Bowen Works. wan dissolv ed 27th Sept'r, Fait by the withdrawal of Samuel' Smith from the firm. SAMUEL SMITH, SAMUEL ROYER, A. N. Mc OWELL, JOHN TURBETT. Pitt.burffh, 11th October, 1842. The manufacturine of Iron and Nails from Jun ate Itioms will be continued at the Bowen Works, by the subscribers, ander the firm of Turbot. Royer and M'Dow• ell, who are amply prepared to attend to all Orders in t heir line on the most liberal terms, and by renewed at• trillion to business hope to merit p continuance of public patronage. Bowen Works, 11 Oct. 1842 N D. The has' ne..s. of Smith, Royer 4- Co. wilt he let tied up at the old stand,.hy Torbert, Boyer 4- McDowell Oct 12—d2w LARD OIL JUST received a superior article of Lee 4- Vo's. Lard Oil warranted to burn at any Tempuriture. for sale at the Lard Oti Store in Third street, nearly oppnsite the Post Office. Oct 12-1 w SILT AK& M0LA5.E5...41.1 Midis N. 0. Sugar, 40 btda Plantation Molasses, 50 « Sugar House do. For sare-by oet4 J. G. it A. GORDON. 100 ttagli Rio Coffee. For sale by oci 4. .1. G• 4. A. GORDON WESTERN UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVA NIA—LAW SCHOOL.—The Trustees or the Western University of Pennsylvania announre,to the public that they have established a Lan School in eun nection with the University, in which trill be taught MoneinaL International, and Constitutional Law la.all their branches. The mode of instroct ion will he by recitations, !Wines and occasional Inoot - courts. as in similar institutions. The year will consist of two terms of four an& a half months each. . . The first term will commence on the second Monday of November next. The 'union fee is 537,50 per term payable in adenine. WALTER H La - wails Esq.. a member of the Pitlidmirth Bar. has-been chosen Professor. The trustees take great pleasure in annoMicing that they have been able lose cure the services of one so well qualified for the station by reason of his legal acquirements, and particularly of one so hithly esteemed as a scholar and a gentleman. 'rite annexed recommendation will furnish satisFaction to all hie qualifications as Professor. The trusters haying been Induced to Institut e this school from a view of the serious disadva ntates attending the studies of law, in the office of practising lawyers and alto the very obvious Bdr:inner's whieli Pittsburgh pos. sexes over most oilier places in the West for the ester ftshment astir-it an institution —Here Is a most Industri ous poptfation. The student will see around him exam plee of industry and energy, and very few templattons to indolence and Id , eness. He may become arquninted with toistinees in all its forms. Our Courts are Minn. nea riy• aft the year round, and there is perhaps no place In the West where a treater variety of cases and princl. plea arise for dieeuesion. The Committee are desirous that all persone w'shint to avail themselves ofthe advantages of this school. should do so immediately by canine and leavine their names at roe office of Wa;ter H. Lowrie. Esq., mi Fourth street or by addressing hint by letter. post-paid, so that all stu dents may commence at the opening of the term, or as early thereafter as ponsible. OFORGE EMI/OLD, 1 JOHN T MCNEALY. I COMMitlee DAVID H. RIDDLE. of ADM W. PLACE. I Education. THUS. ►. DALE. I We lake a pleasure in recommending to the confi dence of the pohtic. welter R. I.owrie Eq.. Professor of Law in the Wrsdern University of Pennsylvania. as a gentleman eminent for his errand legal learning and mill tile., and In every way qualified fo. the duties of the office to which he bas been /darted. aunty 0 / 116 0N.. 1 chief Justice and tiOLTON C. ROCRRI. t Justices of the CRAB frOISTOX, Supreme Court. Tres. srecre,sirr. It C. Ortitn. t Judres °Wire 01.1011.E5152k1 ER. 5 District 1110.1111 IRWIR. U. S. Mafia Judie. BUJ Prarort, is.. Pres. Quer. Sees: Oct f 4 if SSALT 200 b.k No. I Salt. jti.t 'received. and for Faye by J. W. BUREIRtOGE 4. CO., act 1— No 15, Second street. OdKUJIL-35 Bales_Oakum, on hand and fur sate by J. W. BUR BRIDC q¢ "co.. oct 1 No 75. St and street w ANTEP. 'BUSHELS2OOO I.. o m F in F/ e .r .h SE ED flee* blcb the . w ill ee JAMES DICKEY 4. Co Agts. Merlsides Litterareet ofLiterty and War , ' tree% Pittsburgh. °et . FICGILINCIToirS_ Unrivalled Blacking, 1161A,NVOACTURED and wild wholesale and'retail .Itll. Siren erects - - one door below Smithfield. ' °el 21-Iy. DEN NING'S FINE PROOF IRON CHESTS. Prirssuaaw, Ocr. 22, 1842. 3. Ihiamm--043 Ftbitthibe3Oth of last month, about 51 o'clock at itintis,the Platitnig,Grnantan and Raids Man vfavory t owned by Gab - Dilworth. 4. co. wil h a, lame quantity of dressed and undreamed lumber, was all'cutuni., wed by tire.. Tice Iron Safe which I bought afloat tome time haelt,J itait M the most, tape:Fed wheelie° daunt the 1ite.4114 lota eettrely red hot am pleattettla lalarnt resit eras °pelted at the eke* of the fille,and all the beaks. peperr. 4‘e.eaioak—thil.ttsAbe best reeetneeeselation am Aiwa( t*l-Utithy oriour stiqes, 'tefit;2l-1r • 421. . - 1-110110- anwney at La w, _. off; AOl/44#144-oftsvaisie-wirmseir;nugswilc' z;;?. - :'- - ;' , •'- 4 .'7.7•. - •••• , " , ', , ! . : - •; . ,:.. --. - THE sithec , Users respectfully call she attention of - theie friends and tbe-publiceetteraity, to their .pre. sent assottment of Paper Ravi'''. which contains a lame and extensive variety of patterns of the followin dcriptioatt,a Web noon inspection wilt be found ta be ornoneriolt gustily and finish. rhogiszedtWaU rapers , al! deseriptlons. fcr paoering rooms and PRI ties, at 25-eent. per piece. Glazed Aran Papers, neat and handsome patterns, for papering rooms and entrice. at 371 man. ..estertean. Wall Paper, oftheir own manufacture, rot ,chambers.ort fine satin glazed graunds. pewit Wall Papers, Deenratios and Fresco patterns, in plain a nd iirh rotors, gold mad sitter paper. Veiserund irritation Borders. Landscape Papers, in setts, for papering hetet, halls - and dining MOM., at reduced prices. Ara Bodaiet Prints, St at es , Ornasteits. 4-e. Window si*d Paper, plain and figured, of different ea lora. Wewgra merchants and others are respectfully invited to call and examine their stork and mires. off whist' last a liberal disenunt will he - given for cash. From 'Ong experiencein the tusineli,s. they are able to mannfneenre Rapers in a superior manner, and as they are determined to keep up the character their papers have uniformly sustain/xi, they hope to continue to re ceive the encouragement hit nerve Re liberally extended. 11OLD/MliP 4 BROWNE, N 0.49, Market etreet, between 3d and 4th Pittslinygh. wept. 19.18-12—clang( - S. NAIL LINE of Splendid Pasnger Steam Pack . ell tom Elwin nal iTo El. Louie, The newolutendid„ last running. light draught steam Packets Arrest /Find and Nonpareil, will run as regular Packets, from Cincinnati to St. Louis. " Will leave eta einnati add St. Louis every Wednesday morning, at 10 o'clock. Pat senaers from the East and West may rely upon their starting punctually as adVertleed. sep 10 JOHN puTnniWOßTllTAuctioiteer and Cautatia. Bien .Merchant, Louisville, KY., will attend la Cr. sale of Real Egtale, Dry Gonde,Gtoceries. Furniture, 4.c. ire. neva lar sales eve, y Tuesdait, Thursday. and Fri day mornings. at 10 o'clock, A. M. Cash advances made On nonsightueote. ,sep 10 JUST AR r WEI) FRO W Pill I.AADELE f 44. BONNETS, CAPS, 4, JnooKE. respeetfutty invite! the Ladim , Pim • laugh and vicinity, to call god examshe hie very handsome assortment of rt ley Bonnets, 4.e.. that he will open thtg day, at No. 1 1 3:At:Clair street, directly opposite the Esehanee Evel; they Aire made of tlehsrateriata and in the lomst fashion, Ott 22---31 q JOHN 'MR BETT. SA MI, ROYER. A. N. MoDOWELL. PC'r. EDMY WALL PAP barb; presto and other styles for parlors and , mil ~ ;~'~ ~ -- CHEAP. -LACE AJYD RIBBON 5T0R.8.4 1 4. 2 St. Cl.Ar aren't. Lace!' and Rihhons, Wide and narrow sets, - - Lace and Muslin collar , . Infaiits' frock 'tyska', Ladies. French• Rid,.: Mohair. LialeTtirearL-and C'citton, Chives. Black Mohair near frii - Veliw,: , very cheap A large assortment of Brittlitit Straw Bonnet. Also, a variety of Straw. plaits:a - lid fancy Tuscan braid. MICLI NE RY of the lairs! fashion...anti at exceedingly tow rates. ' These goods are now selling off at prices to nit the time=. Ladies are respectfully Invited to call and purchase. sepl6t--tf rn1101:1 1 1'3 TEA HERBY-TOOTH WASH-4 Arm fauttlaabic Revuely.—The extreme beauty of tbe TeKh, their istditrimsrpable use, and the frequency of their decay. has led to many ineerUlaits for their preservation; vet how io pre• serve them in xmate of health an pristine beanie. 10 the latest. periods of existenre, was entirely unknown until the discovery of the above invaluable preparation. It forum a pure tlnriare composed of veg etable ingredients, and is a poesessed of the most delicious odor. It eradicates tartar from the teeth, removes :m o te of inclpint- decay. pollfhes and preserves the enamel, to whirls it eves a pearl-hi e whiteneaS, and, from lip distil. recline propertim possesses the virtue of giving sweetness to the breath. As an Asti-Scornatie, the Gums also share in its trans. cedent flowers; Pro ryey la eradicated from them, a heathy action and redress is induced, which offers to the notice of the medic) practitioner indubitable evidence of their henlthful state. It has been examined and used by several cif the hest physicians of this city, who have no hertitation in recommending it as an excellent wash for the Teeth, Gums-etc. Among the recommendations to the above are the fol ()wine: Ravine tried Dr... Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wash," and heroine eaquainted with the Ineredients of its compo sition. I cheerfully sey.l.i.onsider -it one of the ettfes - t, as it ie one or the moat pleasant Tooth Wrist es now in use. Pittsboreit Sep. 15, liidd DAVID RUNT, Dent ist. I take pleasure in slathr, basin!. made nee of-'Thorn's Tea Berry . Tooth Wash." stns it is onr of the bet le use. Seine in a liquid form. it combines neat ness with convenience. While it cleanses the enamel and rcinOvee the tartar from the teeth, he perfume velds a fragraare pventisrirdesirele. J. P. TIRRCTTS. M.D. The rividersiened have used “Thwn's Compound Tea Berry Tooth Witsh."and have found it to bean extreme • iy pleasant dentifrice, ea r ercisine a most salutary Witt enre over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those India. rtensable'memhers from premature decay. preventing the accumulation of Tartar. and purifyine the Breath. Rao. j ar it w eiyu g hty t e st e d its virtues, we take pleasure in re. contniendina it to the public, belieeing it to be the beat ar title of the kind now in use. if ROBERTSON, JAKES P JACK: ' ROWTB PEEBLES. CHAS 8 SC OLLI . ', C DARRAGH: Wif N'CANDLESS, J Al JPTORP. — An. JAS S CRAFT: • II L RIND WALT. L S JOHNS. Pr. pared only try WILLI.% M THORN, - Apothecary and Chernier, No 53 Market street, Pittsburgh; for sale at ill the principal Druniate,and Tuale's Medical Agency. yonAl 'weer. rep Sissy' iltesaiment, rill October, 184'2. SBALED proposals will be received at this Department, until 3 o'clock, P.: 51, of the 15th November next, for furnishing the necessary materlattand constructing a Depot for i he preservation of the Charts and Instruments belonging to the Navy, with its necessary observatories, granite piers, Ire. The. Depot to consist of a central building of fifty feet square, t with wings of twenty five feet in length and eighteen feet wirle-:-the whole to be built of trick. 1 PlanaUnd specifientions will he exhibited at this De ' , sapient. to persons wishing to bid for the same. The excavation to be consoleted the present winter: All the' materials to be furnished of the hest quality. and the work la be done in the best and most arorkmanilke man ner, and to the entire saitsfact ion of the officer superb/. tending 'Abe constraution of the buildings. ' Payments to he mead not of elver than once a month, and then onlyon hilts cerilried by the superintending officer, and approved by the Secretary of the Navy, reserving ten per cent. on alt billsf 25 COlf2t2Cal security. milli the whole shall be complesied to the entire satisfaction of the Department. ' A, hand for the Ikithfui performance of the contract, with twiti satisfactory securities. shall begiven for one , third t 11 2,... estimated amount. Of the whole cost. Oct . tals _ - . The on ind Repoblicen, Baltimore; Ameritlll Sentinel and.. Loidger - , - Philadelphis; DatUy Morning Poet. Pitts briegiii imiruat of:Commerce, Standard, Sun, Union. and Morning Post , Sew Tack; Morning Gazette, iiirtfrairc: Daily ISines.and Morning Post, Boston; iiiiPs,Arldrimit. N. il ;Binetilter. Richmond. and Pence% Setihitt.*4 will pal Kish as shove. - . - &Oita Hirt 1 In An Court oreonignori Amu Or Ilv her next rum! I A Iteiheny coital?, No:. 34i,0f - Cle.m.. _ 7 -: ~ .4 C Nitro* ). her Term. e s I liballipilliitirai. Xertin HIP, i And now, hirivit:oet 4. 5 .. -, iga s eoluotiort or L. C. Indium Zni.;llrecci . llotA: Win. re. gal , A comed*lsSri.r ' , et 04 401.1. on the rt am.-volisia. 'IA *Wm,* 140 . :-,,,,,,• --, ~'., Jur, , 1 4104 0 # 1 , 1 ": 1 4^*-41 01- 4' - .-.•''' - itifl.* 4 , - , -7. - • . ivasse ;u Ho:lo3.2,o==thrblit . - ...--#P**f l ik - '3OO4 A R SOM I ATos ' ' -'37. ' :. • ''.... - .4 11 0 40 .' , T 1 .! ? • , A ~..t - ' AiitrAlf.g: , "-,41;:t.W.. , - , ,1. - 3 - ',;: - .-i 411fiki..! . t• ..,.' :4116.1 - --t., i ' ~..;_ ~;£:_. ;;,<; i ftl.k.-- . ... --i.f7.,' - - - -- rte, siiii lug. it , Pure* , : 1 11 11. iw - , svte e aewlitueirti'llot, , iiirtigi- li •~1. - ,ivi li.. for ii*l 4 o4l 6 l** - Yreta** , - Olin bastieenibe *IS or ' ... The. empetrienne , `period of stays llik. and the rapt or iir Aim tine t ioi*efia.iimothaii'vnib 1)04 . 11, ' A- tribmnt. 90 Meth? of medieini, (in both& itur l o4 gtilitieMilt.) maiden _tonittjudsp fully of On merinrofkis rata. - .. SO oonveniestropoihrient. and yet Onaa`e. did I esteem these pili,.that (hr lac- list.an yevol ins tofu.** For the careorchronie 4 iaraveg.of wba.ever nanti. and those of females in part 4utar, fhtve amid more of them than all other tuedieimm-i Like every other l mefiitne. this meat fail in some in stanew, kit in my Wands there has been %eve di.appoint_ meat and more vatiantetion in no/49'4111.4ra, ion of *hit tine menedy than of all others; ita :mad Miceli sometimes quite mdonishing.nar. If my patient required a nan• aperient pedieine either Wore or aner -parturition. the •ftirtlaon'a pub were Just the thing t wanted., If a dyspeptic acid cond it kin of the stomach. eembined wit h cosoivencsa or Inactive y Ile Hxr. COllO ilutra the disease if my pallent..ilm pills were just the thing wanted. ' if I treated, a case reqUirlng an emtne,mmogue, the Wilson's pais were (Jost the thing r wanted. If palpitation, he'adoche, flushed countenance, or other` difficulties, intlicattec a disturbance of the eircutaiory and secretory systeMs. anno3,4d my patient at - 1 km 'turn of life,* the Wilsottla pills.werp just the thine I tit anted • Thus, without retio..et tolipe,,noine. a s dwrose rioleht happen to wear at '!ihetitne I it.ive had it nutter treat 'men,. port icularnil icittions . twntroons origin's. V ere ni-"ays t promptly and-most happily met by the Wilson's pills. That so ereal-a number of diseases. and sometimes up. Patently opposite oaes, in which 1 have lased the pills. should he tined MOre readily h.y4 them than by any other remedy. may at 11,0 .seent Ara rum -and contradictory, hut why it is so is anoear to my mind as that a great many persons should lwrOme thirsty from La many ditretent causes. and yet all rennire that common and greatest of all blessings, Water:to qtrnch their thirst. In conclusion, it is due the 'etiolation of medicine and the puldlr, to say decidedly and uncomtittortally-ohat the Wlls‘ •Ws piliS ottly comb' nat ion I Vim ever met with in my 1011f-roll'Se, of practice. that really post eesresanyl Ing curative or specific for ...irk bendartre. Yours _ DR. MILD ADAMS 'The aimve Pills denisned particularly for ate •slck flard.Arhe. ftsspripsia, Constipation of Hie Bowels *c.. prepared by tirc proprietor :Mr. it. A. Wilson, and for nate, wlinlesaie andretall, at his dwelling in Penn street. below Mar' ury. Oct I WM. E. A USTCV., Attorney at Law. Pittshitreh, Pl . Office In /Mt) street, opposite Rurken Rnildin►_. Wii,t.Lin E. A ornx. Eni., will nive his silent ion to my unfinished Moines* and ! recommend him to the patron age of my: friends. WALTEE FORWARD. sett 10-71 y WM. STEELH. (successor to H. %Petoskey) . ?ash iona.tie Boot Maker,Liberty st., 'door tom Vl7ein Alley. "I`h subscriber respectfully informs the public that he has tontnieneed the above business in the shop formerly ot'ictinied by Mr. Henry IMlTlciakr.y. and that he is now prepared to attendlo all orders in his line ofitusi netts with despatch and on the Most reasonable terms. Prom bin lons experience In tha manufacture of Fashionable Hoots:, he feels confident that all articles from his establishment will :lye satisfaction to his pa trod's. A share or piahlic pat cona:e is respect fu ed-. sep 10 '-k.;,'.;•.--'4,,.7.7!. - ...: , .!t . . - - ,, , ... - -,,,7.,.4.r , ,, , ,. -..:,, :;:1;••• l i : PALL £U4NGZ 31arTa ANEMIA NICS.,' !Independent Traasportation Lige to 11l Philadelphia and Baltimore. For Trausporgivi AferekamPdize to and from Pittsburgh, via Tide Water and Pewasy/vasia Renato. CONOVOIKD ISTRIPWLY ON SKIINATN AND TICSM.II.2ICI The stack of this Line consists of the first - class; spring Cars, Metal Roofs,, and New Decked Tide-Water. Boats, commanded by sober and experienced Captains. Merchants by this Line are-enabled to have their Goods shipped.. as cheap. and tvith much de spateh,as by any other Linei One Rost-wilt terrireodatly from the foot of Willow street Railitoad-ott the Delaware, in Tow of a Steam Boat, Nritich is -kept expressly - fur that par Nolte. The Proprietor Swill give their a haler attention, and respectfully Joslyn Wester.o.Merehtlitx-P. ltlite"theill call. as they will and it much to. their advottage..--..% All goods cannoned Williams Elaiiisars Cs. coast wise or via Delastiare and Raritan Catial. will be reoetv ed at their wareliMise:foot af, Wilmer street. Rost, Philndelpt.la, where oath's can he out directly from the Vessel Into the Boats without additional habdting or ex. pense. . WILLIAM HEILMAN k CO. ) from Piffled. an Hotidaysbarg. H. L PATTERSON, . Proprietors. From Holidayshpreh to Pittshersh. - JAMES DICKEY 4. CO., Canal Basin, Liberty street PittOurgh—Agents 81L.3111% street wharf.) on the Delewire.at Philadelphia, JOIOLPO E. Scams, Bellmore, } Agents. D. L. PATrzetto - n, Hatidaysburgh, JISSIC PATTWOI, Johnstown, Iter, , ,r to merchants generally thron4hont the city, ep 15—tr. PITTSBURGH CUTLERY ♦ND Surgical Instrument Manufactory" 169. corner, of Liberty and SiztA Streets. CARTrrßroffT returns his sincere I hanks to the • cif teens of Pittsburalt and vicinity for the erlraor dinary patron/rye he has heretofore received, and - hot es still to merit a continuation of the SHIPS'. :Is he is deter mined to manufacture nil amities his line of business superior to any thine of t he kind ever offered here before, and that Pittsbn reh shall welt merit to be coiled the irkiH Ertl FAA) OF AMERICA .. -Thestiberriber having always on nand 'lip moat exten sive istoeic of Dome Manufactured rood+ in hip line int4ie Western Conntryi won'd partientarly invite tile misfit ion of Surgeons, Dentiststind Druggists to his 'assortment of Instruments. Hardware Merchants to his slack of Sadier•s Tools. Rankers. Tuners. Matters and Hair Dressers to Wasted' of Patent Bhears.4e,-A-c. And that his esiabiisliment brine carried on strictly on the ca.!: prineintef persons desirousof bargains will al once discreet the advantage of catlinn tefare turrhasina ettaurrherejobbink done in a superior style, and cheaper than rver J. C.. be alineeting his sole attention 10 business, .a.et er with bhvithg in I his employ the most competent *ark men, hopes to merit the approbation, of the pobitc at Wanted tmme 'lately, a rod foyer and a good :tinder. none nerd apply Init the beat workmen. aep FAMILY, MEDICINES. PE,I/PUMERY. &e. A L./1116E and rateable assortment of all the patent medicines cif the day; French Perfontery. Shaving "Soang; l'hnrn'ttTealterry Tooth Wash, which is not. our passed by any other prenirat km user offerrd to the pub lic, either for I he 'preservation or cleanliness ill' the Tenth. Cook's Mnigeovitn. Drops. which will co t e the moat in veierate Tooth aehe in five ntionVey. And a choke of Citar* of La Norma, Principe end other brands well known Alike city; Fine cheyyin% traren„ ke. ntOrays on bald and for vale wrbolesitlie and retail at Tomes, 86 Fourth atntel, olopoilte the Cloven). eta oilier. oet B—lt JT isTewlAier, trpholateTer and Taper Ranger, • No. 40, pifo fano, beim/ten 'Wood and Smittifietd nts. liattraren id** yx on bow. An ordent executed with seatnessinddensadek on anconnatii dialog Terme. jeoo_ sT ItECEMED, 300 TeittletAttcs Hymn Rooks; ISOOTonlhe tent. pentneeladvelnitaktiont No 1; and a donsidera: We **del y et the deteticnit Tempetantee Union Pub*. cations—for satel- flarries Agency , and - Coen:Meow Warehea , * 1 1 / 4 o 9 Fifth St. oet 4 14 s. • NI I.:E TOTHE PUBTAC. _.. . IlllltOULD:reJnin mc most sincere tnanks to Ms slat_ sees or -Phtfaditatita, Plostotratt. New Tort. sad . Bostoo,fat theti-pberaitty toward. me. to berign ww , k• diberatlag ox .faMtty from stavery. I havo paid 411156 Zibit ifritleireall4l 4lll4 ! d.orthteri- wndll.3oo firs my eldest :;4101Flag"4.1tad 4460 for mamrtf.ittt of which I havarsoOrd with. own kaads. Throuth the Amiss's. of stre'ioris :1110.' gjost itharatmi smother Ginty farts?: Pr. isy young -04: s ect). sta -mien* 41**mm , L _ am sow iddesusort.lanas, 0, 117,40.11 lowa nage Whi ' . ChttrullaS• 1 -ULM& - *Mt trimitind.iillee; 4 ..„.00;0040,_:?RiarCili:1114**,,a0Pse sat lorot eiMoo .l 9 P4T - ww.-8 1 *.k. anal -"mot Pow: 4 0 !cosimosaii smooch , asooloki waft ,•- , . . - • - ‘,• ',l .. , ,,, , ,,-,, ,7) - `: 4_ , ,,'„A"...!: 1 :4 , '2 7 ,,r-- - •'''r 7, 5 4 77 —'s ' t.:7 .1,, -, -_ ' ~.-•• - - , q.-4Z . : ,- 4- , ..., . ~.`zi omit .4e , ,,itiee • '' • ‘A t 11 4 111 1 I* 4 4 1 " , ' - •:,4 - ,k . l - -'.- C -' L,..... --.- terriiweletirei felte3!** 7e t, i ketalee_icep i ES P *l l6l o' t ', '' • 3 ,4.' . •,.,- ,- l lrceimmtleravthelik - 744* *44lw '.tt. , ,litrnabibio:wereviror i .- 7 ,7,4t4., _,.., ~timattlacrAwiz.itionverritkoitmc,_ a .:, 1 ~ ions Snotr„ of Peambrohlt,Wallbilidtratille 'Ma* , biting duly ?worn; ism that be was tit le I - ' 'slat sis Months start. Ttet Pelakti* ‘ I . hack, leff shit antlinitep befog lib hid Oaf inifiti",: . ;, Wet* help hinwelf.ann Wan_taken into : the Ciestili%V pitai in the cite of Mastrot. That aftrelteliti-is, 1; hospital ' five weeks, Doctor Otio said he did Inli; .t. . what was the ikuittet with Wm. - and that hal::- "iNt multing for him, niarcanid he pretetilte Wll Wei; tailktriii That he, therefore, was conveyed from thirChar . 14it: i phut to the SsiloN retreat on Steien island, ;„ ' r t. I 1 1 t here ntkricked with all sorts of mattfetipaStit, l it od errant n.onthe„ suffering . blithe Itase.ther 401 4 114 0 11 It' reedit ' Ib' mitery.— That, beside* hif. adectfon ttrW . AMfel be was troubled maritkilth a diaeaseorli* laWilealli limes be would mail a g naw °faille:in; tit thi r t dal: illadtfelk this affection he had a had Inarrheca„ width bortitalikni: `or km attended him front the commencement of fiffillW Imein.. That at times he tireeded h MOW wore I.lllkeiebt . would have dreaded dent h; that he can compare SA = i Ine to nothing save that of knives passing *Wogs ,_ _, ~..-_ : howeht. A Pet sulrerwr, Wheeeihan death at thellaintfki Retreat. on Staten [star& the do: l 4r 10141111410 that ' alt .t , 1 dine was of no Use to kiln. t hat lie aut.4 tsy to ittit~e I Si this time he was suffering the anoint 11 0 01 1- - MIL 1 his hone, wtre satellite? he coulaftvin hear the klinfrilliPri I ore upon the elbow or upon Ihe „knee, that kik lmehtissillinii, I t, oat painfrit, thata.v the Doctor slaut luemotttd itreto. 4 ,.._ : no more medicine he delerrniete 10 inoettte 61.40-o,_r utr-• :Bra ndreth's Pills, which be did. feta 241 Broady New Tort.; that ire commenept with It taftint#. lk ,INt Mil 'll . I *.k. : ' e. irwreased the dose to eight. The first lOW, !Its," 1 1.0 ankh beneitted him, that the doctor, - not 'koitskittil - - what he was using. raldonow, Shitsi:< pm foot tike:lC • man neain; if on improve In that Sway,'sou with etesk i g i welt." That he fAird every doe of the Scandmtla_P _ relieve him, first they s citicil hlin of 'the pain iitiat" is I wool; that they nett cared the•di:Holism, sae sonny tee, pates In Ida liones; . —That the medicine sermed tiiiitki ctremelt to tem every day. He told the doctoi yester. .;!, day the 11th instant. that he felt hfinself welt:and atm. that he owed hi. recovery, to ft , andrettut, ritis ander . Providence, that he had totes the tardiclee etretTitek for 19 da yr; that the doelnr Ink! hint if he taut knowti - 11,4 had been taking that medirine. he ihne lit 1101 . 1MITO Ake* Once beedav In the house. Reconsider, It is his derf - Ite make this middle sweeten! ler I he benefit nfalt ajuittit4 tle I:W e if ilt ed; that the'' , may know where to find` itt dletil, - that will care them. 40iitt-SfrAW.,- Jahn Phany Leinthy. Pu• Only morn phis 12th' dar"or A pril. 1242, did dryer. an 1 ;qv tha t_thefnerjoirgil4* -- ment le true. J. D.. Wit ERl.ER,Coniutbislioner The BRANDERTD PILLS are trout. all Dr. Ilds.V„ dreg h'd printipal alrire, 241. BROADWAY. Kew and at his prlneinat office. N 0.93 Wood Carrel, . the ONLY FL.ICR in Pittsburgh where the tendallot! Ca% he ohtaMid. seultsettru.,.. lITS—W. 4- frotraaTi inform the public that they have coinnverreett hisairtidtfla 4 ring Hate. and thct they have nom ready far ANC at their Store. 148 Liberty mreek Wire ea liffiritif if Has street, an aSamintent of the very heat Mete, erhietriti*- arc an:Must° dispioe ofon thr cheapest and' inerzirealitat-T. able terms. Their stock control of the ireetrhettlightlio:,_e vis:—Reaver. Otter. Net:stria, Custom shaft. Ka iietAtel.' ala. Fur and Silk Hate. - -" • - - W. 'k 111. Doherty are bolt regular bred Hallett ibt`i_ have had extensive expertenteas loornersnen in - thief** estaidishinents in he country; their Hats are sit WM Olfl nederthete owe inspectiostiAnd - they airsure that 'lathier but the very tfia. artieles on the most ,ea canaille terms will be offered rot sale: itoP iurE MOMS °Abe isle Ckarles.Nisie&D J.Tl_ President or Dickinson Coliege. - Car lisle. fit Mot Miner. D. D..12ni0, whit a iranifacme - Portria• - - COMFORT TO AFFLICITOJW- , Zi regirsaelnedft lions, by James Buchanan. D. D.. Met Diktick BOK buntlt, arra American. frnwrihe Stft-sdittbusgh ettitiorir- _ SPIRITOd4 .110XEY from Nauru: .cr. HIVES; art/Mitt Buttons and ottairvatkom onzthetsaittral history and ha bit* ofillersofirat , introdured to pnbtic-uolice In tamoir SELMEIPI Parehatt. A. 14.,f onittm fit Vim° .4 TR/Br/TV rAliz.irres CbarienDuratm A. Mr: ' DECAPOLTS—er the Individual "cibllgation of ebOti.-1 - 'tans to Faye toots from death; an Marty by thmthi-' . V., Ford—fonrth A meriran. from the Oath London inlititiii * 8 IR-it 0 WiNG YET REJOIELYYOi-critraristhfter recent successive bereavements in a minister's faistBr• - eXPRIVE SE'24IOHIR-L'or , the 'Good AVM' Aid.: ..I i 0.- Bad, A artr; by Mini C - Mbeffie FihreGtr.3d 44:18 INC ; - 4 .3 AWE Er HTLE , TOT7 LiYE—eantulning Liklitliii . . arimile. hire 3 Race-We : a Contliet.tirea Weis' it" a Seed-Tiire car eternity. by the Re*. . 4 1'.4 tirriqsrlAN - LOPX—or . the droinst - 0614 - 4 . *7 - forme immediate conversion ot the intnertHeinC r 'f:r. 1. 4 THE.FXTEHT Atir&F-RFICAVY O. 41114M*. , ii.E.NT--11 Howard Malkin]. Presidetn... Colier, Kr.--2d edn ion 18 rno. The Moral Influence, Dancers and Polies..tosileol,4 wkli Great ClifeeL—tyy johnl'otitt.lDnitt . , The !rare and duty othsir g spiritually istindellw-iktalk red and mart ten Ity improve% by John Orven.D 111-32roa, HISTORY orrirk: GRAVI7 11EPOR*4714*tlf the .ixtePtilb rrmlury In Germany. Sallaerland, J. 11. Ste , le ir oblgne. -President• of the Theological.- School of Orneva. 11., In 3 non, 12 mo.'* 34- Axtrovif from the 5: London edition. LIME I.oOlif 18,Air4z gen 2 - 2 . • ,"`No EP3 Wood . strltiqt• BUFFALO ROBE- 1 . BEAR SKINTANDIMWi:: IUST received. 3.000 Seaconableftralo fluke of op.: J &rent qnalillea from - Exi t s No. 1 to,t,„ A tot r Hear and Coll 11..THM No. 1 and 2.111118k/7i Skit?* • • -, A 10l ((User amil 'Raccoon Skimr. raft All witiefi arecitTere . l reduce Ates to auk . proved note.. ,Apply to A. REELEN. at the ttnerlean #ar Om 12-3 m , Cromer or fevrOvioef'PolirfAlO..-. To Iron , Plaffitibit lirrelrft • .34. 1 kfiN , C LARK M'MANA JlFore aled , Useful improvement in virsviop . - iorritfirlar mental. for the parpoAtef Orattit4 , 8•14,4144 THE pine co °Anna a Cbbay tiro, by yayti , o2le,Calllty': nine up the chimney 7 feet, 3 by :lifeeialriantali,";: - . and IRinrbea,lnate at tointbe - og rityl coat I. put Ibe lop or he fire. and the Idast treeieetl oa The lucre rialra .are as thick as thane eompw e - ged. and the plater-on the lon of ideas aretiiiieliirll' . half by One inell flock, and .18 'ache tr, having ireePreJ Lettere. Patent for thessave3l . : ter it to The publie ort reclaimable terms.? 1t np Warm:Mon eau be had, by . itddret elliti if Portaaamith;Ohbd. I. C., Neil - . - Tlwittilio Rocs. Aar* The andersfelted having noted Mr. 3.C. Ideldpnat*.ha. Patent Run out ISre for shunt two years..l - ake pleastantjak necOmmenillog ii to the puldie. a-d intone ponies - 144* all ron Manatee , it rers as an .horweeeweat takihnisek, fires; or on the old plan of tunable oat meta"... The ceipilo. or patent fire, win' rase t u trinolt . 4l, the roe! hard : will make as warts tutrialtista . viiii,ittikatt two open fires; and refine metal oi as tracid opiatiOraitii* We have-used a fire of kind kw two veare, 4 have derived such *drafting* from M. that we tes ehis 'folly tirommend it. -- Mr. Me.Manawas ban atm pat ono op at ritrisinsnith._ and had onepntppat W Welter', hot* of w'bith save seeded admit - 10),y. 'Thew. with MVP, are the tatiy,onelli now in are in the gaited Stares: t , October 10.134•2.. MANNA 441.141121‘,, pielofoPtiat.l • • • _ lopsowmrirtme. JUNFIVP-A IRON WORHic.....-10:', -LP Baia Efirahes.idtaavfant4rer of iron, and Warebonow, 1C025. Winodvs..-Prie KDVS FOX SALE .- Poor Lots ia Nanehearaa t , xi awls fixietb Acres of Land nitltaffaieilitt l nmt se. 53; 54081. Ilitantlitt , of Lou, on Holmes Hill Alto. iota stko Wa Cook% plan oft ots on High street:near the ye* Mnswe aok . lenr in4monerply tor W_ Itr tip }Az — 7 - .'"" ,• - „ CteL MA* A ft elerikto for thirteen Direttri* .at_llW, /11 rho insulter Year.wilt 4 , tle-Iwh i doo l4 ot , Row OR Maass the 2141 'lte3E -,fl l h.eleerpref. 3011$ Exemallos Banc op Pt "04: rpqr.siochhhhicr, of ads cash maim par. haft he UM eitlke ,11**1011. sues! ile ll 4* Zia Now.-t - imix4- 40 * - - 4,- I. i. 3 heckrk -r-M- of IMF 4 31 =v 2 1 , --ge-- 111054.5-I. 4 P utl / 4 - SEIM i~~ F i y wE~ 1] iY Gx~iil ~ Y t ~~C ~ ... LATE PUBLICATION CERTIFICATE