EZ=M "Co#l 4 / 4 *At 441t50-ihrore frills Ike rt. tf-.- Ws!, 'Wits; tfiteitiker, respectfully Inforrut thipuliticAltit hiS'ready, madercottlit ware n:twit tdlhe ritcentli,oceripled by Mr. R. 0.-Berfordidirfeity . 4ippositetaill old stand, Where he is oreparedisi tent promptly tunny orders In his lissightlif hYMtict at tention to all the ditai is or the hisiriess of an Undertaker ltditopealtrmerti public conddence , ' wilt be prepared ' - at ablator:as to provide Ritersell, Biers, Carriage Asbury kesitlisite on the lIIOA ilberalierms. Calls from the ectuntry wilt be promptly attended to. Ills residence Is in the sante building with his - ware attne, Where those who 'need his services may dad him „ • iltranY nr.ressircr:z: W.W. newts. - RAY. 70E1r R L A CIt D . 14bOlr. RIDDLIC, Rev. saner, a• D; 300011 LILTION, REV. BANCZL. irthr.rivits. W. IeCGORIC, RSV. JOSZfn I s nasals, Rev. /AIMS DAVIS, - r. i. 02 Üballltllataa COOKS. - STEAMBOAT 81.1.L5. PAMPHLETS, . .no.ast: (aux, _BLANKS, VISITING.CARDS, L 11. BEGS, - ADDRISS 'Do:, vgacKs. lICSINESS D 0.,. , .140;118. HAND 'RILLS, RILLS OF LADING. - CIRCULARS, itt, kr. . mopther with every description of (miter Press Print lag, furnished with neatness and despatch, and .on mode tate ter am at the office of the Drily Morning. Post. veil 10 IVO THOSE WHOSE OCCUPATIONS TEND TO PRODUCE OR acaRAvATE Waal of ittiOhjoels is • Very numerous. They BO those Witovenck fa an•tinhealthy atmosphere. Printers, work inen feathir stores, stone sorters, bakers, white lead manufanturers; are ati more or less subject to'disiaise an. earding to the itrength of their constipuion. The Only i . vieethod to prevent disear,T, Is the occasional use 'of a -medleite which abstracts from the circulation all delete% l •ritilMhbenors,and expelb them by the bowels. Tonics In any form are injurious, as they only -Art off the evil day to make it more fatal. The use of Arandrit lea Pills 'WM Moire health; because they take all Impure matter • ;apt Otte blood; and the lady is not weakened but Illlcailteneilby their operation; fl".r these valuable rills Ac ...foree but they assi.t nature, and'are not opposed, listßaralowlid with her. ' • • llObilt-tr..Brandretleb. Office, '93 Wood -street, efttAlititti. Price '25 cents peebox; Witt withfull directiori.. MARK—The only place in 'Plittib:itigh; Where lire DEpIOINE Pills can be obtained, he Doctor's own 4f. Ace, [0,93 Wood street. . sip 10 NEW 110 TEL.—The subscriber reipettfully in• foreatis old 'friends and the public, that lie has openeaa-Temperance' Hotel,in fifth St reel ;near the 'Es• ehallfge Haak;and In the house lately occupied by Mats thew Patriek, and has - hoisted an[ ronii gno•The iron .Hity..l.lotelr wltere.lut,will be very harpy -to aecoinino date all who may please to call Or. him. His table _shattlielptovlded With ;he best - rare, &ad every possible acetiMitiodation to town and country customers and :ravelere." 'Ol few, boarders who wish to lodge in their stores or of. 'ittes;camtie taken, and gentlemen who live out of town `cat' have their. dinners daily. 'He ;hes large and aood stables, and the best Hay and I?ats, end a good Hostler,.and will accommodate travel. era and gentlemen who have horses. ..Boarderstakemb, the day, week or year. Charges morttirtutierale than at any respectable Hotel in the city. seprlO JOHN IRONS. AVASIIINGTON BALL.—The subscriber has 'N V 'opened the late residence of James Adams, EFq., deceased for the reception of visitors and boarders; the house is very -pleasantly situated int the bank of the fromrthe, eity—possessiug ail the delight. aaeorriPanlinents of • a coital ry_ . .residence, without _being too far. Matsu for. persons doing business In the ,Visitors will -be furnished with every delicacy of Oa- maw'. :AA Omnibus inns regularly every hou spy end of the Bridge. Alcoholic beverages kept. sep WM., C. FIERN. ,134OLVTION. 0 F THE UNION'—The covert. nership existing between James E. Kilbotire and Mavid J r Morgan . is this day dissolved by mutual consent. - The conditions will be duly noticed, with the ilaritit'ures o r f troth fiarties annexed, and Barry Hall will be continued !open by the subscriber until other arrangements are `reeled. Par sale, on the premises, 159 bbls. cheice, whiter sp . iiietl;,irapplied for immediately. JAS. E. 117,80 M RN, • , ijet. 2.9—tr , No 9, Mar,kel, and 74. Front st; -. .• - . ; VeCK)FEBINDING' .-st,Candiesse,- ;: n AAP - Johnson, Bookbinders and eaper 1 ,- __ t:-_ - --' 2, - , l , -;tlII-7----,1 Rulers, S. W. corner Or 'Wood and V-- , tr - - 7-- 1 Fourth streets, are now prepecd to ex• 7 A L ,....... 1 _ eeute all kinds of Bookbinding and Pa. , -- e,, .er Ruling whit neatness and despatch. --.------- otr Blank books . ruled and bound - to itriyglieu pattern at the shortest notice. • • • N. B. All work doneat4he above is warranted.'pep 10 . • WM. RIDDLE, Surgeon Dentistooottototood to 'old; amid, No. 107 i Smithfield Sfreet, where • liccon ne consulted any hour during the day, on, his prohTasion. app 10. _ n vmov A U.—Geo rge Armor, Merchant Tailor, respectfully announces to his friends and tm - trona..that he has removed his establishment from his ,eldistand, in Third street, to the corner of Front and Artitthlle.ld, in the, basement story of the Memongahela lllionite;_tvhere be in tends keening -1)11.11and , a general as. vortatent of Fashionable Goods, uitable for Gen- Vanten's wear. fie hopes. by close application, ta- merit a share. of the eimainess so liberally extended to him at his old stand: N. B. paving made arrangements in New York and 11Philadelphia, with the most. Fashionable Tailors, for tha_receptlgn of Paris and L ondon Fashions, customers may rely on having their or ders, executed according to -the latest sista. • GEt.rRGE ARMOR. salt 10 , • . LAID OIL:-.:•Tha Subscriber would mor,s.t respectfully Inform tile puldic in genera that he hakern article of aLrdOil off IMPerfririPiality, manufactured atilfe_Chielp= initt I Oil ann tiry,by - R. w.r.ei 44 Walton. Yedtobe,equal the best Sperni.Asll, both for, Light and This Oil is entirely free from any thitinons `matter, smoke, or - ttnitletwant odor, and it it aselear and , ;.white as spring wnter.. Not n particle or crust Is left on "the Wick. The light' Is pure and hrithint, 'had will fast as fong, if notlonger, than that ' from an or Sperm: Oil. " The sithectifiei Ttlsktntldie.that be has taken a place th Vast Olive, where he wilt•licht up several ditrerkniliimps. saikk 4..iiettlitg,`tind be would respectfully She in- ~ Allegheny, and it elev kin it y, ta *altsiad3ndgfe , frit tbeinielues. He feels cOntblent they itdilitecuapioced.%hit the above statement-,is perfectly - -ittitate. - Out ortsio hundred lndi Waite who have, tried 'Shc 61Ltheretiatt hot - heen ,sity,te Wilt found with it. The Lard Oncosts one thirOesstban Sperm;, lie Would i reor p ee deny so licit the early attention of Dealer:end hill. Chin - his to the :think. • , The following Chtirches ate now nsln the Lard .Oil: Sciond Presbyterian .0 h ;-Sit lihargh, New Cumberland Presbyteihin' church, Plttithatgb, fteebiterion ••Ciiorch, 4 iiimeghei;y pelnfe Reformed-Cburch, -do. '1:40,1.114/reill are brandedCa.,,Cidein 11. O. ittar4 Ateot. =IN ittaburgh, J nt 21et.1842. Ilikythatiodedgned , Ca Plaine of the Rapti:ea - I.litia Paelittreonthe Pen apylvania Canal, have tried: and are, crider . ewattiele crii.ard 011 introduced here by Ai Ache* o:l4eyotad sianuthctured by R. W. Leer co,avthe. t-Ahleinnatit Oill'actoryi" , • -.- • , VilateteCordWirt.in asserang (hat the *t ro ve .eqsal to the hart Spec, Oil; thatjt la entirely Sree,froin stnake prim , btliergintinons matter, whateeer; the Ilitht- la par .- (el* pure, elear;and brillfantraud will hummoting, Knot abanthat from ea equal quantity Odllperia.• 011, n9 - •hestitallonin recommending *lends saelplApse whence oil::_. BRSRIPPRORY, Captain, Picket-John Adams. tbillt4,-,_111X+1)101,A,N1), crated*, Packet John Hancock, ' • 4,.A0 - • do, ...John; JAndfaon, )001 4 nO*P 8 ON iv i s t i von AuTOL-6tro'r. helir,4l'loll44l4e.sq—e7l Arkitioi. Pills ;Ira rtP. - - --- • . 1 likr or ' ' to " the heart ere Mu t - iiiiiik,istf• lit OE, 1 blood *t qukkened ____ ar. • , • I .- n ie sitar 1 -titrotPult I l e • i itri.el.s. • throuth at t - ' '4 2 = l '- " W iillitl' - lail" t tett% - istrthe . .1.1,„„...„ hi 4 mated %to tar - 1 41 A* .'"rtiT ' Lr -AiliPOS of OW - ''' llY ' l 'C' s ten' /0 4-111 kidtrt*M -- ma %tomtit? or taittigol.-illerel"" l ,tat 4 -.. “-.• - ...1 , _ • 191% In , r; , •:',`••^ - V.." - • 1 '314,%t;,'-=4,:;•; ME=E== _ .. . -•-7----,----"--1--.7..7.-.47-7,4lol.l,iiiiiiiiiitlgi ::- ~ .-4":.ip.; - -•-•••• - - --...-.-:-• -.--:,.! ni td *Ftrir• • , "': -"",--- • - - „ ,, ,,,i 4. .i•:„.,,,1,..„,4•4,..---i„..,..., ,, ,:, iii.„42,,•::, i1j,,e,:e,•,;y,.--r3iiigNiitit,:, ..,-,,,:..,, :., :: • ; „Infgrialgr.,,.:.-, ~..,....., ; ,....i.,.7.. :,- - 11•• • . ' - j'-'• ' : •':.:•!•-2100V,11*._,_6#1*Efd":, .•...:•-•f.t*fs.',QG.,-34,-7,-....1fg/oiT.l4a*agltMtl.da*td.'fNttitt*Matit,sknOet.on.. • ._:.- ...:-..-.'"::•r - i.' - ' 6 -iitkliril;. - 1;_lili. ..,": . i::* . ' - ,',.:4::::- , :•,,,. 7.-1 email-aergf!***.lloooll:lolll,lloll.f:Villlifsthattlartileriso;.;:, Ticiiii . ; -,-oi z ailit itAiSOl4l-11011t,oftMeitrh,..01.:.Ve -.1 -nr.ankin . ,eloitroditmett-M.:100010 - hoer gitteiteriat . 5.., •..... ', , --,' i.-a'fiearelliyi;,neteleittiratta. 'y - nflyoyi - lags; WOO stirtjdreadf-...attitatutleebt '.4l.B.beas,banan..lookao.., ! Unittialt,• "An iter-firitrOaideler linen - ref ' faineant!' et - "alaltitdm i k - itien4- alVeetrl!'•9lll"''"ltililiallitret , • firitS.dt„ . 7 . 0. i ., . ifiesittillestnuot ,thi la i t i , i . , 0 6 . - t hi 41 ,6 110 ..anteene,:teat.thetinaisrseTtate, -do mut ,relievetind iI. • • • Debt- , Ifiring..„-proposalt:.for.tbe.''aale 'of •the 'Peblic• •711entintliP'eute" -"" 1/64- d a tbeSe .. /lida"'lltatiacea' l[llo / 11u . 7 0 11r ib igeri ' e r_..:Zfer r n t e - 5.7. : 4 1 17-tliel n rS . M .Pr e °--si M il * In te Nri t g li o e M bbd ted4 ll llM W-l i t e- h .: • Works. nd for other purlinnes,"-Illere* D in be:wi the rMitit Tity t o o l : • . of , floi.otatm,„..adaval,of the tease of vreaktims,the morlyidthe - Vitiate& auntie :. , 1 ,].tit"the.•tieridtants"'Etehatige Phillide , tie; orl.Wednendayithe2 3 dtin neaLut 'o4Pciticki.it..lne falloWing St - krt, artned'hf • bent,tH t °Om the biataL. -' • -••--, .- • • -,-. ' • - - , . th-e.mkinitirtioemati-toWn; -, ..-, .; • -,•.-.., • . • ..•.. ...„-, ... 1 _Hamden in themaelvert, - .they merely --- ' ' --• '3'lsoa lares'of . .stackiu the Bank of P 'nsylannia.; - .' •'. -'''• • - -'-' • ' :' -, ASSIST Haman- - ~- •.---." • .: '51133 , dir ' lathe 'Philadelphia Itank - : - -'-•- •: .• . • To throw oat the oat - salon...of • sickne.ss • from the • body, •-'llOll , 'dn. -. init't-l'artners and - Mecha • les! Bank -. '.• add lite.firettuire = no ;alteration in the diet or clothing.. '•••• - '•900' - da , •• • Itt the Colunibia - Rantr and tridgeCoiripany • - .la. factrtheituman• body is better.able to • Wistain with. .. 2500 dn.: , ni-tha UniortCanniermtra f." .c .. ' o ' n ' o ' t.eo .- 'oi. -out .i i n nit flu il e Y nC t e h o e f in th e i l s elBC inf ri e e ct Y lo ci n r. d th e t str iir oy e l fti gi ei dise . * ase hile era 'Q d nd ica er • 1500 do - in the Pennsylvania and do ' ''' -•-• :-' '' 'l4"'• -:- ' : '' - - ~. ~. ~. . • • • • -ling-Medicine than at any other time. • --•- ' - .. 500 do. in ton . chetapeake . and . ieloware .. canal . 'Fite imparta Area( - Brandreth!s ,Pillti for. seamen and • • ' Company. •'• • ..- --.- • .tzlivelnislsithettfore,selfeitide.pt . „ „,-..... •,-.. • . .. • • 1000 • ild :-- inita Schuylkill Navigati,n.CeMpany, '. • -..-• By..the tirgetyAse.ormits • g 1041 ,0 . hor„moott anxiety ~ '• 120 , :i n o r.l.to-tbell'risttriStertm , Terrt at - and Trans and .sickwes might we not, prevent.; - . COW, Billions. al - •. -,, , ••-'" i -;;--. portritiow-Companyy: ,:. -•• • • .-, .(e.ctions,_Typhus, Scarletand feventof Mi.:kinds; would , - Also, at the State-Rouse, In the bor Ugh -of Harris.; betiakaawill..: Bat . where nicknerts- , dote. .eiist,..let , no bnrg.-on idittidity.Atie 281 k day of 'Nose'. her nett; ut 40 .Lime hatost.,..let the,BRANDRETH!S PILLS lie Mance' o'clock, A .i , a, '' ? _ ..• ", • . .. • ... 1 .; „. _.. • '..: ;,,.sentfOr, 4hat.M.m..RemedY ;mar be aPp:ted, .without fur • ' 2905. snares. Of-stunk-in the Darriiiila and". Pottsville' - tha t teas 4 if till , C , • -- Ta :311C.Rtf4liallatRED. — • H ---.,. • ~ • ReihsineCOMnany.. ', I- • ..- • : '.-• .., „ ~ ThM,Brandreth's Pills, have stood -a- seven . yeast 1 '2OOO do -` in the enmberland - Valley - Railroad ca m . to , the U .. nited..51at5..,....... , . , . .... ~ _ . . .. •., . , t o -. • • pang. -—' - ' •.!: .-.-. -, That they , they,area•veptnitina.nd . innocent medicine, yet Franklin •R ailiroad mpany.- ' ' all novverful for-the removal of _disease whether chronic , _ • • :• : , • • .. '1 Weightsellie; Yo-k atid Get •yribli rt.._ recent; infeci ions or othervitse. • Railroad Co. •- • • . -.• . . ---- That they-clarify-the - Mond. and etay • the further pro ,Codorias Navifillo -Co. ••••• grass of diseusettilhe numambody.::.„ ' • Bald Eagleand Sp ng Creek' Nnyl." , Thatrinmanyeases, • where the dreadful , ravages of gation.Co. -.--- .-•.., I. - • ..• . ulceration laid bare ligament and hone, and where, Vonon - r,chela.Navi gin ciivz ta:altappearance, no human means could save life, have Harrisbarg Bridge' - -,- - 7-' ":.-:, .- . patients by-the use of-these Mils, - been restored to good , Northumberland , I 1 ' 'Co; ' .. ..itealth3lle .devottring. disease having been completely - Monongahela:Bred a Co.- -.. eradicated. . . . . . • Allegheny Bridge . ci. - .- ,That.each of. -I he genuine has upon it THRICE cOrretawr - Wilkesinirreltsidg CO: . Limns . Lewiehurg•Bridge . . • -.-. That each. label has two signatures of Dr., Benjamin .... six Boaver . fo idt e - . - . . Brandreth upon-it. .•- . . . • .. ' , • - .... ..•. That there must be upon' each box three_ signatures, Dane.ille Bridge•C .•:::.--.< NesrOneelcßridee, ... .. . . obese • French Creek- ge Co. -Ronemough.BridgirCo. - - - - Schuyilciliand - Pottatown Bridge Co Loyal. Burma Bridge 00: • - .liiiiten,Bridge Co. , • - Roldistown-BridgetCo. Tpwande•Bridge - Co.. -- •,• - Franklinend 'Allegheny Bridge Co.. Scltylkill-Brldge,(at binnion'sford) Campany. ,_ ...-.,... . • ~, -• ,' ~,- • . Williamsport, lirldge-Co.; , Washing , ... . . ton..coanky,.. ~ t. . . , --. .....• Also, Mock , in the following Turnnipe - - Road. Corona. Meg, to wit: 2124 shares in the Harrisburg t -Carlbiieand - Chambers. burg.. •'' ". •i ' • . -Citatitberstiarg - and Bedford Bedford and Stoy'town:' • Stoistown and G r eensburg. Greensburg and - Itisbnrgh. ...' -Huntingdon, Cambria and Indiana, Brie and WM erfo (I. Porklomen and - F nding.' • • -- ''' flap aand •NeWport • l• Waynkbtirg,'Gr encastle and Her , cersltnrs.. . . Morgantown, Charchtown and Blue „Sall. . . 1 -- - • - Little Conestogs.i . - • Berks and Haaplyn Lancaster,.Elizalmthlowa and Mid. `dktieWri, ':, ' . ,:--- . . • - ... r .. .. P,aa Miran OF lik eill4ir re. '•. • :B*efelOinna.'and 'Lehigh. - Milford and Orre4o. Downington, Eplirata. - and Harr is burgh. - i . Centre and Kishammoillas. Susquebannaand Yoritbormigh. .Centre. York and Gettysburg. New Holland. , . • Spr tis • douse, rJo Bethlehem.. : 4 Cayuga' nod Susiguehanna. .Bosgueltannaand Waterford , . - • Suannehinna aril Tiogn. • Bridgewateramil Wilkesharre. • -• Pittsburgh-and New - Alexandria: New Alexandria and Conemaugh.. Belmont andZaaton.. - ' • Pittsburgh and Butler.. •• •• - • • Philipsburg and Sessotelianna. • Butter and .Merter4 - - - • • Mercer and iteddville. .. . • --• A ndereon*.••-,Feiry, Waterford ind - New .110.ett.... 1 .. : • - - - • P.ilteliur.gb, aud,illteuben v Hie. • • Ridge Road. 1 - Bethany and Dingman's Choice. Robbstown a ndl•Mount Pleasant. Mount Pleasantend Somerset. • Somerset and,Bedford. ... r . . Hanover and dearlisie. - M illerstowu and Lewistown. , Beltefonteand f hilipsburg. Philadelphia, Bi:andy w ine and • London • -„•! • : .. Belmont antStquaga. Harrisburg and. blitlerstown. Philadelphia add Great Bend. Lewistown and Huntingdon. ' Armstrong and Indiana. Clifford and WMkesbarre. Indiana and Ehensburg. . Washington wild•W. - titiamsport. • .. Washington mid- Pittsburgh. Ly.comitig,.and•frotter. . bliddletowriand Harrisburg. ..: Iletie.fiinte,•Anfonaburg and Young maristnnin...... • i. .. Sinter and Kittanning. fililesburg and finsethpe.rt.. . . , Derrstawn and'younginanstqwn. Mount Pleasant and Pittsburgh York Haven and Harrisburg bridge. . _. Abingdon and Watertbrd. - Warren and. Ridgway. - -.Lewisburg and.Noungenanalown-.. Somerset and Conemaugh. Carbondale and Laekawatia.: . - Bomersevand Ca miterland. . . Lewisburg and Jersey Shore. Ligonier and - Johnstown. . • : •••. - Warren Rad. New York State Line. • -.Titusville and Union Mills. - .: Atinstrunrend j elearfie ld. Warren and Pt anklin.... -..- . Sugar Grove and Union. • - ,Brotanington:linr-risvilteamd Prank 200' . do - Snownhonand,Packersville. - . 44 do Latkawaxen. ,21)0 •.. do- r -Butler -and „Freeport..• - ~,; , _64, . ..,do . - -Stertinganit-Newfoundland. , . • _ __BS _ „via , - --- Lenox and-Harmony. - ~. 4 :.....do: ..... Pitt sburgh. Pa mete and Mechanics!. ' 210 - 1 • , ..09••.: : Aedford,and..floPidayshurg,... . .„i 1 it. . . ...do -, . '..Luthersburgand Ornsatawney , -. .. • 10. .. •, do ..." .. Birmingham - and Blizabethtown. on" -,.., . . .64.•„• . do,. : ~. Bald-Eagle:and NittanyNniley.,.. .. ' .. Tire terinsand anntlit loan of laid sales- , -.will int Imade kneWn,„ on the. days aferesaldinr by.an application, at any titimito thianflice, .Staie . ectpek Trilli:lirt received, .i. tipsy• inent-at . pai, : or,rettlficates of credit,. which ,havg.lmen enteied on the books of the ei_nditot . .. - Penerabp __ vitro', ariceTota.restaintion ..et.the ; General , - 4 semptilys palmed on tile - 11. 1 :i daY .0,?ipr11.!1842.. ' • ig.: arler . tkrt.lieVOlOTtioi..., 1 the Alle ritiabwgi t F ~:: 2000 do 400 di)' 600 do 995 do 2500 do 4500 ;'do 2400• do 2t60 ;':do; T5OO .do 560 I do 400 do 600 - ' do 600 , do • 180 do 350 t . 410 100 60 do 100 i.do 92 i do 111 .-- 40 200.1 do 12.50 do 120 do 300 do 4310 do 2154 db 2564 do 'llBO do 3417 do 100 do 1360 do 512 do 250 do 180 do 2flo ' do 580 do_ 100 $: FP 250 100 1240 640 lib do do do 50 1600 400 116 500 96 224 NO 80 80 ' czo—als ' ••• , t.• TIC' Willi AM • • IVES StycolliiffG,SY ' jiritinrved:, hundreds when thooght plist.teeinrea,croul :convulsions. As Soon aitVeSyr is4gtibed on the A? tris,lllo .ser. fg Wkiiinnterit, so effienebitts atilt" so piedeani, that 4 noniiild rerun gores be rub. :b e d with it. 'When fantsare at the age Of four months, thilltitere nVappearinee "of teeth, one bottle of th SyruipshOuld hewed to operi the pores. Parents should ~ever be:withuoti.he'syrop, in the:. nursery.• Whensthe4e ill'erilliti-011ildren,for if a ehild wakes in thenigl# pith pats in did' guars; the Syrup immediately gives ease, by opening the norm, and healing the gums; therebppreirnnt: ing,Convu sinus, r evers, 41—. For Salo Whohmide and Reinii by p R. E.SELLERS, Abent snip' 10 No. 20,1Arond street, below , Seeend. . .•. , _ . 1 Mil E;l3 _HOWARD 4.00. AbgErfacturats:Ai r .-Ifigii Oi : ,, pairs'. •APP-18, ifirat arelsti-Pittelpurgki , Os.- 16.40' OfaysAbind Ali egteustwaspottinent of Satin I;ll;isitd and Vida Pk MIL WOKING% lielvet- -and i isl4looll flgoier,i.. - or."thokt hk , nelot:style.` Aid- batiibi!for s4looukt4:l4,lo4loll.49llsfliarkwr lavt L eintr tittlmiwoNi.oooo4.l,l24--lia* ea Java- at IMOSlOlAro#o4l4oPoraf itinsit*Ww.. •Lai , lidolpti“Ors. 4o o ol : "111:-. !-" ''.- -; -%, ,ii 1140104 40;10' in . lit abs elitiln:ar '-;- 1 • -. ' , - '. -- ';--- -. *: I:- - ... •-' , lit -' '- ' : - ' _ liiiiiC . ' •-.3l,llzadailim4-64LT.P1-1-1- , V.P ARPCINS, , 13-cr;t4r3r, 9(.114 dominimith. =;g=s B. liaaanarra, N. D. A sit Mres signatures, thus: -- DIM A.Xtit BRAN DRUMM DR. FRANKLIN SAYS: acu te fevers ever require some evacuation to bring them to a perfect crisis and solut ion, and that even by Altools, which must be promoted by art when nature does not do the business itself. On this account, an ill timed scrupulousaussabout the weakness of the body Is of, bad consequences; for it is that whjeb seems Ghia) , to make evactiatiaus necessary , which..nature attempts , after tne humors are lit Lobe expelled , but is not able to accomplish'for the most part in these diseases; and I can afftrmythat I have Liven a purge when the pulse has been So low that itcould hardly be fell, and the debility ex. treme, yet both one and the ther have beeo-restored by it." The good effect to be derived from the Brandreth _Nils, have to be experienced to he fully believed. By their timely use neither the scarlet, the typhus fever or sn.all_pox would ever assume their malignant form. .To .appreciate to the full extent,theincaleulable bent tits of BRA N Dit ETH'S PILLS, they must be-used when the FiratS.Ymilttnes of Disease present themselves. One dose then, and their good effects will he, felt throughout the attack—Ex IS.TLKING THEM" IN TIMM I Ital. is the great secret in the cure . - of all appearances of disease arising from bad blood,and.l -presume their are few at the pres. eat day,will say anything of those diseases which affect the body when the blood is pure. Such diseases I have yet to see. Hoping that some who read i his may be benefit ted by so doing. I. am respectfully, the public's servant, BRANDIL ETU, M. D. 241 Broadway, New York: THE COUNTERFEIT'S DEATH BLOW. The public - win please observe. that no Brandreth Pills are - genuine unless the ilex has - three labels upon- It, each containing a fac simltie signature of my hand writing tints -L. - E t Brandveth. These labels art engra• ved sieel,heautifolly . designed, and done at an ex penee cif several thousand dollars. ,Remember! the top —tint side .-- . 1,01 the bottom. Entned--aterarilliiCtn.act tirContn:ess Int he year 1841, • by BSrilkiinAtatiiireth,:iri the I.fierkfis Attire in the Dis tilet Canrt of the poi OM itstriet. of New 'for k Dr. B. Brandietlesitivri Satre, No. 98, Wood Street, Pittsburgh.: .oaly , plLce in Plitshorgh wimie the genuine I Pills can he obtained. Each Agent , who sell: the.true Erandreth Pht, has ari engraved certifitaie Agency. - received every twelve riollt 119, and has entered into bonds p 1 $5OO to sell , none other Pills, than those received from Dr- B. or . hie spechil Genera I Agent." at rk , evil ffi• eate is all engraved eicept the Doctor's mune, whieb is in his own hand writing. Observe, on eachh - certificate there is an exact ropy of the three labels on each box en graved thereon. Purchuser. see Mg- the engraving of the labels.on the ce , iificale correspond with those on the The following are Dr. Renjamin Brandrelh7s Agents for the atle: of his Vegetable Universal Pills, In Alleghe ny cooly, Pa., who are supplied with the new labelled boxes. • Price 29 cents with directions. Principal Office. No. 98, Wood Street, Pittsbur AllNlteny, Mr. 1013/1 GLASS. ' McKeesport, lit ROWLAND. Nobleshawn, JOHN JOUSSoN• • StewartsTown, CILEBBNAN 4' SPAULDING. *ALEXANDER 21.RDALIC. Clinton. Estvaltn THO_MPBON,Wilkinsburgb. GEORGE PORTER, Falrview• ROBERT SECIT/I FORTkR. Taroriturn• Elixabellitown,C. F. DIEHL. East Liberty, DANIEL NEGLEY. Plt newly lams, Pleasant-Rill. DAvin B. Coox—Plumb Township. W et, o. BUNTER— Allen's Mill: (sep 10 VOILES cured by the tae of dr. Hartich's Compound Strengthening and-German Aperient Pills Dr.Harlich=-Dear Sir—Shortly after i received the Agency firm" yen for the sale of your Medicine. I formed an acquaintance wi; h it lady of this place, who was severely afflicted with the Piles. For t eigh or ten years this lady was subject to.. frequent painful attacks, and her physician considered her case so complicated , that he very seldom-pteseribed 'medicine for her. Through my persuasion:she commenced using your rillP•aa'd was perfectly'eured. - - Yours, gi-c. JAMES R.:KIRBY Ocfeber-'3.. 1840. Cliambershng;Ta. - ErOffice and Central Depot', No. 19. North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. A ndly Runnel Frew, corner of Liberty and. Wood streets, Pittsburgh. sep 10 INTERESTING CURE performed byDr.Swayne's Compound Syrup-of Prams Virginians, or Wild Cider. ry:flaving mademse of this i nvaluahlefl ru p in my family, which entirely cared, my child. The symptom! were : wheezing and choking of phlegm, .difficulty of breathing, attended-with constant cough, spasms,. convulsions, ofsrhich I. had given upon hopes of Its recovery until I was advised to make trial of,titia invaluable medicine. After seeingiheeffects-it had upon my child, and con cluding to make thesame trial upon myself., which, en tirely relieved me afa cough that, I was afflicted yrith for many years- Any person wishing-to see me can call at my house in BeachStreet,abovethe Market., Kensington. Wit.coz, . _ . DR. SWAYNE'S SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY* We ; the attention of, the , public to, the_aumerous certificate; which have been, in circulation in our paper' and some - others:of this ehy, highly mcommending.ltr 13w,tvezVettropound Syrup oUWIId , Cherry .--Wdbatre' seen the origteatcertittestes.and,have no - doubt but they come from truly grateful .hedits.eaPrmnsWe af wbleb.they haveseatived from that ,valuable:compound. We have acquaintances who trave frequnelly. used tbe above medkinm who - eau: NW& wilAmoutideate of Ile virtues.—Satarday Chronicle. ' Fssuls eilltsuitat,-.With . siocerits I. would 40 4 10' 1 You.-One and ail, both sick and wen, always to have -,stl bmtleof Dr SwionuesCompound Syrup of Wild Cherry yostr bostko-ALIS „invaluable:4in A ues.or emeriteue9,- suck as• Spitting-of Wood. Actions. attaelid of violent Conghing, -which Is-often the tause , Of spitting of Moon,. Violent „Nervous Affections .tabing occasionally • cirme from fright, and. varions.other causes,' Pioidocludgreli" Maim. sadden voids from ,improper exposure. width are often let ran fro, an-isianning - extent, for want of means being -ready fat handt-psd :as 1 'aye used Dr. Swcusio-CommnandSyrup' of- Direrry ,repeaterDP la my-,-famttf antakargys with marked success—A can recommend 14. withrcoafiderice.ll l l being one of the-best family mediektestiskielt-hatkvrer been . offered. , to the Pubtle.--SobiritlVekrocislet. tScdt.ny.. - WinoTborrt , Wholemle 4. Reialit osirtulebt fOrrntitbaii.b. N 0.53 Market Street, seplo • .:A4410 , 4004dite; , ithe: ktuk• lifiKkeirt ."..#4ok **a .141.0. 1 44. 9 C- 1- l A* 4- wsx*Ohll,,tleyteisAkoe.,:A*l-*lnizioa ibereolitoo - .4ts l .l4fifirthrimir her Wl l 4 ft4 l 4 l teo.rOOT pOtrouge... ih e. pledges UMW to keep eyery thing o( the-most ^etYush description.. and pay strict. attention to. economy. E'rencli economy. . It is with cosfidenee Mrs . recoinends, .her acid London made Corsets; also her splendid assortment rif; EtrthriliderY. iihich - is anterior to--„anythirip yet intro domed.% this country:itinciddeBesby biota; Orientalti; ' Capen a la 'Cardinal,' - Demi, ditto-oer. , tins for Evening Costume. Onitars, puffs, Pocket -Nand. kerchief% Morning and Night Cap?, tr., which will be ready fit/ their on theath,,of October next. him T. Is waiting- the arrival o(.hev.Bonnets from Europe. •at , No. 2 Ferry street, between Liberty and Fourth streets. • sepc. 29—dif. 11. *O2IIW GEO. rksAimroN. 11111.AGRAW ElAMlLTONilitteriteva ar-Laro have -removed -their Office to- the resAlettec or LI, S. Ma. 'OUTt3 E 4, two dooraabove Smithfield:. 'tea 10 7 7 - "CoFriN WAREHOUSE'- , -No, 119 ; Firsrth - Street, &trees Wood and ,Slnitifieid 'wo doors froint the corner of Wood street. • Con. scantly on band an assortment of 100 ready made COP - FINS, of every star and description; covered • ones, with Clot h: Mahogany, 'Cherry, •Black VVainut, Pimlai, rend Pine ALSO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages furnisbed; Graves procured; and- all services rciiiicted that friends may requite. -- ' A credit given in all capes, eitheiorcoffins or carriages, requested. _ - HENRY SCARES, Undertayer sep ,B ritBLS. WHITE LIME, a superior artiele, for i , sale by • . J. G. - A.GriltDON, • N 0.12 Waterstreet: Just- received from New York, 3000 V Temperance Almanacs for 1893; 5000 copies of the. Diurnal of the American Temperance Union and Youth's. Temperance Advocate for September.: A 150,2000 Chris tintAlmanaek, and a good assortment of Loomis's Ma,ga sine and Pittsburgh, and the Franklin Magazine and C 9,1 1. WWI AIOIO.IIOCS for. 1443; by the grosa, dozen or single; 250 copies of Grant's New Pittsburgh and Allegheny Bu siness Dirctory and Strangers Guide, for 61-, 'cents. Also, Cottage, Family, School And Pocket Bibles and Testa ments, David's Psalms;Aletbodist anti Temperance Hymn Books; the beautieS .of Harmony, introduction to Sa...red Music: Mason's Harp with, round and patent notes; Christ. HorP•and almost all kinds of School Boots; Gona's Do- Mestic Medicine; Day Books. nnd Ledgers; Wril ing, Let ter, and Wrapping raper; hitte Mack, and red ink, by the gross, dozen,or bottle; steel pens, quillsodates, pencils and wafers; Cyclopedia of History. Western Pilot,- and a con. Me-rabic variety of Books aod.Stat lottery, for sate on ac ' ecimmodating terms ter cash or country priduce, ISAAC HARRIS, Agent and. Commission Merchant, sep 12 No. .9, Fifth street. LK. Mooariusta. G. O. WARNiFt. .l: PAINTER. NION COTTON FACTORY. A tleglie . y City, at the U v- end of the upper bridge. The subscribers having cilinmehred the manufacture of Cotton Yitrns, - Stocking Vara, Cotton Tviine, Candlewick, Carpet Chain, Batting, .tc:,and ate prepared te fill orders at the shortest notice. Havtng selected the latest and most improved machi nery, a nil employed the manager who has attended to the Hoss,,F,LCTORSI for the last five years, they are tsantifaetu- T rig a superior article. Cotton Warps made to order, Orders through the Pittsburgh Post Office, or left at the stare of 4- G. Painter.- Co., Liberty street; or Logan tr Kennedy, Wood street; will .meet with , prompt at ten- Address—J. K. MOORHEAD 4- CO. sep 12-1 Y filo PRAIA lea large view of Females to this City who from their continued sitting, to which their eau (Alfons oblige hem,nre affected with costiveness I which gives rise to palpitation at the heart en the least ex ertion, sense of heaviness extending over the -whole head, j inrolerance of light and sound Au) inability of fixing the nitenticm to any mental operations: rumbling in the bow- I f els r -sometintes a sense of sull'ocat ion, especially rifler meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly up stairs; tempre fickl , ; thew; are symplonts which yield a, once to a few doses or the Brandreth Pills The occa„ Mortal nee of this medicine would save a deal of trouble and years of suffering. One, or two, or 'even three of the Drandreth Pills psi before •dinner, are of en found highly bentftiat; many bsethem very advantageously in this way; they.airi and aesiet digestion, restore the bowels ton - proper. condition', enliven the spirits, impart clear. I nesslo„the complexion, purify the blood, and-promote a general feeling of health and happiness.. Sold-at-Dr. hi-andreth's Office.: No. 98 Wood street , Pittsburgh—Price 25cent - 3 pei: box, `with full directions. MARK—The only place In Pittsburgh, Where the GENUINE Pills can he obtained,is the Doctor's ow Of fire. No 98 Wood street. ' Sr . Fl 10 0 QURGICAT, INSTRUMENTS! 'SURGICAL IN• ssratatewrst-- 7'. McCarthy, Cutler and Surgiral Inetrunseizt Abither,,Third street, nearly opposite the post Ore, Pittsburgh - (SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHEAR:7O . Physicians, Dentists and Drnecists can have their _ln• struments made by the subscriber of a'Superiur quality arid at Eastern prices. Tallotfe Patent Shears and Scit..,sors always on band. also Hatters e,hears, a superior article. Orders respect. fully solicited. N. B. Ail articleg warranted of the best quality, and jobldna done as usual. quay /0 LIAR COMPLAINT.—This disease often fermi natssin snot her of a more Ferione nature, IC pro. per remedies are not reatorled to in time. In all forms of this disease, Dr. Ilarlich's Compound Strengthening. and German. Aperient Pills, will perform a perfect-cure —first. by cleansing the stomach and bowels. thus remo ving all diseases from the Liver, by the use of the ger man Aperient Pals.after which the Compound Strength ening Pills ate taken to give strength and tone i o those tender organs which require such treatment only . to effect a permatnent mire. These Pills are neatly put up , itt small packages, 4 With full directions. For sale at No. 19 North... Eight St reet,Philadel phla. Also, for We hy Sam uel Frew corner of Wood and Liberty sts., Pittsburgh Pa. scp 10 • LLEIN . KRANI ER, Exchange Broker, No. 46, Cor ..t. iter of Wood and Third Streets,Pittsburgh Po.= Gold, Sliver, and Solvent Rank notes, bought and sold., Sight cheeks OR the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts; 'notes and bills, collected. . . REFERENCES: Plifsourgh•Pa, WM. Bell 4- Co : , John 1). Davis, F Lnrenz,i. Painterk Co., lo.seph Woo'llivell, ladles May Piii/adetpya , Alexander Bronson 4- CO.; John Brown 4- Co. Cigifnnati, 0., lames M'Candleo.. St. ,1.0108, J. R. M'Ponaid: totasroille, W. H. Pope, Eq. - . sep 1.0 la FsMOV itlo—The undersigned begs leave to lit Wan XV ' the public, t hat he has removed from his old-stand, Wl,* corner of Penn and St. Clair sts„ opposite the.Sl - change Hog, where he has fittedap a lhrge 11A.240 FORTE WARE.Roar and now offers for Sale , the most splendid assortment of Prartos ever offered in.t his market. - His opposecmsist of different patterns, of superior i , Rase Wood and deled.-and constructed throughout of e very he.tM autahogany,beaullfully 'tasted and mo - terials,which, for durability, and qualit of tone, as well as touch, he warrantslo be superior any ever seen here:; . . As he has en:anted 103 manufactfry, and mute arrange. .metrtsto supply the increasing demand for OM Metro metii, he respectfully requests those intending - to pur. chase to call andexaminehls assortment before write. sing.elsewitere..as .he is ,determined to sell waren, for cash, than any other establishment east or west of- the mountain's. .. F. rttumE, • - . . Corner of Penn and St. Clair streets, sep 10 Opposite 1 he-Ezchange Hotel. Pittsburgh, Pa. W. ARR:ANVIL) - GENUINE. — Dr. William V V ' Evanseti Carnomits Pills. • •‘, ,- • ---: ••'' Iftmr.TITILTN I:—.:Letier.fram' the- Eton. Ahltini • in'Clei latt,Bullivan County ,East Tennenee,filemberof Congress. . ' . ~ • ; ' Wasmarrtos, July -34.-1838.- Sir.-Slarelhave been in this city i have need come of your Dyspeptic medicine with infinite benefit and sails- - faction; and believe it to bea most valuable remedy. One . f grigt/rrAltirli Of 'Ler. of my•zetastittients,Dr. A. Carden, of Campbell county, - Harrisburg*, August 24th, 1542. . Termate..wrole to me to send him some. which I did. QALE, :17/% Tit RCA MALE AD.EIL, ROADS RE. and fi e; es inployed it very successfully in Ills practice, i"-- 7 lA/WED/0 TO THE STATE.L-NOtiee is hereby pi t/Mt:lc perils - aline of: thei seventeenth, eighteenth, and says It is Invalpable. Mr. Johnson, your agent at ve.d. place,. thinks you would probably like an agent in nineteenth arut tweet lotttSeci kinsbf the 'Act of/Assembly • T i naeessee. .If so, 1 would recommend Dr. A Cardenas .PaPstill•be 27((h day of July, 18+2, proposals wilt be reeei aaroper person to officiate for the sale of your celebrated I ved at 1 he'filtate Department until the lataay of Novae.. tier next( forthe' s a hati f all all and each of the canals medicine, _,Shouli you commission him he Is willing to cantor you. You catisend the bY water to ihe .Rail Roads 'belanging to the goannonwealth, for-which' care o rb Robert Ring 01-' Spas, Rite: vilte enunty,,res, :VAnteSidek; tit :par ,uluC , will•ite-Yereived 3 it payment. Pee, y tend ro Graham ot HOUttoll, Tasewell, Eas t ai . Each ilidividuitier Companyllst equip:id, specifically, to', Tenneeriee., I haVeno doubt but if you had agents in M 4 ' 4,iid ' ; ' l4liiitBiai .1 " d c•C 14184 . d i 'Ridl Rigid - Wh iCa: severa k cou nu es, b r z u tT en,il eme, a great ileal of me di. theydiudietti pisichase;:thf,aabsturt•of.ibeic respectiVe ciitaillfouldbe:ssobl. -1. sin going to take some of it ignite bids titotiter. - thif g iven sii‘denti, niOraitil ettilt. in: ri: tay_.pwp tar arid that - of my friends, and should the lifß4 `.... ; idiellia r ' wittlib i d n ill . d 'i' di 'l aiireddr Oidded e es tike i, kor froni;clii,mbez", yO, mood.. i i ke i n _i gept, 4 ltt eruct MitiCtitessaitiotioty in laidliefisrethis Oval Lees at Bluntelitc„Sultiverf , /, kranty, Vest Tennestivet I cants. ! 11 ,. ~' ' ' r. ' ",.,;" • ' .' 1 : :`,\,••;'-,-:•,:: Magill ( fril'lHlgllAPWlk4kAtar.iPlViliPilitriitiMAkek.: : : A rtiiiiii*X*ltifipio**Vorli v ..ititil 4' . t,m,...,, —..,,t..1/Vilt‘t 1 , 11 IR '.. - :c- ,W— -' ...-__.• 4 '''''"' - ' 4•- ' . 4 1 5 4t5M" - ' , .t I PA . • T ' A F Tillineiliklea .4 : - -';'l ' . r f ,.,"! ./A,'..r 4 '''" .00 0 1 4 .ttlifivr : ,_ ' ~. ; . ' i ii. , -,* , ,._•4"t:.., - , I ' 4 . ' 408*.es -54.. i,..• 4 . 4.:'''''.."?. - -..," -:'_..- , s1,:::: ; . - : , i - 01 . 1P,C . E . ,,:t.0f ": 'i: ---. . ', - ,,1,.`,7::,,,,i. 7 , , .Vi . ,' , r ' ',-„ i., , . ...;7r-• . iii-z; , - • • ' , ' - 4. 1 ' N 7 •'.. - '• :1 - -• ,„ . , ;„,"; '. .:•: f '-s* . iiit , ''''.'-,' r ;•:.•;....c . ..• ' -,,,.:,': ,:-":::.,:,;•A --,- )i , ::•';'?'-.'f.*,,,:;•••,•••;•.-',.C''2!.=-,:g.,4**14',--4^-'-..4-;;;.• '-..";;•';',4:4t.-..5.:,-0.,::.-.-,1•z.:3,.q.«•,., -r---•-d.•;,•;•,..4,- .....,,j,,,E,-•;•,4.,X.,:,,,7'1.•„,.4.,1i--4i,.4-.4:1%,.44774,,04,,M,....Lgtit5ti1taz7i.,,,,...:',, ....4,',., • •...,t...-.A.,•.•1,4.1,4,1ii...54214'it5trkig''''-'4.:'''''''' r : T~ Pittsburgh, June 18,1839. Mr. Jona Dasstno:=Dcar Sic—llaving - been present, yesterday, at the;v.periment which you Were pleased to . make, in the predince of - a number of businew met,- of the safety of - your- IRON CHESTS, in case of- fire, it gives Me pleasuie to,say, that so far as I was capable of Judging, limiest was fair, and tife result exceeded my expectations._ The-Chest Was a emelt one, about 30 inches high, by about 18 or2o inches in breadth and depth, and was Ma. ced on a block of wood atrout a foot in thickness, so - as Ao elevate It about that height from the ground; several books aini neWspapers were deposited 1111441 e of -it, in the manner in Which Merchants and milers would' 'mostly: place therri---a large quantity of light pine wood - relate fromeriadjoinitiganw Mina was then placed or-mind and above it, and the fire kindled on the, windward side,' sons to drive the flame against the back part of the chest. tile bre was kept up about three quarters of an hoar, until you had gone among the spectators and received from them their universal artswer that the test was sufficient. The -chest was then drawn out of the fire,' and cooled, and opened, and examined. The contents were all safe, and the only injury done ;Whit to the hack of one'lniok which appeared to he a tittle cnarred. From what I witnessed, I think that these chests are,desery ing of confidence, as affording, perhaps,the best seen, it y to Merchabts for their books and papers, whichihey can have without building large, thick, rind expensive vaults. I would consider them a better see,irii y than many vaults winch I have seen built. Your tripod, S.‘ MUF.L. CHURCH. We concur in the aboVe statement, having been pres sent when the chest was teste , '. , IW. Xll. Cooper, J. 11, Shoenbcrger,' J. 1 aughlia, J. Paiaicr, R. Jr C. L..hentstrong, I Thomas Craig, S. G. D. Howard, Ertrtret of a fetter from Pugh g 111Pord, dated Cite cilstarr,i9i h Mari h,11342. J 4?enning. Pittsburgh, Pa; Respected Friend: We have ilia snlisfaclicou testate as the hest recommendation NVe - can give of the utility. of your - I run 'Safes, t bat we hair". ithe'O r f Them which was in an exposed situation in our counting room, at. the time of the fire, ort-t he morn ing of the 10th inst. which tonsntned our Pot k Honer to. gel her with a large portion of the meat, lard. c, which it con tained;—and that our hooksnird.paperswhichwere in iheSafe, were entirely uninjoted, and were taken front it alter the fire; without ever being discolored. Yours, itc. PUGH 4- A LVORD Extrectof a Letter from Slater 4. Holbrook, dated St. Louis, Feb. 24th, 1841. 111 a Dentonn, Dear Sir: One of your stun nd size chesi s was burned siliew-daVs'imo, in a ieaciter store--it pre ser,Teti its contents. ft esoe.ci ful. yours, . se.P 10. L&Y ER is. tioisitooK. LIVER OM PL AINT mired .hy the use of Dr. Ha r itch's compound ttidrengthening, and Aperient Pills. Mr. Wm. -Richard?, of Pius - burgh, Pa„ entirety cured of the above distressing disease. His symptoms were pain and weight in lie le ft side, less of a poet ite, vomiting, acid eructations, a distension of the stoniach, sick headache, furred tongue, countenance changed tort citron color. diffi culty of breathing. disturbed rest, attended %t lilt a cough, great debility, with other symptoms indicating great de rangement of the functions of the liver. -Mr. Richard , hnd the advice of several physicians, but, received no relief, until using Dr- Ilarlich's Medicine, which termina ted in effecting a pe-feet cure. 'Principal Office. 19 North CI hilt Street, Philadelphia. 'For salt' in Pit islatrgli by-Samuel Frew, corner of Litter ty and Wood sireetS. • sep 10 Cincinnati. -February 15,1840 Dr. Sw&vist —Dear cir:-•Perniit Melo take the liberty of writing to you at 1 kiis time to expresti my approbation, and to recommend to the attention_,4 heads of families and others your invaluable theilitriehe compound Syrup of Prunus ywginiana. or Wild Cherry Bark. In my travels of late I have seen in a great many instances the wonderful effects of your medittne in - relieving chit• dren of very 'obstinate complaints, such as Coughing. Wherziny„•Choaking of Phlegm, Asthmatic attacks, .4c. /i•c. I should not have written this letter, however ,at present. although C tare fel it my duty to add my- testi mony to it for 'some time, had it not keen for a late in. stance where ilie medicine ahove alluded to was instru mental -in restoring to perfect health an "only whosecasit.ivnii almost hopeless, inn family of my Pc quaintance. t.l thank Maven," said the doming moth. Cr,wny child issaved from the jaws of death! 0 how I feared the relentless ravager But my child is safe! is safel!' • ' Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayrie's Compound Syrup, of Wild Cherry is the most valuable medicine in tiii.-ror any oilier country. lam certain I tavewitnessed more than one hundred cases where it has been attended wh coin. e success. I am using it myself In an obstinate al. tack of Bronchitis. In which It proved effectual in a ex ceedingly mutt iime, considering the severity (tithe ease. fran recouiend it in - the fullest confidence °fits superior virtues; I wonld advise that no family eltorfid*without it; it la very fileasant and always benefictit-.-worth doulde_and often ten times its price!' The public are ns. eared ibereisua quackery about it.' R. JAcirsorr, D. 0. Fortiterly Pastor of the FirA Presbyterian Church, Sold by WM. THORN. who'esal l e 4. retail, only"scent for Pittsburgit.,, No. 53, Market street. - sep ABOON• TO TOE - HUMAN.. RACEI---,•Ditteever what will destroy Lift. and you are a great man. ~ D iscover what .will prolong Life, and the world will . call you hapoStor." . There arc faculties, bodily' and intellectual, within us. with which certain' herbs - have affinity, and over -which they have power." - Dr. B. Brandrethts External, Remedy, or Liniment, which, by its extraordinary powers, abstracts Pain or Sorene,s; thus_Sprains,-Stiff. Slnewe, White Swellings, itheamaiie rairtEC'or Stiffness, Stiffness of the .tohtts, Tumors, Unnatural-Hardness; Stiff Neck Sore Throat, Croup, Contractions of 'the Muscles, Scrofulous largements, Tender -Feet, and every description of in jury affecting the Exterior of the Human Frame, are cured or greatly relieved by his never•lo be :efficiently extolled remedy. exaTtnew,rx.--Tite following letter front' Major Gen. eras Sandford, as to the qualities - of the External Reme dy, speAks volutnen: Dear 'mu oblige .111 e with nnother bottle of your excellent Liniment?, It is certainly the best of the. kind I have ever seen. lt'bris.ctired entirely my son's knge.Pbunt which I Wasso uneatiy,and have found it Productive of immediate relief . id several ,cases of enter-' nal,jajury in my A fdw etrenlats since, - my yoriptkest child Was seized with Tilolent attack of Croup. wa seatirelv removed in mealy motetes, by rub bing, - licr chest ritufthront freely Willi - the External Rein. edy., you; ought to manufacture - this Liniment rot , general use; instead of confining the,use of it, as-you `havelteretofcire done, to your particular acqualataeces. Yours truly, - C. W. SANDFORD: DR. R. BrLocutorrizt. 241 Droaiiway, N. Y. ry•Foi sale at. 241 Breirdwat,New York, and at tits ofAce,,No. pa vvoim street,ritishurgh. Pi:ICE—SO cents per bottle with directions ; sep Aner tivi , Tie Expl.o o , "Mt frRAVpLERS TAKE tit 1 provide', with the &hire bills printed whit a figure of ikt ful you are not deceived by gentsstating their boa's to he Guard,. when they are not The following is a list of h ly Guard at the Port or Pilig first tloo the list have the, imps pp4rai it Is i capes* Me for at SAVANNA, Fi RAR ITA N NIAGARA, ORLEANS, J ) CANTON, M, LADY OF LYONS, CA VALLEY FORGF, isn FORT PITT, G. BREAKWATER, EXPRESS MAIL, ALPS, CASPIAN, IDA, WEST WIND, M A p(WETTE, WI TAI,LEYRAND, pm PANAMA, 1011), CICERO, , .111,16 SARAH ANN, ; I,m . NA RR AGANSEI T, SSA),, AMARANTH: Al. Robe Bell, .8. Cordell, ./ 9. IL. Hoge, J. W. Hoyt. MUNGO PARK, NEPTUNE, ADELAIDE, NORTH BEND, MARIETTA, BRUNETTE, STEAM FERRY BOAT, The traveling, .communny before they mak.e . a choice of a and see whillitt it mould net and security to choose a Safiq. passage and freight, 112 prefer/re against exploiion—and chat that (MS invention has the unqa, fifty steam engine builders-4m! it is to understand the t mikri, td inletested—besides a nu mher of is gel - oleo en and ot hers—Dil of my office, No 10. Water stretbr pleasure al all times to who will iabe the trouble lo set, 10 CADW, VA NITA 111,E TIE 1, EizTA' The sub, , criher ofro,s fora ef'd tabs, the zreater part bf lvt the eli rs of PO Isl.nreh nrd Allee Warrhouses, nearly nrn',l situate ou Markel streci,towen, lyrneiu4 a Irmo of about 54 nwt lire, or !ell:Yr:11(.1y In snit pyyrf,yrn Also, a seleri lon in Ar:. breadth, by upward of 3.;0 611 in fronts, one on the l'ente9trania as aphizat an si rte. .A 1.0; "be by nearly 350 feet intnenem. 59_ 260 t Mansion house vN , O , lee; ings. Also, a lot Av.lllt,tven ty. , nno.. ate on the corner or rllanltve simodernte vountl rent, ant usa.groeery. ALS cep 10 SEED IV...INTED. east' or good a quanitt! A linast all 4tiodA of Country for mai or coop at II All RlFi spp 21- 1 f Com i.sion JOHN 11 A RT. Commissio dEsce and Anicrignn Na"! 12 ITER TO Jno. Grier, E-q., Aaron Dart, ".!lorintii.; Cothran of r, Jno. D. Davis, IWVay & Hanra, Avery, Oaden !fen. Jno. Woodbourne, Esq.,Madio NEw,You.v., Feb: 9,1842. ecio EOM r~`~ .:"aa,~. VALUABLE FARM FOU Farm on which 1 live. io 'Rrtiddimi;sfielil, cunt:loMo! o, e acre:; about 70 acres of whittiii Well . timberett... -There arc epa ned a barn 63 eeet. by 34;anarP 1 Also. nbont seventy acres or: be equal to that of any aphid Terms made known on applled i in the . premises. I LLitl WILLIAM C. FALL, P: ! and Picture Frew Fourth Street Pittsburgh. — li-p.,for Artists, always on M. promptly framed to order - . eel notice - . Particular attention paid ro cry description. `Persons filling up Steam Brae theirhilventage to call. HITE LEP. P.—The seg. -101.111/ tofn rulolt painters, and - chase pure White Lead made of rattled equal, if not superiori oV All otdera addressed to Dualapti .4" Co • No. 110. Second street, Fitt Attended to. JU T: Fifth S E t r .. A o:e li d i rftr N lr l i egt'OtE F The .Suhscriber respectfally Pittsburgh and vicinity that le lolling Shoes of his own wannfali where he will keep constatlis Mout of all kinds of ladies.mi , anti shops, of the hest qoaliir.o ces to suit the times lie sriU kinds of fancy work—snell as f isllpper.4, colored gait ers, and 114 -children's-010sta. silk It aiters , k 6 will be made at tie shortest netkl nee. Ladies will please, eallande as the suliscriber feels confident any article in his line theY 001 14)10 P. S. .Don't forget thi place' from Harris's Intelligen 'door t from Market Street DIGBY business of Mastrket Liberti street and 42 Ma thanks to the nu menses (titan firm, for the very liberal saSPe o t, tended to him, in connection ' wishes to assure them that ev e r! merit he continuation of the - Pert fatly invite their attention Clothing, which be intends Elmo has been ever offered.. the whole of the stock of the ! . .41bW ar d as he intends to cash -business, he feels cooldw surpass his stock, either la Bess-of workmansh i p . Please to take noticetkate fated in Pinshurek• . . sIA MVO', MORROW. 001#1,41 • - =4. _sate. op, wastot 40 Narket trop 4 Von W tntle at the shorttst 310 Itfid afire!!eirisoileisiatoll °twang, WWII . 0 00 1.7 'IOW's lag° • - _ _ ~~ .a. MEI oOD RS.tit .6 cell', Not* go 26 .1 * nit *lf" DOLL art X CENTS. dvertiß tVE LTMF. One won't - Two moots Three mo Four MOB' ; :tix months One year, RTISEM E. - 'Kennon • Two ' ix-month One lett* prorortio MoLuaima FFIC herweeu Ma easier. th door from Witlock, Col 2 between Fir . ;'rreasurer. d street, AP. R. Joints between Ma near. Fourth, near .?MS." ket and tA'. CTIIAZRe -AN nC bond,) or Wood ler etrent, ,f Tenn and orrnird n Third and Penn =trees eel. near Aherly x. Penn Si. ATTO T LAJ Gra bt st oowl •tir , M. IL— ten Penn an mnck n i,rer 9C LU -EE, a Meer in-the 1011/1111' rrovsk,, Alit etat ?worm WITOIP.,te .r .In PrOtime, o. 224 Libn•u (;on mink) r piaci tired, ; NSON, oil the L shire Blanufiei es Nu 811 , zicambou Fit Co., ilf Illitilt beteg C price. fffreave. for ante JA y or Lan. crept va at fIiDOC F. L rty street in and , next dnn Bud Satin newest [CAMAY le di.po.c r•. T. iy street, and Flo. ya F. T,. rty street ammotit 13eed store F. L rty street 6WEC ed by F. L Merl y I ngof Ho . Siding Shea P. L • street, • • st rerst Vta[son AC 4 , 1 % trod d.-Or israys V. L -r.orf Pr: IvA)RPP ,477 T 'at tee