Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, October 20, 1842, Image 3

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• nation o} &y -tettii *,
thic Dispeemery
Mr. Calhoun ii t u siw V. 7 , -
and NV3t. _ --r
The New Ymivit li ts )
much counterfeivisi c hot
i city.
llt is-mid that ther.'
ton vrill never agalePlir,.
Isblighed in
of Western tvh
44inglOw M
VI MMUS pew*
'elan:. Oct. I.
OU 0.441. •
The Genr.te
pa ..rd Ort. Ttj
this, T1.ur.44,
di-i Chi. rib
.41,4'1 , h1
I and cniserofisill
iter E.XECUriVai
o'clock P -
Tbr M 01
ineklmer4 or the P4ll'
' 4 O
11.4t4 ll7.inpany
he'd iilPhqlll,4
1 . I . IIUI , Fay Cite nib or ror
„ Maalogeti,avut,
••,,, the ennatimg Fe at.
4 1 11) o'clock. A. 11. no'
w.-. 1 20 •
W vs.
,r R ndc Kr.tp-T Art
: v. A f..r Tie.utiter vev:
t, , „ _rorit 40a tar* *lntl
te ver.dineriu.atcs as alatktgitkrt ..
A yat - Miami
Oct 2
sireei, bf-tiveen Thiri
efrectlitlty inforans,ite zres
•idgny. g hat Ise-iA prepared to
fot au" dEstrinlion of grof k-
Ile ita E. on hand, and will becomes
rral 2..Fnf (Men% of CLOTHS, C • • , •
He will make wo:lic to order, at
otter ef.taleighment ir the eity.
gay rn~, that hit wnik, axle email
Co snd workmanattip,ratittot be sa
tablisliment in this ,
Cv putteloottty and ninrenduits;..
lie 'lope: to merit - and - receive adage..
PCTSATIE flint/ Shift' their IMO Ma
thrir attranta4c tomtit. before pin
Oct 1:1.dlw wst.
1w ire is berebv given slat a
3 06, u ;buena. IA 501
be beat at James resab , r A
. 21f4 inst., at i 0 o'clock, A. N. CIL
Majors Mercer and Stewart wall
1 WA 011 . 4
OLD ES rAni.J....n.eks.
FICE. XO. Bi soar tit
Atrext jaf J. 4- fir, aollawi# •
Acts Liverprol, irks deriartek*:
pert* ear U lied astral* •
e VEIL: euta•criber would wait •
SP* persOßS as ant-
Fricads that be continues la latai
Grcat Britain mid trebled wit*
trice& acre, by I be above lAtte at •
wort reartona iIC terms- last -
pmFsetig . is will avoid the • -
tiwe ao touch tempt:died Oriel
impositions pracilbeig iogi die
anti irresponaddiagsals at
rid that every decant!' dilireisi -
their friends and all 1111140 en o*
may not ettetartt eau Mire tbe.r
petty teem w hOna it. seas ockatin
for mlng to-the documents Acrivetf
also fed, pleasure M
has enretiderablv extended - aid '
meats for the royament of Ms
throuahout Entitled. Ireland,.
further particulars apply lifteteti
VV-exTE C. TO BOirdivr.
$ -000 on Bona a.nl hie 4 !
wI/ lilts tr , evcm nollio of tin
tug tahme3, to loan =II tcod Antal
Apply at - Hag
...mut il:
Or! 18
Ferri Cider Ciceiafers..
paigge Seatfaerers,—Aktpaili t..,
`C - Tee siale of your Sirsaserier
Itirip,r re,.:e4y Ver.feribed,
{Wall no. 11.0/ tvg, -Siva enin4
6119 r,
Otb e hours,Crorn 21,. 31.
t,v is the Luke IS tear
C*.aal z, iliVatiolfm.
“M.clell.a9arerly tyre ram
" alio!" ret by..a.twtart orli
ever orregviirfar Cectdo44_
HEW XER ovz AN110110!
np out ward .eista de, 111 , MA Ste
fA e IY Lath' ikEGETINI
n.l in sarl s p icafton, isz reale
R keitainfisit. C
N°"nr• te . ed suffer front' date
the %love needietutp, T 144.04
111 111
J 1 Ort 15-1 w
To frle Thrs.ra,ble tha Jakdrat
Qaarter &assures of Os riot ,
cf AlletAtevy.
riltiE Whim
toartiatetp, in the
44 h. That year ptlititnere 11 ,241
owlet jaiffisr the arcotutunall tite
at aisitsseffilaituntse.in the taw
than your Hominy 'rift h, -
Arry a public Wiese of '
tuner, as is ditty bostad.
We. the ealarsiberd ,
Clip do O d ertify that be 1 ,7 0 1 , 1
for heatedly ;ad
boom rowan and eorfeephraie6
iedgiax ofamhuyglerd load !Lr a
neteserry. - it e ser
John Cheat, - •
Thomas , gams. . „
David Berke:lt%
1 03e54r1_ ,, T
Josepti . havilleir - . 4 3 0
•Aaroe Frew.
j T. SOW
4, 1111.40 06
40 4, 1 0 10111-
010/840 11004 :
_ ,
OSS& 00$1,
ER 20 .
ers —their Parclos.---W e
,iubl'oh a copy of the offi
&ming the 'Transporters
nteileed in this cits—by
ear that they perhaps
r Inr nathirg, when they
him in 'heir resolutions
of Mr. Freivogel on the 4th
Friday night last and rob-
If lop is and s ame article ,
aisi is sus?-cted On the day
as liitely out o f the Pen
red csamiiong the windiiw
endt.rs it czrlain that be is
a horses'oien trora a
avert', no d .übt by the Fame
y,sra trir in to
Tyree or f ,u 7 own.
up 1;c, Ji t i ilo Kn from her
nu./ s-cilpe.
;if Mr. Samuel
tienv City, on Tuesday
. .
death in a manlier truly
e was playing, and having
_•+me lime. diligent seal ch
in every part of the
e neighborhoad, when it
vain in Nit. C.'s family to
hogshead, where.
e mer,t of all, the boy was
e,(l imn, ,, sed in water,
tio,.t. Ht. was imrnedi
,11,agreealple and
[O ,l s recovered
earn, t the great (pie-
w o feet aral a trait
efal--If true
lowing cieJited to the
:n.l as the Bout referied
ci:y, we publish it fur
arner MINS FREI,, on
Idsr, havii, n board a
Junv MILLS. placed him
arehwat in this coy, where
ed iu the eVetlifla lying on
of the L tat for his passage
incinnati to Galliopolds, in
ree it is Slippnsed be lived
reiching. when he
' • treated. He was taken
on,'ln discovered, and
ce procured, but in vain.
M ow: lay {,.'towing.
—NI tlle time of the Inte l
• von, a man rcii‘e up and
v ah re Joe Smith u as,
to pump the boy anti ar
h tf.e information. The
e prophet hid ascended
m S pith's white it irse,
spin If a kite to send his
The man pot spurs to h s
ir, styinv there was no
ng by a Mormon ---.Citi
next Sunday fuel,' the
whon she (~untied her
!in seem Pd to be some
is auach ent. 'SJ shall
afreet a man's
an e p )cket, being
rstition.—ln Poland ev
pii.,sed to he born S'ib •
ttictl'ar .3 , stiny or file.,
ible for him to ay.ibl.—
s nativity has mysterious
orne of the preCiuUS SttilleB
in desires to pres-nt the
tions with an acceptable
. invariii.ly given. glitt••r
--.1 l,y whi•:h th • Fite oli•ct
deter min -d an.l desct
e, a lads• is born in lin
therel,re. be a j ic
for these stones belong
.00h of the year, and ex
vnd lelity:'
;f every mouth. whirh we
ibt for the benefit of our
nth nr garnet. Constancy
Ty eneaTemOnt.
thvq: this rn oilh and
tats fr.im strong passions
s" 01 mind.
St'a f w. Courage and
and hazardous enterpri-
re and diamond. Repen-
. Sur.re.s in ince.
Inn life and health.
ruhr. The forget—
of ergs springing Irsiin
Conjugal. Fell-
C h ryso 1i te. Preserves
/a marine or Opal. Mu'
Topaz• Fidelity and
Turquoise or Malilkite,
success and humane**
once of life; the Toluoinis
-rty of ser.uling raegaiy
old saying Omni , ins who
noise will always 40:11#8.
-.:.4:: 1 •.'.?'-‘..:f: - ., A-.,: . ,
.:,,.:. 7 .:,,:-.. .f,r.,:-.r-n.,.:
NIL 11101IC AiWirt
Book of Plushorth. Par
Merck. it Nu- bk. Par
Etchaace par
Bk. of Gecaunatowp -
EastOtO ask,- ao
Lancaster bask, dis
Bank of -Chester Co. psi,
Partners' bk Backs Co.
Doylestown k do .o!
Bk of N America Phil.
Bk of Northern Libetties,. ,
Commercial 6t. of Pa.
Far: 4- Mee..kaola bk.
Ken.4nvon bk.
Philadelphia bk.
Sonnyikili •
.00titwirk bk.
Wesiern bk. IStale bk. it
Bk. of Pennsylvania l3 atie Serip.
FM of Peon T 4. par - RP.NTIICKY
kleckaalcs bk. 12 Ali banks.
Abnikanito bk. par
Moyasoensiog bk. 11l 411-:ftrasebes.
Girard ba..k. 501;Thawarertown; • €5
U.:=Tatea bank. 60 - VIRGINIA.
homberme..-% Warren. 75!ilaok of Verdioia.
Fraok. i.L Waahinflon. par do Valtry,
%) ‘arra bk of Paviortie, 6 Far. bk. of Virginia,
Bk oi Mont:ornery Co. pat Errhao:.e *oak,
Mon. t.k Brownsville, fi Lank
CO.. Frolic. 5 Mcr. 71r do..
La.vaster. 21Bat - iinote Banks
Pk 1.1 skid (pi ow 11.
Bk. of Citalo•horator:h,
Carnole tank. 6
isk of Nor; linaniv.rtan4l,
roltiniboi i.k Bri.i.ze co. S.
Co. 9
Pic of I. raware Co. No
L. anon I.k
York Wok,
Far. 4- 11.1r0Ver, bk. of
%Fa yort•rho r h,
Currency noses. 6
tionecgta 1..
Vevonon• hank, 121
tgl,%•lt talc Srrin. 4
Cro•iry do do 4i to I°
Rankle Co. bank,
Lerro-row, 10
H..natr•iryFam hk
Far. Sr !klf.eli. l.k cif Stria
Relto.nt.l I.k t•f St. Clain'.
Ma, intia bk. Demand
dc. Cnrrrn , y ncorA.
Colatnlr,aml ck N ew Lie
bon Demand.
do Posl S,
f.',lnrinbati specie pay
ing 4.anks.
Mech. 4- Traders bk of
Oilslon Ilk of e,,iumtmF,
Demand notes.
Cirrl.•ville. Ca. Lawrence
Zanesville I.k.
Tr. Corner of Wood 4- Fifth Sts.
Tur. propriehais of itsr. Morns:so rofr ntd Pitretkt
AND NlLsrFAcTuarn refpectrully inform their friends
and the pal ronsof iho , e patters. that they hate a large
and VPh rhnt,•n AFFIrrIITIPO of
aro:Jams r -- 41r-isc_zE lo ll
gfI I ,4 , NA - 15 - N.142 1 :g7k 5 C:41 , 21. 5 .
Nere=s - art 10 a JO) :'rinling Office, and that they are pre
Bill? or Lading, Cif
Bin licadr, Cards,
Black Clker LP, list Tips•
itinbs of 33Iants,
Stage, Steamboat, amd Coma! Boat Bilis, ocitkappro
priete Cats;
Printed on the shortest Police and roost reasonable terana
redpee-tfally Bak the patronage of our friends and
he public in general in Ibis branch of our hosinena.
tthurgti , Sept. 397 1,94'2. PHILLIPS SMITE!.
as d Hitstws. Slasufacturer of iron and Nails.
are house, No - . 2.5. Wood sr.. Potsborsts. sep 10--ly
LOTS FOR SA LE.—Four Lots in Manctuw:ter. true
:.m1 a fourth Acresitf Land on Rotates' Hill. Lots
nos. 41, 42.52. 53. 54,181,162 and 184. in Ceok's plait
of on UM. Also, Low, nos- 26 and-27. in
oot's plan of Lots on High street, near 11te new Court
❑ou'e. For terms apply to Z. W. REMINGTON.
vep 10
G EORGE W. L.RYXO, Attorney at Law. Office
FAO street. near Om ?heat re, Pittsburgh_
sep 27-1 v
N --
ICHOLSON LANDS.In onrsoarice of a decree
o .The .7C ichrhgan tour: of Pleat of Penrif.riva
ihzianinutif•-ionet,i of t he eitate of /Olin . lilichoL on,
wit: o:T" at notilic sale, at the kteltaree lintel. to Pills
hticeii. Penns, lrania. on Monday, the 2.4 , h of October
next at 10 o'clock, A. M...lhe fri!lusvin;iler-cribed tracts of
land, fimated in ihe.Btal P Pennsvivania.to wit;
.EI TRACT OF LAND =intata lu We Iltioreland to.
-643 Tracts of Land in Elie coy n'y.l
-4SO Tracts of Land hi rrao ford cciatity.
-A LSO-- .•
1.64 Trat!" of Land in Mercer conniy.
-130 Tratiof Land in Baiirr roniat.
-A LSO - I
312 Trarisof Land in Reuvrr covney.
—A LeSt)--
TriciS of Land sitnair in Vena-n
Traticrof Lam] ci.u.or to tvarr4n'rematy
-7 Tracts of Land Situate to Ni-ltraii tounty.
- A LSO -
19 Tracte of Land piinnte .1.4 , ..r5i0n county..
-5 Trels 1.2114 'Dilate iA ArnmlrPagrount,
-A LSO -
14 Tracts of Land Eiinaie i., inthirOacoanty.
17 Tracty of Land Yhuate to FayettF county
Fora fott Ler dricriotion thereof, re billy and other,
new.itypt.o. pet liAtela in the tc.pet flae youuthty.
The land tYM le VOW to 1 1 diAry Itte',deta due thteoln
monwealits of reotisyty,nia. by JoboNichotram.iiiiir
cured by Fiscal and Jmiiciai time, dated iu December,
1795. att4 March 1796.
The Commirsiorect attand at 00 Eithafire Hotel,
is Pitipbureh. front the lint of. October until the flay Of
pM tuciye further inform:loov.
The .errs, of Sale will be—tett per ant. at the time of
- ;
mile, and the haler.'. in rune equal Tort•ents, ite. ,
WILLI 1M PtIItROSE, I estessie' itiettere.
/011.5: ROBERTA. . I
nurriotaryzit, Pal-n.fePi - 3.3843- _SI
to, ,_
at Jr,.. 90. Jiferkat at-, *Oates irS11: : slur Dissaidi.
riga E.lietweriberorbais &boat deal - sa the Jry
, 1 busberss. trill disposed his steed at cest,ler
eat,. It rowed: at bloc*, *Me Mock; heritage Xf
olive Clothe Casdeittes and tgatheette. of all
Meseta all laid* and scion.; Bealerteess amid -
Skt.e. Pilot Cloth:), nesse. de Labsesi. plain and ,
Orleans Cloth, a saieudid ailide for la4l dresser
dires.Cblodsesaad Calicoes. a large sisairlaseid; ill
*beached- sad ustilisecherk Giregiano,- iCh-rks act 7
dasidol3bairlsOldlifs, all it Wham' ipriceiS Gloom
seem. atecks and SaspeadernlderhOP.ldoehe Woo
Cohost Ezbhts and Dfaltellt. Shim : esPlso. plain a.
red; fleiht and Ueda* Verlag% Cestlesseieb 8
i Todighet WWI? fpll apdatileat of Threads
tilylkilabolPb QOM !Woad Ilylldlino.
\atitThei sbovaCliallk lOtolit 4 ** 4l /Alsi - 101
aiii '
alegotOlWONtlitadoo ll osllo the latilidiridill frill ,.
C. Fhr eilotkagit# , ' =Ur UAW* ,
weosmir., 2
Nassitto, • -- 2
- 2
2. 2
'Lowy - 2
01100a._ ,2
Sdsto s
Pram. weiklitaillity 2
Lawassier, 11
Hatiews. 30
jCeib. bk. take Erie. 36
Far. bk:of 5°
Obaa 70
:onto ry Banks. 2
311 Banks, par
MI Ea. I.s. rs , r arra I
I:,..ontry hanks,
oately fut,d ) I a
Rrd Rork. to I
Romeo Books,
I , in*.r
i i.ontitry
Orira ss Banks,
' 1
Good r5..104,
All Bank., a
*4l CMG AN
Bk. of El. Clair.
dam. l 1!. Smith 5
Conti Lank, Sin 8
Eastern Exchange.
New York;
tVestern Exchange.
Lndtarille par
A'Lreling. par
:cd to rrectrie,
,~ :t;v
attlfittelit444****** 4 9llll
liths AND tva).“,: . _ - A ."..., - dii w akia jllkivaiihooisaaoaagimies' Smay t . 7-siesclAPwar , aver Au
. ler irel" itlielti.lhilli- -..." - -..innw i t., - .$ sr - 311e.: I Oleg 1410 - 4' '' 4 •0 10001 00:141111 cunt pries. -teirsolarena,
t a i sa da,egiat be baellel***4 --^•." -* - '.4;berrytateetmstbeiltagestaseaseallaaareet Iblllus'
Hankie, soder laetrile - of 6:lCelieet 01..ated_ lientrilei busit famaidimg., tiliwi,,eau..-tiaimariva fir
~ rot i t
....„__ _
„..... . _
sssa . No. ,53 Proms it.; betareett Wood mad Warta
or . .._...;.... e = __,lre I - IN DYlNl.llaelle
a/n, • of o re '''m". 4 01*****Salleds tad altheil oat liatalleLleldt-
A eeneir2l-of his c "_____,, eu1umi1. , "4 „,„„.........a 1be Palmant .' /*** 6 if * sue= -2 rood fiarrioas lainalladed wilt
paadie generally, .is recou...lbsr •1-----,...„.., .......,... currant lessati: meta scent- of sunneliein water. Wilk a
Pittsberga. Alien/3, 1842. . SAIlu el. IL ra ''' . ' " ' plempla at ibm fonot.door. la' relarloctotherittabarcit '
cep 10 ALSX'a 91 . 41. W AllB. " aid mi&iitiy
„mat. are
oßEßTieoßTEß.,..atteersey at Lass.--Otbee sale with moreindaersaumt to these witthingtopardaute
Jlam, en the corner of Faith and Stulthfield ass. imp 10 1 wear Pittsburgh:llk lemma anal' be , node modierate. for
'l.4,7llneousTTS.ftwUnortaGN.Cwillii: 71:eisomeLATINISeirervAND•daily7sallE::71:;;,___11":"..8....",:orifriaotleeyitiasn:dlialrAtibecirrotetieroitheifforrisst lel e: Pl iner alt oter. bbie_
neixs **bil:
IL Ll 811 ARV of Religious, flistotleaVoNt ital.and Sae 1 l '''' , ,'"
te tr a: l ns e t Bri .lens ldletr 7 7ettr'elpettek; 0 A 1131. 11- 101 .11111 17 nt e ;e6l l" :nd -j-n et tlie ella ls 4; i ~...l itr s.7 . "ided- Tat- ° 10 and 2 ° *cee 1 44 1 * hthith-lPettrha•
I alley where punctual attendance will beets*** by t 7 ant 10
Fey 10 1. 0011111f1L. 1
i Has rites itstellizersce Mee.
111,11-USIC SCHOOL.—Mr. -Bayley hereby would se- i OEVERAL aloud **beta ran he foirailsbedlo reboots
1.1.1 smelly inform the citizens of Ptostargh arid of-' ..,,. l a km ..
..„. „ mau l.. n, -.....„ ~,„,i , ,_
einiii. that be rnoiripptaies forsaing a nehOol tmlociltate I reemaameaded. watabe - 2dais c -- "4.....,L.0-1,;i1.0,-- =Tw.,......_
fy, (or the purpose oftearbtrif ,be eyeful art of Intaras I a , prate i n some rettrettaa bl e private 61.11,, ;;;;;;Illiike
suiental cook- He pledges himself le the flelilletthat hei htilt- , ,
elf s patine - school. Peaces limatetif or several
samara , of instruction Wsesleswatir and ecieutifie And lanit i der/hr and tors. latectranieis araitern.cfmteriataidnr.mirbt
ott paths shell be rime* 10 fat iteratethe Preteefererba i thrall work and labwitatr wee. Ail klaid6• of learaticar
papi i twee Ot
at this matte for streams and hers mating, the
Ladles will be wailed on at their respective traiderarea. I e ira,;:t. p t .. n a aer a ium „. an ars , In iiy , mile, wilt mil
Sir. it (till reduced his priers in mob the Ilffierk. - - 4 here ion ezpereeaceand a ihorm o 16.0-10&.„.. of bust.
For particulars rertaecall at Cot. Tiovillo'n. new the .-rt..„. OFFICE. 9 FENT*/ STREET.
, I Ailnitteny Bit gr-. *el *-- 1 le i N. R. A tab !Wilted pule mends before the door.
11.L.M.41 ELDER. Attorney at Law; Office set we 19
I Ka ketreffn ttnii.lingn. 'tarty appasioe she New i
Court tlonse on Grant i-trert. Sep 30=- r
- y
, rE .uti=c itois reaneCiftitin calf the attention of
THORN'S TEA:EW.RR V TOO I'II-W ASH. their tram. d s and the petite ermerally, to their pre-
Lasearras,,Ott. 2d.1942. , tient anarierment of ?epee Benign/a. width ~sifts a
Dear Sir. I elwerfully and ' lane mad extetwone warier! of patterns of the fblierilri,g
roi*".rdiaTl,,nenn:i.- , l. ar a e o t ß ti x e . pr ill e:nt favoratile mutat musty tore- stewriptiorm," hit* tionn inspection atilt be foetid to ke'
ins oto toll my wara,e-i taank., of srai node for year on. of soperko quality and finish.
f - tlatiVri and 1211,2,,effliollalAP invent - on of your very itragdared Wall repers,or al! desarrpOosa, fcr pa,,serbg
lows eels brazed Tea Perry Toth-Wash,and I fn.' that I tOOntS and entries,: 123 rents per Were.
lam in duty Inqind in *ale that 1 litre derived the !rent- (Dazed Wall Papers, neat and tenths - me potterer. for
en and moo heoefirial Pifer! f.om its frronent mad male.: portant rnonnt and eatri-it. at 27i t e a l.,
ate us.-: and I ran a==tire von that I am exceettin;ly hap- I ,Itiacriani Wail Pepin, of their own Wtarthrtrethrn, for
py to have the Idea.tire of a•forniiiis ton,thal slaretely i Italic: Freres and cars stglrs for rowers end
and cordial!. .pe-ikinfl. Ira I. in Justice recommend tin fre eitauthericon tine satin ?glazed• grounds.
il qnew ~ u to : i ll 'las a n to r timair portion rf the human ! Frrs'it W a n Papers. Druratiao4rod Presto pattern. in
1 rare i h r . n i• g n,n. 11, gird* trio are row nr.devFro, irs/ the i plain and itch enters, fedi *ad 'Dear paper.
too° earrnrtatint pain for the want of a entertscitir prep,- i Paine sad hritati.. Senders.
ration of ‘xseity the mom. nature of whit+ you riti. prepa• Leradscspe Papers, in wits, ktr paaering hotels, hails
red. and who have for trearit hem ontrerlm g foam the in. i and dining ronnut, at reduced prier*.
I 'annul , . tle4 raw' ire and pernicious effeeis of worthless .'. Per Based Prints,. Swags. Orsitatears, kr. '
1 tooth powder. and other worttilem preparaticias. In 'II helot* Elivii Paper, plain and &eared, of different ea
eonehinion pern4l me to nay that
,I !mart:wed ytmr Tooth- I lot.
Vcan.li Intl (or a Qtiort IV rim]. and yet I feel thorrnistila 1 Wewern merchants and (*there're renpeelfatin invited
ronninced that it to the heat now known. its is 'estisnahie f to call and examine their stork and token. off which last
virtue= in preservinn the teeth. (which if kept in a good la liberal iiineonnt will be given for rash.
and hand:mine cc/rining, i, the artmtent enthell4tainv.t I Prom Immerses-len-min the I nitiflPsji. they are *file to
flint adorns the human rimettioe) are not to he eseefoid I anannfachare papers in a superior mhnner, and as - they
in ea.inn and reireninn the sufferer from tooth 'rap, and, are determined in keep up 'he diameter their pipers
remorins Ifni...S.owatt , a healthy and ;winded ecmtillott.and hare uniformly sustained, thee hope to continue lit re
siv•nr al.n a Sweetness and Crazy:Hwy toe disagreeable CCiVe ifteetlCOlWZgeMelet hhhertono liheratly encoded.
breath hitherto toselo,wn.Hielf.D•tiliP 4 - BUOWNE.
Acrep• my Es erre-wiAli for your Avec..., from No 49. Market street, between 3d and 4th
Your:. truly. jo,yea Stimsyren. 1 rilesttneett. ger. 19, 18-12—dawaf
- --,-
nership formerly existing under the name of
Smith, Boyer ¢ Co..at the Bowen Works. was dissolv
ed 371 ti Sept'r, last by the withdrawal of Samuel Smith
from the firm
A. N. Mel OWELL,
Pitt-buruh, Ilth October, 1842.
The mannfarinrin. of Iron and Nails from Jun nit
glk,Omi: will he continued at the Bowen Work., by the
soh , crihers-, omit t the firm of TOlbett‘ toyer and MTh:w
ell, who are amply prepared to attend to all orders in
t heir 'imam the most Liberia ierms, and by renewed at
hliSIDeSS hope to merit a continuance of public
pal foliage.
Iloven Works, 11 fret. 18#2
N fl& 1- be inisive-r or - On/Mi. eager Ca. will . lie "el.
lie il 61 2_,_..d a Ir w old warn!, Turbot s Royer 4. mcDowelL
JUST z surrriora.ticieof Co.- Lard
Oil is arr.:mite t o burn at any Temperature, for rale
al itirLardOilSlata is Third- 'tree', newly comMaitelbto
Pert Offire. M. C. EDSIY.
50 BAGS prime arern UM Coffee,
30 packages Y. H _lmperial and Gaupowdet Teas,
20 Wm la me No. 3 Mackerel,
6 boxes Sperm Candles.
received and for sale by
OM 11-1 w - Comer or Ha nii - and Liberty es.
I,ltuft SAi.E. tuft 13,91€ TER. for tatainiign Inaanfac
t urea and Country Prodire—ft half boxes of choice
Carendiah Tobacco.) hree wialiiies and prices--230 bud,-
ells of Flamteed Cake in tibt.s., in lota to tint tantalum!.
IS S AC BAR. aLS, Ael. and COM. BiOchasit.
Oct 11 no.. 9 Filth street
SUGARS: M 0 L A5%04.-40 Made N. 0. Seger,
40 Was ?tamales Molasses.
50 •• Sugar House do.
For see by
J. G. it A. GORGON.
1 0 na,,s Rio Coffee. For to e by
I oet 4. J. G• 4- A. GORDON.
ESTER-V - I:I_II7VPRSIrr 07. Prarirsriva-
SCHOOL.—T he Try Sees of the
Veastern University Of Pent , s..lyartia annotiare to - the
ijoigie that they inioe etnablisited a Law Fr'lnud in eom
ration with lite 'University_ in which alit be tanebi
Nnecipal,iffternational, and Conntitutional 413nw in al:
heir ilia tiches.
The Mode of instruction will be by melt atioine. feet-ores
and ciecasion'al moo!-cou rt . ax fe f i vitnr last 11611°1m -
The tear will consist At two ter tin of font atid a hall
ay.? ies each.
The 111- , 4 term will commence on the ictond lion-day
of Novea.her next.
tu ion frn i< $37.50 firer term Flyable in auiviree.
Wavrze H Lon-nix. Cm-, a .11L'll'HY of the ritlittrurtn
atr, has 1444: ilia-en Prat-F.-or
1 Pleasure In alwoulorine that !hey have teen ahlein
core t lie'teivitres of one so well qualtfied for the station
by reason of !evil arosvrrsiecti, and particularly of
one so hiztsly ester-fowl ae a selottar and a oesotetimit
The annexed reeno.utehitatunA Will furnish Satotattion
to all Ips uottliAesolons s froreisor. -
the trustees be - en traltirwi to lusilitum ;leis .
nrIN , OI from a view of the serious disadirantneetratlendine
the dollies of la to. In *he :lave of praet lain" Inlet erland
a en 'he very olivloiss art raft tarettw hirei I'i4locbrirtit pee
ee.inef, over most other places in lite Wert lot tar Anari.
tishootro of sorban in4ittildv.4-nliere tiodosiri
nos noon arson. The student biases ariesblibtai ream
PIP. of ry and lerterey.rtud very Lew lovistdadionsto
indolence anal IA enrso. He shay itifooste arqualated
pith ha.siness 3b all llt forms_ fia/tr Courts are Miters
nearly all the tern( toned, and ikers It/ prrba nee faaer
In the Weld iol4ere _eraser vat ?Ely brtaselatia- - -
pip. arke for disetissiou.
The reenlist. , are desiroustluit all personale - IMM 10
'strait theutiobreeoftikoaraulaiia of this school. should
‘5O rian ;min, disi..sr he ratline and lamas!! their tames at
tae orrtee Wa:ser H. Lowrie; Esq.. on Fourth J,lllent
nit to, itthilmoimt M. by haler. "pant paid, to that all Oro
dents tear rittesseete at the opetitin or. the iteMl,. or as
early thereafter as pus tale.
it.sorla reprice.
MIN T rsicinT. t Committee
01731, b. stunts. Of
avow Ir. stud; Ettleatioo.
We take a piensiliT VITMISAINTIPU4 M
02 to e ami
deoreor pebrir, Vratier Lowrie ftsq, Preceptor or
Law is the Wester* i3ittrersitr of Peetnsyttntaia, as
restlessaressisest for bit rotted legal learitios and attill
ties, and is'esery fray geatifiedfirlitethttiste ottbe dike
to orbit* be has bees elects&
Seall -131,8 0 11 -- 0044.104.1t4adnd
iabl.-roreorbalcas. the
itibILISMILVIZOIT. 5 - co pe .ft e Jed** .*be
Markt. , -
ions iaais,, ITT S. Disidd Suitt:
IgIALT -:-Ntli*I 1 * So._ t Pau .just ticehrecsistii for
ala!ear . J. W. ettittigioanco).„
Kc - Na 4L Siciwaffiereet.
woes Oakum. 611 lia"
4111---42 alr. a R. 7.5.
:= 4 "471i, r - tWirjßog,
: - --taidgetkim
~",4?•. 4 , 7 ,, t ,.:41.'.;,, , , - - : . . .i.,- . .:',.,- r . „ 1 . a.,n, . ..- ; ,..- : :•- . .T.....'..,e...---i, : -..:..',71;. ' -';', ..,'''''
.. ... • . • :., • . a. - ••....., .• •''- ..' •, • -
The Ilitieees ta‘krgmt
_ .
US. MAIL LINE of Splendid rammer,' Steam Pact
. .ets from anti 111 l tto St. Lnals.
The new, ispieniiiit. fart mom inr. ir light drat:len steam
Parte, West Wiel and .11ray7reir, will run at regular
Pactrts. from Cincinnati to :74. Lattlh. Will leave Cin
cinnati-and Si. Louis every Wednesday mornitrg, at 10
o'clot k.
Passetivers from the East and West may rely upon
%heir .etart pu•t tally as advertised. Pep 10
JOll,ll IW R TTE WORTH; :electioneer and Collllall
sin* Merchant, Lusiscilie; KT.; will miens, to th*
sale of Real F.4ale, Dry Goods,G.oceries. FaraPnre, Ate
¢e_ Reanla ria let!. eve. y Tuesday, Thursday. and Fri
day mornings-. at ib o'clock, A. N. cash advances made
on cousiaurne.te. vep 10
tise-tr - insperrtatins a .litsrawsidire isbvirfralet
Pittsbargk,ltaltissare,Pkiluditilit4 Jain i k atirika
tax- raleagli is
tie sk.ortest times.
2An EATaiied States Portable Boat Lise, lit fairillYtted of
goals bilie id fedi secliens, each section capable 01
containing seven tons and snsceptible of being separate
or detaebed and 1 ransferrni from Canal 10 Rail lined;
Mats, as it were, forming a complete train of Cars, or
presenting the novel appearance of a Boat sailing on land
and thereby avoidiii. the great delay occasioned by re
shipping at the several jimtinns and terminations of Ca'
Itatoand Rail Roads, the expense ef transhipmeet and
tbe darutmethe goods sustain by freijueut handling; and
rem/brio:git impels:3.'lSe to separate lob of goote on the
way—owing to the peculiar construction of the Beat
Ihaying four separate apartateits in which !Mite are sto
red, renders them lets table to damage goods ey water or
otherwise than by any other ioadeof transportatioe.
thunisnem of Traniperbe ion recommended by the
Meat . - Commissioners and lately adopted by the stair,
refers pailicularly to this class of Betts. the Beats of
this Line are owned by retiprossibleicaplains that ran
them, andis the only Tripe now in 'Operation free froth
monopolies or combhnittosu
Cootheeonsignedierthe anderiL•ned agents will 'be re
ceived free of comarbision and sliippedi without delay at
the lowest- rates. All charges paid .and every Intl row ion
promptly attended To. C. A. IIIeULTY 4 Co. itltts.
Canel nista, Pittsburgh.
rorE. Arent_ 75 Bruirty's Wharf, 'Baltimore.
THOS BORBR WC& Agent Phila. sepl6--if
PIA £A?. if:-AXDJiaIiBONSTORE. JV's. 2 it.
Clair :rest.
_ tares nod Rihkorrai
Whir and marrow WIC,
Lace and Masiin CailaV,
infante.' frock senios.
Ladics. French Kid, Mohair,
Lisle Thread. and ration Gloms.
- Stark Mohair nets for - Veils—no-re cheap
-A large annorisnert of finglok Saran. Sonnet.
Also, a narieiy of Sins", main and
. fancy Toscankcald.
alive Infra fashion.. atut at ykreedingi. y taw
Throe goods are. now Who!, nt pricy' sto Alt the
1a dies are reetieciTo Ily Invited to call and purchase.
finE linA 7EL , BERRY 'MOTE W ASH=.II .M
Treglreith. Ready.—The extreme Wain ibe
Teeth- heir indisperisaNe WY. and lite froloPttry Of their
hashad to inane mvetitiam for iloor pftf4P1100100 , :
an how tai - pre. sertre them in a sumo! health an pti4ise
%eager; to the• lairs' periods of saistetree, WM. ealsrehr
asairriantra unfit the Aimovery of the ahnire inirahtabae
propaintion. (Omit a pare Itorator. costOoPtd*Ot .
maul, irieredisots„ and Lia pane stasi Writhe 111-4 idelforibrta!
*dot.` eradicates tartar (that the 'vela, remohessepots
diMay..poti-bes :Pad preserves tine assamet. to
which it salves a pearl like whiteness, and, from lai4i4O- - ;
Reline properties, posscatesthe aincte of ;Min three:West
40 14' 14Y4001.
Alt a* ;deft-Sthi-kaia, the lleawaUe shave ilk
ardent iimitert, Wormy is ethithaled treat theal. — a -
heathy aetlth redgreat is ta1k0041.4 efallas Weft lothe
eveltiee ofthe a ri praethkbeer %ea-that.* ieWiktrite of
their' -heatithritinate. fe. Lhs been examine* avid used*,
severe, oft,* larafptlyeariatos of this city. - oda 'have as
I heel ithilea lit thoolthaeadiaLh as as ereelleatieath tar
Abe Teelli. tasieseier;._
Aimotrt tire*
Hairier tried fir. “Tbaries Tea Berry Teedh W 31."
almilflieeoimetsed votibitieWAlNewlipringtaip
'Add*. I efeehersdly say. disaider item* tell* aidital.ae
It le 40i dfiiieYaitpdintial . titeliatit WastellVeera
19tramiirgitSep..15,410.42 -DAVIDOBBIT.BIeaIist.
raker rdeientre la efrflae. bash! laridt'aiecif.Thera l s
Tat Berry Tooth Wsl 'tttt Ii b one of thele4 Adel
mite a ia'see x Relit:BM -geld ere'. B'earebiaes seat ,
vela grit], teaveelebeie. *al* it eieairea emaeild
sad mean t% tire iaritirfrool tee reet-C. its arrirgralerYod ,
[ a fratrame prccetthrtk dertearaei . J. P. TIBBETTS:
tll D:
heariderefiaett - ILdire *red - .+Tberred. Colapeinft.zo
Berry Trilarb Wristi4frand 4taverfoural BIG baairidateele —,-
ly,..et'dennfrtee; riereisitt lima* aaleittAyllatkr:
I este ever 'lie Teeth and Gam: preeerriar. Boat -BMW ,
iflealiOde 11 ft~ Beet ptemaineelleny.' "NlNlerdist tee
ateastatatiars of ranter. sad parifylattlielreeldb."
latit :ailelegady laded' ita eirstea. ere itakellet4.-
eadedeercdtirsit to the tovedag a to
AllaardlealWahlielit fikthle,.,... '
..`' leAlfs4 o o ll - 411114e0.1_. its
al ihratithalitillie." -
mg twimpae:**tioviromlit
e , imoomoreapapipet . mau my Ittlt MVO , /It allknan arkeirliantatt , Aninitek
Allashiall. kllsollilw take .10031kawAllitniattL • ?.,.&---4.,• - 4' tdfiallralidelal‘kallikil l adar t k li atttdia t
Tillel*eekateacitlld IWO PRiOligradiViliklllo4o 1 10011 'ild Taitealleiliedlell'ela4sAladd
*eq . ".
face sang h av t iv e vemv s ev *olivreCiamiimmdlasplureat i Witt° - Aft T VALE 01PILIDSE
De- 1 . A. WAINA6 ht the roe** elf meddehten ale halm ; DI_AAAIIaCA. D.4 OFEC__FrOX OF THE 4. .
' period oft". ears.) entaidee me luituipe fifty of the i allaaft4lo.• of r emakalri , Waaaialt" 0 1dilital l a‘k
011 agata 4 tillittldnia. - - :.", „ , I baltb,liaaarth.attie,that he,Vratt take, • Ast*Atiair _
Igp tooteldhattiOeffeleitt.lo4l-10tito nece,erld i (teem Te le ° sla saaelbs shwa. the laths fa I da
theme OK that Par the last .lee yams is my predate for , "eh. len side 1034 isalea amble 9 C , had maiant afita4lll,l
- care o f d im & im mov ",e mbatem . amad.anditmem itte.to belphitaself.attil ins takeit lido lice let et... IM.
of females as particular,l bane wood is *Lamle thou S l i d le th e cite ef hula*. That aftet,4aft- h a , ...0 1 !
, all other asediehrts. - hospital dee tree 3 / 4 P,,Dorior 044 said he Mip wed -*OW
. . _
t La e ever y ot h er me iti e t w abi a mast fall m ains , tit : what iwas the matte, with him. and Mal he appellihr
of asst three has West tam dlsterpoint. i " lid ". Ver . _ lila " " renal "' he P el " erlhe , "Or. dleteli d.o ._$ 111 "
teat and wow aidleateet ion in tleadinitdstralismof this ! Th ai ar. snesslase. was atate*' l4-41 from list . _ Vis
one ermedy titan of ail °them its vioti effects aumetiotes !Oral" the glitn ' 'Nr " 1 " 1 " vn 54 " 1 " I 4111114 "
quitermootritittos me. • - i was there pity..ielod with all wow ... r i „, dit . jp i i to c i o.
if my Wield minima atter aperient tordieine &he r ' ad of Aar ustaihNettffrrimg all the litt.e the $1 dtepell.
a r o" orator parturition. L i ve wa m o, paw wire ja mi.nenditta misery.- That. houndes 1 , 11. eflerthausfitis !bawl
the thlrsr I wasted. I helms troubled mutt* unit a diseaat of ibis i tem , : someh
fle draPePticarid est/dittos of the stomach. romhitted i Hales he would salt a eeksi ef f`l'leesa le I he' lb ..„I:A,W ei
with MS kreOrOPI Or lasesivity ofthe liver cossitoded the 1419 ailaffi s s he had a had 164 " 1 “ 1 " . w ti,„ 1 5 11 alka.,. ‘ , ll allaa
( th wart , . 0 my MOW.. the p ul e were just lhe dung f ; or leatatteaded him flow the rotatneereaseeduflithelliette.
wasted. ~ ?newt. That al VOOPS he dreaded a stool wersi Itt.e.`••liate
If I treated a ea* ortetirtot ais e wtere e twe ee. the , would here dreaded ileattobal heteu roanPartitheiheA.
wiimmy pill, mi . m , tam the th i ne I wan t e d . ii leans ahine rare that of knives mowing thrthillOilidi -
IA patidtadimbe i at " wan. dadimit enentenaner.ne enter' bowels. A fter safferiat worm , than death at the gahhAll
dilficapirAi, ludie a li ft a dist i tetwore tithe e imnatory i, irelaeol.all Staten Islastf. the 114 :tor told hien that liar .
and peengoro nystemen, stannerd my patient at the -turn ' eine elleurneneet° hitn-lhdt he inn -1117 toerir4ll° ,*
of life."' the Witenn's Oita vertejnat the , thine I wanted. i A" this " a* lie sat '' tlirt ' ri n th° ' 191111141 jib"? ' -=
Than. without teen et In Menem". a dorm., valeta : his h e nes w` " ent e nd e e he "nldeee tear fh e leeel __ a"'''
ballade to treat al the time I have had it ander /teal i ' lre elPne, the eihnie or upon eh ' . aasa. l ,. _aat . ....ata ims.alllaa. a '
:neat. particular Indications or tritarantrg arb4tw. v ere 3 tn°4 r4" `" l. 11'21 " 1- "' Perin ' . said - "'" nninnEille t o.
al--ac, we it. peeing meet Nipp i ly met , by the I no asedtrirte ,tlr , deterealued te_prectire sopa of ,
pity avid
llPPeorla pine. Arandret Ws Ms, which lie did. from :lt . iimatillitilf
That so swat a nauthey oftPuruses. and 'vowel imes ap. 1 IN ! en Y ., c ' r1; .....„ 1"11 ,, be
~4 = l : e nriLd"4", :r iTh .e g tp.ii 7WrlaMit i Ll i=
IlatteOpotteite ones, to arbieb I have wee th ese pills. i " Inet ' i ' erfa— '*---- eight. - - -,-. steak - "-----
i6v „,i veeimm 4 met, readily by tb ...., thaiaby any yoner . eo mach 'benefited him, that the ditelot, Yet Ittit
tewer t„W et 4,,, weer
. .. 4yeayy and ynaryadicanyy. ha ', what he was sunny. raid. 'now. Stow, you Soca iilut a
why it is so is use leatrio my mind as that a Treat wail ;ran stars ; If yea has o OrP in this wele..J'au will satalite
penitents should termite thirsty from : s wale! differen t , ali. That he r " "'ell dose or 16 . Relledt=iall
bah ,
ruateo and r e, et inquire that common lad NOIO or, r elie v e him' lest mer runt; hi. al. " - ' l4
all hleLri . water utaneoeil their thirst. rordohat they twit tared the Matthew, and Ottani the
In .1i ix dee the .enwerinn or l'e inefirtet Wiles in history-n-I%M the estedkine anejailld ith add
and the puhltroosay decide/Pt, and nactuallitionally.fbal isleenall, to him ettarll day- tie told Oat tiseeler paltilts•
the il its tee pint OretbkrEly emot.iniiiiini 1 barer ev , r i daY the 11th Instant. that be frit hhtutelf eat.. and idna,
met with in my ivaemaa .,, m ormartiee. mat n ial„ p a * . ;that be owed hit rernyety to flrainirethe rine mast
eesresanythins euratiyeer 'peel& (or s ick headache : I ranvidettae , that be had lancet the Illeelkdaw elm, day
_ iren , ir , te , ne. . 111 in Aim ms i for I9da re; that the &wing I.OW Mat trite bad ksoarn he
The above Pills diestutted parliculailv for the stet l ha d he " e e l "' thet lae ll ie hee • beeline-4 - " I 1" stayed
Aced. A r t ie , n om p p er e .c omv i n mi m of , tm Beare . A e., I another day In the house. thttorsiders it is Wiwi, is
pt-rested 1., flip y m uy,itm or o r . 11 A. W h im .. and far i matte this nightie taatemeet far the benefit of all tiemilirly
sale,wholesaie end retail. all hie dwelling In Pens street. ia lt er; that thee way koala wile.* 10 ird a laildheilla
beksur Marlin,. - . ne , i I that will cure thew. JOHN IMAM, -.., .
John NAV, }wins by tee Only sworn this littli day of
April. 184,..did depose and me t ba fthe latterldtordlira•
Anent io wee. .1.1) WllEELECtrontiohoitmenatlllitht.
thethlitywitarlpal care. 241. BROADWAY. E. -Vselit.
audit* his Otioripel IRON tildi. 4 39 Wftd II ~,,,,Pm .
the OalaTisl..aelt in flitshurgb where OW reandlen nib
he twmateneel. yen 211-Waeleihr ' •
-111(711114. AUSTIN, Altanw* at Law. P 1 ,1441,14).. Pa.
(Mere wwwl, ammeter Swim - a Billlffinf.
WILCIIIe rimy. Ewl., tvitf give bitc silent inn to tot!
Nonitlghed tmerwPws, anti ternimbeati him to thp ontrolt.
axed wir Mends. WA LTEtt FORINAUD
rep 10-1 v
VI7 Pd. STEELE'. (~ s ecev.fartes bl*Closkey) Fssh
. Root Maker, Liberty Ft.
,24 door 1:Ogn
VI-tin Alley. Tl.r inahro•riker reseectihtlY . 1n Crump she
medic that he bas ermines/mai the shore bitsinem in the
shop formerly. occupied 'by Mr. Henry 111`Claskry.
and that he is now prepared.° attend°o all orders in his
Hoc orlm.inivs milli °Pirtle soden the most resionable
terms. From his lon* expraimare in the matmfamnre of
Fashionable fools, he feels tottlident tball all articles
,from his establishment milt else vatisfaction to. kin pa
irons. A sbareof public patronage is respeelfrxlir
rd. INT 10
NIECIRAIVPIV" ludspertext 'Pressportation Live to
Pkiteolelpila sud Baltimore. For Trawspartior,
iferchamase to crud frost Pittsburg/8, ria Tide *firer
mud Penasylvamie Cameo.
The atack of this Lb* easiest" of the c'aiir Spring
Can, Metal Baas. mid tleir Dee - ked Tide-Water Boats,
ountsmaSed by sober Sind elperlenced Captains.
Merchants by this Line are 'esablett 'in have, their
CoadS shipped asebeap; mil With as mach srialehots
by any other Line. One ROW 11010 learedaity Cram the
fontitif Willow street lialtßand as the Detiware. In Tow
of a Steam Boat. rhinos 'WA 'expressly for that per.
The Proprietorsurift eve their "'bold attenTion, ant
re:no:irony-Invite Western Merchants in gitte Theta
call. as they wittlind 1t soach to their adirontage.
All goats coughteed Weer Bei.hair. it coast
wife or via Detaitranparnd T,aritan4Snal. - will be Ober* ,
ed at their warehotirrellintl sf Mhos strba Ilail toad,
Philadelphia, where &p& ten be pat directly from the
Venrettnfo thelkdits withontodditional itllndlihg lir et.
YraTtackt Jf to, 1
• frost Philad.lo froligayaberg.
ft. L. rAritailoN. Proprittors.
Front Holidireshnreh to riushatrth. j
rill pbergh --Arests
HI LW A.S! 4 Kutaa,Vtlihnv stetted wharf.)
On tiie DeJeware.ac Philadelphia, •
J Buret, Balihnore, . digests. .
H. L. PArzanor l t<dacatargh.
Jena Parecaaror..Johattown. ' 3
Refer to 'embalms generally throughout the city.
en -15-:-Af.
Ur 21.447.11 iIXNEDIA TEL Fort y —lo be
4 is'. —.
lye !Military Cotersales of fit feiteirsit akar Aar.
P 1TT,../31.7 AG 11 IC - VTLlefer ! - e tre-i -v - i" " m e c 2 r 4 c /4 br /I " 6lc "' i° ' • They "4 144%
kka .
t. clothing and leis ?tiniest free of eapetree
Slirgical inE _-
..,.... ' lia parents areender 'Ott. finpreterina drat itierittafo"
tnnneat ' ll6lllllll4 tifaete• / 6 cal knowledge nra lilneiral litftrument May bade. asi lig
169. carver of Liberty sad &SCA Streets.
~ tendesicy over Cite morals of their children.. anikbbir 1#
1 CAR rirßieffrietoroihio sincere' anks else
i t, also d re w. 4. 0 l amb df their oi cet i em it t e i g' *wile
a. • cititens of l'ittehurrb and vicinity for the extraor- : f .i n ei ee or oottio4jon. 'To i fie irereoe of libiZsimoik' ear
dinary mit maize he lila beiretocote recertred, and bin es ' ee l ~* r. e x a the aetlieli ion of cakeet,arlymakteeTrie'callics.
sill to merit a continuation of the came. as be 11 deter- ! Lee b ids a i* of Opreteolioe'end redeseass alder, rioa i 'lfs
mined to manufacture ail artificial, his Mid of lictiinees e th,.-ilAsed. The 'came termer, - m e w s'mimed'. Said - Lb*
.aperior to anyiltineartbe iiind ever effeiel here before, I inemnelan Tor ieriidy Ware ardent, wpa , constyprot*l4
and ttiat Ptit.4kAili siaft IWelilnesll to he called tub :Mind ht e dire 044141e1ed r , 04 thotorroo.air4ion tilt*Obik
. SI/ F.PPIE/.1)01? .VMERICA. Oltith on , At 33ggeio Utt frao. Nett hersilt Cher otters
' - riots t.,toltice, fa :amrera v ittarrserr with - otters lardrier
The cmlarrTher laiitoe llorlii" stand " le nic"4 estop- er,twoll ;Do. as the_ !Fete delverit to that it trbsr 1 1 '
rive stork or Home lianarartnrcil :Coo& in hi. line in the 4 - iv , . 1 iii , e. ii , ee614 ,.. u0i . ,
... cusp " her 0 . 0 „...... ,.
Weise-cif rometrir„..Mocr d partimitailv invite theattenlion ' ,A . ,,,ci th prolpe,tion ihj - wameas
mimetipes ages, se4oll ".
o froort , "uraftmtN Death" and ir i s to 124 . ."'" firlit c 4. irhOWlll itwircitildreo *roam regormiltra.lber 14. 1 . 1,
lortrotoporr. ' 1 ' ' ,
, ,be 4 , 4115t0 irrestiwr baseilo. to Trollops
H2rdiri" "eret i "t" 4"1"14kk nr Ilad er gi re "' adittlisay with IlsesaltaepropMecydbits itt:wattli.4lPOl MP"
Rankr-th. Tailews.lllHerlisa nail' Mewl% to his stock 1 en s mon 61 4 in 6
soad wout kali iti
stood beppine
of pattis Shrank dit, ke- • i a eckeli!Prk4:44. to that the mean dopes& on Om - iiii*
And WV hi• efitafttitinnest lens, tarried on Ark) i' f' vein ; iii . oak..
the eseh toristelnle. i•erwinfi deminnlrr of bvoaitos tiein at ; /114:n4 to 7 11, ; ; X"' 1 40 77;; t1 the ihrre_rteeeoe 4 t
mice dvervet the/Omani:sr - or 0 • 0102 i ' 4 ' 4* " "413.1 I K ' jod'oes _b
e t way baire breploormArn4cd, f1p,1140 pad
' , ors., berg. : johblog , Mate in &tearer-lei ..4cie„ and iheaper 6 1,..,,..___._
_ re
remedif i d - le tut toiac it...vets
5.. ........,_
ikon veer , -.. ' • 7 ,1.""• • ."."- ""•12""`
rhea ett*lrco tile pripiiiiheWitatkraclestibe pawn u p.
J. e...-hv ilitertiai hit , ifteteattemilento tneinegy.to...l 4 ll. , r ity cat im... .. a. failmaimilire ar .
rr with having in hi. ....inni+7 lbera o4 " H "T""e" W"k " I - - WW. W. gAlel6titst,t.
men. !tortes to :0011 Clue litorkg 4ooll of th e rubric "1 pl B. 111 'boy need tppiy . ' far artaidallarte`oo l lo--.
Mir e, I
1 avitten Mutated rroal illb intent or goillailli l t .4 l 4 hir s nr
Wanted imnie rialleiv. a ennui Airee: r and a good er:tisder.l .__..,..,, - - .
none need apply bah •ilre ibri. werikenen. "
3°7-112. I IttlttAt to ROBIN. BEAR. 'Bitiad A
i 'ff Us?reimiseit. 3.600 Seavonutais BOW*
0 0 - o.itt *Andes from Eatia steL 1 WS.
A lets 1 tsar sod rah !Aim. • _ : .... i .
11400 !lin. 1 And 2 MuArat flaun t • --;
.Aha r f brier and Raxouct S:OW. ^ •
Att *bleb ars Wet" i at redeem rims kook: 411. r a ir
, ..
prayed swam. to
A. BE111.11".1, tit the thoorieast tar 430.-Agooli
bait --.3a - - eiwoor of races sedlorm-W
r. Venice W. Itatartnn.
Itavtife , theennecree tnrx.liter under,. The
nn nflianotitudo smith, witheentleae the witi.te l ate
litittnnde - tiWietweta the Image repent!! neciepted
llawiann. timing 1- VW-lettere they will tel'*-4.ehries In rt
fitiudieti neer afeektg"Fall and Wltniei Coed.. yPeir
WWl' dettelty %mite titer W/411'0104*, and .- inetch , llitilten.
irtur, dating , Petabargh, to tab and - tertarhne thllt
re Irelamitaii __
A LARGE aed Whoa* ataatattaa (Wait the purist xi= irmi
..____ ....._;_. is now , esot ~,,,,,v i dv r
ni_ amoicipes or limiter: /Nene% Perfeseiery: tearing inatc 47 , 4:. = -4 0., ,e ....,„„„;„„:"„„,,„._,
.-.....ii.+bern .7.sa**/ Tooth Wash. "birk in -WI "I'.. "PEW. fall aliarilif a iiage * I % ir will =
pewee' el bol , Oilier tatOliatiou ewer offer"' to th e ilel' AL i li ws pauckh ß 1 etets *I Stil.
Wt. - tali:error Ibe eraltettirApe rape hams - rule Teeth. m a is I . 4 ....a sies ta tt pig eid - eelligglV
CO "ill" elt+ NW °P 1 4: 1 41- 11411 okra tho • 111P3st 14- 1 th e t op ;r7i; "E ---- 6 11 ,ai40g mai is leeeimed .411T'
rebetale tooth sew in l ie _ Tbe . i . jr . phoes „„. as twit tet Igteleff
°WE* C'l V . Pitile4earA usti,aed the phloem the feaettbegrinfill
tablet brae& wen timbre is the city Muria.: - At. a 1 .......
_ tea fl ock. ama ii bow*
imezo.ke, tr.. always an basil and far tale stbeie.skle mat 7321;;;77 Letters ro e s% for *lsw
retail at Tatteuet. s6,Paitrtb amt. +Wake ta tehruni* * f it go ll* lowa as removable - traarKs
eta *lke. .„.
r.a. '' Ai,' iwilbniteekte eta be Nadi` bil,
-----''—' "' tattaseetb, Obis. J. O.
to Ike atoms ate the- Got
in Ike awl of awmen Pleitt*f -Might
Conaly of October . Tams 1842, AA.
- Mt - -
'-,„- sob* chime- necoymenet Dar I ' Pal" fa
X .-- 4 ' • dam to
- 1 - irinty, li2te"... Drift fkatakragrars: I , _ ,_.
- ,----"._-- ' , gramettaiilkeeiL irlik liklike 10 1" 7 " " ,
-,, ‘, 1 Nritspi,otia• eh' d
* .ir} - 7
4 :1 1
Aik*Pesolmimit tralediret - - -
4410 IMIPT,7O *llr7Oefither litilfiger 0* 3111 1 06
211..orsaser glieripiiithsViiit auiteVie - madipie
wilrelbtothebrfteakeitreptiMearet fa seiesesk
1 leir.tiolkwilamitotin4iteViriliitiiwil*sfenifi*
I -14410114(arrfireilliiiiiO 4 t
l 001,114004110A4**0111"1"00001103rie
:1 - 4-:5614 . 40,..ti.z.' , -cii. ~ , z :;:,'F2';:i•a; . 2 7- -'.... - 1:.. - ".': ,;:.-__,,,--','
~:1,-,4rt- I M
NTS-- W. Ponseet 'ohmic their irtendh
rbe rotor that they have ennitnented
ring Hata, and thht they have now rmidy Ode:
their Store.l4B Liberty street, Betters lar 11141101
*tree, as anortntent of the very beat gain; harhik *tr.
are . 2121100 S to dig -pole °fan tit. eheafiea aitt riventaltadalat
aide terms. Flm- pima rony'rt or the very *int VILM A .
TPC—Seaver. toter. Nehtfia, gash= short lint inhylr.•
; sin, Fur and Bata. ,
W. - Id. Dolietry ale halt regraisetrrea' Vinfieti.l,her
have bad exteasfte experience aiir tirnetigiett littkrtlithea
• establishment* In the country; their flats
,are 3li Itaitlnp
under their own invection, and they aware lbeithhihs
that nothing Vat the very heti artier. on :The Ina" Via•
sealable terms will be Offered for NOP. nekra:
MWO I RS of the tale Rev. 'Merl* 3VIsitet:11.:11.110111
E President of Dlekinson Cailisk; by tis'l
*Bier_ D. D . ltsm. with a hanessare porirtit.
CCt.IIFORT L 4PFLICTIIW—A velin otalealt*-
1 ions, by /awes Buchanan, D. D., ilt, ll Clota r t
Marsh. firot American. from the 9th rrOolartirtaßterir.
SPIRITV4L "HONEY fromairait4l****SVl*ll-
Halton, and olmeriatiois melte - v*lllra! history alai ha
brag rifterEar, fiiiit Airedale-al is Mad* ;mace . _ *l6OOl
j Simnel rarcbas, Lcuoins etil tii sna
A TRIBUTE "ok "I.4Avcria, Orreri3O.K
Charles &ram. A. SI.
litorPat73- - briEeliihriiittal otliVi,gen 01. tkini '
tlans to sire etintr'from death nn F. ay bl, 16 * £ .
Ford—ton rib American, fmni lie afit ii Llindeoteditton,
83RWONIXG YET REJOlCiXiti—or iir`trativest
ivreai forressive bereaveinrnif in a minister's kinily.:
eiii*LYE SET.IiOt/R—ot lb. gond Anil and Dm
Itah Miiii; by Mier Catherine ginchir- ,Ifrtir PI 1044..
I.IA . n ifti You LlFE—rolitaiiiquce a Pit.
triemee..Lik. 2 iiree...l3tes Candid. Li f q&_,,B t oS 4 • 4l 4 l(ol .
a Heed - Time for eternity. hy I erb M. IV .€l l milgic aliTit •
.."01781679-1 , 1 LOPE. - ;-or's be AV! uT
for the immediate ronvernim ot Alt 11141401.,,2 - 1,.,,
id * / . /Atlir•r—..hy Eform'd Illatertm. Pretideta - err :
College. KS.-z-ld edition IS Ito. -- _ : -,= r7: , ,
The Moral Inthreace. Dal/raves as Illsties, cenanttlif
wilts Great Citier—hy John Todd. fs re -' .. .: . - 1.-
. iliepraee alga duly ' et heirs Imitirosity tobtdmi-.--iietitr""
red and rmniticalls slnproverl,ll7 So ptr en, D. D. bait.
HISTORY °Fmk; 14nleal : It olotarricur et
li zieda
Ihe .ireentlicistriry in Germany. nit 4c., hfr,
J. H. 314 , tie d'Au*ne, Preticrent ante Them e ksiS:
:grogeotekicereva, 11., In 3 rote.l2 . oo::' 1 4 Wl( l .'
troonthe „vicuna.. edition. LUKE I,OOIML,
I rep 33 - No. 89 Weedhimist
alileftL. l "." l "ina 4 o -1111 r. - . •
PaSetn M out aft ftrablilitilln)
no prifidtte.. irof '
all nog Atinialurta
linmi *7 ol o* 0 4 Wai
i l le:* 4l/4 i! i $0 111111e .
- k .• *ol6:e
toe , ' isfisk,