~_, ~ f h > 3C ,ti.:~ ~. R9s .S ry e : S::i.~: vE:~SY'},r ' - „vat, Vaisrieken; tretpeathitr#o,olll9 they.** tat IstA seaweed - Isis tridy isiDAL-Amire:„ thci , !Mitilding recently occupied. 9 3i -1/10g• 6 ; 11 =1-fff ill, --,appositeble , rildsuuni, where be"-firitihraya to at. tont promptly to any orders in illsittliktihir io all - the del/them( the hindhilis of Ali Uailfritiker, hltittries to merit public confidenern Ile Will he fremireit SS ALS DOORS to provide linemen,' Mehl, Cairiegerr and every requielte on the Mon Ilberil !Mum, Chits &Om the country will be promptly at ienderit c o. die residence Is in thisittneMding With biz ware bongs, where those who need his services may End Ulm Agony time. , aurgannes..: W. iq.. tawny, emir. ions starts. D. D. JUDOS ILIDDLt, OCT. SODOM DIOUF, D. D. J 99911 DA UTONs 110,..1.0111111. WILLIi.,S, 0 Ol t ...IeCLURS, ASV. JOSIPH ISSSII, , 110 HASSJS, Rev. Janis K. moils, 19 tt ty .swirr. aoa rebx.itfAnta ......... BODES, STEAMBOAT •BILLS, PiNIPHLETS, HORSE RILLS, • -, IPLA lOC it, , _VISITING CARDS, • LABELS, ADDRE 4 S; DO.. . ~O ftECKS, , BeSI N ESE , t N DO.. ' MOTO, HAND RI 41,4, BMUS OF LADINO, . CIRCULARS, tr, frc. together with every description of Letter Press Prim 'togisfdritlshed wish neatness and despair'', and on mode 'rate terms, at the office of the Daily Morning Post. sep 10 . . T O THOSE WHOSE OCCUPATIONS TEND TO ~ - PRODUCE OR AGGRAVATE DISEASE.—This Malt of individuals is very 0010EnIU8. They are those who work to an unhealthy atmosphere. Printere,Woric• men la feather stores, stone cutters, bakers, white lead *Wt t imers. are all morn or less subject to disease ac• ear O -the strength of their. constitution. The only .. to prevent disease , is the occasional' tine of a . nt i Medicine which abstracts from the circulation all delete. riousktilnorsomd expel.% them by the bowels. Tonics , In any fora are injurious, as they only eat off the evil day tAriankuit more fatal. Theatre of Brandreth's Pills will inanie,health, because they take altimpure matter unt.cif the blood; and the body is not weakened hut ,strengtheitedby their operation; (Jr these valuable Pills dri not force, but they assi.t nature, and are notoppesed, hat harmonisewith her. ' '.Bold.al Dr. Drandreth't Office, - No. 4 33'W00d street, Pittsburgh. Price 25 cents per box, with full directions. ' hi:ARK—The only place in Pittsburgh where the -'GENUINE Pills can be obtatned,is the Doctor's own t f. Ike, N 0.98 WOod street. s sep.lo NEW ROTEL.—Tbe subscriber respeeicuity in. - Tories his old friends and the public- that he has ttpeneci a Temperance Hotel,in fifth Street, near the Ex ehatige Bank. and in the house lately occupied by Mat thew Patrick, and has hoisted oaf son 31 go.. .The Iron Citt Hotel," 'ls here he will be very happy to accommo date all who' may please to call ox him, His table shall be prrovided with the best fare, and e very possible neetturniodation to town and country customers and Modem A few.hoarders who wish to lodge in their stores or of. nec 4 , Coil he taken, and seallemen who live out of town can_have their:dinners daily. He hastarge and volt stabler, and the best Hay and Oatsoind a good Hostler, and will accommodate travel. ers and gentlemen who have horses. ..:Boarders taken by the day, week or year. 'Charges &are moderate than at any respectable Hotel in , the city. itep 10 - . JOHN IRONS. IX/ A.SUINGTON 11A.LL.—The subscriber has V l opened the late residence of James Adams, Esq., deceased.' for the reception of visitors and - boarders; the hintins,4s very pleasantly situated on the hank of the Ohio, 2 utliee.froin the-city—possessing all the delight ful accompaniments of a country residence, without being tiiiicar. (listen for per!one doing business In the Vittitors will be furnished with every delicacy. of Ate season. Att Omnibus runs regularly every lion gheny end of the Bridee. . N. B.—No Alcoholic beverasee kept. 1010 ' WM DISSOLUTION OF THE wriodv—The copart nership existing between James E Kilbourn and !mild .I.ltorgan is this dsy dissolved by mutual consent. The conditions will be duly noticed, with the sitinal ores of both parties annexed, and Barry Hail will be continued opfah by the subscriber until other arrangements are per fected.. For sale, on the premises, 150 bbls. choice winter ap ples, ifopplted for Immediately. MS. E. K iLuounrit, asp 29—tf No 9, Market.and 74. Front at: ------ . - - BOOKBINDING.—WCandIessk ----r- .".7:1 L Johnson, Bookbinders and Paper CS - z - . - 1: - _ - . 1 Balers, S. W. corner of Wood and 1,: -- :: : : : \ Fourth streets, are now prepared to ex.. pi 1- ..,_ - -_=.2 . _ - _ &Atte nil kinds or Bookbinding and Pa. per Ruling with neatness and despatch. §Cr Blank books ruled and bound to any given pattern at the shrillest notice. N. B. Alt work done at the above N warranted. (cep 10 AMOCO WM. BIDDLE, Surgeon Dentist,luts returned to V V hilt old stand. No. 101, Harilihrield Streeti where .he•can be consulted any hour during the day. ....on his profewdon. .seplo 11E110 Y A L.—George Armor. Merchant respectfully announces to his friends and pa trons, that he has removed his establishment from his old stand, in Third street, to the corner of Front 'anti Smithfield: in the basement story of the Illimongahela fittaam where he intends keeping on hand a general as. POrtiniat of FaSkioUable Goods, suitable for Gen, : l;enten's wear . . He hopes, by close apalication, to merit a share of tit Business so liberally extended to hint at his old stand. - N. R, Having made arrangements in New York and Philadelphia, with the most Pashibnable Tailors, for she reception,of Paris and London Fashoons, castomers may rely on having their orders executed accordidg to thelatest style. GEORGE ARMOR. se,pj. 10 LARD 01L.—Tha Subscriber would . most respectfully inform the public in genera lhnt he has an article of acrd Oil ofasuperlor quality, manufactured at the Ciocin nail Oil kkttufactory,lty R.W.Lee 4- c0.,0p 'deb is ssarran twits be equal to the best Sperm. Oil, both for Light - and Illachlutry. This Oil is entirelyfree from any glutinous rnatter,smoke, or unpleasant odor, and It is as clear and as white as spring water. Not a particle of crust is left . Aso the . • wick. The light is pure and ,briCiant, -and wittiest as long, If not miser, ihan that from an equal triennia* of Sperm. OM The "stilweriber informs Hite public that he has taken a place nearly opposite the tTrien adiceorrhere he alitliiht up several different lamps wilreri:Wrimilnt, awl he would respectfully invite the In. lhatattsuellef-Pittaburgh, Aileglieny,and their vicinity, to , ce3l *idjitrige for theowelsea. tie feels confilleut they, i will convinced , thatthe above staiiment Is perfectly correct. 'Out ottwo htindred Individuals who have tried the *II, there has not beeria'single' faith found with it- The Lard-011ecels one thirdd - few then Sperm. fie would respectfettYs loll elt tht early attention of Dealers and ehlstatite - She above . . Tbeltriftweing Churches are nownein: the Lard' Olt: . Maenad Presbyterian Church, Pittiburgh, New Cumberland Presbyterian Church, Plttabutgh. First presbyteries Chinch,' Allemheiny City, AriseriatrAtertirmed Church,- ' • do. - • Antbobpieb. are branded R. W. LEE 4. Co., erode _ 'o4,lth ~..."....2104 t i t e f ,- - - pit---6,--i.„ raiitOr, are " ,'.... _„,, '' ite ..t. 1...eu tiled a•""..._,,, ' ifititti"l 4 41 - 1 Canol' bl'' Ul/ 4 "` ll** NOW seed here at th° - ,-.3444 Aus ,t- 1ia191% .hOrcid ta~ate. , 11,01„... bunt • by , ii , W. . •• • , tieteli lkirWitakiaAatme,al s': - - their *14411111-1- '. - .,1.--- • n' - , . ..,--' , ,;"2,4eit _ fey woke . .. t C. Ol ._ . tieeetittio_...,,, tree ; from ii „ e r... il‘ 4009110191,T.,:atkilette, lit la Ur' the Belt ~--,.." largeilld:— 01101111- - .h.rAusr. ... ,i,„„„e,Afiaet, 4 41"16 ' umeMterlr- laarlaa--,ceilv to th9ll L etu tineue ..idni„tod w it!- of Apergh“ , fir'''''laillPt r. d arr.. seetit y _ __,; wri ,,,„ Km .•;: el , tan com fn eq ual ",9 aatg!RtWS 00, W f 4 .•:- ',. lAt oo t.-..italiPt J 0 r , ..,i':•4 ' • Ade mia. .. „ . '...1 , " - isle 011' u eiro, Men' i9k. '6'..". - ..."-' ,liautArrir espial*. - a rocket Jo b e- sedlioni. :"..,:.11 ' -•..- vett ,-,,,,, cuutata.,4;Jok rgu, ' . i '.. ' ' ''''n ..,act ; s. num or k ... ri' ''.' '. JA..ckftA2' .-.7.. ~ .. ,f-fb -: .);.,,01* ' '.* • ''' ._ 44, ": -.. ,'t '''Y'.:. „ -,.., - ' _::. ' _... ,:•,.-,i)11 . THOM - •47'''- si b p; -- ' ,-.:, ' ';1110R40, :-- emit - , , *rt. - bp; 'Audi, .470, g-r, ii,,,,,-- -0-*::0----:- fir !`11,., iinail"',,t, ~,,.. , ~_- -:11-14.----„—iii*--!w, . j,seijr,__,— I. RoitiTßb, tu0c,r...7 Action' - , 10 , !, ~. the S tood 400 °An - • elfilelues„,.:- t9A -- , --,- :' throu gh ,;1,,*6€0.1)y:011 k„., q ..__,11,7_ *ties- e - 1 - ., - iittnu ns„itioi,budY_!!.g, , ... i a ke lli_Lid.74:4lii:l :, ‘.; -, -.... ,:. 0;0.4**,1.: ifttbetatl/41* all i, .. ; - ._. ~,;', ', ..04itiddthen, - 2 ifittettk --, - - ”, stiaidainelf i4,at - - , •rvirmou -_-,- -:- 1,,,i ; ten d riti!wreirtta.a.ii-e-7,7 --- '.it r_e1i,0ry,„ .. .. 1.4 ......Mr*t 04-4!= otsgel!kiiliiit. ---,4,11,0-41hirlail*Cla ~ ~, Amo,: :: - Illete_ =—,....,,," em ~ IL' T Ali :-.:',:.*: ' :-:,,,, :4,,..k ' - • MEM 1 the Alle C. BERN M. C: EDGY, Agint ~1 4fi* i ~'~~ 4'?... , : ,.... fi ,'..;'::f.:'.` . .;'::: : :.''' . = . ' s-: ' ,--.. ~,:.....,.._4,..:. ± g: A. , 4,,,,z...ri,.--. ~. 11l : - ...,..vei-- 4-,lll4glrwiArcia-^4.lrali*:4' leftinvirAl gictile'rlylol"llgidlhaanna - . lll4 ' 'Ab e ..: 7-'" i r r "..F h ! soe -Vrt!' n : 41 ,doe : '" 41eneflo*,1 1 Nnet_ Albel 4 *l 4 1 4411-Akitiw ure a'' . "` ' ,r 1 ,421. 1,.. iPnicsa Annie* eelitied , “Bil JO in. f 41 , 4 4 . 0 0• ( WI iii 4 Pnag , ' of , tailloranil bent Ina r , n a 4, lar!thP ; ddtht*ltßitti larm of the Oct.verniwzrtv-0(.4it0 intortiseitowthie: 0' n!..Oulealogamathe, _ ~. ,Ilka iDi kin g - "U., diraiii; relie ve and. 0 4 ....,4i gk irtorpog ,00.,.04, Wit .91, te, ROW, '4loNotniflyricurez - A l , llll O -41 febe:plibr'JWillhiett d r itiotatir Voleiriec and Or oilier 1111,, rm'io",.tillefeel n il l be eXtionnd to Arrairr•lhat'agreqica"•-lul'ilddoeltter tie i todf: iinwith public rate„ll.thallitirldsante Eacharge,i4 the,ciliii of other rexiiriersobettitefttinte is Inuit hithile. Philhdelphla. iiii'Verline'sday; the 434 day or, Novaiiiher Anortniof threlliestiorweakness,ttig - morbid, the Unlined neit st,iocectoelt, a., art.. the folinw)niekonto,ovrued•try hie from Iturtebud. ~ . - -.' .- '-• • . the i timaionorutt is, 0 . . ,itin , _ _ . . , ,_ ,_ , . , . gumless in theismelveselhey ineray c 4150 itisieikt illetk siiilfte Bitak*renissylvania. , •- ' ''._ '• - ' - AnaanyNdmelth 543 ddi in the Ptidlitiii. Bonk, ,_ • . ' TiP - ihlow ouLtheiletasioa of !detains from - the - body, 1103 ' do in iii Ninters•andutknive 844 .. ~ . andlbel letiaire 'no atterationie th e Attar cloth ing. ••• 900 do in the POinn,l4_!" la n d BOtraGoelPany, In fact. the' human' body-Wexner able to'snitalti with. 2500 do in the 11eintt OwnelPoinpny. .. __ •net;inilltilithe theleatimay of the weather, while under 1500 du lit the PeonsylVoila and Ohio canaigoes Allaiefilleere oftbis infect ion dentroying, - dtrieniieradica ..! piny. ling skelikeint titan at unrotheetime. '-• . d .. In the citiosiriente and Delaware Canal : „ t llnt importance of Brandreth's Pills for seamen 'end dot , 0 compan r - .• • ~.... , . - • .. , . 1000 do In the ." aYlicltt NaviSsltoe" coin-144y, By the timely sic - :f this Medi c ine hovitunch anxiety jfeet ido zii, -in the . " Istol•Bieint Towboat and Trans and sickneen, tuight.tas ,nott prevent._ ; Mid, Bnwdri a f Its nd event of rill lands, would portation Compapy,' . , • iMso, at', the State in the boroisvh of Jinrrts. WIT*. on binndaY, the iltitir Bey sof _ November nezf, ai 10 o'clack, A. 11.' 2905 shares of stink in the Danvillk and roils - trifle natifelletollitiank. 2000 dd In tbk ettrnintriand Valley ItntiroadCont. ' - • Fleartkitti d 'COMP - nr4. Mrsightevitte, Yo=k And Get isinirg • Malin:fad Co:" Cbdords Nevi - gni-ion Co. - Bald Bigleindltpring Creek.' - Nay l ettlion Co. - -Itonongsttela Wavlgetton Co; Harrisburg Bridge CO. NOrthUlTheeillOd' Bridge Co. alonormahebuttruile Co. Allegheny - Brldge'Coi Wit keatiarte - BrIMMO4 : • LewishartoßridgiCtk" ilia Beaver 'Bridge Co. Danvitht Bridge Co. Nevroprick Bridge Co. ' Meted+ Creek , BridgeCo , ' -Conemaugh -Bridge CO ; Sehuvlicittand Poststoivit Bridge'Co Loyal Henna Bridge Co. Millon Bridge Co. Robbstown Bridie Co. Towanda Brhige Co. rtlinlson-enttAtletheny Bridge - CO. *Mt, yiltill' Biidge,(at alson's IEOIO Company: • Wtillamspott Bridge Co.. Waihing. ton county. - lao, tile fidlonting Turnpike ttoad wtt: 2124 shares hi the Itarrisimtg, Carlisle and Chambers. Chambershurg and Bedford Bedford and Bloysto,wrt. Stoyelown and Greensburg: Greerishttrg and Pittsburgh., . Huntingdon: Cambria and Indiana. • Brie and•Waterford. Perth - man and Beading. Gap and Newport. Wayrumbitrg,'Greenetistle and Her. esrithurg. Morgantown, Churehtown and Blue Bath. Little Conestomt. Berke and Dauphin Lartenster,,,Ellsahetht own and Mid " Easton and Willtrsharre. Susquehanna and, Lejtjgb.„, ' ggatratc.and -..flart Is biirgii Centre and : lrialissimailia s. Susquehanna and York borough:- ; Centre. . 2000 do .00 do 600 d!do 995 do 2500 do 4500 do 2400- do 2160 ,do 1600 do 560 do 400 do 600 do 600 ;do 180 do 950 do )00, do 60 do 10(r do 92 do 141, 0 do — 2OO ,'do 1250 do . 120 do 00 da 4310 do 2354 do 2564 do 1 . /00 do 3417 do 100 -do 1360 do 5L2 do V) do 250 100 1240 640 so 1600 400 116 500 York and Gettysburg. New Pollan. Spr ng No Bethlehem. Cayuga and Susqurhanna So sr - suchen in and Waterford, Snmplehanna and Tim!. Bridgers:Aar ard Wilkesbarre Pittsburgh and New Alexandria. New Atesearfriss and -spittiemaugh Belmont andt astan: Pittsburgh' and Beller. Phisipaba pi a nditeminehanna. Butler and Nirrcer. Mercer, and Meadville., Anderson's Ferry, Waterford , and New flaireti. Pittsburgh and Steubenville. Ridge Read. • Bethany and Dingman's Choice. Robbalown Rua-Mount nt Mount Pleasant int Somerset. Somerset and Bedford-. . Hanover and "Carlisle: MillerstoWn and Leiwistown. Bellefonte and Philipsburg. Philadelphia, Brandywine and London. Belmont and Oahqsings. Harrisburg and 'llillerstown. Philadelphia and "Great Bend. Lewistown and 'geniis's...don. Armstrong and - Indiana. Clifford and Willgaberie. Indiana and Ebensburg. Washington and Williamsport. Washington and Pittsburgh. LYMiniingliad•Yotter. Middleipitrit and Harrisburg, "MellefontiTAiiitiadoureand 'Pitting inanatown. Bailer and Kiganotaff.• itillesburg and fbinethpert. Der rstow n and You ng manstow n. Mount Meanest andrittsburgli Yolk 'Haven and Harrisburg bridge. A bingdonAnd Waterford. ,Warren and,RidglvaY's. 'teivjeturg and Yrionginanstnwn. •Momeniet - !,!Carbondale and Lackawana. • , Somerset and Cumberland.' Lewishurg•and Jemmy Shore !Ligcmierant. Johnstown. • Warren and New 4 1 1' ork State Line Titusville °mkt-PAM' Millis. ,Armstrong and -eteterfield. Warren and Ftanklin. - • ,Fugur ; Grove and. Union. Broweington. flarrkwilleand Frank 200 do ; Snowshoe , and l'ackenville. '4q " do Lackawaxen. 9:00 do ;Butler. mad Freeport , 64 do, ,Sterting and Newfoundland. 96 do Linux, and Harmony. •.• 224/' do - Pittsburgh Firmers and Mechanics' 'l6O do ;. Bedford-and Hollidaysburg.. 160 do • Luthershitria and Penrainwney.. , , Birmingham and-Elizabethtown. 64 do , Bald Baths add NalartylVallry: condltionanf raid , salmt wilt tie 'made' known on the ilayanGsresaid,orisy artapplkatiom at any Mate. tollids Mock will lie received 'el Per' slant at; par,or geriiiicates of credit, which have beeti Mitered on the** of,the,Anditor,,Genetal,' in -permi tter Of intecdatlon of the General ,Ansembly,pastied'ob th7th day of April. 1042. ; , • :•,, !, By order of the °warrior. A. V.PARSONS, bap 20—dta, • . Serrataryot the $9O do 500 do 2fm do '909 do 660 - do 672 do :100 jt do 717 9 do 779 do , Rl9 do 200 "1810 204 240 408 200 sma sa $6O 24 '320 ' 123 160 40 96 '224 160 F _ ) . _ It.witor.ms• EtiristiEvitticiTiOtaisitituP.- - . this infallii.te: remedy hasitteaegyekilavadfiale , .Hlien thought' past'iotaierf,' ficim emiyalaiiika. Ai, goon-, mq the Brim is iithhed an the, Otitis. the wtl i reet v... 4p,.. c Tl}islortiiiiadoei hist, tiOarentoilleAs.loatiotail so, plitimatit4 that's° Allit wilt retiree to let ita , ram be rub 100 With H. Whed infanta a!4 at the ale of fear month* . *heed! hiltioltipti 'Of teeth: - one halite of the. , ~. tiottaniii . too open the: - pored ; Parente shoo!, 1, -. ;let illr etjaMlt*Orint in the MiIIIMAX , where tbiqe re,yottag-efillthiet.fofiriAltd wall 4 in'the Welt With piin . l t a!tbii giiimiti*be Syrup immediately gives cam. 6 .1. s-riepotilsigleal!ni ibe guilt; chlteby amnia. r 1 g cemirik Ainik: . _ 000: For Rater Whdlemild and 1 1 1 614°41, ' * - ' ' ' - 's - ,t" t,,i';ll-i",44100a Adept. PI ve 141-• ' • ''' - - iiiii• Woad 'di/eat, below Second ( I , . 1: --... X---' - ~• • - P.:•14. no,: -.1----' hiret. 1. • ' How*** * d soot; P,,, •,' • • 18, Ir°l..—tivitll --• ES I" 1 ' '' 1 isii. 4 °-- 4 ovirsa 1 4 0 4 ..1!*11, - ' setho roddi ..... non ossre _„,tivide - • - ..,,,,Alt, !osir" , • imi,tiami IR ' 41m="10.4* .detione, Typhus, Scarlet ferret__ _ tinknoivnt But whoromptcneas,. dam let •no Mite be, lost,.ict. the, BRlArtiolgrmrs4l l .Lß be at once' sent for, that the Remedy may be appled, without fur' lifer toss of tine .-. To as Itmtamenteo—' That Brandreth's Pith have steed a -seven years' test to the Voltneedates. , - - - • . That they.dre a yoptable and{ innocent medicine, yet ali:Powerfut for the , rernoval of disease, whether chronic ' recemt;jnfect haus or otherwisti. "That'they purify the blood,; and May theurther pro enistiof disehse in the 'huntanbddy. That. in many cases, where the dreadful ravages of. ulceration hadheitthOrelieimeite: and bone, and where, mall appearance, no human means could sate life, have patients by the use of - these pitht, been restored to good health; the devouring disease - having been completely eradicated. That each of the genuine has o poa it TOR= corystoot t.A.nris l'he* T ach 100 has two signatures of Dr. Benjamin Braildrethnnon - - That there moat livippon each boa three signatures, 'thus: D. OR Antwor.ra, M. D Andthree signeturee, tlttrez- BertiAxim:l3harrnaritt DR. PR ANICLIt SAYS: "Alf acute fevers ever require me evacuation to bring them ID a perfect crisis and soletion, and that even by 'stools, 'which mute be promoted by "Art when nature does nut do .the.lnishiess itself. On this. &tenant, an ' ill timed t•crapulousnesi,ationt the weeklies ! , of the body la of bad orisequencei; for it is thet which seems chiefly to makeevacuat ions. neeessart,l which, nature attempts and' tile humors are fit to be expelled . but ie not able to accomplish for the most- part In these diseases and l can afirm.thatl have given .5 purgetwhen the pulse has been isci low that it could hardiy be fell, and the debility ex. I reme, yet both one and the Other- have , been restored by it:" The good effect to be. i,derlyed . from the &ware! h Pills have t o be 'experienced to be (idly believed. By . .their timel y use neither the scarlet, the typhus fever or smallpox would everassume their malignant form- A`u appreciate to the full exte,nt ;lite incalculable bene fits of BRA NDRETS'S PlLLS,dhey Must be used when this Pisa Symptoms of Disease present thernselyes, One dose I ben, and their good effects' will be that throughout thelittacir-Fr 111.2A,.11.11 1 a THEN 14 Rills that is the great secret the enie of all appearances, of disease arising from had blaod, - and . I presume there are few at the pres: ent day, will say, anything. Of those diseasys which affect the bodYwhen the blood is pu,re. Such diseases I have yet to see. . Hoping that some whe,read this may be benefatedly so doing. 1 am respeetfolly„ the public's servant. B. BRANDIIETH, M. D. 241 Broadway, New 'frorb; THE COUNTERFEIT'S BEATS BLOW The public wiii please observe that no Brandreth Pills are genuine unless the box hut three labels upon it, each containing a fae shuttle signature of my hand writing thus-0. Rratuirei h. i Timm labels are engra ved on sleet, beautifully deeleUed, end done at an ex pense Of several-thousand dollars. Remember! the top —the side :. nod tbetottomk • 4•- ' , . ' Ent red according to act otCongreits intim year 1841,1 by Bet jamin.Bramkeih, in theUterk i ttOffire in the Dis tjiet Couresdathehernflistilekstrir Yorlt.,-,._ Dr. Be„mokainVreth 'it Men trier " t Eir. 9j,:_lirstattElseet --- IV -1 w PittsburglL'Only Pity. lit - Fitts eito-neti- t...•wbei deist the true . _ . Erandrelh Piti„ has en envoy l eertitiettle, of Agency. renewed every tweltfe inonthit, , iiidliitit entered iniobrinds of $5OO to sell none other Pins than 'hive received from Dr. B. or his speeinitgeneral Agent. ' Matt. trur terliti; cafe is all engraved except the 'Doctor's name, which is in his own hand writing. Observe, on each certificate there is an exact cony of the three labels on each box en-' graved thereon. Purchaser. see that the engratring of the labels on t h e centime le correspond with show on the hoz. The following rite Dr. Benjamin Brandreth's Agents for the &I lc of his Vegetatte Universal Pills, in Atieehe ny cooly, Pa., who are snpplied with the new labelled boxes. • Price 25 rents with•directions. Principal Office, No. 98, Wood Street, Pittsbue Allegheny, Mr. Jour' CLAPS. McKeesport, El: ROWLAND. Noblestown, Joon /outruns. • Btewarts Town, Comma," 4 Sexotouto A LEXANDZR A lIDALLX Clinton. BMA RD Tuomrsmo,Wilkinsburgh. Or.ORGE PORTER. Fairview. ROE6RT Swum Tonne, Tarentlitn. Elizabei blown, C. P. DiEnt. East Liberty, DAICIII. Nrnt.LY. PR,I3III.IET ERWIN, Pitiatoint 11111. DAVID B. Coos—Plumb Township. Wm. O. 140111VIL— Allen's-Milt. reep 10 . cured by the 1 fiif Dr, Hartle-Ws Compound Strengthening and ttorMaii Aperient Pit t i Dr. ilorlich—Dear SW—Shortly atter t redelved the Agency Dorn you for the sale of your. medicine. I rot med an ocortitintaare with it tidy of this place.. W4 l O was severely afflicted with the Piles. For eight or tea years this lady was subject to frequent' painfot attachti. and her physician considered her cape so complicated. that he Vet y seldom prescribed medicine for her. Tleroaell my persuasion, she commenced using your ROCS, and Wad • perfectly cured. Yours, 4.c LAMES S. ICIHBY October 3, 1840.. Eltambershug , Pa. WOffice and General 'Depot:. N0.1,9.140rth Eighth _Street. Philtdelphht. And by Samuel Friar, corner of Liberty and Wiyoll streets, Pittsburgh. imp 10 INTERESTING CUREperferared Dr.Swagne's `.l...Coisposind Syrup of Promo. Virginians, sr Wild CAer-- 71. 'U IIIII II -Widens/I ofthisiintaluable•Sytttirtonty Amity, which entirely cared my child. The symptoms limit. Wheezing end choking of phlegm. din:Wally of breathing. attended with constant eoughi 130181111, tbainakkilill;*C; Pr which If bad given uisali kopesof it* recovery . 'until I was advised to ,FiAkeirlai of this Invaluable medicine. After secing,ltteetfects it , hattupon -my child, stod con. cluding,to make the same trial epos asysetf,: which en. kirely rellesed we of°, cough that wasisMieted with for many years. ,Any . person whiliing.to see me ean call at aryOmsse:la Bea Street, above the Market, Kensington. We ` tail AVU! AY NE'S BYR.UP QF WILD 011.1111 RY. tail the aktefiqoaof the Put,Ateto ; the. IMMOM bettifiCliteri which have heeo eireettatOe ktt Aelf gttd come oihera of this, city, r highly reebtataleadhlgt D' DrriThc'e ceetPerldD.YreP- of .WO4l Vhefflor.44, ;have stieri the orAgloal certifleatorotort. have ..readoirtk.Wifter conic fronttruly,gr~iteful hearts,eztaessive OrdtfibeOefile *lath they have received (tom ti t at, , valoable rat*Petted; , We Wive acqaairttaarres, who havetviqueatty &Bed the whi;-canittlealt witttpheidenee of It. rfriziest--Stimday.-0r044.. . • , . - - Flamm itlallasa —Whts aincerlty4_,,smalst advise you. one ottani kith sick and well, always to have a 66111 e at Or, 2 !oelumtecomPlued NY MP ef -WaikgberrY lioleol la _Your Trallaar - -„ , ills invaluable In _caws of t w:: — . cooy.. nom as BPilitiLptrßlood.. Asthma, attacks of violent l ealigallif , IP? fill le often the Wale , of spitting of ,blooa, `Violent Niro* )441:011011,brwhich',100491onelis tome from Wit arid various ailiA,Caaaaat producing Peal' salvo, mad den 'raids - fiala ,PaPialler —'.which art ilea tat run to an , alarming pasens„, or woos of . Paella Wait reedy aihoo4—and a* 1 jbavi. used Qr. Swayies Compoowleyrap„ of Wll4 cherry repeatedly, 11l my ,lionliYi, alld•abalkinWith marked stowesa-1 can ::recommend ll'lllia cailtiOaaat a a! b a lsl g 'l'l4l'4 the Wit' +wily:. [Milani' which hillit emr.s.,baten, offered , jo cite ii ' ir,,-41aSiOlii4 Qlksww,„' bYVjurlTh`oril Valli;ili, **llk', 419 aValr alisblk.' - ' it:O.,Siklaritift, 4 *etr ., . -M llO - 4 . 1,J0aa irsiumatacairavramoit;; 4 4l4 4104011 , 144 1 / a desate ar-aa.awkoA talk tommanced E -) - - - - . 16,45!-*4lgr a • " 1 "i"; - - if - aifuns frOmk t afx t, tbereirrili a • nrineaketwaii,e - I* - 4vi9k44firre oftbeir. evirivisille. S at' fledgee'behtitlO:tetjt every ut iog tit the mOst- 1 1 1 7 11 4 1, dean, ipilistr, sad pay Oiler attention to tranomy. with confidence Mn. retiminiendi(*r French' mai Loadoil . amok Caraels; alio: her splendid assortmetit :.*EisitiiiMdery;„whieh is superior to anythitig yet intro. domed in ibis touniry: it includes Baby. LineoiConnoi -Mum Origotals, Capesa la Cardinal.. Demi;• _dittn .Bev; itiasSor Eyetting Costume. Collars Cuffs, Pocket Hand tkeichlehi Morning and ;Night. capi . . 40., whinti;iirill be ready for their approbai ion on the 9th of (Miniver - mutt. Mrs. waiting the arrival of hnr Bonnets from Europe; at No. VFerry street, betyrean Liberty AO Fourth streets. • ' , , . •_:sepi.3 the ILAULUILLW GEO. r. smut:row., LIIIAGRAW firt hi I LTON „fitter:eye o 4 law, have remove( their Office to the resWenre.of Eh `Mir on Foorts two dOors above Sinithdeld. sep tC ° 7 1 1 ' T l En °t Sg rl 79" f: lltk ; t, Oesaiifro•d d a l ileilta riioAoors fronsthe corner of Wood street. Coa. faintly . on hand sn assortasentsoPloo ready made COFFINS, of every Mac and descriptkon teovered . - ones, with ~Cloth: ~Mahogany; Cherry, Black Walnut, Poplar, and Pine Coffins. ALSO, Plates-neatly, engraved; Hearses and Carriages furnl.het.i; Goveit procured; and all, services rendered that friends may requite. A - credit g, iv e n in ail ewes, Obey Ofeoffins or carriages, requested. . HENRY , BEA R ES, kliideriaker. -rep 10 . ..... WHITE LIME, a superior nritele,for [75 "' sale by ' E. 4A. GiIRDONi_ No. 12 ilVaterstreal. VA ARTY: 00 received from New :York, 3000 . Temperance Almanacs tbr 1843;5000copie=of the Jou vital of he American Temperance Ilnion and Yonill's Temperance Advocate for September. Also, 2000 Chris tian. Almanacs. and a good assortment of Loomis's Maga sineand Pittsbujgb, and the Franklin Magazine and Com. mon Almanars for 1443; by the gross, dozen or single; 250 copies of Grant's New Pittsburgh and Allegheny Bu siness Dirctory and Strangers Guide, fOr icents. Also, Cottage,. Schord and Pocket Bibles and Testa. meets. David's Psalms; Met hodist and Temperance Hymn Books; the beauties of Harmony, Introduction to Sacred Music: Mason's Harp with round and patent notes; Christ. Harp,and almost nil kinds of School Books; Guno's Do mestic Medicine; Day Books and Ledgers; Writing, Let ter, and Wrapping Paper; blue black, and red ink, by the gross„dozen,or bottle; steel pens, quills, slates. pencilsand wafers;Cyclopedia of Htstory, Wes•tirn.Pilot. and a eon. viderahle variety of Hooka:10g Stationery, for sale on no cornmodar fug terms for cash or coantry produce. ISAAC H A KRIS, Agent and Commission Merchant, sep - ' ' No. 9; Plfth street. J. K. flioortueLn. 0. E. WARNSR. 3; PAINTER. UNION COTTON FACTORY. Alleghe y City, at the end of the upper bridge. The subscribers having commenced the manufacture of Cotton Yarns, Stocking Yara,Co•ion Twine, Candlewick, Carpet Chain, Batting, 4.C.,and are prepared, tc,pll orders at the shortest notice. Having selected the latest and most Improved machl nefY.and employed the manager who has attended to the Hoge FAct•oav for the lam five years, they are manafaetn ring a superior article. Cotton Warps made to order, Orders through the Pittsburgh Post Offire,or left at the storeof .1 i4-'C. Painterg Co., Liberty street; or Logan 4. Kennedy, Wood street; will meet with prompt alien. Lion. ' Address—J. K. 3100110 E A 1) Q• CO. , Sep 12—ly ==. ~~ -` ` ~*~=, ....... .*O-000:: -- ,0..... - 0.10 , ".'. ~ . -- . -I ' - *. A•:. ,- .'" ': tiLi.;.i'''''4-: ►#7O FAA LES.--Ttere is u large class of Females iui this City who from their continued sitting, to which their °erupt tieing obliges hem,a re affected with costiveness which glees rise to palpitatton at the heart on the leastex ettion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole head, intolerance of light and sound.an inability of fixing the attention to any mental operations; rumbling in the bow els, sornetiniesk sense of suffocation, especially after meals when:any exertion - is used, as going quickly up stairs; temprefickle; these are symptoms which yield at once to a few doses of the Brandreth ,Pilts The occa. atonal use of this medicine would save a deal of trouble and years of suffering. One, or two, or even three of theffteosa.t._emsJst before dinner, are of en found highly beneficial; many use then, odventoFceurty nn this way; they aid and assist digestion, restore the bowels to a proper condi; lon„entiven the spirits, impart clear., neseto thecornptexiompnrify-the Wood, add promote a' general feeling of health end happiness. Sold at Dr. B-audreth's Office. No. 98 Wood tenet, Pinshirsh—Price2,scenu per bpi, with fhil directitins. MARE—The only place in Pitisburgh,'• where the GENUINE Pills can be obtained, is the Doctor's own Of flee, No 98 Wood street. sep 10 SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS! SURGICAL IN. STRUM ENTS!— 7'. McCarthy, Cutler amid Snrgiral Instrument Maker, Third street, nearly opposite the Post office, Pittebergk (SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHEARS.) Physicians. Dentists and Druggists can have their in' strornentsinadeby the subscriber of a Superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand. also Hatters Shears, a super Or article. Orders respect. fully solicited. R. B. AllartichW warranted of the hest quality, and inbbinit One as usual. seri 10 LIVER -COMPLAINT.—This. disease often terml• naicain , another of a more serious nature, If pro. per remedies.are not r,estorted to in time. In all forms of this disease, -Dr. Harlich's Compound Strenathenins. and German Aperient Pills, will perform a perfect cure —first by -elennsine the stomach and bowels, thus wmo• sing all diseases from the Liver, by tbe , use of the Ger man •Aperient P:11s, alter whtch theCompitend rengi h. erring Pills are taken to sive strength and lone to those tender organs which require snckfccalment only to effect a perinement cure. These PIN/Clore neatly put up in small F ickasps, whn direettoort. f'or sale at N 0.19 North Eight St reel Philadelphia. A lei>, for sat by Sam uel Frew corner of Wood .and Liberty M., Plasburgh Pa. ALLEN ERA AtElt, Exc h ange Broker, No. 46, Cor ner of Wood and Third Streets, Pittsburgh Pa.— Gold, Silver. and Solvent Rank notes, bought and sold. Sigh) checks on the Eastern citier,, for vale.' Drafts, notes and bit* eofteeted. " nzrertzncza: Pittabitrirh,Pa, Wm. Silll4- Co., Sphn D. Davis, r Lorenz, J. Painter 4- Co., JoNimb - Wood well, James May Rititadelphia,. Alexander Bronson 4. Co., John H. Brown fr Co. Cincinnati, JUMPS' lll'Caridtess. St. Loitio, ito., Lovitroille, W. H. Prone, Esti. treet Rank Ky. e -n l O . REMOVAL.—The' undersigned.begn lealreAo (acorns_ the public, t hat he has removed from 1i1t?. , . old stand, -to the r of Pildn god Ot.. Glair stg., oppositethe El c angen' Where he has tted non or * Ptomq ORIA. W,kitt Room, q nd : now 'offerq for said ,the 11109 t splendid assort Meat of Piaeos ever offered in this market. Sic iirPlibitonsist of ditTirent patterns, of superior .Rose Witod Flehgltany,bettuilfully finished and : mu' deled.end'eonnittleted throughout, of the very- keg ma-- terlate,which,fer durahility;ond_quatity of tone, as well as touch; he - warrants to hesuperior to arty , ever seen here. Ag he balergarged his manufactory, and made arrauge. greets to supply the increasing demand for this irustru. : _meat, respectfully requests _those intersding.to par. chaos !to call and oxatnlne his assortment before pitftha. Rind elsewhere. an he is determined to tell :imps., for. „coshittiats any 'Other establishment:east Or, west of the' moustatns. F. BLUME, Ciwnek of Penn ind St. Clair al reels, , ,ttp 10 Oppoolte the Exclienge Rotel:Pittsburgh - , Pa. WARRANTED OgNigNE*--Dr. William VAI Bowies Camomile `Pins p gaTtr ipAveti.—Lettar Rom the Ron. Ab h no id Cid- Jim,fullirran lAunty; . East TenbasseelliemberofCongrests, Witiluturros. July 3d. 1838. Sir— onsethave beenln Oda city I havartard some of year DyiyalptlC medicine with infinite benefit sod sails ,fectlon, and believe it t o bea mosivallinble remedi One of my strisiltuebts; Cc - A.:tinier', d of Campbell gidy, Tennessee. wrote to me to, send hid wide. which I ma.' eartite lum.lopkoyed.ittvery sateier - mtAlt in, his practice, atd royal*, is invalloWet. Johnson, inn , agent at this tilarteiTShlnks,you would probably like an agent in Tenants's. I f so, I would recommend Er. A Carden, as optima admen odkcilare foram salawflour celebrated atediehm. , •-illbouldyoutclownission hint•lte H trinity; to lei for yoy. ArOlit i alialenil- the , medicine by water to the earl of Robert King Er Sons. Knoxville county. Tannest kx-bind , Graba*-4 -80USUM, Tasswetr East YellnA tt lg t *let if TOP tiag attallta In • ifelmgAptalrldwpsl44at„errat deal of me& 'lope 1d .141. _1.4-aalloing to take some-of it bonus Tor lay own - 1 1.110.40 1 4:-4111- 4 4 , - - 1 1 0 414 eedr, anrl . -stiould ..igia.tql/Str,fintlagallbtarillA!all n tea , ffleeestit , ifirwalllei Smattykay eat Iternberavql can get for saw! Wit near there MEM ~T ~ -~ r: ~; ~. ~_ Pittsburgh.lnne 18,1839. • • Mr. Jona Dmottrict:-.4eraitir-flaiting been 'patient, yt erdaY. at the-experiment whitityon were phased to. make, ip the presence of, number. of tar buidenta Mee.' bf the . rafety of your 1 scprt tAIEST(3, in ease of Gre, ft gives Me pleasure to 'say. Mai so ear SS r ISSS enPlthk'or judging, the lest was fair, and the result exceeded my taper-fattens. • . The Chest was a small one, *bent 34 tetAtes hish.ty abOut 3$ or 2o inches tit breadth and depth, and was pla• red on a block of wood about a foot in thickness, tia as to elevate Rollout that heleht from the gtound; several hooks aralmwspapera were dePtatted inside of it, in the manner iti which Merchants and others would usually place thein—a large quantity of light pine wood fatal* fronian adjoining-Saw $1111,3 was theri plated arotind pad above it, and the firtkindied on lilt windward side. pans to drive the name against the hack part or Mechem. The fire was kept Op about three quarters of an .hnur, until you had gone among the spectators and received from them their universal :answer that the test •• was sufficient. The chest was thee drawn Out of thallre, and red re, and opened, and examined. The conter.ts were all safe, and the only injury doite was to the lack of onehook Which appeared to het{ little. Miarred. Frum what l witnessed,-1 think that these chests are thaery Mg of coriderice, as-affording, perhatte.the best security to Merchants Pw.tireir , hooks and papers, which they can have without building large, thick,andexpenslve vaults. I would consider them a better Set t rity than many vault which I have seen•burit. Your Wend, • 'IMUEI. We concur in the abov.! statement, having been prey. 'sent when the chest was Irste,l W. M. Cooper, J. H. Shoemberger, J. laug Alin, J. Painter, R. Miller, Jr. • C L. Armstrong, Thomas Craig, S tg: D. Howard, Extract of a fatter frost migh 4- Afton!, dated Cie dieser,29ea Narrh,lo42. J. De/mist, Pittsburgh, Pc Respected Friend: We have the satisfaction to at ate as the test recommendation we can give of the Utility. of your Iron Safes, t lint we hsva one of them which was in an exposed situation in our count ins room, at I he . time or the lire, on the morn ing of the 10th inst. which consumed our Potk House to: !ether with a Incge- portion of Ow meat, lard, 4.r, which it contained; —and that our books and papers which were In the Safe,. were entirely uninjnied, and were Hiked from ft an er the lire; without ever bring fitly-Moved: Yours, 4.c. PUGH it A VORD Extract*/ alettterfrsar Slater .- Holbrook, dated St, Lomis, Feb. 24th,- 1841. ld R. Dennuvo, Dear Sir: Onenf your Second size chests Was burned a few days nen, in • a lent her store—ll pre• served his contents. Respectfully yours, sep LO SLATER 4- HOLBROCitt. IV ER' COMPLAINT cured , by the use of Dr. Bar- AA itch's compound Si rengt hening and Aperient Pins. Mr. Wm. Richards, of Pittsburgh, Pa., enth ely cured of the abovedistraising disease His symptoms were pain and weight in the left side, loss Of appetite, vomiting, acid crumalions, a distension of the stomach. sick head-ache, furred tongue, countenance changed to a citron color, diffi culty of breai hing. distmrbed rest, altended whittough, i great debility.with other symrtomtrindicating !mat de: rangentent of the functions of the liver. Mr. Richard: , had the advice of several physicians, but received no relief, until usin4 Dr. Flarlich's'ffiedicine, which ted in effectioe•a-pet4se4 . - inci pa i office. 19 Norin eighth &street. rnuadelobta. For sale in Pittsburgh by Samuel Frew, - corner of Llher ty and Wood streets. o ff 10 Cfseitmati, February 1.5,1840. Dr. Swortts—Dear t'ir:*.Perrnit me to mite the liberty of writing to you at this time to express my approbation, and to recommend to the attention of heads of families and others your invaluable medlcine—the Compound Syrup of Prunus Virginians, or Wild Cherry Bark. lo my travels of !alit have scent In a great many instances thew onderful effects of your niedicine in relieving chil dren of very obstinate complaints, such as Coughing, Wheezing, Choaking of Phlegm, Asthmatic - attacks, .4.c. 4-c. I should not have written this letter, howevet , at . present, although khave fel it my duty to add my testi mony to it for stone time, bad it not been for a late In. stance where the 'inedicine above alluded to was teat ru mental In restoring , to perfeit health an "only child," whose case was almost hopeless. in a family of toy ac quaintance. thank SleaveU," said the doiting or,. , my child is saved from the jaws of death! O.how feared the relentless ravager ' But my child is safe! is Safe!" Beyond all docile. Dr. Swayne's Couipound Syrup of Cherry.is the most valuable medicine In thts or any other country: - I ant certain I tave witnessed more than nne hundred cases where It has been attended with corn. plete success. I am using it myself In an - obstinate at. tack of Bronchitis, in which it "proved effectual in a ex ceedingly soon time. considering the severity'of the case. ran reromend 'it in the fullest confidence ofits superior virtues; I would advise that ne family should be without it; it is very pleasant:lml always beneficial—worth double and often ten lining its t rice. The public are as. cured there is no gnaekery aboilt R. R. JAcKeott. D. D. Formerly Piston Of the First - Presbyterian Chinch; Sold by W . bl. THORN. whceesale - 4. retail, only weertt for Pittsburgh. No. - 53.1filktitel. street. • seP 10 ' - '"t • { a.. 6 =;, ~~. ABOON TO THE HU IhN RACE!--"Discoser Tabu will destroy Life. and you are a great aunt. Discoefr fr4.set Life. and-tbe world will cell you linpaitai.' ... • There are faculties, bodily and intellectual; Witkia as, , wit* yOttek certain kerbs Mlld affinity /sad seer , tattiest they bass pricer . .." . • • Dr. 11 . . Brindreth's External Remedy, or Liniment, which, by its. extraordinary powers, abstracts Pain or soreneps;Sprains,:etitf, Sinews, While Swellings. Rheumatic l'ains,..or.Stiffnelts, Stiffness of the Join's, Tismers,linnatural Hardn&Wl, Stiff Neck Sore Throat, -Croup._ Contractions of thl muscles, Scrofulous en lanientents, Tendes Feet. and every description, of In jury affecting 'the. Extetior the . Human Frame, ate cared .or -aseatly-relieved by ibis outer•to be' sufficiently extolistUrestaly , ' ' •"' ,Csauncame.--The following teller from Major Chu ' era , ' Sandford, as to the.giaath les of the'Esternal tly, speaks volumes: • - _ •New Youts,Feb.l);lM - 2 1 . ilear Sir—Will you oblige 4ste iiith another bottle of your exretient Linimentl . It is eertaluly the best -14-tter kind I have ever seen. It bair,eurpd entirely my son's knee. about which I Instal u 'Weltsy;autiT haye, found it productive of Immediate teller several - 'enses - tif ester nal, Injury in my family.- ill.tere , evenings since, my ymingest child was seiwsl : wish a Ordeal:attacket Muth. which was entirely reniovallip tsnaselyniantes, by ruh bin '-her chest and throat.freelyWliit ihe Extersal ildet edy. I think you ought 'l6 amntifiteture thli Liniment for general use, instead of confining the nee of it, as you have heretofore done, tu yearpartteutstr-segittilniiittees. Yours truly, .4 7,5: W.-SANDFORD. 11.13a.tatudiers.241. 6OadwtP. N• Y. irt.•For sale at 391 Droadtwnyi Noy, York, and at his ildiee„.No:9XWomt street.Fltlldstflih•'PßWP' -50 ce nt•' petibut' De With tepid _ . •"- " i Sooliiicsolla Orwrz, .., Harris rgti,"Atigtrstl I Oth, ‘642.5 'SALE OF THECA ff - , AND RAIL ROMllfi BE. LONGING TO THE 8 • .. -4got4ee is. befell gi ven _that in tesnownee of , 4.14 isoveritestatitiwighteentiu iim i t nineteenth all - Assent Feth 5 iipetAof t sitediet of Assembly pissed the 27th day of Jalg. 'lB43:ollitliiiiis Will .he reFri:t vrd at the StatiEtitirt WOW ihelittedlif of NiiirenVl her next, for the sale or aliriiiiiVaii(of - ihe Canais and Rail Roads belosightruivtioretranosaltroaftiti fir wiiieft 4 Hut te.fitositiot .par-swiev,o9ll.be-reeedweil la-poysterif:' , ... _Each indivldatalisilig foreitilinetirligedlifilfg; Vol si, tiq. the: sairilatista liostsifiCattal . or fitilsaoad. *Mob! _tbieklesitelw4notollestit*stnostat of , Omit ifetittecHWil 11, : 14s-ilisrefoci4kiitglosto olltiliaisesofoill issocerasit irsi Alie.olfer,•togethor with Mei pace or phwisiidt nriddiiteK #1 4/0011111111T tor briiikkokitritiewtsi-fiegili:l lIIRW '`fct . 4 ...;:= .h , :: ~-3-, l t-n .44:it....- - i-- ,, 4e.i.lc V. - ..‘ t4-=3 comui l i, t‘.‘r",!6'proposals Mi ail lilk t -itill•liHterea Or '• - • of ' • - ' ----4- i , lahaiiiiiiiiiietiO• N ik"' • -,;,.. _; -. :14.-. ,:,. w 11.4 "-44**14 *1 MEME • PrIItAVELERS TAKE Zi , .prissided with the Safely hills printed with a figured tiler fill you are not deceived by gents stating their boats to be , Guard, when they are rot vitt the fUltowing Ise list of bosi, ty Pnard at •the Por: of Pima nut me the list have the lisprofet ppsrahis ii is impossible for Rho SAVANNA, . FOk RAR ITAN, ILL! MAGA R. A, ORLEANS, JEti CANTO'N, MON LADY - OrLYONS, CA VALLEY FJRGF, Int FORT PITT. GA BREAKWATER, quE x EXPRESS MAIL, bug ALPS, BRI C4).SPI.AN, ErU Fly WEST WIND. rylrg %I ARQUETTE, 'FAT,LEYRAND, pEsE PANAMA, fthrlV CICERO,. SARAH ANN, Mt • N.ARRAGANSE'I T, AMARANTH. MUNGO PARK, [R* NEPTUNE, Cy ADELAIDE, J Robt Bell, 4. Cordell, A. H. Hoge J. W. Holt. NORTE' BEND, G MARIETTA, BRUNETTE, C 'iTEAM FERRY BOAT, The teaveling community are before they make a choice of a bat and see whether it would not it mut security to choose a Safety rransage and freight. in preferences against "explosion—and that they tlrait thisintientfien has the arm' fifty steam engine builders—;ens it is to understand the Ballet% and inlereoled—besides a number of e na gent !eaten and others—all of my °Mee, No 10. Water Street, wilt pleasure at all times to exhibit al who will lake the trouble to mil. Fop 10 CADWA VA LU A PIE REAL ESTAT! The subscriber offerg for sin., red rates, the venter part of 14 rr the cities of Pittsbursh and A Iln,Arat Brick Warehouses, nrartt new, situate nn Starker at reel , et wee , brorips a front of about 54 feet by 6i lire, or separately to Full putchates Its. , _ In Ann hreadth,b3 upward of 350 fi n , Cron's, one on the Pennsylvania out Washinelion street. ,A ihp Int adjoininsrhe shove.. by, nearly 350 feet lin tite&,orNet) gala mansion house whlt. ) a 'TM . Inge. Also, a lot with two twoon are on the corner of Musket a moderate round real, and nal oda groeery. ALES. ium 10 .71#ie • , yot te l'VEß 44 ll - At* y . xsplesict ihit FLX - SEED W.I.IVTED. -- .S cruel or goodp,a quantity old Almost all kindP of Country Prods for ca•nt or noods at H A RRIS'S lr 'pep 21-if CO 11l 111 Ission VFW JOHN HART. Commission dace and American Mailed Ruzu To— Jao Pittsburgh; Aaron Harr, James Orebran of R'd. Jno. D. Davis, M'Vay Hanna. Avery. Ogden it Co. in°. Woodbonrne, Ern.. MadiiioB YALU 461;111 PA Ithil FOR SA Farm on'viihich I live, in W raddhelrafield, conialfilrg one b. aerft; about .70perep of 'w hie li is Well tlushereii. There are noon it apd er - jmaro 63 reet,by 34; an apple , • Also, atAuat seventy acres of roil. b eqetibl - lo lhaiisCanir upland h Terms wade, k no wp on a prolcatiosa 1 I the *piemieits: WILLIAM' ILLIAM C. WALL, Nils "Weir. Frame Fourth. Street Pitts Erairgit.—Cao , *t., for Arita's, always on hand.. promptly framed loorder. Rel eil notice. 1 Particular attention paid torte try description. 'L Persons fitting up Steam Beano ibeiradiontageto call. ' WHITHr -LEA.D.—Tbe Boleti to furnish painters, arida chase pore W hire Lead made of ialltett-eriulal. if not superior toast MI otder( addressed to Dunlop 11 rtfifietind street, Pink, ?Mended....'" !MIES FASHIONABLE 511' 114ftli: aL, diAtedeer frau Of _The .4*ltsllstriber respectfully t irf rirtsbrirgh" ' vicinity tha be I,lolliaxpoearithtts ow n minds: ',wheire he will ke ep constaudY °' ',rut oralflotridaorJadies,mo3o, , and akoesiofthe belt ,ces to limit time He wit i'y. ! ampl,ll_.nds - Pr Hiner work:Z.4w* WO Colored gaiters,and MAO ishildidati;elloeis. silk ratter& will be made at the shortest oatitAr ner. tidies wHl'lliellse e° ll3Pd ttl as the subscriber, feeitt confident tw lane article In his line they 0 1 9 0 wit 10 ' • P. B. Hon't forret the Ancor from Harris's Intelligence Ira Market Street -------------_—__ -. VILLI MI MEM. having . batthese of Pont at ll° .; Liberty aerial and 42 Markel sum tfinnitit-tciMie enormous friends a :firm. for the very liberal sappon.a teklife4 io Itimin connection vi W 11311 PS I o assure them tboterett . :merit ? t ie VIM inoation of the mon pee rt l irotoito• their attention It; ' PotbAng;virbkh he intends/L ang' thanes-Wen ever offered. bello4 I be wOoleciff nhe stock of Ole ittoM Mble; ar dupe; iniendo 1 o con,line. l 7i rah frivh4oo, FM feels conadelliL "orPosol his Worth, Either la chtlF 'Senor IrtAticteFt ash' it. ' t 454elige'iblake notieethat ere, tsred pi l'OtAinth• .161151#118010KROW. 001.7 i .P.-7,;Bll4eitt ire* W a rr. i Jr_ inti.tee Str4sits. --I .T ` afthe s hortest "r i r e o .'.4_014.11116* *elicited toollt,i "tarliormi-voild sole: , _ iia gees 1 5 al itiarahn • , • _rAls• ‘ - ', • ' NEES • • --. =sr ED BY W. 0 - OD 4' if ARS 14 Y ek 0 C SPITO•4 Simi BOIL he mine offs • LIARS a vigNTS. 74Isrertis LVE LINES One month, Two moms, Three month Four months .Slx months, One year, TISEM EN maw:tar , Toe S x months, ne year, 'prorort,lon. Luse aye - fflMl tween Mark door from W WlRock, Cone , .44 tween First Treasurer. street, next S. R. intinsto Let ween Mark or. mitt, necir Mn ket and Wan !MS' AND hg rupd,) Fon 1r Wood er Went, nea Penn and St. of Third and Third and St enu street an near Fere iheriy Ft opp . Penn St. ni ATTORN LAW. runt Ft.. Me • ms 40 Jol M. B.— ° ,peen and Macial, 10. French, CLUUE, A Office in the sburak. ow, A Iderrea .1 wenn VVooll ' V holes.l to Glue in Pragnee ar . 224 Liberty ACTIN . ILWORTTI. Commission M (toured ant it de of lite Dia tlorney ni to Ihcq , al , l above ammfarAttr No. 80. F lea niboa t CO., Fu • at. 4. Ex , arniture, being full rice. rend 1 far sate ci h or [Andrei ent varlet IZDUIDED P. L.B y street, II t and Sho sext d9nr t • td Bath Ali newest rt., CAULUS. .e dispoped o F. L. So ty streei, be and Flowe aya be had F. L. Si ty street, ill amnsollt On store of i+.L•S y street, h. SWEET cd by F. F.L. Liberty hea of Hoes. Edding T ng Shears. P. S street, Lea . received tnhon H. C UiLl iiiid e. Orchar Ways on I street, 1 prate. rot sale 12122! ghly,ar • * 1 the D P.L.s - 'street, '1..,.44-.5..i..- - ,:- :ft: T,..t'.i.