Daily morning post. (Pittsburgh [Pa.]) 1842-1843, October 07, 1842, Image 2

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of the Public bands, will by an infamous
systein of gerrymandering, be almost en
tirolirepresented by ultra-Tariff, ultra-Dis
tribution and ultra-Bank members of Con.
grass; -It is for the freeuien of Pennsyl
r#l4,l34)s,3s44,at„ the ,ballot boxer', on the
111111ifOeteber, Whether they will thus be
juggteft - 4u/' of their rights Ot _--whether a
haggil of interested politicians shall con
trel Atitlitet.rtna oppose the vast majority
of Nair sons.
~:144iq-011,e. Legislature.will be charged, _
"talglfloolt imporPtoAuts--of - --, 1
lArforitethit.the State for "'Years, .:
in .order to elect members of the State Sen
ate an t i Uouse of Repr e sentatives..if the
pile of Pennsylvania wish to be fair/N.,
reAtetenlect,fin the Ge.neral4Asserribly; if
th0:.1 . -4 . :Ati all sections of gio*ate to trave
tv*.ukt, tlenweratie inst.itiitioris entitle
t ' ~,AttAqual and'imputiial voite in
_ ~,Itlikr,o4B, they will be careful
li - U?z,
,as the apportioning p )wer in
the:liras Of that party, which OUT RA
41111,ROPI*EtsiT in the reign of Joseph
Flt*iillta. Thaddeus Stevens, hull yi-fhieh
, in Ohio and New York,
e,.s MinOtity ,t grater iriflu
eit*l,7‘,,.e _majokity! - i
Lc CU. -.,:-:-..19f10h-thpo, freemen an 'F . N.,
T,11.1,TA.A- 7:4q....RALLY;,to redeem our
sPktis-groie_lAght-q(AntiMa(unic Fed
eralism._ - ktutiuset must be left intl. _
F .:..* - ~.t ,:ltra:r 40 - 12 4 DEFEAT
Abe firm and undeun ,
::-*P9ctior ,
To e ll we cat - LW:3'O
thlhi"to 414 1 i74 611/ - ,-_,..1-164-e -Pioultr 4 l P.';,. ;
112,001..:_ ii. • :litintr,:, woricshops-.":-:.:
C4AININSF-A4utt pitur spade Sc pick ii - iti
LABORO,R4.--;_frieui.our looms,,,NlANa
U.VAPIVRARSI--::Trorn lour -.,-stores
.740tftelf ANTSI-4rom All and-every bu- -
sieetgs,„ rg.KE NLE N! rally to secure the
CharriluDiorolaz's4. and - let the;-peo--
Plkfeel-it- , the proudest privilege of fic;GL&in to , record their votes against denia , '
tattites end traitors to -the public wertl . ...«,
ROy in rut strength! Cornejo the sub.
: linscrnykstti of POPULAR INDIONA -
TioNt- , tome in the spirit of patriotism
to ,seouretii =the -:Keystone State4,..Detno
rle-,. sva. „ fiegislatlyei a . Democratic. U.-
• 41efiateri Democratic Coogressoteni anti
Peostinae • her- on 'the .list of.those- -- whoSe
•• 0 t isIMPEACHAiBLE, and whose
Vlifieirlttes (h 'the 44 City of'Brotherly I
- "The Times of Tnesday gives tiff-following Re..
of fiiht, between two of tlieAibtdelphia
'Law ouler," . meet> be at
a. a' city where,such , bloody swim - are
. ,•
1 4:1?44:, 9 :o'clock last Suniliy.:ceerlng there
• vrtii'airkitAtni , of fire. That -alarrri of fire was
ockleioned=li 11.1:lainfire kindled in a lot in the
• . : . d acid Coates street. for the
erix,:gro commyy proceeded mAltat direefton,
IWOitietnnitiNed the mernbersiathe Independent . %
•"etetW'intiter - 'of Sixth end Master street. The
lakteeiteisi7eatil ebnimence'd the fi.4ht, arid over-
W : 44d thej*tuer after a most desperate resits.
UW4 foi-,.lehich blood freely flew, and in. which
SniflaytklOrettii and birs of iron., .were, at least.
bt:inieCorty,:most vigorously used. The con.
gawks itren•corolinericed the demolition of the
thirtinstril4l4rtillose.Tairiage. The spokes of
ettke — ettlieele were first-all - broken out. Then
:the. boxes were, destroyer). The Jdestruction of
the beautiffilly painted•frontispiece followed. The
lamPe.therr,.:came iri for their - share. The bells
arbli*Oxikeri,"and literally broken with ham
niereottprie the' pavement, 'into a thousand crag—
•=utents.- The body of the carriage was next cut
allitpßieces, „After this about .900 feet of hose
wCnkthopped into pieces with hatchets. The mu.
Willed remains were then abandoned; - and were
eibeianiids'eatrieillt'orne- in . a furni - tUre car to the
liautf'df[the Northern Liberty [lose.
4lpwaids Of "30 warrants were issued :ydaterday
-,,..esmie,g ..-for Individuals , supposed to hove. been
engaged in this scandalous affair. The officcrs
were-Chaslitg'itieni about closely in the upper dis
.. Vas.' '43l.rt they wilt nut be able to arrest them,
or if they 'eucceed,will not be able to secure ern.'
denim for.-their conviction. The authorities of the'
Astriefe; are openly set at defiance by the bellig,,.
!Qq.t.,t0mp. 1 .... ;Extra Police cannot be main. - 1
telpred., - ,.. , because the citizens object to the expense.,
.• TlVp,erhilfare hierawed_and alarmed: No man ' 1
dare4stify agaliiit- those Concerned in the dis k !
tiiiiacesilest the - friends of the accused should'
stAteektlieruccuser,-ar .destroy his property. • -All,
its fear and confusion.' In the midst-Of,'
-rstUlrews "Sheriff stands perfectly niiiet.
'. -, teltaf litike'xiirtit;tt io''seeure the freservatinn 7 -oi
see Cr •tereomPetthisounvity spirits
, *ojwipiit Au -11 % ,,v. ~. , A nit • why - Ibecause Tazia•
. */" .. 4;.. th5...,••49e .9f. an election!__ Alter _..7ltearlay
Mact...,wo:htive no doubt the trioatj i aliorqui ineas-,1
larsif . Wjlt be reisorter,k to
_by 0.4 i Whig autbortties;
tift,liefdie..' - Alesi' :- ' - - • •
• • iliklithieellte - abotee . was in type 'we learn
7-,thersgthit LibOtiy !lois was isapturetlit Broad:-and'
• -
Coates - -streets, and taken to Sixth and -,,Mester
slid there -ijeetreyedj'.; ,
But from the latest accounts it-does not
-appear - probable. that the agent will be a
ble to accomplish the object of his mission :
The capitalists of Europe have not filr--
_ .
gotten the .
untfarallele fqauds of the great
whigt:fßegulator—The unrivalled "Balance
W,heel" of the Whigs and antimasons , isf
2eunsylvania, ar4.thay turn a deaf aai. to
the importunities of the stem of a party
that committed such wholes Ale_ robberies
on their coffers, through i.h , ' vill,anons man
agement of the U, S, Bank. This burdo
viraiope at least, W-111 not be placed .upon
~. ..,
the: people.' and ,we wit t not regret ~.our-,
tur:lliattassicrii..-,.-0 Wetki, rt iot credit abrptid,, ac,i: mach., it ii *v:
tt,the works of the deft the spectirators-in their proj k ater
sucha state of fur: , . 7 „,L.: ~,..., .., :
1 B • saimun• toe country with a natiooei neut.
, eeks4r4we....nicitlii - i'vni:Jier that , they may 'lm‘ra!!f 4- li4"bdu n t =
;y adiencealfer the ty to ' gratify 'their desire for public pinta
Eletsot rftot4and, - det -AUting the short time lhaiwill be :in
This great towerr--': Dowf;- . - - '
ide: (about., '1,60. feet .. t r ;,,,,,: .1, - ,-- ' -.: • - = '
Wilt Conititute,:itie l:?""Atraiigree they -_ will. ; no doubt
-feature of_ the , ttiiW. charge - 0 Pre4Maritirl els and tilaoP Tatn _
A -
L °Yak"
of i4,t, central for Av waltet*T rk t - . •' as 01 " 4' ' e
Ave!) Aie' k 101 4!1, foi all the other evililliat their recklesiand - ..I
° ( °P n * lns ' , Into dishonest-acts -have toren hi upon, the coup
his34ligfhloa grAlje ..,„„ .- g ~
' aartittd,to;eia , 1 - 1 1 7 ?';:egk.4 1 let Abe people - remember ;, that ow
- i t . ii i euvet ' , - ftilm 'i t thes4bOtropriatiena President Tyler hadttp
sly o(lelivihelrst .control; thepawer to tillage or senindef; wesAti
4y perkrined 4y. /IV iiii! hands Ot, - the federal taajerity, irr ,
consort, , ! mss , , , ~. ~ . .*.... ~..,....
-- • '--- : 4 ; • , an d , Without , their Wituasten the
i'l s 'Ari fr : v A r e Eptroit -The'lii" 'Prete ext4hihmt 4- the powerilt: epeod - Onn
s, - 14, ..."-` -..puortounces - the o n - ofther
- r....:> , ..„,,i z „, ~____„. death. , , ittlPfter ; public AriormY.-= - ?
' S P --
:., .. i• -,, ,„ , ,,,..,..i..7 ... 4 , .. lautattetfur, - ;feeg... f or . . ,..11 . 1. -11 f tilt . * - 0 1 1d0r ,„,...„ 4 ; , 4
, is is tuber' o r .1
- °- ,„r0ell ' .f..' 7 • ''.k .-. .. watj'a o i t ly. o f "Ifni'. • -- . --- -.-... . .„,. ~, •' • ~ . `,' .1141',.""•BP
iit r i,l4l- - '1
-: .'l[!Thlt,': " I'l ' iir r o. ‘ i. it 'istioniii be - let -coitifitigdy - ''
•,,,- -, 4 - filth '', , -•, .v % 1.1e..T.e1l Pustyt " • .:._ ..-,,;' • 1
i'rr . Y , 4 - --: iiiiminceo4 l o4 Pio Graz.. - , .Ploi-thakjil:4 o year ' s role, :7.- ••••• 4 ~liaire.
-,-, , ~ . . A •m•-•:•,„-- •• - , •-..,,•-.. ,- '- • ‘•-• ;, iit i at olit itt r:- '-'- ---•-- 7 "'•". •. ' -- . :i* ' 3 •
, r i se,i` a acrd
l e - der! - W
t, !, `-', X ,=taoroiiiiif'"''' :2 --t - ..'.,'-• , ''c'
; ~K 2, : .... -
.: 4 - ,.. 4 -.lloli in iniiit;.l!t.*::: 7AH ~,,,,,,; 4„ _e :i „tv.„--,5 4 ,,,,, , ,..,4*,-z.,-::::, . .i, „
44 0 .
"-- ': 9 ._:i. ;,, ',-. - ~. ,-la-**4o:a*.:-..#4.:, ..i* - - ~ 41,f,.. . ' .1:-00 -. =l - i64oo4.: , *for t korotaii
-,,„,..,- ~ -...,_ . .„-._....-.., -,. 4. * ,--- . r illi. Abooter-' :: : :`..4!... ,t. J-; ~,, - -,-; Z.""::
fti' ..; a ...4,1-4 , 7--•1,.,..,,,,t'^' 4 '. . : ': 14, : .
• „*.. , .,t,,, :
.4,,,,,,,,...,fi, c 1 1:- ' -, :.,.....; -1,,, V ..441111P 1=2 7 .: , :i
,-.-..,- , ,. - ' ,•' ' •i, =' r 1
+ , 4 ~ S. -, .. - __`.47-a"'Y '•• 12.-;:r 4-.*-.',,,liTASCtir,:-.IE-4..e%
".: - , ~ ,
: A ;,-
411.4*i 0 f t "-- - . 1 3rai"1414r
,-4:llsainttid;'trin-*r nor notice ,
assattit-orthe Legislature forpro-.
meanittclrneet the liabilities of the
,boy are mum Perhapi they have
Ait that 'it is not pottia fat them to
ttetr_t c - la atitt *Or at. idliAlgr all tnetypte.
lit*liples at het
We like , r Peeeeiorially to the sen t as the yeomanry of Penn- 1
proinises-_iefandkeratire'ayF aria are not: likely t*,faipr.auch doe--
made by our ki'deral fiends tinting tteAr trines es repudiation have wis ely conchOt
h •
strogg aor power,an to point tot e e e d held4heir peace en.t h at u b ject.
diffbienee' between their promises and their
. praefice. Economy was to tffl the order
ef, the day when Whifpfpry assumed the
reins-joT goya-rnmenti extmi*ant experidi—
tures were to be cut - off, the credit of the
country was to '-be -restored, ,arid every
thing that viould wakens great, powerful
am} respeated as ~a nation,: was tof4ll - ow
the triumph of enonskins and hard cider.
But alas! how diffelent is the result from
what we were :taught to expect. Let as
look at a-feW of of the items,•set doiyp in
wont lie." First ia`the ap
prckpriations by tile last session of the 27th
Congress: - - -
Civil and diplomatic List $9,363,293 53
Army, . 6;495,280 36
Navy, 6,774 405 42
Fortifications, 287.009 00
730,776 00
Pensioro, -
Indian department, treaties, Scq. 1100.077 47
Private bill 3or Repreaviiltativ es, 37 595 01
'Private bill, Senate, 62,773 03
1311 1 ,1
tA;w!E'c9 4
- - I!we-Vt4t Irage.
Tub communication of Sam*
of Allegheny., will appear sommorro
Fire in s."ew oricans.
New Orleans papers of the 21st bring
_ -
us-acconnts of the destruction of•the oft
Camp streettheatre, the property of James
- if. Caldwell, involving a loss of some $2O,
000. Also, of the destruction of a row of
two-story: dwellings, siN in number, in
Ba carol emy.istreAti;:netir4A tin un c.iation. A
c'n4 f
was killed by
But.l ook at some more items At the - 61 ; n2-8 - 'n Tia n i 76alarnei-Miller '
- 1
eitri session, turenty millions, (within a t . a 13 %. 7. 3 .- . ...mv. -A. livery Stable
Circus street' property the of Joni
was appropriated; every cent of on '' -..
Minton), Was arse bilipt, with six horses,
which was sperit: before the meeting of
the next session. This added to the Ars ii„three carriages and two tabs.
appropriation mentioned, malfgefortyifive Rams Ista,ND.-.-The Convention which uret
millions for the purpose of framirg & constitution for the
When tlughcame into power they had . State, adjourned on Tharptlay, 3Cth ult., to meet
: again at Last Greenwich, Thursday afternoon,
an appropriation_ of twenty six millions,
i Nov. 3i, at which time the General Assembly
which added to the above wit) make a granda
wi.l be in session at that _p`ace. The Newport
total of appropriations of about SEVEINI.. I Melcury says that the,ConAitution has been and
TY MILLIONS, -Dr TIHRTY ME MILLItiNs ism the.hands of an Engrossing
C od ant rant placed
are to cause the same to he_publish
in the hands of the people. We understand that
it was fimns necessary:to. )uive a Legislative act
pat•sed, befeue the &nal e'dflini - of thEi Convention,
and, before ibey should sub;rnit the Constitution to
the people. v -
.____-----1---------- ;
1 4 otal, -.-- $24,932,19p, 83 -
This is a pretty roun 3 sum to been:with.
but it is tiffling to idol follows. Ztienty
fierit millions squandered in one session by
e.rrty,„thet promise 4 to carry on the Gov.
Ostilp,ritwitb thirteen 'Trillion per annum.
it &very strong evidence of their econ-,
per annum.
Everyone would suppose that such lib
eral allowances as these, would .enable
the government to get on without any dif.
ficulty and provide ample means to 'meet
all demands against it. But such is not
• ct• the Treasury appears to be as
meat has been hawked about among the
brokers and old "clothes men" of New
York, begging for a loan on any terms, but
a distrust in the honesty of the party that
is now povver, hasinduced capitalists to
hold on to their means, rather than loan
thern_to a band of men, who do, not, hesi
tate to Yiolate every principle of decency,
patriotism, honor and honesty, to gratify
their persotial or partizan feelings. The
loan offiffA millions, which they wished
to get, in addition to the seventy,tnigtons
already appropriated, cowl -not be ob—
tained in this.country, and an agent-is now
in ng it from the..money—
lenders of 'London. If it is ol4oed the
expenditure and debt incurrein two
• years of federal rule tvill amount to
• -Biography "Of the Eagie.
A coyesprindiaut furnis'ies ns..Ysith, the folios:
lag sketch in relation,-to , the - Eagle: • •
Some time since the Engle Fire Engine - Was
examined by - a - .4ainfitittee of thelFiremen's asso
ciation and condemned, as being , unit %r use.
APPliCation Wart Made, ..to the City• coUn eile Tor
their appropria,tton to rebuild her, and stating
that she had been bought and , paid. for by the
Company '
since which time laturtfas been
in constant use.
The Committee on Engine and Hose, or the
Councils reportedfavorable, proyiding the eornpa
, ny allAheir"tight title and claim to
itte Ftt*irin. over to city.. ; ,
..NoW would like, to knew, and the nubile to
know Whal right the , Eaele Fire Engine Coin pony
have to give the City Ctitesils,an Engine which
they have bought aneworn out in the service ofthe
city, do they wish te.take the apparatus from the
fompany, or do th ey- wish bp withholding - the
necessary appropriatien td let the omdest, end I
may say one of theanost efficient Companies in
the city go down, if they can do.without. It will
BM I think they eitight to have better authority
before making the. experiment than - the ninth part
of a man. EAGLE.
The ladies 'or Dan:morn are raising money to
finish the town cloOt, the men entild'nt de it
" ho can resist the fair" :when they ask a favor?
We think, thatatiutte.,--Verey" is
someperson_ who is entirely -imitate of
common ;wise, writes merely for-the itioy
of seeing his composition in Ont. We
suppose he is a vod paying subscriber an d
the Deacon can't reject his articles..
Tack in your rtrea-aftd kelp vie to ,
work an-hour."—This is what ablacksmith
said to his son when he came from 'school.
If al! fathers would say the smile, there
would be fewer applicants.for the benefit of
the Bankrupt law and much more happi
ness. It is very - pleasant to dream of the
joys of the country house, but biter etpe—,
rience teaches, when it is too late,-that real
wealth is contentment arul independence,
though it may he in a log cabin.
"Speed,- gh" should - he tile'= motto
of all -give uplhe atitiiements of fiterean
tile life to thoOmitO, arg too weak minded .
_ test natured of ibis that it is
better to take our advise, hamble , agiit may
be, than curse youiseiflor not doing it.
to re-gist
An Illinois Whin. On his death bed re
quested ..that-his friends -would. hxste..' his
obituary publiiked the loco foccefiepet a.
Poor man, we would like to knov;iif
a Whig now.
Emigrartta.--4Jp i to the 24th' Septenibte
there hale.arrived
, at the port of 44, 11!bee
this 5ei50n , 42,358 erniir,ants,
:more than :1000 there durtn , r 4 tiO same
eriod in 18411 _
'Mx thousand'doildrs were apfroprieied
by the recent coon-akin Congreis foeihe
purchase . .o # furniture for the *el
sident's house. Shade of Ogle, s t bii a
shame 1
for members of thelitepembly an _one thud
Rf - the Seftatostookpate on last Wedire
4y. • The:contest 4111 ni doubt be it.4ogm.
one, al strong „eak4e .have made „ by
sf iiallktruer7That a lady; edits the
Boston TfaesevippY , ' We want to,- kaatt!
'whether it beasatlia lady!aigerseisi
edit a laiig paper that is all. • --
Truly boirapribie men seldom go -r .
liketalm; , they - icoFti to #oo**Ata.igAP-4
exadtte which ,is necessary to iflt
. 45 . - t..,: - .4r...- -1. x.•%:. „., .
gierfas. , lo.2l.l
...4.1_. It
' nt _of a. p,...rt.„
`siiiit.La- '11 .4 4 Ili ' - of irkanantst -
done report that I have heard of :told spring is ,
h'cierittle,"viast'Sorne 'lninfrits, :.Oiaarriiiirig /Cilia I
place, being :thirstyi some o€ - them drank of the
water,and tiers immediatelyaffacted,- and in aI .
kw. hour! died,
„ . uport whieb,,,,,tbe rest became i ~,,,
gamed, and refrained from driniong; and on ex- I ~,........_,l l , - lumina
of the cotwitive
amination, they • - „fotind ihe ea - Ail fir a mile or Vo , a ''''' .
i --' '' ' r at- - the old Court House
around the spring, strewn With the bwisn.cifbirdst w agiat.T"..„.., , ,,!" ) ~.
I beasts,..aud *le human.' ''f5..,. , , , , .-:
~.; : i last .iiiiiii: - •-- . - . .. , .
.--=----"-- A''''''\:7,_ .--'- g e e t Last 'it 'Will bedyer stieiletible in ri te
Them is ti - siiiit deal efori ".. 7in poet - , Mg'
ttineteritocitlan, and the following is not-a tad - annati .of die .combined l'actione- or• Me
'illustratiori.of the remark; '
~, '
,- . . coo.nery.. .: Thek assembled at stout= d to l l.-
'A inn'? Ne.Mtlekii&P. Ilearlee." hild s q u a ll clock in lite old Court House, and Oat a
'and squeal very 4tritatikly remarked„ ''HOw wick- ,'. . „ . ~ ,
:edlY Otatemallseniple of,,mankind is swearitig . trowtl was ' tner!!, -- So great w as - It, they,
now, iwitte Inland* vernacular: ',What will it were compelled to thro*r_open the Gary
come ' t° whewit'4*l:l"eflir. ' .-.
: ilOorS,4bett almos t e - tozen entered. - - ,
A. min , with a retn _ arkably intellectual
countenance moved ihat•Mr. Lsrinier take
the- chair; - (whe're' was !tilt John: H. Davis,
w. li. H. c. t. o. o. t. mt)whielep l course was
agieedto,. Mr. Joel , Liglitner: was i‘rice
President,' and MeSflr43. -flicOakiliess tit tl
some other per Son, Secretaries. ' ' - •
-_ ..
`.-Mr. Bakirselilhdnot operate on this Vartven
ienettiicarieri,Conseguently there were . no";theree
. .
asses, anti we heard nothing about raisins . and
plum. pudding. f ,
Soeeches were called for—Mr. Sellers appeared.
He 'pace the Morning Post . gos. He's a severe
man, that Mr. cl. Ft' Sellers. Well, he urgid ihe
importance 'Of - voting the Union Ticket; and Wiannd
up' with a long string !bout the Ml:tiff. . :Fite sum
and s ubstance efhis remarks was that - the Whigs
were in favor of giving the %Vet k ing men good
things - to , eat, end ; the ,I..oetiT..ros were in favor
4starving,thein.2 ' If there was 'one man in the
Court ffunie last night stopidiutotigh to 'believe
such stuff we should like to have ti sight of him.
Mr S. vat dotin,lvhSti - he wan '-' •
Then came Mr: Alderman Stewait of the Fift.
Ward. He made a speech too!;Hut we have no
'desire ineatiendip his ilium. ' ~ - . _ . -
Mr , Forrester next condescended - to take the
ptand, aroW-we came away then. '_ ''.•
But it Was too gond to loses .so in 'a Short time
we went back.. We found Mr ,Biganty agitating
t he andience talking ahmt Aran Buren. Thie will
do for him. ,
' • Tax Mamie roar.
,Itkairs hii:Washingtonian
risk* still , progresses:-with encouraging
suctets within the- precincts of .:our helot!.
ed City, as is manifest in , the great excite..
ment that prevails . at: our nightly, meetings.
Hardly a week goes over oueheads,,,isitrith
out from 200, .tri 250 names being added
t o - -the Pledge; among which are all elarsses
of •society;i*se„ who r 4 not touch - the
"creaturc;"-modorate':drinkers and exces
sive drinkers, aft- combine tit _ecntquer - :the
destroying curse of intemperance, plaiti!y
showing that the pnti iple =of rbwi. Absti
nence finds a general acceptance in 'the
minds of the peo2le. Last night agreea
bly to illllolinc ern en t- i : meeting was held' on
thiv-corner cif Smthfield, 'end Seventh sta.,
at which 13 names ,were; added to- the
Fit edge, and no dOubt would have been
more,;ltatlf the meeting-continu ed : in that
place; but - tinting its—continuance .a voice
vociferated '‘the Vigilant Engine COMpa.
ny is coming/to join the Washingtonians,"
and all eyes were directed down -the street
up which the company was canting in a, re-,
gular procession, after they arrived not
having a oon...dent oPpnrtunity to attach
their signatures to, the , - Pledge in order,
without suffering' -considerable -annoyance
from the irregularity of the crowd, it was
determined by a vote of the" audience to
proceed to the Temperance Hall. In a
few minutes the Hall was crowded to :over
flowing with anxious 'votaries
, of the cold
water principle; in -the meantime the Tem
perance glee was snot with , enthusiastic de
light by all, after which Mr. Sellers addres
sed the audience in behalf of the Co. in a
-very appropriate and interesting style, and
was succeeded by Capt. E. F.- Pratt, in a
reply which received a hearty welcome
from the lovers of the unfortunate victims
of inebriety; perhaps many after hearing
the rerrratkr made, concluded that Total
• I_
was a _truth not to be refuted,
who were staunch opposers of its aavoc6(7 -
and reception by . the people heretofore.
The - Cript.introduced the following tempe
rance song of his own composition, during
his remarks'which was received with
r laase. A motion was - made to have it
published, by the Capt's. consent in to day's
- .- , :
41 ,Pi, 3 1 4 4; 4,,
Temperance -Ball*.
Aiti—`All on Irobbie..9:"
W , , •
e liA.Ae entered the field, and ready to fight,
Agailarty.,-t he runrdrinker, from morning till night,
The'grogzeries too, we're determined to •ernah—
Aral - we'll drink good cold water, to rieri4lAr`the
Who will go with us--will you go with us;
Will you go with us, for Temperance
We're deterfnined to conquer, or _die in the fight,:
'POT: we catiikbear a rum hale, at 311 in nur , ,eight.
Far they tool4a4l , r 7 tbey smell bail—they are.bad',
we att4trthie
So conr.eiilong With us, for on we will gl,
Who. will go with us r —for Temperance toe?
NOV the news, tine proved true, we. hoard velvet'
W've a noble pledged Engine, that-throws water
Heaveri'grant they may keep it, 'to each other
prove true;
Since.. their mothers and eiElert, are all with them
Nowth_y are with us, they're bound to with . us,
- And throw a Side-stream 'gairist-intemperanee
Novut ye wieti:rate v ilr inhere, yuu know - wh* we
'mean, - ' -
Quit-drinicrng your jAiii,hellind a green screen
Then come biting with us, we'll'do you noliarm
There's a virtue, in signing, -this cold water
0., come along - wititu s;come along with us,
And strike tor your coontri--toteroperane
Mr. Williams_ oddressed the meeting in
his usual style; .t . t.he close of the meeting
the Company marched home_ to. their Hall
- -
with cheerful hearts' and approving con
sciences. While the citizens -...retornlid to
their respective`placesWi#l:;entiolly as Much
cheerfulness and , fhappintss to reward - them
for-thiir sacrifice is so bade /au& laudable
an enterprise. J K. M.
Y_atsbargh. Oct.
if - you want knoil e r -„act scribe fur •
tote' ost.—lf youiwant weiathr advertise
in it. If you want:happiness; _do be -
Llfyoti watt die viiaizi akar • Conleieitee
pay the ;
, shgrit Seca - use thetr t stick'ooo
- inst ;xe 2 o r etee , k ? -
fed. •
mm i tc d ,
mocha° -40 • " - • h ruck
604 9 .410111/01s the ell - I
sl 4 %,"tfat Att?JittLlik, - 4 0 0it'
- - 14, • -
r-r 41 " 11141 "
- 171 p ware informed - that a - neriairt article 'very
destructive of 114 isAssippi steamboats, was; raised
and torejtq shirr! -
Friday Ithirning, - October 7, 1842 .
,tie notice thitOtir retail _stores and clothingl
Lblishrnents, are getting in a fresh, cheap, and-,
(.Iceilent stock of new goods, and, are retailing al
good many at very low iii ices. The wholesale
stores aro extremely well supplied with choice
new goods, very low and desirable, and a good
many are selling le. the -retail' trade in the city
and n eighboring - Stownir. Many of the ....c.outitry
Merchants, are delitYing. their visits td collect '1
money and
_,onod einintry produce. and We hope'
Vl in visit our Marketimmediately after next weeks
election--for which - many are delming.
'Very few changes nr,importsit,,,Twfts - to report
since-oor last.. Our Rivers . haveetot rather low,
L E ‘.itinnk for en early river rise.
Fldnr-bas advanced —s,le - s - Trom boats ahtTlartfer.•
ons, arc brisk . at $3 25; and from stores, $3 371 a
F`3-55'ver t;t;t:
Grain -:-Wheat at our Steam Mills, 50 to. 60;
nye .33:Cora 25a28;0at5,14.118; Barloyi 31a pr.
Frnit—Dried Peaehes, - $1 504.- - (14`Ap,p1e5,. 627 ;:
Cranberries, ,$1 50 per bushel; Green Apples._ 75
to 1 25 per barrel,end" . 2s and 59 cents per bdshet.
Hay per' ton, 6-to $8;-Hops -by the quantity, 11
AshesorehingsA3 3:6-to- 4; Pot Atihis, 4
a-5;•• Pearl, sssi.c. lb.
Bacon—Salts Hog refund, 471; Shoulders. 34;
Fletelva; 4; Hams • 7c. lb.
Beef--Rtitchers pay for gocid, per 109 lbs. for
chnice,3 50 to $4. .
Several small droves of good beeves were-sold•
this week at $3 per 109 lbs. •
• Hogs-4 Do. per 100,11--$2 75 14) - '413.25.. -
Goffer--has artvonco at in Bal 4 imibre;*td• - ,the
stock in ".Pittabargh is large and cheap: . Salei`in
lots to.the city:merchants, _ 11 to 1,2 e, and--to the
Country; 13.124 c lb. ,
Sugar—Stocks gond, and sales in bhds. at- sito
7 3 4e. -per bbl., 1.416:16c ab
Leath-r---Exctlicrit iivoitinents, and prices
low. Country Sole" 20. to 21. - Solinigh 21 to 24c.per
per lb-UpPer Leather 224 to $2B per dozen
Seed--Clover, Timothy-and Flax seed are hi! iq
dprnataand scarce. .Chwersiiii; $4,, Timothy.sl l
311 a $1 . 50, Fi3X aced, 75 pet bushel.
Cheise--Godd Ohio 4-3 to sc. pr fikinxes
good Ohio sold at,sc,
Tobacco—Sales :of inferior leaf to' the- tree/a,
1.3-4 ; to. ,2o• perab.; geed to.theice. 2a to.;.(1& per
lb.; Cavendish,.7ftet Ladra Twist; 1:1c flee iti'
Word—Cleetc: well' washed common, 18 to 20;
blood, 20f - a 4e. 24; 7 8 - do. 26:' full 28,
and prime 30: • _
gile of our ,larlrezt. hoqses had an order from
Phils,delphia - topteliee,-spoo lbs. comma 01120
jets -aod did not.rdteeked ire purchasing it.
Powder,—Wattionhik Reel-, $2 75.-, awd rifle r ss
25 -per- kez. • -
Salt =Pdentl eslea . o: I, $1;:l$2 87 a. pei bbl."
riari.Jurrhits hinomii;ssoass per tott-...-a. Salts of
150 tons at.sss on lone, credit.- - •
pi g fti q iiitale9:4„etit $2O -$2.5
caPiity -
, _
onintertial Nekut.
7111 inst.at 2fcioek "llat my
Itoolas.eor* Wood and gi ft it streeia.
thefoiltrartarineritiotteit'in viz: • ."
L Stir
I.oooiald liseraleolpitate.
6 favorite brand.
' - .1144 efietriotiVitOt; •-• •
1 easktrit-i-- - ..:11kfr • '
tot Knives - extol FOrkiN
-I.ficir*e 813.R1P. aft& narneS g t
lot.-Bencbee, Chairs, itc
Oct 7
OURS diJeDl,o4',4l6 . AUCTION --On Fridne the
, !I — l4th inst. at-2 o!chudit,,,L.P. , BIL , I-'will.helt. a Rome i
, and Lot, splinted on the cermet' ef Penn.and Pnetqty j
, Mere's. in the dtti Watdrofihtseity. The Rouse isibriek,
two teoriee high, with a. basement " and saitahle baek
bididinct. ' <, - - -- ' -
'Peranstitr . Sale—By older of the-Eseentotn of 13C-01244 , ..
~,.. : . - ..t. _ : 'el' -.. ,J.,a, , GIMItfE;
i 1 Plit . slittrih',oooer4. •7 '.- :,-- ~,, i - -- 7 Ant..
at C i t./MID BUCCY, ' 41014-rmi3tridety the
• La.- -
is 46.4 to
4 / L - I ,li F.
- • -r
Qitarter Sesrioits of the lll
of Allegheny. Pe44,14
~~ y.
^ _ . +`~ , " i ~ `f ` . } AN T s
THE petition or Nieholaal.,ll.l-.
Keecpert. in Vercaide t 16'
&foretold, humbly aherreta,
:provided - hirnaelf with materiltritt
of travelers and ot hers, atdds a, el
chip a "
oreapid.and pulyithalyft
ed to grant him a lieenre W kreit
tainstent: And your petitiontr,eil
We; the subscribers, citizens etas
certify, that the above petiti ons , 44 i,
es ty and temperance, and is Irp3
room and conveniences for the esr;
ine of strangers and trnvelers, and'
Matthew Elliot,
A. 'Atwater,
-H. B. Sinclair,
John Cook,
John Long,
John Ha rison,
Oct 7-It.
:In the Court of Quarter Fieri aw
of Alle:heny County,
ND NOW TO WIT, Oetob e ti!
IV recta the Clerk to give
newspapers published in the thy` ,
persons_lntetested In the Above
In id Court on Monday um, ttoit i .
61., then and there to state uey k
,hnve made in the plan of said r,
hey Anti be heard. By theme
Oct 7-3 t T. 4
w Corner of JJ
Tin proprietolsof Ibe Altman
AND M ANtFACTI'REP. VespettriN! •
and the pal cons of those pape r ,A,
apdyell chosen assortment of
- .11/1111310113 rx-, •
Necessary to a Job r.ristintol"
- .iii kfiltiS at
Stage, Sleanboat, and Canal Boa
printed onl he shortest notice and
We respectfully ask t he parrot
t:be public in general in On; brati
'Pittsburgh, Sept. 29,1842.
" ta i ke N w
D eli'sfin E i ß lit , th . ::t urtiq:
Coat, flouge. on Grant street.
targical instrument
169, corner of Liberte! eel
C4BTFVRIORT returnfhil
la • gleizeres of Pittsburgh and rif
dinary pettrona2e he Igo beretolcal
ilf-to merit a Continuation of the
Inland toinanufaciu re all anlelesl‘
superior to any thin_ of thpliaol
and that Pnliamreti , nall welt mere
- The golx.-riher havinc :owqs
sive Kook of Howe llrootfachirol:
Wistero Coontry, woo d raohlitt
orSorze.oni., Den? ,s!.61111dDr11.•!1,41
Fiardlvrare Mereartnly. to Li, :al
Rankr.s. Tailors, Ilatieysiellyir ;
of relent.
And that bill eslahltslimeO,_ •
the cart principle. persons
On ee - discover the nava dr:wart:4
elsewhere; jobbing done in a
than ever.
J. C.. by direolin7 his ante;
eT - Vrltn - na
men,,horeS to merit the et)
- WitrirettiThrrte limit el y,aosat;
none nerd aphlyirdl IhetNatw
CO-PiIitTJVERSHIP. -41 . 1.
having associated thende'
firm of fDrontion , Smith, wil:
Dry G 41011.3 tlUSiite.S in the, hom
-liampton; Ernith4 Ca where tlel
few tlaysa new stock of Pall and
. respertful . ipvi le i heir old feral
visiting. Pittsburgh, is a
- - *set of new brasit
%tri ve t
A, g
pa -edgete#
Bilis or 1.14,
I nill
1 Blank Ciotti.
przaie Cm
BR I:O.AP I: ORDER 5.- I niltf
Court of A oreal.. for the>
iiit,..7.l3rignde, 15th Division, PVIVI
tiel Olt the house of Jaritio.4l1 0 .
el):Ntishurlh, on PrfBll4-1:1t1 . 1'.
I r at - w o'clock. A
the 147th 11r,2imeni. at OM flf file
at 3 Wriork P. 11,-- , v hen arttf.wh
piny attecd. Wart and clam .
han wilt cataai,laa the COUTI,
present luny =.ulkstitute. By n
sell 27 t.I THOS. 1160,
QCRAY COW. --9traveci fru
' 1 03 .01 h of September, a I.rind!e
back, iolig horns is lilt a bole in
Whoever will styr information
suitably rewarded.
A 2, 3,17 and 5, 11,If bind
together rvi-th a cOrtiplere a 0241
P 8, A- urge assortment - a.
effpt 29
(2F:onoE W. LA TX& A'
" N 9, 54 Firth street, nag
- 7
SALT.-200 No. ISk
sale hy J. fl.
Oct 1--
AIikAKUM.-25 Bales Oak
TaxELtrfCE that them'
• • Court of Common Nita
the benefit of the Insolvent Vol
end that said Court linsafP9'"-
Octoher next for the heating °,
creditot B r at the court floor t"
Oct. 5, '1842-3 , *
Ruffin Eimisivroi4. Stone
RENIkY Jorws, Wheelright,
Sie~orl P. BRADDOCEC, Bli
.116011 FOG EL, Baker ; pi,
-,..."IrfiFGEF ()RAISON, "rag"'
JAMES . SitiENSON: raiic'i'
"jrreeirlYlaC:crn •=avY: 2
tr eet ' ;
u2l2gb,a-very dark trovra,l4 '
I p she' re au- a rn i t i t e lf ru fl
17 trat wil 1
1 16 1 t d_ leik h lice o ri r 'i n ; ; " : 30nuodi
W hoe Vfflr4/1411 ret are her. or tv
isitY be -Dwarf, wilt he Peng
at the office of the ..Sfor l ' i4
~SIMA m o LI;
Rio cofFe•
• lour oet
~..norAaßg.—cit ats
c ol..or,akaut ehe
*4411444-9i. -stit*en •
b. 01 1 4 160 01:
apd take her
- .
: 'v~~A~
bdre tikri
as tamiliit
and who I '
last Sung
, ge l T b
or pose 91 .
Irsattingt •
e t, condo! ,
so we a
d ail -their
and ke
+ ugh- th
as (OHM
0 good f .r 1.1
any water.
bat h
land mak
only be
erstooJ 1.
Tice cause
our city,
as much
• day tiny t
-give Corn
roll thei
mince es
' a temp
•,!e beard
art. is th,
- .
:poptifar d
miti the bigl l
ld itoAii-the
vv,h , ) rij
nee from "I,
resist +Jae' I
:of their Old
n nt7 teas
last. Fri
pt Ga
was 41
4,4: Imp
lion9r i
y E ngi
edit of
rit amo
ance lk
A man n
scape ov
he cont
rt torn o
riling, roll
f. down. •
• Het
pat out
sistieen to
• tenant':
Mime ye
gilt= tiler
• G
• MBank
these va
ha *mar'
Med iv
' s
Y y~ ~_
-. ;:.:.
r~~:.~ ;