ai >v ERTisiNQ rates. funding milter pet •qu»ra (6awoid*,) Ttryo«y: . t . ■: Oo* lniertlcm..... JH Tgit hree speeki.. e.oo' Iwo lueiUon*.... l.SfcjOne month. ....... T,eo -. Jbree lniertiong... 4,0 c; Iwo month*...... 11,26 •' fBntlMW«oii«i_. ; tjo| 1 lire*month*..... ia,76 five lnterttona.... 2,50; :\ month* 20,16 asycfti** rc 82,00 One ■quale changeable onoe a weeu 1 year. $BO,OO * t>"A ILV POST, tjiogife subscriptions by mall, ts.oo per year. Leiivered in the oity, at 20 cent* per week, •JK >, WEJBKIiV l 3 0»T. r subscriptions s2,wj Five, copies, each 1,76 Ten fogies, each..., 1,60 Twenty oopies, each. (and one to getter up,) i.2f> . Fotty» u , u ' u ft ; , r x]o ‘ rfimindred’ 1,00 JAS. P. BARR, Editor and Proprietor. MEDICAL. fpHE ORKAT IfSDIASiVfciDICIEVt: BOOTS, BABES, & LEAVES CHEROKEE CUBE! An unfailing cure for Spermatorrhea , Seminal Weakness, Nocturnal Emissions, and au discc' is caused by self-pollution; such as Loss of Memora, Universal Lassitude , Pams in the Back, Dimnet* of Hsian, ‘Premature did Age, Weak Serves, DiJfinJ ty Of Breathing, Trembling, Wakefulness, Eruptions on th# i ace. Pale f-vuniencnce, Insanity, Consump ion, and all the Direful complaints, caused by ae flj/tng /tom the path of nature. o“*his medicine is a simple vegetable ex j act: and one on which all can rely, as it has en used In our practice for ufcny years, and ith thousand* treated, It has not failed in a sin gle instance. Its curative powers have been sufficient to gain viotory over the most stubborn case. *»“To those who have trifled with their con stitution, until they think themselves beyond the reach of medical aid, we would say, Demon not! the Orkrokrr Oitre will restore you to health and vigor, and after all quack doctors have failed. *tf-Prlce, $2 per bottle, or three bottles for *5, *nJ forwarded by Express to all parts ol the world. sent free o' postage, by Dr. V/. E, Merwiu & 00., No. 63 .Liberty street, New York. eep2d-eod-d&w C’V LAD NEW S FOR THE FNFORTI n NATEh! THE LONG- SOI’GHT FOR DISCOVKRED JL r r LAST* Cures in from one to three days. CHEROKEE REMEDY, K\. s AWl> \ . . iIRROKEE INJECTION <•’ reitmdedfrom Roots. Bark* and Leaves. ■ .i EftCKF.E REM LID I‘, h.-e grcutlndian Dturrf Honors all diseases of the urinary organs, sueh a incontinence of the Urine. Inflammation of th U/ndder, InJtummaaoK of the Kidneys, Stone in th bladder, Stiicture, Gravel , Gleet, (fonorrhaa, an is especially recommended in those Lines of tluo Alous (m li Kites m females) irherc a:! the old ncu s-ou< medicines have fulled. ls prcpsred'in a highly concentrated lorm, the dose only being from one to two tea r monfuls three times a day. -jf-It is diuretic and alterative in its action : dying and cleansing the blood, causing it to Bow in all its original purity and vigor; thus re moving irom the system all pernicious causes which have Induced disease. t'HKROKRK INJECTION ie intend as an ally or assistant to tin* Cherokee Hem ctly, and should he need in conjunction with that inr.uoino in all cases ui iluncnhru Gleet fluor Atbu* ot White*. Its effects are healing, southu.y g-u 1 deniulccj; removing all scalding, heat, aud pain, instead of the burning aud almoßl unendurable pain that is experienced with nearly all the cheap quack Injechtm*. Sir ßy ihe use id toe Cherokee Remedy and Cherokee Injection—the two medicines attheeamc time—all improper discharges arc removed, and the weakened organß are speedilj r stored to full \ igor and strength. Priced hero kee Remedy, W per bottle, o: tnrec bottles for fcs. Cherokee Injection, 43 per hot e, or three bottles for $6. AjpSent by Express to any address pn receipt of price. Clierokee Remedy, Cherokee Injection, and Cherokee Cure, Are sold by all enterprising Druggists In the civilized world. •Some unprincipled dealers, however, try to sell orthless compounds In place of these ; those wtrtoh they oan purchase at a cheap price, and make more money b, selling, than they can on Jueee laedlcines. As you value your health J aye, ’the health of youi future offspring, do not” be derived by such unprincipled Drugf ists, as! Jot u tiiedicvH'-, a/ol lake ho other t. If the Diaggitfts will not buy them for you, enclose the money in a letter, and we will sena them to you* by Express, securely sealed and packed free from* observation. J.adiea or Gentlemen can address us in perfect confidence, stating fully and plainly their dis eases and symptons, aB we treat all diseases of rf* eluonic nature m male or female. Patients need not hesitate because of their inability to •Visit .ns, as we have treated patients successfully In all portions of the civilized globe, by correa jndence. Patients addressing us will please state plainly all the symptoms of their complaints, and writs Post Office, County Stftte, and name of writer, plain, and inclose postage stamp for reply. We send our ifcf page Pamphlet lree to any 'dress. Address all letters for Pamphlet or advice to the proprietors. Dr. W. E, Merwin & Co., No. 63 Liberty street, New York. sep2a-eod-d&w COUGH .NO KOBE. Tll Y STR ICKLAND’B MELLIPH'OIIS OUOIi BALSAM. j. Strickland’s Mellifluous Cough Balaam is warranted to cure Coughs, Colds, rioarseifsa, Asthma, Whooping Cough, Sore Throat, Con sumption, and all affections of the Throat and Lungs. For ale by Druggists. General Depot 6 East Fourth street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Iron Citv Bank, t PITTSBrnOH, Nov. 1&;4. \ A MEETING OF THE STOCKHOLD ERS of this Bank wlllhc held at the Hank ing House on THURSDAY, the ‘J2J day of De cember next, at U o’clock a. in., in .•ecidf whether this Bank shall become an Association for the purpose of Nankin? under the Laws 01 the United States, and whether it shall cxei cisi the powers conferred by the Act.of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl \ anls, entitled 4 ‘ An Act enabling the Hanks ot this Commonwealth to become Associations tm the purpose of Banking under the Haws of the United States.” approved the 22d day of Au gust, 1864, and to take any further action that STRICKLAND’S | pcdicnt ' J - DIARRHECEA. AH the Medical men and the Press recommend Dr. Stricklavd’s Anti-Cholera Mixture as th* only certain remedy -lor Diarrhma and Dysen tery. It is a combination of Astringents, Ab sorbents, Stimulantß and Carminatives, and is warranted to effect a cure after all other means have failed. For sale by Druggists. General Depot 6 Ea* Fourth street, Cincinnati, Ohio. P IXi E R EIVE EDY. Dr. Stcickland’s Pile lU'tned y has cured thou sands of the worst cases of Hlind and Bleeding Piles. It gives iimmediatc relief, and effects a permanent cure. Try it directly. It is war ranted to cure. For sale by all Druggists. General Depot East Fourth Street, (Cincinnati, Ohio. DYSPEPSIA, NERVOUSNESS. AND DE BILITY, DR. STRICKLAND’S TONIC.—We can recommend those suffering with losa of Ap petite, Indigestion, or Dyspepsia. Nervousness and Nervous Debility, to use Strickland’s Tonic. It is a vegetable preparation free ' from al« o iholic liquors; it strengthens the whole nerv ouftayatem ; it creatfs a good appetite, and is warranted to cure Dyspepsia and Nervous De bility. For sale by Druggists generally, and sold ny F w< K ic BRILL, Wholesale Agents, No. rr Federal street, Allegheny City, R. E. SELLERS A 00., Agents. And by Dr. GEO. H. ETEYSER, Comer Wood Street and Virgin Alley, Pittsburgh, JPa. Prepared by Dr. A. Strickland, 6 East Fourth street, Cincinnati, Ohio. tlc7;]ydkw MnrNESOTA LAIfD FOB SALE. ~fl OA ACRES. BETWEEN DA -0( rTA and Goodhue Counties, three miles from the Mississippi river, and five miles from the flourishing town of Hastings. .1. H. CASIDAT, Real Estate Broker, 67 Fourth street. 2AAA PAIRS LADIES’ AND tWU Gent’s Skates, lor sale by ' JAMES BOWN, boo 186 Wood street. I MPO RTANT TO LADIES. The phivate mkdicai. auvi- SER, an Invaluable treatise of i 34 pages, by JOHN II VHV i: v , published for tin- benefit ni the Bex. (> receipt o! ten cents it will he'Bent poet a sealed envelope, to Ml who apply to< Itgivea a concise description ol ail. the din eases peculiar to females, together with meane of cure, and treateof r 'on.rjition, can iage Sterility, Sexual. Abuxfx. Pi.lapsus, (.7m, Female Weakness, (’cns-inption, 4r., and much other raluable information not published m any other work. Every lady should procure a copy withoiit delay. Three Editions, fcu.OOO each have alre&d been publisl.ed and distributed thU year. ' HARVEY'S CHRONO THERMAL FEMAXiS PILLS tlje most iufallible And popular remedy ever known for all diseases of the female sex. They have been used in' many thouaaud cases with unfailing success—and may be relied on in every case for which they are recommended, and par ticularly in allcAses arising from oBSTKiV -IU»N OK STOPPAGE' OK NAT TJRh, no matter from what cause it arises. They are eh iectual in restoring to health ail who are suffer ing from Weakness and Debshry, I :.rine f-K -chaiyex i Xervousnef.*, 4 c., 4v., and they At T Li h.E A (JHARM in strengthening and reatoi icg thesystem. Thousands ot ladies who have suffered for years and tried vaiious other icn.i'- dies in vain, owe a renewal of their health ami strength wholly to the efficacy oi Dr. Harvoy’s Female Pills, They are not a new discovery but a tried reruedj—the celebrated 1> K JuII N HA KVI. \ one ot the most eminent physl. Wne. prescr i. c .» them for many years in hid private practice •and no physician was [more truly p-.pula'- < r widely known than him in the treats!.< ;',t ot FEMALE DIFFICULT IKS. Ail who have used. I»K. HARVEY’S FEMALE FILLS recommend thcui i . others. Nurr-b recommend them —iirugus;* and Dealers cov-un nirnd them in preference tc-other me.hi bfcauae of their inn its. ind\ id rci to liking them for they ate elca-...:1y Prepared by an Experienced CVmist, this notice out it dosire Dr H -.! \ ey 5 a Pills or Book, and if vnu cannot pi.- cure them of your Druggist, do :nvr t.,ke n y other, for some dealers who ar~ unprincipled will recommend other female Fill*,, \:\cy c n nitke a larger profit on—hut oncK'pu i. it -. ~ cue/ an ! send direct to DR. J. BRIAN'. General Asrent, fjox 607*». 7,; p>,j‘ir Sure - . N V W no will take all risk ,1 properly p.,i ‘ i . an 1 you will receive them post paid, securely fcale.i fruiTi observation, by reiarn mail. sold by DRvr.c.nrs Gr.y s \lly Notice to all ro:«::E:«iFF.u.~ Among a certain class oi to-;t-uu mitten: ;ico !plc there la a peculiar lecding of cor. tempi -;t.vb ’edtoall physicians that udvrt and’ifeat t*e ! diseases named in this card, (Y b- v.m I im.) why this should be, they nor no one else bad tf ii. }Are they not aware that all physicians rjeal J-»> • eeacsof every denomination, in fact solicit ju*t (the very diseases thpt are ao obn-'XK-us tu them (Tery refined parties. 1 •suppose. they woliid n- t 'let one of their family go to a party that* has de voted years for their benefit, because- ho h iveru •sea the fact, and their family phya.iav. o*/b f.e is a humbug so he can get the case. OUea .he hf.t >luioat df-pnved the party of his life. He comer at last to the physician that advertises—hnwele* arc they to know l Are they not aware that hu A-tleyOooper, Sir Benjamin Bir.lic, Sir (’hartr-a ' Ball and JVI. Paul Ricord devote! jeaia:;: the treatment of these diseases I Thee* mon arc i,*u up as Bhining lights in the medical world : 1 .’on’t aaaert that all meu are worthy that > uML::. otiii 'there are Agrcat numberot them that arc! ) have ► devoted myself to the study and treatment of Pp.iva.tb Dxhbaskp upwards rd 40 years, and •without egotism can say 1 have savc.t hundreds from years oi misery and unturned-; death. My treatment is confined to the vegetable idtcreyhe.. ias I think it is the best and icov: m rtain. It Is l.i jmv power to bilng hundreds of c* i tificstes if 1 : thought It necessary to certify to my general sue joCAs: but my long residence in thin city ia euffi i cient proof without adding more. Spcrmatorrhec {and ad -Uiseatree arising from It are cured in n ; m leb shorter time than heretofore. It behooves let ery young man and wotna;i to bo caiefnl m ®e Convinco,] RANKIN’S EXTRACT BUCHTJ. Sold by ail Druggists, at One Dollar. j. o. wrLdon WELDON & KELLY, LAMPS AND LAMP GOODS, CARBON OILS, BENZTNE. Ac 164 Wood Street, near Sixth "“PIANOS 1 PIAIVOb ! KNABE’S UJBRIVALLED PIANOS. The Best In the World. HAINEs' BROS. PIANOS, the best Piano at the price m tie country. GKUPE A K.IN DT’.S Celebrated Pianos, at low prices. GKOVERSTERN .x CO.'S PIAXOS, the cheapest Pianos made. A large supply of the above Pianos just received. All Pianos sold’froM $5O to $75 less than factory prices. CHARLOTTE BLUME, Sole Agent, dc3 43 Fifth street. Bobbing tools for oil well 'Manufactured! n the most modern style t short notice, by .TAMES SOWN, no 136 Wood strett. T' ADIES, BO V YOUR BATTIIfO FOR ■ A -for Comforts, at McClelland^-Auction, Cheap. • feet MEDICAL. I?rlco One Dollar CARD PHOTOGRAPHS, CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. CARD PHOTOGRAPHS. Magazines, Books anil Papers, Magazines, Books and Papers. Magazines, Books and Papers. AT PITTOCK’S, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE USE IT, OP THU SUPERIOR EFFICACI JNO. KRI.LT JtATTUFACTCaE&S OP AND DEALERS IN PITTSBURGH, PA PITTSBURGH. THURSDAY. DECEMBKB 15.* 1864. DRY GOODS, HOSIERY, &C. SALE OF DRV GOODS, Beginoiog on WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 14th And (.'ontlnuinff through the HO LIDA YiS. 47 Pieces Dress Goods at 31 cents; former price 44 cents. 21 Pieces Scotch. Plaids at 60 cents; former price 75 cents. One Case Coburg Cloths at cents; former price *i,2S. French Merinos at *1,60: lormer price 2,26, All Wool Plaids, at 76 cents; reduced from y 1,26. Beaver Cloth Cloaks, at flu,oo and 12/ o Heavy Woolen Sliawls, 1 rom 4,0 u to 12.(«). Woolen Blankets Balmoral Skirts, Best Kid Gloves (Ji-osit U:iv*»-ni»!* WiU he* given to thn«e who cad GARDNER g SCHLEITERS, i*"— Marln-t Sti-cot. .! •] > PRETEXTS FOR THE HOLIDAYS, !-e arcurr- 1 at 7S Mark;! Slroot, v- t,v» have; now open and yet recoirc Jaily rv • pcs-aly lor Holiday Salt's, a large and heautilul -i-aorTnif-nt <•! Goods. both useful and or*.a Jneiital, comprising Ureast-Pinß, Ear Drops, Fancy Tuck and Side Combi, Pearl, .‘steel, Jet and Gii* Belt Buckles, Belts and Belt Ribbons * 'ashmore and Silk-Scarfs. Head Dresses and A»t§, Lace Vc-ils, Lace and Embroidered Col tars and Handkerchiefs. Worktil Blipp°rs and Cushions, V.'nHK H'.iXK'. LA HI l.r-' l o.WPA.VIoNS, PuK 1 E-MONNAIE.S, SATCHELS. And a very tine assortment ol llOi'OtaUPH AILXiUMB, JU-snles our usual lull SOiclt ol HOSIERY GLOVES, TRIMMINGS, NOTIONS and SMALL WARES At lowest Oawlt I*riceH At Hugus & Hacke’s. ao o prKCF.B COUNTRY FLANNEL, Opened This Day, L’IRCL'LAh.S, BAStiVINEt', sdcm-Es, MISSL.V >HAV.'LS. LADIES’ shawls, ENGLISH BLANKETS COUNTRY BLANKETS CLOAKING CLOTHS, MMKTING FLANNELS. BALMORAL SKIRT: BOY’S (‘A* 5 -IMEFS, Wiii.'LKN PI.AIDS. AhPAI’CA PLAIDS, DRESS GOODS. i.c., &• RUGU3 & HAOKE, ! Corner Hnaktt nuil Fifth, I g 5 Is/'ShIS? S g * **JV. r K a £ a X 3 a r v J s W * H 3 > < 5 5 r " - s r h «£ o s *i S?IS3 ,5 £ J w s H ° °Sc:~£ < z;£ a u S 5 2 a sr <1 as P 5*3 oy:C?csas<;- “« w = h i^***^ 3 -- w M (y -5©SU^3 ,^ y C*s O w o-350fc-te 2'*» « r-N H ~g« a pss“* -2« tJ % * s*ia'S2!Bgg < s h H “ -e> «ri £ a s «Of3= , |p !5 «! » - “ rh ®§ “ = 'si3d“ ,j >■'- W i--2'SsllSBs 'PORT US O ~ S- JET IMG KftUIPMBSTS. THE only complete assortment in tills citr. For sale bp JAMES BOWK, Jot las Wood street. INSURANCE INDEMNITY A&IFnST^LOSS' BY PIKE. JP1845 ISSUUAMCK J. oosrpAjfy of philadelphla, op- FIOENo. 439 »Dd 43T CHESTNUT ST., near Fiftn. STATEMENT of ASSETS, JAN. Ist, 1883. i üblished Agreeably to an Act of Assembly, be* lug Eirat Mortgage, amply scouretl f 1,893,392 32 Real Estate iprcsent value *103,313 01,) coat 102,996 2fl Temporary Loans on ample llollat* terai Securities 89,136 Stocks, (present value *86,687 7-i,) 6fl,7B>i 6r. *4otea and Bills Receivable. 1,82i*00 j 27,919 3s l $2,208,051 68 The only profits from premiums which this company can divide by law, are from risks which have been deteruLLined. Insurances made on every description of Prop erty, inTown and Uountry, at rates as low as are consistent with security. Since their ifaporporation, a period of thirty years, theyhavtfp&ld losses by Fire, to an amount exceeding of Dollars,- thereby af fording evidence of the advantages of Insurance, as weu as the ability and disposition to meet with promptness all liabilities. L.OMCJ Jitfingtoevoar 186 U, 863,158 36 DUtEUTOHS. OBABIEB VT. BaJECEE, MOSDSCAL H. LcD Tobias WaquhS, David s. Brow*. SAMDKL GBAirr K UAAO la£A, Jacob K. Shitf, Edward C. Dalh, Gbobgb W. Rjohabds, Oboroe Falbs. CHAS. C. BANUKER, President. EDWAJijJ O, DA.LK, \'Use President, Wm, ("5. Steel, Secretary pro tern. .1. GARDENER COFFIN, Agent Ndrtheaet cor. Third ami wood ate FHILADELfHTA FIEEAND LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, I*9 CHKSTM T STRKKT, OppoMto tbu Custom House Capital.. o*l^loo. 517 1U MLAIfcK Ai.i, Kl.Ml? OF IK m ST’RANCE, eitl • Verpc-tiril n: Limited, od every.description o! Pro erty or .VUrohao-bM, At reasonable rate* of j cm iiu. ROHT. P. Klf O,P -eiu.lmit. M. BA,L»U\ IN Vtou HrcfliUent, L»IKEi l nrs. Oha&lkp ha... h. OLir-n, .iiuiiut- W. Bao»v, P. B. .SaVBBT, I.'BWH S. FaU!, • u Skhbman, .l> y Ul.avtc-w S. J. Maußoa, E., F. Ki-aoe i'.tkh, So;rct*rv, !. ft. OOfFi.N, A-fTcnt. o»>rner Third rv.i.i Wood stropte. Western Insurance Oompany of Pittsburgh, R. MULLER.jr. President. F. M. Gordon, Secretary. Cant. J{. I). Co, hbow, Gen’! Agent. No. V 2 water street, (Spang h. Cu’a Warehouse, tip stairs,tPUtehurgh. WILL INSURE /UMINST ALL kinds of FIRE an-’ MARINE RISK v . A Home Institution managed by Directors who are well known 10 the corami-nity. and who me determine*!, by promptjieea *nd liberality, to maintain tlw* oharacterwhich they have assumed, at offering rhe bee? protection to those who de sire to be insured. Director*—ll. Miller, jr., .lames M’Auiey Nathaniel Holmes. Alexander Nimick, Dnroie, Campbell U. Herron, Chas. w. KlckrT aon, Andrew Ackley, Alexander Speer, David M. I«ong Rees .1. Thomas, Bcnj. Dakewcll, Jo’.r. M’Oune. ALLEGHENY INSURANCE'CO. OF PITTSBURGH. Office, So. 27 FUtft. Street, Riuik Block, ■»MSVJRISS Aa.AXSfiIT ALL ULLMUSi OF i.JiTRE AND 51A.KINE RISKS. ISAAC? .JOHN D. M<> OOKD, Vice President; X>. id. HUOIt, Sccretar\: Capt. wil. DEAN, General Agent. Diubctubs—lsaac Jones, C. G. Hussey, Hsr vey Childs, Capt. U. O. Gray, John Wilson, H. L. Fahnestock, John I). MrOcr.l. i apt. Adam Jacobs. R. P. Sterling, Capt. w. ti r.c, P.clrrt L. M’Grew, Robt. li. Davis. ' no2B p E * s JpOCKET BOOKS jpHOTOGRAPH ALBT'MS. Jf OKTFOLIOfj, jpKN KNIVES. JpAPER WEIGHTS. pAPKU CI'TTKRS. pENcag. pEN RACKS. pROPELLING PENCILS. BOOKS. JpAYSON’S INDELIBLE INK. pOCKET INKSTANDS. pLAIN CARDS. JpOST OFFICE PAPER. JpENHCfLDERS. pABCHMEKT, COriiKG BOOKS And Stationery of all kinds. Myers, Schoyer & Co., No 39 Fifth Street 90TH SEMI-ANNUAL EXHIBIT OFTHE Cash Capital. ASSETS, JULY, 1804. Cash * 196,296 9S State Stock* - 660,390 oo Real Estate, (UnincumtmHl,) 87,963 is Mortgage Bonds, 368,620 OC Railroad Securities, 646,163 r*o T'nited States Stocks, 660,006 00 Bank Stocks, 1,069,110 <*/ Miscellateons 23,489 50 t 3,401,535 5d LESS LIAHLITIES: Losses, (Adjusted, unadusted and not due,) 128,803 62 Net $ 3,273.635 04 to 960,000 talon on a single risk.*sTa Fire and Inland Natation and transport *- tion Risks accepted at ‘.erins consistent wirh ♦solvency and fair profit. Losses equitably ad* justed and promptly paid at this Agency. Applications for Insurjnce Solicited. POLICIES ISSUE?) WITHOUT DELAY, and ail business attendei to with fidelity and dispatch, by A. A. OiJtRIEP a HHO., au3l—3m Agents. N rTS -' 200 Bags African Pei Nuts. 100 “ Inca Aiirfiu Ja. 50 *• Provence • 10 Bales Bordeaux ' 100 Boxes Shelleu ‘ 50 Ba?s English Walnuts 30 “ Filberts. 30 “ Brazil Nufc. 20 4 * Cocoa Nat. Now in store and for *ah:by REYMER A BROS., Nob. IS & 128 Wood street Egos. 17 bbls. Fresh Eggs.last received by Ex press. FETZEK t ARMSTRONG, iyn earner aierist and First street* NATIONAL BANKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF i*ITTBBUBGH. TREASURY DEPARTMENT. ) OFFICE OF COtfPTROLLBROPTHTtOOBRBWCY, > w Yf “itir'gton City, Aug. 6th, 1863. \ WHKRSAfI, By satisiactory evidence presented to the undersigned, it has been made to appear tliat the FIRST NATIONAL BANKOV PITTS BURGH, in the County of Allegheny and State m Pennsylvania has teen duly organized under and according to the requirements of the Aot of Cor.gTeuts, entitled “an Act to provide a National Currency,.secured by a pledge of/United States and to provide for the circulation and re demption thereof.” approved February 36th, and has complied with all the provisions of said Act required to be complied with before commencing Ihe business of Banking. Now Tn bbkpuhb, l, Hugh JYToOulloch, Comp trcller of the Currency,do hereby certify that the £tH , u £ I J WT NATIONAL BAfiK OF PITTS HUKGH, county of Allegheny and State of Pennsylvania, in authorized to commence the business ot twanking under the Act aforesaid. In testimony whereof witneaas my hand and ecai of office, tills flth day of August, 1863. S " ) HyGH McCULLOOH, jj > Comptroller of the U unarm. THE FIEST NATIONAL BANK Of PITTSBURGH, PA., Late Pittsburgh Trust Company. Capital 3500,000 paid In with privil ege to liacreaae to 01,000,000. The Pittsburgh Trust Company having organ ised under the aot to provide a National Oufren ®7i 5f r n r ? w tt» e .Utle of FIRST NATIONAL BANK oi PITTSJiUiiGH, would respectfully offer its services for the collection of Notes, L raft*. Billa of Exchange, &c., receive money on deposit and buy and sell Exohanre on all Barts of the country. The success which has attended the Pittsburgh Trust Company since its organization in 156 v, will we believe be a suffleientguaranteethat busi ness entrusted to the new organization will re ceive the same prompt attention. a very extensive correspondence with n&oka'and Bankers, throughout the country we believe we can offer unusual facilities to those wno do business with us. The business will bo conducted by the same officers and directors. PIBSOTORB jA.Wt~ Lapohlin Wm. K. Nikiok. KORBUT H/YW, ALRXAWDKB SPBBB, JbiuMAA hr.L, Francis (K Bailut, Ih«>t. W U>R T2f Atl, ALKX. BRADLBV, sauhCjl Rua, JAMES liAUviHLIN, President, ji *iM D. Soullt, Cashier. aiigO-UN.\vtf WM.II. BRADM RY’SNEW YORK AND St.’HGir\(UiEß fc CO.’S PHIL ADELPHIA CFLEBRATED PIANOS; Seven rtrst prize COLD AND SILVER ••II'.DAD' received within a month at St-tU* Fairs r.nd Fair of American Institute, New 1 ork, in i*V3, by WM. B. HRADBtIRY, fr.r the BEST PIANO FOETES. SCHOM ACK HR is. CO., Pbila* , elphia. receiv ed Ihe Crjstal Palace Prize Medal, of Lon ’on, '*esirt<»B having received at home numerous Medals. Diplomas, and Special Reports from Mate Fairs and Institutes. Both have numer ous letter* of recommendation from the highest musical talent—GottschaHc, Strakoach, William '**'*'— l '•! «n 4 -M.—.. Also, a hue ABBortment of SMITH St CO.’S linaton Find Prize Au.ericnn (,»rgans and Meio deone, all warranted for eight year?. WAMELINK & BARR N'o. 12 BUaell’s Block, Rf. Clulr Street TUNING AND REPAIRING done At short est notice. SHEET MUSIC bound in any _ __ nol9 . BD STATLS SOLDIER’S CLAIM AGENCY. 98 GRANT STREET, {Opposite the Cathedral.) Ltcented by the United States Government tn colleot PENSIONS. BOUNTIES, BACK PAY. And ALL OTHER Military or Naval Claims. THU ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS BOUNTY, DUE SOLDIERS, Discharged on account of wounds REOEITED IN BATTLE, collected in the Shortest Time. JOSEPH M. GAZZAM, GILBERT M. M MASTER, Attorneys. Oct2i :dtf FOURTH OTHHHT gj'NEW CARPETS.^ ! JT’ST OPENING. ALSO, j Q dhug-g-ets,!" O CRUMB CLOTHS, 8° o OIL CLOTHS, I s - LIST AND RAG CARPETS, CARPET SWEEPERS, &C, *8 I Bought when prices were at the 1 I lowest point during the late panic. W, D, & H, M'CALLUM, £1 nol^ o 'ARPETSToSa NO. 87 FOURTH STREET. M’CLELLAND’S AUCTION HOUSE, 55 Fifth Street, ,92,250,000 on BOOTS, SHOES, DRY GOODS. AT GREAT BARGAINS. DUQUESNE WAGON AND FARM IMPLEMENT WORKS, Marion Aventir. near Railroad Station, Allegheny city. All kind* of wBgOM, carte, timber wheels, Trucks, wheelbarrows, draya, coal cars, stove and bag gage trucks,skids, straw and fodder cutters and masticators. Four different kinds of horse rakes, also, steel rakes and fork teeth suitable for ail the different patent horse rakes in the United States, all made of the best matemln and wai niited. Wholesale orders solicited. ocb C. COLEMAN. (IOP4RTNKttSHIP -THE LINJDER j SIGNED have this day associated them selves as partners in the Wholesale A Ret&l <>rocery and »Stoneware .business, under the name of DUNLEVY A BRO.\ The business will be continued at the old stand, No. 4 Dia mond, Pittsburgh pDfE APPLE CHEESE, W Boxes Choice Pise Apple Cheese. Received this day, and for sale by •ep» REYMER A BROS, 98 Grant street*, * PITTSBURGH, PA. SUPERIOR J. DUNLEVY, JR. PAUL DUNLEVY (Tltr Dniltj |3o:it. The Professor Marrying a Cook. Some years since, when 1 was in col lege, we had amongst our “faculty ’’ a curious personage, whom every one re garded with considerable, respect, and yet as a character »ui generis- He lived many years without a .wife* and expect ed to live so always. Indeed as he was the professor of mathematics, the ab straction of his science forbade his in dulging in the idea of getting married. To the female sex, tnerefore,he showed no other regard than common politeness required. His character was purely negative. Of course he was not popnlar with the ladies, and they kept themselves at a distance from him. But circumstan ces that often bring about a match in other cases, placed him in a pecqliai dilemna. It seemed a whim that a ne cessity was laid upon him to get mar ried. He was one of the faculty of j the College all the other professors were married and obliged to entertain the dis tinguished visitors ot the Institution. He had always boarded. Of coursi it wasn’t never expected of him thatj he should ever give a party or dinner. But it began to be regarded as rather mean in him to shirk of this matter from ytear to year, and, “well off as he was pechni arily, to throw, upon the other members of tho faculty the cost and trouble oflen tertaining the special friends and patrons ot the College. The question was, there lore, frequently asked: [ “Why doesn’t the old miser entertain some of the distinguished visitor that visit us?’’ ' Now, our professor wasn't a raise? at all and it often troubled him to think : he was situated that he couldn’t bear his of | part of the burden. And yet, what could he do? Must he get married? And iif bo i 10 whom? He had no special re. i gard lor any one iu the vicinity of (the college and no one has v any,.special j ie-' gurd lor him. In his younger days; he had seen at school a young lady in jthe city of New Vork, in whom he had fell a;pecniiar interest. But of her hehadh’t heard lor years. Doubtless before this time she was married, oj in her grave. Pos.-dbly, however, she waß still living . and waiting lor him! Glorious thought! He was quite relieved at it, though,lib deed, there might be no foundation lor his relief Nevertheless, he could make due inquiry. Nor could he long delhv, for commencement day was at hahd’ only a few weeks off. It was his Utrn, nr rather would be if he was married] to give the great diuner to the distinguish e l peisonages who would be presentfou ilie occasion. There would be lin; Gov ernor ot the State, and his lady— the trustees of the Institution and thejr friends, and others of equal repute. But who should be master of ceremonies? And who should grace the table! fie could square rlie circle perhaps, but shell “Circle as this. wh,t could he do with it. If he were Only'married, what a helpmeet would hiß wife be at such a time. And yet, his wife must be a good looking, intelligent, and accomplished lady; otherwise the blank would bb a blot. r How there was a young lady in l neighborhood that the pro feasor'thoni might answer, He had seen her at boarding house, and spoken to her or or twice. “But, she may Bay no,” and if t did, “where in creation,” thought i "could I bide my headl ■AndTben wl would become of the dining?” 1 Governor mast have a dinner and mttst have a wife. And hence- he 1 ' awake about it all uight. At last as 1 morning broke he cried ont to himse "Contempt! She will say no, will's] What then? Other men have- lit through it, and I shall. If not, Ish have a clear conscience about the di ner, and a cleaT conscience is the ms thing after all I I will write s 'note Mies A. anyway. It may beshe will gard it favorably.” So the professor down and wrote a note to Mias A. “8l a minute,!' said he to himself, "wl will the Governor think of the lac She is handsome and polite, but can s oonverse? Can Bhe entertain coinpar Doubtful,” said ho to himself, **v. doubtftjl;” and so he tore' up the no Alas! for a man on the verge of mat monyl In an hour or two, however, t Professor cajled on the President a said: • “1 should like to be absent a days?” “Ah!” said the President, "just at this time?” “Ves, 9ir, I have my classes in reali ness for the examination, and I wish to go to New York.” “Has any death occurred in the fan i jy,” said the 'President." “No, sir,” said the Professor, "bu I have a little matter of business that e quires my immediate attention, and I thought it best to go.” "You have my best wishes.” said the President, 'and may you return safely: and not alone. ’ The Professor almost smiled, lut blushed rather than smiled, and left the President, and hastened to New York His first inquiry on his arrival the'a, was for Miss Adeline G., the young la ly whom he had seem some years belo e, al school, as we have mentioned. "Why,” said the respondent,- “the family has been reduced, and she is a cook. Perhaps yondon’t know it, sir?” “A cook!” said he, “that is Inst wl at I want!” . i. . . ' "Oh!” said the lady, “we thought y jn wanted something else possibly.” "No, I have been half- ' starved to' death since I left New York, and I wifnt some one to cook-decently." "Well, she can do that, for Bhe scan :e -ly has her equal in that line in this ci y. Why, sir, she is a cook, par ezceltin c,. ’ 1 "And how does she look?” “She is the handsomest cook in the city, too.” "Not quite that, I presume,” said the Professor, “but is she intelligent?--I speak confidentially.” "Intelligent! She is, indeed—she can converse like an angel." "And as to manners. Is she accom plished?" ! “As graceful as an actreßS.” "When can I see her?" "At eight o'clock this evening." Couldn't I see her before that horn?” "I think that would be the most con venientrtime for her tq call,' and to i ee ?!f' u -. She will be engaged in her dut es till then.” “I will wait then. Please to fell 1 er. that Professor Mack, of Virginia, wi h es to Bee her— an ' old acquaintance of hera.” "Shall.l tell her that yon wish to ei gage a. cook?” "Yon may tell her that I wish to iee her,"said the Professor.. ... " What name did yon say?” - :'r. . .“Professor Mack, of Virginia, if yon please, madam.'! < j ~ MOENING POST Bteam Prtotfog Eatabllshmeij imt vmoisnam cm j PLAIN AND FANCY JOB PRINT^ SsmsM la Ihe best styla- AVTJOTIOH PAW TO | ANO I£GAI Pfl)NTlf| OtajMUltle* (or (Join*; , • Poster*, Frdarrammei 3 For Exhibition! and Ooaoorts mmot tw fj ■nrpsoed is ffi «By£~H‘ T "'' r ~ An everlasting long day was befort him and hethad < nothing utaido; not a problem to solve r - except-the . one iq 9»d sol lutidn. , - | _ Eight ti’clock at- liist''danie,”'Snd the Professor’ called^again tdisee the»,«oung , ... > 4 *A cook, indeed]” said the Brofessor to himself; “shells ’OpWdlf fit to grace"any‘ jiarlSt' iil J the‘H»ai'ldW’l Bat howi in ' oreiition shouia flucjnate; knows his„bnftTOe#B?,j say” begin W the middle, of Iheip stOW-t but ! professors or mathefiiaticsl wbhrfrthey l begin? SSrfe#/r»Hftl BvaowwosW yon difee toig&atmig!£s • i'tv, if- • •'’ '"v>di doidw *4 prised. “Are you'not mfttsSen in the ; person whoih yon w‘dshaa i tb‘fe&t”' "No f no,” said tlß;*don’t yomrerhem ber when . we both nttendei ; scbool in Franklin street?)’„ , . “Oh,” said she,'*!! is George'Slacht— I i remember yoti well; Why F'dfdii’t'know ! that you were . i- u; “And ; l have never forgotten yon:” j , Ahliindepd.yo ft are.yery.mnd |o re inet&bfir me soloug 1,1 tliousrht.eYerv ■ bno had' fdrgittytf riie‘ Ktr'hiy calami- : lies.”- ■ • •• ’ •!. 1 ; ::j ; People often, think th&yu-sfe ‘over- 1 looked when trjala Aygrjakeihsjn; but i atan ™d.°“ t 0 j “Professor dt* yoii mean? ’1 Why I am a mere —V. i, ~ .1 “If you had reverses Ihftyg had;sue ceps, and have the means,of making vou comfortable lh' iifd:” ” But you douot know ’my ''circum stances now, fori would; not! deceive you, George?” “It does not concern ‘me .what you are ndw, but what ?oti are willing to be.” : ■ i n it-, f “But I have an.aged mother, Profes sor.” v And I wish to have one: she can go. tOO.”' “ *, • Matters were -soon 'ifranged 'aa to trme, place, and ceremony;- -and. this being oyer the party weyei offfpt,yir« ginia—rthe Professor pleased that, he bkd solved the ma&imrtdikl Problem so easdy, and the lady that i gk& , 'Wfis no longer at,the, wdrld’k bidding: n jia In the county,of Virginia great, ado is made for a pewly marriedicpqple. Of course mtfeti Was exjiecM lu thecaee of the Professor. But- some l “hird'in 1 the air” earned the atoryi inadvancei,,that Prof. Mack had mapped a qopkli What lady then would cn)l upon her?, What society could the F'.'F:’V , s“bf 'vtrginia have with a coOk! But-thVxPfrtfdent advised nia. wife to. call tipon her’-dut of decency, at leapt, fttha flrqfeappjfhad marned a cook, why, he alidn-’t'-know any better/ All tharhe SrfeW washow to solve problems in lhat^teil/4t^^&^ ,7 Be sides, he might, uoti liaye-nHatfindfesebok, or if he pect—he could have a gotid table, ~ . . “Pshaw!” Said President's fady, “what does a person cara itooi t;table in comparison to caste insoosety?fti: “Caste in society, will,dp weJhenppgh,” a fried chtdfetf, an ashfCabei iAndiWhatidoeeaniapibure .Wtew OT3rs ' c ° f - he ht lis ce “Yon are nb Virginian, binkband, otherwise yon- would fievdf for anybody knows that) nqhfli*y':in.a log , "Well,, call on the lady and.aee—theo ries areoften jgb&d feF'btJffinE .whilst practi ca is the stini ofpetfeetitthl” ' The . PreaidenteSS iCßlledhiandiiirfr'as amazed—Umptmkigastaqnh^ar^ußßrior —and she felt It. ~ The other'■’bfflyefs’ 'iatffe'l imving heard 'that the'PresidanfA' fHfdfija bail ed on Mrs. Mack, wereobligbd ittC*ord ing ta,cut ) tpm, i tp follow too, mihd, in matter, in icebmpliaHiirefit; she outranked them hill > > Beside»,“lff respect to family was, mot at all,inferior— her father haying, had. fortune' pnpe and Commencement day 5 ii&lh at hand, and the greatdiirtn* Hk*a feicome off at the i J?rofegßor*fl. /i&M.iwaauMre. Alack at all, dlaconcextad about, tt,, .She had seen a' thinje otWo was fully Confident iii’ hetowri ifanily to meet the exigency*-.i . Wientime arrived, aiieyeawereiiflx ed on, flra. Mask. flow ;£pnld ahejannear iii the presence off he Governor of Vir ginia? How 1 id- “the “pfesenfif?® of* ! the Profeaaora and theTißreuldumt? ; AnH what aorrof a table would she set, and how would ahh-giaoe it? Could she go through it with dignityfcu fjfi V Tif Of Uiis was.eiiougbuVto try inefi’a soul’s, ** but Mrs, JEack was ner fectly at homei 1 11 v . - ; • In etiquette—in coaverattion—in the a rangement, oi, all .the-,circumstantials a M ui the she showed herself equal ta the duties devolving 1 ovlffehfly in terested the' Governor ’Very much hyher powers ofconversation. ‘‘.What a ar ®jS« i hfctp ls Mrs. Hack ! T ‘and what a table has she set ! how well she graces it !” “My dear shA “do yon -know eheris a ilew;i York; cook— why . she , has,beep, a met? .apryput for many years (" “ I ktab'w •notluTt'g kbWnt ‘tiist'*’ 1 Said he,- “feut if she was, I wishevery ■other lady was- a,-servant and a -New York cook, too. ;Wqshpold have something to eat then,, my dear, beside ffied chick ens and aShcake.” ' " 1 ' “ All menarenotepicureg, lifee : vou Governor.” , . . S1!I ■„ ’ . “ Noi-rrbut if they weredfte®,yonld imitate, the mathematical,, lf Pn)fessor, and gb to New York to get a wife. A niau wouldn’t-then-he’ compelled to ga to a saloon to get,a descent dinner: He SbftW find iOn& st home-TThow great a "Wfry -im-j wiji i timfith j.i i IHtcharged oy of woun dir received in any battle, and' wild 1 bVre HQbt : ‘reeefved the *lOO •B<3TTIUa > VY can now reedve the tame AT t>NC7:^ iPPit^'vnßaSsss widow#), and the children ol iwnen MOW ,oF fi Nowththe South 001 ■ puSS2SS.‘ > ** ,^k • •a.* ''jy’ it V ‘iift.ti '. ■‘‘ifSSj^^^^AMsAttwnswLsfeiuiani