- 7- 7 ;771 1 -';- • .G. 17, 'IISLJNISrTISAIVWEIRW ----.4:41:,. • , af the Okiittlo'l*,ll ,-;.•k. .4E..6..-: •:. - • . ,zi 77A 31k IFi TA tiNta, "4 , fel gi . .. t? .Iw- - ~ t , 6,004,"-tittAte 11100-4,1!.:4- t ••' - 1! 7 r••*' 1 r. q.*i l ivilgoildleig,lv.l- -4:.•-, ''...- Pity Z • , y 7 .; ' --.. _ .'7 .., , One yea .. • TWO'Weeiii74tit :,,:: ~-,.:,...,.. ~, once *week 1 lifier4ls ' ° as li r/ Al r. l aau •, . -,- - -. S ...-•- 4' . ' Ile Alkitterallk - G2 , 41. W i f . l bens-4m in ~'rri inigieeibie iiittoilikbr y milli i t 44 - 0„ . $ - AO , , , elu r I per week. lofaltilil . ~ . _• ~..., *** *" I,re , ~0 c0 ". . . !....•_ ; !,, , .. - !r • Tw entyellitlac.. .ftt1 ° 41!....1 44) 1, 1 0 • i-V. l )/ 1- it 1112i--.1- rii, '="-11"ti''' 490 . . . , ...„.....- , :'-``/ JAS. P RA-RX,„„_; ~-.. . „47„21..,„,,,,,,,i, _.l--.4;reL2zr_ t ~ ; ---- Tr i V II M I ATITI. III - i t . ..! • k Hernisor Rukipture Og i rto2lfiani, ..E• ti 311Th.n. , ° nail walgairs cured. .c:. , iltikenqviornaupture4iirreelk: al or RlRPillars Cured. .ioEri octFa. or RuptureFlrel. • 1". tliitv4l;Hernia 0 4 1110. Rupture or HoralloNsisioodi. — 1 1 4 ( 3 7 , 1 1#0 1 74 1 01 311 4 - onnor • nit Rupture or Hernle t ,evire4 Rupture or Hernia, cured: Raritan- 0* Maisie cured' Marsh's Radical Cure ; Tirgn.. . .Marva Patent Tenaa r 44,10 i Dr. EMlRwrjr,ll froze - itOdloipe the aura of Prolapstia l aaVill*Vies•batelllVl'D DTVIGOI4 Flii4Oti Sup poitereArrain • it ,iah t „, Piles Droiiii ' ki`tho'idoOft and cure of Pitak,:-1-ri 1 I ,A l Pigrigss‘ililibiiii, IWimikjand is;Litoose, iciseswttiiiectiimardiNiakilliijoYoints. itiiafi4s4=4:ll; for Weak knee Joints. Nl, - • Suspensory Bandages. . ~ SolteiriTe > ettrig Syringes! Also every kind tSp.rtbireff., , miI:ROMER , tias • also' II I T is 1 0tifit 1/20 e WORN(' 04 41 .Thw0 ISTonds -4 NO: Ito WOOD ATIMEIT:r, Wei ot 1,0 Otilded lipior4i. Periling 4iitinkfr' tcititietAL / ourd 411.1 WO: A1621:(IT Qt " h " hod) , Ammodiately over, the rupture:l; DY.14 , 1111Y-fieV , triggitte hiaperconal attention to ahipitailaii ',Orliciicitiil4dtilja and children and he le eatiiiiid that, with an experience o lieOnabled to gfi , e caticfac on. Sett-InJeciing Syringes. Belitanjeeting Syringe*. Selt-lujeeting i 9 011 Ft 7,1 ide,4,43ekim Sold at DR. KEYSER'S, 140 Woe street.: Suspensory Bandages, • Suspensory Bandages RTARINIIMr7i "i05 i i °,1 7.7 13 ; 1 4. 1 40 1 6 : o!E; 71. • . A dosennlffarent kinds, di?zoi - lUfferci, kinds. A - dozeik difremit A sioseA'dlinistdkinds, AtIII7.4I,KEYBERPS, to Wood street. nolo. sraiiiar • - In" 'A • S ow ~ • .11:1 . • • r• at I .Tl r.ti „t a...f.. . . ~uit~t;ys }: TWENTY-IEARS STANDING - aT • A t; Ef.ithd i .34J, • ; ;I • t•, itr, D: • . . • • t. nr. .11 ". 121111EZEI Below will be fdinid b ' eellificate from the one o most ',nitinbta4licliiniiieof 1 7 ,itkine township in regard ti*Or...lielderls = Liedty . iy#t .flintrarn l'i!c'aikifia6;.l7'wfaf'f-7:°14 .1; 4 13'4.1-,:*h.rto ozo ,3l ::,tltto**s 4 /o* , - 444 1 , I M tneem494 1 044, io' lT as to trou ble me very Muhp'nomuch so at times u tlnit orems,it otromi ix *as sattiatrAllift Mita do of imitiddiritininiunt - tlfihMSVAlne "" t i*4 3 44 . 14 6 45V0iar41at F t f el ft d r.# l .l l A o6 .fgit ti al hak3ei r. =tart MAW" mlquid hear of ",PliftA3.,/C d r i l iktfOlailks l 44 4 4 Au iaSbarentotti I ceigWieVlO*F4sc'ziOl'llo'ilitiV(l4o me eozallidti i lot )tlitlle while, but utimn. , thesl,ol 4 4ll ;' , . ae iT i fel l ea ee tFti l rne' v i #049;: i " 34 4" 1 . ;I " Mtoalttiick Pe at heliegeldi A g K e24 4 . l#* ' . 44T4 30.44 ad044 , 441,1-=.`3l,get: will. Overt. year as zwr Allf****tv ' ifii ,l 4 ll4 s4 ticket, bliazatlitittio t#Yobuelt—MheriVilflibld it* *; tee yip told ins one bottle would npt 04211.4 m, .1114-xliNhotfii.6a. havaA;l,be;4, ee 're-* inWotile ttatbre' 0 bought:Anis bank:tend tbOkit home with me Coo:, use AV 441143e:ifukedire4ions.- then. 1 ed e t # k i hli#4o l titasaidi eetiforir exp4l!iip* benefit from , Ohe tale: it catemselkYltWarrelttrairhe bot4,34.,,WirdiauLt4i.:?sw nem' d mitioadtaludOmenitdimpt , . : 4 1 hesiitlitillAi4riai i ifi,a4mr",ol4otthith ti ex p e oit , nd,AM,ofig l iV l tani t tintylAnum vur44l4ktk wwiati.nipo. 4#tziocr th. 4114? ki4 4 . l MitaAt. I e t: ~t 9 :111#*fit c *A4M?* the d-Aereigia,thiraknin34ll/fUOINNIIWg!!ific- Pita u niVill:WW i jas lift; ' 'PY=IIIY work titlifintbolivo hurt MO. When i ound ot . l,4:il l er I kept on tektn uutliilZakonittralyoWel ..1 *nada It it', 4 -4 / 1 0/0 1 0 134111 . 0 beneflPettititiiiity i ti# ineackalireralue et yourinimairdi ffis'ow ref .• Mari/Wag Ithilitei6U uvitinciraunk, satisfy Ll4-6'a or the taima thlw r s osteflthey4ggiu7lF on m 1.9TX141.44 , rue. ; I Y rt Syr 41 " i4V4 .. _ flLLTSEttenttribeleo?nettiOrrie and parted -over the antair ' lita4Vrithe L 5111.1 She staaw—elei r lirfleieeeie4,l4, edesPeseNrrthe a,1230—k108..71r, 284.414.11 r414t1==v, = ~rteanratcurer eS2seetrl AG'S ;js~~~ . ri,~,i` L L S. eid I MEDICAL' - ImpoT,NT • : 1 gi ~_~,~ -, fit) PR IVATEREptg.vp ADVT. SER, !ma lila t rciitise of 84 pages, by .13Ei . 411311 IV Ogla i rt . t o p en a. will be [sent post paid, in a sealed envelope; to all who apply for, it. ICOvirAtiewicyle„"sleserlptionof s the die. eapecaliarto females t, ogether with means, of cure, and treats of Concephron, Pregnancy,Mia carriageffieraity,Setioff, Abu i sikr94W,Pfs V iert, Female RW.e 417fficAbleilinfopn ia ro g rguubriiliedIn co a p ny lAAWA r e ghrejEdltifg= era, t have IdeeselbeeriturbffshaiditWelltffrionted this year. ;.1,4"-j HARVEY'S CHRONO THERMAL assuniaLaman , p-aqmxi Ilkei twat o. known for all diseases of :the - feritaleiseg?. They have been need in many thousand cases with unfailing success—and may be relied on in every case for which they are recorrunendeff, end par. ttalilaejyj illiameasaridok , Roof OBSTE TION' OR STOPPAGE OF NATURE, no matter from what cause it armee. They are of lectual in restoring to health all.cchoare suffer ingfrost iiirettitntoi 'find Debllity,'Cietilie 1/4-: drove, Nervonanees, 4-c., 4-c., and they ACT DIKE A CHARM in strengthening and restor ing.. the syatern„ , Thoocanda bung slip Alive Buffeted filti , eiii•finatric4l4l6 tthier teme dies in vain, owe a renewal of their health and strength wholly to the efficacy of Truss: • giiitbra ' Teiii4e4 Pills, . Minty are not a new dnimivery but a long 'tried remedy—the celebrated DR. JOHN HARVEY, one ottlikinoat btakeiiit phiataiag; l o4Weribed them for many years to his private practice, and no physician was 'more truly popular or widely known than him In the treatment of lrEitiXLE, 'tinfrincupriaray . All who have used DR. HARVEY'S FEMALE PILLS recommend them to others. Nurses recommend thern—Driagglerts and Dealers cecom. mend them.ln prefersuite Atka= rinetra, beileuist biettsJ. l '• I obi 2 to taktnethen3 for they are elegantly ' Prepared by an Fxperieueed Clheudg • ' 133 4 1 Pe °P. O 7 34434146 r• airCt4lllll MUM , 0116,if ;you' desire Dr. Itarvey a P aor Bools, and if you ,u, i ~ , I Joints LANORLIII ' ' •Wit, - H. Moog, ' goals? 5.414.10.. , , ,Atxtomozo Sella, • . r go trA Laiva, . PrAlacris ct. Bomar., Taos. wiewaa, Azant.',EillaßlAT, ,• • i Sotto t ROC, . • • • JAKNS LAVOWXY, Pesehmat, JO aN D. rip.p.zar, ()Ashler, , - 1 _atorf.4e. off • WIC B. BRAMBITRYFFILMICW. VORIC. ApELPISTA. AND' . ,50140MAANCER. CELEBRATED • . !germs drat -Ohre th in ARV SILVER MED d.Ls, received 'within is toroth . at'Etate Yak, and : vim .of American ..Inattinte, York. in 110; by BAST :PIANO -, 1 1 04,T.E13.,* oelabraox_pet & co, Pethoelphis e mete ; e urX 4 tal PlagolPriOt Medlits , ftri4Sr9N. resides hating rocs Tett 'at home imisaerens Medi* Diploma*, amtl Special ' Reportirlrom mtate Pairs and Institutes. . /Ark liavehumer. one letters or recommendation from, the highest musical tsleat—flottsebtjk,Strakoach„ , William Almon, °tote, and othein. • he, a 1 11418011/Reattlf . filtllTil^•de. Boston Find Prize Araexteap organs slo deem, araTtante3l - Or eight years. ' ' ' • WAMELINK & -B , R,' 11 iliseeirs Mork, sf. Mete Steeet. TUNING AND REPAIRING done at abort eat notice. SHEET 1111 3 91 e bound In any style. nol9 lIVITED STATES SOLDIER'S' EEERE CLAIM AGENCY. 98 GuArcr, iiviamz4r. (Oppost* the Cathedirat4 collect Licensed by the United Eltatee tiovernmenftb PENSIONS. BOUNTIES, BACK PAY; And ALL OTHER 111 Mary or Nasal THE ORE HUNDRED DOLLARS EMU - 14'1 1 X DUE 130EDEHEN, , • Dlsonarced'on amount of woundsRECEIVED IN RATTLE, collected In Ma • Shortest JOSEPH' AtzNir, GLLIER.I' M, N('NfASTE* AttrACY.A...,I . • . -• nem *I. t=or:me'4(,VE' • o rd E. W . C A fl,f) g.T.s o,4 , ,,, ,, ti r t, t r Es p:::we a rle/the , 3 11 1. 7 : 11 : 13 ::: ::rcs-" 1:: Eln : ROI ARP 79OL ET R3:1 8 L° , 7 : 7III PET :, 4 :•• - SWEEPERS, 84C, ' '"" .1 Apweet petat during the bete pehLa. . W..: 0...4%. H. M'CALLUM.: I : tpos. ~.. i ;,....).,,,, 4,,i ,• ... ‘' 0. • 1 " , : TES 'CLULNNOrnittillt t • :qt• 1.,11 ‘.!• .000DS, EIMEZZI A,q,olis, ti.. .I;.:P. :• • /..i /.* .:t.t: :I ale n •tit, • • • .Jl.l ...di P I I H. ..6• 1 16° 0.11t.i fit trri.id) Idl mra; WHIZZ bb Eitreets Mao 1i *llfritglgir_lir *both . lOW* AIN.. W. 4 .M. MDR 1030trai Atettitis k • r Re.tlenadyr Stntion, • Allogbenfr. ficity-S AIL' ined, Of wagons, mirth. filitberdwtmelstrbit: wheelbartosys.driye: coat care t !licher* tiagr ,itate truskaoskldi f straw and fdii.oilt liditif masticators.. Fpur difterentkindiika.herlierattli; Mao: steel rakes end fork teeth sultablePr, AU the diltbrent patent ho ra wkes in 'the 'United States, ell made OT the materiels anit,wer.--. Fated. l Wholesale io sOlicite&` ,,, ''. -1 . , ;.; ; . - 2 I • . .2' . co.PAitTarlatsMP;--THE - IT , 9 0 2 4 1 444A4lave.:thie eta itte q .ajg d rUirlsk thfa i tort i Qrbeery ___:elneWsre 4, r the obit 101 / I holontl4W4ritt thilicidAteedi NfiiitittaL.- m " ' " !11/KP. Deitlith 4 -40 'P-11 10 111.1 aP1 ,'" . MialliDllNl±Vlrol DINE CMIEBIL - ILI t 7 . 1i1 0, 17 1141.41. , , A; '774 , 111 tilvt }Air.) ;Aittf , l) -4 ir; Aimptio . • • tfflichii7 vy •it.sO Marrilentigget. 0 firfeSls"-ith 98 Grant ittreaCi' PEITSBURO94 PLI if.. II • If -.it 1 AI SR~lld •J a sr i L -..“;_;,;! .1.1 , , , .i1 , :kit "to.d_. ,z r t 3 i3...1 r, 1. ~. W.. , 177713"r1... , -.. . i' tilt! AM 1 .,:.'.:'1 - ! 7-4 - 4!:'''rl' , ' , _! f 5 , : - !'ti: , 4 . .O. V . ,13 - ta ' ..~ •+ h ~~~~; schedule of iAdv A 3 nfr; • rive times thief teeeki .r * 7 Twp _peeks - Th.Oe leeeke:' * [Onsintegth.T.v.aw. - . Two iebrithi . Ere ale4tthlr4 . 1 11 LlOnebYeMelemrte.,;l3,2l 11 25 t 8 ‘P ' 1 22 20 15 OITANGJIABLII For one square, el weal achifinedlii the advertiser„ 4 11 tirejlortibe'" t DIAN t • • - !I1 month 9 IT.IOI .00 ( I s 4 sr 00 , . fal b a 3,911 rin s t o b , y0tj..17 oat "1 j laetfill 14-09 t • ZttontOrAlee&er- 'A"4.6aleatii I .4VM: e ttlAlgertiMg vie 'Of • ixtboa ve eats. i*it faip,l9 po ~b xeootorp, ,p apiadminiiftwepoomio•, l floes ,r:,ls r.; Yrsl , il • "3 -" Yrr P *BIT Finifi ihiPitiafiligd fiagitit ti,,F i " 1 Ifni it . fpit6iii thkiltddiV Lip OVUM (poi ~ . ^ , Brown. WI —.l-!4 i lk Ft; lo ei;loyfl 1 er '"": ;7`7lfriMill . ,? l , 3 lMmiSltsier The blast of war WhifiViliglsTijulifigir country seem pftet - o f - l)g. „pealing with renews 4 fern 'tonal - Its tpm,pplay,haft thiellne'inbrdlce del;l6Efilitihn th*thri ofithoish wetslodleartectieintfadoratikir mg to k e lflilittillatriYilliobilr' Find : g iltiatic ltl'RAW4 / 10049 villattne:-1- verner ;own, p' e kitrhaidlitlifitisteiiiiiiitead . ,-- electionphoweVen)4--I , in ver(shilitcrthe .11r9FoRtvfititelnikottiPlinufror inipolitAtat Mtn, Vneisitd/it s •31 1 4D)/ 3 • _,INIPPIRP deii "o "the eta MIMI 4)7 WACO ;I there tooth Theillo NVNl i 'Stato46lll bore Sti email Is 1 stores- and' tranip6l4. , azi4 gpt.MB ragrilgkaudArhip hilfforeas i back aver the Qtr,4,TANlttlillrlell7 slitry ketro G ran t 6 h„, .orztrPsl, O P,-" ;Neßt there' le.a 'Mid orstittesniattatup . ,47fieh would affeeti these/ Ilihigifiq.M.r. minim hap •Indicatea, itbandat - zonsists ld sea& i ng' 1 4 4 ‘hrilbult t•yr t i9krakt;e, o #l.4l#l, with g roliesitektind I ea, nen4t.tathn enenirs" lines', sayft 4V n arff4r - 'lV hami-we have shin s& tighlitlVEVaiffii": and 44 pty eight.'.'; Thattonilloseitteity std; tisi and aP 4 r, rP a Ie.PLYPIAI billw td learti that th e -ma tter it 4 ,tutißA9r4 'by thee 'Georgia Le • ' O__,vhreh - - • Govenset-liron, a a ddressed ' that stateiinanlllte m ~e ~.' lip Aria, TuestiapitViise Veit , ' ' -- erfp, fOT IT Lineeln being tilnitetl 4 '' giiBd. •It * tain-zailid Ezu.tW'' haAF l iil -r entrap to 7 iindvd:•tettoltitirddrefdlis the messaie, r,neintinifing , thittrlite ' $ mewshoult l4- blifiliade7'`Yit:thallni States floVerintientAlOti MO' usiiiik-tk• • - ~ great prineildss-Of . 0 0boliandIffilito ~ in in6randligq;,thitpitibVVizi atcos and numbers V , -COT ' ~ ; 4 quested-10 4 1nm fiteik'''lnff 'a& tie • od. f this atinitnralattilt, , T6fild _el'orti' 1 , Wl the 'nye tvhenPlsetted raitrbet 0+ upon Jost and liedtoralte - terinliZr .' MY: Ruud considftW , !tinifia ,',. * ' nalti defend otitia .i. , ' Wei '' 4 , --Just aelloreititiFil '. ' , "hati ; -.) 1 the haldintassage,thit ' 4 flifills'l, . . :', •' [ deicilation and - tartiiieift6r4 1 thruelo gistirrthoi*mOldit .. Ih;* . power .P ;• Mr. 10 s,taWillseilWai . 1- ' -,. I stkietly'rnaillinglkrOdlinlesillt#4' wggeidontibittheinntialidliat' .103 only ., "stirph Thta " 3 tWl'nk-144 . 011, 113,. /aft - lowil,'dur aka a we , -) tha..*., tat emend* tarilxdslesed 'te **-- itry:-..thin - * - hay ,:lam . ,; ', l 1 4 Just and lionorable foilice Irk ~ 4, lava too long 'Pand too- far t0 , '1601' 4 , ward; atid•tio the thing"seetWto bg, , ,- . 4 -' deratixid ler `the ' 1 Legigittirn,`" for", 11 '"- newspaper reptioit' iiiiiintin nit V , ltlat,. resolution, Were • ' ririStAfft down" - -L.WhielV *.- pita.:a., Vi e 'ilji I thaV r itzZoirePOUkeV . the grioato 4 ,- bte' 9 *N ' k' ~ , :,* - 4, non; 'find , rthat it''''roddltitl ' ' ' *. V,* lit i tti Idr. Wear-was adiffitga.dith" lroltyl •••erinitdr_filedgC,lhk r ,t4t,A - fi 7 1gtnetni :r 1°411 1.1 t it 61 : L Oi;. = - -• , ):13-. •- ' • t t (14 ' '' r Oii i i` 4l P 1441itiA l igit; idielignit , . ~, .7, „ 44 , 4 yrs ti e :erufw.,, x i , . g i p ...4MthilihßoLik lAtre t . it t _ o 4 .9dAttick WAIN i nn ' OA . 46140 fAltbßtikiifTstli-t i'eri_ 9 #,FINS,•Agt , tPliell‘. hi 'kits , ea* '1 3 111 .W.;P `. Iteirivt , 4.4 k kl . S.; #Ol 4 .0 3 '09bii At 9 nie gp. ersvf_ /s, *AA% Ile joss, ~oF , utomtiattni rk i °hi' ' a d rreff* Ota,,Ate , . : ' eh exasperataa * ' t one _another Alit they marts:ger elitild~ agree ,flaOli.ttorlutiof megitiatioigh . Airsreaft ,P=iiglAwn (Witauppolle)oB notiox=l N ,a tells, bUt lath e .ile*l•t r d- ' af li, • I , i AlTa•vilk:.34 - Weak.torklite aillug' ' • "'• llo t illitsig t JoaasthaTlAllarftairi pl # 4O Plgiligiatheitind.e . 4talltotikose ' sayings. scud, now Ailintliiingisiclor ,froptilettteteMitomeßherellanctaiticht. ,40ga sa•NEtitzi na eof Ob eildnat t ratt NIZIZ AWA ritt South ," at =axon - it b ir,l. emils.ws,,ircauwispemaok, ... 1 q,,,eripurxXtroWnlntaAaritspactordided& if piireAheuklve,emovitilaitUt theitosid: s 41dritifi 41 0 11 , 1erstglandedatiablingh441thcf, :„`Paillianitiatt Air alludlid littitee'7.3r2ll Firstrefittittilwinle day n.. Inc , )111 - . ; FinwpArualasitsw tastr r ith#redemphpatih4 • ; I WPSulitlakra bed eraSISG. .txdi Ant - , and dot Olin iltontliciongl,landit 41411.4 id, I, the romatableiandidl~ • • - : .1, v bled.. m 1.t.6.,..t5d-in hos litesile.... sot ; I, id Imlay ttecAdpoldlabal iswifataifitiofit d le gthidonelivitlisinehditiptdebitt . ntlStltt- 1 , • dant; andidhatidobtstil lotieissitg ,r,, diltlarilitrsittlyantrdeteisstkin:lmsliiinidx l• is an7lhuntaturithatrifonyhtaftldti •Fithitt, ii it - • F 0,011.1 X 46 0 tfi 66 I - 6 00 511310 0001 1 .50 :)(rog lfi* ^(t - ug - • de vikelpot, 63%&ailtbf T.W,UteNPR444,I4IIItI •,-,,...-,,,,,_...; &I•l_,lgi ~- A tztr, l " -,.---:-. --------A-----z-r4z_k„, ,V;a- t-n',; - ..1.;r •Iz' rt ik l .faßii 4,o* - Azzmit l ,„ %4 , aign :1401131 „ :44rsub044,:gt''1=4"5-A ir -rt,1.. , 5r1.1 Atigna4) "I g o Tre -, - ' i! dds r. 2 4 ,01.0 r#,D 4 Y 1153 .4 ~ . • ,4 1 ---:'—.-'-',-&Z ,A.Q.,,,:; iiiiitia4llll6ftiliiviattl. .--lt.: .)3 ia 7.4i1f - 4ixrd..us .-..,-{ :awl! ii,4l. I:. „if, gO *.s4.l:o4oAaahigl4,l.l4lW44'.'"W**. ~:,.._, SQ10; ' '' •.; .*: ' , ''.C . ,,"[:- . .'-' 7-10.- -, • 3 - - ;k 0 :014-C - S --, ,;5-,.,, r- - -. 4 - 4 'io- - ---q :e ;gt,% 1 tr „> ,4,. ~,,,,,,,... --.-*. : , ... - ..1.1. f..,,4,. , -• .4 - 441 - q .. - irZA. - .41741 ,1,-*!,,,, ;:ctw;