20) 5 A WEEK Salary |—-Young men| This is i $25 wanted iY Jdculand rivaling tu jos. BE sending 35 A NE we ToAD AND Ox =It is ig to 8. Strohm, in the Loop, has been| ‘read in the Mifliinburg Telegraph, of paying more for produce, and selling ) » > . il i "ORS ’ © . » 4 a= p : > : 2 “Chestnut street above sixth,” when|gocds lower, than any store in‘the val-| K kit i Sevens fit h Stamp) R-H a a Bo rot oes uid nie, you will Peveiva, giving locations in that antiquated, ey. He receives New Goods CVery 230 A DAY, sure. LATTACO. & Pittsburgh, | future husband or wife, withname and date ‘one-horse village, “Chestnut street week, and is determined that no cus | -- of marringe. Address W. FOX, P. O, For Labs. Hirsch & Br | above sixth,” in Mifflinburg. how’s{tomer shall go away dissatisfied. Try Mil SR ADEs ih do hy TO: [that for funny? Like the animal{him. = Try Lim, 2 \ POY, ne 1. I I Ea that has but one gut, Mifflinburg has . iets select He 9 Sarre Ci SARS plain but one dirty street running through] A white gil of Conestoga Centre, MORALGIIRTS, SHAWLS, LALA AS it, and stand where you will iu it, you| Lancaster county, has just as | Institute, at Reyne 1 U's Hall, Bellefonte, commencing on 26th inst. Dit ia | Mr. Longhry's hotel, at Unionville | wa: destroyed by fi.e, wi h all its con-| tots, on Thursday of last week. N insurance. | ld iii TT D. C. Keller, of this place, killed a wp EP © rrr his grunter, until all the big pigs have a amen “shoved off this mortal coil,” when he John Favlay. the celebrated Cali-! will trot out one of elephantine pro-|fprin horschnek vider, to day at the) . yl A } x x * { portions as a settier of all. Sacramento Raiding Park rode sixty. | TSN Ta one mites in two hours and forty min Col. Love and Mr. Wm, Wo ds of This beats Tis Strohm'’s store report sone big hogs ee that were recently slaughtered in that neighborhood, namely, Geo. Jordan, one weighing 395, Jacob Smith one of 373, and Wm. Farner one weighing 397 pounds, ULes, sir ter horse Ie Nas fie, THE NEW YORK METHODIST AN EIGHT PAE WEEKLY, { Now in its Eleventh Year, publishes Ser- Lmons, aSerinl Story for the Family, a new | Children’s Story every week, Chats with | {the Little Folks, Editorials by the best | Methodist writers and others, Foreign and full Depart- - i. NEW YORK MARKET Rve dull and unchanged. Oats dull at 60abl ic Corn, new at 75¢; old 82¢, Bueon unchanged. Lard firm at 12}c. \ QD) 0H Egos at 33adde; { Damestie Correspondence, iments of Religions and Secular Intelligence. Price 82,50 a year. Liberal premiums or | cash commissions to canva sers. “Subserip-| [tions commence at any time. For | { men, encloe a two cent st mp 1o l | postage. Address THE METHODIST, 114] : iss : . { N assuu | N. X. de cl 4t I niladelphia Market. HOLIDAY JOURNAL FUR 18711 Wheat at $1 42 for Indiana red; Containsa Christmas Story, Splendid Blay 1 37 far Penn’a red. | Magic Sports, &e., 48 pages; illustrat Rve sells at 93a94e for western ¢ dont Free on receipt of one stam ve sells atl 93a84e {for western ane tage. Address ADAMS & CO. Pennsylvania, ters, Boston, MASONIC BOOKS. Corn firmer ; southern yellow at 70a ’ - { Agents Wanted. Send for Circular. Ad-| dress Masoxic Pun, Co, 432 Broome St i New York. speci- prepay rflor bh ed Publish- dec dt 73e, and old vellow at 83e¢. Quts at H4ad6e¢ for Peun'a and we - decd ; ' { CHRISTMAS GIFT to all Yearly Chi ago Market, | 2X Subscribers to Appleton's Journal, | Wheat dull, No 2 at 1 0o. i 1 Weekly. Fwo Month Subseri; Yi 3 28 13) v fr y lon Greats, I'he Munths of November! Corn quiet at 401¢ for new. Land December, 1870, given to all Oats at 38 e. | subseribers remitting 34. for the vear 1871. v . faw- 9 Rve, No 2 at 67a08¢c. Any one desir Tr 9. ; 0 Bar ev, No 2 steady at 73¢. Live hors at 3 9046 25. Cattle moderately active at 725 Yaa fl rratis ous of making # trial of t} i Tou IH i! tO See whetherthey like it {0 Picturesque America, consisting of splen-| [didly executed views of American Scenery. ommenced in November. D. APPLY rox! Lk Co., Publishers, New York. dee? 41 NEN. ROBT. E. LEE'S L1FE. Nearly] RX ready for Pablieation, the Biography |! of Gen. Robt. KE. Lee, by John Esten. au "Wy ss jLaor of: Lite Jaekson." | > “Weuring the Grey,” ete 1 vol. B vo 3K) pages, [illustrated To be sald by st h- AGENTS WANTED, | . Appleton & Co., Publishers, New York. | wo, 4t | QHORT HAND. —150 word: a min (A) 4 weeks, Send two stamps for circular. Barley .|J GRAY, P. O. Box 4847, New York. 9 Potatoes 0. 5 Ydecdt | RAVELE Pork per pound 00, Ras M0, Plasterper ton S LIFE AND ACCIDENT 1IN.] SURANCE 15 Tallow 12i......Bacon 15...... Ham20 - COMPANY, of] Hartford, ER Wa ———————————— . Conn DEATHS. Gn 6th inst , in Gregg twp.,, Miss Lydin| MILROY MARKETS. Corrected by Reed & Thompson, White wheat 1 20 Old red 1 12... new red 600tal 15..... Rye 70....... Corn 5712 1d oats 8 New 49 vd 6,00 ..... Timothyseed 4,00 Ons ot Stonewall is xs TOV Ord | . ane - . | a) eription, § Butter 30... Kg BELLEFONTE MARKETS. B ; rr}: *3 01 Q OO . unten White Wheat 81.30, Red 1 25... Corn 070. ......0ats. 45 70. ...Cloverseed 5,50 Cash Assets, ENDOWMENT Policies of alli, fd forms. Aniple securi- ) low Also insures! agninst ACCIDENTS causing death or totaldizability. Policies] rates InHainstwp , Rebecea, daughter of Join hog on last Wednesday, which dressed] 390 pounds. el lf | Tue WEATHER. —The weather has assumed quite a wintrish aspect this} week. On last Sunday night we had] a fall of sleet which covered the ground | to the depth of nearly an inch, and on] Monday forenoon it rained. Tuesday | was cold, and Wednesday brought an| ugly snow storm which couti .ued until | Thursday. > NEw Paper —The Young Men's Christian Association of Bellefonte, | have issued a prospectus for a new re-| ligious paper, to be published by them. | It is to be a six column sheet. | > — eee B 4 U Buy find out the reason why they are so busy. lp le Deprcation.—The newly erected church of the Evangelical Associatiop | worship of Almighty God, on Chri mas. Services on Saturday eveninl and Sabbath forenoon und evening. The public are respect.ui.y attend. ee Lrcture.—A lecture will be deliv. ered at Millheim, for the benefit of the] | on the evening of 22d inst., by Rev. J.| Fictitious Literature, or Novel Read-| ing. This will be followed on Friday evening, 23d, by an exhibition of dis s lvinglviews « f scriptural, temperance, and other subjects, with explanations, The public will be pleased with Mr. Langley’s lecture and exhibition, and should give him a crowded audience, and thus help the great cause which these entertainments are to benefit. eee tly “fe A = orm me mr Hoffer Bros., Bellefonte, invite far- mers and others to examine their splen- did stock of dry good, groceries, ready made clothing, &ec., &e. They flatter themselves as selling as cheap, if not cheaper than “anywhere outside of Philadelphia. mgs lll Appr Christmas Novelties at Burnside & Thomas’. The great holiday confec- tions of 8. T. Whitman & Sons—the finest that can be produced in any country. Let every hiisband, father, mother, brother, receilect and go at once to Burnside and” Thomas, New Japanese toys, rocking horses, dolls, gigs, vases and every description of toys very cheap. Go and see the nov- elty of their stock. Kid, buckskin, dugskin and sheepskin gloves. This house is not surpassed for holiday presents. fe ae ge a wor written by the vear or month, Has paid] | 3700 per day for Six Years in benefits tol! { policy-holders, dec2.4t. | | THE PATRIOT 1871, DON'T WASTE TIME AND LABOR | by using up an old Axe. Send $1.50 to] LIPPINCOTT &« BAKEWELL, Pitts- burgh, Pu. and they will send a tip-top Axe, Expressage paid, Half a day lost “in | grinding will thus be saved. dec? 4t| P WINTER LEM LEMPLOYMENTH NON-EXPLOSIVE | METALIC KEROSENE LAMP. | | Is absolutely safe from explosion or break- ling ; burns any Coal Oil, good or bad; gives more I'ght, no odor, and uses less oil, { is perfectly non-explosive. The | better than is produced by any oth-| The Only Demeeratic Paper Published at the State Capital. DAILY AND WEELY. THE “WEEKLY PATRIOT!” THE GREAT PAPER FOR THE FARM AND FIRESIDE, ) 1 i AN 4. A 4h aha Reduction of Rates! 2&-SUBSCRIBE AT ONCE. tig CIRCULATE THE “PATRIOT.” The Weekly Patriot will contain the best | ight is er lamp.” setts Agricultural College “It is perfectly non-explosive, gives a | better light und 1s more economical than tany other lamp in nse.” WW Wells, Iate | Sup Pub Schools, Chicago. The appalling deaths and fires from gis {lamps exploding and breaking create reese: 82.00 great demand for this lamp. Special attention will be giventothe READ OURTERMS: » Send for circular and tern " 1,25] Barclay St. N YX. : rq ia. L00| YTPHAM'S DEPILATORY POW-|i Additional copies at last named rates. | DER.—Removes superfluous hair int A} Yes LPR R60 orate’ "RSE x hs a x . . All papers seperate’s addressed. Extra ge minutes, without injury to the skin. ¢ ‘i to getters up of Clubs of fifty or] [minutes and effects a speedy cure. [$2 by mail. THE JAPANESE HAIR STAIN \ | Colors tre whiskers and hair a veautiful by mail.............87,00] black or brown. lt consists of only one : cwnnnnenne nn 82,00 preparation, 75 cents by mil. Address ( 60,00iS C UPHAM, No. 721 Jayne Street, ( Pa. Circulars sent free. {Sold by all Drug Price THE “MORNING PATRIOT!” READ OUR TERMS: Five copies, *' Le is se Larger Clubs at the last named rates. | Philadelphia, Papers muy be separately addressed, but Tet fm £04 THE BEST PAPER, | Address B. ¥. MEYERS & CO.. ANT Lue | Harrisburg, Pa. mmr df etl, Ap rr A VALUABLE BOOK. This Quarter's 13 Numbers SENT FREE to all subscribing, before Dec. 25, 1870, for next year's Fifty-Two Numbers of Moore's Rural New Yorker, THE GREAT ILLUSTRATED ' RURAL AND FAMILY WEEKLY,| FOR TOWN AND COUNTRY. | HE. tv NEW YORY% 0 BSERVER YEARBOOK AND A LM ANA C, TO BE ISSUED JANUARY 1st, 1871. The Rural, now in its 2Ist year, One of the most complete eompends of | only the Largest’ Best and Cheapest, but] important information which has ever by far the Largest-Circulating Journal o been compiled in this country. It should|its Class in the World? National in| be in every Library, ws a Book of Refer-| Cuaracter, Ably Edited, Superb y IHus-| ence. trated and Printed ii is the | It contains an interesting History of BEST AMERICAN WEEKLY! Almanacs; Civil, Commercial, and Agricul-| Itisthe Standard Authority onallbrinch-| tural Information concerning all the Gov-|es of Agriculture, &e. Asa Literary and | eriments in the World; a General Sum-| Family Paper itis a favorite in many of mary of all the Benevolent Institutions and | the best families all over the Union, Cana | Religious Denominations in the World, |da, &c. Indeed, Moore's Rural has nol with a complete Ministerial Directory of | Rival in its Sphere, and is the Largest 1l- nearly every Religious Body in the Uni-|lustrated Journal on the Jontinent—each | ted States, a complete list of all the Col-| number containing Sixteen Five-Column| leges, Theological Seminaries, Medical and| Pages, (double the size of most papers of) Law Schools in the Unitec States, its class.) It is the paper for the East, Price, One Dollar. West, North, and South. All persons subscribing and paying for the NEW YORK OBSERYV ZR for one year ($3) will receive a copy of this valua- blo work CRATUITOUSLY. Sample copies of the Observer sent free. SIDNEY E. MGRSE, Jr. & CO., 37 Park Row, New York Mailed to any address, post-paid, on re- ceipt of priee, dec). 2 TERMS, INDUCEMENTS, &C. TERMS—$3 a Year of 52 Numbers, and only $2,560 in Clubs 01 Ten. This Quarter’s 13 Numbers sent Free, as offered above, Our Club Inducements for 1871 are un- prec edented Specimens, Premium Lists, &e., sent free to all forming Clubs,—and we want a live Club Agent in every Town. Acdress D. D. T. MOORE, 41 Park Row, New Yory, decZ.4t of the Urinary and Seminal Organs, and the whole train « f disorders And other best Books in the murket, McKinney & Martin, 1608 Chesnut Streat, Phila. dec? 4t brought on by bane] and vicious halite, Great numbers have been cured by this noahle remedy, Prompted by un desire 1 benefit the atlicted and unlortunate, I wil send the recipe for preparing and using this pe, to any one needs it. Free of charge. Address! IN MAN. Station House, New York City. BOOKS! decZ24t | i ~ AGENTS WANTED FOR “5 Luciuaing Munnood, Womanhood uid power, &c., by Prof. 0.8. Fowler. Send for Circulars and specimen pages, Address NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO., Phila dec2.4w A INQ Wanted for Head- AGENTS 10 Sew re BOOK “SAORED HEROESAND MARTYRS," W.i ten inthe Author's happiest style, and With Original Steel BOOKSELLERI i | | He sells the schoolsbooks that are | i He sells them cheaper than any one| He always has on hand the best as SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOKS AND S ules thut dety COM tition. “ 1 i lookout for the latest thew oh his counter al He is alwavs on the ublications, und bas it { 8 The Agents are making money rapidly, E. B. TREAT & Co., Pub's 654 Broadway, N. Y. dec dw Farmer's Helpe> the FARM, and how farmers and their sons £100 PER MONTH In Winter, 10.000 Copies will be nailed (ree to Farmers, Send name and address I i. de 2. 4w “GENTS WANTEDFOR FREE LOVE. ANI w Dr Jno. B. Ellis. LargeSales, Immense Profit Stupendous revelations and start- The whole subject laid its hideousnes: exposed touniver- Written in the Interests of m, Christianity and Public Moral- irculars and terms. U, 8S. 411 Broome Street, New dec dw MONEY QUICKLY MADE Hres, ly Send tor ¢ ning Co, ion. for the great religious and literary The Christinn Union, edited by i HENRY WARD BEECHER. y the world-famous authoress of ‘Uncle Tom's Cabin, Miust begun, Every and the people's favorite, x § » is ig Nt weeks, He ket ns 1 the lareest stock of Paper: wid defies competition as to quality | nd price. He has all the daily nonthly publications lor sale, ut pub ISHEr s prices, | Merchants, save money by gl rour books of him. Luyin i i { I 8 Sabbath school superintende nts, send n your orders to Rankin if you want o that you may be convinced of the Lf School boards fornished with books yon and every hing needea ni thi sel ool room, at 1 OWest rates Address all orders to JOIN I. RANKIN. 1 Hiciolle, Pa. SOCLOCK ENTS WANTED 'R Til LIGHT OF THEW U2 minining Fleetwood's * Life of Cl Evang ists nr “Kyidences of “History of the J ws,” by \ (3 i i Ls ii ‘ i ‘ with treatise and tables retating o events connected with Bible History, containing many fine engravings, The forming a complete Treasury of} W. FLINT. 2 S.| l6dee i —————————————— i ——————— a —— re i | ations,’ Philadelphia. CETTING UP CLUBS. Parties enquire how to gef up clubs, Yur answer is sand for Price List. and a lub form wil accompany it with full lirections,—making a large saving to con Club Crs, The Great American Tea Co. 31 & 3 Vesey Sreed, LO. Box 55343. NEW YORK. 1tdectt ENTS ITWANTED FOR THE LBRARY OF POILTRY AND The handsomest anl chenpe-t It huss meth.ng init of the vest for every one, —for the old, the mid He-nged and the young —and mast havo na iniversally popular. Excepting the Bible, his will he the bo i 1051 loved and thie in the family livery page has passed under the criti al] of the great poet, | WM. CULLEN BRYANT. Rare chance for best agents, The only book of its kind ever sold by subs: ription, | Send at once inr circulars, &e | to GEO. MACLEAN, Publisher, declt’ 4 719 Sansom St., Philadelphia, This new and unequalled combina- ion is taking like wild fire. All aredoing vell, many making from $10 to $30 a day, Low is the ‘harvest time, act wisely and jmickly. There is positively nothing that Copy of pape , chap- er of story and rare terms Free, address \. H. HUBBARD, 400 Chestnut Street, dec 4w soll our now illustrated Book of Travels OVELLAND y . r THROUGH 4 STA. A comprehen. ive and valuable exposition of the coun- ries of Alaska, Siberia, China and Russia areto-day. Matching our Richard- Jey. nd the Mississippi,” and Mark “Innocents abroad’ in Style, &e, } s they ns i PUBLISHING dec2.4w \ddress, AMERICAN he 4 vil ds ES nn JP NING 0) pour | ANANIHD Hdld V I wid JOAR|4 Ba] U33J9 YUM VAL JdOVI - " - 5 ~ia Xx WHERE. And forsale Whole snleonly by the - op wm ‘ Great Atluntie & . ‘aerfie fea Co P. 0. BOX. 0006 8 CHURCH 8ST. N. XY, T RY WELLY Carbolic Tablets. An unfailing remedy for all Bronchial Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, and all Catarrhal diseases The wonderful modern discovery of Car- ereatest blessings to mankind in its ap pli mil in to diseases of thi throat great curative jaalities in all affections the Chest and Lungs, , : t Dr. Wells’ Carbelic Tabicts besides the great remedinl agent Carbolic void contain other ingredients universally recommended, which chemically combine, a Tablet more highly medicinal adapted for diseases of the any preparation ever betore l to the public, NAUTION, Be snre you get Wells ( + Carbolie Tablets; Don't et other goods be paimed off on you in their Place FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Wells’ Carbolie Tablets A SURE CURE. TRY SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. "AGENTS WANTED FOR “I. ADIES OF THE WHITE HOUSE.” Standard and official biographie of every aha producing and beter throat than 3 1 i THEM. 2d ARE tleman can make 21.000 a month, se-| cure their own happiness und independence by obtaining PSYCHOMANCY, FASCINATION, | or SOUL CHARMING, 400 pages; cloth, Full] instructions to use this power over men or| animals at will, how to Mesmerize, become) Trance or Writing Mediums, Divination, Spirvituslism. Alchemy, Philosophy of] Omens and Dreams, Brigham Young's Harem, Guide to Marriage, &o., all con- | tained in this book ; 100,000 sold ; price by | mail, mn cloth $1,256, paper covers $1. No. | tice.—Any person willing to aet as agent] will receive a sample copy of the work free, | As no capital is required, all desirous of] enteel employment should send for the youk, enclosing 10cts., for pestage to ff W Evaxs& Co, Gt South 8th St., Philadel- phia. dec2. dt Washington to Grant. Superbly illustra For circulars aud terms, sd. Publishing Company New novi id ted an ateel. dress, U BS YX orx, GENTS WANTE bv the AMERICAN KNITTING BOSTON, MASS, or ST. LOUIS, MO. 23sep. im WANTED—AGENTS. ($20 PER TLE SEWING MACHNE. Hus the un- der feed, makes the ‘lock stitea” (alike om both sides,) and is fully licensed. The best and cheepest family Sewing Machine in the market. Address, Jou~NsoN, CLARK & co., Boston, Mass., Pittsburg, Pa., Chi- cago, IL, or St. Louis, Mo, 23:ep.dm Another large Assortment of chose splen- 8A? . ¢» ve wiki 17] Vio “" rc ure Min ufuctu, ed a the MILROY Woolen Mills wii! now be offered to the public Thankful for past favors. I am again rea- dy to supply my old customers and num- bers of new ones. My wagon will soon up- pear od “awe PRICES, LOW At The Old Stand The J .rgest Arrival of Spring and Summer Goods. . st Centre Hall. At Your Doors, loaded with a great variety of Goods, such us Plain and Fungy Cassimeres of the latest Spring & Summer Styles, Beave: Cloth, Tricot, Doeskiu, Satinets, Tweeds, Jeans, waterproof Plaids, an almost endless variety of LADIES AND GENTS DRESs GOODS. DRY GOODS, Flannels, TT re Fine, Medium and Coarse. Stocking Yarns of all kinds. AND 1 GROCERIES BLANKETS. white, gray, and horse Blankets, ped Carriage Blankets. The most beautiful striped carriage blan- kets, made in the most superior order, and for sale ut a reasonable figure. . ARDWARE, QUEERNSWARE Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes. | ALSO, A CHEAP LINE OF ¢ ARPES, | FLANNELS, weavy Damask, Flowered, Ingrain and] Striped, Parlor and Stair Carpets, all — MUS..N8, CALICOES, AXD rior, bright fast colors. | WOOL, LARD, and SOAP taken in ex-| change for Goods. Goods, of every varie- ty, always on hand at his residence. John C. Kemp, Centre Hill, Pa. Agentfor Thompson & Sens SHAWLS, ALSO, A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF NOTIONS, SYRUPS, COFFEES. aiso x large stock of FISH, the best, all kinds, MACKEREL and HERRING. the best and cheapest in the market. Volf’s Old Stand. _ WESHALL TAKE PARTICULAR CARE TO MALE IT AN OBJECT apr22if G ENTS THIS WAY! x ITS SUITS W. W. McClellan, at Bellefonte, wounld inform the men of Pennsvalley, and his old friends and customers, as well as all others who may desire to be rigged out, In well Fitting, Substantially & Fashionably made suits of cloths, from any kind eof ma- terial they choose. I would say that I am still in the field, and prepared to accommo- date. 1 have a large and excellent assort- ment of FR Furnishing Goods, New Ca:tomers, ALSO, Cloths, Cassimeres, & Vestings 33 WELL AS INVITE OUR OLD FRIENDS, TOGIVE US A CALL. ap2468,y. WM. WOLF. from which garments will be made te or- der in the | ¥, FLLERESARREIT MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE. dealers in DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS also all the "TANDARD PATENT MEDICINES. All l ask is toeall and examine my fm stock. Having just bought my goods lu- ring the last panic, I defy competition a- to Diices, durability, and ‘fushion, this side of Philadelphia Remember the Place W. W. McCLELLAN | No. 4 Brokerhoff's Row, Allegheny street. | Bellefonte, Pa., where cloths, cassimeres. | vestings, callars, umbrellas, cains, hats, | cups, in short, everything to completely rig! out a gentleman, can ode and made up! in the Intest style. i I am iso iy for Wicozs i Sewing Machine, which should be seeu by | all desiring a machine deh, 68y The Sven qual » EMOVAL. reel, PockEy Kx1ves,. Scissors THEODORE DESCHNER, and Razors. GUN SMITH, Warg Paper ix has removed to the store known as No. GREAT VARIETY. Bush's Arcade next door to Zimmerman, | Bros & Co., at Bel efonte, where he is just] opening out a complete stock of | REVOLVERS. GUNS, | PRESCRIPTIONS, compounded by com AMMUNITION. | petent druggists at sll hours, day or night. FISHING | TACKLE Night customers pu | night bell. oy Base Balls, Bats, Keys, and general Spor | : ZELLER & JARRETT, ing Articles. Guns made and repaired a1.¥ Bishop St., Bellefonte Pa. warranted, jundd| A very large as- sortment of Toil- LET ARTICLES, Faxcy Goods Soaps, &e., &e., junl8 ly A —— —— — YEW HARDWARE STORE! N J. & J. HARRIS. NO. 5, BROCKERHOFF ROW. A new and complete Hardware Store ha ton. You ean only find them at been opencd by the undersigned in Broek: | BURNSIDE & THOMAS’ orhof’ 3s new building—where they are pre-| . : - - yared to sellall kinds of Buildingand Hous | Bes HOUSE near the depot, Belles Furnishing Hardware, Iron, Steel, Nails. | fonte, Xa. Bugzy wheels in setts, Champion Clothe: | hotel, having some under Wringer, Mill Saws, Circular and Hane (the supervisicn oitheundersignid be wong Saws, Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, Ice Crean {respectfully nneunce tuthe pub that Freezers, Bath Tubs, Clothes Racks, a ful lis prepared to secomn.odate after assortment of Glass and Mirror Plate of al style of the best house in the cities, , Picture Frames, Wheelbarrows | Bush House is a magnificent building, Lamps, Coal Oil Lumps, Belting, Spokes [splendidly furnished, and eapable of com- Polloes. and Hubs, Plows, Cultivators, Corr | fortable necommodating Plows. Plow Points, Shear Mold Board: | THREE HUNDRED GUESTS" and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery, Shov- | It is situnted near the depot, and convenient cls, Spades nd Forks, Locks, Hinges [to all places of business, and is the bestho- Serews, Sash Springy, Horse-Shoes, Nails {tel in central Pennsylvania. Its waiters Norway Rods. Oils, Lard, Lubricating are obliging. polite and attentive; its ta- Coal, Linseed, Tanners. Anvils, Vices, Bel | bies are supplied with every lusury in the lows, Screw Plates, Blacksmiths Tools | market; its stables are first class, with at- Factory Bells, House Bells, Dinner Bells |tentive and humane hostlers, and its bar Gong Bells, Tea Bells, Grindstones, Carpen |suppiied with the best of Jiquos. For ter Tools, Fruit Jars and Cans, Paints, Oils | guests from b : cities to spend the summer Varnishes received and for sale at \ it is just the place! The proprietor will be june’ 08, 1y. J. & J. HARRIS. happy to receive the pubiic as often asthey : wich to call T. HOW Good News for the Ladies. |octoms a FALL OPENING OF PINDLESREINS for wagons, all si Bonwets, Trimmings, Millinery, at MRS. MARY E. SHOOPE’S, zes, at the sign of the Anvil In Centre Hall. [ AMESOF EVERY VARIETY ad in Mrs. M. Ei Shope, has just returned from Philadelphia, with the LATEST FASH- at apllr 68 IRWIN & WILSON'S. 10XY, and a complete stock of Norway Oats. * New Bonneits, New Hats, Elegant The undersigned offers for sale at his Trimmings, &e., idence, at Centre Mills, Pa,, the celedrat. which will be sold or made up, as usual at Norway Oats. This oats yields larger reasonable prices. than any other Oats known. Sold in any The new styles are very pretty. Ladies quantities, at $3 per bushel. Orders by allan see them early. First come, fir mail attended to. : : served. oc WO. K. FORSTER, 2sep.4in ; Centre Mills. HQ PICES of il varieties d ed wh and warranted to be stri '1t is the only placeyou can find ia | tod spices. ry them for your own satisfac- This elegant S1Z0S