The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 24, 1847, Image 4

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    . .
aliceigk•UFFFllll.l6 WITH iMl , ..EAskii
j. MING2.-77e tepreeedeigea tliteC3g lebleh Lam
aneaded eaelere or the.44o ' •
to all the ittiteee proayerhie3t uriwuoa of the longs U.
steitehliai iittleiOsl the. pooprioter ngnin t 0 o lI atter.'
Wale -
eitetiiiable . weether which Molts, our fall sod
'flour moths, a sheave a fruitful aeons of
llese if loniteeled; are lio I the Oecitteors of that fo
"• 4 •
th a
T 66 9uesaoni w we op
be! bud? how shall we eit•elenk of our 'roughs, and
tilde. is, of opal imporiunee to 'heraldic. •
will be found la the Girifeng i . ea . icest. • In Proof of this
we hyrefroatunmeto 1103 E published Ow eertinciies
. dozennefeer besslosOwneitisenNwhohave eiperienee
to curative Owen: • Tbefe; - whil emus of terunsony
from all Puller the poimuf.,—fi l eiu •
. r• Sllnlitirf of the Giispel, In& copkodeo
•••'",?: " '• • - ""..JOURNAL OF 111ElfICY, .
parolthlet Drat, And atop be had
;• . '•,s',..!Tii,i.!iinstio of any of one agents thnniabont the count y...
hirO Seen mid in this dry: ,
• . •
Ithroogisarolsi,Uniusl States'aud Canada, andose
anyenan to point oat •
••, • '• SINULE INSTANCE : - •
b. ' , In erttieli,srheri taken ameordiny to directions-and we
• .. lore the }nags bad become fatally diSorranised, it has
• • • ever failed -
.-Why,.tbee, need th••amieted hesitate? WY) recent to
the th ie eie the marinas, gotten op by u ohne Ito indistd•
• oats owlet the maimed come of same Celebrated
: ••. Meta., and poked late. notoriety by certificates ot per ,
ipaanyaaDyankoowatlVlnlst a medicine of
;,, ~~,
•:.- bokad e virvarecOrriehets are aclicanc.--ear
of wha mlt . hro •
' oernyrartid. Invalnalito Inedicing mar t° platted
'wdhia the reach I.ler Mori no, well airke riebirve
hare parlliedinee of
Jac one hall Ike usnal „cost of MAO medicine.. It is
for axle by ...gears - in nearry every own
-aver the wen,,wlmAre p,rcfmred arrive fell Otani:mum
- relative or n. , • SALTER.llroprleter:
• • . Breadaray,Cincanaii. Dem
11611DICALL . ..AND- SURGICAL. OF.Prill'.
~-..' , . .••• , . No. GS DIAMOND .AI
LEY, • few •doors • .Io,L
Wasel ahem; toward) ' U. •
": ../':7 - • - • --- rnarkeL
,-.r D 8 lIIIO{V3s
. • •.. ,
.• '. •..,,,/„..., .; , Ilaving been regularly ed,
..., 4, • / - . ...tea to the, medical ors
, ....'' ' i foresail, and been foresaw
I .
.Ik. . time in,
general premier',
r ' ......le r how confines hilattentien
...., ~.. ... i ;.."....,,:-... A
p le r l I.7 ... trezurier i t of moose
\ ell , plallit:fl'wll ' etillis appa am l .; ' pe w e i rilo ‘ tly " ; i ka:ll77 . li;.7
..„ •
"I' r" ' - Seven ' Years arsjdnoue p aerated to vie atooy KIM
"I'' • '' trrattant of Mime memoir env,lldarinG Wide's time he
.....ii.V.' .1" has bad more practice arid has Mired more Patients Ilan
cancan: fall to the lot of ney Pri , IIM Onset...ire) am.
1.. ' ' • . ply min libel Masao arras beimees of speody,iferata
. • neat;and intlitfautery.t me mall alllieted with Ahearn
-.. • diseases, and all discases.arbinot therefrom.'
Dr. Brown world toibrmthose,aldieted with pries:,
... . ' , dusames witichhaVb becomeehrome by humor ammo.
...4ted by.the use of any of the common warm= of the
.--- , -- • day. that their complaints ens be radically and the,
oirghly euresl,he belong given btu earefolnuention' tri•
the treatment of tech eases; and stampeded at hundreds
of instances in eariag . perscroeef inanimation of be gees
. • of the bladder, and handled d melees which Mien mall
r. , ...r. i,.... , won Moser omen where others bare eonsigbed them' to
r .... ; impedes despair . Ito partMaintly invites leach as have
--i', ,• ..beenlaeg end ansnecesefolly treated by others to eon'
-• • • aolt tdm, when every entiffitelion wit ' it given them and
,•., ~• , their eatentreatedm w eniefah Moe - .sit:nonintelligent
amtnneroointed out by long Lipe.../.nee,stody and in
... , :'2.".' % - if estigoUna.rabieh los impossible for - Ibrise engaged in
.: . : • Vacrat brain". of medicine to erre any ono dal..
LU'' Iterate pr Rapture—fir.- B rown e oleo inol•
.. . .
permits a-Titled with Hernia to call, as he has pa.
f. t . trartientar attention this disease. .• . •
er:.tryllt:it.:„•;$11.1II th . seasesralsorilea t ealay,me-apeedily eared'
••• ...1 f N. r—ginenta:of either. MY.,lifing et a distance
' - ~•••'' ''y stating their disease to writing, Ovine iillbs•ymci
-lOnts eon obtain niediaines with: directions for nee, by
" 't Ladd/easing SD LIROWN;•111. A.ltost pall and cool°
... ,, ` , : ,,,. ! T crirl k li as m dl -
f i,,,,.....,..z.t0 Is o. . amon a ley, topywne he. Waverly
L'.1.1.":•.•'•:;'::::,.....;:!.11:r N. cum n • p.yl : •• ' . ' • ' . ' ;fel).
i:: ,. : - ;:!.;':::!:,:t!. -
.i.. , .-.:;/,',•:.: ,-:.
11..Thisdisewelscromeed'by n pareryssordeinostrue,
4 Ent of thettir calls;' it is very deloolonnine, almost cno.'
,ohto saliocuston.' UR. AWEINEER'S PANACEA is
Melody certain true. • • "
Hoarseness eat be entirely erred by a free laic( Dr
.• • .
• - thrtarrhier common cob!: winch; If wale : viol, ;Wirt
-terminate in twissomption, Is effectually relieved:nod
cured try Dr Sorectseei Panacea. , ,o
Iltonehins r lf •unekecked, Will edeetually lead to
~ B ronchial OunsuMption, but n lithely use 'of Dr Sweet
, sees Parrucenourill Orem:thy eine it
.lAdatunsatron of the Tonsils or Pore Threat.—This
disease often trade to serious eonrequeneco from' no.
• gtestoE mem. ao stetsons:a of the throat: Un the first
oympunmetho Estoccumehs Panacea shoold be procured
.. and used freely
Coughsand Colds Groan eisvereign tamely ma° Do
, :':.] .
~ ~ \' :
~ ~ ,~ ~ w
A ~~~ f
.~ ~ ~
~~ ~ ~ «
~ ~/ ~}
.~ /~~ ~
rm,id.n r ;
, from • violent cough andcold dilTilsated or broken
de*tictreatitutiout erred persons, nip subject w it. t,Dt
'lSweets2,!uPurtsces should be used =the first STMI._
Wit, which are a cough or cold.
NightSwests —This debtlibtaingeompleint will mee
with a tuaely cheek, bytosing Dr directs:es Pounces
' Conlmpues.-11 on the first oppestance of cotartunp
ties, sympteces, which 1. aro a pun Le the sale and bream.
cough or sinews of bleed. Do Sweetser's Panacea is
.freely Ul[d.llll7.dl4lgei axed be apprezeuded. •
Wks. the Wogs, the Windpipe, or the tironchii
Taber become eloped op wiltphlegm so es to layette
'cigarettes. bneeMpu,•Dr dweetser's Pineoce,whtett
Jo promyral Elyecltuant, &odd be taken accordizly,
.tothetbftediatte.. '
lufineasa—This disucspog Spalcutic, o orersTshlM
our chaste speedny mina by in. Sweetear's Pelisses.
• _Pries floor bottle, or sis bottles for SS.
4 . 0 r sate by WM' or
Err Licerty sire of
the bis beet- , • • • " n•Sully
• 1•••.::: ! - : 1 •‘ I
• 11•441iilti' ,
'ix kfkf:
er! 4
bilMleterl with Danseuesi of the Irtings,
—lids Is us certify so those sricted senh rho-first pre
monitory 'symptoms of Consamptfulf, that I hare been
laboring for several years wriat a bronchi, solvates or
the thseatand hoarsen-via I used many rand ienes, but
no reJief aay_prepartition or•snedicine. until I
-mode am • of : DR. DUNCAN'S EXPECTORANT
REMEDY. I have been ming this - valuable medicine
for several years, sad allonym Ind it kr relieve when.
ever IMake use of. it:, hip oceupatlon as an' Airtime.
see, which keeps me alosoriconuantlyengaged,eaures
myd hew, at times; le become very alarm ing,Whee
atone procure this medicine. I therefore take plea
• • sore in making this public statemerit,lhat other. rdreeb
, ed with a disease of the
. laits:ndexpecotant Mr.*
r k l o rl r al f r'me;n
and =e. I havereo e!edt.Doiete
irIL"M. 6
of my 1 . end!: mine M of
Somereet,Ohio,Oe.t. 17, 11371. ' JAMES HEWIT
~ T bo nommen . of • tle , above medicine 'mild, else
: refer lothe undersigned persons, who reside in Perry
eatinkr..elt inborn any person may call upon and be
coavleted that Mere.. mores found in the above
• that ammo be extelledt ,
David Calbenson,Serneroeu Dr.-B. Stone, do: Fran.
- • el. Caliber, Jukmn qv Mr. Lorimer, do; Deo. Polben,
Sahltek cat; Jerrod Dovlscrt.. Rape II Ip.
. More lunch Cincinnati, Ohio. -•
• Sold In Pittsburgh by , WM. JACKSON, fel Liberiy
' bestial Wood street- • . • aoledfsorT
LE Itiotour principle Mike managententof this paler
... • anything which we Grid out.ftenn personal in•
'yealmation, it. be of wilily to the public. .Snwm of Dr.
"XV '''.d l i sta n" erthe , TSCl : PC i lUftt r a ill th r e ar aß r-,
For a
L • MINATIVE, end VERAIIFU6N, which we know to
ho goolfer the earaplainla they. profess in We
..„ maroon Lake Ontanothe pastilawiater. when seven!
of oartmelling companions, (mut having, in Western
New Yark,drank, for many &Va, the limeatnno water
of that mien. were badly. attacked with welkin Dim.
• elitTausbry. yre..d.d.e,d,h.ltanM
rtyne." and Meg ties of its use, among five
reel in effecting a speed ease.
. eeotta
7Ati i""" "l io "' ar
t e have known tax/ rig 0(
latitnatelriaada with maul tamest; and we feel that
.Vre shall do a goodant to families feepeclally those sit.
safes! so they cannot have access to immediate medical
skill,! tb admaerthem to keep on hand both the Capecto
tr.. I tast and Carminative. The k.anectorant ialmbeved by
4., =Pklniciana . to be. the best recipe- for Volitionary
noun Complaint% that hat arm yet - been cam
upended. The realm" Dr. Jayne ts not a
a regular, mientific, and able medical romentioner
~, • . Ole reedielnes ere used by eta beslhuieiens.
- 6itor.of Nesurdey Courger
• For wile in Pitt.berghat the tHKIN TEA ISTON.E.II
•,- • . natWartief Dt4ib ;eight belched; - -
If Dr. Deacaro , nra mere ;fled , • • .: !
• -
.. .
.. A mazy lovely dentOetc carved '-'--.-.--- • * i
1 ',
i. : '[be latent an wittielely gum. -•—...: .
7, 13
.:,..,... Ile?dr.ris eold, U'.°.6".l.'''.;.!ffiT:b!- f!,,,n!by.
, 1v...1. /1 1
i titbvbajth, by Arbl . ... 4:ol*Nrii.i..
rte . .._. . i .. rthi:unimrT
' - - ollte Ple '.II. CM ; ,
: ..;
:::':'....;"' ,--..•- '"
IN MEXICO - , .- -
•.'.:-..:., :-.-,,:- , „. ig ;14, 111 Every Illotheri !I:s o me n e u e , t , egl ;,„,,th
: "['' ':' , " • ; :: .: e
1 3 _ 1 , 1 4 1 - °q r . :Alit `1. 1 47, : b " ,, em, e izadi, , „» , ,,„
r.,•,,..:.....„„int,r,,..;1hat4,'i friFF,' VepttZihn=
'.. r
r. , ,, ' - .6,4,4 ip p rePari P l V . A;;.,, e , ' ,..;*,.. foe sill dimes,eT or
-, 3 aloe f a r,... a0 7 : ::,.., t„, ~,,, of wet deleterio dryjr
'lt ; ty b"' Olket 4Vo,l*l'd 0000,0101 :l: j le7l l .te I r a h .:lZlZll
...1-•:1.34.7abjr kt".1.1114=."441re :It ' .
7 :4 1 "
':-..:''=1a"a :; 1 •X1. ,L 5r. , 111 , : ,, t1,. , .. , , ,, <x:. , • ; ,. .;,.„,
~..,.._7,?::::-.1*.a.,.;,=0;ch...,titri. :::I:;z..m.hav
''.:::''.... ' 1)i " .° ' .614114:= '" ( t bA ftlltifl;;;Vn.c,,
,7 4 "kw . "PP''"' 9 '.1:1140` , ......rfrei.,,p ,
'. • ~, ,'." en; 04 1,0 048 '!" tu •- . -O i l • L • ' • riir:nr.:
...,..;. -, A,i,„,,i1u .aerotjaplitof ItiaTm c p a nl i Jou .
.I ' ' ' ;'' l'.-'"lro ni t" PlA b' etolar :P le
rise": It.a " i e lwr gwri4..
.7.;-..-,.. ;,: e i ji - ipjziliotto , ,,fe et ir li T • ,4 .._________-- , ---' ! & / 3, ' •
~,...'4. A t t g- .Ad .ee-- LVIAP.O/6. :'r liee /11 : 947-... 1 ' '
Z.:,:-:; , u L._ .! v. r nay.mmii7x., e ,,, C:, h h i v Imtrgiv
..:.•- ::.-'• , Me:Ar- Ft gi,litnt: HA ,. 7,, L =- a 1ee=",..4174,4
...,',..,.,, e
ii,..u., 7 0 -, - ir" bus: . ,-T,i,,,,,d;
"*.,. : 4104,, .3Ntetweee
_Pat ~, TA D lirepetheriv; ill ,• ; •
%-2Vl'' 'l. ,, h ,"*l.r .o gmi eler iar t a r d lit: ol4 -"i lh Y''rl, i Cni.; . ".
g,Fq ',..';'7."7,,;,-.,-.`-•;''.' ..Y'-'l,,izeieeftt;TiV L tE a n t it : i
`4.,, '.5, , Prr r).„,.. 6 tert," 6 , , .41014.biPt• 'r73 leapt!, ~.
0,-,---4._.,, -7:Ailoppoip. :. -:
';J.::.,-.-)ti. -,- 7-7 71 .... --.--.-', ~. -.. ,-.- .._;..-:':',.-" :--.', 1 : - -.----.., -' '.
' '' ' ' '; - ' - .' -'''- ' - ' 4' . -:`- ' - ' 7- :'t - , • : - : .-: --.-!...'.' - --:- ' ~
, 7 - '' .r.• . -: .
*DC. oickneso weigh upon loser lisnri?
lar_pains wanes yaws bronos!..
• Try Dr.Delawn'olrooling Art, -" , •
And it will inve yen rest. •
It clean sway the sonny eland ,♦ ;
• Diwancopsendseer Inc sant, , •
And whlopetolidangh the:gloomy shroud,
'Ss,,"Yrdte health may yet be srhoie.s .
See yonder men of lovely isie
,' O ll4 witherict with dreay • •.
It wareely sips the wenn og dose,
'. Before it fades ;swot. •. • '
• •
•-•• The Wernher Death sr. In the ittem•
And ntrtngtheued as it pro,— • , •
'•:•Andirian rt Idol:and, ni lowly Rem)
•• thrnngn• •
• ;: 7 it.lrtiOß IL 13 • ' , .
• I Ornti(P/3•7F.13331.13T/ALGLOEIEIc , rOnialaind I
141.111 g late disrotersen- arsdAkorgobpdrkat unprorealearr3
Aro Me trarkteribe wort cokiponed i mar
pikd froarricsah's near-Eiglibb OrLa r 7artib dinner End:
raptor...en by Aiisin4L-2.Yelioed by omen Park.
L08E34119 CELESTIAL GLOBES.rontaimugall lbetb
known starVrtrbabe r kr: : Corapfloilrorn Ow *Mu a.
IVorlanoo. ktranrd. Dr La Caillr: liarrliaa• ktryarr33.lld ,
!cp. Herrebel, Madre!, ere, thr tranardiran DC tba Arnarann-
Mak Soddy at Landon, &xi*. • biota Eldaitlfr Mar
r •Joblonar dc Stick ton banrPost marred a Cell pairs of the
above Mob., varying rims. Mown • • ' ' '
1 ", 0 •
1 "rani globes • - .
American, Chronrk, and Journal ropy.
__• deal
Tnon.liziver,frrmeriy, ot Beatty, N'Keivie
& Co 2 Uneronad,O.
deo. A. Diem ....... .• • -
eau. G. Coax Neer ()dearth
BEArry, cq., ~ -t • • L . L .
Comonro•ion.rterlohaut •
GALE AND TOI/W4stmilp or !
No; 31 Poydrau Slrrti 11irn Orkwu., .
Dir •
111earra. Martin & Co. - 12ai.kera,
• :r g • • James M'Oreof &Co, r • .
David White& Co, Itia.roa O , la.
Here% & Frazer, 1: • Cteciattatt.'
• • A 31 , Kenzio, Key, '
H N Kearney. keg: Hanker, Zineeeillei Q•
D di'DoosTd_tz Co, ,
iteedMatia it Co, Deaner l's,' -'
• - 641. DI, Wheeling, Ira , •
31 , Cierken & Co, .
W& M Mitebeitree k S Citubarth, Ps.:"
•• • • • Vatlillole to the Pertale:: k r . y •
,PEA,. CO.: baying =dente= then eenAin persons
iq Pinsbarshlverrelauxins the exclutive Sightlp
Heir Tens us that eity,wonbt state thertheyritnee .14.1
awns sown Nile riots the exclurnrawitgermy systole,
and. thaPneillor • Mr. Jnyoes..nouglat Ic!,Ccs,,sos apt .
other consent ban a right tonic= =greenling pllrur.
luxes =Holler Tour. The general Agent Or= Cowl
• J: E. Etontdate, it now at Sloblantes'e,Eagla
fitalifi, ederl
AllTertaeold by this Cone uny,ere • antriented egan
any tool in the United State., and no pny men t =lnked_
until roger. are entirely satirist acre the DOC - ' • .
. Prbiesnal Warehouse of the Comptuly,Pio.SANorth
Prontstreel, Phitsdelphic. • • • ••••••
isvltregaregrn • • • nrcCALLatoNT.t 'Bona
. , Car •
,MA C N a gnl.l 131 t 5 . to pr e m rd v :c d r e azfatet and;relg
lite prices. By tatana of tly,Canals,tßiitrald " at:Xit ' -
er.they are can p upon maxim a / 1 1a terms to
. all polo. lathe Weal.. Tluer work will bevy rranced
ectaal in all reapects Lonny made in the .I.Wl,alBhataa.
All ordrin/funclually executed.
„ . -
nstqm. . IFomutely of B ', !aux.].
. .
Vo .
:9 -.
GoLt. canter cf Anti Urea, Nan York...: j...
Fr ItEsubscriber is pecpared la Punish handimetType
1 .. 4 1. 0. , - ,. .N1.V , M. of Aakintl., u.lion mike
im pn t‘...neonable ga
.., ' • • ' •
• • .
TibtrirkWr' Or oOrinll.prO. erlin taco not odoCnlsed
for tat snloontWn Vldt mays 90.4 1 0 19 1 ,99 't' f9r three
ratmultiorill Lino:dined recotoo pay in type; on pui
chornig boo taws the amount of inc. In• for ladroWi•
(did Tj qo la t wirn euhaap for now at 9 cent/girt-Ih.
' nirtf • ' '
iiIHE undertiened are how prepated to lbodbh Welt
JL .'eundeniere and the pohtte.generally,Nrith all et eel-
Jent ithieleell4rd Oil of their otenniaoulteiure.lebiek
ievteal lin on enrolment/nun /edema.. he it 114 they,
bele to beael rood. ear minted fn the nohei,und
may be ten:moil if not sattal•mer• •
, . • I.Bllllextryi,upFest ihfield
P. S.-4:sial Grra . witable. mr mateairy, on
band; inr .It•mt.orr,
CIHAVINO.CIULtARI , LFiiieVcthin tieponate: -
o.llousersellunVinCicagpettod; ' •' '
II In'i rm. sottalinund errata; Hull Irc93loa do do;
Tomei, ilitotog eninpituoit; -
Wright'sroseand.ninnon4 cream;
Bihrg'i Liquid colopotunt. itandatit prepa
rations i.e sharuht may Int hnd ertiolrtn!n or rrutt I or
67 wood it
1 - 401 n. Ittul 21ealta he .W
• :1 0 ,00 i•F reatre, ' •
is l'6teeel i
tats lo•I worm Polri.h; •
• la:" •E a rystorela,4-eults: -- • 1 •
10 " _ Sateralu, retclveJ arta for sate by
. • . • C.i.IIItKIN fecKNIGIIT, Gat it
- ,
Q - ODA: CAA, averaging 921.cre.31,.Pet•
tattla in Deeeintier.,e, theta Orleans
cote of home apcoatiailoint one of the best Engheti
lonitoroethrert,frtint Nebo= expoct herenfir r„ 'realty
oet f pod can olferannoufactotero of oth-
I' IS to th 4.4 market room inalocearion. to parchat.e of us.
, POLS k.
V!,,tl''PA kuc7!,}F;,!":1,r47,2 1 .,''.°.'ti."°,.'',
wht.hltni-hi g lind rich poLof ritOi o , l"unds
viliinAklivicell'at Ow India Itzlwrr'ncpclt.s!‘rned... I
tog 13 . ..J 2E-111'111(.13PS
PILLS are becoming au universally platear •
Fire: Beieivaa they nre'prepared by - Dr.N It Lei
dy himaidt, a regninr Druggist, Chet:het ned . '44iyae ,
eon or Philadelphia:why kerma' the - nature, the
abaraeter thuhlediehaem used in Ida
pine nad.thairadaptatiarr to diaegiae.
Second, Decal:l4l2le public eau take teem with
"greater conlideneelhah ma:tether thlllyirhich are
prepared by persona igen:act bote.'er 'medicine oral
Thiut, BCC2llsoialLthalt ^,atrintil elects, proper;
tics not cnuihined in - any other pills; namely. purg
ing train tbo stonaich and,boteein all unhcal thy sub•
satices, - and nt 'saute_ time purifying the blood
and fluids of thc body. . .
Fourth, Because th ey.are the cheapeak and bust
medicine known—as:Mee bee costing bet 25 cents,
and containing .10 . pills saving to Pomona ns:snany
.dollarieltAirisc. i n I/Octet's bills, and, numerous
medicine. bought & tricil on the rent.mmenuation
Wheteieiyon have occasion to .take any tardi,
eine, do oil be trill:ay with your enaat , lnnub bJ
trying all kinds of pill, at other medicine:you see
publiatied and recommended bponaandandtbut but
take at once -
Dr. Leidy's Sareaparilkg Blood Pills
and you will not have .casicn to take :anything
else.- They will always be found goal in ilmo,t all
woman of disease, InUmation of the inineach,bows
els, liver and intestines; cramp. of the 'stomach;
Waterbiashi inward Invent, foul breath, hail
trim in the mouth, Soar eructations and acidity'of
the stornachienstivencss and ihdigestion. wait 01
. appetite,blilious alien:tem diseases of the..spl ices
and kidneys, diseases of the skin, scaly, sruptioad
dry and, watery pimples or blotches of tie fate ann
trady, tetter,rash,prickle boa( Aid ialtrimpat, head
ache; giddloen; faintness, pains rive! tbe.ticart, of
the breast. sides, along the back and 4pinejrheumo
tiss and gnat, fevers of all kinds, uaalt,pba. muia.
lord. mount., strofula,erysiiielas, and in short they
ere good in all diseases Laving. their origin in the.
stomach, liver, and intestines, andiimpanty- of the
',ll7Twenty..Gre'ecnts a Box. •
Sold Wholesale and Retaithyli s
' h. of Feet and Wood; also cosner of
Sixth and Woodatrecu. '
INOS.,Scroinle. in all it. multiplied forms.
whetherin that of King's entargereonts n the
glainbl al
or bOn,finitici White Swelliage. , Cnrordc
}rheumatism; Causer, diseases of the Skin or Spine,
or el Puthionary Consumption, emanate from one
and thesade cause,'which lea poisoeous prineipie
morn or len inherent in the human system. There.
fore, tailless this principlecao he destroyed, no ncli.
cal cure can be etlettcd, but if the 'nuclide open
which the disease depends, is removed, a core
minted necessityfollae, nnmatterseder what Inrm
the disease should maeitcst itself. , This, therefore
is the reason ashy JAIME'S ALTERATIVE in so ant
Ouinulliseccesolotin 'winning so nanny malignant
diseasea. It destime the virus or principle from
whic r a those 'diseases heeotheirdrtgie, by entering
into the eireelatihn; and with the
_ldoodjs conveyed
to the onnuteeetliire;renioring every partiele et
theca le from the rsystem.: Prepared and sold at Nn.
fl Steak Street;
Bold at the PtkinVea StoreiNtr.7...POurth sure.
ion meowed of: Or., Toorntentbs barrens:Mat die
tmn nattaordinary IllelilCllla in the *midi Tins Er.
traet in pat up in overt honk, 11 to r times 'cheaper,
plearantef. anti. werrantett ttupertor to 'any road. It
earn. tlttnint without voltaic:l.p, y.urgtng, itsknuug or
delolitating inn patient."
',Lookout for finiatriena —l.lnyntropled Potion. hoar
copied 01Ir labelt,RlVi put op medicine in the mine aha
pad Pottlea. , See tits i extra With:boa the written o ipso.
:areal S Townsend.
.•it ft SELLIKIfS . fkagniat. .17 Woo st,lallaern
aol and alh MS; If br Tower-stul'm only wholesale and
7 .n i t l , ;tigai for l'io.ahafgh:*or whom itae gethoota ankle
.11 X Val ry fiaz !wail Oppaided Ale solo hßenl for Alla.
r ,ll,l t eity, of 'whoa We bonaloo aniele owa he had. of
. .
[PROS din Den ANA elllhititit well known and Pop
P. afar Clersormanof the Protestant fif etbruti•d•Chureh
• -Tins anderrigned-hawag been ahlictird during ;Impart
. winter with a &P.a. OrlbC t101110d1;40014111111,1 pro-
diming great p?in in theawmacti forte - nor Dentin :wars
without ifitrrin. , aal, aro, having Died VariOan
remedies will, little ogres, was faringted Huh a bottle
"of Dr DJugim's ltarculaative Balms,. Thisbe used an
cordiag to the dirtetionv, and found irivarfalkly Ora ttldr
attrition. , enticed the pain manna in three-br tintritaint
afro, and in. fifteen or tachnis winuiesevery auroras
ocatatiao Wa•lentlreJy qvict...l. The inedieini" Was at
terwarill rived whenever inclicatinar of Om approach of
"t o wore perceived; and the pain was thereby prevent
ed • tin continued to ant the. with-dna every earning'
and 4aamimeo Irrthe morning, and in a Into weeks
health *sago far tenured, that the allrereforrei scare
nilfinnra large amount of opproorive• pain. Front err
periener., therefore, hr can B°IIEL-featly reenumnerol
DJakon'aeanainalire,Llalswur as. Winos, rriediein
- Airdthewacit ofAio stomach and Worsts. :A. DIIINN •
lqlegtieny tits. )01
Per sate in Plltlitorgb at the I . l.ltEst Ttlerl'Olt
•r: ' , minis our< er, ' neat INted, and al.* - tiethe _boa;
Store or II I . a'I:IIIYARTZ. retilratoatect.• A Ile 60, y
ELLl:Ettf. 11.11%111AL COU(al SyRITP.--lt Is
0 cheap, east W Mite, andb.ehlf eitatdint.
_ A moment On, blarabZ/.1847,
111x.$$ Sellers: Np obtldren, hke taheroyhaa e been
relocate. meg tarotnd harm/rased ilarerent
retinal/ea to vett Mae p attest, wait MI. , is by
advertioemeal &gut Lb. cough, sown+, to give a a trial.
I gave dt to two of by bolo, uul rav alitaohtt r,
peveral4ffereat luau, and 1 ha. sever foam to Co so.
I /rare recommended It to my . neigh rs, Wu.) ,do most
conseientlonriy believe th.t Iris me ben *Minh medt,
clue that has rprer been ofirted In the public,: •
Pa rests dotal!not permit their children to tuft: fair
Mb s
cooghs,rloco they may be cored bp a 23 Cent Iva: of
perm. . "
Prepared Roberta hp R. E. 4 EL,1.EF13,57.W00d
Imtoreen 101 and 9diata..SoldlryPr•Car , lo..s4 Whtdi.
U. M. Corr y . Meetwni ,•-•";• deg.
ToirAnnur..LAmmors scovicoumm. •
WHOSE tockmtramby equal,ours at you
V V fair loom wife, witk kabrziginsonnyikeC. Look
at your ownogitecl with emotion. and Woccluin ! Ye:
gePt 7 = l Zrolfro w allgip", 6 l 4 3l c o}: a wnt . ;4=l4 ( l l , b v:.
Va i jr7* tr i t i alart=rlftrp " : gLlVV,.
fluthoigh,aod get soak.
ti , Joao:di:Wheal!, plkni where
.the Gqll.UArtais obkkoa, Bewail krif Casuist..
croaprig tba BieBoo; sands uilltie y,
•- - •
, 1 -
tli••'l2"cool,l')Strs'ra; spsihe, anmrrtul Rat '.
" ,
'ldeedlogne blind, Ana, fur.; mitatini of the kidneys and
'deb.,' plum in - the dick and side,,ltabilaal mortises: us, carp
;I - fife:bales tame alter lionfatetartd.are often troubled
with =Antiwn of's& bowels or matireaces, - tes iectLes the I
rtes. ballsuchirfamathe Specific cat ae, taken with per
Teat safety, and is a certain rrale4y. ;4714816am is Mga.
puigatire„.and . .Terl4qa nmedly, without a per
tick orgettobagr; a:taxmen or p.1.-0,42-wat to mac agdgeml
. ,
Thiele M'atifyahat kutregfr. Ingseldthf's-Pde Spesift s ; •
bobe-a certain cure - and
t safe noteir. Harting rem im atm,
cure r'n'edu'i n.. " ere 7" ey7motee ' u*i*P. " 4"tls t _ '7 11. 46' Y Wl "*l4 ll iet T ' PHEA 'Ll D .' 7 .:‘4
New MorknAley, 105. at . Md Meth eqw.t.
...elteheerfolly gate , tostinonytai La the obtain red asfem
Dian orm.i . Dr. icgoldrbyts Pita sreirg I kiair. it
from rep naperleteceletit Merriment, cc bminfallible;
Winners if obeli Without:Ms neserd cases of Om, male
mot Axiom •I J. , • GEO: MILLER,
t....ffmr-latak;May, lOW Z 4 SitthstMet.
, . LADIRM:4ITIFICATES - • ' • •
I • ' em York
Stale-Dciti.:Blll-.4 bare ONM
Otte. , a y ey, (bat
yourfsedteine,Drdlrogoldibyta PileiSpectfic k hes made a per.
fad cure us the ceme of mysistm, and Jumada* you ety word
_OM 1 bare beat norprised t au it rat en an asthma int- .
pemible tomme her. lawmen, lan now testily to deemed.
mine tas bead , infdlitleond do ade,all: others who as al) .
* dieted in the like miner, to proceedthe article, es theymay
'depend on a tertim' '
' • = NVOt X.'Y., be. May ISOM:
Ingoldebr,Deer ISim—The goo tug lament others
whit itly bernicrlat 'well ea to expieits my gratitode. tar
the benefit 1 bare denied innalthe ra of four raltuthlr Dye
cifte,•A comply 11ith your requert, and mond,' giro feet
ay an • nvor of it,. evard on a octere attack el
the Pace after balak used otair ranndienstaltout mama.
•Polderholesals and retail by Wll. JACKSON, at his Pat
. no breapeet
t Medicine Waytgiu.o., avl Dose red Shen Store; TM. Dl
.Liberty, street, head .I , w.d; Pittsburgh.' Trim. 50 ecom
.774. • • !
Nal Pits Cirri iinprovernent
.Was tamr Iseen t in tare abaci two ye erv,rusd wherever it
-in known, pre e med loan other Beaditeads.
.Coe cheapness, strength and onavenieneis it .has not
-and sannot be equalled; as it is decidedly the best,
abeam:stand moist eouvenient Beiletead ; ta rm, and pcc
fently,proof against Bugs. ,
unpromipatriabinet makers and Tamers in-ilia.
gheny mix end in Pittsburgh. have treated Rile,m on
mannfactineen senile arpele. As these aresparious
articles and imperfect imitations la the mat ket. purehu
fres would dowel) to examine the east iron plates.on
hich mate gentiles aniete the name of din mucame.
11: F. Garza:cm lovanabt y cast. is n proof of ell the
is claimed for Gam's Bedsteads, the following ter*"
'cite front Cabinet MaketswellknonmlnPrabsitgli, and
the West, to submitted to the' public :. • . rt
We t the goloseritiers. practical cabinet rankers and
IdCtrinecof Dirasburgli and
dllegheny,t'a..,•do , ere y certify : that wartime cabin
Gtr right usniarlafactarebed steads with liCarauP4 Pat
,eatFasteniags, Wid'entslder Me same sufirrior to any
fasainiors crab,. Web we ate•acquatritcd. •
Jatauslkmon h
T Young& C • . • R o t 4 .; , a raiFainiran
- It Hartle • I James 11 liars •
:John . Line r.. le. 14 P J wid Lowry re Son
Lowrie Riddle . •
Thomas ,Cirdey I l el -
. Bmn&
• • David Luker.,. .biases Bullack
lisghlVallace • , lioberm k•frane .•
J Mayers . • Dst. : ll" , ,VoMlsrell. •
I• • J . Noehm, . ; George Snyder
' - • %yin : Itaslett • I.hteMistcrs Co- -
i Ale.nder
• • •-
For.ltights •b cats -in t!
oec9,: = Patent=•.'
! ISArhingArra. 11 G. •
rJrSAS C; 110SIIINS,• Mechanical Enaineer nod
/a Agent lin anintsrinK Patent. will prepare the n—
• narX and Paper. Appbentn. r oe p n ...
'env', and trantwat all other hant. tu the luta ion
ander...lnn tbit Catent Ilnehn be co/twined
on all question' relating to the Cate. awl de.- LI the' T.:ltiefl'fkotelCor N I.OIIP to a':
dzitance dapirona of barley eZlO:Oottlatll7.3 ramie nt tile
• Ohlee. pilot in stsktnn far pawaila
may forward Don' pant. bbeltwang fee nf live
a clear nat.:lent Diaper es., whe n tanne .,,,, nne „.
lion will be given an it, and all nen imam. lion that
wind be obtain.d hyh evil ante a railcard in personi
annually annatuniented. '
All r. en bar.... man brawn pant. nmi Conn..
• W.nitable fee.nrht. a written opanon required.
nn - •
Ile lew the haat, n rifer, by orta.... to
Inn. FAIIIIONS Starke, Cotenant' toner ot.c Potnt.;
11.1:111. Cil.iennhOata tar. . on;
hnowles,blnelta Pateci Cita. •
Judge Cratlch, tir,.subt.
Ciainan Nob.;
W Anen t Obso.
Hon..; R Rnwlia. MC, blitrahrt; ; . •
Hen. Willi"
.Holt: RartairAnalt, hl ;Maar, •'
Ilan.' IhnWne, LI et Senate;
Ila 4.111 Rel 11 C,NtFUNIti;
Santa., alblfell,i; •
bekco-tarido .thr stost.approved lkinem
int! most fad le Illatera.mamts anA,•Dian. Also
or made toonk, of nllsiaea and at all pleceit. • •, i •
Connuy ftlereltrir.tontid oilier; are invited LS 311 And
ethe itiove for theit,olce, all mitit
teitittitetate or a... 4 • 10
wholcoale purithustri.
•,d'aly A WESTERVELT '
!4I 4 'PIP
. . .
) Vasa isovog, U. C.. Der. Dl,,
Omar a Tiamtaan, Erg, ' Pit:adored,
SIR: I had'. read Sony Wireft,tlient orin,.Of
Viusbrregh paper w with rot a' ttln. surprite t bad
that you have pipi&l inihardness Circular tenon. and
appropu.ed it tn doom I will dall, 11,1 Ohms, in
inform Ina Mat my Lonindna 'Circular ts'rtty own coin.
psnoion. sod :4 not e . omtnan property:
Lagly,eouvent so Le placed in a that sr :It indu.le
persons who do not Pow me to suppose that ace. not
capable, of vornooung r any own Luis:urn card; or Mm l
eapsMS p.:fenr.g and noorapratang the of
clott.or to mvpum rr.t.' I of,therefare, rr
. . .
c.c.; noutaug nod expanong your Olean.. in llas
iriannnr e ItORIDNu'. •
ALMracry for Patents. Wanhington. [LC.
f/-All'newsPaperr, km: have Fold:shed Mr. Thon!p •
son's adirctuacurant, p;east. Insert lima:mot drub(
aDalna.rn, tin a great advantage over many other
Cough preparainn.f, an etn pleanant trite permits a to he.
good w,taout inlonvenninc“. Vat I . i. Wile a. nilnindim,
caral a c t , ; I:ah Sl i nC s i p lg 1 . 0 y o ts 4 ' e u ttz"l!* . e ., %.T . nr. h -s4
Open running ort for a coml.:raids leagd, of me, yield
uncandancly tom pow< t.
Iv inch wortur an we bole bad doting the past
winter every oriels Lable tattle cFdd;tioLtiaderrat pla
toon.. are
Welke! dad kntne'exponare to the :sok:annoy elle
weather oLen ityt. inn loi.lllnalintior n linrYinn couch•
seldeh urea oteg !cupid:fin Fri...n.l senors fe , ,Oti.
NVols”e t our-tops ernifie ear Or Curer 11 boo
performed, many of which are from pernna's in tbs. city
.10 - The neightorhned. and they rana PA:lien:it
ona NinthOof .tying another word in its (trot.
Prepared and for 'sate wholassdo' and retail by It A
IPAHNEh 4 TUCIL at CO, corner of wood and lit and
Wood and ells) • •
Cs ELLERS' Da PRIMALCUItsi/Litllilli'.—Ftwo W '
il 3i Loden, St, Ciotti of the . co.', a ci..i,,, Sc..
.ia.n. a Boarettiwiniy. • • .. . , • 1 ,
1311..11. R. SAIL/i—Silt Some :Ind, in the winter toy \
"cre was alrigit, in with a retort and iti.drettnos;irosish. '
o nii hca ring of yout iiidalisuliie.Cough Orrrte./Pdrrh.,
rid a bottle Burn's T. Tnint.tri li.sii ,to Bridginvinitr,
and shit taking a poninn of it t/t/ Or Pitts r win nn. ot
silid.g to bed„ she Liiind loininiiiinn relief; as i i i,si s,v g ,st
friends have nisi relswitil in iinverit en,c4. I Pin nisi,'
.fore son sfien lilcit it is it safe and V.all+Lic incdr.and
would testa., ad it io those who zany i.e :Owl. .1 wail
severe ctiugini rid cold,. ; W. li. liniits
larnii tid,ll ..
The 'Syrup is put up in 2.3 tint Louie!, so thy , it ma;
he bought hy lb, poor as well ais tho rith • '
Prepared usil told by R F. it3I,I.ERO, 2- caned site
alio. to: sale by Ur Cos.!, Ott wool, soil U. 31 i'isiry
Allegheny titt'
--.....--r Pil3
BEACIM4 11,1 , i1.1/FITESAIt I:)iltANttiV/?..ei11 . :1.1.E1t
—Thi.laltiii,t hi:imam .hthellie. wi. Piattintrit, April
I tth, 1144, whio its vilw htihtett'itt data hilly, i•lit-..t...
;m and ...trichthnr, iia nithritirity,nl cohi.inetinii, anti
the eas e said if ed) , neat it wiiieh le iiii
j it ...1 hr either
lloys nr adulith I. Inevitan.y tlit•tth.rd to .nr ,,,,,, 1-• all
allies Cattahltel era far It iis onoti.uppli...
a deridenOnin'sviiich Isivilong bei.nw.inteit mrralion.s,
the W VW - l'h Mitr e 1 o,Nh , litn}uii i.le•nlhinon , • = o-nil
..' 4,, Prit . nl , l l l. , joury Mselrft;onin porno can i.toll
earn with It. a ; th. ax with not.. rt.? .n. at Slit !red
Store, ruiner n Llyond•And nth , .7 , i
ally .. wirrizi....nsit
dkji,.Airier ii; 7 ; low — War:. -
n-rit Nctir Snit H. g ro wth .1101 ft — ,mill to In rant ., . ~
• di 1•141, Ealte.rn 'llia Miit.tetniN li ,riirir putt cit. tier.
yeartrigtowthi [ ' •,. . • i t
rrit h Ihilmnrrt ',tut ty;
Tbn gon.liiil tlantemi hop%rot seitinii hi now lir.;ith
it:thin...l: Ltrelle IN Opt) 00., 441.1ig Moto, will hod' it
touch at thetriwv....ig , ..r, Illibrir .111 , 11 I V' i Mit' 11,
us/act SI goinl, att he y ilil'ellit In , !II 1.1.10Vg11041/ the , C... 0 1,
at Nrw Volk Ohne, t..1i0. 51'. SNI/I'll & Co..
hittliMen i _ I_ : " 1 Fin4blozA bretray.
rjrlil JCIAL'OIC IKII/1141VE SOAP—l'ot rem..
ving Gtettite :fount , nri Motto foitO
Woollens. Catpelet, dol on/Jenne it', 'O.
where II it app:leit elenr,bogia, urn-, and srol
Sold wish 11M Crerion , Pro,
• • • . .
JA , iK.SON,n9l..lmtly
W.A. rot 1..1' Hoot /And NI. , Owe. .tto nl she il,g
. '
!THE SinckFol!tero Fa'riner , r! , pn,uf Pnnkpf
/ Pti.burgh, intend mrlking nppin ulion lo 111 t, twit
I,gi.laturj, lot purhtillecation Oyu C/111Flf e. wsti
them 'llaliking 1 , Of le drrllled,/p,ti:lll,
na to totincorpo!atell 11A n urw Back,
Hy onl6r of boon. Director?.
Jr.3n:Lawt. ; TlllllllP2Witi
Waster, Pattern Maker, A llroban y chy 011 PI ill,
the newest paOrtolt Ott titliVe.l en hand rill, WlMid
or 110 n. 111111 1 41eariag and all paorras nauto note!,
owe by -• 14 CAiWro
rrPtISL • Grit a tail.. =Act fr. woad
- -
' ! Manufortarera of
• AWRltilifii, SACKIfiG, BOTTUMS,
wAGo,N COVER'S AND. 0 RAIN filif;f3
. •
for Al.!. lineeitiiii nal. ~..
, 384' !Guth Front. litreet: i
DOck of 7 - A. ailoon'aCabiSet Wars AlaTtrY
•AT4., ft will, B.S.:ikon, n i it, , b
ie n r ' dti " „ . v1 ` ,......,,•! . ,,,, , . gli, trill tin iirdnifi o l :
intended tn. ' :•. ' ' TITUS. EL 01;filLY.. ,
' ' r .
. . A. c Nrcniliteansi
aepio•aln : . - -C. -------4-:----,
' ------- 7,, iiTtiiiiiiruTzir ~ • •
'' , •'1 '' aV/1.1./..faf ; 0 01. F., . GOA CD A N Dk
HARMED& NAKED, seo C 11.11., la ,
PADaddpd ia ; lat. of Ole Geo of 081 i 4.
Wawa,. respoifulifinforma lin fnciAs
and the pullin,,thallia 11.1 pod laill.keep
• ,
tonianSon hold and r side, it' nandrome' auortroul. of
10, a Carriages. Vaholts oral i , in. Enl doiniia,
andel* order al• the aliiirtiistrant'if wan', and erection in
li".fer7finat ananner.ofsainctad =Wall? . . foialliz z
' . . ''.. : - .FCIIBI .FURS:',FUESI:.
irr 0: • .b. '
ti ovoid coop otfully.inirint Lotlielana
,a. 1 00:11eMert ak . rAt. r 4iog 'bilildeipbbl.itod ln want'
of FANCY - FVllo,'an:l: avialtnif.f. boan,rsiipita, /re; of :
nivel ns saran borate ntothiOna , obnirhoro, an thei,ht, 1
lad ft to thele`advdotaie and no mllinke. 'All order'
roceired 'ghat he faithfully, attended to at NO AlSconh'
IVO at,,oboon'4lrea, Philininiphinf ',-, ' •-• i ~ c.
'', • •.•• • •—• i... _.' . JAMMI if' SKY
,- , cg-gllale Sobnistiossoo6llU4 • ' ;MK
1'..,:::'.:: . ."1i,-gii,l4' 4 -,.:•_ ci,
- DII.**IV . SEI!,(D , S .
• •
Aka cartuffdinary 31t r licaae. in.the
; ciNact putimpin /Inas Smlthistritfint nonfat:tip
eiiipiresenteli, and warbantst superbiiito any sold. To vier
discue virithaut vostiChmg, teaming,. Se/heft or do
The gram beauty . anitsuperioritv of Utis ;Strayed Ile over
othersbledimoc erhiiat it EnStisites Dish. it trivigin.
ms,the rebly. Iris. nue of the. very heat SPRING AND
B/CLNES rare known, it not only perits
,the what. .TAM emlvtrengthem the person, but if CIIII.
Fey! fise slot Rimb'Nksd, a power passe./ by no climb.
Amitn this lan Ile gaud secret of its ...dram]
ucceen. It has performed/ within the past two years, more
thavaii,ooo cures of briery Cases of D items • at irWls,Utet
4f.theve werittsevidered illaarable. Mort them
3,ooomises of Chronic Rheumatism; • .
hi/Vl:asks of Dyspepria; '
408 man of timers/ Debility and Want of 'Energy;
7,000 babes of f
different Female Complaints;
L',1,011 sues o Scrofula
i,rAkt 0110 of the Limer ' ComplentY; .
tINJO essei of. Disease ot the Kidney and Drniny,
dditta moss of Coameeptitin.
And The...Sof cues of thsaceof the Mimi, Ulcers,
Erysipelas, halt ills 6113, the Face, Se., tes:
genic, with mum eroto mei of hick ileadtteht, Pain m the
s t ir end Cliesn'Spinal Aftectiora;Ated, arcs
• This, vinare .sware, mos appear incredible, but se share
letter-immix physician+ and our agents (nun all pars of the
Chits! Mates, in/4min; to of extraord teary. R. Van
ormiottbe most respectable drug cuss gists in New
ark, N. J. informs um that 'be can refer to more tine MS nes
sec tn pia& alma: Thera are thousands of eases in the
City of New York,' which we Will refer to wittr pleasure.
and .to men of &sinter: It iv the best mehieina for.the'
Creventivrof dims , Itarro. It midoebsdit
5,M0 t.mtoßtx ut; Pair i - rit • •
• mit removed' titeclase of disinne; end peepercd them to
the Summer apes .
- •
Carkia.W. OlcCtskw, or sick tilicrktiSTotoc Novk,
toil member of the flew Jeney Levi-ado, ho. kindly soot
ott We So/owing cortifitnitc. It wile it. own Airy.
liailWAT, 1E47.
•A year Voce I woo token with Wi lidlocitsa, and toy yawls
- .yam kit Cu a dcbiliudod BUIL Vito induced to•try Dr.
ToOnweid's Sicsayowillk, sod site ta king two or dues ba
n., I WU cot 7 touch rclicrof, and itittibuts it calmly loth,
skid 15orioyorilitt.' ;harp cootikowd lidtioi it, Ltd God Oat
I 'invert erety day: • I telirreit cared toy Oft, and would
oat be will.. it ondir coy cootilendion,
O. W. McLx•nr, ata U,
:This certificate sonriosively proves that ihis• Plarcipenila
hen Ferias eccitscil over lice mat
. ptstinats firbs
ThreyeralCl7eooe hate s, al
i 4t D.
Ar.Tomoirmi—Derlair: 1 bars the pinion to,infiirso
100 that Ulric or my children re been cuisit cf the Sets
ibla by the'ssie Cr year ext . 11 et r, t , re . eilicin a e. wr ,
aptietvibry,rieversly.eritki veoint
ut fu vr
betties,' to toot. shed away, to evbielii . I fivel tie)
dreg ' 'fitfisrai L rayrclPAY%, „„ ,
' lieu° 11 , .
Nevi York, Martl. I. ' •
, •
'Dr. Tobetabora Ir . borerell tab 'peed) .
erre OS' ...irk. Ccbstnapbbaa,l3birtoneee, Idt
- neorrlbx,
Wifitisofbareetrd dlEralr Illinetreatioa, V .
of Urine, or inrolontary dirollarge thorraf, Md for the Lizi
erbl'prottratine of the srtab—no matter Arnbther the rat
or. intorenbcabro caw., prod ucb*l' ierbEtiabily, Mao!
ar bookie.. ' •
Iltothin rta to more, than its 'badge/rung cr.
fect• on the human frame. l'etr , olo, oil broalrbele and two-
W, hone taken,. it, al oboe become rot bit in.Cfnli Osborn
• nude, its. aro:Lerner. It inernediatelf rocalerecte the note,
lebsnees of the female fn.!, 'which is tbezicat mu< of 64
. .
If • wd everted of re, to en. of no'ilrlieato . • na•
tom, ha e•bibircertifeadea of ours ywrfonised, but peon
anon the allbesd, that hundreds of eases hire Lem repented
bur. Seem! are where tomliet hoe hem ithout. else+
tea, alke.uning a few. bottle, of this inntletable landicior,
Itam hem blest with healthy offspring. • `i
Tertnrsolut: - NYwill being greatly_dkresosil
weakoers lard
_general and sallenng eno mdally
Ly punand • of beam: down, falling of di•
womb, and with othsr diffienhies, , idad haying Immo easse
vetoer. year stediebe bar strietell grind rums • and aleolion•
tog it orenowneuded for siarh caws .r I lilac deacritird,l obtain
ed • hatle of year Extract of Saraapariltn and talLrwed
doe dine.= you gave rue , In • short petwirl it magrell
tirr aniplaiuts owl restored her health. being grateful We
the linen, she garnered, I take Oman in dm uthowkdg
irg it, toad nownonaroiling iodic pablie.
slorg.l7, 1044. 't:or of blond .4
—••—• •
Cut. OM,
Dr 71ronatend: TO all•whocri this may eouctru-rThia
ha certify that soy wife and ow Wills of 'O. Safsaiwetlla
wornks. to her rooltemeist..toulen the mod alanniaig and
&liea.e eon atoscanc., beinglruubLed with the gam owel-'
lingo( hr feet, ousoto . . 4. eery reach drbilaN
ted; with my persuanoo, nod the weereanteladation a( diniot
who had wed it, ohs links inliseed to try it, with Id or uo
faith, and *odes it to say, the medic.* gad happy and
Jusrrd.s et,aarl only to she tens of cinnamon, bon Orr
dos rept ratters of olaa week of on ow, die Jimpoy .4 urr•
sous .1. ellen arhu...;loog ',degree, and I;re
altli ie soon hen. than 11 14112 hem Lr d lent time pry.
• .
If 1.1 will he.- a aa, sea-two to yaw .fxr agar who
oirilietweowo ar..otrnly wekoope
a ,s
at tai oWi i•
•11,199. •
Th. Eitr-ut Soriliwrilla has bona srprndl rtiof(4
Iv 99191•919, 1R frgnak rsooptaiiits, to trawl" who has sea
sou La .triwaeilie V apprteithis, that orit,sl - pi.ried, '• 27a
orFie tr tate ito.s it 19 9 col tam
ifr,thy etworrovi dontl.4ll iliw,ws
- hich fi foal.* are stil.jrct arthis tiao 14 lift I'Lts period
ia,my be arts) rtl lel ,rnrs ifsio; 11111MratCliat•r
if it le., ialual..s. v., are
.lard t..a... 1,11017, try arms; tut 1th.‘ , 41
sod iosipratio; the's) low rat
lx.V.i. in of the to which wolacit are
It a.
bra , A, tE.i whole aisles', renews perizetwoody the tato
atrgily 9911:19911-119•1111/ isoparitio of the t-all,cal
sofa ar slihsulatihg the systifsi as to. krui!coi
hisit as the a-sne of siost . Loadiemes la},so koilde
wcakhass owl disease.
_ •
Yoo who have juleOnotpleaio•wrdult erarblololiot . oo tha
'Lice, note, fmrk)n asd zre ',at of wp.O; . ' 110,
tl L.Ae. or two ot Tuanatod'a Sumaporllta. a lt will
ortmowyuarlloior,*ftiAtrte 'Menial. 'wad btotele,
6 ;oe you itututi.r...lllwritlimir eyew, hoe Tints. end brafitifol
,eomeectiott—•all of which woe of Isiowowe walla Oci
rad lathes,
jGo At 4 toodoctaa 6.ta'.owr boto diwywred which to
orally react4lre the yot' we'. at, waSi. w• do o e N owoo,
araigthaniug Ottonans of dictation, la dui pram
ramp of Samparilla • -
D•o• Dar•lTinwr. Albsol,Slay IC, ISIS.
— Str-I,llare. Iceit atZielr,3 ',AT-oral
rowis with dyspir.ia to Oa wsat f•/ an, OIOOACI/ With pouri
of, Wm of ariwtitc,eatroase 10-arthant, and •
groat livers.. to all lauds df foul, sod ale matte (what I
0..L0 co.) Lhasa bras. wtal4 to room beta moll puchpu.
cm toy Ocazach. I triad th• hoot ramedies, but Dui kW
WA lisle K fin cif,et tit nowt - Log catoplitat. I iu
th.l.l,ahout•ww. met.' 40 yOOO I:+ ,, e ,
parilla, awl I rzottaity - with LW. cocotte., but ataw tadv,
owl , two toot;rw. I fonosxki •manta rd, ate
beaolaurn cot.reiy -( aid at..rowwtly troo,
wood the tow 40 to khowa whe,k,,c Won alldoted thaw
boo.. Yours, 4.c., V.% W. VAX Eat'',
Now 1, 1F44. Staten's - I.d.
/lead the fsllmesog, and doubt if Imi cm, Nx eoebustap
thitekannot be cured. Thu it tat one &(dle *cattail...treat'
aura that Tdiesisend's Ssraapardla has cured:
Dr Zitesimieds—Dair Sir. 1' au lama Bide este •,
year noositli a mice. eilitei end tain in my Ude. id ill- .
on me ear) LA, indeed., / Manousterd by 01)•
iva= Lantba masiumgdam • 1 ratied lute muo.
of bad matted, bad night somata, mul atailtiag sell Cult mid he eould Ga to Le me. I vint Imo it*
L hospiial iu Ldp., t.fLeing teusaimd balsam pronootred there
inromble. I swoon , arced y eI L istreamil at Me 1.7,4 ...a
mild hardly brienLaa ; I .don be.t.los• emaciated, atsl mixed
to die sras mudded la my Led,' mid • led ..end
to hats
amebera ioduid /Cannot or . Isla icy' demolition tut
wash/ do jualiee to nay ease I wise .apposed byroy fricada
to Pepsi toeorery ; Lhad tried d great nomter of seined/ea,
Med ad ..en-.J to any, no pud.. I rencruftiotat mud et
tratestiaaty cures 'trines./ y Tlour inedmfor, .4 I. WI
Im a the truth,' t•siopected three via .owe hem:m.lln tha a:
Lot Luis iaturell , to try n. I did,,., mat am easy thatilifill
•I-dirt. I Caddld toy hat am iatirely well, Lot a..n fa
reermars-d as .1. about my bodatm, and hope to be Miry
ly well in a few realm. ely each and, yam in -the aide,
and Meat manila tale 101 l ms, add raise: L. vary Ltd, and
aA Ltsi gamin; re) mil airengili. I Mt it • duty to pee
)uo • itstoment of y mus, to imblida if )e pham.,
Pre. Eno .17 Little at, ilrooltlya.
opinion* of Physician..
le ohnoat . datly net:vivo, orders from
wired in “Inrff-1111.1 - 1.4a/ the •
Ince wry tualinigoed, l'hyateldne of
the of dttnny, tuna preeenbed
T. , l•lnot and believe it lobe out a the ddria
valuntae perplex..a of tin eueraparilla ut the musket.
lb r POldno, X
; hi it,
n 1.1111a15., rt,
pLE /A P.
Thi, le to testify that re, tht ondertlgned, prbeliring
Th,nenorn rti'elrldne of the City of Allen Is.. trey/eta
Il pe b.... 1,1 Pr TonenvinPs Coenpdand Extract .of earq
and (mut tn. known rernametad ibl
'lee lathe foe sucrenretal, rerofoboos, nod othere4.cOna no
eneee, on perfeernen to ney of We adreetiaedeeentedire
A W llroaua y r e,
A 1141,, April Pt wit, r r.
Peolevalodue, Voltob et, Stan Dutldtag, N
th, ¢t, Mtate et &Atm; Dr Up.," 141 Norip Sca
nodtil,:bArdelpids; 8 8 Itrnee,drugg4A, rodlonote; and by
ern., IdruggtXr venereal' , throughout th e United that,*,
treat pairs and l b . Canada,
Noub ge tttttt dototree pot up in the large.opmen bottle*,
whiett bonbain quart and ai,,,tl with the,vrenteu Xgoatre,
.18 P WN:bEN pond litonase 1,1.,vn on the bilier.
• b'rotet fht Neer Porte Daily 8:.1.1,11 41; Ala 0,1e41.
A , polity thing apiwared the Arertt ' , weary. Welt
Wend., °wog rab,or Arorerilld Evprtse or Ur l'orrnoend.
The sel dr thing ie.gol Ilp iv goad 141 , 01 inure of the nen,
nental t i oadreree,lanidings err iwtodilbl,"rioleb,lng“her
the orro noel, entd, glistening nett..., oi,de a thew
wirodied in I:o4xdret'. -W• 11,1. opinvrtuuily lo
vrt ••114.1 or th e Sar.aparilln the
very plat popularly betinired.
Nervone Debility. • .
New Yuee . NI arch 97.
Dr. T here been paliets4 or less' Me B
t trs, th a dwarlfol Puking is the cheat, giddint. is the
heml, I . appetite, pain in the limbs, and general debility,
brought in no stank by tlosrontional hestmntn,ldm 'sloth
lam rub eel to in my business as • flyer.
.I have taken oilier
Mettieit , too oinmarous to mention, but still, lit d, n s i,i,
• eft I nal mdirs,lhy “issio the paper to y /mile
of pm.. 21.1r.irnlo, kora Lich lb ound great 111,,We
Wan Petrol more bottle, and I e ise
it is the hest apshrtue I hays erre takins- .llth Nat .r Rif
chest is rim, Anil I feel quite a fl ifirrent man 'sifts ther slats
I hare taltenyear /fatiosperilk. I lime noose better aprelite
than evei7l had. My WI fa bas talmn It with the mine bineo
- mulls.. I troutil rscomninel it as •• family .inedleine
generally, and I kel enowin . eed that if so used there Would not
he half lb. sickness there os, tofd eettempointly nut 00 luny
Doctor's bill, for while it ersh. , res.aPpetite, it , else gives m
the stoopisli and bowels their regular Ione: it keein'the blood
Pa it bridtby Vol., so that. disuse. k notsoialsaly to attack the
system A oft la 011111.0 who are, hot i 41.44 state, Imy
try Dr Town/1 , 1,1P0 Sarciparilla.
Tuoultiairrn 70 Allende
Canker In illga Month
Wow nest mongol of auotber chll/1 Pored. Dr Tewavengts
7) - ,.. - r .a irt b re:iit:t h e'll i" ...7el: 3 l from : ' ge r en ‘ l ii n th. /1 " mb : // 7 r
NI mlrod thisme.k. .
Nix' Yong, April 0,1107,
Dr Townwinl: Dear sirt—One qf wy eloLlem wo. Ir/o7
.ak with the rgweer In IL. mouth and throat, Klieg/led with
great debilityi It mow near thing; I ohLaionl semi of pone
....Mot arlaligiar, sod it cored a ilinctly, ger width 1 gmt
m.uste lean I loot sery grateful, . Soup temecifolly,..
bads...tern Itogrhot,27 Pea/nit...l.
For ogle by ft V/ riE.I.LEII.4 Thmig, Nogy Wood ..3,
between 31 tool Onatii "'Lollar been aproluleil by D,
T0ty311 4 5,?11) gulf Ageltt for All9bente . a. .30/14,43/1,
ffuthand's Lelebratell Fluid illaguesia.:'
rrimili, a mild. Nl'. md elegut it:4mM mid eteriesni be.
J., -ingia picket 'oolerl lon of ebecticallyoun'eurtroualw of poets...J.l the medical/ %Wino/alit.. nowt pro.
; mations of 31seriacas, "nth.' betel liablo to form moms-
Oohs ND. bowel.tor towel istjurioady upon the mmllollll.
dolga& ' One NI/I..3.watt ful of Me Vlohgtolagnotig le qui.
akogko`tatingth to hatfit leareocinfol of Illagomec. , •
roveO. t
Dui and it lI.A PA111g....400 ; 1C 4 SQ,corner lot mut
, . I lir l eitiottitg.l.47 , wi , •;t Dliggtile. ;.: •
I' l'
I , lilt.T , Ao . 7.ths,,,tm;cbitalcliT/Inolj'euulgi:Pirttu'w"l:
.pusied upwaina of itt wontag: and by the nee of anal
onediei c a elcitl of my own Onsied 14 lure morrni.—..
It ig Ic ty the mast sorpritang worm mettietne I ever
seen. blab boon two =el VON. ,• ; ; .. ...:
• c .WllklngTown.hin • -
..I.F/D WI; hy:.l k/DD & cO, Ne) eV Weed street, hot
.' i • Lodi ,
• •
.1101 S =
. .-F0 1 11211TAL5.11.02 . 82.; I i..
L 1 GHT; - .sl7tEE'r :. "BA LT llf o ,
. FOGG -k lllllENTON, , Ploptittots; - . - ;' ,',
rri115a,41.i.A.i...64 ! ...,11/jailyk. v ii ...*Nr
1. 011 d of 'Me =on rocrroorroasin threity of lialigi;rom,,
has reenatty.undeagneesreq. extensive alterations ned
improyements.. An entire tiesii,,winenhns bees. elided,
containinertnerons and it* elespipeniparuarate t ax 4.
extenslVe nthinxtoeuts. ' , ,
• The L estdetntrtntehihse alai en elialdetnir.t.;
er t -aoined d fitte dnitnio • mono iette and benuabfal
tyle.- Li net thd•rhole a:mm.lmM of the.floase has
been /ed,',•rnis a Attlee </dm the Den of the
pr Erie • tebntte. , the Soinfott end'ie.nsare. IA their
Gums, ed which they confidently ven, will Sher! ,
tonne e rarisan seith any. lidtel trilhe liliou.
Terit le wrll always be suppled with everyprlr
summi nd I nrarivirtneh thelentnet uteri. , nerfod hp'
& as ern
in.a , style, while in WI toy of W men. &C,
they wi t not be surtintrand• '. r . ~, , ,
In roarran the worrier," Leg iv say, that r.othing
will belc undone °label! teirtotnit on the pert of lltef
assirlantx, ; to render this lintel wattles the cantitoned
Nitro:lnge cif their friends ind the 741.1,. err rr I!}• •
The, prices Ire boned hone also been lb •
01105a1,.Tig.1,..1..y. , : - -., -~ •
SI T.l' pee dnyt
Gebilentens , L ' . —.. 120 ,
-N•••ni—The n•Cg.{ , Wert'. or ll.r lintire ve:11 nlt
seeps ' foutid nt tee Cot and Steniebnot Inindiorti
which Illeonver ling:nee to and Item the llorel, tyre
- --- ---- -- - -- - -- -
n EA STRakET.IIOIIIIE. Cincinnati,
..0 Otth •The eatemalbers bar= porehaaed thlt ene
'tire into cunt Col. 6 r Will.laatenn,laieed tale well
known matil!shatentbeg leave to nate to their friend,
and the pubhe generally, that they knee taken Mfg
eornmalions, Betel let a term of yeah taut will exert
their beet energies TO make it a desirable holed fur Tray.
ellen and City kleatdera. • • : • -
The I late I to spacious and cohnstratly plumed for ain
rentenee, light and alt. btyjog a number of radars
sulimmeg chambers, presenting attractions to
6 4 1 11 1 e ' p . re•Ient propnetere haying bad the esilerienee of
tom m tinselly nAsl elsewhera,boge they will be able
tO gore generat satsfeetion, beteg Usterre nal IP Rt. e
undivided attendee to the house alone'
The locattan of tho Pearl:tract !louse manta...seal,
eligible, having fronts au Peer!, Walnut and, Mall at.%
ro e hat lON equally desuable In vleh o h the eonsier.i.
It of business LlMUOrrenrerdeut tar private boarders.
It near by the banks, the POSt Oltee, Die blou
I Mo l
t Odd Penrose Hall, and butane paw distant he m
i stilt end two sauarea hoot the City ;Wharf, that
°Soling thh greatest
a ltinducemnts, espeetally,to country
alelehantr luidgenelulllf to l persona - visiting Clneno
ant • ' JOHN NOltbE•s - l
inch i JOHN x!.. HUME I
, JON/CII 7 IIOT/Lb. ,
itellsdettratnter rent', PintAtialmx.
AIIE Iletscribers, under the fi rm of Drsnorft dr Weer.
bean prathaaed hlr.Jaaes'lnterealm thts caltil is&
meet, and bop by the xtrlcteet attendee td the AVOlllit
and confrins of these peals, to 11101 . 411 •coadnantvattf
the Liberal patronagdlsenitohire received by Its farina
nrti r el t .o ' l7Cso linnibeentborixtghlrrenoveditnit;erielr
wh we therefbre feel moored we can welerinte i Oar
(bends agil Moguls:le to acceeconodattan• equal to any,
alike mate , of Plitlndelplua. . .N W 11/111rillS,
—Wthr __— l'_=.:L..____•---L'i.qAYNSl . .''
1 1111. LT nougat, , l.
Varner ,
l'iLabt.and Ftath it. CletellonagAs
lllla establishment Is new In the imp; order 'Warta
reception of th e Traveller rabbi. Haviatmadet.
i deixo 4 thoroughropatr.dususg...the porn Winter, and
.toting the most experieneyd Mtn In the west, in the
ATLI MU. dep menu. &eater myself list ell , iral be
pldowsit who rail: Thh *alma is eentrel,nossurantec„ a
and p !Canna. Fara ll Of I' it tly. ' ~
Cimxnanu, Palmer IX, led]. r OW r. MA nll
N B —Altbeeth net easterly a new Broom,tt..s)ie
arri no—a ormr.W bliit ow Maoist Inmate. , Alla
T'1r=r:r..",7:."'„'. 1 °.:',.7,1"..rt,',".',,1T.17:.1,V. 'it:,
gnatwill exert lowsalf to etude, exunconaltio al I
may raver him arab th•tr wampaiy. I
Th.e point has lone been a f”orito her
the Proviso. Do lee. or Pittisburth. will, the gem
searrwrpreserit e largrr Geld foe no la opt mtiothr lb
buntline, from the voinpletson of the Had Hood
ludineno la ta,:illintietfunhcr inla the hog
I, P rawroprma IMO,*
rpOleirt Le D FlPZlturif ietor ai
---- ----- —.--, i 1
• ,•• .
01.:10;10 RTOI4 begat . ° dreolunt le
;rods that Mei.; amain 100 e of air OA I.
110 LI SI; ~ L otdasille. 14..5.i1e05. ho lopot to nacre a
lea old 0;010; wowing deem end the red.lic;dhal ;t
ricer 4011 he topored to make all eastdoldat.ood; ete
him era Ibeir vatmeage •; : • • .1041 d-Ir
.Oppisi,tc the Ithirßuct4 Depot, Aid
(b Of OIC il/C210,1g0 W. skiatira
ocymdi y
inigal2 '. 184 7. • ~„I,:iiist b a
. ! - Cr Wither , Ttatintb4oncrinan c
I kao,lo concipteA 4. ran CAM Will bc. fp cerariltd.wth,
'.' 4 'actilrlay.lif d,ciciOrat current rater. Rill* or 1... t.,
itted, and all a:mimetic:le promptly autrialtento,'
• —, - , l . . -.' • ' ' .' :. --- r k - ,:,,tr,'",,,72Z; ) ,C7 - 1,147.17G7g1T. 1 '!‘°'
_,TRIumpi ! AN T , succE,q.. ..., . , , ~. : : . , ~..11...4,,,p,..4,;,,g h .
4 l §.§§§..Uu4lild.c..§7;nr.inter Ka: if i§ 77§§t§!0:01:41.: j... ,
Caneliotied Siptcp eft Tar! item' 4Vood :Veep k :L •
o§§§§chitkik dally fleeting .turl2 re • 1
o. ;. , illaiiikittele cure'. en
. - PdLMONAIIV 431.77 um rricvs!!! • '
A 41,.., fin.ilki4 gift iii,.. or ititiod, Pair Id 44;. - 541..4
• ih.,,,i, ....11,roat, t7lll,Can., Pair ttaaita of ttia At.
. • Ifeal v t ;i. r . r i iii t tog C. , 1mti ; ..! ,:.°41, 4 H . ire,...
. ..l Nerve.' I:Jou.), en- ' .. .. ,
HE:: EFOR Il.,licarete of al. various mituirs of Tar
I Nartba as itaitiooto air abroao ,
' .11,R P. illut.d.l-1.74.11 4 ,5-1 Le aitoniihiog tanen
bade eir-ritatod from Ilia 'arc( jc,ar C omb.
.li)ruli f
'Jar and Naptitot evader. it ray duty ril lakicas I irolof 11.. I ,
iii 4 beep lon afflicted with a trey il cc.ich,tataeo.s art
pain in lice W.V.', with oval apperaeora. o Arid.. ot torra. -
u . N'lOlu otaolatio. 1,-araeus trnactiler relit t'
,u r ea , 1 bream. ants-wird, I braider lour paiat, lima
Ing arrrii; to tieng. alt itonirtitel &demo: I 1.1%4
'ratio wail.* .to 'dial I bad be , m, tan: IFieditiessialaf
-sittla: rain, 'a Rice Orem:aid ent fo r I yit bind. of )our
pr,auratiiia, anion e.b. a... 4 lite hi - ode affers` , lam
isteipyrocured a boil]k aial eneared' ail/ aced be
leered bad taken Cara tottlia, I tr.. coarrkuly traaortil ao
'.health. _ , . - .
Batty ••• the teorlit of others I make the abort briar
;aotratra, Arty fOrthier.ioquiria catt pads at my es..-.
Ideoee, Cattsratt street. •
I, Hairectl4l,y your Ftaxces
/ /YU!! aptitit.4 2 Rem arkabit, cure-
Carlisle'. ra i or. 29.4132,
0 3 ycarsainee, I,l . c...queues of the seJeatary
'Lature of amy Wain..., I waa attacktd with 'Avery raiz. to
tur3 .bra. 3,14 palp4aLtoo of the hr-u 3 u.l .I..ortaew of breath,
.1,16 ware .we foaawt.l by tl,a fa lure of ak:to• el-trams I,
:waltefi,l3 , W. at oiglat 3311.44 p. pis Wavy 1,33b5-dhero
yta•Llow . of a 4croo,red •13:em being fre.oemotly- attended
iwtto spatio• of Moral, lot stiout two yews was occarmo
'mly 11;1.0,3 ;no, rourulairata: hicl. Istt 3 ouserabla
'Ace of ferbl.toor sod' twzas to aPet m 7 minA. From tow
tiow oaltop erarnore leo art+, mail at kogth
:they nwofaaed ter such a degree, •3,1 the Taplioo. LL
aympLoos were 110, augmerzw.l, that for casbnleyear 1m
uoallls t. ttaad toasty bwiness. Dorsey I/wit/ow I eowsalt•
soma nbk phylismos Rod attended to' Oasis prownyo;o3n.
bet aD their 4/1 war towni.iog mar,: ow ral.a, lad
t howl they inatiarl my more ry as entirety hopeless ;is
Ihi. mod itiori I was InGoraiki the ••oury ants of
/wroreo , a CAlopsomd Syrups.," I ar 3531 lVoirJ`ispdas,,,ka •
, clume torcombra Imilar mi.., and Itiou•I. I 1,34 glum 3,101
a:spectates& lif,a , tvcontry of my former braid; by Imss•
F 4 0.4.4. 4 11 wia , ae• to try this Oandkiae, Irma
!coo; peart,kl upoo tt , s, and I loos mow te.s.y,
that by the use of, ait Noy kali). brat - iesturalso•
I sat ooliab,* La atlaud twill:M.lllth is mach fat 1.17,11
usual. . , •111 , ;NRY MILKS.
Dislsinwo Tornolsigs.
Prepared wily I.7iNatik:Y b. plCl‘4O.ll ft the
conter of Fifth and Spruce areal*
So.d 14.1L.1.4; htlatourgb; 'sad tesporlab'
Druppsta cane:3lly., rrwc fa• Os., or (he .40,1ie period:.
CAIITI.N.—Zewa;* of iontal;33l, atoll puffrhaw.: Thom
totes Ccoopomol. §7rup.of Tar from mai Dot adrerll33l
*rots, oe of tkoim 313)te the auspirioo of 4.1 . 30 g is
tatrachiliMetattelaq, .
ing the
breath. Ad. It ' ahouia tie aged mien , night 'with n
beech, aqd the teeth and mouth will OnlrreqUiro•sligh
wagrand the morning. Wel the brash with warm
lamer, colt will unravel., tout rob ItW hew Marra on
thg ;mite, when rnongh writ adhere the e.gantag!the
teeth. It leavers dethemorialto lit the, minim, and ISO
panes noel delightful trogniner. tri the breattl. ttitanila
anti:A:led or a pleuant i 'efgreatious; eouyeniria, and
tare den' "hie. It is warranted not to indirre the teeth.
but to prqirmethith,
By thine it roy,tilarty, it will remove OM tartar and
prevent 114 arromolotioci—riemett the I/anima/is
atimarthrn the gitalot that preTent al I dotimws of litchi,
(Airmail; ohyloentor,nrid W elerdy - rocOmmemil ft 'a'
deelded ,, , avert' Wled ,
a thegind Innie.g=
Askfor falernialeaCo:lllll , o4lld Owe Totith Pane, And'
°Werra. big ingtimaiTo to Amiehad to each Pen. •r'"
• Recotamenned by Dr. Lamle, net ltroadway, am. of.
oar best 'I/moth., and by . moid tho old rmatilolted
ever the Suomi, and ogre Airusirgly umnd
UT the Nolitlitygof ingland and Fry'''.
A tow proporloth at Ito brrwr. t hatgilliat hiankind
antic (rota <turfP derangement of tb, maratichotlthwalgi•
which q murk um of thr Gobs tie Lorengrg . would ,
majesty obviate. Perron. of Mlle. habit. aboirld
ways have a bar at hand, and take doge orlimiever •
they fent the laal deraismanent in their heAttn," 'A r
elan.uglier them Lasengei would Tirev4nt thoomadg
or coma..
For aide at Will. JACKdONPS, conic, of Wood and
LALIIIVi Who lige Common I . terist O
ett mit,: are
often hot aware how r'rtglitiolly intinhoug 't 1,11.
the Maid Low COKIIe, bawl rougth bow gallon, yellow.'
,mill unhealthy die akin apiwors alter Wittig point ,
chalk! , contruning titian
lily or Mad, ..lVe lingo prifiarrilhuuntont vegetable
nicer•whieti none call ON E.S'Ai riPA/S1r111•LILV
11' 11,1* perfrodly iiittoorqq.bothaltutifiTtl of nit
deleirrinuagyAlnieig send it impart+ to tho•kiii a WUm
ml, bralhhY, alaliarter,gtiekr, ligirig While. tit the salon
thee nalthg aa a cowry b r ien 140. thin. It .11
and wrioathi -
On. Jaime. Atinerion, ruttiest CJwailgt. Ai Masai,
el th amtd. aaym "After an Iy/wig Joneg'iSpaniah Lilly
White, I find it porgewrg wow beautiful mat natu
ral, at the .311110 Mon to rot whim t rvertiow. I
v.:cosi/11y run congeteninth othottonimilita eon to all
whom skin rrituirra brim y log "
Inallire tarring a lois
10-Sold by :SA h:
Store,HT litherly slows, hi
the Itlq Iloot.
'Gad e., ladle., Pm nary
you Mum Maly
A TOWN),lifmlike,
• 'Thal you with alill ace
And lookh dandily yet
Thelhente of latighler
Ir you .would tire lin
would glee qthor elow . no, a I
mat at the mirth Ilion elm
bit Liberty qt
hip tlo. and Shp.,
a w00,'..1
no nrr p . ro Fv4,l
• yyrllitr,
amnion ehhli
w high
• . .
of illNll'elLnly-vrlnte, It
lobautnr yet natural 'Wde,
u rand improtro it.. ttlold'at
"fn. ntl nedy per tort
SIMATcfIIr • .
1. ter a tamale day rem.
Tenor, heti, ur mho, digeo.
who woo*, Mil* ardent
h,. whon' at:l4lrd arab hn
. of tho Plan; 11"
they kacw
. . .
d to rob and Month. when
lirtam Trent it, Elbe 4.Crley
~t i; Ire reiniondi , ed•that
ptep.trayrentn ex haenre in
'mbar dowaceo.4.lh e eta,
ust mite, foota,theinipurity
body, end %Clive loch die
d Abe conelliiiiitti adOeted
parilta. Mod Ms be need
I raft my in. Whatever,
•y will be returned 'by Dr.
nwill be etrectliallyc Wed
lick. Oinlrnent,. Ankle the
ad by the dictated Inman,
triad °Thom lbe PtStela toq
the carioca of tbe silo buil.
fttintratni 'sis tents. In?
, PAID/P.5111(1K 4 t..13' ,
1 . cor woad &front Ai
'r'i'ifhtitrihk In I,c obbg
alone ItOt more horrible to 1
alte,t t when ot etinpony.
Dr. LADY'S .
10011 Cale.loll/1 any othe
curing the .7inter, itch, ant
As elecenes or the eleto
o r and golds of th
vain by of bog 'blunting.
thetalty.,lf 11r. Licstlyhttior
with the Ointment,they ov 1
and if thordo not, the ma.
Leidy. Dint CO Oest e ltowee,
by Dr Leldyht 'l'olter - cod
whole ogotem in over.
which will lotcompletely c
I) , Lettlyht Bloat) rtllntoref
ea by the Oictonent,
ule by .
. .
A;i(DIDAN^r3 LU WI 8 litll 4 .—li proved iond Olaf
IVA V.v . at' Noncom coring my 81.141 Of/Waling
I • , • '
oV I I
,4.smitl3Tempetwen Banner; Nov.; , 47::
00Conan saara.-11re. ant not in the,holfit of potting,
.uettle/s utkitur Patent Madithieri; bat awl cent illapoand
rectorturnend Iti k organ'aßyrip to thoto'arbo arel oft44oted
:onth Ferman.: Anna baying W6O nsual h ad to
remove 'a conaiant and distro4sing cough, shut for
levered Onyo oaten:4i one of Our at cough,
eeffe,Are' warn Ifid4ell to try blorgatea Cough Syrap,
tel byll relief was obtained fat hada ? . glove d
to DV tbdAantibenyrctbla ense of Yem4
wnoletntai and retail by flLlfroPric.4 ,
..1 • ••••• ! • 101 1 N D atO/IttAai,Dfu
' nal • arOatt 1114 door Inlow divan d ny, ,
. .:ra a
'thArldrAtitortiaks.: ,
184 7;; ' f
[l4-Wit Hoirrmlamintiriar.o2.7,"
senpaionailvisattessaiy. Goadrarenat
tooto.debullt tra.nsbiloaftf.'orrtill
TherSollfinre'of-fiy,bldr...ot petions Wihrvrpt
in litninuilionasen • ,
anwily of or - Wortboo,ebtbablel euifo •
OMT tosslarnalents
th mo t t t e' tots. , Beceivinaisiori/i.g Aud
f,di.loixH"irf sale; of Prod . 41r e
irtspoodalty- coasignfocuut of v.. estelli I
for, Wooratfiirs, and other
for, oak, oq. yr/[4,114m adv.tnota Aritf
Inade and aiiatirr.ic affordad,lplviliting =tu
ft:yrs sbat any btpiusd tiffintsted gaits shallbe, a,
tiromptly eterated not upon falracro. wo. by soy
Vii4r Woo. , on e
Cline Basin, Pinsbigh •
.f.kß Deyis,& ; -•• •
tri.olll l l3lillket
r Olt the trianiewrintionefFrelgabetweenlqualudigle
Aid the anoint* tratuthipinents on
'be wail. aratihe eaulennenLiriek of ditaY.
brue.ige and iteparat.on of goods.
' LOllll UWE. " •-• •
) 1+: e 0176 Market kreet. PTAAFFPlittPOollltif hiladelphia •.:
• ilt • , ,
Car Penn and Wayne Pifighhigh
&COIN:Neill)... Northmotel, Itultanore
• %V TT arSCOglT,7sEkinthin.dl , '
-t Ag o
. ylucourageit•liy .inexeued itlie P.redirielors
have .aao tir'thelr stock and extended itheir arrange-.
incr. dpn ng the 'ratter, idd RYE now woe red lo 10r,
ward ire •wah yee,ilUlly end dispatch, Unetzipavwd
by any oilier l'heir long experience as earriere,'
the palpuldneuperierity of the Portable Bone.tiiirriena
and the drat, capacity and conyenionee of thei ware.
beaten MI each end of the bite are per:011311y colcule.i
led tonnable the proprieties thole engagements
and aecalicanodoxe thew eagiomero—nonfulondyolferrig
hepaucis a guarani). for the future they •rcupeerfelly:
pollen noontime /lucent to
neurone glowbieh they nave
.p i t
I I ar-lrnowleuge. ... •
it II eritungnmenin ID - Tend - a &canner wilt be reed
..d forum:do& Efeamboat • eharges paid and Dille ot
traindalued Irvine! any Gunge. kir Coodermon,
dAtianetng or eturage. Ileums no intoreit directly Or
!Indirectly in nexenbeale, the ihtelclit or the .ca mix - flora
meet nede , 'linrilY In theft Otiroary 00J41.11.1 enippfng
west, and ihsy pledge theiranl to
the- rand all goods
conagniiikiedhemprborptly a nd.
on ihe'most rulvrmus-
. .
'T."t;4,-.="gilgilßnov„i'nt'OtiliClb:rii'oltf 4 dt
mama-44 .tardet.tha ammo( tha "llostraeu'a LineY ,
and bantam agreed Ia refit the black.° 11,10/taps
',masher ef Undo for the purpose or cousins goods
thloughist from al. ,aght days, with eertainty,aad
&el eueoaraged by ate libanday of !Batt year% patron
age; to mike Were aztptsjra arrangement, far t e ta
:tom year.
Wa waald thetrore repeettelly eolielt a cantina,
;ince dl'onr former patted., and refer all new easterner.
tbate wo Ewen done headless for.. .• _
ja n giMi 1.847.ataM
13'OA TRIAN'I3 , ', r
Fordo+ InospOrtation ;sr • •
ALL ACIINDs or IAY.itCIiANDIAt, fro ANDi r MlOll
l'utbauctrata, TIALTInorn Now Viii, AOO Borrow.
. • Seiltrxt• wit/ irrhi N &
g°".. Liberty
'74A4Let al
No . = Mroketouord,
FLIDER; C:F.L Y.,TON & Ag,nts •
• 1 RE• ' I.4thttotc,l4ld.
CO, F.fc bEd. •, '" •
PITMORGMLAiin. McCully, Coo. ' zuorgan &Co.
ItinCul ry'ac Co, B A Ssuocuc It On M Allen It Co,
I.IIII..ADELPIIIA-YMorniPancican &Co, Reynolds
McFarland & to, Fleabag & Darby, Pcier IVright &
boa; .1•11b:phaln, Joseph time:
bee A CO, Theo. Perri &Co.
ItOgroN=neni, Hord &
CINCINNATI—Adams & 'Creagh, 07 tt' Frarbor
f. PLItASA NT, VA—P A Maelder.
NASll , lll,lX—lrTlernitio... • •
Norr.-..A1l atmclutrolire Irian Nov Yprk and [bettor,
prrematgumt & Orthan & Co. Ctolottelpho/, Ytoll Ue
promptly /01,1,11 rlita ot rebl3
I.4inaagn.ND.ffir.rvr Pon: ABTA:
• .
. .
• Ilavong a Ve r y large and roantrattena warglroWW.
L an. are (recut, Ur receive. (In ad,iiu® in fte:ehr for
ah.pener.4 a art...mama of l'rodnee . . A.
e. , .
op laswirce a(
&Parrot.. . ,iesat,i. • •01 fl: AleAtitrln'T a c 4,,
' . - plpkWairrai ei ico , PFLlkic. , , - • ' •
aliattk. 1 .47,..iegiiiiaii
.1...'FF10. - ; - '6 1 ,1Tf,..... 1- °,%1r,,','„7,711tr.4,`;11!,.',1',..
1 John--
awry litaadnyi;artga, Water evrooG Peterranirgh and
0 11 ..1111 ! ....ya place,
nun llort wt II 1vavr , ..)... waretanwe aI"C A•...ile &achy
I'o tlo.. 11*.t.rburgh. every day, rexrepr Vor.tivri,l and
'oh•pacrs c an,al way a depead on:having their goads. for.
warded without ay and at I:aria:rtes. ' I
' , .1 . 11P11 la.newla formal Mt O h w Ppeetal erentrotyiJanion
of alre way bosinere, and the prapronora rarpeetfully
volied a liberal shore of parronaga. , • i
. • -3/Alii'L. II klAttlalM• .- • . lUMFMT woovs
. . : WILLIAM FULTY. - • ,'
'' • . JUJUY /WILIAM. !/ i : .
"•' • Rlf.r ANAN/Johnlttiwn r Agents.
C .I:deIi:NULTY a Co. 11114 , 014 .1.,
I I Me.D•vilt; John Paaer. Itoberilklo6re, Bapday
I /F. !Muth. Poudiurga. Lmare
1-tM- ia --i! .t 1847..
ill:Lane s.,:ag conpoteil of ! Lageraie
1 . ! ..I.. ' ia 3.1:c1ag., runalag
~.I.(aiy. hetweca :ritallwirali
aid Ceaver,aed qini g la nail /drag agar Cinul Noir* ,
'tanning between Deaver and I.e and ea , cm* With .
O IA Feed'. I.ine of SteamiroatPrenwiler,and Tease...
0., the wilt he pretawd upon tae euthr e:441 en of Navigation to.earry ire 1:11 tad roawngera to
'"ll:';;l‘l.4*ct No
itt'.:;itr:t Canal
VE.: , 1: k J,;,,g1“ ~1,
p, n erp am/. promptness and . d!rl•mieh. the :prnariplar
.. l ie opent. PPOpeetfolly•OlitO rtelip their ftlendli alai
he potion aeactall thaw patronage. • I , 1 .
... • ~ . Gal lla:D. , ,Fals. PrepniTor 1 '
UCIPS, is ,
WKS te Co, thavet. acre
JUICY A CA.UGIMY, Y11.51.'0.11,
Coe tirnid.Gold ant: Water As. opporito (h.:Man./11ga•
gaAria llora.a.
• . .
.. ._
wb,..,..c..„,r,‘,;., r .r.a
Geo Doors, Ituftato .
It tsi Pratt k Co, Clorela . •
J A ATI111111•6110 CeMerrnte ' i
r • MeCtoro d. NV ilitarot: Atrittot kht • . I
'.... Lirsept & l'ortzt.Gtccorgo , • , , '
• War
m Peert, Folotrrtlown. Prima 1
' . Gt. 31tcheitlyte, Eira.oVrorgh,. l'entra
' lolto Are Uttaut, 114.0Pr0,0u, , do :
.... ' 4
Wick d.:Atkrf, tircHrvillt. ' do :.
Craog rTairtpton, C:arkov,ll4.. do
. May. & riumb.Shst I , a.
Vyr c go T , ehtern. . • do :
' ' •
• - 1446 ;
• Hi Corte. " 'H. lloothi. T. It chir.9l k Co.
copind..l.* Moralists,
AeetteTtott Proprietor. of this I,ine lteo favor.
di Iteniwu to it pohllnb!rill be 'mooted on lief
eAtil.,{ oply(' Itavtgation redrienprop
anent eli en na" And !Mayer. hrA tlriig, the tome at
Amy point •on Q. Uhio cattalo. and Almon !steer. Erie
ldiehlcatt, 'kith das tre•Oest deepainh et tem.
ma I to nom • e ' r
'rhproprietate tins line. elicit. / Abe burinnie of
thine euttetticte • • with eckitEdentc,kAr•llls that
their ctritlen an• stollind to •
'Apply to Of tate...el
ti•hf lIARTONiAst,
, CLARKE fe. Co; Leaver, '
• innt)h. RICILVONO k C . eveland.
naargML .1847 . ;
. ---7 " ------ 1):1L1RIRCU s CO'S.
OLD yriTA TRANspOrrrAlltliv fxste,
, • riErwrcels , prrrsnurcon. • •
are read oracr. The ardwcr.brn.•re pr,ea
prd tir a:4O.M a large qoantity or MerehAnairt 411 i
Pradure with rottenly lied dwpolra:
' Prodere er NtrecliandiW r etwignea to arty or en
demism-a. it forwarard tree et any charge for cut.n.i..
Iti 1ad0 . ,, tram , witted and oil 111,11(1111 , 11,1,14 promptly
upended to. . • '
famine. of thie line Pi efradment.l on smelly
Sabbath- gieincipling, A ddfrion oe , apply in
I/ k LY, Propmesore.
ennal Damn. Inttehtirgh '
Ilk Rlt k LEECll,Propra , mm,
Noll/handl Third virem. Philadelphia
JIM. TAYLOR en NONA, Agents,
- Na4l4 Non), Howard rarem, Hallman@
inehla • Nn 7 Weeteireel.Nele linen
- 1 - ‘l2i;
k 1347,-
}LAVE Beaver daily ) d oclock, r. au, ofief ll n
irrivuldif the meatunnaLIIILAVELL flow Pine/men!,
oh) jlroiri: tkt \Vaoell nail morning in eeaann tot the
guises Wide:lll'4 , nel, Cleveland before:lllod.
. PawiengefL , will bdrafolfileilikeineh.meuringberth•
'on tlio Packets, and inada Oldie
.011 Iman/ slanininiat i llniiiiol , Liemenig-PithamiEß di a
o cltiek;•. w a lier in the WgroL.:
• N`tif ILAELTON k Co, Pittelditedi . ,
, .
CIaABILILia Ca, Ikaver
JEPSE /IA LA/W IN, ,Ponamileinin
hl II TAYLOR, Waired
71846 . , A N D' 184
13, ROUTS,
rINIE uedeiiigeed ertv,pose prepered.m . forwent
A. 41 ace, ac., to the Eastern TA arketS dopag tbo nun!
InCWllllrf;ouilni..o4• t niag, by pd. eXp!t
tlit.ons route. , ' •
• property conitiera tO US will) p Mny.irded .st the
leweet role, and despai.L. .
lecotved by that mite I al>r
rerdea...• MBA LTA, Pitt.bergh.
• G CASS:I3 I •
ety ' EGERTOI:Ic Co,gtenbarlited •
PITTBIerACII , A.Fp.ciss.74rtv . z .
i t tii i i. a lito'cliti,r,o AlilF ntf=tilleNi,! s , r .', k ..
mules y.da_yr. the •onsoe Iwtireon
Ikent Wei •Greermtlileir!, .I+s' +Welt tioisht:and pat,
.sengersherevert thessropotets,Villbsedthod 4 proieptly
Nfiltle,FlSSFAVgartvtife 3 , l ae•
, • ,- Shatoti,•. • 'dor::
' . j• — do;
''; REED, exitto a Co,,cr, doi
A CAI/0111W, corner W.ter and &Rancid
optilly Opposite the Nottoojahola Mete, EltLebeigh
REGta,Azi za0 E 131:1 1 %() ;
The dew:and arorndiAtiarrer
Capt.Charlealebos. teminuteris her
regular MP (14. AtlY•lieaTing
et ft o'doel€, r.,atata Driver sal titlncq
vanneetlegyir - nh:Paltsburgh and Clerre..d4 Line taCeil
tiai Boats daily td Clerk:end:o4 13..trct, Wattth
Cloveluad Line of-C a
Pat:hero and Sarre Coe eltee
daily to WanebdtaddDlevelatat Carat Paelet Lams td"
New Castle and -Greenville. N i l . -Emmen
r .Lin
tea Meadtillo and Erie.. Neil. Mao. lc Co Land . , f
, Ve, , Gitit7h a e . s . for , C , ll%;:r s d o iag= Ve.rx,Le, loom
Pausbargl4 APOITIO '
G M MARTON 4 Pitr'hurih
1,1,14 , . CLANUE 4,Co.lkaver
U - N /ON 77 7— ,
-OAt :
N mitxs Cd,Cleiellmd, "
G VANES, Beaveri•P"M ic ' ° ?* ;
. , AV,T NATTIER; Dinsburgla;rn. , , . r
Tl(6 - Above Liao a row fully prep:Rate tramper - a;
.1. Freight add Posiengeniam PatteAdrch end Cleve ,
hand, to day point on the Penally:vain. S Gineand Ohre'
.The far ilities cfsaid Mae are mat equalled by env an
wad Canaba, hi nunageri "
tan l capa F sty Doan eape
riraar cir Copulas. =ad promptness of A envy
Gneltend looms Pansburgh and Cleveland daily; ran.
niffin connection with !be:Reamer... , I .
h ans.
gi E rsnlas k a t TaVat.grdpel:
let 41.1nes and Schooners, on Lakes Kilo Duroa, mi
. party formarded to .7 varlet et' Damn 'with
despatch E PARKS 4 Co.-Cleve-land, Agts. ,
REED:PARRS Zr. Co, Fairer Aga: ,
=4l - - Coe Wasteland PAS field sKeetv . .
, :TO CA.11:17:01741110 -, 41..i, • ' 47:41.R.-27
WP ,
11011ACKEF Reed! Swallow and TalegSaplt !eat:A.l4 . er
ver, et Jo:cl . .x•lr r. a 4 eller *lto erraval °qui.
Tel,7l l erniaitir.M b r i ggActrttiv iV el'm r "¢:eg:
alelYThereafteroand arrives:elev.:land at Ile'e/ock,r.
This route it she mutt eXPO-KbZlA:aid :cotradrnaide
-•DEED,PAIIKSL - Coinrater;A.W.
'JOAN A CAUGIIEV, Wines asuibenlatlAd
.p . r4i °mato itto blornash,l.lDo_a_ac.tate.burg .
, , • 1, t "
N ,
Italtfiagro, Mow York
-•• . .
. . •
Lacimiten. thin line haareceived ph:en'
JL its commencement, has induced the proprte
ton tolocreasetlicatmk. bytddings videnberwl fir,:
el= boats"; and instead ofgiving nacelpti en be•Fele
fora as agents, we will give: our .own, receipts, lon
l'refhtalupped by this /ine.. r,
The bo u t. me nil portable, eoffseqwery freight
taken the whole durance withdot tra abipment;
thereby ptuventiag damage from Isesue;t handling
onethe route, and at each lreatia. mined tbe
thipthinwhe ono them, whith is a intlipiery, guar ,
anlee that there will bewo delay blithe roe e.,
` .A.ll.l'wttloce.hlerchnedian •••cenaigned to 'the
andalmigned will be forwarded F;ftEr.,ol , cord.
1.4110 N, for advancing andfortverding, and pal ill ,
beshipped without del*Lialbe,lnTrelq.
freight. • .
icapeetfidly, solicit a lel:river pitio•
nage. •-• ":" '•Oftrl de. re. • r
- Canal Rim, eittsbiwylr
• • • f!,Alf:; BEL I:NS ac
• • • Broad - Streef;rluladelphia.
F ILLElt,'Agent
• finstley'llaWhaff,paltuniire.
t'ittaturgh, Feb. In, 11147,
1846. A l /. 0 1 1847
• •
4V 4 II O fP
01110 ItAIL7tOA
AIM eabseribera lonize delivery of Pre:
dime m lallimorr bydhe 'Monongahela §lnek
nt thefollowong poems , . •
Aaliee, flacon, Bauer, L. 4 . Laid, Pori, 'Tallow,
taliakek, t, andGlaas- ta -fee per IP)
Tobacco; flap, Flax and %Picot—Wets Perlllal
Ashes,(Pot) Apples• etweae,'Flrix-Seed, filnoi,l and
,I.eallwe-114 ete per 103 lbe " !
Cllbt,Skids. Seeds. Wool—llo els pei 100 Ibo. -
For timmang,) a ntA
progeny a
of the uudettegyed
well be forwarded wahout ree ofienl2ll3llolo/1,
at abate! races.-W, II CLARK, •
lIAN A it WATPILII AN, rttoll'aPP;
C4' IPUUN9 SVII(11 . 131 , :WILIS C110:417
A c.rtaTin ;nll;:fikture lur avgt, :s, cohlir; .iithrits,
Over coatplantt,spitting 6lond, p2inn
or ttens
broken 'constitution;
TION.or any di,nale of the Iner,4 er • ;
.ht•easL gentler are yen coffering
with scold. or di,eaie 01 tt. ,
lotto, tky dint remedy,
It'will arrest alrthose disagreeable tymptenmathith„
vtiike snick terrorp the "mindok. prolong Yaw dare.
•awarniaC.,all,' „ pieparattond - phrpreting tit''contain ,
Wild chen7„ , eadeptlhat heartog theatgnaturo orDe
H en the outride' wrapper°, - ,cdch bottle;
nfither mei:pito lilefj deititutCot : the futicro from
which they, borrow a name.,
Redd tidiatit:thmailond. , f,
• no,coo coNsunipTioN!.
Would perhaps be a small animate; for the 'forage.
• of .thintreadfol &tease ip a tingle year; then add
rtturalckfAlofPlik of,thaveleut al by lodate:a- ,
• boort( the-Longo, klemorrbage.Aitlica, Caught,.
Influenza, Hroochitia,tind other, diseases of the
lints and Liver. ! •
And the flail Ivo ofd present an ppalling prontritike
fatality of then two classes - o fditeser.s. Hot; it is
important to know That Dearly , iall eh ktdo dread
Wanto of hamtn life, 'might have been preinitted.
by n timely use of Dr.ISAVATNI. - I , ,CprdIXSIJIVIJ
Thu medicine has; now betic,belehtt the'pOblie
tome eight yearn, end to the originel.treparation
'from the Wild Cherty.Trois.'t Ile , ',potation' 111, i.
remedy foiConghs, Colds,', lironchioniOtnel Con !
sornotton of the Lange based entirely'tspOn in. , .
trintiic merits, owes but Ititliktit toltdolt, delvtpapVi ,
pods.'• Thant who give it a trial;,lating honehtka,
by it, recommend it to thoir,rteighbora; and Ithui
gradnally and surely butt gained an Ml:viable ti•int•
lotion and worked it. way into general ase:;thm:.
bottle serer to cute a - recent 044 or .cold,
while with atrict itteetionto theditectioqii Hint ae.
company earhhattle4l one in pulmenani diseases
of loogntanding, and , of the rnostotareatii
ter, has alwap.given relief, and inivery +calif
ini.tancea has effected coniplete 'had Penat.trient
Dr. SlVAYNE".S.CelrltrdedDeripoupid• .S'yr.
. • upof Wild Cktrryr • ,` '
Read the moat remarlable'ette-or Ooosumption
cierplaced upon record-- • 1
r ats Swan:to—Dear Su: Are& it 2 debt of; gratitiade
doe tri'you—and a duty to the.afilleson generally to
otter my humble testimony in layered yior Com.
pound 3 refs et Wridaftheral..i thmeM Elmo' seats
since, I was violently attacked with cold pad ;nate.
mama of the lungs, which was ac6bmi4 led ;watt
a very distrcasing cough, pain tuAhe Preasl and bra:
—a very considerable discharge of offensive motive
from the lungs, especially upon phauges or a Other
howeyer alight. At first noit no shwail i mut my
coalition, but was pretty 0000 convinced tat I was
rapidly gbinginto consumplieu, I grew d ly ormaks
er, and at length was scarcely 'able to walk about or
spetk above • whisper ,` iba, , ivai•itio qaceeding
weakeess often lungs, Donis this thale'llbadCrled
variousprepaiationsandpromnplions, boa lotted- tin
relief—gron frig alt the time Worse. Anitt,hiro3 TMe
mimed and pursatadrillty a dear frlciadin I,V dining.
thn to make o vial of your Syntp,of Wald Cheesy:
Itougeonlen that pactiously Thadheela i r p repadie
a ngainst patent medicines, and' I imatiti I apnea
those coming out„ or, the. hands of,ern nu. had
understanding rota, claims Lo ' tlaprefelion and
practice of mdimine, and having amplici Uhl in
the saying of my friends, I lorthwith. pur based ol
D, st i sei, one of 'your agents; aicial kottles :aid
commenced As use. My disease at dd. }ono was
of twenty or twenty fivektosathstahlipog, cense r
'fluently was deeply cantata I 'bind, herreacr, con•
• aideratde rebel from the tamt•loweer live tiles
Rot being a public speaker I frequently n tempted
to preach with any increasing strength um INFO.),
ruptured Ihniat , ?muds th at hod air*/ r,gma to
heal; in this way. doubtless, my cure ;really,
retarded. In consequence. ad athag,, IPI a implit
dont', l'lma la um t: or lb bout., \du a I wt.
perlectly minuted. I hate no, Twain., u !m uc h
smaller euniber of Lottleo nould base a add me
-.rind, teat her the above radian-cher,. The eynip
allayed the len•erith habit, did away the qtrosaing
cough, pet a clap to the discharge' of rua tcr from
the tango. and gum tbematuithe entirely. wiz gym!
health. I have delerredoffering tins certaficate till
Dow, forthe petpane of Being perrestlyjsaddled
t,,,, h ch .
,wm,..eney ol.tllo Mire/mid niter that I
eal perfectly well, oiler it with Messes.; :.-
e • • ” REY. J. P. JORIAIN,
Dublin it•iannly,ll- C. i . • .:. fa., v.;
L.' "
l, - !Avoid all spurious prepaiey o ue or Iv, a c,,, ,
midi as ilailmom,llittees:Synqw•hr WOElletlY.
Pills puiPorting to contain Wild Cheri?, ike, qh-c,
ei theylare all belitions and cgunterfb it, and com-in
none or the rirtomoralP. origineltsil pleaded pre:
Titration no PesparedLy Dr.. hwaybo, and . the tint
ever prepared an fthla tonntry: Hodes seattle ,s
CompetopTIMPOYWIED CHERRY isepmPoshal
1 of vegetalht 'lngredientai s tho Wild Cherry,hed Mb..
er medical Substances mud!: hit htfiesinous, il . pot
more no the whole are so effectually concentrated
si to reader it beyond all doubt the moot pleasant,
stiougtboolag, and afectiaal remedy,ives discover..
I ed for the care of Yule:meow censumpland, and all
discaiesof,thel,ltgo and Rawl. Thallyeil'inet,
from illhaving such a trainof spunous itultatew
atands to pronto its great earntive, properties . •
Thererpre,invalids, Inquire for me original irepi
rattan, each bottle or wh i ob m i t e s eli n n a n to elharam
Aim wrailer, with, likeness of•Williacti Peon lin
raVeilltiereon; also bearing.thilisignatuie or fir il,.
al..Syne, the counterreltnig of which will be puro
lobed as forgery,, . ,t':•:,.. , . .., i ~ ,
riepored only by Dr. H; Swats, Ni %V ,o4 r . er .
lor EIGHTH and Race Streets, Philadelphia, ....
ante in Pittsburgh wholesale and retina by ~.
Wit. THORN, 5.3 Market stroct,.'„ • r •
OGDEN & SNOWDEN, earner %hid& Wood t tit,
R. A. FAHNESTOCK &Co., corneis:ril 'lati`and
Wood and Gth and Woolf streets • '
5..10XF:8,160 Lilmtty meet .. 14 •ft i
JOHN' MITCH MEL, Allegbenyeitg. l 1 / .
' And by all' respectable Druggists norl dialerYlia,
Medicine. thrtplesor tho'Uotted Steer:nod Gana.
4.lELLEKv.o.....wwypi4,:-.1...w..f.f., Gra
a...nalfolbers. . •,3 i , f . ~.
. ~ ~ . , N f tn lVitnii4 dl/rjise ll C ;alj. ' f '.l -I.•'.
hlwft. E. Sellers a—laly man mouths elepieurt — Sers
rewless Junta/of - and basica milettfoserat inie:s‘j o ,,,i.„
ribiltillfe bud fistdanifinee !lariat Want ha s. Opt'
abenhyoufahilintee,rbelfaht visliftfld gas. Moll i
dofm. which ex:rolled Connery largewortas: I consoter'i
X ~.'1!41.4,....w,5t'.A1b..,a,,,5%,..iicTfkj4.4p1. "Nta4":.•,'
l i rOn'a;eu'and solia‘t:if n nonEfffifiltB,37l!;Joir't.
Sold by Dr. Cassel s 6 th Watd; ant D. Al. go. ~ A lta.
iii•?: • i i - DRe DIE/Dtfilti.t.lp's
, •
'IIiEDICATUTI L0ZU.1171i23,,f.;t:51,D, .Ott 11 ' N"
• , i...
i. . ILLA6TE4O. t • . •
'•t its
/LI LL k , l vam that :Wren tetU talefirawily - : ` ,„7:l', ',,„`,
'''-' I...Ll4 'g: i f i -f"*" . f??TeWl PP , boa of Ucert .
gem arot'orthmth le,o,ndet 'ft.* , "1.4 Maw, ado
"arta I.Weliegmere the maim teem Imo mil Meant rem' ' .
ply for coughs, colds, conwmpttoom wtheeptigt moo, assn "
Ltichnimgot• datum . or clitthelc ' etr, • The reopen.,
aneghtown an imam*
& W1M03.7 tle:Sew pet
satimiethlts. mat thoMand beam hare Pohl sotto .
• the tast ',mai-imam mihealth pingo iu almot miry vt., i
of mammig ~iatid thwelibonng utider the 1113 lit 4NUl`leig, - -
“ILID lu:a ,04-116. They do mil Mix' and dry up •the 11.1 h,
'bu i vulor,. it curb proftott .peetoracton,a4q the tangly or I
Irma/amis.'. remote the prothome ot . .ewiti'V nem ,
They are Male from a embinittim *la& valuable tepee •
torentreatimegtit mat/elms, mid AO un Vitally superiw to
et my thin monk*. thciendlitsials: liN3reds "yen hod •
I' ,Lreds Ofmetifenetes haw beta ogeredf their wonderful sir- ' '
1 tuca i tam thaw with Inve brim swal & m ea maim:. nem •
and restored to perfect/milk by ntiVpiest.'
Where thereto much pant iathebeteicaldr i one of Sher •
mans roiee „NSW... Femme: [pito teit.A. 7 ,t eilm,) should bei
applied over the•parl, 'ad worn Iti , ' . /I' atimlal I,L.
with•cesthronsam a wet cialmetie or lenitive gemeigcs, or 114 -
mild catiartianialiciomthouhtlaito To io n . requiem i - -
'' .' itMatAlAN'tlWoDfil LOZINGES •• ' '
These nava focergoeheas lam proved mama than lA,
MO taws Mb' killable; the mly certai a . worm destroying I •
12.41.10 eterdwAtini, ../dany dims”. mire liem winin '
. 0 .4 ocailos, loog and iateumouliricg, and even delth, wok
'cahtheiv . wir hetug empected; grow• pewit's an, very olleu '
Mitlicted with them, and are dectoryd for %Mims complian a
wjdownway beatfir. when nerve doeVeT thaillgamiges would
„,' .pcdilp tuts them , ,
somptoin xwg If immt-4this ist thejoints or limbs, ono '
.tae Meath, patting at the tau, trbdio4K the teeth denied
etheigand at timm• pidemwaboutthelipmentattshed Meth,
bleedingat the mom a peateingempawaypt thgetimach, Oath, .
es of hat beer he Maim ofthoWy s theft chith or *hie
ethip, beedathe i • &maims?, , t gym t i mam. disturbed
dremarthddeo•starllig in sleet' Mat frig hyped wreataiml '
sometime" artthatiesoM totty &Wriggle . "... !him, pidhd
hue, Sts, bad taste' io the mouth , delimit breathiteg, yam to
the womach or deneefeyfetigew, athisiciAteMnishnim i ewe;
Clod appetite, thwirow i .Mild ea , • avh d &mini griping..
hooLies . Macs en venous garb of the body, a NAM of nine •
.th,thvaucs. tathe,thwed, gthiligefth• Mai toward. Med i •
theileath dawn , tope"' mmethisigfimwthebirdeb, and.
M t n' dice/ism. of Jima and num". t''i!•...
,S. BrIERM.A.A'S thtrairki9iiiLOPZEJNGES, •
-0E::e immethite . Mlief in Ocewelei Mai& hodece,
Esteem of the twarf, Imam of the epitinei despond
• iy• or putrid sore thwat, bower or emu. m m I _
'„plaint,faintioglcapprethwwwwwwowaf aid*of the eliesg.
cholie yews, sump of tbandigicallfortiperelm hysterical
affecti:no, and ell nemeses &wan, dreremladte Wen+ ths '
dab end icentkei , Mateehroxish the night; Ode. on (61.1 .
nerwarbus, &Moira, lamphafetwol emsE4f regg
S-MO truelbeg *tenet/ding
. Iwpwciatlial d th
waypyrrtatagiltud itgpeflemg Via.
•alleglisaystinthigey wiStcle e it 'yam gee'
rally, mi mode all Mad t symptom arising wom
tinten Unzip retinae who WI b. 31 too high iivcra, ant •
idnigloned thcirdiiipated bathe will thygel.. , magaiadj
thiraidecdrepaterl o? the iiertes., . , ..
. . misamerps zoori.JsAirsita,irrEn.
- 11 . , 1.. t " 4, 540=4 Piesthrbtithalndo.d.........iv
'rethedy Ed. yam% or wca.lmem la AdliegLikdom aide, nec.
:litulimjoluts,theumnirm, liniihoto, Ated.ite.," One mdlion •
jar wilinotmigily thapoinanti, gnu ralainalitac warm
tug befiire ipplundicia. Warrantedsoperkg to allothers, and
. (orame unwise the moth priemmeltiognotnly the beet, but
dlietheapert. Fluter to the remstdi tit et..• "thief in a few
hems,maii. MM. astuoilldtt aims. •••••'
dm hew emplane mil dlepipela, it Should he worn der
the regionofthe Draw stoma, wed i• wi ll afford grad and
thtnalallon. Mier, In ennghag Odds: whs., dufaulty. al
• brims/Lanz oppressiou orb. duis I. or thntah, titer will int
niallatly moth md - *waif Mod* the-mtnist. Persia" ed
sedentaryhibllif;n3 those plolked hild.tha imse?meall receive,
decided Avid" intha am °fame truly strengthruipg Fla )
AM: rt,liceusavciallyreetemmeDdtl..y4rd...,,.
'agotbermboomac they etkit oratherebetter i md Afford great.
eti relief. .I.t. elicit opera ' they esosliamitut, tociconi,
,iisedgem i.2ll.Asie mate of entirelpdigeccul ingredi .
Lads fromacip tither. mad , mends Woo thoeizOire..e or mil
lions who hare Med DermowyeeD we Dee minted Mammy of
wll i tliecelebratal and'distingutelial clergy end pliyeisime i lo •
be the mow etal-mid hlghty MalththdPia . ' •
. Mused . mime hard Ed la ht•litie yeah to not
th Want Mond thanks, at the almost tai us curtail ae
Directiimdfiinse "ram the liek '4;4gun'', nob} , e
fed sintht,vil'Dr. • f.thernmi Mr..: - 1141 argew*l you "Mold
else ask' for theman's Poor him% mt., worse. that.
yo ra the genuine, . them w mawywiegthles imitations
ha Led aboat trod wildfw, the true 131moilmfe Moen, by..
au rincipled datherm... i - ' .., • ''". ''' ' '
• ' Id II Itulesle wd renal by 19, JACKSON at his Pena
bd k
, Id kin! %venom-int, th." . l4bitly egad, h'int or lb
__i........,—...... R
........_.....,—. ,„„....___L . ,_ .
•• 'W HAV BOUND IT .^—:Eu ._
I ,pl"LipAirs ExrEarpne:r NEM MY.
, • ••• • ' • • • ,Cimaindit i 04 Mu th 34; Ittt7. . •
• tar,Siri."This a theartily 4e. eh* yelifOart.inderly to
.4 ..mio,a .Ith • ditram of the Da4e, Or Conaimption
.! i• the Spiegel' it 43 r ',.1 . . .utad.idut.. , r. 14 -
W ith stein beanie waded upon mj letatmitatering ell ter „ '
i •
Rpm!? of maples:netting Commijitlemq . !Ty cough mu
u4setutatenthlesome ; attended w i tsnojnousinght mina; . .. ,
e tnp daily a cammienbie '+thiati:4l4.4, mid .Ab .
.. ' . t , telt dirk matieg._Sigelatatiow bet Mwea and atm,
' . • Dtetiog this lime I me? item:L4*A' of ow tenet
sklltni . eitiCiciang they did Die hari'llieyli for n. _r
".,worn '
TO' '"*T6*e, '4' oil ''''P**°l:,r7fi*riffothromit,D
that Mthinewtat'c'eduif helcusewdlmrialyfuogy were P.-
' i'-'".`,4,Ti17:,10.PM,•..-P, by
tend of to main ie . ilia' 4 ktr. :Thiticirg's lirpsar.- .
, I lk.a.Yl .Y.b2 , 1 1 %ii0.14.r.4.0" M..4.1'4
tjt this medicine would d, an good, sudtwhold will old .
L." {* my ~,F , -* :. 1 PidAhmitil....A tot and only •
hope. MI limit' bona die a the Menne, (Which was dit=
ittentto'nee,) there wouid.x nothing mt. soil sent to the
CiosituudifitiSie and obtained SisaillWarelif truly Vol..
De (thrtkiwe,' and conii!ciifeed iislui'MWMg to the dine
am, which, intim" of isilding to my a •,(C,r„4•g,Lotrrivdietely ,
gitei the''relief, al Mi'ee'erraistin - gleite . ,t . .1110013011. coo
mit; Mt path and aghtant" ht WY,*
,ittAIPS . U* ....'''"'''
likipl itrengttm.;ml,l6 mei' Milfer me ,obi 1604 again, ,
This Maticime eastintihdltsgbolfw.myj'ythieli it so"tobly •
, COmmuedi MIA I Wits ', , iid.....a =4, dare mime bees
„ . . ..
atlendong to my bosingem (upwirds of 31Wirej and, feel a.
'healthy is 1 with., 1 losra awymme. emu.% Fa
yeaterant Remedy in massy insteit,mpethours yallbete
and it has always provyd succrtsfil to heir rt,,,,. witumed
- 11MS:et% My sister iWasiengglostheaDlieftramt, fora
'Dive4ril tircr sad mg Affectfore wt "Alfa/nes, which the
' had warned with dsr .more Dag' ilie , filleinicirly manned
'ee the or Ai, * m t i a fti•ina I ia.'iii,r;deA I; the bo th .
that I take with ow will athrely erylvf• 1.... 3 7 •
et Ittiotelhid DitryMe iitoC.igai of "pliable p+mn ;minus , '
we,' Mth thw • dreadful destrOyei—SOZVEMPTION.—
'Were ft iinlY possible for IhWe 174compe Igimedicine in
time, Mfore it be too late,, many " . leariAllicprolonged and
"thae,4Mlies . 'Mil wiletiMi again jrando;Mappy, TOO. ' •
...c...i .iti gi , '.i.t.0.1 . .41r,..i.u.p. au. time err.
.thehard ape'rafellal Co ' ugli;imlkttyxiyiptn lathe Ch.
. ~
give weasyth to thr rafiebled mil laTihileg frame, and itn•
most mei, I aMeerttio, wiilepeßiiligis perfoimate.
•L ~ ANDII,DyIi74,Df.LTI.It. '
..- ~..' '••;,' " '' IlMtgomery Demi*" cdkay, Old ,
„If. "Di—Thoir. whurrla „net be ' aljupleted or - ith me I refer
to theundenigned, calm ' . of Slontreiittltentilicei coon.
ty, ik,shey ',alai my time sulatantia th timid:de elatt.mmta, •
:-,..,- , F .4.... '
" DLL DUNCAN'S wrsTrsur otilczpze Sraacere
etrati "them this admitehledietnetma sheep. ba ohthined.
/Mid nit Pittsburgh, by WILL 'JACKSON: mother of
Wood;me donee. to :71 •.„, „ -„,
.11:11,941dVALIT TO. TILE LTUE)I 5 ,;;;;
Hie' eichhh h znaLett:cis,articter Con the Growth,
Benkly D d liel.raticirotthe'il,alt.73lhilehmo when
mina lch9 tcpirsedd' 'cid. of am
kincrnchli Where the haute (Iced.. hat., eh
hcalthterternicns grey, a few ‘ nppiickpow Will !cake
- the' hut nud• ddrk, and g:ve 21 behlichful Neely
eppeurecce; will - also muke it recitinjcs
-and bealikk_color twice on loeg-ine ell the preparation.
which hire geneiallviceiL, kdvetli hr 22h gendete an
Who are to the habit or tisuig thettlicar;thoilld
et once purchhie It bottle cd",flipelibuine,filairpreanc, oa
in en ginepancd4hat it whlfruitlidatilhe Jew like the
eihlfpl-cletruhunii, hot will benktify tknhd - gnic perfect
nstiefeetion in every ,
.. .
..' Pot ~. .....Y x. an aelyl.wriM.t.klulw. .<,. titer
Ibilos111101i:ter from 'Rev. Air. Caldwell to Tlessm
.lteidertlion .s...StretMi, Nut:sane, liP..ilnlAACente fir
Ibe)Vestern - Platea r e , ' , . .. -y .1 . •
iLenni from tho Ree. - 11.:Crililwellt,Pylirf the Pre/
' bylenaTiCbuteb. INdalk.i.-.- --.-- . .
_•. , StessmaleadorshotV.Y.- .Itreleb-GienCetnem. I a
Omani in adding my aeslimotiyan Grnlyill tiler e
loot preparation 001104 Ds. PurrislAsi:Cninese I
Creamy-fur about rwojears ago mhaty wpm very
:Insulyiendritsposed to come. out: Vu'lhavlpg procure,
A bottle of tlie Cream,-naanitil it steentdlrrp to the pre.
.enpcon.yar bur. Is now soft, tdialsbladul Ann to the
brad. Macy balsams and oas were applied eaeb I, :o- se: rayiba ir in a werie state than before.. This Cream
loa'a`nl: Ala a" 1 : atY'Y
Allan arlie:e fur ihe 'l'aileb my yrintpises it prefer
eace.ovAr Oil otbnr..Y, beincdelleAtply pperid. awl bid
III:poard ti. rasiniday. ''X'Ae ladies, sspeei •Vs IFI bad
yt,, cLipeye Criwni vibe ik desidetatuipj eir mi.-
raiioni for lb: , todet- : Respectfully, a.-
'Palaski,Janly4.l/47.:, -. ,,, i4ls4ClifslitlVElT. 7 1
4 113 - Sala arlieleaaJe and hmall, laritmbitsb by inbn
N. Teriestaid, NO 4:l:lllarket • Ire*.t.olutioel Aloinet
carte y nrylnirnyr ppi.i.,., r , ; . ,:.... F ..i ; .;. sr.l!"
.k.,....wpii...1.-, .._.,. • :
, e s .
j5 u..„. 4 , :tit A 0 r Z 0, r4 .1 . .1 1 1 :1 11. : ,10 ; iri1 : ,47 . ,11 . 1(1 7 .1 :r .
...Alusonde Cirant, 7 ":.1d; : - ' , ?l:_b
..Superline I , t n eri a ,olt IN:rectally mand.p: r 7 ,,
Ient: M INI :. b. . P r . : 6'6lfin . ll l. f"' 1 1 '4
, k. •
. 'Leann ultr l !ist p us, oftalimano:U ,
ioPre h Vibe:slit t g aern ' l bs;, "' n% taleieumps,ad r il•
able: for rescom. , -. f ; ..1 , -,.--,1 , 11 , )
"Persia Chi
'., . .
.ifijip.i ;,;I:pin o lupe:oil,. It a M ry3
1301111'S tli,. 111 1140570 ii)031000 31 - Ir,pVlVro,o OM*.
nnO , ' ..p; Nytaph.tpairp; Rasa bp oalsol • •
, 'cot,' note,eleganity !al .0: -,,,#: LTA
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Fin tenet , 0i1... 040 year. . ... $660