The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, December 17, 1847, Image 1

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..., : ::' .7 ' : i'tysitqsa - cm u m .
ad"1":10)110%, Co
n .d
n.po wadiaa l Wer a mehllS
lYYurvrardrhd *1
Al Triad Lanai.% cornea Wood and Gib M. jai
ID *OXLEY • & F Wbadelialn Gioceri., 113
.0 apJ & Wood P tiboraln
PICB & Co., COWllifdlioll 4nd
rihnots, las*, returned 'totbeir pld
stroetA,Piastrorpb : ortll
' • _ orossoicasci.
Wholtraler and Reirol
r Lawny- and Sr, Ciro meets,
.".1111111711. neciAt.:Ew. whali.d. Me
tiers and Vrodnee denten, N. te23Alartet street be.
ereanrthandiett Non!, • Lo Philodelphm- ot.
117:•./ticAlstuVrit CO,Toraianling and
.a./.onearnmaidu Mercian., Canal Mann, PitiaburgL,
in ORLANDO Loomis, Awn.y pL4w, of-
J. .5._•._4a111,.,5.!,:24_,11_1&41.1114,4T_
Mat. tbleninn. Jailn Jas.
Gll4lclialkar, LIAILIMAN k COollanarketatTrs
of Cartlnge S..p.rings and A51e5,..k..11.. and Smog
Steel, and &mien in Coach Trimsalar °Caner,' d.."
triplion,nnnufactury on Clait, at. Wandmanie 43
'lOlOl CA140.1. - nl-,IICVLLart.
( lIJJ
ANSON. EIeK3IIOIIT, Wicamors in 0.
4.4aner. a,. ,41.1 Wkoleaale UnNan, ONand.aion
'and idefehllltil, Damien .14 Produce and
rdtabargh Alannfonturns. Satit amt. Winn "'nod
and ' Pinsbumb, "
.11 . 841 . 511tJEL,Isnponar and artricsais and malt
in Fancy and Maple Variety (Maeda, ..
Le GILL Comb, itts ...Maraca want,. am Lanny. rata.
• r aUSLMisI. SEVZLLJA ilarrdscsolan ftwan.„
at Law,
Otlkes on Ilmikhfield, between•nd on 4th on.
ED.VW A RII.ILICAZ ELTON, Wlsigniala Grocer,
, east ado of th e Maraud,. soma doss tran
emone alley. rtusburch. • m!
'LIU ALM, .Ginnawr, • Wlidilcdc
XA cent. deitjertln Produce and nuabsrOi
pro contorof.Libcrty aM Hand au., Putibergb, Pa
' , 1111,1, .41.1•11. ' • '7. 11X= 1. Mum=
SIILIDS d: lIMISAETT, (um EagWb. 011-
X! Usher &XO.l Wholesale Grocers, Conmussion nod
Forwardrag_lfferebams, srul Deritcra m Produce mad
istuthargh Manufactures, No 37 Wood strect bettyecn
gewndarld Mord sts, . oca
WIRT. at Leer, have rausored tttetr °Moe to the south
Side of Fourth woes, between Cherry - Alley. and Crust
• • utbf
irjt - Fii r etut U o Uhey. Jame. Wood.
Gtll-111X11, ILITEY 00e1 Wholesalo Mm,
J: andCoutraissiao Merhunts,and 4ents4n litightoo
Cotton lisuris, No s ra Water twd 109 Front streets
/11.17.1114 Flow FOTW MatitifaCtUrei and deal
ser Ide , doul lostratuouts, 11i Wood street, no
LLCM /MITE. - • , • 50am.,108.17 1 1.
VORSTriI & CO, Comnxiosidu tad Forwaniiag
Mernhants.N.M Water la, Pittsburgt.. mayl4
Merehant - and dealer in Prodnectionfaule Off,Maim
r. 4. JGATON, Dealer is Glove Hosiery, and
Vaney old Staple Triamings, eel Muket weer,
flimflam atomism *CO.,.
isograwd Commission Mc rstisirs, 103 Woodstrest
Pittsburgh 1.81. , asigit
Pitubtrio niunu a cmria No LOWpadst„PittsotQL
• Geo; W. Smith: ' • • • 111.11: Brown.
G£o. W. 15B1ITII . tr. Co., Brewers, Mt:astir.,
and &Alen in Hops, Pittsburgh stud Point Brew.
jesies,yesuz and Pitt streets.
fiIEORGIC -000IULABV, Canualeateri &ad Fa
'r snudin,g Alachua, No. W• ed arec4Pitubeagh.
_WOODS lkiekmak_
JAL AllcirderspinciaallylWca. Add b y
suer though Os Yon Oft. • a3o4_
'• . John D. Bailey.
"r'ar - friPti
Ewa. • Geo. ISloom.
1111OWNIC; Isaeoes.ora .to Holdsbip•
&Ltrovined Itar.riers nod mantfaentrero of Wall
raper iodllanorol Pipet WarihOwle, No. E 2 Wood
Affect. Piusbargh. . lap
• -•
Ai.11&1711.0 CKWAY. Drumitto, No.llCom.
• Anemia! Flowolear the eenal boom, Pittabotet
Aloonfeetore r. Poi at &Ol Merebont,cornor of Lib ,
em and &Hors so, ViusborAti • . • !call
/041 AS. MCKIM. - 1111 ZIT DICLIT, 71.
MAUI' DiCIEENCY O. Co, Wbolemle . fjumenr,
• J. Com..woralerch...4 dealers in P,..1.4 N.
, 2NEWatter and 107 Fr.lystrecu, P...bargh. kon - s: •
T BLACK, Ner..t Tailor, L'sehalage
.dings, PitNthugh. lelOd
irCKUPEI KXOIII Attorney al Las, Plonbargii,
lusi ssed the practice of his profession A
Yu ems- No 7, 13akesre1n0 Bending., Grant Uielet..c.c. ,
onpi cd. d
i.sors. , uring his absence by. T., J. Glenna and 11'
hnslis r • .. pfidlsortfr
TOON RWILOAM , Wholesale Druggist, stud
dealer to 'Dye Storrs, Paine, Oda, ir•MICICO, &t .
Nom Wood Idle:slog:Le door South of Dinowoil
Pittsburgh. - . butt
I J O AIDUS Pr-ZOILJa. h. Co., [successors trejoseph
,-Dasis7 Pirip Choadlers..3a Water st. oe3l
.. 011111 ROC.LLOPIL, Wholesaleandktetsil o
yr hi Mask. audidmical lastrmaeurs. School M.)3.
PaC f. 8111C1, Suva Pete. Quills Priam ,' Cards, and
Dettloriery gesemlly,. Pio el %tread at; Pittsburgh.
rpßags toaght or takes is trade. • rep's
Irosix SCOTT Co, Wholesale Ureters, For
'a/ smodieig and Commission Akre-hams, Dealers la Pro
, duce alai Pittsburgh Mandseurres,No 7 Commercial
Mow, Liberty et, agar the Canal, rittsbati, pa. oat
501100A3IAICICH t CO. whoteludo' u
• MLA Wood fl. Ploaborgh. scpl.s.
O/MPH JORDAN A. SON, Creamission and
'Pomading Merian's; pi. lb OPr
Snualield st.l Pamaan's Row.
- 11/11.6i.., GALLATIN, /money G Law, c•• re
al Lb at, bemrein Grant and Smith.6cld, scab side,!
ritabz, Fa., Will elm attend promptly to businets'
Aar._ toMif_emmtleo , • • '
TOES D. DAVIS. AUCTIONEER, corner FAA' Li woo aa rtt,:nmw±et.
ILO Wood streets. Posslnstet. oets
111111T01317-44. IitOOKTOM, Iles .
' T 0
fa Printers and Paper onnottfsetnters, No. 41 Matti
,st.Pirt.bnrrh• ' ' Joe
T ILULD4II Book Sam, 4th, near Market s
al • ClassicA.Tbralogical, alstarical t Scia2M, M i 4
se<l 4
&wawa attd Metbodudll/o 1 5• and Stationery. .03 !
W. gpgEHTBOB & CO., Bankersand Ex—
al Itroketh comer of Wood
and Third Aiienuq
~Mecritaut'alletel Buildings,)Pitubargh, Pa.
-:ll7Carneney parekurd - at Abe atual me.. will
ilO , llll OWED., Wholesale Geoeer, dealer in rro
-45 date, Pdtshorghnoasogoeures, Tin l'lnve &e. &e,
Ito Oa Libe_sh Pinsbu Jane .
• -- Lin Floyd._ •
- &IL FLOYD, Date J. Floyd & Co.] Wholesale
es a 01.00eni.. No. In 2 Libesty.strect. •
_sera ,
and Pittsburgh
/ .N t e: Mil d :tut at. Pittsbn'4. Jant6
_ors to Iron Works.
•DM27/41.14 Ca—hlinufacture nll
'Jjsizes ...Snider. tUnist, Du boo and Nada of.tlte !est
qtudity...Ordent left at the warehouse of It panell
E. or L .I.Votertutiwater at. receivu
T S. NirATXIIII9I9.II, holes* Goiser,. n or-
J-Ji• wsnling..d Commism ut
on erenset, Vtu, .
"Pittsburgh htanufectutet .6
. Ptoduee, Nos. 31 We er
. and 69 Front tn. .1 •
f SAMS noTcgisos & co" Wholee a
LGISOCGTS, Fornordwc Inut Colotnisoaon 'Maranon.,
Water anditd daVaro i
Front rittab as. urgik Nanoroatort". ka., No. 43
• .one3l
Ettnill Lir/Mit John &won.
L. " I3IMILT'fr, lllllPT9S,•WholesolaGnxers4
Foryrsollm and Collll3lismon blerchant. DeaSorf
rtilkhate aad PittOurgh. tnonnfootorar,alt4
1.33Vr00l PMe..1116. • aßb23
Etllit n t 'l 3 11Fialit 117artf , ilea%
Urea ars and Conuniuion Mercboatf, NolO4
arty stPiianargh. iy 21
1 . 4 - Allen. Alex..Ninnek.. Wm. X Mallet
M.A.Lidenljr.banSmr%fater C :nd Fro nts,tet r
ween‘ .. ir d :o l 6
and Warta.
la_ al CirrlON. •
tER EL ILICILYASON, Wbolcsale 'Gra
MTers and Colontiotiou hlachants, NOl7O Melly
mutt PmsburtePp • •
- hal
NJ. 4 22 ll Cfp tr.
Kmanireta's.wremi"li deTlev a "
inn> V
...Wagner of Wood anirdth..— 'j.
- _
. .
14..1. 111LOAlt,' Molina% Grocers, Deolei.n
?iodate and Nat. and Forwarding and Commit.
Won ilettle.W, Noe NI men,' ..d andßiy
• rii!.t.rith.
Deilcts, :le: EC ore; ?dub.
AT 1101.SLES ilirllON. Nn.53 Market., —,.. _,
~1.1. end don from corner of Foank. D 01, ,. , n Fa.
esißßnd Rameillt Mb, of.F.xehinge, Cendientee 0
peat- Rank Notekuul Specie. • ,iknamk.
.-Raßatimnualsennaßi/oprineira t e hi r s
. _ .
rodee; Forward.
Ott aliajtitiasioa Iftrefa.o7s,PlOo!OCommeretal
low Larenysrme..Pluounkit,Pa. gni?
A t.obarn.. unt
& co.; =Alto=
• Waoq. •
r witqC.
No It* Stoond
ere SA
It"'lA* l3 . 4 l
glownptions, N.
- ", , Nread Welt - • uP3S,
ICUA.V.D ItARD, ortiolnnaln and retail denki
in. in bendinCllornero, 'barman te Toola ilind Find,
lari L _Tuuerrartl Cull. Tools, atal Tamri. Oil, No
1 6 1 Wood in. I '4.04 ' ' -
'-w,, !ilia. iciaisor. • art's.. a. Bosom:
E 4.
1101111110111 4t; CO. -Wholesale Writers, P
4 1 vt ae: end Commission Merchants, alai Dente.
r blianufsetares,Ato.lbe Liberty street, Pit
R 9 ,"wr
!I olice Auld Pataburet anutimarre!,
Punbarth. '
.15 . 018.2. A. OUNNINGEIAIII,iNVIsoIesaIe thou 4
Prottnes and ri4t4tough Maras.Mt%
. .
11. IIAWK.INS, Auoir.oy 41 Law, limit ht,
L. Man.We 6ulldmt•, ilearlyjappoeite the Ncw
Coati house. •
ROBERT MOORE. Whelesule Grocer. •
ing Distiller dale, Produee,i Pittatur
factures, and all kinds of Foreign and•Npe •
Rai Liquors, No 11 Loberty 'street, Pittrour".. •
• }l:7' NAL .01Akmul a very large stock 0. •., or
Old Monongahela IVnteltey, which will be tut, •t, thr
each,. •
LO. - • J. 4 Shee.
n EYNOLDP 4 SIIEE, Forwarding and Com
tsnon blerenasts, for the Allegheny River Tntde,
dealers in Geseeries.Produee. Puasttecgle r blanufaetures
and Chloride of Limo.
The highest priers, In mash, paid nt all time. for
Co.try Raga Comer of Penn and Irwin sts. jantla
II OAKFORD & Co, Contailssien Merchants.
14. Liberty st.,oPposite tfmithfield, Deplers in Flour
Grain and Mends; also, /Inter, Lard, 4e. spit( y
C elueFtett. . Thos. IL White.
IIACKLETT & WRITE, Wholesale Dee-
Oils!,, to Foreign and Domestic Eby Goods, No 92
W 604 street, Phubargh febl7Ef
W. lIAILBADOII, Wool Merchants, deal
r.e Flour sad Producer...rally and Forward
saiund C61411./06 Paelth2.ll4, No M.l Weed street,
SAMPEL PALMER., Aunmey at Law. Office
ian Breed's budding, No PI Fourth street, between
Mood and Fmhbfiold.• nov3drewly
WpTlitiarsomerionwr a oci.i.whoh4E.
• OrOccia vortrardina and Commission Merchants,
Dealers 'ln PM•hurgh Manufactures and %Yocum Pro
duce, have removed - to thew new warehouse, (Old nand!
Nc!!:.0, names of From at and ChatteoryllAine. nov7
SAMVEL A. KIER ( Fotorinitn , ind Comm;
aion Merchant, Dealer to Salt, PrWticOond Pita
burgh manufactured melee, Conal.ilasio, near 7th it.
QrX. WI C Kilft.llllA /Xi Dealer in Seeds, Flan
on, Fruit Tress,nnd Auto utal IniplemeniniNn
Mt Wood street linniburxh. • •
ASSEY & HEST—Wholesate.::. Gwen). &
Commission Mereh.ts, and dooleriinProducc. ,
ho 13 Wood strcet, Piusbnrigh. • • •Pti •
- -
TTwos.. KENNEDY, .1 r., Looking Glass 111.aftent
lire% and Dealer in Clod. ltemba, and Variety
Goads:earner of Wood mid Fair* 'streets . 11.9
T P Forsyth. . : 41CJ Forsyth.
rll l P. FORSYTH te ' Ve,Canitchrsion Merchant}
.IJ .dcalcri in Salt, Lumber, Gtocericat PrcdacC• ...d
Pirtsbaret Manalactitrea,; Canal Marla, 4.dharty stret,
Pinetttrgh.. • , , , . cult
Wm Alet:, hew) ! • limbut McCm. ) ..n
W c rb ° 9 7 2 2:l l r %2.." V irle i" ,(ll * G :d
l'astb . argh geggilly " ibs,Laberrpgirba;
PiOsba b:
sour D. Inc 4. • DAVID XV/lIDUJII
A7/0$ a..araminzasse, (successors toLt
J D Wick,) Wholesale Grocers, Forwarding and
Commission Alerehants..dealers in iron, lulls, Glass,
Conon Yana and Pittsburgh Manufactures generally,
n,rof Wood and Wattrao. Pittsburgh. mehln•
ixr illeiPllT•lrmtoi the ladies to eall and
Y Be
hie stock of French IVorked Collars,
•r• aa 23 [(Ma. rachl3
- - - - ,
Wholeealebtocer,Ferwardlna and
Cbtactisaion Merchant, and ,Dealer in Produce
and Pirmhargtt filantifactorea' soraer of. Water. =id
!Smithfield rta:Pinatiarnh. - Pa.- • apls
Intirrnon.r. woLvir, Imparters end
TT IVholarale,Dcalera' ardarare. CallarY, Sad
dlery, tr., ears= Liberty and I:3c Clair itraeta, Phu
- °IP
Vtit'i." 3ls tc.t1ic0wT..7.73..=1;
TAT W. WALLACE, Mill s mic mid mil furn,i-
T► . hag carablahment,&o.sl4 Libeni
. roar&
'UV & EL .111TOUELTREE, Wholes.Je,Gro:
AL V rel: an ' ZN K* o.l i GirLflZ i rg I st i " p W ;Z:V. 1 4 ,7 4;
W. 0
ClamSt bIICCI, next door to -Udell:tan Johns. •
opt 3 / 4 13rtt •
Ar 11. GAR.IIII.IID, Dealer in Panry and :lurk
v 'Dry Goode, No 179 Market sweet, Patabargh.
s-WW. W1L.14011,
.DClLiii Wattfitli, Jelry,
7311ser Ware, Mawry G ood., is, 10. 0. 37 we Mar.
ket sweet.! 130 ,7
111 IL 211711.P1IY;wholesale nod fetal] denier Iv
VI 'Foreign nod Doinegie Dry Gokids, norib emit ear
nerorlitarketand Fourth .urn
`X M. F. ILEININ, Jr. ha. rtg3threbased the
Ir Drug Mote of Edgar Then, corner of Peno and
lined sneers mill teen a donsunt sapply of the beet
medicine,, pinfemedy . , he.
•Php . iriatt s prenest poor, darenll'no.PnetrAett
.Igetheties can be and el ali 'bent. of the night.
fettodt re r.
jij C. AUGOILIIIBALICIII, Auoiney at caw
V Fifth Sliedj:Eiraf 915lidated: Collenung. agen
ins and 011E7 balm.* attended to wilt. pmmanty.
••• - - -
&wile; Wm. Cnntun, Esq.,
BA Fabonnock & Co, John
omr, Liam- & co, 4 0 1WW.F.b4
Jnme•JleCWly, Eq, M'J.
. AND waorstwur. DILLLIM IX
MEM k DOMESTIC. WINES it Llqlolls,
Na. 114 Libal y:ai and 59 Diavand alley,
_., '1.4 COM,
p0,0h.”, Dealers Z..rhonEC,
Cot., in
of Thad and ...Oa.
; (Surcener le Lurie ,11. traNnelts,l
WhillEce Norh .lok or Foorth ot, above Smithfield...DO
Meer Bloekbera. ' George B. /ones.
I !. _
VirIIOLF*ALF. Grocers and Dealers in Oils, Boat
stormand Paulson!, Manufactured arueles,havre
on hand , et all tames a fall and general assortment of
goods in their" line, Water street, near Merry Alley,
Plizebancla. 1.13
Dyrid W. BeU. Algernon S. Dem.
W. aA. DELL. Atiornoys at Lao, Otkee
JJ. In SEcorort's Ba lding. Fourth meet, wand door
shore wood at, rinoburgh, Pa.
D. W. Bell. Cornmismoner m take Deproltions, - Ac.
knoorledgernerno of Deeds, and other Instromeoto of orri
tlog tube used in AlismouL. notnArno..
Dona rt. vowassarr, Druggist and Apeche•
arp, No 4.5 :Market al, three doers above Thad et-,
Pitti c lmrgh, will haee constantly on kand • well select
ed amottmeetof the.bert Ind freshest kledicides,ishich
be wilt tell an the most reasonable tams. Physiciens
hemline order* will be promptly attended to, Arid sop
plied with articlu they may rely upon ea genuine.
1107Physicianst Prmeriptons u . c , e . urawly and
prolmr . e:i . from the best materials, ny hone Of
Also Y l ' or n =, L a large stock of fresh and good
Ixr W. WILSON. Watch Maker k Jeweller,
V k r ;• corner ith and Market ety. A large and well
rleoted 'meek of watches, Jewelry, Silverware and
'Military Goode. Always on hineand at molar
pnees, Gold Patent Lever, full Jewelled
as low as 114(4 liver do watcheilons lawns 810.
Genuine Cover, foLm,Johneon and other apyreved
make of mambos may be had at a email advance and
1.12•11ne watch work done in the very boot manne r.
• aw
°Mee 3d 84copposite 111. Charles
viTILL a 1110 idtentprosaptlytaCeamtionson Wub
yv Ingion,Payetu andfireu Coutiu, Pa.
Rums To
V . MSC krACk, 801 l Co .
Church & Carothers / Ptitsbrsh. .
T: Morgan or1:217
.71 Fauna wort, nsai Woad.
ICY MI qualities of Green and Musk Tcasi
dollt spaquarter. half, 81111 one pound packages, na
ging' from Oats 'per putrid to RAO. A JAYNE
. Agent for Pekin Tea Co
• DLL DAVID nun's., Denture,
basing matte such arrenreseents in his
Call ness that he can devote his
ethole.usue to the duties of hes reties
elan, ets7 be seen in his eke, cornet of ilth and
tar selects, between M ahes end Feley At Any hour
131/lAg the day, frees ha . at till 67. ta. trxt I y
A RTORNEY ii.dCcimmilr at La, CICINNATI,
1 - 10500. Collechons in thmthem Ohio snd ill I.:Dana
cad in Kentticky, promptly and carefully attended m.
Commissiooo for be Kam of Poinsylmalc; for tithichc
qemitm.,acknowledgemeno,io. •
lEtzrzn co--Hon Wm Bell & Son,Cirtis, Church A'
Camber,. Wm Hull, & Cava. ¢2.5
Candle:Wick, Hattlitag,' Tswana, Coverlet
(Beecessors ofArbackles h Avery,)
_ _ Proprietors
• A GENTS ford II Awnant's Extensive Steam Sugar
("A. Refinery. Always on limed, a large stock of LoaL
Powdefed, Crushed, Clanfied and Reward Sngats, to
Tierces and Bondi. Also, Sagsr 11000 ittol WU.
'Prices liberal and a fair allowance mode on all rates
ofior above,So bench,. wain
• t•-• GEO. 81/11Til &Apo,
Corner Barkers Alloy and fend Pe.,..ead'foot of Pitt St,
"'' ' • Pittsburgh: Pa.
1. W. Ho I,
IS., Donbribt. '
' .1. I. It W. 130.511111.1011 T.
1irt11".17.19 ) .
of at low Frites and on pal Tams,
yr • Heaver, P..
9 r Ital.rl4 • MAWS an. P 0011...
H. A. & R. NIELSON & 00..
IVANUFACTURERS of Ilaannered SboTeof and
•,,,te4`dda...nors, and Max:nro l'ofts, Ito., Az
r 1.... t, Nn i n %load idtetd, ITO —marl3
--- ,---
. T. o.2llaltop, Va. ry Sartfon, ram
. A , found at Ids llorast.hordnEEtuddandadd,
i i i . ; • . • :tl e T te l as. Cllr .. meet Lingo, lately Ion;
Carr & Ito sad. i nr&lato
; If. 11. ICATOIk, '
DP-ALER in Trmmers - and YarietytrooN,Torterre
.Tbe 11, Ivory sad Um rnalbs,Woollen Yarns and
Wormed., Itatutr, N eed les , Pin., Tapes, Ilraids,
No 63 Market lin between Diamond and 41h streets
Pittsburg'. 1595417
K. 2 owes Uhaerwood . 4 moaned;
1 4 " • &meaty;
: 2 " Pencla iheservec
" Tons4Ca2Papi DK Web
C K Danrubower
CU/11=ES R. neszslatfwzis co,
T 9)1 P
comatearoli — iliCllAllT 8,
No. Lb South Whoever.. and No 117 south Water at
DEG to Inform the trade surd dealers generaliser
Pitubtirgh, that IlicYhriv. , made such arrangements
- .nth the Virguna manufacturers and the Growers of
w. West, West Indies; andsather places ai will insure
a forge and constant
of the following dert no
tions ot"Fobacco which on I be sold upon as ACCOOI- .
...Wing terms as any other house in thm city or else
where, and all goods ordered nom theca will be war
ranted equalito representatlon: . .
Havana; Sr. DOOLlidel Goan,
Yarm row Rico; SeedLeaf,To
Cuba; Await, and Florida, baceol '
ALBranch's celebrated Aromatle Stag Coven.
dish, with large assortment of other pi:Tatar branda:
qualities of poands Es 12s 16s mod INsi'Lemp;
a• tho Es and Flux;
. Larties' Twisq.Virginin Twist.
sweetand phdo, an whole and half boxes, wead
end tin, together with every variety of article belong.
11,{ 7 10 " :111e t' &a1
.East Boozer Point and Bridgewater,
Pmprietor and Agent of steamers
ho . pt w ep ,m itrolo , n p e . arliest op t et i n , g. , Zstt o lnt , v;
in warehouse. (or all points onl:r7e Extettston,erou
Cut; and Cain CanaN.for porta on Lake Ens and
ewer Lakes... also to torward produce, Ite•II Pend'.
Improvements. Apply toot addresa
febSta.dif JAS InICKM . Denver
J. G. W. Ledwleb., W. C. Wthen..
Amd 'Commlesion Merchants, • ,
DARTICVLAI I4I .tteizOon paid to couoignments of,
tingarlllo, Ertgoloo, or other gruel. for Opelonsos
IDA AdAkepae.
REFER Mess Sheffield h Lishuove SRL Tho.
mssiixnerick; Neti Orlearto.
Moms. Lorton & Ueitenm, Mr. Z. M. Sherleyi Lou-
Mame. flan & Speer Mr. Wm.. O'Leary., Robert
R'ightman, Ann.:rang& 'Pliehalmen Pittebargh. 1
Iderst-Orerea, Todd 2 Co.; Cinenmati.
Mepts.llynes & Craighead, :ileum Edwards &
Mon. Zenon .Labaufe, Mom John MM..;
Fla. incline, La. • , eel E-19
. P: 7S.
16,11.mitios unrr,
QEVER their sc reeds to Merchants and Farmers
t e sale of Floor,(idoin and produce !Tamil'', in
die Baltimore Markey...lfs& their ezienalve a&plain
tarleekkaocy patelmera and shippers, can safely War.
not saksfaetory sales. .Correspondents will constantly
be kept adriaed of the rates( the Markets, ho.: -
Ray& rts—Mesars. IVm.Wnleon & Sous, ha& Rey
noldr re,Son, Dovidson'tcSaundqrs, Reynolds &Stunk,
Tirrlcy.Caalwyll & English; Philadelphia.
Ilazserty Ehaper-& JoueS New.liork.
Balnusore.June tat:. • :mean
. .
, . •
T gun idrancro made on• receipt of car.
grunenti. 'Those oh: prung to oar aUdrcaa will be
Poo three-fourths rabic In advance in Cian, biapply
jog in'our friends, • •
Masan. Wallingford & Taylor, Pirtabargh.
Mew... Than & , Bridgeport, Oblo.
Philadelphia, 'May 8, . truirdf
13. All produce eitillVlVi 10 0. is irisared when
indha 'a-arena. of Walingfocd & Taylor. Pinobargh,
0. in our wore in Philadelphia. ' C. B. tr. Co.
g i tY SlDDLEttilenwiss
. . .
•.. , R t .. 7. 1-EEPH , , JRI
trAVlNOtept•Mtahed nm'anektmat Me beat iorscca.
1.1 La.& dometain ant Inresign. I take pleasslin an
naancing to-cammarei ann. daalltra th at lam p eparct
to furnmatiera vita nil tgotto io My lam 03 to. better.
terms Man h<retotbre.` • ' i . ,
. . .
Payer:win recollce[:hu dcuutg'erelunrelll in Sac
12 'cu . .ilardw ate 'ani.ensringe Trinuntoap, min
thereby adrinanne c titin noel, me In rodipencr..
Can, nee. and lung,
I. roprAolves. •spt:
Ihirt/RTEIL 4 Or AND ‘l, - 110L1 , 4ALF. DEALERS
Aw 1 . 19 Woad Street.
Y TT511011.1111.
fIF: now in the rouge of receiving largeaidhlorm
11 to their extennleY emrt of• Itanlaare. Callery,
Sn.l .Im7, fee., which having been .putrirahed on the
adeantageoes wad. in England, and duvet from
the Manufacturers in hi. 'country, cwible• them to of
ter omis on terms sarmayned by none and equalled by
fen Purchasers are reireetialty !netted to call.
No. QWool, Snooty, el . .. tarn° it.
CONT . INUES to transact a general Communion
Boman ' especially tho purchase and sale
or American Almailactn-es• and Produce, and. in .
tre•tiving and rani Gouda euougned to his'
cue. As Agent for the Alasulacttuars, he 'will ho
constantly aupplied.witb the
. principal amides of
Pittatiarsla Alannfacturn at the 'lowest Wholnale
prices.. Orders asid consignments an respectAilly
IL - Honer Lave. F7V3larun. R. 6 tiaaapton.
teu'lNO NI 1'.6 , 61A NI'S.
• Xe. 6 Spoor. Vlibarf, Ualtintor*..
Alku &
11.1pior.. Hank It Co.
Damao, kkandess k ettl
John. It Randal, Balthskte..
*all Hutt lento..
Late of Itaborett,PL of Na.baille, Tenn.-
N. S litnnt ...rd. afore Brantiseng. Cincinnati, OW.
Refer to Merebants. Acnetattv. PAN
noun All➢ 0114111
No. 2zi Ilmeret-At birne. nfmkm, Osillsnore.
Rasta so—D. SpriEg. Ep Cashmr, T Cams, Egp
Enabler, J Landanceton IlNerd Thougheny, Shag
la IT A. Emmy, Wd. Wyman, ennead& Name.
(srccuson To clicioDscAN & scam,)
&airing, Forwarding, Cenamisiiew Merchant, and
roam. Braker.
. ,
ftlttin-at., I door. Nadi of Elantro' Dank, Memphis.
Roan ro—lid Allowrr. Co, Eing,Tcrinock /Co.
71CP 1. E Tomlinson.
B. P. "COX WAY i CO., •
Olin, Comment. and Forwarding
Moreloinut, and Produce Dealers--aloo attend to rho
Purchax, Sale and gnipment of rig Iron,Coal,
, ItNr,Llt To,
Atwood,Jones Co . Brown, Bailey fr. Co
Lorenz. Olean ror /a Co !10. Graff
Graff Liodwy It Co D Leech & Co -
Lyan.flhorb Oa Co' Clarke Yr. Time r.
enarlOdl a dame &laws
[Late of the limn of Malcolm Leech & Co .1
Whole's!. Grocer, Commtalon & Stour
nerehanti. •
DEALER to all kinds of Country Produce, Cop
per, Tin, Tin Platen, Tieners 9 Tools, Zinc, Lead,
Rusin Sheet Iron Iron and Nails, White Lead,
Dje Stuffs, COMM ' Ystisr, Call, rce; and Pitia, inran
tlantitraetures genera/Iy, confer or Liberty rind Irwin
streets, Pitudutrah, Y.
PrkiLiberal advances:in Cash or Goods, made on eon.
riguments of ?Mae& &e., , myri
OPFER Wised at either eititiliMinent, all kinds of
Merchandise atithe tomcat rates of COMInIiAIODS and
are ahamys prepared to mate advance+. The hem of
reference. p.m, if recruited. Imttera oddrrned to
either More 'titbit promptly attended to, JpOdly_
frliertol. 7 -W. 11,011.111.1..
And Markaracturer• or Listareed
No.:U Columbia Slitet„!
cOmAza vizi pop iutzozlri,Co
sep2SY y
llAte Telllate•Yoneitt Co., of Rahnaare.)
No. 4.5 l'aydras Street, New 6rleens;
Pmeuiar attention raid la die forwarding t:vi
ne.. oetladltatt
Forwarding Metelion;,
Attends particularly to Ihn Forra..ling of Pradoe..,
Vv. .y_farthrr )npwanatian apply a F0R141711
DlllicA N. ~wry AIL .
L. W. tarIIW). 7. I. Pawn.
• . N 0.411 Water dtreet.
ST. 1,0019, MO.
givepoineuter. attention to the selling of ro.
duce , and to orders forputehasmF.
Run& lo—tieorge Almon .t Pittsburgh, Pa.
/Min MI:411.0. APKeehan, U lii:llllperiTun.
Con m Etrion and Forwarding Merchant.,
Nos. 09 & 95 SOUTH ST
2 . 1,137j41;0 1 :117 ntsnora :
NMs. /I and Y I.4tht DC,
ad am imeti will bo TO ltde oo consignment to
Im above itl.., by - •
)ant y CA RA:IN A. Mc ENID DT, Piz thst,
, MCA. LIUNKWIt. ots. CO,
Comnallialeo lliarchanta
A RE now prepared io receive and forward all kinds
of Ilderchandite to any laadi ng on the I anhus,Nottk
and Witt Drench. anl Ti de witcr Cana I
TUOB. 11. LAUKIN, : •
V 5/ENCHANT, No 59 Water Inreet..97 . . LOUIS'
Rotor to: :Limb Sharp h.Co on4,Ant6ooy noeloot
Eo u .PittsbutooCro.: tot:t4n:o
/. EllamoMAN'T.
rtt-rencanti stanrlivnit Wlll
M'iA liAllbiEniid •I , eri4.4 ~..,_,. .
awortment . Furuituri. -' - -
suitable for Steamboats.,
. . lloich, and private Uwe/. •
lins, constantly ou hand and ma& 2o order.
Thapresent stock on hand car," be excelled by any
manufactory in the western country. Pew..• erlanin;
to parch.° =weld do wkll he gm Le me avail, as 1 um
determined my prices Abell please. Pert'of the rlock
consists io—
-50 Sores web Plash end Ilair•Cloth covers;
ado. alahogang Norse Chairs; .
14 pair Mains;
Le dos fine =botany Clams;
12,mallogany Worii illarida;
3 dos mahogany Rocking Chain; •
16 marble top Mewing Bureaus;
8 pair OttomaWor
• 6 marlile top Stands;
IS cherry Work Stands: •
Mahogany, Maple, Cherry and Poplar Bedsteads of
all descripuons; and a! large assortment of Commothi
Furniture and Chairs, too in rocuuon.
maratf •
-- NEW L HARDiV All I , '''' '''."
Corner or Wood and 2d at., Plotalnargbi
HAVING wobtirawn from Ike old finned Walker &
Woods,ll, on the Ist of 147, I 140
pleaaomm announcing' to my friends in the city and
country, that I have opened my new store at the atone
named place. Having purchased my good. for each,
and made arratigements with manufacturers m ihm
country and in Europe tote constantly supplied, I am
fully prepared ta furnish I lardwaro ot all kind., an all
rd teems and as low as any house East or Wm,—
erthants and other, are reser rtfally m cal
and examine my stock, before purchastng elacwheic.
The following comprise, a pasta my steep
Steamboat and Saddlery ilardware,G.Trtsamines,
Naylor's:teed, Cullery, Edge Toole. Annals, Vt
ova, Locke t Latches, Slekles, ticythes, Butt Halos,
Screws, Uman Factory Flams.Sawsalahtignav boards
and veneers, mid till . other wanton connected with die
Hardware Wnness. I • mehlltf
Tt e subscribe. having obtained a patent. M IKE
1646,1. ra Press flack Alachtne, and having since then
tlatinicighly tested its ability. me now prepared to Fell
rights and contnact tp deliver inse hires to any port of
the U rated States. The machine ts designed to 'make
Brick from erude clay, and will matte 33.0U0 good
moot firm brick per day. antliesently hard to amok up
-in the kilo; thus avoiding the expense and labor of pre
parinc the elag,drxing and handUng, the !nick after
being unaided. It to ample, strong.not liable to gs tont
octal repair, and Is constmeted Get it can be taint to
pieces audat to,the'r with great farility.thu• yonder.
mg it part ible. Wearc now budding en: whines, and
eau turamhiltem on short none& Torn full deerripoon
wow' old refer to a machine nave ut ameessful or
n Mill crock bottom. near the West end of Eighth
street; whore we shall be happy to expialn everything
ronneeted .with it to all who may call. We have at
present as authunsed Agent. All letters to roe addrew
will be promptly attended to •.
ep23tl ' CIBICINNAT j i.
Nislfi Rolmrut erriUrilt ifictietti;
open an Monday, A e n Sth. four d o ns from {Food at,
and next door to A Jayne's Pekin Tea Sloe,
se% splendid mamma:mut of Fancy Cake. Confectionary,
Fruit, ite., (region the counter every Wry; onsotig sit :eh
are the killowingt—
'gunroom.; Pound Cake; Lemon Ili:cult;
Pastry; ;sponge to; Pepper Nuts;
Jelly Cake; Almond do, Afolumes P. Cake;
Ginger Nuts; Warer.Jumbles,Fliotme Beretta;
Federal Cake; A. Ph; Sugars do;
Orders for lee Creams, Jells, Brides . Cake, Fancy
Confectionary, &e., .te., executed en a tinimner ane
mia/led in quali.y and beauty any other estatilish•
meat in this ray. f
Fresh Bread, Twist, Rusk, ke, menufacturen ey
front Where Wheat Mu,. 1.11.1 teen from 211,drtics. every
morning. ysx ANDREWS
nOlt TON 110 Dr. 91 , IICATING11011:-
. sl , ,i—Mr. Gowen. I...arranged and
patented a plan for beating abuse*. whcliits• firma sir e•
emsrfally usgul to Boma, New . York,.ke , and wherever
applied, halt emceed the decided prercrever over
Stoves, Furnaces. the Its advantages are—
lat. Great regelarity of Temperature
rod. Freedom freed :emote..
3rd. No anplessoni Drytteso '
4th. Foray artended to, .3 no I.aL:ak to getout
Mh. l;reor Durohdity.
A Model and everigenlion may b.- rein. and tt. - \ . •
pa rotor obtained at the Copper and Tdavrare
' WM. it SCAI/1-1 otreet
bet NVond ioe 5,
a -
1 - 31 PORTER ANL) 0F.A1.13t Foee:en And lannese
liareovale, w oala treiiertfult) Jo.= hot ~Ne.nlr
an,ethe poblir atecrally, that he is nu,.
eprateaut,, - Ilardaare. et lee ald cal ree:l
& Wrna Na Ma Wood Jaceet.watehar
of ante , : Inostreatonalde term
Ile Rill la.continuelfy to .eapl;rt
imm the .7,laaura. - teeer• .n r,i. l-I,ope.aet),tna en.ra.
ainett nal eitable Lan to tatnr.e.t......ln'anY r , ant ee .J.ta•
nt,l'a. or ‘Ve..t.
WeLtern Me.chante ace ,ne.te.l to rail exam
hock stock artery , pureha•MA
TUE. the onderr.geert, hove entered tn.. Qtparrner-
V • 61116 6r the purpose terratarttin aitteriver,
Cortunietton and rot-wont:ter tra , nee, ondet•tbe itty tr.
of PRON. Bletittli6W & CO.. . r
end h pee uthen•the era mho.n. No 6 Cornoterr Ba t s,
Lthe rtT etreet. formerly occopted by Mr_ V. II ettri.
where a!I btretota. roll-wed toear rheree slt he
ptorootty and feitlatttly attended to.
°Re...1,4/16464y or Plittetteltrtt, .
1 B
10616 - 616GgsVe.: tt-ta.thtl.tio, att
Ihtubersk.,Mattli44,ll , 47..
UF the late firm of litrewpd..4:Kennedy. Lontwe ,i
(.las. 51anstfae‘arer and dr? , e , . Ciw - tx. 1. - 0.1 , ... 0
awl' Varirtt Goods, keeps rou.tantly on ha=d, of hall
awe luefitenwe. every dewsptou no 041. Nithogany :1
- and °seaman I.coltng 1111a.Ws t, 0.3. 4. wil sdt awe, !
'Cadets. Nom and ornamental pnrtts.t ft...
All Lunt. of elm.. Tray., mad \\Ude,. i 3 *ea. 0?
dozen.; Cond.., Tlireads- and a general ....ordne.o ..ih
"ant, Geod., wkole.a:, at a &mall ailvsnee on fen
l'edlar, and others sappbed with Paelre Chan., Car
, Sex'. Pewits, and 10 by 11 0-ames al New York Pw , e..
mrttotr No 01. roe woodAr.Aaw••,..
Dasoatipabela i Llrery Stable.
...a i2.
11011'f H. rnrrup.., , os
h. opened the large stable , ,
on Find ot e tenausg ihreaell
to Seeond st ,lietweess Maxi
sad StuttllSeld newel.. In ter pear of the'lliow,galle la
Ilisaae,arith . roue!" new sock of Hera, and Cain
age tithe heat onatty and lateet my les. Howes kept
tat livery In the bey manner. - lylllx
- I.7iiiiiiiiiliTiiiiii efiTttifeiiiiiir•ifir - 7
7 FOR ail lundo of eruption. and dowel... of ti e Si , m:
such u haaple.,Blotehes,Salt Ahearn Scutt) , 11,0?
Spots, chapped or cracked Shirt and for .11 other gh.ea.
.e. of the Sight which require external renkedlea. tl”.
Soap stando.paralled. It al.e. 51.p.1. Free lle, Sun.
burn, Mutphew. Tan. en& ebense. the roior of dwk.
)ellow, dr dsltgared rtlaito a tine. healthy, ycwellfat
clearway. A fre.l, sapp.p, warranted geninne, and fcr
sale at the reduced loner, of irli per rake ha. plat been
Wceired. Is offered for *stk.' I, 711 A I'AIIN KS rucK A.
Co., turner Ist and wood and 01.0 at the corner or ...5
and wood mi. ',V
Wirt alad 11. 1, Dressing Saloon.
BLiCKSOS & FOIINTIEI ly.s.ranci/ Pmf.gv - •.h.‘•
repainted w.d (,awed np ton. Shasta, Hatt Dressing and
Sham Halo. to tilt owEeru sty le, Rad •r• weparwl
wait sw roams. at kwee. WWI tles, le,
and (-edits
Tim; are prepared to watt no mil that may call • tittout data)
T6•aklis/ f‘w rya favors., we when • s,•ttowsner el the
Woe, al our .U!non, cora. of Union sues t a nd thr Dia.. ed.
(bark of A klwidas 4. Day's Dry Ilwels Mow.) atl
Origin*/ ntielivier Pricks.'
7. X PENI cED J udge..on a trial oi our and it Lail
millious, since 1.0. Niemen,. tlus article tana•
paned (or derability in the empires lien of all kgids of
Furnaces. Price Strl,7s rash for rout toads of 10 it,
guarantees] nine months use. Order• for art.:and Trebly
Hollvolirickit will he exceuted m 11 . 20 per N, if ao
aired. without Footnote* A Mock of the first quaint is
new reeeiving and for ens at the warehouse, elSioan'y
Whaff:seanal Limon, by
J etIAW 51ACLARiiii
' gen•ingion tom Works
T 1
bee, by written contract with the Prate Tot Co. ,
has tie delusive right to eel] their Teas in l'it Abolish
and Allegbeny elites. Any perion attempting to veil
Male Teas, except procure d thronet ter, n practising
deception r.nd o fraud upon the public—and their atom.
meets axe nit to be relied on.
.1 , 121 A JAVNIN. 7:1 Fourth street
flirt ilik.Y, Rri.l;c6;
hart received from the East, honey'' straw tuner,
Pint 14 Os Cutter. very superior article. an d
nal/chrism cutter, all of which ate of a very superior
quality; for sole nt the Pinahurgh Seed and Iniplerrient
wirehouse, earner of Weal and kit sub
mitt en
TOEI. Ihogx at and A mohccary, N,
Jcrone. of'Wood and Sth au, nit•bur g h. will keep
Constantly on band, Drugs, Paints, Ods, ;Ds e.studs.
N. II —l . hysiclanht prescriptions carefully compound.
ed from the heat inaterlult, at any hour of Van dry er
night. Alsn, an assortment of Perfumery; bee Tooth
Date, and Clotb.Dpsheo, the. /re , which he will.ll
low for Mob. my I
IxielO • sure
existmg between the subscribers. under the lit, le
of J D Wilburn A On, tofthla day cli6solVrati.y atmicird
consent. The harmers will be continued by .1 D Wth
hams, who A duly authensed to settle the .Cfollo l4 of
the IMO hot. J WILLIAMS,
- - - .
Pittaba Pept 1, tIIIL spOir
(1111TLEILY—A Abniie sellout. of out sir.
N-1 emolthe and Budding Knaves. at var.. patterns
suitablt fnr nurser? Alen nnd eardenerri met
assortment of pen and porkotaitiotir, a rumor, on:. te
)13111 retChreil and for rule tow at air Pitudimrd `,.it
and Agricultural Warehouse, No tit %Vriail r a t , coiner
of Mb. ' onto y N WICKERAItA
commiseitoNgu OF moms
A T out oodtotiord lho Govut DOI
Penn4ylvonia to Ink, arkuntrlntproWs of all In
strumento pf ortitio, alto, edam. and 1 1111 ar of
porPong In Ohio, to be r od or It:corded In l'onnoploo•
lilt. OFTICV, dooro F..a•t the Mayor'* Mice, cia•
einnotkiOloo. " EDWARD CILPIICII
nytXkl.t tql
itiorny nt Liirr • .
100,000 .;',ls.l.'iett'inlgg'h,•',ltipx,sl:l.l'ir4.e'irZilli:l,:
Alwart toi bond, coot? ti.enotinn of
Wridag end
IV tapping Taper and chtnr.d , Lunn.
• & MIER
m ai cornet Penn and Irwin ovt. 11 ~
Monthly Itosrol and Ever
yde , ',unable for phyttlnt m Cumetryle
can hn famished en opplicution at die eeed "tore,
of Jan. WAT
aldron, anelterter. '
frein — N""'"" le N. WIOHER9ITAIII
ftmebStint .No
_I Tl, co, wood end nth nu'
, U„,m,n o n thr any hug , tine k of T
Gold nnd Pat.
eml er Watehr", , rnidable for I.n dins end lientlemen
of the la lea , and Inoldeoraext !oaken" and of Ibo best
otanufseture—warranted and for solo at very low pie.
Jain W W WILstON
err'. . A • •‘; d o f •
- no RD C an Mittlfl Tartans niscs.conitant
ly on band, ail& tor sale at red i utied'prices, Wits
Pittsburgh Peed Powe r .flo 131 Wr street. corner
ICI; CREAM FREEZERS—Jost Teed, a Inc alsort•
moat of Johnson'a excellent Patent Ica Groom Free
eare, sailahha fon glottis sthamboau and private Rani
lies, at " •- •• JOHN DUNLAP
Nn to marifol
STOILAOI3—Tbo subscriber bar as - leased the large
~,,,peetse.crecopied ley Dr. C. O. Hassey, No. 0 Core
mental Row, are no* prepared to store on fareable
terms. Ooodt stored with Rom are constantly covered
by tangent , . • 'J JORDAN &SON
opt! !lbw* et, opplitikoad of iumthaeld
rptl is Insistutio'n, under the ears of Rev. J. 31
.GO. 1101L5 350' Lacy, in,whieh ail the wird and or
fun n;al ,
hinneheS of a finished caseation are taught
sYnow open for the reception of 1111 , 141 at
151.b7, Irrsains ltow, rty Street.
hettshien lid and th MGT. 'The Second .Session will
emnittence on Monday the mom of , Atigna, and it in
Important that any who may design entering should
T present an fur as practieahl eby Oaths..
Phi Live secured the &emcee of Yrofessor.RHO.•
BOCK eo'reacher•of Music on the Piano and Guitar;
who) , too well known to need recommendation. A et:a
ncient French teacher will ho employed.
PTI: DIN° LIAM will have charge of the Department
of Nntuallulno.
Pruf.SUAILNSH.I soil hope direction of the Aetinie
IN torment, and will give lesion, inalrawing. Welch
log, e nd painting, Lich in oil and water colors. Prof.
S a_eonwelenttencher. and b u reeonimendations
from. the fast men lit Europa sad the United States Ile
bns hito been a teacher in the first-institutions of the
Fri. tents apply- to the Principal. intr
To raid ammuntaitor,
TIDE ha.tri's' order the direction of
. Mr. N. vy.
, still open for the ricepuon of Pupils'
ratho •
Corner of Sandusky and Strawberry ate..
The Second Session will commence on Monday,Sept
Those deigning in enter find ato dime interest
to no: w mr near the open tog of the session as possible;
though pupils will he received at any usunStaing the
Session .
TheSintiCet of ioterietenrTeeehery vr be moored
tor doom. that tray le receive rerteactiess in
Drawing, reinting;and Movie.
For parte:Wars relative to,the wane of itistrartleivi
relator, he. :roach eiceularor apply to the ill•MICIOT.
Allegheny. July 13,1c472
VLUABLETlioOnBsshiblished trr J A
I& U l James IValnut street, between C•'oarth
and E'ifih, Clncintintis
GibbonS-The history of Li:Wakelfne and
fall Of the Roman Empire By Edward Gibbon,
Esq." A new Editioe, remsedand corrected through.
out, preceded by a preface, and aecompouled by
noted criticaland historical, relating principally to
the propagation or christianity:!by M. F. Gantot,
Mininter of Public !Instrottion for the kingdom of
Franco. The preface, note, and correction., trams!
bated from the French expressly for this edition.
With la notice of the Lilo 'lid character Of Gibbain.
and ,Wat.on'a Reply to Gibbon. .10 vols. imp.
8r0,11173 posies. -! • ,
• Ni pp ier'. k r enirmila War- , Complete. I vol. imp.
iro, tart poses. I
11.11nra's Middle! Age., Chamber's Rebellion in
Scotland, Robertstin'i Virginia and New England,
Russell's French and English War in America, and
Raniraf. American Revolution. 1 col 4to.
el 'American Historyv-C,ontaining scree
finial from the best authorl on American libitory,
Biography, Travel.. Crimereme, Statistie.,lndiaes,
Revolutionary Batik., AIM &c. Also, Anec
dote., Poetry and Miscellaneous uGeka 11loatra
teal with more than 500 engraving.. I not, imp Bvo
veto pages.
Universal Pictorial Library—Contairung valuable
papers on verioui subjects, comprising Natural
history, Natural Se le nee., Agriculture, Bars) EC011•
lamyjliography. Fine Arta,,the Oriental., Travel.,
Geography, Betsey, Misceilanernis reading, &a.
&r. ; I mil imp Sao 6.10 pp' fall sheep.
' The FSmily Medical Library—A Treatise on the
Titillation and Cure of Dereases, by regimen and
simple medicines,, Naas edition, revived and calla,
gm/ with the addition of a Vegetable talaterii Med.
ma, pointing out the virtu., preparation. andydossm
of our mort.valuable native; medical plain., and an
textile of Anatomy and Phygiology,T Illommted
with.: one hundred Engra.iegs.. abs of which arc
colnied. lay J G Norwood; Milt-884 pages Gyn.
American Flower !Garden Companion—Adapted
to the United ritateis; by Edward Sayers, Landscape
aid Ornamental Gardener.' It mo, third edition,
revived, enlarged and illitstrated. -
Palmer'. Oregon. Itockylatountaim,&c.
Family Temanient, with sad without
Poiret. notes.and Psalm. in metre.
Men and Tiegree's. Debate. Purn's Work.. Lady
or the. Lnkr. Lail. Wields; Private Penn
on. Javende Banks. !Cheap edition. of rano.'
works In pi.7;phleTform. rach.ti
ia an e Standardor - 1.
puLANT,g-s I:\C exi.oe.v.DlA —A Ddreduary a S.
1,,i.,.-ratilmbrr arr. ceeoprodog thelderdry, deserver»
add virutiei. pry occ). 4of nee, bednele leumao kbeeled,re.
owl, dee de 0., and 4,61.t..43 of all the tercel gebeesl
orded by T Brawl, F.R K, ke. Illedraberl y bd.
m~aro redo Chafe inp .41 'mond.
Mdres, !drain Arberrier Atlu, crnerdining beirdifolly col
ored Dup. bf Diorth "Aelverin,Caroada Canada IFest,
No•o Peed, flrer Cobb...rob, .!‘edrbertr Told., Need blye•
roo, Yeorite, T. C:abtoreid r lblerd, Cesare Adyerro,
oca,r, Weer' New Iddrole ordi the grate* and Terri,
. • ad tire I Irdn
roe/rent—Tie . I.e.roey of rho rodddei fordo lb.
derdadr,... y the rt e. lore. of 1769. euboprid . ajy,
,reroro turd- peddlyl.l, le.r,dr. by 0.41 be dr
rorreed by Jobde 0 Cbdora,3l LI, . a:, wet portrallor.eeed);
er .1 end.dro
7te it« if :be Dian relninn, to anti Mind. by Girorge
U. mete Lercl the blvd . rblirvit et rbyiniunii,
1,43. of thel,o, beicrafeeting oarratue• et shipirmic,
Jurr,ie pent',
rul erlrret•r-• so elrrlatnotlen, wah • se.rt
u—, .4 revel 41. tvartr , ..ll FrUci•T I[.••clt, lekroctor
Tbti ataa ar,l, ! yea , ri,d aaal.a+y tal. by • i
all ;ll,,karllirt, me market aria 3r4 al •
lAmen.n, tlnpan Iles!th,
1 al,,eq c 114ed.r.^-,
l'etr.e4 • M
Ms,let`e k..en ne..reeg Y. • ••
J:Men, mr I , ernst.,..
Coye, nn hero::. rattani:on:
1 . to11: en
l'undee nu Docarep
Hooper 's NI-dual pl.7t.n.tat7..
C 171., gel Frer,
te:ted k•yemsatory-'-neys
The atevie ev::4 a k ..erral.-ortra,ni cias.iral and
Nturi:anecnie goolo,u It re, ring and for sate I ai r
PLIJoisT Emiusi •
at Femmes jrd and Ito
I.6IICL.ERING-4.lne splend,d RoYe
w•Dral and a I.lla-tare Plano False:
nt.Lleh.T ellekennor.l. l .4.P.
PFAR—Itle Yen.,-Aransi Piano Vone.froan the man e
esr:ory ot.ltrur) le.artave.
1:(1—One rnrsol Krisraroed,o octave, walk
V 144
One lit raeboesity e.Yeetaty•-
$ Si %eve; tinrY —One elegant nine. six On
rare., Lai been uet-4 al.. one year; price (MO.
•6,4Nti HAND UMW,
Aneter.ilerit lior.l rum, made . by Lood
Shelby, in 51411ordrr• ••• •' ••• ••• •• • CO )
One oretind iband ...... • •......... • • 6u
Fie by • /011 ' N MELLO..
dt wood rtmet
SO .
HOU IC elt a re t ruhana
by Wl' Me*, .rr:G. 6 nraw.
Xwara, to dn. Truiarlt L.brriy.
I . lw ...Ow, by Mix. dm lb.
(nunnwntrtr of Moltatulrouved.
Cowin.of Mortni: by V Sante, FAN.
Lrernds of Mra rid by lbw Ltitpard, Grab minty.
Mugu Ors for Ordutter. linor Mn,r tart rerutred by.
31. B. GAD W ELL,
third ra, appacte pow elm.
/111.1.}L . WS I' V Llt A TlOllllB .. - %Vebstee,
Dooneture teotorny and Ilounekeermg.
urdortVn Monleit,
on Soon', GrretkAnd Enklirh Leticon.
Dralowse Natural Plii!rtritithy.
llnekln) tkonthyry
Jun reed end fer=rule hp
spelt MON /pi ALD BEF.SON,PD market .t,
lif)Li811 'BOWL —BBtory• of Me Greek Hes-
E• obit., and of Ibe w and campaigns azalea
toms the rtruddlen or the Greek ar Vain°. in it:maned.-
bor. mint Cotllll, Waal the hurls Yoke—in two vol.
Lims—Tn.:Old carry with nun - cams map. told owe,
Letters' tiluttrattne tae.reren of Wtlltarn 111, from
Ito Inn—with httu portrait, in trots.
Alwidttrunn to tho 'lndy thn holy Feriptores
Harry Mowbray, iltroleg romance, long, :/0 neva.
't our in the Holy Land, Stage, and Sketches
in China. Jun reed and for rain by
1.0 market at tort
I 0 N 11. 311. cl Wood 0., , 104. eaving
r) no excellent at.ortin. 01 of Ilailon sad New 1 ork
I':aurer...ll,d in-day and now open , for sale.
Two micriMit ItoMnweit rm.., mg octaves, . ISM
Oros flit...did earvod Itomwood, vii octaves, 300
(Inn ..plerolid mahogany maim, cm'and n ballot.
t•Ve., 330
One grand Vinno Torte, made at , the fitelory of
Henri Item. Ilan.. and sully equal is the one
used Ir)klion al hi. Convert, 000
rine 1.07,1,) rri 1,11 hand Piano; made by Sic.
dart. Wrirce , tiir k Dunham, New York. P. 23
fk , further .apply will lit received daring MIA week.
New Lot of factual Plant,.
n 0...: wild Lc wli .„1 cinbe
u burtO trp.
snalionany,tl nrlavn. made by Nuns &
mil, Now Volk,'ol, great power and rwerlnesx of
.lOW pbeed.
re,ant Yuan, made try Chlekering.
1:o• ton, and rel.:vied by bon I. the Last nvnratoen, 01
vitt, in It. faclory—prb. Very. moderate.
ntunhbr of oth'essOf WI pricer and Mica,
formnic tho m nt c.i.f.,. Aelreilim over offered hero,
No ,1,,1rd.1 of .(W Woodwell'W. anti
flifil,JOllN I I u VELLOR,' No 61.W00.1.1,
Ilsok rcceN.M end offer" lot sale—
Oiie sotroilyd BoAcsvood nano Forte,
with 111 ocinitry , n'frame sod new
'',.beklr. :Ibult• bYilltirkotjtm of Minton.
O .ne clegnoi Itoobwood Piano Forte, With 6 octoyer
kntl If on Name Nada by elbeirroty. '
(bin elegant Atohotbiny.l.lano Ent‘o 7 mule by 9olt•
A 1',.. New Yuri. ..-
Ile aunt, will Ijntoll uttrfuriurer.4pric,,
Also. for sale 11, ataive, a permit band Piano Fortr,•
nu lb 5 octavo, ' jag..
ll._s. . •
ISTOItT BIRSVCCIt—Just pablothrid, by
.I A re U I r lsonea, Cincinnati.
'l'll 111110 . 1 1 / 1 1V Op MEXICO C her Civil War,. and
Colonial and Ituvolutionary /motel., front the period of
ibe'rtparualt Ciuttijnion. 1550. to the meson' lime, 1047,
distorting an accoont of the War adult the United thatch
Ys Causes and Military AoLternotente. Hy 'Philip
oang.iil.l ) • Wjth tOin Copperplate: Maps, Otol seven.
Engravings of Plans of !tattle Erounds, ho. One vol.
splut or taro, of five hundred and slaty-four pages.
II it AP OD MEXICO—Mudd de los Ettatlus
IV . dos de Medea, Ritmo lo omintitado T debnido pot
las !Tattoo stems del Costereep d Melia Republica: y
ron t u On. pek! las amblers outorilmles.
A few etyma teiteived; fur role by
J UIUtolO d & STOCKTON, Booloellela•
ski , - '
eor market & 3d to
filllE P RINCI KIM OF NATURE; bee Divine Het
i., elallollB, and it Voice to Idettilled• by and IMMO
Andrew/adman 'Davit.
Another lot of them Wend esfol
W Seeks bubeen see'd
dotur iti
atpcm rtAROS-3 of du above
, allebnued Ibbno•,ba.t reek kniude by
avi J r o/444 IttELLofli gifted et
D U .12_U ESN E
LIAILNIAN, Co., haring eompkted
C their New works, are now prepared 10 0/113111rat.
tate every. description of Coach and Rhona springs
Iron axles, American Blister, spring and ph:9kb Steel,
and elisions of smallsquare and round Iron, which
they offer for sale on liberal tern., at then Wu Sc
N 0.43 Wood street; when, they also keep 'ent hare
complete add handsome .assortment of 'Catch .
'clings, Carriage lotrdware, malleable castings, Nh.
end Iron, - I
C. Mk Co , have made arrangements with Messrs
Day es Oink , manalletarert of Shovels, Spades
Forks, he, and will keep connantly or hand evert
article ma te by them. Dealers are e on
s l.
cited to call,aa prices and terms will be made
Prrroovanu. PA..
A RE prepared to build Cotton and Woollen Mothin
- cry of every dmenption,•uch as—carding Ma
chines, Spinning Frames Speeder:, Droves Frames,
Railway Heads, Weepers, Tardier s,Spoote. s; Dressing
Frames, Looms, Card Grinders, fce,, Wrought Iron
Shefting turned nil sites of Cast Iron, Follies and
Ilangers,Of the latest patients, slide and hand Lathes,
• dmola or all kinds.
Casting's of every description furnished oft short 'P.
Live. Patterns made toorderfor Mill Gearing; ben
muting, dc. Steam Pipe for heating Factories, Can
Iron 1 , % , Indoor - Sash, and fancy Castings generally,—
Ordersl eft at the Warehouse of 1. Palmer & Co., Lib
erty street, will have prompt attention.:
Ran ro•
Diacksteek, Delrin Co., .1 K Moorhead & Co., G
Warner, John Irwin it Seer, Pittsburgh. • '
CA.3 II Warner, Smalrenville f _ . tarn '
W. hTF.olltiliStif Wheelie '. fthoerther.
ter of Juniata and J. A. Stockton of Plusborkh,
have Inv, dny entered into co-partnership under Slyly
and Inn of Stephen., Bhoenherktr & Co, at th e
Anchor Icon Wort., Wheeling Va., for the pupae of.
ounnitartoring ton end nags of ever-tree...whoa.
E. W.F.-am.. E- F Suonnzan.. I. Damon.
'Whaling. Va.
Manufacture all tendon( heeler. sheet. bac iron
nails A B steel elipue •
sprinhs and . les Bung e on.
neeted wish Shoenberget's Old Jolliet' Works, ore curl
offer nn amen of Jannis Iron (banded Shoenbereterl
equal to any Cando in the conntry. AU of lishtebwilt he
toed at the Pettstentyh prices. Warehouse of the Works
comer af Monroe and Wnter green. - ml
las. Lipprixon. John D. Wick. I. E. Monlan•
B PEEL hovels end :triads, Axes and Ratchets.
Mill 14 On. Circular and Gut rata"; Hay ni4 Mantic;
Fork •,11oes, Alaitneis. an. tee.
flaring completed all their arrangement fn Via eons
attention of new machinery, and in securing the beat
sherhmett from the most celebrated establishments of
the uot, are now- manufacturing_and will keep con
stantlyo a bend and far rate all the above ittlieteritisy.
inn availed thetreCives of the !steer impoventente, and
are determined that warktanoseip and material they
will not be exec nNi. They promise to produce articles,
equal, Enotsupettor. to any that arm belied in the Last.
They 111. - the attention at &Oers to an examination
Or their stock be axe parchseingas ;hey •re
convinced that the) will be able to fill all ` orders in Ikea
line iodic entire satisfactAnorpurchasers Warehouse,
t at. 4 donna Weinitloneugabela Ilnueeilbnaburgh.
1 . 4 B. Penang having 1,13.10[21 with Writ. Lipprgroti
er Solli will phase call on Li proem; re. Co. °and y.
- -
1. ..----1 TAKE. this inratod to inform his friend.
and the pantie at large that hi. Factor,'
a.----,--- "s}orie . full operation, on the Kan side
---..; I of the Diamond, Allegheny. where a eon:
..--="--.t slant supply of Blinds, ri: canons colors
--,--___. an dqu aline., are constantf, keptim hand,__
F —= lin;ll4 . .. s ol V e=erte ""'"'".l.
1. ano. Shatters made to order LA tho ' best st7le.
11/tods repstrell at the shorten wt.. -' ,
rd. IL Ilw Blialls will be pot op, wu moat any whis
t:anal esepose en that they can be removed in • ma-'
meni in raw afire or for washing, and anibout the te,kl
of a cm,' !li.,_e _ °vial Satiacbseni 7, 4
t A:FULTON. Rolland llrsis Found.
e ins rel. It and commenced hotness at
k 9 ki i.l entail. where he will Co pleased to
wite,lL c old ea - icemen and friends
,-q Mattb, Steamboat. and Kelli of every
sue. from la to ta ut potted., {net wenn
ha patterns of the nicalap roved triode'
4 . and
4 Wrniutted to he of the testmaterial , i
Mtneral Water Vamps. Counters. Railing, Ice the.
CT - LC/ with every noway of 14 - au Cast.nge, of requtr
C 9. tamed and (Latched iu tie LICA:I st manner.
it. - TA. O. wile pt., brew° . or Amore* Mni-
Arran. 1411,0., so easily celebrated Pa the redag•
beta of Glebes in marloner) The Doles and CoMP°-
*dam run be nada him mall unace. laril.,ll' •
PITTS.I;URiaI :STEAII NI A 111.11. ff WORE,'
24.1 oaf ttll LaMr-r:, Arno. near , Caiyat.
A I,IA,Ny'S lund mad made to ordet;a Lime
ty of 31attdr 51ante P.rtrerntle :rabic:44nd
Ilturma Tap.. Tonal. Swarm. Itionanirrs tm, dm 4 all mmtomh.,
betnm cam d of mho marble. and ammumatartared
ptime4rally.t., marlAtrmy. will be sold to er (at soh.
N. It. l'eNous trisham to pan-hare Mantel, are
imfmcntad that It it hrner forth ounrermaary tar thango East. as I c (vmsh wall an atucle tu a ll
Mcomm9lrct/ *aro:Nl, and fre,gbto Essurunee.
rlmesp thry man purr/tame :Mein for in thm
E.A.A. CAI,: and or,.
tt ARE MANS:VACS - 01th', •
So ft Mathet i ctt,. Patthargh, Penned
THE ste,scithers having made crest improvements
ill the construct:on of their CWICINCi STOVF—I
respecaully w rSepersons budthng tileZtiniloll4lo Call
and e [amine before purchasing, sec can supply them
woh Deck istoves, UM, and every sober kind of
Copper. Tin and ttlbect Iron work reeessary in furnish..
sag a bteacril.d.
We abn inske in order on the shortest notice t?ut
.Tlthril melt :amber, CuppOr stork fur Clean Engines'
e very varietyef trot in our l:
woe. a co., .
Moue!'ewers of t ials, Bottles nod Claw,
No. ED W trt/t) sritLe.T. -
i - lust (*torn, iieino now in Intl operation, we are
‘-• papered to execute .orders to our toe. promptly.
During the last airman, we Lave adoptial a Imes olan In
ening ‘V endow , tilans. (the moot Ng-aeon! pica now
awd in Ole natio.) b, which we tam out a rupotior nett
ele. bloom flattaincil on tin. plan is periectly Icoril and
true, wan a very bite itusur rawer. ..sal nr Omit orn•
eially. are requaincd to ea:l and coastline far thew
wive*. Ut 8
---- -
teEEN.,. WARE NIANUFA CT ll R};l.9.
Birmingham. 1 pear Pittsburgh.] PA.
it 0rd...., No. 187, Wood drill, Pitt.burgh.
ilipw ILL callstantly b eel. on . hand • good user*.
men! 0t Ware, of ode oven mlnandlure, and
superloryttabt, llalolemle and cmintry Merl
clams ate respectful!) tavnt.l to call and el
amine for themselves , as w• are detemmtled to sell
cheerier Rt. has ever before been offered to the Vat
Mr' Oideta sent by mall, secompanled by the cash at
env referenee. will be premptly gmen.l.-.1 to, fehl:3
kcal Miter!' Batt Phu Manufactory,
A GARpNErt & Co., omiald 10:01111 ter trade tb.
:LI,. they ore now ma euraedirms the t 1411111bige
ever mode In the United Staley. As One is Mir princt•
ple business, we iniend to ~,Al out as complete
nets . t po.ihly ad z Those cog
. sed th e
hordw . ., in trade, we th ink , mid find 41 in 'noir interest
to ace our Buns All ordri , rrtomotiPatiendrd io.
royfi A o s'
• • • JOIIN t
Co, N0..73 and nil Front sts,
• Hamm Firminstts and ties
ipso. Us.r.mi of all sizes east
t o the hued improved ai n
I I terns and warranted ermal
itny Also, BMA 12istours,
, . finished if ordered, O.
pal up promptly owl on
mason/Ole terms.
/104.• C MITS. UM, r. you r s.
JONES & 14,13106, ;
ANUFACFURERs of Sprang and Blot. Ateel
, Tlalgh Bteel llough Wing, llspch - and.
Eliptic Z4n/ngs.lialtimcred Iron . Axles. and dealt ra
mokabi t c.ano, FIIC Fnglne Lamp.. and Coach
Telamfng. goaclalty corner 01 Hon and Fcurnt weets,
l'itubargb, Pa. rpd7
IRON and Nails, tehovel, *.e. for 'gale it one near
Warehouce, No. 52 Water street, gear Wood, too
tong la Front. -
l°, ationtnent at the old gaud, McMaster'.
Row, l.lberoMN.
giavola wade great •dditione to the Rol!dig Mill, all
marts can ha fillod promptlv.
norm & CO.
- • •
Inem ifid Copper , Tackl ,
, •
' AND •
Pattern Maker?' Point?_ of ferry darription.
Office No.l / IPA. Thad Fred,
Pal PittshogalflL
P. M.N., TV.
U1.V.1 NY /I LEDlAL:rnanuflactumnorkarn con:
alantla on band Cul, Alnuldol and , Plain Pllnt
°blown,: ell au varleglog,,aolgelr %Yarding.. coo.
nrr of Maar in {
and Wawa ocean, Paothuret.
Our Wo..ka conanua In lull operation, and we arei
confaan , ly addlog to our mock, which enal.les as to fill
odors ‘ailh footman.... PurO.aker,. arc ovueifully local! and examine next.. and loan,
- • .
• Tlllog. ILENNEDI • Jo, •
• 14"hoimak Varidy Stare,and .Lwhing Glass
Corner of Wood and Points sts ,Pittsburgh.
f_TAS jam received nom the rust Ism: sod gou/
1/ tonmeni of Variety Momistonituthogt.do4 , , Ac con.
demi., Pm, Needles, Guns, Caps, hooks and ifiest,
puilery nod. Comb« of et.cry pattern and gailnY.- ,
Western blerehollll. and others nre imp:twit tonal! rind
examine I.,fore purchasing elsmithcre,orsonog Eas/
All ki n ds of Ilia, Mahogany and mourn. LOoltinglllsa
eitmstitirbeLared sml mot xi Postern priers. sietm
C 0 A C:ir
FROM the very Ilheral encourage
•ment the sobsoriher Ilea received guide
he hos located .hlinself
. has Induced him to take 'cage, for
term of years, on the property he noir
eecuptes, io - lkaver street, tientedisiely j I.dside the.
PreMythrionehurett. From the long experience in the
than homes. and a duke to please, he hopes to mer
it and receive o share of public patronage:
Now on hand and anishlntto order, Sookaway.Bag
glee, open .and top Buggies, and every dereriptloo of
Carriages mode to - order. from seventy..five dollars to
alatithiman,. tee. JOHN SOUTIEi
1101:1VAIL nate aructE
91 fin/ FIRE lllllCKonanufacuire4 by Jambi
el llobvar, ra..marnaded a super.
liarankle, in Moroi tor aalo by &M M KI);It
' Debi ' • -
- baziljlipa. mbar 7 1 h all
- - • ,
rriVELTLEI3OUP ba caned up et Beile , e, Lie
41 r 1 , 1:eet i f s ts i t.4;ai del et LL ore k:
at ter ail?. .thaisoy Boom, 1 4 011 .44 , , ,, " etajfi
Apd?,iu rainin ! . 1141 . 8 . 1d0 apd Mfreats,
risareptien, Pam In tea oat.; - -
Asthma, Whooptng Lough, ralpsunthn of the Heart,
• Liver Complaint, Bronchus; md all diseases oft
• the throat,hvive and liver, eared by Sher,. •
man a All•Healieg Balm.
Parsuig'Blood.arld Consumplitnt;
INS. • Mil..NE,.nailder, in Brooklyn, was attacked
VI. with raising bleed, folkored by a cough, pain in the
.ide, and all th e asaal symptoms of et:trammel-km. He
ouiployed two of the be physicians, they did4lantati
good,and told h M
en he COO NOT LIVE. '
/laving of the wonderfal cares performed by tither.
num'. Balsam, he mat it 10 o'clock at night to Mrs.
Hayes, 139 sad got • bottle; it operated like
a harm,stewed the bleeding and rough! Before be
had takn one bottle hews, able to be &bunt hie mak.
It had SAVED 1115 LIFE. Ilia daugter, rosididgatl27
Myrtle Avenue, can attest it. -
;1111S1.00, of Williannbargh. living in Tenth,
near South Founts-v. saya—That she had bean enabled
with a hacking cough, and pain in the cheat, Pot a lota,
time, which at last became or bad that she wart obliged,
givenp her wheal for more than a year: She they
thkink tko A-11.11ealtng Rallans; which aeon
alleviated her amuse:ea She is now astresovering,
and has hemmed bertaborioas occupation ewe teacher
14 YEARS. .
Mr John gYNeaf, 10th avenue indin, suffered
with • cough, raising of phiegm tend. pain in his lat..
Ile meld get NO RELIEF he tried the AM Hattie' I
Balm= %Ouch Mews the pain hoes his aide, allayedthe
eaegh, hod brought the diseue spoil the aart/mai sad
before be had token three hottles,was entirely Mated
• Pleurisy and ComuMption: I •
Mrs: Magas, a lady upwardsof 'AI, residing ES-Sher•
or, hes for years been suar , :ii rt , snacks of Pleirtsy;
Salving of Elrod , scam Shonneis of: erna.
Pain ut her Head and various •of ber body. Her
friends believed her PAST RECOVERY. Tea An
nealing Balsam relieved her at once of
.all bee alarm.
imwmptorsi.suid she is ow able to attend to her work.
e4thma and Whop/ping Cough. !
Mrs. Lucretia Wells, 93 Chris - uidst; L S /kids,, Wm H Walnut•st, ken the
the value of this great com ed y.
A r ab for Sherman , : eii4!eamig Balsam, an 4 see that
his written Mamma is as each boa's. '
Prue 25 cone and ID per bottle.
Dr Sherman's We= and Cough I.lsteuges .114 d as
Pr.nctpal °Mee ILO Nassau-at, N.
Bold wholesale not retail_ -by Wse. halms, at his Fatestt
McCaw Wareham esuLßeet sod !hoe Sam, No IN Lan ,
tv street, bead of Wool etreetiPlttobasit. hue el pa bot
tit tY1 7 4.. •
. . . . . . . . .
-.TAB AND WOOD NAPLlTlTler.Poriland
Me) Aderniter saya:—"Thu remedy has been more
tact essfat than any medicine we hew, cane known for
iu numoroal cares in Com waptioa, Spitting Bleed, pain.
In the Side and Breast. Bronchitis Altdima, Obstinate -
Coughs, Hoarsown; Sore 'Moat, PalpitaiMn of tha
Bean, Whooping Cough Croup, Netvotts Trenacirs,/e.
Inderidaals of th e highest respectability Wilda city bear
ampleassmony to Its power and efficacy in this elm
. . _
• Among the temiMorgals ai the "aloe of the above med.
ieine, are several from diningnisbed physierans of Phil
a4e Iphia. Read the following from Dr. Voong,7the
... • ...
• Pmr.ansbreita. Jan. IS, 1617.
Hiving used in my practice, as well as in my_own
family,`Thompson's Compound liynapof Tar and Wood
Naphtha , I have no heanationin saying that it is Na
best preparation rube kind louse Inc persons suffering
front Consumption, Cnught Colds, and all Malabo= of
the Throat, Breast, to, so prevalent at Duo season of
the year. . Wm. 1 amt.,. 0,152 Spnice at
We hays secs within a few daystheperson whoorawo
the following certificate.. Ile remains well, being per
fectly cured of hi. diocese
Prn.Anta-rnta, January], JO?.
• From a ochre of gratinadoiend a doubt that the olba
Led may have resource to a Duly invaluable men.c.:ne,
I would state that too benefit I have experienced trots
the 'use of Thompson Comp rand Synap of Tar and
Wood Naphtha. For several years I have been alio.
led with a distressing racking cough, accompanied with
great oppression and doScis Ity of breathing, with a sen
sation of tightness •t the chest. Becoming greatly
alarmed, a friend who had boon much I...fitted h.Y.thw
medicine, recommended me to try It, I did so, and in a
very short time eve. y alarming symptom diaappeared;
my expectoration became free, all oppression lefttne,
rep cough ceased, and in a fear days I was ataa to go
out and attend tarry bunions ,well man. Any. Anther
mfoiniation will be cheerfaliy given 'the afflicted, by
calling at my resideose;No.lo3, S. Perot m.
- • •
This inn' sable medicine is pwpared only by ANG
NET A DICKSON, at NE encore of Fifth andeptece
sts, Philadelphia. Sold in Pittsburgh by L WILCOX,
'Jr. , P fie c 50 emu 0011 per bottle.„„
UTlON—licware the many connte,rfent shim
arc now Afloat: The mwerimnions are ever ready to
deceive the unwary. • • oeMdflat
Kalif —A IlleSoinx!. A Miracle t ! Wonder!!
—To care Eruption. ma! Disfigurements of the Skin,
Pimples. From tie a; Sanborn, Solt Rho tun, Scurry, Sore
Ac., kg.
Four years ago host Agana . , the capital of France
woo ostonishintin comsequence of a discern.y mode by
an la boa Chevron. Many doatited-,lt ratted almost
a/ impoosibiliry that 'anything made by the hoodoo('
could have such singular Novel. as that claimed
by Antonin Ve•prinl for ten inventitiA Many clasoed
hen :and in. , invention as a alas! many
(oriimh pctsous without trying do the Mae now,) at
length, der cT it in the bostinn/g, the Medical din
of Duni )the beet eleiniele to the worldidellocred
the toll:owing mann to Signor Vesprinii
- \Velma., now minutely:and martially examined die
singulas invention of Alcoprir,i. Wd have sooty:ad:lto
eornpliimo t pons-re have used tin several easta,and
wo *roam sat to pronounce n. )tea
cony) as a germ hteofiet, and a! , tily imonderfolgem e .
dy tor an* - e11... crash' • I.sfigurenrent of the
•kin: Ito toveAtor eonsi:', ' tom ptulanthropint
.1 ow:eting mankind.
rom then:mentor kineeU
to the:presetitTropmeter.',
I's aisil N0v.4,1E40 •
Ir. coesiJeottion or the earn orell,' have Maul-
Red to MolT. Joon, residing in tha city 9f New Torn.
N. A., the 'whine poxes! of mannfamming, together
with a statement of the ingredients composing my Ital
.iair Chemical Soap: 'He is to manufaciate it for sale in
the United Siete. eeltli end u have the privilege of on.
mina it “ J ones' hal/. ChM:meal Soap?'_
Wane's: /leery J. Holdmvorth. •
op -Sold by,ll' JACKSON. at Ms 'Patent Medicine
mehonee, EU Liberty street, bend of TS med. We
girl of tht Rom. Jes
Ttie only place in Pltrabargh here the GENULIE
can lie obtained. All Others are Counterfeit. . •
4 le/MAT CUREarnionned by Ma original end only true I
/laid genuine Liver rill, prepared and wild by 11 E BEd.
MoUre Fad-road, WCOUOO/ ciaad C0.,..14.. , 7
July UM, 1837.
Mr R. R. &Aim:— A ninse•Of duty to y MIL. *headlined
Milne.= Madd my humble leanniony in Liror of yourytmtly
nletiratal Liver Par I hale deco, red doing au for roma
adhrelog in Da E r ockett'a wawa ' , be StIll:).1 W. Nil;
Ara 'go ahead. '' kiwi of the many prepaartion• of tempt its
mid quacka traded to We akin, Ilan mak intoloblivicomanor
yoarLiver Pi Is hen been (Ararat to Mt mid Icl and: :entred,
I believe they will eatunin mum a 11.".. they are just what
you rep • rmat them lo 0. I have been Alined watt Liver
Guarani. f.ooss my math: hen mdbied much; rroydoyed
may eminent phyraaans, to whom I p •id much many; hare
low wineh blued; ken vomited road physicked idirawoo dud; .
sal.vutad sor o t roes, .4 finallystirto up ar Inca:able. In
lb3o-7 I war induced to ti y your Liver P. 116., and 800 X IaYIT
ty ELL inn boa Of which lin...Okada to keeping Oar
of pain in the vide end ail th 6 000.0 insiptonie for •0 lent
id months Your NM are also the but midi nee ler. r need:
being mild, not griping or gine% Much sickeWe ai ttit nom. '
ash, but give me much eel of I hove kepi Mull wmy mien
furi, ar 7 'can. sold hundreds of berm and Imre onlll
braid a sing r complaint uttered by any one who ha. iced'
them. the ham neared.'" ammo every other will hi this
neighbor/lend, and in • Mort time .ill banish doom la. I.
earemlily resommnal Mem to all
. persone mcdiwg panic,
whether ler Lieer Complaint or 11111i0U. AlTectiona I tem
eider them Gm superior to Calomel or the Dluchll. iteipect-.
fully yaura . . J L 319421 L.
CAUTION—de Were an other Pill. Ware the public
'0..1.21, Liter rills person who await the GENVINEvIouId
Ink Yoe and take =rather than threw prepared and wild by R
E pELLERS,No 57. IPood•t between Thisd and yymrth
,y. Sie . ld by Dr.(41132L, PR% Ward, D 51.Citurt, Afiretsay
We have beent Manned by Mn. Rase of aeon per
binned odder bpOri Jayne'. Alterative, which
breves its. superiors) over every other remedy of the
innd She has been afflicted for the List sixteen yews
with .NECROS or WHITE SWniLL,IN(O3, attended
with ulceration. and enfoliation of various before, do
ring which time merry pieneshEve been discharged from
the, rental Ironof the cranium, from both her atlas,.
wrote and hands, arid num both legs, and from the left'
fedora! torte, and from the nett kne besides painful'
a Ices on other parts of her person, Whi e,
ch have baited
the skill of a swab, of f o r most eminent physiCimis f
our Mr.—dun:lg most or the time her sufferings hare
been exemmting, ond deplorable. About three months
since the was induced to try Dr. Jayne's Alterative.
winch his hod an astonishingly happy effect upon her,
byremoviag all pain and swellings, and mutating the
meet. to heal, while at the P.M time her general health
hal become completely restored, so that she now weighs
its more than she dtd before she cotamentred the ale
of this duly vit4ieprepanon.--fSet Eve. Post. •
For further i anon,lnquire of Mrs. Rote, No, IN
Filbert at, Phll hit
Per site In Pittsburgh, at the PERIN TEA STORE,
72 Fourth St. near Wand.. it-S
- Nowell°. teeth a• foul and y
You, whose skin is dark and sallow—
You, whose heir is harsh 1.04 wirey,
Rusty.d.ny red, or hers — •
you, who,* Vile offensive.brrath
Unpleasant Is u patrid death— • •
You eouldhave-e"boy', manor girl"—
Teeth as white as snow or pearl,
Breath a spiry sweet, and eanicle. :
.Pare and white and smooth and beam:fel,
And hairrot4 silky, dark &sew',
By reading what Issawd below. ,
REA OURS. any of you Can boon above by (mind
this is nothing hat truth,) using a la bottle ofJones's Co.
rot /lair Be stonuive—a box of Jonos'e Archer Tooth
Paste—and es cake 'of the granule Jones's (Milan
Chernleal !Soap. The Reticle, Cost but little,' and you
are assured that the following are their quaintest'
The tooth auto given the breech awootosorr white
teeth, and praservea the tooth, As. The bite sniff all
know to be the moei exentsite thing ever made lor dma.
' beautifying; and causing the growth or hate, and
the soap, (get the genuirie-Jones's Soap, mind) will COM
all eruptions, frukles, the, and mike darkyellow
white,llrar and fair. MI therm thliets are sold (only)
W JACKSON'S. Boot and Shoe Store and Patera
Irtedimue Warehouse kW Liberty so. etl7
No Ceuta No Port
Dr.laeone Pas Eriabforatico. Nem; F.h!
FrHERE are fee diseases more eomourn or Ma
-1 bleanme than the Film and: yet.notwithitand
ing-, great elects bare been mode.tdeare by the are*
of pills, eleetuarice, liniment., 6:e.,u11‘ were futile'
and of little brnetit, Now the Embrocation. Is the
only modicum urod. A person who had been curreri
mg, with the Piles of the worst kind came frail .4a.
lem, New Jersey, almost on,porpose to °spew his
grotitode forth° npeedy core that thin rondidice hell
it? For naletin, l'ittspergh at the PEREN - 1 4 EA
oTOB,E, 'VI Fourth st , and ,elro. the Dreg barn .
• H !P - .Senlnarx, Federal Alle9lieny Cit ...,
. _ •
Half* TON CrAds grotor
triad,wr. W
onliraienlogly reniter* it to Wattle. it profit**
rsithe but vied., withoat any ei/lion, ia toe, facile
rerdoratiao and proderralica of the arm.' hair., We knew
Qt . /M.OMM iniLusees where hair ton been fanned to haadi
"Idea heron
to for years; aad era
realer emir thao to raunnuotail to all our renders Tho
Wag their matt a trial of thia Trek feri
Dadra NO. _ •
For sale in Pittibeirt at ilea Peru Tea „MrtraT4
F*UAll*T*o..."Ttle4. „, • ,
Tum attoonisu nma .
nelnie drain Ughti Hader Geer Mite* Men.
Hrowa or meek *on, eel:beet Cljelos er /*fling the
mile. Sold with felt enrecinne. nicetenuc or p.
a'A f w ~ ul a e o . ldbrWiM. - JACKSOe,at hieraint Medicine
Wszeliceillllo..._•LintteT Area; link- Wmell,, alle
14 12 .1 11 . 0 1 1 #4 !FM , .
VOL. XV:---NO. 11.2.
JOUN winsirwsr..
gamy •s FEMIOSAII tot
Safety,. laserookoo Oeistror of Philadigtoi . - i
FIRE'RISKS upon boildivp Ina laic/dimming ,
of every, dcooriptlon Rod" MARIN E:
opoilollsoreargotAof.;iw 151,00
aki, talt!,l%, . tipon thi
, Office in thti Warehouse Of Mi. - Si Holster
Oro:,-Pior3T Water near Market Wen, rltta.
Ti. It. The 'accuser thin Comiumyelnee iltersitabit
I inirmvoto , the Agency in this city. with the prowpwwwit,
end fitiwahry with irked' every claim nonillions Au
low has been adinpi, Tally weitanitha month& m.
die confidence 'and grannie of his Mends and .
:the ,corrimanny wt . huge to the ht
' ranee Company, while it has the adffitionaladvaruages
;ad an inaltation.. among toe wrist doartatung la
' having an ample Paid in which
by the operatinnoriu ehartern courtantly increasing
.as yielding to rad, peinontrisnred hin dee duvet - I
the Profits. of.the fininPul otthoaC,iavolvlag him
to any : responsibility whatever, and therefore an
powtevlng the Mutual 'principle dive:Med of algal
Ono:took feature, an I . in its malt iattractive form.
rtHE Inannuice Cotnpaoy of - North tackerjeir:,
I..tbrobyb tto.duly nottionscotAgont‘thoiobocci
, bar, offers to make portanboiat and tinted Ipso' ,
taco on property; in this city ind - it vicinity, sad
on gipneonto by the Canal and Rivas
Jobs C. - Smith Pros't.,. - &Aided Brook, .'
Aliti.Benry; -Charles Taylor*, ••
Sand. W. Jones, • Sarni. F. smith,
Edward Andoi:4 e
John A. Brown,-.. Jscob hi,Thotsis,
John White; 1 Johu B. Plsa, .
Thos. P. Cops, Richard Wood,
Wm. Arshoriti.
This is the oldest .lautrance, Campus in dhs.
(Jolted Stites, haying boon chut..6x - 2 u 1t94.' • 1311
charger to perpetual: sad
• Itorm its high
long cape:nonce, ample means, Ind ari= " 2
rinks of ad- extra hasinlous character, it isF a to
considersd u offering maple security th the' '
. .''iSiOSEA AT WOO ,
• At Counting Room of. Atwood; Jones ds Co.,
Wutar and Front streets, Pittsburgh.' inlll4ll'
rify±.=.NA:nr Witatuce4.ruswegiar
inc.ponb.e.a. D &&O—ckan=.perpetea4 •, - r
haat. duadings,'rarniturs, Ma0...4; a 2 ,4 Pm
puny genandly, tither - in Ike ear arta= y, amyl
WA or stasis byttse,perpecully of on li atitedpari.dly
oa 4y otab4
• • D n r
.s el' on., • •
john &nom. • aranel edition:on •
NV7111.411 L
.nch: 'AdolOti • ah fink., '
Thom, Gouge aboor,•• •
John Wolth,Jr., • ' Punch 80h6.1. •
• John T. Loons. •- •
114.51 U EL C. MORTON ; Prdsrdellt.
F&.rcers D. hurrax,r3eereisly. ; •
Order. for Insanwee byy3e Wye CoCipaziy Inn inc
received brtheialutersitue . dole= kr Pluck. rgb..
Irvit3are . • idEU taXidn.Alv off revod
Against Lois byte—The KAM( LIN rife /11n.
• , ILLranee Company et_Pkiladelphla, •
W make lasunutee, permanent indite:died,
V V • on every daseription of property, In PITTS.
on favorable teems. This nompany has s perpetual
CAPITAL, s4oo,dripuld
Otkee eonier ol Third and Market ms„ eittablh,
ap Zl—tf WARRICIi MAR T I N, • at,
Gmexterua lNSU Mee Mam N
mas Orry iormaint
_ • 07 PIGLADEX.PLILL • • • •
Mama Pampa- Cantu. MVO) me to.
Offifx:in , No: , 72 %hint area.
:Fatima Faasrr , Sea Wit DAVIEGON,
rri GlB old - vreliAr.t. ...A Company ar.iiititese to
insure ' Merebeadive, Femme lad prop
ertyxotof u, extra eharaerar, apt= lora or
damage by fire.
Applications for i115•11111CCS lidetribitt• Ltd - GI
neigliborheid, will , be received, 'Rad risks to tither
Pftturral or arGecupd-periods,oil favorable terms by
[untie • • . :GEO. 01.214Lali *Oa st: Ltd=
Pork Pena Dos at neardstowsa. . .
..t•ort lbt p Laeting seaman I! •taststoproaeldo4l ' .
ft,on good t=«-'
et! if
to ua +4 the
market Prim It a well •
known pat buyer.. the advantage of packing aMU • -
patat—ihe number of Map , belongargio. der point will 11 . .
antontally huge, and of the fount quait oWthig
theiromeass torn ems lo this acetic°, the Hogs will .
ue wry large sad fat Beyer, who Wend paekmg -
no t.west woel4 do well uic,n at this potrU be ton, loos- • .
g elaewbere. Oleo t o
commusum Cot •
Fanners or Drovers; or if nay or Mem krik to pont oa
theiroiro account lwatioeconswtheilhem *llk every • •
requisite. Thin ought t o
Int 1.40.111nge packed &tans -
Lo thar snorer si the greater ponion of lin Hogs
t ot
be o larg can d ' fat Mire any dlsmake, only, at too
great a wenflee to the owner. £ shot/ be prepared to
o d e amod reeontramid buyers to be in the -
held to time; and atahe• arrangements for pectins.
before oar river closes for winter. . •
Beardstown, Oetobetli, I
TAREAS, earner of Perm and et. Clanureqs, „
Miro:no the Exchange timer, mamma en Peen Weer, •
respectfully manes than trued, and Me publim that
May are prepared to furnish and adend m eveiltrung In
um line of Undertakers— Always on tram* • lame ae.
Uoneat or ready made Coffins, covered, hued. and ban —T
atted Inthelrery beVmaturier, Cleans andrusea reaoy
made ehronds of Hamlet, Merilreek and own/4.41UL
antes made so approved styles.: We keep a rale
mrunient of wan a and blunt moon, at a .tar kat tortes,
wank •for pat/ bearers and. mourners, mane; cap, cot
ter., and every thing necemmy mr drehkug Mrsdread,
and ou.reasenable tonna as we perms... ad our goods ••
to the answer mum ' Aio, Sliver plates or engravnag
he -name end age.' We rave aspienuul us. Leal. gad
harm, and any number or int .114 ewiugea • hoary'
thing attended to promptly end mannuat oat uty
Wholnman Drug Wlratuanie•
, I N Tux Grin urn As.W f to4/11..
1,1 I A. t'AHAEnfln.:h Au. 49; JUati
• New fork, oder for in I! a Luisa an sellain.
suarlaleta ut ,
Urngli Qua ttlell.l4es, ,
Palma and this of ever) arai ratan ntun, ran )
are prepalcd cud dela:T.ll.d to .011 iiw.
. .
Colutly MereLoma mow kmregues...t.
to c.O ototalut. tout% car -
Watt laohluloesti and c .knosto 4 , J.(isittoll.•
Vorutitup cousuintly 04 Adito.
it. A. rati..estuck, . ,
V.W rcoucso..L.A .
. ' A. B. hoo, ua
PAPEti WAtit.MuUor
alo.w ktUtlat•ht. b/able, Al.. • c.••• 4
VlLl.4,et p
" t i'" • V ‘" ;l:' '''
not PAYk.ti ootopratng over) postkuk.
axed lathe aquas of commuters to al.
0t.f , 7 Pipet of all kuttla mule to 13111 cl alai%
"..e nu.ut t'XIA tnitt rttl'ht ; kututt.ty
net welch very . .upenota,uals9 ,
PAYLM 21.11A/K.6..8../ 614LTUtIJ1Alab
of o•ety description, auponed add kepi coriatednik on.
b an F,L i nia, is ire Cloth, Vourdritudi Wine
Slcasthing Poort , i, Bloc blualintrine,lllnoO,Ate.iast
Co everts, Bala Rope, orae• AdPew
pdreleascd,ior welch We logticas pod ok
paid irfly Nee , Mork. de?. le4L . '
wail. Biers • la • bail.
VVllll7ilOlik. WaiLEFlsaytzsg rewarwkrawit
corner of labeni and &Clair streets, t AO.
%I/milli.; Web &lora wow at Ckuribb HOW, W. 4
mspectl ally ask the lumuton of buyers to ihourpoiek
er stops_ daranak hionongabelh and 4/ussii, , dirent_
irons tne otannlocuirers of England Ind lierroany.
• ' Also, supplies Cl Americas klarderare,froat Utopians
clpal wantuactuters of Ma Eastern Naito., - •
Tama mck being Calmly new - and . 0/Jahshan . 0*
the Watson:us they feel groat canltcletwe in tieing inlet
snaaeashaly to weal 'magenta= froth' any mulch
.Tnetlaraware bolnesswill eceatinced at Ws
ing ander the in) Itt and nun of Makin:an ta:
•ac if, I. Wm nay dmolyed by abilml consent, John DO
-11 balms disposed °thiamine Merest to LI W
The busincso of Ma tato Oen ergs be settled by liVrba•
matt, whole anthortant Wean Ike WMe of gio has nm
fur that parpose. • • ••ll WIGNIVAPI
Knadihr • Dalsq DALXELLi • •
Tll Snhioriber to new ,rpared m mannfltetrire all
kinds of Coma and. Woolen wahines". at the shortest
• Me. Orden lenstß Wnikunautis Emma gaelp,sol ,
nerl.lberty and Water Went, will nice[ with
Imam • -IrWlektlarars
Isamek v . ( between'reeral end gandnaky
antlOdly • AlleghenT arY
• • it..b Irrf •gpyyug Tram, •
EWLY INVENTED-4a, the re anal Eenetanint
.LN core of HER/ RUPTURE.. (salted In tU
Tae Aspertor claims of llua Yaw cortehttfrn the tom- •
nerativo eau with erhsch It may be wora. - .Tlte. pal of
wood bolas rieatlybaSaniect m wings, yid* in pre. • , '
um on any pan of it, end thoroughly adapts IWICto
any Moyebyebt made by the Nrelltbr; It can be
althea( ottenniecon, oath a cure .4 odecual. The lab
eel siren have amide arrangement. Mr I.l.a.Malrataatall
of mew •al sable Traues, in nape nor mile, in
Mantua, and haVa theta now for We at theft olhee,rio. •
71, anathfichl n near math, •- , '
Jan • VC
ull'il.ratea..D l3 l • Airlitta'sst,ttetttilytaismiwy
for goading Wheat and Om; or any klub at (hada '
sued Do P Fanner Plantauon, and may ba , peartned
by water stain, wind, or horsa , power,anstwill do ita
ry.trayldtty and pat •
4t anti kcal In order by ablaut any patina.. It la ape,:
feet Gila. Mill la talniatto, tyett adaptad Ins anenta
of every-Fannon:end Plante:, and sa andostbtelly ihs . '
s.neaptst and beat Mill int itatted to lba — • ' •
• mi d wnnat Sao be aeon tn.oneminuVattbe Pitelbht
Ser.4 lttypetasni wareletate, Comer of Wood and •
ata, lona] . , N WlCNVEttatiAill ,
Adnannatrands of' Ite late JamosAlelianakttot
°traitor sale Ma establlstunala situate. ut Ninth Wayd,
knmetly tamed MI by busy In hi. :int tints, as* Wars- -
tos and Si lan kutory,lllll "'arks ate istomplu s ceder .
tot can) , ag ea the bustactamblittzattocket,ladriady
notaineranah a, say Also,. ek liberal onion will
hlaen, and all panieulara made. known by ea ow
ev e ry
rot *ha tuidandisned. • /AN LA
sePANCEIVII NlLLiainteddead . 47pet ,
I.2Paeket Santana, desaks“npeneetWl Can .. I;
Steel emnydatat id eery paella asirtattiat;
is loaned.' 'LOI3 . AN telattN
PORTAELtt. ewiremeniiuteie.
,Depeere sad. eli 14elbreeeen beevreml by the ban-
Cern by tetotbpe.'. ',ll, Wiest reeeirey4o, - 6
• WM - 11.. •
• . 1
riAykrinnt KX.TILAFAXILY tlnlallea *an
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