The Pittsburgh daily gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1847-1851, November 17, 1847, Image 2

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_, _
Cunn . een • _ 1
e it
/His sewed brigade! (Col. Clare) =ducted
byt-Cept: Mason, engineer, awls by' Lieut.
Hardoute, topographical lengthen . turned the
eight', and by. a wide sweep es 3 out upon the
high road to the capital. At thiai int the heavy
ganison . (3,000 men) in retreat was, by Clarke,
cot in the centre: one &nice, the rear, driven
upon Claudine, in the line of onr opera.
none. . • ... ; 1 i
The forting of San ! Antonio was the sewed
brilliant event of the dly. 1 la . a
Worth's division being! soon reunited in het
pursuit, he was jailed by Major General. Paths,
who marching from Coyness and discovering
that San Antonio had been carried, immediately
turned to the left, aecording to y instruction..
and,though much impeded by di es and swamp.,
hastened to the attack of Chimed' o.
The hamlet or nattered Ifni baring this
name, presented, besides the fort ed convent, e
erroag fieldwork (fete de pont) w regular bee!
!ions's& entaine„at thel hen o a b ri dge aver
which the rued passes from San undo to the
capital. , ".!:, • l -'
Tbo wholerensining farces of
27,000 riettAsavalry, artillery, au
tech.] from every qualler=--, were
dean oisithinsupportingdistanci
and wined resolved to make a I
nand; for if beaten here, the fa,.
.-...........e5ca my etaity" . elmoritimpenable rivilte Riffs - int anti to the left was we _ . tmeett 9 ! - MittlPeriea, eY ' e "Ica!
would become the right and duty of Congress - I. of the entrenched amp, E.,' 'es the 02 piece. Cu hoar. The apical of en an !t empire. now
fidept the most ef fi cacious, measures to arrest the' of ertillery, the camp and 1--!! -. were defended of a great republic; or au 'early are r tae avail.
:further peoPthrs of the was, table rare to make ' closely' by muses of infantry, 401 these again sup . ' ant were resolved to win. 1, Not . n American
-. neaplopinvirione for the honor, the estely,and sae- parted by clouds of cavalry aithaod and hovering -mod ma were lee than a third) of the enemy's
eunty of oar armies in Mexico in 'amyl coatin• in view. • Conseqapotly ne"decided Impress& numbers-had a doubt as to the anti .
teary) and it Mexithilmuld decline or tellies to could he made by day light un the enemy's moat The foaled church or thrive J linty preaaed
~ conclude a treaty with me, stipulating for the par. formidable petition, benne, independent of the b y Twins, had raheady held on / about an hour,
• paws and objects. w decimal; by. Congress, it difficulty of theeranne, our jafarMi, n o not o p a . when Worth and Pillow- 1 4, he I,rter having with
would be the duty, of the Government to prose- Med by cavalry and artillery, could not advance in him only .Cidwaleder'e brigs]; berth temp
!cute the war with.the snood vigilance untittbey column without being mowed down by - Dm gripe owners closely upon the 'fete ' - Per. "ith l the
erne obtained by a treaty of Peace. -, and canister of the batteries, nor advance In bee consent et Leif gun shot, la iii cleft. Garland'.
' . . Bettedent, That we view with serious alone, without being ridden over by the enemy's neuter- brigade, ( Worth's division,) t. which had been
and are opposed to thy purport of noon on csvalry. All our corps, however including , added the light batted on ander kat Col Smith,
ing m ot i o n t o th q (r e nt e d Suns in slur:node • fdetmder's and Callender'. lest battenesnot only thatinued to advance in feint, , d under the fire,
an d especially b y 6 ogoh .t. .' Th ar. we believe th e , maintained the exposed Pontiac. early grieed.hat of a long line of infaratry:Aff .'; ! the left of the
two nations could out be happily Kaman by one all attempted themes upon them. respeitively-: bridge; and Clarke, of the . 1 division, directed
common guttiority, owing to than great dance= parricidal, on Riley. twice eine!, engaged with his brigade along the road Or el.' •by its side Two
of ran, law; language end religion; and the vast many i n g re e dy super ior `.
nu mbers -wore e ., of Pillow's and Cadwallwleie i egiunite, the 11th'
.• . extent of their territe ri es, sad the Imp moan of Find and punithed. ..i i ,, . . and if th, 'teepees' and pp 3 . pit& in this direct !
3 their respective populations.-That curb a union From an eminence, go on after arriving new the 'afrveraent. the other (the eollicerue) Wa. left in !
spinet - the =nut of the exasperated Mexican scene, I observed the &naked hamlet of Corp reser ve .
, Moot Of thew ceria-PethrularlY Clarke
people conk] only he effected and preserved by treris or Ansalda, on th e road leading up fronds brietele'-adtheriat' MPS:Jim: III,I 7. were made 1
' • large:tandini armies-the mmetantanPlication of capital, through the inirenched strop, to Mktdale. to suffir'much by the fire of the tete de pont, and 1
' January foreo-in other word,, by despotic sway as, and easing, at the name time,
! the stream o f they. would have sufferedgreatly more by flaeds !
. •
exercised over the Menem People in the first reinktonsents adancieg by that toed, from the !affect , freer the convent, t far the Immure of '
' instene, in which there wentlifbe jest causeto city, I ordered (through Major Gemmel Pillow,) 'Faigits on the other ion' that work.
apprehend might it:apeman of time, he extended Col Dorgan, with his regiment, the 15th, till then =This well combined a ' daring movement at
thee the people of the United Sten& • That we , delfreserwe by Pillow, to move forward, andro 14911th reached the PinaP 1 paint of attack, and
depreciate, therefore; *nth a',llrdou as Shealy in. , ' py V on t r ems or Annaidt-being p on m a nd, the formidable fete deponf as, at ones, menthol
! compatableSwith the 'genius of our Government, it &copied, it would first the esemy's'reitiforcol. and mired by the haYolt Its deep wet ditch
•, .... end with the the:trier of free and liberal inane • man and ultimately decide the ba th e. - - i wee first gallantly crowed y the Bth and 6th in.
- • : don ,f snal we iiiiionly hope' that each nation. 7 3 .1 t wee already dark, and the cold rain had be.. (entry, commenda, rev vely, by Major Waite
• . may be set . to the undisturbed possession edits Oh to fall in torrents upon our =sheltered troop]; and !dant Col i t3eatt-f wed closely by the Crib
m o ans , b i o me ; o h ot i t gang s ion and tern. for the h am l e t, though a strong defensin
s poeiti4 infantry (came brigade) bleb had been go much
tory.-nt Onus blown happiness 'according' to can hold only wounded' men, and, &Letts. firmed in the reed--t 11th regiment. under'
'. 4 ' . r. !What If any deem beet for i1ea..... - . newly. the new regimens have We or nettling to. Linn Col Witham,' and a 14th,
.commanded by
Fthafred,Thati-cemsidetingthe wines ofeplen! eat' ia their haversack& Wet, hungry, and with. Col Trot:nate; both of Caderaladeee brigade, Pal.
did and. Mining victories 'achieved by our bravo out the possibility of sleep, all our gallant corn, Jaw's division.l Abotit the same time. the enemy
won, and *bait gallant commen te r s ! d a rin g I earn, we f a t ',.1 mAki let ; and only wait f or in front of Goland:after a hot conflict of an hour
' • 3, ', . thenar with Desk°, _unattended by a angle re. the last' boar of daritheara to gala the pheitices and a half, 'gave way„ in a retreat towards the
As vene,..4lte United States, without any dapper:if whine to them 's& carry the enemy's works, • capital. - ! ; , ' ..!"
~.r . gha t ho nor n fe n int the slightest. tarnish,
,can Of the .oven officers despatched, grin about . The immediate resits Of. thiethird signal tri
pranks the 'Wessel moderattorisial nutgoinim• sundown, from my position opposite to the en: , ; itaPh of the day mem; 3 Reid Piece*, f 32 leteoe.
... 'By Leiria& their discomfited foe-we have no de- usre centre, and on this iide of the field of rsicki. , j ers, much sanaunilion d two colors, taken in
...!"..- - sin Seethe ism
the the 'United Stales and lava-to connutudtate indention halite hem.' 'the tete de pont.
', • . ai,Mninn.tnat wish only pat and. proper hound let-pot nee has suceeeded ,In genie' through an Lind .1 0' Irons, fat anilll'
to the lints. of -Team ' 3 ' " those difficulties, increased by darkens. They Brie Um Caderrisaler, a t i e !
Beineks4 That - we do positivelyand emphali- have ail returned. Bunn gallant and indefatige. malt and thorPithetle in '
.' ' • salty diatien and disavow any. wish ofdesits, on ble Capt. Lee, of the engineers, 'who t bas been oar occasion; received, is 8
* .
our. Pug , to acquire soy ' &toga territory, *at- constantly with the operating forces, is jean from merle' mound!, (Stew deed')
... ever, (sixths pi:tsp:melt. slavery, - of propageting avery, - or Shields, Smith, Cadwalader ikc., to reports a. As
.the ream:ran Wert
--44Introdiielas elaway 3 from th e United States ties tore. and to ink thit a powerful divereion be Made fa'ni•dr PliYakaii, and morel,
to soeb total/us tertitotg. ' - r " : ' . - against the ensue Of the entwoched camp laniards the tote ti , Peer, so, recap:..
flescrintfabit we invite oar fellow citizens of morning. - ' WINFIELD SCOTT. fell alba latter watt - Rand te 1
the thilted,Btatei who are snxiorts for thelless. *. ~,- ' ! former. The !two woiks' Wei
note of pimp if the existing. war Sail con. - • liZaDONanTall or .res:Aner; ' . rude span; add ea 0000 a.' W e
..: linen to 14 mootfatoa. Werdesithuithat its put.. • .-. . Tantheya, at the Gates of Mel; of the fde de 'pont. a captor
Inn and I shall" defined and known.- , . - .Aart429, 1 47, turned - and fired-first by Cap
iu S ,
-.,:„...?. 3 . . who ' are to avert present end future The toorning . of the 20lb . Opened . with oeOf a and next by ILlmat. 3l thellinif.
;.,. petite end 4 • with which Spay be frineht, series of thinapaned achirrements, all in view of thinitry-..seniral times' upon
and who Anal to produce content. the capital, and to which I shall eye the general the care brief intneal, Lien
i ... :. : ;,-.' want' and ganef 'a at home, aria to thirsts adone-baitk of Mexico. • ' • ', (duo of Worth's division) tall ;
,•,..,!!! . : • the National the user abroad , to assemble to. 'la the night of the 19th, Brigadier Generals of the guns to bear, at It she
petheffins•thWr r 're 3 tommuisitinind to blitieddre, P. F. Smith, and Cadwalader r and (Jul, • Son Antonio road, upon the pr ,
nposiiithWr new! feellege and opulent. „ ' Raley, with their brigaded, and the 15th regiment, 'work, and on the tower of the
'....".....' - i under Colonel Morgan. detached nom Brigadier the °belied& contest, end been.!
!- - !•1: - . .., -3 ;: - l i rMarerins : entenitA eons stauctonee. General Pierce-found themselves in, and reboot; semen( the beat eharpshooters
. , Zs - tit, of burgh hell mthaerthed over three .the important Pmatleth7the. hamlet or kwandtz. Fluidly, twenty minutes after
~,,„,,,,,....„ a,,,..,„ for the Washington s g; ; ; , :flimb ., called, indifferently,
.Lontseras, Anealds, • San had been carried by . Wor th and I
- ! ..... , ...r.""" . .. • '"'"'""' '
.. „ • -"'-'" ' Gennousua-talf s Mlia nearer to the tity , than end of desperate =Mkt of
. ~. und*Stoe all of the annul have been called rho enem y. 'ranched the seine oad ball , thechurch or mnrooc-t
f 3-: itgew,end rene ci the basinss residents of Al. towards the factory of Magdalens. strong line of defence airing the
• •
- e.ow 5 .......! a i r ..;y a bi a i wo - o at oru n is o f mom b ron .:- The camp had been , unexpectedly , our tormi • buscoyielded to Twiggst diotel
w; +7 y . , dable point of attack the afternoon before; and on all sides. aithele of sure r
•fe ikfibltiett thtleteitta' dollar ; : ma eauthlel9 9, 9 we had mw to take i - • • •- - "ward-n0 t,.,,•,,_ ,4 4 ' •
it, . e the al of cal , however.
In iiniklai r lAlefkr” initininTaf "arms half , airy or ariffiety , or to throw back; our advance when the 3d infantry, ; ender Ds
_. : .„....i.aitet**,:kal itself a noble: monument to 'earn upon the road from Elan Augustin to the cleared the way by fee aid bay
. .-of their hi g h roandotion of city, ; end thence force .• pampa through Elan teeth the work. Copt 7 rst.i
r„.,..,.„...,.- ot:W i ungailitos. , '..A freminlscenee • ... . Antonia . - „ . Shepherd, both of that /optional
. ~. , .
- ;..,:3 l 2" , '.'7,'lliklelhiallt s mxtedallithtfal en dim days dem General - Wor th wail". ordered to ken early in 'former received the surrender,
i-1 - i7.7, -..
,- ... eenv-aem:that • Y clan of wen, mitt to an .; the morning of ! the 204;0ra of his brigades to der in a toody bony Ma, f i d. .
''': - • • •-• ' taxi thtt•ilitti - • Wiabizigtoit more th ati'lhate mask San Antonio, and a ear th , with the other , of the gallant ltd . Ifsjor' Dim(
.6-'1 • ' ' 3 .. a o a aa .“' faboi.yce.&r, dilly ~....,,- hr 0 , 6 „,,, m ,, of fix Win o& Elan Augustin, open Contreras.
.A' the Ist artillery,:zerving si ides
-"'"' - - ' • -7"" - "" "." Ithedenntation was inn to Major Genteel Quit. ah tlb 1 • '
!] l .; i - •:: : ; . ....;.: 3 : 4igf1 ,,. ... 1 , 1141igic4 ...... „ i' - , V. i .P?" 999%he'rrerta eve n . man esti . - his . remainii i ig hngsde u. B su Atlttatta- . ' 'cu nt' i w at i med t rate e resu dul lti " ofth
ze /.::-.'7..!'"741. .?,, , ! .. .." 36 wut 3 athe farina' laPlamalL for th e moment, th 0 garde= at that thecapturo ota fleldpieen so
•e.'1 , 1 -7- !';<.: 3- : - 0 1 7. 0 P , " 1 47 1iai 'M. la delightful to see thie important . depot, with guromfahrliede of cerallY, color, three generals, end 1,201
7:4l,l4,t'tereniede Of did Father of coititr. , *shone nedd not pawner the interverdn then ding other offline ~, .
~,- •
...,_. „._- drums . .. .a'• . . '' dc.. to reach the field of battle. , . Capt. E A Capron and 11.1*.1.
, 08109 11 bieraFeeee-7. ' , - ' - .The march was rendered terms by thealark.. 8 Daum, all of the litigate
"."7 .
.theentend,lbas following remind ; t o th r , nese. rata slid thud] but shwa Enniin.RikTOnnn . k. Andersen and Liget Thee Ewly,
'. iovidipisgjoii; ~ Wa 414 I n " g l a d , b ,' km , ducted
. by Lieut. Toner, entieeer , bad reached inlentry-five officers of great met
33 1' 3 - - i n city of lak ha t 6". better . a• en elev ation hibtod the enemy, whence he Pe!. boron tbi. amt. , • ,
e crenated his coltunow-etormed the entreneh The capture of the enemy' s
"...:. T. -- anaisitielt - to l-PO ta buli n t . ;Z : ii•attiMais easulio. l auted hill' several colors up& thorn, and Antra great achievement Of on
' 33 ' • '-• -"-:' 1 , aiiiiiiiididup * riaid of • ' ofritiotohnotio, atried the arthlb•fil leot thlauree. ' . day.
an-Wedrinitil ''
tl. itiliCh dON aqua) ha* tobek _ Ondtacted by Letts . Besernsel. engineer, sad Cousidniug the inferior' n
..,,..„..!.. 1 — ...____ . ._-,,:-..,.- ,•7 , :..' .....: Lietit.treeks, of Twigss - saß.ebewth of whom, brigades, the objects of tim mom 1
• ''• ' ':" ~ .."6 1641, . .:'...!""".' 'i
• • ' • . . 33 " , ----' ' Jibe '.l.leitt. Tiriver,'hadrin' See night, twice sp.' dole to athomPlish. item the t '
-: r .* - j oi s igei, Too wasaagairrini. oon n o tni a l r b e iponia l.'„ic i d na igtor b or n& np au, &5.9 sent forward a little I
, ?C. •-, 4.; ,•W Iga 111:1WW,illaia: ~'''!.: 1 *- to the Cliatiral assault, two of hie reginieuts-she '. 'ln a anudtng march of a m
;.!...-...' -.. ari! -. . . ~'•,' - -' 3 '-'-''',, 1. " ''• . - ,,,,c' ~,.' '' latigionrona the Ilan and. at the appointed lights tale temParetldleirith f
. ;,.i... `; , •llDetallienteMilln 4c r 4, . -.-... ~_ _ -, ...b-- , .itk., ca.:el Rename , with his temporary M. edge of thorn wet meadow,
3 .4,• . :':: 1094 - 1. 4 1 :rdear'nie - IS4. :•••• - 1 1 i, 3-3 ;:' -.- 122187 find', conducted b y c i s, 1 4 , 4 a z i g i no o t , not only San Antonio tells ceplud, - an 1
IP'ifiti - ifiti4Osti: : •'•• - 138 00 made thimoTootoot to divert 'al &duet theen• ,eatne 4000 of lb. • ett•me•int . •
fvegtia g bikac,„‘ I . ;
~- ... ,- , tjit 00 army, but, after crowing the 'deg ravine in hie ' rear of Chtiletelsoli on: that .
i; • ....a„„;,; 41 i •!..:!!!'" . : ...:, .-', . - • gly 0 0 3 front advanced, and pawed itild, the works end As light at a strong buil I
' ' ''''' f'' ' u the ktgitiveareso 'volleys (rem hig ado.: tileiell,Parallel to the Ind Ft
`• '''' 5 ; 3 ' '' Ir. PlarrAe& . ,--_;._ ..P0 .00 -,. opal .7 i . . * '
l ik
• ..'
:*- .'''',.: ? - '188 810 4 .18 • 8 14. 48- Var. - - *_. -.- , .•"; ---- .•10 25 'th r • otolkettY. .. - , , --..-'•• - . . , untuds.,,,
e auPitsi. •' • , .... -
.....-;,-.. *o ar - tbn, ir ni.,fk.gya,* • -.-!, !, ! ~. -. tot 'to lici ,, the 19101.11-Ailln, Smith's own brigade, tut& • nut the-enemy extending
1 • -.!...! -.-. -04 ...-. j tit +-.. . ' • • -. .s*.- 'ow n ibo is of Rileyand Canino better gland) in the and
.; '"'' - ' • • r - "• -, *i••• 9 , 000 a val y, more rapidly
8 1 181140 PO: ". .- • r.. - - -,-;..--.. ' .:. OAO °•••°°•° . . mama
':, ~ ! - 7 1 4-4,1,....,- - ;.-.1.. , ,... 3 '1.- „,... ": ' 3 . :- : news. 4 71 2 0 ,9 11 44,4 1 44 0 , Sat °atlas dale Works, ssoBsted th e division obont ato
1 . '•
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{ Tar . 117 : 140har RUIN cineni 4 pubtiliked
i liiir i p ? 4
I.. V nt k l r Arßi v -reeriFy l a i rValiaase ' r,
k. -
the w c..e t 1 is Tali DOI.. per am= anaiy.
tairoB rsivrruzs6r.u , rioNs.
-2:tiovro sick rszx tits alas pr
i . Mr Clays . as revind by himself, has
bot jet nude its pintrante,..-..but will berprtblisly ,
'a th. au Ibis w k. When M. Clay took the
'Aitan4 on Potard et Lexingtoir, be f<43nallm
:tett annotmded iteportas fromcliatant cities.
, 'aid it was s wish thathienpeech should
,- ILs repotted. He had been Wi often the sub..,
' et of
.anisrepteutdation, that be , desired to avi.
..peed hientin to; oituitentte opinions beniabt
. Um". : Mr.- WU not willing- to proceed
*. ttnotil he tia'
• bts reputed- '. o Reporter col:run:4 threw
N ' aside their p eni d i.ecarne listeners; Mr. Cie, li
P in hiat 'peak, the ground befornstated by us,
. and eiestuent o i step farther inAnard_ to the.
' 0 !!gla of ihn* :by 1 , 4114 that he would not
liwytt outer(, bad a been (7:Jtiltitil, for' !hi Bill
. dkaiiiihirolkar . to have Itoa* led by the ad . of
, Maim"' ' That our readers may knal w the views
euPPuted by':Mr.- Clsy; we give - the following
.:: Besolations,whichwUre weed by him u the be
: ids of e spatech of eghosoidinary ability,nu'd which
- ~wainpied tWrtliours and &gulf In the delivery. '
`Thelr.iltesautionot ace of the ems: stamp, and I
1110 !;:dil to.* read end phudesed
. tipm by veiny
NhiF in flua All bones to their tic* an.
Ape; the Est Staluouti, andin all his eunity's
'••l..eifteatlee the foremost titan in the Nation. "
, ,
de the °pink n of this meeting, that
the ptinany cause of thii:Preeent unhappy wet ex.
- lidos between the United States of 'America and
States of-the Republic of Utz*, wu
the animation of UZI* to the formht end the
." • *mediate aemedon houilitles between the two
' • .2epubliceinwe out oflthe anier'of the Prezident
d the Uitiutd States tot the mamal of the army,
nodes the teimutand of *natal Taylor, from its
poltion at Corpus tthetai to' • point opposite to
Wtiimms, on ifte • Eut Book of the Rio Warn,
within the tanitiity darned by both Republica, but
at that tithe under thajurisdiethar of fdezieo, cod
.. inhabited by lid &4er:ie.—that 'the . order of the
Pendant far the neenogal of the atmy to that point
• wag iniyearidefit and ninionatitettionith it bring
without the 'coneneethee of Congers, ind area
eritticatt any 'consultatton, although it was in gar
-.' aim 'at the tircia;—That ILlongtew, by rubsegnent
100, hiring recOgniaed the MX thug brought in.
"". existence, ,withociritir yearlong authority or
.ormieltht;.the prirlu!ion Of it became thereby Na.
. Fiesofouf,'That Fn the absence of my formal
end, Public dedamtion by Coogress of the object.
for which - the war
,ought to be prosecuted, the..
President di the Coifed &ales. as Chief Magill.:
tuts—es Commaider"in-Chief of the Army and
Wary of the II: ti—is bat to do 'guidance of hi.
01,0 jodgment to nrnsecute it, to- chili purposei
randhbjects a. be they deon,the honor and inter..
Nu of the Nation require.
Reirdirerf, That ty the Comtirtition of
ted - Owes,- Congrewrbeing - vested with Omer
to dentate toir and grant lettere of mem, and
reprisal—to main rules maiden:dog ardor; on
land and Water—to raise and support ar..ri—to
prereide and maintain a nary, end to. puke' rules
foe therviremment of the land eel nasal forces,— ,
has the full and complete „war-making power 'of
• the United Witte; =deo possewing it, bee aright
to determine' npois the motives, causes and objects
of War when once commenced, or at any Maeda,
sing We progress and existence. ' • ",
Resoked, As duslunher opinion of this tract
lug, that It is me duty of CODgrelli to &dare, by
some authentic act, for what purpose and *two
the existing war ought to be farther proseetued,- 7
Teat it is tho duty of the' President, in his cffa.
aid ownicet, terconform to inch a declaration - el
Congress, and if after with deelvetionothe Pres.
' Merit should decline or refine to endea‘dr by all
the Darius; card, diplomatic* and military; in hie
;gamer, to execute the :srusotanced will of Coo
- grew; and in defiance of its authority, should con.
:Webs:sten to lay berms ouldreadas the Official .
accounts MM. Great Banks fought order Gen.;
&on: They oxclade. moth important
we meal,
which should be glad to find room for, but the
interest wild' yet snends diesel bail/tor and' the'
vent limber of lives lost In theta, mud be' our
airlOgj for the space given to the stibillet.
Sattlaa of Co.t.ieras and elaunabuseo. _
'!Repoil of Major amoral. soot:.
9 miles from, 'Mexico, August 19, 1947.
Boo; Leivoing a Competent gariiim in Pueblo,
this : array e'r mace& upon the capital, ae follows;
—tyrigge.division; preceded by }limey's brigade
or 0 1.11!.3, the 7th; Quitman's division of 'mien-
teem with a nosh detachment of L. & 11:01.Ti0[6.
th 1 19 ,1, Worth's division, the 90 and P " dloo e'
divi Aar, the 10tb--ill in this month. On the
att.; I,evetook, and then continued with, the lead
lug division. The asps were,
at no time, beyond
-4,6 hi tumor supporting distance. *part ; and on
desetruding into the bisin of the mph"! (75 miles „
from: Puebla) they became more closely epproxi
matetl about the head of Lake Chaim, with Lake
Tescueliaiittle in front and to the eight. On the
I 12th, , aid 13th we pushed i reemnoissamx upon
the Peon, an isolated mound (eight miles from
Meal co) of greet height, - strongly fortified to the
1 top (three tiers ef work.) Ad flooded around the
base tat ihe ;scum ,
of and sluices from thoi
irked, "This Mound, elate to the national road,
Iconaiaande th e principal spprosetr the city from
the sat. No doubt it might have been carried,
but at a great and 'disproportionite 1^ I was
anxious to spare the Uses of this ialliortimy for
genial battle bohieltl knew we/ had to win be.
fore Capturing the city, or obtaining the gran ob
ject uf the campaign—mjust Cod honorsble peace.
•'Anottter reammusanee was directed (the 13th)
upon, itteortr. Arlo to the left id the Tenon, *
Tillage at a fonifted bridge =is the 'outlet sr
canal, leading% from the latter. It might have
seen easy (masking the .Peron) to force the per
but on the other side of,the 'bridge, we
should haws found ocuselves, four miles hot; this
bold, on a =now causeway, hinted to the right
and: bit 'by! water, or boggy grunt& Those
difficulties; closely viewed, threw me bade upon
the project, long entertained, of taming the ahoog
eastern 'defames of...the city,' by passing around
south - of Lakes Chaleasedd Joe-bindles, et the foot
of the hills and mountains, so as to reach this point,
s and hence to manoeuvre, on hard groom% though
much broken, to the south and southwest of the
aphid, which has been more or las under tiur
view, since the 10th instant. ~••• -
Anivlng here, the llith, Worth'e 'divisicin and
Barney's cavalry wera.:.pradied forward a league,
to reconnoitre sad to carry or to mask Bari Antonio, .
on the direct road to the capital. This village was
found strongly defended by fielthworks, heavy
guns, and • numerate. guriaan. It could only be
turned by infantry, to the left, over a field ravel.
cane rocks and lava; tor, to our right, the 'roma
wee too boggy,,liTie_ soon' Ascertained by the
daring engineers, Cao3faeon and Lieut. Stevens
erall'ower, that the point could only be approach
ed, by the front, over a narrow causeway, flanked
with wet ditches of great depth. Wrath - was
ordered not to attack, but to threaten and to mask
the . ' 6 •
The first shot fined frtrat Brat Antonio (the 10th)
killed Caisairi S. Thornton, lid dragoons, a gal.
lent officer, who wan coveting the operations with
his comp a ny. : ..
The same day, • nrainsoissanci was comet
-alto the left of Ban Augustin, first over difficu
mounds, and farther on, over the rural Feld o
volcaolc rocks. and lava , which e rands to the
mountain 4 some five miles, from Ahtoloio to
ward" Magdalena.
Brthree o'clock, the &risk= rime
to a point where the new road could rally be dm•
tinned under the direct Ilia of lift pieces of the en.
'turfs artillery (most of thetrOtt large calibre)
Owed in a strong entrenched camp to oppose oar
orstirms, and anuounded by every advantage of
ground, besides immerse bodiesof cavalry and in-'
fanny, hourly reinforced froinl the city, over en
excellent and beyond the volcarac'fiell, and con
requently entirely beyond the reach doter cavalry
and artillery. • •
Arriving on the ground, an hour later, I found
that Pillow's and Twiggy division had advanced
to dislodge the enemy, picking their wajr (all rafi.
an on foot) along his float, and extending them
wives towards the road, from the city and the en:
unr's left. ;
Toebsttle, though mostly stationary, rantitioed •
to loge with gnat violence, until nightie!. Breiret
Brig Geri P_F Smith's and Went Col Riley's
brigade. (Twin.' division) supported by Brig
Gene nelCOl and Cadwaladees brigades (Pillow's
diy)4o3.l_were more than three boars under •
~,.a ~.. t-.'z r y ~ ~- --
;- ~.
towi t
wiped- Dimick laming it , the . head orthe
brigade the a Sippers and Miners. under
-Lieutenant Smi th, en c titer, who had conducted
, •
the march, was by Brigadier General
Smith to farm t in ficell'm the enemy, and in a.,
charge. egad's' a rak t touted the cavalry. ••
Shield., too, by wisi desproition of hisjiii.
gads and millant &elicit", contributed much to
the general roast s. . He held toessarof Murry and
infantry. sappot by Mee'', in chick below
him, end captu In reds, with ohs general
tkiendcza) of th who Ind Sem above. •
I doubt wheth r a ore brilliant or decisive
victory—taking in vie ground, artificial 'defen
ce., battedea,-and e xtrama disparity of num
beri—without at by r artillery on our aide..-ra
to be found en. rd. Including all Our corp. '
directed againct the entrenched camp, with
Shields' bngade la th ha mlet, we positively did
not number inet 4St 0 rank: and file; end we
knew, by sight; dsi ce, More.certainl", by ma •
ny capturid dace 1111 . and letter. , that the enemy
had Ildtllliy eng al An the not 7000 men, with
at least,l2,ooo ore hovering within light. Alll
,not - :tilled and entered; now flail with precipita
tion; • . '''• i
Thus was the gret. , victory of Contreras 'Whim.
ed, oar road to the . , pital opened, 700 of the en
emy killed; 813 priehieminekiding rnotig 88 of;
Seers, 4 itinerant bisidee many eglika and stand
ard.; 22 pieces 'of beau ordee—hilf of
large calibre. thottiands of - dua l i, arms and ac.:
contrementd an immense quantity, shells
, powder
shot, she,
powder and cartridge- 7001 pac mules, many
horses, !Ex, &c.—all infur hand •
- ItAn highly gretifying find '' at, by skillful
areangementrand• rapi ds off es c ration, our low
in killed and wounded a riot ,
amid, on the
.pd, 60--among the rater th brave Captain
Charlet thutshi, of th \ th int' try—not more
distinguislaid for galls than f modesty, mo
rals and piety.' Lieut. ".P. Jam n, in artillery,
serving with if, i`. battery & young o ffi cer
of the Witted promise, eats killed evening be-
OM of the most pleating lneide to of the ado.
'I is the recapture, in Morcott', y CapL Drum,
'4th artillery,-under-linfor.Gat r, of the two
brim aix pounders, taken hem 1 other company
of the none regiment, though wl: out the loss of,
honor, at the glorious -rattle o Buena Vista—
about which guns theca ole regi ant had mourns
rd for so many long man Is. ! C •• • g up. & little`
later, I hid the happin7 ltdriin '• the protracted
'cheers Al the gallant 4th en:the ja orw meld; and,
indeed, the whole atlyirlmpal In its jest
pride and exultation. • . I'. • .'' .
The battle"' being _before the advancing
'' II d ttitre ,' didden. here ':
insight, both were orderd bick ' 'heir late pod. 11,
lion.—Worth, to attac ktil A','in front.
with his whole force, ■ tiii ' approached in
the rein by Pillow's and I Id' ' divisions-1
moving from Confreres, :through : an Ante and
t.loyacan. Ily, carrying Sin AA. • 10, we knew
that we notildinenatiothai—a .4. iterand better,
road to the capital, for our siege d other train..l
I - Pindilik myself at Coynan, •om which so
Entre conveniently brinili without escort -
ts . O.:-I had to &titmice; Lot ty, eked upon
'ridge rear. The battle rag f' in the right to
the lett of • wbel, line. I : I -
, - Abot4 an - hoer miner, War
anti darMg morel:Delhi upon f
it.i,lillAdiciteed Sin "intent
SOW; much shaken by our d e
hot* d 'vied butultimately, success crowned
the Teal and gallantry of erai-troaps, ably diroetod
by their diati vanished commander, Brig • General
&debts. 'Tbe ISM, and ibtla regiments, on.
der Colonel 'Ransom, Captain Wood, and Colonel
respect rely of Pituno'. brigade, (Pillow's
division) and the New Took and South Carolina
volunteer,; under Colonela • Burnett and Butler,
respeethdly, of Shield.' own brigade; (Qaitmen's
dieition,) together with the mountain howitzer
battery, now under Lieot Reno, of the ordnance
corps, all eltucil in the glory Of this action—our'
t iffth victory in the same eq.-
shields molt 390 prisoner., including officer.;
and it cannot be doubted that the rage of the con•
betweeit him and the entree, lust in the rear
;of the tale de pone and the convent, had some i&
; linesmen thissaryender of those formidable de.
. .
A. coon 'at the fele de pied woe carried, the
!gager part of ;Worth'. and Pillow. force. passed
!that bridgellirrapid pursuit Of the flying enemy.
Thew distinguished generals, coming up with
!Brigadier General Shields, now alio, victorious,
three continued lei. Fe ss upon the r.fugitive. to
!within a mile and i half of the capital. Here,
;Colonel Blarney, with i .mall part of him brigade
`ld cavalry,!rapidly passed to the front, end charged
'the enemy up to the nearest gaie.'
; The cavalry charge wee headed by Captain
iffearnej, of the Ist dragoons, having in Ilium:Rom
with his own troop, that of Capt. Mcßeynolds of
!the 3,l—making the wmal escort to general head.
quarters ; butleing early in the day detached for
!general service, was now under Colonel Barney'.
orders. The gallant captain not hewing the recall
!that had been sounded, dashed up to the San An.
,'tone gate, mbreing, in his way, 'all who swigged.
Of the wren' officer. of the quadron, Kearney!'
lost hi. left arm; Mcßeynolds. and Lientemust
!Lorimer Graham were both severely-wounded, and
Lieutenant R. S. Ewell, .who succeeded to the
command of the escort, had two hones killed au.
der him. Major F. D. Mills, of the 15th infra,.
try, a volunteer in this charge, mu killed it the
• So terminated the series of events which I have
but feeblj presented. My thanks were freely
potted out on the different fields—to the abilities
widih', of ' generals and other officefs—to the
gall= land prowess of=-all the rank and file
includ .1 But a reward infinitely ! Itigher 7 .lh.,
applauselof a grateful country and government--
will, 1 cannot donbt, be accorded, in dos time, I.
so much merit, of every sort, displayed by this
glorious army, which has now overcome all Jiffs.
cultim—diatanoe, climate, ground, fortifications,
. .
It has in a single day, in many battles, as:often
defeated 32,000 men; made Moot 3000 ptisMen,
including eight generals (two of them ex•preat
dents) and 205 other officer.; killed or wounded
4,000 of all eats—besides entire sorp• dlsperied
sac dissolved;—captured .37 pieced of ordnance
`par e than trebling out siege train and field hams.
vies—with a large number of. small arms, • full
Sinai of ammunition of every kindAt6.
, Thine great results have overwhelmed the en
. 024. I. , 1 .. 1
tpar4oss amount. to 1,013;-:-.tiVed 129, inclu.
di 16
. 16 officers: woundcd, 670, with 60 otheirs.
The greater number of the dead and disabled were
of 'the highest worth. Thme under treatises;
thetm to our very able medical officers, are win
' ell, doing well
regret having been obliged, on the 20lb, . 4
leave Maj. Gm. Quitman, am able cominander,
wish a part of his division , —the' fine 21 Penn's. ,
Ir. nteers arid the veteran detachment of United
8 tee marine.--at-our Important depot, Ban
..A i
k. .gu i v i, li d n . ..l, d .,.. ;.th tli e ezi ii ta m t
,l irp l iy ad . p d la ew ed ire o ge tt r
' Mamie! bad been loaf, the limy would hare
thln driven' oat . tc! despair; and considering
e manilla very great excimi of numbers, and
the many-approaches to the depot ; it might well
bate Ixtecne, empfiatically. the post of honor.
ad, by skill
ct and sista,
garrison, DO
ors victory at
General Elcoittrocti'nn to say that it would bare
been an ear', thing toeilter the Capitol the isms
Jellening, but toilitaty eclat gave way to:Patrice:but
and a love of Civil irittiepb. Patti coneidtation
with Mt Triel and, Other Americana -be force=
'to pulth:Ms consinteto into the city at/.hoped to
*be able to sign a treaty of Peace wi thetit such en
f • . b r •
We are indebted to the bind:we'll the gentle :
j L r
n earned, for the following lane letter from tbe
pity of Mexico:,
-. r'i City of blexiceiOct. 17. 18417.
infantry, c.ll.
. oar in, UZI tilo
: of those watt,
, and deipersts
ller defences at
I esnbries this Gisnrablewpportunity Of - sending
you a dew lines by the British Mader, who will
slut tot Vera Crws. We have whipped the Alex!
Valley of Maltz' and oar Lase ha ham . very
great. ''ho Pentirsylvanienehave done theirspirS
nolikr. Tan will theshoW - they acted wreihis
reaches you. They were the brat ;regbaint bet
altered within Lbw wallsuf the greet City•of Many
isr, and our Company (the Ilibernia Greene)• was
tire shied that marchad, over the heats of this
nuignificen. Capitol. • ;Some of tie Campania
now thin, do not number more then fifteen or
tWenty strong. We bait) loot many of oar beat
1..131 end amongat them, I forgot to announce to
yon the name of Col. 'Wm. 11, Roberts, of oar
(Rd, Pennsylvania Regionua) . He died on the
ear of October, of Typhus Fever:era bleeding at
dui; kings. Everi thing in my power was done
for huh, but all In vain. Ile woe .lc abort two .
weeks. One Regimerh fade ids loa of him ray
mach,_and all Unite in lamenting the Untimely
death of a akilfal, pliant and devoted ofbortind
sOldier. ' I have bad his hod 'Y embalmed. anti will
mend it home; end if In my power, hill takesharg •
of it 'together with,the remains of Ikea
Sturgeon; •bose body' wee interred at Puebla.
Cept. PC4isl'll health • le rapidly inotering
though it line not been good gone leaving lids •
Ha will be on duty irt ,• day or :, ; two. that
Hatkin and Skelly are well. One ,, , of our meat.
bent named . Rogue died on Ike 27th September.
His father ie • painter in Pittabrirgh, you can
'say to hint, that ,he received all the rites of the
Catholic Church, and was butieddebently. • . -
We have now 28 active mho *refer goad eel•
diereaa ever ahoulderod a market. ,
Yours affectionately, JAMES KAHL •
Ma. RITCIIIeI Eccoer.—We era sorry the .
Journal - could nut weit the, appesrance 'of Alt
Ritchie:. Eulogy, or obiain name eati4Uory
knowledge of its contents, witheat •Imputiog
the Gaietts even unintentional' mistake in regard'
to it:
We believe we: did not :Minarprosent the
enlogiet; and firthor, Eat had the subject of dr
eulogy been alba to petfonn a like office for aak
ceased brother, he wOuld nava/ toots • indulged in
that fulsome eulogy, 4hicti ii as common an it Is
ineinceis2 Mr. Diddle was . e milt 'of sidendbf
abDitica and grearvittues, and when spa4ing, BB
from his grave, the orator was called uPon to apeak
the troth, and the whole truth, in: eis .behalf,—
veothing - to intermit° nor aught set down," either
lu malice or to an undue lose of adulatiois. The
very best of us have nor faults of 'trader. while
Mr. Diddle'. an met forth only ea :thou of feel
lug, all of which again' ware laid at, the .door of
that discaso of body, which foresee: brinp a
uoublod..pirit. . • '
, eld4e.inunp to
‘"ofgeer 'or 'groat
1• on revere! Feel.
of the work,
On the convent
the penult upon
no doubt, the
the capture of the
unit same 450
ere in pottscrodon
I 4 pounder vies
'in .Larkin tireith
both of, the ilth
'he convent. Itt
Colonel' 'Duncan
tty bretught two
range, ,from the
opal Paco of the
inch, which. in
ten refilled with
' the enemy.
the tele de pont
Blow ended the
o hours' and ■
te citadel of the
valet of Churn.
and threw oat
The white digs,
nil the moment
Alexander, had
t, and had ca.
. and Limit O'L
ith theft cam
' e assault. The
Capt Alum.
II Cony the Colon
with a part of
enlaced wally
Ale Janusz made its sppearante yPiteraily
en an enlarged aheet.strid with many Otani of press
parity. It ientiwnmeturi the largesOcitings of
the great Wee: and is coildneted with that:net
cy, and which' eci4snds and L 'mete re.
calve waxer. I We wish the proprietor' greatly
increased preaperity with Itts increased labor end
expenditures. .
Liecies 's Cisme Paczwr Lin 401Afo under.
stand that the last boat of this line foilheyresent
Reason, left oar Basin last Until the
intern:Sion of the nasitelMon by the meant storm,
this line has been exceedingly psnsperints, and
eery deserved!, en.. Mr.,beech is one of the drat
Pioneers in the branch of huskies:, and one of
irdr lost enerplkned rueful eitirsrm
R man named 'Franklin Farr had
nine hundred - dollar" abet:acted
,frem hia pocket,
at Mel heatre , on Monday. evening! He offers
8150 reward for the Maniery of the money. &o
bit adverthement.
sicyrry *era:—
ris2neri;" Carlo.
and CaPti.l
• th of %tie' 21
—fell itilintly
citadel was the
the in the game
FROM—The shoot of fin about 12Co'elok 012
Tuesday =rot as, ram caused by dio bUti4ng of
the gore of Moats Buchanan and Cooper, on
the canna of Wylie and Chatham aterata.
r '
ro of tho two
j t metrt . wad air,.
ater. - -. •
laround to the
nd itself on the
the road from
nen meow. of
;.e little ha the
• Establishing'
blade. egtend , ,d
•‘Osnt the enemy
'Forst. Acctnart.—A man named Liaingaton
ems killed on Tuesday, by the caying of a bank,
ithetti ha had beat digging, nea t , 4 lgish 4.4
mean Webafei and Wylie:
The hialJet Mr. Sloan Occupied the (Into, of
Quinn Banikntioll day on; Timidity. n thought
the latinfet of evidence. preponderates hi . hear of
tie defendant; The Pay had not brody,h‘beht
gbt; Etipportal
ins farmed by
Shields eon.
slut deter.
r eT'yEwnrii.
Ptitabaaait' Ossetia
Correspondence o the ruthuntiGou..
filolinnati., Nor. 16-4 p. ~,
Col. CMG ham antred it 81., witho u t,.
Irmo Santa Fe, to ihi t lfith October
-Al the Crowing" I,the Ark , CoL Coma
fell in with Copt, ithered of Baltimore, where
he had been attache d
twice by th Pawnee Indi
an; who lest several of their Tr be in the en.
gigements, while bill one America. wuwotuaded.
Col. Gliplo's command woo oft t 02 Walnut.
ereikorod were 'O2 lug rapid pr. rear There
wail a great scare' y of gram on
. .e Plains, the
prairies haying all been Lain recently.
Heavy Snow storms bun visited the Cimerine
mountains, and II is believed that many parties
who are now on their way in, mind perish for the
want of shelter and food. The mail was to leaie
Santa Fe for tho United Stale', ad the 19ib . ult.
in eharge of Capt.. Korponey, HOok end Lient.
Wl,gistman, who hlin , boon ordered bane ; to re.
t for ir mescal companies.
tundrous reports wpm lot einrulation , relative
in the. asseridding - r . of - -vat: lihihnahus and .
E n f i.
I. Ma—There' have ben' moderato Wee at pre •
lotto mica. . 8 i •
Gralo--Thia market hi without chugs "aixtke
t advice& . - :
Crotrorier—Cr free; tie held high; and the sales
It. Moline, and auger ire Whhout change .
Corn Meal I. selllag at !3,121t per bbt; a alight
.oeline in the pries.l .
Clover Seed Wet quot e sales of 1000 bbla at
114,121 a 1)50e per bu. 1 -
Provisions are without changti. .
Correspondence 'ol the Pittsbargb GaFette.
Nev. 16, 4 P. N.
Flout—Genies Flour u, bred selling to-day
at s6,t2is6,laj per bbl.. d Western al $6a6,12g
per bbl. Priees are on the eelies. •
Cornmeal—We quota salmi at $3,25 per bbt.
Rye Flom— Wro note sake today it 45,00 per
bbl, t ', 1 ' .;
Wheat—Nablus has been done in this article
since our Lut report. The market it quiet and
prices unaltered.
Corn—Mixed Corn I. Belling '52'23e per bu—
prirbe 'Yellow It 7P G. T4l4loe!pta are small and
or markei., • • - \
Men Pant—Western tem Peek is selling at
sit. per bbl;' Prime sloa 0.25.1 ) • .
Mess Bref—Wequote atlas at $94,371, sl3a
'10,371• per bbL The market is r dull.
Lird—Prime,Wesum is sellinOit tOc per lb.
whidey.—Sales bare Urea elected 41 bin per
2/ 4 . 1- • .
Cotton—Tbere is not ' g &high', th e Gotten
market toothy. !
• Groceries have slightly declined. ` 4 1
Brit.:wive Carrirsondesee rit t h e erah ceseitte
. Balthbote. Nov 16, 3e. a. •
?lour—Howard it blanda is. Wag st 0,76
1 per bbl, and Baltimore c ity Mills the same rate.
.Ik4ers ate asking stone/salon to lower term.—
The Supply is mall.
Or:aimed—We qnote ales at ,3513.41 per
bbl." t t . • '
Wheat—Prime Whi a is relli g at 123.130 c
par tin, sad prime Red t at 1441 . .
Cont—We Iqsiote sales at 651 7c par bush for
prima White, mul 65258 e for p ' Yellers.
Oats—We quota .aler at 36s ' per be.
. Rje--Balee have been tes at !Sheltie per
Beef Cattle—We qterter t wales t 62,3711"er 100
lb. gram, on the hoof. '. 1 t i .
Killed Hogs—Sales imene tat 6a6,12it per 100
Provision. are Oren and fri out change since
enrlsst desparehes. Th. mu maytelso be said
of °realties.. ' i t
. .
- corrospondepce of 01 Piu.builla ctette,
Cineinnsti, Tios. 16,
F:oor—Tbsts aro more sellers tbati buyers--
slim moderate et previous prices.
Whiskey—We gotansales at Xee
Killed Hods—W. (mete ales to-day, of six
aoos:ea uwL.I3.SOC S DeT 100 'ib& The
tosiket bete". tierxitis ,090,1Xiir let pas
itady lietbe knife:,
Hams—Wroatm:cur 4 hams sie selliqi1 ; 11 ste
Fier lb.
Shmiklen—Westemouldeml may bpi quoted'
vo l .
at 3e per Ith—L:greert, -'l.
The grain market. is je theut
aama may ba.said of •
The election of - Mr. Tinairamain from the Sil
Congressional F.Wict. of Louie:lama gins th e
Whigs e nty i clear majo in the natV emigrate,—
°science at Mr. pain, the Mediae American,
be usually ions widi them) office votes. From
mann appeirencei ' it it highly obabiefliat we
I ..
shall gain 'an additional member lOW l i oninim a,
In place of Mi. Morse.. . ,
' Aerourretier.--the Wash' ten
nommen thet Ptes6ieht he. !speak'
&Doti'Pf.r of Vettango couch, U
for the Western thstriet of Pantrylv
Ploosu held this dß= in 1840.
S. Teonee.--thres to 24th
been received. rating tbeV:n decree bed
sued, abolishing 81iLvery i 4 itt'r
U. B.Bsoiroa..L-R. O. 1111,1 w In hoe
pointed to All the oscine; in the U. 8.8
mimed by be dnatti_ of Hon. J. Vri
don, until the Legislattui of; Connietir
in ?Joy next. . ,
The Rey. Mr. Poirot, agent of a Virgiait
paler Sociqy, gated In a &Ovum, at h rump,
be Sundry hat, (blather* are upward, o fifteen
'it °nand &minis in Virginia withwa thW, Bcip.
pen recent Oaks will be, tonne
oiriu t
Another Southern Threat—:
iorts—Proe'ee . dnige of the Sall
ca*al Rail Road—Eutopeai
Thal of Col Fiemont—Corn
'dons sod Observations of Edir;
flank Directors—Canal Ni
apaches from tho Atmy--I
rom Ell Thomas—hi attain Rat,
Unexampled Dietraw—News from•Earope—
ow Yerk Correarmodenetator I W Haat.
logdon—Extract from the minutes . arthe Ala*.
diet. Episcopal Church Per I rieTr—George Gelid—
Meeting of the PatriarotoThe License gaud=
.—Virginia &dined to be Free . ;—Yoring Whip--
Forelgo kliseelleay—John 4.1: Adatmrl—News
fterosLaie from the death—rho Wilmot Pro.
sir,—Missechasetta Election—Rail Roods Wed
Lated Telegraphic news, Foreign end Mimetic.
Commercial—A carefully compiled Ririe.' of
the Mutila tor the put-week—The primp lathe
local citylnarkete—The Cattle Market—The prices
of American Produce in etriona parte of the Ueion
—Amount of Flour, Wheat, Com Ace., received
,eince the opening of the 'Canal—Canal !mine.' and
knovements or produce—Market in Londosi.:
d, y News —l.puit ot thePren—Cophine tlxtracia
fr ei the leading journals on the Otero:alms tapirs
f c ff r
f r i :Ll
o at the deekei . ngly or to WraPpent.'
Prim 6 arata single copy.
klobsuiptlons two dollar* year in sdranah
I ..__.
Op- N. OR?OI de Vow; Meat
Dr Jackson'. Embry:Lam is the only medlohte that
will oar, this ; . so very common and tr.:lepton'sme
di etc. It not only Immedletnly allay. pap and Infla
me lon, sums all bleeding, eutdoes tbstlatolerable itch
In bit cdestually cares, Inn very short time [[persons
lives have been rendered enterable forlx.
lu , pllcattea prudery' no pain, but rather an reea
ble and pleasant sonmanta. If persons adilc veld
ul and brunt the great number of eases thin have
be • cared, they will be 'stealthy', A gentleman of
thl thy, who bad been under the kale of the mamma
for wo or tines 'noes *ahem being cared,Sts by us
ing boules of the Etahrocanon, been ersdieelly cared.
Ils beyond precedent!!-{Phil. Saturday Conner.
r For sale -m. Pin/burgh at the • PMIN TEA
KB, y 4 Fearth atrect, near weed, and also at the
D g Store of 11 F Schwartz, Federal at Allzbeny el:
• saber. Ginseng. Paulacesv—lsotc
ablia_ai Oen "
;he feltow - ingrf r t:nr Bi. l ;‘ , M * . ° l=t, P er Withshnsvdte
th ant to d and one of the very find amnia:mars in,
the comity to winch he resides, and late Banter in the
tIN o begialattne. h N ebeerled the. toe. the lead
ing nof the Drammen, bursting the headset tnefes.
am ptvadica,ststSlealcMatent ns doer I , •
spin 1 bare m mymama heel ming aemeol poae
thalweg Panacea, aod, Atr, al* well pleasepSto its
ereetslas Catanhal and BmnehlalComplands. Please
send me half a down bottles—pat them as-low as trqo
cantles I expect It It cotsunoes to reader as permit sat
, don uit hat betv.lefore. to keep it euestantly co
be , d..'ReslasetfallY. Wm, Do M.
To dl mamma,la
' 'LI
the 10th I , MRS. 2A
II BUFFINUTON, la %hint yate of her ri•The
of the fatally ars nuppitaty Waited 'to attend
• al We enemata at ttPolettrama the Militate
r f, 4 -, 1 :! 4 1 - •
FtwYriwsuifig Painui and Prawcodag Qeinu afga
-• •(Terror . . artraSS hiaQaa . •
tHE iniersjgued bootie airoeiated hinuelf with
George C.Thas.of Wasltieglon erty and estab:
lbtsd himself in the the city of Pittsburgh , prepared
a. rococo. pusems. proAccote chants, aod execute tJ
business connected with the Departments at Washing
Persons ar
t a distance desire. ss of having exam' [ no.
liens made !tihe Patent Office, prior to =lung applies.
lion for • patent, mop fohrard [post paid. to this ear,
'enclosing • fee of fire dollen, •elear state sem of. the
te a ,
when immediate wiention till be given to it, and
all the ittformation Mat eordd be obtained by a vilit of
the.applieint in person] promptly erooduroicated
. He will prepare the necesearg lhawingiand Papers
for /copycat:es for Pmenm, and usenet. all other bw
cons]a the line of his profession at the Patent Ogiew
He can ,beconsalted on all Omnibus to to the Pa
tent La*. and deeisions to the United &Rumor Europe.
nvErif - • at
Mononsoheia House
k 4 . 1 kop , t.i.t.r.V.S.lF 0.1.44 iplo,
NY-01fice, No Walnut street, Yhilad4l,t :
Incorporated A. D. 1810-7Cliarter Perpetnel.
Inserts Ittoldinp, Furniture, Merchandise, and pro.
perty genendly, either in t h e etty or eowatry. against
loss or damage by fire, perpetually or for lintned periods,
on favorable terms.
letutsSerge.t. • funnel C Alortoo;
WWI= Lynch, Adolphus' Penal,
Thomas Allibonc, • George Abbot,
Wel.h,Jr., P•utek Brady. •
Jobe T. Lewin.
SAM MIX. MORTON, rretiZent.
Fusin D /annex, tteeretaiy.
Ordcf• for Insuienee by the above Company 1.11 be
caved by the anderessed, emu for Citteborgh.
ny 17 4aa• • GEO WCIOIAN, he wood it
Clisthing I Clothing: t •
77~bave en band a large and *ape, inr res.
• dy made Cloibina, whichwe sad/ roll on
reasonable term*, cm:Luanne
English blank, brown, green and finny Bearer over and
barium, Coats.
English brown and blue Pant, Palle, Mick and baldness
Eagliab and French black, brown, blue and Reed ekab
Lack and palm Caul
Bart super
Fell ßlaokinae Clinker nib and overcoat'.
Black and blue cloth
Dam and fancy blast Cauimen Pont.. •
Fancy plant and striped ". •.•
Block and blue Pitmen
Blank and Caner Basin
Fancyßarna,. silk " •
Stack !. . . •
Fancy and plain Ombra." •
Casmmeres ot all cobs..
thirts, &Owens, seder shirts, odk shins sod
drawers, leads, cravats, pocket bdkro, socks, nooks,
lollop vests, &e. ANCIER & MAYER
time Pt, Acker t Co .1
:0 wood ot,dcloors Skoog:4th
TUST RECEIVED—TM (ono mos atheism of iodlit
al Rubber Goods, far mperior b an/Wing of, the kind
eerofiereA In thus markett2 dot Gentlemtnt• lads titbherporset: .. •
Lodies lons Gloves; *.
2 " Geollemea's !oats. not hoed; •.„
V "
.6 " Door *ittpringai-jaat tbo &rude Ant le wanted
here, for Ilona la a great many persona that
will not shut the door% after them. /hero Is
no mistake bat thews apriap . will ghat the
decry for them.
Yl n Elaatic,ofd.derent uaea, exprearly for the La
dies,it hvatniral article.
nElastre Rands, cavorted taw.ln gross rings or paper holders,.
Dr do: teettilitg.rtray.
All of which we oder.very loci. to wholcaale and re
tail dealers: the laten: being only • ainall amount of oar
cock that hal arrived. Ina Dv{ days ay alil Laved:4i
balanae, which "nil ccuiprito . great variety or_ India
Dabber floods. 1 tr.III.IIILLIPS
nvl7 3 wood in
ii7Amerirux copy
IM= C=l
LLF...N'ti WALTZ. What's the steer limner;
Oh .toe mum; Vienoue dances. 1.
Thy name wav °neon make spell;
Oh no they shall not see in, weep;
On would I were a boy sole;
Oh twine to me, by Haynes Batley;
COll2ll sod wander with me, by F 11.Balley;
Woniel / wore Mem'
I would we had ant met sail.; •
The Convicts Lullaby; Cm saddest when I Sint;
Love eon neer survive esteem;
Hough and Reedy quiekviep; Constenda waltz;
Poland Irilo% yet loot, mink variciow;
Don Pasnaele, by Henri Hers; Czerney'sEsereiwg
litivermo>4 Exercises; Oravd Hamm match;
Come, oh come th toe, the Omen is beaming;
Who's diu.'neekin.' at de.doori
The Lata of Gowtiei
Cook's art of singiniti. •
/net received by espies. and for We by
no 17 , JOHN if NELLOR,III wood at
_ _
ABE to the re.iilence of the stibile4er, in Elizabeth
Tooriothip./Bleaheny erionty,about the Mot Demi
her lam, rime the*. with VIVIO. mark 10111 r with
holes,Othera with erepped and slit ears; and vote with
their en. mop ped
te elate to their heads. The owder or
owneth it reqted prove pr0p...v.14y ch.:lmmo:l
take them away; otherorith they will be disposed of
accenting to law. CALEB EDhICBD:30:O ;
neltar3iOr -•
MOTICEts hereby Moen whom's mryeencern,
111 that Letters of Adadristration have been granted
by ft Register of Allegheny county to %bounden:meted
on the Enate of Hugh Crawford. Re.; late of Ohio tenr
ship; dec'd. All those bartn&Citna agemet Ito mum,
witl present them duly ante enund tor payment; and
ail those knowlegrnemserves in bted estft
calt the ondemagand and make Inialedia e payment.'
Ohio Township
ON'Elf LOST-Loaf or 'stolen at the Theatre, o'n
3donday evening, a Pocket Hook ' cont a ining over
anteeeer...eottavv. ovioeloatly.-La MIT dollar...bills. of
the Ohio tad Nirgmm. .The above reward
kill be paid for the recovery of the matey, by applying
Si the Mayor's OlEce, or at the OM ce of the hulepeedent
T EITESS Testamentary have been granted w dm
underaiined upon the mum ofJohn Glen. deed, late
of Donnish :of Birmingham, Atlesheny route
is hereby si wen to all pemons having el...nasal said
ssllus•hil Present them to 3 illentoy i 'properly mailman
rated for multi:scan and all permits imitated to said
estate, are required to make payisteot7intoat delay.
E ' . "• •
EWERS Temateentary having been granted to the
endersigned. upon the Fame of Eistenuel Jetta.,
Ice of the Borough o(.Bironaithern. A llegheny. sneer),
ra., deo:1.110W.. Si hereby mere to all , peones henna
chums or demanda imam and Fame he prtrent them
to J. hie gee, duiy embank &Int. , the maim:meet: and ell
peruse indebted to said Ertate, aterelocated to mane
payment without delay. '
Avg:ante? • . • .NVII E•.tr.!
%IV/CST/it h il i f
• .Kentnelry,
Web...led at tiro low7st rates, by
11,17 , HOLSIFS & scrsi
Now You.
. .
N 1501,51M1 a SON
35 market it
Ceasiasity for .1:f ay
bent app'
• Ala, oe,
• t meets
IJOAI-19111.4 LIM crop N 0 Sow= forams from
.0 rigor F l orc#, for We by
nvl7 - 18 it 231,0 d or
pLOVll—vsbbl. family flow: Nadal/ (mm siaire
V ?kyr bial4d. aleby Jtal DALIt.I.I. •
• nvl7 • • . • 2,1 water ei
DIG 1. W—GOD pip MiOoati Liad:Just recomed
1 per War Amer; Commie by
II ABYSMS-7 urns Matra. inhabit , Gar Whaf
[mad gaanutaeamers; received aad for sale by •
nal) POINDEXTER i1X1.41 waterer
FSATUERS-49;;scks now NM= Iron:mar hi
nongetbeDl (ornate by • I DICKEY &CO •
mat water t front streets
•POT.TOD-10 Oaks new 'erop:renn. Cone, of
ry Due qoality: . now landing from mot Cubler, Or
Mlle bp . nO7 I DICKEY h. tXI,
L ARD. to-7 bbls LaN;
33 sets Feather.; now landing from tar
Cashier; for sale by nvl7 DICKEY k. CO
DOTAT — Clitribbls Red. and Neshannoek. is
more; bar aide by I C Agt
• • watef st
- F i tlB lij4.
YOILN—ai bm prima yellow:laogli.g: far sale b
.17 J 111111.WF.Lt
GLAIIII-41 , 0 Lit assona alum, from 9:ll to 41.1. A
for sitle by n. 17 . • II MIDWELL •
DIMES/Z-404u W Ll.odinirl for We b 77
ityl7 _ J
ro 7 oei;ini,
LIENIONS-10 bz • irrib /116714; Le i ro l 'o s rtio flue
"7,47k4", C MARTIN
thfi s ld & froaLsts
8 1.klalt:;1 btls Lost .
CornbrlN for by LiIUIVIYINISTaI'etrn
nvt6 4. • Agent el Let 4 6 ftgar l / 2 1tefinery.
M•liiirteseeele :WWll:jest teeeivred per
1.1 uir Tagfinal; far gale by
nvl6 Lesvis ittrrcursoNk.
pirdITHEZIA—IS mek* Keno k 3 •Feathem reed
Set suer Taglss; 14 sale by
Ntr -
ACILKILICL-100 bbis largeNo 3: -
gore; fo:
sale by
11•13 LEWIS iturcinsorr &tic,
T EADmIBIIOT=AD ptg. 0111-na Lead:.
Ja • . 13 keg. ased Riot; far sale by
avle LEWIkS HUTellisON & CO
FIAIlladLll-43 Owens rod wnd .brovra Flannels,
loe sale low to close consignment, br -
weld • OEO COCHRAN, 21 wood et
frOLIAOOO-50 Imp a twist Tobacco: jat reeei.
4 to sal. by ATWOOD, JONES &CO
bola • orator h trout its
!• • ; •r
, (11CABLA1112-21 cote; , or
r nvl6 • A1W.0013, JONES &
. -
VRIiNCII C0rd142,9 'stinks, for sale:al the wi.
.ore of 11r16 7ACOU WEAVitit
I:II2.COA—A lbw ecru, first 4nalirrjuutucelied
for We al the 1.1111. r MORI Ol
jliqualrY'im f 'r*e%
VIIIIITTZ.—A watered Silk
med, fors* ao comatissitm at . • - •
• Ira
1701131,ke-I.l3sakcOoro; • , •
•3 bbls patt,er, ludin fgons
Clllitreope; foi sale by .IMI DALZELL
vol 3 N water et
DOT/0111M Head!' tor:t,le by •- • • • ;
. •
ALOXlCle—en lba American amen fait reed;
for sale be •.• , • ..• I KIDDt CO
ALIAN-111,Int Dream's Diana W 44 Cbenii
Cabbie b 7. .• ' • neL6 • • J XIDD CO
BLACK wAtermio—wo do: of medium
11 " TY;j2"'" b linACKiErir. WINT6
FZCY- Owdbils,
..- - ~ 7?i~::
-~ - ~*.r'
By Jam D. pay Is. A11[110111411!
. .
ON Thursday enorang, the lath tag, ai D o'cloc, at;
the Commercial flales.Keotes corner of Fil th and Wood !
threats, soll be sold critheat reserve VI elate consign-
menu ataxic assotnitentotteasottable staple and &no./ i
Dry Goods, ie. i
~-. . .
Ai 2 OClock, P. .. ,• . .
lels. quantity 0f:24 0 rovu, loo;asse Y. It One; tohacerc
Dparnah user., colifeenoteus, "lasslaratalle..... l . le •
bandboxes, wrapper" paper, prhniug P.P.r. 1 ` ...
parlor grates. A largequanerp or new and sewed band
household terniorre; coal stoves, cooking StflrCOMeben,
111.2115, mantel clacks, hall and parlor limp., k. •
Ai 01 &Clock, r. Id. • . ,
Au enen•lve colleition of *Ainslie ilksokwical, his
torieal miseallartems books, 'caddy IXPOO, &•• k O 7
o•li •
Benefit of . Mm. JOHN DUNN—Third ' ilirbt of 1321.1 i,
We may, Nottrarr 171 A, 1847,
To commence with the Drama 04.
Peter Meth the Whllfehtr•
Marla 61r Demo. Citharine•-••Misa Perm,
After edicts, a Mach br MISS ANNA hiALVINA
Mahe followed by the farce of the.
....'bigEnteic 'TOYS.
Paddy Mills Mr. B. Williams:
To coital& with the Negro Opera of
Bone Squash Mt. John Dunn.
To-morrow, BARNEY WILLIAMS will appear.
trDoon open art; and eartalo will rim - al 71.
Taos; Burn,foriterly of Beatty, tdirentle ••
• •
& Oa— Ciactuui3O.
• .Ixo. A. Bum Zueutlic,O.
Quit. 0 Co • Nees Orluna
•Golik•ral-Comaralp•lon Mar chain t•
•• W1E8T103 , 31 PRODUCE,
• No. 31 Pokiirtu Siree4 New Orkews.
Run .`• .
Ma. Maiti4 a. Co, Bankers, I „,.
- no-gar &Co, r -
. e 'David wkitek Co,ldulant, '
a BUHL Mono. Bankno, • .
' a Hues t Fraset,;=. 1
• • BPlCcula; Esq, • • : • •
H N Reamer, Eigq, Banker, Zattuallle,
D llPDonala k. Co, Weihrwille,O.
Bud. Puk* Co, Beavet, . ' •
/ W Eel, Was.b.f, V. • • •
IPClurkati Co. } Fabliau:all, P.
Mr k ll Mitcheitne,
• uladm
WR. MURIWY. has the tansfacan of inkactina•
shit , custom:h that hem, received newly ad of
la last purchase of goods. an display an awns
ment fuel) to ha (band at
ha s advanced parlo
~ Within a kW days ha has opened a fieryv of
Greta Goods;such as— • • ,
Printed Freoch Cashmere/1 •
Plant • •
Patin striped an plaid Fratit Cashmeres
Queen's plaids, for dresses; • •
• Plaid float cloths; -
Gala and Vietoria plaids; . •
Ao priced natio:wren and de lainer,
French Inerinoar➢outman° cloths;
Mattes. ad LestreN..
eaper Mahal, Latres, de. fa.
• Ile also Lnvites Matod auentsso %obis honker=
for Ladles's:id Gentleanens , Cleals,amifor Gen
dram and over Coats; winter hosiery and glower, Ac.
Esc. Ur 'Pricer low:
tp-Dealers will find in wholemle roomssup st i =
fall stock, tucluding may sane an d deairale
• rode . •
• . Near Good.! •
JTUFF senotsed :Adams & co.'. Express— •
Slyer Frenchand Eoghlll black elottun
• o Wee • . •
! ' o broco •."
, w ,
For dress and floe& coats.-
Soper English gleek,browt and figured Bearers; for
or, er, homes, and tact Coats.
Fancy Casscoeres for tossoossenats. . •
French block fixated and plain Cue:mores: •
English o • : • 7 , o • -
French and English Cassonerti, oral] de soffpoOns;
for dress and cutlets pantaloons.
English Cerdorisy, for hunting pantaloons.
Eteneh pate nd pLsiriVelsets. •
Do plain black and figured Sanaa..
:Do doz. do • Barrathe 611kr,
Do a, do Cassiatere ant Cashmere.
Do Nines Clubmen., for costing", .
These goods Intl :be Outdo to order at the shortest
001100 cod most reasonable torms,hy • •
nit, L • i • " 70 coed at •
F Cream do , Antacid& Amato', for, abaving,
Cream • la Boise, tot shaving; .' • .
Altionde Crean; ; do
Superfine Boone, on Porcelain mac •
Elegant Kent tag! , perfumed with Lavender,_Angle
to rre hliel; ~. 1 • •
Beautify( pow4m• pugs, of ail panelist;
Emborami lotto' bozos, containing Ingrain cit.:octal
for the h•ndltechic fi • scat bag,aad cadet soaps, scut
able for present*.
Ponian, or Caineseiaawder, •
Ininin vegeta* bats oil:
Bear's oil, lo (anti or common wrappers, (rose neat.
, •
"I .lorms , Soap; laryioph Soap; Bonrra``.;
Cold eseam,clagOnlT palsy; • '
Pure palm soopon bars and cakes( ,
Shellacsap; Soda nap; totalsar with a gnat variety
of Sao perfornerr. joss reeemedi for sale
; B FAliff l CO
11•16 ' car fah a. wood Ea
%PIXIES. . • ;
. .
P iLn ftllowinglyssuls sad ...limps— .;
if 8 Malkin: •.; bongo PM;_
Prmingra itaiink; Hunt . dery
, I do;' Trapti • do; .
EirceiryiMaas x{as~eroe;
Drol.ll Dry Main.;
Golden , • Sweet do; Ma
MOW 1811 In gm and eighth pipes, for vas as tmport
ed, by • • (andel PC MARTIN •
-JUST received at AL A.;MINEW33-4.secky's Lady's
lkokist December.-
National DiNgueue forPeaaber.
' Chatebev's Mireellauy,nio 0.
Leteirs Livag Age, No lag
nvlo Smell/kW
Casa-lon to Um Pabile.•
A LIMANDEA rLYPII is' the only authorized
Flo r:1 t tit u r l it: eTI sod 7y
Felton st, New Vo. Aist 6i/wipe:Ma la PittsbiFgh
pretemiiag sell oar Tess isso itsposier, and decisive*
all who may patioaise huis. IL is isimairatly known dui
ihe Pekin Tea Compaq , * teas havireitovecl superior
to all.' Tsai sel4aud farads mugs sway persons
haveiaoneatli pretended to knee le of tae . _
kin Ten tkaapany'a teas, when they . are all tke while
eroding trash and cheep min which they barn obtain
ed elsewhere. Akers saran mum the Annie of Tea
Company and *tale oar packmme, and tkreby demi*
°" VVlt;are tatennod that ihere is a person Pinsboryrit
seinen:An ander the name of Me New York mind
• We. k tee .4- _.-
110 f -this iiaTzt7tWeampany Lra no councilon whai:
aver with the New York Pekin Tea Company, as eon.
enters of Tea jell readily discover by comp the .
ankle they aellbrith the gentuneTea sold by the Nein
Tort Pekin Tea Corapcny,ni the store of A. Jayeesi'le
N. -Mewri- hfeCakaxttre gone. oillallutelphia •
have no connection whatever with the New tort PekinTee o P.ny, bear line thee any right or privilege - to
'sell Teas underarm= wo neatly resnahhng cakes to
have a teAdenty analead the fre.• • • •
"Mite' 2 • • 75 and 17 Fulton ea., N. Y.
Passage an tareat DOW* an 4 Irelas4
teahow Or lrarkaidPltubrur
P e r
e t n e =l=t i rce P ow=tio
est WOW OA itezd of 91endlet racket kitopsotther in
the Cabin, Second Cable, or ISteesaitoi ieetheil WeehlY
lsotaLlretTooli Glower, Itelfast,.44, to New York.
seem ireedithlrtett for lbw* orhe'
Ptl=2=Ted • :_rPoo .
from will W Pletslaweb; I* mew at R.
Yuri - , they will:be forwarded onmesbately by "Larch
risj.k.bte.'" thereby *lin tomb *able
will enat:m to . Lna frcOn ' ldee4- !
pool en board *NessrVork and Hos* Steamers.
Refer is Messrs. Li:Leech Co rittabot; • - -
I. 86 Cedar et, New York
Dralliobtalnisfon pnoi/Pal Ranks In Faatand;
Ireland and *Aland, on the eaten rtasnable MVO, .1
tr.randt.. All Leiters post
B GACK, LEAD-3 can baUffilver Lead; I.
, - • 1 3 Obis comma Amerif ea Laid: Jot
received; 'ter ode by • 1 N/CtIOONAIAKER k IX) ,
I iavls ' ' 1 ' St weed it •
Q OAP-30 &as Cincinnati Snips list roccived; tot
la We by . 'ATWOOD, lON & CU,
ZAIDUEII4-130 sets and alias Peadbod: hading
freadtho edam boat New Erds'dad; Cor sale by
IMPS and PRICiOEAsi talcum: as.ortment of
11621p6 and fringes inst . rmeiv al at 62 muter IL • •
irls •- • ' • AL MASON &CO ;
OiIFORTS-4co do: waokn, assorted size,' tea
.qvalides, bcianiful shaded and suiprilijitst rack' by
litrattrx, canort. b r &ew aryl? plaid. Imit
n. 13 • 811ACKLETT — & WHITE
Qllo47l.3—Ailargo assoniment of phild,ourped and
L 3 primed: jolubpooodi for oak, b
ovIS . Stucp,siv wurts..;
t 4 LAWN }: . .- ipoild
E darmoloi juAopeoed by .
• nvIS • . IhiICELETra. WHYTE
illßlC,SE—iisbxs.C.hieser. 1. slow lor solo by
avid • , • • • .I.II,SDALZELL .
Cibr=el!"' azid tiroen- . .!0 J
PARIS 06 E11111 and Veld!grin, ground in Oil, in dlp
ilia cans; Intuit, by ; • " ; •
C a Elllclplact Laul r lane rise; &rule by
. 13 • - ISCIWONAtaItER EtOD•
QEONGE—t . seem* 'tit Awn
*do coarse;
BCHO for tale O by r
. • NNIAICER kg*
, 4 ;r; 4 A°' l'°°^ 4 °)"SOIIgZAKER k 00
QOAP--ZIO Nb.l. Beep. Jut lagelv.d by Mb.
1.3 Tagliosq Wilde by • 8L W 11AlINAITUil
" 1" 1 W k i r l ritll7o 0 II
M011•000—:161 kap 6 mutt Tobacetnitotiet;J•ed
.1 for oak by' • .• B %V traRBAUGII
bnTctm pm . Iktaibc
1\ Wo b7 ,l=Aitl
00024411 bte ne.r jut teed;
13 bY °via TietklEY BEraT .
• ilmoNs la slim.;- for
uvls r
110 KYin kali brook by-
II •
. • . TAMEN & lIPST
ti ers-tw c-edvitzei;
r: tor mud it it diamond sy .
TRIOS 808 jpioss for sice Ay
13 inside by
ik CCORDEO. e*a:Fieskah mumfietorivreeil
L 1 and for talatbr
EZM= , I
woodsbe slot
'MO/ demo
I water it front sti
i.stmixneanativa co
i' . ...
.I'T." •
1611. Mk Mi.
I , ' • •., .
,'" * DAILY PACKET -URI . :-...„
ITIIIIS well imam line of Splendid. peatitei Attlah„
1. ets i now composed or the lamely s tray bet
finish and famished, and most poster. el -teats en the
craters f th e Wm. .Faierr aceestrthewalaa Sad CO.
fort* money tea oroeare,. has bees Melded for pie
se . Liu Line has been i a .5i...t... f. , Os Ye , "
—ha carried a nittlon of people . **oat th e least
laths, to th eir persons. - The boats will be at the hot of
W street the day mettles to outrun& br the retir •
lion 0 .freight and the ettny-of tenement= the reels..
ter. fa ill ears the passage money oast be paid la
The MONONGAILEL' A.Capt. 5t..., arillleavo Patio
burgh ere ry Monday morning at 10 delve heeling
every Monday overawe at 10 P.M.. • • •
~ •
;The HIBERNIA, NO. 91, Capt. I...ENareiW, wrll
leaps Dinaboigh every Tuesday port:dugal 10 o'clock:
Wheclistp ova? , Tuetdar.evernotat 10„ .•
• • w iE r ms.sniii. - packi.T.,_ ~;
The - NS W ENGLAND, till Capt. S.'pson, Wt.
leave Plttaburet even , Wed:madly montomp al DI
clock; Whechog oveor Wednesday cocoon u 10 P.
' TrlttafiDAY PACIEKT« .
The WISCONSI N.P.Pt• ft , J. Qew,wlll lave Pitta: - :
burgh every Tbursday moran4_ailftotkpal Witeel4yr,
every Thunday ve.oins at
. 1,9 P:11. . . • .
• .
. • FRIDAY PAIIUCT.' •':1 • •• - '
The.cupPrit, NO. SI, 9apc[Cgratt,mill lea Pitt* /
barith cvery Friday mamas at Ur o'clock , i7icelial
every Friday evening at 10.
- . , • _ •. - , 1
Tbe lIMENG Elt. larafiad,lvrilllemartni
WO every Saturday Frondus at !Well:cll.; "teflon
every Satalday evetung at 10 R. M. • •
The. ISAAC NEWTON, .apt A. O. ilfasn;
kayo Pittabosb awl') Enna.) . =rang at ID elatk
Wheelims every Flobttay crown(
will leave for Bear er
~j Glargivis ,
Wellsville, cot
and Eatardaf of seek vista, at dot 44 pa nmerasne
on Monday . Wednesday and Friday. Alle lias a kw -;
vit the laissigavrivssa Woodsmen end Re bade pre, —
dazed so mare Lived. %me- •'
oeilll . • • . Re IR nod
Will leave. fat gelinf, GUEVTIIiIitt • -7
weardn.,.on Mofido, Weit.miar,•,, ,-
and Vsiday of each week, a 11 ,.. e'e d ltreki a to, rsandiar,..7.
)o.lToluday.Thunday and ay. - she bat a
'at the batting between V{ maneet 'sad- the brithis ..,
preparedto receive freighh at a l ai time. • - . .
oetl9 • -
- , The near and fan tumult iteMcc.
Javea:.master,•ol l feaasaiabiyinthia ;
ay at )0 o'cluk. ,Pca . frataht or rat.
saga applv board. • nat7
FOR RAW oP.LEAri • ;
dtl i f"Jity
I L' ff leite7ti r iat il l•rns " ./trg e":
smuLea'rAcKer usrwEF.N rrrivptriunt '
The fin. new atm
Geo. D. Ceek, master, will les , . /all_
buret - corm Toeeday, Tlintsday add
Lo avinease t et 0'0104; and Hrowasydle , evers
?today, Wednesday and
Fnday mornings soli o dock
Foeteishfor P.m/e ePPlywn bewd. ekle.
meat' • J NEWTON ,Joe. A e
Thespkodid steamer ;
A nn., maste i p!rl . ll,lltime is above wit
*PP Tau mi. 9's '2ll'
14. .'"-'7411'. pum a
.11ai. • . ty
ll aTh r 7"l" r '"" t w lidrpre 1
I:= '
➢o'cleek,m4 1e4.1.5 Nyelhmila evert em ming at 4
reclock • For 6iighitarfp4n4go apply 04 601 yd.. ma!
: ..' .FOR FRANKLIN-I'lX°' ULIAR r&CkKr. ... ,
The_mavilit i e i ntsuar , ... ,
111iller;iikaster,will leave at aiovathiat
!lung at 10. o'clock. .For fteiglitirt •
P. , *l .1* .PPIT.r , bo.a. - : i *eat `
' .'F.EOOI.:.A.R .14.01SVILLEPACKET•• D a- Li....
. , . The new; hen diaaght and fasti.l
ningateatner EUREJLA,
• Owner, miter, Wal ran as a regalia .
whet between Pittahurgb aid Lonii..l,
ville,dating the scarp. She leaves Friday, ()Weber 8, -._
al 10 &clack. . , ' 1 . r
• For (malt oi paasage "Doty on board. - , 2 , .. oaf : ..!..
- Peo,:auster, has resamed.ll , lM,
• alas trips sad will leave PI
as above suety .Thendar
day it3of4leek P.M. Pot , freierl or p lY
s .
zcom .
rosr m
• HE The new steamer
, ." . .`r,
,'• elsea.master,eillruaaelbee .
leg Pinshargh every !lineal, % 'ed
sande) , and Friday, suet o'clock, A. 1.., end b:111S0a. '
beta iCity every Tuesday, Thursday and 83t111t37,111 IV
o'clock, A.M. Pm freight et passage applyeaboatd. \!.
ei4fbargt—Luilr4risTicm` above por[do[fu6lYe~,tevoo.%
_ Ana .. k l
•., For scrighl or r.,=450.10.t#,4!•
• •.11!*1,10
Affit i lpjgek, meter, rrlll leave ft; emir.
god intermediate pengooTkatidshrhe
7th lon etEldeleek, • - • , Z"
For freight or pasegge, harinxltoperiat aegoommogs ,
. eel? tdoonsembola Ohms ~,
I's- • - BgONXOBII3 WALA.•Itt I II2B4-.'
[Only Kato Btar::[.l • ' ;
I rgelitY;iBa, eat
V:4 NTL -
lemma Pittsburgh and : ra n ss ' weilk , ... The VitintarkelV
leaves dadrat 8 or • h, precisely; the averUng fit 4'
;o'clock, 9o4ristese • t • -
Firma en:Marsh
.Baltiosore 31 boara,—PirO 4181'
IPront Pittsburgh to Phdadelphia-40 bratr l / 4 .*Pare
By lee Lomond boat Patunger•Vrill lotte,a on ttard,
in essatortable Bute' Hostunu.the Aria stigtto—e»4 the
ntoantatnslut dart light. Mid saiaad kdge 'Cambei..".
[hod the 2 , 3 tight; Bawl avoiding rughttfavet.allOgethet•
ittoasites eltarieml to rattle, to Bagel as She/ Wry
In •g mo •f hWate ry c.,ot t
• kChsa tiHo (iol.e W bo sooe i ßa it n! o
ulsako dn Ober: • ' 7 MESIIAK .
. • portatlew e the pi:ast , ergarf.l7 •
,„• , ,
:11=la fidanid9==b74
oltioNIO• iho ' Brovattoilb, t ro, ceit
S;earklppers pod oibact
; by the proprietors onlh the mown dispahli,l4 stie**. -
emote met, • Bills o( atOrCiutAtettolli3O.
.1N ttte
• P e ; IroTriol f o thP •'? D ? ; . ' !, - ootemi
• .• . • ,FOlLinoini,,DUctlCAN'
net • ' • :Winer Komi, Pattbe I. •
19 0 tl CE , .- - :ia,
I rvine bailie;anti all ilunaa:riding goo& Amnia *H, J -' Uq . atemlai axe' 'animal:l ihaintia ban &Winn
ann a raw initial - express magma ertelirraif learn..
:*ilis• lo tr...font rooda• for yinsbarah,only. and we
Twill farninh reeetpui at ourodina In Baldwin, to dolor
;goods in thlrty.alz • balm at Putsbatia,raarabilli and
Ilairoad. dclaynonly earl:pied, 'Rapu tar dus yaa ~
;will, a/so be [mainland by Adana it laaifrartaarba.. !
, yark and Philadelpant. As lira ma - 0e only ewer.
Iby nudi: trains wen', shippers .an) Informal that ta•l ,
,most . mean, receipts at lantanae aka, oda. .
°Mae /I AO It D‘okrant at. Wigan*.
1 I 0 e V i %I nIt MO S , . A it..tiC
charo. tiotd.raufirik
FRESB MUM - ft • 6ronew:c.o?lru!ek Ralidas,
•- • :11 , 1i 44160.0471:44 • •
• 10 big ri.ficlicei Cana •
1 61 r = 1 17 1 1 ,1'!I
-- • • LAMRERT lStaltik;.
118,00.1511.1.1r4, • • -
%X at hbdspyisa N O acilaii ' • • . . -
• • 130 bbis iv 0 111olampt,In oat 6,114 _
41 6010 P and Y 11.1%iy , •
IC4ba loo6bg IrsOdreei . ,
• -Ni 6 okkhlereawilmia Whi,kerti
vrith stsomnent of G ro otenti. lima smallotrsur
;aeon; kir wile by • W *4I.I3ITCHELTRIug` , I
„octitillm • - "-• 100 lisontr
Q=OlllE3-173 bbts'Powo •-•• : .
3.2 'O 0
Chesea ml : •
1 • --5 "
• , • .• 100 bill avian
- Coridtgekti. " = lol
k 1i1A291 9 . 111U1 t..,77 °. ! 41
- . 1 3" P ool; . •
4 n Dry - App l o,
I . " .....;411Zet • :
b ant
1 ,"1,7,11 ,.witerl•
Mak go Ids Pm vie° .111 be paid i jc,g;
r k, &Aiwa PP.? 71 i 4 . 41 , 411 . 13 $ irTmool 177
n►bu on.or. A u d.dithi s , R ow .
„a d , yd, vide dm% to 26 Inks*, ef t Wk.
3'&11 mime* ,
flusaraiqts—lxi *ls .aoten maimr. *lab ton
1 , 3 r;iLyz;tEL-:,